Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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LESSON 3155 SAT 19 Oct 2019 KUSHINARA NIBBANA BHUMI CETIA at 668, 5A main Road, 8th Cross, HAL 3rd Stage, Bangalore- Karnataka State -India through runs Analytic Insight Net - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Law Research & Practice University 
 111 CLASSICAL LANGUAGES to DO GOOD BE MINDFUL and to Propagate TIPITAKA - BUDDHA AND HIS DHAMMA Suttas word by word in Pali and all 111 Classical languages because When a just born baby is kept isolated without anyone communicating with the baby, after a few days it will speak and human natural (Prakrit) language known as Classical Magahi Magadhi/Classical Chandaso language/Magadhi Prakrit/Classical Hela Basa (Hela Language)/Classical Pali which are the same. Buddha spoke in Magadhi. All the 7111 languages and dialects are off shoot of Classical Magahi Magadhi. Hence all of them are Classical in nature (Prakrit) of Human Beings, just like all other living spieces have their own natural languages for communication. 111 languages are translated by Complete Course on our Dhamma and Polity for the welfare, happiness and peace of all Awakened Aboriginal Societies and for their Eternal Bliss as Final Goal. Will be publishing all the work in your esteemed site. Meditate throughout life for Welfare, Happiness and Peace in all postures of the body including, sitting, standing, lying, walking, cycling, swimming, performing martial arts, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Karate, Kalari and so on. Why because: Buddha was asked, “What have you gained by Meditation?” He replied “Nothing!” “However, Buddha said, let me yell you what I lost: Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Insecurity, Fear of Old Age and Death” MAHA BODHI SOVIETY, BENGALURU KATHINA FESTIVAL 2019 19 & 20 OCTOBER SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ALL ARE WELCOME, contact - 9731635108
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Posted by: site admin @ 9:06 pm
Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan

Maha Bodhi Society

#14 Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar Bengaluru - 560 009, India

Telephone : +91 80-22250684

Mobile : +91 9731635108

Fax: 080-41148440

Email :

KUSHINARA NIBBANA BHUMI CETIA at 668, 5A main Road, 8th Cross, HAL 3rd Stage, Bangalore- Karnataka State -India
Analytic Insight Net - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Law Research & Practice University 
Telephone : +91 80-25203792

Mobile : +91 9449835875

  • Email :

  • To 

  • Spastics Societies of Karnataka
  • Centre for Developmental Disabilities
  • No.31, 5th Cross, Off - 5th Main, Indiranagar 1st Stage.
  • Bengaluru - 560 038. Tele: +91 (0) 4074 5900 / 901 / 902
  • (D) 40745906 Fax : +91 (80) 4074 5903  Mob : 94483833309
  • E-mail :-
  • Website :-

  • Sub: Integrated Spastics Society of Karnataka - Centre for Developmental Disabilities, Relaxation and Hydrotherapy

  • IMG-20171127-WA0026Things NOT To Say To A Special Needs Parent EVER | BabyGaga
  • The Spastics Society of Karnataka is is involved in Yeoman service dedicated to the welfare of persons with Neuro-Muscular and
    Developmental Disabilities providing a Comprehensive Package
    of Diagnostic and Intervention Services to persons with Cerebral Palsy,
    Autism, Mental Retardation, Multiple Disabilities and Learning


  • Relaxation for people with disabilities

  • Relaxation involves a distinct physiological state that is the distinct opposite of the way your body feels and reacts under stress and tension.{Relaxation is incompatible with stress.{The physiological responses found in the state of relaxation are the opposite of those found in the fight or flight response. Heart rate and blood pressure drops. Breathing rate decreases. Muscle tension decreases.

  • Relaxation

  • black and white meditation GIF by floating point motion design

  • {Being able to relax results from applying specific skills.{Can be used for: Treatment of specific physical conditions (e.g.,muscle tension, muscle spasms, neck and back pain, high blood pressure) As a focused psychological strategy for the treatment of anxiety, depression, insomnia and mild phobias. Day-to-day situations. One component of a behavioral support program.
  • Types of relaxation

  • {Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) involves tensing and relaxing muscle groups {Visualisation or guided imagery involves asking an individual to imagine, for example, a peaceful scene{Focused breathing increasing one’s awareness and control of breathing patterns.{Auto genics listening to positive self-statements and affirmations, such as “my breathing is smooth and rhythmical“ and “I am in control”.{Ti Chi, Yoga, Meditation, Self-hypnosis}

  • Monks
    from Maha Bodhi Society will be training on Meditation on every
    Saturdays from 05:00 PM to 07:PM. Staff and students of Spastics Society of Karnataka are requested to
    attend the same.

  • Hydrotherapy

  • Benefits of hydrotherapy for children with complex needs

  • baby help GIF

  • Nicky Pither, Physiotherapist at RNIB Pears Centre for Specialist Learning, outlines how water therapy can benefit children and young people with disabilities and health conditions…

    involves stimulation and gentle exercise in warm water at a constant
    temperature of 32 degrees Celsius. Hydrotherapy pools tend to be
    purpose-built with a constant or very gradual water depth of around 1
    metre. Pools usually incorporate multi-sensory equipment such as
    lighting and sound to stimulate the senses.

    Hydrotherapy offers
    tangible benefits to the health and well being of children and young
    people with a range of disabilities and health conditions:

    • The warmth of the water has an effect on the individual
      neuro-muscular junctions which results in decreased muscle tone and 
    • decreased spasticity.
    • Buoyancy of the water is used to assist movement of joints - which is either more difficult or painful on dry land.
    • Movement
      in the water and water pressure helps to reduce residual lung capacity
      for children and young people with chest problems. This enables more
      efficient lung function and reduces the risk of chest infections
    • Creating turbulence around an extremity (i.e. arm or
      leg) can increase their awareness of the limb and help with mobility -
      both in the water and later on dry land.
    • Multi-sensory environment helps stimulate the senses whilst calming children with sensory and learning difficulties.

    RNIB Pears Centre we offer specialist education, care and therapies to
    children and young people with complex needs and vision impairment.
    Additional needs we support include physical disabilities, multi-sensory
    impairment, significant learning difficulties and disabilities,
    autistic spectrum disorders, additional medical and health needs
    (including long-term ventilation or life-threatening or life-limiting
    conditions) and emotional and behavioural difficulties.

    has always been part of our provision but until recently we had to go
    off-site for children to use a hydrotherapy pool at another local
    school. We were restricted in how often we could access this pool and
    reliant on minibus drivers being available to take more than one
    wheelchair user.

    Although we worked hard to make hydrotherapy
    available for everyone that needed it, there were always serious
    challenges to accessing an external provider’s pool which meant that for
    many, it was just too risky to achieve. Local public baths are too busy
    and cold and don’t have ceiling hoist facilities. Other local
    hydrotherapy pools tend to be fully booked and only available at
    inconvenient times.

    We wanted to enable our young people with
    complex needs to access water therapy on a regular basis. In 2015, we
    launched a fundraising campaign to raise money to build a hydrotherapy
    pool on our site. Thanks to generous donations from supporters including
    the Bradbury Foundation, Pears Foundation and local community groups
    our dream was made a reality and our on-site pool, the Bradbury
    Hydrotherapy Centre, opened in February 2017.

    Since the new
    hydrotherapy pool has been open for use, the impact on our children and
    young people has been phenomenal. First and foremost, it’s enjoyable and
    fun! This has had an immediate positive impact on their psychological
    well being.

    Some young people have never been able to use a pool
    and are now enjoying regular sessions and experiencing the freedom of
    movement in the pool – whereas on dry land their movements are extremely
    limited. Also being able to move in the water improves their general
    physical stamina and lung function.

    Others who tend to be in
    crisis for a lot of the time as they are overloaded by their sensory
    environment find that after 20 minutes of splashing and moving round in
    the pool they are a lot calmer and more able to cope in class.

    able to get to and from the pool easily means that we can respond
    quickly to changes in young people’s fitness to swim. We can be flexible
    about timing to meet individual health needs, such as medication and
    therapy programmes. This would never have been possible with an off-site
    facility. So, for example, if a young person was initially unable to
    process the idea of going swimming as they arrive in school but after an
    hour in class lesson – they felt able to go they could go – whereas
    before they would have “missed the bus”.

    All children and young people who are using the hydrotherapy pool have benefitted:

    • Young people who are normally in their seating systems in their
      wheelchair for a lot of the day can experience freedom of movement in
      the pool.
    • Others who don’t move much on dry land become active and really enjoy moving round the pool.
    • Young
      people who have very limited movement and struggle to communicate when
      on dry land are able to vocalise or move their arms to indicate
      preferences whilst in the water.
    • Passive physiotherapy
      programmes can be difficult to tolerate on dry land but in the water the
      young people with tight muscles and joints are much happier when their
      muscle stretches are incorporated into a fun or relaxing time in the

    We have been able to extend our outreach service to
    include hydrotherapy already and this work will develop to a greater
    extent over time. This allows us to share expertise whilst introducing
    other children to the opportunities that water therapy offers.

    For more information about RNIB Pears Centre and to watch a short film showing the impact of the hydrotherapy pool, visit

    Thanking You,

    With Kind Regards


    LESSON 3155 SAT 19 Oct 2019

    KUSHINARA NIBBANA BHUMI CETIA at 668, 5A main Road, 8th Cross, HAL 3rd Stage, Bangalore- Karnataka State -India

    Analytic Insight Net - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Law Research & Practice University 

    Suttas word by word in Pali and all 111 Classical languages because

    When a just
    born baby is kept isolated without anyone communicating with the baby,
    after a few days it will speak and human natural (Prakrit) language
    known as
    Classical Magahi Magadhi/Classical Chandaso language/Magadhi Prakrit/Classical Hela Basa (Hela Language)/Classical Pali which are the same. Buddha spoke in Magadhi. All the 7111 languages and dialects are off shoot of Classical
    Magahi Magadhi. Hence all of them are Classical in nature (Prakrit) of
    Human Beings, just like all other living spieces have their own natural
    languages for communication. 111 languages are translated by

    Complete Course on our Dhamma and Polity for the welfare, happiness and
    peace of all Awakened Aboriginal Societies and for their Eternal Bliss
    as Final Goal.
    Will be publishing all the work in your esteemed site.

    throughout life for Welfare, Happiness and Peace in all postures of the
    body including, sitting, standing, lying, walking, cycling, swimming,
    performing martial arts, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Karate, Kalari and so on.

    Why because:

    Buddha was asked, “What have you gained by Meditation?”
    He replied “Nothing!”
    “However, Buddha said, let me yell you what I lost:
    Fear of Old Age and Death”
    19 & 20 OCTOBER
    ALL ARE WELCOME, contact - 9731635108
    Cover photo, Image may contain: sky and outdoor

    Image may contain: 4 people, people sitting and text
    No photo description available.
    The 3 trainings. Piya Tan 190609b

    362 subscribers
    Sikkhattaya Sutta 2 (A 3.89 @ SD 47.17). Download sutta from:
    >> Sutta Piṭaka >> Aṅguttara Nikāya >> Tika Nipāta
    AN 3.91 (A i 235) Sikkhattaya Sutta — The three trainings —

    Tisso imā bhikkhave sikkhā. Katamā tisso? Adhisīla-sikkhā adhicitta-sikkhā adhipaññā-sikkhā.

    Katamā ca, bhikkhave, adhisīla-sikkhā? Idha bhikkhave bhikkhu sīlavā
    hoti pātimokkha-saṃvara-saṃvuto viharati ācāra-gocara-sampanno
    anumattesu vajjesu bhayadassāvī samādāya sikkhati sikkhāpadesu.
    Ayaṃ vuccati bhikkhave adhisīla-sikkhā.

    Katamā ca, bhikkhave, adhicitta-sikkhā? Idha bhikkhave bhikkhu
    vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṃ savicāraṃ
    vivekajaṃ pītisukhaṃ paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati;

    vitakkavicārānaṃ vūpasamā ajjhattaṃ sampasādanaṃ cetaso ekodibhāvaṃ
    avitakkaṃ avicāraṃ samādhijaṃ pītisukhaṃ dutiyaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja

    pītiyā ca virāgā upekkhako ca viharati sato ca
    sampajāno sukhañca kāyena paṭisaṃvedeti yaṃ taṃ ariyā ācikkhanti:
    ‘upekkhako satimā sukhavihārī’ti tatiyaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati;

    sukhassa ca pahānā dukkhassa ca pahānā pubbeva somanassadomanassānaṃ
    atthaṅgamā adukkhamasukhaṃ upekkhāsatipārisuddhiṃ catutthaṃ jhānaṃ
    upasampajja viharati.
    Ayaṃ vuccati bhikkhave adhicitta-sikkhā.

    Katamā ca, bhikkhave, adhipaññā-sikkhā? Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu
    āsavānaṃ khayā an-āsavaṃ cetovimuttiṃ paññāvimuttiṃ diṭṭheva dhamme
    sayaṃ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharati. Ayaṃ vuccati bhikkhave

    Imā kho bhikkhave tisso sikkhā ti.

    About This Website
    Sikkhattaya Sutta 2 (A 3.89 @ SD 47.17). Download sutta from: http://www.t…
    Word of the Buddha (Part 1) | Ajahn Brahm | 27 November 2016

    Buddhist Society of Western Australia
    128K subscribers
    Sutta Class

    Ajahn Brahm is taking a classic text compiled by the Venerable
    Nyanatiloka titled the “Word of the Buddha” which provides a staged
    summary of the Buddha Dhamma. But Ajahn Brahm is heavily revising the
    text to bring it up to date with contemporary English language usage.

    Buddhist Society of Western Australia
    Nonprofits & Activism

    EnglishAN 3.91 (A i 235) Sikkhattaya Sutta — The three trainings —
    [sikkhā-taya] Here the Buddha gives an alternate definition of
    adhipaññāsikkhā.There are, bhikkhus, these three sikkhās. Which three?
    Adhisīla-sikkhā, adhicitta-sikkhā, adhipaññā-sikkhā.And what, bhikkhus,
    is adhisīla-sikkhā? Here, bhikkhusThis, bhikkhus, is called
    adhisīla-sikkhā.And what, bhikkhus, is adhicitta-sikkhā? Here, bhikkhus,
    This, bhikkhus, is called adhicitta-sikkhā.
    And what, bhikkhus, is
    adhipaññā-sikkhā? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, with the destruction of
    the āsavas, having reached in visible phenomena the cetovimutti without
    āsavas and paññāvimutti, having himself realized them through abhiññā,
    he dwells therein. This, bhikkhus, is called adhipaññā-sikkhā.
    These, bhikkhus, are the three sikkhās.

    About This Website
    Sutta Class Ajahn Brahm is taking a classic text compiled by the Venerable…
    புத்தரின் வார்த்தை (பகுதி 1) | அஜான் பிரம்ம் | 27 நவம்பர் 2016

    மேற்கு ஆஸ்திரேலியாவின் ப Society த்த சங்கம்
    128 கே சந்தாதாரர்கள்
    சுட்டா வகுப்பு

    அஜான் பிராம் புத்தமதத்தின் ஒரு சுருக்கமான உரையை வழங்கும் “புத்தரின்
    வார்த்தை” என்ற தலைப்பில் புனித நயனட்டிலோகா தொகுத்த ஒரு உன்னதமான உரையை
    எடுத்து வருகிறார். ஆனால் அஜான் பிராம் சமகால ஆங்கில மொழி பயன்பாட்டுடன்
    உரையை புதுப்பிக்க பெரிதும் திருத்துகிறார்.

    மேற்கு ஆஸ்திரேலியாவின் ப Society த்த சங்கம்
    இலாப நோக்கற்ற மற்றும் செயல்பாடுகள்

    ஆங்கிலன் 3.91 (A i 235) சிக்கட்டயா சுட்டா - மூன்று பயிற்சிகள் -
    [sikkhā-taya] இங்கே புத்தர் adhipaññāsikkhā க்கு ஒரு மாற்று வரையறையை
    அளிக்கிறார். பிக்குக்கள், இந்த மூன்று சிக்காக்கள் உள்ளன. எந்த மூன்று?
    ஆதிசலா-சிக்கா, ஆதிசிட்டா-சிக்கா, ஆதிபா-சிக்கா.மேலும், பிக்குக்கள்,
    ஆதிசலா-சிக்கா என்றால் என்ன? இங்கே, பிக்குஸ், பிக்குஸ், ஆதிசலா-சிக்கா
    என்று அழைக்கப்படுகிறார். மேலும், பிக்குஸ், ஆதிசிட்டா-சிக்கா என்றால்
    என்ன? இங்கே, பிக்குஸ், இது, பிக்குஸ், ஆதிசிட்டா-சிக்கா என்று
    பிக்குஸ், ஆதிபா-சிக்கா என்றால் என்ன? இங்கே,
    பிக்குகள், ஒரு பிக்கு, சாவாக்களின் அழிவுடன், காணக்கூடிய நிகழ்வுகளில்
    அஸவாஸ் மற்றும் பாவிமுட்டி இல்லாமல் செட்டோவிமுட்டியை அடைந்து, அபி மூலம்
    அவற்றை உணர்ந்தபின், அவர் அதில் வசிக்கிறார். இது, பிக்குஸ், ஆதிபா-சிக்கா
    என்று அழைக்கப்படுகிறது.
    இவர்கள், பிக்குக்கள், மூன்று சிக்கர்கள்.
    இந்த வலைத்தளத்தைப் பற்றி
    புத்தரின் வார்த்தை (பகுதி 1) | அஜான் பிரம்ம் | 27 நவம்பர் 2016
    சுட்டா வகுப்பு அஜான் பிரம்ம் வணக்கத்தாரால் தொகுக்கப்பட்ட ஒரு உன்னதமான உரையை எடுத்து வருகிறார்…
    Buddhist Monks Reciting Buddhist Sanskrit and Pali Prayers for World Peace

    The Speaking Heart
    2.44K subscribers
    Buddhist Monks Reciting Buddhist Sanskrit and Pali Prayers for World Peace

    84) छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित् छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्
    Fइर्स्त् टुर्निन्ग् ओf थे Wहेएल् ओf ढर्म

    णेw Kअदम्प ट्रदितिओन्
    17.7K सुब्स्च्रिबेर्स्
    Fरोम् थे प्लय् थे Lइfए ओf Bउद्ध

    Bओओक् ठ्रेए, Pअर्त् ईईई—Wहत् इस् ढम्म

    1. *टो ंऐन्तैन् Pउरित्य् ओf Lइfए इस् ढम्म* — 2. *टो ऋएअच्ह्
    Pएर्fएच्तिओन् इन् Lइfए इस् ढम्म* — 3. *टो Lइवे इन् णिब्बन इस् ढम्म* —
    4. *टो ङिवे उप् छ्रविन्ग् इस् ढम्म* — 5. *टो बेलिएवे थत् अल्ल्
    चोम्पोउन्द् थिन्ग्स् अरे इम्पेर्मनेन्त् इस् ढम्म* — 6. *टो बेलिएवे थत्
    Kअर्म इस् थे इन्स्त्रुमेन्त् ओf ंओरल् Oर्देर् इस् ढम्म*

    § 1. टो ंऐन्तैन् Pउरित्य् ओf Lइfए इस् ढम्म


    1. “ठेरे अरे थेसे थ्रेए fओर्म्स् ओf पुरित्य्… आन्द् ओf wहत् सोर्त् इस् पुरित्य् ओf बोद्य्?
    2. “ःएरेइन् अ चेर्तैन् ओने अब्स्तैन्स् fरोम् तकिन्ग् लिfए, fरोम्
    स्तेअलिन्ग्, fरोम् सिन्fउल् लिविन्ग्. ठिस् इस् चल्लेद् ‘पुरित्य् ओf
    3. “आन्द् ओf wहत् सोर्त् इस् पुरित्य् ओf स्पेएच्ह्?
    4. “ःएरेइन् अ चेर्तैन् ओने अब्स्तैन्स् fरोम् fअल्सेहोओद्…
    5. “आन्द् ओf wहत् सोर्त् इस् पुरित्य् ओf मिन्द्?
    6. “ःएरेइन् अ मोन्क्, इf हे हवे सोमे पेर्सोनल् सेन्सुअल् देसिरे, इस्
    अwअरेः ‘ ठेरे इस् इन् मे सेन्सुअल् देसिरे.’ ईf थेरे बे नोने हे इस्
    लिकेwइसे अwअरे ओf इत्. आल्सो हे इस् अwअरे ओf होw थे अरिसिन्ग् ओf
    सेन्सुअल् देसिरे नोत् येत् अरिसेन् चोमेस् अबोउत्, अन्द् होw इत् इस्
    अबन्दोनेद् wहेन् इत् हस् अरिसेन्, अन्द् होw इन् थे fउतुरे थेरे इस् नो
    सुच्ह् अरिसिन्ग्.
    7. “ईf हे हवे सोमे पेर्सोनल् मलेवोलेन्चे, हे इस्
    अwअरेः ‘ ठेरे इस् wइथिन् मे मलेवोलेन्चे.’ आल्सो हे इस् अwअरे ओf थे
    अरिसिन्ग् . . . अन्द् थे अबन्दोनिन्ग् थेरेओf, अन्द् ओf होw इन् fउतुरे
    थेरे इस् नो रेचुर्रेन्चे थेरेओf.
    8. “ईf हे हवे सोमे पेर्सोनल्
    स्लोथ्-अन्द्-तोर्पोर्…एxचितेमेन्त् अन्द् fलुर्र्य्…इf हे हवे सोमे
    पेर्सोनल् दोउब्त्-अन्द्-wअवेरिन्ग्, हे इस् अwअरे ओf थे fअच्त्. आल्सो ओf
    होw (एअच्ह् ओf थेसे) अरिसेस्, इस् अबन्दोनेद् अन्द् रेचुर्स् नोत् अगैन्
    इन् fउतुरे. ठिस् इस् चल्लेद् ‘पुरित्य् ओf मिन्द्.’
    9. “ःए wहो इस् पुरे इन् बोद्य्, स्पेएच्ह्, अन्द् मिन्द्,
    “षिन्लेस्स् अन्द् च्लेअन् अन्द् ब्लेस्सेद् wइथ् पुरित्य्–
    “‘षिन्-wअस्हेर्’ इस् थे नमे मेन् गिवे तो हिम्.”
    आबोउत् ठिस् Wएब्सिते
    Fइर्स्त् टुर्निन्ग् ओf थे Wहेएल् ओf ढर्म
    Fरोम् थे प्लय् थे Lइfए ओf Bउद्ध
    First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma

    New Kadampa Tradition
    17.7K subscribers
    From the play the Life of Buddha

    § 1. To Maintain Purity of Life is Dhamma

    1. “There are three forms of purity…Purity of body, purity of speech, purity of mind.”
    2. “And of what sort is purity of body?”
    3. “Herein a certain one abstains from taking life, from stealing,
    from wrong practice in sensual lusts. This is called ‘purity of body.’”
    4. “And of what sort is purity of speech?”
    5. “Herein a certain one abstains from falsehood…from idle babble. This is called ‘purity of speech.’”
    6. “And of what sort is purity of mind?”
    7. “Herein a certain one is not covetous or malevolent of heart,
    and has [a] right view. This is called ‘purity of mind.’ These are the
    three forms of purity.”

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    From the play the Life of Buddha
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    § 1. வாழ்க்கையின் தூய்மையைப் பேணுவது தர்மம்

    1. “தூய்மையின் மூன்று வடிவங்கள் உள்ளன … உடலின் தூய்மை, பேச்சின் தூய்மை, மன தூய்மை.”
    2. “உடலின் தூய்மை எந்த வகையானது?”
    3. “இங்கே ஒரு நபர் உயிரை எடுப்பதில் இருந்து, திருடுவதிலிருந்து,
    சிற்றின்ப காமங்களில் தவறான நடைமுறையிலிருந்து விலகுகிறார். இது ‘உடலின்
    தூய்மை’ என்று அழைக்கப்படுகிறது.”
    4. “மேலும் பேச்சின் தூய்மை என்ன?”
    5. “இங்கே ஒரு நபர் பொய்யிலிருந்து … செயலற்ற பாபிலிலிருந்து விலகுகிறார். இது ‘பேச்சின் தூய்மை’ என்று அழைக்கப்படுகிறது.”
    6. “மனதின் தூய்மை என்ன?”
    7. “இங்கே ஒரு குறிப்பிட்டவர் பேராசை கொண்டவர் அல்ல, இருதயமற்றவர்
    அல்ல, சரியான பார்வையைக் கொண்டிருக்கிறார். இது ‘மன தூய்மை’ என்று
    அழைக்கப்படுகிறது. இவை தூய்மையின் மூன்று வடிவங்கள். “
    The Dharmadhatustava of Arya Nagarjuna recited in Sanskrit

    M. Lindberg
    133 subscribers

    The Dharmadhatustava of Arya Nagarjuna (2:nd Century A.D.) is a short
    text of a hudred verses included in the “collection of praises” dealing
    with the nature of the Dharmadhatu or Ultimate Reality as understood in
    Mahayana Buddhism. The text belongs to the Third Wheel of Dharma and has
    an important position within the teachings of Buddha Nature. The text
    has been preserved in Chinese and Tibetan translations, but has since
    centuries been lost in the original Sanskrit, surviving only in quoted
    fragments in the works of masters like Bhavaviveka, Ratnakarashanti,
    Atisha and Naropa. A unique and singular Sanskrit manuscript from the
    11:th Century has recently been recovered from the collections of the
    Potala Palace, Lhasa, and is now published after painstaking editorial
    work in Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese by Dr. Liu Zhen of the China
    Tibetology Research Centre in cooperation with the Austrian Academy of
    Sciences. The Dharmadhatustava (Beijing - Vienna 2015). The recitation
    is based on this edition. For a full study with a translation and
    analysis of the text along with a commentary by the Third Karmapa, see
    “In Praise of Dharmadhatu” by Karl Brunnhölzl, The Nitartha
    Institute/Snowlion, 2007. Sanskrit text recited by M. Lindberg.

    For a preview of the translation, see p 117 onwards in Googlebooks:

    84) छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित् छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्
    § 1. टो ंऐन्तैन् Pउरित्य् ओf Lइfए इस् ढम्म

    1. “ठेरे अरे थ्रेए fओर्म्स् ओf पुरित्य्…Pउरित्य् ओf बोद्य्, पुरित्य् ओf स्पेएच्ह्, पुरित्य् ओf मिन्द्.”
    2. “आन्द् ओf wहत् सोर्त् इस् पुरित्य् ओf बोद्य्?”
    3. “ःएरेइन् अ चेर्तैन् ओने अब्स्तैन्स् fरोम् तकिन्ग् लिfए, fरोम्
    स्तेअलिन्ग्, fरोम् wरोन्ग् प्रच्तिचे इन् सेन्सुअल् लुस्त्स्. ठिस् इस्
    चल्लेद् ‘पुरित्य् ओf बोद्य्.’”
    4. “आन्द् ओf wहत् सोर्त् इस् पुरित्य् ओf स्पेएच्ह्?”
    5. “ःएरेइन् अ चेर्तैन् ओने अब्स्तैन्स् fरोम् fअल्सेहोओद्…fरोम् इद्ले बब्ब्ले. ठिस् इस् चल्लेद् ‘पुरित्य् ओf स्पेएच्ह्.’”
    6. “आन्द् ओf wहत् सोर्त् इस् पुरित्य् ओf मिन्द्?”
    7. “ःएरेइन् अ चेर्तैन् ओने इस् नोत् चोवेतोउस् ओर् मलेवोलेन्त् ओf
    हेअर्त्, अन्द् हस् [अ] रिघ्त् विएw. ठिस् इस् चल्लेद् ‘पुरित्य् ओf
    मिन्द्.’ ठेसे अरे थे थ्रेए fओर्म्स् ओf पुरित्य्.”

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    The Dharmadhatustava of Arya Nagarjuna (2:nd Century A.D.) is a short text…

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