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Kushinara NIBBΔ€NA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

January 2025
« Jan    
B Media 4 UR Own Idea-Path Shown by the Blessed, Noble, Awakened Mighty Great Mind !Truely Followed by Baba saheb and Dada Saheb who Entered the Pure Land !And Strived to lead all Sentient beings to that Wonder Land !-International Multipurpose Co-operative Society of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath(IMCSOIJGPB) For The Welfare and Ultimate Bliss of Entire Great Minds-Tier II cities to the fore-Union Minister Ram Vilas Paswan of LJP must quit for not filling up backlog post of SC/STs evem after staying for four years in the post.-RPI must contest all the seats in Maharashtra
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 4:16 am


Book Seven, Part Iβ€”The Meeting of those Near and Dear

1. *The Centres of His Preachings* — 2. *The Places He Visited* — 3. *Last Meeting between Mother and Son, and between Wife and Husband* — 4. *Last Meeting between Father and Son* — 5. *Last Meeting between the Buddha and Sariputta*

Β§1. The Centres of His Preachings

    1. It is not that after the appointment of the missionaries the Lord sat at one place. He too continued to be his own missionary.
    3. Of such centres, the chief were Shravasti and Rajagraha.
    4. He visited Shravasti about 75 times, and Rajagraha about 24 times.
    5. Certain other places were made minor centres.
    6. They were Kapilavastu, which he visited 6 times; Vesali, which he visited 6 times; and Kamas-sadhamma, 4 times.

Β§ 2. The Places He Visited

    1. Besides these main and minor centres, the Blessed Lord visited many other places during the course of his missionary tour.
    2. He visited Ukkatha, Nadika, Sal, Assapura, Ghoshitaram, Nalanda, Appana, Etuma.
    3. He visited Opasad, lccha-naukal, Chandal Kuppa, Kushinara.
    4. He visited Devadaha, Pava, Ambasanda, Setavya, Anupiya, and Ugunma.
    5. The names of the places he visited show that he travelled over the Sakya Desa, the Kuru Desa, and [the] Anga Desa.
    6. Roughly speaking, he travelled over the whole of Northern India.
    7. These appear to be a few places. But what distance do they cover? Rajagraha from Lumbini is not less than 250 miles. This just gives an idea of distances.
    8. These distances the Lord walked on foot. He did not even use a bullock-cart.
    9. In his wanderings he had no place to stay, until later on when his lay disciples built Viharas and resting places which he and his Bhikkhus used as halts on their journeys. Most often he lived under the shade of wayside trees.
    10. He went from place to place, sometimes from village to village, resolving the doubts and difficulties of those who were willing to accept his message, controverting the arguments of those who were his opponents, and preaching his gospel to those who, like children, came to him for guidance.
    11. The Blessed Lord knew that all those who came to listen to him were not all of them intelligent, not all of them came with an open and a free mind.
    12. He had even warned the brethren that there were three sorts of listeners:
    13. The empty-head, the fool who cannot see–though oft and oft, unto the brethren going, he hears their talk, beginning, middle, end, but can never grasp it. Wisdom is not his.
    14. Better than he the man of scattered brains, who oft and oft, unto the brethren going, hears all their talk, beginning, middle, end, and seated there can grasp the very words, yet, rising, nought retains. Blank is his mind.
    15. Better than these the man of wisdom wide. He, oft and oft unto the brethren going, hears all their talk, beginning, middle, end, and seated there, can grasp the very words, bears all in mind, steadfast, unwavering, skilled in the Norm and what conforms thereto.
    16. Notwithstanding this, the Lord was never tired of going from place to place preaching his gospel.
    17. As a bhikkhu the Lord never had more than three pieces of clothes [=clothing]. He lived on one meal a day, and he begged his food from door to door every morning.
    18. His mission was the hardest task assigned to any human being. He discharged it so cheerfully.

Β§ 3. Last Meeting between Mother and Son, and between Wife and Husband

    1. Before their death Mahaprajapati and Yeshodhara met the Blessed Lord,
    2. It was probably their last meeting with him.
    3. Mahaprajapati went, and first worshipped him.
    4. She thanked him for having given her the happiness of the good doctrine; for her having been spiritually born through him; for the doctrine having grown in her through him; for her having suckled him, drinking the Dhamma-milk of him; for her having plunged in and crossed over the ocean of becoming through him–what a glorious thing it has been to be known as the mother of the Buddha!
    5. And then she uttered her plea: “I desire to die, finally having put away this corpse. O sorrow-ender, permit me.”
    6. Yeshodhara, addressing the Blessed Lord, said that she was in her seventy-eighth year. The Blessed Lord replied that he was in his eighties.
    7. She told him that she was to die that very night. Her tone was more self-reliant than that of Mahaprajapati. She did not ask his permission to die, nor did she go to him to seek him as her refuge.
    8. On the contrary, she said to him (me saranam atthano), ” I am my own refuge.”
    9. She had conquered all the cankers in her life.
    10. She came to thank him, because it was he who had shown her the way and given her the power.

Β§ 4. Last Meeting between Father and Son

    1. Once when the Lord was staying at Raja-graha in the bamboo grove, Rahula was staying at Ambalathika.
    2. The Blessed One, arising towards eventide from his meditation, went over to Rahula, who seeing the Lord some way off, set a seat for him and water to wash his feet.
    3. Seating himself on the seat set for him, the Lord poured water over his feet, while Rahula, after salutations, took his seat to one side.
    4. Addressing Rahula, the Blessed Lord said, “He who does not shrink from deliberate lying has not, say I, left undone any evil thing which he could. Therefore, you must school yourself never to tell a lie even in jest.
    5. “In the same way you must reflect, and again in doing every act, in speaking every word, and in thinking every thought.
    6. “When you want to do anything, you must reflect whether it would conduce to your or others’ harm or to both, and so is a wrong act productive of woe and ripening into woe. If reflection tells you that this is the nature of that contemplated act, you should not do it.
    7. “But if reflection assures you there is no harm but good in it, then you may do it.
    8. “Grow in loving kindness; for as you do so, malevolence will pass away.
    9. “Grow in compassion; for as you do so, vexation will pass away.
    10. “Grow in gladness over others’ welfare; for as you do so, aversions will pass away.
    11. “Grow in poised equanimity; for as you do so, all repugnance will pass away.
    12. “Grow in contemplation of the body’s corruption; for as you do so, passion will pass away.
    13. “Grow in perception of the fleeting nature of things; for as you do so, the pride of self will fall away.”
    14. Thus spoke the Lord. Glad at heart, Rahula rejoiced in what the Lord had said.

Β§ 5. Last Meeting between the Buddha and Sariputta

    1. The Blessed Lord was staying in Shravasti, in the Jetavana in the Gaudhakuti Vihar.
    2. Sariputta arrived there with a company of five hundred brethren.
    3. After saluting the Blessed One, Sariputta told him that the last day of his life on earth had arrived. Will the Blessed Lord be pleased to permit him to give up his mortal coils [=body]?
    4. The Blessed Lord asked Sariputta if he had selected any place for his parinibbana.
    5. Sariputta told the Blessed One, “I was born in the village Nalaka in Magadha. The house in which I was born still stands. I have chosen my home for my parinibbana.”
    6. The Lord replied, “Dear Sariputta! Do what pleases you.”
    7. Sariputta fell on the feet of the Blessed Lord arid said, “I have practised the paramitas for one thousand Kalpas with only one wish: to have the honour of falling on [=at] your feet. I have achieved that end, and there is no end to my happiness.”
    8. “We do not believe in rebirth. Therefore this is our last meeting. Let the Lord forgive me my faults. My last day has come.”
    9. “Sariputta! There is nothing to forgive,” said the Lord.
    10. When Sariputta rose to go, the Lord in his honour got up, and stood up on the verandah of the Gauohakuti Vihar.
    11. Then Sariputta said to the Blessed Lord, “I was happy when I saw you first. I am happy to see you now. I know this is the last darshan of you [that] I am having. I shall not have your darshan again.”
    12. Joining together the palms of his hand[s], he walked away without showing his back to the Blessed Lord.
    13. Then the Blessed Lord said to the assembled brethren, “Follow your Elder Brother”–and the assembly for the first time left the Blessed Lord and went after Sariputta.
    14. Sariputta, on reaching his village, died in his home, in the very room in which he was born.
    15. He was cremated, and his ashes were taken to the Blessed Lord.
    16. On receiving the ashes, the Blessed Lord said to the brethren, “He was the wisest, he had no acquisitive instinct, he was energetic and industrious, he hated sin–ye brethren, see his ashes! He was as strong as the earth in his forgiveness, he never allowed anger to enter his mind, he was never controlled by any desire, he had conquered all his passions, he was full of sympathy, fellowship and love.”
    17. About that time Mahamogallan was then living in a solitary Vihar near Rajagraha. He was murdered by some assassins employed by the enemies of the Blessed Lord.
    18. The sad news of his end was conveyed to the Blessed One. Sariputta and Mahamogallan were his two chief disciples. They were called Dharma-Senapati–Defenders of the Faith. The Blessed Lord depended upon them to continue the spread of his gospel.
    19. The Blessed Lord was deeply affected by their death in his lifetime.
    20. He did not like to stay in Shravasti; and to relieve his mind, he decided to move on.


All accounts will be maintained and published as per the law of the land.

Soak One cup of Ragi, with One Cup of Urud Dhal and one cup of Flattened Rice at night.
Next day morning grind all of the three ingedients to make it a paste. Add little baking soda and salt to taste.Take a vessel with water. Cover the mouth of the vessel with a clean white thin cloth. Place some saucers and pour the paste in the saucers.Cover the whole vesssel with another empty vessel.And cook it for some time in the steam.
Now the most healthiest food is ready.

Take some peanuts. Add some salt, one chillie, and some tamarind. Add little water and grind it is a mixie. Eat with the Ragi Idlies.


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Good for all in General !
In particular Sugar Nil !
For Diabetics sans heavy medical bill !
And earn every one’s Good will !

                                                                                - Thathawin Loll !

Tier II cities to the fore

Education remains one of the fastest growing sectors in the country. Not only has it evolved as a giant money spinner but has also led to a revolution in career making. With such a global surge in this sector even small cities and towns are not left untouched. Basking in the glory of accomplishment various higher education institutions and coaching centers have sprung up all over the small cities like Agra, Aligarh, Mathura, etc. Encompassing different fields of education like the aviation, tourism, hospitality, management, engineering, science, law to name a few, have all been picked up with great ease and curiosity by the students aiming high in life.

From getting technical training to masters in administration, aspirants looking for the best in professional skills can now avail all of them right here in the city of Taj. Not just the courses but features like transportation facilities, lodging provisions, libraries to broaden one’s horizon add to the sanctity of an institute or college attracting large number of students both from within the city and nearby areas. Aspiring students, who until now had nightmares moving to a different city all together for pursuing their educational interests can now have a sigh of relief, as the city has world class institutes to look forward to.

Not only a tourism hub but also the center of vast number of commercial activities, Agra has opened up with great career opportunities for the thousands of youngsters. Right from receiving a formal training to getting into a job has become all the way easier for the youngsters in small yet growing cities like Agra.

So, looking at the changing scenario of the education sector in small cities, one can expect a lot in times ahead!


Aryan Institute of Management and Computer Studies was established in 1999 by Pooran Chand Educational and Welfare Society, Agra. The vision of promoters is to set up an academic institute of excellence that can meet the needs of the society and the nation at large.


Great institutions are inevitably forged by purpose and place. Founded in 1993, Career Point and Kota has grown up together. From its quite beginning with just a dozen students and a handful of faculties, Career Point has grown a thousand fold, but the same tradition of success in IIT-JEE, AIEEE, medical entrance exams goes on, with equal contributions from the branches all over the country. The Agra branch at 45, MG Road has also kept the Career Point flag flying high.


Having more than 30 years of shaping success stories, IMS has been the undisputed market leader in the field of management entrance training. Ranked 4th in the education sector and 44th amongst the top 50 most trusted service brands across India in the December 2003 survey conducted by AC-Nielson & Brand Equity (The Economic Times).


Getting through the competitions like IIT is a tough calling necessitating specialized coaching modules. From teachers who have vast experience in the line and other requirements of the highly competitive scenario, Kota Tutorials, a certified ISO 9001:2000, offers a complete package and makes sure that the students get the best quality of teaching and career guidance to ensure their success. Before Kota Tutorials entered the scene in Agra, a few years ago, the first choice of students aspiring for top engineering competitions was Kota in Rajasthan which had built a fair reputation in providing result-oriented consumer friendly interface to thousands of students who successfully hit the bull’s eye, getting through one competition or the other.


Mangalayatan University is being established to revive the spirit of education in the present and future generations. Mangalayatan University has been enacted by Uttar Pradesh State Legislature under the β€œMangalayatan University Uttar Pradesh Act” and notified by the Government of Uttar Pradesh as Act No. 32 of 2006, notified by its Gazette No. 362/VII-V-1-1(Ka)-12/2006 dated 30th Oct, 2006. Mangalayatan University is a fully government recognized university with the right to confer degrees as per section 2f and 22(1) of the UGC Act.


Established in the year 1996 with aim to impart best quality education among the students, Sharda Group of Institutes better known as SGI is made to cope up with world level challenges. Today after a gap of eleven years it has fourteen more organizations being added.


Union Minister Ram Vilas Paswan  of LJP must quit for not filling up backlog post of SC/STs evem after staying for four years in the post.

The Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) headed by Union Minister Ram Vilas Paswan must fill up all the backlog posts of SC/STs as done by the Mayawati government in Uttar Pradesh or else he must resign from his post. UPA government has  failed to check increasing atrocities on SC/STs (Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath) and Muslims all over the country. Ram Vilas Paswan must try to see that the UPA budget distributes the wealth of the Country proportionate to all sections of the society. His own Ministry should do that. Steel prices have increased many times after he took over helping the Capitalists and not the poor in the country. National SC/ST Commission and National Commission of Minorities are just puppets of the Invaders. It has no powers and have been never helpful for the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath. Their only job is to go to different PSUs and enjoy the Five Star facilities and make reports as directed by the Invaders Castes. Even after 60 years they have not been able to fill up the backlog.

The Union Minister must strive hard like the Chief Minister of UP to get 50% reservation for women with proportionate representation for all castes and religions.


RPI must contest all the seats in


Ramdas Athawale must contest all the seats in Maharashtra instead of getting just one seat from his master Sharad Pawar. Or, alternately he must try to join hands with Ms Mayawati the Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath instead of being a puppet in the hands of Invaders and their slaves to realize the dream of the Might Great Minded Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar to acquire the Master Key. Being a puppet in the hand of the Invaders and their slaves will help only one person to go to Lok Sabha that will never enable him to get the Master Key

untouchable EARTH

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