Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

July 2024
« Jan    
𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4136 Fri 29 Oct 2021 Do Good Purify Mind - Path to Eternal Bliss Do Mindful Swimming Hunger is the worst kind of illness said Awakened One Grow Broccoli, pepper,cucumber,Beans in Pots, Sujata fed Buddha, Ashoka planted fruit bearing trees all over the world and in space.Mayawati wants that rule. Dr B.R.Ambedkar thundered “Main Bharat Baudhmay karunga.” (I will make this country Buddhist) All Aboriginal Awakened Societies Thunder ” Hum Prapanch Prabuddha Prapanchmay karunge.” (We will make the whole world Prabuddha Prapanch live upto 150 years for the price of coffee Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD)15 Grams at $62.00 which plays a role in generating energy in the human body available ‘for the price of a coffee a day’ a Stunning anti-ageing breakthrough could see humans live to 150 years and regenerate organ.New process has been found by Harvard Professor David Sinclair and researchers from the University of New South Wales, involving cell reprogramming. According to the University of Singapore survey/review based on 131 countries. From June 18, world will be 100% free and happy from December 8th. Their predictions about Italy and Spain fit exactly. Maker of COVID Tests Says Pandemic is Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated It is like a blind man searching for a black cat in a dark room which is not there. WORLD WILL BE FREE FROM HOAX - STRENGTHENING THE TRUST FOR BEST OF HEALTH -SINGAPORE UNIVERSITY SURVEY -Hi Tech Radio Free Animation ClipartOnline Positive Universal Prabuddha Intellectuals Convention.
Filed under: General, Theravada Tipitaka , Plant raw Vegan Broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, carrots
Posted by: site admin @ 8:13 am

𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4136  Fri  29 Oct 2021

Do Good Purify Mind - Path to Eternal Bliss
Do Mindful Swimming

Hunger is the worst kind of illness said Awakened One
Grow Broccolianimated-broccoli-image-0011,bell pepper,파프리카 빨강 노랑 주황 GIF - Paprika Bell Pepper Red GIFscucumber,Love Cucumber Dance GIF - Love Cucumber Dance Happy GIFsBeans in Pots,Animation Plants GIF by Polina Zinziver
Sujata fed Buddha,085 Sujata offers Rice (9189374231).jpgAshoka planted fruit bearing trees all over his empire.Mauryan EmpireMayawati Mayawati.jpgwants that rule.
6 Raw Foodists Over 50 That Look Decades Younger
Veganism: The Fountain of Youth? Or perhaps it’s the cooked food that’s
aging the average person prematurely. In any case, the following people
have truly inspired me to continue my raw vegan journey for life! Their
age and appearance speak volumes of how perfectly aligned the living
foods lifestyle is for the human body. It is an undeniable fact that our
appearance on the outside, especially after our mid years, is clear
reflection of our internal health.
Meet 6 inspiring raw foodists with an appearance that will trample on any skepticism or doubt about the living foods movement:
1. Storm Talifero, 64
Storm Talifero
TaliferoStorm Talifero is one of the oldest and most successful
long-term 100% raw vegans in the movement today. He has been raw for
over 42 years, and at age 64 he looks more like he is in his 30’s or
40’s. He’s an athlete, author, illustrator, architect and raw chef who
has brought many innovative recipes to the art of raw cuisine. If you’ve
read any of Storm’s e-books you’re familiar with his maxims: “Fresh is
Best”, “Don’t put your food in the fire” and “Would you like your food
with or without the nutrients?”.
raised a large family, through many years Storm’s recipes have evolved
into a menu plan program that has helped hundreds of people to
experience the raw diet in a format that is doable in modern life. You
can learn more about his work at
2. Annette Larkins, 72
first time I saw this Goddess was through this viral video, and I just
couldn’t believe my eyes. This perfect image of health, vitality and
youth with a petite size four frame and a wrinkle-free face is over 70
years of age! She has been a raw vegan for 27 years and vegan for many
years before that. And she’s from my hometown! 🙂
The resident of Miami-Dade County, Florida, attributes her youthful
looks to her raw vegan diet and grows almost everything she eats in the
garden she refers to as her ‘fountain of youth’. In her famous
interview, ABC reporters explored her back yard, to find that every inch
is covered in plants and trees that grow the fruits Mrs. Larkins eats.
She told reporters “’My diet consists of fruits, nuts, vegetables and
seeds. I do a lot of sprouting of seeds and as you can see from my
garden and of course, these are the raw foods that I eat.’”
3. Lou Corona, 60
lou corona
was one of the first people I came across in my journey for true
health. His juice recipe, the Lemon Ginger Blast absolutely changed my
life. It was the effect this juice had on my life that got me curious
about raw foods, and for that I’m so very grateful! Lou drinks this
green juice every day and I can totally see (and feel) how this
concoction contributes to this man’s superior health! Lou has been on a
raw vegan diet for a whopping 39 years. Before he started the raw vegan
diet he suffered from a multitude of illnesses ranging from asthma to a
tumor, eventually coming to a place where he was able to heal himself
from chronic asthma, severe allergies, major constipation, candida,
tumors, severe acne, and debilitating arthritis. He now teaches the 4
principles that helped him gain his life back and reach outstanding
health and core strength like I’ve never seen before! You can find his
work here:
4. Tonya Zavasta, 56
Tonya Zavasta Age
Zavasta is one of my greatest heroes. This 56 year old beauty is a very
witty and humorous writer, researcher, teacher, and entrepreneur. She
has written 5 books on living foods and natural anti-aging, two of which
I’ve read and loved. She’s been eating raw for 17 years now. With her
diet and lifestyle change she conquered surgical trauma, pain and her
former identity as a “cripple.” I’ve read two of her books, Quantum
Eating, and Raw Food and Hot Yoga. Both are brilliant and highly
recommended for the seasoned raw foodist. You can find them in my Books
page. The firmness of her skin and waist size tell us that she’s really
on to something. And it’s definitely not botox or plastic surgery!
5. Markus Rothkranz, 52
Markus Rothkranz
the first time I saw Markus, I thought he was in his late 20s early
30s. Boy was I wrong. This man is 52 years old! Watch this video of him
proving it, since no one believes him. He’s been eating raw foods since
his late twenties, therefore he’s been raw for over 20 years. And his
vibrant complexion and super fit body says it all. As you will see on
his page, he looks younger than he did at 27! Markus is all about
abundance, health and financial freedom. He has an inspiring channel on
youtube, and has written 4 books. His background is from the movie
industry and now he uses it to entertain and lead people to a better and
healthier lifestyle. You can find his work at
6. Mimi Kirk, 75
Mimi Kirk
like you’re in your 20′s at 75, is quite an amazing thing. I accredit
this youthful look and spirit not only to my attitude, but really to my
way of eating which is a raw vegan – living foods lifestyle.” She was
voted sexiest Vegetarian over 50, when she was actually 70 then!
Although Mimi has only been raw for a few years, she attributes her
youthfulness to over 40 years of 100% veganism. It was when she started
feeling arthritic pains in her joints and her blood pressure was up that
she looked into eating raw, and as soon as she did, the pain and
pressure went away. Mimi is so vibrant and youthful! She is the author
of a book called Live Raw. This woman is amazing and looks great for her
age. She’s a great example of how veganism is great in maintaining
youthfulness, but in contrast, raw veganism is age defying and can
actually turn back the biological clock! Find Mimi’s work here:
I don’t know about you, but to me, just taking a look at these
marvelous beings is living proof that raw foods and natural hygiene is
indeed the optimal lifestyle for human health. It clearly shows that our
bodies are designed for this lifestyle. Contrary to what many of us
have been led to believe, aging is NOT a normal process that is supposed
to start taking place at our 30’s. Wrinkles, sagging skin, hair loss
and all the ailments that follow after 30 or 40 is due to the
degeneration of the body after years of punishing it with a diet void of
nutrients and enzymes. That plus eating a diet of cooked (dead) foods,
processed junk and artery clogging dairy and meats will certainly take a
toll on your body in the form of premature aging, cancer, diabetes,
heart failure and all the other life sucking problems we call “disease”.
As a 28 year old that has been raw vegan for only 1 year I can already
start to see major differences in the way that I look. In fact, I saw
these changes 3 months into this diet. I can only imagine how I have
completely changed the entire trajectory of my life by correcting my
diet. I know that at some point I’ll probably stop counting the years
because it’s no longer relevant to me. In the end, you’re only as old as
you feel 🙂
you for reading! This article was written by Diana Paez, a living foods
devotee, natural hygienist, and raw chef in the making. If you liked
this post, and want to show your appreciation please like, share or
comment below. I’d love to hear from you! I am always open to any
questions, suggestions, or comments. You are more than welcome to share
the information in this article in your own blog or page, all I ask is
that you link back to this post. Love, Peace and Health to you, friends.
Dr B.R.Ambedkar thundered “Main Bharat Baudhmay karunga.” (I will make this country Buddhist)
All Aboriginal Awakened Societies Thunder ” Hum Prapanch Prabuddha
Prapanchmay karunge.” (We will make the whole world Prabuddha Prapanch
live upto 150 years for the price of coffee

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD)15 Grams at $62.00 which plays a role in
generating energy in the human body available ‘for the price of a coffee
a day’ a Stunning anti-ageing breakthrough could see humans live to 150
years and regenerate organ.New process has been found by Harvard
Professor David Sinclair and researchers from the University of New
South Wales, involving cell reprogramming.

to the University of Singapore survey/review based on 131 countries.
From June 18, world will be 100% free and happy from December 8th. Their
predictions about Italy and Spain fit exactly.

Maker of COVID
Tests Says Pandemic is Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated  It is like a blind
man searching for a black cat in a dark room which is not there.


-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation ClipartOnline Positive Universal Prabuddha Intellectuals Convention.


Wake up at 03:45 AM

After Bath Practice Patanjali Yogic Meditation From 04:00 AM to 05:00 AM at

𝙆𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙖 𝙉𝙄𝘽𝘽Ā𝙉𝘼 𝘽𝙃𝙐𝙈𝙄 𝙋𝙖𝙜𝙤𝙙𝙖

18𝙛𝙩 𝘿𝙞𝙖. 𝙖 3𝘿 360 𝙙𝙚𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙘𝙞𝙧𝙘𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙧 𝙋𝙖𝙜𝙤𝙙𝙖 𝙖𝙩
𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚,
668 5𝙩𝙝 𝘼 𝙈𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙍𝙤𝙖𝙙,
8𝙩𝙝 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨, 𝙃𝘼𝙇 𝙄𝙄𝙄 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙚,
𝙋𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙮𝙖 𝘽𝙃𝙐𝙈𝙄 𝘽𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙖𝙡𝙪𝙧𝙪,

𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙙𝙝𝙞 𝙆𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙖,
𝙋𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙪𝙙𝙙𝙝𝙖 𝘽𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙩 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡

Button Plant Green Butterfly E Mail Animation Clip



Spread the Words of Buddha from

𝙝𝙩𝙩𝙥://𝙨𝙖𝙧𝙫𝙖𝙟𝙖𝙣.𝙖𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙙𝙠𝙖𝙧.𝙤𝙧𝙜, WhatApp, Telegram,Facebook, Twitter, more than 5000 Emails.

Practicing Mindful Swimming at Dolphin Aquatics at Halasuru from 05:30 AM to 07:00 AM

  • 87) Classical Sanskrit छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्
      87) छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित् छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्
    आण् 1.53-55
    Bउद्ध, Bउद्धिस्म्, Bउद्धिस्त् आच्च्हर्āसṅघ्āत Pएय्य्āल इन् षन्स्क्रित् छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्
    — Eवेन् fओर् थे तिमे ओf अ fइन्गेर् स्नप् —

    एवेन् fओर् थे तिमे ओf अ fइन्गेर् स्नप्,भिक्खुस्,अ भिक्खु पुर्सुएस्,
    देवेलोप्स्,चोन्सिदेर्स् अ मिन्द् ओf गोओद्wइल्ल्,हे इस् चल्लेद् अ भिक्खु
    wहो इस् नोत् देवोइद् ओf झ्āन,wहो चोम्प्लिएस् wइथ् थे टेअच्हेर्’स्
    तेअच्हिन्ग्,wहो अच्त्स् अच्चोर्दिन्ग् तो हिस् इन्स्त्रुच्तिओन्,अन्द् wहो
    दोएस् नोत् एअत् थे चोउन्त्र्य्’स् अल्म्स् fओओद् इन् वैन्.ःओw मुच्ह्
    मोरे,थेन्,थोसे wहो प्रच्तिचे इत् fरेqउएन्त्ल्य्!

  • 88) Classical Scots Gaelic-Gàidhlig Albannach Clasaigeach,
    Buddha, Bùdachas, Acrdhist ACCHARāsaṅghāta Peyyāla ann an Gàidhlig-Gaelic-Gàidhlig Alba-Gàidhlig Eadar-nàiseanta Clasaigeach
    - Eadhon airson àm snap meòir -
    tha e eadhon airson ùine SNAP meòir, tha Bhikkhu a ‘leantainn gu deagh
    rùn, is e a bhikkhu a tha air an t-ainm Gluenwhu, a tha a’ cumail ri
    Teagasg an Tidseir, a tha ag obair a rèir an stiùireadh aige, Agus cò
    nach ith biadh als na dùthcha gu dìomhain gu dìomhain, an uairsin, an
    fheadhainn a tha gad chleachdadh gu tric!

မင်္ဂလာပါ သာဓုsadu GIF - မင်္ဂလာပါ သာဓုsadu Buddha GIFs

  • 89) Classical Serbian-Класични српски,
    Буда, будизам, будистички акантски акантски пеииала у српским-класичним српским
    - Чак и за време скакача прста -
    је и за време Снап ФИНГ-а, Бхиккхус, Бхиккху, развија, сматра да је ум
    добре воље, он назива Бхиккху који није лишен Јхане, који је у складу са
    наставником, која делује у складу са његовим упутством А ко не једе
    храну у земљи у узалуд, узалуд. Колико још више, они који то често
    Будда - фильм Дэвида Грубина
    Gennadiy Melnik
    642 subscribers
    Будда (2010)
    Режиссер: Дэвид Грубин
    Текст читает: Ричард Гир
    Англоязычная версия фильма выложена издателями в открытый доступ по адресу:
    фильм повествует о жизни и учении Будды. За свои художественные
    достоинства картина получила множество наград. В фильме представлены
    работы выдающихся художников и скульпторов, которые на протяжении двух
    тысячелетий изображали жизнь Будды в искусстве. Кроме того, вы сможете
    познакомиться с основами древнейшего учения Будды, которое доступно и
    интересно изложено нашими современниками — поэтом Уильямом Мервином,
    Его Святейшеством Далай-Ламой XIV, писателем Робертом Турманом и многими
    другими. Узнайте больше о медитации, об истории Буддизма, и о том, как
    практиковать учение Будды в повседневной жизни.
    Перевод: Денис Фруктоед
    Русская озвучка: Геннадий Мельник
Будда - фильм Дэвида Грубина
(2010)Режиссер: Дэвид ГрубинТекст читает: Ричард ГирАнглоязычная версия
фильма выложена издателями в открытый доступ по

  • 90) Classical Sesotho-Seserbia ea boholo-holo,
Buddhism, Mabuddha Accharāsaṅghāta Pyyyāla ka Sesotho-Holo Boholo-Holo
Boholo-Holo Boholo-Holo Boholo-Holo Boholo-Holo Boholo-Holo Boholo-Holo
Boholo-Holo Boholo-Holo Boholo-Holo Boholo-Holo Boholo-Holo Boholo-Holo
Boholo-Holo Boholo-Holo Boholo-Holo Boholo-Holo Boholo-Holo Boholo
- leha e le nako ea snap ea monna -

le nakong ea mocheso o lerootho, Bihkkheus, Bihkkus, e tšosang, e
bitsoa Bhikkhu ea bakang thuto ea mosuoe, Mme ke mang ea sa jeleng lijo
tsa lijo tsa mahae ka lefeela. Joale, ho fetang ho feta moo ba bo etsang

  • 93) Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල,

    බුද්ධ, බුද්ධාගම, බෞද්ධ අච්රිරසගෙගාග්රා සිංහල පීවාහි සිංහල
    - ඇඟිලි තුඩු දෙන කාලය සඳහා පවා -

    ස්නැප් එකකට පවා භික්ෂූන් වහන්සේලා, භික්ෂූන් වහන්සේලා හොඳ හිතක් ඇති
    මනික්ක, ඔහු විසින් ඔහුගේ උපදෙස් අනුව ක්රියා කරන ගුරුවරයාගේ ඉගැන්වීම්වලට
    අනුකූල වන භික්ෂු ලෙස හැඳින්වේ. රටේ දානමය ආහාර නිෂ් ain ල ලෙස අනුභව
    නොකරන්නේ කවුද? එසේනම්, එය නිතර පුරුදු කරන අයට තව බොහෝ දේ?

  • 94) Classical Slovak-Klasický slovenský,
    Buddha, budhizmus, budhista Accharāsaṅghāta Peyyāla v Slovensko-Klasický Slovenský
    - Dokonca aj pre čas prstov
    aj pre čas prsta Snap, Bhikkhus, Bhikkhu sleduje, vyvíja, považuje
    myseľ Goodwill, on sa nazýva Bhikkhu, ktorý nie je bez Jhāna, ktorý je v
    súlade s učiteľom učiteľa, ktorý pôsobí podľa jeho pokynu, A kto
    nejedzte alžné jedlo v krajine vo Vain.How oveľa viac, potom tí, ktorí
    to často praktizujú!
    25 Životných Ponaučení od Tibetských Mníchov
    Skvelý Život
    337 subscribers
    v Tibete trávia väčšinu svojho času meditovaním a preto po rokoch
    strávených v meditácii dosiahnu hlboké poznanie a múdrosť. Tu vám
    prinášam 25 životných ponaučení od týchto múdrych ľudí. Aplikujte ich na
    seba a sledujte ako sa váš život zmení a zlepší.

    25 Životných Ponaučení od Tibetských Mníchov
    v Tibete trávia väčšinu svojho času meditovaním a preto po rokoch
    strávených v meditácii dosiahnu hlboké poznanie a múdrosť. Tu vám
    prinášam 25 životný…

  • 95) Classical Slovenian-Klasična slovenska,

Buddha, budizem, budistični acchcharāsaṅghata peyyāla v slovenski-klasični Slovenski
- Tudi za čas snapa prstov -
celo za čas snap prstov, Bhikkhus, Bhikkhu zasleduje, razvija, meni, da
je um dobre volje, ki se imenuje Bhikkhu, ki ni brez JHāne, ki je v
skladu z učiteljevim učiteljem, ki deluje v skladu z njegovim navodilom,
In kdo ne jedo državne hrane Alms v Vainu.Kako več, potem, tisti, ki
prakticirajo pogosto!
Šta je budizam i u šta veruju budisti
Novi Zelando
17.1K subscribers
Budizam, Buda i meditacija
Sadržaj u mp3 formatu preuzet sa programa radio HRAST-a
Hrišćanski internet radio
Evanđeoske crkve u Srbiji
Šta je budizam i u šta veruju budisti
Buda i meditacijaSadržaj u mp3 formatu preuzet sa programa radio
HRAST-a http://www.hrast.orgHrišćanski internet radioEvanđeoske crkve u
  • 96) Classical Somali-Soomaali qowmiyadeed,
    A 1.53-55
    Buddha, Buddhism, Buddhist BudchaṅGaṅgāta peylyāla oo ku sugan Soomaaliya-Soomaaliya
    - xitaa waqtiga farta sanka -
    xitaa waqtiga farta lagu sawiro, bhikkhus, oo loo yaqaan ‘Bhikkhus’, oo
    loo yaqaan ‘Bhikkhus’, oo loo yaqaan ‘Bhikkhus’, ayaa loosaaraa
    Bhikkhu, oo loo arko inuu yahay Bhikkhu oo aan ka fogayn cilmiga
    macalinka, oo u dhaqma siduu wax ku baranayo, Oo bal yaa cunay cuntadii
    sadaqadda waddanka oo aan micne lahayn.
    Meeting the first monk of Africa, Venerable Bhikkhu Bhuddharakkhita | EP.13 | TRUE LITTLE MONK |
    True Little Monk
    14.3K subscribers
    The 13th day of TRUE LITTLE MONK, A Wisdom Training Programme for Novices.
    In the week of “LIVE” weekly concept.
    novices started their day by doing morning chanting and receiving
    food-offerings. Today, there were a lot of novices’ families and local
    people and students coming to give alms to the monks and novices. Then
    they serviced the monastic mentors by asking for permission to clean
    their feet.
    the Dhamma practice class, they learned about the basic rules of
    training to be novices After that, the monastic mentors led them to the
    outdoor classroom to learn and experience the surrounding nature.
    Monastic mentors also showed the warmwood tree which is often used in
    class as a tool to positively discipline and calm down the naughty
    novices leaned how to do walking meditation. After the class, it was
    the meal time, the monks and novices did chanting and blessing before
    eating foods.
    the afternoon class “Learning Process”, they learned an inspirational
    story of the first monk of Africa, “Venerable Bhikkhu Bhuddharakkhita”
    and his Dhamma journey to the area that nobody knows about Buddhism and
    how he overcomes difficulties. Novices also did the activities to
    practice mindfulness.
    the class, they had refreshments with the Venerable Bhikkhu
    Bhuddharakkhita and monastic mentors. They then helped the monastic
    mentors sweep the temple before did evening chanting. At night, the
    monastic mentor led the novices to do mindful walking meditation.
    final part is the “Daily Reflections”, Hunter Trabing, psychologist and
    minder, and Jack Brown, an observer, came to summarize the progress of
    all novices.
    Meeting the first monk of Africa, Venerable Bhikkhu Bhuddharakkhita | EP.13 | TRUE LITTLE MONK |
  • 97) Classical Spanish-Español clásico,
    Un 1.53-55
    Buddha, Budismo, Budista AccharāsaṅGhāta Peyyāla en Español-Español Clásico
    - Incluso para el tiempo de un dedo.
    incluso durante el tiempo de un dedo, Bhikkhus, un Bhikkhu persigue, se
    desarrolla, considera una mente de la buena voluntad, se le llama
    Bhikkhu que no está desprovisto de Jhāna, quien cumple con la enseñanza
    del maestro, que actúa de acuerdo con su instrucción, Y que no come la
    comida de la limosna del país en vano. ¿Cuánto más, entonces, aquellos
    que lo practican con frecuencia?
    Siddharta Gautama Buda - Los 53 Sutras de Buda (Audiolibro Completo en Español) “Voz Real Humana”
    AMA Audiolibros
    766K subscribers
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    [00:00:00] Títulos
    [00:00:29] Introducción
    [00:09:00] Prólogo
    [00:10:55] Sutra 1
    [00:11:57] Sutra 2
    [00:13:16] Sutra 3
    [00:14:30] Sutra 4
    [00:16:13] Sutra 5
    [00:17:08] Sutra 6
    [00:17:58] Sutra 7
    [00:18:43] Sutra 8
    [00:19:40] Sutra 9
    [00:20:24] Sutra 10
    [00:21:30] Sutra 11
    [00:22:12] Sutra 12
    [00:23:03] Sutra 13
    [00:23:43] Sutra 14
    [00:24:27] Sutra 15
    [00:25:07] Sutra 16
    [00:25:46] Sutra 17
    [00:26:23] Sutra 18
    [00:27:12] Sutra 19
    [00:27:48] Sutra 20
    [00:28:28] Sutra 21
    [00:29:22] Sutra 22
    [00:30:01] Sutra 23
    [00:31:02] Sutra 24
    [00:31:56] Sutra 25
    [00:32:50] Sutra 26
    [00:34:12] Sutra 27
    [00:35:20] Sutra 28
    [00:36:30] Sutra 29
    [00:37:29] Sutra 30
    [00:38:56] Sutra 31
    [00:40:14] Sutra 32
    [00:41:24] Sutra 33
    [00:42:20] Sutra 34
    [00:43:10] Sutra 35
    [00:44:05] Sutra 36
    [00:45:07] Sutra 37
    [00:45:59] Sutra 38
    [00:46:48] Sutra 39
    [00:47:41] Sutra 40
    [00:49:01] Sutra 41
    [00:50:02] Sutra 42
    [00:50:59] Sutra 43
    [00:51:40] Sutra 44
    [00:52:34] Sutra 45
    [00:53:31] Sutra 46
    [00:54:27] Sutra 47
    [00:55:08] Sutra 48
    [00:56:04] Sutra 49
    [00:56:57] Sutra 50
    [00:58:02] Sutra 51
    [00:59:09] Sutra 52
    [01:00:10] Sutra 53
    [01:01:28] Fin
    sutras son mayoritariamente discursos dados por Buda o alguno de sus
    discípulos más próximos. Designa en el budismo los textos escritos en
    los que se exponen enseñanzas y preceptos relativos a las diferentes
    vías de conocimiento para alcanzar la “iluminación” o realización
    espiritual completa del ser humano.
    varios siglos tras la muerte de Buda y que sus enseñanzas no se
    perdieran en la transmisión oral, sus seguidores las transcriben en
    forma de Sutras.
    Gautama es la figura central del budismo, y sus relatos, discursos y
    reglas monásticas son creencias budistas que, después de su muerte,
    fueron resumidas.
    Los 53 Sutras de Buda
    Lee ahora en digital con la aplicación gratuita Kindle.
  • 98) Classical Sundanese-Sunda Klasik,
    Hiji 1,53-53
    Buddha, Budha, Budha Budha Accharāsaṅgāta Suneyāla di Sundan Mang
    - malah kanggo waktos jepret ramo -
    bahkan kanggo waktos ramo snap, Bhikko, prasu bodas, ngembang, nganggap
    yhikkhu, anu menakkan ku pangajaran guru, anu ngalaksanakeun panawaran
    guru, anu ngalaksanakeun instruksi Sareng anu sanés tuang tuangeun
    Alatan Alatan di Nagara.KKTong seueur, maka, tiingan sering langkung
    The Origin of the Buddha Image: Evidence (009)
    Robert Bracey
    173 subscribers
    the three parts of this episode I mention a lot of publications and
    recommend a number as suggested reading. So in case you want the
    details, here are the various articles and books…
    A. (1879) The stupa of Bharhut: a Buddhist monument ornamented with
    numerous sculptures illustrative of Buddhist legend and history in third
    century B.C.
    Marshall, J. H. (1940) The monuments of Sāñchi, 3 volumes
    Hartel, H. (1985) ‘The concept of the Kapardin Buddha type of Mathura’ in South Asian Archaeology 1983, 653-78
    J. (2018) ‘Dating the Bimaran casket – its conflicted role in the
    chronology of Gandharan Art’ Gandharan Studies vol. 10, 57-91
    J. (2018) ‘The Bimaran casket, the problem of its date and
    significance’ in Stargardt & Willis, Relics and Relic Worship in
    Early Buddhism, 47-65
    Lohuizen van Leeuw, J. (1981) ‘New evidence with regard to the origin of the Buddha image’ South Asian Archaeology 1979, 377-400
    Juhyung Rhi (2010) ‘Reading Coomaraswamy on the origin of the Buddha image’ Artibus Asiae, vol.70, no.1, 151-72
    Bracey, R. (2020) ‘The Gandharan Problem’ in Elsner, J. (ed.) Empires of Faith in Late Antiquity, 27-50
    S. (1995) ‘Inside the Wonder house: Buddhist Art and the West’ Lopez,
    D.S. (ed.) Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism under
    Colonialism, 63-106
    DeCaroli, R. (2015) Image Problems
    G. (1988-9) “On monks, nuns, and ‘vulgar’ practices: the introduction
    of the image cult into Indian Buddhism” Artibus Asiae, vol.49, no.1,
    Fogelin, L. (2015) An Archaeological History of Indian Buddhism
    Linrothe, R. (1993) ‘Inquiries into the origin of the Buddha Image: A review’ East & West, vol.43, 241-56
    Akira Shimada (2013) Early Buddhist Architecture in Context The Great Stūpa at Amarāvatī (Ca. 300 BCE-300 CE)
    S.L. (2015) ‘Shifting the Paradigm: The Aniconic Theory and its
    Terminology’ South Asian Studies, vol.31, no.2, 163-86
    The Doug’s Dharma podcast I discussed is available at
    The talk by DeCaroli starts at 9:23 at
    The Origin of the Buddha Image: Evidence (009)
    the three parts of this episode I mention a lot of publications and
    recommend a number as suggested reading. So in case you want the
    details, here are the…

  • 99) Classical Swahili,Kiswahili cha Classical,
    Buddha, Buddhism, Buddhist Accharāsaṅghāta Peyyāla katika Kiswahili, Kiswahili cha Classical
    - Hata kwa wakati wa snap ya kidole -
    hata kwa wakati wa snap ya kidole, Bhikkhus, yule bhikkhu, huendelea,
    anaona mawazo ya wema, anaitwa Bhikkhu ambaye si bila ya Jhāna, ambaye
    anazingatia mafundisho ya mwalimu, ambaye hufanya kulingana na
    mafundisho yake, Na ambao hawana kula chakula cha nchi kwa bure.Kwa
    mengi zaidi, basi, wale ambao hufanya mara kwa mara!
    The Madras Documentary Company
    25.3K subscribers
    the oldest story-telling traditions, we find the Jataka tales, which
    were told by Buddhists to inspire people with moral values. The Jataka
    tales go back to the 3rd century B.C. Because of the limited literacy of
    the times, travelling storytellers known as Jataka bhanakas were
    selected and given the task of reaching the stories to every corner of
    the land and beyond. The Jataka Tales carried strong and inspiring
    messages of kindness, compassion, generosity, non-violence,
    self-sacrifice, charity and the need to abjure greed. Jataka stories
    explain concepts of karma and rebirth, and teach moral values.
    the oldest story-telling traditions, we find the Jataka tales, which
    were told by Buddhists to inspire people with moral values. The Jataka
    tales go ba…

  • 100) Classical Swedish-Klassisk svensk,

    Art of Asia: Buddhism - The Art of Enlightenment
    Minneapolis Institute of Art
    9.93K subscribers
    originated 2,500 years ago, the Buddha’s teachings have formed the core
    of the religion known as Buddhism. Over the centuries, Buddhism spread
    from India into all corners of Asia. As it spread, it transformed into a
    wide variety of beliefs and practices. The art forms it inspired are
    well represented in the museum’s collection.
    teacher resource video was produced in 2006 in conjunction with the Art
    of Asia interactive media program at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
  • 101) Classical Tajik-тоҷикӣ классикӣ,

    Буддо, Буддизм
    - Ҳатто барои замони ангуштон -
    ҳатто барои замони ангуштони бозича, маслиҳатҳои Бобарку номида
    мешавад, ки аз jhākhe ном зикр карда мешавад, ки аз таълимоти муаллим
    нест, ки мувофиқи дастуроти худ розӣ нест, Ва кист, ки садақаи Кишварро
    дар беҳбудӣ намехӯрад. Бо чӣ қадаре ки онро зуд-зуд амалӣ мекунанд!
    Будда - фильм Дэвида Грубина
    Gennadiy Melnik
    642 subscribers
    Будда (2010)
    Режиссер: Дэвид Грубин
    Текст читает: Ричард Гир
    Англоязычная версия фильма выложена издателями в открытый доступ по адресу:
    фильм повествует о жизни и учении Будды. За свои художественные
    достоинства картина получила множество наград. В фильме представлены
    работы выдающихся художников и скульпторов, которые на протяжении двух
    тысячелетий изображали жизнь Будды в искусстве. Кроме того, вы сможете
    познакомиться с основами древнейшего учения Будды, которое доступно и
    интересно изложено нашими современниками — поэтом Уильямом Мервином,
    Его Святейшеством Далай-Ламой XIV, писателем Робертом Турманом и многими
    другими. Узнайте больше о медитации, об истории Буддизма, и о том, как
    практиковать учение Будды в повседневной жизни.
    Перевод: Денис Фруктоед
    Русская озвучка: Геннадий Мельник
    Будда - фильм Дэвида Грубина
    (2010)Режиссер: Дэвид ГрубинТекст читает: Ричард ГирАнглоязычная версия
    фильма выложена издателями в открытый доступ по

    102) Classical Tamil-பாரம்பரிய இசைத்தமிழ் செம்மொழி,

    ஒரு 1.53-55.
    புத்தர், புத்த மதம், புத்த மதம், தமிழ்-பாரம்பரிய இசைத்தமிழ் செம்மொது
    - ஒரு விரல் ஸ்னாப் நேரம் கூட -
    விரலை ஸ்னாப் காலப்பகுதியில் கூட, பிக்ஹுஸ், ஒரு பிக்ஹு, உருவாகிறது,
    நல்லெண்ணின் மனதை கருதுகிறார் என்றால், அவர் ஒரு பிக்ஹு என்று
    அழைக்கப்படுகிறார், அவர் ஆசிரியரின் போதனையுடன் இணங்கிறார், யார் அவரது
    போதனையின்படி செயல்படுகிறார். யார் நாட்டின் தர்மம் உணவை வீணாக சாப்பிட
    புத்தர் வாழ்க்கை வரலாறு /puthar varalaru in tamil/puthar pothanai tamil/puthar history in tamil
    Dheivamsam Tamil
    2.39K subscribers
    Disclaimer : this channel does not promote or encourage any illegal activities, all contents provided by this channel.
    disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is
    made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news
    reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use permitted by
    copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit,
    educational or personal use Tips the balance in favor of fair use.
    ஆன்மீக கதைகள் , ஆன்மீக தகவல் பற்றிய அனைத்து தகவல்களும் நமது
    தெய்வாம்சம் தமிழ் சேனலில் இடம் பெறும்.அனைவரும் பார்த்து பயன்
    பெறுமாறு கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறேன்.
    புத்தர் வாழ்க்கை வரலாறு /puthar varalaru in tamil/puthar pothanai tamil/puthar history in tamil
  • 103) Classical Tatar

    Будда, Буддизм, Буддист Achharāsaosaosa’a Peyyla - Татардагы
    - хәтта бармак вакытында да -
    дә бармак сменасы булган вакыт өчен, Бихху вакытлары үссә, үсеш
    турында, ул безнең күрсәтмә буенча эш итүче Jhina дип аталмый, Theәм
    илнең сыклы ризыкларын бушка ашамый. Алайса, аны еш эшләүчеләр бик күп!
    Мудрость буддизма из х.ф. “Мастер дзен Бодхидхарма”
    Сцены с наставлениями

  • 104) Classical Telugu- క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు,

    ఒక 1.53-55.
    బుద్ధుడు, బౌద్ధమతం, బౌద్ధ Accharāsaṅghthta Peyłla తెలుగు-క్లోసికల్ తెలుగు
    - కూడా ఒక వేలు స్నాప్ సమయం కోసం -
    వేలు స్నాప్, భిక్ఖస్ సమయం కోసం కూడా, భీకీ పర్సులు, అభివృద్ధి
    చెందుతుంది, గుడ్విల్ యొక్క మనస్సును పరిగణిస్తుంది, అతను ఒక భిఖు అని
    పిలుస్తారు, అతను తన బోధన ప్రకారం, మరియు ఎవరు ఫైన్ లో దేశం యొక్క ధోరణులను
    ఆహార తినడానికి లేదు. మరింత, అప్పుడు, తరచుగా అది సాధన వారికి!
    Lord Buddha Special Telugu Song | Buddham Saranam Gachchami Telugu Song | Panchasheel Creations
    Panchasheel Creations
    17.4K subscribers
    Buddha’s special Telugu song. Listen to Buddham saranam gachchami
    Telugu full song on Panchasheel Creations. Gautama Buddha, also known as
    Siddhartha Gautama, Shakyamuni, or simply the Buddha, was a sage on
    whose teachings Buddhism was founded.
    is believed to have lived and taught mostly in the eastern part of the
    Indian subcontinent sometime between the sixth and fourth centuries BCE.
    Click here for more updates :-
    Lord Balaji Telugu Devotional song | Yemivvagalanayya Swamy Devotional Song | Panchasheel Creations -
    Telangana Sentimental Folk Songs | Annaram Cheruvu Telugu Songs Jukebox | Panchsheel Creations -
    Lord Balaji Telugu Devotional Songs | Om Narayana Srimannarayana Song | Panchasheel Creations -
    Lord Balaji Telugu Devotional Songs | Dhanyajeevinayya Song | Panchasheel Creations -
    Telangana Sentimental Songs | Kalakova Udyama Geethalu | Panchasheel Creations -
    Telugu Sentimental Songs about Ambedkar | Babasaheb Ambedkar DJ Songs | Panchasheel creations -
    For more Telugu devotional songs:

  • 105) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,

    พระพุทธศาสนา, พุทธศาสนา, พระพุทธศาสนาAccharāsaṅghātapeyyālaในภาษาไทย - ภาษาไทยคลั่ง
    - แม้สำหรับเวลาของนิ้วมือ -
    Snap, Bhikkhus, Bhikkhu
    แสวงหาพัฒนาเห็นว่าจิตใจของค่าความนิยมเขาถูกเรียกว่า Bhikkhu


    5.17K subscribers
  • 106) Classical Turkish-Klasik Türk,

    Buda’nın Yaşamı ve Felsefesi (Budizm Din Midir, Felsefe Midir?)
    123K subscribers
    videoda Buda ve Budizm felsefi açısından inceleniyor… Her şey
    değişimdir, öz yoktur… Buda’nın 2.500 yıl önce, düşünerek ve
    meditasyonlar la vardığı sonuç, bu gün çağdaş felsefenin geldiği nokta
    olması açısından, gerçek Budizm’in bir din mi yoksa bir felsefi öğreti
    mi olduğu sorusunu tartışmaya açıyor. Tabi halkın bir felsefi yaklaşımı
    daha sonra din haline getirmesi ayrı bir konu. Ama en azından, ilk
    baştaki Buda’nın kendi özgün düşüncesini tarihin perspektifi içinde
    anlamaya çalışmak gerekiyor…
    Music in this video
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    Dominik Johnson [PRS]
    Global Journeys
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    Buda’nın Yaşamı ve Felsefesi (Budizm Din Midir, Felsefe Midir?)
  • 107) Classical Turkmen

    Budda, Buddiz, buddaçylyk Acharāāgāāgāæṅgāaṅça Peýyantaa ṅ gýan hahera юkaha
    - barmagyň wagty ýa-da
    wagty, Bhekeghus, ösüp, hoşniýetlilik aňyny hasaplaýar, bu görkezmesine
    görä mugallymyň öwredişini aňladýan, Ghānana, Ghānakyň, Şeýle hem
    ýurduň behimsiz ýadaw, şonda has köp tejribe bilen iýmitlenmeýär!
    Kusinara, Agama Buddha Akhir Jaman
    Buddha Indonesia
    27 subscribers
    Agama Buddha Akhir Jaman
    Kusinara - Tempat Tercapainya Pencerahan Sempurna
    Kusinara, Agama Buddha Akhir Jaman
    Agama Buddha Akhir JamanKusinara - Tempat Tercapainya Pencerahan Sempurna

  • 108) Classical Ukrainian-Класичний український,

    Будда, Буддизм, Буддист Акхарасаṅгата Пейяла в українсько-класичний Український
    - навіть за час палець -
    навіть за час палець, Бхікхус, бхикху переслідує, розвиває, вважає
    розум доброї волі, він називається бхикху, який не позбавлений Яхани,
    який відповідає викладачем вчителя, який діє за його інструкцією, І хто
    не їсть харчової продукції в країні в даремно, тощо, то ті, хто часто
    практикує це!
    Земля Будды
    Indian Diplomacy
    138K subscribers
    — это путешествие по различным ступам и буддийским храмам Индостана.
    Это история о Будде и его путешествии в постижении высшей мудрости. Роль
    буддийской литературы в развитии цивилизации раскрывается при помощи
    визуальных образов и рассказов. Интервью с монахами и последователями
    показывают влияние буддизма на людей в настоящее время. Необычная
    буддийская архитектура свидетельствует о распространенности буддизма.
    Мы проследуем по пути, который Будда Шакьямуни прошел тысячелетия назад.
    Земля Будды
    — это путешествие по различным ступам и буддийским храмам Индостана.
    Это история о Будде и его путешествии в постижении высшей мудрости. Роль

بدھ، بدھ مت، بدھ مت، بودھ accharāsaṅṅghata peyyāla میں اردو - کاسییکی اردو
- ایک انگلی کی تصویر کے وقت بھی -
ایک انگلی کی تصویر کے وقت کے لئے بھی، بھیککو، ایک بھیککو کی پیروی کرتا
ہے تو، اس کی ترقی کا دماغ سمجھا جاتا ہے، اسے ایک بھککو کو بلایا جاتا ہے
جو جانہ سے تعلق رکھتا ہے، جو استاد کی تعلیم کے مطابق ہوتا ہے، جو اپنے
ہدایات کے مطابق کام کرتا ہے، اور جو ملک کے زمرے کو کھانے میں نہیں کھاتا
ہے. بہت زیادہ، پھر، جو لوگ اکثر اس پر عمل کرتے ہیں!
Buddhism Religion -
Mohsan TV
2.84K subscribers
history of Buddhism spans from the 6th century BCE to the present.
Buddhism arose in the eastern part of Ancient India, in and around the
ancient Kingdom of Magadha (now in Bihar, India), and is based on the
teachings of Siddhārtha Gautama. This makes it one of the oldest
religions practiced today. The religion evolved as it spread from the
northeastern region of the Indian subcontinent through Central, East,
and Southeast Asia. At one time or another, it influenced most of the
Asian continent. The history of Buddhism is also characterized by the
development of numerous movements, schisms, and schools, among them the
Theravāda, Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna traditions, with contrasting periods
of expansion and retreat.
Gautama was the historical founder of Buddhism. The early sources state
he was born in the small Shakya (Pali: Sakka) Republic, which was part
of the Kosala realm of ancient India, now in modern-day Nepal.[1] He is
thus also known as the Shakyamuni (literally: “The sage of the Shakya
clan”). The republic was ruled by a council of household heads, and
Gautama was born to one of these elites so that he described himself as a
Kshatriya when talking to Brahmins.[1] The Early Buddhist Texts contain
no continuous life of the Buddha, only later after 200 BCE were various
“biographies” with much mythological embellishment written.[2] All
texts agree however that Gautama renounced the householder life and
lived as a sramana ascetic for some time studying under various
teachers, before attaining nirvana (extinguishment) and bodhi
(awakening) through meditation.
the remaining 45 years of his life, he traveled the Gangetic Plain of
central India (the region of the Ganges/Ganga river and its
tributaries), teaching his doctrine to a diverse range of people from
different castes and initiating monks into his order. The #Buddha
sent his disciples to spread the teaching across India. He also
initiated an order of nuns.[3] He urged his disciples to teach in the
local language or dialects. He spent a lot of his time near the cities
of Sāvatthī, Rājagaha and Vesālī (Skt. Śrāvastī, Rājagrha, Vāiśalī).By
the time of his death at 80, he had thousands of followers.
years following the death of the Buddha saw the emergence of many
movements during the next 400 years: first the schools of Nikaya
Buddhism, of which only Theravada remains today, and then the formation
of Mahayana and Vajrayana, pan-Buddhist sects based on the acceptance of
new scriptures and the revision of older techniques.
of Buddhism, called Buddhists in English, referred to themselves as
Sakyan-s or Sakyabhiksu in ancient India. Buddhist scholar Donald S.
Lopez asserts they also used the term Bauddha,although scholar Richard
Cohen asserts that that term was used only by outsiders to describe
Buddhists.بدھ مت مذہب
Buddhism Religion - بدھ مت مذہب
history of Buddhism spans from the 6th century BCE to the present.
Buddhism arose in the eastern part of Ancient India, in and around the
ancient Kingdom…
  • 110) Classical Uyghur,

    بۇددا, بۇددا دىنى, بۇددىست ئەلچىرلادا acchatāsaṅghāta pyylafa ئۇيغۇردىكى
    - ھەتتا بارماقنى تارتقان ۋاقىت ئۈچۈن -
    سۈزۈك سۈزۈك ستارنىڭ ۋاقتى باققان بولاتتى, تەرەققىيات خىللىسىمۇ, ئۇ
    ئوقۇتقۇچىلارنىڭ تەلىماتىغا ماس كېلىدۇ, كىم ئۇنىڭ كۆرسەتمىسىگە باغلانغان.
    بۇ دۆلەتنىڭ ALSS يېمەكلىكلىرىنى بىكارغا يېمەيدۇ. ئۇنداقتا, ئۇنى
    ئىشلەيدىغان يەنە كۆپ!

    • 111) Classical Uzbek-Klassik o’z,

      Budda, Buddizm, Buddist Askarāg’arana Peyylae Uzbek-Klassik OZ-da
      - barmoq vaqti uchun ham -
      barmoq barmoq vaqti bo’lsa ham, Bikxu ta’qib qilinsa ham, yaxshilikni
      hisobga olgan holda, u o’qituvchining ta’limotiga binoan, Uning
      ta’limotiga muvofiq, u o’qituvchining ta’limotiga mos keladigan Bikxu
      deb ataladi. Va mamlakatning sadaqalaridagi taomni befoyda, so’ngra uni
      tez-tez mashq qiladiganlar!
      A Priest Who Teaches Korean Buddhism [Korea Today]
      Arirang Issue
      171K subscribers
      the touching and unusual story of a Catholic priest from Canada who
      describes in his own voice how he came to study and teach Korean
      Buddhist thought at a university in Korea.
      한국 불교를 공부하는 신부님의 사연, 생생한 육성으로 전달한다.
      A Priest Who Teaches Korean Buddhism [Korea Today]
      the touching and unusual story of a Catholic priest from Canada who
      describes in his own voice how he came to study and teach Korean
      Buddhist thought at…

    • 112) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việ,

      Một 1,53-55.
      Phật, Phật giáo, Phật giáo Accharāsaṅghta peyyāla trong tiếng Việt-Tiếng Việt
      - Ngay cả trong thời gian chụp ngón tay -
      ngay cả trong thời gian chụp ngón tay, Bhikkhus, một Tỳ kheo theo đuổi,
      phát triển, xem xét một tâm trí thiện chí, anh ta được gọi là Bhikkhu,
      người không có gì không có Jhāna, người tuân thủ sự giảng dạy của giáo
      viên, người hành động theo chỉ dẫn của mình, Và những người không ăn
      thức ăn Alms của đất nước trong vô vọng. Làm thế nào nhiều hơn nữa, sau
      đó, những người thực hành nó thường xuyên!
      [Luyện nghe tiếng Anh] Happiness is All in Your Mind - Gen Kelsang Nyema at TEDxTalk [Eng-Việt Sub]
      Wiser Everyday
      542 subscribers
      nghe tiếng Anh] với Sub Eng-Việt qua bài diễn thuyết của nữ Phật sĩ Gen
      Kelsang Nyema, “Hạnh phúc - tất cả đều nằm trong tâm trí bạn”
      “Stop outsourcing our happiness to other people” - Gen Kelsang Nyema
      Learn English Step by Step, mọi người nhé!
      Quoted from source:
      talk was part of TEDxGreenville UNZIPPED, held April 11, 2014, at the
      Kroc Center in Greenville, South Carolina. For more information about
      Gen Nyema and her co-presenters, please visit
      Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976,
      allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism,
      commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair
      use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be
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      favor of fair use.
      1)This video has no negative impact on the original works
      2)This video is for teaching purposes.
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      However, if any content owners would like their images removed, please contact us by email at
      Suggested by Ted Talks
      Happiness is all in your mind: Gen Kelsang Nyema at TEDxGreenville 2014

    • 113) Classical Welsh-Cymraeg Clasurol,

      Bwdha, Bwdhaeth, Bwdhaidd Accrarāsaṅghāāta Peyyāla yn Cymraeg-Cymraeg Clasurol
      - Hyd yn oed am amser snap bys -
      yw hyd yn oed am amser bys, Bhikkhus, mae Bhikkhu yn datblygu, yn
      datblygu, yn ystyried meddwl ewyllys da, fe’i gelwir yn Bhikkhu nad yw’n
      amddifad o Jhāna, sy’n cydymffurfio ag addysgu’r athro, sy’n gweithredu
      yn ôl ei gyfarwyddyd, sy’n gweithredu yn ôl ei gyfarwyddyd, A phwy nad
      yw’n bwyta bwyd alms y wlad yn ofer. Sut yn llawer mwy, yna, y rhai sy’n
      ei ymarfer yn aml!
    • 114) Classical Xhosa-IsiXhosa zesiXhosa,

      I-Buddha, Buddhism, Buddhist Accharkāsaṅghāsa Thomyāla
      - Nokuba ixesha le-snap yomnwe-
      nexesha lenzwane yomnwe, uBhikkus, i-Bhikkhi isuker, ikhula, iqwalasele
      ingqondo yenkoliseko, ethobela imfundiso katitshala, eyenza
      ngokwemfundiso yakhe, Kwaye nabani na ongayityi ukutya kweli lizwe
      The Buddha in the Quran | Dr Imtiyaz Yusuf
      Study Buddhism
      33.3K subscribers
      Love our content? Support us on Patreon:
      Dr Imtiyaz Yusuf details the evidence that the Buddha is mentioned in the Quran, Islam’s holy book.
      Explore Buddhism at:
      Study Buddhism channel features interviews with the world’s leading
      Buddhist masters, practitioners and scholars. We discuss classical
      Buddhist topics such as karma, rebirth and enlightenment, and also look
      at Buddhism in the modern world, as well as its compatibility with
      science and psychology.
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      The Buddha in the Quran | Dr Imtiyaz Yusuf
      our content? Support us on Patreon: Imtiyaz Yusuf details the
      evidence that the Buddha is mentioned in the Quran…
    • 115) Classical Yiddish-

      אַן 1.53-55
      בודאַ, בודדהיסם, בודדהיסט אַקטשאַראַאַבליאַ גאָטאַ טיילאַ
      - אפילו פֿאַר די צייט פון אַ פינגער קנאַקן -
      אפילו פֿאַר די צייט פון אַ פינגער קנאַקן, בהיקכו, אַ בהיקכו פּערסוז,
      דעוועלאָפּס, האלט אַ גייַסט פון גודוויל, ער איז גערופֿן אַ בהיקכו וואָס
      איז ניט אָן אָן דעם לערער לערער. און וואָס טוט נישט עסן די צדאָקע פונח
      פון די לאַנד אַרויסגעוואָרפן. ווי פיל מער, די וואָס פיר עס אָפט!
      בודהיזם בחיי היום-יום - פניננדו בהיקהו
      265 subscribers
      שיחת דהרמה שניתנה במסגרת סדרת “שבילים רבים דהרמה אחת” - בשיתוף “בודהיזם בישראל” ו”תובנה”.
      השיחה התקיימה בסמינר הקיבוצים ביום 26.12.2013
      לשיחות נוספות בסדרה - - לשונית “וידאו”
      תגובות ושאלות אפשר להפנות ל
      בודהיזם בחיי היום-יום - פניננדו בהיקהו
      דהרמה שניתנה במסגרת סדרת “שבילים רבים דהרמה אחת” - בשיתוף “בודהיזם
      בישראל” ו”תובנה”. השיחה התקיימה בסמינר הקיבוצים ביום 26.12.2013 לשיחות
      נוספות בסדרה …
      קלאסישע ייִדיש
    • 116) Classical Yoruba-Yoruba Yoruba,

      Buddha, Buddhism, Buddhismk Accharāsaṅghhata Peyāla ni Yoruba-Yoruba Yoruba
      - Paapaa fun akoko ika ika ika -
      paapaa fun akoko ika ika, bhikkhus, awọn ile-iṣẹ bhikkhu kan, ti ndagba
      lokan ti Jhāna ti ko ni ibamu pẹlu ẹkọ olukọ, ẹniti o ṣe ni ibamu si
      ilana rẹ, Ati pe ti ko jẹ ounjẹ ore ti orilẹ-ede ti o wa ni aiṣedede diẹ
      sii diẹ sii, lẹhinna, awọn ti o ni ilọsiwaju nigbagbogbo!
      Understanding Buddhist Sculptures
      Speaking Archaeologically
      1.91K subscribers
      is often a dilemma that archaeologists face while studying religious
      images, especially Sculptures and resultantly, art historic bias
      percolates into Archaeological Studies of Iconography. Taking the
      examples of early Buddhist Schools of Art from Ancient India, this
      lecture talks about how religious images can be studied
      Understanding Buddhist Sculptures
      is often a dilemma that archaeologists face while studying religious
      images, especially Sculptures and resultantly, art historic bias
      percolates into A…

    • 117) Classical Zulu-I-Classical Zulu

      Buddha, Buddhism, Buddhist AccharāsAṅghāta Peyyāla in Zulu-I-Classical Zulu
      - Ngisho nangesikhathi se-Snap Emunwe -
      ngisho nesikhathi umunwe ngesankahlu, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu olandela,
      eba, ecubungula ingqondo sokuthakazelelwa, ubizwa ngokuthi i-bhikkhu
      ngubani akulona uthando olungenayo jhāna, ngubani sithobela nemfundiso
      Yathishela, owenza ngokuvumelana neziyalezo zakhe, Futhi ubani ongadli
      indawo yezwe yokudla ngeze. Kaningi kakhulu-ke, labo abakwenzayo njalo!
      TEACHING BUDDHISM: Ugandan buddhist monk seeks to spread his religion
      738K subscribers
      Bhante Bhikku Buddharakkhita is the first ever Ugandan Buddhist monk
      and he is one of only a handful on the entire African continent. In fact
      he is the only African born monk from his particular school of Buddhism
      known as Therevada Buddhism. NTV’s Suhail Mugabi recently caught up
      with the man formerly known as Steven Kabogoza, who narrated his journey
      to Buddhism and how he intends to spread the religion in Uganda.
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      TEACHING BUDDHISM: Ugandan buddhist monk seeks to spread his religion

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