Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

April 2024
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LESSON 3593 Thu 11 Feb 2021 DO GOOD PURIFY MIND with HEALTH AND WEALTH To be Happy, Well and Secure! With Calm, Quiet, Alert, Attentive and Equanimity Mind with Clear Understanding that Everything is Changing! And Attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal! Kushinara Nibbana Bhumi Pagoda- Free Online Analytical Research and Practice University for “Discovery of the Awakened One with Awareness Universe” in 116 Classical Languages. 3D 360 Degree Circle Vision Meditation Lab. White Home, 668, 5A Main Road, 8th Cross HAL III Stage, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Magadhi karnataka State, Prabuddha Bharat International. Manifesting 101: A Step-by-Step Guide with Gabby Bernstein
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To be Happy, Well and Secure!
With Calm, Quiet, Alert, Attentive and Equanimity Mind with
Clear Understanding that Everything is Changing!
And Attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal!

Kushinara Nibbana Bhumi Pagoda- Free Online Analytical Research and Practice University
for “Discovery of the Awakened One with Awareness Universe”
in 116 Classical Languages.

3D 360 Degree Circle Vision Meditation Lab.
White Home,
668, 5A Main Road, 8th Cross
HAL III Stage,

Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru,

Magadhi karnataka State,

Prabuddha Bharat International.

Manifesting 101: A Step-by-Step Guide with Gabby Bernstein




1. The poor are Happy with Health and Wealth because they - work & work. 
2. The rich are Happy with Health and Wealth because they - exploit the poor.

3. The soldiers are Happy with Health and Wealth because they - protects both.

4. The taxpayers are Happy with Health and Wealth because they - pays for all three.

5. The bankers are Happy with Health and Wealth because they - robs all four.
6. The lawyers are Happy with Health and Wealth because they - misleads all five.

7. The doctors  are Happy with Health and Wealth because they - bills all six.
8. The goons are Happy with Health and Wealth because they - scare all of seven.

9. The politicians  - lives happily with Health and Wealth  on account of all eight.
Written in 43 B.C. Valid even today !

Marie Forleo introduction


I’m JC (Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan)

I wish to be gifted  to share and be a working partner with the world and my job is to help you get them out there, co-creating with the universe,
a creative process doing is using our creative energy to co-create with the energy
around us. We must all put out vibrations, from super negative to super
positive, and our vibration attracts good or bad things into your life.

Open to experiences the universe brings our way, we can
receive anything we want. We can call this God, spirit, love,
Smurf faires or whatever else we  want.


I’m Marie

You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.

read more

When’s the last time you had one of those idea-to-reality moments?

You know, when you thought about something you wanted to see, do,
create, experience, or become — and eventually, you actually did it?

This is the manifestation of our desire.

Manifesting (n): Cultivating the
experience you want to feel — and then living and believing in that
experience so you can allow it to come into form.

~ Gabby Bernstein

I’m pretty comfortable with the word “manifesting” these days, but a few years back I couldn’t stand
the word. I thought it was waaay too passive and airy fairy. Not the
kind of thing that worked for my highly action-oriented demeanor.

Over the years, though, I’ve heard the term more and more, so I
thought it would be useful to get schooled on the topic. What exactly is
manifesting? How does it work and what, if any, manifesting mishaps do
we all need to look out for?

What Is Manifesting?

My favorite definition of manifesting is co-creating with the universe.

I love this, because it means manifesting is a creative process. All
you’re doing is using your creative energy to co-create with the energy
around you. We all put out vibrations, from super negative to super
positive, and your vibration attracts good or bad things into your life.

When you’re open to experiences the universe brings your way, you can
receive anything you want. (Note: you can call this God, spirit, love,
Smurf faires or whatever else you want.)

Airy fairy or not, a lot of us receive manifestations without even realizing it.

A few years ago, a friend whipped out her computer over brunch and asked me a series of questions, then voila! generated an analysis about how I create results in the world.

It said right there: I’m a manifestor. Like, a power manifestor.
Meaning I’m someone who is a great catalyst in life. Wherever I go and
whomever I meet, it seems I’m a trigger and cause for activity.

Makes sense, given what I do, right?

This activity doesn’t happen because I’m pushy or lucky. It’s because
I stay open and receptive to what the universe calls on me to

Life is supposed to be easy — if we could just stay out of our own
way. Negative beliefs and fears block what the universe has in store for
us. Manifesting is about actively removing those blocks so you can see
what you want and become receptive to the gifts the universe provides
you to make it happen.

What Is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is the principle that manifesting puts into practice.

If you’ve read, watched, or heard of The Secret, you
probably know the basics: The Law of Attraction says your positive or
negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into your life.

Mention the L.O.A., and critics will probably come out of the woodwork.

Don’t let them steer you wrong. It doesn’t mean you can sit back and
let fortune roll in in the form of gold bars and round-the-world
vacations. It just means you get back what you put out.

The idea was around for about 200 years before The Secret
made it popular. We’ve been talking about concepts like mind over body
and the power of positive thinking since the early 1800s.

What Do We Mean When We Say “Miracle”?

If you look into manifesting, you’ll hear folks throw around the word “miracle,” which can feel intimidating.

In this case, a “miracle” is simply a shift in your perspective, a
moment when you see something more clearly. It’s a moment when you break
free of resistance and become open to receiving what you desire.

For more on manifesting miracles, watch this MarieTV: How to Make Big Shifts This Year w/ Gabby Bernstein

It’s a big deal, but the clouds probably won’t part, and some holy
force won’t come down from on high to hand you a new MacBook or big
promotion. It’s an energy shift. A new way of seeing and being in the

That shift opens the door for everything you need to fall into place.

How to Use Manifesting to Get Anything You Want

Nothing exists in our world that doesn’t first exist in our mind.

In this MarieTV with my friend, manifesting expert, and bestselling
author Gabby Bernstein, we learn three steps to manifest anything you

  1. Get clear about what you want and why.
  2. Release your limiting beliefs.
  3. Have patience, and know the universe will bring you what you desire.

Keep reading after the video for more tips to use manifesting in your life.

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Check out this episode on The Marie Forleo Podcast

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There’s no secret to manifesting. Nothing works unless you do.

It takes daily action to listen to your inner voice, stay clear about what you want, remove your blocks, have patience, and be open to what the universe brings.

Follow these steps to start manifesting anything you want.

Step 1: Get Clear

Before you can manifest anything, you need to know what you’re aiming for.

If you’re unclear, you welcome in things you don’t really want. This
is how you wind up following a path that doesn’t feel right.

Don’t know what you want?
Ask yourself — deep down, don’t you really know your heart’s desire?
Most of us do, we’re just afraid we’re not good enough to get it, or
that we’ll fail if we try.

The real challenge isn’t getting clear, it’s owning the fact that you already are clear and being courageous enough to name that dream.

Next, ask yourself why you want it.

When your why
is connected to your highest self and being of service to others,
you’re aligned with what the universe wants for you. But when your
reasons are self-serving, competitive, or fear-based, you’re fighting
against your bigger purpose.

Step 2: Release Limiting Beliefs

Once you know exactly what you want, you have to remove the blocks —
negative thoughts, fears, and disbeliefs — that keep it from

Beliefs are the hidden scripts that run our lives.

To manifest something, you must believe you’re worthy. That’s why
Step 2 requires you to release the limiting beliefs that tell you you’re
not good enough. 

This is going to take courage and time, but the great news? You can
manifest the guidance you need to heal those beliefs. Recognize how
you’re blocking your manifestation, and trust the universe to give you exactly what you need to grow — because you might not be ready to make the change on your own yet.

Just watch! Books will jump off the shelf at you (okay, maybe not
literally), you’ll stumble on just the right YouTube video, or you’ll
meet your new best friend at a conference.

This article you’re reading now may even be a manifestation of your
desire to start manifesting the life you want! Trippy, right?

an exercise to start challenging your negative beliefs. Come back to it
as often as you need. Grab a journal, and write your answers to these

  1. What’s the most important change you want to make right now?
  2. What negative or limiting beliefs have stopped you from figuring this out until now?
  3. Now, cross out each of those limiting beliefs and write “BULLSH*T” next to each. (It’s fun!)
  4. Write about why each of those negative beliefs is, indeed, total B.S.
  5. Who would you be without these limiting beliefs?

The expectation isn’t that you’ll feel good or have a positive
attitude 100% of the time — that would be impossible. Instead, commit to
realigning yourself whenever you recognize those negative beliefs
holding you back. 

Because when you change a belief, you change everything.

Step 3: Stay in the Know

Challenging and letting go of your limiting beliefs is daily work.

Manifesting isn’t something you do only while you’re journaling,
meditating, or in yoga class. Sure, those things can help reinforce
these practices, but manifestation is something you take with you
throughout every day.

Gabby calls this step “staying in the know” — meaning, knowing the universe has your back.

This is important, but your manifestation might not be what you expected.

Manifesting isn’t about getting what we think we want, but about
knowing the universe has a higher plan, and being open to receiving that
plan. For example, what if you spent all your time hyper-focused on
landing a promotion at work, that you blocked yourself from receiving an
even better opportunity at a different company?

stay in the presence of believing in yourself, knowing the universe has
your back, and being certain you’ll achieve your highest purpose.

How Long Is This Supposed to Take??

If you’ve been in the knowing state for a long time and have started to wonder, “When is it gonna come?” please have patience.

Being anxious and afraid, or grasping for control creates a negative
energy and blocks your manifestation. Patience lets you stay open and
positive, which will help you receive gifts as they come.

Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait and wait without anxiety. 

~ “A Course in Miracles”

Manifesting doesn’t work like a genie in a bottle. Achieving what you
desire may often feel  messy and twisted. Stay patient, and trust that
you’re on the right path.

Can You Manifest More Money?

Two questions I can hear you asking about manifesting:

  1. Can you manifest money?
  2. Does wanting money make you unspiritual?

Let’s tackle the second one first: Are you working against becoming your highest self if you want to earn money?

Absolutely not! I consider myself a very spiritual person, and I l o v e making money.

Now, it’s not about earning money for money’s sake. Money can create
opportunities for me to contribute to others, create experiences, and
enjoy my life.

To keep your money goals from working against you, stay in touch with
the deeper reason you’re trying to earn it in the first place. Is it to
find freedom for yourself and your family? To donate to causes you care
about? To create jobs for talented, creative people?

The more successful you are, the bigger difference you’ll make in the
world and the more people you’ll serve — and that’s plenty spiritual,
if you ask me.

Now for No. 1: Can you manifest more money?

Let’s be clear: You can’t expect anything to just drop into your lap — manifesting isn’t magic. This is a major misconception.

Manifesting is about being open to the opportunities the universe
presents and letting the universe guide you — not trying to force an
outcome you think is best.

Yes, earning more money can help you be your highest self and have a
greater impact. But if your goal to earn more is based on an ego-driven scarcity mindset, you’re putting up all kinds of blocks to achieving your dream. 

Adopt an Abundance Mentality

Money in your bank account isn’t the manifestation of you putting in an order with the universe for $1 million.

Peace and satisfaction with your finances comes from a mindset of abundance. That includes:

Money’s like you and me. It’s attracted to respect and appreciation.
If you find yourself battling a scarcity mindset, try these two weird money habits to train your brain for abundance:

  1. Never say no to honest money. Let me tell you a
    secret: I’m not too good to pick up loose change off the ground. It’s a
    reminder that the universe is always there to give me what I need and
    to not be too arrogant to accept the small blessings.
  2. Keep your money tight and right.
    I keep my physical money tidy and organized. Probably a habit I picked
    up working in restaurants. All the bills are faced the same way,
    organized by denomination, and laid flat in my wallet. It’s a sign of
    respect for myself, and a way to be a good steward for the money that
    comes into and flows out of my life.

An abundance mindset not only invites more money into your life, but it also lets you appreciate what you have and give more.

What Will Your Manifestation Look Like?

Manifesting turns your desires into reality.

We all have a higher purpose in this world, big dreams
we want to achieve. By getting clear about what you want, releasing
limiting beliefs, and trusting in the higher plan the universe has in
store for you, you can achieve anything.

Now it’s time to turn all this insight into action!

Grab a notebook and spend five to 10 minutes answering these questions:

What limiting beliefs are you willing to let go of right now?
What blessings will you welcome into your life without those beliefs to
block them?

Remember: The universe has big plans for you, but only you can take
action. I hope this inspires you to adopt an open and abundant mindset
and receive the gifts the universe has waiting for you.

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