Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

October 2024
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57 Buddha’s own Words 𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4357 Sat 26 Feb 2022 DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND- Path for All Societies to Attain Eternal Bliss by propagating BUDDHA’S OWN WORDS For The Gain of the Many and For the Welfare of the Many Free Online Positive Agricultural Youniversity for Awakened Ashoka 🍎 🍉 🍌 Fruits & 🥦 🫑🥒🥕🥗 🌱🪴🌳Vegetables Growers Party throughout Your Youniverse and Space in all 117 Classical Languages.
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57 Buddha’s own Words

𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4357 Sat 26 Feb 2022

DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND- Path for All Societies to Attain Eternal Bliss by propagating BUDDHA’S OWN WORDS
For The Gain of the Many and For the Welfare of the Many
Free Online Positive Agricultural Youniversity for Awakened Ashoka 🍎 🍉 🍌 Fruits &  🥦

🥕🥗 🌱🪴🌳Vegetables Growers Party throughout Your Youniverse and Space in all 117 Classical Languages.

Biden has nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.
She is eminently qualified to serve our nation on our highest court. And
while she will be the first Black woman on the Supreme Court, Judge
Jackson will not be the last.
today is great by nominating Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the
Supreme Court. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar is the father of Prabuddha Bharat’s
Constitution. Hope that aboriginal Scheduled Caste/Tribe is nominated
as CJI particularly to replace the EVMs and bring back Ballot Papers
Supreme Court Nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson | The White House

May be an image of 1 person and standing

inflation, poverty, unemployment, hateful politics, poor law and order,
compulsion to migrate due to lack of employment and stray cattle etc.
During the general elections in the UP Assembly, due to the burning
issues dominating the hearts and minds of the people, the pulses of the
opposing parties are right here. Can’t swallow. lucky Cue.
BSP is fighting this election on these specific issues of public
interest and welfare, so that by working with the right intention and
policy, like 2007 to 2012 in UP, especially by making proper
arrangements for good law and order and employment-employment, a little
better for the people. Days can be brought, only on which people trust.
Mayawati is already the PM because of her excellent governance of UP by
way of distributing the wealth of the State proportionately among all
societies as enshrined in our marvellous modern Constitution.The fraud
EVMs have to be replaced by Ballot Papers to save democracy.

minister of Karnataka has suggested a three- languages formula for
overall growth: English for mind, Kannada for heart & Sanskrit for
soul! Many saints are yet to define the ’soul’! But our ‘enlightened’
minister has easily discovered a ready made language for the soul!!
Wah!! As 
All the stooges,chamchas, boot lickers, chelas and own mother’s flesh eaters  Free For All Mad murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)
remotely controlled by foreigners kicked out from Bene Israel, Tibet,
Africa, Eastern Europe, Western Germany, South Russia, Western Europe,
Hungary just .1% chitpavan brahmins who are number one terrorists of the
world, militant, violent, ever shooting, mob lynching, lunatic,
mentally retarded Rowdy Swyam Sevaks practicing hatred, anger, jealousy,
delusion stupidity towards 99.9% All Awakened Aboriginal Societies
believe in 1st rate chitpavan brahmin atma /soul  2nd Kshatria,3rd Vysia
4th rate Sudhara souls.But Buddha never believed in any soul. he said
al are equal.…/census-more-than-19500-languages

Buddha spoke in Magadhi. There are many states including Karnataka we have Magadhi.

a just born baby is kept isolated without anyone communicating with the
baby, after a few days it will speak and human natural (Prakrit)
language known as Classical Magahi Magadhi/Classical Chandaso
language/Magadhi Prakrit,Classical Hela Basa (Hela Language),Classical
Pāḷi which are the same.

the 7,139 languages and dialects are off shoot of Classical Magahi
Magadhi. Hence all of them are Classical in nature (Prakrit) of Human
Beings, just like
all other living speices have their own natural languages for communication. 117 languages are translated by

DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND-To Create Awaken Universe Grow Vegetables and Fruits plants in

06) ClassicalDevanagari,Classical Hindi-Devanagari- शास्त्रीय हिंदी

करें मन - जागृत ब्रह्मांड बनाने के लिए सब्जियां और फलों के पौधे उगते

06) क्लासिकलडेवनागारी, शास्त्रीय हिंदी-देवनागरी- शास्त्री हिंदी

कर्नाटक मंत्री ने कुल विकास के लिए तीन- भाषा फॉर्मूला का सुझाव दिया है:
मन के लिए अंग्रेजी, आत्मा के लिए दिल और संस्कृत के लिए कन्नड़! कई संतों
को अभी तक ‘आत्मा’ को परिभाषित नहीं किया गया है! लेकिन हमारे ‘प्रबुद्ध’
मंत्री ने आसानी से आत्मा के लिए एक तैयार भाषा की खोज की है !! वाह !!
जैसा कि सभी stooges, chamchas, बूट lickers, chelas और अपनी मां के मांस
खाने वालों के लिए मुक्त लोकतांत्रिक संस्थानों (मोदी) के सभी पागल हत्यारे
के लिए स्वतंत्र रूप से बेवकूफों द्वारा नियंत्रित विदेशियों द्वारा
नियंत्रित किया गया इजरायल, तिब्बत, अफ्रीका, पूर्वी यूरोप, पश्चिमी
जर्मनी, दक्षिण रूस, पश्चिमी यूरोप, हंगरी सिर्फ .1% चितपावन ब्राह्मण जो
दुनिया के नंबर एक आतंकवादी हैं, आतंकवादी, हिंसक, कभी शूटिंग, मोब
लिंचिंग, पागल, मानसिक रूप से मंदबुद्धि, क्रोध, ईर्ष्या, भ्रम मूर्खता का
अभ्यास 99.9% की ओर भ्रम मूर्खतापूर्ण आदिवासी समाज पहली दर में विश्वास
करते हैं चितपावन ब्राह्मण अतामा / आत्मा द्वितीय क्षत्रिया, तीसरी व्सिया
चौथी दर सुधारा आत्मा। लेकिन बुद्ध किसी भी आत्मा में कभी विश्वास नहीं
करते थे। उन्होंने कहा कि अल बराबर हैं।…/census-more-than-19500-languages

बुद्ध ने मगधि में बात की। कर्नाटक समेत कई राज्यों में हमारे पास मगधि है।

जब एक जन्मजात बच्चा बच्चे के साथ संवाद करने वाले किसी भी व्यक्ति के बिना
अलग रखा जाता है, तो कुछ दिनों के बाद यह बात करेगा और मानव प्राकृतिक
(प्राक्रिट) भाषा को शास्त्रीय मगही मगढ़ी / क्लासिकल चंदासो भाषा / मगधि
प्राकृत, क्लासिकल हेला बस (हेला भाषा) के रूप में जाना जाएगा, शास्त्रीय
pāḷi जो समान हैं।

सभी 7,139 भाषाएं और बोलियां क्लासिकल मगही मगधि की शूटिंग की हैं। इसलिए
उनमें से सभी मनुष्यों के प्रकृति (प्राकृत) में शास्त्रीय हैं, जैसे
संचार के लिए अन्य सभी जीवित स्पीचों की अपनी प्राकृतिक भाषाएं हैं। 117
भाषाओं का अनुवाद द्वारा किया जाता है

DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND-To Create Awaken Universe Grow Vegetables and Fruits plants in

13) Classical Assamese-ধ্ৰুপদী অসমীয়া

শুদ্ধ কৰক😊মন-জাগ্ৰত বিশ্বব্ৰহ্মাণ্ড সৃষ্টি কৰিবলৈ শাক-পাচলি আৰু ফলৰ
উদ্ভিদ খেতি কৰক 13) ধ্ৰুপদী অসম-ধ্ৰুপদী অসমীয়া কৰ্ণাটকৰ এজন মন্ত্ৰীয়ে
সামগ্ৰিক বিকাশৰ বাবে তিনিটা ভাষাৰ সূত্ৰৰ পৰামৰ্শ দিছে: মনৰ বাবে ইংৰাজী,
হৃদয়ৰ বাবে কানাড়া আৰু আত্মাৰ বাবে সংস্কৃত! বহুতো সাধুয়ে এতিয়াও
‘আত্মা’ৰ সংজ্ঞা দিবলৈ বাকী আছে! কিন্তু আমাৰ ‘আলোকিত’ মন্ত্ৰীয়ে সহজে
আত্মাৰ বাবে এটা সাজু ভাষা আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰিছে!! ৱাহ!!

বেইন ইজৰাইল, তিব্বত, আফ্ৰিকা, পূৱ ইউৰোপ, পশ্চিম জাৰ্মানী, পশ্চিম ইউৰোপ,
পশ্চিম ইউৰোপ, হাংগেৰীৰ পৰা দূৰৱৰ্তীভাৱে নিয়ন্ত্ৰিত গণতান্ত্ৰিক
প্ৰতিষ্ঠানসমূহৰ (মোডী) সকলো ষ্টুজ, চামচা, বুট লিকাৰ, চেলা আৰু নিজৰ মাতৃৰ
মাংস ভক্ষণকাৰী ফ্ৰী ফৰ অল মেড হত্যাকাৰী, হিংসাত্মক বিশ্বৰ এক নম্বৰ
সন্ত্ৰাসবাদী, উগ্ৰপন্থী। কেতিয়াবা গুলীচালনা, গণপিটুনি, উন্মাদ,
মানসিকভাৱে বিকাৰগ্ৰস্ত ৰাউডি স্ৱাইম সেৱকসকলে ঘৃণা, খং, ঈৰ্ষা, ভ্ৰান্তিৰ
মূৰ্খতা অনুশীলন কৰি 99.9% সকলো জাগ্ৰত আদিবাসী সমাজে প্ৰথম হাৰৰ চিত্ৰবন
ব্ৰাহ্মণ আত্মা /আত্মা 2য় ক্ষত্ৰিয়া, তৃতীয় বৈশ্য 4ৰ্থ হাৰৰ সুধাৰা
আত্মাত বিশ্বাস কৰে। কিন্তু বুদ্ধই কেতিয়াও কোনো আত্মাত বিশ্বাস কৰা
নাছিল। তেওঁ কৈছিল আল সমান।…/census-more-than-19500-languages
বুদ্ধই মাগাধিত কথা পাতিছিল। কৰ্ণাটককে ধৰি বহুতো ৰাজ্য আছে আমাৰ মাগাধি
আছে। যেতিয়া কেঁচুৱাটোৰ সৈতে কোনোৱে যোগাযোগ নকৰাকৈ এটা সদ্য জন্ম হোৱা
কেঁচুৱাক পৃথক কৰি ৰখা হয়, কেইদিনমানৰ পিছত ই কথা ক’ব আৰু মানৱ প্ৰাকৃতিক
(প্ৰাকৃত) ভাষা যাক ধ্ৰুপদী মাগাহি মাগাধি/শাস্ত্ৰীয় চান্দাচো ভাষা/মাগাধি
প্ৰাকৃতিক, ধ্ৰুপদী হেলা বাস (হেলা ভাষা), শাস্ত্ৰীয় Pāḷi একে। সকলো
7,139 টা ভাষা আৰু উপভাষা ধ্ৰুপদী মাগাহী মাগাধিৰ দৃশ্যগ্ৰহণবন্ধ। সেয়েহে
এই সকলোবোৰ মানুহৰ ধ্ৰুপদী প্ৰকৃতিৰ (প্ৰাকৃত) ঠিক যেনেদৰে যোগাযোগৰ বাবে
আন সকলো জীৱিত স্পীচৰ নিজা প্ৰাকৃতিক ভাষা আছে। 117 টা ভাষা দ্বাৰা অনুবাদ কৰা হয়

DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND-To Create Awaken Universe Grow Vegetables and Fruits plants in

Good😊pupify মনকে জাগানো মহাবিশ্ব তৈরি করতে সবজি এবং ফল গাছপালা তৈরি করুন কর্ণাটকের
একজন মন্ত্রী সামগ্রিক বৃদ্ধির জন্য একটি তিন-ভাষা সূত্রের প্রস্তাব
দিয়েছেন: মনের জন্য ইংরেজি, কন্নড় হৃদয় এবং আত্মার জন্য সংস্কৃত! অনেক
সাধু এখনও ‘আত্মা’ সংজ্ঞায়িত করা হয়! কিন্তু আমাদের ‘আলোকিত’ মন্ত্রী
সহজেই আত্মার জন্য একটি প্রস্তুত তৈরি ভাষা আবিষ্কার করেছেন !! Wah !!
সমস্ত স্টোজেস, চেমচাস, বুট লেকচার্স, চেলস এবং নিজের মায়ের মাংসের মাংসের
জন্য ডেমোক্র্যাটিক ইনস্টিটিউটের সকল ম্যাড খুনীর (মোদি) দূরবর্তীভাবে
নিয়ন্ত্রিতভাবে নিয়ন্ত্রিতভাবে নিয়ন্ত্রিতভাবে নিয়ন্ত্রিত, ইজরায়েল,
তিব্বত, আফ্রিকা, পূর্ব ইউরোপ, পশ্চিম জার্মানি, দক্ষিণ রাশিয়া থেকে
বেরিয়ে আসে। ওয়েস্টার্ন ইউরোপ, হাঙ্গেরি শুধু .1% ChitPavan Brahmins
বিশ্বের এক সন্ত্রাসী, জঙ্গি, সহিংস, কখনও শুটিং, mob lynching, পাগল,
মানসিকভাবে প্রতিবন্ধী rowdy Swyam sevaks ঘৃণা, রাগ, ঈর্ষা, বিভ্রম মূঢ়তা
অনুশীলন 99.9% সব awakened আদিবাসী সমাজের প্রথম হারে বিশ্বাস করেন,
চিতপাওয়ান ব্রাহ্মণ আতমা / সোল ২ য় কৃষ্ণ, তৃতীয় ভিসিয়া 4 র্থ রেট
সুধারা আত্মা। কিন্তু বুদ্ধ কোন আত্মা বিশ্বাস করেন না। তিনি বলেন, আল

বুদ্ধ মগদীতে বক্তব্য রাখেন। কর্ণাটকসহ আমাদের অনেক রাজ্য রয়েছে মগধী।

শিশুর সাথে যোগাযোগ না করেই একটি মাত্র জন্মগ্রহণকারী শিশুর বিচ্ছিন্ন রাখা
হয়, কয়েকদিন পর এটি ক্লাসিক ম্যাগাদি / ক্লাসিকাল চাঁদাসো ভাষা / মগধী
প্রকার, ক্লাসিকাল হেলা বস (হেলা ভাষা) নামে পরিচিত এবং মানব প্রাকৃতিক
(প্রকৃতি) ভাষা বলা হবে। শাস্ত্রীয় পাইন যা একই।

সব 7,139 টি ভাষা এবং উপভাষা ক্লাসিক্যাল মগধির গুলি চালায়। অতএব তাদের
সবাই যেমন প্রকৃতির (প্রকারিত) তেমনি হয়, ঠিক যেমন
সমস্ত অন্যান্য জীবিত spoices যোগাযোগের জন্য তাদের নিজস্ব প্রাকৃতিক ভাষা
আছে। 117 টি ভাষা দ্বারা অনুবাদ করা হয়

DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND-To Create Awaken Universe Grow Vegetables and Fruits plants

41) Classical Gujarati-ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી, ગુડપોર્જિફાઇડ
મન-જાગૃત બ્રહ્માંડને શાકભાજી અને ફળો છોડ ઉગાડવા માટે

41) શાસ્ત્રીય ગુજરાતી- ક્લાસિચક ગુજરાતી,

કર્ણાટકના પ્રધાનએ એકંદર વૃદ્ધિ માટે ત્રણ ભાષાઓનું ફોર્મ્યુલા સૂચવ્યું
છે: મન માટે અંગ્રેજી, કન્નડા હૃદય માટે અને સોલ માટે સંસ્કૃત માટે! ઘણા
સંતો હજુ સુધી ‘આત્મા’ વ્યાખ્યાયિત કરે છે! પરંતુ આપણા ‘પ્રબુદ્ધ’ પ્રધાનએ
સરળતાથી આત્મા માટે તૈયાર કરેલી ભાષા શોધી કાઢી છે !! વાહ !! બધા સ્ટૂજ,
ચેમ્ચાસ, બૂટ લિકર્સ, ચેલાસ અને પોતાની માતાના માંસ ખાનારાઓને ડેમોક્રેટિક
સંસ્થાઓના તમામ પાગલ ખૂની (મોદી) માટે રિમોટલી ઇઝરાયેલ, તિબેટ, આફ્રિકા,
પૂર્વીય યુરોપ, પશ્ચિમી જર્મની, દક્ષિણ રશિયા, પશ્ચિમ જર્મનીથી દૂર કરવામાં
આવેલા વિદેશીઓ દ્વારા દૂરસ્થ રીતે નિયંત્રિત છે. પશ્ચિમ યુરોપ, હંગેરી
માત્ર .1% ચિત્પાવન બ્રાહ્મણો જે વિશ્વના એક આતંકવાદીઓ, આતંકવાદી, હિંસક,
ક્યારેય શૂટિંગ, ટોળું લિન્ચિંગ, પાગલ, માનસિક રૂપે મંદીવાળા રાઉડી સ્વિમ
સેવક્સે નફરત, ગુસ્સો, ઈર્ષ્યા, ભ્રમણાની મૂર્ખતા 99.9% તમામ જાગૃત કરી
એબોરિજિનલ સોસાયટીઝ માને છે કે 1 લી રેટ ચિત્પાવન બ્રાહ્મણ એટમા / સોલ 2 જી
કેસેટ્રિયા, ત્રીજા વાયસિયા 4 મી સાધરા સોલ્સ. પરંતુ બુદ્ધ ક્યારેય કોઈ
આત્મામાં માનતા નથી. તેમણે કહ્યું હતું કે અલ સમાન છે.…/census-ormer-than-19500-langues

બુદ્ધે મગઢીએ કહ્યું. કર્ણાટક સહિત ઘણા રાજ્યો છે જેમાં મેગધી છે.

જ્યારે ફક્ત જન્મના બાળકને બાળક સાથે વાતચીત કર્યા વિના કોઈ પણ વ્યક્તિને
અલગ પાડવામાં આવે છે, ત્યારે થોડા દિવસો પછી તે બોલશે અને માનવ કુદરતી
(પ્રક્રીટ) ભાષા ક્લાસિકલ મગહી મગધી / ક્લાસિકલ ચંદાસો ભાષા / મગધી
પ્રકરિત, ક્લાસિકલ હેલા બાસ (હેલા ભાષા) તરીકે ઓળખાય છે, શાસ્ત્રીય પાની જે
એક જ છે.

બધી 7,139 ભાષાઓ અને બોલી ક્લાસિકલ મેગાહિ મગધીની ગોળીબારથી બંધ છે. તેથી
તે બધા મનુષ્યના પ્રકૃતિ (પ્રિક્રિટ) માં શાસ્ત્રીય છે, જેમ કે
અન્ય તમામ જીવંત સ્પાઇસમાં સંચાર માટે તેમની પોતાની કુદરતી ભાષાઓ હોય છે.
117 ભાષાઓનો અનુવાદ દ્વારા કરવામાં આવે છે

DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND-To Create Awaken Universe Grow Vegetables and Fruits plants

55) Classical Kannada- ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ,ಮನಸ್ಸನ್ನು
ಆನಂದಿಸಿ-ಜಾಗೃತ ಬ್ರಹ್ಮಾಂಡವು ತರಕಾರಿಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಹಣ್ಣುಗಳು ಸಸ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು

55) ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ-

ಕರ್ನಾಟಕದ ಸಚಿವ ಒಟ್ಟಾರೆ ಬೆಳವಣಿಗೆಗೆ ಮೂರು-ಭಾಷೆಗಳ ಫಾರ್ಮುಲಾವನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸಿದೆ:
ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ ಮೈಂಡ್, ಮೈಂಡ್ ಫಾರ್ ಕಿರಣ ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಸ್ಕೃತಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಕನ್ನಡ! ಅನೇಕ ಸಂತರು
ಇನ್ನೂ ‘ಆತ್ಮ’ ಎಂದು ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನಿಸಲು ಇನ್ನೂ! ಆದರೆ ನಮ್ಮ ‘ಪ್ರಬುದ್ಧ’ ಸಚಿವರು
ಆತ್ಮಕ್ಕೆ ಸಿದ್ಧವಾದ ಭಾಷೆಯನ್ನು ಸುಲಭವಾಗಿ ಕಂಡುಕೊಂಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ !! ವಾಹ್ !!
ಡೆಮಾಕ್ರಟಿಕ್ ಇನ್ಸ್ಟಿಟ್ಯೂಷನ್ಸ್ (ಮೋದಿ) ನ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಹುಚ್ಚು ಕೊಲೆಗಾರ (ಮೋದಿ) ನ
ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಹುಚ್ಚು ಕೊಲೆಗಾರ (ಮೋದಿ) ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸ್ಟುಜೀಸ್, ಚಮಚಸ್, ಬೂಟ್ ಲಿಕ್ಡರ್ಸ್,
ಚೆಲಾಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಸ್ವಂತ ತಾಯಿಯ ಮಾಂಸ ತಿನ್ನುವವರಾಗಿದ್ದು, ಬೆನೆ ಇಸ್ರೇಲ್, ಟಿಬೆಟ್,
ಆಫ್ರಿಕಾ, ಪೂರ್ವ ಯುರೋಪ್, ಪಶ್ಚಿಮ ಜರ್ಮನಿ, ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ರಷ್ಯಾದಿಂದ ಹೊರಹೊಮ್ಮಿತು
ಪಶ್ಚಿಮ ಯುರೋಪ್, ಹಂಗರಿ ಕೇವಲ .1% ನಷ್ಟು ಭಯೋತ್ಪಾದಕರು, ಉಗ್ರಗಾಮಿ, ಹಿಂಸಾತ್ಮಕ,
ಎಂದಾದರೂ ಶೂಟಿಂಗ್, ಜನಸಮೂಹ ಲಿಂಕಿಂಗ್, ಮನೋಭಾವ, ಮಾನಸಿಕ ಹಿಮ್ಮೆಟ್ಟಿಸಿದರು, ಅಸೂಯೆ,
99.9% ಕಡೆಗೆ ಭ್ರಮೆ ಮೂರ್ಖತನವನ್ನು ಅಭ್ಯಾಸ ಮಾಡುತ್ತಾರೆ. ಮೂಲನಿವಾಸಿ ಸಂಘಗಳು 1 ನೇ
ದರ ಚಿತ್ತಪವನ್ ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಣ ಅಮಾ / ಸೋಲ್ 2 ನೇ ಕ್ರಮಾಟ್ಯಾ, 3 ನೇ VISIA 4 ನೇ ದರ
ಸುಧಾರ ಆತ್ಮಗಳು. ಆದರೆ ಬುದ್ಧನು ಯಾವುದೇ ಆತ್ಮದಲ್ಲಿ ನಂಬಲಿಲ್ಲ. ಅವರು ಅಲ್ ಸಮಾನ
ಎಂದು ಹೇಳಿದರು.…/census-more-than-19500-laanguages

ಬುದ್ಧ ಮಗಾಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಮಾತನಾಡಿದರು. ಕರ್ನಾಟಕದ ಒಳಗೊಂಡಂತೆ ಅನೇಕ ರಾಜ್ಯಗಳಿವೆ.

ಕೇವಲ ಹುಟ್ಟಿದ ಮಗು ಮಗುವಿನೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂವಹನ ಮಾಡದೆಯೇ ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕವಾಗಿ ಇರಿಸಲ್ಪಟ್ಟಾಗ,
ಕೆಲವು ದಿನಗಳ ನಂತರ ಅದು ಕ್ಲಾಸಿಕಲ್ ಮ್ಯಾಗಜಿ ಮ್ಯಾಗದಿ / ಕ್ಲಾಸಿಕಲ್ ಚಂದಸೊ ಭಾಷಾ /
ಮ್ಯಾಗದ್ಧ ಪ್ರಕೃತಿ, ಕ್ಲಾಸಿಕಲ್ ಹೆಲಾ ಬಸಾ (ಹೆಲಾ ಭಾಷೆ) ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಪತಿ ಒಂದೇ.

ಎಲ್ಲಾ 7,139 ಭಾಷೆಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಉಪಭಾಷೆಗಳು ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಮ್ಯಾಗಜಿ Magadhi ಶೂಟ್ ಆಫ್.
ಆದ್ದರಿಂದ ಅವರೆಲ್ಲರೂ ಮಾನವನ ಜೀವಿಗಳ ಪ್ರಕೃತಿಯಲ್ಲಿ (ಪ್ರಕೃತಿ)
ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯರಾಗಿದ್ದಾರೆ, ಹಾಗೆ
ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಇತರ ಜೀವಂತ ಸ್ಪೀಸಸ್ ತಮ್ಮ ಸ್ವಂತ ನೈಸರ್ಗಿಕ ಭಾಷೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂವಹನಕ್ಕಾಗಿ
ಹೊಂದಿವೆ. 117 ಭಾಷೆಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಂದ

DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND-To Create Awaken Universe Grow Vegetables and Fruits plants in

70) Classical Malayalam-ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം, മനസ്സിനെ
ആകർഷിക്കുന്നതിനായി മനസിലാക്കുക- ഒരു പ്രപഞ്ചം സൃഷ്ടിക്കുന്നതിനായി
പച്ചക്കറികളും പഴങ്ങളും സസ്യങ്ങളും വളർത്തുക

70) ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം- ഒരു തരത്തിൽ,

മൊത്തത്തിലുള്ള വളർച്ചയ്ക്കായി ഒരു മന്ത്രി ഒരു മന്ത്രി ഒരു മൂന്ന് ഭാഷാ
ഫോർമുല നിർദ്ദേശിച്ചു: ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്, മനസ്സിനായുള്ള കന്നഡ, ഹാർട്ട് &
സസ്കിൽ, ആത്മാവിനായി സൺസ്ക്രിറ്റ്! പല വിശുദ്ധന്മാരും ഇതുവരെ ‘ആത്മാവ്’
നിർവചിച്ചിട്ടില്ല! എന്നാൽ നമ്മുടെ ‘നമ്മുടെ’ പ്രബുദ്ധരായ ‘മന്ത്രി
ആത്മാവിനായി തയ്യാറാക്കിയ ഒരു ഭാഷ എളുപ്പത്തിൽ കണ്ടെത്തുന്നു !! Wah !!
എല്ലാ സ്റ്റൂഗുകൾ, ചാമ്ചസ്, ബൂട്ട് ലിജേഴ്സ്, ചേലസ്, സ്വന്തം അമ്മയുടെ
മാംസം കഴിക്കുന്നവർ എന്നിവയെല്ലാം ഭ്രാന്തൻ കൊലപാതകികൾക്കും (മോഡി) തെക്കൻ
റഷ്യയിൽ നിന്ന് പുറത്താക്കപ്പെട്ടവർ വിദൂരമായി നിയന്ത്രിച്ചു പടിഞ്ഞാറൻ
യൂറോപ്പ്, ഹംഗറി മാത്രം .1% ചിറ്റ്പാവൻ, എപ്പോഴും ഷൂട്ടിംഗ്, പതിവ്,
അക്രമാസക്തമായ, മാനസിക വൈകല്യമുള്ള റോഡി സ്വാമൻ സെവൊർഡഡ് റ dy ം, കോപം,
അസൂയ എന്നിവരെല്ലാം 99.9% വരെ ഉണർന്നു ആദിവാസി സമൂഹങ്ങൾ ചിറ്റ്പാവൻ
ബ്രാഹ്മൈൻ എടിഎംഎ / എസ്.എസ്.എസ്.എസ്.എ. അൽ അൽ തുല്യരാണ്.…/Census-more- thathan-19500- ലാൻജജുകൾ

ബുദ്ധൻ മഗതിയിൽ സംസാരിച്ചു. കർണാടക ഉൾപ്പെടെ നിരവധി സംസ്ഥാനങ്ങളുണ്ട്
ഞങ്ങൾക്ക് മഗദ്ധ.

കുഞ്ഞിനോട് ആശയവിനിമയം നടത്താതെ കുഞ്ഞിനെ ഒറ്റപ്പെടുമ്പോൾ, കുറച്ച്
ദിവസങ്ങൾക്ക് ശേഷം അത് സംസാരിക്കും മഗാഹി മഗതി / ക്ലാസിക്കൽ ചന്ദസോ ഭാഷ /
മഗതി പ്രകൃതി ഭാഷ / മഗതി ക്ലാസിക്കൽ പഡി ഒരുപോലെയാണ്.

7,139 ഭാഷകളും ഭാഷകളും ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മഗാഹി മഗാദിയുടെ ഷൂട്ടിംഗ്. അതിനാൽ
അവയെല്ലാം മനുഷ്യരുടെ പ്രകൃതിയാണ് (പ്രാകൃതം) മനുഷ്യരെപ്പോലെ
ആശയവിനിമയത്തിനായി മറ്റെല്ലാ ജീവജാലുകളിലും സ്വന്തം സ്വാഭാവിക ഭാഷകളുണ്ട്.
117 ഭാഷകൾ വിവർത്തനം ചെയ്തു

DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND-To Create Awaken Universe Grow Vegetables and Fruits plants in 

73) Classical Marathi-क्लासिकल माओरी,  शुभ्र
मनाची इच्छा करा - जागरूक जागे करण्यासाठी भाज्या आणि फळे वाढतात

73) शास्त्रीय मराठी- क्लासिकल मादेश,

कर्नाटकचे मंत्री संपूर्ण वाढीसाठी तीन-भाषा फॉर्म्युला सुचवितो: इंग्रजी
मनासाठी, कन्नड आणि आत्म्यासाठी संस्कृतसाठी कन्नड! ‘आत्मा’ परिभाषित
करणारे बरेच संत आहेत! पण आमचे ‘ज्ञानी’ मंत्रालयाने सहजपणे तयार केलेली
भाषा शोधली आहे !! Wah !! डेमोक्रेटिक संस्था (मोदी) च्या सर्व पागल
खूनांकरिता सर्वच स्टोर्स, चामचस, बूट लिकर, लोकशाही संस्था (मोदी)
मुक्तपणे नियंत्रित केलेल्या परदेशींनी दूरस्थपणे नियंत्रित केले, दक्षिण
रशियाच्या पश्चिम जर्मनीच्या पूर्वेकडील युरोप, पश्चिम युरोप, हंगेरी फक्त
.1% चित्तपाव्हन ब्राह्मण जो जगातील एक दहशतवादी, दहशतवादी, हिंसक, कधीही
शूटिंग, जमाव लॅन्चिंग, लूनॅटिक, मानसिकदृष्ट्या धर्माभिमानी, द्वेष, राग,
ईर्ष्या, भ्रष्टाचार करणारे रॉडी स्वाम सेवक 99.9% सर्व जागृत झाले
एबोरिजिनल सोसायटीला पहिला दर चिटपवन ब्राह्मण एटीएमए / सोलमध्ये 2 रा
KShatria, तिसरा दर सुधारा आत्मा मध्ये कधीही विश्वास नाही. तो म्हणाला की
अल समान आहेत.…/census- 1-thani9500- languages

बुद्ध यांनी मगढी येथे बोललो. कर्नाटकसह अनेक राज्ये आहेत आम्ही मगढी आहे.

जेव्हा बाळांशी संवाद साधता तेव्हा एक बाळ जन्माला आला नाही, काही दिवसांनी
ते बोलू शकतील आणि शास्त्रीय जाहीर / शास्त्रीय चंदासो भाषा / मगढी
प्राकृत, शास्त्रीय हेला बासा (हेली भाषा) म्हणून ओळखले जाईल आणि मानवी
नैसर्गिक (प्राक्रिट) भाषा. शास्त्रीय पाळी जे समान आहेत.

सर्व 7,13 9 भाषा आणि बोलीभाषा शास्त्रीय मगाहा मगा यांचे शूट बंद आहेत.
म्हणून ते सर्व मानवी जीवनातील निसर्ग (प्राक्रिट) मध्ये शास्त्रीय आहेत.
संप्रेषणासाठी इतर सर्व जीवित मसाल्यांचे स्वतःचे नैसर्गिक भाषा आहेत. 117
भाषा द्वारे अनुवादित केले जातात

DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND-To Create Awaken Universe Grow Vegetables and Fruits plants in

76) Classical Nepali-शास्त्रीय म्यांमार (बर्मा),  सौदा
ब्रह्माण्ड सिर्जना गर्न दिमागको बखत बिचार गर्न

) 76) शास्त्रीय नेपाली नेपालको संस्कृति मला (हमलामा),

कर्नत्काका मन्त्रीले समग्र बृद्धिका लागि तीन-भाषाहरूको सुलम्बर सुझाव
दिएका छन्: दिमागका लागि अंग्रेजी, कनानाडा हृदय र संस्कृतका लागि। धेरै
सन्तहरू अझै ‘आत्मा’ परिभाषित गर्न बाँकी छन्! तर हाम्रो ‘प्रबुद्ध’
मन्त्रीले सजिलैसँग आत्माको लागि तयार भाषा पत्ता लगायो !! Wh !! सबै
परिश्रम, चतच्सले प्रजातान्त्रिक संस्था (MIBIA) को सबै बूट इन्टरररलाई
टाढाबाट नियन्त्रित गरेकोमा बट र आफ्नै आमाको मासु खानेले दक्षिण रूस,
दक्षिण रसियाबाट बाहिर निकाल्यो। पश्चिमी यूरोप, हंगेरी भर्खर .1% चिततावान
ब्राह्मणहरू जो विश्वका एक आतंकवादी, हिंस्रक, ईर्ष्या, ईर्ष्या,
ईर्ष्यालु मुर्दापन 9 99..9% जागृत गर्छन् आदिवासी समाजले 1 दर चिततावान
ब्राह्मण ब्राह्मण attahn bumhmria atnd 2 औं किस्टेरिया, तेस्रो Vysha 4th
दर सुभारा आत्माहरु मा कुनै पनि विश्वास मा विश्वास गरे। उनले भने कि अल
बराबर छन्।…/1nsusus-lahane-ternemabuestements5500-

बुद्धले मग्शीमा बोले। कर्नाटकका सहित धेरै राज्यहरू छन् हाम्रा मदुगदी छ।

जब जन्मेको जन्म बच्चालाई अजीब राखिएको बच्चाको साथ कुराकानीको साथ, केही
दिन पछि यो कुरा हुन्छ र क्राइण्डिकल मग्योगी मग्गी भाषा / मजाईय वेधुडा
बसिन्छ (हेला भाषा), शास्त्रीय pānei जो उस्तै हो।

सबै 7,, 1 panduestanges भाषाहरू र बोलीहरू शास्त्रीय यात्रा मग्दाको शूट
बन्द छन्। तसर्थ तिनीहरू सबै प्रकृतिमा शास्त्रीय रूपमा शास्त्रीय छन्
(क्रिट्रिट), जस्तै
अन्य सबै जीवितयाका प्रेरितहरूको संचारको लागि आफ्नै प्राकृतिक भाषाहरू
हुन्छन्। 117 भाषाहरू HTTPS:// द्वारा अनुवाद गरिएको छ

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78) Classical Odia (Oriya)  ଗୁଡପେଭ୍ୟୁଜ୍
ମନକୁ ବ ,, ଜାଗ୍ରତ ବ୍ରହ୍ମାଣ୍ଡରେ ବାନ୍ଧିବା ଏବଂ ଫଳ ଉଦ୍ଭିଦ ସୃଷ୍ଟି କରିବା |

78) ଶାସ୍ତ୍ରୀୟ ଓଡିଆ (ଓଡିଆ)

କରତାଟକର ଜଣେ ମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ ସାମଗ୍ରିକ ଅଭିବୃଦ୍ଧି ପାଇଁ ଏକ ତିନି-ଭାଷା ସୂତ୍ର ପରାମର୍ଶ
ଦେଇଛନ୍ତି: ମନ ପାଇଁ ଇଂରାଜୀ, ହୃଦୟ ପାଇଁ କନ୍ନାଦାମା! ଅନେକ ସାଧୁ ଏପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ
‘ପ୍ରାଣ’ କୁ ବ୍ୟାଖ୍ୟା କରିବାକୁ ପଡିବ! କିନ୍ତୁ ଆମର ‘ଜ୍ଞାନପ୍ରାପ୍ତ’ ମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ
ପ୍ରାଣ ପାଇଁ ଏକ ପ୍ରସ୍ତୁତ ଓକ୍ଲୁଡ୍ ଭାଷା ବ୍ୟବହାର କରିଛନ୍ତି !! ୱା !! ଯେହେତୁ
ସମସ୍ତ ଷ୍ଟୋଗସ୍, ଚାମ୍ଚସ୍, ବୁଟ୍ ଲିକର୍ସ, ଚୋଆସ୍ ଏବଂ ମା’ର ମାଂସ ଜଳସେଚିତ ହେଉଛି
ଡେମୋକ୍ରାଟିକ୍ ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନିକମାନଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ବିରକ୍ତିକର ତଥା ପଶ୍ଚିମ ଜର୍ମାନୀ,
ଆଫ୍ରିକା ଦେଶ, ଦକ୍ଷିଣ Russia ଷ, ଆଫ୍ରିକୀୟ Russia ଷ, ପଶ୍ଚିମ ୟୁରୋପ, ହଙ୍ଗେରୀ
କେବଳ .1% ଚିତ୍ରପାଭୁରା, ହିଂସାତ୍ମକ, ମାଡମଡିଥିବା ରୋଟେନିକ୍, ଆଦିବାସୀ ସମାନ୍ତରାଳ
ସମୋଭିତମାନେ ପ୍ରଥମ ହାରରେ ଫିଷ୍ଟପା ବ୍ରାହମ୍ୟାନ୍ ଆଟମା / ସୋଲ୍ 000 ଡିଫ୍ ସୁହରା
ପ୍ରାଣ। ବୁଦ୍ଧ କ pos ଣସି ପ୍ରାଣରେ ବିଶ୍ୱାସ କରିନଥିଲେ | ସେ କହିଲା ଅଲ ସମାନ |…/census-Mor-than-than-9500-ଲାଂ |

ବୁଦ୍ଧ ମ୍ୟାଦୀରେ କଥା ହୋଇଥିଲେ। ବୁନାତାଟାକାରେ ଆମର ମାଗାଦହି ସହିତ ଅନେକ ରାଜ୍ୟ ଅଛି

ଯେତେବେଳେ ଶିଶୁ ଜନ୍ମିତ ଶିଶୁକୁ ବିଚ୍ଛିନ୍ନ କରାଗଲା, କିଛି ଦିନ ପରେ ଏହା କଥା ହେବା
ଉଚିତ ଏବଂ ମାନସୀ ଚାନ୍ଦୀ ପ୍ରୋକ୍ରି, ଶାସ୍ତ୍ରୀୟ ଚନ୍ଦ୍ର ବାସା (ହେଲା ଭାଷା) ଭାବରେ
ଜଣାଶୁଣା ଏବଂ ଶାଜକ ଏବଂ ବ୍ଲା ବାସା (ହେଲା ଭାଷା) ଭାବରେ ଜଣା ଏବଂ ମାନ୍ୟତାଂଶ
ହାନ୍ସନ୍ତି, ଶାସ୍ତ୍ରୀୟ Pḷḷi ଯାହା ସମାନ |

ସମସ୍ତ 7,139 ଭାଷା ଏବଂ ଉପଭାଷା ଶାସ୍ତ୍ରୀୟ ମାଗାୟୀ ମାଗାଦମିର ଗୁଟ୍ ରହିଛନ୍ତି |
ତେଣୁ ମଣିଷର ପ୍ରକୃତିର ପ୍ରକୃତି (ପ୍ରାକ୍ରିକ) ରେ ଶୃଗତାରେ |
ଅନ୍ୟ ସମସ୍ତ ଜୀବନ୍ତ ଯାଞ୍ଚ ଯୋଗାଯୋଗ ପାଇଁ ସେମାନଙ୍କର ସ୍ daturice ାସ୍ଥ୍ୟ ଭାଷା
ଅଛି | 117 ଟି ଭାଷା ଦ୍ୱାରା ଅନୁବାଦ କରାଯାଇଛି |

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83) Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,  ਚੰਗੇ ਗੁ.
92) ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਸਿੰਧੀ,

ਕਰਨਾਟਕ ਦੇ ਮੰਤਰੀ ਨੇ ਇੱਕ ਸਮੁੱਚੀ ਵਿਕਾਸ ਲਈ ਤਿੰਨ ਭਾਸ਼ਾਵਾਂ ਫਾਰਮੂਲਾ ਦਾ ਸੁਝਾਅ
ਦਿੱਤਾ ਹੈ: ਇੰਗਲਿਸ਼ ਮਨ ਲਈ ਦਿਲ ਅਤੇ ਸੰਸਕ੍ਰਿਤ ਨੂੰ ਰੂਹ ਲਈ ਕੰਨਦਾ! ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੇ
ਸੰਤਾਂ ਅਜੇ ‘ਆਤਮਾ’ ਪਰਿਭਾਸ਼ਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਹਨ! ਪਰ ਸਾਡੇ ‘ਗਿਆਨਵਾਨ’ ਮੰਤਰੀ ਨੇ ਆਤਮਾ ਲਈ
ਤਿਆਰ ਇਕ ਤਿਆਰ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਲੱਭੀ ਹੈ !! ਵਾਹ !! ਪੱਛਮੀ ਜਰਮਨੀ, ਅਫਰੀਕਾ, ਪੂਰਬੀ ਯੂਰਪ,
ਪੱਛਮੀ ਜਰਮਨੀ, ਦੱਖਣੀ ਰੂਸ ਦੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਪਾਗਲ ਕਾਤਲ ਦੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਪਾਗਲ ਕਾਤਲ ਦੇ ਲਈ ਵਿਦੇਸ਼ੀ
ਦੋਸ਼ੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਪਾਗਲ ਕਾਤਲ ਦੇ ਤੌਰ ਤੇ, ਵਿਦੇਸ਼ੀ ਸੰਗਠਨਾਂ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਨਿਯੰਤਰਿਤ
ਕੀਤੇ ਗਏ ਲੋਕਤੰਤਰੀ ਕਾਤਲ ਲਈ ਮੁਫਤ ਵਿਦੇਸ਼ੀ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਨਿਯੰਤਰਿਤ ਪੱਛਮੀ ਯੂਰਪ, ਹੰਗਰੀ
ਹੁਣੇ ਹੀ .1% ਚਿਟਪਾਵਾਨ ਬ੍ਰਾਹਮਿਨ ਵਿਸ਼ਵ, ਅੱਤਵਾਦੀ, ਈਰਖਾ, ਵਸਨੀਕ, ਅਖੀਰਲੇ,
ਅਖੀਰਲੇ, ਸਾਰੇ ਜਾਗਰੂਕਤਾ ਦਾ ਅਭਿਆਸ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋਏ ਆਦਿਵਾਸੀ ਸਮਾਜ 1 ਰੇਟ ਦੇ ਚੱਟਪਵਨ
ਬ੍ਰਾਹਮਣ ਐਟਮਾ / ਸੁੰਨ ਦੇ ਦੂਜੇ ਕੇਸ਼ਾਰੀਆ, ਤੀਸਰੇ ਵਿਸੀਆ 4 ਵੀਂ ਰੇਟ ਸੁਧੀਦਾਹਾ ਸੂਝ
ਵਿੱਚ ਵਿਸ਼ਵਾਸ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰਦੇ. ਉਸਨੇ ਕਿਹਾ ਕਿ ਅਲ ਬਰਾਬਰ ਹਨ. ਬਲੌਗੰਗ

ਬੁੱਧ ਨੇ ਮਗਦੀਧੀ ਬੋਲਿਆ. ਕਰਨਾਟਕ ਸਮੇਤ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਰਾਜਾਂ ਹਨ ਜੋ ਸਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ ਮਗੈਥੀ

ਜਦੋਂ ਇੱਕ ਜੰਬੀ ਬੱਚੇ ਨੂੰ ਬੱਚੇ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਚਾਰ ਕੀਤੇ ਬਿਨਾਂ ਅਲੱਗ ਰੱਖਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ,
ਕੁਝ ਦਿਨਾਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਇਹ ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਮੈਗੀ ਮੈਗਾਧੇ / ਮਗਧੀ ਹੇਲਾ ਬਾਸਾ (ਹੇਲਾ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ) ਦੀ
ਗੱਲ ਬੋਤ ਅਤੇ ਮਨੁੱਖੀ ਕੁਦਰਤੀ (ਪ੍ਰਕ੍ਰਿਤ) ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਬੋਲਣਗੀਆਂ, ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੀਏਸੀ ਇਕੋ
ਜਿਹੇ ਹਨ.

ਸਾਰੀਆਂ 7,139 ਦੀਆਂ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਭਾਸ਼ਾਵਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਬੋਲੀਆਂ ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਮੈਦਰ ਮਾਤਾਮੀ ਮਗਾਧੜੀ
ਦੇ ਸ਼ੂਟ ਹਨ. ਇਸ ਲਈ ਸਾਰੇ ਲੋਕ ਕੁਦਰਤੀ ਜੀਵਣ ਦੇ ਸੁਭਾਅ (ਪ੍ਰਕ੍ਰਿਤ) ਦੇ ਨਾਲ
ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ
ਸੰਚਾਰ ਲਈ ਹੋਰ ਸਾਰੇ ਜੀਵਤ ਸਪਿਸ ਦੀਆਂ ਆਪਣੀਆਂ ਕੁਦਰਤੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾਵਾਂ ਹੁੰਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ. 117
ਭਾਸ਼ਾਵਾਂ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ ਗਈਆਂ ਹਨ

DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND-To Create Awaken Universe Grow Vegetables and Fruits plants in

87) Classical Sanskrit छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित् 

ढ्O ङ्OOढ्😊PऊऱीFय़् ंईण्ढ्-ठो Cरेअटे आwअकेन् ऊनिवेर्से ङ्रोw Vएगेटब्लेस् अन्ड् Fरुइट्स् प्लन्ट्स् इन्

87) Cलस्सिcअल् Sअन्स्क्रिट् छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्

मिनिस्टेर् ओफ़् Kअर्नटक हस् सुग्गेस्टेड् अ त्री- लन्गुअगेस् फ़ोर्मुल फ़ोर्
ओवेरल्ल् ग्रोwतः ऍग्लिश् फ़ोर् मिन्ड्, Kअन्नड फ़ोर् हेअर्ट् &
Sअन्स्क्रिट् फ़ोर् सोउल्! ंअन्य् सैन्ट्स् अरे येट् टो डेफ़िने ते ‘सोउल्’!
भुट् ओउर् ‘एन्लिघ्टेनेड्’ मिनिस्टेर् हस् एअसिल्य् डिस्cओवेरेड् अ रेअड्य्
मडे लन्गुअगे फ़ोर् ते सोउल्!! Wअह्!! आस्  आल्ल् ते स्टूगेस्,चम्चस्, बूट्
लिcकेर्स्, चेलस् अन्ड् ओwन् मोतेर्’स् फ़्लेश् एअटेर्स्  Fरी Fओर् आल्ल्
ंअड् मुर्डेरेर् ओफ़् डेमोcरटिc इन्स्टिटुटिओन्स् (ंओडि) रेमोटेल्य्
cओन्ट्रोल्लेड् ब्य् फ़ोरेइग्नेर्स् किcकेड् ओउट् फ़्रोम् भेने ईस्रएल्,
ठिबेट्, आफ़्रिcअ, Eअस्टेर्न् Eउरोपे, Wएस्टेर्न् ङेर्मन्य्, Sओउत् ऱुस्सिअ,
Wएस्टेर्न् Eउरोपे, ःउन्गर्य् जुस्ट् .1% चिट्पवन् ब्रह्मिन्स् wहो अरे
नुम्बेर् ओने टेर्रोरिस्ट्स् ओफ़् ते wओर्ल्ड्, मिलिटन्ट्, विओलेन्ट्, एवेर्
शूटिन्ग्, मोब् ल्य्न्चिन्ग्, लुनटिc, मेन्टल्ल्य् रेटर्डेड् ऱोwड्य्
Swयम् Sएवक्स् प्रcटिcइन्ग् हट्रेड्, अन्गेर्, जेअलोउस्य्, डेलुसिओन्
स्टुपिडिट्य् टोwअर्ड्स् 99.9% आल्ल् आwअकेनेड् आबोरिगिनल् Sओcइएटिएस्
बेलिएवे इन् 1स्ट् रटे चिट्पवन् ब्रह्मिन् अट्म /सोउल्  2न्ड्
Kशट्रिअ,3र्ड् Vय्सिअ 4त् रटे Sउदर सोउल्स्.भुट् भुड्द नेवेर् बेलिएवेड्
इन् अन्य् सोउल्. हे सैड् अल् अरे एक़ुअल्.


भुड्द स्पोके इन् ंअगदि. थेरे अरे मन्य् स्टटेस् इन्cलुडिन्ग् Kअर्नटक wए हवे ंअगदि.

अ जुस्ट् बोर्न् बब्य् इस् केप्ट् इसोलटेड् wइतोउट् अन्योने
cओम्मुनिcअटिन्ग् wइत् ते बब्य्, अफ़्टेर् अ फ़ेw डय्स् इट् wइल्ल् स्पेअक्
अन्ड् हुमन् नटुरल् (Pरक्रिट्) लन्गुअगे क्नोwन् अस् Cलस्सिcअल् ंअगहि
ंअगदि/Cलस्सिcअल् छन्डसो लन्गुअगे/ंअगदि Pरक्रिट्,Cलस्सिcअल् ःएल भस (ःएल
ळन्गुअगे),Cलस्सिcअल् Pāḷइ wहिच् अरे ते समे.

आल्ल् ते 7,139
लन्गुअगेस् अन्ड् डिअलेcट्स् अरे ओफ़्फ़् शूट् ओफ़् Cलस्सिcअल् ंअगहि ंअगदि.
ःएन्cए अल्ल् ओफ़् तेम् अरे Cलस्सिcअल् इन् नटुरे (Pरक्रिट्) ओफ़् ःउमन्
भेइन्ग्स्, जुस्ट् लिके
अल्ल् ओतेर् लिविन्ग् स्पेइcएस् हवे तेइर् ओwन्
नटुरल् लन्गुअगेस् फ़ोर् cओम्मुनिcअटिओन्. 117 लन्गुअगेस् अरे ट्रन्स्लटेड्
ब्य् ह्ट्ट्प्सः//ट्रन्स्लटे.गूग्ले.cओम्

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92) Classical Sindhi, سٺو
دماغ کي سٺو لڳايو- جاڳندڙ ڪائنات پيدا ڪرڻ لاء ڀا vegetables يون پيدا
ٿيندڙ ڀا vegetables يون ۽ ميون ٻوٽا


ڪرنياتا جو هڪ وزير مجموعي طور تي ترقي لاء هڪ ٽن- ٻولين جو فارمولا پيش
ڪيو آهي: انگريزي لاء، دانت ۽ سنيسڪرت لاء! ڪيترائي بزرگ اڃا تائين ‘روح’
جي تعريف ڪرڻ لاء آهن! پر اسان جو ‘روشن خيال’ کي روح لاء تيار ڪيل ٻولي کي
آسانيء سان دريافت ڪيو آهي !! وه !! جئين سڀ اسٽورز، چيمچارس ليپٽرڪر،
چوراساس ۽ پنهنجي ماء جي گوشت، آفريڪا، آفريڪا، آفريڪا، آفريڪا، آفريڪا،
آفريڪا، آفريڪا، مغربي ادارن جي سڀني مظاهرن کان پري. مغربي يورپ، جتي به
سنه پهاپون آهن جيڪي دنيا ۾ دهشتگردن ۾، جادو، ويڙهبان، ويڙهاڪ، جاڳڻ جو
متحرڪ، ڪلهي جو پرڳين، بيشني، مذاقء، بيشين، بيغن، مذاق واري، زخمي ناڙين
کي پرکيل، قتلانن جو ڪري ويندڙ، اصلي معاشيات 1ST جي شرح تي يقين رکندا آهن
چٽپون برنمين ايما / روح، 3rdiah 4th Subysate Sudhah Sudha sudha. هن چيو
ته الارض برابر آهن.


ٻڌ ڌرم ميگاد ۾ ڳالهايو. ڪرنااتا سميت ڪيترائي رياستون آهن جيڪي اسان وٽ
ميگده آهن.

جڏهن هڪ صرف ٻارڙو ٻار ٻار سان و ist ڻ، ڪجهه ڏينهن کانپوء اهو ڳالهائڻ بعد
اهو ظاهر ڪندو ۽ انساني قدرتي رسالي (ميگاهه) جي اشاعت (اشترڪل ٻولي)،
ڪلاسيڪل هال ايئرس (HLL ٻولي)، ڪلاسيڪل پي اي اي جيڪي ساڳيا آهن.

سڀ 7،139 ٻوليون ۽ ڊائلس ڪلاسيڪل ميگالي ميگديا جو گوليون آهن. ان ڪري انهن
سڀني کي فطرت جي فطرت ۾ طبقاتي آهي (پراڪرت) ۾ طبقاتي آهن، بلڪل
ٻين سڀني زندگين جي چشمن کي انهن جا فطري ٻوليون آهن مواصلات لاء. HTTPS پاران ترجمو ڪيو ويو آهي

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102) Classical Tamil-பாரம்பரிய இசைத்தமிழ் செம்மொழி, புத்திசாலித்தனமான
மனநிலையை உருவாக்குங்கள்-அண்ணா வளர வளர காய்கறிகள் மற்றும் பழ தாவரங்கள்
வளர வளர

102) கிளாசிக்கல் தமிழ்- பாரம்பரிய இசைத்தமிழ் செம்மொழி,

கர்நாடக மாநில அமைச்சர் ஒட்டுமொத்த வளர்ச்சிக்கான மூன்று மொழிகளில்
சூத்திரத்தை பரிந்துரைத்தார்: ஆங்கிலம் மனதிற்காக, கன்னடா ஹார்ட் &
சன்ஸ்ஸ்கிரிட் பல புனிதர்கள் இன்னும் ‘ஆன்மா’ வரையறுக்க இன்னும் இல்லை!
ஆனால் நமது ‘அறிவொளி’ அமைச்சர் ஆத்மாவிற்கு ஒரு தயாரிக்கப்பட்ட மொழியை
எளிதில் கண்டுபிடித்தார்! வா அனைத்து stooges, chamchas, துவக்க lickers,
chelas மற்றும் சொந்த தாயின் சதை கொலையாளி இலவசமாக வெளிநாட்டவர்கள் அனைத்து
பைத்தியம் கொலைகாரர்கள் இலவச வெளிநாட்டவர்கள் அனைத்து பைத்தியம் கொலைகாரன்
இலவசமாக, திபெத், ஆபிரிக்கா, கிழக்கு ஐரோப்பா, மேற்கு ஜெர்மனி, தென்
ரஷ்யா, மேற்கு ஐரோப்பா, ஹங்கேரி வெறும் .1% சித்த்பவன் பிராமணர்கள் உலகின்
ஒரு பயங்கரவாதிகள், போர்க்குணமிக்க, வன்முறை, எப்போதும் படப்பிடிப்பு,
கும்பல் லேன்ஷிங், பைத்தியம், மனநலம் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட ரௌட்டி ஸ்விம் ஸ்விம்
செர்வாக்ஸ் வெறுப்பு, கோபம், பொறாமை, மாயை முட்டாள்தனம் ஆகியவை 99.9% வரை
விழித்தனர் அபோரிகல் சங்கங்கள் 1 வது விகிதத்தில் சித்த்பவன் பிராமணன்
அப்மா / சோல் 2 வது கிஷத்ரியா, 3 வது வைசியா 4 வது வீதம் சுதரா சோல்ஸ்ஸில்
நம்பப்படுகிறது. அவர் ஒரு சமமாக இருக்கிறார் என்றார்.…/census-more-than-19500-languages.

புத்தர் மகாதியில் பேசினார். கர்நாடகா உட்பட பல மாநிலங்கள் உள்ளன.

குழந்தையுடன் தொடர்புகொள்வதற்கு யாரும் குழந்தையுடன் தொடர்பு
கொள்ளாவிட்டால், குழந்தையுடன் தொடர்பு கொள்ளாவிட்டால், ஒரு சில
நாட்களுக்குப் பிறகு, அது பேசும் மற்றும் மனித இயற்கை (ப்ராக்ரிட்) மொழி
கிளாசிக்கல் மகாதி மகாதி / கிளாசிக்கல் சந்தசோ மொழி / மகாதி பிரகிர்ட்,
கிளாசிக்கல் ஹெலா பாசா (ஹெலா மொழி) கிளாசிக்கல் Pḷḷi அதே தான்.

7,139 மொழிகள் மற்றும் பேச்சுவழக்குகள் கிளாசிக்கல் மகாஹி மகாதியின்
படப்பிடிப்பு ஆகும். எனவே அவை அனைத்தும் இயற்கையில் இயற்கையானவை
(ப்ராக்ரிட்) மனிதர்களின் உயிரினங்களில் உள்ளன
மற்ற அனைத்து உயிரினங்களும் தங்கள் சொந்த இயற்கை மொழிகளைக் கொண்டுள்ளன. 117
மொழிகள் மூலம் மொழிபெயர்க்கப்படுகின்றன

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104) Classical Telugu- క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు, మేల్కొనే
యూనివర్స్ సృష్టించడానికి మేల్కొన్న మనస్సు కూరగాయలు మరియు పండ్లు మొక్కలు

104) సాంప్రదాయిక తెలుగు,

కర్నాటక మంత్రి ఒక మూడు-భాషల ఫార్ములాను మొత్తం అభివృద్ధికి సూచించారు:
ఇంగ్లీష్ ఫర్ మైండ్, కన్నడ ఫర్ హార్ట్ & Sanskrit Soul! అనేక సెయింట్స్
ఇంకా ‘ఆత్మ’ నిర్వచించలేదు! కానీ మా ‘జ్ఞానోదయం’ మంత్రి సులభంగా ఆత్మ కోసం
ఒక సిద్ధంగా చేసిన భాష కనుగొన్నారు !! Wah !! అన్ని స్టూజెస్, చామాస్,
బూట్ lickers, చీస్ మరియు సొంత తల్లి మాంసం తినేవాళ్ళు డెమొక్రాటిక్ సంస్థల
యొక్క అన్ని పిచ్చి హంతకుడిగా (మోడీ) రిమోట్గా విదేశీయులచే
నియంత్రించబడుతుంది, పాశ్చాత్య ఐరోపా, హంగేరీ కేవలం ప్రపంచంలోని ఒక
తీవ్రవాదులు, తీవ్రవాద, హింసాత్మక, ఎప్పటిలా షూటింగ్, మోబ్ లిన్చింగ్,
వెర్రివాడు, మానసికంగా రిటార్డెడ్ రౌడీ స్విమ్ సేవాక్స్ 99.9% పట్ల 99.9%
అన్ని మేల్కొలపడానికి అబ్ఒరిజినల్ సొసైటీలు 1 వ రేటు చిట్పావన్ బ్రాహ్మణ్
అట్మా / సోల్ 2 వ కాష్త్రియా, 3 వ వసియా 4 వ రేటు సుధరా సోల్స్. బౌద్ధ ఏ
ఆత్మలోనూ నమ్మలేదు. అల్ సమానంగా ఉన్నాడని ఆయన అన్నారు.…/census-more-than-19500- భాష-

బుద్ధ మగదిలో మాట్లాడాడు. కర్ణాటకతో సహా మగదితో సహా అనేక రాష్ట్రాలు

శిశువుతో కమ్యూనికేట్ చేయకుండా ఎవరైనా జన్మించిన శిశువు ఒంటరిగా
ఉన్నప్పుడు, కొన్ని రోజుల తర్వాత, సంగీతం మాగహి మగది / శాస్త్రీయ చందోసా
భాష / మగది ప్రక్రిత్, క్లాసికల్ హెల బోసా (హెల లాంగ్వేజ్) అని పిలుస్తారు,
ఇదే ఇదే సంగీతం pāḷi.

అన్ని 7,139 భాషలు మరియు మాండలికాలు శాస్త్రీయ మాగహి మగది యొక్క షూట్ ఆఫ్
ఉన్నాయి. అందువల్ల వాటిలో అన్నింటికీ సంగీతం (ప్రాక్రిట్) మానవులకు, కేవలం
అన్ని ఇతర జీవన స్పియీస్ కమ్యూనికేషన్ కోసం వారి సొంత సహజ భాషలను కలిగి
ఉంటాయి. 117 భాషలు ద్వారా అనువదించబడ్డాయి

DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND-To Create Awaken Universe Grow Vegetables and Fruits plants in

109) Classical Urdu- کلاسیکی اردو
کائنات پیدا کرنے کے لئے دماغ کو اچھی طرح سے اچھی طرح سے بنائیں سبزیوں
اور پھلوں کے پودوں میں اضافہ

109) کلاسیکی اردو- کوسیکی اردو

کرنیٹکا کے وزیر نے مجموعی طور پر ترقی کے لئے تین زبانوں فارمولہ کی تجویز
کی ہے: انگریزی کے دماغ کے لئے، کناڈا کے دل اور سنسکرت کے لئے روح کے
لئے! بہت سے بزرگ ابھی تک ‘روح’ کی وضاحت نہیں کر رہے ہیں! لیکن ہمارے
‘روشن خیال’ وزیر نے آسانی سے روح کے لئے ایک تیار شدہ زبان کو تلاش کیا ہے
!! واہ !! جیسا کہ تمام محاصرہ، چیمچاس، بوٹ لیبر، چیلاس اور اپنی ماں کے
گوشت کا گوشت کھانے والے ڈیموکریٹک اداروں کے تمام پاگل قاتل (مودی) کو دور
کرنے کے لئے آزادانہ طور پر غیر ملکیوں کی طرف سے کنٹرول کرنے کے لئے آزاد
طور پر غیر ملکیوں نے بین اسرائیل، تبت، افریقہ، مشرقی یورپ، مغربی جرمنی،
جنوبی روس سے باہر نکالا، مغربی یورپ، ہنگری صرف .1٪ چتپون برہمنز جو دنیا
کے ایک دہشت گرد ہیں، عسکریت پسندوں، تشدد، ہمیشہ کی شوٹنگ، موڈ Lynching،
Lunatic، ذہنی طور پر، ذہنی طور پر پریشان کن swyam sevaks نفرت، غصہ،
حسد، 99.9٪ تمام بیداری ابھرتی ہوئی معاشرے میں پہلی شرح چیٹپوان برہمن
عطاء / روح 2NND KSHATRIA، تیسرے ویسیا 4th کی شرح سودھارا روحیں. لیکن بدھ
کبھی بھی کسی بھی روح میں یقین نہیں. انہوں نے کہا کہ ال برابر ہیں.…/census-more-than-19500-languages.

بدھ نے مگدی میں بات کی. کرنٹاکا سمیت بہت سے ریاستیں ہیں جن میں ہم مگدی

جب صرف پیدا ہونے والا بچہ بچہ کسی بھی بچے کے ساتھ بات چیت کے بغیر الگ
الگ رکھا جاتا ہے تو چند دنوں کے بعد یہ باتیں اور انسانی قدرتی (پراکری)
زبان کلاسیکی مگاہی مگدی / کلاسیکی چانداسو زبان / مگدی پراکرٹ کے طور پر
جانا جاتا ہے، کلاسیکی ہیلو باس (ہیللا زبان) کلاسیکی پیاری جو وہی ہیں.

تمام 7،139 زبانوں اور زبانیں کلاسیکی مگاہی مگدی کی گولی مار دی جاتی ہیں.
لہذا ان سب کے تمام انسانوں کے فطرت (پراکری) میں کلاسیکی ہیں، جیسے ہی
دیگر تمام زندہ جاسوسوں میں مواصلات کے لئے اپنی قدرتی زبانیں ہیں. 117
زبانوں کو کی طرف سے ترجمہ کیا جاتا ہے

DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND-To Create Awaken Universe Grow Vegetables and Fruits Plants in

93) Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල, අවදි
වන්න ඔබේ අවි ආයුධයක් ඇති කිරීම සඳහා හොඳ මනස කරන්න - එළවළු සහ පලතුරු
පැලෑටි වගා කරන්න

93) සම්භාව්ය සිංහල - තුළට

සමස්ථ වර්ධනය සඳහා කර්ණාටක අමාත්යවරයකු භාෂා තුනක සූත්රයක් යෝජනා කර ඇත:
ඉංග්රීසි මනසට, කන්නැඩා, ආත්මය සඳහා සිනිඳු හා සංස්කෘත සඳහා කන්නියා! බොහෝ
සාන්තුවරයන් තවමත් ‘ආත්මය’ නිර්වචනය කර නැත! නමුත් අපගේ ‘බුද්ධිමත්’
ඇමතිවරයා ආත්මය සඳහා සූදානම් භාෂාවක් පහසුවෙන් සොයාගෙන ඇත !! අව් !! සියලුම
කුටි, චම්චාස්, ඇරඹුම් බලපත්ර, චැම්චා, ඇරඹුම් බලපත්ර, චැම්චාස් සහ මවගේ
මාංශ ආහාර අනුභව කරන්නන් (මෝඩි) විසින් පාලනය කරනු ලබන විදේශිකයන්, ටිබෙට්,
අප්රිකාව, නැගෙනහිර යුරෝපීය යුරෝපය, දකුණු රුසියාව, දකුණු රුසියාවෙන්
පිස්සු වැටීම බටහිර යුරෝපය, ලොව අංක එකේ ත්රස්තවාදී, සටන්කාමී,
ප්රචණ්ඩකාරී, මෙතෙක් වෙඩි, මැර දන්ඩනයට, උන්මත්තකයෙකු සිටින, හංගේරියාව
පමණක් .1% chitpavan බ්රාහ්මණ මානසික 99.9% සියලුම අවදි වෛරය, කෝපය,
ඊර්ෂ්යාව, මෝහය ආගමට ගුරුකම් මැරකම්වලට Swyam Sevaks අඩාල කෙරෙති ආදිවාසී
සමාජයන් විශ්වාස කරන්නේ 1 වන අනුපාතය චිත්පවන් බ්රාහ්මණ අට්මයයි. ඔහු
කිව්වා අල් සමානයි කියලා.…/censussore-mansore-than-19500- භාෂා

බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේ මගහ්හිදී කතා කළහ. කර්නාටක ඇතුළු බොහෝ ප්රාන්ත තිබේ අපට
මගධී තිබේ.

ළදරු ළදරුවා සමඟ සන්නිවේදනය නොකර, දින කිහිපයකට පසු, එය දින කිහිපයකට පසු
හුදෙකලා බබා හුදකලා වූ විට, එය දින කිහිපයකට පසු, එය කතා කරන්නේ ම magahah
මගී මාගද්හි / සම්භාව්ය හෙළ බාස් (හේලා භාෂාව), සම්භාව්ය පයි එක සමාන වේ.

භාෂා 7,139 ක් සහ උපභාෂා සියල්ලම සම්භාව්ය මාගහි මගධකව වෙඩි තැබීමකි.
එබැවින් ඒවා සියල්ලම මනුෂ්යයන්ගේ සොබාදහමේ (ප්රකාරා) සම්භාව්යයි
අනෙකුත් සියලුම ජීවීන්ට සන්නිවේදනය සඳහා ඔවුන්ගේම ස්වාභාවික භාෂා ඇත. භාෂා
117 ක් bttps:// විසින් පරිවර්තනය කර ඇත

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75) Classical Myanmar (Burmese)-Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ),  နိုးထစေခြင်းစကြဝ
universe ာကိုဖန်တီးရန်စိတ်ညံ့သိမ်မွေ့စေရန်စိတ်ထားဖြင့်ပြုလုပ်ပါ။

75) ဂန္ထဝင်မြန်မာ (မြန်မာ) –classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ),

ကာနီတာကာနာ 0 န်ကြီးတစ် ဦး
- စိတ်ထဲတွင်အင်္ဂလိပ်စာ, သူတော်စင်အတော်များများသည် ‘စိုးလ်’
ကိုသတ်မှတ်ရန်မရှိသေးပါ။ သို့သော်ကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏ ‘ဉာဏ်အလင်း’ 0
!! wah !! Thamchas, boot lickers, chelas, chelas
အနောက်ဥရောပ, ဟန်ဂေရီသည်ကမ္ဘာပေါ်တွင်အကြမ်းဖက်သမားများ, စစ်သွေးကြွများ,
အကြမ်းဖက်ခြင်း, ဘော်ရီဂျင်နီလူမှုအဖွဲ့အစည်းများသည် 1st chitpavan brahmin
brahmin atma / soul, တတိယမြောက် Vysia 4th Rate Sudhara 4 Sudhara
Souls.but Buddha သည်မည်သည့်စိတ်ဝိညာဉ်ကိုမယုံကြည်ခဲ့ပါ။ သူက al

ဗုဒ္ဓသည် Magadhi တွင်စကားပြောခဲ့သည်။ ငါတို့မှာ Magadhi ရှိတယ်။

ကလေးငယ်တစ် ဦး
Magahi Magadhi / Magadhi Prakrrit ဟုလူသိများသောလူ့သဘာဝ (မာဂုပညာရှိ,
ဂန္ထဝင် Chanda Prapa (Hela Prapa) တူညီတဲ့ classical pāḷi။

7,139 ဘာသာစကားများနှင့်ဒေသများအားလုံးသည်ဂန္ထဝင် Magahi Magadhi
ကိုရိုက်ကူးကြသည်။ ထို့ကြောင့်၎င်းတို့အားလုံးသည်လူသားတို့၏သဘာဝ (Prakrit)
ဘာသာစကား 117 ဘာသာကို မှဘာသာပြန်ထားသည်


DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND-To Create Awaken Universe Grow Vegetables and Fruits plants in

105) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก, ทำดีในใจ
- เพื่อสร้างจักรวาลที่ตื่นขึ้นเติบโตผักและผลไม้พืชใน

105) คลาสสิกไทย - ภาษาไทยคลั่งซิลเซา

รัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวง Karnataka ได้แนะนำสูตรสามภาษาเพื่อการเติบโตโดยรวม:
ภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับจิตใจ Kannada สำหรับ Heart & Sanskrit
เพื่อจิตวิญญาณ! วิสุทธิชนหลายคนยังไม่ได้กำหนด ‘วิญญาณ’!
แต่รัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงของเรา ‘ตรัสรู้’
ได้ค้นพบภาษาสำเร็จรูปสำหรับจิตวิญญาณ !! ว้าว !! ในฐานะที่เป็นลูกน้อง,
chamchas, การบูตเลีย, chelas
(MODI) จากต่างประเทศที่ชาวต่างชาติถูกควบคุมออกจาก Bene Israel, ทิเบต,
แอฟริกา, ยุโรปตะวันออก, เยอรมนีตะวันตก, รัสเซียตอนใต้, รัสเซีย
ยุโรปตะวันตกฮังการีเพียง 0.1% Chitpavan Brahmins
MOB LYNCHING, คนวิงว้างปัญญาอ่อน Swaks
สังคมอะบอริจินเชื่อว่าในอัตราที่ 1 Chitpavan Brahmin Atma / Soul 2nd
Kshatria อัตราที่ 3 ของ Vysia ที่ 3 Sudhara Soul.But
พระพุทธเจ้าไม่เคยเชื่อในจิตวิญญาณใด ๆ เขากล่าวว่าอัลมีค่าเท่ากัน…/census-more-than-19500-Languages

พระพุทธรูปพูดใน Magadhi มีหลายรัฐรวมถึง Karnataka เรามี Magadhi

(prakrit) ที่รู้จักกันในชื่อ Magahi Magadhi / ภาษา Chandaso คลาสสิก /
Magadhi Prakrit คลาสสิก Hela Basa (ภาษา Hela) คลาสสิก

ภาษาและภาษาถิ่นทั้งหมด 7,139 ภาษาออกจากการถ่ายภาพของ Magahi Magadhi
คลาสสิก ดังนั้นทุกคนจึงคลาสสิกในธรรมชาติ (ประตราย) ของมนุษย์เช่นเดียวกับ
Speices อื่น ๆ ทั้งหมดมีภาษาธรรมชาติของตัวเองสำหรับการสื่อสาร 117

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62) Classical Lao-ຄລາສສິກລາວ,  ເຮັດສິ່ງທີ່ດີ
- ເພື່ອສ້າງຄວາມຕື່ນເຕັ້ນຂອງວິທະຍາໄລປູກຜັກແລະຫມາກໄມ້ໃນ

62) ພາສາລາວຄລາສສິກ - ການນໍາພາສາມາດນໍາໃຊ້ພາສາລາວ,

ລັດຖະມົນຕີກະຊວງ Karnataka
ພາສາອັງກິດສໍາລັບຈິດໃຈ, Kannada ສໍາລັບຫົວໃຈແລະ Sonskrit ສໍາລັບຈິດວິນຍານ!
ໄພ່ພົນຫຼາຍຄົນຍັງບໍ່ທັນໄດ້ກໍານົດ ‘ຈິດວິນຍານ’!
!! wah !! ໃນຖານະເປັນ stooges ທັງຫມົດ, chamchas, boot lickers, eaters
ຂອງແມ່ຍິງຂອງຕົນເອງໄດ້ຖືກຄວບຄຸມຈາກເຊື້ອຊາດຂອງປະເທດເອີຣົບ, ຕາເວັນຕົກ,
ພາກຕາເວັນຕົກຂອງເຢຍລະມັນ, ລັດເຊຍ, SWYHMINS ຂອງໂລກ, Mob Lyrent, Mobsam
ສັງຄົມຕົ້ນໄມ້ດັ້ງເດີມໄດ້ເຊື່ອໃນອັດຕາ 1 Chitpavan Grahmin atma / Soul 2d
Kshatria, ອັດຕາການທີ 4RD Sudham Sudhara. ທ່ານກ່າວວ່າ al ແມ່ນເທົ່າທຽມກັນ.…/census-more- -than-.9500- ລ້ານຊົມເຊີຍ

ພຣະພຸດທະເຈົ້າໄດ້ໂອ້ລົມໃນ Magadhi. ມີຫລາຍລັດລວມທັງ Karnataka ພວກເຮົາມີ

Magadhi / ພາສາອັງກິດ / Magadhi ແບບຄລາສສິກທີ່ແມ່ນຄືກັນ.

ທັງຫມົດ 7,139 ພາສາແລະພາສາພາສາທັງຫມົດແມ່ນປິດການຍິງຂອງ Magahi Magadhi.
ເພາະສະນັ້ນພວກເຂົາທັງຫມົດແມ່ນຄລາສສິກໃນທໍາມະຊາດ (ກະສັດ) ຂອງມະນຸດ, ຄືກັນກັບ
ນ້ໍາອະງຸ່ນອື່ນໆທີ່ມີພາສາທໍາມະຊາດຂອງຕົນເອງສໍາລັບການສື່ສານ. 117

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112) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việ, Làm
tốt, tâm trí để tạo ra vũ trụ thức tỉnh phát triển rau quả và trái cây

112) Tiếng Việt cổ điển Tiếng Việt,

Một bộ trưởng của Karnataka đã đề xuất một công thức ba ngôn ngữ cho sự
tăng trưởng chung: tiếng Anh cho tâm trí, Kannada cho trái tim &
tiếng Phạn cho tâm hồn! Nhiều vị thánh vẫn chưa xác định ‘linh hồn’!
Nhưng bộ trưởng ‘giác ngộ’ của chúng tôi đã dễ dàng phát hiện ra một
ngôn ngữ đã sẵn sàng cho linh hồn !! Wah !! Như tất cả các stooges, Boot
Lickers, Chelas và các người ăn thịt của bà mẹ miễn phí cho tất cả kẻ
giết người điên của các tổ chức dân chủ (MODI) do người nước ngoài được
kiểm soát từ xa bị đuổi ra từ Bene Israel, Tây Tạng, Châu Phi, Đông Âu,
Nam Nga, Tây Âu, Hungary chỉ .1% Chitpavan Brahmins là những kẻ khủng bố
số một của thế giới, chiến binh, bạo lực, bao giờ bắn súng, Mob
Lynching, Lunatic, Rowdy Swyam Sevaks thực hành hận thù, giận dữ, ghen
tuông, sự ngu ngốc về phía 99,9% đã đánh thức 99,9% Các xã hội thổ dân
tin vào tỷ lệ thứ nhất Chitpavan Brahmin Atma / Soul Kshatria thứ 2, Tỷ
lệ thứ 4 của Vysia Sudhara Souls.But Buddha không bao giờ tin vào bất kỳ
linh hồn nào. Ông nói Al bằng nhau.…/census-more-than-19500- Languages.

Phật nói tiếng Magadhi. Có nhiều tiểu bang bao gồm Karnataka chúng tôi
có Magadhi.

Khi một em bé chỉ sinh ra bị cô lập mà không có ai giao tiếp với em bé,
sau một vài ngày, nó sẽ nói và ngôn ngữ tự nhiên (prakrit) được gọi là
Magahi Magadhi / Ngôn ngữ chandaso cổ điển / Magadhi Prakrit, Hela Basa
cổ điển (Ngôn ngữ Hela), Pāḷi cổ điển giống nhau.

Tất cả 7,139 ngôn ngữ và phương ngữ đã tắt Bắn của Magahi Magadhi cổ
điển. Do đó tất cả chúng đều cổ điển trong tự nhiên (Prakrit) của con
người, giống như
Tất cả các spees sống khác có ngôn ngữ tự nhiên của riêng họ để liên
lạc. 117 ngôn ngữ được dịch bởi

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50) Classical Indonesian-Bahasa Indonesia Klasik,Melakukan
hal yang baik, pikiran - untuk membuat alam semesta yang bangun tumbuh
sayuran dan tanaman buah-buahan di

50) Klasik Indonesia-Bahasa Indonesia Klasik,

Seorang Menteri Karnataka telah menyarankan formula tiga bahasa untuk
pertumbuhan keseluruhan: Bahasa Inggris untuk pikiran, Kannada untuk
Heart & Sanskrit untuk Jiwa! Banyak orang kudus belum mendefinisikan
‘Jiwa’! Tetapi menteri ‘tercerahkan’ kami telah dengan mudah menemukan
bahasa siap pakai bagi jiwa !! Wah !! Seperti semua Stooges, Chamchas,
Boot Lickers, Chelas, dan pemakan daging ibu sendiri gratis untuk semua
pembunuh gila dari lembaga demokrasi (Modi) yang dikendalikan dari orang
asing yang dikeluarkan dari Bene Israel, Tibet, Afrika, Eropa Timur,
Jerman Barat, Rusia Selatan, Eropa Barat, Hongaria Hanya .1% Chitpavan
Brahmins yang merupakan teroris nomor satu dunia, militan, kekerasan,
yang pernah menembak, hindik gerobak, gila, hambatan Rowam Sevaks
berlatih kebencian, kemarahan, kecemburuan, kebodohan khayalan menuju
99,9% semua terbangun Masyarakat Aborigin percaya pada tingkat pertama
Chitpavan Brahmana ATMA / Soul 2nd KShatria, 3rd Vysia 4th Rate Sudhara
Souls. Tapi Buddha tidak pernah percaya pada jiwa mana pun. Dia bilang
al sama.…/census-more-than-19500-languages.

Buddha berbicara di Magadhi. Ada banyak negara termasuk Karnataka, kami
memiliki Magadhi.

Ketika bayi yang baru lahir tetap terisolasi tanpa ada yang
berkomunikasi dengan bayi, setelah beberapa hari itu akan berbicara dan
bahasa alami (prakrit) yang dikenal sebagai magahi magadhi klasik /
bahasa chandaso klasik / magadhi prakrit, klasik Hela Basa (bahasa
Hela), Pāḷi klasik yang sama.

Semua 7.139 bahasa dan dialek dimatikan dari Magahi Magadhi klasik. Oleh
karena itu semuanya bersifat klasik (prakrit) manusia, sama seperti
Semua speices hidup lainnya memiliki bahasa alami untuk komunikasi
mereka sendiri. 117 Bahasa diterjemahkan oleh

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69) Classical Malay-Melayu Klasik, Lakukan
baik-baik saja Mind-untuk mencipta alam semesta yang membangkitkan
tumbuh sayur-sayuran dan tumbuhan buah-buahan

69) Melayu Klasik Klasik,

Seorang Menteri Karnataka telah mencadangkan formula tiga bahasa untuk
pertumbuhan keseluruhan: Bahasa Inggeris untuk Minda, Kannada untuk
Jantung & Sanskrit untuk jiwa! Banyak orang kudus belum menentukan
‘jiwa’! Tetapi menteri yang ‘tercerahkan’ kami dengan mudah menemui
bahasa yang sedia dibuat untuk jiwa !! Wah !! Sebagai semua stooges,
Chamchas, Lickers Boot, Chelas dan Pemakan Daging Ibu sendiri percuma
untuk semua pembunuh gila Institusi Demokrat (Modi) dari jauh dikawal
oleh orang asing yang ditendang dari Bene Israel, Tibet, Afrika, Eropah
Timur, Jerman Barat, Rusia Selatan, Barat Eropah, Hungary hanya .1%
Chitpavan Brahmins yang merupakan pengganas nombor satu dunia, militan,
kekerasan, yang pernah menembak, lynching militan, gila, mental runtuh
Rowdy Swyam Sevaks mengamalkan kebencian, kemarahan, cemburu, kebodohan
kebodohan ke arah 99.9% semua terbangun Masyarakat Orang Asli percaya
pada kadar pertama Chitpavan Brahmin Atma / Soul 2 KSHATRIA, 3RD Vysia
Kadar 4 Sudhara Souls.But Buddha tidak pernah percaya kepada mana-mana
jiwa. Dia berkata al adalah sama.…/census-more-than-19500-languages.

Buddha bercakap di Magadhi. Terdapat banyak negeri termasuk Karnataka
kami mempunyai Magadhi.

Apabila bayi yang baru dilahirkan disimpan terpencil tanpa sesiapa yang
berkomunikasi dengan bayi, selepas beberapa hari ia akan bercakap dan
bahasa semulajadi manusia (prakrit) yang dikenali sebagai klasik Magahi
Magadhi / Bahasa Klasik Chandaso / Magadhi Prakrit, klasik Hela Basa
(Language), Pāḷi klasik yang sama.

Semua 7,139 bahasa dan dialek adalah menembak Magahi Magadhi klasik.
Oleh itu, semuanya bersifat klasik (prakrit) manusia, sama seperti
Semua speis hidup lain mempunyai bahasa semulajadi mereka sendiri untuk
komunikasi. 117 bahasa diterjemahkan oleh

East Asian Mahayana Buddhism

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People’s Republic of China

23) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),请好好造成心态
- 创造唤醒宇宙生长蔬菜和水果植物


23)古典中文(简体) - 古典中文(简体),

Sevaks练习仇恨,愤怒,嫉妒,妄想愚蠢到99.9%原住民社会认为,第一个速率Chitpavan Brahmin Atma / Soul
2nd Kshatria,第3 vysia 4th Rusthars Sulss.但是佛从来没有相信任何灵魂。他说AL是平等的。…/census-more-than-19500-languages.


当一个刚刚出生的婴儿被隔绝而没有任何与婴儿沟通的人,它会发言和人类自然(Prakrit)语言被称为古典Magahi Magadhi
/古典Chandaso语言/ Magadhi Prakrit,古典Hela Basa(Hela语言),古典pāḷi是一样的。

所有7,139种语言和方言都拍摄了古典Magahi Magadhi的拍摄。因此,所有这些都在自然(Prakrit)的人类中,就像
所有其他生活疗养物都有自己的自然语言进行沟通。 117语言由翻译

24) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體) 請好好造成心態
- 創造喚醒宇宙生長蔬菜和水果植物


24)古典中文(傳統) - 古典中文(繁體)

Sevaks練習仇恨,憤怒,嫉妒,妄想愚蠢到99.9%原住民社會認為,第一個速率Chitpavan Brahmin Atma / Soul
2nd Kshatria,第3 vysia 4th Rusthars Sulss.但是佛從來沒有相信任何靈魂。他說AL是平等的。…/census-more-than-19500-languages.


當一個剛剛出生的嬰兒被隔絕而沒有任何與嬰兒溝通的人,它會發言和人類自然(Prakrit)語言被稱為古典Magahi Magadhi
/古典Chandaso語言/ Magadhi Prakrit,古典Hela Basa(Hela語言),古典pāḷi是一樣的。

所有7,139種語言和方言都拍攝了古典Magahi Magadhi的拍攝。因此,所有這些都在自然(Prakrit)的人類中,就像
所有其他生活療養物都有自己的自然語言進行溝通。 117語言由翻譯

Hong Kong and Overseas Chinese Areas

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59) Classical Korean-고전 한국어,
알리십시오 - 마음을 창출하기 위해 야채와 과일 식물을 창조하는 것 -

59) 고전적인 한국어 고전 한국어,

Karnataka 장관은 전반적인 성장을위한 3 개 언어의 포뮬러를 제안했다 : 마음을위한 영어, 마음과 산스크리트에 대한
칸나다는 영혼을 위해! 많은 성도들이 아직 ‘영혼’을 정의하지 않았습니다! 그러나 우리의 ‘계몽’장관은 영혼을위한 준비된 언어를
쉽게 발견했습니다 !! ~ !! 모든 스토오가 아프리카, 부츠 핥기, 첼시 및 자체의 어머니의 육체 공룡은 민주주의 기관
(Modi)의 모든 미친 살인자 (Modi)가 외국인이 탈출구가 원격으로 통제 한 민주주의 기관 (Modi)을 무료로 쫓아
냈습니다. 티베트, 아프리카, 동유럽, 서부 독일, 남쪽 러시아, 서유럽, 헝가리 그냥 .1 % Chitpavan Brahmans
세계의 1 % 테러리스트, 무장 세력, 폭력, 적, 폭도, 폭력, 정신적, 정신적으로 지체 된 rowdy swyam sevak가
증오, 분노, 질투, 망상 어리 석음을 99.9 % 향해 모든 것을 깨우고 원주민 사회는 첫 번째 요금 Chitpavan
Brahmin Atma / Soul 2nd Kshatria, 3 Vysia 4th Rate Sudhara Souls.But
Buddha는 결코 어떤 영혼을 믿지 않았습니다. 그는 알이 평등하다고 말했다.…./census-more-than-19500-Languages.

Buddha는 마그 고리에서 말했습니다. Karnataka 우리는 Magadhi가있는 많은 국가가 있습니다.

태어난 아기가 아기와 의사 소통을하지 않고도 태어난 아기가 고분할 것입니다. 며칠 후 고전 Magahi Magadhi /
Classical Chandaso Language / Magadhi Prakrit, Classical Hela Basa (Hela
Language)라고 알려진 며칠 후. 동일한 고전적인 pāḷi.

모든 7,139 개 언어와 방언은 클래식 마그하 마 자도의 촬영이 꺼져 있습니다. 그러므로 그들 모두는 인간의 자연
(prakrit)에서 고전입니다.
다른 모든 살아있는 스팟은 의사 소통을 위해 자신의 자연 언어를 가지고 있습니다. 117 언어는으로 변환됩니다

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53) Classical Japanese-古典的なイタリア語,  goodpurify
mind - 野菜を創造するために野菜や果物の植物を成長させる

53)古典的な日本語 -



Magadhi Prakrit、クラシックヘラバサ(Hela


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106) Classical Turkish-Klasik Türk, İyileştirin,
zihniyeti yapın - Sebze ve meyve bitkilerini büyütün

106) Klasik Türk-Klasik Türk,

Bir Karnataka bakanı, genel büyüme için üç dil formülü önerdi: zihin
için İngilizce, Heart & Sanskrit için Ruh için Kannada! Birçok aziz
henüz ‘ruhu tanımlamıyor! Ancak ‘Aydınlanma’ bakanı kolayca ruh için
hazır bir dil keşfetti! WAH !! Tüm Stooges, Chamchas, Boot Lickers,
Chelas ve Kendi Annesinin Eti Yiyenleri, Demokratik Kurumların (MODI)
tüm MAD katil katilleri için ücretsizdir, Fene İsrail, Tibet, Afrika,
Doğu Avrupa, Batı Almanya, Güney Rusya, Batı Avrupa, Macaristan,
dünyanın bir numaralı teröristleri olan Chitpavan Brahmins, militan,
şiddetli, hiç çekim, mafya lynching, delilik, zihinsel engelli rowdy
swyam sevaks Hatred, öfke, kıskançlık, düşkünlük aptallık% 99.9′a doğru
tüm uyanmış Aborjin toplumları, 1. oranında inandığına inandılar
Chitpavan Brahmin Atma / Soul 2nd Kshatria, 3. Vysia 4. oranında Sudhara
Souls.Ind Buddha hiçbir zaman herhangi bir ruha inanmadı. A’dan eşit
olduğunu söyledi.…/census-more-than-19500-languages

Buda Magadhi’de konuştu. Karnataka da dahil olmak üzere birçok devlet
var. Magadhi.

Daha yeni doğduğunda, bebekle iletişim kurmadan birisi olmadan izole
edildiğinde, birkaç gün sonra konuşur ve klasik Magahi Magadhi / Klasik
Chandaso Dil / Magadhi Prakrit, Klasik Hela BASA (HELA DİL) olarak
bilinen insan doğaldır (Prakrit) dili, Aynı olan klasik pāḷi.

7.139 dil ve lehçeler klasik Magahi Magadhi’nin çekimlerinden uzak
duruyor. Dolayısıyla hepsi insanların doğasında (Prakrit) klasiktir,
Diğer tüm yaşam ara parçaları iletişim için kendi doğal dillerine
sahiptir. 117 dil, tarafından çevrilir.

DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND-To Create Awaken Universe Grow Vegetables and Fruits plants in

74) Classical Mongolian-Сонгодог Монгол, Сайхан
сэтгэлгээтэй оюун ухааныг сайн хий, сэрүүн ертөнцийг бий болгоход
хүнсний ногоо, жимс жимсгэн ургамал ургадаг

74) Сеаттикийг Сястрали нарийн мэргэшсэн, jpor.

Карнатакагийн сайд нь нийт өсөлтийн ерөнхий сайдыг гурван жилийн
өсөлтийн томъёо гэж санал болгов. Олон Гэгээнтнүүд хараахан болоогүй
байна. Гэхдээ бидний ‘гэгээрсэн’ сайд Сэтгэлд бэлэн хийсэн хэлийг
амархан олж мэдсэн !! Wah !! Бүх споуль, Чамча, Бензеч, Бензе нар
Европ, Унгар, Зүгээр л .1% .1% .1% Хичээл, хүчирхийлэл, харгис хэрцгий
брах суулгацыг үзэн ядаж байна Aboriginal нийгэмлэгүүд нь 1-р үнэлгээнд
итгэдэг. тэр al тэнцүү гэж хэлсэн.


Будда Магадид хэлэв. Карнатака зэрэг олон улсууд бидэнд Магадитай

Нялх хүүхэдтэй хамт хүүхэдтэйгээ харьцахад хэн ч биш, extical magahi
magadhi / clasichi chata magadhi / and magahi trakrit, сонгодог Хелла,
сонгодог Hela lega (Hela хэл) Сонгодог Pāḷi ижил байна.

Бүх 7,139 хэл, аялгуу нь Сонгодог Магахи Магнадигийн зураг авалтууд юм.
Тийм болохоор бүгдээрээ хүн төрөлхтөний (пракрит) байгалиас заяасан
(пракрит) юм
Бусад бүх амьд спикейчууд харилцаа холбоо тогтоохын тулд өөрийн
байгалийн хэлтэй байдаг. 117 хэлийг

DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND-Awakened One To Create Awaken Universe among

 Tibetans in Exile

103) Classical Tatar
104) Classical Telugu- క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు,
105) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,
106) Classical Turkish-Klasik Türk,
107) Classical Turkmen
108) Classical Ukrainian-Класичний український,
109) Classical Urdu- کلاسیکی اردو
110) Classical Uyghur,
111) Classical Uzbek-Klassik o’z,
112) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việ,
113) Classical Welsh-Cymraeg Clasurol,
114) Classical Xhosa-IsiXhosa zesiXhosa,
115) Classical Yiddish- קלאסישע ייִדיש
116) Classical Yoruba-Yoruba Yoruba,
117) Classical Zulu-I-Classical Zulu

For The Gain of the Many and For the Welfare of the Many

C.M. grieved

Lucknow : 21 January 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Km. Mayawati has expressed profound grief over the death of Mr. Brijendra, a senior I.A.S. officer of 1971 batch. He passed away at the Apollo Hospital in Delhi today after prolonged illness. At present he was posted as the Chairman of Administrative Tribunal and Vigilance Commission. The Chief Minister has conveyed deep sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the family members of the deceased

Outsourcing by government and semi-government bodies to have provision of reservation

Lucknow : January18, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Km. Mayawati has said that the State Cabinet while approving the New Economic Policy at its meeting held on 24th December, 2007 had taken a decision that Public-Private partnership would be an important component of this Economic Policy. She said that a decision was also taken that in the schemes, projects or industries of the private sector, being run with the partnership of State Government in any area, the partnership of State Government will be a minimum of 11 per cent and a maximum of 49 per cent. This partnership would ensure the best possible utilisation and maximum benefit in the interest of ‘Sarva Samaj’ in sectors where a large capital investment has already been made. Addressing the media representatives at her official residence 5, Kalidas Marg here today, Km. Mayawati said that with the efforts of Bharat Ratna Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar provision for reservation was made in view of removing the social and economic disparities, so that socially backward and downtrodden could equally participate in the development activities. She said that, so far in the dis-investment or privatisation done by all the Governments or the participation sought by them from the private sector, there was no provision of reservation. As a result, the scope of reservation in government jobs is narrowing and representation of poor and downtrodden is decreasing. Thus, the shape of development is not all inclusive. Consequently, social inequality is increasing The Chief Minister said that she had also taken a historic decision that in Uttar Pradesh, in the industries and enterprises developed with the partnership of private sector, on the basis of public private partnership, in these the provision of reservation would continue on the pattern of reservation in government jobs. This arrangement has been made for the first time in Uttar Pradesh only and this would yield positive and far reaching results. She informed that there were many areas in which many concessions were being provided by the Government. This sector is huge with no provision of reservation. For this, the State Cabinet at its meeting on 10th August, 2007 had decided that where the government would provide special concessions to the private sector, voluntary provision of reservation would be made. Km. Mayawati said that her Government has made the provision of voluntary reservation to the tune of 10 per cent for the schedule caste, 10 per cent for other backward classes and backward religious minority class and 10 per cent for the poors of the upper caste in the Private Sector, so that all sections of the Sarva Samaj get included in the economic mainstream. She said that an important decision in this regard was taken at the meeting of the State Cabinet held yesterday. It has been decided that now onwards, in the outsourcing in Government departments and semi-government bodies like corporations and councils provision of reservation would be enforced similar to government jobs. This provision has been made for the first time. This decision has been taken so that the important provision of reservation is not adversely effected with the expansion of economic activities and all sections get an opportunity to join the mainstream of development.

W.I.L.D. Woman to Watch: Mayawati Kumari

January 22, 2008 · No Comments

I am always interested in learning about how other female lawyers have used their law degrees or legal education outside of litigation since litigation is basically all I know.  Politicians often have a legal background.  This Reuters article features someone to watch: Mayawati Kumari, the leader of India’s low-caste Bahujan Samaj party in Uttar Pradesh state.   Mayawati is the first Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa i.e.The Great Prabuddha Bharath woman to become the Chief Minister of any of India’s states.

She studied law at the University of Delhi.  I’m sure that her law degree prepared her for many things in life, but administering to a group of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e.The Great Prabuddha Bharath numbering 170 million people is not something anyone can truly be prepared for through classroom education.  No matter how law schools teach the laws and legal theories on equality, discrimination, justice, and the rights of the poor, one can’t really “learn” how to identify with the poor.  Either you do or you don’t, in my opinion.  Clearly, she knows how to give voice to these people although she is not ‘poor’ by any means now.

a reader’s words

The Deafening Silence of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath in Punjab

One of the striking aspects of Punjab politics is the near absence of caste as a major factor during elections. It is not that the factor is wholly absent, but in contrast to even its neighboring states like Haryana and Rajasthan, it is much less in evidence, to say nothing about states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra or Tamil Nadu, where caste is most visibly present, politically and otherwise.

It would seem that this apparent non- chalance about caste in the state is because of the influence of a ‘casteless’ Sikh religion. Sikhism was certainly a most strident attack on casteism in the medieval period. The Guru Granth Sahib, for example, contains the writings by many saints including Guru Ravidas, a chamar. Guru Nanak also initiated the practice of langar- collective feasts where people from various dined together and thus helped blunt caste antagonism.

The last guru, Gobind Singh initiated baptism and gave the new adherents the common suffix of Singh/ Kaur, further dealing a blow to identification by caste name. Guru Nanak, like most Sufi/ Bhakti saints, makes no reference to the Gita, that many consider upholds the caste system. So different is the treatment of caste from mainstream Hinduism that Dr. BR Ambedkar seriously contemplated conversion to Sikhism much before he decided in favour of Buddhism. It is not certain why he changed his decision, but one of the conjectures is that the (upper caste) Sikh theologians were appalled at the thought of millions of converted  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath Sikhs taking over their religious institutions and thus changing the power equations.

Like any other conjecture, this may or may not be true. But the main idea certainly deserves a discussion. After Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s consolidation of the twelve warring misls in early 19th century, it is a fact that the jats more or less controlled both the political and in the last half century also the religious institutions (via the SGPC).

But the roots of the caste consolidation within Sikhism go further back- to the time of the gurus. This needs to be understood well so that one does not make the same mistake as three Sikh organisations recently did, when they termed the vision of the Sikh gurus as the creation of a casteless society:

Three organizations also want to make use services the sants and dera heads to ensure assimilation of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  in rural areas in the mainstream. At many places, Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  are denied entry into gurdwaras and also denied access to Guru Granth Sahib for religious ceremonies, including marriage and antim ardas. This problem has been creating rift among rural Sikh masses and need to be stopped as the Sikh Gurus were for a caste less and classless society. (news report ) (Link via Surinder S. Jodhka’s article in Seminar January 2008: Of Babas and Deras)

The claim of Sikhism as a ‘caste less’ religion needs to be critically examined. Historian JS Grewal has pointed out, for example, that “Guru Nanak does not conceive of equality in social and economic terms.” (quoted in Scheduled Castes in the Sikh Community by Harish K. Puri). Guru Nanak’s rejection of caste was in this mainly in religious terms.

The Sikh gurus’ attack on caste ism, though admirable by medieval standards, did not go far enough, and was a far cry from modern sensitivities towards caste.

For example, till the SGPC was formed, the Sikh religious institutions were by and large controlled by the Khatri castes (the mahants). Much before that, the Sikh gurus, including Nanak had ensured that the guru- ship remained within the hands of the Khatris. No doubt it was a great achievement for the first four gurus to pass on the gaddi outside their family- something that is difficult to even conceive today with politicians and film actors passing on the baton to the next generation within their family. The trend changed significantly after the fifth guru who switched to the practice of retaining the guru- ship within the family.

However, even the first four gurus including the greatest of them all- Nanak, ensured that the guru ship remained within their own caste. All marriages in the guru families were within the Khatri sub- castes. A major, if not the determining aspect of the caste system- endogamy, therefore was retained in Sikh practice.

Even contemporary Sikhs have not taken any major reforms for eliminating the caste system. There have been probably more marriages between Hindus and Sikhs within the same caste than within Sikhs across the castes- this is likely to be true about the Khatris and the Dalit Sikhs/ Hindus, two castes that overlap between the two major religious communities in the state.

Caste distinctions are relatively stronger in rural Punjab. With the economic rise of some sections of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath, there has been a spate of separate Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath gurudwaras in the state. In urban areas probably the distinction is less antagonistic, though not absent. In some places like Jalandhar, for example, the leather trade and production of leather related sports goods for a long time ensured that it was possible for at least some sections of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  to wade themselves out of extreme poverty and concentrate on economic development.

However, it is a different story in the rural areas where majority of the landless and agricultural workers are Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath . The only Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  leader in the state Communist Party of India in the past many decades was the one heading the agricultural workers front. Indeed, most Communist leaders in the state have and continue to come from among the Jats and Khatris with perhaps the sole exception of Mangat Ram Pasla who was shunted out of the CPI(M) few years ago (he is not a Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath , but a nai, a backward caste). Most of the key Akalis are Jat Sikhs. Relatively the Congress party has offerred slightly more space to backward caste and dalit Sikhs- like Giani Zail Singh (a tarkhan, a relatively backward caste) and Buta Singh, a  Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath Sikh. A majority of the SGPC members are Jats.

Given the continuing presence of caste antagonism, it is indeed quite spectacular that caste remains not only relatively subdued during election time, but is also not very powerfully expressed in other areas. For example, though there was a strong literary movement in Punjabi between the 1950s- 70s, there has been an absence of an identifiable Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  literary stream in Punjabi. There have been, indeed, poets from a Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  background- Lal Singh Dil and Sant Ram Udasi come immediately to mind, but both identified themselves with the jujharu or the naxalite influenced movement rather than as Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  (though they are contemporary with the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  Panthers movement in Marathi literature.)

The Bahujan Samaj Party, whose founder Kanshi Ram, incidentally was a Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  Sikh, has made little headway in the state. One tactical mistake that the BSP made was to ally with the Jat dominated Akali party, the party of their immediate oppressor, during the late 1990s. Its electoral debacle and the subsequent disillusionment among its cadres has ensured that it remains a marginal political force in the state, though of late it has gained ground in terms of percentage of votes polled.

Many Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  from various parties including the communist and the Congress parties who joined the BSP have returned to their original ones or have at least left the BSP- disillusioned with its culture and factionalism though, happily, some have come back with renewed assertion as Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath .

The Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  question has recently come into limelight in context of the controversy around the burgeoning deras and baba cults in the state. As Surinder Jodhka cautions in the article quoted above, though these deras are certainly manifestation of a pluralistic culture in the state and attract many Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath , it is too optimistic to see them as places of dalit assertion. One of the footnotes in his article highlighting the contradiction between the interest of the deras and the dalits is quite illuminating:

The following statement of my taxi driver who took me to visit some deras in the Amritsar and Gurdaspur districts of Punjab is instructive. ‘I am a Scheduled Caste fellow. I do not own any land. Most of our people own no land. Everyone should have some land. If not more, at least two acres for each family. It would give people a sense of security and dignity. Look at these deras. They own so much land; some even more than a thousand acres. There should be some law to limit the amount of land that a baba keeps and the rest should be distributed among people like us.’

My driver Buta Singh did not mean any disrespect to the babas. He not only paid obeisance to all the deras we visited, but was upset that I did not show sufficient reverence for the babas we visited. He firmly believed in their supernatural powers and ability to do good.

Whether because of super natural reasons or otherwise, there is certainly no identifiable dalit assertion in the state, politically or otherwise. Most of the attention to their identity has been highlighted by academicians and journalists. There seems to be neither a political, literary or any other manifestation of their assertion in the state despite having the highest proportion of scheduled castes in the country (almost 30% of the state’s total population.)

There is a deafening silence on part of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  in Punjab. One wonders why, and for how long.


(1) It needs to be remembered that Brahmins in the state are not the dominant caste, a role usurped by the jats in rural areas and the khatris in urban areas. In this, the state does not adhere to the pattern in many other regions in the country.

(2) Sikhs in Punjab constitute aout 63% of the population. About 30% of the population is classified as Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  (mainly scheduled castes, there are no scheduled tribes in Punjab.) About 80% of the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  live in rural areas. The share of Sikhs in rural areas is 73%, implying that Punjab villages are predominantly Sikh and Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath . (All statistics from Harish Puri’s article linked in “Related Articles”.) The  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath also have one of the lowest percentage of land holdings,a measly 2.34% (Quoted in Ronki Ram, article linked in “Related Articles”.)

Related Posts: 
Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  and the Left: A Troubled Relationship
Wadali Brothers: Sufism and  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath Emancipation
Imagining Punjab in the Age of Globalization
Dr. Ambedkar and Sikhism
Significance of being Kanshi Ram: An Obituary

Related articles (.pdf files):

Scheduled Castes in Sikh Community by Harish K Puri
Punjab Census- Scheduled Caste Data by Surinder S. Jodhka
Of Deras and Babas by Surinder S. Jodhka (available online after 1st Feb 08)
Myth of Casteless Sikh Society by Ronki Ram
Caste and Religion in Punjab by Meeta and Rajiv Lochan
Dera Sacha Sauda by Lionel Baxas
Split Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The great Prabuddha Bharath  Votes- Punjab Elections 2004 by (unsigned in EPW)

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INDIA: Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa i.e.The Great Prrabuddha Bharath minister reveals PM dream - 22/01/2008

In India, the first member of a Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa i.e.The Great Prrabuddha Bharath minister group to win office as a chief minister says she hopes one day to take office as Prime Minister. During lavish birthday celebrations Mayawati Kumari revealed she’d be moving to New Delhi, to transform the Bahujan Samaj party of India’s Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e.The Great Prrabuddha Bharath minister into a national force.

Presenter - Girish Sawlani  Speaker - Chandrabhan Prasad, columnist, The Pioneer newspaper; Professor Kamal Chenoy, professor of comparative and Indian politics, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Ashraf Engineer, assistant editor, Hindustan Times.

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INDIA: Army chief hints at conscription - 23/01/2008

India’s military, the fourth largest force in the world, is facing a shortage of officers in the wake of India’s booming private sector which is competing for the nation’s best talent. Military analysts fear that the problem could seriously degrade the armed forces’ effectiveness in the event of armed conflicts. And to address the shortage crisis, India’s Army Chief, General Deepak Kapoor, has hinted at possible conscription.

Presenter - Girish Sawlani.  Speaker - Dr. Ajai Sahni, executive director, Institute for Conflict Management; Lt. General (ret’d) Satish Nambiar, director, United Service Institution of India

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SFX PROMO : That incredible. Final moment of metamorphosis, leading up to the final step as the boy graduates into a man. It’s the end of a cadet’s tenure at the academy. But it is also the beginning of a long road ahead.

SAWLANI: Of the thousands of Indian stduents who graduate from high school and university, fewer are choosing the long hard road of the military. In the wake of attractive salaries offered by an ever increasing number of vocal and multi-national corporations. The number of cadets entering the various military academies are decreasing sharply.

Last year, only 190 students signed up with the prestigious National Defence Academy, which allocated a total of 300 places. Moreover, official figures state the army is facing a shortage of more than 11,000 officers, a shortfall of about 25 per cent.

But what are the consequences for one of the world’s largest military forces. Dr Ajai Sahni is the executive director of the Institute for Conflict Management.

SAHNI: It is a very severe crisis. It impacts directly on the operational capabilities of the force, because it is leadership which defines the force. You can’t just have large numbers of troops without a well trained, well qualified leadership. It is at the leadership levels that there is both on the one hand an absolute shortage of officers and also a consistent decline in the quality of available officers.

SAWLANI: But not everyone agrees that the shortage of officers will affect the operational capabilities of the Indian armed forces.

Satish Nambiar, is a retired returning general from the Indian infantry and is director of the United Service Institution of India.

NAMBIAR: There is some impact in terms of the capabilities, but it is not so serious as to have an impact on the capacity of the military capability of the force, because we have a certain resilience provided by the system in terms of its capacity to absorb these shortages, because we have warrant officer levels or something called junior commissioned officers at all levels, in all battalions and regiments, who are able to carry out the functions that are required.

So in so far as the military capability is concerned, it’s not something which is worrisome at the moment.

SAWLANI: He says there are solutions to the shortage, but blames the government for refusing to take initiative.

NAMBIAR: There are any number of ways. It’s just that so far the political establishment, the people who run the country haven’t had the guts to take the decisions that are required to set this right. Because the basic problem that needs addressing is in terms of encouraging the entry of youngsters when they are just getting through university or into the armed forces into a short service commission. We can’t have an armed forces completely of regular cadres who carry till they afford to fall on their death bed or something like that. We have to have officers coming in and then leaving at a certain period of time, so that the pyramidic structure of the armed forces can be effectively maintained.

SAWLANI: While many blame the shortage of officers on lucrative employment opportunities in the private sector, Dr Ajai Sahni cites increased stress levels associated with military occupations as another factor.

SAHNI: It’s becoming more and more a stress kind of occupation. because earlier on you were looking at may be one or two significant wars in your entire career.

Now you have significant deployment of the army and internal security operations, particularly in India’s north east and in Jammu and Kashmir, which keep men and officers in situations of extreme stress and in conflict zones over extended periods of their career. That stress is also in some measure driving out and you have a full factor due to the perks available in the private sector.

SAWLANI: As a possible measure to curb the officer shortage crisis, India’s army chief General Deepak Kapoor suggested conscription. But retired Lieutenant General Satish Nambiar does not consider compulsory national service as a solution.

NAMBIAR: No, I don’t think military conscription is the answer for the problems that we face. There’s no dearth of material to join in the rank and file, so conscription has no meaning there. When you’ve got enough volunteers. In fact our problem is to be selective enough there. For every 100 vacancies, there are about 100,000 guys who come and volunteer in the rank and file, for their entry there. The problem is at officer level and then therefore you can’t have the sort of selective military corp.

SAWLANI: Dr Ajai Sahni adds the very idea of conscription will not go down well with the Indian public.

SAHNI: There will be tremendous resistance in the Indian public, because we don’t have a culture where you can force people to do anything.

Moreover, conscripted armies, unless there is a very strong tradition within the country for such armies, tend to be inferior in terms of discipline and

INDIA: Welfare scheme failing to provide jobs - 21/01/2008

In India a multi-billion-dollar welfare drive is promising 100 days of work to every rural family that signs up with the scheme. But just per cent of households who signed up are getting a jobs.

Presenter - Murali Krishnan  Speaker - Raghuvansh Prasad Singh, Rural Development Minister; Rajeev Baruah, head of organic farming cooperative in the central state of Madhya Pradesh.

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This Blog monitors all terror activities of Indian Naxals ie., PWG (Peoples War Group) and Government policies to tackle naxal menace . PWG’s current goal is to destablize India and Sub-Continent by a well coordinated strategy with the help of international revolutionaries and covert support from Pakistan and China .

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Maya juggernaut rolls into Orissa
Subhashish Mohanty
Monday, January 21, 2008 02:16 IST

With eye on polls, Uttar Pradesh chief minister promises three acres to each farmer

BHUBANESHWAR: Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo, whose search for new political pastures outside her home of Uttar Pradesh took her to Himachal Pradesh in the north and Andhra Pradesh in the south in the recent past, finally landed in Orissa on Sunday.

If anyone had doubts about her agenda at her latest port of call, the UP chief minister set at rest all possible speculation when she declared, while addressing a mammoth public meeting: “I am launching the campaign (for the next Lok Sabha elections) from here today.”

“Only a few months are left for the elections and so move in that direction and work for the next polls from today,” she told her party workers. She said she expected elections to be held to the Orissa assembly (an year ahead of schedule) along with the Lok Sabha polls. The reasons for her choice of Orissa as the latest destination are not hard to guess.

Less than a month ago, her bitter foe and Samajwadi party leader Mulayam Singh Yadav addressed a huge public meeting at Puri.

“Go to the villages,” Mayawati urged her supporters, explaining that there was no way BSP could gain power at the Centre unless it accorded “equal importance” to all sections of the society.

She took some time off from her mandatory hard-sell of herself as an icon and protector of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath. “The party is never against the upper class people. It wants reservations for the poor people among the upper castes too.”

She cited the instance of Satish Chandra Mishra, an upper caste man, whom she had “promoted.”

“If the party comes to power both at the Centre as well as in Orissa, it would make provision for reservations for the upper caste poor,” she promised, adding that something needed to be urgently done to introduce reservations even in the private sector.

She said she had “never” broken a promise that she had made to people.

The crowd cheered her when she blamed the governments at the centre and the state for growing naxalite influence. “People looked to naxalites only because they had not been given land. If my party comes to power in Orissa, three acres of land will be given to farmers for farming,” she announced.


India’s “Untouchables Queen” gains power, enemies


By Alistair Scrutton

LUCKNOW, India (Reuters) - For a leader dubbed the “Untouchables the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath Queen” who runs one of India’s poorest states, it was indeed a birthday bash fit for royalty.

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati stood as her mostly higher-caste party aides and the state police chief each scooped up slops of her 52nd birthday cake in their hands and finger-fed their boss.

“This is her revolution,” said Cabinet Secretary Shashank Shekhar Singh, one of her closest aides who participated in the birthday ceremony.

Since culminating an astonishing rise from “untouchable” or Scheduled caste the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath school teacher to head of India’s most populous state by winning last year’s election outright, Mayawati has stamped her presence in Uttar Pradesh with eyes on being the next prime minister.

For supporters she is reaching out nationally to millions of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath who feel left out from an economic boom, a new caste politics that will eat into the support of India’s traditional parties like the ruling Congress.

On her birthday, loyal party workers decked out Lucknow, the state capital, with hundreds of thousands of lights and donated thousands of dollars in a birthday “financial support” scheme that she said would be channeled to the poor.

Elected representatives were asked to donate about $7,500 to birthday coffers. Tax authorities made life easier for her by declaring her birthday gifts could be a tax write-off.

“My birthday is celebrated in a way that no other leader’s is. People donate money in my name,” Mayawati told India Today magazine this month. “

Musical CDs praising her blared out across the city.

“You’ll live for thousands of years and each year should have 50,000 days,” proclaimed one billboard.

Since her election win, she has inaugurated one of India’s biggest highway projects, spent millions on parks and statues celebrating her party, published a volume of her autobiography .

Some analysts believe she now has the political momentum to win enough seats in a likely 2009 general election to hold the balance of power in any hung parliament.

Mayawati already has an advantage. Uttar Pradesh, known as “UP”, provides the biggest single bloc of seats in India’s parliament. Most of India’s prime ministers have originated from the state, which has a population of about 170 million.

“If you are chief minister you must be the biggest fool on earth if you have no prime ministerial ambitions,” Singh said.


So far, graft accusations and charges she misspent millions of dollars have done little to dent her popularity in what is widely seen as one of India’s most corrupt and lawless states and where the average inhabitant earns half the national average.

She has already faced probes over her personal wealth as well as over a plan to build a shopping mall next to the Taj Mahal.

Now Mayawati is building a $100 million park in Lucknow in honor of her party’s founder Dada Saheb Manyawar Kanshi Ram Ji. Other statues of her abound.

India’s Business Standard, quoting finance ministry officials, said her income last year was around $15 million, based on paid taxes, putting her on par with top Bollywood stars.

Her political momentum contrasts with a lackluster Sonia Gandhi, whose Congress party has suffered in state elections and who has only managed to draw smallish and unenthusiastic crowds.

Mayawati’s relative youth — at 52 she is much younger than many top Indian politicians — has added to her freshness. In a sign of her influence, even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh rang her up while on a trip to China to wish her happy birthday.

Her state win was the first time in nearly two decades a party has won an outright majority. That means she can stay in office for a full five-year term, giving her time and funds to propel her party onto the national stage.

One of nine children, Mayawati managed to study law and become a teacher through a government quota scheme for Scheduled castes the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath before being mentored by the BSP’s founder.

Even her critics say she is a good administrator who has appointed technocrats to powerful posts and helped reduce crime.

“To understand her you have to understand she came from absolutely nothing. She really was a nobody,” said Chandra.

Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath still face huge discrimination. Often living in shacks, many are still not allowed to collect water or pray at the same temple as other higher castes.

Mayawati won the election with an unlikely alliance of  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath and the high priestly Brahmin caste. The first politician to finger-feed her on her birthday was a senior Brahmin politician — a symbol for supporters of that caste revolution.

The symbolism can have a huge impact only a few miles away, where many landless Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath live with no power or running water.

“I’m hopeful about Mayawati but let’s see,” said Mithilesh, a villager leader outside Lucknow. Villagers, who make just about $2 a day as laborers to make ends meet, stood around her.

With a population of about 170 million, Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath number about Brazil’s population and they can be a huge political force — if united.

But in Uttar Pradesh, most rulers end their rule embroiled in sleaze and scandal.

Mulayam Singh Yadav, the former chief minister who is himself now being probed for corruption.

309 Nerve Center

Monday, January 21, 2008

It’s not easy being gray

RomneyHuckabeeObamaClinton! Oh no, oh my! News coverage of elections become literal sports commentary: big, bold flashing graphics, easy numbers, little interpretation. Who’s ahead? What do the polls say? We want facts, not discussion. With everyone fluttering around numbers, it’s easy to get lost in the plot. But what about the electoral college system itself?

With over 2,000 political parties in the world, it’s a shame the United States champions only two of them. Travel to Germany and you’ll see five major parties listed on the ballot with more than 20 smaller ones. Travel to India and you’ll find people voting for the Bahujan Samaj Party, the Nationalist Congress, the Bharatiya Janata.

A glaring difference between how the government works in the United States in comparison to nearly all those democracies abroad is its heavy reliance on an uncomplicated two-party political system. With one side naturally pitted against another like a team sport, much of American philosophy and thought has become polarized into diametric frames of thinking as a result.

This divided system has inadvertently perpetuated a left vs. right, Democrat vs. Republican, liberal vs. conservative, “us vs. them” political mentality. Think about it - are you a proponent of national health care? You’re labeled a liberal, a Democrat, a blue-stater. Against abortion? You’re automatically considered a conservative, a Republican, red as a stop sign. The labels are easy, they’re quick, they’re convenient.

They’re also incorrect.

It is not human nature to think in pure terms of black and white and it’s not natural to polarize people’s belief systems in completely opposing blocs that are so large its members cannot agree on the same issue.

Without a proportional voting method, however, minority parties will never be counted as whole votes unless they win an entire constituency. The system must be reformed if we ever want a country that is more than two simple, stale and staid political parties whose standpoints often bleed into one another, and more often than not, cannot be distinguished from one another.

Perhaps it has to do with the fact that it’s much simpler to throw people into two opposing sides. It takes less thought and less brainpower. But the truth is humans are meant to think without concrete party labels obstructing their view. They shouldn’t have to deal with flashing words and absolute ideas. At least they should have more options. They cannot think, “I really don’t believe in this, but I think I’m supposed to since apparently I’m liberal/conservative/red/blue/bleeding heart.”

Indeed, most people, myself included, find themselves frequently thinking outside party lines on certain issues, stuck in the gray area between the two extremes. This is why the centrist members of a particular party can so easily gain control. Because in a form of government that is neatly divided along the middle, the moderates always win since parties’ leaders are too afraid of delving into either extreme. Yet, as a result, the raw political flame of change has blown out and the end product is compromise, concession, moderation, flip-flops, apathy and disregard.

An old senator once said, “Saying we should keep the two-party system simply because it is working is like saying the Titanic voyage was a success because a few people survived on life rafts.”

I like that. And perhaps poor Dennis Kucinich does too. Read about his exclusion from the Las Vegas debates here.


Meriah said…

Good point: It’s a like choosing between Coke and Pepsi — what if you don’t like either?

Cong, NCP, BSP oppose hike in water tariff

Congress, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and Republican Party of India are against the proposal of increasing water tariff in Orange city. All these parties will come together to oppose the resolution of increasing water tariff, moved by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the general body meeting slated on January 22

Water Works Department (WWD) of Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has proposed a substantial increase in water tariff across the board. The proposal for increasing the tariff and amendment in the modalities would be discussed in the NMC general body meeting. NMC is revising water tariff after seven years. The earlier revision had taken place in year 2000. It is mandatory for the civic body to revise the present water tariff under Central Government sponsored Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). Central government has sanctioned many water supply projects under the scheme to improve supply and water quality. It has given Rs 31 crore as first installment to the civic body. However, the Centre requires that the civic body supply water on ‘No Profit- No Loss’ basis. The revision is thus necessary to fill up the huge deficit incurred in water supply. Vikas Thakre, former Mayor said that BJP has miserably failed to provide water in the city and now they were increasing the water tariff. This will be injustice to the citizens as they were not getting safe drinking water. Congress corporators will oppose any move of increasing tariff in the house, he said. Ved Prakash Arya, Party Leader of NCP, said that inspite of regularisation of illegal water connection, NMC is going to put burden on those customers, who are paying water charges honestly. Around 40 per cent water is lost due to leakages, Water Audit had exposed the WWD. Civic body is collecting only 40 per cent water bills from the water users and 60 per cent are using water illegally, he said. Instead of improving its collection efficiency, the NMC is putting additional burden on honest citizens, he claimed. Harshala Jaiswal, Corporator of BSP, said that NMC is not supplying water even for two hours regularly in North, Central and East Nagpur area and now, in the name of JNNURM, they were increasing the Water tariff. In North Nagpur, people have to agitate every time for the regular supply of water. Satish Hole, Congress Corporator, said that NMC had failed to supply safe drinking water to the citizens. The water bound diseases were increasing in the city. Maharashtra Human Right Commission (MHRC) had slammed NMC and had summoned the Municipal Commissioner to justify the inability of the civic body to provide potable water. First let them supply safe and potable drinking water to the citizens, then implement 24 X 7 scheme in the city, he opined. Nana Shamkule Chairman of Standing Committee, said that under JNNURM it is necessary to increase the water tariff to reduce the huge revenue loss. JNNURM is the brain child of Union Government, which is led by Congress and other small parties. If Congress, NCP wants to oppose the proposal, BJP is ready to pass the resolution against central government. Under new proposal, the water users will have to pay a security deposit. In a slum area, it would be Rs 150/- for semi-pucca structure and Rs 250/- for others. The deposit in areas other then slums is also proposed to be increased manifold. For the regularisation of unauthorised connection, residential users will have to pay Rs 5000/- and non-residential have to pay Rs 15,000/- per connection. NMC will not regularise the unauthorised connection of apartments and recover Rs 6000/- from them for disconnection and illegal use of water. After this resolution, if any unauthorised connection is found in any residence, apartment or commercial establishment, the civic body will levy a hefty fine on them.

BSP to go it alone in Madhya Pradesh

Bhopal:Claiming that several leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Congress were eager to join the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Minister Ranganath Mishra here Sunday asserted that his party would contest on its own all the 230 assembly seats in Madhya Pradesh.

Mishra, who was here to participate in a convention of Brahmins organized by his party, told reporters: “No alliance will be forged and we will enter the fray with full confidence as has been the case with Uttar Pradesh where our social engineering concept paid dividends.”

“The lack of development in the state will also help us gain power. The people are fed up with both the Congress and the BJP,” he claimed.

Addressing the convention, BSP state president Bhujbal Singh Ahirwar said that a group of committed workers was working hard at the ground level for taking the party to power in Madhya Pradesh.

“More than 1,000 brahmins have come to the party fold during the convention. Over 60 such conventions have been held across the state in the recent past and many more would be organised in the days to come,” said BSP leader Komal Pande.

The Pakistani Politics

The Year That Was 2007

By Joseph Gathia


Regular readers of newspapers need no reminder that 2007 was another terrible year for the cause of religious freedom.


In 2004, Indians voted for a change in direction, and got a change in parties by bringing the Congress led UPA to power. But by the end of 2007 this changed.


Nearly three out of four Indians feel that the country is heading in the wrong direction.  It’s not hard to see why: looming large are job loss for millions of people, rising prices of eatable  items , more people than ever without access to health coverage, persistent threat to farmers and continued  federal inaction in cases of violence against innocent minorities  and privatization which threatened livelihood sources of ordinary citizens. These calamities detonated in 2007 but were years in the making. 


The year was not entirely bereft of hope. The nation’s sensex continuously rose .The UPA Govt. announced special economic package for the minorities and grant in aid for low income students. Private companies made their operations more environmentally sustainable as well. Many Multi National Corporations pledged to social responsibility policy.


Yet several important policy announcements grounded to a halt in 2007, short of finding solutions that would actually benefit Indians. The push for investment in retail business collapsed amidst fear and hateful rhetoric. An overwhelmingly popular effort to enter into nuclear pact with USA failed to overcome a bitterly ideological veto. Rather than seeking a new direction on trade consistent with our new vision and the Man Mohan Singh Government yielded to the pressure of the Left.


Meanwhile, we had the first Scheduled Caste the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath, K. G. Balakrishnan, elected Chief Justice of India. Middle of January was the Ardh Kumbh; almost one million devotees washed their sins in the Sangam at Allahabad.


The beginning of the year was plagued by the Nithari case of  Moninder Singh Pandher which made headlines  as skeletons of girls and children whom he and his servant allegedly raped and murdered emerged from his house in Noida adjacent to the capital  of  India.


With nationalist parties re-asserting themselves a new phenomenon emerged. Shiv Sena with Bal Thackeray’s son Udhav, instead of the recalcitrant nephew Raj, won the Mumbai Municipal Corporation elections. More significant was the Akali-BJP alliance defeating the Congress-led government by Captain Amarinder Singh and forming government in Punjab under Prakash Singh Badal. In Uttranchal the BJP-led by General Khanduri ousted the Congress from power. Of the three states that went to the polls only Mizoram stayed with the Congress.


March saw resurgence of Naxalite and Maoist in Central India. Violence also erupted in Nandigram (West Bengal) 11 farmers protesting against acquisition of their lands were shot by the police.


On April 1, Laurie Baker (90) who designed homes for the poor and had made India his home died at Thiruvananthapuram. Three days later Jagjit Singh Chauhan (80) founder of the Khalistan Movement died in his village Tanda. Anyone who thought BJP was a spent force was proved wrong; it swept the Delhi Municipal polls.

May was eventful. India’s biggest state was won by Mayawati’s Bahujan Samaj Party ousting Mulayam Singh’s Samajwadi, with BJP in the third position and Congress in the last. Scheduled Caste the Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath leader and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati forged a rainbow electoral coalition that embraced upper and Scheduled Caste the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath and Muslims in one magic formula that brought her to power in India’s most populous state.


 In Punjab, Sikhs were up in arms against the head of Dera Sacha Sauda for having imitated Guru Gobind Singh in dress and ritual. More sinister was an explosion in Hyderabad Makka Masjid, killing 12 worshippers. Police remained clueless about the culprits.


Large-scale protests by the Gujjars of Rajasthan demanding scheduled tribe status privileges as granted to Meenas and Jats. They started their agitation at the end of May in Rajasthan when six people lost their lives, and spread to Haryana ending in Delhi bandh.


In all those turmoil environment India got first woman President Pratibha Patil.


In July, the monsoons flood revealed chinks in the armour. The financial capital Mumbai was water logged.


August started with cheerful news for Congress party. Renowned scholar Dr. Hamid Ansari of the Congress defeated Najma Heptullah of the BJP to become Vice President of India.


In September the country witnessed two bombing episodes: one in the Chisti dargah in Ajmer and the other in a Ludhiana cinema. The biggest sensation of October was a sting operation carried out by Tehelka on perpetrators of atrocities on Muslims in Gujarat following the arson in Sabarmati Express at Godhra. Chief Minister Narendra Modi, was explicitly named as giving them permission to do what they liked.


Mumbai Christians got some good news in Oct 2007.  The Archbishop of Mumbai Oswald Gracias, head of the almost 600,000-strong Catholic community in the city -became a cardinal , the only Asian in the latest list announced in Rome.



In November significant development was the erosion of power and integrity of the CPI (M) government in West Bengal. It started in Nandigram, predominantly a Muslim area. They resisted taking over their farmlands for industrialization. It led to clashes between the police and peasants in which some lives were lost. The CM apologized for the excesses by his police.


On 21 November, 2007, a political pressure group, dominated by religious Muslims, demonstrated against Ms Nasreen’s books in Kolkata (where she had been based for some months) and the protest turned violent. Soon afterwards, Ms Nasreen left Kolkata (Calcutta), the capital of the left-run state, Bengal, for Rajasthan, a northern state near Delhi, dominated by the rightist-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).


December was marked by electoral battles in Himachal and Gujarat, Congress versus the BJP. The Bharatiya Janata Party registered spectacular victory in both the states.


The Gujarat election results have sent tremors across the political spectrum, thrilling the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and unnerving its opponents. Modi’s success showed, his developmental efforts, which made Gujarat attain a 10.6 percent growth in the Tenth Plan period, played a considerable part in boosting his prospects along with the combative pro-Hindu subtext of his campaign. Whether one likes it or not the Modi brand of middle class Hindu youth power is like to stay. During the Gujarat election several analysts made mountain out of mole by stating that the BJP suddenly brought Shri L.K. Advani fearing that Modi’s stature was growing. This was no where near to the truth. Those of us who were in Gujarat hearing the echoes with out ears to the ground could feel that the masses to know who the strong man at the center leadership level is ?


The year 2007 threw two possibilities before India: one, which of Sushri Bahan Mayawati who is defining aspects of affirmative actions in deeply caste divided Indian society and second Shri Narendra bhai Modi. Whatever the critics say, it’s likely that this is not the last time that the BJP will attempt to mix politics and the past.


The third alternative of Congress - Rahul baba - would have to await the results of ten assembly elections scheduled in 2008. But Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan are crucial for the congress. The signs of the Congress’s weakening hold on the ruling coalition at the centre can already be seen in the meeting which took place between two erstwhile inveterate adversaries in Maharashtra - the Shiv Sena’s Bal Thackeray and union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP).


If the Congress has hit a low patch in its fortunes, the Left remains embroiled in its own troubles. There has been a rupture in the Left unity in its stronghold of West Bengal following political and administrative miscalculations during Chief Minister Buddhadev Bhattacharjee’s industrialisation drive.


The Christmas was overshadowed by the violence against Christians in Orissa.


After every instance of turmoil and trauma, “dialogue” offers itself up as a panacea. The word is everywhere, especially now. The desire to transcend differences through discussion and peaceful communication is a powerful one, but by itself, dialogue means nothing. The tenor of  the conversation—its richness, its nuance, its integration of the personal and the factual—is as important as the effort toward dialogue itself; perhaps more important. Though this review is not a direct response to events in Orissa and Gujarat, it is an attempt to take ourselves—and our thoughts—seriously. I hope that you’ll agree that our leaders need to enter into dialogue, and that they pay attention to what they say and how they say it. But whether you agree or not, I urge you to start dialogue with the people of other faiths.


With that, dear reader, I must leave you, so that 2008 can take its course. Happy New Year to you all. Who among us can predict the future?  (END)

Joseph Gathia is senior media and human rights analyst and can be reached via e mail: Mobile  09810270489



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BSP to go it alone in Madhya Pradesh

From correspondents in Madhya Pradesh, India, 10:00 PM IST

Claiming that several leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Congress were eager to join the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Minister Ranganath Mishra here Sunday asserted that his party would contest on its own all the 230 assembly seats in Madhya Pradesh.

Mishra, who was here to participate in a convention of Brahmins organized by his party, told reporters: ‘No alliance will be forged and we will enter the fray with full confidence as has been the case with Uttar Pradesh where our social engineering concept paid dividends.’

‘The lack of development in the state will also help us gain power. The people are fed up with both the Congress and the BJP,’ he claimed.

Addressing the convention, BSP state president Bhujbal Singh Ahirwar said that a group of committed workers was working hard at the ground level for taking the party to power in Madhya Pradesh.

‘More than 1,000 brahmins have come to the party fold during the convention. Over 60 such conventions have been held across the state in the recent past and many more would be organised in the days to come,’ said BSP leader Komal Pande.

Mayawati offers three-acre plots to poor in Chhattisgarh

From correspondents in Chhattisgarh, India, 09:31 PM IST

Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati Saturday said her party would allot three-acre plots to every poor person if voted to power in Chhattisgarh which goes to the polls later this year.

Addressing a public meeting at the Science College ground here, Mayawati said: ‘Congress and the BJP have ruled the country since the independence but conditions of the scheduled caste (SC) and the scheduled tribe (ST) people has hardly improved.’

‘A large number of SC and ST community people are living in extreme poverty, the BSP will arrange jobs and allot three-acre government plots to each of them for their all round development,’ the BSP chief said amid cheering from nearly 20,000 people present.

With the Saturday’s rally, Mayawati formally launched her party’s election campaign for the assembly elections scheduled in November this year.

The BSP has just one seat in the 90-member state assembly.

Mayawati held the Congress-led central government and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) state government responsible for the rise in the Maoist violence in the state. She said the both the government follow anti-development policies, which are pushing the youth to join the rebels.

Mayawati returned to Lucknow by a special plane late Saturday evening but her two-day visit has charged up the political atmosphere in the state.

iconimg   Thursday, January 24, 2008