Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦒 πŸ¦… grow fruits 🍍 🍊 πŸ₯‘ πŸ₯­ πŸ‡ 🍌 🍎 πŸ‰ πŸ’ πŸ‘ πŸ₯ vegetables πŸ₯¦ πŸ₯• πŸ₯— πŸ₯¬ πŸ₯” πŸ† πŸ₯œ πŸŽƒ πŸ«‘ πŸ…πŸœ πŸ§… πŸ„ 🍝 πŸ₯— πŸ₯’ 🌽 🍏 πŸ«‘ 🌳 πŸ“ 🍊 πŸ₯₯ 🌡 🍈 🌰 πŸ‡§πŸ‡§ 🫐 πŸ… 🍐 πŸ«’Plants 🌱in pots πŸͺ΄ along with Meditative Mindful Swimming πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ to Attain NIBBΔ€NA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBΔ€NA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

September 2024
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2712 Mon 13 Aug 2018 LESSON (53) Mon 13 Aug 2007 Do Good Be Mindful - Awakened One with Awareness (AOA) In Wisdom From World Religions Spiritual wisdom from around the globe for Welfare, Happiness and Peace for All Societies. Helps you enrich your life with the religious and spiritual wisdom of the world’s great faith traditions to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal. Welcome to Wisdom from World Religions Why do the many world religions offer such different pictures of the meaning of life?
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 10:29 pm
2712 Mon 13 Aug 2018 LESSON (53) Mon 13 Aug 2007  

Do Good Be Mindful  -  Awakened One with Awareness (AOA)

In Wisdom From
World Religions

Spiritual wisdom from around the globe for Welfare, Happiness and Peace for All Societies.

Helps you enrich your life with the
religious and spiritual wisdom of the world’s great faith traditions to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal.

Welcome to Wisdom from World Religions

Why do the many world religions offer such different pictures of the meaning of life?


This course seeks to give clear and inspiring answers to many of life’s big questions:

β€’ What clues do science and the world’s religions give about the meaning and purpose of life?

β€’ Is science the ultimate guide to the deepest truth of life?

β€’ Why do the many world religions offer such different pictures of the meaning of life?
No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!
Published on Feb 28, 2012
Nicholas James Vujicic, is an Australian preacher and motivational
speaker born with Tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized
by the absence of all four limbs. As a child, he struggled mentally and
emotionally, as well as physically, but eventually came to terms with
his disability and, at the age of seventeen, started his own non-profit
organization, Life Without Limbs. Vujicic presents motivational speeches worldwide, on life with a disability, hope, and finding meaning in life.
People & Blogs
James Vujicic, is an Australian preacher and motivational speaker born
with Tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence
of a…
Published on Aug 25, 2009
Mr Bean goes to church. Unfortunately he doesn’t know the words to the
hymns, sneezes loudly and falls asleep out of boredom, much to the
annoyance of Mr. Sprout (Richard Briers) who is sitting next to him.
From the first ever Mr Bean programme.

See more
Mr Bean goes to church. Unfortunately he doesn’t know the words to the hymns, sneezes loudly and falls…

Published on Aug 25, 2009

Bean goes to church. Unfortunately he doesn’t know the words to the
hymns, sneezes loudly and falls asleep out of boredom, much to the
annoyance of Mr. Sprout (Richard Briers) who is sitting next to him.
From the first ever Mr Bean programme.

Stay tuned, click here:…

Welcome to the Official Mr Bean channel!
To find out more about Mr Bean visit:
Mr Bean on Facebook
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Best Cartoon Moments Playlist:…

β€’ What practices can bring God, or a divine reality, into your own experience?

β€’ Is death the end of life?

Sign up by August 12 to begin this spiritual journey.

Welcome to Wisdom from World Religions


2:09 AM (7 hours ago)

to me

Hello Wisdom from World Religions Participant,

would like to welcome you to β€œWisdom from World Religions: A Free
Online Course.” You are registered for the session running from 
August 13, 2018 through September 21, 2018. The course begins on Monday, August 13, 2018. To account for time differences in our global course, the learning elements (LEs) will generally become available at 5 PM EDT or UTC-5 on the day before the date given in the syllabus.

Here are some suggested actions that you can take on August 13, 2018 to get started in the course:

  1. Go to the Getting Started section of Week 1 under My Courses on the Wisdom from World Religions website (
  2. Open The First Things To Do In This Course to take your initial steps.
  3. Watch the orientation video.
  4. Access the syllabus or keep it somewhere convenient.
  5. Familiarize yourself with the plan of daily activities in Daily Course Activities.
  6. Take
    the pretest, which will measure your general knowledge of the world’s
    religions. Don’t worry about the gradeβ€”60% is passing for this and all
    tests in this course, and everyone who completes it will be able to go
    on to take the rest of the course, regardless of grade.
  7. Go
    to your preferred Discussion Group (Seeker, Proficient, or Adept) under
    Community, read the short description of each of the three groups, and
    choose your preferred group (you can change groups at any time as you
  8. Post
    your first message in which you introduce yourself and let us know your
    name and country of residence, the reason you’re taking the course, and
    what you hope to get from the course. 
  9.  Please
    read the Troubleshooting and FAQs section directly above the Getting
    Started section in Week 1 for help on some of the common issues that can
    occur at the beginning of the course.


Professor Kenneth Rose and the Wisdom from World Religions Team

Thank you Professor Kenneth Rose and the Wisdom from World Religions Team
Awaiting for :
  1. Open The First Things To Do In This Course to take your initial steps.
  2. Watch the orientation video.
  3. Access the syllabus or keep it somewhere convenient.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the plan of daily activities in Daily Course Activities.
  5. Take
    the pretest, which will measure your general knowledge of the world’s
    religions. Don’t worry about the gradeβ€”60% is passing for this and all
    tests in this course, and everyone who completes it will be able to go
    on to take the rest of the course, regardless of grade.
  6. Go
    to your preferred Discussion Group (Seeker, Proficient, or Adept) under
    Community, read the short description of each of the three groups, and
    choose your preferred group (you can change groups at any time as you
  7. Post
    your first message in which you introduce yourself and let us know your
    name and country of residence, the reason you’re taking the course, and
    what you hope to get from the course. 
  8.  Please
    read the Troubleshooting and FAQs section directly above the Getting
    Started section in Week 1 for help on some of the common issues that can
    occur at the beginning of the course.

With Kind Regard

Yours Faithfully

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan

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