Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

April 2024
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𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4316 Mon 17 Jan 2022 Do Good Purify Mind said the Awakened One Five trades Business in weapons,humans,meat,toxicity & poison should not be carried on by his lay followers specifies The Awakened One. Instead All men&women start growing vegetables&fruit bearing dwarf plants in pots to overcome Hunger the greatest ill,the greatest suffering-conditionedness, said Awakened One knowing this reality at it is: Ultimate Happiness supreme that is the end of suffering. Earth the Spring of Nector (Amudha Surabhi,air,water,fire&space Combine to make this food. Numberless sentient and non sentient beings give their life & labor that we may eat. May we be nourished that we may nourish life! “Even fear is frightened by the bodhisattva’s fearlessness.” Then Awakened Universe is created.
Filed under: General, Theravada Tipitaka , Plant raw Vegan Broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, carrots
Posted by: site admin @ 8:30 am
𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4316 Mon 17 Jan 2022

Do Good Purify Mind said the Awakened One
trades Business in weapons,humans,meat,toxicity & poison should not
be carried on by his lay followers specifies The Awakened One.
Instead All men&women start growing vegetables&fruit bearing dwarf plants in pots to overcome
Hunger the greatest ill,the greatest suffering-conditionedness, said Awakened One knowing this reality at it is:
Ultimate Happiness supreme that is the end of suffering.
Earth the Spring of Nector (Amudha Surabhi,air,water,fire&space
Combine to make this food.
Numberless sentient and non sentient beings give their life & labor that we may eat.
May we be nourished that we may nourish life!
“Even fear is frightened by the bodhisattva’s fearlessness.”
Then Awakened Universe is created.

Tree >> Sutta Piṭaka >> Aṅguttara Nikāya >> Pañcaka Nipāta
AN 5.177 (A iii 208)
Vaṇijjā Sutta
— Trades —
The Buddha specifies here five trades which should not be carried on by his lay followers.
are the five types : Business in weapons, human beings, meat,
intoxicants, and poison. of business that a lay follower should not
engage in.
Monks, a lay follower should not engage in five types of business. Which five?
in weapons, business in human beings, business in meat, business in
intoxicants, and business in poison. These are the five types of
business that a lay follower should not engage in.


Pañcimā, bhikkhave, vaṇijjā upāsakena akaraṇīyā. Katamā pañca?
satta·vaṇijjā, maṃsa·vaṇijjā, majja·vaṇijjā, visa·vaṇijjā. Imā kho,
bhikkhave, pañca vaṇijjā upāsakena akaraṇīyā ti.
If people don’t Respect you | Do these Five Things ~ Buddha

अच्छा शुद्ध करें मन ने कहा कि जागृत एक
मनुष्यों, मांस, विषाक्तता और जहर में पांच व्यापार व्यवसाय को उनके लेकर
अनुयायियों द्वारा नहीं किया जाना चाहिए, जागृत एक को निर्दिष्ट करता है।
इसके बजाय सभी पुरुष और महिलाएं बर्तन में बर्तन में सब्जियां और फल बौने पौधों को बढ़ाने शुरू करती हैं
सबसे बड़ी बीमार भूख, सबसे बड़ी पीड़ा-वातानुकूलता ने कहा कि इस वास्तविकता को जानकर जागृत किया गया है:
परम खुशी सर्वोच्च जो पीड़ा का अंत है।
पृथ्वी नेक्टर का वसंत (अमुधा सुरभी, वायु, जल, आग और स्थान
इस भोजन को बनाने के लिए गठबंधन करें।
असंख्य संवेदनशील और गैर संवेदनशील प्राणी अपने जीवन और श्रम देते हैं जिसे हम खा सकते हैं।
क्या हम पोषित हो सकते हैं कि हम जीवन को पोषण दे सकते हैं!
“यहां तक ​​कि डर बोधिसत्व की निडरता से भयभीत है।”
फिर जागृत ब्रह्मांड बनाया गया है।

ये कहानी आप की सोच बदल देगी|Gautam Buddha’s Story|Short Buddhist story

13) Classical Assamese-ধ্ৰুপদী অসমীয়া

গুড পিউৰিফাই মাইণ্ডে কৈছিল জাগ্ৰত পাঁচটা ব্যৱসায় অস্ত্ৰ, মানুহ, মাংস,
বিষাক্ততা আৰু বিষাক্ততাৰ ব্যৱসায় তেওঁৰ সাধাৰণ অনুগামীসকলে দ্য এৱেকন্সড
ৱান নিৰ্দিষ্ট কৰে। ইয়াৰ পৰিৱৰ্তে সকলো পুৰুষ-মহিলাই পাত্ৰত পাচলি আৰু ফল
যুক্ত বামুণ গছ খেতি কৰা আৰম্ভ কৰে। আটাইতকৈ ডাঙৰ বেমাৰ, আটাইতকৈ ডাঙৰ
কষ্ট-কণ্ডিচনডনেছ ভোক, এৱেকন্সড ৱানে কৈছিল যে এই বাস্তৱতাটো জানিএইবোৰ
হৈছে: চূড়ান্ত সুখ সৰ্বোচ্চ যি হৈছে দুখৰ সমাপ্তি। পৃথিৱী নেক্টোৰৰ
স্প্ৰিং (অমুধা সুৰভি, বায়ু, পানী, জুই আৰু স্থান এই খাদ্য প্ৰস্তুত
কৰিবলৈ একত্ৰিত কৰক। সংখ্যাহীন সংবেদনশীল আৰু অসংবেদনশীল প্ৰাণীয়ে
তেওঁলোকৰ জীৱন আৰু শ্ৰম প্ৰদান কৰে যাক আমি খাব পাৰোঁ। আমি জীৱনক পুষ্টি
প্ৰদান কৰিব পৰাকৈ পুষ্টি প্ৰাপ্ত হওঁক! “আনকি বোধিসত্ত্বৰ নিৰ্ভীকতাৰ বাবে
ভয়ও ভয় খাইছে।” তাৰ পিছত জাগ্ৰত বিশ্বব্ৰহ্মাণ্ড সৃষ্টি হয়।
ব্যৱসায় অস্ত্ৰ, মানুহ, মাংস, বিষাক্ততা আৰু বিষাক্ত তাৰ সাধাৰণ
অনুগামীসকলে দ্য এৱেকন্সড ৱান নিৰ্দিষ্ট কৰে। তাৰ পৰিৱৰ্তে সকলো
পুৰুষ-মহিলাই হাংগাৰক আটাইতকৈ ডাঙৰ ৰোগটো দূৰ কৰিবলৈ পাত্ৰত পাচলি আৰু ফল
যুক্ত বামুণ উদ্ভিদ খেতি কৰা আৰম্ভ কৰে।
লাভীশ্রেষ্ঠ অরহৎ সীবলী মহাস্থবিরের জীবনী||Biography of Shiboli Mohastobir🙏🙏🙏
এই ভিডিওতে আপনারা জানতে পারবেন অর্হৎ সীবলী মহাস্থবির কেন লাভীদের মধ্যে সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ আসন লাভ করেন এবং মাতৃগর্ভে ক….

17) Classical Bengali-ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা,

ভাল শুদ্ধ মন না জাগ্রত এক
মানুষের, মাংস, বিষাক্ততা ও বিষের পাঁচটি ব্যবসা ব্যবসা চালিয়ে যাওয়া
উচিত নয় অনুসারীদের দ্বারা জাগ্রত করা উচিত নয়।
পরিবর্তে সব পুরুষ এবং মহিলাদের ক্রমবর্ধমান সবজি এবং ফল জন্মদান dwarf গাছপালা কাটা শুরু
ক্ষুধার্ত সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ অসুস্থ, সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ দুঃখকষ্ট-শর্তাধীন, বলেছে যে এটি এই বাস্তবতাটি জেনে রেখেছে:
চূড়ান্ত সুখ সর্বোচ্চ যে কষ্টের শেষ।
পৃথিবীটি নাইটারের বসন্ত (অমুধা সুরবি, বায়ু, পানি, আগুন ও স্থান
এই খাদ্য করতে একত্রিত করা।
অচেনা সংবেদনশীল এবং অ সংবেদনশীল প্রাণী তাদের জীবন ও শ্রম যা আমরা খেতে পারি।
আমরা পুষ্ট হতে পারি যে আমরা জীবনকে পুষ্ট করতে পারি!
“বোদিসত্ত্বের নির্ভীকতা দ্বারা ভয় পাচ্ছিল।”
তারপর জাগ্রত মহাবিশ্ব তৈরি করা হয়।
মানুষের, মাংস, বিষাক্ততা ও বিষের মধ্যে পাঁচটি ব্যবসা পরিচালনা করা উচিত
নয় যে তার লেগেছে তার শিষ্যদের দ্বারা বহন করা উচিত নয়। সমস্ত পুরুষ ও
মহিলা সমস্ত পুরুষ ও মহিলাদের ক্রমবর্ধমান সবজি এবং ফল বহনকারী ডুয়ারে
গাছপালা শুরু করে ক্ষুধার্ত সর্বাধিক অসুস্থ।
অঙ্গুলিমালের জীবনী|Angulimal life story| 2021
বুদ্ধের সময়কালে কোশল জনপদের রাজধানী ছিল শ্রাবস্তী।ঐ কোশল জনপদের রাজা ছিলেন কোশলরাজ প্রসেনজিৎ।তার রাজপুরোহিত ….

23) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),

地球的春天(Amudha Surabhi,空气,水,火和空间

24) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體),

地球的春天(Amudha Surabhi,空氣,水,火和空間

41) Classical Gujarati-ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી,

સારા શુદ્ધ મનમાં જણાવાયું છે કે જાગૃત
મનુષ્યો, માંસ, ઝેરીતા અને ઝેરમાં પાંચ ટ્રેડ્સ વ્યવસાય તેમના લેન્સિઅન્સ
દ્વારા જતા ન હોવું જોઈએ, તે જાગૃત વ્યક્તિને સ્પષ્ટ કરે છે.
તેના બદલે બધા પુરુષો અને સ્ત્રીઓએ શાકભાજી અને ફળને વિકસાવવાનું શરૂ કર્યું છે, જે પોટ્સમાં ડ્વાર્ફ છોડને દૂર કરે છે
સૌથી મોટી બીમાર, સૌથી મોટી પીડા-કન્ડિશનનેસ, જણાવ્યું હતું કે આ વાસ્તવિકતાને જાણતા જાગૃત છે:
અલ્ટીમેટ સુખ સર્વોચ્ચ જે પીડાનો અંત છે.
પૃથ્વીની વસંત પૃથ્વી (અમુદા સુરાભ, હવા, પાણી, આગ અને જગ્યા
આ ખોરાક બનાવવા માટે ભેગા કરો.
અસંખ્ય સંવેદનશીલ અને બિન સંવેદનશીલ માણસો તેમના જીવન અને શ્રમ આપે છે જે આપણે ખાઈ શકીએ છીએ.
આપણે પોષણ કરી શકીએ કે આપણે જીવન પોષણ કરી શકીએ છીએ!
બોધિસત્વના નિર્ભયતાથી ડર પણ ડરતો છે. “
પછી જાગૃત બ્રહ્માંડ બનાવવામાં આવે છે.
પાંચ ટ્રેડ્સ બિઝનેસ, મનુષ્યો, માંસ, ઝેરીતા અને ઝેરને તેમના મૂકેલા
અનુયાયીઓ દ્વારા હાથ ધરવામાં આવતું ન હોવું જોઈએ, તે જાગૃત વ્યક્તિને
સ્પષ્ટ કરે છે. બધા પુરુષો અને સ્ત્રીઓને શાકભાજી અને ફળને વધતી જતી
શાકભાજી અને ફળોમાં ડ્વાર્ફ છોડને હાંસલ કરવા માટે સૌથી મોટી બીમાર દૂર
કરવા માટે.
Harvesting Fruits and Vegetables with Tractors Learn Colors for Kids Children | ZORIP

53) Classical Japanese-古典的なイタリア語,

地球の春の春(amudha surbhi、空気、水、火、宇宙
Numberless Seentientと非セメントエンティエンントは、私たちが食べることができる彼らの人生と労働を与えます。
#33 家庭菜園で何を育てる?私の三つの判断基準 What Food to Grow in the Garden? My 3 Rules. #心地良い暮らし #丁寧に暮らす #シンプルな暮らし
are my three rules when I choose what food to grow in the garden here
in New Zealand!#心地良い暮らし #生活の質を上げる…

  • 55) Classical Kannada- ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ,

    ಒಳ್ಳೆಯ ಶುದ್ಧೀಕರಿಸುವ ಮನಸ್ಸು ಎಚ್ಚರಗೊಂಡ ಒಂದು ಹೇಳಿದರು
    ಶಸ್ತ್ರಾಸ್ತ್ರಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಐದು ವಹಿವಾಟು ವ್ಯವಹಾರ, ಮಾನವರು, ಮಾಂಸ, ವಿಷತ್ವ ಮತ್ತು ವಿಷವನ್ನು ಅವರ ಲೇ ಅನುಯಾಯಿಗಳು ಜಾಗೃತಗೊಳಿಸಬಾರದು.
    ಬದಲಿಗೆ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಪುರುಷರು ಮತ್ತು ಮಹಿಳೆಯರು ಬೆಳೆಯುತ್ತಿರುವ ತರಕಾರಿಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಹಣ್ಣಿನ ಹೊಂದುವ ಸಸ್ಯಗಳು ಜಯಿಸಲು ಮಡಿಕೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕುಬ್ಜ ಸಸ್ಯಗಳು
    ಹಸಿವು ಮಹಾನ್ ಅನಾರೋಗ್ಯ, ಮಹಾನ್ ನೋವು-ಸ್ಥಿತಿಗತಿ, ಇದು ಈ ವಾಸ್ತವತೆಯನ್ನು ತಿಳಿವಳಿಕೆ ಎಂದು ಜಾಗೃತಗೊಂಡಿದೆ ಹೇಳಿದರು:
    ನೋವಿನ ಅಂತ್ಯದ ಅಂತಿಮ ಸಂತೋಷದ ಸುಪ್ರೀಂ.
    ಭೂಮಿಯ ದಿ ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ಆಫ್ ನೆಕ್ಟರ್ (ಅಮುಧಾ ಸುರಾಬಿ, ಏರ್, ವಾಟರ್, ಫೈರ್ & ಸ್ಪೇಸ್
    ಈ ಆಹಾರವನ್ನು ಮಾಡಲು ಒಗ್ಗೂಡಿ.
    ಅಲ್ಪರಹಿತ ಭಾವನಾತ್ಮಕತೆ ಮತ್ತು ನಾನ್ ಸೆಂಟ್ಯಾಂಟಿಂಟ್ ಜೀವಿಗಳು ನಾವು ತಿನ್ನಬಹುದಾದ ತಮ್ಮ ಜೀವನ ಮತ್ತು ಕಾರ್ಮಿಕರನ್ನು ನೀಡುತ್ತವೆ.
    ನಾವು ಜೀವನವನ್ನು ಬೆಳೆಸಬಹುದೆಂದು ನಾವು ಪೋಷಿಸಲಿ!
    “ಬೋಧಿಸಟ್ವಾದ ಭಯವಿಲ್ಲದಿರುವುದು ಭಯವೂ ಸಹ ಭಯಗೊಂಡಿದೆ.”
    ನಂತರ ಜಾಗೃತವಾದ ಬ್ರಹ್ಮಾಂಡವನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ.
    ಶಸ್ತ್ರಾಸ್ತ್ರಗಳು, ಮಾನವರು, ಮಾಂಸ, ವಿಷತ್ವ ಮತ್ತು ವಿಷದಲ್ಲಿ ಐದು ವಹಿವಾಟು ವ್ಯವಹಾರವನ್ನು ಕೈಗವಸುಗಳ ಮೂಲಕ ಕೈಗೊಳ್ಳಬೇಡ.
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    59) Classical Korean-고전 한국어,

    좋은 정화가 깨어났다
    5 개의 무기, 인간, 고기, 독성 & 독에 대한 비즈니스는 그의 평신도가 깨어서는 안됩니다.
    대신 모든 남성 & 여성들은 극복을 위해 냄비에 난쟁이 식물을 낳는 야채와 과일을 성장시키기 시작합니다.
    굶주림은 가장 큰 아픈, 가장 큰 고통을 조건으로,이 현실 에서이 현실을 아는 것을 깨우 었습니다.
    고통의 끝 인 궁극적 인 행복의 최극.
    지구 봄의 봄, (아멜 하와 수라 바, 공기, 물, 화재 & 공간
    이 음식을 만들기 위해 결합하십시오.
    번호가없는 지각력과 비 감각적인 존재는 우리가 먹을 수있는 삶과 노동을 제공합니다.
    우리가 삶을 키울 수 있다는 것을 우리는 영양을 느끼시겠습니까!
    “두려움조차도 보살의 두려움없이 두려워합니다.”
    그런 다음 깨어 난 유니버스가 만들어집니다.
    인간, 고기, 독성 & 독에 의해 5 개의 거래 사업은 그의 평범한 추종자들이 깨어서는 안됩니다. 모든 남자 &
    여성들은 모든 남자 & 여성들이 굶주림을 극복하기 위해 냄비에있는 야채 & 과일을 성장시키기 시작합니다.
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    62) Classical Lao-ຄລາສສິກລາວ,

    ການຄ້າຂາຍ 5 ຄົນໃນອາວຸດ, ມະນຸດ, ຄວາມເປັນພິດ, ຄວາມເປັນພິດແລະສານພິດຂອງລາວບໍ່ຄວນຈະຖືກປຸກໃຫ້ຕື່ນຕົວ.
    ຄວາມອຶດຫີວທີ່ມີຄວາມເຈັບປ່ວຍທີ່ສຸດ, ຄວາມທຸກທໍລະມານທີ່ຍິ່ງໃຫຍ່ທີ່ສຸດ, ກ່າວວ່າການຕື່ນຕົວຄົນຫນຶ່ງຮູ້ຈັກຄວາມເປັນຈິງນີ້ທີ່:
    ໂລກພາກຮຽນ spring ຂອງ nector (amudha surabhi, ອາກາດ, ນ້ໍາ, ໄຟແລະພື້ນທີ່
    “ເຖິງແມ່ນວ່າຄວາມຢ້ານກົວກໍ່ຢ້ານກົວໂດຍຄວາມຢ້ານກົວຂອງ Bodhisatta.”
    ຫຼັງຈາກນັ້ນ, ໄດ້ຮັບການສ້າງຂື້ນໂດຍວິທະຍາໄລ.
    ຜູ້ຕິດຕາມ, ຄວາມເປັນພິດຂອງຜູ້ຊາຍແລະແມ່ຍິງທຸກຄົນຈະລະບຸຜັກແລະເດັກນ້ອຍທີ່ຕື່ນຂຶ້ນມາ.
    “The Gift of A Quiet Mind” - Sister True Dedication | Opening Talk, New Year’s Retreat 29.12.21

    69) Classical Malay-Melayu Klasik,

    Melakukan pemurnian yang baik berkata yang terbangun
    perniagaan perdagangan dalam senjata, manusia, daging, ketoksikan &
    racun tidak boleh dijalankan oleh pengikutnya yang meletakkan yang
    membangkitkan yang terbangun.
    semua lelaki & wanita mula tumbuh sayur-sayuran & tumbuhan yang
    mempunyai tumbuhan kerdil dalam periuk untuk diatasi
    Kelaparan yang paling besar, penderitaan yang paling besar, kata Awakened yang mengetahui realiti ini di sini adalah:
    Kebahagiaan utama yang tertinggi adalah akhir penderitaan.
    Bumi musim bunga nektor (Amudha surabhi, udara, air, api & ruang
    Bergabung untuk membuat makanan ini.
    Makhluk-makhluk yang tidak menentu dan bukan hidup memberikan kehidupan & buruh mereka yang boleh kita makan.
    Semoga kita dipelihara agar kita dapat menyuburkan kehidupan!
    “Malah ketakutan takut oleh ketakutan Bodhisattva.”
    Kemudian Awakened AlamSe dicipta.
    perniagaan perdagangan dalam senjata, manusia, daging, ketoksikan &
    racun tidak boleh dijalankan oleh pengikutnya yang meletakkannya yang
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    70) Classical Malayalam-ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം,

    നല്ല ശുദ്ധീകരണ മനസ്സ് ഉണർന്നിരിക്കുന്നയാൾ പറഞ്ഞു
    അഞ്ച് വ്യാപാരം ആയുധങ്ങളിലെ ബിസിനസ്സ്, മനുഷ്യർ, മാംസം, വിഷാംശം, വിഷം അവന്റെ വന്ന അനുയായികൾക്ക് അനുസൃതമായി നടപ്പാക്കരുത്.
    പകരം എല്ലാ പുരുഷന്മാരും സ്ത്രീകളും പച്ചക്കറികളും പഴങ്ങളും വളർത്താൻ തുടങ്ങുന്നു

    യാഥാർത്ഥ്യം അറിയുന്ന ഒരാളെ ഉണർന്നത് ഉണർന്നിരിക്കുന്നതായി വിശപ്പ്
    ഏറ്റവും വലിയ രോഗനിർണയം കണ്ടെത്തിയതിൽ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ കഷ്ടപ്പാടുകൾ:
    ആത്യന്തിക സന്തോഷം അത് കഷ്ടപ്പാടുകളുടെ അവസാനമാണ്.
    ഭൂമിയുടെ നീരുറവ (അമുദ്ദ സുരഭി, എയർ, വാട്ടർ, ഫയർ & സ്പേസ്
    ഈ ഭക്ഷണം നിർമ്മിക്കുന്നതിന് സംയോജിപ്പിക്കുക.
    എണ്ണമറ്റ വ്യവഹാരവും വിവേകമില്ലാത്ത ജീവനും അവരുടെ ജീവിതവും അധ്വാനവും നൽകുന്നു.
    നാം ജീവിതത്തെ പോകേണ്ടതിനായി നമുക്ക് പോഷിപ്പിക്കാം!
    “ഭയം പോലും ബോധിസത്വവയുടെ നിർഭയത്തെ ഭയപ്പെടുന്നു.”
    എന്നിട്ട് പ്രപഞ്ചം ഉണർന്നിരിക്കുന്നു.
    ആയുധങ്ങളിലെ ബിസിനസ്സ്, മനുഷ്യർ, മാംസം, വിഷാംശം, വിഷം എന്നിവ തന്റെ വെബ്
    അനുയായികളാൽ നടത്തരുത്. ഉടൻ തന്നെ എല്ലാ പുരുഷന്മാരും സ്ത്രീകളും
    പച്ചക്കറികളും പഴങ്ങളും വളരുന്നു.
    പഴങ്ങളെ കുറിച്ചുള്ള കടങ്കഥകൾ#മലയാളം +കടങ്കഥകൾ #malayalam

    73) Classical Marathi-क्लासिकल माओरी,

    चांगला शुद्ध मनाने जागृत केले
    शस्त्रे, मानव, मांस, विषारीपणा आणि विष त्याच्या पाठिंब्यावर पाच व्यापार व्यवसायात चालत जाऊ नये.
    त्याऐवजी सर्व पुरुष व महिला भांडी वाढवण्यासाठी भाज्या आणि फळांचे फळ वाढतात
    महान आजारी, सर्वात महान दुःख - कंडिशन, जागृत झाले की या वास्तविकतेबद्दल हे जाणून घेणे आश्चर्यकारक आहे:
    अंतिम आनंद सर्वोच्च जो दुःखाचा शेवट आहे.
    पृथ्वी वसंत ऋतू (अमुधा सुरी, वायु, पाणी, अग्नि आणि जागा
    हे अन्न तयार करण्यासाठी एकत्र करा.
    निरंतर संवेदनशील आणि गैर-घातक प्राणी त्यांचे जीवन आणि श्रम आपण खाऊ शकतात.
    आपण पोषण होऊ शकतो की आपण जीवनाचे पोषण करू शकतो!
    “बोधिसत्वाच्या निडरतेमुळे भीती भयभीत झाली आहे.”
    मग विश्वाची निर्मिती केली गेली आहे.
    मानव, मांस, विषारीपणा आणि विषबाधा चालविल्या जाणार्या पाच ट्रेड्सने
    त्याच्या ले अनुयायांना पाठवले जाऊ शकत नाही. सर्व पुरुष आणि स्त्रिया
    उर्वरित झालेल्या भुकेला पराभूत करण्यासाठी भाज्या आणि फळांचे फळ वाढण्यास
    प्रारंभ करतात.
    आरोग्य सह्याद्री ।रोगप्रतिकारक वाढवण्यासाठी पहा कोणत्या फळ भाज्या आहेत उपयुक्त

    75) Classical Myanmar (Burmese)-Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ),

    ကောင်းသော purify စိတ်ကိုနိုးထတတှငျကဆိုသည်
    မြေကြီးနှင့်စပ်လျဉ်းသည့်နွေ ဦး ရာသီ (Amudha Surabhi, လေ, ရေ, မီးနှင့်နေရာ)
    မရေမတွက်နိုင်သော sentient နှင့်မဟုတ်သောသတ္တဝါများသည်ကျွန်ုပ်တို့စားနိုင်သည့်ဘ 0 နှင့်အလုပ်သမားများအားပေးသည်။
    “Bodhisattva ရဲ့ကြောက်ရွံ့မှုကြောင့်ကြောက်ရွံ့ခြင်းပင်။ “
    ထို့နောက်နိုးထစကြ 0 universe ာကိုဖန်တီးသည်။
    လက်နက်များ, လူသားများ, အသားနှင့်အဆိပ်အတောက်ဖြစ်စေသည့်ကုန်သွယ်မှုလုပ်ငန်းငါးခုသည်ရောင်းဝယ်ခြင်းကိုမပြုလုပ်သင့်ပါ။
    နံနက်တိုင်ဖွင့် ပဋ္ဌာန်းပါဠိ ၊ ပရိတ်ကြီး(၁၁)သုတ် နှင့် ဓါရဏပရိတ်တော်ကြီး

    76) Classical Nepali-शास्त्रीय म्यांमार (बर्मा),

    राम्रो शुद्ध मनले जागा रह्यो कि
    हतियारमा पाँचवटा ट्रेड व्यवसायहरू, मानिस, मासु, विषाक्तता र विषमा आफ्ना फोर-अनुयायीहरूले बगालि दिएका थिएनन्।
    यसको सट्टा सबै पुरुष र महिलाहरू तरकारीहरू र फलफूल बौने भाँडामा उन्नति बोटहरूमा बढ्न थाल्छन्
    सबैभन्दा ठूलो बिरामी, सबैभन्दा ठूलो दुःखकष्ट withren कन्सोनिष्टता भोक, यो कुरा मा यो वास्तविकता थाहा छ एक हो:
    अन्तिम सुख सर्वोच्च जुन कष्टको अन्त्य हो।
    पृथ्वीको वसन्त नेर्ताको वसन्त (अमाता सुराबिल, हावा, पानी, आगो र ठाउँ
    यो खाना बनाउन को लागी जोड्नुहोस्।
    अल्पसंख्यक अभिव्यक्ति र गैर एन्स्टिएन्ट जीवनीहरूले उनीहरूको जीवन र श्रम दिन्छन् जुन हामी खान सक्छौं।
    हामी पोषित हुनेछौं कि हामीले जीवनलाई पोषण गर्न सक्दछौं!
    “डर पनि बोलीसेट्की निरुत्साहितबाट डराउँछ।”
    त्यसपछि ब्रह्माण्ड सिर्जना गरियो।
    पाँचवटा ट्रेड व्यवसायहरू, मानिस, मासु, विषाक्तता र विषमा आफ्ना लेभन
    अनुयायीहरूले तरकारी तरकारी तरकारीहरू र ठूला-ठूला मानिसहरू सबैभन्दा ठूलो
    बिरामी पार गर्न थाल्छन्।
    यसरी गर्नुहोस तरकारी खेति||कुन तरकारी कुन समय मा लगाउदा फाइदा हुन्छ||successful farmer story
    कुन तरकारी कुन समय मा लगाउदा फाइदा हुन्छ सम्पूर्ण जानकारी बर्खे बालि कसरी गर्ने कुन समय मा कुन बालि लगाउदा बजार पा…

    78) Classical Odia (Oriya)

    ଭଲ ଶୁଦ୍ଧ ମନ ଯାହା ଜାଗ୍ରତ ହେଲା କହିଲା |
    ଅସ୍ତ୍ରଶସ୍ତ୍ର, ମନୁଷ୍ୟ, ମାଂସ, ବିଷାକ୍ତି ଏବଂ ବିଷକୁ ତାଙ୍କ ଶିବ ଗ୍ରହଣ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ପାଞ୍ଚଟି ବାଣିଜ୍ୟ ବ୍ୟବସାୟ |
    ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତେ ସମସ୍ତ ପୁରୁଷ ଏବଂ ମହିଳା ପନିପରିବା ଏବଂ ଫଳକୁ ଅତିକ୍ରମ କରିବା ପାଇଁ
    ହାଣ୍ଡି ପାତ୍ରରେ ବ war ବାହିକ ଉଦ୍ଭିଦ ବ growing ିବାରେ ଲାଗିଛନ୍ତି |
    ସର୍ବଶ୍ରେଷ୍ଠ ଅସୁସ୍ଥତା, ସବୁଠାରୁ ବଡ ଯନ୍ତ୍ରଣା ତଥା ଜାଗ୍ରତ ହୋଇଥିବାରୁ ଜାଗ୍ରତ ହୋଇଥିବାରୁ
    ଅଲ୍ଟିମେଟ୍ ସୁଖର ସର୍ବୋଚ୍ଚ ଯାହା ଦୁ suffering ଖର ସମାପ୍ତି |
    ପୃଥିବୀ ନାକ୍ଟର spring ରଣା (ଅମୂମା ସରିୟବି, ବାୟୁ, ଜଳ, ଅଗ୍ନି ଏବଂ ସ୍ଥାନ |
    ଏହି ଖାଦ୍ୟ ପ୍ରସ୍ତୁତ କରିବାକୁ ଏକତ୍ର |
    ସମନ୍ୱିତ ସମ୍ବେଦନଶୀଳ ଏବଂ ଅଣ ଦାପତ୍ୟ ଜୀବଜନ୍ତୁ ସେମାନଙ୍କ ଜୀବନ ଏବଂ ଶ୍ରମ ପ୍ରଦାନ କରନ୍ତି ଯାହା ଆମେ ଖାଇ ପାରିବା |
    ଆମେ ପୁଷ୍ଟୀକୃତ ହେବା ଯେ ଆମେ ପୋଷଣ ଜୀବନଯାପନ କରିପାରିବା!
    “ବର୍ଡସାଟାଟଭାଙ୍କ ନିର୍ଭୟରେ ଆହୁରି ଭୟକୁ ଭୟ କରାଯାଇଛି।”
    ତା’ପରେ ଜାଗ୍ରତ ବ୍ରହ୍ମାଣ୍ଡ ସୃଷ୍ଟି ହୋଇଛି |
    ମନୁଷ୍ୟ, ମାଂସ ଦ୍ୱାରା ପାଞ୍ଚଟି ବାଣିଜ୍ୟ ବ୍ୟବସାୟ, ହକିଗୁଡ଼ିକ ପନିପରିବା ଏବଂ
    ସଂଗ୍ରହକୁ ଅତିଶୟ ରୋଗରେ ପକାଇବା ପାଇଁ ପନିପରିବା ବ growing ିବାରେ ଲାଗିଛି |
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    putting our sawmill to use and building a flower planter box for our
    new garden entrance, we give you a full tour of our high tunnel and
    outdoor garden…

    83) Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,

    ਚੰਗੇ ਸ਼ੁੱਧ ਦਿਮਾਗ ਨੂੰ ਮੰਨਦੇ ਹਨ
    ਮਨੁੱਖਾਂ, ਮੀਟ, ਜ਼ਹਿਰੀਲੇ ਤੋਂ ਕਾਰੋਬਾਰਾਂ ਦਾ ਕਾਰੋਬਾਰ ਉਸ ਦੇ ਪੱਤਿਆਂ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਨਹੀਂ
    ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਜਾਗਦਾ ਹੇਠ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ.
    ਇਸ ਦੀ ਬਜਾਏ ਸਾਰੇ ਆਦਮੀ ਅਤੇ ਰਤਾਂ ਬਰਤਨਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਾਬੂ ਵਿੱਚ ਬਰਤਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਬਜ਼ੀਆਂ ਅਤੇ ਫਲ ਉਜਾਰਨ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ
    ਭੁੱਖ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ ਬੀਮਾਰ, ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ ਦੁੱਖ-ਕੰਨ ਵਾਲੀਤਾ ਨੇ ਕਿਹਾ ਕਿ ਜਾਗਿਆ ਜੋ ਇਸ ‘ਤੇ ਇਸ ਹਕੀਕਤ ਨੂੰ ਜਾਣਨਾ ਹੈ:
    ਅਖੀਰ ਅਮੀਰ ਜੋ ਦੁੱਖਾਂ ਦਾ ਅੰਤ ਹੈ.
    ਧਰਤੀ ਨੂੰ ਨੋਰਟਰ (ਅਮੁੱਧ ਸਰਾਬੀਆ, ਹਵਾ, ਪਾਣੀ, ਅੱਗ ਅਤੇ ਸਪੇਸ ਦੀ ਬਸੰਤ
    ਇਸ ਭੋਜਨ ਨੂੰ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਜੋੜੋ.
    ਅਣਗਿਣਤ ਧੁਨੀਵਾਦੀ ਅਤੇ ਗੈਰ ਭਾਵਨਾਤਮਕ ਜੀਵ ਆਪਣੀ ਜਾਨ ਅਤੇ ਕਿਰਤ ਦਿੰਦੇ ਹਨ ਜੋ ਅਸੀਂ ਖਾ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਾਂ.
    ਕੀ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਪਾਲਣ ਪੋਸ਼ਣ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਅਸੀਂ ਜ਼ਿੰਦਗੀ ਨੂੰ ਪੋਸ਼ਣ ਦੇ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਾਂ!
    “ਵੀ ਬੋਧੀਸਤਵ ਦੀ ਨਿਡਰਤਾ ਤੋਂ ਡਰਿਆ ਹੋਇਆ ਹੈ.”
    ਫਿਰ ਜਾਗਰੂਕ ਬ੍ਰਹਿਮੰਡ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ.
    ਹਥਿਆਰਾਂ, ਮਨੁੱਖਾਂ, ਮੀਟ, ਜ਼ਹਿਰੀਲੇਪਨ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਪੰਜ ਵਪਾਰ ਵਪਾਰੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਉਸ ਦੇ ਕਹਾਣਿਆਂ ਤੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਲਿਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਕਿ ਭੁੱਖ ਨੂੰ ਦੂਰ ਕਰ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ.
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    your blood. High levels of blood cholesterol increase your risk of heart
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    87) Classical Sanskrit छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्

    ढो ङूड् Pउरिफ़्य् ंइन्ड् सैड् ते आwअकेनेड् Oने
    ट्रडेस् भुसिनेस्स् इन् wएअपोन्स्,हुमन्स्,मेअट्,टोxइcइट्य् & पोइसोन्
    शोउल्ड् नोट् बे cअर्रिएड् ओन् ब्य् हिस् लय् फ़ोल्लोwएर्स् स्पेcइफ़िएस् थे
    आwअकेनेड् Oने.
    आल्ल् मेन्&wओमेन् स्टर्ट् ग्रोwइन्ग् वेगेटब्लेस्&फ़्रुइट्
    बेअरिन्ग् ड्wअर्फ़् प्लन्ट्स् इन् पोट्स् टो ओवेर्cओमे
    ते ग्रेअटेस्ट् इल्ल्,ते ग्रेअटेस्ट् सुफ़्फ़ेरिन्ग्-cओन्डिटिओनेड्नेस्स्,
    सैड् आwअकेनेड् Oने क्नोwइन्ग् तिस् रेअलिट्य् अट् इट् इसः
    ऊल्टिमटे ःअप्पिनेस्स् सुप्रेमे तट् इस् ते एन्ड् ओफ़् सुफ़्फ़ेरिन्ग्.
    Eअर्त् ते Sप्रिन्ग् ओफ़् णेcटोर् (आमुद Sउरभि,ऐर्,wअटेर्,फ़िरे&स्पcए
    Cओम्बिने टो मके तिस् फ़ूड्.
    णुम्बेर्लेस्स् सेन्टिएन्ट् अन्ड् नोन् सेन्टिएन्ट् बेइन्ग्स् गिवे तेइर् लिफ़े & लबोर् तट् wए मय् एअट्.
    ंअय् wए बे नोउरिशेड् तट् wए मय् नोउरिश् लिफ़े!
    “Eवेन् फ़ेअर् इस् फ़्रिघ्टेनेड् ब्य् ते बोदिसट्ट्व’स् फ़ेअर्लेस्स्नेस्स्.”
    थेन् आwअकेनेड् ऊनिवेर्से इस् cरेअटेड्.
    ट्रडेस् भुसिनेस्स् इन् wएअपोन्स्,हुमन्स्,मेअट्,टोxइcइट्य् & पोइसोन्
    शोउल्ड् नोट् बे cअर्रिएड् ओन् ब्य् हिस् लय् फ़ोल्लोwएर्स् स्पेcइफ़िएस् थे
    आwअकेनेड् Oने.ईन्स्टेअड् आल्ल् मेन्&wओमेन् स्टर्ट् ग्रोwइन्ग्
    वेगेटब्लेस्&फ़्रुइट् बेअरिन्ग् ड्wअर्फ़् प्लन्ट्स् इन् पोट्स् टो
    ओवेर्cओमे ःउन्गेर् ते ग्रेअटेस्ट् इल्ल्.

    92) Classical Sindhi,

    سٺو پاڪ ڪيو ذهن چيو ته جاڳيل هڪ
    هٿيار، انسانن، گوشت، گوشت، گوشت، زهر ۽ زهر ۾ پنج واپاري نه کڻڻ گهرجي.
    ان جي بدران سڀني مردن ۽ عورتن کي وڌندڙ ڀا vegetables ين ۽ ميوو بيئرنگ ٻوٽا کي قابو پائڻ شروع ڪندا آهن
    هن کي بکيو سڀني کان وڏي بيمار، وڏي مصيبتن واري مصيبتن کي اڻايو ته هن حقيقت ۾ اهو knowing اڻڻ آهي:
    حتمي خوشي جو عظيم آهي جيڪو مصيبت جو خاتمو آهي.
    ڌرتيء جو اسپرنگس جي بهار (اماڊا سوابو، هوا، پاڻي، باهه ۽ جڳهه
    هن کاڌو ٺاهڻ لاء گڏ ڪريو.
    بيشمار جذبو ۽ غير جذباتي مخلوق پنهنجي زندگي ۽ محنت ڏيو جيڪي اسان کائيندا آهيون.
    شايد اسان کي اهو نااهل ٿي وڃي ته اسان شايد نيري زندگي گذاريون!
    “جيتوڻيڪ خوف بديسواتا جي بي خوفن کان خوفزده آهي.”
    پوء جاڳيل ڪائنات ٺاهي وئي آهي.
    هٿيارن ۾ پنج واپاري ڌنڌو
    Jagatheesan won one Gold medal in 100m Butterfly one silver medal in
    400m Free style and one Bronze medal in 100m breast stroke
    Swimming Federation of India
    17th National Masters Championship 2021
    Organised by
    Karnataka Swimming Association (R)
    26th to 28th November, 2021.
    St. Aloysius College Swimming Pool, Mangaluru, Karnataka Champions
    Govind, Gopalrao, Sarkar, Chandrasekharan Jagatheesan with M Satish
    Kumar, Organising Secretary 17th National Masters Championship
    #swimmingchampionship2021 #masterschampionship
    #swimmingmasterschampionship For more such videos, subscribe to our
    YouTube channel ►…

    93) Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල,

    හොඳ පිරිසිදු කිරීමේ මනසක් කරන්න
    ආයුධ, මිනිසුන්, මස්, විෂ වීම සහ වස විසෙහි වෙළඳාමේ ව්යාපාර පහක් ඔහුගේ ගිහි අනුගාමිකයන් විසින් සිදු නොකළ යුතුය.
    ඒ වෙනුවට සියලුම පිරිමි සහ ගැහැණු ළමයින් පලතුරු හා පලතුරු දරණ භාජන වලින් ජය ගැනීම සඳහා එළවළු සහ පලතුරු වර්ධනය කිරීම ආරම්භ කරයි
    උතුම්කම ඇති උතුම්ම රෝගී තැනැත්තා වන කුසගින්න, ලොකුම දුක් වේදනා සහිත තත්වය, මෙම යථාර්ථය දැන ගැනීම ගැන කරුණකි:
    දුක් වේදනා වල අවසානයයි.
    පෘථිවිය නෙකෝට් (අමුහාූර්රාබි, වාතය, ජලය, ගිනි සහ අවකාශය
    මෙම ආහාරය සෑදීම සඳහා ඒකාබද්ධ කරන්න.
    නොසැලකිලිමත් බුද්ධිමත් හා බුද්ධිමත් නොවන ජීවීන් තම ජීවිතය හා ශ්රමය අපට කන්න පුළුවන්.
    අපට ජීවිතය පෝෂණය කළ හැකි බව අපි පෝෂණය කරමු!
    බෝධිසත්ව යන නිර්භීතකම නිසා භීතිය පවා බිය වේ. “
    පසුව විශ්වයේ අවදි කරන ලදි.
    මිනිසුන්, මස්, විෂ වීම සහ වස විසෙහි වෙළඳාමේ වෙළඳ ව්යාපාර පහක් ඔහුගේ
    ගිහි අනුගාමිකයන් විසින් සිදු නොකළ යුතුය. සියලුම පිරිමි සහ කාන්තා එළවළු
    සහ පලතුරු පාළු කම්පාළුවා වගා කිරීම සඳහා කුසගින්නෙන් පෙළෙන බඳුනෙහි
    විශාලතම රෝගාතුර වේ.
    සිරුරේ දුෂිත ලේ පිරිසිදු කරන හොදම ආහාර 09ක් - Top 9 Foods to Purify Your Blood
    Music -

  • 104) Classical Telugu- క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు,

    వంకాయ అంటు కట్టించాం.. 5 ఎకరాల్లో 170 టన్నులు.. రాబడి 40 లక్షలు | Telugu Rythubadi
    వంకాయ సాకులో అత్యధిక దిగుబడి తీయడంతోపాటు.. ధర కూడా కలిసి రావడంతో ఒకే సీజన్‌లో ౩౦ లక్షలకు పైగా లాభం పొందిన రైతు స…..

  • 105) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,

    ทำไมเราถึงต้องเลิกกินเนื้อสัตว์? - Why do we have to stop eating meat?

  • 109) Classical Urdu- کلاسیکی اردو

  • اچھا لگاؤ ​​دماغ نے کہا کہ بیداری ایک
    انسانوں، گوشت، زہریلا اور زہر میں پانچ تجارت کاروبار اس کے لے جانے والے
    پیروکاروں کی طرف سے نہیں کیا جانا چاہئے بیداری ایک کی وضاحت کرتا ہے.
    اس کے بجائے تمام مردوں اور عورتوں پر قابو پانے کے لئے سبزیاں اور پھل بیئرنگ بونے پودوں میں اضافہ شروع ہوتا ہے
    بھوک سب سے بڑی بیماری، سب سے بڑی مصیبت کی حالت میں، بیداری نے یہ حقیقت یہ ہے کہ یہ حقیقت یہ ہے کہ:
    حتمی خوشی سپریم جو مصیبت کا خاتمہ ہے.
    زمین کے موسم بہار کے موسم بہار (امودہ سوربی، ہوا، پانی، آگ اور خلائی
    یہ کھانا بنانے کے لئے یکجا.
    بے شمار جذباتی اور غیر جذباتی مخلوق ان کی زندگی اور مزدور دیتے ہیں جو ہم کھا سکتے ہیں.
    ہم اس پر غور کر سکتے ہیں کہ ہم زندگی کو فروغ دے سکتے ہیں!
    “یہاں تک کہ بدقسمتی سے خوف سے خوفزدہ ہے.”
    پھر بیداری کائنات پیدا کی گئی ہے.
    انسانوں، گوشت، زہریلا اور زہر میں پانچ تجارت کاروباری اداروں کو اس کے
    لے جانے والے پیروکاروں کی طرف سے نہیں کیا جانا چاہئے بیداری ایک کی وضاحت
    کرتا ہے. تمام مردوں اور عورتوں نے سبزیوں اور پھلوں کو بھوک پر قابو پانے
    کے لئے سبزیاں اور پھل بیئرنگ بونے پودوں کو بڑھتی ہوئی سب سے بڑی بیماری
    پر قابو پانے کے لئے شروع کر دیا.
    Mirch Ki Paneeri ki Kasht, Green Chili Cultivation - سبز مرچ کی پنیری کی کاشت - |BaKhabar Kissan|

  • 112) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việ,

    Làm tâm trí thanh lọc tốt cho biết một người thức dậy
    ngành kinh doanh buôn bán vũ khí, con người, thịt, độc tính & chất
    độc không nên được thực hiện bởi những người theo giáo dân của anh ta
    chỉ định một người thức dậy.
    Thay vào đó, tất cả đàn ông và phụ nữ bắt đầu trồng rau và trái cây mang cây lùn trong chậu để vượt qua
    Hunger Bệnh lớn nhất, điều trị đau khổ lớn nhất, được đánh thức một cách thức tỉnh khi biết thực tế này tại đó là:
    Hạnh phúc tối thượng tối cao đó là sự kết thúc của đau khổ.
    Trái đất Mùa xuân của Nector (Amudha Surabhi, Không khí, Nước, Lửa & Không gian
    Kết hợp để làm cho thực phẩm này.
    Sinh đôi vô số và những sinh vật không có sức sống và lao động mà chúng ta có thể ăn.
    Chúng ta có thể được nuôi dưỡng rằng chúng ta có thể nuôi dưỡng cuộc sống!
    “Ngay cả nỗi sợ hãi thậm chí sợ hãi bởi sự không sợ hãi của Bồ tát.”
    Sau đó đánh thức vũ trụ được tạo ra.
    doanh nghiệp buôn bán vũ khí, con người, thịt, độc tính và chất độc
    không nên được thực hiện bởi những người theo giáo dân của anh ta chỉ
    định một người thức tỉnh. Tìm kiếm tất cả đàn ông và phụ nữ bắt đầu
    trồng rau và trái cây mang cây lùn trong chậu để vượt qua cơn đói.
    VTC14_Phân biệt hoa quả có tính nóng và tính mát trong ngày hè
    truyền hình VTC14 - Đài truyền hình Kỹ thuật số VTCHoa quả rất giàu giá
    trị dinh dưỡng, nó cung cấp nhiều vitamin và khoáng chất có lợi cho sức
    khoẻ nê…

  • Noble Eightfold Path

    Ethical Conduct

    Right Action

    (samma kammanta)

    Right action means refraining from unwholesome
    deeds that occur with the body as their natural means of expression. The
    pivotal element in this path factor is the mental factor of abstinence,
    but because this abstinence applies to actions performed through the
    body, it is called “right action.” The Buddha mentions three components
    of right action: abstaining from taking life, abstaining from taking
    what is not given, and abstaining from sexual misconduct. These we will
    briefly discuss in order.

    (1) Abstaining from the taking of life (panatipata veramani)

    Herein someone avoids the taking of life and abstains
    from it. Without stick or sword, conscientious, full of sympathy, he is
    desirous of the welfare of all sentient beings.

    “Abstaining from taking life” has a wider
    application than simply refraining from killing other human beings. The
    precept enjoins abstaining from killing any sentient being. A “sentient
    being” (pani, satta) is a living being endowed with mind or
    consciousness; for practical purposes, this means human beings, animals,
    and insects. Plants are not considered to be sentient beings; though
    they exhibit some degree of sensitivity, they lack full-fledged
    consciousness, the defining attribute of a sentient being.

    The “taking of life” that is to be avoided is intentional
    killing, the deliberate destruction of life of a being endowed with
    consciousness. The principle is grounded in the consideration that all
    beings love life and fear death, that all seek happiness and are averse
    to pain. The essential determinant of transgression is the volition to
    kill, issuing in an action that deprives a being of life. Suicide is
    also generally regarded as a violation, but not accidental killing as
    the intention to destroy life is absent. The abstinence may be taken to
    apply to two kinds of action, the primary and the secondary. The primary
    is the actual destruction of life; the secondary is deliberately
    harming or torturing another being without killing it.

    While the Buddha’s statement on non-injury is
    quite simple and straightforward, later commentaries give a detailed
    analysis of the principle. A treatise from Thailand, written by an
    erudite Thai patriarch, collates a mass of earlier material into an
    especially thorough treatment, which we shall briefly summarize here.
    The treatise points out that the taking of life may have varying
    degrees of moral weight entailing different consequences. The three
    primary variables governing moral weight are the object, the motive, and
    the effort. With regard to the object there is a difference in
    seriousness between killing a human being and killing an animal, the
    former being kammically heavier since man has a more highly developed
    moral sense and greater spiritual potential than animals. Among human
    beings, the degree of kammic weight depends on the qualities of the
    person killed and his relation to the killer; thus killing a person of
    superior spiritual qualities or a personal benefactor, such as a parent
    or a teacher, is an especially grave act.

    The motive for killing also influences moral
    weight. Acts of killing can be driven by greed, hatred, or delusion. Of
    the three, killing motivated by hatred is the most serious, and the
    weight increases to the degree that the killing is premeditated. The
    force of effort involved also contributes, the unwholesome kamma being
    proportional to the force and the strength of the defilements.

    The positive counterpart to abstaining from
    taking life, as the Buddha indicates, is the development of kindness and
    compassion for other beings. The disciple not only avoids destroying
    life; he dwells with a heart full of sympathy, desiring the welfare of
    all beings. The commitment to non-injury and concern for the welfare of
    others represent the practical application of the second path factor,
    right intention, in the form of good will and harmlessness.

    (2) Abstaining from taking what is not given (adinnadana veramani)

    He avoids taking what is not given and abstains from
    it; what another person possesses of goods and chattel in the village or
    in the wood, that he does not take away with thievish intent.30

    “Taking what is not given” means appropriating
    the rightful belongings of others with thievish intent. If one takes
    something that has no owner, such as unclaimed stones, wood, or even
    gems extracted from the earth, the act does not count as a violation
    even though these objects have not been given. But also implied as a
    transgression, though not expressly stated, is withholding from others
    what should rightfully be given to them.

    Commentaries mention a number of ways in which
    “taking what is not given” can be committed. Some of the most common may
    be enumerated:

    (1) stealing: taking the belongings of others secretly, as in housebreaking, pickpocketing, etc.;

    (2) robbery: taking what belongs to others openly by force or threats;

    (3) snatching: suddenly pulling away another’s possession before he has time to resist;

    (4) fraudulence: gaining possession of another’s belongings by falsely claiming them as one’s own;

    (5) deceitfulness: using false weights and measures to cheat customers.31

    The degree of moral weight that attaches to the
    action is determined by three factors: the value of the object taken;
    the qualities of the victim of the theft; and the subjective state of
    the thief. Regarding the first, moral weight is directly proportional to
    the value of the object. Regarding the second, the weight varies
    according to the moral qualities of the deprived individual. Regarding
    the third, acts of theft may be motivated either by greed or hatred.
    While greed is the most common cause, hatred may also be responsible as
    when one person deprives another of his belongings not so much because
    he wants them for himself as because he wants to harm the latter.
    Between the two, acts motivated by hatred are kammically heavier than
    acts motivated by sheer greed.

    The positive counterpart to abstaining from
    stealing is honesty, which implies respect for the belongings of others
    and for their right to use their belongings as they wish. Another
    related virtue is contentment, being satisfied with what one has without
    being inclined to increase one’s wealth by unscrupulous means. The most
    eminent opposite virtue is generosity, giving away one’s own wealth and
    possessions in order to benefit others.

    (3) Abstaining from sexual misconduct (kamesu miccha-cara veramani)

    He avoids sexual misconduct and abstains from it. He
    has no intercourse with such persons as are still under the protection
    of father, mother, brother, sister or relatives, nor with married women,
    nor with female convicts, nor lastly, with betrothed girls.32

    The guiding purposes of this precept, from the
    ethical standpoint, are to protect marital relations from outside
    disruption and to promote trust and fidelity within the marital union.
    From the spiritual standpoint it helps curb the expansive tendency of
    sexual desire and thus is a step in the direction of renunciation, which
    reaches its consummation in the observance of celibacy (brahmacariya)
    binding on monks and nuns. But for laypeople the precept enjoins
    abstaining from sexual relations with an illicit partner. The primary
    transgression is entering into full sexual union, but all other sexual
    involvements of a less complete kind may be considered secondary

    The main question raised by the precept
    concerns who is to count as an illicit partner. The Buddha’s statement
    defines the illicit partner from the perspective of the man, but later
    treatises elaborate the matter for both sexes.33

    For a man, three kinds of women are considered illicit partners:

    (1) A woman who is married to another man. This
    includes, besides a woman already married to a man, a woman who is not
    his legal wife but is generally recognized as his consort, who lives
    with him or is kept by him or is in some way acknowledged as his
    partner. All these women are illicit partners for men other than their
    own husbands. This class would also include a woman engaged to another
    man. But a widow or divorced woman is not out of bounds, provided she is
    not excluded for other reasons.

    (2) A woman still under protection. This is a girl or
    woman who is under the protection of her mother, father, relatives, or
    others rightfully entitled to be her guardians. This provision rules out
    elopements or secret marriages contrary to the wishes of the protecting

    (3) A woman prohibited by convention. This includes
    close female relatives forbidden as partners by social tradition, nuns
    and other women under a vow of celibacy, and those prohibited as
    partners by the law of the land.

    From the standpoint of a woman, two kinds of men are considered illicit partners:

    (1) For a married woman any man other than her husband
    is out of bounds. Thus a married woman violates the precept if she
    breaks her vow of fidelity to her husband. But a widow or divorcee is
    free to remarry.

    (2) For any woman any man forbidden by convention,
    such as close relatives and those under a vow of celibacy, is an illicit

    Besides these, any case of forced, violent, or
    coercive sexual union constitutes a transgression. But in such a case
    the violation falls only on the offender, not on the one compelled to

    The positive virtue corresponding to the
    abstinence is, for laypeople, marital fidelity. Husband and wife should
    each be faithful and devoted to the other, content with the
    relationship, and should not risk a breakup to the union by seeking
    outside partners. The principle does not, however, confine sexual
    relations to the marital union. It is flexible enough to allow for
    variations depending on social convention. The essential purpose, as was
    said, is to prevent sexual relations which are hurtful to others. When
    mature independent people, though unmarried, enter into a sexual
    relationship through free consent, so long as no other person is
    intentionally harmed, no breach of the training factor is involved.

    Ordained monks and nuns, including men and
    women who have undertaken the eight or ten precepts, are obliged to
    observe celibacy. They must abstain not only from sexual misconduct, but
    from all sexual involvements, at least during the period of their vows.
    The holy life at its highest aims at complete purity in thought, word,
    and deed, and this requires turning back the tide of sexual desire.

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    May all Sentient and Non-Sentient beings be ever happy, well and secure!
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    May all have calm,quiet,alert,attentive and equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing!
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    White Home
    668, 5A main Road,
    8th Cross HAL III Stage
    Punya Bhumi Bengaluru
    Magadhi Karnataka
    Prabudha Bharat International
    WhatsApp : 944926443

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