Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

January 2025
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97 Budddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words 𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4415 Tue 26 Apr 2022 Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there. Be Happy 😊 Calm, quiet, alert, attentive and have equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing! All that we are Is the result of what We have thought - Buddha
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Posted by: site admin @ 8:10 pm

97 Budddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words 

𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4415  Tue   26 Apr 2022
Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there.

Be Happy 😊
Calm, quiet, alert, attentive and have equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing!
All that we are
Is the result of what
We have thought - Buddha
May be an image of text that says No photo description available.May be an image of 1 person and text that says

Breaking: Budh vihar ke Andar Muslims ne iftari ki aur azaan de kar namaz aada ki
History main pehli dafa
Breaking: Mandir ke Andar Muslims ne iftari ki aur azaan de kar namaz aada ki

Bhumi Bengaluru is popular in often conducting ALL RELIGIONS meets.
Along with that all religious heads must start growing their own food 🍲 🍱 🥘 like 👍 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 & fruit🍌 🍎 🍉 plants in their premises like Mauryan Emperor Ashoka and 🌱 in pots 🪴 to be free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 & swim to be healthy fruit 🍎for real Good 😊 unity,
No photo description available.
No photo description available.

  • 20) Classical Catalan-Català clàssic

  • Public

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    00:33 Emptiness in Buddhism
    01:01 Quantum Field
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    significa “acció”. La llei de Kamma significa que hi ha resultats
    ineludibles de les nostres accions. Hi ha actes del cos, la parla o la
    ment que condueixen al dany dels altres, al propi dany o al mal de tots
    dos. Aquestes accions es diuen Kamma dolent (o “poc saludable”).
    Normalment estan motivats per l’avarícia, l’odi o el deliri. Com que
    aporten resultats dolorosos, no s’han de fer.
    hi ha actes del cos, la parla o la ment que condueixen al benestar dels
    altres, al propi benestar o al benestar dels dos. Aquestes accions es
    diuen kamma bones (o “saludables”). Normalment són motivats per la
    generositat, la compassió o la saviesa. Com que aporten resultats
    feliços, s’han de fer el més sovint possible.
    bona part del que s’experimenta és el resultat de la pròpia kamma
    anterior. Quan es produeix la desgràcia, en lloc de culpar algú altre,
    es pot buscar qualsevol culpa en la pròpia conducta passada. Si es troba
    una falla, l’experiència de les seves conseqüències farà una més curosa
    en el futur. Quan es produeix la felicitat, en lloc de donar -la per
    fet, es pot mirar de veure si és el resultat d’un bon kamma. En cas
    afirmatiu, l’experiència dels seus resultats agradables fomentarà més
    bon kamma en el futur.
    Buda va assenyalar que cap ésser, diví o d’una altra manera, no té
    poder per aturar les conseqüències del kamma bo i dolent. El fet que es
    produeixi el que es truja al budista un incentiu més gran per evitar
    totes les formes de kamma dolent mentre fa el màxim de kamma possible.
    i que no es pot escapar dels resultats del mal kamma, es pot disminuir
    el seu efecte. Una cullera de sal barrejada en un got d’aigua pura fa
    que el sencer sigui molt salat, mentre que la mateixa cullera de sal
    barrejada en un llac d’aigua dolça gairebé no canvia el gust de l’aigua.
    De la mateixa manera, el resultat d’un kamma dolent en una persona que
    fa habitualment només una petita quantitat de bon kamma és dolorós,
    mentre que el resultat del mateix kamma dolent en una persona
    habitualment fa una gran quantitat de bons kamma només es senten
    Aquesta llei natural de Kamma es converteix en la força i la raó de la pràctica de la moral i la compassió a la nostra societat.
    Ningú no ens estalvia però
    nosaltres mateixos. Ningú
    pot i ningú pot.
    Nosaltres mateixos hem de fer -ho
    Camina pel camí.
    Buddhism vs Quantum Physics - The Truth About Reality

  • 21) Classical Cebuano-Klase sa Sugbo,

    ZEN DAKH - KAMAMA - كمامة - ( clip officiel )
    DiRECTED BY : Ayoub boumekni - Med jamal el idrissi
    MONTAGE BY : Ayoub boumekni
    Record , Mixage and Mastering By : Rachid Lachgar
    Tech Assistant and digital marketing : Walid rais
    Lyrics :
    Hi ki rak wlh ba9i talaf
    Baghi kolchi wajed hi mn bkri mwalaf
    Dakhal lcash kayjri fwafa salaf
    Drna mzikt sif fchta Trbna l2alaf
    Chagini chagini 7obek ot3ali dini
    Sortak bgat f3ini Nbghik a l’infini
    Wakha nl3bo cash cash
    F la tairrasse de saint-denis
    Wakha ya pas de pass
    M3aha ya nas lagoni
    Yama chi nas frhabona habona
    Kayn li b9lbna faz manjohom mayjona
    Mans3a manghtu 3lik ch3a
    Manbos lik idik o3mrak
    Tsanani ngolik t abonna
    Dj kon kan sanam cocaina vietname
    Ici c’est pas paname
    Ze9 ol9es ami bla kalam
    Ami Bla ktret salam
    Thfzni l l2amam Lal3alali ya hamam
    Chti fima wtat rjli najh
    Si sm3oni fwatat lhaj
    Hami ljaw tlgani darb debardo
    Rap dakhlni 3la lberd sta3marto
    Taki taki allez bom bom bom bom
    Khabet saci allez bom bom bom
    Shab trafique allez bom bom
    Bga taki hnaya bom bom bom
    Trani la arak Trani chaja3ak
    Khyali kan m3ak kal lila basma3ak
    Ghali inta malk rkhis li ba3ak
    Smity btifga3ak mor de passe ta3ek
    Ba9i dahek ki chi emoji
    Baki 3la l3mer li yjri
    Drbna fih adidas ogucci
    Ah amis smahna fkolchi
    Aw bih alo eih
    Alo fina kalam i7tarna fih
    Ah Hta mn dali 7aro fih
    Moraya jish kay9saf ki l2ababil
    L3ajla dor oliyam trodi
    Och7al mn ma7gor
    3ndo snti7at audi
    Wana smallah fort brdat jdoudi
    Je suis l’ambassador
    Ghir mat9rab 7doudi
    Sbrna 3wam shaybi oshrna laylat
    Rima zah9at ta3ali jay awha iylah
    Sway3i ghalyin tji thbssni I’m a killer
    Top babak sidak ana rah kolchi gaylha
    Yalla bye bye m3a salama
    Hassa jatni mokalama
    Yalla bye bye m3a salama
    Galoli darouri tlbes kamama
    Labas srabes yamas Habes shab sades Hab tchof
    Lichaf sam fam mchaf chams
    Ghfal khtateftouh
    7ani Msawas saw
    Nsaw khbez yabes rah msos
    Kwabes lbages ki X max
    3la nokia matgdoch
    Tfagresh 2om 2om 2om 2om
    Tfagresh 2om 2om 2om 2om
    Ma tw2a3 matw2a3 2om 2om 2om
    Kamma nagkahulugan nga ‘Aksyon’. Ang balaod sa Kamma nagpasabut nga
    adunay dili malikayan nga mga sangputanan sa atong mga lihok. Adunay mga
    buhat sa lawas, sinultihan o hunahuna nga nagdala sa kadaut sa uban,
    kaugalingon nga makadaot, o sa kadaut sa duha. Ang ingon nga mga buhat
    gitawag nga dili maayo (o ‘dili maayo’) kamma. Kasagaran sila gipalihok
    sa kadalo, pagdumot o limbong. Tungod kay nagdala sila mga masakit nga
    sangputanan, dili sila kinahanglan buhaton.
    usab mga buhat sa lawas, sinultihan o hunahuna nga modala sa kaayohan
    sa uban, ang kaugalingon nga kaayohan sa usa, o sa atabay sa duha. Ang
    ingon nga mga buhat gitawag nga maayo (o ‘maayo’) kamma. Kasagaran sila
    gipalihok sa pagkamanggihatagon, kalooy o kinaadman. Tungod kay nagdala
    sila mga malipayong mga sangputanan, kinahanglan nga buhaton kini
    kanunay kutob sa mahimo.
    ingon kadaghanan sa kung unsa ang usa ka kasinatian mao ang sangputanan
    sa kaugalingon nga kamamma. Kung ang kalisdanan nahitabo, imbis nga
    magbasol sa uban, ang usa makapangita bisan unsang sayup sa kaugalingon
    nga panguna nga panggawi. Kung ang usa ka sayup nga nakit-an, ang
    kasinatian sa mga sangputanan niini maghimo usa nga mag-amping sa
    umaabot. Kung ang kalipay mahitabo, imbis nga hatagan kini pag-ayo, ang
    usa makatan-aw aron makita kung kini ang sangputanan sa maayong
    kaminyoon. Kon mao, ang kasinatian sa makapahimuot nga mga resulta
    makapadasig sa labi ka maayo nga kamma sa umaabot.
    sa Buddha nga wala’y bisan unsa nga bisan unsa nga bisan unsa nga bisan
    unsa, bisan diin, adunay gahum sa pagpahunong sa mga sangputanan sa
    maayo ug dili maayo nga kamma. Ang kamatuoran nga ang usa nag-ani lamang
    kung unsa ang gihatag sa usa nga nagpugas sa Buddhist nga mas dako nga
    insentibo aron malikayan ang tanan nga mga porma sa dili maayo nga kamma
    samtang naghimo sa daghang maayo nga kamma kutob sa mahimo.
    kung ang usa dili makalikay sa mga sangputanan sa dili maayo nga kamma,
    ang usa makapakunhod sa ilang epekto. Ang usa ka kutsara nga asin nga
    gisagol sa usa ka baso nga putli nga tubig naghimo sa tibuuk nga asin,
    samtang ang parehas nga kutsara nga gisagol sa asin nga gisagol sa usa
    ka linaw sa tubig sa tubig. Sa susama, ang sangputanan sa usa ka dili
    maayo nga Kamma sa usa ka tawo nga naandan sa pagbuhat sa usa ka gamay
    nga maayo nga Kamma masakit sa tinuud nga pagbuhat sa usa ka maayo nga
    maayo nga kaminyoon.
    nga natural nga balaod sa Kamma nahimong kusog, ug hinungdan sa, buhat
    sa moralidad ug pagkamabination sa atong katilingban.
    Walay usa nga makaluwas kanamo apan
    sa atong kaugalingon. Walay usa
    mahimo ug walay usa nga mahimo.
    Kita sa atong kaugalingon kinahanglan
    Paglakaw sa agianan.
  • ZEN DAKH - KAMAMA - كمامة - ( clip officiel )

  • 22) Classical Chichewa-Chikale cha Chichewa,

    amatanthauza ‘chochita’. Lamulo la Kamma limatanthawuza kuti pali
    zotsatirapo zomwe tikuchita. Pali zochita za thupi, kulankhula kapena
    malingaliro omwe amabweretsa kuvulaza ena, kuvulaza kwawo, kapena
    kuvulaza onse. Zoterezi zimatchedwa zoyipa (kapena ‘zosasangalatsa’)
    kamma. Nthawi zambiri amasonkhezeredwa ndi umbombo, kudana kapena
    chinyengo. Chifukwa amabweretsa zotsatira zopweteka, sayenera kuchitika.
    zochita za thupi, kulankhula kapena malingaliro omwe amatsogolera kwa
    ena kukhala bwino, kukhala wabwino kwambiri, kapena kukhala wabwino kwa
    onse. Machitidwe oterewa amatchedwa zabwino (kapena ‘zabwino’) Kamma.
    Nthawi zambiri amasonkhezeredwa ndi kuwolowa manja, chifundo kapena
    nzeru. Chifukwa zimabweretsa zotsatira zabwino, ziyenera kuchitika
    cha zomwe zimachitika chifukwa cha Kamma wakale wakale. Ngati mavuto
    amachitika, mmalo mongoimba za munthu wina, munthu angayang’ane
    cholakwika chilichonse m’mbuyomu. Ngati cholakwika chapezeka, zomwe
    zotsatira zake zidzapangitsa kuti munthu azisamala kwambiri mtsogolo.
    Chimwemwe chikadzachitika, m’malo mongoganizira za zowonadi, munthu
    amatha kuyang’ana kuti muwone ngati zotsatira za Kamma. Ngati ndi
    choncho, zokumana nazo zokondweretsa zake zimalimbikitsa Kamma zabwino
    adanena kuti palibe chilichonse, cha Mulungu kapena ayi, chiri ndi
    mphamvu yoletsa zovuta za Kamma wabwino ndi oyipa a Kamma. Mfundo yoti
    munthu amatuta zomwefe wofesa amapereka kwa Abuda kuti apewe mitundu
    yonse ya Kamma yochita bwino pochita bwino.
    kuti munthu sangathe kuthawa zotsatira za zoyipa za Bamma, wina amatha
    kuchepetsa mphamvu zawo. Supuni ya mchere wosakanizidwa mu kapu yamadzi
    oyera imachepetsa kwambiri, pomwe supuni yomweyo yosakanizidwa mu nyanja
    yam’madzi kwambiri sizimasintha kukoma kwa madzi. Momwemonso, chifukwa
    cha Bamma Woipa mwa munthu yemwe amakhala ndi kamma wocheperako, pomwe
    zotsatira za Kamma zofananira ndi kamma nthawi zambiri zimangomva chabe.
    Lamulo lachilengedwe la Kamma limakhala mphamvu kumbuyo, ndipo chifukwa, chikhalidwe ndi chifundo m’gulu lathu.
    Palibe amene amatipulumutsa koma
    tokha. Palibe aliyense
    Itha ndipo palibe amene angatero.
    Ife tokha tiyenera
    yendani njira.

  • kieran alleyne - runnin low (lyrics) | no stopping oh she got it from the waist down (tiktok remix)

  • 23) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),

    This Unstoppable Robot Could Save Your Life
    robot has applications to archaeology, space exploration, and search
    and rescue — with a simple elegant design inspired by a plant. Sign up
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  • 24) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體),


  • 25) Classical Corsican-Corsa Corsicana,

    significa ‘azione’. A lege di Kamma significa chì ci sò risultati
    inevitabbili di e nostre azioni. Ci sò atti di u corpu, u discorsu o a
    mente chì portanu à l’altri “dannu di l’altri, o à u dannu di i dui.
    Tali atti sò chjamati cattivi (o ‘unwholes) Kamma. Sò generalmente
    motivati ​​per avidità, odi o delusione. Perchè portanu risultati
    dolorosi, ùn anu da esse fattu.
    hè ancu fatti di u corpu, discursu o mente chì portanu à l’altri per
    l’altri, per u so benessere, o in u pozzu di esse di tramindui. Tali
    atti sò chjamati boni (o ‘wholome’) kamma. Sò generalmente motivati ​​da
    a generosità, a cumpassione o a saviezza. Perchè portanu risultati
    felici, anu da esse u più spessu pussibule.
    assai di ciò chì una sperienze hè u risultatu di a propria Kamma
    precedente. Quandu a disgrazia si trova, invece di culpisce à
    qualchissia altru, unu pò circà ogni difettu in a propria conduita
    passata. Se un difettu si trova, l’esperienza di e so cunsequenze farà
    una più attente in u futuru. Quandu a felicità si trova, invece di
    piglià lu per cunvinzione, unu pò circà à vede s’ellu hè u risultatu di u
    bonu kamma. In casu, l’esperienza di i so risultati piacevuli
    incuraghjerà più bon kamma in u futuru.
    Buddha hà signalatu chì ùn sia micca per chì sia tuttu, divine o
    altrimenti, hà qualchì putere di piantà e cunsequenze di u bonu è
    cattivu Kamma. U fattu chì unu raccordi solu ciò chì unu si dà à u
    Buddista un incentivu più grande per evità tutte e forme di Kamma
    Cattiva mentre fate quantunque u più bonu kamma pussibule.
    sì, ùn si pò scappà i risultati di gattiva Kammama, si pò diminuì u so
    effettu. Una cucchiara di sal mischju in un biccheri di acqua pura fa
    tutta Saltà, mentri a stessa cucchiaia di u salottu mischju in un
    ubligatoriu di l’acqua dolce Similmente, u risultatu di una cattiva
    kamma in una persona abituale à fà una piccula quantità di kamma hè
    veramente dulore, mentri u risultatu di a stessa cattiva kamma chì face
    un grande kamma.
    legge naturale di Kamma diventa a forza daretu, è ragiò per a vostra
    pratica di a moralità è a cumpassione in a nostra sucietà.
    Nimu ci accoglie ma
    noi stessi. Nimu
    pò è nimu pò.
    Noi noi stessi
    camminate u percorsu.
    di food forest, giardino commestibile con la permacultrice e biologa
    molecolare Saviana Parodi. Il termine food forest sta a indicare un
    sistema agr…

    26) Classical Croatian-Klasična hrvatska,

    Simple recipe - Drink 1 hour before the start, 4 hours without fatigue, even if you are 75 years old
    znači ‘akciju’. Zakon Kamme znači da postoje neizbježni rezultati naših
    postupaka. Postoje djela tijela, govora ili uma koji dovode do štete
    drugih, vlastite štete ili štete obojice. Takva se djela nazivaju lošim
    (ili ‘nehalesom’) kamma. Obično su motivirani pohlepom, mržnjom ili
    zabludom. Budući da donose bolne rezultate, ne bi ih trebalo učiniti.
    i djela tijela, govora ili uma koja vode do tuđe dobrobiti, vlastitog
    dobrobiti ili dobrobiti oboje. Takva djela nazivaju se dobrim (ili
    ‘zdravim’) kammom. Obično su motivirani velikodušnošću, suosjećanjem ili
    mudrošću. Budući da donose sretne rezultate, trebalo bi ih učiniti što
    je češće moguće.
    velik dio onoga što doživljava rezultat je vlastite prethodne Kamme. Kad
    se dogodi nesreća, umjesto da okrivite nekoga drugog, može se potražiti
    bilo kakva greška u vlastitom prošloj ponašanju. Ako se nađe greška,
    iskustvo njegovih posljedica učinit će još jedan pažljiviji u
    budućnosti. Kad se dogodi sreća, umjesto da je uzimate zdravo za gotovo,
    može se pogledati je li to rezultat dobre kamme. Ako je to slučaj,
    iskustvo njegovih ugodnih rezultata potaknut će više dobre kamme u
    je istaknuo da nijedno biće, božansko ili na neki drugi način, nema moć
    zaustaviti posljedice dobre i loše kamme. Činjenica da čovjek požele
    samo ono što se posijava budistu veći poticaj da izbjegne sve oblike
    loše kamme, dok radi što više dobre kamme.
    se ne može izbjeći rezultate loše Kamme, može se smanjiti njihov
    učinak. Žlicu soli pomiješane u čaši čiste vode čini cijelu vrlo slanu,
    dok ista žlica soli pomiješana u slatkovodnom jezeru jedva mijenja okus
    vode. Slično tome, rezultat loše kamme u osobi koja obično radi samo
    malu količinu dobre kamme doista je bolan, dok je rezultat iste loše
    kamme u osobi koja obično radi veliku dobru kammu samo blago osjetljivo.
    Ovaj prirodni zakon Kamme postaje sila koja stoji iza i razlog za praksu morala i suosjećanja u našem društvu.
    Nitko nas ne štedi, ali
    sebe. Nitko
    može i nitko ne može.
    Mi sami moramo
    Hodajte stazom.
    Jednostavan recept - Pijte 1 sat prije početka, 4 sata bez umora, čak i ako imate 75 godina

  • 27) Classical Czech-Klasická čeština

    znamená „akci“. Zákon Kammy znamená, že existují nevyhnutelné výsledky
    našich akcí. Existují skutky těla, řeči nebo mysli, které vedou k
    poškození druhých, vlastní újmu nebo k poškození obou. Takové skutky se
    nazývají špatné (nebo „nezdravé“) Kamma. Obvykle jsou motivováni
    chamtivostí, nenávistí nebo klamním. Protože přinášejí bolestivé
    výsledky, neměly by se provádět.
    také skutky těla, řeči nebo mysli, které vedou k pohodě ostatních,
    vlastní pohody nebo k blaho obou. Takové skutky se nazývají dobré (nebo
    „zdravé“) Kamma. Obvykle jsou motivovány štědrostí, soucitem nebo
    moudrostí. Protože přinášejí šťastné výsledky, měly by se provádět co
    toho, co člověk zažívá, je tedy výsledkem vlastní předchozí kammy. Když
    dojde k neštěstí, namísto obviňování někoho jiného může hledat
    jakoukoli chybu ve vlastním minulém chování. Pokud je nalezena chyba,
    zkušenost s jejími důsledky v budoucnu učiní jeden opatrnější. Když
    dojde k štěstí, namísto toho, aby to bylo považováno za samozřejmost,
    lze hledat, zda je to výsledek dobré Kammy. Pokud ano, zkušenost s jeho
    příjemnými výsledky v budoucnu povzbudí více dobré Kammy.
    poukázal na to, že žádná bytost, božská nebo jiná, nemá žádnou moc
    zastavit důsledky dobré a špatné Kammy. Skutečnost, že člověk sklízí
    přesně to, co jeden prasnice dává buddhistu, větší motivaci k vyhýbání
    se všem formám špatné Kammy a zároveň dělat co nejvíce Kamma.
    člověk nemůže uniknout výsledkům špatné Kammy, lze snížit jejich
    účinek. Lžíce soli smíchané ve sklenici čisté vody způsobuje, že celá
    velmi slaná, zatímco stejná lžíce soli smíchané ve sladkovodním jezeře
    stěží mění chuť vody. Podobně je výsledek špatné Kammy u člověka, který
    obvykle dělá jen malé množství dobré Kammy, skutečně bolestivý, zatímco
    výsledek stejné špatné Kammy u člověka, který obvykle dělá hodně dobré
    Kammy, je jen mírně pociťován.
    Tento přirozený zákon Kammy se stává silou a důvodem praxe morálky a soucitu v naší společnosti.
    Nikdo nás nezachrání, ale
    sebe. Nikdo
    může a nikdo nemůže.
    My sami musíme
    Projděte se po cestě.

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    Congress and BJP
    Vultures of the same feather flock together Two sides of the same coin.
    ஒரே நாணயத்தின் இரு பக்கங்கள்.
    ஒரே இறகு கொண்ட கழுகுகள் ஒன்று கூடுகின்றன
    May be an image of 1 person, outdoors and text


    Tuesday, May 6, 2008


    BSP supporters at the rally addressed by Bhujan Samaj Party leader Mayawati, in Devanahalli on Monday. DH Photo


    Mayawati counters Cong ‘propaganda’

    DH News Service, Bangalore:


    Bahujan Samaj Party supremo Mayawati on Monday countered propaganda by the Congress, that the BSP is contesting in Karnataka only to benefit the BJP.


    Addressing a gathering of BSP workers in Devanahalli, from where BSP State President Marasandra Muniyappa is contesting, Mayawati termed it as “false propaganda”.

    “We are not here to help or create problems for anybody, but only to form a Government on our own,” she said.

    Pointing out that the party had experienced such poll gimmicks in Uttar Pradesh, she said, “We have successfully defeated all parties and pushed the BJP to the third place there. We are capable of repeating this in Karnataka with your support.” 

    Asserting that the BSP is determined to make a major headway in Karnataka, she said the party had fielded candidates in 218 constituencies. “We are confident of defeating not only the Congress and BJP candidates but also those from other regional parties,” she said.

    Appealing to the voters not to get tempted by any ‘offerings’ made by other parties, Mayawati said if her party emerged victorious in Karnataka, she would replicate in Karnataka all the pro-poor welfare programmes initiated in Uttar Pradesh.

    “The BSP is no longer a party of Dalits. We have given tickets to dominant communities of Lingayats and Vokkaligas, and Brahmins in good numbers besides Dalits, Muslims, and most backward classes. No other party has done this,” she said

    Civic woes could drain them!

    The BSP candidate Charles Prabhakar, a practising Chartered Accountant, is pinning hopes on the 10,000 and odd Christian votes.


    CEC N Gopalaswami along with two ECs, is arriving on Tuesday on a two-day visit to review preparations for the second phase. The CEC will hold two meetings in Bellary and Mangalore on May 7 and 8 respectively. All three commissioners will arrive in Bangalore on Tuesday evening and leave for Bellary on Wednesday morning.

    Poll haul: Lakhs seized

    Despite the strict enforcement of the poll code, many have been arrested for carrying huge sums of money. With elections just round the corner, such cases are only increasing. In the last 24 hours, police seized over Rs 33 lakh in various parts of the district…

    In a major haul, Vidyaranyapuram police seized Rs 20 lakh which was being transported in a car on Nanjangud Ring Road, in Varuna Assembly constituency limits, on Sunday night. The amount was kept in three packets in a bag. Three persons were arrested.

    Lakshmipuram sleuths seized Rs 6.4 lakh from another car at Ramaswamy Circle the same night. They registered a case against H P Basavaraju, an assistant engineer in the Irrigation Department, Chitradurga and a resident of Tonachikoppal here.

    A sum of Rs 4 lakh was seized and one person arrested in Parasaiahnahundi, Jayapura hobli, on Monday. The money was reportedly meant for distribution among to voters seeking support for C N Manjegowda, BJP candidate from Chamundeshwari constituency.

    Sleuths attached to Mysore South police station arrested Venkatesh and four others on charges of illegally carrying Rs 2.36 lakh, a BSP flag and other election-related materials in a car at Kalisiddanahundi check-post.

    They seized Rs 50,000 and pamphlets of Gundlupet Congress candidate H S Mahadeva Prasad from a car at Varakodu gate and arrested one person in this connection.

    RS 10.49 LAKH DUMPED

    In a high-speed drama, a man threw out a gunny bag containing Rs 10.49 lakh from his car and sped away when the police chased him, at Manuganahalli, in Hunsur taluk, on Monday.

    Preliminary investigations reveal the amount belongs to the JD-S. Based on a tip-off that a car was illegally transporting a large amount of money from Mysore to Periyapatna, police waylaid the car at Manuganahalli. But, as soon as the driver saw the police, he threw the gunny bag out and headed towards Gomatagiri

    Online edition of India’s National Newspaper
    Tuesday, May 06, 2008

    We’re serious about elections: Mayawati

    Special Correspondent

    BSP supremo rejects charge that it is in fray to help the BJP

    — Photo: K. Murali Kumar

    oozing confidence: BSP leader Mayawati and party general secretary P.G.R. Sindhia at an election rally at Devanahalli, near Bangalore, on Monday.

    BANGALORE: Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) president and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Monday said her party was contesting the Assembly elections not to play spoilsport but to come to power on its own.

    Addressing an election rally at Devanahalli in Bangalore Rural district, Ms. Mayawati criticised the Congress for its alleged propaganda that the BSP was in the poll fray only to help the BJP. She said her party was a serious contender and would neither help nor harm the prospects of other parties in the race.

    “A few years ago the Congress indulged in a similar campaign in Uttar Pradesh. We not only defeated the Congress, but also ensured that the BJP was pushed to the third place. The BSP is contesting almost all the seats in Karnataka without any understanding with other political parties”.

    Terming the Congress and the BJP as “parties propped up by capitalists,” Ms. Mayawati blamed them for price rise, poverty and unemployment in the country. As the economic policies of the Congress and BJP were aimed to help the capitalists, the poor and middle-class families had been put to all kinds of hardships. People should reject the Congress and BJP and vote for the BSP, she said.

    Ms. Mayawati, who dwelt at length on the achievements of her Government in Uttar Pradesh, said the BSP was in favour of providing reservation for the poor among the upper castes. The Centre had ignored the BSP’s request to amend the Constitution for providing such a reservation, she said. The BSP supremo said her party had also urged the Centre to provide reservation to Dalit Christians on a par with the Scheduled Castes and also increase the quantum of reservation so that the existing quota for Scheduled Castes did not come down.

    Ms. Mayawati attempted to convince the gathering that BSP was not against any caste or community and explained how the people belonging to upper castes had been given top positions in the party.

    ‘Development model’

    Mysore Staff Correspondent reports:

    Ms. Mayawati appealed to the people to vote for the BSP as it had set a “development model” for the State’s progress.

    Addressing an election rally at Kollegal in Chamarajanagar district, Ms Mayawati said her party was contesting 218 seats out of 224 and it had not entered into an understanding with any party.

    The BSP supremo maintained that her party was the only alternative in the State as the Congress, the BJP and the JD (S) had failed to address the people’s aspirations.

    We are serious about elections, says Mayawati

    Special Correspondent

    BANGALORE: Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) president and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Monday said her party was contesting the Assembly elections not to play spoilsport but to come to power on its own.

    Addressing an election rally at Devanahalli in Bangalore Rural district, Ms. Mayawati criticised the Congress for its alleged propaganda that the BSP was in the poll fray only to help the BJP. She said her party was a serious contender and would neither help nor harm the prospects of other parties in the race.

    “A few years ago the Congress indulged in a similar campaign in Uttar Pradesh. We not only defeated the Congress, but also ensured that the BJP was pushed to the third place. The BSP is contesting almost all the seats in Karnataka without any understanding with other political parties”.

    Terming the Congress and the BJP as “parties propped up by capitalists,” Ms. Mayawati blamed them for price rise, poverty and unemployment in the country.

    As the economic policies of the Congress and BJP were aimed to help the capitalists, the poor and middle-class families had been put to all kinds of hardships. People should reject the Congress and BJP and vote for the BSP, she said.

    Ms. Mayawati, who dwelt at length on the achievements of her Government in Uttar Pradesh, said the BSP was in favour of providing reservation for the poor among the upper castes.

    The Centre had ignored the BSP’s request to amend the Constitution for providing such a reservation, she said.

    The former Minister H.N. Nanje Gowda, who recently joined the BSP, appealed to the public to work towards making Ms. Mayawati the Prime Minister and the party general secretary P.G.R. Sindhia the chief minister of Karnataka.

    BSP general secretary and Rajya Sabha member Satishchandra Mishra, who played a key role in ensuring the support of Brahmins to the BSP in U.P., and Mr. Sindhia addressed the gathering.

    ‘BSP will emerge a key player’

    Special Correspondent

    BANGALORE: Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) general secretary P.G. R. Sindhia has said that the BSP will be a major player when it comes to forming the government in Karnataka.

    Addressing presspersons here on Monday, Mr. Sindhia said there was a BSP waves at several places, particularly Hassan, Mysore Tumkur and Chamarajnagar districts.

    He said the party would win in at least eight constituencies in these districts.

    Mr. Sindhia said in other parts of the State the BSP candidates would post surprise victories.

    The BSP leader predicted that the elections would throw up a hung Assembly.

    Pointing out the acceptance of BSP leader Mayawati as a mass leader in Karnataka, Mr. Sindhia said he was reminded of the popularity of Indira Gandhi in Karnataka.

    C.M. Grieved

    Lucknow : May 05, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati has expressed profound grief over the demise of renowned tabla maestro Padma Vibhusan Pt. Kishan Maharaj. In a condolence message, the C.M. said that Kishan Maharaj took the art of tabla playing to new heights and because of that he was referred to as Sangeet Samrat. He was trained by another renowned tabla maestro late Kanthe Maharaj. Pt. Kishan Maharaj was very popular because of his social activities. He served the world of music for a long time and took the tabla playing to new horizons and established individual tabla playing at international level on his own. She said that in his death the state and the country had lost a renowned tabla player. The C.M. conveyed her heart-felt condolences and deep sympathies to the bereaved family members of the late maestro and prayed for peace to the departed soul. It may be recalled that Pt. Kishan Maharaj passed away at a private hospital after prolonged illness yesterday. He is survived by his family. He was cremated at the Mani Karnika Ghat today. A large number of his followers bade tearful adieu to the late maestro. *******

    Campaigning in full swing for first phase of Karnataka Assembly polls

    May 6th, 2008 | By admin | Category: Health

    Bangalore, May 6 (ANI): Campaigning for the first phase of Karnataka Assembly polls is in full swing as ten Districts go for polls this Saturday.  Bahujan Samaj Party supremo and UP Chief Minster Mayawati recently gave momentum to her party’s campaign by addressing two election rallies in Chamrajnagar and Devanahalli.  The second phase of polling will take place on May 16, when a total of 66 Assembly constituencies in 10 districts of Raichur, Koppal, Uttara Kannada, Bellary, Chitradurga, Davanagere, Shimoga, Udupi, Chikmagalur and Dakshina Kannada will face the ballot. A total of 69 Assembly constituencies in eight districts of North Karnataka, Dharwad, Gadag, Haveri, Bidar, Gulbaga, Bijapur, Bagalakot and Belgaum will face the ballot in the third phase. The counting of votes in all the 224 constituencies will take place on May 25. (ANI)


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