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𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4295 Mon 27 Dec 2021 Avijjāpahāna Sutta — Abandoning ignorance —
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𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4295 Mon 27 Dec 2021

— Abandoning ignorance —
How to Abandon Ignorance By Bhante Aggacitta

How to Abandon Ignorance By Bhante Aggacitta
By Dhammajīva

— Abandoning ignorance —

தேரவாத திபிடகாவிலிருந்து புத்தரின் சொந்த வார்த்தைகள்

அவிஜ்ஜாபஹான சுத்தா
- அறியாமையை கைவிடுதல் -

அறியாமையைக் கைவிட்டு அறிவை உற்பத்தி செய்ய என்ன தெரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும், பார்க்க வேண்டும் என்ற மிக எளிமையான, ஆனால் மிக ஆழமான சொற்பொழிவு.

– எப்படி என்பதை அறிவதன் மூலம், எப்படி பார்ப்பதால், பந்தே, அவிஜ்ஞா தணிந்து விஜ்ஜை எழுகிறதா?

- கண்ணின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது. (தெரியும்) வடிவங்களின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞா தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது. கண்விஞ்ஞானத்தின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்கு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஞை உண்டாகிறது. கண்களின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்கு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது. சுகமாகவோ, துக்கமாகவோ, அடக்கம்·அசுகமாகவோ அனுபவித்தாலும், கண்ணின் தொடர்பின் விளைவாக எழுகின்றவற்றின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதன் மூலம், அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது.

செவியின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது. ஒலிகளின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது. காது-விஞ்ஞானத்தின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது. காது தொடர்பின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஞை உண்டாகிறது. சுகமாகவோ, துக்கமாகவோ, அடக்கம்·அசுகமாகவோ அனுபவித்தாலும், காது தொடர்பின் விளைவாக எழும் அநித்தியத்தை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது.

மூக்கின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்கு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஞை உண்டாகிறது. நாற்றங்களின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்கு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஞை உண்டாகிறது. மூக்கின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்தும், விஞ்ஞானமும் கண்டு, பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து விஜ்ஞை உண்டாகிறது. மூக்கின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது. சுகமாகவோ, துக்கமாகவோ, அடக்கம்·அசுகமாகவோ அனுபவப்பட்டாலும், மூக்கின் விளைவால் ஏற்படும் அநித்தியத்தை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது.

நாவின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஞை உண்டாகிறது. சுவைகளின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது. நாவின் நிலையாமையை அறிந்து, விஞ்ஞானத்தைப் பார்ப்பதால், பிக்கு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து விஜ்ஞை உண்டாகிறது. நாவின் தொடர்பின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஞை உண்டாகிறது. சுகமாகவோ, துக்கமாகவோ, அடக்கம்·அசுகமாகவோ அனுபவித்தாலும், நாக்கு-தொடர்புகளின் விளைவாக ஏற்படும் அநித்தியத்தை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது.

உடலின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்கு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஞை உண்டாகிறது. உடல் நிகழ்வுகளின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது. விஞ்ஞானத்தின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்கு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஞை உண்டாகிறது. சரீரத் தொடர்பின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்கு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஞை உண்டாகிறது. சுகமாகவோ, துக்கமாகவோ, அடக்கமாசுகமாகவோ அனுபவித்தாலும், உடல் தொடர்பின் விளைவாக எழும் அனைத்தும் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், அவிஜ்ஞா தணிந்து விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது.

மனதின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஞை உண்டாகிறது. தம்மங்களின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது. மனம்-விஞ்ஞானத்தின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது. மனத் தொடர்பின் நிலையற்ற தன்மையை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால், பிக்ஷு, அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது. சுகமாகவோ, துக்கமாகவோ, அடக்கம்·அசுகமாகவோ, மனத் தொடர்பின் விளைவாக எழும் எதுவாக இருந்தாலும், அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது என்பதை அறிந்து, பார்ப்பதால்.

இவ்வாறு அறிந்துகொள்வதால், பிக்குவே, இவ்வாறு பார்ப்பதால், அவிஜ்ஞை தணிந்து, விஜ்ஜை உண்டாகிறது.
A very simple discourse, yet very deep, on what to know and see to abandon ignorance and produce knowledge.


– By knowing how, by seeing how, Bhante, does avijjā subside and vijjā arise?

– By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the eye, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of (visible) forms, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the eye-viññāṇa, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the eye-contact, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing also the impermanence of whatever arises in consequence of the eye-contact, whether experienced as sukha, dukkha or adukkham·asukha, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises.

By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the ear, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of sounds, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the ear-viññāṇa, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the ear-contact, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing also the impermanence of whatever arises in consequence of the ear-contact, whether experienced as sukha, dukkha or adukkham·asukha, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises.

By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the nose, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of odors, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the nose-viññāṇa, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the nose-contact, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing also the impermanence of whatever arises in consequence of the nose-contact, whether experienced as sukha, dukkha or adukkham·asukha, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises.

By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the tongue, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of tastes, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the tongue-viññāṇa, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the tongue-contact, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing also the impermanence of whatever arises in consequence of the tongue-contact, whether experienced as sukha, dukkha or adukkham·asukha, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises.

By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the body, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of bodily phenomena, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the body-viññāṇa, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the body-contact, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing also the impermanence of whatever arises in consequence of the body-contact, whether experienced as sukha, dukkha or adukkham·asukha, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises.

By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the mind, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of dhammas, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the mind-viññāṇa, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing the impermanence of the mind-contact, bhikkhu, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises. By knowing and seeing also the impermanence of whatever arises in consequence of the mind-contact, whether experienced as sukha, dukkha or adukkham·asukha, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises.

By knowing thus, bhikkhu, by seeing thus, avijjā subsides and vijjā arises.

Avijjāpahāna Sutta
— Abandoning ignorance —


Ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṃ viharati Jeta·vane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. Atha kho aññataro bhikkhu yena bhagavā ten·upasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā ekam·antaṃ nisīdi. Ekam·antaṃ nisinno kho so bhikkhu bhagavantaṃ etad·avoca:

– Kathaṃ nu kho, bhante, jānato kathaṃ passato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjatī ti?

– Cakkhuṃ kho, bhikkhu, aniccato jānato passato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Rūpe aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Cakkhu·viññāṇaṃ aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Cakkhu·samphassaṃ aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Yam·p·idaṃ cakkhu·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukhaṃ vā dukkhaṃ vā adukkham·asukhaṃ vā tam·pi aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati.

Sotaṃ kho, bhikkhu, aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Sadde aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Sota·viññāṇaṃ aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Sota·samphassaṃ aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Yam·p·idaṃ sota·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukhaṃ vā dukkhaṃ vā adukkham·asukhaṃ vā tam·pi aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati.

Ghānaṃ kho, bhikkhu, aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Gandhe aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Ghāna·viññāṇaṃ aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Ghāna·samphassaṃ aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Yam·p·idaṃ ghāna·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukhaṃ vā dukkhaṃ vā adukkham·asukhaṃ vā tam·pi aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati.

Jivhaṃ kho, bhikkhu, aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Rase aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Jivhā·viññāṇaṃ aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Jivhā·samphassaṃ aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Yam·p·idaṃ jivhā·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukhaṃ vā dukkhaṃ vā adukkham·asukhaṃ vā tam·pi aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati.

Kāyaṃ kho, bhikkhu, aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Phoṭṭhabbe aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Kāya·viññāṇaṃ aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Kāya·samphassaṃ aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Yam·p·idaṃ kāya·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukhaṃ vā dukkhaṃ vā adukkham·asukhaṃ vā tam·pi aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati.

Manaṃ kho, bhikkhu, aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Dhamme aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Mano·viññāṇaṃ aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Mano·samphassaṃ aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Yam·p·idaṃ mano·samphassa·paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṃ sukhaṃ vā dukkhaṃ vā adukkham·asukhaṃ vā tam·pi aniccato jānato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati.

Evaṃ kho, bhikkhu, jānato evaṃ passato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjatī ti.

Flying to Tuvalu: A Dream Come True

Flying to Tuvalu: A Dream Come True
By A. Perez Voyages

Places Without Reported COVID-19 Cases

12. Tuvalu
Cumulative Total COVID-19 Cases: 0
WHO Transmission Classification: No cases

Located about halfway between Hawaii and Australia, Tuvalu is made up of three reef islands and six atolls, with a combined area of approximately 10 square miles and a population of over 10,000. The independent nation, a member of the Commonwealth, has seen success in closing its borders to travel, with a mandatory quarantine in some cases.

Worlds Strangest City (ASHGABAT, TURKMENISTAN)

Worlds Strangest City (ASHGABAT, TURKMENISTAN)
By Drew Binsky

Places Without Reported COVID-19 Cases

11. Turkmenistan
Cumulative Total COVID-19 Cases: 0
WHO Transmission Classification: No cases

Turkmenistan’s location in Central Asia brings up questions of its ability to ward off the COVID-19 pandemic, which has touched all but one continent in the world. Still, the country has not officially acknowledged any coronavirus cases, though its officials have restricted all commercial travel, mass religious events and encourage social distancing and mask wearing, The Associated Press reports.

🏝️ The Complete Travel Guide to Tonga ☀️ by

🏝️ The Complete Travel Guide to Tonga ☀️ by
By NZ Pocket Guide

Places Without Reported COVID-19 Cases

10. Tonga
Cumulative Total COVID-19 Cases: 0
WHO Transmission Classification: No cases

The archipelago that makes up Tonga, with about 170 islands of which 36 are inhabited, is neighbored by Fiji to the northwest, Samoa to the north and Niue to the northeast. The nation has reportedly kept the coronavirus off of its shores by restricting cruise ships in the early stages of the pandemic, closing airports and even instituting a national lockdown, according to The Associated Press, though the country has still seen no cases.

Tokelau- 6 Interesting Facts! | Tour The World

Tokelau- 6 Interesting Facts! | Tour The World
By Explified

Places Without Reported COVID-19 Cases

9. Tokelau
Cumulative Total COVID-19 Cases: 0
WHO Transmission Classification: No cases

Consisting of three tropical coral atolls in the South Pacific Ocean, Tokelau is a dependent territory of New Zealand, although both governments in New Zealand and Tokelau call it a nation. The three atolls have a combined land area of 4 square miles, and the capital rotates annually between the three atolls.

With no airport, Tokelau is accessible primarily by ship. With a population of about 1,500 residents, Tokelau calls itself the first nation to be completely powered by renewable energy.

St. Helena - a remote island in the Atlantic | (Travel Documentary) DW Documentary

St. Helena - a remote island in the Atlantic | (Travel Documentary) DW Documentary
By DW Documentary

Places Without Reported COVID-19 Cases

8. Saint Helena
Cumulative Total COVID-19 Cases: 0
WHO Transmission Classification: No cases

A British Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic Ocean, Saint Helena is considered one of the most remote locales in the world, lying more than 1,200 miles from the west coast of southwestern Africa and 2,500 miles east of Rio de Janeiro on the South American coastline. A population of roughly 4,500 occupies the 10 mile-by-5 mile island, which was uninhabited until its discovery by the Portuguese in 1502.

Life on Pitcairn Island - home of the descendants of the mutineers from HMS Bounty

Life on Pitcairn Island - home of the descendants of the mutineers from HMS Bounty
By Redfern Natural History Productions

Places Without Reported COVID-19 Cases

7.Pitcairn Islands
Cumulative Total COVID-19 Cases: 0
WHO Transmission Classification: No cases

The Pitcairn Islands are a group of four volcanic islands that form the only British Overseas Territory in the Pacific Ocean. Believed to have fewer than 50 full-time residents, the islands are among the least populous national jurisdictions in the world. Residents are biracial, having descended primarily from Tahitians and, famously, mutineers of the British HMS Bounty, who arrived at Pitcairn in 1790.

North Korea | Myths and Facts | Travelling Mantra

North Korea | Myths and Facts | Travelling Mantra
By Travelling Mantra

Places Without Reported COVID-19 Cases

6. North Korea
Cumulative Total COVID-19 Cases: 0
WHO Transmission Classification: No cases

North Korea is one of only two non-island nations to make this list, although its reporting of zero cases of the novel coronavirus has been questioned. North Korea shares a border with China and South Korea, which some believe would make the reporting of zero cases improbable. North Korea, the largest nation to report zero cases, with a population of 25 million, has instituted a strict lockdown, travel restrictions, and closed its borders, according to The Associated Press.

🌊 The Complete Travel Guide to Niue ☀️ -

🌊 The Complete Travel Guide to Niue ☀️ -
By NZ Pocket Guide

Places Without Reported COVID-19 Cases

5. Niue
Cumulative Total COVID-19 Cases: 0
WHO Transmission Classification: No cases

Located about 1,500 miles northeast of New Zealand where it is politically associated, the island nation of Niue is one of the world’s largest coral islands, and the westernmost island of the Cook Islands, although it operates independently. The country has received support from New Zealand to help combat COVID-19.

INSIDE NAURU - the worlds least visited country

INSIDE NAURU - the worlds least visited country
By Drew Binsky

Places Without Reported COVID-19 Cases

4. Nauru
Cumulative Total COVID-19 Cases: 0
WHO Transmission Classification: No cases

Neighboring Kiribati, Nauru is the third-smallest country in the world by size; the single island, just over 8 square miles, is home to one of the smallest populations in the world for a country, at around 10,000. The country has reportedly kept the coronavirus at bay through similar travel restrictions to their neighboring island nations.

Kiribati: a drowning paradise in the South Pacific | DW Documentary

Kiribati: a drowning paradise in the South Pacific | DW Documentary
By DW Documentary

Places Without Reported COVID-19 Cases

3. Kiribati
Cumulative Total COVID-19 Cases: 0
WHO Transmission Classification: No cases

Thirty-two atolls, circular coral reefs, and one raised limestone island, make up Kiribati, located about 2,000 miles southwest of Hawaii. The country, one of the only nations located in all four hemispheres, instituted travel restrictions to combat COVID-19 early on, made easier given that only a handful of airlines make the trip to the remote nation.

Travel Guide - Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia

Travel Guide - Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
By Adventures in Aviators

Places Without Reported COVID-19 Cases

2. . Federated States of Micronesia
Cumulative Total COVID-19 Cases: 0
WHO Transmission Classification: No cases

While the Federated States of Micronesia, made up of more than 600 islands, take up fewer than 300 combined square miles of land between four states, it occupies around 1 million square miles of ocean. Although the country has reported zero cases of COVID-19 according to the World Health Organization, it has received support from the United States, China and Japan throughout the coronavirus pandemic

Cook Islands Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia

Cook Islands Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
By Expedia

Places Without Reported COVID-19 Cases

1.. Cook Islands
Cumulative Total COVID-19 Cases: 0
WHO Transmission Classification: No cases

Made up of 15 small islands, the Cook Islands is an island nation located in the South Pacific, more than 2,000 miles northeast of New Zealand, where it is politically linked. The country has reportedly kept the virus out with mandatory quarantining upon entry, and temporarily banning recreational boats from its ports, including cruise ships.

These Countries Haven’t Recorded Any Covid-19 Cases - Heres Why | Forbes

These Countries Haven’t Recorded Any Covid-19 Cases - Heres Why | Forbes
By Forbes

Places Without Reported COVID-19 Cases Tuvalu,Turkmenistan,Tonga,Tokelau,Saint Helena,Pitcairn Islands,North Korea,Niue,Nauru,Kiribati,Federated States of Micronesia,Cook Islands all in a single video
According to the University of Singapore survey/review based on 131 countries.
From June 18, world will be 100% free and happy from December 8th. Their
predictions about Italy and Spain fit exactly.
Maker of COVID Tests Says Pandemic is Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated It is
like a blind man searching for a black cat in a dark room which is not there.
Wear only smile 😊 not face masks 😷

Live upto 150 years for the price of coffee Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD)15 Grams at $62.00 which plays a role in generating energy in the human body available ‘for the price of a coffee a day’ a Stunning anti-ageing breakthrough could see humans live to 150 years and regenerate organ.New
process has been found by Harvard Professor David Sinclair and researchers from the University of New South Wales, involving cell reprogramming.

Places Without Reported COVID-19 Cases Tuvalu,Turkmenistan,Tonga,Tokelau,Saint Helena,Pitcairn Islands,North Korea,Niue,Nauru,Kiribati,Federated States of Micronesia,Cook Islands all in a single video
According to the University of Singapore survey/review based on 131 countries.
From June 18, world will be 100% free and happy from December 8th. Their
predictions about Italy and Spain fit exactly.
Maker of COVID Tests Says Pandemic is Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated It is
like a blind man searching for a black cat in a dark room which is not there.
Wear only smile 😊 not face masks 😷

Live upto 150 years for the price of coffee Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD)15 Grams at $62.00 which plays a role in generating energy in the human body available ‘for the price of a coffee a day’ a Stunning anti-ageing breakthrough could see humans live to 150 years and regenerate organ.New
process has been found by Harvard Professor David Sinclair and researchers from the University of New South Wales, involving cell reprogramming.

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