Chapter 7
Negotiating the Dhamma
The whole world is talking about Buddhism.
People debate points of doctrine in the tea shops of Burma, citing Jataka tales
or fragments of scripture remembered from recently attended Dharma talks.
Monks pass by their homes on alms round, mindful and dignified, silent until
someone poses a Dharmic question. People listen to Dharma talks on-line and
buy books by the Dalai Lama in the bookstores of America. Students attend
lectures on textual analysis of Buddhist scriptures in the universities of
Germany. Tibetan monks debate points of doctrine in the monasteries of
Bhutan, clapping their hands together each time they make an incisive point.
People show up to pay respects to the nuns in the temples of Taiwan then pose
questions about Buddhist life. Punx in Texas pull up on motorcycles at a
Buddhist center where they will sit in a circle and relate their personal
meditation experiences to other Mohawks, tattoos and pierced noses. Deep in a
forest in Thailand, a young monk, after weeks of search, approaches the
legendary meditation master he had sought to request instruction. Someone on
a subway spots a copy of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind in a young woman’s
hand and is curious enough to ask.
Just as people expound Buddhism in many languages – Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese,
Tibetan, Thai, Spanish, Malay – they expound Buddhism blended and washed
over with elements of many different cultures – Animist, Taoist, Confucian,
European Romantic, Materialist. Moreover, Buddhism has always been at the
cutting edge of communication technology: Recited for centuries in the
monasteries and forests of Asia as their sole means of preservation, the
scriptures then rode the wave of inscription chiseled in stone and text brushed
onto strips of cured palm leaf. A Buddhist text became the world’s earliest
dated published book.87 Today adepts and folks, monks and geeks run
87 AcopyoftheDiamondSutrablock-printedinChinaisdated868AD.
Buddhist blogs, while documentaries about Buddhism run on TV and people
run to theaters to watch Hollywood movies with Buddhist themes. Buddhist
entrepreneurs make a living by offering counseling sessions by telephone.
The sum total of these conversations, projected through time and space, gives
form to the Buddha-Sasana, the practice lives of the Buddhist community,
born of the Buddha, who first turned the wheel to begin the conversation, who
demanded of the monastics that they follow the discipline, who asked of all
Buddhists that they find Refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha,
and who then let the Sasana loose in the world. These conversations have
negotiated the Dharma ever since, producing the enormous variety of
traditions we find today, acting out both the malleability and the resilience of a
culture of Awakening. These are the life-processes of the living, self-regulating
organism of the Sasana.
In the last chapter we saw the natural and continual tension in a culture of
Awakening between Buddhist authenticity and popular but non-buddhist
elements, how authenticity is firmly upheld by the adapts and how authenticity
continually gains or regains the upper hand. I want here to look at specific
examples of this negotiation. We will see that these conversations verify the
overall trend, but also that they often get quite scrappy in practice. These
negotiations are expectedly most contentious as the Sasana flows into a new
land and culture, as it is now seeping into the Land of the Fork. Let’s listen in
on some of these conversations, both modern exemplars and ancient
That number is
constantly in flux, because we’re learning more about the world’s
languages every day. And beyond that, the languages themselves are in
flux. They’re living and dynamic, spoken by communities whose lives are
shaped by our rapidly changing world. This is a fragile time: Roughly
40% of languages are now endangered, often with less than 1,000 speakers
remaining. Meanwhile, just 23 languages account for more than half the
world’s population.
When a just
born baby is kept isolated without anyone communicating with the baby,
after a few days it will speak and human natural (Prakrit) language
known as Classical Magahi Magadhi/Classical Chandaso language/Magadhi
Prakrit,Classical Hela Basa (Hela Language),Classical Pāḷi which are the
same. Buddha spoke in Magadhi. All the 7111 languages and dialects are
off shoot of Classical Magahi Magadhi. Hence all of them are Classical
in nature (Prakrit) of Human Beings, just like all other living speices
have their own naturallanguages for communication. 116 languages are
translated by https://translate.google.com
All Aboriginal Awakened Societies are aware that Mad murderer of
democratic institutions (Modi) of Bevakoof Jhoothe Psychopaths (BJP)
gobbled the Master Key by tampering the fraud EVMs to serve their
Masters the foreigners kicked out from Bene Israel, Tibet, Africa,
Western Europe, Western germany, South Russia, Eastern Europe, Hungary
chitpavan brahmins of Rwody Swayam Sevaks (RSS) who are anti national
traitors, intolerant, violent, militant, number one terrorists of the
world, ever shooting mob lynching, lunatic, mentally retarded,
practicing, hatred, anger, jealousy, delusion which are defilement of
mind requiring mental treatment at Mental asylums because they want to
reduce the population through COVID-19 as they cannot increase the
population of chitpavan brahmins.
How Hitler Brainwashed Millions of People? | Rise of Adolf Hitler | Dhruv Rathee
Dhruv Rathee
5.08M subscribers
strategies did Hitler use to influence and fool his followers? Why was
he so successful? In this video, I break down the tactics and also tell
the very interesting story of Albert Einstein. How Einstein was treated
by Hitler among other intellectuals and how he escaped germany? And
also some interesting stories on how Adolf Hitler influenced Golwalkar
and Savarkar in India.
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00:00 Introduction
00:38 Ethos, Logos, Pathos
01:58 Killing Logic
05:55 Story of Albert Einstein
08:24 Create Fake Enemies
10:09 Make yourself a Hero
11:40 Corporate funding
12:23 Hitler’s impact in India
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Dhruv Rathee Vlogs - YouTube
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Vishwa Rathna Dr B.R.Ambedkar thundered “Main Bharat Baudhmay karunga.” (I will make Prabuddha Bharat Buddhist)
Now All Aboriginal Awakened Societies Thunder ” Hum Vishwa Prabuddhamay karunge.” (We will make world Prabuddha Prapanch)
People have started returning back to their original home Buddhism.