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calm,quiet,alert,attentive and equanimity mind with a clear
understanding that everything is changing.- Appa, Amma, Pradeep, Banu,
Shifu, Tushar, Harshith, Pranay, Vinay, all relatives and friends.
is the only Legend of Music who composed music for Buddhism. Happy
Birthday to Benevolent son Sashikanth by ARR dedicated by Appa Amma
Happy Birthday to Benevolent son Sashikanth by ARR & Sivamani dedicated by Appa Amma
Best Quotes
of the universe as a benevolent parent. A child may want a tub of
ice-cream and marshmallows, but a wise parent will give it fruits and
vegetables instead. That is not what the child wants, but it is what the
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I Am Am Benevolent
“Islam has shown two faces to the Jews, one benevolent, one less so.”
Jack Schwartz
Islam Two Benevolent Less
“Red is a benevolent dictatorship.”
James Jannard
Dictatorship Red Benevolent
“A good commander is benevolent and unconcerned with fame.”
Sun Tzu
Good Fame Commander Benevolent
“I am a misanthrope yet utterly benevolent.”
Alfred Nobel
Misanthrope Benevolent
“I am a misanthrope yet utterly benevolent.”
Alfred Nobel
Misanthrope Benevolent
“What can a man do with music who is not benevolent?”
Men Benevolence Benevolent
“What can a man do with music who is not benevolent?”
Men Benevolence Benevolent
“Love can be unselfish, in the sense of being benevolent and generous, without being selfless.”
Mortimer Adler
Benevolent Quotes
The best government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by an occasional assassination.
A good commander is benevolent and unconcerned with fame. - Sun Tzu
A good commander is benevolent and unconcerned with fame.
Sun Tzu
friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of
life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is
Thomas Jefferson
Love can be unselfish, in the sense of being benevolent and generous, without being selfless.
Mortimer Adler
have an amazing capacity to believe in contradictory things. For
example, to believe in an omnipotent and benevolent God but somehow
excuse Him from all the suffering in the world. Or our ability to
believe from the standpoint of law that humans are equal and have free
will and from biology that humans are just organic machines.
Yuval Noah Harari
I believe in benevolent dictatorship provided I am the dictator.
Richard Branson
feel much for others and little for ourselves; to restrain our
selfishness and exercise our benevolent affections, constitute the
perfection of human nature.
Adam Smith
hate organized religion. I think you have to love thy neighbor as
thyself. I think you have to pick your own God and be true to him. I
always say ‘him’ rather than ‘her.’ Maybe it’s because of my generation,
but I don’t like the idea of a female God. I see God as a benevolent
Julia Child
The mission of the United States is one of benevolent assimilation.
William McKinley
is clearly better that property should be private, but the use of it
common; and the special business of the legislator is to create in men
this benevolent disposition. - Aristotle
is clearly better that property should be private, but the use of it
common; and the special business of the legislator is to create in men
this benevolent disposition.
was so benevolent, so merciful a man that, in his mistaken passion, he
would have held an umbrella over a duck in a shower of rain.
Douglas William Jerrold
shall always find what you created in your mind, for instance, a
benevolent God or an evil Devil. Between them are countless facets.
Therefore, concentrate on the depth of your consciousness and on what
you consider to be positive and good.
Hans Bender
erroneous economic belief in scarcity leads directly to the mistaken
theological belief that God does not want us to be rich. After all, in a
world of scarce physical resources, a person could achieve personal
wealth only by taking wealth from another - something that a truly
benevolent, loving God would never allow.
Paul Zane Pilzer
are two main methodologies of open source development. There’s the
Apache model, which is design by committee - great for things like web
servers. Then you have the benevolent dictator model. That’s what Ubuntu
is doing, with Mark Shuttleworth.
I am a misanthrope and
yet utterly benevolent, have more than one screw loose yet am a
super-idealist who digests philosophy more efficiently than food.
Alfred Nobel
Gangsters lived in the neighborhood. They weren’t apart from it. Their relationships with people were both benevolent and scary.
Ruby Dee
both can be the most beautiful and benevolent creatures on the planet,
but then there’s another side that can be as harsh and as ugly as the
darkest thing you could imagine seeing.
Terrence Howard
conqueror is regarded with awe; the wise man commands our respect; but
it is only the benevolent man that wins our affection.
William Dean Howells
could never go into politics, because I’m far too impatient and I’d
want to be a dictator, albeit a benevolent one… I would hope.
Red is a benevolent dictatorship. - James Jannard
Red is a benevolent dictatorship.
James Jannard
do the police need to know where I am? In the hands of a benevolent
government, they could be looking after your interests, but what if the
next government isn’t so benevolent?
truth is, it’s a totalitarian dictatorship when you’re making films.
You are the boss. You can listen to other people, and it can be a
benevolent dictatorship, but it’s a dictatorship nonetheless. A lot of
directors go past their first experience, that’s what they’ve come away
When a benevolent mind contemplates the republic of Lycurgus, its admiration is mixed with a degree of horror.
Thomas Day
think there are presences out there that we can’t see or directly
communicate with that have benevolent influence on us. Whether they’re
angels or something else, I’m not sure.
Misha Collins
made to feel like an irrelevant child was probably an asset. Benign
negligence is not a bad parental attitude or at least a cross between a
benevolent dictator and benign negligence - you should just let kids
crack on with it.
Clare Balding
the truly benevolent mind, indeed, nothing is more satisfactory than to
hear of a miser denying himself the necessaries of life a little too
far and ridding us of his presence altogether.
James Payn
you don’t believe there’s some organising principle, or somebody up in
the sky pulling the strings, then it can be very stressful. And nature
itself is very arbitrary - it’s not malevolent or benevolent; it doesn’t
even know we’re here.
Michael Shannon
took two or three months and I came up with a reason that I thought was
enough and I went with it: if there is a God he’s definitely not
benevolent. We should mean less to him than ants. And if there is a God
or there are gods they would value, more than anything, free will.
Tarsem Singh
the most part, my characters don’t talk to me. I like to lord over them
like some kind of benevolent deity. And, for the most part, my
characters go along with it. I write intense character sketches and
long, play-like conversations between me and them, but they stay out of
the book writing itself.
Sarah MacLean
I’ve decided the secret of parenting is benevolent neglect.
Barry Humphries
always like to keep our children in a kind of bubble and censor the bad
news about the world. We like to tell them the world is full of
benevolent, nice people.
Kazuo Ishiguro
not questioning the monotheistic god. I think there’s absolutely no
evidence for the existence of such a god. When I say that, I mean I’m -
part of that is that the idea that God could be all-powerful and also
benevolent is on its face contradictory.
Barbara Ehrenreich
I believe in human-centered AI to benefit people in positive and benevolent ways.
Fei-Fei Li
I am benevolent.
Chris Eubank Sr.
a few notable exceptions, literary fiction in the U.K. is dominated by
an upper and upper middle-class clique who usually have a tin ear for
the demotic and who portray working-class characters with, at best, a
benevolent condescension.
Adrian McKinty
Some people mistakenly think nature is very nice and benevolent and never betrays.
Margaret Atwood
There is great potential to use computer vision technology in a constructive and benevolent way.
Fei-Fei Li
Never give anyone the advice to buy or sell shares, because the most benevolent price of advice can turn out badly.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
few socialists are either benevolent enough to work hard at these
occupations out of benevolence or self-interested enough to work hard at
them for money.
John McCarthy
like where we live and we wanna participate in our neighbourhoods and
communities and stuff and try to- we’re not like benevolent- it’s pretty
Jon Fishman
Islam has shown two faces to the Jews, one benevolent, one less so.
Jack Schwartz
Clearly, children’s charities struggle to find private sources of money to sustain their benevolent programs.
Dana Rohrabacher
like them all - I don’t always approve. I see myself as a sort of
benevolent uncle to these characters, and I can see why they do what
they do; sometimes they make some mistakes, but at heart I think they’re
Patrick Marber
I’m a benevolent dictator.
Harvey Weinstein
like joking around and being a little mischievous. Once an audience or
even a group of friends realizes that you’re being benevolent about it,
then they’re along for the ride.
Reggie Watts
can’t Google, which likes to see itself as a ‘Don’t Be Evil’ benevolent
force in society, just write us a big check for using our stories, so
we can keep checks and balances alive and continue to provide the search
engine with our stories?
Maureen Dowd
I always found
that if you handle a problem in a benevolent way and a transparent way
and involve other people, so it’s just not your personal opinion, that
people get to the other side of these difficult conversations being more
David M. Kelley
wife tells me I am a male chauvinist pig and I have to sort of admit
it. In my office and in my home, I’m not very democratic. I think of
myself as a benevolent dictator.
Edgar Mitchell
is an oftentimes dangerous world, and not all of the people in it are
nice, sweet and benevolent. It is the nature of man to behave otherwise,
and we must find leaders who can show us a better way and still
maintains a balanced view.
Mike Medavoy
People do things that turn out badly, often for the most benevolent of reasons.
Lois Lowry
and philanthropy have a long, benevolent relationship with one another.
Record bins are rife with charity singles, and concert history is
filled with benefit shows for every imaginable cause. Musicians like to
give back.
Shawn Amos
Is it possible to run a big
industrial corporation in a benevolent fashion? We see these days that
even the hippest companies hide some rotten practices to make their
profit margins work.
Ann Nocenti
the impression created by some economic pundits, the U.S. economy is
not a delicate little machine that needs to be fine-tuned with exact
precision by benevolent policymakers to keep from breaking down.
Edward C. Prescott