Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

September 2024
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LESSON 3340 Mon 20 Apr 2020 Free Online NIBBANA TRAINING from KUSHINARA NIBBANA BHUMI PAGODA -PATH TO ATTAIN PEACE and ETERNAL BLISS AS FINAL GOAL DO GOOD! PURIFY MIND AND ENVIRONMENT! Even a seven year old can Understand. A seventy year old must practice. Say YES to Paper Ballots NO to EVMs/VVPATs to save Democracy, Liberty, Equality and Fraternityfor the welfare, happiness and peace for all Awakened aboriginal societies. is the HONEST VOICE of ALL ABORIGINAL AWAKENED SOCIETIES (VoAAAS) Dr B.R.Ambedkar thundered “Main Bharat Baudhmay karunga.” (I will make India Buddhist) All Aboriginal Awakened Societies Thunder ” Hum Prapanch Prabuddha Bharatmay karunge.” (We will make world Prabuddha Prapanch) Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha said that “hunger is the worst kind of illness.” 24 Faith-Based Organizations Promoting Food Security
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Posted by: site admin @ 1:43 pm

LESSON 3340 Mon 20 Apr 2020



Even a seven year old can Understand. A seventy year old must practice.

Say YES to Paper Ballots
NO to EVMs/VVPATs to save Democracy, Liberty, Equality and Fraternityfor
the welfare, happiness and peace for all Awakened aboriginal societies.

is the



Dr B.R.Ambedkar thundered “Main Bharat Baudhmay karunga.” (I will make India Buddhist)

All Aboriginal Awakened Societies Thunder ” Hum Prapanch Prabuddha Bharatmay karunge.” (We will make world Prabuddha Prapanch)

Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha said that “hunger is the worst kind of illness.”

24 Faith-Based Organizations Promoting Food Security

COVID-19 News From Food Tank

Muslim Shop Feeds Hungry for Free, People Pay Back
AboutIslam & News Agencies
30 March, 2016

EDMONTON – Starting his donair shop two years ago in Edmonton, Maher
Taweel was shocked to open doors on Tuesday to a huge crowd of new
customers, giving him the busiest day ever.

“Everyone just came
to say ‘Thank you. You’re a good man’,” Taweel, a Canadian Muslim of
Palestinian origin, told CBC News on Tuesday evening, March 29.

“I can’t believe what’s going on. Seriously,” he said.

Though Taweel could not grasp the reason for the sudden popularity of
his restaurant, Jumbo Donair on 66th Street, everything was clear on
social media.

Taweel shot to popularity on Monday after a young man came into his shop, but couldn’t afford to buy anything.

“He said to me ‘I am so hungry. I need some food’,” Taweel said. “I said ‘Of course man. What would you like?’ ”

As he gave the man a heaping plate of poutine, another customer saw the
whole thing and posted it on Facebook post that went viral.

Thank You

John Marshall is one of those who saw the post on Facebook and decided to support Taweel’s business.

“I read the story about how he helps people who don’t have enough money to eat,” Marshall said.

“It’s giving me goosebumps. I feel warm about that.”

Ami Kitzman also read about Taweel on Facebook, visiting the shop with her brother and son to show their support.

“It’s delicious, and he’s so nice. They’re just wonderful people,” Kitzman said of Taweel and his wife.

Taweel moved to Canada with his family from Palestine in 2002 where he was welcomed with open arms.

That’s why he tries to help as many people as he can.

Though he was thinking of selling his Donair shop, due to a medical issue with his leg, he decided to continue running it.

“If I’m busy like this, I’ll need more help for sure,” Taweel said.…/hadith/this-hadith/feed-pray-greet/
Feed, Greet and Pray
What Prophet Said When He Arrived in Madinah
Hazem Said and Maha Ezzeddine
15 March, 2019

Abdullah ibn Salam (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated,

When the Prophet arrived for the first time in Madinah, I went with
everyone to see him. When I saw him, I knew his face was not that of a
liar. The first words he said were,

“O people:

– Feed the hungry,

– spread Salam (greeting of peace),

– maintain your kin relationships, and

– pray at night while others are asleep.

With this, you shall enter Heaven in peace.” (Al-Bukhari)

Community organizers and leaders of all kinds who share and promote
ideas play an important role in spreading values and bringing people
together. They have the ability to leverage the collective strength of
people to serve the well-being of humanity.

Prophet Muhammad
(peace and blessings be upon him) was sincere and had strong, clear
conviction in his message. That is why he implemented it first on
himself before he took it to others. His sincerity showed on his face,
attitude, and body language, lending confidence and credibility to his
words and message.

The essence of his message is the well-being
of people, and his first words as he entered into the new community of
Madinah emphasized that.
Feed the Hungry

Eliminating hunger
starts with everyone recognizing that we share the world’s food
resources. We can start to feed the hungry by creating opportunities for
people to have healthy meals through social occasions, dedicated
outlets or the personal concern on the individual level.

Food is a
necessity of survival and a prerequisite for peace. We cannot expect
communities and countries to tackle other issues until we have helped
them ease the pangs of hunger among their people. Ensuring that everyone
is able to find their meals for the day is an important step towards
world peace.
Greet with Peace
What Prophet Said When He Arrived in Madinah - About Islam

New Hijri Year (Special Coverage)

As we meet each other on the road, while waiting in lines, in
classrooms, in the workplace or in social gatherings, warmly greeting
each other goes a long way in creating compassion and awareness among
one another.

Ignorance leads to hatred and greeting one another
opens the door to learn about one another. It diffuses tension and
fosters dialogue.

A greeting of peace like “I wish you peace” or
“May Allah’s peace be with you today” goes even a step further. In
Islam, one of Allah’s names is Peace.

A greeting of peace is a prayer for Allah to send His peace upon each one of us.
Maintain Kin Relations

Family and relatives are an important unit for peace in the world. As
families grow and expand, the connection and ties potentially grow
weaker. Individuals may find themselves alone, unsupported and without a
safety net. Small cliques and competition for power may grow inside the
family, and people slowly disconnect from one another.
What Prophet Said When He Arrived in Madinah - About Islam

Being a Muslim Volunteer: Why & How

Renewing and maintaining family ties on a regular basis, even with
distant relatives, create opportunities for collaboration and
appreciation for one another.

It ensures that everyone belongs
with someone, somewhere. In today’s world, we are fortunate that
technology has provided means of communication. We can easily stay in
touch with other family members.
Pray When Others Are Asleep

In an inspiring connection between our spiritual life and physical life,
the Prophet lists praying at night along with feeding the hungry,
greeting each other and maintaining family ties.

There is
something special about praying at night. When we are by ourselves in
the quiet moments of the night, it is a powerful time to build our
connection with Allah.

The spiritual connection with Allah is the
reactor that gives us the energy to sustain our relationship with
others and our service toward them.

By balancing our inner
strength and implementing our role towards others, we chart not only a
path to peace in our world, but a peaceful path to Heaven as well.
Prophet Madinah spirituality peace hadith This Hadith sermon kin relationships qiyam night vigil prayer Medina
About Hazem Said and Maha Ezzeddine
Dr. Hazem Said has been active in the Muslim community in America for
over 10 years and held many different leadership posts. Most notably, he
was the president of MAS Youth, a national youth organization from 2004
to 2008. He helped establish Ihsan, a non-profit organization based in
Milford, OH and is currently the chair of its board. In his professional
life, Hazem is an associate professor of Information Technology at the
University of Cincinnati.
Maha Ezzeddine has a bachelor degree in
Journalism and History from the University of Maryland - College Park
and a Master degree in History from Stanford University. She edited
several publications for MAS Youth between 2006 and 2008, when she was a
member of the national executive team.…/sharethemeal-app-feeds-syrian-ref…/
ShareTheMeal App Feeds Syrian Refugees in Ramadan
AboutIslam & Newspapers
27 May, 2016

BEIRUT – The United Nations’ World Food Program has launched the Arabic
Version of an app to feed Syrian refugees during the Holy fasting month
of Ramadan, allowing users in the Arab world to provide food to
refugees in Lebanon.

“Every cultural and religious tradition in
the world teaches us to care for the less privileged and to share what
we have,” said WFP Lebanon Country Director and Representative, Dominik
Heinrich, Asharq Al-Awsat reported on Friday, May 27.

“The launch
of the app in Arabic provides people in the Arabic speaking world with
an easy way to do good deeds and share meals during the holy month of
Ramadan, the month of generosity and giving.”

Smartphone users in the Arab world can help provide food to Syrian refugees in Lebanon by just a click on the ShareTheMeal app.

WFP said in a statement that the launch of the app on May 26 coincides
with the arrival of the Holy month of Ramadan observed by Muslims around
the world to help feed Syrian refugee children in Lebanon.

ShareTheMeal, users can do good whenever they want and wherever they
are. With a donation as small as 50 cents, WFP can provide a child with
nutritious food for a whole day.

Since the launch of the English
version of the app last year, more than 500,000 users worldwide have
provided the equivalent of more than 5.6 million daily food rations to
the poorest and hungriest around the world.

The app has received
several awards for its design and innovative character, including by
Google who named it as one of the Best Apps of 2015.

With the
launch in Arabic speaking countries, an estimation of 117 million
smartphone users will be able to download ShareTheMeal from app stores
and donate to feed hungry children.

“More people in the Arab
world are using smartphones, with estimates that there will be more than
300 million users by 2020,” said Sebastian Stricker, Head of

“We made sure that the ShareTheMeal app is ready
before the Holy month of Ramadan, a time when people are looking for
ways to help those in need such as Syrian refugee children,” he added.

Ramadan, the holiest month in Islamic calendar, kicks-off on June 6.

In Ramadan, adult Muslims, save the sick and those traveling, abstain
from food, drink, smoking and sex between dawn and sunset.

Muslims dedicate their time during the holy month to become closer to Allah through prayer, self-restraint and good deeds.

It is customary for Muslims to spend part of the days during Ramadan studying the Noble Qur’an.

Many men perform i`tikaf (spiritual retreat), spending the last 10 days of the month exclusively in the mosque.

US Muslims Feed the Hungry in Ramadan

Muslims will distribute 50 tons of food to the needy during Ramadan,
expanding their charity efforts across southeastern Michigan during the
holy fasting month which starts Sunday night.

Muslim Restaurant Offers Free Meals to Needy

A Canadian Muslim has opened the doors of his Montreal restaurant to feed anyone who need it and cannot afford to pay the meal.

Buddhist Global Relief…/understanding-hunger…
Page 3 of 3
Why Should Buddhists Be Concerned About Global Hunger?

The chief qualities of the heart emphasized in Buddhism are metta and
karuna, loving-kindness and compassion. The Buddha says that we should
extend our love and compassion universally to all beings throughout the
world, protecting them “as a mother protects her only child.” The way to
express compassion in action is generosity, and the most essential

gift for sustaining life is the gift of food. The Buddha said “hunger
is the worst kind of illness” (Dhammapada 203). He also declared: “If
people knew the results of giving, they wouldn’t eat without having
shared their meal with others” (Itivuttaka 26). Taking these words to
heart, we should each make it our personal mission to do what we can to
eliminate world hunger.

an age that has made our common humanity so palpably real, the Buddha’s
teachings challenge us to “share our meal” with others no matter where
they may be living, no matter what their nationality, ethnicity, gender,
or religion might be. Since chronic malnutrition is the cause of
unthinkable misery, we cannot remain complacent when so many go hungry
every day.

We must express compassion in action by giving others
the gift of food and offering them the chance to live with dignity, to
feed themselves and their families. By putting our hearts and hands
together, we can turn this world into a Buddha-realm marked by justice,
equity, and opportunity for all.

(Most of the factual data about global hunger in this article has been gathered from the website of the World Food Program,

UN World Food Programme

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Buddhist Global Relief

BGR Supports Hunger Relief during Pandemic

By BGR Staff

Over the past two weeks BGR has so far donated $13,500 to support
communities, both globally and nationally, adversely impacted by the
coronavirus pandemic.

To assist the international effort, BGR contributed $5,000 to the World Food Program USA
to provide food relief to people in other countries afflicted by hunger
worsened by the pandemic. While coronavirus is hurting everyone, it is
hitting people in crisis zones the hardest. From Syria to Bangladesh,
the virus is beginning to spread through crowded refugee camps and
people living in extreme poverty. With its logistical and emergency
expertise, WFP is ramping up its response to nourish and protect people
already living in extremely vulnerable conditions.

We also donated $1,000 to the Karuna Trust
in Sri Lanka, which is distributing food to poor families hard hit by
the strict curfew currently in place in the country. The Karuna Trust is
working together with the the Additional Government Agent of Matale, to
assist them in feeding poor children and elders in orphanages and
elders’ homes, which have no way now of obtaining food from their
regular donors.

Further, BGR gave a donation of $500 to the Bangladesh Buddhist Missionary Society,
a BGR partner, to support their efforts to combat the pandemic. The
Society is using its spare space as a quarantine center; developing
public awareness campaigns; providing hand sanitizer, masks, and other
sanitation equipment; arranging for medical teams; and providing
emergency food support.

Here in the U.S., BGR has donated a total of $7,000 to support food
banks providing food relief to poor people affected by the pandemic.
Donations of $1,000 each were provided to food banks in seven locations:
New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, New Orleans, El Paso,
Philadelphia, and central New Jersey. While we would have liked to
provide assistance to even more regions, we had to choose those areas
most urgently in need of food aid. Check out a food bank in your own
city. A list of them is available on the website of Feeding America.

BGR is blessed to be able to contribute to the important work being done by these courageous organizations. 

To help BGR continue putting compassion into action, please consider making a generous donation to BGR. We are a distinctive Buddhist organization helping poor and neglected peoples throughout the world.   

For reflections on the covid-19 pandemic by our chairperson, Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, go here. And for video talks by Ven. Bodhi on how to cope with the pandemic, go here and here.

Promoting a Food-Sovereign City in Detroit

By Patricia Brick

This year Buddhist Global Relief’s partner Keep Growing Detroit (KGD)
celebrated its sixth anniversary of supporting gardeners and creating
food distribution pathways to ensure as many Detroit residents as
possible have access to nutritious locally grown fruits and vegetables.

With a median household income below $31,000, nearly 38 percent of
Detroit residents live below the poverty line, and 42 percent of
households rely on food assistance programs to feed their families. KGD
was founded to promote a food-sovereign city, in which all Detroit
residents have access to healthy, sustainably cultivated food grown by
Detroiters within the city limits. Through the long-standing Garden
Resource Program, founded in 2003, KGD provides seeds, transplants, and
resources to support Detroiters in growing their own food gardens and
securing access to fresh, low-cost vegetables.

Last year, 24,362 gardeners participated in the Garden Resource
Program, collectively growing more than 385,000 pounds of food in 1,603
gardens in backyards, side lots, schools, community gardens, and other
private and public spaces citywide. More than a quarter of these gardens
were cultivated by families with children under 5, thanks to KGD’s
dedicated outreach to young families through educational programs for
children and families as well as through a partnership with the Detroit
Health Department that helps families buy vegetable transplants using
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.

In addition to improving their access to healthy food, participating
gardeners reported saving an estimated $1,000 in grocery bills each
year. KGD’s Grown in Detroit program, founded in 2006, also offers
opportunities for growers to collectively sell their extra produce at
market days. Last year, growers at 55 gardens participated in this
program, together earning over $50,000. In a related program, growers at
34 gardens and farms sold their fruits and vegetables to local
restaurants and food businesses, earning more than $20,000. Alumni of
the Grown in Detroit programs continue to sell their produce at farmers’
markets and other outlets.

has supported Keep Growing Detroit since 2015. A 2019-20 grant from BGR
funds the distribution of 2,000 pounds of produce from Keep Growing
Detroit’s farm to food-insecure families in the city; it also funds 30
community outreach events to increase awareness of KGD’s programs. In
the coming year the organization aims to bring 400 new households into
its Garden Resource Program.

Patricia Brick is a Zen student, chair of BGR’s Communications Committee, and a BGR staff writer. She lives in New Jersey.

Helping Marginalized Working Women in Peru

By Patricia Brick

Across the globe, women who work as domestic laborers fall into an
unregulated “gray market” where jobs may require them to work long
hours, for inadequate wages, often under exploitative conditions. Many
are also vulnerable to physical abuse or sexual harassment or violence
by their employers. In Peru, women who live in the pueblos jóvenes (shantytowns)
surrounding Lima are often excluded from the mainstream job market by
racism, classism, and limited access to education. Many of these women
work in gray-market domestic jobs like housecleaning, child care, and
elder care.

BGR partner Asociación Grupo de Trabajo Redes (AGTR)
works to change the lives of these women through its project,
“Conditional Capabilities: Providing Marginalized Women Access to
Vocational Educational Training, Labor Rights, and Dignified Work.”
Working from AGTR’s community center, La Casa de Panchita, or from La
Van de Panchita, a mobile training unit, specialists educate women about
their labor rights, provide training in vocational and interpersonal
skills, offer counseling and job-search assistance, and host a variety
of workshops and educational opportunities. AGTR also is home to a
public-education initiative to raise awareness of the rights of domestic
workers and hiring practices among employers and the general public, as
well as resources and advocacy for child laborers.

Last year, through a BGR grant, 2,197 women participated in an
introductory educational session from AGTR including information on the
Peruvian Law of Domestic Workers (Law 27986); 466 of these women joined
additional in-depth training sessions on topics including job interview
preparation, the legal rights of domestic workers, and adapting to the
cultural expectations of their Lima employers—more than 70 percent of
Lima’s domestic workers are internal migrants from the Andes and the
Amazon region. Women who participated in AGTR training received
instruction manuals, a cookbook containing recipes for healthy meals,
and a stipend to cover their transportation to and from the community

At year’s end, 262 women had obtained new jobs with decent working
conditions and fair wages; 156 of these were employed in full-time,
permanent positions. An additional 138 women maintained or improved
their working conditions through AGTR’s counseling and mediation

One of AGTR’s training participants, Verónica, spoke to the value of
the community created by AGTR. “After taking part in AGTR’s and La Casa
de Panchita’s workshops, I feel more comfortable with myself,” she said.
“I have met other women working in domestic service in Lima, and that
has given me more confidence. I felt understood there, because other
domestic workers also went through the same difficulties I had to face. I
have learned to value my work experience and the knowledge I have
acquired in recent years, to organize myself better in my work, and to
know how to adapt to the customs of my new employers.”

immigrated to Lima from Venezuela because of economic need. “At La Casa
de Panchita I felt included, like I belong, and I felt comfortable
here,” she said. “In my situation, as a migrant still trying to rebuild
my life in a new country, this was very important for me. This place and
the people here are very warm, and one can feel it from the very moment
they open the door.”

Through her participation in AGTR’s trainings, Victoria found a new
confidence in herself. “Here I learned that I have rights; before, I
knew nothing about rights,” she said. “Also, I have learned to value
domestic work, not to feel less than others, that one should not be
ashamed for being a domestic worker. I had never thought about how many
years I have been working and how much I have learned from those years
working in domestic service.”

AGTR estimates that each of the 2,197 women directly participating in
trainings and other services shares what she has learned with five
peers, raising the total estimated number of beneficiaries to more than


Patricia Brick is a Zen student, chair of BGR’s Communications Committee, and a BGR staff writer. She lives in New Jersey.

About Us

Ending Poverty, Together.

The world is hungry, but the emptiness goes far beyond the table.
The need is physical and spiritual. People hunger for opportunity,
starve for resources, and have been stripped of value. These injustices
keep us up at night.


Food for the Hungry
seeks to end ALL forms of human poverty by going to the hard places and
walking with the world’s most vulnerable people. We’ve been serving
through purposeful relief and development for over four decades. We
believe in the fight against poverty, which is why we serve the
vulnerable in over 20 countries globally. We’re moved and inspired by our Christian belief 

every person has intrinsic value, and that it’s our responsibility to
advocate for the poor and marginalized without regard to race, creed or
nationality and without adverse distinction of any kind. We serve on the
basis of need alone. We strive to respect the culture and customs of
the people we serve in order to preserve their humanity and dignity.


provide life-changing resources such as clean water, medical aid, food,
equal educational opportunities to girls and boys, vocational training
and empowerment in the midst of unimaginable hardships. Our view of
poverty is holistic and complex. We honor the people we serve by
inviting them to contribute to the process. We are grateful to be
invited into the communities we serve and work side-by-side with local
leaders, responding to their needs with transformative solutions, which
are both sustainable and implemented at the hands of the communities


Our international staff belongs to
the nations they serve–in fact, 98% of our staff work in their country
of origin. We are not foreigners or outsiders offering a new way of
life. We are sisters and brothers lifting the shared burden from the
shoulders of our global family.


We’re proud of the communities we
enter, but more than that, we’re proud of the ones we exit. These are
the communities where extreme poverty no longer has a seat at the table.
They’re self-sustainable and living out God’s purpose for their lives.
We celebrate with them and then we intentionally seek out the next
community suffering under the heavy weight of poverty.

We are created for this work.

Food for the Hungry proudly adheres to the Red Cross Code of Conduct to ensure beneficiaries receive the best quality assistance.

FH is also a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).

Join Our Team

Come work with us! We’re ending extreme poverty, together!

COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
Last updated: April 20, 2020, 03:48 GMT

Recovered from COVID-19


May all

surviving world population  be ever happy, well and secure!
May all live long!
May all be calm, quiet, alert, attentive, and have equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing !

How did


COVID-19 cases recovered:
The world will be happy if the secret as to how and with what vaccine
or medicine have they been cured which has to be published.This will
save treatment cost of Rs 7.5 Lakhs in Government and Rs.15 lakhs in
Private Hospitals.

Governments and their trusts formed for COVID-19 must and should pay
the Hospital charges and provide online food and shelter for migrant
workers by distributing the wealth of the countries equally among al
sections of the societies for their welfare, happiness and peace as a choice is between starvation and infection and for them to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal.

In every direction, the rivers of desire are running, what
will hold them back?”

The Awakened One with Awareness replied, “Any such river can be halted

with the dam of mindfulness. This is why he called mindfulness the flood

stopper. With wisdom you can close the flood gates.”

work while staying indoors, have to do our work and we have to take
care of the society. Sleep and get up early morning. Follow the curfew
then the work of All Aboriginal Awakened Societies can be done. Train
the parents to teach their children to wash their clothes, take bath and
iron their clothes.
can practice concentration  in different postures of the body with our
family members in smaller groups of five-seven within families.
have to remember Voice of All Aboriginal Awakened Societies in spirit.
Educate them in English and own mother tongue and also all the 116
classical languages of the world using

Awakened One with Awareness teachings on

Pain is a Gift
Instead of avoiding it,
Learn to embrace it.
Without pain,

there is no growth

When the Awakened One with Awareness was asked what he gained by practicing concentration.

He replied, “Nothing!”

“However , The Awakened One with Awareness said,

Let me tell you

what I lost:





Fear of Old

Age and Death.”


What do Awakened One with Awareness quotes teach us about fear?  

Trade your fear for freedom.

“Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely.”

whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will
become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are
you freed.”

one has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil, one
finds pleasure in listening to good teachings; when one has these
feelings and appreciates them, one is free of fear.”

“Chaos is inherent in all compounded things. Strive on with diligence.”

“To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.”

“I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done.”

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”

is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the
victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by
demons, heaven or hell.”

“It is better to travel well than to arrive.”

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”

“The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.”

is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates
people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up
pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a
sword that kills.”

of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the
candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”

“What we think, we become.“

Thoughts and ideas go further through action.

“A jug fills drop by drop.”

“An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.”

“Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through compassion.
This is an unalterable law.”

“Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little.”

“Holding on to anger is
like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else;
you are the one who gets burned.”

“In a controversy the
instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and
have begun striving for ourselves.”

this triple truth to all: A generous mind, kind speech, and a life of
service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.”

“To understand everything is to forgive everything.”

“You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.”


A healthy mind and body empower us for life.

“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.”

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the
past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in
the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to
bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own
mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Awakenment
with Awareness and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”

“To keep the body in good health is a duty … otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”

“Without health life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering an image of death.”

Life and Living

Life is a journey and wisdom is the North Star.

who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and
all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial

“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.”

“Just as treasures are
uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom
appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze
of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of

“Life is suffering.”

“The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground with bare foot.”

“There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it.”

“To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.”

“When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.”

“You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself.”

“Your work is to discover your work and then with all your mind to give yourself to it.”

Compassion,Connection, and Unity

We have an impact, and we’re worth it.

things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and
conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in
relation to everything else.”

“Ambition is like compassion, impatient both of delays and rivals.”

“Unity can only be manifested by the Binary. Unity itself and the idea of Unity are already two.”

can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more
deserving of your compassion and affection than you are yourself, and
that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as
anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.”

 Mind, Thought, and Thinking

Our thoughts shape us, and the world around us.

“All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?”

insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a
wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no
matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your
own common sense.”

“He is able who thinks he is able.”

“It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.”

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.”

“Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.”

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”

Personal Development

Master yourself.

“Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.”

“The virtues, like the Muses, are always seen in groups. A good principle was never found solitary in any breast.”

“To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others.”

“Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good.”

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”


Don’t let yourself down.

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”

“Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others.”


Choose your words carefully.

dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is
not considered a good man because he is a good talker.”

“Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.”

“The tongue like a sharp knife … Kills without drawing blood.”

“The wise ones fashioned speech with their thought, sifting it as grain is sifted through a sieve.”

“Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.”


It’s all around us.

the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create
distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.”

“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.”

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

in 01) Classical Magahi Magadhi,
02) Classical Chandaso language,

03)Magadhi Prakrit,

04) Classical Hela Basa (Hela Language),

05) Classical Pāḷi

06) Classical Devanagari,Classical Hindi-Devanagari- शास्त्रीय हिंदी,
07) Classical Cyrillic
08) Classical Afrikaans– Klassieke Afrikaans

09) Classical Albanian-Shqiptare klasike,
10) Classical Amharic-አንጋፋዊ አማርኛ,
11) Classical Arabic-اللغة العربية الفصحى
12) Classical Armenian-դասական հայերեն,
13) Classical Azerbaijani- Klassik Azərbaycan,
14) Classical Basque- Euskal klasikoa,
15) Classical Belarusian-Класічная беларуская,
16) Classical Bengali-ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা,
17) Classical  Bosnian-Klasični bosanski,
18) Classical Bulgaria- Класически българск,
19) Classical  Catalan-Català clàssic
20) Classical Cebuano-Klase sa Sugbo,

21) Classical Chichewa-Chikale cha Chichewa,

22) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),

23) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體),

24) Classical Corsican-C
orsa Corsicana,
25) Classical  Croatian-Klasična hrvatska,
26) Classical  Czech-Klasická čeština,
27) Classical  Danish-Klassisk dansk,Klassisk dansk,

28) Classical  Dutch- Klassiek Nederlands,
29) Classical English,Roman
30) Classical Esperanto-Klasika Esperanto,

31) Classical Estonian- klassikaline eesti keel,

32) Classical Filipino klassikaline filipiinlane,
33) Classical Finnish- Klassinen suomalainen,

34) Classical French- Français classique,

35) Classical Frisian- Klassike Frysk,

36) Classical Galician-Clásico galego,
37) Classical Georgian-კლასიკური ქართული,
38) Classical German- Klassisches Deutsch,
39) Classical Greek-Κλασσικά Ελληνικά,
40) Classical Gujarati-ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી,
41) Classical Haitian Creole-Klasik kreyòl,

42) Classical Hausa-Hausa Hausa,
43) Classical Hawaiian-Hawaiian Hawaiian,

44) Classical Hebrew- עברית קלאסית
45) Classical Hmong- Lus Hmoob,

46) Classical Hungarian-Klasszikus magyar,

47) Classical Icelandic-Klassísk íslensku,
48) Classical Igbo,Klassískt Igbo,

49) Classical Indonesian-Bahasa Indonesia Klasik,

50) Classical Irish-Indinéisis Clasaiceach,
51) Classical Italian-Italiano classico,
52) Classical Japanese-古典的なイタリア語,
53) Classical Javanese-Klasik Jawa,
54) Classical Kannada- ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ,
55) Classical Kazakh-Классикалық қазақ,

56) Classical Khmer- ខ្មែរបុរាណ,
57) Classical Kinyarwanda
58) Classical Korean-고전 한국어,
59) Classical Kurdish (Kurmanji)-Kurdî (Kurmancî),

60) Classical Kyrgyz-Классикалык Кыргыз,
61) Classical Lao-ຄລາສສິກລາວ,
62) Classical Latin-LXII) Classical Latin,

63) Classical Latvian-Klasiskā latviešu valoda,

64) Classical Lithuanian-Klasikinė lietuvių kalba,
65) Classical Luxembourgish-Klassesch Lëtzebuergesch,

66) Classical Macedonian-Класичен македонски,
67) Classical Malagasy,класичен малгашки,
68) Classical Malay-Melayu Klasik,
69) Classical Malayalam-ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം,

70) Classical Maltese-Klassiku Malti,
71) Classical Maori-Maori Maori,
72) Classical Marathi-क्लासिकल माओरी,
73) Classical Mongolian-Сонгодог Монгол,

74) Classical Myanmar (Burmese)-Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ),

75) Classical Nepali-शास्त्रीय म्यांमार (बर्मा),
76) Classical Norwegian-Klassisk norsk,
77) Classical Odia (Oriya)
78) Classical Pashto- ټولګی پښتو
79) Classical Persian-کلاسیک فارسی
80) Classical Polish-Język klasyczny polski,
81) Classical Portuguese-Português Clássico,
82) Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,
83) Classical Romanian-Clasic românesc,
84) Classical Russian-Классический русский,

85) Classical Samoan-Samoan Samoa,

86) Classical Sanskrit छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्

87) Classical Scots Gaelic-Gàidhlig Albannach Clasaigeach,

88) Classical Serbian-Класични српски,
89) Classical Sesotho-Seserbia ea boholo-holo,

90) Classical Shona-Shona Shona,
91) Classical Sindhi,
92) Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල,
93) Classical Slovak-Klasický slovenský,

94) Classical Slovenian-Klasična slovenska,

95) Classical Somali-Soomaali qowmiyadeed,
96) Classical Spanish-Español clásico,
97) Classical Sundanese-Sunda Klasik,
98) Classical Swahili,Kiswahili cha Classical,

99) Classical Swedish-Klassisk svensk,
100) Classical Tajik-тоҷикӣ классикӣ,
101) Classical Tamil-பாரம்பரிய இசைத்தமிழ் செம்மொழி,
102) Classical Tatar
103) Classical Telugu- క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు,
104) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,
105) Classical Turkish-Klasik Türk,
106) Classical Turkmen
107) Classical Ukrainian-Класичний український,
108) Classical Urdu- کلاسیکی اردو
109) Classical Uyghur
110) Classical Uzbek-Klassik o’z
111) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việ

112) Classical Welsh-Cymraeg Clasurol,
113) Classical Xhosa-IsiXhosa zesiXhosa,

114) Classical Yiddish- קלאסישע ייִדיש
115) Classical Yoruba-Yoruba Yoruba,
116) Classical Zulu-I-Classical Zulu

Dove-02-june.gif (38556 bytes)

Awakeness Practices

84,000 Khandas As Found in the Pali Suttas Traditionally the are 84,000
Dharma Doors - 84,000 ways to get Awakeness. Maybe so; certainly the
Buddha taught a large number of practices that lead to Awakeness. This
web page attempts to catalogue those found in the Pali Suttas (DN, MN,
SN, AN, Ud & Sn 1). There are 3 sections:

discourses of Buddha are divided into 84,000, as to separate addresses.
The division includes all that was spoken by Buddha.”I received from
Buddha,” said Ananda, “82,000 Khandas, and  from the priests 2000; these
are 84,000 Khandas
maintained by me.” They are divided into 275,250, as to the stanzas of
the original text, and into 361,550, as to the stanzas of the
commentary. All the discourses including both those of Buddha and those
of the commentator, are divided  into 2,547 banawaras, containing
737,000 stanzas, and 29,368,000 separate letters.


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Maha-parinibbana Sutta — Last Days of the Buddha

The Great Discourse on the Total Unbinding

This wide-ranging sutta, the
longest one in the Pali canon, describes the events leading up to,
during, and immediately following the death and final release
(parinibbana) of the Buddha. This colorful narrative contains a wealth
of Dhamma teachings, including the Buddha’s final instructions that
defined how Buddhism would be lived and practiced long after the
Buddha’s death — even to this day. But this sutta also depicts, in
simple language, the poignant human drama that unfolds among the
Buddha’s many devoted followers around the time of the death of their
beloved teacher.
Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasuttaṃ (Pali) - 2 Kāyānupassanā ānāpānapabbaṃ

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a just born baby is kept isolated without anyone communicating with the
baby, after a few days it will speak and human natural (Prakrit)
language known as
Classical Magahi Magadhi/Classical Chandaso language/Magadhi Prakrit/Classical Hela Basa (Hela Language)/Classical Pali which are the same. Buddha spoke in Magadhi. All the 7111 languages and dialects are off shoot of Classical
Magahi Magadhi. Hence all of them are Classical in nature (Prakrit) of
Human Beings, just like all other living spieces have their own natural
languages for communication. 116 languages are translated by

Button Plant Green Butterfly E Mail Animation Clip,

is the most Positive Energy of informative and research oriented site propagating the teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha and on Techno-Politico-Socio
Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement followed by millions
of people all over the world in 116 Classical languages.

Rendering exact translation as a lesson of this
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propagation entitles to become a Stream
Enterer (Sottapanna) and to attain Eternal Bliss as a Final Goal

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All Aboriginal Awakened Media Prabandhak

Peace and joy for all

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