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2724 Sat 25 Aug 2018 LESSON (65) Fri 24 Aug 2007 Do Good Be Mindful - Awakened One with Awareness (AOA) Tipitaka The Pali Canon what is vinaya pitaka Householder (Buddhism)
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2724 Sat 25 Aug 2018 LESSON (65) Fri 24 Aug 2007

Do Good Be Mindful  -  Awakened One with Awareness (AOA)

The Pali Canon
what is vinaya pitaka

Householder (Buddhism)
Buddhist Studies
The Pali Canon

Pali Canon is the complete scripture collection of the
Theravada school. As such, it is the only set of scriptures
preserved in the language of its composition. It is
called the Tipitaka

or “Three Baskets” because it includes the
Vinaya Pitaka or “Basket of Discipline,”
the Sutta Pitaka or “Basket of Discourses,”
and the Abhidhamma Pitaka or “Basket of
Higher Teachings”.

Chart of Tipitaka
Daily Buddhist Theravada Pali Chanting by VenVajiradhamma Thera


Published on Mar 12, 2013
Daily Buddhist Theravada Pali Chanting by Venerable Vajiradhamma Thera

One of the best Pali Buddhist Chanting. It is very peaceful, tranquil, pleasant and harmonious chanting.

This Chanting has helped many people to have peace, calm and tranquil
mind, build mindfulness while listening and/or the chant attentively,
re-gain confidence from fear and uncertainty, bring happiness and peace
for those who are in sick and those in their last moment in this life
(as hearing is thought to be the last sense to go in the dying process).
May you get the benefits of this chanting too.

This compilation
consists of Recollection of Buddha (Buddhanusati or Itipiso),
Recollection of Dhamma (Dhammanusati), Recollection of Sangaha
(Sanghanusati), Mangala Sutta, Ratana Sutta, Karaniya Metta Sutta,
Khandha Sutta, Bhaddekaratta Gatha, Metta Chant, Accaya Vivarana,
Vandana, Pattanumodana, Devanumodana, Punnanumodana and Patthana.

This compilation is make possible by Venerable Samanera Dhammasiri
getting the permission from Venerable Vajiradhamma Thera to compile and
distribute, and co-edit and proofing. The background image is photo
taken by Venerable Dhammasubho. First compilation completed in 2007 and
further edit done in 2015. Thanks and Sadhu to all who have assisted and
given me the opportunity to do this compilation especially my family.
May the merits accrue from this compilation share with all. With Metta,
Tissa Ng.

Copyright © 2007-2015
All right reserved. Permission are granted to duplicate without modification for non commercial purpose.
[You MUST retain this notice for all the duplication, linking or sharing]
Nonprofits & Activism
Daily Buddhist Theravada Pali Chanting by Venerable Vajiradhamma Thera One of the best Pali Buddhist…
Buddhist Chanting in Pali-Tisarana巴利文唱誦-三皈依
Published on Mar 30, 2012


Indonesia Tipiṭaka Chanting 2018
Pabbajjā-Upasampadā Saṅgha Theravāda Indonesia
Streamed live on Jul 21, 2018

The Tipitaka (Pali ti, “three,” + pitaka,
“baskets”), or Pali canon, is the collection of primary Pali language
texts which form the doctrinal foundation of Theravada Buddhism. The
Tipitaka and the paracanonical Pali texts (commentaries, chronicles, etc.) together constitute the complete body of classical Theravada texts.

The Pali canon is a vast body of literature: in English translation
the texts add up to thousands of printed pages. Most (but not all) of
the Canon has already been published in English over the years. Although
only a small fraction of these texts are available on this website,
this collection can be a good place to start.

The three divisions of the Tipitaka are:

Vinaya Pitaka
The collection of texts concerning the rules of conduct governing the daily affairs within the Sangha — the community of bhikkhus (ordained monks) and bhikkhunis
(ordained nuns). Far more than merely a list of rules, the Vinaya
Pitaka also includes the stories behind the origin of each rule,
providing a detailed account of the Buddha’s solution to the question of
how to maintain communal harmony within a large and diverse spiritual
Sutta Pitaka
The collection of suttas, or discourses, attributed to the Buddha
and a few of his closest disciples, containing all the central teachings
of Theravada Buddhism. (More than one thousand sutta translations are
available on this website.) The suttas are divided among five nikayas (collections):
Abhidhamma Pitaka
The collection of texts in which the underlying doctrinal principles
presented in the Sutta Pitaka are reworked and reorganized into a
systematic framework that can be applied to an investigation into the
nature of mind and matter.

For further reading

  • Where can I find a copy of the complete Pali canon (Tipitaka)? (Frequently Asked Question)
  • Beyond the Tipitaka: A Field Guide to Post-canonical Pali Literature
  • Pali Language Study Aids offers links that may be useful to Pali students of every level.
  • Handbook of Pali Literature, by Somapala Jayawardhana
    (Colombo: Karunaratne & Sons, Ltd., 1994). A guide, in dictionary
    form, through the Pali canon, with detailed descriptions of the major
    landmarks in the Canon.
  • An Analysis of the Pali Canon, Russell Webb, ed. (Kandy:
    Buddhist Publication Society, 1975). An indispensable “roadmap” and
    outline of the Pali canon. Contains an excellent index listing suttas by
  • Guide to Tipitaka, U Ko Lay, ed. (Delhi: Sri Satguru
    Publications, 1990). Another excellent outline of the Tipitaka,
    containing summaries of many important suttas.
  • Buddhist Dictionary, by Nyanatiloka Mahathera (Kandy:
    Buddhist Publication Society, 1980). A classic handbook of important
    terms and concepts in Theravada Buddhism.

Search results for



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International Conference on Tipitaka Studies: Traditional and Contemporary 26/11/2017

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Tipitaka Recitation (with English Translation)

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