Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

July 2024
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LESSON 4511 Mon 1 Aug 2022 Daily Wisdom DO GOOD PURIFY MIND Good Morning Best Quote Benevolently Awakened One’s Power of Positivity song hink of the universe as a benevolent parent. A child may want a tub of ice-cream and marshmallows, but a wise parent will give it fruits and vegetables instead. That is not what the child wants, but it is what the child needs. All non-human beings live a natural life depending on natural resources. Future Benevolent Awakened One ☝️ has Free Online JC PURE INSPIRATION to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss and like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 to grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🪴 🌱 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒plants in pots and fruit bearing trees 🌳 🌲 all over the world 🗺 🌍🌎Kushinara Nibbana Bhumi Pagoda– 944926443 White Home An 18ft Dia Mindful Meditation Lab 668, 5A Main Road, 8th Cross, HAL III Stage, Punya Bhumi Bengaluru Magadhi Karnataka Happy Awakened Youniversity- How To Grow Your Own Food? 7 Things (2022) You Need To Know
Filed under: General, Theravada Tipitaka , Plant raw Vegan Broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, carrots
Posted by: site admin @ 7:52 am
LESSON 4511 Mon 1 Aug 2022

Daily Wisdom 

Good Morning
Best Quote  Benevolently Awakened One’s  Power of Positivity song hink
of the universe as a benevolent parent. A child may want a tub of
ice-cream and marshmallows, but a wise parent will give it fruits and
vegetables instead. That is not what the child wants, but it is what the
child needs. All non-human beings live a natural life depending on
natural resources.
Future Benevolent Awakened One ☝️ has Free Online JC
PURE INSPIRATION to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss and like free birds
🐦 🦢 🦅 to grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦
🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🪴 🌱 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵
🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒plants in pots and fruit bearing trees 🌳 🌲 all
over the world 🗺 🌍🌎
Kushinara Nibbana Bhumi Pagoda–
White Home
An 18ft Dia Mindful Meditation Lab
668, 5A Main Road, 8th Cross, HAL III Stage,
Punya Bhumi Bengaluru
Magadhi Karnataka
Happy Awakened Youniversity-

How To Grow Your Own Food? 7 Things (2022) You Need To Know › grow-your-own-food
How To Grow Your Own Food? 7 Things (2022) You Need To Know
Jul 18, 2022The rule of thumb is “up” nitrogen, “down” phosphorus, and “all around” potassium. Nitrogen encourages the plants to grow “up” with bigger, green foliage. Phosphorus encourages the bloom and root growth “down.”. Potassium is beneficial for “all around” health.×66KmVzDgZI

How To Grow Your Own Food? 7 Things (2022) You Need To Know

Have you been thinking it’s about time to learn to grow your own food?

Would you like to be able to provide for your family through what you grow in your backyard?

Good news!

Everyone can learn to grow their own food.

this blog, we’ll provide you with a beginner’s guide to creating a
garden full of fresh produce that’ll keep you stocked for months.

1. Do you have to be a gardening expert to grow your own food?

Absolutely not.

you’re nervous about growing your own food — about nurturing a garden —
because you’re not known for your “green thumb” then don’t be.

You may have killed every house plant you’ve ever owned.

However, with the right knowledge and time, you can successfully manage a thriving garden.

Just don’t underestimate the time it can take for your garden to thrive.

Don’t plant seeds once a year and expect to come back to food.

You’ll need to plant, thin, weed, harvest, and prune.

You’ll be watering often and pouring your soul into your garden in some cases.

A full backyard garden can require up to 10 hours of work a week.

2. What should you know before you grow your own food?

There are several factors that you need to understand before you can grow your own food.

These include:


Understanding the climate in your specific geographic area is an essential piece of the puzzle.

Here are some of the elements you’ll need to recognize before planting.

1. Hardiness zone

is based on the average annual low temperature in your area and
determines which plants (specifically perennials) will be best suited to
your climate.

The USDA has a map of the country that details the hardiness zones.

It designates areas on a scale of numbers 1 through 13.

and seed labels will normally include a range of ideal hardiness zones
or say that a plant is “cold hardy” up to a certain zone number.

this isn’t necessarily important for annual vegetables that last a
single growing season, it is essential for perennial herbs, fruiting
trees, and flowers.

2. Frost date

Beginner gardeners often set seeds down too early.

They will seed on the first warm day of the year, and these plants are then usually killed by late-season cold snaps.

Seasoned gardeners will plant according to the calendar instead of the weather.

To do this, you just need to find the average date of the last frost in your area.

This is the last day of the year that temperatures plunge below freezing.

You can also use the seed labels to find the best time to set seed in relation to the date of the last frost.

One of the best resources for agricultural information is your county extension site.

These are typically run by either state or research universities.

They provide information on soil quality, frost dates, planting times, and other agricultural topics to the public.

To find yours, simply type “[insert] county extension site] into Google.

Just note that not all extension websites are created equal.

If you have trouble finding what you need online, feel free to give them a call.


Choose where you place your garden based on how much sun the plot receives.

Your spot should get at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight a day.

If you’re not sure where in your yard this could be, wake up early one day and set an alarm on your phone to go off every hour.

each alarm, take a picture of your backyard, balcony, or wherever you
want to grow things over the course of the whole day.

At the end of the day, put those pictures together and create a flipbook of how light is moving across your space.

It’ll give you a sense of how long there’s direct sunlight in any given spot on your land.


Soil is an essential part of a successful garden.

There are four components of soil that we’ll talk about below, including soil safety, drainage, fertility, and temperature.

1. Soil safety

Before you plant anything, get to know your soil’s safety and history.

Then assess it for specific attributes that will make it suitable for growing.

For more information, you can consult your extension site for information about soil safety.

You can also look on the EPA’s website to see if there are any known environmental pollution issues in your soil.

Remember, soil can retain chemicals and heavy metals that plants absorb.

This will make them potentially hazardous to consume.

Urban areas will often have high levels of heavy metals in their native soils.

As a result, cities often recommend that people grow their food in raised beds with healthy soil from a garden store.

you’re still uncertain after doing research, we suggest seeking out
soil testing services approved by your state through your state health
and agricultural departments.

2. Soil drainage

Soil can be safe and low-quality.

The drainage is an important factor in determining the quality of your soil.

You may see issues with this if plants sit in waterlogged soil.

The roots won’t be able to function, and even with fertilizer, it won’t grow well.

We suggest testing your drainage by poking a few holes in the bottom of a coffee can.

Dig a hole in the ground and place the can snugly inside.

Next, fill it with water and let the water drain out completely, then fill it again.

If the water drains quicker than an inch per hour the second time, then the soil drainage is adequate.

If it doesn’t drain, then you’ll want to find another spot in your garden or build raised beds.

Another way to improve the drainage of soil is with mulch, compost, and materials like vermiculite.

If you’re working with potted plants, stick to store-bought potting soil.

This soil is designed to drain quickly.

Don’t use soil from your yard in pots as pots require a high level of drainage that most conventional soils can’t provide.

3. Soil fertility

Plants get their necessary nutrients from the soil, which is why fertile soil is critical.

You’ll know if you have fertile soil by the quantity of weeds in your garden.

When you have weeds in your garden, you can be sure the soil is nutritious.

If you don’t have any weeds, you’ll want to consider using fertilizer.

The preferred organic fertilizer is compost.

Compost works best when laid on top of the ground because the feeder roots of all plants are in the top few inches of soil.

If you want to purchase plant food, make sure you read the label.

You’ll normally see three consecutive numbers in this format: #-#-#.

These numbers refer to the levels of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the fertilizer.

All of these are important for plant growth.

The rule of thumb is “up” nitrogen, “down” phosphorus, and “all around” potassium.

Nitrogen encourages the plants to grow “up” with bigger, green foliage.

Phosphorus encourages the bloom and root growth “down.”

Potassium is beneficial for “all around” health.

You can do some additional research on the types of plants you’re growing to make sure you know how they like to be fed.

In general, organic is the way to go.

4. Soil temperature

Depending on the crops you’re growing, soil temperature can really matter.

For example, tomatoes and peppers are heat-loving crops.

To lengthen your growing season, find the warmest spot in your yard.

You can do this by paying attention to where snow melts first — this is a great place to plant your fruit and vegetable garden.


you grew up with just a few plants or flower pots outside on the porch,
you may think that a watering can will do the job just fine when it
comes to water.

However, you’ll quickly find that the watering can just isn’t as efficient as you need it to be.

To make watering more efficient, situate your home garden close to a water source (like a spigot or hose).

You may also consider installing a sprinkler system if you’re able.

3. What foods should you start with?

on the size of land you’re working with, you may not have room to grow
everything, and you’ll need to pick and choose.

If you’re working with a window box or fire escape rather than an acre of land, that’s okay!

You can still grow your own food.

Here’s what we recommend starting with.

in mind that some vegetables are more beginner-friendly than others,
but even growing one vegetable can help alleviate the need to buy

  1. Tomatoes: Grow fast, provide a lot of produce, lots of varieties to choose from
  2. Peas: Sweeter off the vine than anything you’ll find in the grocery store
  3. Peppers: Prolific and provide immediate returns once they flower
  4. Lettuce greens: Grow quickly and are ready to harvest in five weeks
  5. Kale: Loves cold weather, can go in the ground early and be harvested late, good long season crop

4. What equipment do you need to grow your own food?

As a beginner, you may not have a lot of gardening equipment.

Fortunately, you don’t need a whole lot to get started.

Here is a list of items you should purchase.

Some items may or may not be necessary depending on how large your garden is.

bulletItems for digging: Full-size spade for digging large holes

bulletItems for planting:
Hand trowel for planting seeds, seedlings, or small potted plants or
harvesting root vegetables; garden jackknife to use for planting,
harvesting, dividing perennials, and opening paint cans

bulletItems for cutting:
Bypass pruners for cutting back foliage and pruning hardy stems and
roots; garden scissors for harvesting herbs and snipping greens

bulletItems for moving dirt: small bucket; wheelbarrow for larger amounts of soil, mulch, and compost

bulletItems for protection:
Wide-brim hat to protect your face and neck; work gloves to protect
your hands; apron to protect your clothes and hold your tools

bulletItems for watering: watering can for window boxes and tiny gardens; hose for larger garden operations

5. How can you make your garden more successful?

Before you begin planting, make a garden map.

Seed packets often include information about spacing.

So, use a plant spacing chart to determine how much space you need to leave between your seeds for ideal garden growing.

You can also create a calendar and to-do list for your garden.

will include tasks like planting seedlings, setting up your outdoor
space, and transplanting your seedlings when they’re ready.

These will ensure your garden is as successful as possible.

6. What if you don’t have land right now?

This is a common question.

So many people don’t have land, but they want to begin the journey of growing their own food.

If you’re in a cramped apartment, you can still grow food both inside and outside while utilizing whatever space is available.

Here are some ways that you can maximize your space.

bulletMaximize your indoor space

If you’re gardening in an urban area, you must maximize vertical space.

You can do this using windowsills, edible hanging baskets, steel mesh, wood trellis, or other wall racks for indoor gardens.

bulletMaximize your outdoor space

you have some outdoor space (rooftop, side yard, small balcony), then
you can establish your plants in raised beds or large containers.

We recommend maximizing the vertical space with a trellis system for plants that vine.

These include tomatoes plants, melons, squash, cucumbers, beans, peas, etc.

you have a balcony garden, you can grow plants like tomatoes, peppers,
eggplants, etc. in hanging buckets to make the most of the space.

7. How can you make gardening more communal?

If you’re enjoying the process of learning to grow your own food, then you may consider making it a communal activity.

joining a gardening community near you, which will allow you to gain
the space to have a full garden set-up as well as the expertise of

Some people love the support and ability to connect with others along with this newfound hobby.

Final Thoughts

Are you ready to grow your own food?

Initially, the process of growing a garden can seem like a lot.

Don’t let it overwhelm you.

can start out with just a few plants on your porch or a few rows in
your garden and gradually transition to more once you get the hang of

Growing your own food is a great way to provide for your family and always make sure you have food to eat.

Additional Resources

If you are looking to buy affordable land, you can check out our Listings page. one-dollar-buy-landAnd before you buy land, make sure you check out Gokce Land Due Diligence Program. gokce-land-due-diligence-program-banner If you are looking to sell land, visit our page on how to Sell Your Land.

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I hope you enjoy reading this post. If you are interested in buying or selling land, check out:
Erika Gokce Capital

we are not lawyers, accountants or financial advisors and the
information in this article is for informational purposes only. This
article is based on our own research and experience and we do our best
to keep it accurate and up-to-date, but it may contain errors. Please be
sure to consult a legal or financial professional before making any
investment decisions. › grow-your-own-food
Grow Your Own Food - Deep Roots Project
Jul 19, 2022Our video webinar Grow Your Own Food is an overview of our kitchen gardening. We specialize in giving “First-Timers” (first time food gardeners) all the basic information and support they need to have an abundant harvest right from the start with less work! We hope experienced gardeners will try out our methods too. › grow-your-own-food
Grow Your Own Food - Permaculture Gardens
At Permaculture Gardens, we send you tips on growing food and hold regular fun and educational food webinars on growing food in an eco-friendly way. If this coming growing season, you would like to dig deeper and grow your food more intentionally at home. We have a program just for you called, Grow-It-Yourself / GIY! › 2020 › 05 › grow-your-own-food-program
“Grow Your Own Food” Program ~ San Juan Update
With so many unknowns hap­pen­ing for all of us it is easy to stray from the pos­i­tive events hap­pen­ing every day that make our world bet­ter. Often, those events are acts of kind­ness that deserve cel­e­bra­tion. Some­times those events are as sim­ple as help­ing oth­ers plant a garden. Last spring, the WSU Mas­ter Gar­den­er pro­gram, Continue Reading › 2021 › 07 › 25 › how-to-become-self-sufficient-grow-all-your-own-food-a-step-by-step-guide
How to become self-sufficient & grow all your own food: A step-by-step …
Jul 25, 2021I also make wreaths out of the vines when I prune it every summer. This is a fruit that gives a lot and asks for very little back. I never even water the thing and it is 100 feet long. Garlic & Onions: If you grow what is known ass “hardneck garlic” you can easily become self-sufficient in garlic. › articles › grow-your-own-food
Grow Your Own Food Become a REAL Revolutionary - Life Enthusiast
Grow Your Own Food Turn Your Backyard Into An Organic Paradise. Marjory Wildcraft reveals how you could change your life forever. She is passionate about sustainable living and self-reliance. She dedicated over a decade of her life to finding the easiest methods for growing food in a backyard or small farm. Marjory says: I’ve done a lot of … › article › urban-farming-grow-your-own-food
Urban Farming | Grow Your Own Food - FoodUnfolded
With 2/3 of the world’s population expected to be living in cities by 2050, it makes sense to grow food closer to where people will actually eat it. Researchers estimate that if cities around the world took full advantage of opportunities for urban agriculture, we could produce as much as 180 million metric tons of food a year—just from … › grow-all-your-own-food
Grow All Your Own Food - Simple Survival Prep
Jan 26, 2021The potatoes can be harvested 100-150 days after planting, and if you tend to them properly, each vine can give up to 20 sweet potatoes. Here is the nutritional breakdown of 100 grams of sweet potato: 86 calories. 20 grams of carbohydrates. 1 grams of fat. 6 grams of protein. 283% daily value of vitamin A. › documents › program › GrowYourOwnFoodBooklet_SMALL.pdf
PDF Grow Your Own Food -
All you need to know about growing fresh crops is available on the Grow your Own Food Booklet. Follow the simple tips and ways of keeping garden crops healthy. The Booklet also provides a technique for container gardening. The Grow your Own Food Booklet - simple, easy and practical ways to start your garden today! Foreword › gardening-101-how-to-grow-your-own-food

Gardening for Beginners: 12 Tips for Growing Your Own Food
Do a quick search for your zone and start making a list of what you want to plant, and when is the best time. Research the Farmers’ Almanac for tips on when to expect the last frost, which can kill your plants early and unexpectedly. 2. Know Your Soil. Knowing which kind of soil you have is also important.
UN World Food Programme (WFP)
We are the world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to › …
Backyard gardening: grow your own food, improve your health
২৯ জুন, ২০১২ — The book contains helpful hints for starting your own vegetable garden, as well as a school or community garden. › …
Kid’s Healthy Eating Plate | The Nutrition Source
Eating a variety of foods keeps our meals interesting and flavorful. It’s also the key to a

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Preventing Wasted Food At Home | US EPA
৮ এপ্রিল, ২০২২ — Discusses the benefits of reducing food waste and its impact on the environment. · পৃষ্ঠাটি অনুবাদ করুন › …
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More than 1.5 million Arby’s Adventure Meals will include a cup featuring Elmo, Cookie Monster, Ernie, and a picture of the video
UN World Food Programme (WFP)
We are the world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to › …
Backyard gardening: grow your own food, improve your health
২৯ জুন, ২০১২ — The book contains helpful hints for starting your own vegetable garden, as well as a school or community garden. › …
Kid’s Healthy Eating Plate | The Nutrition Source
Eating a variety of foods keeps our meals interesting and flavorful. It’s also the key to a

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Preventing Wasted Food At Home | US EPA
৮ এপ্রিল, ২০২২ — Discusses the benefits of reducing food waste and its impact on the environment. · পৃষ্ঠাটি অনুবাদ করুন › …
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More than 1.5 million Arby’s Adventure Meals will include a cup featuring Elmo, Cookie Monster, Ernie, and a picture of the video
UN World Food Programme (WFP)
We are the world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to › …
Backyard gardening: grow your own food, improve your health
২৯ জুন, ২০১২ — The book contains helpful hints for starting your own vegetable garden, as well as a school or community garden. › …
Kid’s Healthy Eating Plate | The Nutrition Source
Eating a variety of foods keeps our meals interesting and flavorful. It’s also the key to a

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Preventing Wasted Food At Home | US EPA
৮ এপ্রিল, ২০২২ — Discusses the benefits of reducing food waste and its impact on the environment. · পৃষ্ঠাটি অনুবাদ করুন › …
সংস্করণ 110, সংখ্যা 32 · ম্যাগাজিন
More than 1.5 million Arby’s Adventure Meals will include a cup featuring Elmo, Cookie Monster, Ernie, and a picture of the video
Grow your own food

Grow your own food 🍱 in Tamil
“I’ve decided the secret of parenting is benevolent neglect.”
Barry Humphries
    • Parenting Secret Neglect Benevolent-“I am benevolent.”

      • Chris Eubank Sr.Chris Eubank Sr.-
        I Am Am Benevolent
        “Islam has shown two faces to the Jews, one benevolent, one less so.”
        Jack Schwartz

        Islam Two Benevolent Less
        “Red is a benevolent dictatorship.”
        James Jannard

        Dictatorship Red Benevolent
        “A good commander is benevolent and unconcerned with fame.”
        Sun Tzu

        Good Fame Commander Benevolent
        “I am a misanthrope yet utterly benevolent.”
        Alfred Nobel

        Misanthrope Benevolent
        “I am a misanthrope yet utterly benevolent.”
        Alfred Nobel

        Misanthrope Benevolent
        “What can a man do with music who is not benevolent?”

        Men Benevolence Benevolent
        “What can a man do with music who is not benevolent?”

        Men Benevolence Benevolent
        “Love can be unselfish, in the sense of being benevolent and generous, without being selfless.”
        Mortimer Adler

        Benevolent Quotes

        The best government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by an occasional assassination.

        A good commander is benevolent and unconcerned with fame. - Sun Tzu
        A good commander is benevolent and unconcerned with fame.
        Sun Tzu

        friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of
        life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is
        Thomas Jefferson

        Love can be unselfish, in the sense of being benevolent and generous, without being selfless.
        Mortimer Adler

        have an amazing capacity to believe in contradictory things. For
        example, to believe in an omnipotent and benevolent God but somehow
        excuse Him from all the suffering in the world. Or our ability to
        believe from the standpoint of law that humans are equal and have free
        will and from biology that humans are just organic machines.
        Yuval Noah Harari

        I believe in benevolent dictatorship provided I am the dictator.
        Richard Branson

        feel much for others and little for ourselves; to restrain our
        selfishness and exercise our benevolent affections, constitute the
        perfection of human nature.
        Adam Smith

        hate organized religion. I think you have to love thy neighbor as
        thyself. I think you have to pick your own God and be true to him. I
        always say ‘him’ rather than ‘her.’ Maybe it’s because of my generation,
        but I don’t like the idea of a female God. I see God as a benevolent
        Julia Child

        The mission of the United States is one of benevolent assimilation.
        William McKinley

        is clearly better that property should be private, but the use of it
        common; and the special business of the legislator is to create in men
        this benevolent disposition. - Aristotle

        is clearly better that property should be private, but the use of it
        common; and the special business of the legislator is to create in men
        this benevolent disposition.

        was so benevolent, so merciful a man that, in his mistaken passion, he
        would have held an umbrella over a duck in a shower of rain.
        Douglas William Jerrold

        shall always find what you created in your mind, for instance, a
        benevolent God or an evil Devil. Between them are countless facets.
        Therefore, concentrate on the depth of your consciousness and on what
        you consider to be positive and good.
        Hans Bender

        erroneous economic belief in scarcity leads directly to the mistaken
        theological belief that God does not want us to be rich. After all, in a
        world of scarce physical resources, a person could achieve personal
        wealth only by taking wealth from another - something that a truly
        benevolent, loving God would never allow.
        Paul Zane Pilzer-

      • My
        education was paid for by the RAF Benevolent Fund, so a charity school,
        run like an orphanage, with uniforms and beatings. It was tough, but it
        got me to Cambridge - like being a chrysalis suddenly becoming a
        Eric Idle

        Seeing my malevolent face in the mirror, my benevolent soul shrinks back. Share this Quote
        Mason Cooley

        is in fact agreed that I am the plague, the cholera of the benevolent
        and generous men who are interested in art and that, when I show myself
        with my plasters, even the Emperor of the Sahara would flee. Share this
        Camille Claudel

        are two main methodologies of open source development. There’s the
        Apache model, which is design by committee - great for things like web
        servers. Then you have the benevolent dictator model. That’s what Ubuntu
        is doing, with Mark Shuttleworth.

        I am a misanthrope and
        yet utterly benevolent, have more than one screw loose yet am a
        super-idealist who digests philosophy more efficiently than food.
        Alfred Nobel

        Gangsters lived in the neighborhood. They weren’t apart from it. Their relationships with people were both benevolent and scary.
        Ruby Dee

        both can be the most beautiful and benevolent creatures on the planet,
        but then there’s another side that can be as harsh and as ugly as the
        darkest thing you could imagine seeing.
        Terrence Howard

        conqueror is regarded with awe; the wise man commands our respect; but
        it is only the benevolent man that wins our affection.
        William Dean Howells

        could never go into politics, because I’m far too impatient and I’d
        want to be a dictator, albeit a benevolent one… I would hope.

        Red is a benevolent dictatorship. - James Jannard
        Red is a benevolent dictatorship.
        James Jannard

        do the police need to know where I am? In the hands of a benevolent
        government, they could be looking after your interests, but what if the
        next government isn’t so benevolent?

        truth is, it’s a totalitarian dictatorship when you’re making films.
        You are the boss. You can listen to other people, and it can be a
        benevolent dictatorship, but it’s a dictatorship nonetheless. A lot of
        directors go past their first experience, that’s what they’ve come away

        When a benevolent mind contemplates the republic of Lycurgus, its admiration is mixed with a degree of horror.
        Thomas Day

        think there are presences out there that we can’t see or directly
        communicate with that have benevolent influence on us. Whether they’re
        angels or something else, I’m not sure.
        Misha Collins

        made to feel like an irrelevant child was probably an asset. Benign
        negligence is not a bad parental attitude or at least a cross between a
        benevolent dictator and benign negligence - you should just let kids
        crack on with it.
        Clare Balding

        the truly benevolent mind, indeed, nothing is more satisfactory than to
        hear of a miser denying himself the necessaries of life a little too
        far and ridding us of his presence altogether.
        James Payn

        you don’t believe there’s some organising principle, or somebody up in
        the sky pulling the strings, then it can be very stressful. And nature
        itself is very arbitrary - it’s not malevolent or benevolent; it doesn’t
        even know we’re here.
        Michael Shannon

        took two or three months and I came up with a reason that I thought was
        enough and I went with it: if there is a God he’s definitely not
        benevolent. We should mean less to him than ants. And if there is a God
        or there are gods they would value, more than anything, free will.
        Tarsem Singh

        the most part, my characters don’t talk to me. I like to lord over them
        like some kind of benevolent deity. And, for the most part, my
        characters go along with it. I write intense character sketches and
        long, play-like conversations between me and them, but they stay out of
        the book writing itself.
        Sarah MacLean

        I’ve decided the secret of parenting is benevolent neglect.
        Barry Humphries

        always like to keep our children in a kind of bubble and censor the bad
        news about the world. We like to tell them the world is full of
        benevolent, nice people.
        Kazuo Ishiguro

        not questioning the monotheistic god. I think there’s absolutely no
        evidence for the existence of such a god. When I say that, I mean I’m -
        part of that is that the idea that God could be all-powerful and also
        benevolent is on its face contradictory.
        Barbara Ehrenreich

        I believe in human-centered AI to benefit people in positive and benevolent ways.
        Fei-Fei Li

        I am benevolent.
        Chris Eubank Sr.

        a few notable exceptions, literary fiction in the U.K. is dominated by
        an upper and upper middle-class clique who usually have a tin ear for
        the demotic and who portray working-class characters with, at best, a
        benevolent condescension.
        Adrian McKinty

      • I
        never examined what I did in any great detail because I thought it
        would spoil things. I never read the scripts at all carefully, and never
        wanted to know what was going on, because I felt that being a
        benevolent alien that’s the way it should be.
        Tom Baker

        are a republic, very inefficient. If you want a really efficient form
        of government, you have a king or a dictator. And in the end, you hope
        it’s a benevolent one. But then you could get things done. There’s no
        lurching; there’s no bumps. That’s the cornerstone of checks and
        Rick Santelli

        don’t think we need to agree with anyone in order to love the person.
        The command for Christians to love the other person, to be benevolent
        and beneficent toward them, is independent of what the other believes.
        Miroslav Volf

        Some people mistakenly think nature is very nice and benevolent and never betrays.
        Margaret Atwood

        There is great potential to use computer vision technology in a constructive and benevolent way.
        Fei-Fei Li

        Never give anyone the advice to buy or sell shares, because the most benevolent price of advice can turn out badly.
        Francois de La Rochefoucauld

        few socialists are either benevolent enough to work hard at these
        occupations out of benevolence or self-interested enough to work hard at
        them for money.
        John McCarthy

        like where we live and we wanna participate in our neighbourhoods and
        communities and stuff and try to- we’re not like benevolent- it’s pretty
        Jon Fishman

        Islam has shown two faces to the Jews, one benevolent, one less so.
        Jack Schwartz

        Clearly, children’s charities struggle to find private sources of money to sustain their benevolent programs.
        Dana Rohrabacher

        like them all - I don’t always approve. I see myself as a sort of
        benevolent uncle to these characters, and I can see why they do what
        they do; sometimes they make some mistakes, but at heart I think they’re
        Patrick Marber

        I’m a benevolent dictator.
        Harvey Weinstein

        like joking around and being a little mischievous. Once an audience or
        even a group of friends realizes that you’re being benevolent about it,
        then they’re along for the ride.
        Reggie Watts

        can’t Google, which likes to see itself as a ‘Don’t Be Evil’ benevolent
        force in society, just write us a big check for using our stories, so
        we can keep checks and balances alive and continue to provide the search
        engine with our stories?
        Maureen Dowd

        I always found
        that if you handle a problem in a benevolent way and a transparent way
        and involve other people, so it’s just not your personal opinion, that
        people get to the other side of these difficult conversations being more
        David M. Kelley

        wife tells me I am a male chauvinist pig and I have to sort of admit
        it. In my office and in my home, I’m not very democratic. I think of
        myself as a benevolent dictator.
        Edgar Mitchell

        is an oftentimes dangerous world, and not all of the people in it are
        nice, sweet and benevolent. It is the nature of man to behave otherwise,
        and we must find leaders who can show us a better way and still
        maintains a balanced view.
        Mike Medavoy

        People do things that turn out badly, often for the most benevolent of reasons.
        Lois Lowry

        and philanthropy have a long, benevolent relationship with one another.
        Record bins are rife with charity singles, and concert history is
        filled with benefit shows for every imaginable cause. Musicians like to
        give back.
        Shawn Amos

        Is it possible to run a big
        industrial corporation in a benevolent fashion? We see these days that
        even the hippest companies hide some rotten practices to make their
        profit margins work.
        Ann Nocenti

        the impression created by some economic pundits, the U.S. economy is
        not a delicate little machine that needs to be fine-tuned with exact
        precision by benevolent policymakers to keep from breaking down.
        Edward C. Prescott

      • “Live
        your life in such a way that you’ll be remembered for your kindness,
        compassion, fairness, character, benevolence, and a force for good who
        had much respect for life, in general.”
        ― Germany Kent

        “You know someone is truly special when the most beautiful thing they have on is a kind soul.”

        mind shines brightest when you enlighten others; your heart, when you
        encourage others; your soul, when you elevate others; and your life,
        when you empower others.”

        “One kind deed is more beautiful than a thousand good intentions.”

        “Be noble like the sun; let even those who resent you for shinning benefit from your warmth.”

        “If you want to know a person’s true character, observe how he treats those who don’t matter.”

        you are generous, you are rich, no matter how little you have; if you
        are stingy, you are poor, no matter how much you have.”
        “You are compensated by what you take, but only truly rewarded by what you give.”

        “Learn from the Sun; on account of its warmth it doesn’t need to beg anyone to esteem it”

      your mind to solve problems for others; your heart to feel compassion
      for others; your mouth to speak for others; your hands to help others;
      your feet to visit others; your ears to listen to others, and your life
      to better others.”

      “The most valuable people in life are those who take the least but give the most.”

      you want to lead a pleasant life, be good to yourself; if you want to
      lead a happy life, be good to others; and if you want to lead an
      exceptional life, be good to everyone.”

      “The simplest way to better the world is one good deed at a time.”

      “When you choose to help others you choose to help yourself.”

      “Trees generously share their fruit.
      Bees generously share their honey.
      Flowers generously share their perfume.
      Do likewise.”

      “One act of kindness is more powerful than a thousand acts of spite.”

      “God helps those who help themselves, but helps most those who help others.”

      “You are remembered for what you give, not for what you take. Give as much as you want to be remembered.”

      “Be liberal with your talents, generous with your money, charitable with your possessions, and benevolent with your time.”

      “Care more. Help more. Give more. Love more.”

      “The sun is never denied the light it gives; likewise, you are never denied the kindness you bestow.”

      your ears to the deaf, your eyes to the blind, your hands to the weak,
      your tongue to the mute, your mind to the perplexed, and your heart to
      the weary.”

      “Help when you can. Give what you have. Do what you must. Be who you ought to be.”

      “If the heart had a brain kind people would rule the world.”

      “What you do for others you have done for yourself.”

      “To get, give; to give, get.”

      “Tomorrow belongs to those who help others today.”

      “You know someone is truly special when the most beautiful thing they have on is a kind soul.”

      mind shines brightest when you enlighten others; your heart, when you
      encourage others; your soul, when you elevate others; and your life,
      when you empower others.”

      “One kind deed is more beautiful than a thousand good intentions.”

      “Be noble like the sun; let even those who resent you for shinning benefit from your warmth.”

      “If you want to know a person’s true character, observe how he treats those who don’t matter.”

      you are generous, you are rich, no matter how little you have; if you
      are stingy, you are poor, no matter how much you have.”

      “You are compensated by what you take, but only truly rewarded by what you give.”

      “Learn from the Sun; on account of its warmth it doesn’t need to beg anyone to esteem it”

      your mind to solve problems for others; your heart to feel compassion
      for others; your mouth to speak for others; your hands to help others;
      your feet to visit others; your ears to listen to others, and your life
      to better others.”

      “The most valuable people in life are those who take the least but give the most.”

      you want to lead a pleasant life, be good to yourself; if you want to
      lead a happy life, be good to others; and if you want to lead an
      exceptional life, be good to everyone.”

      “The simplest way to better the world is one good deed at a time.”

      “When you choose to help others you choose to help yourself.”

      “Trees generously share their fruit.
      Bees generously share their honey.
      Flowers generously share their perfume.
      Do likewise.”
      ― Matshona Dhliwayo

      lack of divine love has created a parasitical environment in which
      humans feed on other humans for power, much like vampires seeking blood,
      although this feeding is energetic power. The lack of divine love
      frequency has resulted in an environment in which humanity is incapable
      to undergo the natural process of biological ascension without the help
      of divine intervention. And yet, divine intervention requires the
      individual to be conscious beyond the belief in news, government,
      corporate, and mask wearing programming to ask in commitment,
      benevolence, and dedication for this hyper vigilant assistance.”
      ― Deborah Bravandt

      and benevolence, like honesty, always “pay”, a great deal better than
      their opposites, in spite of all that cynics may adduce to the contrary.
      Also, they put the mind in a condition in which it can have the maximum
      of constructive effect on the arteries and nerves of the physical
      ― Bernard Bromage, Tibetan Yoga-

      “Live your life in
      such a way that you’ll be remembered for your kindness, compassion,
      fairness, character, benevolence, and a force for good who had much
      respect for life, in general.”
      ― Germany Kent

      • Top 10 Inspirational Animation Quotes - Fudge Animation

          • Top 10 Animation Quotes

          • 13
            Jul 2021LIQUONA
            are an award winning moving image agency. We create all sorts of
            productions including 2D and 3D animation. Check out some of these top
            10 quotes about animation … in case you needed convincing that animation
            was awesome1. Glenn KeaneGlenn
            Keane is a character animator at Walt Disney films. He’s worked on some
            pretty famous films, including Aladdin, Tarzan, and The Little
            Mermaid.“Any time you design a character for a Disney picture,
            especially a
            fairy tale, it’s going to become the definitive design for that
            character, so you don’t want to hack something out. You need to put in
            the kind of care it warrants if it’s going to live in history.”2.
            Michael GondryA
            French director, screenwriter and producer. He’s giving us a powerful
            quote about the way animation is a creative way to express thoughts and
            emotions.“I think animation is a very truthful way to express your
            because the process is very direct. That’s what I’ve always liked about
            animation, particularly abstract animation. You go from the idea to
            execution, straight from your brain.”3. Walt DisneyThis
            man needs no introduction (but we’ll give him brief one anyway!). Mr
            Walt Disney can be described as the pioneer of animation. You can see
            why this is in our top 10 animation quotes, Mr. Disney truly expresses
            the power of animation in a very, very fancy way!“Animation can explain
            whatever the mind of man can conceive. This
            facility makes it the most versatile and explicit means of communication
            yet devised for quick mass appreciation.”4. Tim BurtonTim
            Burton can be described as the 21st century version of Mr Walt Disney.
            Best known for his fantasy and gothic horror animations, Tim Burton
            takes into his world of the dark and wonderful. Some of his best known
            animations include The Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and
            Frankenweenie.“One of the things that we were trying to do with this
            show was the
            complexities of relationships and love. There is both passion and
            longing and a bittersweet quality to it that is a part of life.”5.
            Norman McLarenA
            Scottish Canadian animator who was born and died in the 20th century.
            He was best known for synchronising hand drawn images with music. Check
            some of his animations out here.“Animation is not the art of drawings
            that move but the art of movements that are drawn.”6. Jennifer Yuh
            Yuh Nelson is a Korean-American storyboard animator and director. She
            directed the Kung Fu Panda films! We agree with her on this one, with
            all moving image productions, you need to get the concept and story
            nailed before pursuing anything else“A lot of the time in animation is
            spent getting the story right – that’s something you can’t rush.”7.
            Richard WilliamsBest
            known for directing and animating films such as A Christmas Carol, The
            Thief and the Cobbler, The Little Island and Who Framed Roger
            Rabbit.“Good drawing is not copying the surface. It has to do with
            understanding and expression. We don’t want to learn to draw just to end
            up being imprisoned in showing off our knowledge of joints and muscles.
            We want to get the kind of reality that a camera can’t get.”8. John
            American screenwriter, animator, voice over artist and more! He’s best
            known for Disney animations including Cars, Toy Story and A Bugs Life.
            This one of our favourite animation quotes, since here at LIQUONA we use
            technology to create both our 2D and 3D animations.

          • “The art challenges the technology, and the technology inspires the art.”
            9. Lotte Reiniger
            known for her pioneering animation technique of silhouette animation.
            Lotte Reiniger was a German film director from the 20th century.
            “Your aim must be to find what kind of talent you really have and to
            develop it. Animation is basically not so much a technical implement as
            the expression of the spirit behind it. To see that that spirit goes
            into your shooting must be your overriding ambition.”
            10. Max Fleischer
            The man who brought you the famous characters of Betty Boop and Popeye!
            “It was, and still is, my opinion that a cartoon should represent,
            in simple form, the cartoonist’s mental expression. In other words the
            “animated oil painting” has taken the place of the flashiness and
            delightfulness of the simple cartoon.”
            If you loved these top 10 animation quotes, then why not check out our top 10 virtual reality quotes, too!
            Or, visit our animation portfolio to discover some of our animation projects, and get in touch to start yours today.

          • Benevolence Quotes Quotes (60 quotes)
            Top 10 Inspirational Animation Quotes
            get it, when it comes to animation we’ve all been stuck for inspiration
            before. Scrolling through Pinterest aimlessly can help, but having a
            few choice words of wisdom from some of the greats often gives us that
            creative boost to get on with it!
            know some who have framed their favourites or even permanently inked
            them on their skin if they’re really hardcore. But before you reach for
            the needlepoint or the tattoo gun, take a gander at some of our
            suggestions for the most inspiring quotes on animation.
            made tons of films. I did animation for my friends’ films. I animated
            scenes just for the fun of it. Most of my stuff was bad, but I had fun,
            and I tried everything I knew to get better.” – Pete Docter
            one for those of you just starting out from writer, producer, director
            and animator Pete Docter. He’s worked on huge animated feature films
            including Monsters Inc, Up, Inside Out and Toy Story. We love it because
            it shows how important determination is at the beginning of an
            animator’s career and reminds us to always remember to have fun in what
            we do.
            “Animation is not the art of drawings that move but the art of movements that are drawn.” – Norman McLaren
            illusion of movement created through a sequence of images is one of the
            most valuable things that animation has over other art forms. Sometimes
            when we get bogged down in storyboarding, this quote reminds us to zoom
            out and consider the movement that is created when your individual
            drawings flow together. Draw for the movement, not just the sketch!
            “Nothing’s occurring in animation – you manufacture everything.” – Gore Verbinski
            short one, this time from Gore Verbinski, director of Rango, Pirates of
            the Caribbean, The Ring and more. His filmography spans not just
            animation so this quote speaks to the sheer potential at your fingertips
            with the form when compared to more traditional live action feature
            length motion picture. You really can do anything when you animate – you
            not only have boundless possibility but if you want it you have to make
            it happen yourself. So go do it!
            “A lot of the time in animation is spent getting the story right – that’s something you can’t rush.” – Jennifer Yuh Nelson
            Yuh Nelson is a director and storyboard artist most well-known for her
            work on the Kung Fu Panda series and Madagascar. This is one that we had
            firmly in our mind when we decided to write about how to create the
            perfect storyboard a few weeks ago. If you still need convincing of the
            importance of story…
            you’re sitting in your minivan, playing your computer animated films
            for your children in the back seat, is it the animation that’s
            entertaining you as you drive and listen? No, it’s the storytelling.
            That’s why we put so much importance on story. No amount of great
            animation will save a bad story.” – John Lasseter
            your audience and what’s important to them! Once you have a strong
            story, use the tools at your disposal to tell that story in an engaging
            way that enriches your narrative. Big flashy visuals may seem like the
            most important piece of the puzzle, but keep your audience’s
            entertainment at the forefront of your process. John Lasseter is the
            chief creative officer of Pixar, Walt Disney Animation Studios and
            DisneyToon Studios.
            “What I love most about animation is, it’s a team sport, and everything we do is about pure imagination.” – Jeffrey Katzenberg
            Katzenberg, CEO of DreamWorks Animation definitely knows a thing or two
            about managing animators. He really taps into the mindset of the
            animation studio that comes together in a shared imaginative bond all in
            the name of creating something that would be impossible alone. We love
            this idea and it’s one that is explored further…
            am an animator. I feel like I’m the manager of an animation cinema
            factory. I am not an executive. I’m rather like a foreman, like the boss
            of a team of craftsmen. That is the spirit of how I work.” – Hayao
            Miyazaki is often called the Walt Disney of Japan. He co-founded the
            huge Studio Ghibli film and animation studio and is an incredibly
            talented director, producer, writer and animator. He really emphasises
            the artisanal aspects of being an animator and how these craftsmen come
            together to create something that is a true blend of their talent and
            animation is closer to pretending than anything else you get to do. It’s
            much more like when you’re a kid putting on a character.” – Diedrich
            Bader is a voice actor for a range of animated series such as Batman
            and The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. He’s coming from a slightly
            different perspective than us here in the studio and we love the way he
            interprets animation in his work with this quote really emphasising the
            imaginative aspects of animation.
            would rather entertain and hope that people learned something than
            educate people and hope they were entertained.” – Walt Disney
            one goes hand in hand with the storytelling quotes, the experience of
            the audience needs to be at the front of your mind at all times. You
            have to make the entertainment happen with your story, anything else
            that you can squeeze into your animation without disrupting this is
            bonus! Part of the genius of Walt Disney was this very ability to
            construct a fantastic story which is then complemented by depth of
            character, memorable music and quality technical animation.
            just about all for this week! If you have a favourite quote that you’d
            like to share or maybe you’re a fountain of animation knowledge yourself
            – leave us a comment in the section below and maybe, we’ll call on you
            for part 2 one day!
            leave you with one last quote, this time from Fudge’s very own Creative
            Director, Dan Weaver from our interview with him last week:
            “Animation is imagination.”
            & Creative Director. Dan started his career at Television Centre,
            working on some of the BBC’s flagship children’s television shows like
            Bob the Builder, the Teletubbies, Tweenies and Postman Pat. Dan is
            responsible for production and creative direction of client projects but
            is more generally involved in the artistic growth of the studio.
            31 Jul, 2018
            By Jamie
            The most iconic CGI and VFX scenes in movies
            5 Dec, 2017
            By Charlie
            10 Movies That Would Be Better In Animation

        Top 10 Animation Quotes
        winning video production company LIQUONA. Experts in video production
        and animation, based in London & Manchester. Top 10 animation quotes
        for you!

        Benevolence Quotes Quotes
        Quotes tagged as “benevolence-quotes” Showing 1-30 of 60
        “You know someone is truly special when the most beautiful thing they have on is a kind soul.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        beauty-quotes, benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, goodness-quotes,
        help-others-quotes, kind-quotes, kindness-quotations, kindness-quotes,
        matshona-dhliwayo-quotes, soul-quotes
        Germany Kent
        your life in such a way that you’ll be remembered for your kindness,
        compassion, fairness, character, benevolence, and a force for good who
        had much respect for life, in general.”
        ― Germany Kent
        a-force-for-good, author, award-winning-authors, be-kind,
        be-remembered, benevolence, benevolence-quotes, best-selling-authors,
        bio, biography, character, character-development,
        character-development-advice, character-quote, compassion, death,
        death-and-dying, death-and-love, death-note, death-of-a-loved-one,
        death-quotes, fairness, food-for-thought, food-for-thoughts,
        germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, grieving,
        grieving-quotes, hope-guru, how-you-treat-others, how-you-treat-people,
        how-you-want-to-be-remembered, in-general, inspiration, inspirational,
        inspirational-attitude, inspirational-life, inspirational-living,
        inspirational-quote, inspirational-quotes, inspirational-speakers,
        inspiring, inspriational-thoughtful, integrity, lead-from-within,
        leadership-traits, leadership-vs-management, learning,
        learning-by-doing, learning-process, learning-quotes,
        learning-the-truth, learning-to-live, legacy, legacy-life-lessons,
        legacy-of-love, legacy-of-service, legacy-quotes, life, life-lessons,
        life-lessons-life, life-lessons-life-reason, life-lessons-quotes,
        life-lessons-spiritual-wonder, life-lessons-value-of-truth,
        life-lessons-wisdom, live-on-purpose, live-with-your-bio-in-mind,
        live-your-best-life, live-your-life, live-your-life-mission,
        live-your-life-to-the-fullest, live-your-own-life,
        mind-body-spirit-author, motivational-speakers,
        motivational-speakers-quotes, people, people-inspire-people,
        people-relations, philosophical, philosophy, philosophy-of-life,
        philosophy-quotes, play-fair, real-talk, respect, respect-others,
        respect-quotes, respectful, self-help-authors, service-to-mankind,
        something-to-think-about, take-note, the-hope-guru,
        transformational-speakers, truth, truth-of-life, who-are-you,
        who-are-you-really, women-and-men, women-authors, women-leaders,
        women-s-inspirational, women-writers
        mind shines brightest when you enlighten others; your heart, when you
        encourage others; your soul, when you elevate others; and your life,
        when you empower others.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, benevolent, bright-quotes, charity-quotes,
        elevate-quotes, empower, empowering-quotes, encourage-others,
        encourage-quotes, enlightenment-and-attitude, enlightenment-principles,
        enlightenment-quotes, guru-quotes, heart-quotations, heart-quotes,
        help-quotations, help-quotes, helping-others-quotes, helping-quotes,
        life-quotations, life-quotes, matshona-dhliwayo-quotes, mind-quotations,
        mind-quotes, needy, sage-quotes, shine-quotes, shine-your-light-quotes,
        soul-quotes, teach-quotes, teacher-quotes
        “One kind deed is more beautiful than a thousand good intentions.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, generosity-quotes, good-intentions,
        inspirational-quotations, inspirational-quotes, kind-quotes,
        kindness-quotations, kindness-quotes, matshona-dhliwayo-quotes
        “Be noble like the sun; let even those who resent you for shinning benefit from your warmth.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, charitable, compassion-quotes, compassionate,
        enlightenment-quotes, forgive-quotes, forgivness, goodness-quotes,
        gracious, guru-quotes, haters-quotes, inspirational-attitude,
        inspirational-quotations, inspirational-quote, inspirational-quotes,
        inspirational-quotes-about-life, inspirational-quotes-for-women,
        inspirational-quotes-motivation, kind-quotes, kindness-quotes,
        life-lesson-quotes, life-lessons-quotations, life-lessons-quote,
        life-lessons-quotes, life-quotations, life-quote, life-quotes,
        life-quotes-and-sayings, life-quotes-inspirational-quotes, merciful,
        mercy-quotes, noble-quotes, sage-quotes, shine-quotes,
        shine-your-light-quotes, shine-your-star, shinning-quotes, sun-quotes,
        virtue-quotes, warmth-quotes
        “If you want to know a person’s true character, observe how he treats those who don’t matter.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, character-quotes, charity-quotes, guru-quotes,
        inspirational-quotations, inspirational-quote, inspirational-quotes,
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        sage-quotes, true-character-quotes
        you are generous, you are rich, no matter how little you have; if you
        are stingy, you are poor, no matter how much you have.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, giving-quotes,
        matshona-dhliwayo-quotes, poor-quotes, poverty-quotations,
        poverty-quotes, rich-quotes, stingy-quotes, wealthy-quotes
        “You are compensated by what you take, but only truly rewarded by what you give.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, give-quotes, giving-quotes,
        inspirational-quotes, kind-quotes, kindness-quotations,
        matshona-dhliwayo-quotes, wisdom-quotes, wise-quotes
        “Learn from the Sun; on account of its warmth it doesn’t need to beg anyone to esteem it”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, esteem, goodness-quotes, honor-quotes,
        inspiring-quote, inspiring-quotes, inspiring-quotes-on-life,
        kind-quotes, kindness-quotes, learn-quotes, motivation-quotes,
        motivational-quotations, motivational-quote,
        motivational-quote-of-the-day, motivational-quotes,
        motivational-quotes-for-women, sun-quotes, warmth-quotes,
        wisdom-quotations, wisdom-quote, wisdom-quotes, wise-quotations,
        wise-quotes, wise-sayings-quotes, wise-words-quotes
        your mind to solve problems for others; your heart to feel compassion
        for others; your mouth to speak for others; your hands to help others;
        your feet to visit others; your ears to listen to others, and your life
        to better others.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, goodness-quotes,
        help-others-quotes, help-quotations, help-quotes, helping-quotes,
        kind-quotes, kindness-quotations, kindness-quotes
        “The most valuable people in life are those who take the least but give the most.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, give-back-quotes, give-quotes,
        life-lessons-quotations, life-lessons-quotes, life-quotations,
        life-quotes, matshona-dhliwayo-quotes
        you want to lead a pleasant life, be good to yourself; if you want to
        lead a happy life, be good to others; and if you want to lead an
        exceptional life, be good to everyone.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        be-good, be-good-to-yourself, benevolence-quotes, give-quotes,
        good-life-quotes, goodness-quotes, guru-quotes, happiness-quotations,
        happiness-quote, happiness-quotes, happy-quotes, joy-quotes,
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        life-quotations, life-quote, life-quotes, life-quotes-and-sayings,
        life-quotes-inspirational-quotes, matshona-dhliwayo-quotes, sage-quotes
        “The simplest way to better the world is one good deed at a time.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, better-the-world, change-the-world-quotes,
        charity-quotes, goodness-quotes, make-the-world-a-better-place,
        make-the-world-a-joyful-place, matshona-dhliwayo-quotes,
        “When you choose to help others you choose to help yourself.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, do-good-quotes, goodness-quotes,
        help-quotations, help-quotes, helping-quotes, life-quotes,
        Deborah Bravandt
        lack of divine love has created a parasitical environment in which
        humans feed on other humans for power, much like vampires seeking blood,
        although this feeding is energetic power. The lack of divine love
        frequency has resulted in an environment in which humanity is incapable
        to undergo the natural process of biological ascension without the help
        of divine intervention. And yet, divine intervention requires the
        individual to be conscious beyond the belief in news, government,
        corporate, and mask wearing programming to ask in commitment,
        benevolence, and dedication for this hyper vigilant assistance.”
        ― Deborah Bravandt
        ascension, ask-and-receive, benevolence-quotes, divine-intervention,
        divine-love, energetic-quotes, hypervigilance, parasitical,
        programming-quotes, vampires
        “Trees generously share their fruit.
        Bees generously share their honey.
        Flowers generously share their perfume.
        Do likewise.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        bee-quotes, benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, flower-quotes,
        fruit-quotes, generous, goodness-quotes, guru-quotes,
        inspirational-quotations, inspirational-quote, inspirational-quotes,
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        tree-quotes, wisdom-quotations, wisdom-quote, wisdom-quotes,
        wise-quotations, wise-quotes, wise-sayings-quotes, wise-words-quotes
        Amy Leigh Mercree
        “Angels are all around us every day. Notice them and realize the benevolence of life.”
        ― Amy Leigh Mercree, Joyful Living: 101 Ways to Transform Your Spirit and Revitalize Your Life
        amy-leigh-mercree, amy-leigh-mercree-quotes, angel-quotes, angels,
        benevolence-quotes, inspirational-quotes, joyful-living,
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        quote-of-the-week, quotes-about-angels, quotes-de-la-vida,
        quotes-for-instagram, quotes-on-angels, quotes-tumblr, quotes-twitter
        “One act of kindness is more powerful than a thousand acts of spite.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, goodness-quotes, kind-quotes,
        kindness-quotations, kindness-quote, kindness-quotes,
        matshona-dhliwayo-quotes, unkindness
        “God helps those who help themselves, but helps most those who help others.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, christian-quotes, faith-quotes,
        god-quotes, goodness-quotes, help-others-quotes, help-quotations,
        help-quotes, matshona-dhliwayo-quotes
        “You are remembered for what you give, not for what you take. Give as much as you want to be remembered.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, give-quotes, goodness-quotes,
        kind-quotes, kindness-quotations, kindness-quotes, legacy-quotes,
        life-lesson-quotes, matshona-dhliwayo-quotes
        “Be liberal with your talents, generous with your money, charitable with your possessions, and benevolent with your time.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, generosity-quotes,
        give-back-quotes, give-quotes, giving-quotes, goodness-quotes,
        life-lesson-quotes, life-lessons-quotes, matshona-dhliwayo-quotes
        “Care more. Help more. Give more. Love more.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, care-quotes, charity-quotes, do-good-q,
        give-quotes, giving-quotes, goodness-quotes, guru-quotes,
        help-quotations, help-quotes, life-lesson-quotes,
        life-lessons-quotations, life-lessons-quotes, life-quotations,
        life-quote, life-quotes, life-quotes-and-sayings,
        life-quotes-inspirational-quotes, love-quotations, love-quote,
        love-quotes, love-quotes-and-saying, love-quotes-and-sayings,
        love-quotes-for-everybody, love-quotes-love, matshona-dhliwayo-quotes,
        religion-quotations, religion-quotes, righteousness-quotes, sage-quotes,
        spiritual-quotations, spiritual-quotes, spirituality-quotes
        “The sun is never denied the light it gives; likewise, you are never denied the kindness you bestow.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        be-kind-quotes, benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, do-good-quotes,
        give-quotes, goodness-quotes, guru-quotes, help-others-quotes,
        help-quotations, help-quotes, helping-quotes, kind-quotes,
        kindness-quotes, life-lesson-quotes, life-lessons-quotations,
        life-lessons-quotes, life-quotations, life-quote, life-quotes,
        life-quotes-and-sayings, life-quotes-inspirational-quotes,
        light-quotations, light-quotes, love-others, matshona-dhliwayo-quotes,
        sage-quotes, spiritual-quotations, spiritual-quotes,
        spirituality-quotes, sun-quotes, virtue-quotes, volunteerism
        your ears to the deaf, your eyes to the blind, your hands to the weak,
        your tongue to the mute, your mind to the perplexed, and your heart to
        the weary.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        be-good, benevolence-quotes, blind-quotes, deaf-quotes, do-good-quotes,
        ear-quotes, eye-quotes, eyes-quotes, goodness-quotes, greatness-quotes,
        guru-quotes, hear-quotes, heart-quotations, heart-quotes, kind-quotes,
        kindness-quotes, lead-quotes, leader-quotes, leadership-quotes,
        matshona-dhliwayo-quotes, mind-quotations, mind-quotes, mute,
        president-quotes, prime-minister, righteousness-quotes, sage-quotes,
        spiritual-quotations, spiritual-quotes, spirituality-quotes, tongue,
        virtue-quotes, weak-quotes
        “Help when you can. Give what you have. Do what you must. Be who you ought to be.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, budhism-quotes, charity-quotes, christian-quotes,
        do-quotes, enlightenment-quotes, give-back-quotes, give-quotes,
        goodness-quotes, guru-quotes, help-others-quotes, help-quotations,
        help-quotes, helping-quotes, life-lesson-quotes,
        life-lessons-quotations, life-lessons-quotes, life-quotations,
        life-quote, life-quotes, life-quotes-and-sayings,
        life-quotes-inspirational-quotes, love-quotes, sage-quotes,
        spiritual-quotations, spiritual-quotes, spirituality-quotes
        “If the heart had a brain kind people would rule the world.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, brain-quotes, charity-quotes, goodness-quotes,
        kind-people, kind-quote, kind-quotes, kindness-quotations,
        kindness-quote, kindness-quotes, life-lesson-quotes,
        life-lessons-quotations, life-lessons-quote, life-lessons-quotes,
        matshona-dhliwayo-quotes, mind-quotations, mind-quote, mind-quotes,
        rule-the-world, virtue-quotes
        “What you do for others you have done for yourself.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, inspiration-quotes,
        inspirational-quotations, inspirational-quote, inspirational-quotes,
        inspirational-quotes-about-life, life-lesson-quotes,
        life-lessons-quotes, matshona-dhliwayo-quotes
        “To get, give; to give, get.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, give-quotes, goodness-quotes,
        life-lesson-quotes, life-lessons-quotations, life-lessons-quotes,
        life-quotations, life-quotes, matshona-dhliwayo-quotes
        “Tomorrow belongs to those who help others today.”
        ― Matshona Dhliwayo
        benevolence-quotes, charity-quotes, giving-quotes, goodness-quotes,
        help-quotations, helping-others-quotes, helping-quotes,
        matshona-dhliwayo-quotes, today-quotes, tomorrow-quotes
        and benevolence, like honesty, always “pay”, a great deal better than
        their opposites, in spite of all that cynics may adduce to the contrary.
        Also, they put the mind in a condition in which it can have the maximum
        of constructive effect on the arteries and nerves of the physical
        ― Bernard Bromage, Tibetan Yoga
        tags: benevolence, benevolence-quotes, honesty, mind
        Benevolence Quotes Quotes (60 quotes)
        Video Examples / Benevolent A.I.
        Background Image
        Robot Nurse Maid (Donald Duck)
        the short, “Modern Inventions”, after finding himself in a machine that
        treats its user like a baby, Donald Duck decides to mess around with
        it, and gets more than he bargains for.
        Example of:
        Goo Goo Getup
        Posted 2 years ago
        Example of:
        Benevolent A.I.
        Posted 2 years ago
        Example of:
        Benevolent A.I.
        Posted 2 years ago
        Warmind Rasputin
        Example of:
        Deus Est Machina
        Benedict Cumberbatch
        Video Examples
        Benevolent Conspiracy

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        HD 0:20
        Robot, Animation, Technology, Machine
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        Kaleidoscope Art, Pattern, Ornament
        HD 1:00
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        Lake, Sunset, Trees, Leaves, Japan
        4K 0:16
        Anime, Sparkle, Butterfly
        HD 1:03
        Plasma, Smoke, Toxic, Pollution
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        Transition, Brush, Black, White
        4K 0:05
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        China, Flag, Banner, Blow, Flutter
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        HD 0:10
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        4K 0:59
        Usa, Flag, America, Banner, Blow
        HD 0:10
        Transition, Brush, Black, White
        4K 0:05
        Subscribe, 3D, Subscribe Button
        4K 0:05
        Animate, Building, Architecture, Drawing
        HD 0:20
        Future, Abstract, Background, Loop
        HD 0:10
        Snowflakes, Snowfall, Winter, Animation
        HD 0:06
        Blue, Rectangles, Geometrical, Shapes
        HD 0:15
        Light, Neon, Color, Bright, Glow, Open
        HD 0:12
        Letters, Fonts, Alphabet, Matrix, School
        HD 0:09
        Laptop, Working, Computer, Job
        HD 0:10
        Motion, Graphic, Animated, Digital
        HD 0:14
        Particle, Blue, Abstract, Animation
        HD 0:29
        Bullet, Ring, Reflection, Tracking Shot
        HD 0:06
        Globe, Blue, Intro, News, Earth, World
        HD 0:07
        Kaleidoscope Art, Pattern, Ornament
        HD 0:58
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        Animated Wallpaper, Wallpaper
        SD 0:18
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        Lens, Metal, Machine, Futuristic
        HD 0:20
        Love, I Love You, Romance, Romantic
        HD 0:08
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        Snowflakes, Christmas, Animation
        HD 0:06
        United Kingdom, Flag, England, English
        HD 0:10
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        Lines, Red, Geometry, Abstract
        HD 0:10
        Waves, Smooth, Gold, Abstract
        HD 0:19
        Particle, Lines, Abstract, Lights
        HD 0:29
        Blue, Squares, Shapes, Figures
        4K 0:10
        Nature, Froest, Autumn, Autumn Forest
        HD 0:11
        Sea, Seascape, Ocean, Waves, Animated
        HD 0:12
        Clock, Timer, Icon, Flat, Animated
        HD 0:12
        Animated, Motion, Graphic, Effects
        HD 0:22
        Cartoon, Character, Family, Beach
        HD 0:08
        Hypnotic, Illusion, Animation, Animated
        HD 0:06
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        HD 0:20
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        Germany, Flag, Banner, Blow, Flutter
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        Anime, Demon, Girl, Woman
        HD 0:08
        Circles, Black, Cyan, Shapes, Figures
        4K 0:10
        Kaleidoscope, Pattern, Ornament, Border
        HD 1:00
        Bullet, Ring, Reflection, Tracking Shot
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        Rotating Star Of The 98 Rays
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        Lights, Light, Neon, Lamps, Idea, Music
        HD 0:10
        Animate, Beach, Fish, Summer
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        Abstract, Animated, Art, Artistic
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        Animate, Teacher, Class, Student
        HD 0:56
        Subscribe Video, Green Screen
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        SD 0:22
        Flower, Floral, Vines, Silhouette
        HD 0:04
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        HD 0:10
        Waves, Orange, Lines, Forms, Strokes
        HD 0:08
        Wave, Gold, Abstract, Background, Loop
        HD 0:10
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        Music, Keyboard, Animation, Background
        HD 0:15
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        Brain, Medical, Anatomy, Mind, Human
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        HD 0:04
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        he awakened and remembered

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        553b26d4-76db-48ec-9620-88e0918a7c38Perry Mason (1957) - S02E27 The Case
        of the Deadly Toy1.8 secs
        David was awakened suddenly,

        (2020) - S01E01 Diamond of the First Water thumbnail |
        354e742e-05d6-4a3a-9b86-195f02b87021Bridgerton (2020) - S01E01 Diamond
        of the First Water1.6 secs
        Miss! You’ve already awakened!

        Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D thumbnail |
        35f83e51-44c7-4ba4-b108-3548a9908a87The Adventures of Sharkboy and
        Lavagirl 3-D4 secs
        You have… awakened me.

        BackgroundThe Road to El Dorado thumbnail | 5ebbdc6e-c0ca-4c2c-8040-6eb63cc3838dThe Road to El Dorado5.1 secs
        - The gods have awakened! - [ Cheering ]

        BackgroundDune (1984) thumbnail | 6453254c-c2b2-44d9-b812-2a2df2c7196eDune (1984)5.9 secs
        Father, the sleeper has awakened!

        means awakened one, and the Buddha saw that man severely suffered, and
        he also saw that it was possible to transform man’s suffering to achieve
        peace, happiness and fulfillment. However, if you have tried the Buddha
        way and found that you have not found peace or happiness and that
        Buddhism has not really solved your emotional states of fear, anger,
        envy, hatred, or depression than maybe our school will help. Though the
        words that we use may be similar, from my own experience as a student
        and teacher of Gurdjieff’s and Spinoza’s philosophy in these past 40
        plus years, it requires a deliberate conscious effort on our part to
        gain the knowledge and understanding for us to see how our nature
        actually works: what buttons are triggered and why? You see, life offers
        us opportunities to gauge where we are – we just have to dig deeper
        than what is normally suggested so that we can see clearly and
        understand. Our emotional buttons are triggered when we have
        expectations that are not met and that we only see a little part of

        Lewis’s Students

        Hugh fears confrontation: Jack wants to stop expressing hate an…
        Einstein Shares His Belief in Spinoza’s God
        tried to express these feelings clearly, both for himself and all of
        those who wanted a simple answer from him about his faith. So in the
        summer of 1930, amid his sailing and ruminations in Caputh, he composed a
        credo, “What I Believe,” that he recorded for a human-rights group and
        later published. It concluded with an explanation of what he meant when
        he called himself religious:
        Einstein Shares His Belief in Spinoza’s God
        Students Learning Spinoza

        Spinoza’s Views on Alan Watts
        Osho and Eckhart Tolle

        Understanding Spinoza

        Spinoza: Good is the Enemy of the Better

        Spinoza and Gurdjieff Work – A Life Changing Experience

        Lewis’s Students
        Copyright Lewis Almeida 2014

        Buddha The Awaken One – Way of Spinoza
        The Awaken One Buddha explained that all our problems and suffering
        arise from confused and negative states of mind, and all our happiness
        and good fortune arise from peaceful and positive states of mind. Buddha
        means awakened one, and the Buddha saw that man severely suffered, and
        he also s
        Spinoza: A Complete Guide to Life
        Then & Now
        199K subscribers
        Then & Now is FAN-FUNDED! Support me on Patreon and pledge as little as $1 per video:
        Or send me a one-off tip of any amount and help me make more videos:
        Buy on Amazon through this link to support the channel:
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        Thank you to @Epoch Philosophy for lending their voice for this video.
        you’ve ever wanted a complete scientific roadmap for how to live, a
        modern philosophy to go by, a lens through which to understand a complex
        world, a foundation, the 17th century Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza
        is as good as you’ll find. He asked questions like: why are we so
        dogmatic? What makes us irrational? Why do we live as slaves to our
        emotions and others opinions.
        was one of the first Enlightenment advocates for real democracy, and
        was the first to really criticise the bible as just a text. He was
        vilified for his perceived atheism and excommunicated from the Jewish
        community where he lived.
        look at Spinoza’s most influential text, The Ethics, look at what his
        ideas about god were and why he was a Pantheist, ask what substances,
        modes, and attributes are, and why he argues that the ‘many is one’. We
        look at the affects, the idea of conatus, the ‘free person’,
        rationalism, his stocism, and ideas of morality and benevolence.
        Steven Nadler, Think Least of Death: Spinoza on How to Live and How to Die
        Jonathan Israel, Radical Enlightening: Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650-1750
        Giles Deleuze, Spinoza: Practical Philosophy
        Baruch Spinoza, Tractatus Theologico-Politicus
        Baruch Spinoza, The Ethics
        Beth Lord, Spinoza’s Ethics
        Anthony Gottlieb, The Dream of Enlightenment
        Bertrand Russell, History of Western Philosophy
        Featured playlist
        91 videos
        Then & Now
        Echo Sclavi
        The Mini Vandals
        Echo Sclavi
        Get YouTube Premium
        Spinoza: A Complete Guide to Life
        & Now is FAN-FUNDED! Support me on Patreon and pledge as little as
        $1 per video: send me a one-off tip
        of any amount…
        the Awakened One.

      • Benevolent A.I. / Video Examples - TV Tropes
        the short, “Modern Inventions”, after finding himself in a machine that
        treats its user like a baby, Donald Duck decides to mess around with
        it, and gets more than he bargains for.
        false equivalents | qualiasoup & theramintrees [cc]
        285K subscribers
        reflection on the use of false equivalence and ‘levelling’ tactics,
        with special reference to the recent appalling developments in Brunei.
        You can support the channel at:
        opening quote:
        always the same with these bogus equivalences: They start by pretending
        loftily to find no difference between aggressor and victim, and they
        end up by saying that it’s the victim of violence who is ‘really’
        inciting it.
        —Christopher Hitchens, ‘Arguably’ [in reference to criticism of life-endangered ex-Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali]
        Bulgarian: Djeitko
        Dutch: kedrednael
        C. [1966] Religion as a cultural system. In Anthropological Approaches
        to the Study of Religion. Ed. Michael Banton. Tavistock Publications,
        London. pp.1–46.
        Hitchens, C. [2011] Arguably. Atlantic Books, London.
        Brunei’s death penalty for apostasy:
        miscellaneous news references:
        music © TheraminTrees
        Full original music tracks used in videos are available to patreon supporters who pledge at the $1 per video level.
        false equivalents | qualiasoup & theramintrees [cc]
        reflection on the use of false equivalence and ‘levelling’ tactics,
        with special reference to the recent appalling developments in Brunei.
        You can support …

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