Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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LESSON 3150 Mon 14 Oct 2019 KUSHINARA NIBBANA BHUMI CETIA at 668, 5A main Road, 8th Cross, HAL 3rd Stage, Bangalore- Karnataka State -India through runs Analytic Insight Net - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Law Research & Practice University 
 111 CLASSICAL LANGUAGES to DO GOOD BE MINDFUL to Propagate TIPITAKA BUDDHA AND HIS DHAMMA Suttas word by word and the Constitution of our Country - Complete Course on our Dhamma and Polity for the welfare, happiness and peace of all Awakened Aboriginal Societies and for their Eternal Bliss as Final Goal. When a just born baby is kept isolated without anyone communicating with the baby, after a few days it will speak and human natural (Prakrit) language known as Classical Magahi Magadhi/Classical Chandaso language/Magadhi Prakrit/Classical Hela Basa (Hela Language)/Classical Pali which are the same. Buddha spoke in Magadhi. All the 7111 languages and dialects are off shoot of Classical Magahi Magadhi. Hence all of them are Classical in nature (Prakrit) of Human Beings, just like all other living spieces have their own natural languages for communication. 111 languages are translated by Meditate throughout life for Welfare, Happiness and Peace in all postures of the body including, sitting, standing, lying, walking, cycling, swimming, performing martial arts, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Karate, Kalari and so on. Why because: Buddha was asked, “What have you gained by Meditation?” He replied “Nothing!” “However, Buddha said, let me yell you what I lost: Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Insecurity, Fear of Old Age and Death” — The Instruction of the Teacher —The Buddha did not Claim any Divinity for himself or for his Dhamma.- Buddha’s quotes in 35) Klassyk Frysk- Klassike Frysk, How Did Gandhi Commit Suicide?
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LESSON 3150 Mon 14 Oct 2019


at 668, 5A main Road, 8th Cross, HAL 3rd Stage, Bangalore- Karnataka State -India



Analytic Insight Net - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Law Research & Practice University 

word and the Constitution of our Country - Complete Course on our Dhamma
and Polity for the welfare, happiness and peace of all Awakened
Aboriginal Societies and for their Eternal Bliss as Final Goal.

When a just
born baby is kept isolated without anyone communicating with the baby,
after a few days it will speak and human natural (Prakrit) language
known as
Classical Magahi Magadhi/Classical Chandaso language/Magadhi Prakrit/Classical Hela Basa (Hela Language)/Classical Pali which are the same. Buddha spoke in Magadhi. All the 7111 languages and dialects are off shoot of Classical
Magahi Magadhi. Hence all of them are Classical in nature (Prakrit) of
Human Beings, just like all other living spieces have their own natural
languages for communication. 111 languages are translated by

throughout life for Welfare, Happiness and Peace in all postures of the
body including, sitting, standing, lying, walking, cycling, swimming,
performing martial arts, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Karate, Kalari and so on.

Why because:

Buddha was asked, “What have you gained by Meditation?”
He replied “Nothing!”
“However, Buddha said, let me yell you what I lost:
Fear of Old Age and Death”

— The Instruction of the Teacher —The Buddha did not Claim any Divinity for himself or for his

Buddha’s quotes in 35) Klassyk Frysk- Klassike Frysk,

Did Gandhi Commit Suicide?

Note: info·bubbles on every Pali word


Atha kho āyasmā upāli yena bhagavā ten·upasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdi. Ekamantaṃ nisinno kho āyasmā upāli bhagavantaṃ etadavoca:

Sādhu me, bhante, bhagavā saṅkhittena dhammaṃ desetu, yam·ahaṃ bhagavato dhammaṃ sutvā eko vūpakaṭṭho appamatto ātāpī pahitatto vihareyya nti.

Ye kho tvaṃ, upāli, dhamme jāneyyāsi:ime dhammā na ekanta-nibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṃvattantī’ ti, ekaṃsena, upāli, dhāreyyāsi:n·eso dhammo n·eso vinayo n·etaṃ satthu-sāsananti.

Ye kho tvaṃ, upāli, dhamme jāneyyāsi:ime dhammā ekanta-nibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṃvattantī’ ti; ekaṃsena, upāli, dhāreyyāsi:eso dhammo eso vinayo etaṃ satthu-sāsananti.


AN 7.83 (A iv 143)

Satthusāsana Sutta

— The Instruction of the Teacher —

Here is a very concise sevenfold instruction to discriminate what is the Teaching of the Buddha from what is not.

Once, āyasmā Upāli approached the Bhagavā; having drawn near and paid respect to the Bhagavā, he sat down on one side. Having sat down on onse side, āyasmā Upāli addressed the Bhagavā thus:

It would be good, Bhante, if the Bhagavā taught me the Dhamma in brief, so that, having heard the Dhamma from the Bhagavā, I may dwell solitary, secluded, diligent, ardent and resolute.

Of these dhammas, Upāli, of which you may know: ‘These dhammas are not utterly{1} conducive to nibbida, to virāga, to nirodha, to upasama, to abhiñña, to sambodhi, to Nibbāna, Upāli, you may definitely hold: ‘This is not the Dhamma, this is not the Vinaya, this is not the instruction of the Teacher’.

Of these dhammas, Upāli, of which you may know: ‘These dhammas are utterly conducive to nibbida, to virāga, to nirodha, to upasama, to abhiñña, to sambodhi, to Nibbāna, Upāli, you may definitely hold: ‘This is the Dhamma, this is the Vinaya, this is the instruction of the Teacher’.
What is GOD? What is BUDDHA? - Tsem Rinpoche

Tsem Rinpoche
22.3K subscribers
It’s important to understand what our religious directions are. What we
should expect out of religion and what we should be expected to do if
we accept a religion. There is nothing judgemental here or I am making
criteria, but simply expressing how I feel we should apply our religious
faiths for the benefit of ourselves, people around us and our planet.
It is said religion can create heaven or hell within our world by some,
but I think it’s not the religion but our expression of it. Our
expression of our religion is the potential happiness or havoc maker.
Well without further ado, please listen to my thoughts in this 15 mins
video extracted from the longer version.



I need everyone to go beyond taking refuge in a God, in a supreme
being, and then throwing one’s problems onto this being and pushing away
one’s responsibilities, and just doing prayers and mantras to say,
“Solve my problems”. We need to go beyond that already.

We need
to follow religion correctly. If religion was only about acceptance of a
superior being and then everything is solved. Then the great prophets
and masters such as Buddha and Jesus and all that would not have taught
volumes of teachings on how to change your mind.

Jesus Christ
taught volumes and volumes of teachings if you take the time to read.
Acceptance of a God is just one small or one minor or one preliminary
criteria. Same thing for Buddha, he taught for 40 years until he was 81.

If acceptance of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, taking refuge was enough to
solve our problems and to release us of our predicaments, then Buddha
doesn’t need to teach 108 volumes as in the Kangyur teachings. Kangyur
is the spoken words of the Buddha. The bible is one book, in Buddhism,
there are 108 bibles. Those were the spoken words of the Buddha,
recorded and written very extensively.

My point, if it was just
ok to come along and say “Oh, I made all these problems, solve it
because I accept you”, then just all we need is half a page. In the
Kangyur we need half a page, in the bible just half a page, it’s enough.
It is so simple, just accept and everything is fine. You show me one
person in this room, or anywhere in the world, by accepting everything
is fine. I have accepted for 25 years, look at me, and I am still not

How much more do you want me to accept? I’ve shaved off my
hair. I’ve given up all the things that you consider pleasurable. And
I’ve trapped myself as a monk. How closer do I need to get to my God? Oh
my God! How closer do I need to get?

So, we make all these
problems for 10, 20, 30 years, and then all these problems come back to
us. And when these problems come back to us – our boyfriend wants to
leave, our girlfriend wants to leave, our kids don’t listen to us
anymore, our business is not working out, or we have too much money and
we don’t know what to do with ourselves, we are bored, or we are too old
– when all these problems come to us, then we say “Oh, let’s go to the
temple”, “let’s go to the church”, “let’s go to the synagogue”, or
whatever, and then we pray. And we pray fervently, religiously,
voraciously, emotionally, dramatically in some cases. And we pray from
the depth of our hearts for the God to remove all our problems.

Where can a God remove your problems? Whether it’s a Christian God, a
Hindu God, a Buddhist God, or whatever God, where can a God remove your
problems? That means every single one of us who are pious, and devout,
and pray from our hearts should have zero problem. And trust me, you
would be surprised that I have more problems than you and I am a monk.
You would be surprised if you knew the problems that I have to deal with
on a daily basis.

When you have for decades created all these
problems for yourself, your own mind and your surroundings, and you go
to a God and do one million Setrap mantras, one million Hail Marys, but
your problems are still there. Well you have two ways to get rid of it,
one is you give up the faith and say it doesn’t work, it doesn’t exist;
or you reassess yourself and say, “Maybe that’s not the purpose of

Religion has degenerated. Partly my fault, your fault,
all of our faults. Religion has degenerated into that – where we want
an instant quick fix – for all the problems we have created for decades.

You go out and you say nasty things, you are mean to people, you hurt
them, cheat them, lie to them, and you basically took things from them,
and then you go to church and pray, “Dear God, can you please make them
go away although I have cheated them, I have lied, I have stolen from
them. But can you please make them go away? Because I am a devout
follower of yours, I am your wonderful son and daughter, and you are a
forgiving, kind and compassionate God.

To read the rest of the transcript, click here


For a complete listing of Tsemtulku Youtube Videos
Nonprofits & Activism

§ 3. The Buddha did not Claim any Divinity for himself or for his
Dhamma. It was discovered by man for man. It was not a Revelation

1. Every founder of religion has either claimed divinity for himself or for his teachings.
2. Moses, although he did not claim for himself any divine origin,
did claim divine origin for his teachings. He told his followers that if
they wished to reach the land of milk and honey they must accept the
teachings, because they were the teachings of Jehovah the God.

3. Jesus claimed divinity for himself. He claimed that he was the Son
of God. Naturally His teachings acquired a divine origin.
4. Krishna said that he was God himself, and the Gita was his own word.
5. The Buddha made no such claim, either for himself or his Sasana.
6. He claimed that he was one of the many human beings and his message to the people was the message of man to man.
7. He never claimed infallibility for his message.
8. The only claim he made was that his message was the only true way to salvation as he understood it.
9. It was based on universal human experience of life in the world.
10. He said that it was open to anyone to question it, test it, and find what truth it contained.
11. No founder has so fully thrown open his religion to such a challenge.

About This Website
It’s important to understand what our religious directions are. What we…§ 3. புத்தர் தனக்காகவோ அல்லது தம்மத்திற்காகவோ எந்த தெய்வீகத்தையும் கோரவில்லை. இது மனிதனுக்காக மனிதனால் கண்டுபிடிக்கப்பட்டது. இது ஒரு வெளிப்பாடு அல்ல 1. மதத்தின் ஒவ்வொரு நிறுவனரும் தனக்காகவோ அல்லது அவருடைய போதனைகளுக்காகவோ தெய்வீகத்தை உரிமை கோரியுள்ளனர்.
 2. மோசே, எந்தவொரு தெய்வீக தோற்றத்தையும் தனக்கு உரிமை கோரவில்லை என்றாலும், அவருடைய போதனைகளுக்கு தெய்வீக தோற்றத்தை கோரினார். அவர் தம்மைப் பின்பற்றுபவர்களிடம், பால் மற்றும் தேன் தேசத்தை அடைய விரும்பினால் அவர்கள் போதனைகளை ஏற்க வேண்டும், ஏனென்றால் அவை தேவனாகிய யெகோவாவின் போதனைகள்.
 3. இயேசு தனக்காக தெய்வீகத்தை உரிமை கோரினார். அவர் கடவுளின் மகன் என்று கூறினார். இயற்கையாகவே அவருடைய போதனைகள் ஒரு தெய்வீக தோற்றத்தை பெற்றன.
 4. கிருஷ்ணர் தான் கடவுள் என்று கூறினார், மற்றும் கீதை அவரது சொந்த வார்த்தை.
 5. புத்தர் தனக்காகவோ அல்லது அவரது சசனாவிற்காகவோ அத்தகைய கூற்றைக் கூறவில்லை.
 6. அவர் பல மனிதர்களில் ஒருவராக இருப்பதாகவும், மக்களுக்கு அவர் அளித்த செய்தி மனிதனுக்கு மனிதனுக்கான செய்தி என்றும் கூறினார்.
 7. அவர் ஒருபோதும் தனது செய்தியின் தவறான தன்மையைக் கூறவில்லை.
 8. அவர் செய்த ஒரே கூற்று, அவர் புரிந்துகொண்டபடியே அவருடைய செய்தி இரட்சிப்பின் உண்மையான வழி.
 9. இது உலகின் உலகளாவிய மனித அனுபவத்தின் அடிப்படையில் அமைந்தது.
 10. அதைக் கேள்விக்குட்படுத்தவும், சோதிக்கவும், அதில் என்ன உண்மை இருக்கிறது என்பதைக் கண்டறியவும் இது யாருக்கும் திறந்திருக்கும் என்று அவர் கூறினார்.
 11. எந்தவொரு நிறுவனரும் தனது மதத்தை அத்தகைய சவாலுக்கு முழுமையாக திறந்து விடவில்லை.
84) छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित् छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्

 § 3. ठे Bउद्ध दिद् नोत् छ्लैम् अन्य् डिविनित्य् fओर् हिम्सेल्f ओर् fओर् हिस् ढम्म. ईत् wअस् दिस्चोवेरेद् ब्य् मन् fओर् मन्. ईत् wअस् नोत् अ ऋएवेलतिओन् 1. Eवेर्य् fओउन्देर् ओf रेलिगिओन् हस् एइथेर् च्लैमेद् दिविनित्य् fओर् हिम्सेल्f ओर् fओर् हिस् तेअच्हिन्ग्स्.
 2. ंओसेस्, अल्थोउघ् हे दिद् नोत् च्लैम् fओर् हिम्सेल्f अन्य् दिविने ओरिगिन्, दिद् च्लैम् दिविने ओरिगिन् fओर् हिस् तेअच्हिन्ग्स्. ःए तोल्द् हिस् fओल्लोwएर्स् थत् इf थेय् wइस्हेद् तो रेअच्ह् थे लन्द् ओf मिल्क् अन्द् होनेय् थेय् मुस्त् अच्चेप्त् थे तेअच्हिन्ग्स्, बेचौसे थेय् wएरे थे तेअच्हिन्ग्स् ओf ञेहोवह् थे ङोद्.
 3. ञेसुस् च्लैमेद् दिविनित्य् fओर् हिम्सेल्f. ःए च्लैमेद् थत् हे wअस् थे षोन् ओf ङोद्. णतुरल्ल्य् ःइस् तेअच्हिन्ग्स् अच्qउइरेद् अ दिविने ओरिगिन्.
 4. Kरिस्ह्न सैद् थत् हे wअस् ङोद् हिम्सेल्f, अन्द् थे ङित wअस् हिस् ओwन् wओर्द्.
 5. ठे Bउद्ध मदे नो सुच्ह् च्लैम्, एइथेर् fओर् हिम्सेल्f ओर् हिस् षसन.
 6. ःए च्लैमेद् थत् हे wअस् ओने ओf थे मन्य् हुमन् बेइन्ग्स् अन्द् हिस् मेस्सगे तो थे पेओप्ले wअस् थे मेस्सगे ओf मन् तो मन्.
 7. ःए नेवेर् च्लैमेद् इन्fअल्लिबिलित्य् fओर् हिस् मेस्सगे.
 8. ठे ओन्ल्य् च्लैम् हे मदे wअस् थत् हिस् मेस्सगे wअस् थे ओन्ल्य् त्रुए wअय् तो सल्वतिओन् अस् हे उन्देर्स्तोओद् इत्.
 9. ईत् wअस् बसेद् ओन् उनिवेर्सल् हुमन् एxपेरिएन्चे ओf लिfए इन् थे wओर्ल्द्.
 10. ःए सैद् थत् इत् wअस् ओपेन् तो अन्योने तो qउएस्तिओन् इत्, तेस्त् इत्, अन्द् fइन्द् wहत् त्रुथ् इत् चोन्तैनेद्.
 11. णो fओउन्देर् हस् सो fउल्ल्य् थ्रोwन् ओपेन् हिस् रेलिगिओन् तो सुच्ह् अ च्हल्लेन्गे.…/an07-083.html
>> Sutta Piṭaka >> Aṅguttara Nikāya >> Sattaka Nipāta
Note: info·bubbles on every Pali word


Atha kho āyasmā upāli yena bhagavā ten·upasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā
bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdi. Ekamantaṃ nisinno kho āyasmā
upāli bhagavantaṃ etadavoca:

– Sādhu me, bhante, bhagavā
saṅkhittena dhammaṃ desetu, yam·ahaṃ bhagavato dhammaṃ sutvā eko
vūpakaṭṭho appamatto ātāpī pahitatto vihareyya nti.

– Ye
kho tvaṃ, upāli, dhamme jāneyyāsi: ‘ime dhammā na ekanta-nibbidāya
virāgāya nirodhāya upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṃvattantī’
ti, ekaṃsena, upāli, dhāreyyāsi: ‘n·eso dhammo n·eso vinayo n·etaṃ
satthu-sāsana’ nti.

Ye kho tvaṃ, upāli, dhamme
jāneyyāsi: ‘ime dhammā ekanta-nibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya upasamāya
abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṃvattantī’ ti; ekaṃsena, upāli,
dhāreyyāsi: ‘eso dhammo eso vinayo etaṃ satthu-sāsana’ nti.
EnglishAN 7.83 (A iv 143) Satthusāsana Sutta — The Instruction of the Teacher —
[satthā+sāsana] Here is a very concise sevenfold instruction to
discriminate what is the Teaching of the Buddha from what is not.Once,
āyasmā Upāli approached the Bhagavā; having drawn near and paid respect
to the Bhagavā, he sat down on one side. Having sat down on onse side,
āyasmā Upāli addressed the Bhagavā thus:
– It would be good,
Bhante, if the Bhagavā taught me the Dhamma in brief, so that, having
heard the Dhamma from the Bhagavā, I may dwell solitary, secluded,
diligent, ardent and resolute.
– Of these dhammas, Upāli, of which
you may know: ‘These dhammas are not utterly{1} conducive to nibbida, to
virāga, to nirodha, to upasama, to abhiñña, to sambodhi, to Nibbāna,
Upāli, you may definitely hold: ‘This is not the Dhamma, this is not the
Vinaya, this is not the instruction of the Teacher’.Of these dhammas,
Upāli, of which you may know: ‘These dhammas are utterly conducive to
nibbida, to virāga, to nirodha, to upasama, to abhiñña, to sambodhi, to
Nibbāna, Upāli, you may definitely hold: ‘This is the Dhamma, this is
the Vinaya, this is the instruction of the Teacher’.
சதுசசன சுத்தா - ஆசிரியரின் அறிவுறுத்தல் -
[satthā + sāsana] புத்தரின் போதனை என்னவென்பதைப் பாகுபடுத்துவதற்கான மிக
சுருக்கமான ஏழு மடங்கு அறிவுறுத்தல் இங்கே உள்ளது.ஒரு முறை, asyasmā Upāli
பகவையை அணுகினார்; பகவருக்கு அருகில் வந்து மரியாதை செலுத்திய அவர் ஒரு
பக்கத்தில் அமர்ந்தார். ஒன்ஸ் பக்கத்தில் உட்கார்ந்தபின், ஷஸ்மி உபாலி
பகவவை இவ்வாறு உரையாற்றினார்:
- பக்தே, தர்மத்தை சுருக்கமாக எனக்குக்
கற்றுக் கொடுத்தால் நல்லது, அதனால், பாகவாவிடமிருந்து தர்மத்தைக் கேட்டு,
நான் தனிமையாகவும், ஒதுங்கியதாகவும், விடாமுயற்சியுடனும், தீவிரமாகவும்,
உறுதியுடனும் வாழலாம்.
- இந்த தம்மங்களில், உபெலி, உங்களுக்குத்
தெரிந்திருக்கலாம்: ‘இந்த தம்மங்கள் முற்றிலும் {1 n நிபிடா, விராகா,
நிரோதா, உபாசாமா, அபீஷா, சம்போதி, நிபானா, உபாலி, உகந்தவை அல்ல. : ‘இது
தம்மம் அல்ல, இது வினயா அல்ல, இது ஆசிரியரின் அறிவுறுத்தல் அல்ல’. ,
upasama, abhiñña, sambodhi, Nibbāna, Upāli, நீங்கள் நிச்சயமாக
வைத்திருக்கலாம்: ‘இது தர்மம், இது வினயா, இது ஆசிரியரின் அறிவுறுத்தல்’.

84) छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित् छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्

षत्थुस्āसन षुत्त — ठे ईन्स्त्रुच्तिओन् ओf थे टेअच्हेर् —
[सत्थ्ā+स्āसन] ःएरे इस् अ वेर्य् चोन्चिसे सेवेन्fओल्द् इन्स्त्रुच्तिओन्
तो दिस्च्रिमिनते wहत् इस् थे टेअच्हिन्ग् ओf थे Bउद्ध fरोम् wहत् इस्
नोत्.Oन्चे, āयस्म्ā ऊप्āलि अप्प्रोअच्हेद् थे Bहगव्ā; हविन्ग् द्रwन्
नेअर् अन्द् पैद् रेस्पेच्त् तो थे Bहगव्ā, हे सत् दोwन् ओन् ओने सिदे.
ःअविन्ग् सत् दोwन् ओन् ओन्से सिदे, āयस्म्ā ऊप्āलि अद्द्रेस्सेद् थे
Bहगव्ā थुसः
– ईत् wओउल्द् बे गोओद्, Bहन्ते, इf थे Bहगव्ā तौघ्त् मे
थे ढम्म इन् ब्रिएf, सो थत्, हविन्ग् हेअर्द् थे ढम्म fरोम् थे Bहगव्ā, ई
मय् द्wएल्ल् सोलितर्य्, सेच्लुदेद्, दिलिगेन्त्, अर्देन्त् अन्द्
– Of थेसे धम्मस्, ऊप्āलि, ओf wहिच्ह् योउ मय् क्नोwः ‘ठेसे
धम्मस् अरे नोत् उत्तेर्ल्य्{1} चोन्दुचिवे तो निब्बिद, तो विर्āग, तो
निरोध, तो उपसम, तो अभिññअ, तो सम्बोधि, तो णिब्ब्āन, ऊप्āलि, योउ मय्
देfइनितेल्य् होल्दः ‘ठिस् इस् नोत् थे ढम्म, थिस् इस् नोत् थे Vइनय, थिस्
इस् नोत् थे इन्स्त्रुच्तिओन् ओf थे टेअच्हेर्’.Of थेसे धम्मस्, ऊप्āलि, ओf
wहिच्ह् योउ मय् क्नोwः ‘ठेसे धम्मस् अरे उत्तेर्ल्य् चोन्दुचिवे तो
निब्बिद, तो विर्āग, तो निरोध, तो उपसम, तो अभिññअ, तो सम्बोधि, तो
णिब्ब्āन, ऊप्āलि, योउ मय् देfइनितेल्य् होल्दः ‘ठिस् इस् थे ढम्म, थिस्
इस् थे Vइनय, थिस् इस् थे इन्स्त्रुच्तिओन् ओf थे टेअच्हेर्’.

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35) Klassyk Frysk- Klassike Frysk,

150 Buddha-sitaten dy’t jo wizer meitsje sille (rap)

D’r is gjin eangst foar ien waans geast net is fol mei winsken. Boeddha

Wurk jo eigen heil út. Ofhinklik net fan oaren. Boeddha

As d’r wat wurdich is te dwaan, doch it dan mei jo heule hert. Boeddha

In man wurdt net wiis neamd, om’t hy wer praat en praat; mar as hy
freedsum, leafdefol en eang is, wurdt hy yn wierheid wiis neamd. Boeddha

Sykje net in hillichdom yn elkenien útsein jo sels. Boeddha

Nimmen rêdt ús mar ússels. Nimmen kin en gjinien mei. Wy sels moatte it paad rinne. Boeddha

Om in suver unselfoarmich libben te libjen, moat men neat rekkenje as it eigen yn ‘e midden fan oerfloed. Boeddha

Alles wat wy binne is it resultaat fan wat wy tochten. Boeddha

As wy net efter oaren sjogge as se help nedich binne, wa sil dan nei ús sykje? Boeddha

Ien dy’t op wierheid hannelt, is lokkich yn dizze wrâld en dêrbûten. Boeddha

De bêste Buddha sitaten

Jou, ek as jo mar in bytsje hawwe.

Sels de dea is net te freze troch ien dy’t wiis libbe hat.

Irrigators kanaalwetter; fleachers rjochtsje pylken; timmerlju bûgje hout; de wize master sels.

Drip foar drop is de wetterpot fol. Lykas, de wize man, sammelet it bytsje foar lyts, folt himsels mei goed.

It grutste kado is om minsken jo ferljochting te jaan, it te dielen. It moat de grutste wêze.

As jo ​​wisten wat ik wist oer de krêft fan it jaan, soene jo gjin
ien miel litte litte sûnder it op ien of oare manier te dielen.

De woartel fan lijen is oanhing.

Stilte de lilke man mei leafde. Stilte de mishannele man mei
freonlikens. Stil de ellinde mei generositeit. Stil de liger mei

Minsken mei mieningen geane gewoan om elkoar te lijen.

Sels as in solide rots wurdt unshake troch de wyn, sa binne de wize unshake troch lof of skuld. Klikje om te tweetjen

Jo moatte sels stribje. De Boeddha’s wize gewoan it paad.

Neat kin jo safolle kwea dwaan as jo eigen gedachten unguarded.

Meditearje … fertrage net, dat jo it letter net spyt sille.

Better as tûzen holle wurden, is ien wurd dat frede bringt.

Begripe is it hertshout fan goed sprutsen wurden.

Bliuw kwea dwaan, it goede kultivearje, it hert suverje: dit is de lear fan ‘e Buddhas.

Fiel yn meditaasje en iensumens. Komposearje josels, wês bliid. Jo binne in soeker.

Doch hjoed djoer wat moat dien wurde. Wa wit? Moarn komt de dea.

Wat jo binne is wat jo west hawwe. Wat jo sille is wat jo no dogge.

As jo ​​foarstelle om altyd te praten, freegje jo it dan, is it wier, is it nedich, is it freonlik?

As jo ​​gjinien fine om jo op it spirituele paad te stypjen, rin
dan allinich. (Dit is ien fan myn favorite Buddha-offertes. Lit in
reaksje litte en lit my witte wat jimmes is!)

Diel 2. Buddha-sitaten dy’t BINNE …
Ynspirearjende Buddha Quotes

Stopje, stopje. Net prate. De úteinlike wierheid is net iens te tinken.

Wy binne wat wy tinke. Alles dat wy binne, komt op mei ús gedachten. Mei ús gedachten meitsje wy de wrâld.

Krekt lykas de grutte oseaan ien smaak hat, de smaak fan sâlt, sa
hat dizze lear en dissipline ek ien smaak, de smaak fan befrijing.

Dejinge yn wa’t net mear de begearte en toarst bestiet dy’t it
bestean bliuwt; hoe koene jo dy Awakened one, trackless, en fan
limitless range folgje?

Endurance is ien fan ‘e lestichste dissiplines, mar it is oan dyjinge dy’t it einiget dat de definitive oerwinning komt.

Lang is de nacht foar wa’t wekker is; lang is in myl foar him dy’t
wurch is; lang is it libben foar de dwazen dy’t de wette wet net kenne.

Wat kostber juwiel der ek is yn ‘e himelske wrâlden, d’r is neat te ferlykjen mei ien dy’t wekker wurdt.

Us libben wurdt foarme troch ús geast; wy wurde wat wy tinke.
Freugde folget in suvere gedachte lykas in skaad dy’t noait ferlit.

Lykas in fijne blom, prachtich om nei te sjen, mar sûnder geur,
binne moaie wurden fruchtber yn in man dy’t net neffens har hannelt.

Us teoryen foar it ivige binne like weardefol lykas dyjingen dy’t
in kuike dy’t syn wei net trochbrekke hat troch de shell fan ‘e

In idee dat wurdt ûntwikkele en yn aksje set is wichtiger dan in idee dat allinich bestiet as in idee.

Lykwols in protte hillige wurden dy’t jo lêze, hoe folle jo ek
sprekke, wat goed sille se jo dwaan as jo net op har hannelje?

Chaos is inherent yn alle gearstalde dingen. Stribje mei tûkens.

Koarte Buddha Quotes

Taheakke liedt ta lijen.

Meie alle wêzens lokkige gedachten hawwe.

Berne út soarch foar alle wêzens.

Ik bin it wûnder.

In kruik foltôget drop foar drop.

Elke minske is de auteur fan syn eigen sûnens as sykte.

De tonge as in skerp mes … Deakt sûnder bloed te tekenjen.

De wei leit net yn ‘e loft. De wei leit yn it hert.

Diel 3. Buddha Quotes OVER…
Buddha sitaten oer libben, famylje en freonskip

Libje elke hanneling folslein, as wie it jo lêste.

Deugd wurdt mear ferfolge troch de goddeleazen dan it wurdt leafd troch it goede.

Neat bestiet oait folslein allinich; alles is yn relaasje ta alles oars.

Reinheid as ûnreinheid hinget fan josels ôf. Nimmen kin in oar suverje.

Mem en heit stypje, frou en bern koesterje en in ienfâldich bestean hawwe; dit is it gelok.

Ien momint kin in dei feroarje, in dei kin in libben feroarje en ien libben kin de wrâld feroarje.

Se, dy’t wit dat it libben streamt, gjin slijtage of triennen fielt, hat gjin reparaasjes nedich of repareare.

In ûnsinnige en kweade freon is mear te frezen dan in wyld; in wyld
kin jo lichem ferwûne, mar in kwea freon sil jo geast ferwûne.

Hokker wurden dy’t wy sizze moatte wurde keazen mei soarch foar
minsken sille se hearre en wurde beynfloede troch se foar goed as siik.

Idle te wêzen is in koarte wei nei de dea en ynset te wêzen is in
manier fan libjen; dwaze minsken binne idele, wize minsken binne

Mocht in soeker gjin kompanjon fine dy’t better as gelyk is, lit se dan resolút in solitêre kursus folgje.

As wy it wûnder fan in inkele blom dúdlik koene sjogge, soe ús heule libben feroarje.

Buddha Quotes On Love And Gratitude

Wiere leafde wurdt berne út begryp.

Stralje grinsleaze leafde nei de heule wrâld.

Jo, josels, likefolle as elkenien yn it heule universum, fertsjinje jo leafde en genede.

Ambysje is as leafde, ûngeduldich sawol fan fertragingen as rivalen.

Leafde is in kado fan ‘e ienste binnenste siel nei in oare, sadat beide heule kinne wêze.

Lit alles omfetsjende tinzen foar alle wêzens jo wêze.

Wy sille de befrijing fan ‘e geast ûntwikkelje en kultivearje troch
leafde, leafde meitsje it, ús basis meitsje, it stabilisearje, ússels
dêre oefenje en it folslein folslein meitsje.

Haat ophâldt op gjin inkeld momint troch haat. Haat ophâldt troch leafde. Dit is in net te feroarjen wet.

Wa’t fan 50 minsken hâldt, hat 50 ellinde; wa’t fan gjinien hâldt hat gjin ellinde.

Freonlikens soe de natuerlike libbenswize moatte wurde, net de útsûndering.

Sprek allinich ynnimmende spraak, spraak dy’t wolkom is. Sprek, as it gjin kwea foar oaren bringt, is in noflik ding.

Men wurdt gjin adel neamd dy’t libbende wêzens skea docht. Troch libbende wêzens net te skealjen wurdt men edel neamd.

Djip leard en betûft wêze, goed traine en goed sprutsen wurden brûke: dit is gelok.

Krekt as in mem har iennichst bern mei har libben soe beskermje,
lit men sa in grinzenleaze leafde rjochtsje op alle wêzens.

Yn wa’t gjin sympaty is foar libbene wêzens: ken him as in útstelde.

Lit ús oerein komme en tankber wêze, want as wy hjoed net in soad
learden, teminsten hawwe wy in bytsje leard, en as wy net in bytsje
learden, teminsten waarden wy net siik, en as wy siik waarden ,
teminsten binne wy ​​net stoarn; dat, lit ús allegear tankber wêze.

Buddha sitaat op geast en behearskje josels

Hy is yn steat dy’t tinkt dat hy yn steat is.

It is de eigen geast fan in man, net syn fijân of fijân, dy’t him lokket op kweade manieren.

Fiel yn oandacht! Bewarje jo gedachten goed!

Alles is basearre op geast, wurdt laat troch geast, wurdt oanmakke
troch geast. As jo ​​sprekke en hannelje mei in fersmoarge geast, sil it
lijen jo folgje, om’t de tsjillen fan ‘e okse binne de fuotstappen fan’
e okse folgje.

D’r is neat sa ûngeheard as in ûngedissiplineerde geast, en d’r is neat sa hearrich as in dissiplinearre geast.

In gedachte unruffled troch de weachjes fan fortún, fan befrijd
fertriet, fan ûnreinheden reinige, fan befrijde freze - dit is de
grutste segen.

Witte fan ‘e rivieren yn kloften en yn
spleten: dy yn lytse kanalen rinne lûdop, de grutte stream stil. Wat net
fol is, makket lûd. Wat fol is is stil.

Jo binne in soeker. Fiel yn ‘e behearsking fan jo hannen en jo fuotten, fan jo wurden en jo gedachten.

Sjoch se, flounderend yn har sin fan my, lykas fisken yn ‘e plassen
fan in opdroege stream - en, seach dit, libje mei gjin mines, en
foarmje gjin hechting foar steat om te wurden.

‘Lykas ik bin,
sa binne dat. Lykas dizze binne dat ek. ‘Tekenje de parallel oan
josels, noch deadzje noch krije oaren om te deadzjen.

Alle ûnderfiningen wurde foarôf gien, mei geast as har master, makke troch geast.

Om fan goede sûnens te genietsjen, wirklik lok yn ‘e famylje te
bringen, frede foar allegear te bringen, moat men earst de eigen tinken
dissiplineearje en kontrolearje. As in man syn geast kin behearskje, kin
hy de wei fine nei Ferljochting, en alle wiisheid en deugd sille him
fansels komme.

Alle ferkearde dingen ûntsteane fanwegen geast. As geast wurdt omfoarme, kin ferkeard dwaan bliuwe?

Wat wy hjoed binne komt fan ús gedachten fan juster, en ús
hjoeddeistige gedachten bouwe ús libben fan moarn: Us libben is de
skepping fan ús geast.

Dejinge dy’t himsels oerwûn hat is in folle gruttere held dan hy dy’t tûzen kear tûzen man hat ferslein.

Transcendental yntelliginsje nimt ta as de yntellektuele geast syn
limyt berikt en as dingen moatte realisearje yn har wirklike en
essensjele aard, moatte syn prosessen fan tinken oergean troch in berop
op guon hegere fakulteit fan kognysje.

Ik sil net sjen nei de bedoeling fan in oar om fout te finen: in training dy’t moat wurde observearre.

De eksterne wrâld is allinich in manifestaasje fan ‘e aktiviteiten
fan’ e geast sels, en de geast begrypt it as in eksterne wrâld gewoanwei
fanwegen har gewoante fan diskriminaasje en falske redenearring. De
learling moat yn ‘e gewoante reitsje om dingen earlik te sjen.

Mind geane foarôf alle mentale tastannen. Mind is har haad; se binne allegear mind-wreaun.

As mei in pure geast in persoan sprekt of lok hannelt folget him lykas syn nea fuortgeande skaad.

Quotes By Buddha On Happiness And Joy

D’r is gjin paad nei lok: lok is it paad.

Happiness komt as jo wurk en wurden fan foardiel binne foar josels en oaren.

De ferljochte, bedoeld mei jhana, moat nocht fine yn ‘e bosk, moat
jhana oefenje oan’ e foet fan in beam, it berikken fan syn eigen

Tûzenen kearsen kinne út in inkelde kears ljochte
wurde, en it libben fan ‘e kears sil net wurde ynkoarte. Happiness nimt
nea ôf troch te dielen.

It is yn ‘e aard fan’ e dingen dat wille ûntstiet yn in persoan frij fan berou.

Stel jo hert op goed te dwaan. Doch it wer en wer, en jo sille folje mei wille.

Wenje net yn it ferline, dream net fan ‘e takomst, konsintrearje de
geast op it hjoeddeistige momint. Sjoch ek: 10 tips om te begjinnen mei
libjen yn ‘t hjoed

Mocht in persoan goed dwaan, lit him it
nochris en nochris dwaan. Lit him dêryn nocht fine, want sillich is de
ophoping fan it goede.

Wy wurde foarme en foarme troch ús
gedachten. Dyjingen waans gedachten binne foarme troch selsleaze
gedachten jouwe wille as se prate of hannelje. Freugde folget se as in
skaad dat har noait ferlit.

Sitaten troch Buddha oer meditaasje en spiritualiteit

Krekt as in kears kin net brânje sûnder fjoer, kinne minsken net libje sûnder in geastlik libben.

Sjoch djip nei it libben lykas it is yn dit heule momint, wennet de meditator yn stabiliteit en frijheid.

Meditaasje bringt wiisheid; gebrek oan meditaasje ferlit
ûnwittendheid. Wyt goed wat jo foarút liedt en wat hâldt jo werom, en
kies it paad dat liedt ta wiisheid.

Wat in muonts bliuwt efterfolgje mei syn tinken en neitinke, dat wurdt de oanstriid fan syn bewustwêzen.

Sitaten troch Buddha oer frede, ferjouwing en litten gean

Trenje josels resolút om frede te berikken.

Yndied, de sage dy’t folslein is blust rêst op alle manieren
maklik; gjin begearte folget him oan waans brannen binne koele, ûntslein
fan brânstof. Alle bylagen binne ôfbaarnd, it hert is fuorthelle fan
pine; rêstich, hy rêst mei uterste gemak. De geast hat syn wei nei frede

Wa’t allinich siet, sliept allinich en allinich
kuieret, dy’t strang is en himsels ûndergiet, sil nocht fine yn ‘e
iensumens fan’ e bosk.

Draai net wat jo jûn is, en berik net foar wat oan oaren jûn is, dat jo jo stilte net fersteure.

Dyjingen dy’t frij binne fan wankeljende tinzen fine grif frede.

Quotes By Buddha On Wisdom And Virtues

De gek dy’t wit dat hy in gek is, is dat folle wizer.

Wat de natuer fan ûntstean hat, hat de natuer fan ophâlden.

Ienheid kin allinich manifesteare wurde troch it Binary. Ienheid sels en it idee fan Unity binne al twa.

Wat is it geskikte gedrach foar in man as in frou yn ‘e midden fan
dizze wrâld, wêr’t elke persoan oan syn stik puinhâldt? Wat is de juste
groet tusken minsken as se elkoar foarby gean yn dizze oerstreaming?

As jo ​​nei josels sjogge, sjogge jo nei oaren. As jo ​​nei oaren sjogge, sjogge jo nei josels.

Lit gjinien skuld fine mei oaren; lit gjinien de omissjes en
opdrachten fan oaren sjen. Mar lit men de eigen hannelingen sjen, dien
en ûngedien meitsje.

De wiere master libbet yn wierheid, yn goedens en beheining, net geweld, moderaasje en suverens.

Oanstean yn noch wurd noch akte. Eat mei moderaasje. Libje yn jo
hert. Sykje it heechste bewustwêzen. Master josels neffens de wet. Dit
is de ienfâldige lear fan ‘e wekker.

It libben is as de
harpstring, as it te strak is, sil it net spielje, as it te los is
hinget it, de spanning dy’t it prachtige lûd produseart leit yn ‘t

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Lovely Buddha Quotes that will Help you to Grow. Learn English Through Buddha Quotes.
Kamma and Rebirth, by Ajahn Brahmali at The Buddhist Society, 30 June 2018

The Buddhist Society
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Kamma and Rebirth, by Ajahn Brahmali at The Buddhist Society, 30 June 2018

In this Dhamma talk, Ajahn Brahmali will discuss kamma and rebirth from
the perspective of the Early Buddhist texts and look at whether there
is any substantiating evidence for the latter. He will also consider how
Right View helps empower and deepen our meditation practice.

About the speaker

Born in Norway in 1964, Ajahn Brahmali ordained with his preceptor
Ajahn Brahm over twenty years ago and is now deputy abbot at Bodhinyana
Monastery, Perth. An exemplary scholar and practitioner of Early
Buddhism, Ajahn Brahmali brings the depth and scope of the Buddha’s
words to life through his clear and insightful talks, with direct
application to meditation practice.
Nonprofits & Activism

Leau yn neat gewoan om’t jo it hawwe heard. Leau yn neat gewoan om’t it
wurdt sprutsen en geroften troch in protte. Leau net yn wat gewoan om’t
it wurdt skreaun yn jo religieuze boeken. Leau net yn alles allinich op
‘e autoriteit fan jo leararen en âldsten. Leau net yn tradysjes, om’t
se in protte generaasjes oerlevere binne. Mar nei observaasje en
analyse, as jo fine dat alles oerienkomt mei it ferstân en befoarderet
foar it goede en it foardiel fan ien en allegear, akseptearje it dan en
libje derop.

Krekt as skatten wurde ûntdekke fan ‘e ierde, sa
ferskynt deugd út goede dieden, en wiisheid ferskynt út in suvere en
fredige geast. Om feilich troch it labyrint fan it minsklik libben te
rinnen, hat men it ljocht fan wiisheid en de lieding fan ‘e deugd

De wize minsken sprekke mei har gedachte, siftje it as nôt wurdt troch in sieve sift.

De deugden, lykas de Muses, wurde altyd yn groepen sjoen. In goed prinsipe waard nea iensum yn ien boarst fûn.

Quotes By Buddha On Kamma And Nibbana

Immen dy’t yn ‘e auto fan in Bodhisattva is setten moat beslute
dat’ Ik alle wêzens nei nirvana moat liede, yn dat ryk fan nirvana dat
neat efterlit ‘. Wat is dit ryk fan nirvana dat neat efterlit?

Quotes By Buddha on Change, Failure And Suffer

Gean nei de ynhâldsopjefte

Neat is foar altyd, útsein feroaring.

D’r is gjin fjoer lykas passy, ​​d’r is gjin haai lykas haat, d’r
is gjin strik lykas dwaasheid, d’r is gjin stream as gier.

Sawol earder as no is it allinich lijen dat ik beskriuw, en it stopjen fan lijen.

Wa’t syn grime kin beheine sa gau’t it ûntstiet, as in tijde
antidote sil it gif fan ‘e slang kontrolearje dy’t sa rap ferspriedt, -
sa’n muonts jout it hier en it fjirder op, krekt as in slang syn
ferslete hûd smyt.

Soe alles dat it libben hat ferlost wurde fan lijen.

It is maklik om de fouten fan oaren te sjen, mar lestich om de
eigen fouten te sjen. Men toant de fouten fan oaren lykas kaf wûn yn ‘e
wyn, mar men ferberget de eigen fouten as in slûchslimme gokker syn
dobbelstiennen ferberget.

Buddha Quotes On Fear

Dyjingen hechte oan it begryp ‘Ik bin’ en oan werjeften rinne de wrâld oanstjitjende minsken.

D’r is neat freesliker dan de gewoante fan twifel. Twifel skiedt
minsken. It is in gif dat freonskippen disintegreart en noflike
relaasjes opbrekke. It is in toarn dy’t irriteart en sear docht; it is
in swurd dat deadet.

Manlju, oandreaun troch toarst, rinne as
in snare hier; lit dêrom mendikant de toarst útdriuwe, troch nei him te
passearjen sûnder passy.

As men it gefoel hat fan net leuk
is foar kwea, as men rêstich fielt, fynt men nocht oan lústerjen nei
goede learen; as men dizze gefoelens hat en har wurdeart, is men frij
fan eangst.

It momint dat wy lilkens fiele, binne wy ​​al
ophâlden te stribjen nei de wierheid, en binne wy ​​begon te stribjen
nei ússels.

Buddha Quotes On Woede En Jaloerskens

Jo sille net bestraft wurde foar jo grime, jo sille wurde bestraft troch jo grime.

Wês jo ego lykas in losse klean.

Guon begripe net dat wy moatte stjerre, mar dejingen dy’t dit realisearje regelje har rûzjes.

Allegear trille fan geweld; allegear bang foar de dea. As jo
​​josels yn it plak fan in oar pleatse, moat men net deadzje en gjin oar

Ik skeel net mei de wrâld; leaver is it de wrâld dy’t mei my skeelt.

Se skuld dejingen dy’t stil bliuwe, se skuldje dejingen dy’t in
protte sprekke, se skuldje dejingen dy’t yn moderera sprekke. D’r is
gjinien yn ‘e wrâld dy’t net de skuld krijt.

Dyjingen dy’t fêsthâlde oan persepsjes en opfettingen dwale de wrâld oanstjit oan minsken.

Wa’t net opfljocht by ien dy’t lulk is wint in slach dreech om te winnen.

Woede sil nea ferdwine sa lang as gedachten oer wrok yn ‘e geast
koestere wurde. Woede sil ferdwine krekt sa gau as tinzen fan wrok

Net oerskriuwe wat jo hawwe ûntfongen, en benijd oaren net. Wa’t oergeunstich is op oaren kriget gjin frede fan de geast.

Buddha sitaten oer sukses, geduld en sterkte

Weder fjoer noch wyn, berte noch dea kinne ús goede dieden wiskje.

Moatte jo in ferstannige kritikus fine om jo fouten oan te wizen,
folgje him lykas jo in hantlieding soargje foar ferburgen skat.

As in oaljefant op it slachfjild te wjerstean pylken sketten út bôgen rûnom, ek sa sil ik misbrûk ferneare.

Lof en skuld, winst en ferlies, wille en fertriet komme en gean as
de wyn. Om lokkich te wêzen, rêst as in gigantyske beam yn ‘e midden fan
har allegear.

Yn skieding leit de grutste ellinde fan ‘e wrâld; yn meilibjen leit de wirklike krêft fan ‘e wrâld.
Wês josels in lampe. Wês dyn eigen taflecht. Sykje net foar gjin
oar. Alle dingen moatte foarbygean. Stribje dwaande. Jou net op.

Better is it om ien dei te libjen om ‘e opkomst en fall fan dingen
te sjen dan hûndert jier te libjen sûnder de opkomst en fall fan dingen
ea te sjen.

As jo ​​gjin rjochting feroarje, kinne jo einigje wêr’t jo op wei binne.

Buddha sitaten oer sûnens

Sûnens is it grutste kado, tefredenens de grutste rykdom, trouens de bêste relaasje. Boeddha

It lichem yn goede sûnens te hâlden is in plicht … oars sille wy ús geast net sterk en dúdlik kinne hâlde.

Sûnder sûnens is libben net libben; it is allinich in steat fan langour en lijen - in byld fan ‘e dea.

It geheim fan sûnens foar sawol geast as lichem is net om te
treurjen oer it ferline, net soargen te meitsjen oer de takomst, net te
antisipearjen oer de takomst, mar om it hjoeddeistige momint wiis en
serieus te libjen.

Buddha sitaten oer wierheid

Dejingen dy’t net slaggen om de wierheid te wurkjen, hawwe it doel fan libjen misse.

Learje dizze trijefâldige wierheid oan allegear: In romhert hert,
freonlike spraak, en in libben fan tsjinst en mededogen binne de dingen
dy’t it minskdom fernije.

D’r binne twa flaters dy’t jo kinne meitsje ûnderweis nei wierheid … net heule wei gean, en net begjinne.

De kalmeare sizze dat wat goed sprutsen is it bêste; ten twadde,
dat men soe sizze wat goed is, net ûnrjochtfeardich; tredde, wat is
noflik, net misledigjend; fjirde, wat is wier, net falsk.

Feroverje de lilke troch net lulk te wurden; feroverje de goddeleazen
troch goedens; feroverje de wankel troch generositeit, en de liger troch
de wierheid te sprekken.

Trije dingen kinne net lang ferburgen wêze: de sinne, de moanne en de wierheid.

Diel 4. Quotes About Buddha

As jo ​​jo geast brûke om nei in Buddha te sykjen, sille jo de Buddha net sjogge. Bodhidharma

En de Buddha is de persoan dy’t frij is: frij fan plannen, frij fan soarch. Bodhidharma

Salang’t jo earne oars nei in Buddha sykje, sille jo noait sjen dat jo eigen geast de Buddha is. Bodhidharma

Buddha betsjut bewustwêzen, it bewustwêzen fan lichem en geast dat foarkomt dat kwea yn beide ûntstiet. Bodhidharma

Buddhas oefenje gjin ûnsin. Bodhidharma

In Buddha is ien dy’t frijheid fynt yn gelok en min. Bodhidharma

Buddhas bewege frij troch berte en dea, ferskine en ferdwine op wil. Bodhidharma

Mar misledige minsken realisearje har net dat har eigen geast de Buddha is. Se bliuwe bûten sykje. Bodhidharma

Om in Buddha te finen alles wat jo hoege te dwaan is jo natuer te sjen. Bodhidharma

Nimmen kin ús twinge om ús gedachten te transformearjen, sels net
Buddha. Wy moatte dat frijwillich dwaan. Dêrom sei Buddha, ‘Jo binne jo
eigen master’. Dalai Lama

De kleur fan ‘e bergen is it lichem fan Buddha; it lûd fan rinnend wetter is syn geweldige taspraak. Dogen

De Buddha en alle gefoelige wêzens binne neat oars as uteringen fan ‘e iene geast. D’r is neat oars. Huang Po

Om ynienen wekker te wurden fan it feit dat jo eigen geast de
Buddha is, dat der neat te berikken is of in inkelde aksje moat wurde
útfierd. Dit is de Supreme Way. Huang Po

De wurden fan ‘e
Buddha biede dizze wierheid: Hat hat ophâldt nea troch haat, mar troch
leafde allinich wurdt genêzen. Jack Kornfield

Respektearje Buddha en de goaden sûnder har help te rekkenjen. Miyamoto Musashi

Hy learde deugd, mindfulness, en wiisheid. Dit binne de trije
pylders fan ‘e boeddhistyske praktyk, lykas ek de boarne fan alle dagen
wolwêzen, psychologyske groei, en geastlike realisaasje. Rick Hanson

As jo ​​net foar Boedha kinne bûge, kinne jo gjin Boeddha wêze. It is arrogânsje. Shunryu Suzuki

Buddha seit dat der twa soarten lijen binne: it soarte dat liedt ta
mear lijen en it soarte dat in ein bringt oan it lijen. Terry Tempest

Jo moatte fertrouwen hawwe dat jo de kapasiteit
hawwe om in Buddha te wurden, de kapasiteit fan transformaasje en
genêzen. Thich Nhat Hanh

Diel 5. Boeddhisme en Zen-sitaten

De minske lijt allinich om’t hy serieus nimt wat de goaden makke hawwe foar wille. Alan Watts

It iennichste ding dat úteinlik echt is oer jo reis is de stap dy’t
jo op dit momint nimme. Dat is alles wat der ea is. Alan Watts

Alles yn moderaasje, ynklusyf moderaasje. Boeddhistysk sizzen

Learje om los te litten moat wurde leard foardat jo learje te
krijen. Libben moat oanrekke, net frjemd wurde. Jo moatte ûntspanne, it
bytiden barre litte en by oaren der mei foarút gean. Ray Bradbury

Sels as dingen net ûntwike lykas jo ferwachte, moatte jo net moed
wêze of opjaan. Ien dy’t trochgiet foarút sil winne op it ein. Daisaku

As wy leare ús herten te iepenjen, kin elkenien, ynklusyf de minsken dy’t ús gek ride, ús learaar wêze. Pema Chödrön

Bewustwêzen is de grutste agint foar feroaring. Huang Po Klik om te tweetjen

Zen hat gjin saken mei ideeën. Suzuki Roshi

Wy geane net yn sirkels, wy geane nei boppen. It paad is in spiraal; wy hawwe al in protte stappen klommen. Hermann Hesse

It geheim fan it Boeddhisme is om alle ideeën, alle begripen te
ferwiderjen, om ‘e wierheid in kâns te hawwe om troch te dringen,
himsels te iepenjen. Thich Nhat Hanh

As jo ​​de wrâld wolle feroarje, begjin dan mei de folgjende persoan dy’t jo yn need komt. Maezumi Roshi

Wy binne hjir om wekker te wurden fan ús yllúzje fan skieding. Martin Luther King Jr
As jo ​​wat dogge, moatte jo josels folslein ferbaarne, lykas in goede
baarn, en gjin spoar fan josels efterlitte. Eckhart Tolle

Wêr’tst ek bist, wês d’r hielendal. Eckhart Tolle

Allinich de hân dy’t wisket kin it wirklike ding skriuwe. Meister Eckhart

Behannelje elk momint as jo lêste. It is gjin tarieding op iets oars. Shunryu Suzuki

Diel 6. Fergelykbere auteurs nei Boeddha oer leafde, frede, wiisheid en gelok
Thich Nhat Hanh

Ferjitte lit ús frijheid, en frijheid is de ienige betingst foar
lok. As wy yn ús hert noch hechtsje oan alles - grime, eangst of
besittingen - kinne wy ​​net frij wêze. Thich Nhat Hanh

As wy
yn ús deistich libben kinne glimkje, as wy freedsum en lokkich kinne
wêze, sille net allinich wy, mar elkenien derfan profitearje. Dit is it
meast basale soarte fan fredeswurk. Thich Nhat Hanh

It is
mooglik om lokkich te libjen yn it hjir en no. Sa folle betingsten fan
gelok binne beskikber - mear as genôch foar jo om op it stuit lokkich te
wêzen. Jo hoege net yn ‘e takomst te rinnen om mear te krijen. Thich
Nhat Hanh


Allegear wite de wei; in pear rinne it eins. Bodhidharma

De kapasiteit fan ‘e geast is limitless, en syn manifestaasjes
binne ûnútputber. Foarmen mei jo eagen sjen, lûden mei jo earen hearre,
geuren mei jo noas rûke, smaken priuwe mei jo tonge, elke beweging as
steat is jo allinich. Bodhidharma

Sykje is te lijen. Neat sykje is sillich. Bodhidharma


Us grutste glâns is net yn nea falle, mar yn ferheegjen elke kear as wy falle. Confucius

It makket net út hoe stadich jo gean sa lang as jo net stopje. Confucius

Allinich de wiiste en domste fan manlju feroarje noait. Confucius

Dalai Lama

Wês freonlik wannear mooglik. It is altyd mooglik. Dalai Lama

Tink derom dat de bêste relaasje ien is wêryn jo leafde foar elkoar jo need foar elkoar grutter is. Dalai Lama

Myn religy is heul ienfâldich. Myn religy is freonlikens. Dalai Lama

Lao Tzu

De natuer hastet net, dochs is alles folbrocht. Lao Tzu

Sûnens is it grutste besit. Tefredenheid is de grutste skat.
Fertrouwen is de grutste freon. Net-wêzen is de grutste wille. Lao Tzu

Oaren behearskje is sterkte. Meitsje josels is wirklike krêft. Lao Tzu


Wize manlju prate om’t se wat te sizzen hawwe; gek, want se moatte wat sizze. Plato

Wy kinne maklik in bern ferjaan dat bang is foar it tsjuster; de
echte trageedzje fan it libben is as manlju bang binne foar it ljocht.

Jo kinne mear ûntdekke oer in persoan yn in oere spielje dan yn in jier fan petear. Plato


Kennis fan josels is it begjin fan alle wiisheid. Aristoteles

Lok hinget fan ùssels ôf. Aristoteles

It oplieden fan ‘e geast sûnder it hert op te lieden is hielendal gjin oplieding. Aristoteles

Jiddu Krisnamurti

It is gjin maat foar sûnens om goed oan te passen oan in djip sike maatskippij. Jiddu Krisnamurti

As jo ​​begjinne te begripen wat jo binne sûnder te besykjen it te
feroarjen, dan ûndergiet wat jo in transformaasje binne. Jiddu

Tradysje wurdt ús feiligens, en as de geast feilich is, is it yn ferfal. Jiddu Krisnamurti


Echte kennis bestiet yn wite dat jo neat wite. Sokrates Klik om te tweetjen

Hy is rykst dy’t tefreden is mei it minste, want ynhâld is de rykdom fan ‘e natuer. Sokrates

Underwiis is it oanlûken fan in flamme, net it ynfoljen fan in skip. Sokrates

Did Gandhi Commit Suicide?- It appears the originator of the question
is a chitpavan brahmin who thought that gandhi’s guided  gurus were
chitpavan brahmin leaders which amounted to his suicide.

The  slogan against the BJP in the recent
elections summed it up: “Muh me Ram aur dil me Nathuram (Ram on their lips and Nathuram in their hearts)”.!topic/alt.conspiracy.princess-diana/gBIkvPCx5h4

you spot a Maharashtrian with blue or green eyes, ten to one he is a
Chitpavan. And his fair colouring suggests a foreign origin. A history
of the Bene Israel, who settled in the Kolaba district of the
claims the Chitpavans as fellow Jews who became separated from their
shipmates. Other accounts have guessed at a homeland anywhere from Iran
to just north of Sholapur. The Bene Israel (Sons of Israel) are a group
of Jews who, in the mid-twentieth century, lived primarily in Mumbai,
Kolkata, Delhi, Ahmadabad and Karachi. …

Tilak and Shivram Mahadeo Paranjpe both landed in jail for their pains.
Vishnushashtri Chiplunkar wrote Our Country’s Condition -to attack
British rule on the one hand and Mahatma Phule’s non-Brahmin movement on
the other.

But there was another side to the Chitpavan’s political activity:

two centuries, the Chitpavans stayed a step ahead, always moving fast
enough to retain positions of power. But, with Tilak’s death in 1920,
history passed them by. The Congress Party, which Tilak had so
greatly influenced, became the party of Gandhi.

vinayak godse was probably the last of the chitpavan terrorists and
certainly the most infamous. When the news of his assassination of
Gandhi reached Maharashta, violence was directed
against the
communalist Hindu Mahasabha and the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh, but,
to many observers, the riots were essentially anti- chitpavan brahmin.
Once and for all, the idea of a unified society content with chitpavan
brahmin paternalism was exposed as a myth.

the mobs had gone home, the problem of anti-chitpavan brahmin feeling
remained. The chitpavans were forced to seek new life-patterns for a
world that was suddenly less friendly. Politically, the trend has been
to stay away from the Congress. One scholar notes that chitpavan brahmin
votes go to both ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ candidates but not to the Congress.

the chitpavans have continued to supply political leadership on both
sides of the fence - to the Communist and Socialist Parties as well as
to the Hindu Mahasabha and Jana Sangh. Their national leaders
N. G. Goray of the Praja Socialist Party and S. M. Joshi of the
Samyukta Socialist Party. V. D. Savarkar was for years leader of the
revivalist Hindu Mahasabha.

Nathuram godse was a life-long member of the RSS, attaining the position of baudhik karyavah (intellectual worker). His statement at the murder trial (originally published in 1977, in a volume entitled May It Please Your Honour)
says, “I am one of those volunteers who joined the Sangha in its
initial stage” . He says he left it to do more directly
political work in the Hindu Mahasabha (he does not say when). But his
brother gopal godse suggests that he never really left the RSS, and that the statement at his trial was meant to alleviate
the pressure on the Sangh, which was banned following gandhij’s murder.
A leader of the Hindu Mahasabha, Shyama Prasad Mookherjee, went on to
found the Jana Sangh, forerunner of the BJP.

The politics of swayamsevaks like the godses does not differ
too greatly from that of the RSS and the BJP today. The BJP’s campaign
slogan in the recent elections: Hum ne jo kaha, so kiye (What
we said, we did), boasting of an event that consumed thousands of lives,
denotes an implacability of resolve at least equal to nathuram’s.

BJP, a party primarily seeking power, the ideas its leaders express are
often serviceable means to an end rather than deep convictions. In this
respect, the saying goes, BJP minus RSS equals Congress (a witticism
that says as much about the Congress as about the BJP). It is the RSS
which is the backbone of the hindutva party and which makes the BJP
different from other parties.

The habit of seeing dangerous conspiracies everywhere, of calling for
rooting out a scourge that threatens the nation, is itself sign of a
paranoid mentality that in the US, for instance, was called McCarthyism.
Perhaps we should cease calling a paranoid and violent politics by its
own preferred name of ‘Hindutva’, and thereby deny it any respectable
cover. Advani’s disavowal of Nathuram Godse’s connection with the RSS
flies in the face of the well-documented connections between them and
the essential similarity of their ideas, as suggested by Nathuram’s
published statements, as well as Gopal Godse’s own words (see
interview). The  slogan against the BJP in the recent
elections summed it up: “Muh me Ram aur dil me Nathuram (Ram on their lips and Nathuram in their hearts)”.

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