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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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History of Santacittarama
Filed under: General, Theravada Tipitaka , Plant raw Vegan Broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, carrots
Posted by: site admin @ 2:05 pm

Beautiful 🤩 film 🎥
Lama ventured out to a cinema for the first time in his life to view
Bertolucci’s 1993 film “Little Buddha” at its premiere in Paris.
Theravada Tipitaka in Buddha’s own words in number of episodes in 3D 360 degrees circarama wil not be a disappointment.
video highlights scenes from nine of Storaro’s film “Little Buddha”
(1993). Though the film’s collective subject matters couldn’t be more
different at times, Storaro’s eye for vibrant, bold color choices that
pique the moment and leap off the screen couldn’t be more consistent.
Whatever the story, whatever the setting, he always finds a way to craft
powerful, dramatic, stunning images, a skill the supercut highlights
extremely effectively.

Little Buddha (1993) - Keanu Reeves - A Film by Bernardo Bertolucci

Shakyamuni university Buddha
Why Is the Historical Buddha Called “Shakyamuni”?
it’s nearly always the case that when someone is talking about
Shakyamuni, he or she is speaking of the historical figure who was born
Siddhartha Gautama but then became known as Shakyamuni only after he
became the Buddha. This person, after his awakenment , is also sometimes
called Gautama Buddha.
About the Shakya
name Shakyamuni is Sanskrit for “Sage of the Shakya.” Siddhartha
Gautama was born a prince of the Shakya or Sakya, a clan who appear to
have established a city-state with a capital in Kapilavatthu, in
modern-day Nepal, about 700 BCE. The Shakya were believed to have been
descendants of a very ancient Vedic sage named Gautama Maharishi, from
whom they took the name Gautama. There is a bit of legitimate
documentation of the Shakya clan that can be found outside of Buddhist
texts, so it appears the Shakya was not just an invention of Buddhist
indeed Siddhartha was the heir of the Shakya king, as legends suggest,
his enlightenment may have played a small role in the clan’s downfall.
The Prince had married and had fathered a son before he left his home to
seek wisdom, but the son, Rahula, eventually became his father’s
disciple and a celibate monk, as did many young men of the Shakya
nobility, according to the Tipitaka.
scriptures also say the Shakya and another clan, the Kosala, had long
been at war. A peace agreement was sealed when the Kosala crown prince
married a Shakya princess. However, the young woman sent by the Shakya
to marry the prince actually was a slave, not a princess–a deception
not discovered for a long time. The couple had a son, Vidudabha, who
swore revenge when he learned the truth about his mother. He invaded and
massacred the Shakya, then annexed Shakya territory into Kosala

最感人的佛教電影《釋迦牟尼佛傳》 Sakyamuni Buddha HD


There are many movies of Buddha’s life in many languages.
The need today is to propagate the teachings of the Buddha in his own words from Theravada Tripitaka. Movie 🎥 makers must start producing as many episodes
of his teachings in 3D 360 degrees circarama in at least 117 classical languages of the world.
बुद्ध के जीवन पर कई भाषाओं में कई फिल्में हैं।
आवश्यकता यह है कि थेरवाद त्रिपिटक से बुद्ध की शिक्षाओं को उन्हीं के
शब्दों में प्रचारित किया जाए। मूवी निर्माताओं को अधिक से अधिक एपिसोड का
निर्माण शुरू करना चाहिए
दुनिया की कम से कम 117 शास्त्रीय भाषाओं में 3डी 360 डिग्री सर्करामा में उनकी शिक्षाओं का।

Tathagatha Buddha | Full Movie | Sunil Sharma, Kausha Rach, Suman | HD 1080p | English Subtitles

There are many movies of Buddha’s life in many languages.
The need today is to propagate the teachings of the Buddha in his own words from Theravada Tripitaka. Movie 🎥 makers must start producing as many episodes
of his teachings in 3D 360 degrees circarama in at least 117 classical languages of the world.
అనేక భాషల్లో బుద్ధుని జీవితానికి సంబంధించిన ఎన్నో సినిమాలు వచ్చాయి.
థేరవాద త్రిపిటక నుండి బుద్ధుని బోధనలను ఆయన మాటల్లోనే ప్రచారం చేయడం నేటి అవసరం. మూవీ 🎥 నిర్మాతలు తప్పనిసరిగా అనేక ఎపిసోడ్‌లను నిర్మించడం ప్రారంభించాలి
ప్రపంచంలోని కనీసం 117 శాస్త్రీయ భాషలలో 3D 360 డిగ్రీల సర్కారమాలో అతని బోధనలు.


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    There are many movies of Buddha’s life in many languages.
    The need today is to propagate the teachings of the Buddha in his own words from Theravada Tripitaka. Movie 🎥 makers must start producing as many episodes
    of his teachings in 3D 360 degrees circarama in at least 117 classical languages of the world.
    बुद्ध के जीवन पर कई भाषाओं में कई फिल्में हैं।
    आवश्यकता यह है कि थेरवाद त्रिपिटक से बुद्ध की शिक्षाओं को उन्हीं के
    शब्दों में प्रचारित किया जाए। मूवी निर्माताओं को अधिक से अधिक एपिसोड का
    निर्माण शुरू करना चाहिए
    दुनिया की कम से कम 117 शास्त्रीय भाषाओं में 3डी 360 डिग्री सर्करामा में उनकी शिक्षाओं का।

    Tathagatha Buddha | Full Movie | Sunil Sharma, Kausha Rach, Suman | HD 1080p | English Subtitles

    History of Santacittarama
    A book, “Santacittarama: the first 30 years“, can be downloaded here: Photos and English text (18 Mb)
    recently occurred to us that all of 25 years have passed since
    Santacittarama was officially inaugurated on 21st March 1990. It was
    then located in a small villa, generously offered by the late Vincenzo
    Piga, located on the outskirts of Sezze Romano (Latina), and the
    original residents were Ajahn Thanavaro and Anagarika John Angelori.
    mark this significant milestone we thought to begin a “History of
    Santacittarama” archive – to include articles, photos, comments and
    reflections – that we will build up gradually in instalments. At some
    point it could be the basis for a book to be published and given out
    freely, for example, on the occasion of the official opening of the
    temple. To start the ball rolling, here is the beginning of an article
    announcing the opening of the first Theravadin monastery in Italy,
    written by Ajahn Sucitto for the Forest Sangha Newsletter, issued in
    April 1990. Updates to the archive will be announced in the “News” page
    on our website.
    A Leap of Faith
    Settling in
    Consolidating the foundations
    New plans
    New Year
    Patient Perseverance
    The Heart in the right place
    ⟵Thai Forest Sangha Tradition
    History 1. A Leap of Faith⟶
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    Photos: Kathina ceremony, 2019
    External retreats
    Santacittarama Buddhism Monastery
    are welcome to participate in the daily life of Santacittarama, whether
    they come to stay for a few hours or a few days. Those that wish to
    stay overnight should read the following information carefully and book
    in advance. Coming for a brief visit during the day there is no need to
    give notice, unless wishing to speak with a monk, in which case one
    should make an appointment beforehand. Please remember that Monday is a
    day of silence and rest.
    Associate of the Italian Buddhist Union
    Visit the monastery
    Santacittarama Monastero Buddhista Località Brulla 02030 Poggio Nativo (RI), Italy.
    Tel: (++39) 0765 872 528 (During retreat time: 07:30-08:30, otherwise, Tues-Sun, 08:30-10:30)
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