Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

January 2025
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LESSON 4480 Fri 1 Jul 2022 Daily Wisdom DO GOOD PURIFY MIND Good Morning Buddha Positive Quotes Buddha Vacana — The words of the Buddha — — Āṇi Sutta —in 23) Classical Catalan-Català clàssic 24) Classical Cebuano-Klase sa Sugbo, 25) Classical Chichewa-Chikale cha Chichewa, 26) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体), 27) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體), 28) Classical Corsican-Corsa Corsicana, 29) Classical Croatian-Klasična hrvatska, 30)Classical Czech-Klasická čeština
Filed under: General, Theravada Tipitaka , Plant raw Vegan Broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, carrots
Posted by: site admin @ 5:34 pm

LESSON 4480 Fri 1 Jul  2022

Daily Wisdom


Good Morning Buddha Positive Quotes

Buddha Vacana

— The words of the Buddha —
— Āṇi Sutta —in
23) Classical Catalan-Català clàssic

24) Classical Cebuano-Klase sa Sugbo,

25) Classical Chichewa-Chikale cha Chichewa,

26) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),

27) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體),

28) Classical Corsican-Corsa Corsicana,

29) Classical Croatian-Klasična hrvatska,

30)Classical Czech-Klasická čeština

May be an image of text that says
Buddha Vacana
— The words of the Buddha —

— Āṇi Sutta —

future time, there will be bhikkhus who will not listen to the
utterance of such discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound,
profound in meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected
with emptiness, they will not lend ear, they will not apply their mind
on knowledge, they will not consider those teachings as to be taken up

On the contrary, they will listen to the utterance of such discourses which are
compositions made by poets, witty words, witty letters, by people from
outside, or the words of disciples, they will lend ear, they will apply
their mind on knowledge, they will consider those
teachings as to be taken up and mastered.

Thus, bhikkhus, the discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound,
profound in meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected with emptiness, will disappear.

Therefore, bhikkhus, you should train thus: ‘We will listen to the utterance of
discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound, profound in
meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected with
emptiness, we will lend ear, we will apply our mind on knowledge, we
will consider those teachings as to be taken up and mastered.’ This is
how, bhikkhus, you should train yourselves.

Classical Pāli

bhikkhū anāgatam·addhānaṃ, ye te suttantā tathāgata·bhāsitā gambhīrā
gambhīr·atthā lok·uttarā suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttā, tesu bhaññamānesu na
sussūsissanti na sotaṃ odahissanti na aññā cittaṃ upaṭṭhāpessanti na ca
te dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissanti.

Ye pana te suttantā kavi·katā kāveyyā citta·kkharā citta·byañjanā bāhirakā sāvaka·bhāsitā,
tesu bhaññamānesu sussūsissanti, sotaṃ odahissanti, aññā cittaṃ
upaṭṭhāpessanti, te ca dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissanti.

bhikkhave, suttantānaṃ tathāgata·bhāsitānaṃ gambhīrānaṃ
gambhīr·atthānaṃ lok·uttarānaṃ suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttānaṃ antaradhānaṃ

bhikkhave, evaṃ sikkhitabbaṃ: ‘ye te suttantā tathāgata·bhāsitā
gambhīrā gambhīr·atthā lok·uttarā suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttā, tesu
bhaññamānesu sussūsissāma, sotaṃ odahissāma, aññā cittaṃ upaṭṭhāpessāma,
te ca dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissāmā’ti. Evañhi vo,
bhikkhave, sikkhitabbanti.


दैनिक ज्ञान
मन को शुद्ध करो
बुद्ध वचन
— बुद्ध के वचन —
— i सुट्टा —
में, ऐसे भिक्खु होंगे जो ऐसे प्रवचनों के उच्चारण को नहीं सुनेंगे जो
तथागत के शब्द हैं, गहरा, अर्थ में गहरा, दुनिया से परे, (निरंतर) शून्यता
से जुड़ा हुआ है, वे कान नहीं देंगे, वे ज्ञान पर अपना दिमाग नहीं लगाएंगे,
वे उन शिक्षाओं पर विचार नहीं करेंगे जिन्हें लिया जाना है और
महारत हासिल
इसके विपरीत, वे ऐसे प्रवचनों के उच्चारण सुनेंगे जो हैं
द्वारा बनाई गई साहित्यिक रचनाएं, मजाकिया शब्द, मजाकिया पत्र, बाहर के
लोगों द्वारा, या शिष्यों के शब्द, वे कान देंगे, वे अपना दिमाग ज्ञान पर
लगाएंगे, वे उन पर विचार करेंगे
शिक्षाओं को लिया जाना और महारत हासिल करना।
इस प्रकार, भिक्खु, प्रवचन जो तथागत के शब्द हैं, गहन,
अर्थ में गहरा, संसार से परे, (लगातार) शून्य से जुड़ा हुआ, गायब हो जाएगा।
इसलिए, भिक्खुओं, आपको इस प्रकार प्रशिक्षित करना चाहिए: ‘हम उनकी बात सुनेंगे’
ऐसे प्रवचन जो तथागत के शब्द हैं, गहरा, अर्थ में गहरा, दुनिया से परे, (लगातार) से जुड़ा हुआ है
खालीपन, हम कान लगाएंगे, हम अपना दिमाग ज्ञान पर लगाएंगे, हम
उन शिक्षाओं पर विचार करेगा जिन्हें लिया और महारत हासिल किया जाएगा।’ यह है
कैसे, भिक्खुओं, तुम्हें खुद को प्रशिक्षित करना चाहिए।

23) Classical Catalan-Català clàssic
Saturday Baby GIF - Saturday Baby Laugh GIFs

23) Clàtelan-català clàssic
Buda vacana
- Les paraules del Buda -
- āṇi sutta -
el futur temps, hi haurà Bhikkhus que no escoltarà la declaració de
discursos que són paraules del Tathāgata, profund, profund de
significat, que porta més enllà del món, (constantment) relacionat amb
el buit, no prestaran oïda, sinó No aplicaran la seva ment sobre el
coneixement, no consideraran que aquests ensenyaments siguin presos i
contra, escoltaran la declaració de discursos que són composicions
literàries fetes per poetes, paraules enginyoses, lletres enginyoses,
per part de persones de fora o de les paraules dels deixebles ,
consideraran que aquests ensenyaments seran assumits i dominats.
Bhikkhus, els discursos que són paraules del Tathāgata, profunds,
profunds de significat, que condueixen més enllà del món, (constantment)
relacionats amb el buit, desapareixeran.
tant, Bhikkhus, hauríeu d’entrenar així: “Escoltarem la declaració de
discursos que són paraules del Tathāgata, profund, profund de
significat, que condueix més enllà del món, (constantment) relacionat
amb el buit, prendrem l’orella Aplicarem la nostra ment sobre el
coneixement, considerarem que aquests ensenyaments siguin presos i
dominats. “Així, Bhikkhus, hauríeu de formar -vos.
Bon dia Buda Cites positives
d’espelmes es poden il·luminar a partir d’una sola espelma i la vida de
l’espelma no s’escurçarà. La felicitat no disminueix mai en ser
compartida. “
“Cada matí tornem a néixer. El que fem avui és el que més importa ”.
final, només hi ha tres coses importants: quant us va encantar, la suau
que vivíeu i amb quina gràcia deixeu anar les coses que no es vol dir
per a vosaltres.”
“La pau ve de dins. No ho busqueu sense “.
“Per entendre -ho tot és perdonar -ho tot”
Cites positives de Gautam Buda
“El dolor és inevitable. El patiment és opcional. “
“Només hi ha dos errors que es poden cometre al camí cap a la veritat; No anar tot el camí i no començar. “
“La puresa o la impuresa depèn d’un mateix, ningú no pot purificar -ne un altre.”
“Una idea desenvolupada i posada és més important que una idea que només existeix com a idea.”
“No sereu castigats per la vostra ira, sereu castigats per la vostra ira.”
el patiment és causat per la ignorància. Les persones infligeixen dolor
als altres en la recerca egoista de la seva pròpia felicitat o
satisfacció. “
Imatges de cites positives de Buda
“Abans de parlar, deixeu que les vostres paraules passin per tres portes: és cert? És necessari? És amable? ”
“Un gos no es considera un bon gos perquè és un bon Barker. Un home no es considera un home bo perquè és un bon parlant. “
“Els que estan lliures de pensaments ressentits segurament troben pau”.
“La felicitat no arribarà mai a aquells que no aprecien el que ja tenen”.
“No tens ànima. Ets una ànima. Tens un cos ”.
Cites de la vida de Buda
“Si voleu volar, renuncieu a tot el que us pesa.”
conformen els nostres pensaments; Ens convertim en el que pensem. Quan
la ment és pura, l’alegria segueix com una ombra que no surt mai ”.
“No podeu recórrer el camí fins que no us hagueu convertit en el camí en si”
“El que penses, et converteixes. El que sentiu, atrau. El que imagineu, creeu ”.
“Una idea desenvolupada i posada és més important que una idea que només existeix com a idea.”
L’ego mai accepta la veritat.
Disertación de Sobre la profecía del Buda
Hablemos del Budismo de Nichiren Daishonin
del Gosho de Abril de 2021. Del Gosho: Sobre la profecía del Buda.
Presentada por Paulino Bocanegra Quesada como integrante del
departamento de estudio de la SGIP.
Disertación de Sobre la profecía del Buda
del Gosho de Abril de 2021. Del Gosho: Sobre la profecía del Buda.
Presentada por Paulino Bocanegra Quesada como integrante del
departamento de es…

24) Classical Cebuano-Klase sa Sugbo,

Bhim Jai GIF - Bhim Jai GIFs

24) Klase Classical Cebuano-Klasase sa Sugbo,
Buddha Vachana
- ang mga pulong sa Buddha -
- āṇi sutta -
umaabot nga panahon, adunay bhikkhus nga dili mamati sa pagpamulong sa
mga diskurso nga mga pulong sa Tathāgata, nga labi pa sa kalibutan, nga
nag-ayo) nga adunay kaarang, nga nag-atubang sa kawad-on, sila dili
magpahulam sa dalunggan, sila dili magpahulam, sila dili dili magamit
ang ilang hunahuna sa kahibalo, dili nila hunahunaon ang mga pagtulun-an
nga pagakuhaon ug mas ma-master.
kasukwahi, mamati sila sa pagpamulong sa mga diskurso nga mga
komposisyon sa literatura nga gihimo sa mga magbabalak, dili maayo nga
mga pulong, sa mga tawo gikan sa gawas, o mga pulong sa mga disipulo,
sila magpahulam sa ilang hunahuna sa kahibalo , ilang hisgotan ang mga
pagtulun-an nga pagakuhaon ug mas ma-master.
ingon, ang Bhikkhus, ang mga diskurso nga mga pulong sa Tathāgata,
lawom, lawom nga kahulugan, nga molungtad sa kalibutan, nga adunay
kawala’y kawala, mawala.
bhikkhus, kinahanglan nga bansayon ​​nimo kini: ‘Mamati kami sa
pagpamulong sa mga diskurso nga mga pulong sa Tathāgata, nga nag-ayo sa
kalibutan, nga nag-ayo sa kalibutan, nga nag-uswag sa kawad-on, nga
nag-uswag sa kawad-on, nga magpahulam sa kawad-on, kami magamit ang
atong hunahuna sa kahibalo, hisgotan naton ang mga pagtulun-an nga
pagahimoon ug masamok. ‘Ingon niini, bhikkhus, kinahanglan nimo nga
bansayon ​​ang imong kaugalingon.
Maayong buntag buddha positibo nga kinutlo
ka mga kandila mahimong madasig gikan sa usa ka kandila, ug ang
kinabuhi sa kandila dili mapamubu. Ang kalipay dili molambo pinaagi sa
pagpaambit. “
“Kada buntag natawo kita pag-usab. Ang among gibuhat karon mao ang labing hinungdanon. “
katapusan, tulo ra ka mga butang ang hinungdan: kung unsa ang imong
gihigugma, kung giunsa nimo ang kalumo, ug kung unsa ka matulin ang
imong mga butang nga wala nimo buhaton.”
“Ang kalinaw gikan sa sulod. Ayaw kini pangitaa kung wala. “
“Aron masabtan ang tanan mao ang pagpasaylo sa tanan”
Gautam buddha positibo nga kinutlo
“Ang kasakit dili malikayan. Ang pag-antos kapilian. “
duha ra nga mga sayup nga mahimo sa usa ka tawo sa dalan sa kamatuoran;
dili moadto sa tanan nga dalan, ug dili magsugod. “
“Ang kaputli o kahugawan nagdepende sa kaugalingon, wala’y usa nga makahinlo sa lain.”
“Ang usa ka ideya nga naugmad ug gibutang sa aksyon labi ka hinungdanon kaysa usa ka ideya nga adunay usa ka ideya.”
“Dili ka pagasilotan tungod sa imong kasuko, pagasilotan ka sa imong kasuko.”
tanan nga pag-antos gipahinabo sa pagkawalay alamag. Ang mga tawo
nakapasakit sa uban sa hakog nga paggukod sa ilang kaugalingon nga
kalipay o katagbawan. “
Buddha Positibo nga mga imahe sa Quduch
wala ka pa mosulti, tugoti ang imong mga pulong nga moagi sa tulo ka
mga ganghaan: Tinuod ba kini? Kinahanglan ba? Maayo ba kini? “
usa ka iro wala gikonsiderar nga maayo nga iro tungod kay siya usa ka
maayo nga barker. Ang usa ka tawo dili giisip nga usa ka maayong tawo
tungod kay siya usa ka maayong tigpamaba. “
“Kadtong wala’y salabutan nga mga hunahuna makita nga kalinaw.”
“Ang kalipay dili moabut sa mga napakyas nga pabilhan kung unsa ang naa na nila.”
“Wala ka’y ​​kalag. Ikaw usa ka kalag. Adunay ka lawas. “
Kinabuhi Quote sa Buddha
“Kung gusto nimo molupad, biyai ang tanan nga nagatimbang kanimo.”
kami sa among mga hunahuna; Nahimo kita kung unsa ang atong gihunahuna.
Kung ang hunahuna putli, ang kalipay nagsunod sama sa anino nga wala
mobiya. “
“Dili ka makabiyahe sa agianan hangtod nga nahimo ka nga dalan mismo”
“Sa imong hunahuna, mahimo ka. Ang imong gibati, nakadani ka. Ang imong gihunahuna, ikaw nagmugna. “
“Ang usa ka ideya nga naugmad ug gibutang sa aksyon labi ka hinungdanon kaysa usa ka ideya nga adunay usa ka ideya.”
Si Ego wala gidawat ang kamatuoran.
Nepal: Little Buddha, the return - Documentary
Nepal, five hours from Katmandou, thousands of people, irrespective of
wich caste they belong to, goes each day on a pilgrimage, on foot or on
cart. There…

25) Classical Chichewa-Chikale cha Chichewa,
Br Ambedkar Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar GIF - Br Ambedkar Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar Jai Jai Bheem GIFs

25) Zachidziwikire Chichewa-Chikale Chawawa,
Buddha Cime
- mawu a Buddha -
- āṇi sutta -
nthawi, padzakhala Bhikhson yemwe samvera mawu oterewa omwe ali a
THATHāgata, tanthauzo lalikulu, logonjetsedwa ,. Sadzagwiritsa ntchito
nzeru zawo, sakambirana ziphunzitsozo kuti atengedwe ndi kusamaliridwa.
mwake, amvera mawu oterewa omwe ali ndakatulo, mawu a Witty, zilembo za
wiby, kapena mawu a ophunzira, adzakuturutsani kudziwa , amakambirana
ziphunzitsozo kuti atengedwe ndi kusamaliridwa.
chake, Bhikkhos, nkhani zomwe ndi mawu a Thraāgata, tanthauzo lalikulu,
latanthauzo, zomwe zimayambitsa kupitirira dziko lapansi, (nthawi
zonse) zolumikizidwa ndi zopanda pake, zidzatha.
chake, muyenera kuphunzitsa motero kuti: Tidzagwiritsa ntchito kudziwa
zambiri, tikambirana ziphunzitsozi kuti titengedwe. ‘Umu ndi momwe,
bhikkosi, muyenera kudziphunzitsa.
Mawa wabwinobwino
masauzande amatha kuyatsidwa pa kandulo imodzi, ndipo moyo wa kandulo
sudzafupikitsidwa. Chimwemwe sichimachepa pogawidwa. “
“M’mawa uliwonse timabadwa mwatsopano. Zomwe timachita lero ndi zofunika kwambiri. “
ake, zinthu zitatu zokha: momwe mumakondera, momwe mumakhalira modekha,
komanso momwe mumadziwira mwamphamvu zomwe sizikuyenera kwa inu.”
“Mtendere umachokera mkati. Osazifunafuna. “
“Kumvetsetsa chilichonse ndichokhululukira chilichonse”
Gautam Buddha Quomes
“Ululu ndiwosapeweka. Kuvutika ndikosankha. “
“Pali zolakwika ziwiri zokha zomwe munthu angapange panjira yopita ku chowonadi; osapita njira yonse, osayamba. “
“Chiyero kapena chodetsedwa chimadzitengera nokha, palibe amene angayeretsenso wina.”
lomwe limakulitsidwa ndikugwiridwa ntchito ndizofunikira kwambiri
kuposa lingaliro lokhalo lomwe lili ngati lingaliro chabe.”
“Sudzalangidwa chifukwa cha mkwiyo wanu, udzalangidwa ndi mkwiyo wanu.”
onse amayamba chifukwa cha umbuli. Anthu amapweteketsa ena mu kudziona
kuti akufuna kukhala achimwemwe kapena kukhutira. “
Mawu abwino amalemba zithunzi
“Musanalankhule, mawu anu adutse zipata zitatu: kodi nzoona? Kodi ndizofunikira? Kodi Ndizokomera? “
“Galu sawaona ngati galu wabwino chifukwa ndi wobisala bwino. Mwamuna samuona ngati munthu wabwino chifukwa ali wakhama. “
“Iwo amene ali ndi malingaliro omasuka amafunadi kupeza mtendere.”
“Chimwemwe sichidzabwera konse kwa iwo omwe alephera kuyamikira zomwe ali nazo kale.”
“Ulibe mzimu. Ndiwe mzimu. Muli ndi thupi. “
Zolemba za Buddha
“Ngati mukufuna kuuluka, siyani zonse zomwe zimakulemetsani.”
ndi malingaliro athu; Timakhala zomwe tikuganiza. Malingaliro akakhala
oyera, chisangalalo chimatsata ngati mthunzi womwe sudzachoka. “
“Simungathe kuyenda njirayo mpaka mudzakhalanso njira”
“Mukuganiza bwanji, mumakhala. Zomwe mukumva, mumakopa. Zomwe mukuganiza, mumapanga. “
lomwe limakulitsidwa ndikugwiridwa ntchito ndizofunikira kwambiri
kuposa lingaliro lokhalo lomwe lili ngati lingaliro chabe.”
EGA samalandira chowonadi.
Purathchiyalar Dr. Ambedkar | Jai Bhim | Shankar Mahadevan | Sep 24 onwards | Thursday - Sunday 6 PM
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26) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),

Zen 佛 GIF - Zen 佛 Buddha GIFs

26)古典中文(简化) - (古典(),
- 佛陀的话 -
- āṇisutta -
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27) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體),

birthday web GIF

27)古典中文(傳統) - (傳統) - 古典繁體),
- 佛陀的話 -
- āṇisutta -
【優美佛曲】南無阿彌陀佛-李娜(最美不過念佛的女人) Namo Amitabha, Namo Amituofo
☆ 念佛,阿彌陀佛予我莊嚴相好!
【南  無  阿  彌  陀  佛!】
【優美佛曲】南無阿彌陀佛-李娜(最美不過念佛的女人) Namo Amitabha, Namo Amituofo
【最美不過念佛的女人】念佛的女人,不再是那麼妖嬈的裝扮!給誰看呢?惹來的不過是染污和慾念,沒人注意才好呢!她只管悄悄地念她的佛號,唱她的佛歌,欣慕那淨土的美妙!☆念佛,阿彌陀佛親自來為我裝扮! 念佛的…..

28) Classical Corsican-Corsa Corsicana,
บ่อยากฟัง Baby Sticker - บ่อยากฟัง Baby Cute Stickers

28) Cagle corsu-Corsa Corsicana,
Buddha vacana
- e parolle di u Buddha -
- Āṇi sutta -
tempu futuri, ci sarà bhikkhus chì ùnarete micca l’utenza di tali
discursi chì sò parolle di tronazione, prufonda in significatu ùn
applicà a so mente nantu à a cunniscenza, ùn cunsidereranu queste
insegnamenti in quantu à esse mundate è maestri.
stanu à circà u cuntrariu di tali diskurti gratuitarie è e parolle
literarie, lettere ingegnate, o e persone di discìpuli, permettenu a
sordu, e una sabilità , cunsideranu quelli insegnamenti per esse
pigliati è maestri.
Cus, bhikkhus, i discursi, prufunatu, profund in Significatu, guidendu alori di u mondu, (consistente) hà raccattu cù u votozza.
Bhikkhus, duvete trenu cusì: ‘Starrà sente u disezurenti chì sò parolle
di l’affondu à u mondu, caprovendu à l’autunnoble, noi Pensarà a nostra
mente nantu à a cunniscenza, invece cunzideremu queste quelli insegnati
per esse prettati è maestri. “Questu hè, Bhikkhus, Depiendu voi.
Bonghjornu Buddha Quotes pusitivi
di candele ponu illuminata da una sola candela, è a vita di a candela
ùn fermanu micca. A felicità ùn mai decreasia per esse spartutu “.
“Ogni matina simu nati. Ciò chì facemu oghje hè ciò chì importa più “.
a fine, solu e trè cose: quantu avete amatu, quantu delicatamente vivi,
è chì graziamente lasciate e cose micca significati per voi.”
“A pace vene da l’internu. Ùn circà micca senza. “
“Per capisce tuttu hè di pardunà tuttu”
Gautam buddha quotes pusitivi
“U dulore hè inevitabbile. U soffrenu hè facultativu “.
“Ci hè solu dui sbagli si pò fà longu a strada à a verità; Ùn andendu à tuttu u modu, è micca cumincià. “
“Purità o impurità depende di ellu stessu, nimu ùn pò purificà un altru”.
“Un idea chì si sviluppeghja è mette in azzione hè più impurtante di una idea chì esiste solu una idea”.
“Ùn sarete micca puniti per a vostra rabbia, sarete punitu da a vostra rabbia”.
u soffrenu hè causatu da l’ignuranza. E persone inflittate u dulore à
l’altri in a ricerca egoista di a so propria felicità o satisfaczione “.
Buddha Quotes Positive Images
“Prima di parlà, lasciate chì e vostre parolle passanu per trè Gates: hè vera? Hè necessariu? Hè tippu? “
cane ùn hè micca cunsideratu un bon cane perchè hè un bon barker. Un
omu ùn hè micca cunsideratu un bonu omu perchè hè un bellu parlante. “
“Quelli chì sò liberi di penseri risenti di truvà a pace.”
“A felicità ùn vene mai à quelli chì ùn riescevanu à apprezzà ciò chì anu digià.”
“Ùn avete micca un’anima. Sì una anima. Avete un corpu. “
A vita quotes di Buddha
“Se vulete vola, rinuncia di tuttu ciò chì ti pesa.”
furmatu da i nostri pinsamenti; Diventemu ciò chì pensemu. Quandu a
mente hè pura, gioia seguita cum’è una ombra chì ùn lascia mai. “
“Ùn pudete micca viaghjà u percorsu finu à chì site diventatu u percorsu stessu”
“Chì pensate, diventate. Ciò chì sente, atraite. Ciò chì imaginate, create “.
“Un idea chì si sviluppeghja è mette in azzione hè più impurtante di una idea chì esiste solu una idea”.
Ego ùn accetta mai a verità.
Meditative Mind
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Mantra describes the essence of Buddhism - the conviction that we have
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difficulty that we may encounter in life; a capacity to transform any
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MANTRA - NAM MYOHO RENGE KYOThis Mantra describes the essence of
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29) Classical Croatian-Klasična hrvatska,

Monk Amitofo GIF - Monk Buddha GIFs

29) Klasična hrvatska-klasička hrvatska,
Buddha Vacana
- Buddhe riječi -
- āṇi Sutta -
budućnosti će postojati Bhikkhus koji neće slušati izreku takvih
diskursa koji su riječi tathāgata, duboke, duboke značenja, vodeći izvan
svijeta, (dosljedno) povezane s prazninom, oni neće posuditi uho, oni
Neće se odnositi na znanje, neće razmotriti ta učenja kao da će se
preuzeti i savladati.
oni će slušati izgovore takvih diskursa koji su književne skladbe koje
su pjesnici, duhovitim riječima, duhovitim pismima, ljudi izvana ili
riječi učenika, oni će im pružiti um na znanje o znanju na znanje , oni
će razmotriti ta učenja da se uzimaju i savladaju.
Bhikkhus, diskursi koji su riječi tathāgata, duboke, duboke značenja,
koji vode izvan svijeta, (dosljedno) povezane s prazninom, nestati će.
bi Bhikkhus, trebali bi trenirati tako: ‘Mi ćemo slušati izreku takvih
diskursa koji su riječi tathāgata, duboke, duboke značenja, vodeći izvan
svijeta, (dosljedno) povezane s prazninom, mi ćemo posuditi uho, mi
ćemo mi posuditi uho Primijenit ćemo svoj um na znanje, razmotrit ćemo
ta učenja kao da se preuzmu i savlada. “Tako bi, Bhikkhus, trebali
Dobro jutro Buddha Pozitivni citati
“Tisuće svijeća može se upaliti iz jedne svijeće, a život svijeće neće biti skraćen. Sreća se nikada ne smanjuje dijeljenjem. “
“Svakog se jutra ponovno rodimo. Ono što danas radimo je ono što je najvažnije. “
kraju su važne samo tri stvari: koliko ste voljeli, koliko ste nježno
živjeli i kako graciozno puštate stvari koje vam nisu namijenjene.”
“Mir dolazi iznutra. Ne tražite ga bez. “
“Sve razumjeti znači sve oprostiti”
Gautam Buddha Pozitivni citati
“Bol je neizbježna. Patnja nije obavezna. “
“Postoje samo dvije pogreške koje možete napraviti uz put do istine; Ne ide skroz i ne počinju. “
“Čistoća ili nečistoća ovise o sebi, nitko ne može pročistiti drugu.”
“Ideja koja se razvija i vodi u akciju važnija je od ideje koja postoji samo kao ideja.”
“Nećete biti kažnjeni zbog svog bijesa, bit ćete kažnjeni svojim bijesom.”
“Sva patnja uzrokovana je neznanjem. Ljudi nanose bol drugima u sebičnoj potrazi za vlastitom srećom ili zadovoljstvom. “
Buddha pozitivne citate slike
“Prije nego što progovorite, neka vaše riječi prođu kroz tri vrata: je li to istina? Je li potrebno? Je li to ljubazno? “
“Pas se ne smatra dobrim psom jer je dobar Barker. Čovjek se ne smatra dobrim čovjekom jer je dobar govornik. “
“Oni koji su slobodni od ogorčenih misli zasigurno pronalaze mir.”
“Sreća nikada neće doći onima koji ne cijene ono što već imaju.”
“Nemate dušu. Ti si duša. Imate tijelo. “
Životni citati Bude
“Ako želite letjeti, odreći se svega što vas vaga.”
„Oblikovamo se svojim mislima; Postajemo ono što mislimo. Kad je um čist, radost slijedi poput sjene koja nikad ne odlazi. “
“Ne možete putovati stazom dok ne postanete sam put”
“Što misliš, postaješ. Što osjećate, privlačite. Što zamišljate, stvarate. “
“Ideja koja se razvija i vodi u akciju važnija je od ideje koja postoji samo kao ideja.”
Ego nikada ne prihvaća istinu.
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Explanation of the meaning of the Mantra
Tayata Om Bekandze Bekandze
Maha Bekandze Radza Samudgate Soha
The mantra means:
May the many sentient beings
who are sick,
quickly be freed from sickness.
And may all the sicknesses of beings
Never arise again.
means eliminating pain, maha bekandze means great eliminating of pain.
One explanation of the meaning of the first bekandze is that it refers
to eliminating the pain of true suffering, not just of disease but of
all problems. It eliminates the pain of death and rebirth that are
caused by karma and disturbing thoughts. The first bekandze eliminates
all the problems of body and mind, including old age and sickness.
second bekandze eliminates all the true cause of suffering, which is
not external but within the mind. This refers to karma and disturbing
thoughts. It is the inner cause that enables external factors such as
food and exposure to sunlight to become conditions for disease.
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30)Classical Czech-Klasická čeština
Buddha Terrarium GIF - Buddha Terrarium GIFs

30) Klasická česká-Klasicka Čeština
Buddha Vacana
- Slova Buddhy -
- āṇi sutta -
budoucnu bude existovat Bhikkhus, který nebude poslouchat promluvu o
takových diskurzích, které jsou slova Tathāgata, hluboká, hluboká ve
smyslu, vedoucí mimo svět, (důsledně) spojené s prázdnotou, nebudou
půjčovat ucho Nebudou uplatňovat svou mysl na znalosti, nebudou
považovat tato učení, že jsou přijata a zvládnuta.
budou poslouchat promluvu o takových diskurzích, které jsou literárními
skladbami, které vytvořili básníci, vtipná slova, vtipná dopisy, lidmi
zvenčí nebo slova učedníků, půjčují ucho, aplikují svou mysl na znalosti
, budou považovat tato učení, že jsou přijata a zvládnuta.
diskurzy, které jsou slova Tathāgata, hluboká, hluboká ve smyslu,
vedoucí mimo svět (důsledně) spojené s prázdnotou, zmizí.
byste tedy měli trénovat: „Budeme poslouchat promluvu o takových
diskurzích, které jsou slova Tathāgata, hluboká, hluboká ve smyslu,
která vede mimo svět, (důsledně) spojené s prázdnotou, půjčíme ucho, my,
my, my Budeme uplatňovat naši mysl na znalosti, budeme považovat tato
učení, že jsou přijata a zvládnuta. „Takto, Bhikkhus, měli byste se
Dobré ráno Buddha Pozitivní citace
“Tisíce svíček mohou být osvětleny z jedné svíčky a život svíčky nebude zkrácen.” Štěstí se nikdy nesnižuje sdílením. “
“Každé ráno jsme se znovu narodili.” To, co dnes děláme, je nejdůležitější. “
záleží jen na třech věcech: jak moc jste milovali, jak jemně jste žili a
jak půvabně jste pustili věci, které pro vás neznamenaly.”
“Mír přichází zevnitř.” Nehledejte to bez. “
„Porozumět všemu znamená odpustit všechno“
Gautam Buddha Pozitivní citace
“Bolest je nevyhnutelná.” Utrpení je volitelné. “
“Na cestě k pravdě lze udělat jen dvě chyby; nechodí celou cestu a nezačínám. “
“Čistota nebo nečistota závisí na sobě, nikdo nemůže očistit jiného.”
“Myšlenka, která je rozvíjena a uvedena do akce, je důležitější než myšlenka, která existuje pouze jako nápad.”
“Nebudete potrestáni za svůj hněv, budeš potrestán svým hněvem.”
utrpení je způsobeno nevědomostí.” Lidé způsobují bolest ostatním při
sobeckém pronásledování vlastního štěstí nebo spokojenosti. “
Buddha pozitivní citace obrázky
“Než promluvíte, nechte svá slova projít třemi bránami: Je to pravda?” Je to nezbytné? Je to laskavé? “
není považován za dobrého psa, protože je dobrým Barkerem.” Muž není
považován za dobrého člověka, protože je dobrým mluvčím. “
“Ti, kteří jsou bez odporných myšlenek, jistě najdou mír.”
“Štěstí nikdy nepřijde k těm, kteří neuznávají, co již mají.”
“Nemáš duši.” Jsi duše. Máte tělo. “
Životní citace Buddhy
“Pokud chcete létat, vzdejte se všeho, co tě váží.”
formováni našimi myšlenkami; Stali jsme se tím, co si myslíme. Když je
mysl čistá, radost následuje jako stín, který nikdy neodejde. “
“Nemůžete cestovat po cestě, dokud se nestanete samotnou cestou”
“Co si myslíš, staneš se.” Co cítíte, přitahujete. Co si představujete, vytvoříte. “
“Myšlenka, která je rozvíjena a uvedena do akce, je důležitější než myšlenka, která existuje pouze jako nápad.”
Ego nikdy nepřijímá pravdu.
Birth Of The Buddha (With Lyrics)
Oh Teik Bin
An inspiring and lively Buddhist Hymn by Daniel Yeo
Birth Of The Buddha (With Lyrics)
An inspiring and lively Buddhist Hymn by Daniel Yeo

Good Morning Buddha Positive Quotes

of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle
will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

“Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”

the end, only three things matters: how much you loved, how gently you
lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”

“To understand everything is to forgive everything”

Gautam Buddha Positive Quotes

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”

“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.”

“Purity or impurity depends on oneself, no one can purify another.”

“An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.”

“You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.”

suffering is caused by ignorance. People inflict pain on others in the
selfish pursuit of their own happiness or satisfaction.”

Buddha Positive Quotes Images

“Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?”

dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is
not considered a good man because he is a good talker.”

“Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.”

“Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.”

“You don’t have a Soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”

Life Quotes of Buddha

“If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.”

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”

“You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself”

“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”

“An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.”


Congratulations 🥳 dear Harshith. We wish you become famous 👨‍🍳 chef NALA and get PhD in cooking 🥘.
upon a time, there was a man who cooked so well that a woman decided to
marry him. And when he ran away, taking up a job as a cook, she tracked
him down by the flavours he conjured up in his master’s kitchen. His
name was Nala. Her name was Damayanti.
sage called Vrihadashwa narrates the story, Nalopakyana, or the tale of
Nala, to the Pandavas, during their exile in the forest, in the epic
Mahabharata. This makes it a story within a story. Nala loses his
fortune due to his own foolishness and is so ashamed of himself that he
runs away from his wife, and lives in hiding, until she finds him, and
restores his faith in himself through her love.
is interesting is that Nala, a prince, who is an expert in
chariot-riding, but terrible at the game of dice, is also a cook. This
is an usual tale. Nala is described as a Nishadha, which could have many
meanings including ‘tribal king’, and so may refer to someone outside
the classical Aryan warrior mould.
the Mahabharata, Bhima is also described as a cook; but he cooks to
feed himself (a negative trait that lands him in Naraka eventually). In
the Virata Parva, when he is forced to hide as a servant in the kingdom
of Matsya, he is required to feed others before he feeds himself. Cooks
were service-providers, or dasa, hence belonging to the shudra varna.
Hardly the vocation, or the hobby, of a king. Yet it is this hobby that
wins him the heart of Damayanti. That is how she distinguishes him from
the gods who attend her swayam-vara: the flavours of the kitchen cling
to him, while they exude the scent of flowers.
who were expected to serve their husbands, are known to be cooks. Sita
and Draupadi are famous as cooks and as hosts. Nala stands out as an
exception. The male cook, or shall we say chef, the forerunner of the
Maharaj who controls many a Marwari and Gujarati kitchen.
even wrote a book. Of course, we are not sure if this Sanskrit
cookbook, which is at least 800 years old, was actually written by one
Nala or simply attributed to him by a humble writer who knew marketing
and did not want the glory. This book is called Paka-darpana or the
mirror of culinary skills!
we have not only recipes but also observations about food, techniques
of cooking and their medicinal properties, revealing an intimate
knowledge of Ayurveda too with different types of food for different
times of the day and different seasons. He also reveals knowledge of
poisons: how ingredients that are non-toxic become toxic when mixed
together, or how toxic ingredients become non-toxic when cooked
differently. So we find dishes containing leaves of the poisonous
dhatura and arka plants. He is also particular about the qualities of a
cook and a waiter!
types of preparations are described: rice, khichdi, curd rice, ghee,
butter, buttermilk, puddings, juices, meat dishes, vegetable dishes,
watery dishes, side dishes, munchies, lickables, appetizers. Most
interestingly, the book refers to indigenous biryani (mamsodana): rice
cooked with meat. There are detailed descriptions of various
preparations with flesh of birds including chicken (kukkuta), animals,
fish and eggs. No crinkling of the nose at the sight of meat in this
Sanskrit work.
Chef Nala - Devdutt
Once upon a time, there was a man who cooked so well that a woman decided to marry him… His name was Nala.

Harshith - future modern 👨‍🍳 chef NALA
Wow hats off 🤩🤩🤩

like details of my in-person chef course click here)
Get support throughout your course from professional chef and vegan veteran Day Radley
Join a community of talented foodies who are set to take the vegan food world by storm!
just 12-26 weeks, you will experience a rapid evolution; you’ll go from
keen home cook to knowledgeable, skilled, creative chef, ready to take
your first step on the cooking career ladder.
The course includes a high proportion of hands-on practical classes in your own home kitchen, on topics such as:
How to create recipes - a fresh take on old classics or completely new combinations to make you stand out from the crowd.
How to scale recipes - so you can cook for a crowd
How to adapt recipes - veganizing dishes, and adapting them for allergies
Using specialist ingredients - taking your skills to the next level with unusual foods
Ordering from suppliers and organising your kitchen - everything you need to know to run a professional kitchen
Sourcing the best ingredients - suppliers, retailers, wholesalers
Designing a menu - concepts, themes, flavour combinations
How to cost recipes and events - so you can be on top of your finances
Complying with the Food Standards Agency - all you need to know to run a safe kitchen
Plating skills - arty, rustic or sophisticated, we’ll get your creative skills on point
This course is for you if you want -
to pursue a career in vegan food
support throughout your course
reliable and innovative recipes
to gain a qualification for your career advancement
to be part of a community of vegan cooks and chefs
an advanced vegan cooking course but do not want a career in vegan food
to enter working in a professional kitchen with confidence in your abilities
more knowledge about vegan food but already work in a the food industry
to test whether you want to move into a career in vegan food 🍲 🥘 🍱
Click on the image above to watch my tour of your course
I show you what the online course looks like and talk about what is included in the course
The course also includes
Lifetime access to an online study group with like minded people
Monthly video calls with your fellow students and Chef Day
1-2-1 support from Chef Day
Prerecorded content so you can take classes at a time that suits you
Ingredient substitution suggestions so you can use what is local and seasonal
To support your career goals, additional sessions will include:
Internship scheme, giving you experience in a vegan food business, with hours to suit you
Talks by successful chefs, restaurateurs, caterers and food business leaders
Visits to suppliers and food manufacturers
A student-led supper club where you can invite family and friends (this can be open to the public or a private dinner)
You will learn a wide variety of recipes such as -
You can see more images of the beautiful and tasty plates my students create on my Instagram page.
Every student has a chance to get personal guidance and one-to-one tuition. We see you as an individual and the class as a team.
Cost: The total cost for this course is £950.
& INGREDIENTS - You will need to purchase equipment and ingredients
so please take this into consideration when you are deciding if the
course is affordable for you. We have limited the equipment you buy to
those items that will be useful to you in your chef career. However, if
you are able to do so you can borrow equipment from family and friends.
You can find a list of equipment needed for the course by clicking the button below.
How to access the course:
will need use of a laptop, tablet or smartphone to access the course
content. We have a private study group for our students on the Circle
platform. This is away from the big social media platforms so you don’t
get distracted whilst trying to focus on your course. The platform is
available on a browser and iOS so content is easily accessed on your
mobile device.
Dates and time: Our courses start whenever you are ready!
It can be completed in as little as 3 months or as long as 12 months.
will receive access to the course which contains video and a written
content to work through at their own pace. We have students living in
different time zones therefore we are unable to do ‘live’ classes.
you complete the course within 3 months the weekly time commitment will
be the same as our in-person course - 1 whole day per week (9 hours)
plus 2-3 hours for home work. This is a total of 11-12 hours. You will
also have to factor in time for buying ingredients (this will vary
depending on the accessibility of ingredients). However, most students
take longer to do the course. You can take a maximum of 12 months but
most students take 6 months to complete the course. In this case the
weekly time commitment will be an average of 6 hours per week plus
shopping time.
Students can request an extension to this deadline which may be given depending on the circumstances.
you have questions about the course you cannot find the answer to in
our FAQ section you can book a 1-2-1 call with Chef Day. Click on the
button below.
Name *


the fraud EVMs foreigners chitpavan brahmins from Bene Israel etc are
remotely controlling BJP,Cong and other non-BSP parties. With Social
power of growing vegetables and fruits in pots and fruit bearing trees
throughout the country like what Ashoka did only can defeat them.
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