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Buddha quotes | The Fourteen Teachings Of The Buddha
The Art Of Living Meditation
Published on Jul 30, 2014
Buddha quotes | The Fourteen Teachings Of The Buddha
Listen to buddhist meditation music for relaxing and read the fourteen buddha teachings - buddha quotes.
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99 Buddha Quotes That Will Awaken You with Avareness | Buddhist teachings | Mystery 24h
Mystery 24H
Mystery 24H
9 months ago
“99″ Buddha Quotes That Will Enlighten You | Buddhist teachings | Mystery 24h
***No matter what your religious beliefs are or what background you
come from there is great value to be taken from the teachings of the
At the age of 35,
Gautama Buddha decided to embark on his own spiritual path. Once
enlightened, Buddha attracted a following and dedicated his life to
teaching the path of enlightenment to them.
Having inspired
generations of people for over 2500 years, Buddhism is now a way of life
for around 300 million people worldwide that encompasses a peaceful,
calm and fair way of life.
These are 99 Buddha quotes that will
enlighten your mind. Read them, learn from them, apply them in your own
life and share them.
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Buddha’s Wonderful Quotes | Its Amazing really ! | HD
Abhinav Kumar
Published on Nov 7, 2015
The words spoken by the Buddha is indeed a great blessing for this
whole world. Please share this video after you have watched it.
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People & Blogs
Thus Have I Heard [English]
Published on Jan 19, 2016
All right reserved to: http://buddha-thushaveiheard.
Selling prohibited.
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Animated map shows how religion spread around the world
Business Insider
Published on Jul 14, 2015
Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are five of the
biggest religions in the world. Over the last few thousand years, these
religious groups have shaped the course of history and had a profound
influence on the trajectory of the human race. Through countless
conflicts, conquests, missions abroad, and simple word of mouth, these religions spread around the globe and forever molded the huge geographic regions in their paths.
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Science & Technology
This is How the World Will End, According to Buddha
UFOmania - The truth is out there
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The end time (also called end times, end of time, end of days, last
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variously in the eschatologies of several world religions which believe
that world events will achieve a final climax. …
10 Simple Sayings From BUDDHA That Will Change Your Life | Mystery 24h
Mystery 24H
Published on Oct 24, 2017
“10″ Simple Sayings From BUDDHA That Will Change Your Life | Mystery 24h
*Buddha gained a huge amount of fame during his lifetime for simply offering basic advice for everyday living.
Far removed from the priests that believed they were “chosen”, Buddha was accessible to anyone who lived nearby.
Peasants, government officials, and kings were all treated with the same amount of respect and advice.
To him, there was no difference between them.
That’s why when we read Buddha’s words, we’re actually getting his
unfiltered view of what he thought about happiness, simple living, and
finding peace.
Here are 10 quotes from him that will change your perspective on life- and show you a new way of thinking and being.
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People & Blogs
5 Ways Buddha Taught To Maintain A Happy Life | Meditation In Daily Life
Mystery 24H
Published on Oct 24, 2017
5 Ways Buddha Taught To Maintain A Happy Life | Meditation In Daily Life
*Why the Buddha Kept Meditating
For those who are wondering what the fuss is all about regarding
meditation, note that happiness is transient, just like everything in
this life. To extend it, you need to feed and nourish your happiness,
as it cannot survive without food. This is called conditioning and it is
of utmost importance! We can do it with the 5 practices of letting go,
mindfulness, concentration, insight, and inviting positive seeds.
Letting go is the first step towards creating and conditioning
happiness. We are all bound to something, believing that it is
necessary for our security and happiness. However, most of these
things are actually obstacles for our happiness.
For instance, you
might think that having a salary, house, or a partner is vital for your
happiness. But, you continue to suffer even when you achieve these
things. You fear of losing them and eventually become addicted.
you think about it, you will realize that this attachment is your
obstacle to happiness. Once you summon the courage and let it go,
happiness will come very quickly.
Mindfulness allows us to experience the wonders of life! Breathing turns
into a delight and you come to enjoy it. When practicing mindful
breathing, we are established in the present and feel so lucky for the
things we have already available. Mindfulness is a source of happiness
as it helps us touch the conditions of happiness which are present
Concentration is a result of
mindfulness. It has the power to burn away the things that make us
suffer and let happiness step in.
Concentration is necessary if you
want to stay in the present moment. The worries about the future are
always present, but concentration helps us go back to the present
moment. Staying concentrated means having a lot of energy to remain
stable in the present and achieve true happiness and joy.
Mindfulness allows us to recognize the tension and pressure we are
faced with, while insight helps us liberate from it. Insight is pretty
much like a clarity which allows us to release the pressure and get rid f
the afflictions like anger and jealousy. Hence, it allows happiness to
For instance, we have all suffered in the past for one thing
or another. If we do remember it, we can take use of it to remind
ourselves that we are no longer in that situation and that we can be
happy after all! This is insight, which allows happiness and joy to
We all have seeds lying in
our consciousness, and those we nourish are the ones which manifest
outwardly. We are able to be understating, joyful and compassionate, but
paying attention to negativity and inviting negative seeds only
produces negative feelings and kills off positive nourishment.
are capable of selectively watering the positive seeds and refrain from
nourishing the negative ones. This doesn’t mean that we are ignoring
our sorrow thought, but that we allow positivity to prosper.
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People & Blogs
How much you know about Gautama Buddha
Chintane ಚಿಂತನೆ
Published on Aug 26, 2017
Gautama Buddha and his achievements - Chakravarthy Sulibele
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News 18 Tamilnadu
Published on Mar 20, 2018
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News & Politics
कमल हासन की बेटी ने बदला धर्म, बन गईं बौद्ध, Akshara Haasan converted to Buddhism,
Published on Jul 28, 2017
‘BUDDHISM is the way of Life’ says Akshara in a Reply to her Father Kamal Hasan. .
Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. — Albert Einstein |
* “We need to dissolve the lie that some people have a right to think of other people as their property. And we need at last to form a circle that includes us all, in which all of us are seen as equal. — Barbara Deming |
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* “We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.” — Kofi Annan |
* The |
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* Internal peace is an essential first step to achieving peace in the world. How do you cultivate it? It’s very simple. In the first place by realizing clearly that all mankind is one, that human beings in every country are members of one and the same family. - The Dalai Lama |