Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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LESSONS 3340 Thu 30 APR 2020 29) Classical English,Roman Free Online NIBBANA TRAINING from KUSHINARA NIBBANA BHUMI PAGODA -PATH TO ATTAIN PEACE and ETERNAL BLISS AS FINAL GOAL DO GOOD! PURIFY MIND AND ENVIRONMENT! Even a seven year old can Understand. A seventy year old must practice. Say YES to Paper Ballots NO to EVMs/VVPATs to save Democracy, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity for the welfare, happiness and peace for all Awakened aboriginal societies. is the HONEST VOICE of ALL ABORIGINAL AWAKENED SOCIETIES (HVoAAAS) Dr B.R.Ambedkar thundered “Main Bharat Baudhmay karunga.” (I will make India Buddhist) All Aboriginal Awakened Societies Thunder ” Hum Prapanch Prabuddha Bharatmay karunge.” (We will make world Prabuddha Prapanch) Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha said that “hunger is the worst kind of illness. COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Recovered:953,321Last updated: April 29, 2020, 00:35 GMT Graphs - Countries - Death Rate - Symptoms - Incubation - Transmission - NewsCoronavirus Cases:3,136,543 Deaths:217,8137,780,941,954 Current World Population Recovered from COVID-919,746 May all 7,780,941,954 Current World Population Recovered from COVID-919,746 surviving world population be ever happy, well and secure! May all live long! May all be calm, quiet, alert, attentive, and have equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing !along with The most dreadded, deadliest virous than COVID-19 HUNGER created by foreigners thrown out from Bene Israel,Tibet, Africa,Eastern Europe, Western Germany, Northern Europe, South,Russia,Hungary, etc, chitpavan brahmins of Rowdy rakshasa Swayam Sevaks (RSS) remotely controlling Bevakoof Jhoothe Psychopaths (BJP) headed by their slave, stooge, bootlicker, own mother’s flesh eater, chamcha, chela casteist the Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 7:17 pm
LESSONS 3340 Thu 30 APR 2020

29) Classical English,Roman

 Even a seven year old can Understand. A seventy year old must practice.

May all surviving 7,781,187,369 Current World Population
and COVID-19
Coronavirus Pandemic Recovered:
1,039,168  Last updated: May 01, 2020, 01:02 GMT out of Coronavirus Cases:3,307,652 be ever happy, well and
 May all live long!
all be calm, quiet, alert, attentive, and have equanimity mind with a
clear understanding that everything is changing !
the United Nations Organization and World Health Organization with the
support of all countries create a separate Nation with all latest
automatic robots to serve the Coronavirus Cases:3,220,225  !!

Say YES to Paper Ballots
to EVMs/VVPATs to save Democracy, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity for
the welfare, happiness and peace for all Awakened aboriginal societies.
 is the
 Dr B.R.Ambedkar thundered “Main Bharat Baudhmay karunga.” (I will make India Buddhist)
Aboriginal Awakened Societies Thunder ” Hum Prapanch Prabuddha
Bharatmay karunge.” (We will make world Prabuddha Prapanch) Awakened One
with Awareness the Buddha said that “hunger is the worst kind of



World Population

46,543,522Births this year
104,032Births today
19,540,086Deaths this year
43,675Deaths today
27,003,437Net population growth this year
60,357Net population growth today

Government & Economics

$ 4,072,714,282Public Healthcare expenditure today
$ 2,787,879,499Public Education expenditure today
$ 1,271,009,742Public Military expenditure today
26,078,902Cars produced this year
50,004,289Bicycles produced this year
83,343,402Computers produced this year

Society & Media

888,911New book titles published this year
129,213,191Newspapers circulated today
180,914TV sets sold worldwide today
1,754,027Cellular phones sold today
$ 78,681,235Money spent on videogames today
4,546,585,778Internet users in the world today
70,758,678,453Emails sent today
1,847,734Blog posts written today
209,609,150Tweets sent today
1,930,667,512Google searches today


1,727,792Forest loss this year (hectares)
2,326,076Land lost to soil erosion this year (ha)
12,007,471,170CO2 emissions this year (tons)
3,986,810Desertification this year (hectares)
3,253,363 Toxic chemicals released
in the environment
this year

842,669,783Undernourished people in the world
1,692,575,273Overweight people in the world
755,643,551Obese people in the world
8,305People who died of hunger today
$ 156,251,697Money spent for obesity related
diseases in the USA
$ 51,335,768Money spent on weight loss
programs in the USA


1,445,769,922Water used this year (million L)
279,758Deaths caused by water related
this year
801,505,969People with no access to
a safe drinking water source

126,746,886Energy used today (MWh), of which:
107,894,106- from non-renewable sources (MWh)
19,086,976- from renewable sources (MWh)
794,202,287,699 Solar energy striking Earth today
25,995,758Oil pumped today (barrels)
1,510,179,949,529Oil left (barrels)
15,749Days to the end of oil (~43 years)
1,096,200,931,546Natural Gas left (boe)
57,695Days to the end of natural gas
4,317,034,149,998Coal left (boe)
148,863Days to the end of coal


4,312,671Communicable disease deaths this year
161,655Seasonal flu deaths this year
2,525,155Deaths of children under 5 this year
14,123,242Abortions this year
102,683Deaths of mothers during birth this year
41,754,202HIV/AIDS infected people
558,468Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS this year
2,728,424Deaths caused by cancer this year
325,860Deaths caused by malaria this year
4,110,468,025Cigarettes smoked today
1,660,734Deaths caused by smoking this year
830,891Deaths caused by alcohol this year
356,246Suicides this year
$ 132,900,663,832Money spent on illegal drugs this year
448,451Road traffic accident fatalities this year

The world will be happy if the secret as to how and with what vaccine or
medicine have they been cured which has to be published.This will save
treatment cost of Rs 7.5 Lakhs in Government and Rs.15 lakhs in Private
Hospitals. All Governments and their trusts formed for COVID-19 must and
should pay the Hospital charges and provide online food and shelter for
migrantworkers by distributing the wealth of the countries equally among
all sections of the societies for their welfare, happiness and peace as a
choice is between starvation and infection and for them to attain
Eternal Bliss as Final Goal.

Fear What do Awakened One with Awareness
quotes teach us about fear?

Trade your fear for freedom.

“Even death is
not to be feared by one who has lived wisely.”

“The whole secret of
existence is to have no fear.

Never fear what will become of you, depend
on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed.”

“When one
has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil, one finds
pleasure in listening to good teachings; when one has these feelings and
appreciates them, one is free of fear.

”Pain is a Gift
Instead of avoiding it,
Learn to embrace it.
Without pain,
there is no growth

what is gained by practicing concentration.reply is, “Nothing!”

“However ,
what is lost is
Anger,Anxiety,Depression,Insecurity,Fear of Old Age and Death.

right to life, meaningless without the right to livelihood, has been
suspended by invoking the Disaster Management Act which does not empower
the kind of sweeping restrictions now in place…/is-the-national-lockdown-in-india-cons…

National Curfew is not Constitutionally Valid.

Even if we are compelled to act beyond the four corners of our basic
law, let us not lose focus on the equally critical mandate of the
Disaster Management Act – namely, relief and rehabilitation of the
disaster affected, i.e. the poor and marginalised.

First, this
is a sequel as the constitutional scheme to address an epidemic like the
one at hand. Second, there is no reason for alarm. Even if you were to
conclude that all that is being done to protect you may not be
legitimate, the chance of a constitutional court being vexed with these
questions is as remote as you deciding upon Wuhan as your first vacation
destination post Curfew. In fact, our constitutional courts, even the
video-conference versions of them, have almost folded up in the wake of
this unimaginable national crisis.

Mila Versteeg, professor of
law at the University of Virginia, writes in The Atlantic that while the
constitutional validity of the lockdown in the United States is
doubtful, it has bipartisan support and people, scared out of their
wits, are also willing to voluntarily sacrifice their rights. This is
not a new phenomenon. Many would remember how, in the wake of the
felling of the World Trade Centre, America, the land of liberty,
voluntarily accepted the draconian Patriot Act for the sake of homeland
security. Therefore, even presuming that none of the parties in India –
the Centre, the states or the people – have any objection to the virtual
house arrest of the entire nation, should that hinder us from examining
whether such a course is constitutionally kosher?Original emergency
provisions and Indira’s misuse

Before it was amended in 1978,
Article 352 of the Indian constitution permitted the declaration of an
emergency on three grounds – war, external aggression and internal
disturbance. For mysterious reasons, the emergency imposed by Indira
Gandhi during the Bangladesh War in 1971 had not been rescinded even as
on that summer day in June 1975 when the Supreme Court vacation single
judge V.R. Krishna Iyer, heard Nani Palkhivala for a whole day in a
packed courtroom. It was a challenge by Indira Gandhi to the Allahabad
high court verdict setting aside her election and unseating her as prime
minister. Justice Iyer did not grant a blanket stay that day. He merely
allowed Mrs Gandhi to participate in the house but not vote. The
emergency that followed at midnight was invoked on the grounds of
“internal disturbance” – one of the three permissible grounds.

The constitution is silent on whether, while an emergency declaration is
already in force (with the exception of a separate kind of emergency,
namely Financial Emergency under Article 360), another can or is at all
required to be promulgated.Then came the infamous ADM Jabalpur case. As
overnight most opposition leaders were arrested, many of them
successfully secured habeas corpus release orders from various high
courts. These cases landed up before a constitution bench of the Supreme
Court. Attorney General Niren De reportedly was not keen to defend the
stand of the Indira government that during an emergency even the right
to life could be suspended. It is said that oblique hints at revocation
of the residency rights of his British wife were also instrumental in
ensuring De’s appearance in court.

He later claimed that he
tried his best to shock the judges into reason, arguing the proposition
that during an emergency even if a person were to be killed by the
security forces in the presence of the justices, they would remain
helpless. Sadly, the majority judges did not bite the bait but timidly
concurred. Justice Khanna penned his famous dissent, arguing that the
right to life was a natural law right and the remedy of habeas corpus
preceded the constitution. Therefore, the right to life and the remedy
of moving a habeas corpus petition in court for release against illegal
detention could not even be suspended during emergency. But he was the
sole voice of reason and the majority opinion prevailed.

Janata’s constitutional purge and the new legal regime

For all the brouhaha made by the court in recent times of burying ADM
Jabalpur six feet under, the Janata Party government had done that
already in 1978 through the 44th constitutional amendment. Not only did
Morarji Desai’s government substitute “internal disturbance” with
“armed rebellion” but it also clarified in Article 359 that the right to
life (Article 21) and the right against double jeopardy and self
incrimination (Article 20) could not be suspended even during an

Under the constitution, it is during the period of
emergency that the niceties of separation of powers between the three
wings of government, as well as the division of powers between the
Centre and the states are legally permitted to be blurred. The
constitution, upon promulgation of emergency, permits the Centre not
only to give executive directions to the states but also to the
legislature in matters such as public health, law and order and police,
which are otherwise state subjects with only a limited role for the

Even during normal times, Article 256 stipulates that the
Centre can give directions on how to implement laws made by parliament.
Article 257 states that the executive power of the states should be
exercised in a manner that does not “impede or prejudice” the executive
power of the Centre. The Centre is also permitted to issue directions to
the states towards this end. Article 355 (which the Janata Party
perhaps forgot to amend when it purged our constitution of ‘internal
disturbances’) enforces a constitutional duty on the Union to protect
the states against “external aggression’ as well as “internal

While indisputably the ‘coronavirus pandemic’
would qualify as a situation of ‘internal disturbance’, it certainly
cannot be covered by any of the three existing grounds in Article 352
which would permit the Central government to declare an emergency,
suspend fundamental rights, including Article 19 which protects the
basic freedoms of citizens, and control the executive and legislative
functions of the states.

Two centuries, two statutes

this constitutional framework, two laws provide the Centre and the
states the statutory basis for acting against the Coronavirus. They are
the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 (EDA) and the Disaster Management Act,
2005 (DMA). The case of the government perhaps is that these two laws
arm it with sufficient powers and there is no necessity to fall back on
the “emergency provisions” of the constitution. This warrants a closer
examination of these two laws.

The EDA is of 19th century
vintage, enacted by a colonial power with a ruthless administrative
apparatus uncontrolled by a constitution based on fundamental individual
rights. A closer look would indicate that even this law is intended to
address a situation when a “state or any part thereof is visited by, or
threatened with, an outbreak of any dangerous epidemic disease” and the
government is of the opinion that “the ordinary provisions of the law
for the time being in force are insufficient for the purpose”.

The law indeed gives wide powers to “take, or require or empower any
person to take, such measures and, by public notice, prescribe such
temporary regulations to be observed by, the public or by any person or
class of persons as it shall deem necessary to prevent the outbreak of
such disease or the spread thereof, and may determine in what manner and
by whom any expenses incurred (including compensation if any) shall be

However, it does not provide that this power can be
used in violation of any existing law, much less a constitution which
was then not even in existence. Under our constitutional system, a law
born before our first Republic Day may be allowed to survive it provided
it passes the agni pariksha of the constitution. Till date, neither the
EDA nor measures taken under it have been subjected to that test. More
importantly, the Central government’s power under this law only seems to
be restricted to controlling the movement and detention of vessels at

What does the Disaster Management Act say?

second legislation, the DMA, is of 21st century vintage and mandates
setting up a three-tier Disaster Management Authority at the national,
state and district level to formulate a disaster plan for its level.

Section 11(3), DMA, sets out the aspects of such a plan. It is to deal
with measures to be taken in mitigation and to address preparedness and
capacity. Section 19 mandates the state authority to lay down guidelines
for providing standards of relief. Section 22(2)(h) permits the state
authority/executive committee to give directions to government
departments on actions to be taken in response to any threatening
disaster. Sections 24 and 34 empower the state executive committees and
the district authority to control or restrict the movement of vehicular
traffic or people from or within a vulnerable or affected area, and to
take any measures that may be warranted by such a situation. Also
directions can be given to government departments on taking such steps
and measures “for rescue, evacuation, providing immediate relief saving

Section 30 replicates this model for the district level.
Section 34 empowers the district authority to “control and restrict
vehicular traffic”, as well as “recommend such measures as are
necessary.” Section 35 permits the Central government to take such
measures as (a) coordinate work between the various authorities and
government departments (b) deployment of forces and (c) other matters to
secure “effective implementation”. Section 36 creates a statutory
responsibility on all Central government departments to comply with the
directions of the national authority.

The DMA also requires all
government departments to formulate their own disaster management plans.
Section 47, DMA, empowers the Central government to constitute a
National Disaster Mitigation Fund. Section 50 authorises, in times of a
threatened disaster, the authorities to permit the administration to
procure without adherence to the usual tender procedure. Section 51 sets
an imprisonment term of one year (two years in the event of loss of
lives) for persons obstructing discharge of functions by any government
officer or employee. WhatsApp rumour mongers would be interested to know
that Section 54 prescribes a one-year penalty for spreading fake news
or false alarm. Section 56 even has a similar penalty for a government
servant who refuses to perform his duty. Section 61 is an important
provision which prohibits discrimination on grounds of sex, caste,
community, descent or religion in the matter of providing compensation
or relief to victims. Section 6 empowers the Central government to issue
binding directions to authorities and state governments. Lastly,
Section 72 gives this law an overriding effect.

Protection of states from ‘Internal Disturbance’

While considering the validity of the Armed Forces (Special Powers)
Act,1958 which conferred sweeping powers to the armed forces in
disturbed areas, the Supreme Court in Naga People’s Movement of Human
Rights v. Union of India held that:

“Reference in this context
may be made to Article 355 of the constitution whereunder a duty has
been imposed on the Union to protect every state against external
aggression and internal disturbance and to ensure that the government of
every state is carried on in accordance with the provisions of the
Constitution. In view of the said provision, the Union government is
under an obligation to take steps to deal with a situation of internal
disturbance in a State… The provisions of the Central Act have been
enacted to enable the Central government to discharge the obligation
imposed on it under Article 355 of the constitution and to prevent the
situation arising due to internal disturbance assuming such seriousness
as to require invoking the drastic provisions of Article 356 of the

The Sarkaria Commission report has stated that
under Article 355, the Union can issue a wide array of directions,
without having to resort to invoking Article 352 (emergency) or Article
356 (president’s rule). In fact, the report cautions against a hasty
imposition of president’s rule by stipulating that the Union can also
act under Article 355 i.e. without imposing president’s rule. Article
355 can stand on its own. The report indicated that it should first be
ensured that the Union had done all that it could in discharge of its
duty under Article 355, that it had issued the necessary directions
under Articles 256-257 and that the state had failed to comply with or
give effect to the directions.

Orders passed on the Coronavirus

Coinciding with Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)’s May 24
address to the nation which announced a four-hour lead time for bringing
the entire nation under ‘lockdown’ for 21 days, the National Disaster
Management Authority (NDMA) issued social distancing guidelines on March
24 considering the “coronavirus pandemic” as a “disaster” within the
meaning of the DMA. The Union home secretary forwarded these lockdown
guidelines to the states and Union Territories by an order of the same

The measures include the shutting of all non-essential
government establishments, all commercial and private establishments,
industries, transport by air, rail and road, hospitality services,
educational institutions, places of worship, political gatherings, etc.
Certain exceptions for medical staff, journalists, petrol pumps,
essential stores, etc have been provided for. The district collectors
are to be the “incident commanders” in each district who would also
decide on who should be issued exception passes. Downstream, in several
states, the competent authorities have issued orders under Section 144
of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, prohibiting more than five
people from assembling in public places.

Legality of national “house-arrest”

While four days’ lead time was given for the Janata Curfew, barely four
hours’ time was given to the crores of Indians to arrange their lives
and livelihoods in an orderly manner. The chaotic aftermath of the
national lockdown has been evidenced by heartwrenching scenes at railway
stations, inter-state bus terminals, state borders, labour markets etc.
where scores of people have been subjected to a period of enforced
unemployment while being marooned far away from the sanctuary of their

As per the 2011 Census, India has 41 million migrant
workers. Add to that domestic workers, daily wagers and construction
workers. Conceded, the prime minister, several chief ministers and
government advisories have exhorted employers not to deduct wages for
the period of the lockdown. However, without a guaranteed wage or some
minimum income or compensation, can the right to life, which includes
the right to livelihood of these hapless workers, be snuffed out simply
by falling back on Article 256 read with the DMA?

We have seen
how after the Janata government’s amendment, even if emergency is
formally promulgated, the right to life cannot be taken away. In the
present case, the emergency provisions have not even been invoked! If
the government can bypass the emergency provisions of the Constitution
and initiate such drastic steps, albeit with universal consent, one
might well ask whether such provisions – which not only specify the
manner in which fundamental rights may be suspended but also set out the
constitutional-legislative oversight over such suspension – have been
rendered completely meaningless.
While orders under Section 144,
CrPC restrict collective assembly, can the NDMA direct a “lockdown”
which draws the “lakhsman rekha” at the citizen’s door and compels her
into virtual imprisonment for 21 days? Is this not a virtual death
sentence to the daily wager, the street vendor, the migrant worker, the
small trader? Clause (a) and (e) of Article 39 require the government
to take steps to ensure that citizens have a right to adequate means of
livelihood, and citizens are not forced by economic necessity to enter
avocations unsuited to them. These obligations are among the Directive
Principles of State Policy which are considered to be fundamental in the
governance of the country. The present lockdown would create conditions
that run contrary to these obligations. The choice between COVID-19 and
economic death is a hard one. The citizen, for howsoever noble a
motive, has been left deprived of even her right to chose. Risking
inevitable brickbats, I dare say that these were the very difficult
choices that required a balancing act – which, according to the leader
of one of our neighbouring countries, weighed on him in deciding against
an enforced shut down.

Section 144 CrPC as well the cognate
provisions in state police Acts (such as Section 30(3), Delhi Police
Act, 1978) usually prohibit assemblies. But the lockdown has taken the
‘Lakhsman Rekha’ to all our doorsteps. Again, returning to the
fundamental issue – without a declaration of emergency and, therefore,
with the right to movement and the right to livelihood still in
operation, is a “lock-down” constitutionally valid?

Conscious of
the counter arguments. When the very right to life of the nation is
imperilled, such constitutional arguments are heresy. After all, the
Doctrine of Necessity proclaims loud and clear that “Necessity knows no

For whatever it is worth, if we are willing to accept that
these unforeseen times are compelling us to act beyond the four corners
of our basic law, at the very least let us not lose focus on the
equally critical mandate of both the EDA as well as DMA – namely relief
and rehabilitation of the disaster affected, i.e. the poor and most

Also, while wholehearted support to the
administration in this hour of national crisis is the duty of every
Indian, it is equally important to keep flagging crucial issues – such
as, has the Disaster Fund mandated by the DMA been operationalised? Is
the process of disbursement of compensation under the EDA under
contemplation? I fear by our collective silence, we could well be sowing
the seeds of a tragedy of unimaginable proportions, which we will reap
for a long time.

Modi partnership with private and all opposition parties
must help Agriculture by spending the revenue proportionately and
latest farming implements to assist farmers. Farm & Ministry ust be a
community-supported agriculture organization, providing shares of their
harvest to members and neighbors weekly, and members encouraged to buy
and donate shares. Local poverty relief agencies distribute donations to
people in need in locations close to the farm. work to involve agro
ecology, experiential farm-based education, leadership formation and
national initiatives around temple-owned land stewardship.Grow food
using regenerative agriculture practices.

Members must buy
shares of their weekly harvest; approximately one quarter of their crops
must provided to a local poverty relief agency for distribution to
those in need. Also sponsor an heirloom wheat ministry, where community
members hand-plant and hand-harvest wheat for member temples to use in
communion bread.
But most important, their farm is a living laboratory – a
sacred space for the intentional exploration of our relationships to
the land, their neighbor gather regularly to plant and harvest together,
getting hands dirty as to rediscover the joy of hard work in community.

With absolute power on Legislature,
Executive, Judiciary, Chitpavan brahman knows how to keep the erstwhile untouchables under the clutch of untouchbilty!

Fighting Hunger with One Meal at a time bringing the tradition of Annadānam back through

Honest Voice of All Aboriginal Awakened Societies urge Murderer of
democratic institutions and Master of diluting institution (Modi) to
pass legislation that provides nutrition for vulnerable people.
The Awakened with Awareness faith calls to stand alongside women and
children around the world to provide leadership toward a well-nourished

Use the Hunger Van Program and online process to see food
in edible containers reaches every home till the total curfew because
of COVID-19 is completely removed with revenue Murderer of democratic
institutions and Master of diluting institution (Modi) has received
Rs.15,51,004 crore during 2017-18 comprising Rs. 12,42,662 crore Tax
Revenue and Rs 12,82,857 crore up to January 2020. Tax revenue stood at
Rs 9,98,037 crore, while non-tax revenue stood at Rs 2,52,083 crore.
Non-debt capital receipts stood at Rs 32,737 crore, which includes Rs
18,351 crore of disinvestment proceeds that is in the hands of
foreigners from Bene Israel,Tibet, Africa, Eastern Europe, Western
Germany, Northern Europe, South,Russia,Hungary, etc,chitpavan brahmins
of Rakshasa Rowdy Swayam Sevaks (RSS) remotely controlling the own
mother’s flesh eaters, slaves, stooges, chamchas, chelas and bootlickers
of chitpavan brahmins Bevakoof Jhoothe Psychopaths (BJP) full of
hatred, intolerance, anger, militancy, violent, number one terrorists of
the world, ever shooting, mob lunching, mentally retarded, lunatic
towards 99.9% All Aboriginal Awakened Societies including,
SC/STs/OBCs/Religious Minorities and even the non-chitpavan brahmins.

The entire revenue is now with the chitpavan brahmins. Instead of
creating a communal COVID-19 by the RSS/BJP more deadliest than the
COVID-19, it must be the honest voice of the 99.9% All Awakened

Opposition Parties to Educate, Organise and agitate through social media
on our revenue and to force Modi and the chitpavan brahmins to
distribute to the needy hungry masses by making use of the postal

department and those who were involved in census with their vans, trucks
and other vehicles and the IT department to serve food in edible packs

Caste-COVID-19 - They have some connection!

COVID-19 forced people to under go curfew! Curfew forced people to see
Cinema to pass the time! Cinema forced people to follow Caste Culture
narrated in the picture! All the stories of Cinemas are the effect of
Caste System! This country is a land of Caste! Caste is a reality!

Caste has killed the progress of the country!

Caste benefits foreigners from Bene Israel chitpavan brahman of Rowdy
rakshasa swayam Sevaks (RSS) remotely controlling Murderer of
democratic institution and Master of diluting institutions (Modi) of
Bevakoof Jhoothe Psychopaths (BJP) who are slaves, stooges, bootlickers,
chamchas, chelas and own mother’s flesh eaters supporting the
manusmriti which says that chitpavan brahmins are 1st rate athmas
(souls) , kshatriya & vaishya/ baniya, shudras as 2nd,3rd,4th rate
souls and the ati-shudras the SC/STs 9Untouchables as having no souls at
all. So that all sorts of atrocities can be committed on them. But the
Buddha never believed in any soul. he said all are equal. Therefore
Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar made All Awakened Aboriginal Societies to
return back to their original home Buddhism.

Caste has degraded
85% comprising Shudras(BC/OBC), Untouchables(sc), Tribals(st) &
converted minorities (Muslims,Cristian, Sikhs,Lingayats, Buddhists etc)
called Mulnivasis as slaves & victimised them from basic rights!

In Any natural calamity whether drought, flood,epidemic, these
Mulnivasis would be the worst affected as dependents, they lack basic
facilities to face the crisis!
They are the last to employ & the first to fire!
Arogya Rakshakas of all living beings Health workers & the
Muncipalty workers are the best examples in the current scenario! So
Caste is a man made virus worst than any virus including COVID-19!
COVID-19 being a lab created virus may go shortly under the pressure of
curfew & public effort! But the most deadliest than COVID-19
virus called caste will remain to affect us very badly!
Independence no effort from the Govt to destroy Like COVID-19, Caste is
not visible to naked eye; it has to be faced to experience as it is
only a notion!
COVID-19 brought the system called “Social
Distancing” for its control to the world ! But for our country, it is
not new, as it is a phenomenon central to caste system! Social
distancing is otherwise a practice of Untouchability!

also separated people but again it is the main charecter of caste as
it’s main purpose is to bring separation in life! Only difference is
that the phenomenon of COVID-19 is temporary while that of caste is

In fact, had there been no caste in our country, COVID-19 itself would
not have come to our country owing to its locational advantage in the
globe! It’s a problem of governance by the Murderer of democratic
institution (Modi) who gobbled the Master Key bt tampering the fraud
EVMs/VVPATs to and won elections!
Caste system does not allow good Governance!
Hence, to protect caste system, they first made the women as ‘Slave’
and assigned the responsibility of its propagation! Women as it’s
epicentre follows “Stri-Dharm, Pativrata, purity-pollution, patriarchy,
endogamy, etc to protect caste!
To support her, suitable Family
system, customs, traditions, community system, god’s & goddesses,
festivals, temples, marriage system, festivals, village system etc were
created! To maintain rather strengthen caste solidly &
permanently, Reservation system helped in addition to destroying
leadership among 85% through Chamchas (Agents) for the benefit of 15%!
At the same time, our country cinema came very handy to the
perpetrators of caste to make people , religious, emotional, casteists,
immoral , superstitious, blind followers,
supporters of violence, hate mongers, egoist, selfish, in violation of
all good precepts like killing, stealing, telling lies, sexual
misconduct, and consumption of alcoholic drinks and drugs etc !
The objective of country’s Cinemas/Serials is to inculcate the values
of caste & it’s culture among the educated & the illiterates in
the name of entertainment since, democracy, Republic, constitution,
would promote liberty, equality, fraternity, & justice!
Cinema normalised gundaism (street rowdiism), liquor culture, Violence,
rape, stone worship, caste traditions, Stri-Dharm(followers of
sati-savitri)etc as Indian Culture, !

Taking advantage of the
occasion, Ramayan & Mahabharat Epics whose owners are Valmiki, Vysa
SC/STs serials were started to produce RSS (Rowdy Rakshasa Swayam
Sevaks with ease!
So, COVID-19, Cinema & Caste is a deadly combination for Indians!

So Bahujans should shun Cinema & read Buddha, Basava, Periyar,
Phule & Ambedkar thoughts to consolidate their conviction to fight
the worst deadliest virus called ,”Caste”.

Otherwise, seeing country’s Cinema/serial or listening cinema or Bhakti songs means strengthening Caste System!

To fight COVID-19 both public & Govt have come together, but to
fight the worst virus called caste which has made our life miserable
only the 85% has to get ready since the 15% beneficiaries are rather
making all out effort to maintain the status quo.

“After COVID-19 let’s get ready to chase away Caste”

We are not keeping quite!

Fights are going on:
1. Categorisation
2. Touchable v/s Untouchable
Chitpavan brahman never wanted to give anything- dead against to any
concession to untouchables as they will lose free bonded labours! It
was Babsaheb’s greatness which fetched us so many safeguards!

Chitpavan brahman forced Narayan Guru through Gandhi, not to side with
Ambedkar to show Ezhavas of Kerala as untouchables before Franchise
committee during Round Table Conference so as to reduce the strength of
Untouchables to avoid any constitutional rights ! Chitpavan brahman may
add anybody and delete any body!

He will never give, but creates controversies, confusions, disputes so
that the castes quarrel among them selves based on egos! Meanwhile, reservation in employment punctured by privatisation!
To destroy Ambedkarim, he has to play so many dramas behind the screen
so that reservation beneficiaries fight for pittance among them selves
to lose political power!

Rise Against Hunger

COVID-19 has adversely affected the migrant population, Arogya Rakshakas of all living beings & other … kind and works
COVID-19 Curfew: Domestic Workers And A Class-Caste Divide.
A pandemic like COVID-19 comes with several collateral damages: so,
domestic workers like other vulnerable classes are at risk of being
dealt with disrespectful and discriminatory care at medical facilities
and police violence meted out to Curfew “violators”.

Aboriginal-caste and SC/ST identities have been historically viewed and
represented through the prism of upper-caste, especially chitpavan
brahminical purity-pollution and uncouth-refined standards. Since
applied science is an exercise in social habits and ritualistic
practices, the current hygiene protocol has inadvertently brought back
divisions anew on the lines of caste prejudices.

Provisions of
fixed working hours, paid and willing overtime work, paid annual and
causal leaves, respectful behaviour are equally important for their
work-life balance and self-esteem. If workers at formal workplaces are
entitled to “entertainment” and phone bill reimbursements, why not
domestic workers? For that their work needs to stop being trivialised.

In the time of COVID-19, several well-to-do people have taken to
posting pictures of cleaners, sweepers (Arogya rakshakas of all living
beings) and garbage, saluting the “#COVID
and urging people to stay put and bid time, because if “they” can that
too with a “cheerful smile”, why can’t we, right? Well, the class irony
couldn’t be far away: “They” have not chosen their profession.

Police Beatings and Covid-19: For Migrant Workers Stuck in Delhi, the
… people fear they along with their children and wives would die of
hunger. …  hundreds of migrant workers at Mumbai’s Bandra … His
income was just enough for his family to last through the month.

COVID-19 curfew means no food or work for rural …
will kill us before coronavirus’, say Rohingya in India … “It has
been more than a month since I got my last salary. … but we don’t see
that it has been implemented yet, not even in the capital, New Delhi.

COVID-19. … Coronavirus Puts On Highway To Hunger: Despite Bumper ..

Modi’s poorly planned lockdown won’t save us from … Hunger
go a long way in reducing the transmission of the deadly virus.
…Modi’s Covid-19 lockdown speech shows he doesn’t learn from … At
this rate, more people might die of hunger than of coronavirus.
of this deadly virus will be more dangerous than the current misery.
…Hunger. Just imagine, the majority of caste conscious mainland.

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The road ahead for liberals is tough. Modi’s thalis were a loud message

The liberal 99.9% All Aboriginal Awakened Societies i.e., Sarvajan Samaj including SC(including Safai workers who are real Arogya Rakshakas Health Protectors) of all living beings))/STs/OBCs/Religious Minorities and even the poor non-chitpavan brahmins story is still worth pursuing. But liberals would do well to
remember that it is just one more story competing with many others.

These are tough times for liberal Prabuddha Bharat. More so if you are cursed with a sense of aesthetics. The Murderer of democratic institutions and Master of diluting institutions (Modi) who  gobbled the Master Key by tampering the fraud EVMs/VVPATs and won elections remotely controlled by just 0.1% intolerant, violent, ever shooting, mob lynching, number one terrorists of the world, lunatic, mentally retarded foreigners thrown out from Bene Israel Tibet, Africa, Eastern Europe, Western Germany, Northern Europe, South,Russia,Hungary, etc,chitpavan brahmins of Rakshasa Rowdy Swayam Sevaks (RSS) remotely controlling the own mother’s flesh eaters, slaves, stooges, chamchas, chelas and bootlickers of chitpavan brahmins Bevakoof Jhoothe Psychopaths (BJP) full of hatred, intolerance, anger, militancy, violent, number one terrorists of the world, ever shooting, mob lunching, mentally retarded, lunatic towards 99.9% All Aboriginal Awakened Societies including,
SC(including Safai workers who are real Arogya Rakshakas Health Protectors)/STs/OBCs/Religious Minorities and even the non-chitpavan brahmins, asked people to bang thalis in appreciation of the doctors and others fighting the COVID-19 pandemic — after ensuring in February that crucial medical equipment was not reserved for medical personnel and patients.

The liberal edifice is falling to pieces. Instead of a free press,
we now have a free-for-all press. The former Chief Justice of India
Ranjan Gogoi accepted the Modi’s nomination to the Rajya
Sabha soon after his retirement, when the memory of his judicial views in favour of Modi’s in several critical matters was still fresh
in people’s mind. The constitutional value of the ‘separation of powers’ has seldom looked shakier.

The economy lies in tatters.

Communal riots last  for days but no heads roll. There is no
opposition and no respite from the Modi’s overbearing manner.
In this mix drops a virus, and it soon acquires a communal colour.
Liberalism has hardly had it so bad in independent Prabuddha Bharat.

Reasons for people rushing to bang the thalis, is that they think
“Modi is winning. Why should he be complaining? Or bothering with usual suspects accusing him of infantilising his voters when they are happy being just that because of the fraud EVMs/VVPATs: Obedient infants?”

Following instructions to bang thalis. However, over the past six years, this complaint has become common and more frequent among the liberals.

Earlier, ordinary voter was wise and took correct decisions at crucial moments of history such as in 1977, 1984 and 1991.

Why this about-turn?

That is because of the fraud EVMs/VVPATs, but not the Ballot Papers.

So Poke fun at taali, thaali, diya and mombatti all you want. Modi couldn’t care less.

Liberal democracy is premised on individual free will to make a choice.

Philosophers have long contested the idea of free will and rational

Traditional Western philosophy had the contesting idea of
determinism which meant, contrary to free will, events were guided by
pre-existing causes. Indian philosophy had a similar theory of
Prarabhda. However, the political advance of liberalism/humanism was so powerful in the last century that these contesting ideas were eclipsed by the idea of free will.

Liberal democracies across the world have been bleeding in the past decade. The liberal order is turning upside down, institutions are being torn apart. But even before the likes of Modi, Trump and Erdogan appeared on the political stage, modern philosophers like John Gray had challenged the idea of free will. It is also being challenged by psychologists and neuroscientists. Even if there is free will, its direction can be manipulated, especially by big data, TV channels etc.

Therefore, the voter’s inability or reluctance to exercise rational choice based on the contested idea of free will is a very tenuous link to reach an even more unsustainable conclusion of the infancy of the voter.

We need other tools to understand voter’s/citizen’s behaviour. One way to examine this behaviour, especially in the era of populist leaders, is the concept of Maya, or illusion, which can be magnified manifold by the information technology revolution. We can understand electoral politicsas a battle of images, perception and theatre.

New tech, no alternative story

Electoral politics always had a strong element of theatre. But new technological tools such as WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter are allowing Modi to give the voters a lot of new messages, images, sensations on a regular basis and generate favourable responses. We need to closely scrutinise the connection between WhatsApp revolution engendered by cheap Jio data and the 2019 Lok Sabha election victory or banging of thalis. Facebook, internet and compliant news channels have made electoral politics in the country overwhelmingly theatrical.

And there is no viable alternative story. The Congress party, a network of patronage and power, in the absence of those, is simply withering away. Other parties modelled on the Congress system are following suit. Arvind Kejriwal has been able to stand up to Modi possibly because he can match Modi in theatrics and in the use of new technology as all of their bosses are chitpavan brahmin birds of the same feather flock together.

Further, new technology has disturbed the traditional way of life of the voter at an unprecedented pace. The voter might be clinging to Modi simply because he presents an image – rather the illusion – that the commonly held notions about the Indian tradition will be preserved.

That’s what banging of thalis and lighting of diyas do

Liberal elite lost control

The rapid technological disruption was preceded by six decades of
reconstruction of all major identities by the liberal method: caste,
religion, family and gender. This reconstruction changed power relations in a short span of time. The debate over the merits of these changes isa separate matter. But these changes have produced anxieties in the certain sections of society, which Modi could be tapping into (Stealth Shadowy hindutva cult)even while benefiting from those changes (OBC-Mandal).

The liberals enjoyed immense authority to produce these changes with support from the Constitutional  system structures. They drew their power from the control over all institutions of production of knowledge such as universities, research institutions and the courts.

These were controlled through the English language, which was the preserve of a tiny liberal elite to a large extent. This language was alien to the large swathes of masses whose allegiance Modi, a native Gujarati, commands in Hindi.

The English language, in the hands of English-speaking liberal elite, became a powerful source of discrimination against people who could not speak English and led to deprivation of opportunities for them. At its best, the English-speaking liberal elite was a benign alien force for them; at its worst, a hostile coloniser of thought and mind.

After the collapse of the Constitutional power network, this English-speaking liberal elite has no emotional and cultural connection with the social milieu where Modi is worshiped, even though he has hardly done anything to change those power relations. Modi has simply changed the packaging. Goods come from the same factories. Modi has just changed the labels to Hindi and has swayed the people — just like how he borrowed talis from Italy, added his thali and crowd-sourced a blockbuster.

The liberal story was a good story and is still worth pursuing. But let us not have illusions of the universality or truth of its values. It is one more story competing in the arena with many others. It is hard work ahead, especially for the liberal elite who may have to give up their privileges (or get co-opted), shed the baggage of English language. A good start can be made by making a resolve: “Thou shall never declare the ordinary mass of people infants, howsoever uncomfortable they may be for you.” Because if we look deeper, then we will find many reasons for the way they behave, opening new ways of engagement.New tech, no alternative story

Electoral politics always had a strong element of theatre. But new technological tools such as WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter are allowing Modi to give the voters a lot of new messages, images, sensations on a regular basis and generate favourable responses. We need to closely scrutinise the connection between WhatsApp revolution engendered by cheap Jio data and the 2019 Lok Sabha election victory or banging of thalis. Facebook, internet and compliant news channels have made electoral politics in the country overwhelmingly theatrical.

And there is no viable alternative story. The Congress party, a network of patronage and power, in the absence of those, is simply withering away. Other parties modelled on the Congress system are following suit. Arvind Kejriwal has been able to stand up to Modi possibly because he can match Modi in theatrics and in the use of new technology as all of their bosses are chitpavan brahmin birds of the same feather flock together.

Further, new technology has disturbed the traditional way of life of the voter at an unprecedented pace. The voter might be clinging to Modi simply because he presents an image – rather the illusion – that the commonly held notions about the Indian tradition will be preserved.

That’s what banging of thalis and lighting of diyas do

Liberal elite lost control

The rapid technological disruption was preceded by six decades of
reconstruction of all major identities by the liberal method: caste,
religion, family and gender. This reconstruction changed power relations in a short span of time. The debate over the merits of these changes isa separate matter. But these changes have produced anxieties in the certain sections of society, which Modi could be tapping into (Stealth Shadowy hindutva cult)even while benefiting from those changes (OBC-Mandal).

The liberals enjoyed immense authority to produce these changes with support from the Constitutional  system structures. They drew their power from the control over all institutions of production of knowledge such as universities, research institutions and the courts.

These were controlled through the English language, which was the preserve of a tiny liberal elite to a large extent. This language was alien to the large swathes of masses whose allegiance Modi, a native Gujarati, commands in Hindi.

The English language, in the hands of English-speaking liberal elite, became a powerful source of discrimination against people who could not speak English and led to deprivation of opportunities for them. At its best, the English-speaking liberal elite was a benign alien force for them; at its worst, a hostile coloniser of thought and mind.

After the collapse of the Constitutional power network, this English-speaking liberal elite has no emotional and cultural connection with the social milieu where Modi is worshiped, even though he has hardly done anything to change those power relations. Modi has simply changed the packaging. Goods come from the same factories. Modi has just changed the labels to Hindi and has swayed the people — just like how he borrowed talis from Italy, added his thali and crowd-sourced a blockbuster.

The liberal story was a good story and is still worth pursuing. But let us not have illusions of the universality or truth of its values. It is one more story competing in the arena with many others. It is hard work ahead, especially for the liberal elite who may have to give up their privileges (or get co-opted), shed the baggage of English language. A good start can be made by making a resolve: “Thou shall never declare the ordinary mass of people infants, howsoever uncomfortable they may be for you.” Because if we look deeper, then we will find many reasons for the way they behave, opening new ways of engagement.

Patanjali Ayurved pledged its entire shareholding in Ruchi Soya Industries to SBICAP Trustee for the Rs 4,000 crore loan, according to a filing on the exchanges.

 The others in this category include: Kudos Chemie, Punjab (Rs.2,326 crore), Baba Ramdev and …


RBI writes off over Rs 68K cr. loans, Choksi among 50 top wilful defaulters: RTI
   Mon, Apr 27 2020 06:22:59 PM

Apr 27 (IANS): The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has admitted to writing off a staggering amount of Rs 68,607-crores due from 50 Top Wilful Defaulters, including absconding diamantaire Mehul Choksi, according to a reply under RTI.

Prominent RTI activist Saket Gokhale had filed an RTI query seeking details of the 50 Top Wilful Defaulters and their current loans status till February 16.

“I filed this RTI because Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and Minister of State for Finance Anurag Thakur, but they had refused to reply to this starred question asked in parliament by Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, in the last budget session, on Feb 16, 2020,” Gokhale told IANS.

Disclosing what the government didn’t, the RBI’s Central Public Information Officer Abhay Kumar provided the replies on Saturday (April 24), with several startling revelations in the ‘diamond-studded list’, said Gokhale.

The RBI said that this amount (Rs 68,607-crore) comprising outstanding and the amounts technically/prudentially Written Off, till September 30, 2019.

“The apex bank also declined to provide the relevant information on overseas borrowers citing a Supreme Court judgement of December 16, 2015,” Gokhale told IANS.

Topping the list is Choksi’s scam-hit company, Gitanjali Gems Limited which owed Rs.5,492 crore, besides other group companies, Gili India Ltd. and Nakshatra Brands Ltd. which had taken loans of Rs 1,447 crore and Rs 1,109 crore, respectively.

Choksi is currently a citizen of Antigua & Barbados Isles, while his nephew and another absconder diamond trader Nirav Modi is in London.

The second in the list is REI Agro Ltd., with an amount of Rs 4,314 crores, and its directors Sandip Jhujhunwala and Sanjay Jhunjhunwala who are already under the scanner of the
Enforcement Directorate (ED) since over a year.

The next on the list in the Rs 4,000-crore bracket is absconding diamantaire Jatin Mehta’s Winsome Diamonds & Jewellery owing Rs 4,076 crore and which is being probed by the Central Bureau of Investigation for various bank frands.

In the Rs 2,000-crore category, there is the Kanpur-based
writing instruments giant, Rotomac Global Pvt. Ltd., part of the famed
Kothari group, which owed Rs 2,850 crore.

The others in this category include: Kudos Chemie, Punjab (Rs.2,326 crore), Baba Ramdev and Balkrishna’s group company Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd., Indore (Rs.2,212 crore), and Zoom Developers Pvt. Ltd., Gwalior (Rs.2,012 crore).

There are 18 companies in the Rs.1K-segment with some prominent names like Harish R. Mehta’s Ahmedabad-based Forever Precious Jewellery & Diamonds Pvt. Ltd. (Rs.,1962 crore), and absconder liquor baron Vijay Mallya’s defunct Kingfisher Airlines Ltd. (Rs 1,943 crore).

Another 25 companies fall in the sub-1K-crore category with outstandings ranging from Rs 605 crore to Rs 984 crore, either individually or as group companies.

Six among the 50 Top Wilful Defaulters are connected with the glittering diamond and/or gold jewellery industries.

“A majority of them have defaulted prominent nationalist banks over the past several years and many of them are either absconding or facing action by various probe agencies and some are under litigation,” Gokhale said.

No industry is sacrosanct as the top 50 willful defaulters
are spread across various sectors of the economy including IT,
infrastructure, power, gold-diamond jewellery, pharma, etc.

“wilful defaulters, bad loans and write-offs”

Reserve Bank of India released a list of 50 wilful defaulters accused of cheating banks whose loans were written off.

Between 2009-10 and 2013-14, scheduled commercial banks had written off Rs 1,45,226.00 crore.

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