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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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My Course Wisdom from World Religions - Continued
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2728 Wed 29 Aug 2018 LESSON (71) Wed 29 Aug 2007

Do Good Be Mindful  -  Awakened One with Awareness (AOA)

My Course  Wisdom from World Religions  - Continued

ed One


My Courses
Thank you for registering with the Graduate Theological Union.

Our next session of Wisdom from World Religions will be taught August 13th, 2018 – September 21st, 2018.

You will be contacted shortly before the course launches with further instructions. Thank you!

My Courses  Wisdom from World Religions  Getting Started


Getting Started

Start: Mon 23 Jul 2018
View More
the Course Until recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions
existed in separate silos blocked from other traditions by barriers of
language, distance, and slow communications. Now, more than at any time
in history, this collective wisdom is…

The First Things To Do In The Course                                                  


What You’ll Learn in This Course                                                  


Orientation Video                                                  


Course Plan (Syllabus) Word Version                                                  


Daily Course Activities                                                  


FAQs and Troubleshooting Guide                                                  


to by a Generous Grant from the Templeton World Charity Foundation
(Executive Summary)                                                  



2018 Kenneth Rose. Excluding quoted material from other copyrighted,
public domain, Creative Commons materials and proprietary material owned
by Accord LMS, Now You Know Media, the Templeton World Charity
Foundation, and the Graduate Theological Union. All rights reserved.

to include excerpts from Wisdom from World Religions: Pathways Toward
Heaven on Earth © 2002 Templeton Foundation Press has been granted by
the Templeton Foundation Press. All rights reserved.

Wisdom from World Religions global open online course is offered in
partnership with the Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley, California,
a unique multi-religious consortium for the graduate study of religion
featuring more than 20 member schools, centers, and institutes.

John Templeton and Wisdom from World Religions is a grant-funded
project from the Templeton World Charity Foundation. The opinions
expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Templeton World Charity Foundation,
Copyright 2018 Kenneth Rose and Accord LMS | Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use

About the Course

recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions existed in separate
silos blocked from other traditions by barriers of language, distance,
and slow communications. Now, more than at any time in history, this
collective wisdom is easily available to anyone with an internet
connection. But without a guide to this enormous wealth of information
and practice, we can quickly lose our way. 

In this course,
comparative religionist Kenneth Rose will be your guide in learning
about and practicing the religious and spiritual wisdom that  can change
your life and the life of your community. Taking his start from the
spiritual principles and practices outlined by noted investor  and
spiritual teacher Sir John Templeton in his book Wisdom from World
Religions: Pathways Toward Heaven on Earth, Kenneth Rose will trace
these teachings to their sources in the world’s major religions and show
you how you can put them into practice.

What You’ll Learn

This course provides clear and inspiring answers to many of life’s big questions:

Does life have an ultimate meaning?
Is science the ultimate guide to the deepest truth of life?
Does God, or a divine reality, exist?
What practices can bring God, or a divine reality, into your own experience?
Is death the end of life?
Course Learning Objectives

After taking this course, participants should be able to:

Identify the basic teachings of the world’s major active religious traditions.
Distinguish the different religions from each other.
Compare these religions in search of commonalties and differences.
Evaluate Sir John’s contributions to the study of spirituality.
Apply some of the spiritual practices suggested by Sir John Templeton
Assess claims about spiritual realities made by the various religions.

Awakened One


My Courses
Thank you for registering with the Graduate Theological Union.

Our next session of Wisdom from World Religions will be taught August 13th, 2018 – September 21st, 2018.

You will be contacted shortly before the course launches with further instructions. Thank you!

My Courses  Wisdom from World Religions

Wisdom from World Religions

Start: Mon 23 Jul 2018
View More
quite recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions existed in
separate silos barricaded from other traditions behind barriers of
language, distance, and slow communications. Now, more than any time in
history, this collective wisdom is easily …
Week 1

Getting Started

Day 1 (Monday): Wisdom from World Religions

Day 2 (Wednesday): The Divinity of the World: “God-life moving through all” 

Day 3 (Friday): The Spiritual Anchor of the Material World

Week 2

Day 4 (Monday): Spiritual Pluralism

Day 5 (Wednesday): Spiritual Laws

Day 6 (Friday): Divine Intelligence and Creativity

Week 3

Day 7 (Monday): The Humble Approach

Day 8 (Wednesday): A Moral Wakeup Call

Day 9 (Friday): Expanding Spiritual Science and Research

Week 4

Day 10 (Monday): The Law of Mind Action

Day 11 (Wednesday): A Guiding Inner Power

Day 12 (Friday): An Attitude of Gratitude

Week 5

Day 13 (Monday): The Return on Generosity

Day 14 (Wednesday): The Movement of Forgiveness

Day 15 (Friday): Practicing Unlimited Love

Week 6

Day 16 (Monday): Forward into the Divine Unknown

Day 17 (Wednesday): The Mystic Power of Prayer

Day 18 (Friday): The Standpoint of Nonduality

2018 Kenneth Rose. Excluding quoted material from other copyrighted,
public domain, Creative Commons materials and proprietary material owned
by Accord LMS, Now You Know Media, the Templeton World Charity
Foundation, and the Graduate Theological Union. All rights reserved.

to include excerpts from Wisdom from World Religions: Pathways Toward
Heaven on Earth © 2002 Templeton Foundation Press has been granted by
the Templeton Foundation Press. All rights reserved.

Wisdom from World Religions global open online course is offered in
partnership with the Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley, California,
a unique multi-religious consortium for the graduate study of religion
featuring more than 20 member schools, centers, and institutes.

John Templeton and Wisdom from World Religions is a grant-funded
project from the Templeton World Charity Foundation. The opinions
expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Templeton World Charity Foundation,
Copyright 2018 Kenneth Rose and Accord LMS | Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use

2718 Sun 19 Aug 2018 LESSON (59) Sun 19 Aug 2007
Do Good Be Mindful  -  Awakened One with Awareness (AOA)

Sunday 7 Hours  Morning 9:30 am - 11:30 am Sutta (Discourse)

Thank you for registering with the Graduate Theological Union.

Awakened One


My Courses
Thank you for registering with the Graduate Theological Union.

Our next session of Wisdom from World Religions will be taught August 13th, 2018 – September 21st, 2018.

You will be contacted shortly before the course launches with further instructions. Thank you!

My Courses  Wisdom from World Religions  Getting Started

Getting Started

Start: Mon 23 Jul 2018
View More
the Course Until recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions
existed in separate silos blocked from other traditions by barriers of
language, distance, and slow communications. Now, more than at any time
in history, this collective wisdom is…

The First Things To Do In The Course                                                  


What You’ll Learn in This Course                                                  


Orientation Video                                                  


Course Plan (Syllabus) Word Version                                                  


Daily Course Activities                                                  


FAQs and Troubleshooting Guide                                                  


to by a Generous Grant from the Templeton World Charity Foundation
(Executive Summary)                                                  



2018 Kenneth Rose. Excluding quoted material from other copyrighted,
public domain, Creative Commons materials and proprietary material owned
by Accord LMS, Now You Know Media, the Templeton World Charity
Foundation, and the Graduate Theological Union. All rights reserved.

to include excerpts from Wisdom from World Religions: Pathways Toward
Heaven on Earth © 2002 Templeton Foundation Press has been granted by
the Templeton Foundation Press. All rights reserved.

Wisdom from World Religions global open online course is offered in
partnership with the Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley, California,
a unique multi-religious consortium for the graduate study of religion
featuring more than 20 member schools, centers, and institutes.

John Templeton and Wisdom from World Religions is a grant-funded
project from the Templeton World Charity Foundation. The opinions
expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Templeton World Charity Foundation,
Copyright 2018 Kenneth Rose and Accord LMS | Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use
About the Course

recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions existed in separate
silos blocked from other traditions by barriers of language, distance,
and slow communications. Now, more than at any time in history, this
collective wisdom is easily available to anyone with an internet
connection. But without a guide to this enormous wealth of information
and practice, we can quickly lose our way. 

In this course,
comparative religionist Kenneth Rose will be your guide in learning
about and practicing the religious and spiritual wisdom that can change
your life and the life of your community. Taking his start from the
spiritual principles and practices outlined by noted investor  and
spiritual teacher Sir John Templeton in his book Wisdom from World
Religions: Pathways Toward Heaven on Earth, Kenneth Rose will trace
these teachings to their sources in the world’s major religions and show
you how you can put them into practice.

What You’ll Learn

This course provides clear and inspiring answers to many of life’s big questions:

Does life have an ultimate meaning?
Is science the ultimate guide to the deepest truth of life?
Does God, or a divine reality, exist?
What practices can bring God, or a divine reality, into your own experience?
Is death the end of life?
Course Learning Objectives

After taking this course, participants should be able to:

Identify the basic teachings of the world’s major active religious traditions.
Distinguish the different religions from each other.
Compare these religions in search of commonalties and differences.
Evaluate Sir John’s contributions to the study of spirituality.
Apply some of the spiritual practices suggested by Sir John Templeton
Assess claims about spiritual realities made by the various religions.

Awakened One


My Courses
Thank you for registering with the Graduate Theological Union.

Our next session of Wisdom from World Religions will be taught August 13th, 2018 – September 21st, 2018.

You will be contacted shortly before the course launches with further instructions. Thank you!

My Courses  Wisdom from World Religions

Wisdom from World Religions

Start: Mon 23 Jul 2018
View More
quite recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions existed in
separate silos barricaded from other traditions behind barriers of
language, distance, and slow communications. Now, more than any time in
history, this collective wisdom is easily …
Week 1

Getting Started

Day 1 (Monday): Wisdom from World Religions

Day 2 (Wednesday): The Divinity of the World: “God-life moving through all” 

Day 3 (Friday): The Spiritual Anchor of the Material World

Week 2

Day 4 (Monday): Spiritual Pluralism

Day 5 (Wednesday): Spiritual Laws

Day 6 (Friday): Divine Intelligence and Creativity

Week 3

Day 7 (Monday): The Humble Approach

Day 8 (Wednesday): A Moral Wakeup Call

Day 9 (Friday): Expanding Spiritual Science and Research

Week 4

Day 10 (Monday): The Law of Mind Action

Day 11 (Wednesday): A Guiding Inner Power

Day 12 (Friday): An Attitude of Gratitude

Week 5

Day 13 (Monday): The Return on Generosity

Day 14 (Wednesday): The Movement of Forgiveness

Day 15 (Friday): Practicing Unlimited Love

Week 6

Day 16 (Monday): Forward into the Divine Unknown

Day 17 (Wednesday): The Mystic Power of Prayer

Day 18 (Friday): The Standpoint of Nonduality

2018 Kenneth Rose. Excluding quoted material from other copyrighted,
public domain, Creative Commons materials and proprietary material owned
by Accord LMS, Now You Know Media, the Templeton World Charity
Foundation, and the Graduate Theological Union. All rights reserved.

to include excerpts from Wisdom from World Religions: Pathways Toward
Heaven on Earth © 2002 Templeton Foundation Press has been granted by
the Templeton Foundation Press. All rights reserved.

Wisdom from World Religions global open online course is offered in
partnership with the Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley, California,
a unique multi-religious consortium for the graduate study of religion
featuring more than 20 member schools, centers, and institutes.

John Templeton and Wisdom from World Religions is a grant-funded
project from the Templeton World Charity Foundation. The opinions
expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Templeton World Charity Foundation,
Copyright 2018 Kenneth Rose and Accord LMS | Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use

Awakened One


My Courses
Thank you for registering with the Graduate Theological Union.

Our next session of Wisdom from World Religions will be taught August 13th, 2018 – September 21st, 2018.

You will be contacted shortly before the course launches with further instructions. Thank you!

My Courses

Wisdom from World Religions

2018 Kenneth Rose. Excluding quoted material from other copyrighted,
public domain, Creative Commons materials and proprietary material owned
by Accord LMS, Now You Know Media, the Templeton World Charity
Foundation, and the Graduate Theological Union. All rights reserved.

to include excerpts from Wisdom from World Religions: Pathways Toward
Heaven on Earth © 2002 Templeton Foundation Press has been granted by
the Templeton Foundation Press. All rights reserved.

Wisdom from World Religions global open online course is offered in
partnership with the Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley, California,
a unique multi-religious consortium for the graduate study of religion
featuring more than 20 member schools, centers, and institutes.

John Templeton and Wisdom from World Religions is a grant-funded
project from the Templeton World Charity Foundation. The opinions
expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Templeton World Charity Foundation,
Copyright 2018 Kenneth Rose and Accord LMS | Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use

About the Course

recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions existed in separate
silos blocked from other traditions by barriers of language, distance,
and slow communications. Now, more than at any time in history, this
collective wisdom is easily available to anyone with an internet
connection. But without a guide to this enormous wealth of information
and practice, we can quickly lose our way. 

In this course,
comparative religionist Kenneth Rose will be your guide in learning
about and practicing the religious and spiritual wisdom that can change
your life and the life of your community. Taking his start from the
spiritual principles and practices outlined by noted investor  and
spiritual teacher Sir John Templeton in his book Wisdom from World
Religions: Pathways Toward Heaven on Earth, Kenneth Rose will trace
these teachings to their sources in the world’s major religions and show
you how you can put them into practice.

What You’ll Learn

This course provides clear and inspiring answers to many of life’s big questions:

Does life have an ultimate meaning?
Is science the ultimate guide to the deepest truth of life?
Does God, or a divine reality, exist?
What practices can bring God, or a divine reality, into your own experience?
Is death the end of life?
Course Learning Objectives

After taking this course, participants should be able to:

Identify the basic teachings of the world’s major active religious traditions.
Distinguish the different religions from each other.
Compare these religions in search of commonalties and differences.
Evaluate Sir John’s contributions to the study of spirituality.
Apply some of the spiritual practices suggested by Sir John Templeton
Assess claims about spiritual realities made by the various religions.

Thank you for registering with the Graduate Theological Union.

Our next session of Wisdom from World Religions will be taught August 13th, 2018 – September 21st, 2018.

You will be contacted shortly before the course launches with further instructions. Thank you!

My Courses Wisdom from World Religions Day 1 (Monday): Wisdom from World Religions

Day 1 (Monday): Wisdom from World Religions

Start: Mon 23 Jul 2018
Click the Open button to the right to access today’s learning elements.

1 Study Guide: Sir John Templeton’s Wisdom from World Religions: The
Tapestry of World


1 Video: Sir John Templeton’s Wisdom from World Religions: The Tapestry
of World Religions                                                  


2 Study Guide: Introducing the Religions of the World: Sir John
Templeton and the Study of


2 Video: Introducing the Religions of the World: Sir John Templeton and
the Study of


3 Study Guide: A Spiritual Practice from Sir John Templeton: Lifting
Your awareness to a Higher level of


3 Video: A Spiritual Practice from Sir John Templeton: Lifting Your
Awareness to a Higher Level of


Unit 4 Study Guide: Guest Lecture: Sir John Templeton on Science and Religion                                                  


Unit 4 Video 4: Guest Lecture: Sir John Templeton on Science and Religion                                          

About the Course

recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions existed in separate
silos blocked from other traditions by barriers of language, distance,
and slow communications. Now, more than at any time in history, this
collective wisdom is easily available to anyone with an internet
connection. But without a guide to this enormous wealth of information
and practice, we can quickly lose our way. 

In this course,
comparative religionist Kenneth Rose will be your guide in learning
about and practicing the religious and spiritual wisdom that can change
your life and the life of your community. Taking his start from the
spiritual principles and practices outlined by noted investor  and
spiritual teacher Sir John Templeton in his book Wisdom from World
Religions: Pathways Toward Heaven on Earth, Kenneth Rose will trace
these teachings to their sources in the world’s major religions and show
you how you can put them into practice.

What You’ll Learn

This course provides clear and inspiring answers to many of life’s big questions:

Does life have an ultimate meaning?
Is science the ultimate guide to the deepest truth of life?
Does God, or a divine reality, exist?
What practices can bring God, or a divine reality, into your own experience?
Is death the end of life?
Course Learning Objectives

After taking this course, participants should be able to:

Identify the basic teachings of the world’s major active religious traditions.
Distinguish the different religions from each other.
Compare these religions in search of commonalties and differences.
Evaluate Sir John’s contributions to the study of spirituality.
Apply some of the spiritual practices suggested by Sir John Templeton
Assess claims about spiritual realities made by the various religions.
Video 1: Sir John Templeton’s Wisdom from World Religions

Topic:  The Tapestry of World Religions

Spiritual Law from Sir John Templeton: “The rich variety of world
religions creates a tapestry of amazing beauty—a testimony to the
spiritual nature of our human visit on earth” (WWR 56).

Video 1 Learning Objectives:

To get acquainted with Sir John Templeton’s Spiritual Vision
apply spiritual laws in order to become what Sir John Templeton calls
“a constructive participant in building ‘heaven on earth’” (WWR xix).
To employ the resources of the world’s religions to a personal quest for wisdom.
Readings and Selections

Suggested Reading in Wisdom from World Religions

Discussion questions

How many significant living religions of the world can you name?
What methods would you use to study the religions of the world?
Can you group different current religious into two or three or more families of religions/
What critical and theoretical perspectives do you bring to bear on the study of religion?
Do you think that spiritual practices and the study of religion belong together?
do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of the synthesis of
religious ideas and practices that John Templeton expresses in Wisdom
from World Religions?

Readings from Sir John Templeton’s Wisdom from World Religions

rich variety of world religions creates a tapestry of amazing beauty—a
testimony to the essential spiritual nature of our human visit on earth.
And yet, within this amazing and sometimes fascinating diversity can be
found an equally amazing unity” (WWR 56).
“The more we know about
the universe and our place in it, the more we realize how little we
know. So, in our ongoing search, we often look to the spiritual
teachings of the world religions to provide assistance in helping us
understand more of who and what we are and why we are here.” (WWR 5)
from World Religions: Pathways toward Heaven on Earth is designed to
offer people of all ages and all nations an opportunity to learn a
little more about the spiritual laws, principles, and teachings of a
variety of great spiritual practices. I hope that in this book we can
offer a Scripture verse or story or parable or discipline or quote that
may show you the world in a way more helpful than you have seen it
before. The materials presented in this book can provide an opportunity
for learning and “growing in wisdom.” There are clear scriptural and
philosophical bases for advocating the need for an inquiring and open
mind. . . . Can the value in learning to see a different world lie not
in replacing the one you have, but in providing a basis for an
opportunity to see from a different, or larger, perspective? Can the
timeless universal principles of life that transcend modern times or
particular cultures help people in all parts of the world live happier
and more useful lives?” (WWR xxi).
“The publishing of this book is
accomplished with reverence and appreciation for the world religions
that purify a person’s mind and heart, elevate his emotions, and offer
guidance for a spiritual way of life. Much of the material contained
herein has been made possible by the sincere light of the prophets,
teachers, and traditions of the world’s great religions that, through
the ages, have expressed sacred insights and wisdom to humanity” (WWR

“Who am I? Why am I here on planet Earth? What does the future
hold? How can I set out on my own into a world that sometimes seems
filled with conflict and strife? How can I get along better with the
people in my life? How do I cope with day-to-day pressures? How can I be
successful in my work? How do I find peace in the midst of turmoil? How
can my life be useful and happy?” (WWR 3).

Topic: Sir John Templeton and the Study of Religion

Video 2 Learning objectives

  1. To describe SJT’s approach to the wisdom of the world’s religions
  2. To explain how SJT’s Wisdom from World Religions (WWR) relates to the academic and religious study of religion.
  3. To outline some of the skills that we need to bring to the study the world’s religions.
  • Discussion questions

    • Seeker

      • What is the value of “an inquiring and open mind” (xxi), according to the Sir John?
      • How can studying the world’s religions help us to see the world and its diverse peoples differently?
    • Proficient
      • How do the spiritual teachings of the world’s religions help us understand our place and role in the world?
      • What consequences for your own views of religion does studying other religions have?
    • Adept
      • What might be the unifying principle or principles of the vastly diverse religions of the world?
      • In contrast, say, to philosophy, how do the religions of the world promote wisdom?

Video 3: A spiritual practice from Sir John Templeton: Lifting your awareness to a higher level of receptivity

Video 3 Learning Objective: To employ this spiritual practice from Sir John Templeton.

Thank you for registering with the Graduate Theological Union.

Our next session of Wisdom from World Religions will be taught August 13th, 2018 – September 21st, 2018. 

You will be contacted shortly before the course launches with further instructions. Thank you! 

Wisdom from World Religions

My Courses Image

Wisdom from World Religions

Start: Mon 23 Jul 2018
View More
quite recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions existed in
separate silos barricaded from other traditions behind barriers of
language, distance, and slow communications. Now, more than any time in
history, this collective wisdom is easily …

Week 1

Folder Icon

Getting Started

Folder Icon

Day 1 (Monday): Wisdom from World Religions

Folder Icon

Day 2 (Wednesday): The Divinity of the World: “God-life moving through all”

Folder Icon

Day 3 (Friday): The Spiritual Anchor of the Material World

Week 2

Folder Icon

Day 4 (Monday): Spiritual Pluralism

Folder Icon

Day 5 (Wednesday): Spiritual Laws

Folder Icon

Day 6 (Friday): Divine Intelligence and Creativity

Week 3

Folder Icon

Day 7 (Monday): The Humble Approach

Folder Icon

Day 8 (Wednesday): A Moral Wakeup Call

Folder Icon

Day 9 (Friday): Expanding Spiritual Science and Research

Week 4

Folder Icon

Day 10 (Monday): The Law of Mind Action

Folder Icon

Day 11 (Wednesday): A Guiding Inner Power

Folder Icon

Day 12 (Friday): An Attitude of Gratitude

Week 5

Folder Icon

Day 13 (Monday): The Return on Generosity

Folder Icon

Day 14 (Wednesday): The Movement of Forgiveness

Folder Icon

Day 15 (Friday): Practicing Unlimited Love

Week 6

Folder Icon

Day 16 (Monday): Forward into the Divine Unknown

Folder Icon

Day 17 (Wednesday): The Mystic Power of Prayer

Folder Icon

Day 18 (Friday): The Standpoint of Nonduality

mpleton World Charity Foundation, and the Graduate Theological Union. All rights reserved.

to include excerpts from Wisdom from World Religions: Pathways Toward
Heaven on Earth © 2002 Templeton Foundation Press has been granted by
the Templeton Foundation Press. All rights reserved.

Wisdom from World Religions global open online course is offered in
partnership with the Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley, California,
a unique multi-religious consortium for the graduate study of religion
featuring more than 20 member schools, centers, and institutes.

John Templeton and Wisdom from World Religions is a grant-funded
project from the Templeton World Charity Foundation. The opinions
expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Templeton World Charity Foundation,
Copyright 2018 Kenneth Rose and Accord LMS | Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use

2718 Sun 19 Aug 2018 LESSON (59) Sun 19 Aug 2007
Do Good Be Mindful  -  Awakened One with Awareness (AOA)

Sunday 7 Hours  Morning 9:30 am - 11:30 am Sutta (Discourse)

Thank you for registering with the Graduate Theological Union.

Awakened One


My Courses
Thank you for registering with the Graduate Theological Union.

Our next session of Wisdom from World Religions will be taught August 13th, 2018 – September 21st, 2018.

You will be contacted shortly before the course launches with further instructions. Thank you!

My Courses  Wisdom from World Religions  Getting Started

Getting Started

Start: Mon 23 Jul 2018
View More
the Course Until recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions
existed in separate silos blocked from other traditions by barriers of
language, distance, and slow communications. Now, more than at any time
in history, this collective wisdom is…

The First Things To Do In The Course                                                  


What You’ll Learn in This Course                                                  


Orientation Video                                                  


Course Plan (Syllabus) Word Version                                                  


Daily Course Activities                                                  


FAQs and Troubleshooting Guide                                                  


to by a Generous Grant from the Templeton World Charity Foundation
(Executive Summary)                                                  



2018 Kenneth Rose. Excluding quoted material from other copyrighted,
public domain, Creative Commons materials and proprietary material owned
by Accord LMS, Now You Know Media, the Templeton World Charity
Foundation, and the Graduate Theological Union. All rights reserved.

to include excerpts from Wisdom from World Religions: Pathways Toward
Heaven on Earth © 2002 Templeton Foundation Press has been granted by
the Templeton Foundation Press. All rights reserved.

Wisdom from World Religions global open online course is offered in
partnership with the Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley, California,
a unique multi-religious consortium for the graduate study of religion
featuring more than 20 member schools, centers, and institutes.

John Templeton and Wisdom from World Religions is a grant-funded
project from the Templeton World Charity Foundation. The opinions
expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Templeton World Charity Foundation,
Copyright 2018 Kenneth Rose and Accord LMS | Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use
About the Course

recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions existed in separate
silos blocked from other traditions by barriers of language, distance,
and slow communications. Now, more than at any time in history, this
collective wisdom is easily available to anyone with an internet
connection. But without a guide to this enormous wealth of information
and practice, we can quickly lose our way. 

In this course,
comparative religionist Kenneth Rose will be your guide in learning
about and practicing the religious and spiritual wisdom that can change
your life and the life of your community. Taking his start from the
spiritual principles and practices outlined by noted investor  and
spiritual teacher Sir John Templeton in his book Wisdom from World
Religions: Pathways Toward Heaven on Earth, Kenneth Rose will trace
these teachings to their sources in the world’s major religions and show
you how you can put them into practice.

What You’ll Learn

This course provides clear and inspiring answers to many of life’s big questions:

Does life have an ultimate meaning?
Is science the ultimate guide to the deepest truth of life?
Does God, or a divine reality, exist?
What practices can bring God, or a divine reality, into your own experience?
Is death the end of life?
Course Learning Objectives

After taking this course, participants should be able to:

Identify the basic teachings of the world’s major active religious traditions.
Distinguish the different religions from each other.
Compare these religions in search of commonalties and differences.
Evaluate Sir John’s contributions to the study of spirituality.
Apply some of the spiritual practices suggested by Sir John Templeton
Assess claims about spiritual realities made by the various religions.

Awakened One


My Courses
Thank you for registering with the Graduate Theological Union.

Our next session of Wisdom from World Religions will be taught August 13th, 2018 – September 21st, 2018.

You will be contacted shortly before the course launches with further instructions. Thank you!

My Courses  Wisdom from World Religions

Wisdom from World Religions

Start: Mon 23 Jul 2018
View More
quite recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions existed in
separate silos barricaded from other traditions behind barriers of
language, distance, and slow communications. Now, more than any time in
history, this collective wisdom is easily …
Week 1

Getting Started

Day 1 (Monday): Wisdom from World Religions

Day 2 (Wednesday): The Divinity of the World: “God-life moving through all” 

Day 3 (Friday): The Spiritual Anchor of the Material World

Week 2

Day 4 (Monday): Spiritual Pluralism

Day 5 (Wednesday): Spiritual Laws

Day 6 (Friday): Divine Intelligence and Creativity

Week 3

Day 7 (Monday): The Humble Approach

Day 8 (Wednesday): A Moral Wakeup Call

Day 9 (Friday): Expanding Spiritual Science and Research

Week 4

Day 10 (Monday): The Law of Mind Action

Day 11 (Wednesday): A Guiding Inner Power

Day 12 (Friday): An Attitude of Gratitude

Week 5

Day 13 (Monday): The Return on Generosity

Day 14 (Wednesday): The Movement of Forgiveness

Day 15 (Friday): Practicing Unlimited Love

Week 6

Day 16 (Monday): Forward into the Divine Unknown

Day 17 (Wednesday): The Mystic Power of Prayer

Day 18 (Friday): The Standpoint of Nonduality

2018 Kenneth Rose. Excluding quoted material from other copyrighted,
public domain, Creative Commons materials and proprietary material owned
by Accord LMS, Now You Know Media, the Templeton World Charity
Foundation, and the Graduate Theological Union. All rights reserved.

to include excerpts from Wisdom from World Religions: Pathways Toward
Heaven on Earth © 2002 Templeton Foundation Press has been granted by
the Templeton Foundation Press. All rights reserved.

Wisdom from World Religions global open online course is offered in
partnership with the Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley, California,
a unique multi-religious consortium for the graduate study of religion
featuring more than 20 member schools, centers, and institutes.

John Templeton and Wisdom from World Religions is a grant-funded
project from the Templeton World Charity Foundation. The opinions
expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Templeton World Charity Foundation,
Copyright 2018 Kenneth Rose and Accord LMS | Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use

Awakened One


My Courses
Thank you for registering with the Graduate Theological Union.

Our next session of Wisdom from World Religions will be taught August 13th, 2018 – September 21st, 2018.

You will be contacted shortly before the course launches with further instructions. Thank you!

My Courses

Wisdom from World Religions

2018 Kenneth Rose. Excluding quoted material from other copyrighted,
public domain, Creative Commons materials and proprietary material owned
by Accord LMS, Now You Know Media, the Templeton World Charity
Foundation, and the Graduate Theological Union. All rights reserved.

to include excerpts from Wisdom from World Religions: Pathways Toward
Heaven on Earth © 2002 Templeton Foundation Press has been granted by
the Templeton Foundation Press. All rights reserved.

Wisdom from World Religions global open online course is offered in
partnership with the Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley, California,
a unique multi-religious consortium for the graduate study of religion
featuring more than 20 member schools, centers, and institutes.

John Templeton and Wisdom from World Religions is a grant-funded
project from the Templeton World Charity Foundation. The opinions
expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Templeton World Charity Foundation,
Copyright 2018 Kenneth Rose and Accord LMS | Privacy Statement | Terms Of Use

About the Course

recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions existed in separate
silos blocked from other traditions by barriers of language, distance,
and slow communications. Now, more than at any time in history, this
collective wisdom is easily available to anyone with an internet
connection. But without a guide to this enormous wealth of information
and practice, we can quickly lose our way. 

In this course,
comparative religionist Kenneth Rose will be your guide in learning
about and practicing the religious and spiritual wisdom that can change
your life and the life of your community. Taking his start from the
spiritual principles and practices outlined by noted investor  and
spiritual teacher Sir John Templeton in his book Wisdom from World
Religions: Pathways Toward Heaven on Earth, Kenneth Rose will trace
these teachings to their sources in the world’s major religions and show
you how you can put them into practice.

What You’ll Learn

This course provides clear and inspiring answers to many of life’s big questions:

Does life have an ultimate meaning?
Is science the ultimate guide to the deepest truth of life?
Does God, or a divine reality, exist?
What practices can bring God, or a divine reality, into your own experience?
Is death the end of life?
Course Learning Objectives

After taking this course, participants should be able to:

Identify the basic teachings of the world’s major active religious traditions.
Distinguish the different religions from each other.
Compare these religions in search of commonalties and differences.
Evaluate Sir John’s contributions to the study of spirituality.
Apply some of the spiritual practices suggested by Sir John Templeton
Assess claims about spiritual realities made by the various religions.

Thank you for registering with the Graduate Theological Union.

Our next session of Wisdom from World Religions will be taught August 13th, 2018 – September 21st, 2018.

You will be contacted shortly before the course launches with further instructions. Thank you!

My Courses Wisdom from World Religions Day 1 (Monday): Wisdom from World Religions

Day 1 (Monday): Wisdom from World Religions

Start: Mon 23 Jul 2018
Click the Open button to the right to access today’s learning elements.

1 Study Guide: Sir John Templeton’s Wisdom from World Religions: The
Tapestry of World


1 Video: Sir John Templeton’s Wisdom from World Religions: The Tapestry
of World Religions                                                  


2 Study Guide: Introducing the Religions of the World: Sir John
Templeton and the Study of


2 Video: Introducing the Religions of the World: Sir John Templeton and
the Study of


3 Study Guide: A Spiritual Practice from Sir John Templeton: Lifting
Your awareness to a Higher level of


3 Video: A Spiritual Practice from Sir John Templeton: Lifting Your
Awareness to a Higher Level of


Unit 4 Study Guide: Guest Lecture: Sir John Templeton on Science and Religion                                                  


Unit 4 Video 4: Guest Lecture: Sir John Templeton on Science and Religion                                          

About the Course

recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions existed in separate
silos blocked from other traditions by barriers of language, distance,
and slow communications. Now, more than at any time in history, this
collective wisdom is easily available to anyone with an internet
connection. But without a guide to this enormous wealth of information
and practice, we can quickly lose our way. 

In this course,
comparative religionist Kenneth Rose will be your guide in learning
about and practicing the religious and spiritual wisdom that can change
your life and the life of your community. Taking his start from the
spiritual principles and practices outlined by noted investor  and
spiritual teacher Sir John Templeton in his book Wisdom from World
Religions: Pathways Toward Heaven on Earth, Kenneth Rose will trace
these teachings to their sources in the world’s major religions and show
you how you can put them into practice.

What You’ll Learn

This course provides clear and inspiring answers to many of life’s big questions:

Does life have an ultimate meaning?
Is science the ultimate guide to the deepest truth of life?
Does God, or a divine reality, exist?
What practices can bring God, or a divine reality, into your own experience?
Is death the end of life?
Course Learning Objectives

After taking this course, participants should be able to:

Identify the basic teachings of the world’s major active religious traditions.
Distinguish the different religions from each other.
Compare these religions in search of commonalties and differences.
Evaluate Sir John’s contributions to the study of spirituality.
Apply some of the spiritual practices suggested by Sir John Templeton
Assess claims about spiritual realities made by the various religions.
Video 1: Sir John Templeton’s Wisdom from World Religions

Topic:  The Tapestry of World Religions

Spiritual Law from Sir John Templeton: “The rich variety of world
religions creates a tapestry of amazing beauty—a testimony to the
spiritual nature of our human visit on earth” (WWR 56).

Video 1 Learning Objectives:

To get acquainted with Sir John Templeton’s Spiritual Vision
apply spiritual laws in order to become what Sir John Templeton calls
“a constructive participant in building ‘heaven on earth’” (WWR xix).
To employ the resources of the world’s religions to a personal quest for wisdom.
Readings and Selections

Suggested Reading in Wisdom from World Religions

Discussion questions

How many significant living religions of the world can you name?
What methods would you use to study the religions of the world?
Can you group different current religious into two or three or more families of religions/
What critical and theoretical perspectives do you bring to bear on the study of religion?
Do you think that spiritual practices and the study of religion belong together?
do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of the synthesis of
religious ideas and practices that John Templeton expresses in Wisdom
from World Religions?

Readings from Sir John Templeton’s Wisdom from World Religions

rich variety of world religions creates a tapestry of amazing beauty—a
testimony to the essential spiritual nature of our human visit on earth.
And yet, within this amazing and sometimes fascinating diversity can be
found an equally amazing unity” (WWR 56).
“The more we know about
the universe and our place in it, the more we realize how little we
know. So, in our ongoing search, we often look to the spiritual
teachings of the world religions to provide assistance in helping us
understand more of who and what we are and why we are here.” (WWR 5)
from World Religions: Pathways toward Heaven on Earth is designed to
offer people of all ages and all nations an opportunity to learn a
little more about the spiritual laws, principles, and teachings of a
variety of great spiritual practices. I hope that in this book we can
offer a Scripture verse or story or parable or discipline or quote that
may show you the world in a way more helpful than you have seen it
before. The materials presented in this book can provide an opportunity
for learning and “growing in wisdom.” There are clear scriptural and
philosophical bases for advocating the need for an inquiring and open
mind. . . . Can the value in learning to see a different world lie not
in replacing the one you have, but in providing a basis for an
opportunity to see from a different, or larger, perspective? Can the
timeless universal principles of life that transcend modern times or
particular cultures help people in all parts of the world live happier
and more useful lives?” (WWR xxi).
“The publishing of this book is
accomplished with reverence and appreciation for the world religions
that purify a person’s mind and heart, elevate his emotions, and offer
guidance for a spiritual way of life. Much of the material contained
herein has been made possible by the sincere light of the prophets,
teachers, and traditions of the world’s great religions that, through
the ages, have expressed sacred insights and wisdom to humanity” (WWR
“Who am I? Why am I here on planet Earth? What does the future
hold? How can I set out on my own into a world that sometimes seems
filled with conflict and strife? How can I get along better with the
people in my life? How do I cope with day-to-day pressures? How can I be
successful in my work? How do I find peace in the midst of turmoil? How
can my life be useful and happy?” (WWR 3).…/Inte…/SCOLoader.aspx…
Wisdom from World Religions - Day 1 Video 1: Sir John Templeton’s Wisdom from World Religions
Theme: Wisdom from World Religions Objectives: To…

Topic: Sir John Templeton and the Study of Religion

Video 2 Learning objectives

To describe SJT’s approach to the wisdom of the world’s religions
To explain how SJT’s Wisdom from World Religions (WWR) relates to the academic and religious study of religion.
To outline some of the skills that we need to bring to the study the world’s religions.
Discussion questions
What is the value of “an inquiring and open mind” (xxi), according to the Sir John?
How can studying the world’s religions help us to see the world and its diverse peoples differently?
How do the spiritual teachings of the world’s religions help us understand our place and role in the world?
What consequences for your own views of religion does studying other religions have?
What might be the unifying principle or principles of the vastly diverse religions of the world?
In contrast, say, to philosophy, how do the religions of the world promote wisdom?

Video 3: A spiritual practice from Sir John Templeton: Lifting your awareness to a higher level of receptivity

Video 3 Learning Objective: To employ this spiritual practice from Sir John Templeton.

Thank you for registering with the Graduate Theological Union.

Our next session of Wisdom from World Religions will be taught August 13th, 2018 – September 21st, 2018.

You will be contacted shortly before the course launches with further instructions. Thank you!

Wisdom from World Religions

Wisdom from World Religions

Start: Mon 23 Jul 2018
View More
quite recently, the wisdom of the world’s many religions existed in
separate silos barricaded from other traditions behind barriers of
language, distance, and slow communications. Now, more than any time in
history, this collective wisdom is easily …
Week 1

Getting Started

Day 1 (Monday): Wisdom from World Religions

Day 2 (Wednesday): The Divinity of the World: “God-life moving through all” 

Day 3 (Friday): The Spiritual Anchor of the Material World

Week 2

Day 4 (Monday): Spiritual Pluralism

Day 5 (Wednesday): Spiritual Laws

Day 6 (Friday): Divine Intelligence and Creativity

Week 3

Day 7 (Monday): The Humble Approach

Day 8 (Wednesday): A Moral Wakeup Call

Day 9 (Friday): Expanding Spiritual Science and Research

Week 4

Day 10 (Monday): The Law of Mind Action

Day 11 (Wednesday): A Guiding Inner Power

Day 12 (Friday): An Attitude of Gratitude

Week 5

Day 13 (Monday): The Return on Generosity

Day 14 (Wednesday): The Movement of Forgiveness

Day 15 (Friday): Practicing Unlimited Love

Week 6

Day 16 (Monday): Forward into the Divine Unknown

Day 17 (Wednesday): The Mystic Power of Prayer

Day 18 (Friday): The Standpoint of Nonduality
Day 2 (Wednesday): The Divinity of the World: “God-life moving through all”

Start: Mon 23 Jul 2018
Click the Open button to the right to access today’s learning elements.

1 Study Guide: Sir John Templeton’s Wisdom from the World Religions:
The Divinity of the


1 Video: Sir John Templeton’s Wisdom from the World Religions: The
Divinity of the World                                                  


2 Study Guide: Introducing the Religions of the World: Religion,
Theology, and Spirituality—What’s the


2 Video: Introducing the Religions of the World: Religion, Theology,
and Spirituality—What’s the


3 Study Guide: A Spiritual Practice from Sir John Templeton: Become
Aware of Our Place in Divine


3 Video: A Spiritual Practice from Sir John Templeton: Become Aware of
Our Place in Divine


Unit 4 Study Guide: Interview with Prof. Graham Schweig                                                  


Unit 4 Video: Interview with Prof. Graham Schweig                                                  


Small Practical Project                                                  

2018 Kenneth Rose. Excluding quoted material from other copyrighted,
public domain, Creative Commons materials and proprietary material owned
by Accord LMS, Now You Know Media, the Templeton World Charity 
Foundation, and the Graduate Theological Union. All rights reserved.

to include excerpts from Wisdom from World Religions: Pathways Toward
Heaven on Earth © 2002  Templeton Foundation Press has been granted by
the Templeton Foundation Press. All rights reserved.

The W

Video 1: Sir John Templeton’s Wisdom from World Religions

Theme: The Divinity of the World: “God-life moving through all”

A Spiritual Law from Sir John Templeton

of whatever situation that may be present, the factor of life —
god-life moving through all — is cause for thanksgiving and rejoicing”
(WWR 16).

Readings and Selections

Suggested Readings in Wisdom from World Religions:

W20, L5, 176-177

W33, L 2, 279-280

Relevant selections from Wisdom from World Religions

of whatever situation that may be present, the factor of life —
god-life moving through all — is cause for thanksgiving and rejoicing”
(WWR 16).
 “Universal intelligence — life energy or divinity — is not
static. Life itself reminds us that creativity is ever active,
ever-flowing. When we allow the universal energy to flow through us, are
we projecting ourselves into the ever-moving, harmonious wholeness of
spirit? It moves through us. It expresses itself through our minds and
our actions. The result is often a feeling of connection with all of
life. As we let the power of divine love flow through us, the path of
the unfolding soul becomes a joyous one” (WWR 271).
“Life is often
considered one of the greatest adventures imaginable. Perhaps in a
number of different ways, each of us can sense a deep mystery in being
alive. When an infant is born or when the death of a loved one brushes
close to us, the mystery of life becomes more personal and tangible. We
can behold the glory of divinity in a radiant sunset, in the sweet
warmth of spring rain, and in the flowering seasons of our days. We can
behold the glory of divinity in our daily lives” (WWR 279).
“You may have heard the expression that mankind came into the world to bring forth his God-likeness” (WWR 4).
“Is there a brightness to living that draws us onward in pursuit of increased usefulness? (WWR 280).
“. . . unlimited love . . . helps us recognize the sacred presence of spirit in everyone and everything” (WWR 307).
Video 1 Learning Objectives (QM 2.1-5)

To outline the unitive, pluralist spiritual views of Sir John Templeton
describe Templeton’s background religious and spiritual influences
(Unity, journeys in Asia, Presbyterianism, Princeton Theological School,
other religions)
To compare these views with the teachings in the world’s religions about the divine character of life and of conscious beings.
Discussion Questions


The phrase “god-life” seems to have been coined by John Templeton. How does that resonate with you?
How would you characterize Templeton’s religious views?

Can you name some of the sources of Templeton’s distinctive spiritual views?
Templeton’s use of words in this book like “creativity,” “god-life,”
“divinity,” “life energy,” and “universal intelligence” affect your
views of God or the ultimate reality as you understand it?

If life is an adventure, what is the goal?
If there is “a brightness to living” as Templeton suggests, how would you go about tapping into it?

Video 2:  Introducing the Religions of the World

Topic: Religion theology, and spirituality—what’s the difference?

Video 2 Learning objectives (QM 2.1-5)

To evaluate claims such as “I’m spiritual, not religious.”
To analyze the meaning of these two words and what they mean for us.
To identify what religious and spiritual movements share and what is unique to each religious and spiritual movement.
Discussion Questions


Do you find it helpful to distinguish between being spiritual and being religious?
Can a person be just religious or just spiritual?

Can you name activates that are more religious than spiritual and vice versa?
How many distinctive spiritual practices can you name?

Can you categorize spiritual practices into at least two distinctive and nonoverlapping categories?
the fact that neuroscientists can measure how meditation affects the
brain mean that spirituality is just a product of the brain?

Unit 3: A spiritual practice from Sir John Templeton: Become “aware of our place in divine infinity” (WWR 40).

Unit 3 Learning Objective: To employ this spiritual practice from Sir John Templeton.

Today, it’s my pleasure today to interview Dr. Graham Schweig
Director of Studies in Religion
   Department of Philosophy & Religion
   Christopher Newport University, Virginia
Distinguished Research and Teaching Fellow
 The Mira & Ajay Shingal Center for Dharma Studies
 The Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley
Director of Theology
   Avanti Schools Trust Schools, United Kingdom
Senior Editor, Journal of Vaishnava Studies
Schweig was also a teaching fellow at Harvard University, lecturer at
University of North Carolina and Duke University, and while teaching at
CNU, he was for two years, Visiting Associate Professor of Sanskrit at
the University of Virginia.
He has been recognized several times for
excellence in teaching, including the annual Alumni Faculty Award for
Teaching and Mentoring (2013), and has been a regularly invited lecturer
at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC for over ten years.
has also given lectures widely in the US and in Europe, and has been
invited to be a consultant on doctoral dissertation committees or a
doctoral dissertation examiner in the US, Europe, India, and Australia.
He has conducted yoga workshops, offered seminars and given lectures around the US and Europe for over 20 years.
addition to his academic endeavors, Dr. Schweig has been a student of
many traditional teachers of yoga. He has travelled to India seven
times, and has been a practitioner of traditional and heart-centered
yoga for over 45 years.

Research interests:
Hinduism and the Religions of India
Yoga Philosophy and Sacred Sanskrit Literature
Love Mysticisms
Comparative Religion and Theology
Interreligious theological connections, especially between Hindu Bhakti and Catholic mystical traditions
Interfaith dialogue
Hindu and Christian Comparative theology
Religious pluralism

Author and editor of books and articles, including:
Bhagavad Gītā: The Beloved Lord’s Secret Love Song, Harper Collins, 2010.
of Divine Love: The Rāsa Līlā of Krishna from the Bhāgavata Purāṇa,
India’s Classic Sacred Love Story, Princeton University Press, 2005.
A Living Theology of Krishna Bhakti: Essential Teachings of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Oxford University Press, 2012.

Daily Course Activities (QM 1.2)

We will follow a similar schedule each day, except on each Friday, when there will be a short quiz.

  1. Open Video 1. Reflect on the theme,
    the spiritual law, and the readings. Read the learning objectives and
    keep them in mind as you watch the video, taking notes, if you like.
    Then go to the discussion link and enter a short response in response to
    the discussion questions for your selected group (Seeker, Proficient,
  2. Open
    Video 2. Read the learning objectives and keep them in mind as you
    watch the video, taking notes, if you like. Then go to the discussion
    link and enter a short response in response to the discussion questions
    for your selected group (Seeker, Proficient, Adept).
  3. Open Video 3. Engage, if you like, in the spiritual practice suggested by the instructor.
  4. Open
    Video 4. Watch these videos, which will vary between guest lectures,
    interviews, and office hours dedicated to issues in the discussions.


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