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Yoga Asanas - Triangle Pose Trikonasana Asana
Click here to view the Triangle pose…

The Tree Pose

This pose
harnesses the powers of mental concentration, while allowing you to calm
the mind. It develops balance and stability, and strengthens the legs
and feet, also increasing flexibility in the hips and knees.

The tree pose
is a balance pose incorporating three lines of energy, emitting from the
centre outwards. One line proceeds down the straight leg, one line
extends up the spine and out the fingertips, and the third moves outward
through the bent knee.

To view in flash - click the image below

Instruction Table

Align yourself in mountain pose.

Continuing with your smooth

flowing breath


On your next
inhale; shift the bulk of your weight onto your left foot. Exhale bend
the right knee, and assisting with your hand, place the sole of your
right foot as high as possible into the left inner thigh, with toes
pointing down, steady yourself, and

breathe easy.


Next raise your arms to shoulder level, be sure that they are in line
with each other. Stretch your arms out from the middle of your back.
Lift your chest and look straight ahead. Keep completely focused on the


Now bring your
palms together in prayer position. Keeping your eyes focused on a point
in front of you, will assist your balance.


Inhale as you raise your arms overhead keeping your palms together and stretching upwards through the fingertips.

Instruction Table

Stand in mountain pose continuing with your smooth flowing breath.


Jump your feet
sides ways and sweep your arms out to the side so your ankles are below
your wrists. Establish your foundation, by pulling your knees and thighs
up, tucking your tailbone under, pushing your feet firmly into the

Visualise an imaginary line running vertically down the centre of your
body, dropping your shoulders. Squeeze your arms and legs away from the


Keep an
awareness of this line as you turn your right foot out to 90 degrees and
turn your left foot in to 70 degrees. Ensure the heel of your front
foot aligns with arch of your back foot, hips facing forward.

If your body wants to turn off centre, counter-act it by pushing simultaneously in opposite directions from the centre line.


Inhale, an as you exhale bend your right leg, pulling up with the
outside and inside of the thigh to form a right angle at the knee. Only
go as low as you can with out turning your hips off centre.

Ideally you want your knee directly above your ankle with you leg coming
vertically out of the floor like pillar. Keep the power flowing through
the back leg into the floor.


Inhale lift the spine; exhale turn your head to look over your right arm. Take a few deep breaths through the nose.

Hold the pose and breathe smooth.

Reverse the procedure back to mountain pose and repeat back to the other side.

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51.3K subscribers
This is the Triangle Pose or Trikonasana Asana in Sanskrit. Try the
triangle pose to energise yourself. Trikonasana is brought to you by Yoga Class Online | Learn Yoga Lessons Online | Yoga at Home – Modern Yoga Online

Yoga Class Online | Learn Yoga Lessons Online | Yoga at Home – Modern Yoga Online
Modern Yoga Online presents a full-time online yoga class for beginners. Stay at home and learn yoga online by watching our live demonstrations. Try our FREE DV

Visit our website for more free high quality downloads . Please when
you visit the website be sure to sign for our FREE newsletter. You will
receive updates and information on the most recent released free yoga
videos, music and other cool stuff.

is the Triangle Pose or Trikonasana Asana in Sanskrit. Try the triangle
pose to energise yourself. Trikonasana is brought to you by

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Yoga Asanas - Triangle Pose Trikonasana Asana
This is the Triangle Pose or Trikonasana Asana in Sanskrit. Try the triangle…
is the Triangle Pose or Trikonasana Asana in Sanskrit. Try the triangle
pose to energise yourself. Trikonasana is brought to you by

Instruction Table

Align yourself in mountain pose.
Continuing with your smooth
flowing breath

deeply and jump your feet out landing approx 1.2-1.5m apart. your feet
need to be in line and pointing forward at right angles. Next raise your
arms to shoulder level, be sure that they are in line with each other.
Stretch your arms out from the middle of your back. Lift your chest and
look straight ahead.

turn your right foot out while keeping your hips to the front, and turn
your left foot in from 90 to 70 degrees, by pivoting on your heel.
Insure your right heel is in line with the instep of the left foot.

kneecaps and thighs are pulling up, simultaneously pushing downward
through your feet into the floor. Inhale, extend the spine, exhale as
you bend to the right, pushing out from the hips, through the right arm…

your right hand to a comfortable position on your leg, your left arm
coming up to straight, moving down as far as possible without turning
the hips or torso. Keep the thighs firm and rolling around towards the
buttocks, moving the left hip back and open the chest.

Inhale, extend the neck and spine, exhale, turn your head to look up at your left hand.

your head, your buttocks and your heels in one straight line,not
looking down with you body, keep opening your whole body up.

Breathe easy.

Click here to view the Triangle pose

Click here to view the Triangle pose

Yoga Asanas - Triangle Pose Trikonasana Asana

Yoga Asanas - Triangle Pose Trikonasana Asana

The Tree Pose

This pose
harnesses the powers of mental concentration, while allowing you to calm
the mind. It develops balance and stability, and strengthens the legs
and feet, also increasing flexibility in the hips and knees.

The tree pose
is a balance pose incorporating three lines of energy, emitting from the
centre outwards. One line proceeds down the straight leg, one line
extends up the spine and out the fingertips, and the third moves outward
through the bent knee. To view in flash - click the image below

Instruction Table

Align yourself in mountain pose.

Continuing with your smooth

flowing breath


On your next
inhale; shift the bulk of your weight onto your left foot. Exhale bend
the right knee, and assisting with your hand, place the sole of your
right foot as high as possible into the left inner thigh, with toes
pointing down, steady yourself, and

breathe easy.


Next raise your arms to shoulder level, be sure that they are in line
with each other. Stretch your arms out from the middle of your back.
Lift your chest and look straight ahead. Keep completely focused on the


Now bring your
palms together in prayer position. Keeping your eyes focused on a point
in front of you, will assist your balance.


Inhale as you raise your arms overhead keeping your palms together and stretching upwards through the fingertips.

Instruction Table

Stand in mountain pose continuing with your smooth flowing breath.


Jump your feet
sides ways and sweep your arms out to the side so your ankles are below
your wrists. Establish your foundation, by pulling your knees and thighs
up, tucking your tailbone under, pushing your feet firmly into the

Visualise an imaginary line running vertically down the centre of your
body, dropping your shoulders. Squeeze your arms and legs away from the


Keep an
awareness of this line as you turn your right foot out to 90 degrees and
turn your left foot in to 70 degrees. Ensure the heel of your front
foot aligns with arch of your back foot, hips facing forward.

If your body wants to turn off centre, counter-act it by pushing simultaneously in opposite directions from the centre line.


Inhale, an as you exhale bend your right leg, pulling up with the
outside and inside of the thigh to form a right angle at the knee. Only
go as low as you can with out turning your hips off centre.

Ideally you want your knee directly above your ankle with you leg coming
vertically out of the floor like pillar. Keep the power flowing through
the back leg into the floor.


Inhale lift the spine; exhale turn your head to look over your right arm. Take a few deep breaths through the nose.

Hold the pose and breathe smooth.

Reverse the procedure back to mountain pose and repeat back to the other side.

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Posture Yoga Posture. This pose harnesses the powers of mental
concentration, while allowing you to calm the mind. It develops balance
and stability, an…
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Tree pose Yoga Posture
Tree Posture Yoga Posture. This pose harnesses the powers of mental…
Posture Yoga Posture. This pose harnesses the powers of mental
concentration, while allowing you to calm the mind. It develops balance
and stability, an…

Instruction Table
Align yourself in mountain pose.
Continuing with your smooth
flowing breath
your next inhale; shift the bulk of your weight onto your left foot.
Exhale bend the right knee, and assisting with your hand, place the sole
of your right foot as high as possible into the left inner thigh, with
toes pointing down, steady yourself, and Next
raise your arms to shoulder level, be sure that they are in line with
each other. Stretch your arms out from the middle of your back. Lift
your chest and look straight ahead. Keep completely focused on the

bring your palms together in prayer position. Keeping your eyes focused
on a point in front of you, will assist your balance.
Inhale as you raise your arms overhead keeping your palms together and stretching upwards through the fingertips.
Instruction Table
Stand in mountain pose continuing with your smooth flowing breath.
your feet sides ways and sweep your arms out to the side so your ankles
are below your wrists. Establish your foundation, by pulling your knees
and thighs up, tucking your tailbone under, pushing your feet firmly
into the floor.
an imaginary line running vertically down the centre of your body,
dropping your shoulders. Squeeze your arms and legs away from the

an awareness of this line as you turn your right foot out to 90 degrees
and turn your left foot in to 70 degrees. Ensure the heel of your front
foot aligns with arch of your back foot, hips facing forward.
If your body wants to turn off centre, counter-act it by pushing simultaneously in opposite directions from the centre line.
an as you exhale bend your right leg, pulling up with the outside and
inside of the thigh to form a right angle at the knee. Only go as low as
you can with out turning your hips off centre.

you want your knee directly above your ankle with you leg coming
vertically out of the floor like pillar. Keep the power flowing through
the back leg into the floor.
Inhale lift the spine; exhale turn your head to look over your right arm. Take a few deep breaths through the nose.

Hold the pose and breathe smooth.

Reverse the procedure back to mountain pose and repeat back to the other side.

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Yoga Asanas - Warrior Pose Virabhadrasana Asana

Yoga Asanas - Warrior Pose Virabhadrasana Asana

Mountain Pose Yoga Position

Mountain Pose Yoga Position

Mountain Pose Yoga Position
Mountain Pose
Prayer Pose

Mountain Yoga Pose

The Mountain Pose is one of the most important poses in yoga. It is the start and finish point of all standing poses.

When standing
in mountain pose, the mind is quiet, and the body strong and still, like
a mountain. This is a pose you can practise in your daily life,
practising to stand correctly will have a profound influence on your
physical and mental well being. To view in flash - click the image below

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51.3K subscribers
Mountain pose Yoga Posture When standing in mountain pose, the mind is quiet, and the body strong and still, like a mountain.

This is a Yoga pose you can practise in your daily life, practising to
stand correctly will have a profound influence on your physical and
mental well being.

pose Yoga Posture When standing in mountain pose, the mind is quiet,
and the body strong and still, like a mountain. This is a Yoga pose you
can pra…
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Mountain Pose Yoga Position
Mountain pose Yoga Posture When standing in mountain pose, the mind is…
pose Yoga Posture When standing in mountain pose, the mind is quiet,
and the body strong and still, like a mountain. This is a Yoga pose you
can pra…

Inline image

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Mountain Pose Yoga Position

Mountain Pose Yoga Position
Extended Prayer Yoga Posture

The Prayer Pose

This pose is
simple, but very effective, and is a key movement to more advanced
poses. This pose will teach you how to push from under the shoulders and
out of the lats, the major muscle group of the back. A key movement in a
lot of yoga poses.

It strengthens
and aligns the upper body while releasing tension and increasing the
circulation to the shoulder joint, which is a ball and socket joint. It
also aids in strengthening the
abdominal and lumber region as you look to form a solid base. To view in flash - click the image below

Instruction Table

Moutain Pose 1


Moutain Posture
2 Lift the kneecaps up by contracting the front thigh muscles, but not
locking the backs of the knees. Pull up with the back of the thighs, and
activate the hip and buttocks to level the pelvis.


Mountain Poses
Back Your hips should be directly over your knees, and your knees over
your ankles. This gives you a stable foundation and by positioning the
pelvis properly, keeps the spine healthy.


Now extend the
spine, by slowly inhaling, lifting up through the legs as you lift the
ribcage, opening the chest and dropping the shoulders down, extending
the neck, keeping the jaw and eyes soft.


Bring the shoulder blades into the back, to support the ribcage. Breathe slowly and softly.

Keep your head directly over your shoulders, and look at eye level at a point in front of you.

Instruction Table

yourself in mountain pose and take a few deep breaths here, breathing
down into the abdomen, continuing the breathing that you are now
familiar with.


Inhale, raise your arms to shoulder height and stretch them out in the opposite direction to each other


Now twist your arms from the shoulder and turning your palms upwards. Keep the body in a nice strong upright position


Bring your arms
out in front of you, pushing your elbows firmly together and your
fingers extending away from you, while focusing on pulling your shoulder
blades together..


Continue squeezing the elbows together as you bring your palms together


Now bend at the
elbow and take the forearms to vertical. Keep pressing firmly with the
palms and the elbows as you breathe the arms upwards. With each exhale
moving slightly higher. Shoulder opener Yoga Posture. This movement will
teach you how to push from under the shoulders and out of the lats, the
major muscle group of the back. A key movement in a lot of yoga poses.
This pose is simple, but very effective, and is a key
movement to more advanced poses.

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51.3K subscribers
Shoulder opener Yoga Posture. This movement will teach you how to push
from under the shoulders and out of the lats, the major muscle group of
the back. A key movement in a lot of yoga poses. This pose is simple,
but very effective, and is a key movement to more advanced poses.

opener Yoga Posture. This movement will teach you how to push from
under the shoulders and out of the lats, the major muscle group of the
back. A ke…
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Extended Prayer Yoga Posture
Shoulder opener Yoga Posture. This movement will teach you how to…
opener Yoga Posture. This movement will teach you how to push from
under the shoulders and out of the lats, the major muscle group of the
back. A ke…

Instruction Table
Mountain Pose 1
Mountain Posture 2
the kneecaps up by contracting the front thigh muscles, but not locking
the backs of the knees. Pull up with the back of the thighs, and
activate the hip and buttocks to level the pelvis.
Mountain Poses Back
hips should be directly over your knees, and your knees over your
ankles. This gives you a stable foundation and by positioning the pelvis
properly, keeps the spine healthy.
extend the spine, by slowly inhaling, lifting up through the legs as
you lift the ribcage, opening the chest and dropping the shoulders down,
extending the neck, keeping the jaw and eyes soft.


Bring the shoulder blades into the back, to support the ribcage. Breathe slowly and softly.
Keep your head directly over your shoulders, and look at eye level at a point in front of you.

Instruction Table

yourself in mountain pose and take a few deep breaths here, breathing
down into the abdomen, continuing the breathing that you are now
familiar with.


Inhale, raise your arms to shoulder height and stretch them out in the opposite direction to each other


Now twist your arms from the shoulder and turning your palms upwards. Keep the body in a nice strong upright position


your arms out in front of you, pushing your elbows firmly together and
your fingers extending away from you, while focusing on pulling your
shoulder blades together..


Continue squeezing the elbows together as you bring your palms together


bend at the elbow and take the forearms to vertical. Keep pressing
firmly with the palms and the elbows as you breathe the arms upwards.
With each exhale moving slightly higher.

opener Yoga Posture. This movement will teach you how to push from
under the shoulders and out of the lats, the major muscle group of the
back. A key movement in a lot of yoga poses. This pose is simple, but
very effective, and is a key movement to more advanced poses.

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Extended Prayer Yoga Posture

Extended Prayer Yoga Posture

Yoga Shoulder rotation

Yoga Shoulder rotation

Yoga Shoulder rotation
The Shoulder Shrug

The shoulder rotation is another pose which can be practiced anywhere and at any time.

It strengthens
and aligns the shoulder region while releasing tension and increasing
the circulation to the shoulder joint, which is a ball and socket joint.
It also aids in strengthening the abdominal and lumber region as you
look to form a solid base. To view in flash - click the image below

Instruction Table

Align yourself in mountain pose. Continuing with your smoot flowing breath


As you inhale, lift your shoulders to your ear lobes, keeping the head erect and soft.


As you exhale, rotate the shoulders around by pushing up out of the chest and squeezing the shoulder blades together, rotating them in a full circle.


Back down into mountain pose

Repeat 3 more times

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51.3K subscribers
Meditation in motion Yoga Posture. Inhale as you lift your shoulders to your ear lobes, keeping the head erect and soft.

As you Exhale, rotate the shoulders around by pushing up out of the chest rotating them in a full circle.

in motion Yoga Posture. Inhale as you lift your shoulders to your ear
lobes, keeping the head erect and soft. As you Exhale, rotate the
shoulders …
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Yoga Shoulder rotation
Meditation in motion Yoga Posture. Inhale as you lift your shoulders to your…
in motion Yoga Posture. Inhale as you lift your shoulders to your ear
lobes, keeping the head erect and soft. As you Exhale, rotate the
shoulders …

Instruction Table
Align yourself in mountain pose.
Continuing with your smooth
flowing breath
As you inhale, lift your shoulders to your ear lobes, keeping the head erect and soft.
As you exhale, rotate the shoulders around
by pushing up out of the chest and squeezing the shoulder blades together, rotating them
in a full circle.
Back down into mountain pose
Repeat 3 more times
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Yoga Shoulder rotation

Yoga Shoulder rotation

Lying Twist
Downward Dog
Seated Forward Bend

The Lying Basic Twist

Doing this pose will rapidly increase strength and muscle tone in your midsection.

The lying twist
is another pose which is very simple yet extremely effective. This pose
is soothing to the spine and neck, and warms and frees the lower back
and hips and it also improves digestion and assists in toxin
elimination. To view in flash - click the image below

Instruction Table

Come to a
position lying on your back and stretch your arms out to the side and
place your palms and shoulders firmly on the floor.

Move your
shoulder blades under. Spread your toes apart. Feel the back and
shoulders moulding to the straight lines of the floor.


Bend your knees as far as they come towards the chest.


keeping your knees and ankles together, Exhale, rolling your knees to
the right. Focus on keeping your arms pressing out wards and your
shoulders pushing firmly into the ground. You may feel or hear your
spine lengthening as it extends into the correct alignment.

Knees & ankles together breathe, focus on creating length between the left lower rib and the hip,


Now turn your head to look over your left hand. Relax in to this pose, stomach soft, breathing soft and relaxed.

Reverse the pose back up and repeat to the other side

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The Downward Facing Dog

Adhomukha Svanasana

The downward
yoga pose is named as such as it resembles the shape of a Dog stretching
itself out. This pose helps to strengthen, stretch and reduce stiffness
in the legs while strengthening and shaping the upper body. Dog pose
Yoga Posture . One of the main yoga asanas. If you have time for only
one posture try this one.

Holding this
pose for a minute or longer will stimulate and restore energy levels if
you are tired. Regular practice of this pose rejuvenates the entire body
and gently stimulates your nervous system.

Instruction Table
to a position lying on your back and stretch your arms out to the side
and place your palms and shoulders firmly on the floor.

Move your shoulder blades under. Spread your toes apart. Feel the
back and shoulders moulding to the straight lines of the floor.


Bend your knees as far as they come towards the chest.


keeping your knees and ankles together, Exhale, rolling your knees to
the right. Focus on keeping your arms pressing out wards and your
shoulders pushing firmly into the ground. You may feel or hear your
spine lengthening as it extends into the correct alignment.
Knees & ankles together breathe, focus on creating length between the left lower rib and the hip,
Now turn your head to look over your left hand. Relax in to this pose, stomach soft, breathing soft and relaxed.

Reverse the pose back up and repeat to the other side

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Dog pose Yoga Posture
The Downward Facing Dog

Adhomukha Svanasana

The downward
yoga pose is named as such as it resembles the shape of a Dog stretching
itself out. This pose helps to strengthen, stretch and reduce stiffness
in the legs while strengthening and shaping the upper body. Dog pose
Yoga Posture . One of the main yoga asanas. If you have time for only
one posture try this one.

Holding this
pose for a minute or longer will stimulate and restore energy levels if
you are tired. Regular practice of this pose rejuvenates the entire body
and gently stimulates your nervous system.
To view in flash - click the image below

Instruction Table

Come up onto
your hands and knees with your knees hip width apart and the hands
shoulder width apart, your fingers wide pressing firmly into the floor.


Inhale, arch your spine and look up as you turn your toes under.


As you exhale straighten your legs and pause here for a moment.


Now push the floor away from you hands, positioning your body like an
inverted V, achieving a straight line from your hands to your shoulders
to the hips. Straight arms and straight legs.

As you inhale press downward into your hands and lift outward out of the shoulders.

Lift your head and torso back through the line of your body.

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51.3K subscribers
Dog pose Yoga Posture . One of the main yoga asanas. If you have time for only one posture try this one.

Dog pose Yoga Posture . One of the main yoga asanas. If you have time for only one posture try this one.
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Dog pose Yoga Posture
Dog pose Yoga Posture . One of the main yoga asanas. If you have time for…
Dog pose Yoga Posture . One of the main yoga asanas. If you have time for only one posture try this one.

Instruction Table
up onto your hands and knees with your knees hip width apart and the
hands shoulder width apart, your fingers wide pressing firmly into the
Inhale, arch your spine and look up as you turn your toes under.
As you exhale straighten your legs and pause here for a moment.
push the floor away from you hands, positioning your body like an
inverted V, achieving a straight line from your hands to your shoulders
to the hips. Straight arms and straight legs.
As you inhale press downward into your hands and lift outward out of the shoulders.
Lift your head and torso back through the line of your body.

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Dog pose Yoga Posture

Dog pose Yoga Posture
siting forward bend
The Seated Forward Bend


The purpose of
this pose is to give the entire back of your body a very complete
stretch from the heels to the head. It is excellent for posture
improvement and stimulates the internal organs as

It adds in
improved mental concentration and endurance and helps to control and
calm the mind. It relieves compression while increasing the elasticity
of the spine, it also strengthens and stretches the hamstrings.
To view in flash - click the image below

Instruction Table

Come to a sitting position with your legs together in front of you.

Move the fleshy part of your buttocks from underneath you, so you are on
the top of your sitting bones, which are located at the very top of
your legs.

Roll the thighs inwards so that the kneecaps are facing directly upwards.

Activate the legs by pressing down into the floor, and out through the heels.

Spread your toes wide and pull them towards you.

Lengthen your lower back muscles down as you extend your spine up and out of the pelvis.

Now take your
strap around both feet. The strap`s purpose is to keep the spine
straight. This is very important. Be aware the head is an extension of
the spine, so keep it aligned accordingly.

Use the breath to create the optimum degree of intensity in the stretch.

On your next exhale; come down the belt further while
maintaining the extension on the front and back of the torso. Some of
you will be able to grab the sides of your feet. Breathe softly and
continuously. Don’t pull yourself forward by the strength of your upper

Keep bending at the hips, maintaining a relaxed head and neck.

Go a little further, relax your abdomen, and inhale, as you lengthen,
exhale, and come further forward, increasing the space in your

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51.3K subscribers
siting forward bend Yoga Asana

siting forward bend Yoga Asana
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siting forward bend
siting forward bend Yoga Asana
siting forward bend Yoga Asana

siting forward bend Yoga Asana

Instruction Table
Come to a sitting position with your legs together in front of you.
the fleshy part of your buttocks from underneath you, so you are on the
top of your sitting bones, which are located at the very top of your

Roll the thighs inwards so that the kneecaps are facing directly upwards.
Activate the legs by pressing down into the floor, and out through the heels.
Spread your toes wide and pull them towards you.
Lengthen your lower back muscles down as you extend your spine up and out of the pelvis.

Now take your strap around both feet. The strap`s purpose is to keep the spine straight. This is very important.
Be aware the head is an extension of the spine, so keep it aligned accordingly.
Use the breath to create the optimum degree of intensity in the stretch.
your next exhale; come down the belt further while maintaining the
extension on the front and back of the torso. Some of you will be able
to grab the sides of your feet. Breathe softly and continuously. Don’t
pull yourself forward by the strength of your upper body.

Keep bending at the hips, maintaining a relaxed head and neck.Keep bending at the hips, maintaining a relaxed head and neck.5

Go a little further, relax your abdomen, and inhale, a you lengthen, exhale, and come further forward, increasing the space in
your vertebrae.

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siting forward bend

siting forward bend



The Bridge Pose

The Bridge Pose is
a simple yet very effective pose to practice. It helps to promote a
healthy flexible spine while strengthening the legs and buttock muscles.
It also helps to stretch and stimulate the abdominal muscles and organs.

It aids in easing and stimulating the mind and is a great way to reenergize if feeling tired.
To view in flash - click the image below

Instruction Table

Lie on your back with your legs bent, heels close to the buttocks,
Feet pressing firmly into the floor, hip width and parallel.

Your arms should be slightly out from your sides, the palms of your hands pressing firmly into the floor.


Inhale, and
with the exhale raise the hips up by pushing strongly into the floor
with your feet. Keep the buttocks firm, and press the shoulders and arms
into the floor. Only go to the height that you are
comfortable with.

Take a few nourishing breaths in this position, as you keep opening the chest and lengthening the torso.


Now bring your arms over your head to the floor behind you. Keep lifting your buttocks away from the floor, keeping them
contracted, which will protect the lower spine, and work softly with the breath, keeping the head and neck relaxed.

This pose stretches the whole front of the body, and brings mobility to
the spine. Breathing is improved from the opening of the ribcage and
chest area.

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locus Yoga Posture

The Locust
The Bridge
Extended Child’s Pose

The Locust Pose


The locus yoga posture is
named as such as it resembles the shape of the insect known as the
Locust. This pose helps to strengthen, stretch and reduce stiffness in
the lower back while bringing flexibility to the upper back region.

When you first begin to practice this pose, your
legs may not move very far off the floor. Please continue and stay
positive as you will find your range will continue to improve the more
you practice. Learning to master this pose will hold you in good stead
for more advanced back bends.
To view in flash - click the image below
Instruction Table

Come to a position lying face down on the floor, with your arms along
side your body, palms and forehead down. Bring your knees and ankles
together. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and down. Push your palms
into the floor. Pull the abdominals inwards, contract the buttocks, and
press the hips and pubis firmly into the floor.


On your next exhale; raise the legs to a height that is comfortable but challenging.

Keep the buttocks activated, lock the knees, keep the ankles together.


Extend the front of your body as you pull the shoulder blades
together, raising the head, the arms, and upper torso away from the
floor, looking straight ahead, opening the front of the chest and
pushing down the lines of the arms.

Keep the legs working strongly.

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51.3K subscribers
Locus Yoga Posture

Locus Yoga Posture
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locus Yoga Posture

Locus Yoga Posture

Locus Yoga Posture

Instruction Table
Come to a position lying face down on the floor, with
your arms along side your body, palms and forehead down. Bring your
knees and ankles together. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and
down. Push your palms into the floor. Pull the abdominals inwards,
contract the buttocks, and press the hips and pubis firmly into the
On your next exhale; raise the legs to a height that is comfortable but challenging.

Keep the buttocks activated, lock the knees, keep the ankles together.


Extend the front of your body as you pull
the shoulder blades together, raising the head, the arms, and upper
torso away from the floor, looking straight ahead, opening the front of
the chest and pushing down the lines of the arms.

Keep the legs working strongly.

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51.3K subscribers
Locus Yoga Posture

Locus Yoga Posture
About This Website
locus Yoga Posture

Locus Yoga Posture

Locus Yoga Posture

Instruction Table
Come to a position lying face down on the floor, with
your arms along side your body, palms and forehead down. Bring your
knees and ankles together. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and
down. Push your palms into the floor. Pull the abdominals inwards,
contract the buttocks, and press the hips and pubis firmly into the
On your next exhale; raise the legs to a height that is comfortable but challenging.

Keep the buttocks activated, lock the knees, keep the ankles together.


Extend the front of your body as you pull
the shoulder blades together, raising the head, the arms, and upper
torso away from the floor, looking straight ahead, opening the front of
the chest and pushing down the lines of the arms.

Keep the legs working strongly.

Please Visit:…
51.3K subscribers
Locus Yoga Posture

Locus Yoga Posture
About This Website
locus Yoga Posture

Locus Yoga Posture

Locus Yoga Posture

Instruction Table
Come to a position lying face down on the floor, with
your arms along side your body, palms and forehead down. Bring your
knees and ankles together. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and
down. Push your palms into the floor. Pull the abdominals inwards,
contract the buttocks, and press the hips and pubis firmly into the
On your next exhale; raise the legs to a height that is comfortable but challenging.

Keep the buttocks activated, lock the knees, keep the ankles together.


Extend the front of your body as you pull
the shoulder blades together, raising the head, the arms, and upper
torso away from the floor, looking straight ahead, opening the front of
the chest and pushing down the lines of the arms.

Keep the legs working strongly.

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locus Yoga Posture

locus Yoga Posture

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