LESSON 3262 Mon 3 Feb 2020
Dr B.R.Ambedkar thundered “Main Bharat Baudhmay karunga.” (I will make India Buddhist)
by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Book Six, Part I—His Benefactors
*Book Six, Part I — His Benefactors*
1. *Gift from King Bimbisara* — 2. *Gift from Anathapindika* — 3.
*Gift from Jeevaka* — 4. *Gift from Ambrapali* — 5. *Munificence of
§ 1. Gift from King Bimbisara
King Bimbisara was not merely a follower of the Blessed Lord; he was
also a great devotee, and a great supporter of his Dhamma.
2. After his becoming a lay disciple, Bimbisara asked, “Might the
Blessed Lord consent to take his meal with me tomorrow, together with
the fraternity of the monks?”
3. The Blessed One expressed his consent by remaining silent.
4. Then King Bimbisara, when he understood that the Blessed One
had accepted his invitation, rose from his seat, respectfully saluted
the Blessed One, and, passing round him with his right side towards him,
went away.
5. And when the night had elapsed, Bimbisara
ordered excellent food to be prepared, and at [that] time announced to
the Blessed One in the words: “It is time. Lord, the meal is ready.”
6. And in the forenoon the Blessed One, having put on his
under-robe, took his alms-bowl, and with his robe on, entered the city
of Rajagraha, accompanied by monks who had all been Jatilas before.
7. And the Blessed One went to the palace of King Bimbisara.
Having gone there, he sat down with the monks who followed him, on seats
laid out for them. Then King Bimbisara with his own hands served the
fraternity of monks with the Buddha at its head; and when the Blessed
One had finished his meal and cleaned his bowl and his hands, he sat
down near him.
8. Sitting near him King Bimbisara thought:
“Where may I find a place for the Blessed One to live in, not too far
from the village and not too near, suitable for going and coming, easily
accessible for people who keep on seeking him, by day not too crowded,
where there is little sound, little noise by night, sequestered, hidden
from men, well fitted for a retired life?”
9. And King
Bimbisara thought: “There is the Veluvana, my pleasure garden, which is
not too far from the town and not too near, suitable for going and
coming. What if I were to make an offering of the Veluvana pleasure
garden to the fraternity of monks, with the Buddha at its head?”
10. And King Bimbisara took a golden vessel with water in it, to be
poured over the Buddha’s hand; and made a gift to the Blessed One,
saying, “I give this Veluvana pleasure garden, Lord, to the fraternity
of monks with the Buddha at its head.” The Blessed One accepted the
11. Then the Blessed One, after having taught,
incited, animated, and gladdened King Bimbisara by religious discourse,
rose from his seat and went away.
12. And in consequence of
this event the Blessed One, after having delivered a religious
discourse, addressed the monks: “I allow you, monks, to receive this
donation of a park.”
§ 2. Gift from Anathapindika
1. After his conversion, Anathapindika once went to the Blessed Lord. Taking his seat on his right side, he said:
2. “The Lord knows that I dwell in Shravasti, a land rich in
produce, and enjoying peace; Pasendi is the great king thereof.
3. “Now am I wishful to found a Vihar there. I pray you, of your tenderness, come to Shravasti and accept it from me.”
4. The Blessed Lord kept silent and thereby showed his willingness to accept the gift.
5. Anathapindika, the friend of the destitute and the supporter
of orphans, having returned home, saw the garden of the heir-apparent,
Jeta, with its green groves and limpid rivulets, and thought: “This is
the place which will be most suitable as a Vihara for the fraternity of
the Blessed One.” And he went to the prince and asked leave to buy the
6. The prince was not inclined to sell the garden,
for he valued it highly. He at first refused, but said at last: “If you
can cover it with gold, then, and for no other price, shall you have
7. Anathapindika rejoiced and began to spread his gold;
but Jeta said: “Spare yourself trouble, for I will not sell.” But
Anathapindika insisted. Thus they differed and contended, until they
resorted to the magistrate.
8. Meanwhile the people began to
talk of the unwonted proceeding; and the prince, hearing more of the
details, and knowing that Anathapindika was not only very wealthy but
also straightforward and sincere, inquired into his plans. On hearing
the name of the Blessed One, the prince became anxious to share in the
foundation, and he accepted only one-half of the gold, saying: “Yours is
the land, but mine are the trees. I will give the trees as my share of
the offering to the Lord.”
9. Having made the foundation,
they began to build the hall which rose loftily in due proportions,
according to the directions which the Blessed One had given; and it was
beautifully decorated with appropriate carvings.
10. This
Vihara was called Jetavana, and the friend of the orphans invited the
Lord to come to Shravasti and receive the gift. And the Blessed One left
Kapilavastu and came to Shravasti.
11. While the Blessed
One entered Jetavana, Anathapindika scattered flowers and burned
incense, and as a sign of the gift he poured water from a golden dragon
pitcher, saying, “This Jetavana Vihara I give for the use of the
brotherhood throughout the world.”
12. The Blessed One
received the gift, and replied: “May all evil influences be overcome;
may the offering promote the kingdom of righteousness, and be a
permanent blessing to mankind in general and especially also to the
13. Anathapindika was one of the eighty chief disciples who bore the title of Chief Almsgiver.
§ 3. Gift from Jeevaka
1. Jeevaka the physician visited the Blessed One twice a day, whenever the Blessed One happened to be in Rajagraha.
2. Jeevaka found the Veluvana, gifted away to the Blessed One by King Bimbisara, too far away.
3. Jeevaka had his own park in Rajagraha, known as Ambavana, which was much nearer from [=to] his place.
4. He thought of building a Vihara with all its adjuncts, and
present[ing] the Ambavana and the Vihara to the Blessed One.
5. With this idea in his mind he approached the Blessed One, and requested him to let him fulfil his wishes.
6. The Blessed Lord showed his acceptance by remaining silent.
§ 4. Gift from Ambrapali
1. Now the Exalted One was staying at Nadika and was wishing
for a change. He addressed Ananda, and said: “Come, Ananda, let us go on
to Vesali.”
2. “So be it. Lord,” said Ananda, in assent, to the Exalted One.
3. Then the Exalted One proceeded, with a great company of the
brethren, to Vesali, and there at Vesali, the Exalted One stayed at
Ambrapali’s grove.
4. Now the courtesan Ambrapali heard that
the Exalted One had arrived at Vesali, and was staying there at her
mango grove. And ordering a number of state vehicles to be made ready,
she mounted one of them, and went forth with her train from Vesali
towards her garden. She went in the carriage as far as the ground was
passable for carriages; there she alighted, and she proceeded on foot to
the place where the Exalted One was, and took her seat respectfully on
one side. And when she was thus seated the Exalted One instructed her
with religious discourse.
5. Then she addressed the Exalted
One, and said: ” May the Exalted One do me the honour of taking his
meal, together with the brethren, at my house tomorrow ? “
6. And the Exalted One gave, by silence, his consent. Then when
Ambrapali the courtesan saw that the Exalted One had consented, she rose
from her seat and bowed down before him; and keeping him on her right
hand as she passed him, she departed thence.
7. Now the
Licchavis of Vesali heard that the Exalted One had arrived at Vesali,
and was staying at Ambrapali’s grove. They too wanted to invite the
Buddha to their place for a meal. And ordering a number of state
carriages to be made ready, they each mounted one of them and went forth
with their train from Vesali.
8. They and Ambrapali crossed on the way.
9. And Ambrapali drove up against the young Licchavis, axle to
axle, wheel to wheel, and yoke to yoke, and the Licchavis said to
Ambrapali the courtesan, “How is it, Ambrapali, that thou drivest up
against us thus?”
10. “My Lords, I have just invited the Exalted One and his brethren for their morrow’s meal,” said Ambrapali.
11. “Ambrapali, sell this honour to us fora hundred thousand,” said they.
12. “My Lords, were you to offer all Vesali with its subject territory, I would not give it up.”
13. The Licchavis cast up their hands, exclaiming: “We are
outdone by this mango girl. We are out-reached by this mango girl,” and
they went on to Ambrapali’s grove.
14. Knowing that they
were outdone, they still thought of approaching the Blessed One, in the
hope that he might reconsider and give their invitation first
preference. So they went on to Ambrapali’s grove.
15. When
the Exalted One saw the Licchavis approaching in the distance, he
addressed the brethren and said: “Brethren, let those of the brethren
who have never seen the devas, gaze upon this company of the Licchavis,
behold this company of the Licchavis, compare this company of the
Licchavis–for they are even a company of next-world devas.”
16. And when they had ridden as far as the ground was passable for
carriages, the Licchavis alighted there, and then went on foot to the
place where the Exalted One was, and took their seats respectfully by
his side.
17. Then they addressed the Exalted One, and said :
“May the Exalted One do us the honour of taking his meal, together with
the brethren, at our house tomorrow?”
18. “I have promised, Licchavis, to dine tomorrow with Ambrapali,” was the reply.
19. Then the Licchavis knew that they had failed. And after
expressing their thanks and approval of the words of the Exalted One,
they rose from their seats and bowed down before the Exalted One, and
keeping him on their right hand as they passed him, departed thence.
20. And at the end of the night, Ambrapali the courtesan made
ready in her mansion sweet rice and cakes, and announced the time to the
Exalted One, saying, “The hour. Lord, has come, and the meal is ready.”
21. And the Exalted One who had dressed himself early in the
morning, took his bowl and his robe, and went with the brethren to the
place where Ambrapali’s mansion was; and when he had come there he
seated himself on the seat prepared for him. And Ambrapali, the
courtesan, set the sweet rice and cakes before the order, with the
Buddha at their head, and waited upon them till they refused any more.
22. And when the Blessed One had quite finished his meal, and
had cleansed the bowl and his hands, the courtesan had a low stool
brought, and sat down-at his side, and addressed the Exalted One, and
23. ” Lord, I present my pleasance to you and to the
order.” And the Exalted One accepted the gift; and after giving a
religious discourse, he rose from his seat and took her leave.
§ 5. Munificence of Vishakha
1. Vishakha was a wealthy woman of Shravasti. She had many children and grandchildren.
2. When the Blessed One stayed at Shravasti, Vishakha went up
to the place where the Blessed One was, and tendered Him an invitation
to take his meal at her house, which the Blessed One accepted.
3. And heavy rain fell during the night and the next morning; and the
bhikkhus doffed their robes to keep themselves dry, and let the rain
fall upon their bodies.
4. When the next day the Blessed One
had finished his meal, she took her seat at his side and spoke thus:
“Eight are the boons, Lord, which I beg of the Blessed One.”
5. Then the Blessed One said: “The Tathagatas, O Vishakha, grant no boons unless they know what they are.”
6. Vishakha replied: “Proper, Lord, and unobjectionable are the boons I ask.”
7. Having received permission to ask the boons, Vishakha said:
“I desire. Lord, through all my life to bestow robes for the rainy
season on the Sangha, and food for incoming bhikkhus, and food for
outgoing bhikkhus, and food for the sick, and food for those who wait
upon the sick, and medicine for the sick, and a constant supply of
rice-milk for the Sangha, and bathing robes for the bhikkhunis, the
8. “But,” said the Lord, “What, O Vishakha, have you in view, in asking these eight boons of the Tathagata?”
9. And Vishakha replied: “I gave command, Lord, to my
maid-servant, saying, ‘Go thou and announce to the fraternity that the
meal is ready,’ and my maid went, but when she came to the vihara, she
observed that the bhikkhus had doffed their robes, while it was raining,
and she thought: ‘These are not bhikkhus, but naked ascetics letting
the rain fall on them.’ So she returned to me and reported accordingly,
and I had to send her a second time.
10. “Impure, Lord, is
nakedness, and revolting. It was this circumstance, Lord, that I had in
view in desiring to provide the Sangha throughout my life with special
garments for use in the rainy season.
11. “As to my second
wish. Lord, an incoming bhikku, not being able to take the direct roads,
and not knowing the places where food can be procured, comes on his way
wearied out by seeking for alms. It was this circumstance, Lord, that I
had in view, in desiring to provide the Sangha throughout my life with
food for incoming bhikkhus.
12. “Thirdly, Lord, an outgoing
bhikkhu, while seeking about for alms, may be left behind, or may arrive
too late at the place whither he desires to go, and will set out on the
road in weariness.
13. “Fourthly, Lord, if a sick bhikkhu
does not obtain suitable food, his sickness may increase upon him, and
he may die.
14. “Fifthy, Lord, a bhikkhu who is waiting upon
the sick will lose his opportunity of going out to seek food for
15. “Sixthly, Lord, if a sick bhikkhu does not
obtain suitable medicines, his sickness may increase upon him, and he
may die.
16. “Seventhly, Lord, I have heard that the Blessed
One has praised rice-milk, because it gives readiness of mind, dispels
hunger and thirst; it is wholesome nourishment for the healthy, and for
the sick as a medicine. Therefore I desire to provide the Sangha
throughout my life with [a] constant supply of rice-milk.
17. “Finally, Lord, the bhikkhunis are in the habit of bathing in the
river Archiravati with the courtesans, at the same landing-place, and
naked. And the courtesans. Lord, ridicule the bhikkhunis, saying, ‘What
is the good, ladies, of your maintaining chastity when you are young?
When you are old, maintain chastity then; thus will you be obtainers of
both ends.’ Impure, Lord, is nakedness for a woman, disgusting, and
18. “These are the circumstances, Lord, that I had in view.”
19. The Blessed One said, “But what was the advantage you had
in view for yourself, O Vishakha, in asking these eight boons of the
20. Vishakha replied: “Bhikkhus who have spent
the rainy season in various places will come, Lord, to Shravasti to
visit the Blessed One. And on coming to the Blessed One they will ask,
saying: ‘Such and such a bhikkhu. Lord, has died. What, now, is his
destiny?’ Then will the Blessed One explain that he has attained the
fruits of conversion; that he has entered Nirvana or attained
arhantship, as the case may be.
21. “And I, going up to
them, shall ask, ‘Was that brother, sirs, one of those who had formerly
been at Shravasti?’ then shall I arrive at the conclusion, ‘For a
certainty did that brother enjoy either the robes for the rainy season,
or the food for the incoming bhikkhus, or the food for the outgoing
bhikkhus, or the food for the sick, or the food for those that wait upon
the sick, or the medicine for the sick, or the constant supply of
22. “Then will gladness spring up within me;
thus gladdened joy will come to me; and so rejoicing all my frame will
be at peace. Being thus at peace, I shall experience a blissful feeling
of content; and in that bliss my heart will be at rest. That will be to
me an exercise of my moral powers, an exercise of the seven kinds of
wisdom! This, Lord, was the advantage I had in view for myself, in
asking those eight boons of the Blessed One.”
23. Then the
Blessed One said, “It is well, it is well, Vishakha. Thou hast done well
in asking these eight boons of the Tathagata with such advantage in
view. Charity bestowed upon those who are worthy of it is like good
seeds sown in good soil that yields an abundance of fruits. But alms
given to those who are yet under the tyrannical yoke of the passions are
like a seed deposited in bad soil. The passions of the receiver of the
alms choke, as it were, the growth of merits.”
24. And the
Blessed One gave thanks to Vishakha in these verses: “Whatsoever
donation a woman upright in life, a disciple of the Blessed One, may
bestow in gladness of heart and without stint, her gift is heavenly,
destructive of sorrow, and productive of bliss.” ” A blissful life does
she attain entering upon the path that is from corruption and impurity.”
“Aiming at good, happy does she become; and she rejoices in her
charitable actions.”
25. Vishakha gave to the Order the
Purva-Aram or Eastern Garden, and was the first to become a matron of
the lay-sisters.
matter or to any Bill for the appropriation of moneys out of the
Consolidated Fund of India, and, if and so far as any provision of any
law so made is inconsistent with any rule made by a House of Parliament
under clause (1) of article 118 or with any rule or standing order
having effect in relation to Parliament under clause (2) of that
article, such provision shall prevail.
120. (1) Notwithstanding anything in Part XVII, but subject to
the provisions of article 348, business in Parliament shall be
transacted in Hindi or in English:
Provided that the
Chairman of the Council of States or Speaker of the House of the
People, or person acting as such, as the case may be, may permit any
member who cannot adequately express himself in Hindi or in English to
address the House in his mother tongue.
(2) Unless
Parliament by law otherwise provides, this article shall, after the
expiration of a period of fifteen years from the commencement of this
Constitution, have effect as if the words “or in English” were omitted
121. No discussion shall take place in Parliament with respect to
the conduct of any Judge of the Supreme Court or of a High Court in the
discharge of his duties except upon a motion for presenting an address
to the President praying for the removal of the Judge as hereinafter
122. (1) The validity of any proceedings in Parliament shall not
be called in question on the ground of any alleged irregularity of
(2) No officer or
member of Parliament in whom powers are vested by or under this
Constitution for regulating procedure or the conduct of business, or for
maintaining order, in Parliament shall be subject to the jurisdiction
of any court in respect of the exercise by him of those powers.
Chapter III.—Legislative Powers of the President
123. (1) If at any time, except when both Houses of Parliament are in
session, the President is satisfied that circumstances exist which
Language to be used in Parliament.
Restriction on discussion in Parliament.
Courts not to inquire into proceedings of Parliament.
Power of President to promulgate Ordinances during recess of Parliament.
render it necessary for him to take immediate action, he may
promulgate such Ordinances as the circumstances appear to him to
(2) An Ordinance
promulgated under this article shall have the same force and effect as
an Act of Parliament, but every such Ordinance—
(a) shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament and shall
cease to operate at the expiration of six weeks from the reassembly of
Parliament, or, if before the expiration of that period resolutions
disapproving it are passed by both Houses, upon the passing of the
second of those resolutions; and
(b) may be withdrawn at any time by the President.
the Houses of Parliament are summoned to reassemble on different dates,
the period of six weeks shall be reckoned from the later of those dates
for the purposes of this clause.
(3) If and so far
as an Ordinance under this article makes any provision which Parliament
would not under this Constitution be competent to enact, it shall be
Chapter IV.—The Union Judiciary
124. (1) There shall be a Supreme Court of India consisting of a
Chief Justice of India and, until Parliament by law prescribes a larger
number, of not more than seven other Judges.
(2) Every Judge
of the Supreme Court shall be appointed by the President by warrant
under his hand and seal after consultation with such of the Judges of
the Supreme Court and of the High Courts in the States as the President
may deem necessary for the purpose and shall hold office until he
attains the age of sixty-five years:
Provided that in
the case of appointment of a Judge other than the Chief Justice, the
Chief Justice of India shall always be consulted:
Provided further that—
(a) a Judge may, by writing under his hand addressed to
Establishment and constitution of Supreme Court.