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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

July 2024
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14. Kadampa Buddhism
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 7:18 pm

14. Kadampa Buddhism

Kadampa Buddhism Worldwide About Blog
The New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union is an
international association of Mahayana Buddhist study and meditation
centres that follow the Kadampa Buddhist tradition founded by Venerable
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.
Frequency about 3 posts per week.
Facebook fans 17,901. Twitter followers 9,466.

15. Left Brain Buddha

Left Brain Buddha Minneapolis, MN About Blog
Left Brain Buddha is about living and parenting mindfully, joyfully,
and thought-fully, especially in left-brain, analytical lives. You can
incorporate mindfulness into your life regardless of your religious
affiliation. While mindfulness is based in part on the Theravada
Buddhist tradition, these secular programs present the psychological
teachings of mindfulness without Buddhist metaphysics.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans 8,667. Twitter followers 4,240.

16. San Francisco Zen Center

San Francisco Zen Center San Francisco About Blog
San Francisco Zen Center is a Soto Zen community where the offerings of
zazen, study and work practice are available to a diverse population of
students, visitors, lay people, priests, and monks. Our practice flows
from the insight that all beings are Buddha, and that sitting in
meditation is itself the realization of Buddha nature, or enlightenment.
Frequency about 3 posts per month.
Facebook fans 15,456. Twitter followers 10,541.

17. Insight Meditation Society - Tranquility. Wisdom. Compassion.

Insight Meditation Society - Tranquility. Wisdom. Compassion. Barre, Massachusetts USA About Blog
IMS is a spiritual refuge for all who seek freedom of mind and heart.
We offer meditation retreats rooted in the Theravada Buddhist teachings
of ethics, concentration and wisdom. These practices help develop
awareness and compassion in ourselves, giving rise to greater peace and
happiness in the world.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans 21,091. Twitter followers 8,217.

18. Sharon Salzberg

Sharon Salzberg Barre, MA & New York, NY About Blog
Blog by Sharon Salzberg. She teaches both intensive awareness practice
(insight meditation) and the profound cultivation of lovingkindness and
compassion in a non-sectarian, inclusive framework. She is a co-founder
of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts and The Barre
Center for Buddhist Studies.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Facebook fans 47,101. Twitter followers 59,831

19. Tergar

Tergar Tergar Monastery, Bodhgaya About Blog
The meditation community guided by Yongey Mingyur RInpoche. Tergar
community of meditation centers and practice groups provides a
comprehensive course of meditation training and study, with programs for
Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. The mission of the Tergar Meditation
Community is to make the ancient practice of meditation accessible to
the modern world.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans 7,921. Twitter followers 8,577.

20. Tibetan Buddhist Altar

Tibetan Buddhist Altar About Blog
A sacred space for everyone. Here you will find articles related to
Vajrayana Buddhist tradition including tulkus, guiding meditation
retreats and khenpos And dharma teachings.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 124,588.

21. Buddha Weekly: Buddhist Practices, Mindfulness, Meditation

Buddha Weekly: Buddhist Practices, Mindfulness, Meditation About Blog
Buddha Weekly is a Buddhist magazine focused on Vajrayana, Mahayana and
Hinayana. Our mission is making Buddhism in all its wonderful forms
accessible. Buddha Weekly Online Magazine, published since 2007, takes a
topical approach to modern Buddhist feature writing. Topics of interest
to modern Buddhists, from the multiple points-of-view of many teachers.
Frequency about 3 posts per month.
Facebook fans 2,967. Twitter followers 11,461.

22. Christopher Titmuss Dharma Blog

Christopher Titmuss Dharma Blog Totnes, Devon, UK About Blog
Christopher Titmuss, a former Buddhist monk in Thailand and India,
teaches Awakening and Insight Meditation around the world. He is the
founder and director of the Dharma Enquiry Programme and facilitates an
online mentor programme for Dharma practice and mindfulness training. He
gives retreats, participates in pilgrimages (yatras) and leads Dharma
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Facebook fans 5,937. Twitter followers 305.
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23. Tibetan Buddhism :: Struggling With Diffi·Cult Issues

Tibetan Buddhism :: Struggling With Diffi·Cult Issues About Blog
Tenzin Peljor (Michael Jäckel) a fully ordained Buddhist monk addresses
certain controversial issues related to Tibetan Buddhism, Tibet, the
Dalai Lamas and Buddhism in general.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers n/a.
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24. Sravasti Abbey - A Buddhist Monastery

Sravasti Abbey - A Buddhist Monastery Newport, WA About Blog
A Buddhist monastery in the Tibetan tradition where nuns, monks, and
lay people study Buddhism and practice meditation to create peace in a
chaotic world. Buddhist monasteries are an essential component for the
scriptural and lived teachings of Buddhism to be sustained far into the
future. Our vision is that the Buddhist teachings we cultivate here will
last for thousands of years.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Facebook fans 2,722. Twitter followers 667.
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25. The Endless Further

The Endless Further About Blog
The concept that the spiritual journey´s destination is just an
illusion.In Buddhism, the stated goal is enlightenment. I like to use
the word “awakening” because it implies continuous development. When
Siddhartha Gautama became the Buddha, he did not stop growing, learning,
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Facebook fans 284. Twitter followers n/a.
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26. Dawn Mountain - Center for Tibetan Buddhism

Dawn Mountain - Center for Tibetan Buddhism Houston, TX About Blog
At Dawn Mountain we strive to inspire all seekers to develop skills for
living, including mindfulness and compassion to instruct new and
advanced students in the contemplative, artistic and healing practices
of Tibetan Buddhism in collaboration with Western and Asian teachers to
support living Buddhist culture in Asia.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Facebook fans 1,326. Twitter followers 105.
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27. Essence of Buddhism

Essence of Buddhism About Blog The Heart of the Buddha’s Teachings.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers n/a.
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28. The Existential Buddhist

The Existential Buddhist Westchester, NY About Blog
Founded in 2010, The Existential Buddhist publishes essays on Buddhist
Philosophy, Ethics, Psychology, Art, Meditation, and Social Activism.
The Existential Buddhist is non-sectarian, exploring Buddhism from the
point of view of reason and lived experience, rather than from adherence
to dogma and/or spiritual authority.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans 1,913. Twitter followers 469.
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29. Buddhism – Lotus Happiness

Buddhism – Lotus Happiness Singapore About Blog
A blog on engaged Buddhism, Spirituality and Self-Actualization for a
life of Peace, Joy and Freedom. Empower yourself and unleash your
greatest potential within by connecting with the Lotus Sutra! Experience
the Joy of Lotus - the Joy of Life!
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Facebook fans 333. Twitter followers 1,897.
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30. Bodhi&Bass

Bodhi&Bass Basel-City, Switzerland About Blog
The question which brought Bodhi&Bass into existence was: “How do
we fully and authentically embody the truths that we’ve learnt on the
spiritual path in everyday life?” Bodhi&Bass was created as a place
to explore Buddhism, arts (every occupation is a kind of art) and the
place where they intersect.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans 865. Twitter followers 55.
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31. dhamma musings

dhamma musings About Blog
You may find some of my interesting observations and musings here. I
have been a Buddhist monk for 32 years and am the spiritual advisor to
the Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society in Singapore.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers n/a.
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32. Buddhist Fiction Blog

Buddhist Fiction Blog About Blog
The Buddhist Fiction Blog was created to connect with other readers of
“Buddhist Fiction” and, hopefully, serve as a space for sharing thoughts
about books and short stories of Buddhist fiction, or even about the
very idea that a grouping of popular fiction novels and short stories
can be labeled Buddhist Fiction.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Website buddhistfictionblog.wordpres..
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers n/a.
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33. Jade Mountain Buddha Hall

Jade Mountain Buddha Hall St. Lucia About Blog
Practice Within The Order of Buddhist Contemplatives. Jade Mountains
contains, and points to, various sources of Buddhist teachings.
Frequency about 3 posts per month.
Facebook fans 83,684. Twitter followers 9,429.
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34. Urthona Journal of Buddhism & the Arts

Urthona Journal of Buddhism & the Arts About Blog
URTHONA Buddhist arts journal covers contemporary art, western culture,
and traditional Buddhist arts from a Buddhist perspective. Essays on
Art, Poetry and Literature as tools for spiritual transformation.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans 79. Twitter followers n/a.
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35. Red Cedar Buddha Sangha

Red Cedar Buddha Sangha Rice Lake, WI About Blog
Red Cedar Buddha Sangha is a mindfulness community practicing
meditation and studying in the Buddhist traditions of Soto Zen and Thich
Nhat Hanh.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans 2,625. Twitter followers 263.
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36. djbuddha – Here we go

djbuddha – Here we go Berkeley, CA About Blog Blog by Scott Michell. Her I write about Buddhism in the West, Buddhist modernism, Pure Land Buddhism, and Buddhism and media.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 1,121.
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37. Sakyadhita: Awakening Buddhist Women

Sakyadhita: Awakening Buddhist Women About Blog
Here you will find a personal or religious commitment to Buddhist
teachings and/or have a keen interest in the preservation and study of
these teachings. Sakyadhita seeks to unite Buddhist women of diverse
countries and traditions, to promote their welfare and to facilitate
their work for the benefit of humanity.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Website awakeningbuddhistwomen.blogs..
Facebook fans 4,099. Twitter followers 28.
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38. Sitting Buddha Hermitage

Sitting Buddha Hermitage Derbyshire About Blog
At the Hermitage I offer an introduction to meditation on Saturday
afternoons, weekly meditation evenings, day retreats, and solitary
retreat accommodation for those established in the practice of this
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Website sittingbuddhahermitage.field..
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers n/a.
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39. The Practical Buddhist

The Practical Buddhist About Blog
A blog on practical Buddhism. So many who strive to follow the Buddhist
path experience barriers that frustrate their progress. My goal is to
make the path more accessible by breaking out of the dogma of much
Buddhist teaching to remove the barriers, combining a fresh take on
aspects of the Buddha dharma with a practical perspective based on years
of experience. By Hanh Niem, Ronald Hirsch.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers n/a.
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40. My buddhist blog

My buddhist blog About Blog
Buddhists will often say that the fundamental reason for their practice
is nothing less than greater happiness for themselves and for those
around them. And if we give it a moments thought, that too is somewhat
surprising, in the sense that if I were to ask you to go away and search
for the word ‘ happiness’ in other religious liturgies you might never
come back!
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers n/a.
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41. Plum Village

Plum Village Plum Village, France About Blog
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is a global spiritual leader, poet and peace
activist, revered around the world for his powerful teachings and
bestselling writings on mindfulness and peace. He is the man Martin
Luther King called “An Apostle of peace and nonviolence.” His key
teaching is that, through mindfulness, we can learn to live happily in
the present moment—the only way to truly develop peace.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Facebook fans 95,348. Twitter followers 369,428.
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42. Wild Fox Zen

Wild Fox Zen Global About Blog
A fox entirely at peace with his spirituality who also organizes open
sessions (we were desperate to get that in) in Pittsburgh. Explore the
world’s faith through different perspectives on religion and
spirituality! Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and
spiritualities of the world.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Facebook fans 92,560. Twitter followers 16,529.
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43. Secular Buddhism

Secular Buddhism Minneapolis, MN About Blog
Secular Buddhism focuses on Buddhism as an applied philosophy rather
than a religion. It takes a pragmatic approach to explain and apply
Buddhist teachings and is based on humanist values. The aim of Buddhist
teachings is to understand the nature of reality, the nature of
suffering and to let go of the causes of suffering.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans 43,973. Twitter followers 2,592.
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44. Heart Sutra and Buddhism

Heart Sutra and Buddhism About Blog I’m Teochew nan and love Teochew food. Love reading and travelling around the world.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers n/a.
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45. Amida Mandala Buddhist Temple

Amida Mandala Buddhist Temple Malvern, Worcestershire About Blog
Pureland Buddhism in the Malvern Hills. Pureland Buddhism is a
tradition which traces its roots back to the historical Buddha,
Shakyamuni, who lived 2500 years ago in ancient India. Our mission is to
introduce people to the teachings of the Buddha.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans 935. Twitter followers 750.
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46. Buddhi Institute - Embrace Your Journey Within

Buddhi Institute - Embrace Your Journey Within USA About Blog
The Buddhi Institute can help you deepen your wellbeing through
Mindfulness Meditation Practices & Spiritual Development Exercises.
Mindfulness can be cultivated through formal meditation, however; it is
our goal to teach students how to bring this awareness into day to day
living so that living in the present moment is your on-going reality.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans 1,124. Twitter followers 261.
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47. Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower About Blog
Spreading the wonders and joy of Nichiren Buddhism through articles,
experiences, art, music, film, comedy and pop culture plus my own
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers n/a.
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48. The Self Proclaimed Solitary Buddhist

The Self Proclaimed Solitary Buddhist About Blog
The study of Buddhism. We’ll discuss the daily practice of Buddhism and
what the Dharma means to you. Establishing a daily practice alone or
with a group. Mission to help as many sentient beings as possible find
their way to THE PATH to obtain Enlightenment. The Buddha’s teachings
are the truth you only have to discover them for your self.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Since Oct 2015
Website theselfproclaimedsolitarybud..
Facebook fans 54. Twitter followers n/a.
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49. Dechen LA - Buddhist Center

Dechen LA - Buddhist Center Santa Monica, CA About Blog
Buddhist Center offering meditation classes and training in the
traditional Buddhist path. Discover your innate qualities of wisdom and
compassion. The center hosts a full programme of teaching events by
visiting masters and a weekly group meditation class and puja practice
schedule. Complete beginners with an interest in Buddhism and more
experienced practitioners are very welcome at our classes.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans 498. Twitter followers n/a.
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50. Global Buddhism

Global Buddhism Global About Blog
The Global Buddhism blog is dedicated to discussing the global
character of Buddhism both historically and in the contemporary world.
The idea to set up the blog emerged out of conversations between the
editors of the Journal of Global Buddhism (JGB), an academic journal
devoted to understanding and analysing the relationship between Buddhist
teachings, institutions and practitioners.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans 282. Twitter followers 55.
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51. Bunny Buddhism

Bunny Buddhism About Blog Bunny Buddhism Hopping Along the Path to Enlightenment” has been made possible by the good bunnies at Perigee Books.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans 7,366. Twitter followers 49,537.
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52. Europe Center – International Diamond Way Buddhist Project

Europe Center – International Diamond Way Buddhist Project Immenstadt, Germany About Blog
The Europe Center project preserves the living transmission of Diamond
Way Buddhism, and is an international meditation center and meeting
point for all Diamond Way groups worldwide.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Facebook fans 11,624. Twitter followers 2,313.
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These blogs are ranked based on following criteria

  • Google reputation and Google search ranking
  • Influence and popularity on Facebook, twitter and other social media sites
  • Quality and consistency of posts.
  • Feedspot’s editorial team and expert review

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are about 488 million Buddhists worldwide, representing 7% of the
world’s total population as of 2010. The three major branches of
Buddhism in the modern world are Mahayana Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism
and Vajrayana (sometimes described as Tibetan) Buddhism.12 While
affiliation with particular branches of Buddhism is not measured in most
censuses and surveys, Mahayana Buddhism is widely believed to be the
largest, because it is prevalent in several countries with very large
Buddhist populations, particularly China, Japan, South Korea and
Vietnam. Theravada Buddhism, the second-largest branch, is concentrated
in such countries as Thailand, Burma (Myanmar), Sri Lanka, Laos and
Cambodia. Vajrayana Buddhism, the smallest of the three major branches,
is concentrated in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and Mongolia. The Buddhist
population figures in this study also include members of other groups
that identify as Buddhist, such as Soka Gakkai and Hoa Hao.

began in Asia, and the vast majority of all Buddhists (nearly 99%)
still live in the Asia- Pacific region. Only two other regions – North
America (3.9 million) and Europe (1.3 million) – have more than 1
million Buddhists.

Although the majority of Buddhists live in
Asia and the Pacific, only about one-in-eight people (12%) in that
region are Buddhists. About 1% of North Americans are Buddhists. In each
of the other four regions, Buddhists make up less than 1% of the

All 10 countries with the largest Buddhist
populations are in the Asia-Pacific region, and these countries
collectively are home to the lion’s share (95%) of all Buddhists. Half
(50%) of the world’s Buddhists live in one country, China. The largest
Buddhist populations outside China are in Thailand (13%), Japan (9%),
Burma (Myanmar) (8%), Sri Lanka (3%), Vietnam (3%), Cambodia (3%), South
Korea (2%), India (2%) and Malaysia (1%).

Seven countries have Buddhist majorities: Cambodia, Thailand, Burma (Myanmar), Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Laos and Mongolia.


Median Age

Buddhists are older (median age of 34) than the overall population
(median age of 28). Of the three regions for which data are available,
sub-Saharan Africa has the youngest Buddhist population (median age of
29), followed by North America (33). The Asia-Pacific region has the
oldest Buddhist population, with a median age of 34.

are older than the general population in two of the three major regions
for which data are available: sub-Saharan Africa (where Buddhists have a
median age of 29 and the general population has a median age of 18) and
Asia and the Pacific (34 vs. 29). In North America, the median age of
Buddhists is 33, four years younger than the general population (37).

Alternatively, some scholars consider there to be two main Buddhist
branches – Mahayana and Theravada – and classify Vajrayana as part of
the Mahayana branch. Other schools within the Mahayana tradition include
Zen, Nichiren and Pure Land. See, for example, Williams, Paul. 2008.
“Mahayana Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations.” Routledge. (return to

Ten Mindful Ways to Use Social Media

the last two years, I have provided a daily wisdom quote through a
Twitter account called Tiny Buddha. Since the follower count has grown
by leaps and bounds, people have suggested I tweet more often throughout
the day. I’ve realized, however, that the greatest lesson we can all
learn is that less is enough. In a time when connections can seem like
commodities and online interactions can become casually inauthentic,
mindfulness is not just a matter of fostering increased awareness. It’s
about relating meaningfully to other people and ourselves. With this
goal in mind, I’ve compiled a list of 10 tips for using social media

1. Know your intentions.
Doug Firebaugh of has identified seven psychological needs we may
be looking to meet when we log on: acknowledgment, attention, approval,
appreciation, acclaim, assurance, and inclusion. Before you post, ask
yourself: Am I looking to be seen or validated? Is there something more
constructive I could do to meet that need?

2. Be your authentic self.
the age of personal branding, most of us have a persona we’d like to
develop or maintain. Ego-driven tweets focus on an agenda; authenticity
communicates from the heart. Talk about the things that really matter to
you. If you need advice or support, ask for it. It’s easier to be
present when you’re being true to yourself.

3. If you propose to tweet, always ask yourself: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?
we post thoughts without considering how they might impact our entire
audience. It’s easy to forget how many friends are reading. Two hundred
people make a crowd in person, but online that number can seem
insignificant. Before you share, ask yourself: is there anyone this
might harm?

4. Offer random tweets of kindness.
Every now and
then I ask on Twitter, “Is there anything I can do to help or support
you today?” It’s a simple way to use social media to give without
expectations of anything in return. By reaching out to help a stranger,
you create the possibility of connecting personally with followers you
may have otherwise known only peripherally.

5. Experience now, share later.
common to snap a picture with your phone and upload it to Facebook or
email it to a friend. This overlaps the experience of being in a moment
and sharing it. It also minimizes intimacy, since your entire audience
joins your date or gathering in real time. Just as we aim to reduce our
internal monologues to be present, we can do the same with our digital

6. Be active, not reactive.
You may receive email
updates whenever there is activity on one of your social media accounts,
or you might have your cell phone set to give you these types of
alerts. This forces you to decide many times throughout the day whether
you want or need to respond. Another approach is to choose when to join
the conversation, and to use your offline time to decide what value you
have to offer.

7. Respond with your full attention.
often share links without actually reading them, or comment on posts
after only scanning them. If the greatest gift we can give someone is
our attention, then social media allows us to be endlessly generous. We
may not be able to reply to everyone, but responding thoughtfully when
we can makes a difference.

8. Use mobile social media sparingly.
2009, Pew Research found that 43 percent of cell phone users access the
Web on their devices several times a day. It’s what former Microsoft
employee Linda Stone refers to as continuous partial attention—when you
frequently sign on to be sure you don’t miss out anything. If you choose
to limit your cell phone access, you may miss out online, but you won’t
miss what’s in front of you.

9. Practice letting go.
It may
feel unkind to disregard certain updates or tweets, but we need downtime
to be kind to ourselves. Give yourself permission to let yesterday’s
stream go. This way you won’t need to “catch up” on updates that have
passed but instead can be part of today’s conversation.

10. Enjoy social media!

are merely suggestions to feel present and purposeful when utilizing
social media, but they aren’t hard-and-fast rules. Follow your own
instincts and have fun with it. If you’re mindful when you’re
disconnected from technology, you have all the tools you need to be
mindful when you go online.

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