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𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝  4167  Tue 30 Nov  2021
Do Good Purify Mind - Path to Eternal Bliss


Keep your mind calm,quiet, alert, attentive and have an equanimity mind with a clear understanding that every is changing.
Tai Tran
1.25K subscribers
Buddhist Publication Society Kandy • Sri Lanka
The Wheel Publication No. 11
First published: 1959
Reprinted: 1971, 1986
A slightly differing German version of this essay appeared in 1951 in the magazine Die Einsicht.
The English version was first published in the quarterly The Light of the Dhamma, Vol. IV, No. 3 (Rangoon 1957)
under the title “Nibbāna in the Light of the Middle Doctrine.”
BPS Online Edition © (2008)
Digital Transcription Source: BPS Transcription Project
free distribution. This work may be republished, reformatted, reprinted
and redistributed in any medium. However, any such republication and
redistribution is to be made available to the public on a free and
unrestricted basis and translations and other derivative works are to
be clearly marked as such.
Anattā and Nibbāna
Egolessness and Deliverance
The Buddhist Publication Society
The BPS is an approved charity dedicated to making known the Teaching of the Buddha, which has a vital message for all people.
Founded in 1958, the BPS has published a wide variety of books and booklets covering a great range of topics.
publications include accurate annotated translations of the Buddha’s
discourses, standard reference works, as well as original contemporary
expositions of Buddhist thought and practice.
works present Buddhism as it truly is— a dynamic force which has
influenced receptive minds for the past 2500 years and is still as
relevant today as it was when it first arose.
For more information about the BPS and our publications, please visit our website, or contact:
The Administrative Secretary Buddhist Publication Society P.O. Box 61
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The extracts from both works have mainly been taken, with a few
alterations, from Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli’s translation (see Note on Sources).
Explanatory additions by this writer are in brackets, those by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli in parentheses.
2 Comy.: This is to show that, for Arahants, Nibbāna is established by their own experience.
3 Comy.: For others it is established by inference based on the words of the Master.
The paragraphs beginning with * are translated by the author of this
essay; those without, by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli (taken from the notes to his
translation of the Visuddhimagga).
5 These are some of the altogether 33 designations of Nibbāna in SN 43:12-44.
6 This refers to Abhidhammic classifications in which Nibbāna is included, occurring, for instance, in the Dhammasaṅgaṇī.
The theosophical variant, is, e.g., represented by neo-Buddhist groups
in Britain and elsewhere which otherwise have done good work in
introducing Westerners to Buddhist or to their conception of it.
Vedantic influence is conspicuous, e.g., in the utterances of
well-meaning Indians, among them men of eminence, maintaining the basic
identiey or similarity, of the Vedantic and Buddhist position
concerning Ātman.
This is, by the way, quite in contrast to opinion on that subject, expressed by the great classical exponents of Vedanta.
See Vedanta and Buddhismby H. v. Glasenapp (Wheel Publication No. 5).
Mahayanistic influence may be noticeable in some representatives of the former two variants.
But also in the Mahāyāna literature iteslef, the positive-metaphysical extreme is met with in varying degrees.
from the Madhyamika scriptures where it is comparatively negligible, up
to the Yogāvacara school where Asaṅga uses even the
termsmahātmaandparamātmain an approving sense
(seeMahāyāna-sūtrālaṅkāra-śāstra and Asaṅga’s own commentary.)
8 These are the twenty kinds of individuality-belief (sakkāya-diṭṭhi).
9 See The Discourse on the Snake Simile, tr. by Nyanaponika Thera (Wheel No. 47/48).
10 I.e., outside the aggregates taken singly.
11 I.e., outside the aggregates as a whole.
12 Pali: attanā’va attānaṃ sañjānāmi.This refers to Vedantic conceptions.
Quite similar formulations are found already in the Saṃhitās, the pre-Buddhist Upanishads, and later in the Bhagavadgītā.
SN 35.149 (S iv 134)
Anattanibbānasappāya Sutta
— The [perception] of nonself suitable for Nibbāna —
are hardcore vipassanā instructions dealing with the perception of
nonself for advanced meditators who are looking forward to attaining
1) you can test here your general level of understanding if you have read the preceding suttas carefully
2) the Pali-English Dictionary is available here
Keep your mind calm,quiet, alert, attentive and have an equanimity mind with a clear understanding that every is changing.

  • 05) Classical Pāḷi,

vo, bhikkhave, paṭipadaṃ desessāmi. taṃ suṇātha, sādhukaṃ manasi
karotha; bhāsissāmi. katamā ca sā, bhikkhave, nibbāna·sappāyā paṭipadā?

bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘cakkhuṃ anattan’ti passati, ‘rūpā anattā’ti
passati, ‘cakkhu·viññāṇaṃ anattan’ti passati, ‘cakkhu·samphasso
anatto’ti passati, yam·p·idaṃ cakkhu·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati
vedayitaṃ sukhaṃ vā anattaṃ vā aanattamasukhaṃ vā tam·pi anattan’ti

anattan’ti passati, ’saddā anattā’ti passati, ’sota·viññāṇaṃ anattan’ti
passati, ’sota·samphasso anatto’ti passati, ‘yam·p·idaṃ
sota·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukhaṃ vā anattaṃ vā
aanattamasukhaṃ vā tam·pi anattan’ti passati.

anattan’ti passati, ‘gandhā anattā’ti passati, ‘ghāṇa·viññāṇaṃ
anattan’ti passati, ‘ghāṇa·samphasso anatto’ti passati, ‘yam·p·idaṃ
ghāṇa·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukhaṃ vā anattaṃ vā
aanattamasukhaṃ vā tam·pi anattan’ti passati.

anattā’ti passati, ‘rasā anattā’ti passati, ‘jivhā·viññāṇaṃ anattan’ti
passati, ‘jivhā·samphasso anatto’ti passati, ‘yam·p·idaṃ
jivhā·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukhaṃ vā anattaṃ vā
aanattamasukhaṃ vā tam·pi anattan’ti passati.

anatto’ti passati, ‘phoṭṭhabbā anattā’ti passati, ‘kāya·viññāṇaṃ
anattan’ti passati, ‘kāya·samphasso anatto’ti passati, ‘yam·p·idaṃ
kāya·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukhaṃ vā anattaṃ vā
aanattamasukhaṃ vā tam·pi anattan’ti passati.

anatto’ti passati, ‘dhammā anattā’ti passati, ‘mano·viññāṇaṃ anattan’ti
passati, ‘mano·samphasso anatto’ti passati, ‘yam·p·idaṃ
mano·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukhaṃ vā anattaṃ vā
aanattam·a·sukhaṃ vā tam·pi anattan’ti passati.

ayaṃ kho sā, bhikkhave, nibbāna·sappāyā paṭipadā ti.
Anattā and Nibbāna
Publication Society Kandy • Sri LankaThe Wheel Publication No. 11First
published: 1959Reprinted: 1971, 1986A slightly differing German version
of th…

Verse 273. The Eight-fold Path Is Best
Of paths the Eight-fold is the best,
of truths the statement four,
the passionless of teachings best,
of humankind the Seer.

Off all paths, the eight-fold path is the greatest. Of the truths, the
greatest are the four noble truths. Detachment is the greatest of all
states. And, of all those who are two-footed ones, one who possesses
eyes. The Buddha is the greatest.
Verse 274. The Only Path To Purity
This is the path, no other’s there
for purity of insight,
enter then upon this path
bemusing Mara utterly.

This is the path. There is no other for the achievement of clarity of
insight. You must follow this path to the total bewilderment of mara.
Verse 275. The Path To End Suffering
Entered then upon this path
you’ll make an end of dukkha.
Freed in knowledge from suffering’s stings
the Path’s proclaimed by me.

If you follow this path, you will reach the termination of suffering.
This path has been revealed by me, after the extraction of arrows.

Verse 276. Buddhas Only Shows The Way
Buddhas just proclaim the Path
but you’re the ones to strive.
Contemplatives who tread the Path
are freed from Mara’s bonds.

The effort must be made by yourself. The Buddhas (the Teachers) only
show the way and direct you.Those contemplative meditators, who follow
the path, fully and totally escape the snares of death.
Verse 277. Conditioned Things Are Transient
When with wisdom one discerns
transience of conditioned things
one wearily from dukkha turns
treading the path to purity.

All component things, all things that have been put together, all
created things are transient, impermanent, non-constant. When this
realized through insight, one achieves detachment form suffering. This
is the path to total freedom from blemishes.
Verse 278. All Component Things Are Sorrow
When with wisdom one discerns
the dukkha of conditioned things
one wearily from dukkha turns
treading the path to purity.

All component things - all things that have been put together - all
created things are sorrow-fraught. When this is realized through
insight, one achieves detachment from suffering. This is the path to
total freedom from suffering.
Verse 279. Everything Is Soul-less
When with wisdom one discerns
all knowables are not a self
one wearily from dukkha turns
treading the path to purity.

All states of being are without a self. When this is realized through
insight, one achieves detachment from suffering. This is the path of
total freedom from suffering.
Verse 280. The Lazy Miss The Path
Though time to strive, not striving,
while young and strong yet indeed,
weak-minded and irresolute:
one finds not wisdom’s way.

If an individual does not make an effort even at a time when exertion
is due, if a person is lethargic even when he is young and strong; if a
person suppresses the wholesome thoughts that arise in his mind, if he
is lazy, he will not find the path to wisdom.
Verse 281. Purify Your Thoughts, Words And Deeds
In speech ever watchful with mind well-restrained
never with body do unwholesomeness.
So should one purify these three kamma-paths
winning to the Way made known by the Seers.

If one is well-guarded in speech, well-restrained in mind, and if one
refrains from physical misdeeds, that person will certainly attain the
noble eight-fold path realized by the sages.
Verse 282. Way To Increase Wisdom
From endeavour wisdom springs,
lacking effort wisdom wanes:
having known this two-fold path
either to progress or decline
so should one exhort oneself
that wisdom may increase.

From reflection and concentrated meditation refined wisdom arises.
Through the non-practice of concentrated wisdom erodes. Once these two
paths - one leading to progress and the other to decline - are
recognized, one must conduct one’s self to increased wisdom.
Verse 283. Shun Passion
The wood cut down but not a tree
since it’s from wood that fear is born.
Having cut wood and woodedness
O bhikkhus be without a wood.

Monks, cut down the forest of defilements. But, do not cut down the
trees. Fear comes from the forests of defilements. Clear both the forest
and the undergrowth. Having done this achieve the state of Nibbana.
Verse 284. Attachment To Women
As long indeed as woodedness
of man to women is not cut
so long in bondage is one’s mind
as milch-calf to the mother cow.

As long as a man’s mind is attached to women, even minutely, like a
little undergrowth that has not been cut down, so long will his mind be
attached like a suckling calf to its mother cow.
Verse 285. Path To Peace
Cut off affection for oneself
as a hand a lily in the Fall.
Cultivate this peaceful path,
Nibbana by the Buddha taught.

Just like a person plucking out a lily with one’s own hand, pluck out
your self-attachment. Cultivate the path to Nibbana, as advocated by the
Verse 286. The Fear Of Death
Here shall I spend the Rains,
here the Winter, here the Summer.
Thus speculates the fool,
the danger he knows not.

In the four months during retreat, winter or summer in a chosen place,
the ignorant plans unaware of the threat of death.
Verse 287. Death Takes Away The Attached
For one who has a clinging mind
and finds delight in babes and herds
Death does seize and carry away
as great flood a sleeping village.

Men are proud that they process children, cattle and other forms of
wealth. They tend to be proud that way because their minds are overcome
with blemishes. Floods sweep away a sleeping village, taking along all
its people and their possessions. In the same way, death comes unaware
and sweeps along the people however proud they are of their possessions.
Verse 288. No Protection When Needed
No sons are there for shelter
nor father nor related folk,
one by the Death-king seized upon
in kin no shelter finds.

When and individual is gripped by death, sons cannot protect one. Not
even one’s father can shield a person from the grip of death. Nor can
one’s relations come to the rescue.
Verse 289. The Path To The Deathless
Having understood this fact
the wise by virtue well-restrained
swiftly then should clear the path
leading to Nibbana.

Being aware that no one can rescue you from death, the wise person, who
is restrained and disciplined, should clear the path to Nibbana,
without any loss of time.

17th Masters National Masters Championships 2021 26th to 28th November Mangaluru ( KARNATAKA).
is our pleasure to welcome you all to Mangaluru, Karnataka for the 17th
Masters National Championships 2021 to be held at from 26th to 28th
November 2021.
The above championships will be conducted at St Aloysius College, Kodiabail, PB 720, Mangaluru.

Fina world Masters 2017
66 subscribers
100m freestyle man 25-29
17th Masters National Masters Championships 2021 26th to 28th November Mangaluru ( KARNATAKA).
is our pleasure to welcome you all to Mangaluru, Karnataka for the 17th
Masters National Championships 2021 to be held at from 26th to 28th
November 2021.
The above championships will be conducted at St Aloysius College, Kodiabail, PB 720, Mangaluru.
a great honour for us to host the Championship again and we will do our
best. We request co-operation from all office bearers of Swimming
Federation of India and all affiliated units for the successful conduct
of the championship.
Person who wants to enter the Pool premises should have a Negative test
report of RTPCR from a valid Lab not later than 72 hours.
Participant ID card to be collected at the venue after submitting the RTPCR test report.
SFI UID CARD is compulsory for the swimmers to participate in the above championships.
To Register pls visit:
1.0 RECEPTION Reception will be made available at the Pool venues for all the enquiries.
TRANSPORTATION Due to Covid -19 pandemic we are not providing
transportation during the above championships. Kindly make a note of the
ACCOMMODATION Organising Committee has made OYO rooms as their
accommodation Partner. Participants can use their services for finding
accommodation of one’s choice from them. OYO Contact: Akram 9666181312,
Ahmed 9739973995
FOOD ARRANGEMENTS Food will be made available to all competitors and
team officials at subsidized rates will be charged per head for all
days, a total package of Breakfast, Lunch and dinner on all days of the
and Breakfast will be supplied only against coupons which shall be
bought by the participants on the day of arrival.
coupons will be available at the venue of Championships. Team
managers may contact our food committee members who will be available at
the venues.
MEDICAL SERVICE A first aid station will be established at venue,
staffed by the doctors to provide emergency medical assistance during
the competitions.
more sophisticated medical treatment is required or in case of
emergency, our volunteers will help the team managers in directing them
to the specified medical institutions under the instruction of medical
officers. In case of emergency, ambulance will be called at the
discretion of the physician.
WEATHER Weather in Mangaluru in the month of November will be warm and
cool at nights. 7.0 Inauguration and Closing Function: Opening Ceremony
will be held on 25th of November 5pm Closing Ceremony will be held on
28th of November 3pm 8.0 GUIDELINES TO MANAGERS The following
guidelines are to be observed by all team managers and competitors
during the championships. A) Entries: All forms should have the seal and
signature of the respective state unit Secretary / President. Any
corrections, errors and withdrawals should be reported to SFI Management
Committee during the team managers meeting. Entry form with DD should
be couriered to the organising secretary.
On Line Entry System. SFI is providing the opportunity for all masters to submit their entries “On-line”.
Here is the procedure for the above:
i. Organizing Committee has tied up with SwimIndia for providing Online entry form for the 17th National Masters.
ii. is the link to the Online Form.
iii. SFI UID card number is compulsory for validation of the form.
iv. Signed and Sealed form from the respective state unit should be uploaded for submission of the entry form.
v. All fields have to be filled for the form to be accepted.
Original sealed and signed form has to be submitted at the venue by the
swimmer to collect the Competition ID card form organizing committee.
vii. Payment also can be made online, only after which your form will be accepted by the organizing committee.
😎 Meeting of Team Managers Team Managers meeting for all disciplines will be held at the venue on 25th of November 430pm.
Warm Ups: Warm ups will be allowed at the main competition pool and
also at the adjoining small swimming pool before the commencement of the
swimming sessions (Heat/Finals).
D) Time Trials: All Events will be held on time Trials basis.
Victory Ceremonies: Victory Ceremonies will be held. All winners
should come and report to victory ceremony area immediately when called.
Order of Events: Event will begin at 9am everyday and will run till
the completion of all events without break on that day.
Day 1
1. 100 Free Style
2. 50 Breast Stroke
3. 100 Butter Fly
4. 200 IM
5. 4 x 50 MD Relay
Day 2
1. 50 Free Style
2. 100 Back Stroke
3. 100 Breast Stroke
4. 400 Free Style
Day 3
1. 200 Free Style
2. 50 Butter Fly
3. 50 Back Stroke
4. 4 x 50 FS Relay
Important Telephone Numbers:
1. Convenor: Rohit: 9844462077
(M Satish Kumar) (Organising Secretary)
Fina world Masters 2017
100m freestyle man 25-29

I am J Chandrasekharan staying at Just booked! Can’t wait to check into Capital O 71598 Sai Arya Residency.…
I hope our team meet tomorrow 26-11-2021.

. Create Free online episodes on Buddha’s teachings in His own words for the
welfare, happiness, peace by ending suffering of all aboriginal awakened
societies and for them to attain eternal bliss as their Final Goal.

May be an image of 10 people and people standing

May be an image of 6 people and people standing

Jagatheesan won one Gold medal in 100m Butterfly one silver medal in
400m Free style and one Bronze medal in 100m breast stroke
Federation of India 17th National Masters Championship 2021
Organised by
Karnataka Swimming Association (R)
26th to 28th November, 2021. Venue: St. Aloysius
College Swimming Pool, Mangaluru, Karnataka Champions Govind, Gopalrao,
Sarkar, Chandrasekharan Jagatheesan with M Satish Kumar, Organising
Secretary 17th National Masters Championship
May be an image of 5 people, people sitting and outdoors
May be an image of 2 people and people standing
May be an image of 6 people and people standing
May be an image of 2 people and people standing
May be an image of 3 people and people standing
May be an image of 4 people and people standing

17th Masters National Masters Championships 2021 26th to 28th November Mangaluru ( KARNATAKA).
November 2021.
The above championships were conducted at St Aloysius College, Kodiabail, PB 720, Mangaluru.
J Chandrasekharan took part in the following events as a mindful swimmer
Day 1
3. 100 Butter Fly. Hr got a Bronze medal
Day 2
3. 100 Breast Stroke he got a gold medal
4. 400 Free Style I got a Silver medal
Stayed at Sai Arya Lodging and Party Hall Pumpwell Mangaluru 02
The service was very good

How to Be Mindful While Swimming
often devolves into autopilot behavior in which you focus only on
getting in the distance you’ve planned, or ‘following the black line.’
This is a lost opportunity. Swimming can also be an immensely rewarding
opportunity to practice mindfulness. By swimming mindfully, we can
transform routine lap sessions into an immersive form of moving
meditation.” — Terry Laughlin, founder of Total Immersion Swimming.
Begin each swim with an intention to be fully present in the water, rather than to just get laps in.
you begin swimming, focus on each stroke. Notice the feeling of the
wetness on your skin. Feel yourself — buoyant — moving through water.
on your breath. As you take breaths, shift your focus from a stroke
rhythm to a breathing rhythm, noticing the unbroken alternation of
in-breaths and out-breaths. How does your body accommodate to this
head and spine. Visualize being towed forward by a line attached to the
top of your head, so your head and spine are both lengthening and
always moving in the direction you want to travel.
you continue with your strokes, focus on the feeling of your arms
entering and leaving the water. Feel the cool, dry air on your arms
briefly; then the wet thickness of the water for a longer period of
Listen to the sounds of swimming. Hear the splashes, the bubbles and your own breath. How quietly can you swim?
Continue your strokes, noticing how far your arms are reaching in front of you, striving to feel “taller” with each stroke.
As you complete your swim, be grateful for your ability to merge mind and body, moving like water.
My doctor 🧑‍⚕️
advised me to try swimming to avoid a slip disc operation. I tried and
it helped me. I’m now practising mindful swimming. The swimming 🏊‍♂️ pool is my hospital and a meditation 🧘 centre.-JC
serving in Iraq for 3 years, swimming was the only way I could relax
when I came back. The requirement to breathe brought oxygen back into my
brain, which was still in a constant state of hypervigilance. The
coolness of the water replenished my parched body. The blue color of the
water dazzled my eyes after seeing nothing but brown. And the rhythmic
motion and quiet splashing gently brought peace and calm into my body.
Pure healing.-SEB
July 23, 2017
you want to swim well, you are always thinking about breath, stroke,
alignment, etc. Ask anyone, coach or swimmer, in a master’s swim
program. Or anyone in any formal swim program for that matter. BTW, the
black line, interval, pace, completing the set, minding the time clock,
all require mindfulness.
anything you want to do well required mindfulness. For example, if you
play a musical instrument, you have to be mindful of (pay attention to)
intonation, timing, dynamics, etc.
May 30, 2017
Murcia Spain we swim.for meditation and against the clock .teacher is a
backstroke medalist yoga expert.we sing outloud while doing 3K or
silently…Rockefeller once said. ” he who dies having done the most
laps wins. “
May 26, 2017
Laughlin’s Total Immersion swimming is one of the best things I have learned in years. Loving that water!-Mark Muhich
Jackson MI
May 26, 2017
INICIO - Portal Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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