Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

April 2024
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LESSON 3015 Sat 8 Jun 2019 Invitation to Bhikkhus, Bhikkunis, Upakakas, Upasikas of All Awakened Aboriginal Societies with their gracious presence and blessings for our OPENING CEREMONY of TIPITAKA BUDDHA SASANA KUSHINARA PARINIBBANA BHOOMI TBSKPB White Home for TIPITAKA to DO GOOD BE MINDFUL which is the Essence of the Words of the Awakened One with Awareness Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta — Attendance on awareness — [ mahā+satipaṭṭhāna ] MEDITATION PRACTICE in BUDDHA’S OWN WORDS for welfare, happiness and peace on the path of Eternal Bliss as Final Goal Day and Date will be announced from Analytic Insight Net -Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online and Offline Tipiṭaka Law Research & Practice University
 112 CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Paṭisambhidā Jāla-Abaddha Paripanti Tipiṭaka nīti Anvesanā ca Paricaya Nikhilavijjālaya ca ñātibhūta Pavatti Nissāya anto 112 Seṭṭhaganthāyatta Bhās “No entanto, muitas palavras sagradas que você lê, no entanto, muitos que você fala, que bem eles vão fazer você Se você não 668, 5A Main Road, 8th Cross HAL III Stage Bengaluru - 560075 Karnataka India Ph: 91 (080) 25203792 Email:, up a levelhttp://sarvajan.ambedkar.orgup a level Buddhasasana “In the Buddha you see clearly a man, simple, devout, alone, battling for light, a vivid human personality, not a myth. He too gave a message to mankind universal in character.” Awakeness Practices All 84,000 Khandas As Found in the Pali Suttas Traditionally there are 84,000 Dhamma Doors - 84,000 ways to get Awakeness. Maybe so; certainly the Buddha taught a large number of practices that lead to Awakeness. This web page attempts to catalogue those found in the Pali Suttas (DN, MN, SN, AN, Ud & Sn 1). There are 3 sections: The discourses of Buddha are divided into 84,000, as to separate addresses. The division includes all that was spoken by Buddha.”I received from Buddha,” said Ananda, “82,000 Khandas, and from the priests 2000; these are 84,000 Khandas maintained by me.” They are divided into 275,250, as to the stanzas of the original text, and into 361,550, as to the stanzas of the commentary. All the discourses including both those of Buddha and those of the commentator, are divided into 2,547 banawaras, containing 737,000 stanzas, and29,368,000 separate letters. in 97) Classical Tajik-тоҷикӣ классикӣ,100) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,101) Classical Turkish-Klasik Türk,102) Classical Ukrainian-Класичний український,104) Classical Uzbek-Klassik o’zbek,105) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việt cổ điển,106) Classical Welsh-Cymraeg Clasurol,107) Classical Xhosa-IsiXhosa zesiXhosa,108) Classical Yiddish- קלאסישע ייִדיש 109) Classical Yoruba-Yoruba Yoruba,110) Classical Zulu-I-Classical Zulu
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Posted by: site admin @ 4:48 pm

LESSON 3015 Sat 8 Jun 2019

Invitation to Bhikkhus, Bhikkunis, Upakakas, Upasikas of All Awakened Aboriginal Societies

with their gracious presence and blessings

for our





White Home for TIPITAKA

 to DO GOOD BE MINDFUL which is the Essence of the Words of the Awakened One with Awareness

Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta —
Attendance on awareness — [ mahā+satipaṭṭhāna ]
MEDITATION PRACTICE in BUDDHA’S OWN WORDS for welfare, happiness and peace on the path of Eternal Bliss as Final Goal

Day and Date will be announced


Analytic Insight Net -Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online and Offline Tipiṭaka Law Research & Practice University

Paṭisambhidā Jāla-Abaddha Paripanti Tipiṭaka nīti Anvesanā ca Paricaya Nikhilavijjālaya ca ñātibhūta Pavatti Nissāya anto 112 Seṭṭhaganthāyatta Bhās
“No entanto, muitas palavras sagradas que você lê, no entanto, muitos que você fala, que bem eles vão fazer você Se você não

5A Main Road, 8th Cross HAL III Stage Bengaluru - 560075 Karnataka
India Ph: 91 (080) 25203792 Email:

up a levelhttp://sarvajan.ambedkar.orgup a level


“In the Buddha you see clearly a man, simple, devout, alone,
battling for light, a vivid human personality, not a myth. He too gave a
message to mankind universal in character.”

Awakeness Practices

All 84,000 Khandas As Found in the Pali Suttas

Traditionally there  are 84,000 Dhamma Doors - 84,000 ways to get
Awakeness. Maybe so; certainly the Buddha taught a large number of
practices that lead to Awakeness. This web page attempts to catalogue
those found in the Pali Suttas (DN, MN, SN, AN, Ud & Sn 1).

There are 3 sections:

The discourses of Buddha are divided into 84,000, as to separate
addresses. The division includes all that was spoken by Buddha.”I
received from Buddha,” said Ananda, “82,000 Khandas, and  from the
priests 2000; these are 84,000 Khandas maintained by me.” They are
divided into 275,250, as to the stanzas of the original text, and into
361,550, as to the stanzas of the commentary. All the discourses
including both those of Buddha and those of the commentator, are
divided  into 2,547 banawaras, containing 737,000 stanzas, and29,368,000
separate letters.

in 97) Classical Tajik-тоҷикӣ классикӣ,100) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,101) Classical Turkish-Klasik Türk,102) Classical Ukrainian-Класичний український,104) Classical Uzbek-Klassik o’zbek,105) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việt cổ điển,106) Classical Welsh-Cymraeg Clasurol,107) Classical Xhosa-IsiXhosa zesiXhosa,108) Classical Yiddish- קלאסישע ייִדיש
109) Classical Yoruba-Yoruba Yoruba,110) Classical Zulu-I-Classical Zulu

97) Classical Tajik-тоҷикӣ классикӣ,
97) Классикии тоҷикӣ-тоҷикӣ классикӣ,

Нашрияҳои 108 инқилобӣ дорои диққати роҳбарияти рӯҳӣ ба меҳрубонӣ, осоиш ва хушбахтӣ мебошанд.

Буддо Котибот оид ба ҳаёт

аст, ки худро ғолиб гардонад, зеро ҳазор метри мураббӣ ғолиб хоҳад шуд.
Пас ғалабаи шумо. Он аз шумо гирифта намешавад. “- Будда

шумо медонистед, ки ман дар бораи қудрате, ки ба шумо дода медиҳед,
медонам, ман намегузоред, ки як хӯроки нисфирӯзӣ бе ягон нақл аз он
истифода барад”.

“Инро аз об биомӯзед: велосипедҳои баландсифат велосипед, вале деги океанҳо ороманд.”

“Ман ҳеҷ гоҳ инро дида наметавонам; Ман танҳо мебинам, ки чӣ кор кардан лозим аст. “
“Шумо фақат чизеро, ки шумо мехоҳед, аз даст медиҳед”.

“Чанде пештар рафтааст, оянда ба ин ҷо наомадааст. Шумо танҳо як лаҳза барои шумо зиндагӣ мекунед ».

“Мушкили он аст, ки шумо фикр мекунед, ки вақт доред.”

ки шумо меравед, хӯрок мехӯред ва ба он ҷо сафар кунед, дар он ҷо
бошед. Дар акси ҳол, шумо аксарияти ҳаёти худро аз даст медиҳед. “-

“Коратон кори савоб аст, ва баъд бо тамоми дили худ барои он, ки худатро ба худ бидиҳед.”

ҳеҷ чиз бовар накунед, новобаста аз он ки шумо онро хондаед, ё ки
гуфтан мумкин аст, новобаста аз он ки шумо бо ақидаи худ ва ҳисси оддии
худ розиям, гуфтам.”

“Забон мисли як пораи шиша … Хуни хунхоҳро мекушад”.

ҳақиқати сеюмро ба ҳама бармегардем: дили дилрабо, суханронии
меҳрубонона, ҳаёт ва меҳрубонӣ чизҳое ҳастанд, ки инсониятро ба дунё

“Ҳар як инсоният муаллифи саломати худ ё бемории худ аст” (Бодда)

“Барои аз дурӯғ дур будан, фоиданок аст”.

«Аз он марде, ки дӯст медорад, аз зӯроварӣ дур аст».

Буддо Котибот дар бораи мулоҳиза

«Хашми худро кашидан мисли заҳраи нӯшокӣ ва интизории шахси дигар аст».

“Он чиро, ки шумо мепиндоред, шумо меравед. Шумо чӣ ҳис мекунед, шумо ҷалб мекунед. Шумо тасаввур кунед, шумо эҷод мекунед ».

ҳикмат меорад; Набудани мулоҳиза нодуруст аст. Донистани он ки пеш аз
шумо ба пеш мебарад ва чӣ шуморо бармегардонад, роҳеро, ки ба ҳикмат
оварда мерасонад, интихоб кунед »(Бодда)

“Танҳо ду хатогие вуҷуд дорад, ки метавонад дар роҳи рост ба роҳ монад; на ҳамаи роҳро давом медиҳед, на оғоз ».

“Ҳеҷ кас моро наҷот намедиҳад, балки худи мо. Ҳеҷ кас наметавонад ва ҳеҷ кас наметавонад. Мо худамон бояд роҳро равона кунем “.

фикрҳои одам дӯзадор аст, агар ӯ хасисона ва пур аз фиреб аст, чӣ тавр ӯ
либоси зардро мепӯшонад? Ҳар касе, ки дорои табиати худ аст, нур,
равшан ва ҳақиқӣ, метавонад дар ҳақиқат либоси зардро пӯшонад “.
ҳеҷ гоҳ аз байн нахоҳад рафт, зеро фикрҳои ранҷкорӣ дар ақидаҳо ба
назар мерасад. Хушдомез танҳо баъди он ки фикрҳои ранҷро фаромӯш
накунед, нобуд хоҳад шуд ».

“Ҷисми шумо гарон аст. Ин услуби моро бедор мекунад. Бо он ғамхорӣ кунед ». -Бодда

наздикӣ бадан бегуноҳ аст, Пас чӣ ҳис мекунад? A log logs аз ҳезум, он
дар замин, Пас, он чӣ медонад? Дуввум, душмантарин душман ба шумо зарар
расонида наметавонад. Аммо як бор фикр кунед, ҳеҷ кас наметавонад ба
шумо кӯмак кунад, ҳатто падар ё модари шумо не. “

“Яке бояд кӯшиш
кунад, ки чӣ гуна беморон ва бемориҳоеро фаҳманд, ки ба саломатӣ ва
некӯаҳволӣ ҳангоми дар роҳи роҳ рафтан равона карда шаванд”.

шумо кофӣ сазовор шавед, шумо аз оини офтоб мешунед. Шумо ритми худро
ҳис кунед. Бо ин ҷараён равед. Бӯҳрон пеш меравад. Тафовути калидӣ аст. “

Буддо Котил ба сулҳ

«Беҳтар аз як ҳазор калимаҳои ношинос, як калимаест, ки сулҳ оранд» (Бодда)

“Салом аз дохили он. Ин бефоида нест. “

“Онҳое, ки аз ғамхориву ғамхории беғаразона парҳез мекунанд, сулҳро меёбанд.”

“Бояд бад бошад, то ки покӣ пок шавад. “

«Барои ғалаба карданаш вазифаи бузургтар аз ғалабаи дигарон аст».

махфияти мавҷудот аз тарс нест. Ҳеҷ гоҳ аз он чизе, ки шумо ба воя
мерасад, аз касе вобаста нестед. Танҳо лаҳзае, ки шумо тамоми кӯмакро
рад мекунед, шумо озод кардаед ».

«Бо дили худ рафтор кунед». Ин боз ҳам зиёдтар ва аз шодӣ пур хоҳад шуд »(Бодда)

“Ҳар он чизе, ки оғози сар дорад, тамом мешавад. Бо осоиштагӣ нигоҳ кунед, ва ҳама чиз хуб хоҳад буд ».

«Решаи азобҳо пайваст аст».

Китобҳои Буддо оид ба Рӯҳонӣ

“Шумо наметавонед роҳи роҳро давом диҳед то он даме, ки шумо роҳи худ гардед.”

«Се чизи дигарро пинҳон кардан мумкин нест: офтоб, моҳ ва ҳақиқат». - Будда

“Танҳо нокомии воқеӣ дар ҳаёт на аз беҳтарин касе, ки медонад”.

“Покӣ ё нопокӣ аз худаш вобаста аст. Ҳеҷ кас наметавонад дигарашро пок кунад “.

бисёре аз суханони муқаддаси муқаддаси мо, вале бисёриҳо мегӯянд, ки
онҳо чӣ кор мекунанд, агар онҳо ба онҳо амал накунанд?”

“Агар шумо барои як нафар чароғро равшан кунед, он роҳи шуморо низ шод ​​хоҳад кард” (Бодда)

Агар мо мӯъҷизаи гули як бодиққатро бифаҳмем, тамоми ҳаёти мо тағйир хоҳад ёфт. “

“Касоне, ки ба ростӣ кор намекарданд, ҳадафи зиндагӣ доштанд.”

“Дар ҷудоӣ андӯҳгинтарин бузургтарин дар ҷаҳон аст; дар меҳрубонӣ қувваи ҳақиқии дунёст ».

“Агар касе шуморо ба роҳи рӯҳонӣ дастгирӣ накунад, ба танҳоӣ роҳ равед. Бо ҳамроҳии беқувват ҳамроҳӣ нест ».

“Аз наҷоти худ битарсед. Аз дигарон вобаста нест. “

“Аммо бисёр калимаҳои муқаддас, ки шумо мехонед,

100) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,
The Sacred Tattoos Of Thailand
Published on Nov 15, 2018
In Thailand, everything is connected to Buddhist culture, including their traditional tattoo, Sak Yant.

Sak Yant given by monks or masters are believed to bestow mystical
powers, passing down till today, it has become a combination of Buddhism
and art. Modern Sak Yant improved by senior monks are said to offer
benefits such as good fortune, power or charisma.

We followed A
Long, an amulet dealer from Guangzhou, to visit some Sak Yant masters,
and then went to the annual Wai Khru ceremony which turned out to be
even wilder than any metal music festival. The tattoo wearers, so-called
the disciples would come to the ceremony once a year to pay tribute to
their masters, some of them got possessed by deities and went on a
rampage, it was really a hardcore scene to see.

Click here to SUBSCRIBE to VICE Asia:
100) Classical Thai- ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,

คำพูดของพระพุทธเจ้า 108 ข้อต่อไปนี้แสดงให้เห็นถึงความสำคัญของผู้นำทางจิตวิญญาณในด้านความเมตตาความสงบและความสุข


“ มันจะดีกว่าที่จะเอาชนะตัวเองมากกว่าที่จะชนะการต่อสู้หนึ่งพัน จากนั้นชัยชนะก็เป็นของคุณ ไม่สามารถนำมาจากคุณได้” -Buddha

“ ถ้าคุณรู้ว่าสิ่งที่ฉันรู้เกี่ยวกับพลังของการให้คุณจะไม่ปล่อยให้ผ่านมื้ออาหารเดียวโดยไม่แบ่งปันมันในทางใดทางหนึ่ง”

“ เรียนรู้สิ่งนี้จากน้ำ: เสียงดังกระเด็นไปตามลำธาร แต่ความลึกของมหาสมุทรสงบนิ่ง”

“ ฉันไม่เคยเห็นสิ่งที่ทำ; ฉันเห็นแค่สิ่งที่ยังเหลืออยู่เท่านั้นที่จะต้องทำ”
“ คุณสูญเสียสิ่งที่คุณยึดมั่นเท่านั้น”

“ อดีตผ่านไปแล้วอนาคตยังไม่มาที่นี่ มีอยู่ช่วงเวลาเดียวที่คุณจะมีชีวิตอยู่”

“ ปัญหาคือคุณคิดว่าคุณมีเวลา”

“ เมื่อคุณเดินและกินและเดินทางอยู่ในที่ที่คุณอยู่ มิฉะนั้นคุณจะพลาดช่วงเวลาส่วนใหญ่ไปกับชีวิตของคุณ” -Buddha

“ งานของคุณคือการค้นพบงานของคุณและจากนั้นด้วยหัวใจทั้งหมดที่จะมอบให้คุณ”


“ ลิ้นเหมือนมีดคม…ฆ่าโดยไม่ต้องเจาะเลือด”

“ สอนความจริงสามข้อนี้ให้กับทุกคน:

“ มนุษย์ทุกคนเป็นผู้สร้างสุขภาพหรือโรคของตัวเอง” - บุดด้า

“ การละเว้นจากการโกหกนั้นมีประโยชน์มาก”

“ หลีกเลี่ยงการกระทำที่ชั่วร้ายในฐานะคนที่รักชีวิตหลีกเลี่ยงพิษ”


“ การยึดความโกรธเป็นเหมือนการดื่มยาพิษและคาดหวังให้อีกฝ่ายตาย”

“ คุณคิดอย่างไรคุณเป็น สิ่งที่คุณรู้สึกคุณดึงดูด สิ่งที่คุณจินตนาการคุณสร้าง”

“ การทำสมาธินำปัญญา การขาดสมาธิทำให้ความเขลา

“ มีข้อผิดพลาดเพียงสองข้อเท่านั้นที่เราสามารถทำได้บนถนนสู่ความจริง ไม่ไปตลอดทางและไม่เริ่ม “

“ ไม่มีใครช่วยเรานอกจากตัวเรา ไม่มีใครทำได้และไม่มีใครทำได้ เราเองต้องเดินไปตามทาง”


“ ความโกรธจะไม่หายไปตราบใดที่ความคิดในใจไม่พอใจ ความโกรธจะหายไปทันทีที่ลืมความคิดไม่พอใจ”

“ ร่างกายของคุณมีค่า มันเป็นยานพาหนะของเราสำหรับการตื่น รักษาด้วยความระมัดระวัง” -Buddha

“ ไม่นานร่างกายก็จะถูกละทิ้งมันจะรู้สึกอย่างไร?

“ เราควรพยายามเข้าใจสิ่งที่เป็นทุกข์และโรค - และมีจุดมุ่งหมายเพื่อสุขภาพและความเป็นอยู่ที่ดีในขณะที่ได้รับในเส้นทาง”

“ ถ้าคุณเงียบพอคุณจะได้ยินเสียงการไหลของจักรวาล
คุณจะรู้สึกถึงจังหวะของมัน ไปกับกระแสนี้ ความสุขอยู่ข้างหน้า


“ ดีกว่าหนึ่งพันคำที่กลวงเป็นคำเดียวที่นำสันติสุขมาให้” -Buddha

“ สันติภาพมาจากภายใน อย่าแสวงหามันโดยไม่ใช้”

“ คนที่ปราศจากความคิดขุ่นเคืองย่อมพบสันติสุขอย่างแน่นอน”

“ จะต้องมีความชั่วร้ายเพื่อให้ความดีสามารถพิสูจน์ความบริสุทธิ์ของมันเหนือสิ่งนั้น ”

“ การพิชิตตนเองเป็นงานที่ยิ่งใหญ่กว่าการเอาชนะผู้อื่น”

“ ความลับทั้งหมดของการดำรงอยู่คือไม่ต้องกลัว

“ ตั้งใจทำดี ทำมันซ้ำแล้วซ้ำอีกและคุณจะเต็มไปด้วยความสุข” -Buddha

“ ทุกสิ่งที่มีจุดเริ่มต้นมีจุดจบ สร้างสันติภาพให้กับสิ่งนั้นและทุกอย่างจะดีขึ้น”

“ รากเหง้าของความทุกข์คือสิ่งที่แนบมา”


“ คุณไม่สามารถเดินทางเส้นทางจนกว่าคุณจะกลายเป็นเส้นทางของตัวเอง”

“ สามสิ่งที่ซ่อนเร้นไม่ได้: ดวงอาทิตย์ดวงจันทร์และความจริง” - พระพุทธเจ้า

“ ความล้มเหลวที่แท้จริงเพียงอย่างเดียวในชีวิตนั้นไม่ได้เกิดขึ้นกับสิ่งที่ดีที่สุดเท่านั้นที่รู้”

“ ความบริสุทธิ์หรือมลทินขึ้นอยู่กับตัวเอง ไม่มีใครสามารถชำระให้บริสุทธิ์ได้”

“ อย่างไรก็ตามคุณอ่านคำศักดิ์สิทธิ์หลายคำ แต่หลายคนพูดคุณจะทำอะไรดีถ้าคุณไม่ทำตามพวกเขา”

“ ถ้าคุณจุดตะเกียงสำหรับใครสักคนมันจะทำให้เส้นทางของคุณสว่าง” - บุดด้า

“ หากเราสามารถเห็นความมหัศจรรย์ของดอกไม้ดอกเดียวได้อย่างชัดเจนทั้งชีวิตของเราจะเปลี่ยนไป ”

“ คนที่ไม่สามารถทำงานต่อความจริงได้พลาดจุดประสงค์ของการมีชีวิต”

“ ในการแยกจากกันความทุกข์ยากที่สุดของโลกอยู่ ในความเมตตาความแข็งแกร่งที่แท้จริงของโลกอยู่ที่”

“ หากคุณพบว่าไม่มีใครสนับสนุนคุณบนเส้นทางแห่งจิตวิญญาณเดินไปคนเดียว ไม่มีมิตรภาพกับผู้ที่ยังไม่บรรลุนิติภาวะ”

“ ทำงานเพื่อความรอดของคุณเอง อย่าพึ่งคนอื่น”

“ อย่างไรก็ตามคุณอ่านคำศักดิ์สิทธิ์หลายคำ
Thailand, everything is connected to Buddhist culture, including their
traditional tattoo, Sak Yant. Sak Yant given by monks or masters are

101) Classical Turkish-Klasik Türk,101) Klasik Türk-Klasik Türk,

Aşağıdaki 108 Buda’dan alıntılar, manevi liderin şefkat, barış ve mutluluk konusundaki vurgusunu somutlaştırıyor.

Buda Hayattan Alıntılar

“Kendini fethetmek, binlerce savaş kazanmaktan daha iyidir. O zaman zafer senindir. Sizden alınamaz. ”-Buddha

“Sana vermenin gücü hakkında bildiklerimi biliyor olsaydın, tek bir yemeğin bir şekilde paylaşmadan geçmesine izin vermezdim.”

“Bunu sudan öğrenin: yüksek sesle suya sıçramasına rağmen okyanusların derinliği sakin.”

“Ne yapıldığını asla göremiyorum; Sadece yapılması gerekenleri görüyorum. ”
“Sadece tutunduklarını kaybedersin.”

“Geçmiş çoktan gitti, gelecek henüz burada değil. Yaşaman için sadece bir an var. ”

“Sorun, zamanın olduğunu düşünmen.”

“Yürürken, yemek yiyip seyahat ederken, olduğunuz yerde olun. Aksi takdirde hayatının çoğunu özleyeceksin. ”-Buddha

“İşin, işini keşfetmek, sonra da kendine tüm kalbini vermek.

inanma, nerede okuduğunuz önemli değil, ya da kimin söylediği önemli
değil, eğer söylemiş olsam da, kendi nedeniniz ve kendi sağduyunuz ile
aynı fikirde olmadığı sürece.”

“Dil keskin bir bıçak gibi… Kan çekmeden öldürür.”

“Bu üçlü gerçeği herkese öğretin: Cömert bir yürek, nazik bir konuşma, bir hizmet ve şefkat dolu yaşam insanlığı yeniler.”

“Her insan kendi sağlığı veya hastalığının yazarıdır.” -Buddha

“Yalan söylemekten kaçınmak temelde sağlıklı.”

“Hayatı seven bir insan zehirlenmeyi önlediği için kötülüklerden kaçının.”

Buda Meditasyon Sözleri

“Öfke tutmak, zehir içmek ve diğer kişinin ölmesini beklemek gibidir.”

“Ne olacağını düşünüyorsun. Ne hissediyorsan, çekiyorsun. Ne hayal edersen yarat. ”

bilgeliği getirir; Meditasyon eksikliği cehaletten çıkar. Sizi neyin
yönlendirdiğini ve sizi neyin engellediğini iyi bilin ve bilgeliğe giden
yolu seçin. ”-Buddha

“Yol boyunca gerçeğe doğru yapabilecek sadece iki hata var; sonuna kadar gitmemek ve başlamamak. ”

“Kimse bizi kendimizden kurtarmıyor. Kimse yapamaz ve kimse yapamaz. Kendimiz patikadan yürümek zorundayız. ”

erkeğin düşünceleri çamurluysa, Dikkatsiz ve aldatmaca dolu ise, Sarı
cübbeyi nasıl giyebilir? Kim kendi doğasında usta olursa olsun, Parlak,
açık ve gerçek, O gerçekten de sarı bornoz giyebilir. ”
“Öfke düşünceleri akılda durduğu sürece öfke asla kaybolmayacak. Öfke düşünceleri unutulduktan hemen sonra öfke yok olacaktır. ”

“Vücudun değerli. Uyanış için bizim aracımız. Dikkatli davranın. ”-Buddha

vücut atılıyor, Öyleyse ne hissediyor? İşe yaramaz bir odun kütüğü,
yerde yatıyor, O zaman ne biliyor? En kötü düşmanın, sana zarar veremez.
Ama bir kez ustalaştıysanız, kimse size bu kadar yardımcı olamaz,
Babanız veya anneniz bile. ”

“Kişi, acıların ve hastalıkların
altında yatanları anlamak için çaba sarf etmeli - ve yolda kazanırken
sağlık ve refahı hedeflemeli.”

“Yeterince sessizseniz, evrenin
akışını duyacaksınız. Onun ritmini hissedeceksiniz. Bu akışla devam et.
Mutluluk ileride yatar. Meditasyon anahtardır. ”

Buda Barıştan Tırnaklar

“Binlerce boş kelimeden daha iyi, huzuru getiren tek kelime.” -Buddha

“İçten barış geliyor. Olmadan arama. ”

“Kızgın düşüncelerden arınmış olanlar elbette huzur bulur.”

“Kötülük olmalı, böylece iyiliği onun saflığını kanıtlayabilsin. ”

“Kendini fethetmek, başkalarını fethetmekten daha büyük bir görevdir.”

sırrı korku duymamaktır. Asla ne olacağına korkma, kimseye bağlı değil.
Sadece tüm yardımları reddettiğiniz an serbest kalırsınız. ”

“Kalbini iyi yapmaya hazırla. Tekrar tekrar yapın ve neşeyle dolu olacaksınız. ”-Buddha

“Başlangıcı olan her şeyin bir sonu vardır. Bununla huzuru sağla ve her şey yoluna girsin. ”

“Acının kökü bağlanmadır”

Buda Maneviyat Üzerine Alıntılar

“Yolun kendisi oluncaya kadar yolu seyahat edemezsiniz.”

“Üç şey uzun süre gizlenemez: güneş, ay ve gerçek.” -Buddha

“Hayattaki tek gerçek başarısızlık en iyisini bilen kişi için doğru olmak değildir.”

“Saflık ya da safsızlık kendine bağlı. Kimse bir başkasını temizleyemez. ”

“Ancak okuduğun birçok kutsal söz, Bununla birlikte birçok konuşuyorsun, Eğer üzerine hareket etmezsen ne yapacaklar?”

“Birine lamba yakarsan, yolunu da aydınlatacak.” -Buddha

“Tek bir çiçeğin mucizesini açıkça görebilseydik, tüm hayatımız değişecekti. ”

“Gerçeğe doğru çalışamayanlar, yaşam amacını özlüyor”

“Ayrılık içinde dünyanın en büyük sefaleti yatıyor; şefkat içinde dünyanın gerçek gücü yatıyor. ”

“Manevi yolda sizi destekleyecek kimse bulamazsanız, yalnız yürüyün. Olgunlaşmamış bir eşlik yok. ”

“Kendi kurtuluşunu geliştir. Başkalarına güvenmeyin. ”

“Ancak okuduğun birçok kutsal söz, ancak m

102) Classical Ukrainian-Класичний український

Published on Aug 3, 2011
Spectacular images of earth, Russia etc., and the Divine Light of
Heaven and Violet Flame blessing and raising earth into the Age of Light
here and now.
I encourage all to use these and the other videos while doing mantras. Simply turn down the music part way or completely.

I put together a browser header for FIREFOX, with images of some of the
Masters. I really feel it’s difference. check it out at

If you have images of your city or of anything that you would like to
be used in this way, please feel you are invited to send them to me at

You can befriend Me on Facebook also- Matthew Michael Crown

Ode to Joy by Beethoven is said to be have the song of the soul of
Gautama the mighty Buddha. And he is said to work in the Heavenly
Hierarchy of Light as position of the leader and head of the divine
government, out of Shamballa.

Earth is shown accelerating into the supernal beauty of the Buddha’s heart, and all darkness transcended.

Astrea is shown radiating from Her Retreat the circles of Fire.
Music in this video
Learn more
Listen ad-free with YouTube Premium
Licensed to YouTube by
AdRev for a 3rd Party; AdRev Publishing, and 5 Music Rights Societies
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor Op. 125: An die Freude (Ode to Joy)
Sydney Philharmonia Choirs
Ode to Joy: Great Choral Masterpieces
Licensed to YouTube by
The Orchard Music (on behalf of ABC Classics); EMI Music Publishing,
Sony ATV Publishing, LatinAutor, Public Domain Compositions, and 8 Music
Rights Societies
Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op. 43: Variation 18
Various Artists
Perfect Romance
Licensed to YouTube by
NaxosofAmerica (on behalf of Naxos)
Spectacular images of earth, Russia etc., and the Divine Light of Heaven and Violet Flame blessing and raising…102) Класична українська-Класичний український

Наступні 108 цитат Будди втілюють акцент духовного лідера на співчуття, мир і щастя.

Будда цитує про життя

«Краще підкорити себе, ніж виграти тисячу битв. Тоді ваша перемога. Він не може бути відібраний від вас »

“Якби ви знали, що я знаю про силу давати вам, ви не дозволили б одного проходу їжі, не поділивши його якимось чином”.

“Дізнайтеся про це з води: гучний бризок потоку, але глибина океанів спокійна”.

“Я ніколи не бачу, що було зроблено; Я бачу тільки те, що ще потрібно зробити. “
“Ви втрачаєте тільки те, до чого дотримуєтеся”.

«Минуле вже немає, майбутнє ще не тут. Є тільки один момент для вас.

“Проблема в тому, ви думаєте, що є час”.

«Коли ви ходите, їсте і подорожуєте, будьте там, де ви знаходитесь. Інакше ви втратите більшу частину свого життя. ”-Buddha

“Ваша робота полягає в тому, щоб відкрити свою роботу, а потім усім своїм серцем, щоб віддати себе.

не вірте, неважливо, де ви його читаєте, або хто це сказав, незалежно
від того, чи сказав я це, якщо це не згодна з вашим власним розумом і
вашим здоровим глуздом”.

“Язик, як гострий ніж … Вбиває без малювання крові”.

цьому потрійному істині всім: щедре серце, добрий виступ і життя
служіння і співчуття - це речі, які поновлюють людство”.

«Кожна людина є автором власного здоров’я або хвороби»

“Утриматися від брехні є по суті здоровим”.

“Уникайте злих справ, як людина, яка любить життя, уникає отрути”.

Цитати Будди про медитацію

“Тримаючись за гнів, це як пити отруту і очікувати, що інша людина помре”.

- Що ви думаєте, ви стаєте. Те, що ви відчуваєте, приваблюєте. Що ви собі уявляєте, ви створюєте.

приносить мудрість; відсутність медитації залишає невігластво. Добре
знайте, що веде вас вперед і що вас затримує, і вибирайте шлях, який
веде до мудрості »

«Є тільки дві помилки, які можна зробити на шляху до правди; не йде до кінця, і не починає.

“Ніхто не рятує нас, але ми самі. Ніхто не може і ніхто не може. Ми самі повинні йти шляхом ».

думки людини мутні, якщо він бездумний і повний обману, то як він може
носити жовтий халат? Той, хто є господарем своєї природи, яскравий,
ясний і правдивий, може справді носити жовтий халат. “
“Гнів ніколи не зникне, доки в думках підуть думки про образи. Гнів зникне, як тільки забудуть думки про образи.

- Твоє тіло дорогоцінне. Це наш засіб пробудження. Поводьтеся з ним з обережністю »

тіло відкидається, а що це відчуває? Непридатний журнал з дерева, він
лежить на землі, Що ж він знає? Ваш найстрашніший ворог не може вам
завдати шкоди. Але колись освоєний, ніхто не може допомогти вам стільки,
не навіть ваш батько або ваша мати.

“Слід прагнути зрозуміти, що
лежить в основі страждань і хвороб - і прагнути до здоров’я і
благополуччя в той час як набирати на цьому шляху”.

Якщо ви
досить тихо, ви почуєте потік Всесвіту. Ви відчуєте його ритм. Ідіть з
цим потоком. Перед вами щастя. Медитація є ключовим.

Будда цитує про мир

“Краще, ніж тисяча порожніх слів, це одне слово, що приносить мир”

«Мир приходить зсередини. Не шукайте її.

«Ті, хто вільний від ображених думок, обов’язково знайдуть мир».

«Має бути зло, щоб добро могло довести свою чистоту над ним. “

“Перемагати себе - це більше завдання, ніж завоювання інших”.

таємниця буття - не боятися. Ніколи не бійтеся, що станеться з вами, ні
від кого не залежать. Тільки в той момент, коли ви відкидаєте всю
допомогу, ви звільняєтеся ».

“Зроби своє серце на добро. Робіть це знову і знову, і ви будете наповнені радістю. ”-Buddha

«Все, що має початок, має кінець. Зробіть мир із цим, і все буде добре. “

“Корінь страждання - прихильність”.

Цитати Будди про духовність

“Ви не можете пройти шлях, поки ви не станете самим шляхом”.

“Три речі не можна довго приховувати: сонце, місяць і істина”

“Єдина справжня невдача в житті - це не бути вірною найкращому, що він знає”.

«Чистота чи нечистота залежить від самого себе. Ніхто не може очистити іншого ».

“Хоч би чимало святих слів ви читали, скільки б ви не говорили, що вони вам робити, якщо ви не будете діяти?”

“Якщо ви запалите лампу для когось, це також покращить ваш шлях”

«Якщо б ми могли чітко бачити диво єдиної квітки, все наше життя змінилося б. “

«Ті, хто не впорався з працею, пропустили мету життя».

«У відокремленості лежить найбільша у світі страждання; в співчутті лежить справжня сила світу ».

“Якщо ви не знайдете нікого, хто б підтримав вас на духовному шляху, йдіть самостійно. Існує не дружба з незрілими.

«Виконайте своє спасіння. Не залежати від інших ».

Проте чимало святих слів ви читаєте, однак m

104) Classical Uzbek-Klassik o’zbek,

104) klassik o’zbek-klassik o’zbek,

Quyidagi 108 Buddadan olingan so’zlar ruhiy etakchining rahm-shafqat, tinchlik va baxtga bo’lgan urg’uni ta’kidlaydi.

Buddaning hayot haqidagi quotes

urushlarni g’alaba qozonishdan ko’ra o’zingizni mag’lub qilish
yaxshiroqdir. Keyin g’alaba sizniki. Buni sizdan olib bo’lmaydi. “-

“Agar sizga berish qudrati haqida bilgan narsalarimni
bilsangiz, uni birorta ovqat bilan almashtirmasdan, bir taomni olishiga
yo’l qo’ymasligingiz kerak”.

“Buni suvdan bilib oling: daryo bo’yida baland ovozda suzadi, ammo okean tubsizligi tinch bo’ladi”.

“Men ko’rgan narsalarni hech qachon ko’rmayapman; Men faqat nima qilish kerakligini bilaman.
“Siz faqatgina mahkam ushlagan narsangizni yo’qotasiz.”

“O’tmish allaqachon tugagan, kelajak hali bu erda emas. Siz uchun faqat bir daqiqadir.

“Muammo shundaki, sizda vaqt bor deb o’ylaysiz.”

yursang va sayohat qilsang, qaerda bo’lsang, o’sha erda bo’l. Aks holda
siz hayotingizning ko’p qismini sog’inasiz. “- Budda

“Sizning ishingiz - o’zingizning ishingizni, keyin esa butun qalbingizni kashf qilishdir”.

narsaga ishoning, uni qaerdan o’qisang ham, kim aytgan bo’lsa ham, men
o’z fikrim bilan va o’z aql-idroking bilan rozi bo’lmaguncha bu haqda

“Til o’tkir pichoqqa o’xshaydi … Qonni chizishsiz o’ldiradi.”

uchta haqiqatni barchaga o’rgating: saxiy yurak, mehrli nutq, xizmat va
rahm-shafqat hayoti insoniyatni yangilaydigan narsalardir”.

“Har bir inson o’z sog’lig’i yoki kasalligining muallifidir” -Budda

“Yolg’ondan qochish aslida sog’lomdir”.

“Yomonlikdan qoching, chunki hayotni sevadigan kishi zahardan qochadi”.

Buddaning fikrlash bo’yicha takliflari

«G’azabni ushlab qolish zahar ichishga o’xshaydi va boshqa odamni o’lishini kutadi».

nima deb o’ylaysiz, nima bo’layotganingizni. Siz nimani his qilsangiz,
sizni jalb qilasiz. Siz nima tasavvur qilasiz, yaratasiz. “

donolikni keltiradi; meditatsiya etishmasligi jaholatni qoldiradi.
Sizni oldinga olib boradigan va sizni ushlab turgan narsalarni yaxshi
bilib oling va donolikka olib boradigan yo’lni tanlang. “- Buda

“Haqiqat yo’liga boradigan ikkita xato bor; hamma yo’lga bormasdan, boshlanmayapti “.

o’zimizdan boshqa hech kim qutqarmaydi. Hech kim va hech kim bunga
qodir emas. Biz o’zimiz yo’lni bosib o’tishimiz kerak. “

insonning fikrlari paxmoq bo’lsa, u bexavotir va yolg’onchiligiga
to’lgan bo’lsa, u qanday qilib sariq ko’ylak kiyadi? Kim o’z tabiatiga
egalik qilsa, yorqin, ravshan va haqqoniy bo’lsa, u aslida sariq ko’ylak
kiyishi mumkin “.
«Qahr-g’azab hech qachon g’oyib bo’lmagunga qadar,
g’azabga berilgan fikrlar aqlga sig’maydi. G’azablanish g’oyalari
unutilgandan so’ng g’azab yo’qoladi. “

“Tanangiz qimmat. Uyg’onish uchun bizning vositamiz. Uni g’amxo’rlik bilan davolash. “- Budda

orada tan bartaraf qilinadi, unda nima bo’ladi? Yog’ochsiz foydaladigan
jannat, u yerda yotadi, unda nima biladi? Sizning eng yomon
dushmaningiz sizga zarar yetkaza olmaydi. Lekin bir marta o’zlashib
olganingizda, hech kim sizni hatto hatto otangiz yoki onang ham yordam
berolmaydi “.

“Qiyinchilik va kasalliklar ostida nima ekanligini
tushunish uchun harakat qilish kerak va yo’lda erishgan holda sog’liq va
farovonlik maqsadiga erishish kerak”.

“Agar siz yetarlicha tinch
bo’lsangiz, koinot oqimini eshitasiz. Uning ritmini his qilasiz. Ushbu
oqim bilan boring. Baxt kelajakda. Meditatsiya muhim ahamiyatga ega. “

Buddaning tinchlik haqida tasavvurlari

“Mingdan kamroq so’zlardan yaxshiroq, tinchlik keltiradigan bitta so’z”

“Tinchlik ichkaridan keladi. Uni qidirishni xohlamang. “

“Xafa bo’lgan fikrlardan ozod bo’lganlar, albatta, tinchlik topadi”.

“Yaxshilik yomonlik bo’lishi kerak, shunda yaxshilik uning ustida poklikni isbot qilishi mumkin. “

“O’zini engish - bu boshqalarni mag’lub qilishdan ko’ra katta vazifadir”.

mavjudotning siri qo’rqmaslikdir. Hech qachon sendan bo’ladigan
narsadan qo’rqmang, hech kimga bog’liq emas. Faqat barcha yordamni inkor
qilganingizdan ozod bo’lasiz. “

“Yaxshilik qilish uchun qalbingizni qo’ying. Buni qayta-qayta qiling va sizlar quvonchga to’lasiz. “- Budda

“Boshida hamma narsa tugaydi. U bilan tinchlik olib, hammasi yaxshi bo’ladi. “

“Odamlarning azob-uqubatlari ildizdir”.

Buddaning ma’naviyat bo’yicha quotes

“Siz o’zingizning yo’lingiz bo’lmaguningizcha yo’lni bosa olmaysiz.”

“Uch narsa uzoq yashashi mumkin emas: quyosh, oy va haqiqat.” - Budda

“Hayotdagi yagona haqiqiy qobiliyat eng yaxshi insonga nisbatan to’g'ri bo’lmasligi kerak”.

«Poklik yoki nopoklik o’z-o’ziga bog’liqdir. Hech kim boshqasini tozalashi mumkin emas “.

siz o’qigan ko’pgina muqaddas so’zlar, Lekin siz ko’plar gapiryapsizmi,
agar ular ustida ishlamasangiz, ular qanday yaxshi ish qilishadi?”

“Agar siz kimgadir chiroqni yoqsangiz, u ham sizning yo’lingizni yoritadi” -Budda

«Agar bitta gul mo'’jizasini aniq ko’rsak, butun umrimiz o’zgaradi. “

«Haqiqat yo’lida ishlashga qodir bo’lmaganlar hayotning mazmunini boy bermadilar».

“Ayrimlikda dunyodagi eng katta baxtsizlik yotadi; rahm-shafqat, dunyodagi haqiqiy kuchdir “.

“Agar ruhiy yo’lda sizni qo’llab-quvvatlaydigan hech kimni topmasangiz, yakkama-yakka bo’ling. O’smirlar bilan muloqot yo’q. “

“O’z najotingizni bajaring. Boshqalarga qaramang. “

“Biroq siz o’qigan ko’pgina muqaddas so’zlar, m

105) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việt cổ điển,
Story of Buddha Sakyamuni Vietnamese Version-English Subtitle Part 1 of 20
Published on Mar 10, 2011
Briefly history of Buddha’s Birth Story:

The Buddha who is the founder of the Buddhist religion is called Buddha
Shakyamuni “Shakya” is the name of the royal family into which he was
born, and “Muni” means “Able One.” Buddha Shakyamuni was born as a royal
prince in 624 BC in a place called Lumbini, in what is now Nepal. His
mother’s name was Queen Mayadevi and his father’s name was King

The Queens Dream

One night, Queen Mayadevi
dreamed that a white elephant descended from heaven and entered her
womb. The white elephant entering her womb indicated that on that very
night she had conceived a child who was a pure and powerful being. The
elephant’s descending from heaven indicated that her child came from
Tushita heaven, the Pure Land of Buddha Maitreya. Later, when she gave
birth to the child, instead of experiencing pain the queen experienced a
special, pure vision in which she stood holding the branch of a tree
with her right hand while the gods Brahma and Indra took the child
painlessly from her side. They then proceeded to honor the infant by
offering him ritual ablutions.

When the king saw the child he felt as if all his wishes had been fulfilled and he named the young prince “Siddhartha.”

The Kings Delight

When the king saw the child he felt as if all his wishes had been
fulfilled and he named the young prince “Siddhartha.” He invited a
Brahmin seer to make predictions about the prince’s future. The seer
examined the child with his clairvoyance and told the king, “There are
signs that the boy could become either a chakravatin king, a ruler of
the entire world, or a fully enlightened Buddha. However, since the time
for chakravatin kings is now past it is certain that he will become a
Buddha, and that his beneficial influence will pervade the thousand
million worlds like the rays of the sun.”
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105) Nhạc cổ điển Việt-Việt Việt

108 câu nói sau đây của Đức Phật là hiện thân của nhà lãnh đạo tinh thần, nhấn mạnh vào lòng từ bi, hòa bình và hạnh phúc.

Đức Phật về cuộc sống

Bạn nên chinh phục bản thân mình hơn là chiến thắng cả ngàn trận chiến.
Sau đó, chiến thắng là của bạn. Nó không thể được lấy từ bạn.

Nếu bạn biết những gì tôi biết về sức mạnh của việc cho bạn sẽ không để
một bữa ăn trôi qua mà không chia sẻ nó theo một cách nào đó.

Học cách này từ nước: tiếng nước bắn tung tóe nhưng độ sâu của đại dương thì bình tĩnh.

Tôi không bao giờ thấy những gì đã được thực hiện; Tôi chỉ thấy những gì còn lại phải làm.
Bạn chỉ mất những gì bạn bám vào.

Sau đó, quá khứ đã qua rồi, tương lai vẫn chưa đến. Chỉ có một khoảnh khắc để bạn sống.

“Những rắc rối là bạn nghĩ rằng bạn có thời gian.”

Khi bạn đi bộ và ăn uống và đi du lịch, hãy ở nơi bạn đến. Nếu không, bạn sẽ bỏ lỡ phần lớn cuộc đời của bạn.

Công việc của bạn là khám phá công việc của bạn và sau đó bằng cả trái tim để cống hiến hết mình cho nó.

Không tin bất cứ điều gì, bất kể bạn đọc nó ở đâu, hay ai đã nói, bất
kể tôi đã nói điều đó, trừ khi nó đồng ý với lý do của riêng bạn và ý
thức chung của bạn.

Lưỡi Lưỡi như một con dao sắc nhọn giết chết mà không rút máu.

Dạy cho ba sự thật này cho tất cả mọi người: Một trái tim hào phóng,
lời nói tử tế và một cuộc sống phục vụ và lòng trắc ẩn là những điều làm
mới nhân loại.

Càng mỗi con người là tác giả của sức khỏe hay căn bệnh của mình.

Mùi Để tránh nói dối về cơ bản là lành mạnh.

Cẩn tránh những hành vi xấu xa như một người đàn ông yêu cuộc sống tránh độc dược.

Đức Phật về Thiền

Giành giữ cơn giận giống như uống thuốc độc và mong người khác chết.

“Những gì bạn nghĩ rằng bạn trở thành. Những gì bạn cảm thấy, bạn thu hút. Những gì bạn tưởng tượng, bạn tạo ra.

Thiền định mang đến sự khôn ngoan; thiếu thiền vô minh. Biết rõ những
gì dẫn bạn về phía trước và những gì giữ bạn lại, và chọn con đường dẫn
đến sự khôn ngoan.

Chỉ có hai sai lầm người ta có thể mắc phải trên đường đến sự thật; không đi hết con đường và không bắt đầu

Không ai cứu chúng ta mà là chính chúng ta. Không ai có thể và không ai
có thể. Chính chúng ta phải bước đi theo con đường này.”

Nếu một
người đàn ông, ý nghĩ của người khác là lầy lội, Nếu anh ta liều lĩnh
và đầy sự lừa dối, Làm thế nào anh ta có thể mặc áo choàng màu vàng? Bất
cứ ai là chủ nhân của bản chất của mình, Sáng sủa, trong sáng và chân
thực, Anh ta thực sự có thể mặc áo choàng màu vàng.
Cơn giận dữ sẽ
không bao giờ biến mất miễn là những suy nghĩ oán giận được ấp ủ trong
tâm trí. Sự tức giận sẽ biến mất ngay khi những suy nghĩ phẫn nộ bị lãng

Cơ thể của bạn là quý giá. Nó là phương tiện của chúng tôi để thức tỉnh. Hãy đối xử với nó một cách cẩn thận.

Cơ thể sớm bị vứt bỏ, vậy thì cảm giác thế nào? Một khúc gỗ vô dụng, nó
nằm trên mặt đất, vậy thì nó biết gì? Kẻ thù tồi tệ nhất của bạn không
thể làm hại bạn nhiều như suy nghĩ của bạn, không được bảo vệ. Nhưng một
khi đã thành thạo, không ai có thể giúp bạn nhiều như vậy, kể cả cha
hay mẹ bạn.

Một người nên cố gắng hiểu những gì làm nền tảng cho
những đau khổ và bệnh tật - và nhắm đến sức khỏe và hạnh phúc trong khi
đạt được con đường.

Nếu bạn đủ yên tĩnh, bạn sẽ nghe thấy dòng
chảy của vũ trụ. Bạn sẽ cảm nhận được nhịp điệu của nó. Đi với dòng chảy
này. Hạnh phúc nằm ở phía trước. Thiền là chìa khóa.

Đức Phật về hòa bình

Càng tốt hơn một ngàn từ rỗng, là một từ mang lại hòa bình.

Hòa bình có nguồn gốc từ bên trong. Đừng tìm kiếm nó mà không có.

Những người không có suy nghĩ bực bội chắc chắn tìm thấy sự bình yên.

Cần phải có ác để cái tốt có thể chứng minh sự thuần khiết của nó trên nó. Giáo dục

Để chinh phục bản thân là một nhiệm vụ lớn hơn là chinh phục người khác.

Bí mật Toàn bộ bí mật của sự tồn tại là không sợ hãi. Không bao giờ sợ
những gì sẽ trở thành của bạn, phụ thuộc vào không ai. Chỉ khoảnh khắc
bạn từ chối tất cả sự giúp đỡ là bạn được giải thoát.

Nâng cao Đặt trái tim của bạn làm tốt. Làm đi làm lại nhiều lần và bạn sẽ tràn ngập niềm vui.

Tất cả mọi thứ có một khởi đầu đều có một kết thúc. Làm cho hòa bình của bạn với điều đó và tất cả sẽ tốt.

“Gốc rễ của đau khổ là chấp trước.”

Phật trích dẫn về tâm linh

Bạn không thể đi trên con đường đó cho đến khi bạn trở thành con đường.

Ba thứ không thể bị che giấu từ lâu: mặt trời, mặt trăng và sự thật.

Sự thất bại thực sự duy nhất trong cuộc sống là không đúng với những gì tốt nhất mà người ta biết.

Độ tinh khiết hay tạp chất phụ thuộc vào chính mình. Không ai có thể thanh lọc người khác.

Tuy nhiên, nhiều từ thánh bạn đọc, Tuy nhiên, nhiều bạn nói, Họ sẽ làm gì tốt cho bạn nếu bạn không hành động theo chúng?

Nếu bạn thắp đèn cho ai đó, nó cũng sẽ làm sáng con đường của bạn.

Nếu chúng ta có thể thấy phép màu của một bông hoa rõ ràng, toàn bộ cuộc sống của chúng ta sẽ thay đổi. Giáo dục

Những người thất bại trong việc hướng tới sự thật đã bỏ lỡ mục đích sống.

Càng về sự tách biệt thì thế giới càng đau khổ; trong lòng trắc ẩn nằm trên thế giới, sức mạnh thật sự.

Nếu bạn không tìm thấy ai để hỗ trợ bạn trên con đường tâm linh, hãy đi
bộ một mình. Không có bạn đồng hành với người chưa trưởng thành.

Làm việc cứu rỗi của riêng bạn. Không được dựa dẫm vào người khác.”

Tuy nhiên, nhiều từ thánh bạn đọc, Tuy nhiên m
Briefly history of Buddha’s Birth Story: The Buddha who is the founder of the Buddhist religion is called…
106) Classical Welsh-Cymraeg Clasurol,
106) Clasurol Cymraeg-Cymraeg Clasurol,

Mae’r 108 dyfyniad Bwdha canlynol yn ymgorffori pwyslais yr arweinydd ysbrydol ar dosturi, heddwch a hapusrwydd.

Dyfyniadau Bwdha ar Fywyd

well gorchfygu eich hun nag ennill mil o frwydrau. Yna chi fydd y
fuddugoliaeth. Ni ellir ei gymryd oddi wrthych chi. ”-Buddha

oeddech chi’n gwybod beth rydw i’n ei wybod am y pŵer i roi, ni fyddech
yn gadael i bas un pryd heb ei rannu mewn rhyw ffordd.”

“Dysgwch hyn o ddwr: mae uchel yn tasgu’r nant ond mae dyfnder y moroedd yn dawel.”

“Dwi byth yn gweld beth sydd wedi ei wneud; Ni welaf yr hyn sydd eto i’w wneud. ”
“Dim ond yr hyn yr ydych yn glynu wrthi sy’n ei golli.”

“Mae’r gorffennol eisoes wedi mynd, nid yw’r dyfodol yma eto. Does dim ond un funud i chi fyw. ”

“Y drafferth yw, rydych chi’n meddwl bod gennych chi amser.”

“Wrth i chi gerdded a bwyta a theithio, byddwch chi. Fel arall, byddwch yn colli’r rhan fwyaf o’ch bywyd. ”-Buddha

“Eich gwaith chi yw darganfod eich gwaith ac yna gyda’ch holl galon i roi eich hun iddo.”

ddim, waeth ble rydych chi’n ei ddarllen, neu pwy ddywedodd hynny, ni
waeth os ydw i wedi’i ddweud, oni bai ei fod yn cytuno â’ch rheswm eich
hun a’ch synnwyr cyffredin eich hun.”

“Mae’r tafod fel cyllell finiog … Yn lladd heb dynnu gwaed.”

y gwirionedd triphlyg hwn i bawb: Calon hael, araith garedig, a bywyd o
wasanaeth a thosturi yw’r pethau sy’n adnewyddu dynoliaeth.”

“Mae pob bod dynol yn awdur ei iechyd neu ei glefyd ei hun.” -Buddha

“Mae ymatal rhag gorwedd yn iach yn ei hanfod.”

“Ceisiwch osgoi gweithredoedd drwg gan fod dyn sy’n caru bywyd yn osgoi gwenwyn.”

Dyfyniadau Bwdha ar Fyfyrdod

“Mae dal gafael ar ddicter fel yfed gwenwyn a disgwyl i’r person arall farw.”

ydych chi’n ei feddwl, rydych chi’n dod. Beth rydych chi’n ei deimlo,
rydych chi’n ei ddenu. Yr hyn rydych chi’n ei ddychmygu, rydych chi’n ei
greu. ”

“Mae myfyrdod yn dod â doethineb; mae diffyg myfyrdod yn
gadael anwybodaeth. Gwybod beth sy’n eich arwain ymlaen a beth sy’n
eich dal yn ôl, a dewiswch y llwybr sy’n arwain at ddoethineb. ”-Buddha

“Dim ond dau gamgymeriad y gellir eu gwneud ar hyd y ffordd i wirionedd; peidio â mynd yr holl ffordd, a pheidio â dechrau. ”

“Does neb yn ein hachub ni ein hunain. Ni all neb, ac ni all neb. Rhaid i ni ein hunain gerdded y llwybr. ”

yw meddyliau dyn yn fwdlyd, Os yw’n ddi-hid ac yn llawn twyll, Sut all
wisgo’r wisg melyn? Pwy bynnag sy’n feistr ar ei natur ei hun, Bright,
clir a gwir, yn wir gall wisgo’r wisg melyn. ”
“Ni fydd dicter byth
yn diflannu cyn belled â bod meddyliau o ddicter yn cael eu
gwerthfawrogi yn y meddwl. Bydd dicter yn diflannu cyn gynted ag y bydd
meddyliau o ddicter yn cael eu hanghofio. ”

“Mae eich corff yn werthfawr. Dyma ein cerbyd ar gyfer deffro. Ei drin â gofal. ”-Buddha

fuan iawn caiff y corff ei daflu, yna beth mae’n teimlo? Log pren
diwerth, mae’n gorwedd ar y ddaear, Yna beth mae’n ei wybod? Ni all eich
gelyn gwaethaf eich niweidio Fel ag y mae’ch meddyliau eich hun, fe
wnaethoch chi ddim gwarchod. Ond ar ôl meistroli, ni all neb eich helpu
gymaint, hyd yn oed eich tad neu’ch mam. ”

“Dylai un ymdrechu i ddeall yr hyn sy’n tanseilio dioddefaint a chlefydau - ac anelu at iechyd a lles wrth ennill y llwybr.”

ydych chi’n ddigon tawel, byddwch chi’n clywed llif y bydysawd. Byddwch
yn teimlo ei rythm. Ewch gyda’r llif hwn. Mae hapusrwydd o’n blaenau.
Mae myfyrdod yn allweddol. ”

Dyfyniadau Buddha ar Heddwch

“Gwell na mil o eiriau gwag, yw un gair sy’n dod â heddwch.” -Buddha

“Daw heddwch o fewn. Peidiwch â cheisio hynny hebddo. ”

“Yn sicr, mae’r rhai sy’n rhydd o feddyliau digalon yn dod o hyd i heddwch.”

“Mae’n rhaid bod drwg fel y gall da brofi ei burdeb uwch ei ben. ”

“Mae gorchfygu ei hun yn dasg fwy na gorchfygu eraill.”

oes unrhyw ofn i fod yn gwbl gyfrinachol bodolaeth. Peidiwch byth ag
ofni beth fydd yn dod ohonoch, yn dibynnu ar neb. Dim ond y foment yr
ydych yn gwrthod pob help ydych chi wedi’i rhyddhau. ”

“Gosodwch eich calon ar wneud daioni. Ei wneud dro ar ôl tro a byddwch yn cael eich llenwi â llawenydd. ”-Buddha

“Mae popeth sydd â dechrau yn dod i ben. Gwnewch eich heddwch gyda hynny a bydd pawb yn iawn. ”

“Gwraidd dioddefaint yw ymlyniad.”

Dyfyniadau Buddha ar Ysbrydolrwydd

“Ni allwch chi deithio ar hyd y llwybr nes eich bod wedi dod yn llwybr ei hun.”

“Ni all tri pheth fod yn gudd hir: yr haul, y lleuad, a’r gwirionedd.” -Buddha

“Yr unig fethiant gwirioneddol mewn bywyd yw peidio â bod yn wir i’r un gorau.”

“Mae purdeb neu amhuredd yn dibynnu arnoch chi’ch hun. Ni all neb buro un arall. ”

bynnag, mae llawer o eiriau sanctaidd yr ydych yn eu darllen, Fodd
bynnag mae llawer ohonoch yn siarad, Pa ddaioni a wnânt os na wnewch chi
weithredu arnynt?”

“Os ydych chi’n goleuo lamp i rywun, bydd hefyd yn goleuo’ch llwybr.” -Buddha

“Pe gallem weld gwyrth blodyn sengl yn glir, byddai ein bywyd cyfan yn newid. ”

“Mae’r rhai sydd wedi methu â gweithio tuag at y gwirionedd wedi colli pwrpas byw.”

“Ar wahân mae trallod mwyaf y byd; mewn cydymdeimlad mae gwir gryfder y byd. ”

nad ydych yn dod o hyd i unrhyw un i’ch cefnogi ar y llwybr ysbrydol,
cerddwch ar eich pen eich hun. Nid oes cwmnïaeth gyda’r anaeddfed. ”

“Cyfrifwch eich iachawdwriaeth eich hun. Peidiwch â dibynnu ar eraill. ”

“Fodd bynnag, mae llawer o eiriau sanctaidd rydych chi’n eu darllen, fodd bynnag m

107) Classical Xhosa-IsiXhosa zesiXhosa,
107) I-Classical Xhosa-IsiXhosa yesiXhosa,

Ezi zilandelayo 108 iingcaphuno zeBuddha ziquka inkokheli yokomoya ekugxininiseni kwi-mfesane, uxolo kunye nolonwabo.

Iimfuno zeBuddha kwiBomi

“Kungcono ukunqoba kunokuba uzuze iimfazwe eziliwaka. Emva koko ukunqoba kukukho. Ayikwazi ukuthathwa kuwe. “-Ubudoda

wayesazi into endiyaziyo ngamandla okunika ukuba ungavumeli isidlo
esisodwa sidlule ngaphandle kokuwabelana ngandlela-thile.”

“Funda oku emanzini: ngokukhawuleza utyumleza umlambo kodwa ulwandle olude luzolile.”

“Andizange ndibone oko kwenziwa; Ndibona kuphela oko kusele kwenziwe. “
“Ulahlekelwa yinto enamathela kuyo.”

Ixesha elidlulileyo sele liyekile, ikamva alikho apha. Kukho umzuzu omnye wokuba uphile. “

“Inkathazo, ucinga ukuba unayo ixesha.”

“Njengoko uhamba uze udle kwaye uhambe, yiba phi. Ngaphandle koko uya kulahlwa ngobomi obuninzi. “- UBuddha

“Umsebenzi wakho ukufumanisa umsebenzi wakho kwaye ke ngentliziyo yakho yonke ukuzinikela kuyo.”

nto, kungakhathaliseki ukuba uyifundephi, okanye ngubani othethile,
kungakhathaliseki ukuba ndithethile, ngaphandle kokuba ivumelane
nesizathu sakho kunye nengqiqo yakho.”

“Ulwimi lufana nesandla esibukhali … Ubulala ngaphandle kokutsala igazi.”

le nyaniso emithathu kubo bonke: Intliziyo evulekile, intetho enomusa,
kunye nobomi benkonzo kunye nemfesane yizinto ezivuselela uluntu.”

“Wonke umntu ungumlobi wempilo yakhe okanye izifo.” - UBuddha

“Ukuzixoka ekuxoxeni kubaluleke kakhulu.”

“Gwema izenzo ezimbi njengendoda ethanda ubomi igwema ubuthi.”

Iimpawu zeBuddha ekuCamngeni

“Ukubamba umsindo kunjengokusela ubuthi kwaye ulindele ukuba omnye umntu afe.”

“Ucinga ntoni, uya kuba. Oko uvakalelwa, ukhangela. Yintoni ocinga ngayo, udala. “

kuzisa ubulumko; Ukungabikho kokucamngca kushiya ukungazi. Yazi kakuhle
oko kukukhokelela phambili kwaye kukuthintela ntoni, kwaye ukhethe
indlela ekhokelela kubulumko. “- UBuddha

“Kukho iimpazamo ezimbini kuphela ezenzayo endleleni eya enyanisweni; ahambanga yonke indlela, kwaye ayifuni. “

“Akukho mntu usindisa thina kodwa. Akukho mntu unako kwaye akukho mntu. Simele sihambe ngendlela. “

iingcamango zomntu zidaka, Ukuba engenangqondo kwaye ezele inkohliso,
Unokumbathisa njani ingubo ephuzi? Nabani na ongokoqobo bakhe, Ubomvu,
ocacileyo nonyani, Unokuba unxibe ingubo ephuzi. “
ayisoze yaphela kude nje ukuba iingcamango zentukuthelo zithandwa
engqondweni. Intukuthelo iya kulahla nje ngokukhawuleza ukuba
iingcamango zentukuthelo zilibalekile. “

Umzimba wakho uyigugu. Yisithuthi sethu sokuvusa. Yiphathe ngokunyamekela. “- UBuddha

umzimba ulahlwa, ngoko uvakalelwa njani? Ingodo engenamsebenzi yomthi,
ilala phezu komhlaba, ngoko yayazi ntoni na? Utshaba lwakho olubi
kakhulu alinakukulimaza Kangangoko ucinga ngayo, ungagcini. Kodwa xa
unesakhono, akukho mntu unokukunceda kakhulu, Akakho noyihlo okanye
unyoko. “

Omnye makamele azame ukuqonda oko kukubandezelekayo
kunye nezifo - kwaye ijolise impilo kunye nenhlalakahle xa ufumana
indlela. “

“Ukuba uthe cwaka ngokwaneleyo, uya kuva ukuhamba
kwemvelo. Uza kuziva isigqi. Hamba kunye nokuhamba. Ulonwabo luzayo.
Ukucamngca kubalulekileyo. “

IiBuddha Quotes on Peace

“Ungcono kunamazwi angamawaka angamazwi, elinye ilizwi elizisa uxolo.” - UBuddha

“Uxolo luvela ngaphakathi. Musa ukuyifumana ngaphandle. “

Ngokuqinisekileyo abo bafumana iingcamango ezinqwenelekayo bafumana uxolo. “

“Kufuneka kubekho ububi ukwenzela ukuba into enokubonisa ubungqina bayo ngaphezu kwayo. “U

“Ukuziyisa kukubaluleke ngaphezu kokubamba abanye.”

yonke yobomi kukuba ungabi ukoyika. Ungaze uloyike oko kuza kuba kuwe,
kuxhomekeke kumntu. Kuphela nje xa unqamla lonke uncedo olukhululekile. “

“Beka intliziyo yakho ekwenzeni okuhle. Yenza ngokuphindaphindiweyo kwaye uza kugcwaba uvuyo. “- UBuddha

“Yonke into enokuqala inephelo. Yenza uxolo kunye naloo nto kwaye konke kuya kuba kuhle. “

“Ingcambu yokubandezeleka yintsimbi.”

IiBuddha Quotes on Spirituality

“Awukwazi ukuhamba endleleni uze ube yindlela.”

“Izinto ezintathu azikwazi ukufihla ixesha elide: ilanga, inyanga, nenyaniso.” - UBuddha

“Ukuphela kwempumelelo yangempela ebomini akufanele kube yinyaniso kumntu owaziyo.”

“Ukucoceka okanye ukungcola kuxhomekeke kuwe. Akukho mntu unokuhlambulula omnye. “

kunjalo uninzi amazwi angcwele owafundayo, Nangona kunjalo uninzi
othethileyo, baya kuthini na ukuba uyenze ntoni na ukuba ungenzi nto
phezu kwabo?”

“Ukuba ukhanyisa isibane somntu, kuya kukhangela umendo wakho.” - UBuddha

“Ukuba sinokubona ummangaliso weentyatyambo enye, ubomi bethu bonke buya kutshintsha. “U

“Abo bahlulekile ukusebenza kwi nyaniso baye baphoswa injongo yokuphila.”

“Ngokwahlukileyo iindawo ezimbi kakhulu zehlabathi; kwi mfesane kuqina ngamandla ehlabathi. “

“Ukuba awufumani mntu ukukuncedisa endleleni yokomoya, hamba wedwa. Akukho buhlobo kunye nosana. “

“Zenzele usindiso lwakho. Ungaxhomekeke kwabanye. “

“Nangona kunjalo uninzi amazwi angcwele owafundayo, Nangona kunjalo m

108) Classical Yiddish-
108) קלאַסיש יידיש-קלאַסיש ייִדיש

די פאלגענדע 108 בודאַ קוואָטעס ימבאַדי די רוחניות פירער ‘ס טראָפּ אויף ראַכמאָנעס, שלום און גליק.

בודאַ קוואָטעס אויף לעבן

איז בעסער צו קאַנגקער זיך ווי צו געווינען אַ טויזנט באַטאַלז. דעמאָלט
דער נצחון איז דייַן. עס קענען ניט זיין גענומען פון איר. “-Buddha

איר געוואוסט וואָס איך וויסן וועגן די מאַכט פון געבן איר וואָלט נישט
לאָזן אַ איין מאָלצייַט פאָרן אָן ייַנטיילונג עס אין עטלעכע וועג.”

“לערן דעם פון וואַסער: הויך ספּלאַשיז די טייַך אָבער די אָושאַנז טיפקייַט.”

“איך קיינמאָל זען וואָס איז געשען; איך נאָר זען וואָס בלייבן צו זיין געטאן. “
“איר נאָר פאַרלירן וואָס איר קלינג צו.”

“די פאַרגאַנגענהייט איז שוין ניטאָ, די צוקונפֿט איז נאָך ניט דאָ. עס איז בלויז איין מאָמענט פֿאַר איר צו לעבן. “

“די צרה איז, איר טראַכטן איר האָבן צייַט.”

“ווי איר גיין און עסן און אַרומפאָרן, זיין ווו איר זענט. אַנדערש איר וועט פאַרפירן רובֿ פון דיין לעבן. “-Buddha

“דיין אַרבעט איז צו אַנטדעקן דיין אַרבעט און דאַן מיט אַלע דיין האַרץ צו געבן זיך צו אים.”

גאָרנישט, קיין ענין ווו איר לייענען עס, אָדער ווער האט עס, קיין ענין
אויב איך האָבן געזאגט עס, סייַדן עס אַגריז מיט דיין אייגן סיבה און דיין
אייגן פּראָסט זינען.”

“די צונג ווי אַ שאַרף מעסער … קיללס אָן צייכענונג בלוט.”

דעם טריפּלע אמת צו אַלע: אַ ברייטהאַרציק האַרץ, מין רייד, און אַ לעבן
פון דינסט און ראַכמאָנעס זענען די זאכן וואָס בלייבן מענטשהייַט.”

“יעדער מענטש איז דער מחבר פון זיין אייגן געזונט אָדער קרענק.” -Buddha

“צו פאַרהאַלן פון ליגנעריש איז עסאַנטלי כאָולסאַם.”

“ויסמייַדן בייז מעשים ווי אַ מענטש וואס ליב לעבן אַוווידז סם.”

בודאַ קוואָטעס אויף מעדיטאַטיאָן

“האָלדינג אַנטו קאַס איז ווי טרינקט סם און דערוואַרטן די אנדערע מענטש צו שטאַרבן.”

“וואָס איר טראַכטן, איר ווערן. וואָס איר פילן, איר צוציען. וואָס איר טראַכטן, איר מאַכן. “

ברענגט חכמה; פעלן פון מעדיטאַטיאָן בלעטער אומוויסנדיקייט. וויסן וואָס
וואָס פירט איר פאָרויס און וואָס האלט איר צוריק, און קלייַבן די דרך
וואָס פירט צו חכמה. “-Buddha

“עס זענען בלויז צוויי מיסטייקס איינער קענען מאַכן צוזאמען די וועג צו אמת; ניט געגאנגען אַלע די וועג, און ניט סטאַרטינג. “

“קיין איינער סאַוועס אונדז אָבער זיך. קיין איינער קענען און קיין איינער קען. מיר זיך מוזן גיין דעם דרך. “

אַ מענטש ס געדאנקען זענען מוטנע, אויב ער איז ניט באַטראַכט און פול פון
אָפּנאַר, ווי קענען ער טראָגן די געל קלייד. ווער איז בעל פון זיין אייגן
נאַטור, העל, קלאָר און אמת, ער קען טאַקע טראָגן די געל קלייד. “
וועט קיינמאָל פאַרשווינדן אַזוי לאַנג ווי געדאנקען פון פאַרדראָס זענען
טשערישט אין די מיינונג. קויל וועט פאַרשווינדן נאָר ווי באַלד ווי
געדאנקען פון פאַרדראָס זענען פארגעסן. “

“דיין גוף איז טייַער. עס איז אונדזער פאָרמיטל פֿאַר אַווייקאַנינג. טרעפֿן עס מיט זאָרג. “-Buddha

באַלד דער גוף איז דיסקאַרדיד, און וואָס טוט עס פילן? א אַרויסגעוואָרפן
קלאָץ פון האָלץ, עס ליגט אויף דער ערד, און וואָס טוט עס וויסן? דיין
ערגסט פייַנט קענען נישט שאַטן איר ווי פיל ווי דיין אייגן געדאנקען,
אַנגקאַרדיד. אבער אַמאָל מאַסטערד, קיין איינער קענען העלפן איר ווי פיל,
ניט אפילו דיין פאטער אָדער דיין מוטער. “

“מען זאָל שטרעבן צו פֿאַרשטיין וואָס אַנדערלייז ליידן און חולאתן - און ציל פֿאַר געזונט און וווילטויק בשעת גיינינג אין דעם דרך.”

איר זענט שטיל גענוג, איר וועט הערן די לויפן פון די אַלוועלט. איר וועט
פילן זייַן ריטם. גיין מיט דעם לויפן. האַפּפּינעסס ליגט פאָרויס.
מעדיטאַציע איז שליסל. “

בודאַ קוואָטעס אויף שלום

“בעסער ווי אַ טויזנט פּוסט ווערטער, איז איין וואָרט וואָס ברענגט שלום.” -Buddha

“שלום קומט פון אינעווייניק. דו זאלסט ניט זוכן עס. “

“יענע וואס זענען פריי פון פאַרדראָס געדאנקען שורלי געפֿינען שלום.”

“עס האט צו זיין בייז אַזוי אַז גוט קענען באַווייַזן זייַן ריינקייַט אויבן עס. “

“צו קאַנגק זיך איז אַ גרעסערע אַרבעט ווי קאַנגקערינג אנדערע.”

גאנצע געהיים פון דער עקזיסטענץ איז ניט קיין מורא. קיינמאָל מורא וואָס
וועט ווערן פון איר, פאַרלאָזנ אויף קיין איינער. נאָר דער מאָמענט איר
אָפּוואַרפן אַלע הילף איר זענט באפרייט. “

“שטעלן דיין האַרץ אויף טאן גוט. טאָן עס איבער און איבער ווידער און איר וועט זיין אָנגעפילט מיט פרייד. “-Buddha

“אלץ וואָס האָט אַ אָנהייב האט אַ סאָף. מאַכן דיין שלום מיט וואָס און אַלע וועלן זיין גוט. “

“דער שורש פון צאָרעס איז אַטאַטשמאַנט.”

בודאַ קוואָטעס אויף ספּיריטואַליטי

“איר קענען נישט אַרומפאָרן דעם דרך ביז איר האָט ווערן דער דרך זיך.”

“דריי זאכן קענען נישט זיין לאַנג פאַרבאָרגן: די זון, די לבנה, און די אמת.” -Buddha

“דער בלויז פאַקטיש דורכפאַל אין לעבן איז ניט צו זיין אמת צו דער בעסטער איינער ווייסט.”

“ריינקייַט אָדער טומלדיק דעפּענדס אויף זיך. קיין איינער קען רייניקן אנדערן. “

“אָבער פילע הייליק ווערטער איר לייענען, אָבער פילע איר רעדן, וואָס גוט וועלן זיי טאָן אויב איר טאָן ניט שפּילן אויף זיי?”

“אויב איר ליכט אַ לאָמפּ פֿאַר עמעצער, עס וועט אויך ברייטאַן דיין דרך.” -Buddha

“אויב מיר קענען זען די נס פון אַ איין בלום קלאר, אונדזער גאַנץ לעבן וואָלט טוישן. “

“יענע וואס האָבן ניט צו אַרבעטן צו די אמת האָבן מיסט די ציל פון לעבעדיק.”

“אין סעפּעראַטנאַס ליגט די גרעסטע צאָרעס פון די וועלט; אין ראַכמאָנעס ליגט די אמת שטאַרקייַט וועלט. “

“אויב איר געפֿינען קיין איינער צו שטיצן איר אויף די רוחניות וועג, גיין אַליין. עס איז קיין שייכות מיט די ומנייטיק. “

“אַרבעט אויס דיין אייגן ישועה. דו זאלסט נישט אָפענגען אויף אנדערע. “

אָבער פילע הייליק ווערטער איר לייענען, אָבער בקלאסישע ייִדיש

109) Classical Yoruba-Yoruba Yoruba,
109) Yoruba-Yoruba Yoruba,

Awọn Buddha ti o tẹle yii n tẹsiwaju lati ṣe afihan ifarahan ti ẹmi lori itara, alaafia ati idunu.

Buddha Quotes on Life

“O dara lati ṣẹgun ara rẹ ju lati gba ẹgbẹrun ogun. Nigbana ni gun ni tirẹ. O ko le gba lati ọdọ rẹ. “-Buddha

“Ti o ba mọ ohun ti mo mọ nipa agbara ti fifun ọ kii yoo jẹ ki ounjẹ kan kan kọja laisi fifin o ni diẹ ninu awọn ọna.”

“Mọ eyi lati inu omi: ṣiṣan omi ti o ṣan ni ṣiṣan ṣugbọn omi ijinlẹ jẹ tunu.”

“Emi ko ri ohun ti a ti ṣe; Mo ti ri ohun ti o wa lati ṣe. “
“O padanu nikan ohun ti o fi ara mọ.”

“Awọn ti o ti kọja ti lọ tẹlẹ, ojo iwaju ko iti nihin. Nibẹ ni akoko kan nikan fun ọ lati gbe. “

“Iṣoro naa ni, o ro pe o ni akoko.”

“Bi o ṣe nrìn, ti o si jẹun, jẹ ibi ti o wa. Tabi ki o padanu julọ ninu igbesi aye rẹ. “-Buddha

“Iṣẹ rẹ ni lati ṣawari iṣẹ rẹ lẹhinna pẹlu gbogbo ọkàn rẹ lati fi ara rẹ fun u.”

ohunkohun, ko si ibiti o ti kà a, tabi ẹniti o sọ ọ, bikita bi mo ba sọ
ọ, ayafi ti o ba gba pẹlu idi tirẹ ati imọ ara rẹ.”

“Ahọn naa dabi ọbẹ didasilẹ … Kàn laisi didan ẹjẹ.”

“Kọ ẹkọ mẹta yii si gbogbo enia: Awọwọwọ, ọrọ aanu, ati igbesi-aye iṣẹ ati aanu ni awọn ohun ti o tun ṣe isọdọtun eniyan.”

“Gbogbo eniyan ni onkọwe ti ilera rẹ tabi arun.” -Buddha

“Lati yago kuro ninu eke jẹ paapaa ti o dara.”

“Yẹra fun awọn iṣẹ buburu bi ọkunrin ti o fẹran aye lati yago fun eefin.”

Buddha Quotes lori iṣaro

“Idaduro ibinu jẹ bi eefin mimu ati n reti pe ẹni keji ku.”

“Kini o ro pe, o di. Kini o lero, iwọ fa. Ohun ti o woye, o ṣẹda. “

ni o mu ọgbọn wá; aini iṣaroye fi oju aṣiṣe han. Mọ daradara ohun ti
nyorisi o siwaju ati ohun ti o mu ọ pada, ki o si yan ọna ti o nyorisi
ọgbọn. “-Buddha

“Awọn aṣiṣe meji nikan ni o le ṣe pẹlu ọna si otitọ; ko lọ ni gbogbo ọna, ati pe ko bẹrẹ. “

“Ko si ẹniti o gbà wa bikoṣe ara wa. Ko si ọkan le ati pe ko si ọkan le. Awa tikararẹ gbọdọ rin ọna naa. “

ero eniyan ba jẹ apẹtẹ, Ti o ba jẹ aṣiwèrè ati ti o kún fun ẹtan, Bawo
ni o ṣe le wọ aṣọ ẹwu alawọ? Ẹnikẹni ti o ba jẹ olori ti ara rẹ, Imọlẹ,
kedere ati otitọ, O le paapaa wọ aṣọ aṣọ ofeefee. “
“Ibinu yoo ko
parun niwọn igba ti awọn irora ti ibanujẹ ti wa ni ẹwà ni inu. Ibanujẹ
yoo farasin ni kete ti awọn ero ti ibanujẹ ti gbagbe. “

“Ara rẹ jẹ iyebiye. O jẹ ọkọ wa fun ijidide. Ṣe itọju rẹ pẹlu abojuto. “-Buddha

laipe ti ara ti sọnu, Ki ni o lero? Apoti igi ti ko wulo, o wa lori
ilẹ, Kini kini o mọ? Ọta ti o buru julọ ko le ṣe ipalara fun ọ Bi o ti
jẹ ero ti ara rẹ, a ko bojuto. Ṣugbọn lẹkan ti o ba ni oye, Ko si ẹniti o
le ran ọ lọwọ gẹgẹbi ọpọlọpọ, Koda baba rẹ tabi iya rẹ. “

yẹ ki o gbìyànjú lati ni oye ohun ti o wa labẹ awọn ijiya ati awọn aisan
- ati ki o ṣe ifọkansi fun ilera ati ailarafia nigba ti o nrìn ni ọna.”

“Ti o ba jẹ idakẹjẹ, iwọ yoo gbọ sisan ti agbaye. Iwọ yoo lero irun rẹ. Lọ pẹlu sisan yi. Ayọ wa niwaju. Iṣaro jẹ bọtini. “

Buddha Quotes lori Alafia

“O ju ọrọ ẹgbẹrun lọrun lọ, jẹ ọrọ kan ti o mu alafia wá.” -Buddha

“Alaafia wa lati inu. Mase wa o laisi. “

“Awọn ti o ni ominira ti awọn ero ibinujẹ yoo ri alaafia.”

“O ni lati jẹ buburu ki o dara pe o dara le jẹwọ iwa-mimo rẹ ju ti o lọ. “

“Lati ṣẹgun ararẹ jẹ iṣẹ ti o tobi ju ti ṣẹgun awọn ẹlomiran.”

ipamọ aye ni lati ni iberu kankan. Maṣe bẹru ohun ti yoo jẹ ti iwọ, da
lori ẹnikan. Nikan ni akoko ti o kọ gbogbo iranlọwọ ni o ti ni ominira. “

“Fi okan rẹ si ṣiṣe rere. Ṣe o si ati siwaju ati pe o yoo kún fun ayọ. “-Buddha

“Ohun gbogbo ti o ni ibẹrẹ kan ni opin. Ṣe alaafia rẹ pẹlu eyi ati pe gbogbo yoo dara. “

“Awọn orisun ti ijiya jẹ asomọ.”

Buddha Quotes lori ẹmí

“O ko le rin ọna naa titi iwọ o fi di ọna naa.”

“Awọn ohun mẹta ko le fara pamọ: oorun, oṣupa, ati otitọ.” -Buddha

“Awọn ikuna gidi nikan ni aye kii ṣe otitọ si ẹniti o mọ julọ.”

“Piwa tabi aibajẹ da lori ararẹ. Ko si ẹniti o le sọ di mimọ. “

“Sibẹsibẹ ọpọlọpọ awọn ọrọ mimọ ti o ka, Sibẹsibẹ ọpọlọpọ awọn ti o sọ, Kini dara ti wọn yoo ṣe ọ Ti o ko ba sise lori wọn?”

“Ti o ba tan imọlẹ fun ẹnikan, yoo tun ṣe imudani ọna rẹ.” -Buddha

“Ti a ba le rii iṣẹ-iyanu ti ododo kan nikan, gbogbo igbesi aye wa yoo yipada. “

“Awọn ti o ti kuna lati ṣiṣẹ si otitọ ti padanu idi ti igbesi aye.”

“Ni sisọtọ jẹ irora nla ti aye; ni aanu wa ni agbara gidi aye. “

“Ti o ko ba ri ẹnikan lati ṣe atilẹyin fun ọ ni ọna ti ẹmí, rin nikan. Ko si alabaṣepọ pẹlu itọju. “

“Ṣiṣe igbasilẹ ara rẹ. Maṣe gbekele awọn elomiran. “

“Sibẹsibẹ ọpọlọpọ awọn ọrọ mimọ ti o ka, Sibẹsibẹ m
The African Language Program at Harvard


Yoruba A. Elementary Yoruba
Catalog Number: 0029
John M. Mugane
Course Instructors: Bisi Asere; Sunday Oluokun

Full course (indivisible). Hours to be arranged.
Yoruba is spoken in the West African countries of Nigeria, Benin
Republic, and parts of Togo and Sierra Leone, therefore constituting one
of the largest single languages in sub-Saharan Africa. Yoruba is also
spoken in Cuba and Brazil. Students will acquire the Yoruba language at
the basic or elementary level.
Note: Primarily designed for students
who have no prior knowledge of Yoruba. However, students with minimal
knowledge of the language may also register for the course. Please
consult the Director of Language Programs by email for more information.
Not open to auditors.

Yoruba B. Intermediate Yoruba
Catalog Number: 0031
John M. Mugane
Course Instructors: Bisi Asere; Sunday Oluokun

Full course (indivisible). Hours to be arranged.
Continuation of Yoruba A. Yoruba is spoken in the West African
countries of Nigeria, Benin Republic, and parts of Togo and Sierra
Leone, therefore constituting one of the largest single languages in
sub-Saharan Africa. Yoruba is also spoken in Cuba and Brazil. Students
will acquire the Yoruba language at the basic or elementary level.
Note: Not open to auditors.
Prerequisite: Yoruba A or the equivalent of one year’s study of Yoruba.

Yoruba 101ar. Reading in Yoruba
Catalog Number: 0033
John M. Mugane and assistant
Course Instructors: Bisi Asere; Sunday Oluokun

Half course (fall term). Hours to be arranged.
Advanced reading in Yoruba.
Note: Not open to auditors.
Prerequisite: Yoruba B or equivalent.

Yoruba 101br. Reading in Yoruba II
Catalog Number: 0035
John M. Mugane and assistant
Course Instructors: Bisi Asere; Sunday Oluokun

Half course (fall term; repeated spring term). Spring: M., 4–6; W., 4–6.
Advanced reading in Yoruba II.
Note: Not open to auditors.
Prerequisite: Yoruba 101a or equivalent.
Yoruba A. Elementary Yoruba Catalog Number: 0029 John M. Mugane…
110) Classical Zulu-I-Classical Zulu

110) I-Classical Zulu-I-Classical Zulu

Lezi zisho ezilandelayo ezingu-108 zeBuddha zihlanganisa ukugcizelela umholi womoya ekuzweleni, ukuthula nenjabulo.

Ama-quotes e-Buddha ku-Life

ukuzinqoba kunokuba unqobe izimpi eziyinkulungwane. Khona-ke ukunqoba
kungokwakho. Awukwazi ukuthathwa kuwe. “- IsiBuddha

“Uma wazi
ukuthi ngikuphi ngamandla okunika ukuthi ngeke uvumele isidlo esisodwa
sidlule ngaphandle kokuwabelana ngandlela-thile.”

“Funda lokhu emanzini: ngokuzwakalayo kuqhuma umfudlana kodwa ukujula kolwandle kuthulile.”

“Angikaze ngibone ukuthi kwenzekani; Ngibona kuphela ukuthi yini esele isenziwe. “
“Ulahlekelwa yilokho okunamathela kukho.”

“Esikhathini esedlule sesivele siphelile, ikusasa alikafiki lapha. Kunomzuzwana owodwa nje wokuphila kwakho. “

“Inkathazo, ucabanga ukuthi unesikhathi.”

“Njengoba uhamba futhi udla futhi uhamba, yiba lapho ukhona. Uma kungenjalo uzolahlekelwa kakhulu empilweni yakho. “- IsiBuddha

“Umsebenzi wakho ukuthola umsebenzi wakho bese uthola yonke inhliziyo yakho ukuzidela.”

lutho, kungakhathaliseki ukuthi ufunda kuphi, noma ngubani owakushoyo,
kungakhathaliseki ukuthi ngikushilo, ngaphandle uma kuvumelana nesizathu
sakho nomqondo wakho.”

“Ulimi lufana nommese obukhali … Ubulala ngaphandle kokudweba igazi.”

iqiniso elilodwa kubo bonke: Inhliziyo ephanayo, inkulumo enomusa,
nokuphila kwenkonzo nobubele yizinto ezivuselela abantu.”

“Wonke umuntu ungumbhali wezempilo noma isifo sakhe.” - IsiBuddha

“Ukugwema ukuqamba amanga kuyinto enhle kakhulu.”

“Gwema izenzo ezimbi njengomuntu othanda ukuphila kugwema ubuthi.”

Ama-quotes e-Buddha ekuzindleni

“Ukubamba intukuthelo kufana nokuphuza ubuthi futhi kulindeleke ukuthi omunye umuntu afe.”

“Ucabangani, uba. Okuzizwayo, uyakhanga. Ucabanga ukuthi udala kanjani. “

kuletha ukuhlakanipha; Ukungabi nokuzindla kushiya ukungazi. Yazi kahle
ukuthi yini okuholela phambili nokuthi ikuphi okukuvimba, futhi ukhethe
indlela eholela ekuhlakanipheni. “- IsiBuddha

“Kunamaphutha amabili kuphela ongayenza endleleni eya eqinisweni; hhayi ukuya yonke indlela, futhi hhayi ukuqala. “

“Akekho osindisa kodwa thina ngokwethu. Akekho ongakwazi futhi akekho ongakwenza. Thina ngokwethu kufanele sihambe endleleni. “

imicabango yomuntu idaka, Uma engenandaba futhi egcwele inkohliso,
Ungayigqoka kanjani ingubo ephuzi? Noma ngubani ongobuhle bakhe siqu,
Okhanyayo, ocacile futhi oqinisile, Ungase agqoke ingubo ephuzi. “
ayisoze yaphela uma nje imicabango yokucasuka ihlonishwa engqondweni.
Intukuthelo iyoshabalala ngokushesha nje lapho imicabango yokucasuka
ikhohliwe. “

“Umzimba wakho uyigugu. Imoto yethu yokuvusa. Yiphathe ngokucophelela. “- IsiBuddha

umzimba ulahlwa, Khona-ke uzizwa kanjani? Igijimi elingenalutho
lezinkuni, lilele phansi, Khona-ke liyazi ngani? Isitha sakho esibi
kunazo zonke angeke sikwazi ukukulimaza Ngokungafani nemicabango yakho
siqu, ungavikeleki. Kodwa uma wazi kahle, Akekho ongakusiza okuningi,
Akunjalo nobaba noma umama wakho. “

“Umuntu kufanele alwele
ukuqonda ukuthi yiziphi izinto ezibhekene nezifo nezifo - futhi zihlose
impilo nenhlalakahle ngenkathi eqhubeka endleleni.”

“Uma uthule
ngokwanele, uzozwa ukugeleza kwendawo yonke. Uzozwa isigqi salo. Hamba
ngalokhu kugeleza. Injabulo ilindele. Ukuzindla kuyisihluthulelo. “

Ama-quotes e-Buddha ngokuthula

“Kungcono kunamazwi angamakhulu angamazwi, elinye izwi eliletha ukuthula.” - IsiBuddha

“Ukuthula kuvela ngaphakathi. Ungayifuni ngaphandle. “

“Labo abangenakho ukucasuka, bathola ukuthula.”

“Kumelwe kube khona ububi ukuze okuhle kuveze ubungcwele bayo ngaphezu kwalo. “

“Ukuzinqoba kungumsebenzi omkhulu kunokunqoba abanye.”

imfihlo yokuphila ingesabi. Ungalokothi ukwesabe ukuthi kuzokwenzekani
kuwe, unganciki muntu. Kuphela isikhathi owenqaba ngaso sonke usizo
ukhululiwe. “

“Beka inhliziyo yakho ekwenzeni okuhle. Yenza ngokuphindaphindiwe futhi uyogcwala injabulo. “- IsiBuddha

“Yonke into enesiqalo inokuphela. Yenza ukuthula kwakho nalokhu kuzoba kuhle. “

“Impande yokuhlupheka iyinamathiselwe.”

Ama-quotes e-Buddha on Spiritual

“Awukwazi ukuhamba endleleni uze ube yindlela ngokwakho.”

“Izinto ezintathu azikwazi ukufihlwa isikhathi eside: ilanga, inyanga, neqiniso.” - IsiBuddha

“Ukuhluleka okuwukuphela kokuphila akufanele kube yiqiniso kumuntu owazi kahle.”

“Ukungcola noma ukungcola kuxhomeke kuwe. Akekho ongazihlanza omunye. “

kunjalo amazwi amaningi angcwele owafundelayo, Noma kunjalo abaningi
owakhulumayo, Bazokwenza kanjani okuhle uma ungenzi lutho phezu kwabo?”

“Uma ukhanyisa umuntu othize isibani, kuzophinde kukhanyise indlela yakho.” - IsiBuddha

“Uma singabona isimangaliso esisodwa sembali, impilo yethu yonke yayizoshintsha. “

“Labo abahlulekile ukusebenzela iqiniso baye balahlekelwa injongo yokuphila.”

“Ngokungafaniyo yiyona insizi enkulu kunazo zonke emhlabeni; ngozwela kukhona amandla eqiniso ezwe. “

“Uma ungatholi muntu ozokusekela endleleni engokomoya, hamba wedwa. Ayikho ubudlelwane nomuntu omncane. “

“Zenzele insindiso yakho. Ungathembeki kwabanye. “

“Noma kunjalo amazwi amaningi angcwele owafunda, Noma kunjalo m

Voice of All Awakened Aboriginal Societies (VoAAAS)

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. Learn more about our review process.

you think of a bank, you probably think of a place that takes deposits,
maintains checking and savings accounts, and offers loans like
mortgages. That’s true, but there’s an entirely different type of bank
focused on stocks, bonds, and investment products. These financial firms
may be a part of a larger firm that also offers commercial banking
services, but they take a unique role in the financial system that
influences the entire economy.

The best investment banks are large
financial institutions that play an important role in facilitating
money moving around the economy. Initial public offerings, for example,
are an opportunity for investors to help a company raise money while
also getting a stake in the business.

Full-service investment
banks offer a wide range of business and investment services. Many of
them also own or affiliate with a consumer bank. Most regular consumers
won’t need investment banking services, but for growing businesses and
high-net-worth individuals, an investment bank may offer unique
financial products and services to meet your needs. Need some advice
when it comes to finding one to use? Take a look at our picks below for
the best investment banks.


Best Overall: Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs is the most prestigious investment bank. The
nearly 150-year-old institution is a public company with $917 billion in
assets as of 2017. Multiple high-ranking government officials spent
time at Goldman, including U.S. Treasury secretaries, White House
advisors, and leadership roles in central banks and governments around
the world. This makes it incredibly influential and a major power hub on
Wall Street.

While the bank has endured its fair share of
controversies, including a role in the 2008 financial crisis, it also
engages in a wide range of corporate citizenship initiatives.

major services and divisions include financial advisory and
underwriting, its own investing and lending portfolios, institutional
investor services, investment management, and private equity. Outside of
investment banking, the company operates Marcus, an online consumer


Best From a Large Institution: J.P. Morgan Chase

J.P. Morgan Chase is one of the largest financial institutions
in the world. This massive company is made up primarily of two
divisions. The Chase side of the company is a business and commercial
bank. The J.P. Morgan brand is focused more on investments, including
investment banking. The company holds a mind-boggling $2.5 trillion in

On its website, J.P. Morgan puts a big focus on mergers
and acquisitions, a lucrative investment banking service. Other
offerings include advisory services, capital raising, and risk

Like most large banks, J.P. Morgan Chase came together
from a series of mergers and acquisitions of its own. Predecessors
include Chase Manhattan Bank, Bank One, Bear Stearns, and Washington
Mutual. The oldest predecessor was the third oldest bank in the country
and 31st oldest in the world. It was founded by Aaron Burr. Yes, the
same Aaron Burr of Hamilton infamy.


Best in Europe: Barclays

Barclays may not be the biggest name on this side of The Pond,
but in the United Kingdom, everyone is familiar with Barclays.
Headquartered in London, Barclays was founded in 1690 and holds £1.1
trillion in assets (around $1.5 trillion USD).

Consumers in the
United States may be familiar with Barclays credit cards, and a consumer
banking service is also under development for the U.S. It has a major
presence in New York and other world financial centers both in and out
of Europe.

Barclays made a big leap into U.S. investment banking
with the acquisition of Lehman Brothers in 2008. Another investment bank
with a history of scandal (something pretty consistent in this
industry), Barclays took heat for its compliance in the Lehman
acquisition and made headlines in 2012 for its role in the LIBOR
scandal. Nonetheless, it remains a large and respected investment bank
and holds a role as one of the biggest investment banks in the world.

Want to learn more? Check out our full review of Barclays


Best Turnaround: Morgan Stanley

With roots going back to 1924, Morgan Stanley is another major
investment bank in the United States. While it doesn’t make it into the
trillion dollars in assets club, it holds a respectable $852 billion
and falls squarely in the “too big to fail” banking stable. The current
Morgan Stanley operation came about in 1997 with a merger creating
Morgan Stanely Dean Witter Discover & Co. The name went back to
simply Morgan Stanley in 2001.

The international investment bank
operates three main divisions: institutions securities, wealth
management, and investment management. The wealth management division
services individual investors. Much of this division came from the
acquisition of Smith Barney, which had previously acquired famed
investment bank Salomon Brothers.

Like other major investment
banks, Morgan Stanley offers a suite of products for large businesses,
including mergers and acquisitions, advising, IPOs, restructurings, and
lending. The company just barely survived the 2008 financial crisis and
was the largest recipient of TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) funds
from the government during that tumultuous era for financial companies.
It turned itself around after 2008 and today lives up to the long
history as a leader in corporate buyouts.


Best for Innovation: Bank of America Merrill Lynch

The investment banking arm of Bank of America, this investment
bank came about through a long chain of mergers, most recently Bank of
America’s acquisition of major investment bank Merrill Lynch during the
financial crisis of 2008. It operates around the world with major
centers in Hong Kong, London, and New York. Bank of America is the
second biggest US bank with $2.3 trillion in assets.

Bank of
America Merrill Lynch investment banking offerings include mergers and
acquisitions, debt and equity offerings, lending, trading, risk
management, and other services. The old Merrill Lynch wealth advising
division lives on as Merrill Lynch, also owned by Bank of America but
with separate operations.

Like other investment banks, the
advisory services of Bank of America Merrill Lynch are important for
companies looking to raise funds in public markets. When going public,
investment bankers help determine the initial share price while
balancing liquidity and demand. They also help companies sell bonds,
another major option to raise capital.


Best for Recession Proofing: Credit Suisse

Investors around the world often look to the Swiss currency as
a safe haven when the U.S. dollar appears unstable, and Swiss banks
have a reputation for professionalism and privacy when handling large
financial transactions. A leader among Swiss banks is Credit Suisse,
tracing its roots back to 1856.

Credit Suisse came under fire from
U.S. regulators for allowing its well-known client confidentiality to
help others avoid paying taxes. The company has CHF 796 Billion in
assets, equivalent to about $800 billion USD. The company has a major
U.S. presence, partially driven by its merger with First Boston with a
relationship going back to 1978.

With a global reach, it was a
major underwriter in many significant U.S. deals, including the Amazon
IPO and projects for Apple Computer. Second in size only to UBS in
Switzerland, Credit Suisse operates in major financial centers around
the world.


Best in Germany: Deutsche Bank

Based in Frankfurt, Deutsche Bank holds about €1.5 trillion in
assets, making it one of the four biggest investment banks in Europe
and the largest in the Eurozone. Founded in 1870, Deutsche Bank is a
full-service financial institution with a powerful and influential
investment banking division.

Deutsche Bank is a major operator in
the United States and around the world and made a noteworthy
contribution to the 2008 financial crisis through its work in the
mortgage securities market. That led to a $7.2 billion fine in 2017. The
bank has dealt with a series of controversies over the last few years,
including doing business with sanctioned countries, money laundering,
and the 2015 LIBOR scandal. It is currently wrapped up in the Mueller
investigation of President Donald Trump due to its strong lending
relationship with Trump’s businesses.

However, much of its
business has little to no controversy. Its Corporate & Investment
Bank includes divisions working on M&A and advising, securities
sales and trading, risk management and securities issues, international
commercial banking and trade, and research and analysis.


Best in Canada: RBC Capital Markets

RBC Capital Markets is the investment bank of RBC,
headquartered in Toronto, Canada. With offices in the United States and
other countries, this major investment bank ranks as one of the largest
in North America and the world. Royal Bank of Canada, better known as
RBC, holds CAD $1.3 trillion in assets and has roots going back to 1869.

Capital Markets claims 70 offices in 15 countries. One interesting
product for a non-US company is its focus in U.S. municipal finance
(muni bonds). The bank also works in traditional investment banking
services like M&A and equity and debt market issues.

RBC sits
in a sweet spot with easy access to the United States and an
international focus. When you put it all together, that makes RBC a
compelling and competitive international investment bank. In 2017, RBC
joined the list of globally systemically important banks, or the “too
big to fail” list.

Our Process

Our writers spent four hours researching the most popular investment banks on the market. Before making their final recommendations, they considered 60 different banks overall. All of this research adds up to recommendations you can trust.

About This Website|By The Balance
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Best Banks in 2019
Saundra Latham

by Saundra Latham
Updated on 05.29.19


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Home » Banking » Best Bank

If you’re searching for the best bank, you have a dizzying number of
choices. The growth of online and mobile banking means there are more
ways than ever to do your banking on your own time and terms — not your

According to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,
FDIC-insured banks lost about 4.8% of their brick-and-mortar offices
from the beginning of 2009 to June 2014. In keeping with that trend, the
nation’s largest bank, Chase, announced plans to close 300 branches
during 2015 and 2016.

Meanwhile, a Federal Reserve study found
that 74% of adults used online banking to access their accounts in 2014,
up from 65% in 2011. And online-only banks such as Everbank and Ally
are luring customers with higher interest rates than traditional banks.
More than ever, you can now choose where and how you bank according to
what works best for you.
The Simple Dollar’s Top Picks

there are some characteristics that set the best banks apart from the
rest of the crowd. The Simple Dollar has done the work for you to find
the nation’s best banks.
Best Traditional Large Banks

Best bank for customer satisfaction: Chase Total Checking®
Best bank for availability: Wells Fargo
Best bank for stability: BB&T

Best Online Banks

Best bank for high interest rates and low fees: Ally
Best bank for comprehensive online offerings: Discover Bank
Best bank for checking only: Bank5 Connect

Best Traditional Banks

The growth of online banking certainly doesn’t mean the end of
traditional banking: 87% of respondents in this Federal Reserve study
still went to branches in 2014 to access their accounts. While we may no
longer need a branch for most day-to-day banking, many customers still
want the option, especially for more complex transactions.
Best Bank for Customer Satisfaction: Chase Total Checking®
Learn More

Chase Total Checking® is the nation’s largest bank by assets — it had a
whopping 13% of the entire industry’s assets at the end of 2014.
Fortunately, Chase has managed to keep its customers relatively happy
despite its mammoth size.

Why it’s worth a look: Chase fares far
better than its big-bank competitors in a major customer satisfaction
survey, scoring above average in more than half the regions where it has
retail locations. Chase also offers almost any financial product you
need, whether that’s a basic checking account, a home equity loan, or a
private investment advisor. With 5,000 branches and 16,000 ATMs, it’s
easy to access cash when you need it. Right now, get a $200 bonus when
you open a new Chase Total Checking® account and set up direct deposit.

Why you might want to skip it: Interest rates are nothing to write home
about here. For example, a basic savings account will get you a measly
0.01% effective as of 7/15/19. Interest rates are variable and subject
to change. A one-year CD will get you 0.02% unless you deposit $100,000
or more — then you get a whopping 0.05%. Despite its size, Chase doesn’t
have branches in most of the Southeast and plains states. And while its
product lineup is mostly impressive, you’re out of luck if you want a
personal loan.
Best Bank for Availability: Wells Fargo

Fargo isn’t far behind Chase when it comes to assets, having access to
almost 10% of the U.S. market. Its acquisition of Wachovia in 2008
boosted its already-hefty retail-banking presence, making it one of the
most accessible banks in the U.S.

Why it’s worth a look: With
more than 6,300 branches as of June 2014, Wells Fargo has the most
locations of any U.S. bank, and they are spread across nearly every
region. Branches include several “stores within a store” — small
locations inside of grocery stores, meant to make in-person banking more
convenient. You’ll also have access to more than 12,000 ATMs and an
impressive lineup of financial products including credit cards, personal
loans, investments, and even insurance policies.

Wells Fargo can
be more innovative on the loan side. They have special loan programs
targeted at doctors, for instance. These programs used to be plentiful
before 2008, and are now difficult to find.

Why you might want to
skip it: Interest rates are also paltry at Wells Fargo, which offers
the same APY on its basic savings account as Chase. A one-year CD will
fetch 0.05% APY. Wells Fargo also notches mostly average marks for
customer satisfaction.
Best Bank for Stability: BB&T

BB&T fares well in measures of financial stability — better than
most of its larger competitors — while still maintaining solid marks in
customer service, availability, and reach.

Why it’s worth a look:
If the subprime mortgage crisis left you nervous about your bank’s
financial health, BB&T notches the highest-possible 5-star rating
from BauerFinancial, which analyzes banks’ regulatory filings. It also
scored much better than many other large retail banks in an annual
Forbes ranking that analyzes factors including the quality of a bank’s
assets and the adequacy of its capital. BB&T also maintains solid
customer satisfaction marks, particularly in regions where it has the
most branches.

Why you might want to skip it: While BB&T
remains one of the nation’s largest banks by assets, its nearly 1,900
branches are limited to the mid-Atlantic, Southeast, and Texas.
Best Online Banks

The banks in this section are online-only; they don’t have branches
like the traditional banks above. These institutions focus mainly on
basic checking and savings accounts, but if you’re a tech-savvy
investor, we encourage you to check out The Simple Dollar’s best online
brokers. Brokers such as T.D. Ameritrade and E*TRADE offer consumer
banking products in addition to investment tools, letting you keep tabs
on everything in one place.
Best Bank for High Interest Rates and Low Fees: Ally

Ally is a strong all-around performer in online-only banking, offering
an impressive blend of low fees, high interest rates, and accessibility.
Formerly known as GMAC Bank — part of General Motors’ financing
division — Ally re-branded and switched gears in 2009 after it received a
government bailout during the subprime mortgage crisis.

Why it’s
worth a look: Ally’s savings account offers an impressive 1.60% APY
with no maintenance fees or minimum balance, and the one-year CD will
get you 1.75% APY with no minimum deposit. There are also no monthly
maintenance fees for checking accounts. If you’re concerned about
accessing your money, Ally allows you to use any ATM and reimburses the
fees. In fact, Ally does an impressive job of making its fees easy to
find and understand, and they’re typically much lower than the

Why you might want to skip it: Ally is great for
checking and savings, but if you’re looking for credit cards, most types
of loans, and other products, you’re out of luck. Ally does offer auto
loans, but you must go through a dealership — there is no way to apply
online. Its customer reviews are also decidedly mixed.
Best Bank for Comprehensive Online Offerings: Discover Bank

Discover Bank boasts a bigger product lineup than many of its
online-only rivals, and its longevity may comfort some online-banking
skeptics. The company has added an array of financial services since
launching the first Discover credit card in 1986.

Why it’s worth a
look: Beyond typical deposit accounts such as checking, savings, and
CDs, Discover also offers a lot more: IRAs; home, personal, and student
loans; and an array of credit cards. You’ll be able to withdraw cash
from a whopping 60,000 ATMs nationwide without paying a fee. Interest
rates are competitive, though a bit lower than Ally’s, including 2.10%
APY for savings and 2.65% APY for a one-year CD.

Why you might
want to skip it: There is no minimum to open a savings account but there
is a $2,500 to open a money market account or CD, while several
competitors offer lower minimums or none at all. Account fees are also
higher than at some other online-only banks, including a painful
$30-per-day fee for insufficient funds.
Best Bank for Checking Only: Bank5 Connect

Convenient access to checking is essential, and we’ve been conditioned
to accept paltry interest rates in exchange for keeping our money easy
to access. Bank5 Connect bucks that trend in a notable way.

it’s worth a look: Bank5 Connect offers 0.76% APY on its basic checking
account, a rate untouched by most competitors. You also won’t have to
fork over a huge chunk of cash to open or maintain an account: All
you’ll need is $10 to start and a $100 balance to start earning
interest. There are no monthly maintenance fees. And if you’re wary of a
bank you may not have heard of, don’t be: Bank5 Connect receives 5
stars from BauerFinancial, which analyzes a bank’s financial health. It
also has excess-deposit insurance for accounts that exceed FDIC limits.

Why you might want to skip it: You’re limited to the basics here —
checking, savings, and short-term CDs. And unlike Ally and Discover,
Bank5 Connect doesn’t offer 24/7 customer service over the phone.
Traditional or Online Banks: Which is Best?

There are advantages and disadvantages to traditional and online banks,
and only your priorities can dictate which method you’ll favor.

However, keep in mind that this doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing
question. For years, my husband and I have used a combination of both
traditional and online banking. Enticed by a high interest rate, we
opened our main savings account at one of the nation’s largest
online-only banks, where we also have a checking account. However, we
also maintain separate accounts at banks with local branches, too. We’ve
created links between these accounts that make it easy to move deposits
fairly seamlessly.
Why Would I Choose an Online Bank?

you’re reasonably tech-savvy and want to keep a little more money in
your pocket, online banking could be for you. Here’s why:

Convenience: This is by far the biggest advantage to online banks. Open
24/7, online banks don’t require you to wait in line during business
hours to open an account or make a deposit. Customer service is
typically a phone call or a few clicks away, whatever the hour.

Higher interest rates: Traditional banks typically have a lot of
overhead — namely, the cost of leasing and operating physical locations —
and they pass on the costs in the form of lower interest rates.
Online-only banks offer low rates in part because they save money with
less overhead.
Lower fees: Online-only banks often have lower
fees than traditional banks. Many have fully featured checking accounts
with no monthly maintenance fee or minimum balance. Meanwhile, after
years of free checking at my longtime traditional bank, they recently
ruffled my feathers by requiring me to keep a minimum $1,500 balance to
avoid a monthly fee of $11.
Better online and mobile tools: This
varies from bank to bank, but online-only banks typically offer a more
seamless, comprehensive online-banking experience. FAQs are more
complete, interest rates and fees are clearly stated, and tools such as
loan payment calculators are readily available. Features such as online
bill pay and account alerts are usually reliable and bug-free. In fact,
I’ve never had a problem depositing checks with my smartphone when I’m
using my online-only account; the times I’ve tried to use my traditional
bank’s app to do the same, it hasn’t worked about half the time.

Why Would I Choose a Traditional Bank?

Still, there are compelling reasons to keep your traditional bank account, too — especially if you value service.

Face-to-face customer service: Some customers still value banking
with a real person, and that can go far beyond friendly chit-chat with a
teller. Building a relationship with your bank is easier when you do
business in person, and can be tremendously beneficial, especially if
your needs are more complex or immediate. For example, my husband and I
were able to get a last-minute, low-interest loan from our local bank
when an error by our mortgage lender left us short-handed and threatened
our closing date. Our existing relationship with that bank made the
process a lot shorter and smoother than it would have been elsewhere,
especially online.
Wider range of products: As convenient as
online banking is, it might not be ideal if you want to use a wide range
of financial products at one institution. Traditional banks more
commonly offer a big variety, from the basics (checking, savings,
certificates of deposit, money market accounts) to more advanced
investments, credit cards, and loans. Online-only banks may offer a
fraction of these services, in part to keep fees down and rates up on
basic accounts.
Access to deposits: While online-only banks
offer many convenient features, traditional banks often have a leg up
when it comes to keeping your money more accessible. You may have a
bigger, more readily available network of no-fee ATMs, and depositing a
check directly with a teller often means same-day access to that cash.
Depending on how you deposit your check with an online-only bank, you
could be waiting a couple days or more to access that money.

reason not to choose a traditional bank over an online-only bank is
because you think it’s more secure. While news of data breaches is
always sobering, consider that traditional banks are just as vulnerable.
Powerful encryption methods protect you online, but information from
your paper statements or other documents is ripe for the taking by
anyone who picks through your garbage.
Five Things to Look For in a Bank

There are several factors to consider when you’re choosing where to safeguard your money. Here are five of the most important:
#1: Reasonable Fees

All banks charge a range of fees, so keep your eye on what’s really
important — the stuff that can really add up. For most, that includes a
monthly fee for checking accounts, which can amount to $10 or more at
some banks. Look for free checking or a bank that will waive the fee if
you have a certain minimum balance or monthly direct deposits.

Overdraft fees can also add up big time: Your bank may charge up to $30
or more a day if you try to withdraw more than is actually available in
your account. Finally, you could be on the hook for more than $4 each
time you use an out-of-network ATM.

If you’re concerned about
being nickel and dimed, strongly consider online-only banks, which often
have lower fees than traditional banks. Online banks are also often
more transparent about fees, making the information easier to find on
their websites.
#2: Convenient Access

The best bank in the
world would lose its luster with slow deposits or tricky withdrawals.
Take an honest look at your habits. For instance, do you need to deposit
checks frequently, or do you mainly rely on direct deposit from your
employer? It may take an online-only bank longer to make your funds
available, but direct deposit typically eliminates this delay.

You’ll also want to look at how you typically withdraw cash. If you’re
constantly hitting the ATM, be sure your bank has a big, convenient
network to avoid fees. Some online-only banks even reimburse ATM fees
since they don’t have networks of their own. And if you’re going to be
using a lot of checks, be sure you have unlimited check writing.

Finally, if you like doing business in person, choose a bank with
convenient locations and hours that mesh with your schedule. Frequent
travelers may want to stick to a larger bank with branches spread
nationwide, but a smaller regional bank or even a community bank can do
the trick if you’re happy to stay close to your hometown.
#3: The Services You Need

The nation’s biggest banks offer a dizzying array of deposit accounts,
investment products, loans, credit cards, and much more. Keeping your
business in one spot can be convenient, but you also don’t want to pay a
premium to help your bank maintain services you don’t use.

Take a
realistic look at your needs. If you’re retiring and want a bank with a
lot of investment options, you’ll probably want to look at larger,
traditional institutions. If you’re a young professional who only needs
basic checking and savings, you may want to look at online-only banks.
And when the day comes that you need more, shop around.

It may
make sense to do business at a handful of institutions to maximize the
advantages of each one. And if you’re worried about keeping track of
multiple accounts, budgeting tools such as Quicken can help you keep
tabs on your cash by integrating with your accounts.
#4: Help Available How and When You Want It

Customer service can take a lot of forms these days. While you may
envision speaking with a teller or a bank manager, it can also mean
phone calls with customer service representatives, FAQs, and online chat

Obviously, if you want to do business in person and
truly build a banking relationship, you’ll need a traditional bank. You
may also want to consider size — you’re more likely to become a valued
customer at a regional or local bank than a national megabank.

the other hand, if you prefer to do business electronically, you may
like an online-only bank. Just check for features such as 24/7 phone
service, online chat, and FAQs to be sure you can get help when you do
need it.
#5: High-Interest Savings Options

There are so many
good high-yield savings accounts today that it makes little sense to
park your money in an account that’s giving you 0.01% APY. There are
several great options online that will get you closer to 1.0% APY.

Money market accounts and CDs are also likely to have higher interest
rates online, but note that MMAs and CDs often have higher minimum
deposits. CDs also require you to park your money for a certain amount
of time before you can withdraw it without penalty.
How I Chose the Best Banks

Because traditional banks and online banks have such different
strengths, I used very different criteria to evaluate them. Here’s a
closer look:
Traditional Banks

When looking at traditional
banks, I weighed measures of customer satisfaction most heavily — after
all, personal service is one of the biggest reasons to remain with
brick-and-mortar banks. I used ratings from the 2015 J.D. Power and
Associates Retail Banking Study as well as the 2014 American Customer
Satisfaction Index Finance and Insurance Report, when applicable.

Next, I looked at branch availability, judged by the number of branches
a bank has according to the FDIC and whether the bank has a presence
nationwide or in only one or two regions.

I also considered the
bank’s product range. While all banks offer basics such as checking and
savings, not all offer a wide range of loans (mortgages, auto loans,
personal loans, student loans), credit cards, and investment vehicles
such as IRAs, mutual funds, and annuities.

Finally, I considered
the bank’s financial health, measured by BauerFinancial’s Bank Star
Ratings. These ratings, which range from one to five stars, are based on
the company’s independent analysis of regulatory filings that detail
banks’ assets, profitability, and cash flow, among other data.
Online Banks

To qualify for evaluation as an online bank, the institution couldn’t
have a brick-and-mortar branches. This prevents crossover between
categories, since many traditional banks do offer varying degrees of
online services.

Because high interest rates and low fees are the
main advantages of online-only banks, these factors weighed most
heavily in my analysis. I compared rates for basic savings accounts and
one-year CDs across institutions. I also looked at checking account
interest rates, but they were less of a consideration since you
typically won’t be using a checking account to grow your money. I also
compared fees and minimum balances, taking particular note of fees that
are most likely to affect the greatest number of people, such as account
maintenance fees and overdraft fees.

To round out my analysis, I
considered customer service availability, including whether phone
support is offered 24/7, how comprehensive the FAQs were, and whether
online chat was an option. I also evaluated the number of financial
products offered and how easy the bank’s website made it to find crucial
information on rates and fees.
There’s No Best Bank for Everyone

One size doesn’t fit all in banking. One person may despise the
anonymity of an online-only bank, while another can’t fathom the idea of
waiting in line to do business with a teller.

You may even find
that you’re best served by multiple accounts: A high-yield, online-only
savings account might be great for parking and growing money you still
want periodic access to, while a checking account at your local bank may
still be your most convenient option for everyday banking. I’ve used
that formula for several years now and it has served me well.

you’d like a larger traditional bank, Chase Total Checking® and Chase
Savings℠ tops our recommendations because it offers the best blend of
products, service, and availability. If you’re ready to look into
online-only banks, Ally should be one of your first stops because of its
high interest rates and low fees.

If you’d like further
guidance, The Simple Dollar has zeroed in on the best savings accounts
and the best free checking accounts. We also offer guides on the best
money market accounts and how to find the best CD rates.

Editorial Note: Compensation does not influence our rankings and
recommendations. However, we may earn a commission on sales from the
companies featured in this post. To view a list of partners, click here.
Opinions expressed here are the author’s alone, and have not been
reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by our advertisers. Reasonable
efforts are made to present accurate info, however all information is
presented without warranty. Consult our advertiser’s page for terms
& conditions.
If you’re searching for the best bank, you have a dizzying number of……/g-20-finance-chiefs-mull-fair-tax-…
G-20 Finance Chiefs Mull ‘Fair Tax’ Reforms to Boost Growth
G-20 finance chiefs debate ways to corporate taxes fair, curb evasion.
By Associated Press, Wire Service Content June 7, 2019, at 10:26 p.m.
U.S. News & World Report

G-20 Finance Chiefs Mull ‘Fair Tax’ Reforms to Boost Growth
The Associated Press

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, right, delivers a speech during
the G20 Ministerial Symposium on International Taxation in the G20
Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in Fukuoka,
southern Japan Saturday, June 8, 2019. Finance chiefs of the Group of 20
major economies meeting in the Japanese city of Fukuoka are debating
how to revise tax systems to ensure big companies pay their fair share
and support economies as global growth slows. (Toshifumi Kitamura/Pool
Photo via AP) The Associated Press


FUKUOKA, Japan (AP) — Finance chiefs of the Group of 20 major economies
meeting in the Japanese city of Fukuoka debated Saturday over how to
revise tax systems to ensure big companies pay their fair share and
support economies as global growth slows.

One aim is to prevent a
“race to the bottom” by countries trying to lure companies by offering
unsustainably and unfairly low tax rates as an incentive.

Ensuring governments capture a fair share of profits from the massive
growth of businesses like Facebook and Amazon has grown in importance
over the many years the G-20 finance chiefs have been debating reforms
aimed at preventing tax evasion and modernizing policies, as financial
markets and businesses have been transformed by technology.

“Everyone, we are now facing a turning point. This could be the biggest
reform of the long established international framework in over 100
years,” Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso told the group.

the officials from both wealthy and developing nations differed over
some details, they agreed on the need to get the job done.

sounds like we have a strong consensus, and now we deal with the
technicalities of how we turn this into reality,” U.S. Treasury
Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Saturday.

The talks in this
bustling port city come just weeks ahead of the June 28-29 summit of
G-20 leaders in Osaka, Japan, where President Donald Trump and his
Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping are due to meet and possibly work on
resolving their bruising standoff over trade and technology.

Mnuchin has been heading trade talks with Beijing along with U.S. Trade
Representative Robert Lighthizer. He was due to meet with Yi Gang,
governor of China’s central bank, in Fukuoka. It was unclear if their
meeting might lead to a restart of those talks after weeks of stalemate.

Concern over the potential blow to the world economy from the battle of
wills between the two biggest economies has deepened as the Trump
administration prepares to expand retaliatory tariff hikes of up to 25%
to another $300 billion of Chinese products.

Meanwhile, after a
flurry of negotiations, Trump said in a tweet that he would refrain from
imposing 5% tariffs on products from Mexico after it “agreed to take
strong measures” to stem the flow of Central American migrants into the
United States.

“I am pleased to inform you that The United States
of America has reached a signed agreement with Mexico,” Trump tweeted
Friday night, saying the “tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the
U.S. on Monday, against Mexico, are hereby indefinitely suspended.”

The Trump administration began slapping tariffs on imports of Chinese
goods nearly a year ago, accusing Beijing of resorting to predatory
tactics to give Chinese companies an edge in advanced technologies such
as artificial intelligence, robotics and electric vehicles. These
tactics, the U.S. contends, include hacking into U.S. companies’
computers to steal trade secrets, forcing foreign companies to hand over
sensitive technology in exchange for access to the Chinese market and
unfairly subsidizing Chinese tech firms.

Trump has also
complained repeatedly about America’s huge trade deficit with China — a
record $379 billion last year — which he blames on weak and naive
negotiating by previous U.S. administrations.

The United States
now is imposing 25% taxes on $250 billion in Chinese goods. Beijing has
counterpunched by targeting $110 billion worth of American products,
focusing on farm goods such as soybeans in a deliberate effort to
inflict pain on Trump supporters in the U.S. heartland.

While the
tariffs have taken a minor toll on the overall U.S. economy, the
uncertainty and slowing demand are rippling across the globe. Earlier
this week, the World Bank downgraded its forecast for the global economy
in light of trade conflicts, financial strains and unexpectedly sharp
slowdowns in wealthier countries.

The weakness has prompted central banks, most recently in Australia and India, to slash interest rates to fend off recession.

A report Friday of a sharp pullback in U.S. hiring for May intensified
fears that the economy has weakened and that many employers have grown
nervous, in part from trade conflicts. Yet the stock market soared and
bond yields fell because it raised hopes that the Federal Reserve might
cut interest rates in the coming months, perhaps as early as July, to
support the economy.

Japan, hosting the G-20 for the first time
since it was founded in 1999, has plumbed the limits of that strategy.
The Bank of Japan’s policy interest rate has been at minus 0.1% for
years, to keep credit cheap, supporting a modest pace of expansion.

As trade conflicts percolate and leaders come and go, the finance
chiefs have carried on chipping away at financial reforms and other
perennial issues.

Some European members of the G-20, especially,
want to see minimum corporate tax rates for big multinationals. Mnuchin
said he disagreed with details of some of the proposals but not with the
need for action.

“The world has evolved very quickly with new
business models,” he said. “If we’re going to fix this we need it to
work for the next 10 years as well.”

The finance leaders are also
discussing the issue of how developing countries are handling debts
incurred through major construction projects, efforts to combat money
laundering and to prevent terrorist groups from using cybercurrencies as
a source of funding.

They are likely to issue a joint communique to be endorsed at the G-20 summit in Osaka.

Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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G-20 finance chiefs debate ways to corporate taxes fair, curb evasion.

The 10 Biggest Banks in the World

Table of Contents

International banks continue to grow their assets as the
world economy expands. If no major economy falters, the expansion may
continue. While there is some debate whether China’s economy is bigger
than that of the United States, there is no questioning which nation is
home to the largest banks. The power in banking is unquestionably
shifting eastward to China. Out of the top 10 largest banks by assets,
only two are American banks. They rank number six and nine. The leading
banks by far are Chinese banks. China holds the top four slots in the
top 10.

Japan and France are also represented, and England has the No. 5
bank. In short, only five countries are represented on the list of top
10 banks in the world. This concentration of financial activity does not
necessarily represent a concentration of wealth. All of the banks on
our top 10 list do international business, so wealth from countries with
smaller banks is flowing through the top 10 players.

We have listed the world’s banks from largest to smallest and indicated the dollar value of their assets. All figures are current as of April 23, 2017.

1. Industrial & Commercial Bank of China

This is the largest bank in the world when measured by assets. It has
$3.62 trillion in total assets. The bank’s revenues come in at $134.8
billion. Measured by revenues, this is the fourth largest bank in the

Though this is a commercial bank, it is state-owned. The bank
provides loans, financing for businesses, credit cards, as well as money
management for high-net-worth individuals and companies. The bank also
offers money market vehicles, investing opportunities and exchange and
transfer services..

2. China Construction Bank Corp.

This is the second Chinese bank on our top 10 list. It offers
corporate banking, which deals with credit, company e-banking, credit
lines and commercial loans. The personal banking segment offers personal
loans, credit cards, deposits and wealth management for individual

The bank also operates a Treasury sector that deals with money
markets, debt securities, and currencies. The China Construction Bank
has assets of $2.94 trillion.

3. Agricultural Bank of China

This Beijing bank has branches across China, plus London, Tokyo, New
York and Sydney, Australia. Not only is it the third-largest bank on our
list, but it is also one of the 10 largest companies in the world.
Agricultural Bank of China is state-owned.

The bank deals with small farmers and large agricultural wholesale
companies. It also works with non-agricultural companies. Its largest
growth segment is mid-sized companies. The bank has assets of $2.82

4. Bank of China

The Bank of China offers investment banking, insurance and investing
services. It also provides personal loans, credit card services, debit
cards, mortgages, asset and liability management and insurance. Assets
total $2.63 trillion.

5. HSBC Holdings (HSBC)

This is a bank based in England. The bank has offices in
80 countries, and has 1,800 locations in the U.K. It provides private
banking and consumer finance, along with corporate banking and
investment services. HSBC has $2.57 trillion in assets.

6. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM)

This is the first bank on the list that is based in the United States. It is based in New York, but it is a multinational bank.

Though it is ranked sixth-largest in the world, it is the largest
bank in the United States. It is involved in investment services, asset
management, wealth management and securities. Assets total $2.45

7. BNP Paribas

This French bank has assets of $2.4 trillion. It has offices in 75
countries, including the United States. This bank was ranked second
among banks in the euro zone in 2016.

8. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group

This is a Japanese bank that offers consumer banking, as well as
business and private banking. This is also an investment bank. It offers
asset management and real estate banking. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial
Group has assets worth $2.459 trillion.

9. Bank of America (BAC)

Bank of America is a U.S. bank that offers services for personal
banking, small businesses, mid-sized businesses, and large corporations.
It offers investment services in addition to its deposit and checking
accounts. The bank has nearly 5,000 retail outlets, with assets topping
$2.15 trillion.

10. Credit Agricole Group

This is the second French bank on the list. It has assets of $1.91
trillion. This bank has a history of working with farmers. It is part of
a network of 39 French banks.…/the-2019-list-of-the-worlds-best…/…
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Eric Rosen
Eric Rosen

The 2019 list of the world’s best airlines is out, and topping the
rankings is Asian carrier Singapore Airlines. The much-awaited annual
Airline Excellence Awards comes courtesy of, which is an aviation safety- and product-rating site based out of Perth, Australia.
Singapore Airlines took the top spot in this year’s rankings.

Singapore Airlines took the top spot in this year’s rankings. Singapore Airlines

While Air New Zealand has claimed the top spot for the past five years,
change is afoot for 2019. Singapore Airlines, last year’s third-place
carrier, unseated the reigning champion as well as other list stalwarts
like Qantas. Doha-based Qatar Airways, which did not make last year’s
top 10, earned the number four spot thanks to its catering and the
introduction of its industry-leading business-class QSuites.

How does
go about determining the rankings? Seven editors at the agency consider
a dozen key factors including operational safety, passenger reviews,
profitability, investment rating, fleet age, product offerings such as
premium economy on long-haul flights and seating options in other

Qatar Airways made the list thanks to its innovative QSuites.

Qatar Airways made the list thanks to its innovative QSuites. Qatar Airways

No wonder, then, that Singapore jumped to the top spot in the rankings.
The airline is in the midst of a dramatic fleet revitalization, with
the introduction of Airbus A350s and Boeing 787-10s and the launch of
major new long-haul routes such as Singapore to Newark and Los Angeles,
both of which took place within the last month or so. The airline is
also in the midst of delivery of its order of new Airbus A380s, on which
passengers will find its latest business-class seats and its
much-lauded new first-class suites.
editor-in-chief, Geoffrey Thomas said, “One of the standouts in the
industry for decades, [Singapore Airlines] has returned to its best with
a new product, new aircraft and new innovative flights such as the
Singapore-New York non-stop. Quite simply, the airline is the gold

You can find all the rankings here, but this is the complete list of’s top 10 airlines in the world for 2019.

Singapore Airlines
Air New Zealand
Qatar Airways
Virgin Australia
All Nippon Airways
Cathay Pacific
Japan Airlines

Among the new entrants on this year’s list are Dubai-based Emirates and
EVA Air from Taiwan. Airlines that appeared on last year’s list but did
not make this one include Virgin Atlantic, Etihad and Korean Air.

As was the case last year, not a single airline from Europe or the
Americas made the overall top 10 list. That is something of a surprise
considering Delta, like Qatar Airways, introduced a new all-suites
business class last year. Also like previous years, the rankings are
significantly skewed toward the Asia-Pacific region. This should not be a
surprise considering the massive growth of aviation in that part of the
world, which is only projected to continue increasing in the coming
decades. also picks winners in over a dozen specific categories. Here are those results.

Best First Class: Singapore Airlines thanks to the new first class suites Singapore Airlines unveiled last year.
Singapore Airlines’ new suites won the prize for best first class.

Singapore Airlines’ new suites won the prize for best first class. Singapore Airlines.

Best Business Class: Qatar Airways. “The airline’s QSuite is a
first-class experience in business class,” said Thomas. “It sets a
standard to which some airlines can only aspire.”

Best Premium Economy: Air New Zealand won this thanks to its spacious seats, premium touches and expanding route network.

Best Economy: Korean Air took the top award in this category again this
year thanks to seats that are among the roomiest in the industry.

Best Cabin Crew: Virgin Australia beat out Singapore Airlines this year.

Best Catering: Qatar Airways unseated Qantas for this accolade in 2019.

Best Lounges: Qantas Airways remains the champ in this category. “The
judges were unanimous on the airline’s lounges, which are exceptional,”
said Thomas.
As in past years, Qantas’s lounges won in their category.

As in past years, Qantas’s lounges won in their category. Qantas

Best In-Flight Entertainment: Emirates won this category again as one of the pioneers of in-flight entertainment.

Regional Airline of the Year: QantasLink picked up this award thanks to
its services to remote and challenging operating environments.

Most Improved Airline: Philippine Airlines won, explained Thomas, thanks
to, “A move to expand its global footprint using a new generation of
fuel-efficient aircraft equipped with the latest cabins.”

Best Ultra-Low-Cost Carrier: Quickly growing VietJet out of Vietnam earned this prize for the second year in a row.
VietJet won among ultra-low-cost carriers.

VietJet won among ultra-low-cost carriers. VietJet

Best Long-Haul Airline:
breaks this category down by region in the following way: Emirates
(Middle East), EVA Air (Asia-Pacific), Lufthansa (Europe) and Delta

Best Low-Cost Airline: Also ranked by region, the
winners here were: Westjet (Americas), AirAsia/AirAsia X (Asia-Pacific)
and Wizz (Europe).

As with any rankings system, the importance of
this one to most fliers will depend more on the carriers operating in
their home region and their own flying habits. For a more general
overview of the aviation industry and the top players, check out
rankings from other major publications, including Condé Nast Traveler,
Travel + Leisure and SkyTrax.

Eric Rosen is a travel and food writer from Los Angeles, California. Keep up with his latest travels on Instagram @EricRosenLA.
Eric Rosen
Eric Rosen

People ask me how much time I spend on the road each year, and I reply
that I am away from home over half the time. The next question they
invariably ask is: Does it get…

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14,696 viewsMay 28, 2019, 01:57pm
UNICEF And Duke University To Team Up On Menstrual Hygiene
Maryanne Murray Buechner
Brand Contributor

On World Menstrual Hygiene Day, a look at how a new partnership aims to
accelerate innovative, sustainable solutions for children — starting
with one of the biggest issues for adolescent girls.
girls in the Ramgarh district of Jharkhand state, India, participate in a
body-mapping activity, part of a UNICEF-supported program to improve
menstrual health and hygiene and help girls stay in school.

Adolescent girls in the Ramgarh district of Jharkhand state, India,
participate in a body-mapping activity, part of a UNICEF-supported
program to improve menstrual health and hygiene and help girls stay in
school. © UNICEF/UN0214896/Vishwanathan

For many adolescent girls
living in countries where UNICEF works, menstruation is a big problem —
a source of stress, shame, embarrassment, confusion and fear.

Many girls do not attend school during their monthly cycles. Frequently,
they fall behind in their studies or stop going altogether. A 2010
study conducted in India showed that nearly a quarter (23%) of girls
were dropping out of school once they hit puberty.

long worked to counter these trends by assisting girls in low-resource
and crisis-affected areas with menstrual health and hygiene, supporting
programs that provide critical health information, facilities and
supplies girls need to manage their periods without stress or stigma and
working with governments and other partners to advance girl-friendly
policies and services.

These efforts are about to get a big boost
through the Duke-UNICEF Innovation Accelerator, a new partnership with
Duke University’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative. Through
the program, a select group of innovators will receive grants to
develop, test and scale their solutions to some of the world’s most
pressing problems, with menstrual hygiene management as the focus of the
first round of investment. Each project stands to benefit from UNICEF’s
programming expertise and global reach, and Duke’s experience in social
entrepreneurship and commercial ventures.
UNICEF USA board member
and Duke alumna Selwyn Rayzor discussing the Duke-UNICEF Innovation
Accelerator at the March 2019 UNICEF Summit in Washington, D.C.

UNICEF USA board member and Duke alumna Selwyn Rayzor discussing the
Duke-UNICEF Innovation Accelerator at the March 2019 UNICEF Summit in
Washington, D.C. © UNICEF USA

At the March 2019 UNICEF Summit in
Washington, D.C., Selwyn Rayzor, who serves on the Duke I&E board
and is also UNICEF USA’s North Texas and Central Region Board Chair,
described the vision for the Accelerator as a way to drive meaningful,
sustainable change. “There’s not a lack of innovative ideas,” she said.
“There’s a lack of human resources and capital to really grow those

Like all UNICEF Innovation work, Accelerator projects
will be guided by the Principles for Innovation and Technology in
Development. Participating innovators will be matched with other social
and commercial entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, innovative NGO leaders
and Duke faculty, staff, and alumni with expertise in specific areas.

“This partnership is a tremendous opportunity… to cultivate a new generation of humanitarian entrepreneurs.”
Jon Fjeld, Director of Duke University’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative

“This partnership is a tremendous opportunity for Duke to help children
around the world and cultivate a new generation of humanitarian
entrepreneurs,” says Duke I&E Director Jon Fjeld. “Our expertise in
social entrepreneurship will serve as a strong foundation for the
Accelerator, and our hope is that the connections we facilitate among
innovators, faculty, students and other partners will unite and mobilize
our whole community.”

Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) is a global
advocacy platform that brings together the voices and actions of
non-profits, government agencies, individuals, the private sector and
the media to promote good menstrual hygiene management (MHM) for all
women and girls. To learn more, visit

For over 70 years, UNICEF has been putting children first, working to
protect their rights and provide the assistance and services they need
to survive and thrive.


Maryanne Murray Buechner
Maryanne Murray Buechner Brand Contributor

Maryanne Murray Buechner, a freelancer based in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY,
works as an editorial consultant for UNICEF USA and part-time program
writer for Merck for Mother…

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7,028 viewsJun 6, 2019, 04:38am
Taiwan’s Tech Firms Are Resurrecting Smart Glasses For A Niche Audience, And Google Is Taking Note
Ralph Jennings
Ralph Jennings
Ralph Jennings
Ralph Jennings

As a news reporter I have covered some of everything since 1988, from
my alma mater U.C. Berkeley to the Great Hall of the People in Beijing
where I followed Communist o…

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The list of the best airlines in the world for 2019 is out with Singapore…

[Updated] Top 10 Aircraft Manufacturers in the World

Top 10 Aircraft Manufacturers in the World

Best Civil Aircraft Manufacturers of the World

In Top 10 List we always discuss about different matters. This time
we make the list of Top 10 List of civil aircraft manufacturers of the
world. We hope that this list will be very informative. In the same time
we always put the right information in the Top 10 List.

Top 10 Aircraft Manufacturers in the World

1. Airbus

Civil Aircraft Manufacturers

In the Top 10 List of civil aircraft manufacturers of the world we
keep Airbus in the 1st place. Airbus is one of the world’s leading
aircraft manufacturers fulfilling about half or more of the orders for
airliners with more than 100 seats. The headquarters of this company is
in Toulouse, France. About 52000 people are working in this company.
Airbus has 12 sites all over the world.

2. Boeing

In the Top 10 List of civil aircraft manufacturers of the world we
keep Boeing in the 2nd place. Boeing s a UAS based company which
headquarters is in Chicago. Boeing also design and manufactures
rotorcraft, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites, launch
vehicles and advanced information and communication systems. In this
company about 158000 people are working. Boeing 777, 737,747 and 767 are the main commercial production of Boeing.

3. Bombardier

In the Top 10 List of civil aircraft manufacturers we keep Bombardier
in the 3rd place. Bombardier is a global transportation company that is
present in over 60 countries on 5 continents. Bombardier Aerospace is
the world’s third largest civil aircraft manufacturer and is leaders in
the design and manufacture of innovative aviation products and services
for the business, regional and amphibious aircraft markets. The
headquarters of this company is in Montreal in Canada. About 32500
people are working in this company.

4. Embraer

In the Top 10 List of civil aircraft manufacturers we keep Embraer in
the 4th place. Embraer has become one of the main aircraft
manufacturers in the world by focusing on specific market segments with
high growth potential in commercial, defense, and executive aviation.
The headquarters of this company is in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil.
About 17237 people are working in this company.

5. Tupolev

In the Top 10 List of civil aircraft manufacturers in the world we
keep Tupolev in the 5th place. Tupolev is a Russian aerospace and
defense company, headquartered in Moscow. They are also actively
developing missile and naval aviation technologies. In this company
about 18000 people are working.

6. Cessna

In the Top 10 List of civil aircraft manufacturers we keep Cessna in
the 6th place. Cessna Aircraft Company is the leading designer and
manufacturer of light and midsize business jets. The company is a
subsidiary of the U.S. conglomerate Textron. In this company about 15000
people are working.

7. Cirrus Design

In the Top 10 List of civil aircraft manufacturers of the world we
keep Cirrus Design in the 7th place. Cirrus Design Corporation is an
aircraft manufacturer and the worlds leading innovator of single-engine
piston-powered aircraft, with their SR22 being the worlds best selling
airplane in its class. About 950 people are working in this company.

8. Diamond

In the Top 10 List of civil aircraft manufacturer we keep Diamond in
the 8th place. They are a global manufacturer with offices in North
America, Europe, Asia and Australia employing 1,200 people and producing
over 3,500 aircraft. About 1200 people are working in this company.

9. Mooney

In the Top 10 List of civil aircraft manufacturers we keep Mooney in
the 9th place. The Mooney Airplane Company (MAC) is a US manufacturer of
single engine general aviation aircraft which was founded in 1929, and
who have since delivered more than 11,000 aircraft worldwide. Their
headquarters are located in Kerrville, Texas (USA).

10. Piper

In the Top 10 List of civil aircraft manufacturers we keep Piper in
the 10th place. Piper Aircraft, Inc. is a manufacturer of general
aviation aircraft, located at the Vero Beach Municpial Airport in Vero
Beach, Florida.

Here are the 10 worlds largest passenger
jet aircraft that can transport hundreds of passengers from another side
of the world within an hour. The largest one, Airbus A380 celebrates
the anniversary of its first flight. Take a look at the list of the
largest passenger aircraft in the world!

10. Airbus A333-300

Airbus A333-300

9. Airbus A340-300

Airbus A340 300 is a passenger airplane made in France. It was first
manufactured in 1993 and can accommodate 295 passengers in a
single-class seat arrangement and 267 in a two-class system.

Airbus A340-300

8. Airbus A340-500

Airbus A340 500 is a passenger airplane manufactured in France. It came
out in 2006, though there were early deliveries in 2002. It is designed
for 372 passengers in a single-class seat arrangement and 313 in a
double class system.

Airbus A340-500

7. Airbus A350-900

Airbus A350-900

6. Boeing 777-200

Boeing 777 200 is a passenger plane made in the United States. It can
accommodate 440 passengers in a single-class system and 400 in a
two-class configuration. It has a travel range of 14,260 kilometers or
7,700 nautical miles.

Boeing 777-200

5. Airbus A340-600

Airbus A340-600

4. Boeing 777-300

Boeing 777 300 is a passenger plane manufactured in the United States
with a seating capacity of 550 people in a single-class setup and 451 in
a two-class configuration. It has a travel range of 6,013 nautical
miles or 11,135 kilometers.

Boeing 777-300

3. Boeing 747-400

Boeing 747 400 is a passenger plane made in the United States by Boeing
that has the capacity to accommodate 416 passengers in a three-class
setup, 524 in a two-class setup and 660 in an all-economy cabin. It has a
travel range of 7,260 nautical miles or 13,446 kilometers.

Boeing 747-400

2. Boeing 747-8

Boeing 747 8 is a passenger airplane manufactured in the United States.
It can accommodate 700 passengers if a single-class system is followed,
while 600 seats are available in a double-class configuration. The
plane has a travel range of 8,000nautical miles or 14,816 kilometers.

Boeing 747-8i

1. Airbus A380-800

Airbus A380 800 is a passenger plane made in France with capacity for
853 passengers in a single class or 644 in a two-tiered class. It has a
travel range of 8,208 nautical miles or 15,200 kilometers. The plane
costs $318 million. However, Airbus has just announced that it would
retire the jet in 2021. The European manufacturer stated that with
Emirates reducing its order, the program is not sustainable anymore.


Airbus A380plus

over A380-800, because there is a new player in town. Airbus announced
the new A380plus with even more seats. Officially Airbus states that the
new aircraft can carry 80 more passengers and the new winglet design
reduces fuel burning by 4% and is 13% cheaper per seat than the old
A380. While it is still in development and will only start flying from
2020, but it will certainly take the crown as the biggest passenger
aircraft in the world. The new Airbus A380plus The new Airbus A380plus

So, to sum up, here is the list of the biggest passenger aircraft in the world:

10. Airbus A330-300

9. Airbus A340-300

8. Airbus A340-500

7. Airbus A350-900

6. Boeing 777-200

5. Airbus A340-600

4. Boeing 777-300

3. Boeing 747-400

2. Boeing 747-8

1. Airbus A380-800

in 01) Classical Magahi Magadhi,
02) Classical Chandaso language,
03)Magadhi Prakrit,
04) Classical Hela Basa (Hela Language),
05) Classical Pali,
06) Classical Devanagari,Classical Hindi-Devanagari- शास्त्रीय हिंदी,

07) Classical Cyrillic
08) Classical Afrikaans– Klassieke Afrikaans

09) Classical Albanian-Shqiptare klasike,
10) Classical Amharic-አንጋፋዊ አማርኛ,
11) Classical Arabic-اللغة العربية الفصحى
12) Classical Armenian-դասական հայերեն,
13) Classical Azerbaijani- Klassik Azərbaycan,
14) Classical Basque- Euskal klasikoa,
15) Classical Belarusian-Класічная беларуская,
16) Classical Bengali-ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা,
17) Classical  Bosnian-Klasični bosanski,
18) Classical Bulgaria- Класически българск,
19) Classical  Catalan-Català clàssic
20) Classical Cebuano-Klase sa Sugbo,

21) Classical Chichewa-Chikale cha Chichewa,

22) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),

23) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體),

24) Classical Corsican-Corsa Corsicana,

25) Classical  Croatian-Klasična hrvatska,

26) Classical  Czech-Klasická čeština,
27) Classical  Danish-Klassisk dansk,Klassisk dansk,

28) Classical  Dutch- Klassiek Nederlands,
29) Classical English,Roman
30) Classical Esperanto-Klasika Esperanto,

31) Classical Estonian- klassikaline eesti keel,

32) Classical Filipino,
33) Classical Finnish- Klassinen suomalainen,

34) Classical French- Français classique,

35) Classical Frisian- Klassike Frysk,

36) Classical Galician-Clásico galego,
37) Classical Georgian-კლასიკური ქართული,

38) Classical German- Klassisches Deutsch,
39) Classical Greek-Κλασσικά Ελληνικά,
40) Classical Gujarati-ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી,
41) Classical Haitian Creole-Klasik kreyòl,

42) Classical Hausa-Hausa Hausa,
43) Classical Hawaiian-Hawaiian Hawaiian,

44) Classical Hebrew- עברית קלאסית
45) Classical Hmong- Lus Hmoob,

46) Classical Hungarian-Klasszikus magyar,

47) Classical Icelandic-Klassísk íslensku,
48) Classical Igbo,

49) Classical Indonesian-Bahasa Indonesia Klasik,

50) Classical Irish-Indinéisis Clasaiceach,
51) Classical Italian-Italiano classico,
52) Classical Japanese-古典的なイタリア語,
53) Classical Javanese-Klasik Jawa,
54) Classical Kannada- ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ,
55) Classical Kazakh-Классикалық қазақ,

56) Classical Khmer- ខ្មែរបុរាណ,
57) Classical Korean-고전 한국어,

58) Classical Kurdish (Kurmanji)-Kurdî (Kurmancî),

59) Classical Kyrgyz-Классикалык Кыргыз,
60) Classical Lao-ຄລາສສິກລາວ,
61) Classical Latin-LXII) Classical Latin,

62) Classical Latvian-Klasiskā latviešu valoda,

63) Classical Lithuanian-Klasikinė lietuvių kalba,

64) Classical Luxembourgish-Klassesch Lëtzebuergesch,

65) Classical Macedonian-Класичен македонски,
66) Classical Malagasy,
67) Classical Malay-Melayu Klasik,

68) Classical Malayalam-ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം,

69) Classical Maltese-Klassiku Malti,
70) Classical Maori-Maori Maori,
71) Classical Marathi-क्लासिकल माओरी,

72) Classical Mongolian-Сонгодог Монгол,

73) Classical Myanmar (Burmese)-Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ),

74) Classical Nepali-शास्त्रीय म्यांमार (बर्मा),
75) Classical Norwegian-Klassisk norsk,

76) Classical Pashto- ټولګی پښتو

77) Classical Persian-کلاسیک فارسی
78) Classical Polish-Język klasyczny polski,

79) Classical Portuguese-Português Clássico,
80) Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,
81) Classical Romanian-Clasic românesc,
82) Classical Russian-Классический русский,
83) Classical Samoan-Samoan Samoa,
84) Classical Scots Gaelic-Gàidhlig Albannach Clasaigeach,
85) Classical Serbian-Класични српски,
86) Classical Sesotho-Seserbia ea boholo-holo,
87) Classical Shona-Shona Shona,
88) Classical Sindhi,
89) Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල,

90) Classical Slovak-Klasický slovenský,
91) Classical Slovenian-Klasična slovenska,
92) Classical Somali-Soomaali qowmiyadeed,
93) Classical Spanish-Español clásico,
94) Classical Sundanese-Sunda Klasik,
95) Classical Swahili,
96) Classical Swedish-Klassisk svensk,
97) Classical Tajik-тоҷикӣ классикӣ,

98) Classical Tamil-பாரம்பரிய இசைத்தமிழ் செம்மொழி,
99) Classical Telugu- క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు,
100) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,
101) Classical Turkish-Klasik Türk,
102) Classical Ukrainian-Класичний український,
103) Classical Urdu- کلاسیکی اردو
104) Classical Uzbek-Klassik o’zbek,
105) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việt cổ điển,

106) Classical Welsh-Cymraeg Clasurol,
107) Classical Xhosa-IsiXhosa zesiXhosa,
108) Classical Yiddish- קלאסישע ייִדיש
109) Classical Yoruba-Yoruba Yoruba,
110) Classical Zulu-I-Classical Zulu

Dove-02-june.gif (38556 bytes)

Awakeness Practices

All 84,000 Khandas As Found in the Pali Suttas

Traditionally there  are 84,000 Dhamma Doors - 84,000 ways to get
Awakeness. Maybe so; certainly the Buddha taught a large number of
practices that lead to Awakeness. This web page attempts to catalogue
those found in the Pali Suttas (DN, MN, SN, AN, Ud & Sn 1).

There are 3 sections:

The discourses of Buddha are divided into 84,000, as to separate
addresses. The division includes all that was spoken by Buddha.”I
received from Buddha,” said Ananda, “82,000 Khandas, and  from the
priests 2000; these are 84,000 Khandas maintained by me.” They are
divided into 275,250, as to the stanzas of the original text, and into
361,550, as to the stanzas of the commentary. All the discourses
including both those of Buddha and those of the commentator, are
divided  into 2,547 banawaras, containing 737,000 stanzas, and29,368,000
separate letters.


Positive Buddha Vacana — The words of the Buddha —
Interested in All Suttas  of Tipitaka as Episodes in visual format including 7D laser Hologram 360 degree Circarama presentation

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 Maha-parinibbana Sutta — Last Days of the Buddha

The Great Discourse on the Total Unbinding

This wide-ranging sutta, the longest one in the Pali canon,
describes the events leading up to, during, and immediately following
the death and final release (parinibbana) of the Buddha. This colorful
contains a wealth of Dhamma teachings, including the Buddha’s final
instructions that defined how Buddhism would be lived and practiced long
after the Buddha’s death — even to this day. But this sutta also
depicts, in simple language, the poignant human drama that unfolds among
the Buddha’s many devoted followers around the time of the death of
their beloved teacher.
Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasuttaṃ (Pali) - 2 Kāyānupassanā ānāpānapabbaṃ


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Media Prabandhak

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Maharaja Jagatheesan  & Upasaka Chandrasekharan

Peace and joy for all

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