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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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111 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4418 Fri 29 Apr 2022 I call it Nibbana, the complete destruction of old age and dying Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there. Be Happy 😊 Calm, quiet, alert, attentive and have equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing! All that we are Is the result of what We have thought - Buddha
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111 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4418  Fri   29 Apr 2022

I call it Nibbana, the complete destruction of
old age and dying
Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there.

Be Happy 😊
Calm, quiet, alert, attentive and have equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing!
All that we are
Is the result of what
We have thought - Buddha

May be an image of text that says


Mindful 🧘 🧘‍♂️ 🧘‍♀️ 3D 360 degree VR Meditation


At Savatthi, King Pasenadi of Kosala said to the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, is anyone who is born free from aging and death?”
king, no one who is born is free from aging and death. Even those
affluent khattiyas—rich, with great wealth and property, with abundant
gold and silver, abundant treasures and commodities, abundant wealth and
grain—because they have been born, are not free …

See more
The Buddha on Old Age, Illness, and Death - The Wisdom Experience

The Buddha on Old Age, Illness, and Death - The Wisdom Experience
At Savatthi, King Pasenadi of Kosala said to the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, is anyone who is born free from aging and death?”

BUDDHA And THE MAD ELEPHANT | Miracle Of BUDDHA | Life Of Buddha ( Facts To Known )
þýðir „aðgerð“. Lögmál Kamma þýðir að það eru óhjákvæmilegar
niðurstöður aðgerða okkar. Það eru verk af líkama, tali eða huga sem
leiða til skaða annarra, eigin skaða eða skaða beggja. Slík verk eru
kölluð slæm (eða „óheiðarleg“) kamma. Þeir eru venjulega hvattir til
græðgi, haturs eða blekkingar. Vegna þess að þeir skila sársaukafullum
árangri ætti ekki að gera þær.
eru líka verk af líkama, tali eða huga sem leiða til líðan annarra,
eigin líðan eða líðan beggja. Slík verk eru kölluð góð (eða „heilnæm“)
kamma. Þeir eru venjulega hvattir af örlæti, samúð eða visku. Vegna þess
að þeir ná hamingjusömum árangri ættu þeir að gera eins oft og mögulegt
Þannig er margt af
því sem maður upplifir afleiðing eigin fyrri kamma. Þegar ógæfa á sér
stað, í stað þess að kenna einhverjum öðrum, þá er hægt að leita að
hvaða sök í eigin fortíð. Ef bilun er að finna mun reynslan af
afleiðingum þess gera réttari í framtíðinni. Þegar hamingja á sér stað, í
stað þess að taka það sem sjálfsögðum hlut, þá getur maður leitað til
að sjá hvort það sé afleiðing góðrar kamma. Ef svo er, mun reynslan af
skemmtilegum árangri hvetja til meiri góðrar kamma í framtíðinni.
benti á að það sé ekki að vera neinn, guðlegur eða á annan hátt, hefur
neinn kraft til að stöðva afleiðingar góðrar og slæmrar kamma. Sú
staðreynd að maður uppsker bara það sem maður sá fyrir búddistanum meiri
hvata til að forðast alls konar slæma kamma meðan þú gerir eins mikið
gott kamma og mögulegt er.
maður geti ekki sloppið við niðurstöður slæmrar kamma, þá er hægt að
draga úr áhrifum þeirra. Skeið af salti, sem blandað er saman í glasi af
hreinu vatni, gerir allt mjög salt, en sömu skeið af salti blandað í
ferskvatnsvatni breytir varla smekk vatnsins. Að sama skapi er afleiðing
slæmrar kamma hjá manni venjulega aðeins lítið magn af góðri kamma
sársaukafull, en afleiðing sömu slæmu kamma hjá manni sem venjulega
gerir mikið af góðri kamma finnst aðeins mildilega.
Þessi náttúrulögmál Kamma verður krafturinn að baki og ástæðan fyrir því að siðferði og samúð í samfélagi okkar.
Ég kalla það Nibbana, fullkomin eyðilegging
ellin og deyja

49) Classical Igbo,Klassískt Igbo,

putara ‘ime ihe’. Iwu nke Kamma pụtara na enwere ike ịrụpụta ọrụ anyị. E
nwere omume nke ahụ, okwu ma ọ bụ n’uche nke na-eduga n’ebe ndị ọzọ nọ,
nsogbu mmadụ, ma ọ bụ nsogbu nke abụọ. A na-akpọ ọrụ ndị dị otú a ihe
ọjọọ (ma ọ bụ ‘na-adịghị mma’ kamma. Ha na-akwali ha anyaukwu, ịkpọasị
ma ọ bụ aghụghọ. N’ihi na ha na-eweta nsonaazụ na-egbu mgbu, ekwesighi
ịme ha.
nwekwara ọrụ ahụ, okwu ma ọ bụ uche na-eduga ndị ọzọ ‘ịdị mma, ya bụ,
mmadụ na-eme nke ọma, ma ọ bụ nke ọma ma ọ bụ ịdị mma. A na-akpọkarị ọrụ
ndị dị mma (ma ọ bụ ‘mma’). Ha na-akpalikarị mmesapụ aka, ọmịiko ma ọ
bụ amamihe. N’ihi na ha na-eweta nsonaazụ obi ụtọ, a ga-eme ha mgbe ọ
bụla o kwere omume.
mere, ihe mmadụ na - eme bụ nsonaazụ nke onye ọgaranya nke mbụ. Mgbe
nsogbu pụtara, kama ịta onye ọzọ, mmadụ nwere ike ịchọ mmejọ ọ bụla
n’ọnọdụ mmadụ gara aga. Ọ bụrụ na achọtara mmejọ, ahụmịhe nke nsonaazụ
ya ga-akpachara anya karị n’ọdịnihu. Mgbe obi ụtọ pụtara, kama iwere ya
gwurie egwu, mmadụ nwere ike na-ele anya ịhụ ma ọ bụ nsonaazụ nke ezigbo
kamma. Ọ bụrụ otu a, ahụmịhe nke nsonaazụ ya ga - agba ume ka ukwuu
kamma n’ọdịnihu.
ahụ rụtụrụ aka na ọ dịghị ihe ọ bụla, Chineke ma ọ bụ nke ọzọ, nwere
ike ọ bụla iji kwụsị ihe ndị dị mma na ihe ọjọọ. Eziokwu ahụ bụ na mmadụ
na-aghọrọ ihe na-enye ihe na-eme ihe na-enye onye Buddha na-enye ndị
Buddha ahụ ka ukwuu na-eme ka ụdị ndị ọjọọ mara mma mgbe ha kwere.

bụ ezie na mmadụ enweghị ike ịgbanahụ nsonaazụ ndị ọjọọ na Kamma, mmadụ
nwere ike belata mmetụta ha. Ngaji nke nnu agwakọtara na iko mmiri dị
ọcha na-eme nnu nnu, ebe otu ngaji nke nnu jupụtara na mmiri mmiri
na-adịghị agbanwe uto mmiri. N’otu aka ahụ, nsonaazụ nke ihe ọjọọ na-eme
naanị obere obere kamma na-egbu naanị n’ezie, ebe nsonaazụ nke otu ahụ
kamma na-eme ka ọ dị mma na-eme ezigbo ihe na-eme kama dị mma.
Iwu a dị n’otu nke Kamma ghọkwara ike, na ihe ga - emekwa ya, omume nke omume na ọmịiko n’ime ọha mmadụ anyị.
Akpọrọ m ya nibbana, mbibi zuru ezu nke
agadi na ịnwụ
50) Classical Indonesian-Bahasa Indonesia Klasik,


berarti ‘tindakan’. Hukum Kamma berarti ada hasil yang tak terhindarkan
dari tindakan kita. Ada perbuatan tubuh, ucapan atau pikiran yang
mengarah pada bahaya orang lain, kerusakannya sendiri, atau terhadap
kerugian keduanya. Perbuatan seperti itu disebut Kamma yang buruk (atau
‘tidak sehat’). Mereka biasanya termotivasi oleh keserakahan, kebencian
atau khayalan. Karena mereka membawa hasil yang menyakitkan, mereka
tidak boleh dilakukan.

Ada juga perbuatan tubuh,
ucapan atau pikiran yang mengarah pada kesejahteraan orang lain,
kesejahteraan seseorang, atau kesejahteraan keduanya. Perbuatan seperti
itu disebut Kamma yang baik (atau ’sehat’). Mereka biasanya termotivasi
oleh kemurahan hati, belas kasih atau kebijaksanaan. Karena mereka
membawa hasil yang bahagia, mereka harus dilakukan sesering mungkin.

banyak dari apa yang dialami seseorang adalah hasil dari Kamma
sebelumnya. Ketika kemalangan terjadi, alih -alih menyalahkan orang
lain, seseorang dapat mencari kesalahan dalam perilaku masa lalu
seseorang. Jika kesalahan ditemukan, pengalaman konsekuensinya akan
membuat satu lebih berhati -hati di masa depan. Ketika kebahagiaan
terjadi, alih -alih menerima begitu saja, orang dapat melihat apakah itu
hasil dari kamma yang baik. Jika demikian, pengalaman hasil yang
menyenangkan akan mendorong lebih banyak kamma yang baik di masa depan.

Buddha menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada makhluk, ilahi atau sebaliknya,
memiliki kekuatan untuk menghentikan konsekuensi dari Kamma yang baik
dan buruk. Fakta bahwa seseorang menuai apa yang seseorang tapi berikan
kepada Buddhis insentif yang lebih besar untuk menghindari semua bentuk
kamma buruk sambil melakukan sebanyak mungkin kamma yang baik.

orang tidak dapat lepas dari hasil Kamma yang buruk, seseorang dapat
mengurangi efeknya. Sendok garam yang dicampur dalam segelas air murni
membuat seluruh asin, sedangkan sendok garam yang sama dicampur di danau
air tawar hampir tidak mengubah rasa air. Demikian pula, hasil dari
Kamma yang buruk pada seseorang yang biasanya melakukan hanya sejumlah
kecil kamma yang baik memang menyakitkan, sedangkan hasil dari kamma
buruk yang sama pada seseorang yang biasanya melakukan banyak kamma yang
baik hanya dirasakan sedikit.

Hukum alam Kamma ini menjadi kekuatan di belakang, dan alasannya, praktik moralitas dan belas kasih dalam masyarakat kita.

Saya menyebutnya nibbana, penghancuran total
Usia tua dan sekarat

51) Classical Irish-Indinéisis Clasaiceach,

Kamma ‘gníomh’. Ciallaíonn dlí Kamma go bhfuil torthaí dosheachanta ar
ár ngníomhartha. Tá gníomhais choirp, urlabhra nó aigne ann as a dtagann
díobháil daoine eile, dochar do dhuine féin, nó do dhochar an dá rud.
Tugtar kamma dona (nó ‘neamhshuimiúil’) ar ghníomhais den sórt sin. Is
iondúil go mbíonn siad spreagtha ag saint, fuath nó delusion. Toisc go
dtugann siad torthaí pianmhara, níor chóir iad a dhéanamh.

gníomhais choirp, urlabhra nó aigne ann freisin as a dtagann leas
daoine eile, a leas féin, nó le leas an dá rud. Tugtar kamma maith (nó
‘folláin’) ar ghníomhais den sórt sin. Is iondúil go mbíonn siad
spreagtha ag flaithiúlacht, trócaire nó eagna. Toisc go dtugann siad
torthaí sona, ba chóir iad a dhéanamh chomh minic agus is féidir.

bhrí sin tá cuid mhaith de na heispéiris mar thoradh ar a kamma roimhe
seo. Nuair a tharlaíonn mí -ádh, in ionad an milleán a chur ar dhuine
eile, is féidir le duine a bheith ag lorg aon locht i iompar an duine
féin. Má aimsítear locht, beidh taithí na n -iarmhairtí níos cúramaí sa
todhchaí. Nuair a tharlaíonn sonas, in ionad é a thógáil go deonach, is
féidir féachaint ar an bhfuil sé mar thoradh ar kamma maith. Má tá,
spreagfaidh an taithí ar a thorthaí taitneamhacha kamma níos fearr sa
an Búda in iúl nach bhfuil aon chumhacht ag aon rud ar bith, diaga nó
eile, stop a chur le hiarmhairtí an Kamma maith agus olc. Ós rud é go n
-éiríonn le duine amháin an méid a thugann duine amháin don Bhúdaíoch
dreasacht níos mó a dhéanamh chun gach cineál droch -kamma a sheachaint
agus an oiread kamma maith agus is féidir á dhéanamh.

nach féidir le duine éalú ó thorthaí droch -kamma, is féidir le duine a
n -éifeacht a laghdú. Déanann spúnóg salainn measctha i ngloine uisce
íon an -blas goirt amháin, ach is ar éigean a athraíonn an spúnóg
chéanna salainn atá measctha i loch fionnuisce blas an uisce. Ar an
gcaoi chéanna, is é an toradh a bhí ar dhroch -kamma i ndaoine nach
bhfuil ach méid beag de kamma maith de ghnáth ná pianmhar go deimhin,
ach ní bhraithtear ach toradh an droch -kamma céanna i duine de ghnáth.
é an dlí nádúrtha seo de kamma an fórsa atá taobh thiar de, agus cúis
leis, cleachtas na moráltachta agus an trócaire inár sochaí.
Glaoim air Nibbana, scrios iomlán na
seanaois agus ag fáil bháis

52) Classical Italian-Italiano classico,

significa “azione”. La legge di Kamma significa che ci sono risultati
inevitabili delle nostre azioni. Ci sono azioni di corpo, linguaggio o
mente che portano al danno degli altri, al proprio danno o al danno di
entrambi. Tali azioni sono chiamati Kamma cattivi (o “non salutari”. Di
solito sono motivati ​​dall’avidità, dall’odio o dall’illusione. Poiché
portano risultati dolorosi, non dovrebbero essere fatti.
sono anche azioni di corpo, linguaggio o mente che portano al benessere
degli altri, al proprio benessere o al benessere di entrambi. Tali
azioni sono chiamati kamma buono (o “sano”). Di solito sono motivati
​​da generosità, compassione o saggezza. Poiché portano risultati
felici, dovrebbero essere fatti il ​​più spesso possibile.
gran parte di ciò che una sperimenta è il risultato del proprio Kamma
precedente. Quando si verifica sventure, invece di incolpare qualcun
altro, si può cercare di colpa nella propria condotta passata. Se viene
trovato un errore, l’esperienza delle sue conseguenze renderà più
attento in futuro. Quando si verifica la felicità, invece di darla per
scontato, si può cercare se è il risultato di un buon kamma. In tal
caso, l’esperienza dei suoi piacevoli risultati incoraggerà in futuro
più kamma.
Buddha ha sottolineato che nessun essere di sorta, divino o altro, ha
alcun potere di fermare le conseguenze del kamma buono e cattivo. Il
fatto che si raccolga proprio ciò che una semina dà al buddista un
incentivo più grande per evitare tutte le forme di cattivo kamma mentre
fa il più buono kamma possibile.
non si possa sfuggire ai risultati di Bad Kamma, si può ridurre il loro
effetto. Un cucchiaio di sale mescolato in un bicchiere di acqua pura
rende tutto salato, mentre lo stesso cucchiaio di sale mescolato in un
lago d’acqua dolce non cambia difficilmente il gusto dell’acqua. Allo
stesso modo, il risultato di un cattivo kamma in una persona che fa
abitualmente solo una piccola quantità di buon kamma è davvero doloroso,
mentre il risultato dello stesso cattivo kamma in una persona che fa
abitualmente un sacco di buon kamma è solo lievemente sentito.
legge naturale di Kamma diventa la forza dietro e la ragione della
pratica della moralità e della compassione nella nostra società.
Lo chiamo nibbana, la completa distruzione di
vecchiaia e morte
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53) Classical Japanese-古典的なイタリア語,

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54) Classical Javanese-Klasik Jawa,

tegese ‘tumindak’. Hukum Kamma tegese ora ana asil sing ora bisa
dieling-eling. Ana tumindak awak, wicara utawa pikiran sing nyebabake
cilaka wong liya, gawe piala dhewe, utawa kanggo gawe piala. Tumindake
kaya ngono diarani ala (utawa ‘Unwholesome’)) Kamma. Biasane motivasi
kanthi rakus, gething utawa khayal. Amarga padha ngasilake asil sing
nglarani, mula ora bisa ditindakake.
uga tumindak awak, pidato utawa pikiran sing nyebabake wong liya ‘
Tumindake kaya ngono diarani apik (utawa ‘hebat’) kamma. Biasane
motivasi kanthi loman, welas asih utawa kawicaksanan. Amarga padha
nggawa asil sing seneng, mula kudu ditindakake kanthi asring.
sing akeh pengalaman yaiku asil saka Kamma dhewe. Yen nyasar, ora
nyalahake wong liya, siji bisa golek kesalahan ing tumindak kepungkur.
Yen kesalahan ditemokake, pengalaman saka akibat kasebut bakal nggawe
luwih ati-ati ing mangsa ngarep. Yen kebahagiaan dumadi, tinimbang sing
diwenehake, siji bisa ngerteni manawa iki minangka asil saka Kamma sing
apik. Yen mangkono, pengalaman asil sing nyenengake bakal nyengkuyung
Kamma sing luwih apik.
nuding manawa ora ana, gaib utawa liya, duwe kekuwatan kanggo mungkasi
akibat saka Kamma sing apik lan ala. Kasunyatan manawa ana sing
ngasilake apa sing diwenehake dening Buddha sing menehi insentif kanggo
ngindhari Kamma sing ala nalika nindakake kamma sing apik.
salah siji ora bisa uwal saka asil saka Kamma sing ala, sing bisa nyuda
efek. Sendok uyah sing dicampur ing gelas banyu murni ndadekake kabeh
asin banget, dene sendok uyah sing padha dicampur ing tlaga banyu sing
angel ngganti rasa banyu. Kajaba iku, asil saka Kamma sing ala ing wong
sing biasane dilayani karo Kamma sing apik banget, mula asil saka Kamma
sing ala ing wong sing padha nindakake kamma sing apik banget.
Hukum alam kamma iki dadi kekuwatan, lan alesan kanggo, praktik moral lan welas asih ing masyarakat kita.
Aku nelpon Nibbana, karusakan lengkap saka
Umur tuwa lan mati
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சேவகர்களின் ஹங்கேரி சித்பவன் பிராமணர்கள் வன்முறையாளர்கள், போராளிகள்,
எப்போதும் கும்பல் மதிய உணவு சாப்பிடுகிறார்கள். , 99.9% அனைத்து
பூர்வகுடிகள் எழுப்பப்பட்ட சமூகங்கள் மீது வெறுப்பு, கோபம், பொறாமை, மாயை,
முட்டாள்தனம் பயிற்சி செய்யும் பைத்தியம், மனவளர்ச்சி குன்றியவர்கள்.
மனுஸ்மிருதியைப் பின்பற்றுகிறார்கள். சித்பவன் பிராமணர் 1வது விகித
ஆத்மா/ஆத்மா க்ஷத்ரியர், வைசியா, சூத்திரன் 2வது, 3வது, 4வது விகித
ஆன்மாக்கள் மற்றும் ஆதிவாசிகளான எஸ்சி/எஸ்டிகள் ஆன்மாவே இல்லாததால்
எல்லாவிதமான அட்டூழியங்களும் தொடர்கின்றன. ஆனால் புத்தர் எந்த ஆன்மாவையும்
நம்பியதில்லை, அனைவரும் சமம் என்று கூறினார். அதனால்தான் நாங்கள்
பௌத்தர்களாக இருந்தோம், பௌத்தர்களாக இருக்கிறோம், தொடர்ந்து பௌத்தர்களாக
இருக்கிறோம். பகுஜன் சமாஜ் கட்சி அல்லாத அனைத்துக் கட்சிகளிலும் உள்ள சில
சொந்த தாயின் சதை உண்பவர்கள், கைக்கூலிகள், அடிமைகள், காலணி நக்குபவர்கள்
சித்பவன் பிராமணர்களை ஆதரிக்கின்றனர்.

to know Buddha’s Own Words from Theravada Tipitaka & Babasaheb
Ambedkar first and then get to know Periyar. Now Periyarism is all about
running behind the Shudra castes.

foreigners kicked Out from Bene Israel, Tibet, Africa, Eastern Europe,
Western Germany, South Russia, Western Europe, Hungary chitpavan
brahmins of Rowdy Swayam Sevaks who are anti national number one
terrorists of the world are violent, militant, ever shooting mob
lunching, lunatic, mentally retarded practising hatred, anger, jealousy,
delusion, stupidity towards 99.9% All Aboriginal Awakened Societies.
They are following manusmriti. chitpavan brahmin as 1st rate athma/Soul
Kshatriya, Vysia, Shudra as 2nd, 3rd, 4th rate souls and the aboriginal
SC/STs having no soul at all so that all sorts of atrocities are carried
on. But Buddha never believed in any soulHe said all are equal. That’s
why we were Buddhists, are Buddhists and continue to be Buddhists. Some
own mother’s flesh eaters, stooges, slaves, boot lickers in all the
non-BSP parties are supporting chitpavan brahmins.

May be a cartoon of text that says "MAKE GIFS AT GIFSOUP COM"

Kanakapura is one among the high profile constituencies of the State. Post delimitation, profile of the constituency has changed.

Former minister PGR Sindhia who won from the constituency for six times is National General Secretary of BSP, is not in the fray this time.

The BJP has fielded Chinnaswamy as BSP candidate.  This time the Congress is worried of the BSP. Sindhia who won from the constituency for six times is national general secretary of the BSP.  His name will help the party gather a considerable amountof votes and prove problematic for the Congress.

Kodihalli, Uyyamballi, Sathanur hoblis which were earlier parts of Sathanur Assembly constituency and Kasaba hobli and Kanakapua Town Municipal Council are parts of the Kanakapura Assembly constituency.

Over 45 per cent of total voters belong to Vokkaliga community. As prime contestants also belong to the same community, the votes will go divided.



BSP’s Muniyappa is the best choice since,
A major hurdle in Chandranna’s way is internal differences in the JD(S). There is displeasure among leaders and workers of other communities over giving the ticket to the same caste (Korama) person continuously.

The constituency includes Vijayapura, Kundana, Channarayapatna, Kasaba and Thubugere hoblis and is a reserved constituency. Here, SC/ST voters are in large numbers are disillusioned with Congress, BJP and JD(S) for the price rise lack of drinking water proper sanitation, while Vokkaligas are next in number. Yadavas and Kurubas are also in considerably high numbers who are also affected by price rise. There is the anti-incummbency factor because of all the three parties the Congress, BJP and JD(S). 

Mahadevapura (SC) - R Muniyappa, (BSP)

Vote for BSP



S.Raghu BJP

Assets Declared Rs.6 Crore

KC Vijaya Kumar Congress

Assets Declared Rs.1.5 Crore

S.Manohar JD (S)

Assets Declared Rs.1.5 Crore

For Sarvajan Hithai Sarvajan Sukhai

Know your candidates



C.V. Raman Nagar Constituency

Legislative Assembly Election held on

10-05-2008 Saturday


Dear Brothers & Sisters,


For  progress of a diversified society with promised welfare and complete freedom from exploitation, discrimination, and assuring safety and for a developmental ruling, we plead you to vote for the “Elephant” symbolized BSP candidate.


B.T.Srinivas to be victorious to build a secure society.


Not like all other political parties, that feeds you for a short while before the elections commence, our BSP party born from the ashes of the down trodden of ignored classes, promises to wipe out your tears and also feed you until you all are supportively behind this mission.

Large number of youths both boys and girls participated in the poll campaign in Anandapura, Murphy Town, Kaggadaspura and the people in the area expressed their unhappiness of all the three parties, Congress,BJP,and JD(S) since they had not bothered about their welfare after they got elected. In Kaggadaspura where the pooeres of the poor live have to pay Rs.2 per pot of water. They dont have proper shelter and some of their houses are damaged and are not in a position to repair they. They dont have proper lighting in the area. Many of them are not issued Ration Cards. A few of the girls and boys who have passed 10th Standard are unable to pursue their further studies because of poverty and they say that they have to continue with the low paid daily wage safai karmachari jobs.


Anekal (SC) - Jigani Shankar BSP

A Narayan Swamy BJP

Assets Rs.2.5 Crore

B.Gopal Congress

Assets Rs.1.2 Crore

KM Muniappa JD (S)

Assets Rs.3 Crore

K R Puram
Voter population: 3,08,400  Men: 1,62,563    Women: 1,45,83
Total wards: 35 wards of the erstwhile K R Puram CMC, 9 wards of Mahadevapura
&3  village
panchayats of Horamavu, K Narayanpura and Agara.
Returning Officer: M Ashok, 944819130.

KR Puram, a new constituency carved out from the erstwhile Varathur & Hoskote assembly constituencies after delimitation, is the largest of the 21 constituencies in BBMP limits. With an electorate of 3.08 lakh, it lacks basic amenities like tarred roads, drinking water, garbage disposal and street lights. The Cable-Stayed Bridge, popularly known as the ‘Hanging Bridge’ and ITI are the popular landmarks of reas.

Abraham (BSP)

He promises water supply

After reports of installing borewells and supplying drinking water through tankers to woo voters, will anyone believe that a candidate can actually get water supply stopped to a particular area?

This is what the BSP candidate of K R Puram Abraham T J has alleged against the Congress nominee A Krishnappa. The reason: “Because he thinks voters of Nellurpuram, the area where the supply has been stopped, may not vote in his favour as most of them belong to the backward communities. Instead they might vote in favour of the BSP,” Abraham alleged.

“ Everyone knows that Krishnappa has used his clout with the water supply officials to threaten the Nellurpuram voters and ensure that they vote for him,” he said.

“Nellurpuram was part of the erstwhile Varathur constituency last time and Krishnappa banked on Malayalee, Christian and Muslim population for his election. He is scared now that the votes will get divided as the Bahujan Samaj Party is emerging as a strong force in Karnataka,” he added.

A.Krishnappa (Congress)

Assets Declared Rs..7.5 Crores

L.Muniswamy (JD (S))

Assets Declared Rs.3 Crores

NS Nandish Reddy (BJP)

Assets Declared Rs.30 Crores

Mahalalakshmi Layout - C Vishwanath BSP

NL Narendra Babu Congress

Assets Rs.12.5 Lakh

RV Harish BJP

Assets Rs.2.26 Crore

K Gopaliah JD (S)

Assets Rs.4 Crore

Hebbal - S K Sajid Ahmed BSP

Katta Subramanya Naidu BJP

Assets Rs.19 Crore

HM Revanna Congress

Assets Rs.5 Crore

Lokesh Gowda JD (S)

Assets Rs.28 Crore


Byatarayanapura - M Appayanna (BSP)

Krishna Byre Gowda Congress

Assets Rs.5 Crore

A Ravi BJP

Assets Rs.5.45 Crore

C Narayana Swamy JD (S)

Assets Rs.15 Crore

Yeshwantpur, G Bette Gowda (BSP)

Shoba Karandalje BJP

Assets Rs.44 Crore

Somshekar Congress

Assets Rs.15 Crore

Dashara Halli, NK Naveen (BSP)

B Anandappa (JD (S))

Assets Rs.8.99 Crore

KC Ashok Congress

Assets Rs.8.78 Crore

Muniraja BJP

Assets Rs10,84,51,900

Malleswaram - Nisarga Nagaraju BSP

MR Seetharam Congress

Assets: Rs.57.83 Crore

Dr.CS Ashwarth Narayana BJP

Assets: Rs.5.1 Crore

Shankaranna JD (S)

Assets: Rs.90 Lakhs

Bangalore South - R Manjunath(BSP)

M Krishnappa BJP

Assets Rs.17.5Crore

M.Sadananda Congress

Assets:Rs 1.3 Crore

C Manjunath aks Manjunath Gutigere JD (S)

Assets Rs.5 Crore

Raja Rajeshwari Nagar

Vishwanath C (BSP)

Krishna Murthy PN (Congress)

Assets Rs.3.25 Crores

Hanumathrayappa JD(S

Assets Rs.2.45 Crores

M Srinivasa BJP

Assets Rs.12 Crores


D.Prakash (BSP)

B.Chandrappa ( Congress)

Assets Rs.9.47 Crores

SR Vishwanath BJP

Assets Rs.9.45 Crores

E.Krishnappa JD (S)

Assets Rs.46.5 Crore

Ex-Wg Cdr’s poll launch

Among the rare contestants this time, is a retired Wing Commander, G B Athri, representing BSP in Padmanabhanagar Assembly constituency. Athri, who has served the Indian Air Force for 25 years says: “I have only two things to tell the voters - I am with them always, and I will do what they want me to do for their good.”
On his door-to-door campaign trail in Banashankari 2nd stage, he said, “I have no money to copy publicity stunts of politicians. I am appealing to conscientious voters through hand bills and meeting small groups of citizens; no rallies or processions. I believe only in contacting people.”

Athri, a BSc. Honours in Chemistry, took voluntary retirement from Air Force in 2001, and was Chief Programme Officer at IIM-B for a year. Thereafter, he has been running a training institute for security industry.

As for political experience, Athri said he was elected secretary and then president of the Students Union while studying at National College, Bangalore between 1971-74. He joined BSP with P G R Sindhia in December 2007. “I believe in Mayawatiji’s ‘Sarva Jana Sukhaya, Sarva Jana Hithaya’ ideal. There can be no nation on religion alone and I condemn dynasty politics.”

His other interests - art, literature and environment. “I have planted around 1,000 trees in my locality,” he claims.
“I am specially asking those who are not voting to come out and vote, and to elect the right person,” he said, sharing information on  his constituency’s problems:  “There are no parks for joggers and elders, clogged drains, lack of recreational and sports facilities for youth, poor connectivity to other parts. Although the former MLA of this area was a Health Minister, menace of dogs and mosquitos is unbearable. On election, I will address people’s problems and find workable solutions.”

BT Srnivas BSP candidate from

CV Raman Nagar assembly constituency

S.Raghu BJP

Assets Declared Rs.6 Crore

KC Vijaya Kumar Congress

Assets Declared Rs.1.5 Crore

S.Manohar JD (S)

Assets Declared Rs.1.5 Crore


K R Puram
Voter population: 3,08,400  Men: 1,62,563    Women: 1,45,83
Total wards: 35 wards of the erstwhile K R Puram CMC, 9 wards of Mahadevapura
&3  village
panchayats of Horamavu, K Narayanpura and Agara.
Returning Officer: M Ashok, 944819130.

KR Puram, a new constituency carved out from the erstwhile Varathur & Hoskote assembly constituencies after delimitation, is the largest of the 21 constituencies in BBMP limits. With an electorate of 3.08 lakh, it lacks basic amenities like tarred roads, drinking water, garbage disposal and street lights. The Cable-Stayed Bridge, popularly known as the ‘Hanging Bridge’ and ITI are the popular landmarks of reas.

Abraham (BSP)

He promises water supply

After reports of installing borewells and supplying drinking water through tankers to woo voters, will anyone believe that a candidate can actually get water supply stopped to a particular area?

This is what the BSP candidate of K R Puram Abraham T J has alleged against the Congress nominee A Krishnappa. The reason: “Because he thinks voters of Nellurpuram, the area where the supply has been stopped, may not vote in his favour as most of them belong to the backward communities. Instead they might vote in favour of the BSP,” Abraham alleged.

“ Everyone knows that Krishnappa has used his clout with the water supply officials to threaten the Nellurpuram voters and ensure that they vote for him,” he said.

“Nellurpuram was part of the erstwhile Varathur constituency last time and Krishnappa banked on Malayalee, Christian and Muslim population for his election. He is scared now that the votes will get divided as the Bahujan Samaj Party is emerging as a strong force in Karnataka,” he added.

A.Krishnappa (Congress)

Assets Declared Rs..7.5 Crores

L.Muniswamy (JD (S))

Assets Declared Rs.3 Crores

NS Nandish Reddy (BJP)

Assets Declared Rs.30 Crores

Mismatch between wealth & education

Wealth and educational qualification do not necessarily go together. So it seems when one tries to match the assets declared by BJP candidates contesting from Bangalore Urban with their educational qualification.

Prasad Reddy who is contesting from BTM Layout has declared his assets in the affidavit before the returning officer as Rs 313 crore. His educational qualification: PUC.

Former legislator P C Mohan is contesting from Gandhinagar has done his SSLC. His assets: More than Rs 20 crore.


Ismail Sharief BSP

KJ George Congress

Assets Declared Rs.7.37 Crore

Padmanabha Reddy JD (S)

Assets Declared Rs.84 Lakhs (plus other unquantifiable assets)

R.Shankar BJP

Assets Declared Rs.10.5 Crore

Charles Prabakar (BSP)

Voter Population:  1,66,709   Men: 84,214 Women: 82,495   Constituency:  6 BBMP wards - Ulsoor, Bharatinagar, Jayamahal, Shivajinagar,  Vasanthnagar, Sampangiramnagar. Returning Officer:  Puttaswamy. PH: 9739042406

Russel Market, St Mary’s Bascilica, a modern bus-stand, Commercial Street are the attractions of this area. It has a good number of Kabab centres.

R Roshan Baig, who represented Shivajinagar and the erstwhile Jayamahal twice in the past, is the Congress candidate.

Assests Declared Rs.7.5 Crores

 His main opponent is BJP’s Nirmal Kumar Surana, who had also represented Bharatinagar.

Assets Declared Rs.1.7 Crores


Voter Population:  2,19,612, Men: 1,13,682, Women: 1,05,930
Constituency:  3 BBMP wards - Padmanabhanagar, Ganesh Mandira, Yediyur.
Returning Officer: Thippeswamy.  Phone: 9448727578

Padmanabhanagar assembly constituency, which is newly carved out,  has a mix of both the old and the new areas of Bangalore. It is also presents a prime example of how old residential localities are making way for commercial hubs. The Deve Gowda Petrol bunk in the locality has become a sort of political landmark in the city. The constituency is likely to witness a triangular fight among the candidature from the three major parties.

Balakrishna Atri (BSP)


R Ashok (BJP)

Assets Declared Rs. 10 Crore

Dr. Gurappa Naidu (Congress)

Assets Declared Rs. 32 Crore

MV Prasad Babu (JD (S))

Assets Declared Rs.5.7 Crore



Venkataramana Shetty and Krishnamurthy of the BSP

Parimala Nagappa of the BSP

N. Mahesh of the BSP

G.M. Gadkar of the BSP

Madikeri,  Virajpet

K.S. Vittal filed nomination papers as BSP

Kunhi Abdulla of the BSP filed nomination papers

Mysore Printer Friendly Page  Srirangapatna constituency

B. Lingaiah of Bahujan Samaj Party

D.T. Jayakumar, snapped his ties with the party on being refused B form to contest from Chamundeshwari and entered the fray as a Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) candidate.

Narayana Gowda of the BSP

Krishne Gowda of the BSP


List of candidates

Kollegal (SC) - N Mahesh,

Sindgi - Shamshuddin M Patil Ganihar,

Aurad (SC) - Vaijanath Suryavamshi,

Sakleshpur (SC) - Sridhar Kaliveer,

Mahadevapura (SC) - R Muniyappa,

Devanahalli (SC) - M Muniyappa Koramangala,

Anekal (SC) - Jigani Shankar,

Hanur - Parimala Nagappa,

Pulkeshinagar (SC) - V Srinivasan,

Bidar - Syed Zulfikar Hasmi,

Hagri Bommanahalli (SC) - Mundargi Nagaraj, Shiggaon - Dr Syed Roshan Mulla,

Gulbarga Rural (SC) - Chandrakanta Gaddagi, Hubli - Dharwad East (SC) - D Shobha Bellary, Kalghatgi - Babusaheb Kasimnavar,

Yellapur - Umesh Hegde,

Hollallkere - Panduranga Swamy,

Molkalmur (ST) - Dr Venkatesh Nayak,

Mandya - Varaprasad,

Bangalore South - R Manjunath.

Shikaripura - J Jayappa,

Soraba - M V Kotresh,

Byatarayanapura - M Appayanna,

Mahalalakshmi Layout - C Vishwanath,

Yeshwanthpur - G Bettegowda,

BTM Layout - A Papanna,

Channapatna - M S Mukaram,

Challakere (ST)- Dr Obanna Pujar,

Hiriyur - H K Kantaraju,

Hosdurga - Mohan Kumar,

Turvekere - Umesh,

Tiptur - Lingaraju.
Korategere (Reserved) - Dr D Muralidhara, Bangarapet (Reserved) - V Narayanaswamy,

Malur - Dr R S Kumar,

Kolar - Sajjad,

Mulbagal (SC) - H Narayanappa,

Chintamani - N Muniswamy,

KGF (SC) - Suresh,

Gandhinagar - Murugan,

Hebbal - S K Sajid Ahmed,

Shantinagar - K P Narsimharaju,

Bommanahalli - Venkatesh,

Sarvajnanagar - Vivek Menon,

Chamarajnagar - Srinivas Murthy,

Malleswaram - Nisarga Nagaraju,

Rajajinagar - K V Srinivasappa,

Pavagada (SC) - Hennur Srinivas,

T Narasipura - Guruppaji,

Nanjangud - Mahadevappa

BSP’s second list out

Bangalore, DHNS:

The BSP has announced the second list of candidates for the coming elections. Following are the candidates.

Shravanabelagola - Abdul Hadi;

Arasikere - Dr K S Basvaraj;

Belur - Rajashetty;

Hassan - Aijaz Ahmed Faruqi; Holenarasipura - Nagendra;

Arakalagudu - Ramegowda; Chikkanayakanahalli - H N Hemashree; Kunigal - Kunigal Shivanna;

Tumkur Town - Veeradilip Kumar;

Gubbi - Maranahalli Shivaiah;

Madhugiri - Pandurangaiah;

Gowribidanur - Krishnakumar;

Begapalli - Narasa Reddy;

Chikkaballapur - Mehaboob Pasha; Shidalaghata - Rajendra;

Srinivasapura - Manjunath;

Yelahanka - D Prakash; 

K R Puram - T G Abraham;

Dasarahalli - N K Naveen;

C V Raman Nagar - B T Srinivas; Govindrajanagar - Ravi Kumar;

Vijaynagar - Madesh C;

Chamarajpet - N P Swamy;

Padmanabhanagar - G Balakrishna Atri;

Jayanagar - Dr Venkatesh;

Virajpet - Kunji Abdullah;

Periyapatna - Ramchandra;

Krishnarajnagar - Yoganna;

Hunsur - Ajay Devaraj Urs;

Heggadadevanakote - Devadatta;

Chamundeshwari - Mehul G Patel;

Krishnaraj - Srinath;

Narasimharaj - Azizulla;

Varuna - Gurupadaswamy;

Gundlupet - Venkataramana Shetty;

Malavalli - Prasanna;

Maddur - Shivram;

Melukote - Rangaswamy;

Srirangapatna - S S Yogesh;

Nagamangala - Krishnegowda;

Krishnarajpet - K C Narayan Gowda;

Hoskote - S R Ranganath (BSP) 

is sure to win because of price rise and anti-incumbency factor on Congress, BJP and JD(S)

Till now, Hoskote was known for neck to neck fight between the Congress and the JD(S). But, former minister B N Bachegowda has left JD(S) and joined BJP which fielded him here. This time, fight will be close between the BJP and the BSP.


The Congress candidate is once again N Nagaraj(MTB Nagaraj) who had entered Assembly after defeating Bachegowda, who was then contesting from JD(S). JD(S) candidate is N Kumar, once a supporter of Bachegowda, who has entered the fray after voluntarily retiring from his forest department post.

 Due to delimitation, Kuruba community votes have gone down, which may negatively affect Nagaraj.

Hoskote constituency includes Jadigenahalli, Kasaba, Anugondanahalli, Nandagudi and Sulibele hoblis.

Doddaballapur - Purshottam;

Nelamangala - Krishna Murthy BSP

has all hopes of winning in


Post delimitation, the situation has changed in Nelamangala which was once a strong base for Congress. Madhure hobli is now with Doddaballapur constituency, and Dasanapura in Yelahanka constituency

 Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is The Great Prabuddha Bhartah (SCs) have more than 34,000 votes and are likely to favour their ‘own’ Krishna Murthy.

Magadi - Jaffar Pasha;

Kanakapura - Chinnaswamy;

Hebbal - G M Yousuf.

48 candidates to fight it out in Chikmagalur

M.K. Prasanna Kumar (Bahujan Samaj Party),


B.B. Ningaiah (BSP),


M.R. Ravishankar (BSP),

Tarikere constituency

R. Lingaraju (BSP),

Kadur constituency

S. Shivakumar (BSP),



BSP’s Mukram will certainly affect the results and sure to win in the hustings.

Complaints lodged against Yogeeshwar with the Election Commission might become hurdles in his way. Ramanagar Assistant Commissioner has already taken action to lodge a case against him for not giving proper details in his affidavit. Along with this, the fact that Bangalore’s Mega City project’s members have taken legal recourse against Yogeeshwar is also a matter of debate in the town. The Congress’ influence has also been affected as former minister C Varadegowda, Virupakshipur’s Lingarajegowda and others have left Congress

Vokkaligas are in large numbers(about 70,000) and their votes may be spread between Congress and JD(S).

Fishermen, muslims, kurubas are around 20,000 each. About 30,000 SC/ST, 9,000 lingayats, 6,000 brahmins are here. Another special feature is that the number of female voters is more than that of male voters (Women 92,032, Men 90033) and women can have a decisive say here. Sarvajan Hithaya Sarvajan Sukhaya concept of BSP and the price rise and anti-incumbency factor on Congress,BJP and JD(S) will work in favour of BSP.


EC officials biased: BSP
DH News Service, Bangalore:
The BSP on Thursday alleged that the Election Commission (EC) officials in the state were working as Congress agents in Karnataka
BSP leader H N Nanjegowda told reporters here on Thursday the officials were showing a biased attitude towards some parties while enforcing the model code of conduct.

This was quite evident when the officials seized the BSP supremo Mayawati’s Z+ category escort vehicles during her recent visit to Devanahalli, he said.

“But the officials did not bother to stop the Congress President Sonia Gandhi (who also has the same Z+ category security) from using a convoy of vehicles during her visit to K R Puram.  K R Puram Congress candidate A Krishnappa has spent more than Rs 30 lakhs on her visit.

The EC should include this in the candidate’s expenses and disqualify him,” Nanjegowda said.

Pointing out that Mayawati was scheduled to visit the State two more times on the eve of second and third phase of elections, Nanjegowda said if the same attitude was shown by the officials then, they would have to face the consequences.

The party would soon lodge a complaint in this regard with the Central Election Commission, Nanjegowda said.

BSP candidate Jigani Shankar is expected to give a tough fight to the  Congress as well as the BJP candidates
58,000 personnel to provide security cover
Bangalore, PTI:
A total of 25,000 policemen from the state, 15,000 paramilitary personnel and an equal number of home guards were among the security men who would be deployed in 89 assembly segments…
 About 58,000 security personnel will maintain strict vigil in the first phase of assembly elections being held in 11 districts of Karnataka on May 10.

A total of 25,000 policemen from the state, 15,000 paramilitary personnel and an equal number of home guards were among the security men who would be deployed in 89 assembly segments that go to the polls in the first phase to ensure a trouble-free polling, state’s DGP R Sreekumar told a press conference here.

Out of the 18,562 polling stations, 6,252 have been classified as hyper sensitive and 3,500 as sensitive. Others are considered to be normal, he said.

 A mobile patrol party will keep vigil around 20 polling stations, Sreekumar said.

About 200 companies of paramilitary forces have already been positioned in parts of the state for deployment during the three phase election, he said.

He said till yesterday 1,458 cases in connection with violation under various acts, including Excise act, had been registered and liquor worth Rs three crore seized.

The state police have launched a special website to disseminate information on poll related issues.

13,000 police force to keep vigil in Bangalore

Bangalore, PTI:

A 13,000 strong-police force will be deployed in Bangalore City, the state capital, to ensure free and fair polls during the first phase of Karnataka assembly polls tomorrow.

 A total force of 13,000 police personnel and officers will be deployed in 5685 polling booths in 26 contituencies which go to polls in the city, City Police Commissioner N Achutha Rao told reportersSome 2000 polling booths and as many have been classfied hyper-sensitive and sensitive, he said.

Six Hundred mobile squads will fan out in all the 26 constituencies and each sector consisting of 35 polling booths will be patrolled by a mobile squad round the clock, Rao said.

In addition to these, police pickets have been provided to maintain law and order, he said.

Since campaigning started, 1000 history-sheeters had been arrested in the city and illegal liquour and goods worth Rs 70 lakh seized from them, Rao said.

You can vote but still not cast ballot

DH News Service, Bangalore:

In an electronic voting machine, a voter cannot invalidate a vote because there is no provision to do that. But, a voter can refuse to vote after going to the polling booth…

According to the Election Commission, after a voter goes to the polling counter and the EVM is on, if he refuses to vote on some grounds, then his refusal will be registered in a book by the presiding officer. The details of the voter will be entered in the register and the voter will have to attest the same with his signature or thumb impression.

A voter can refuse to vote for any of the candidates in his constituency but he cannot invalidate a vote, the EC said.

According to the EC website, the Commission in its proposed electoral reforms has recommended that the law should be amended to specifically provide for negative / neutral voting.

The Commission has said that for this purpose Rules 22 and 49B of the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961 may be suitably amended adding a column ‘none of the above’, to enable a voter to reject all the candidates, if he/she chooses so.

Stage set for first phase of polling in Karnataka tomorrow
A keen contest is on the cards between the BSP,Congress, JDS and BJP in the first phase of the assembly elections in Karnataka tomorrow in which 89 assembly constituencies, spread over 11 districts, will go to the polls.
An estimated 1.73 crore voters are eligible to exercise their franchise with 953 candidates in the fray, including 440 independents. About one lakh polling officials and 58,000 security personnel have been drafted in for the exercise.

The stakes are high for the BSP, which is making a strong bid to gain power in Karnataka as it has done in Uttar Pradesh.

The BSP, will  make surprise inroads into several Congress, JD(s) and BJP bastions in the 2008 elections, win in 60 constituencies in this belt and has a good showing in Sarvjan Samaj (SC/STs, OBCs,Minorities, and upper Castes)-dominated belts of all the 89 constituencies

The BSP is going all out to win a majority of seats, seeking to overcome the challenge being thrown by Congress,JDS and BJP.

The BSP has  fielded candidates in all most all the segments facing election in this phase.

For all key players, particularly the BSP, the focus has been on Bangalore city, which accounts for 28 seats out of 89.

The BSP has promised special attention to address infrastructural needs of the cosmopolitan city

The BSP has approached the electorate on the stability plank  because of the past hung assembly, price rise, anti-incumbency and are seeking a clear majority for its party government, reminding them of the ‘bitter experiences’ people had with two coalition governments in the last four years..

Would be Prime Minister Ms Mayawati,  has undertaken electioneering in the state, drumming up voters support for her party.

People of Karnataka demands inquiry into amassing of assets


People of Karnataka on Friday demanded an inquiry from the Income Tax department into the illegal amassing of assets worth crores of rupees by candidates, irrespective of their parties, who are contesting this assembly election in the state.

 Candidates who are mostly drawn from different types of mafias like real estate, land and mining have looted the property of the government and the people and had now submitted their affidavits with declaration of illegal assets worth crores of rupees to the Election Commission.

The Income Tax department should take action in investigating into the amassing of properties after they entered political life, he said.

“We have complained to the Election Commission and to take immediate action to find out from where and how they obtained such a huge property in a short period,'’ 

Many in poll fray not given ‘PAN’

DH News Service, Bangalore:

Many candidates who are trying their electoral luck in the first phase of polling, have not furnished their Permanent Account Number (PAN) while declaring their assets in the affidavit filed along with the nomination papers.

It is no secret that majority of candidates in the fray this time are crorepathies. But several of them, who are trying their electoral luck in the first phase of polling, have not furnished their Permanent Account Number (PAN) while declaring their assets in the affidavit filed along with the nomination papers.

As per section 139(A) of the Income Tax Act, any person who is carrying on any business or profession whose total sales, turnover or gross receipts are or is likely to exceed Rs 5 lakh in any previous year, must possess a PAN. Permanent Account Number is a number by which the Assessing Officer identifies any person.

However, Election Commission officials said it is not mandatory for candidates to furnish PAN numbers in the affidavit.

69 JD(S) Office bearers resign

Accusing former Karnataka Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy of neglecting party workers as many as 69 office bearers of Janata Dal (Secular), Dharwad District unit including State Youth wing President Gururaj Hunsimarad and former Union Minister Babagouda Patil have resigned enmass from the party


Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath votes will never split this time.


Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/STs) account for 23.5 per cent of the population in State

Bangalore: How will the votes of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath  — who account for 23.5 per cent of the total population — impact the outcome of elections in Karnataka?

A few elections ago, the answer would have been straight-forward: they would have of course voted for the Congress. But the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) factor is eyeing the same section of voters along with Sarv Samaj that is the entire society have rendered the situation more fluid this time.

In the last elections, the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/ST) BSP made an undeniable dent in the Congress self-assurance that the minority and the votes rested with them. The BSP divided the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/ST) vote share, resulting in the defeat of the Congress candidate. In many constituencies where the BSP managed to get more than 3,000 votes, the Congress lost narrowly, in about 25 constituencies. Anekal (reserved) constituency was a classic example of the “BSP factor.” The party’s former State chief B. Gopal got 24,841 votes. While the BJP won with 63,023 votes, the Congress got 60,847 votes, losing by a narrow margin.

The fact that Karnataka has a history of sustained backward class and Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/ST) movement, which has opposed the ideological positions of the BJP, has been a deterrent to the party despite its effort to shed its image of an “upper-caste” party.

This time too, the BSP is expected to exert a huge influence on the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/ST) vote-share. P.G.R. Sindhia, national general secretary of the BSP, south, believes that they expect to increase the overall vote share to between 15 and 30 per cent, hus tilting the balance. With BSP supremo Mayawati is keen on launching the party to the national arena, Karnataka becomes an important player. Mr. Sindhia says that the party base has expanded now and it is not “only a  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/ST) party.”

But will the fact that the BSP is underplaying its earlier “anti-Manuvadi” agenda cut both ways? Will it make the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/ST) wary of BSP’s brand of politics? Mr. Sindhia believes that it will not, considering the example in Uttar Pradesh. This pattern, he believes, can be replicated. He, in fact, dismisses this argument as no more than “Congress propaganda.” Whether the Uttar Pradesh model can be “replicated” in a State with different caste and class equations compared with Uttar Pradesh is a moot question.

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