Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

January 2025
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LESSON 4544 Sat 3 Sep 2022 Free on line Benevolent Organiser for MISSION BENEVOLENT UNIVERSE Growing Your Own Vegetables & Fruits in Pots 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🪴 🌱 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒for GOOD HEALTH WITHOUT WEALTH WE WERE BENEVOLENTLY AWAKENED ONES WE ARE BENEVOLENTLY AWAKENED ONES WE CONTINUE TO BE BENEVOLENTLY AWAKENED ONES May be an image of 1 person and text for Awakening and NIBBĀNA 35) Classical Benevolent English,Roman, 67) Classical Benevolent Korean-고전 한국어, 68) Classical Benevolent Krio,68) Krio we dɛn kɔl Krio 69) Classical Benevolent Kurdish (Kurmanji)-Kurdî (Kurmancî),
Filed under: General, Theravada Tipitaka , Plant raw Vegan Broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, carrots
Posted by: site admin @ 7:20 am

LESSON 4544 Sat 3 Sep 2022
Free on line Benevolent Organiser for
Growing Your Own Vegetables & Fruits in Pots
🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝  🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🪴 🌱
🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒for GOOD



May be an image of 1 person and text

for Awakening and NIBBĀNA

35) Classical Benevolent English,Roman,
67) Classical Benevolent Korean-고전 한국어,
68) Classical Benevolent Krio,68) Krio we dɛn kɔl Krio
69) Classical Benevolent Kurdish (Kurmanji)-Kurdî (Kurmancî),

Dhamek Stupa

The first five disciples pay respects to the Wheel of the Dharma at the deerpark of Isipatana.

35) Classical Benevolent English,Roman,

“Veganism is not a sacrifice, it’s a joy.”


“Live your life in such a way that you’ll be remembered for your kindness, compassion, fairness, character, benevolence, and a force for good who had much respect for life, in general.”
Germany Kent

How To Grow Fruit & Vegetables At Home 🌱 No Garden Necessary!
326K subscribers
8 Super Simple Home Gardening Hacks 🔷🔷🔷
The practice of growing plants in a very limited space has been gaining
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urban gardening is a good idea: growing your own fruit and veggies means
that you get to control what they are and aren’t exposed to, your
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gardening hacks to help you grow everything from flowers to cilantro and
even carrots!
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Free on line Benevolent Organiser for
Growing Your Own Vegetables & Fruits in Pots
🍍 🍊 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🍆 🌱 🎃 🍅🍜 🍄 🍝 🌽 🍏 🌳 🍓 🍊 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🍅 🍐 for GOOD HEALTH WITHOUT WEALTH
for Awakening and NIBBĀNA in 35) Classical Benevolent English,Roman,
Third Noble Truth: Reality of the Cessation of Suffering — Which Is to Be Actualized
is a meditative state of profound stillness and concentration in which
the mind becomes fully immersed and absorbed in the chosen object of
attention. It is the cornerstone in the development of Right
The definition (with similes)
[First jhana]
is the case where a monk — quite withdrawn from sensuality, withdrawn
from unskillful qualities — enters and remains in the first jhana:
rapture and pleasure born from withdrawal, accompanied by directed
thought and evaluation. He permeates and pervades, suffuses and fills
this very body with the rapture and pleasure born from withdrawal. There
is nothing of his entire body unpervaded by rapture and pleasure born
from withdrawal.
as if a skilled bathman or bathman’s apprentice would pour bath powder
into a brass basin and knead it together, sprinkling it again and again
with water, so that his ball of bath powder — saturated, moisture-laden,
permeated within and without — would nevertheless not drip; even so,
the monk permeates, suffuses and fills this very body with the rapture
and pleasure born of withdrawal. There is nothing of his entire body
unpervaded by rapture and pleasure born from withdrawal…
[Second jhana]
with the stilling of directed thoughts and evaluations, he enters and
remains in the second jhana: rapture and pleasure born of composure,
unification of awareness free from directed thought and evaluation —
internal assurance. He permeates and pervades, suffuses and fills this
very body with the rapture and pleasure born of composure. There is
nothing of his entire body unpervaded by rapture and pleasure born of
like a lake with spring-water welling up from within, having no inflow
from east, west, north, or south, and with the skies periodically
supplying abundant showers, so that the cool fount of water welling up
from within the lake would permeate and pervade, suffuse and fill it
with cool waters, there being no part of the lake unpervaded by the cool
waters; even so, the monk permeates and pervades, suffuses and fills
this very body with the rapture and pleasure born of composure. There is
nothing of his entire body unpervaded by rapture and pleasure born of
[Third jhana]
furthermore, with the fading of rapture, he remains equanimous,
mindful, and alert, and senses pleasure with the body. He enters and
remains in the third jhana, of which the Noble Ones declare, ‘Equanimous
and mindful, he has a pleasant abiding.’ He permeates and pervades,
suffuses and fills this very body with the pleasure divested of rapture,
so that there is nothing of his entire body unpervaded with pleasure
divested of rapture.
as in a blue-, white-, or red-lotus pond, there may be some of the
blue, white, or red lotuses which, born and growing in the water, stay
immersed in the water and flourish without standing up out of the water,
so that they are permeated and pervaded, suffused and filled with cool
water from their roots to their tips, and nothing of those blue, white,
or red lotuses would be unpervaded with cool water; even so, the monk
permeates and pervades, suffuses and fills this very body with the
pleasure divested of rapture. There is nothing of his entire body
unpervaded with pleasure divested of rapture…
[Fourth jhana]
furthermore, with the abandoning of pleasure and stress — as with the
earlier disappearance of elation and distress — he enters and remains in
the fourth jhana: purity of equanimity and mindfulness,
neither-pleasure-nor-pain. He sits, permeating the body with a pure,
bright awareness, so that there is nothing of his entire body unpervaded
by pure, bright awareness.
as if a man were sitting wrapped from head to foot with a white cloth
so that there would be no part of his body to which the white cloth did
not extend; even so, the monk sits, permeating his body with a pure,
bright awareness. There is nothing of his entire body unpervaded by
pure, bright awareness.”
(Anguttara Nikaya, 5.28)
as if a man were sitting wrapped from head to foot with a white cloth
so that there would be no part of his body to which the white cloth did
not extend; even so, the monk sits, permeating his body with a pure,
bright awareness. There is nothing of his entire body unpervaded by
pure, bright awareness.”
(Anguttara Nikaya, 5.28)
Mastery of jhana is a mark of wisdom
“I declare a person endowed with four qualities to be one of great discernment, a great man. Which four?
is the case, brahman, where he practices for the welfare and happiness
of many people and has established many people in the noble method, that
is, the rightness of what is admirable, the rightness of what is
thinks any thought he wants to think, and doesn’t think any thought he
doesn’t want to think. He wills any resolve he wants to will, and
doesn’t will any resolve he doesn’t want to will. He has attained
mastery of the mind with regard to the pathways of thought.
attains — whenever he wants, without strain, without difficulty — the
four jhanas that are heightened mental states, pleasant abidings in the
the ending of mental fermentations — he remains in the
fermentation-free awareness-release and discernment-release, having
directly known and realized them for himself right in the here-and-now.
“…I declare a person endowed with these four qualities to be one of great discernment, a great man.”
(Anguttara Nikaya, 4.35)
Jhana and insight, hand-in-hand
There’s no jhana
for one with no discernment,
no discernment
for one with no jhana.
But one with both jhana
and discernment:
he’s on the verge
of Unbinding.
(Dhammapada, 372)
Free on line Benevolent Organiser for
Growing Your Own Vegetables & Fruits in Pots
🍍 🍊 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🍆 🌱 🎃 🍅🍜 🍄 🍝 🌽 🍏 🌳 🍓 🍊 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🍅 🍐 for GOOD HEALTH WITHOUT WEALTH
for Awakening and NIBBĀNA in 35) Classical Benevolent English,Roman,
Guided Imagery Meditation of Swimming in Water for Relaxation and Inner Peace (Water Sounds)
guided imagery is a calm and relaxing visualization meditation where
you will picture yourself in the ocean, swimming in the cool ocean
water, while listening to the soft rhythmic ocean sounds of splashing
water. This guided imagery is for relaxation and letting go of stress,
anxiety and past mistakes and pain, so that you can embrace the future
and all the good things that lies ahead. So let go of negative emotions
blocking the way for positive energies to flow through and bringing you
health and healing. I always find the nature sound of water so very
relaxing and for me it is one of the best stress relief tools out there,
as water, whether it by a rippling river, ocean waves or rain, just has
this mesmerizing rhythm that evokes relaxation and true inner peace. So
listen to this guided imagery meditation if you need a way to relax and
heal your mind and body of negative emotions and energies.
Benevolent Awakened One Maitreya Project 35) Classical Benevolent English,Roman,
Part 1 — Maitreya Project, Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India.
is an inspiring look at the Project’s vision, architecture, and
charitable programmes. With contributions from His Holiness the Dalai
Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and many other spiritual leaders.
Part 2 — Maitreya Project Heart Shrine Relic Tour.
with the Tour to experience the way the Heart Shrine relics inspire
people all over the world to develop a heart of loving-kindness and
purify the mind-body continuum. Includes beautiful footage of the relics
Part 3 — Maitreya Peace Meditation.
Matireya Peace Meditation on loving-kindness is read by a gentle voice
so the listener can concentrate on the experience of generating the
cause of peace, within themselves and in the outer world.
peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just the absence of
violence. Peace is the manifestation of human compassion.”.
— His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
The aim of Maitreya Project is to bring:
- long-term social and economic benefit to millions of people in northern India.
- sustained spiritual benefit to the world community.
The focus of Maitreya Project’s activities is building:
- a 500ft/152m bronze statue of the future buddha Maitreya in Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh State.
- a 150ft/45m statue of Maitreya in Bodhgaya, Bihar State.
northern India, Kushinagar and Bodhgaya are regions where literacy
rates are very low and millions of people are living in extreme poverty,
relying on subsistence farming and menial labour.
Maitreya Project will benefit these regions through:
Education for village children from poor families, utilizing a unique
curriculum that emphasizes ethical development as well as academic
achievement; covering primary, secondary and vocational education.
- Healthcare of international standard.
Employment and commerce that will provide work for more than a thousand
people during construction as well as creating sustainable jobs for the
future and bringing thousands of related employment opportunities to
the region.
- Supporting tourism in connection with the region’s rich spiritual heritage.
- Acting as a catalyst and sustaining influence for many other infrastructural improvements.
statues, along with their throne buildings and parks, will be blessed
throughout by sacred art that is both traditional and modern.
both the long and short term, Maitreya Project will contribute
significantly to the well-being of the region and aims to become a model
of socially responsible development — environmentally sustainable,
designed and built to last at least 1,000 years.
even now, the very heart of Maitreya Project, loving-kindness, is
brought to people all over the world through the Maitreya Project Heart
Shrine Relic Tour. The Relic Tour brings together people of all
humanitarian and spiritual traditions to create the causes for world
peace by sharing the blessings of a unique and precious collection of
more than 1,000 sacred Buddhist relics.
Body Energy
Chris Hinze
Tibet Impressions
Get YouTube Premium
Maha Mayawati Ji as CM attempted to complete the Benevolent Awakened One Maitreya Project.
all Awakened People of the world wanted to install the tallest
Benevolent Awakened One’s statue at Kushinara by donating smallest
denomination. Also Meditation Center for all those who wish to attain
Eternal Bliss with most modern Crematorium.
Thought that the group would like this.
*How to Meet Benevolent Awakened One Buddha Metteyya*
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahatto Sammasambuddhassa
Dasabodhisatta-uddesa and Anagatavamsa both give instructions on what
people must do if they are to meet Buddha Metteyya. This is very
important for all those who do not attain at least the first stage of
Awakening during this Buddha Dispensation, for, as we have seen,
Benevolent Awakened One Buddha Metteyya will be the last Benevolent
Awakened One Buddha to arise in this world cycle. If a person does not
attain Awakening in this world cycle, it will be extremely difficult to
get another opportunity.
the Dasabodhisatta-uddesa,[142] Buddha Gotama says to Ven. Sariputta,
“Not all men will see my physical body. If they encounter my Teachings
(sasana), give gifts (dana), observe morality (sila), and cultivate
development of the mind (bhavana), through the fruit of that, they will
be reborn in the time of Benevolent Awakened OneBuddha Ariya Metteyya.”
three actions are the basis of meritorious action (punna).[143] Through
these actions a person can be assured of rebirth in the higher planes
of existence. Developing the mind leads to the temporary purity attained
through the Jhana states. But it can also lead to insight (Vipassana)
and true liberation.
Anagatavamsa[144] gives more details. In order to meet Benevolent
Awakened One Buddha Metteyya, people should put forth effort (viriya)
and be firm (dalha), with agitated mind (ubbigga-manasa). We can surmise
that “agitated mind” means the profound stirring of the mind or sense
of urgency (samvega) that comes from realizing the urgent need to work
for liberation. All those who do good deeds and who are vigilant -
whether they are bhikkhus, bhikkhunis, laymen, or laywomen - will be
able to encounter the next Benevolent Awakened One Buddha. All those who
pay great honour to the Buddha will see the auspicious assembly of
Benevolent Awakened One Buddha Metteyya. The holy life (brahma-cariya)
should be practised. Gifts (dana) should be given. The Observance days
(Uposatha) should be kept. Loving kindness (metta) should be carefully
developed. By delighting in vigilance and meritorious actions, it will
be possible to eventually make an end to misery (dukkha).
Ledi Sayādaw[145] points out that it is necessary to make balanced
effort in terms of good conduct (carana) and right knowledge (vijja) if
one is to meet the next Benevolent Awakened One Buddha.
conduct means developing morality (sila) and concentration (samadhi).
Knowledge means developing wisdom (panna). Right conduct can be compared
to having sound limbs. Right knowledge can be compared to being able to
see. If one or the other is missing, a person will be unsuccessful. A
person may be generous and keep the permanent moral rules of the five
precepts and the eight precepts on Observance days, but if the seeds of
knowledge are not planted, that person may meet Benevolent Awakened One
Buddha Metteyya but not be able to be Awakened. If only knowledge is
developed, wrong conduct will mean that the chances of encountering the
next Benevolent Awakened One Buddha will be slight, due to the
intervening period (antara-kappa) between this Benevolent Awakened One
Buddha Dispensation and the next one.
of wrong conduct mentioned by Ven. Ledi Sayādaw are: not being
generous, being poorly guarded in physical actions, being unrestrained
in speech, and unclean in thought. Such conduct will mean rebirth in the
lower realms, either in the next life or in a future life. If people
who act in this way do manage to be reborn in a higher world, their lack
of generosity will mean they will encounter hardships, trials, and
tribulations in making a living. Through not keeping the precepts, they
are likely to meet with disputes, quarrels, anger, and hatred; and they
will be susceptible to diseases and ailments. This will make it even
harder to avoid actions leading to the lower worlds.
may be possible, however, that a person today has already prepared in
the past for attaining Awakening. If the right effort is made in this
life, that person can reach at least the first stage of Awakening and
become a Sotapanna. Then, it will be impossible to do any action that
results in rebirth in the lower realms.
will not necessarily mean that such a person will miss the opportunity
to see the next Benevolent Awakened One Buddha. Eventually, as a
Non-returner, he or she can be reborn in the Suddhavasa Brahma worlds,
and life in these worlds can span the careers of several Buddhas.[146]
a person who has enough perfections (parami) to reach Awakening in this
lifetime does not make the necessary effort, it may be possible to
become a Sotapanna in the next life in the Deva worlds. If such a person
does not practise the factors leading to Awakening, he or she will miss
out entirely during this Buddha’s Dispensation and will only be able to
attain release during the next Benevolent Awakened One Buddha’s
Ledi Sayādaw’s instructions concerning the necessary work to be done in
this life include what should be done by a person who practises bare
insight meditation.[147] One should fulfil the first eleven of the
fifteen good actions (carana-dhamma),[148] that is to say, all except
the Jhana states. The first four actions are: (1) being moral,[149] (2)
guarding the sense doors, (3) being moderate in eating, and (4)
next seven qualities are the seven good states (saddhamma) which the
Benevolent Awakened One Buddha compared to the various protections for
the citizens of a royal border town:[150]
Faith (saddha) in the Benevolent Awakened One Buddha is like a deeply embedded pillar.
Modesty (hiri) is like a deep, wide moat and means the disciple is ashamed of wrong conduct in body, speech, and mind.
from doing wrong (ottappa) is like a high, wide road surrounding the
city and means the disciple is concerned with avoiding wrong conduct in
body, speech, and mind.
of great learning (bahu-sacca) is like a great armoury of spears and
swords. A person who has heard much, who remembers what was heard, and
who treasures it means a person who knows the Benevolent Awakened One
Buddha’s Doctrine.
(viriya) is like a large army protecting the city, for a person should
rouse energy to get rid of unskilled mental states, to acquire skilled
mental states, to be steadfast, firm in advance, and persevere with
skilled mental states.
(sati) is like a wise, intelligent gate keeper who refuses entrance to
unknown people and only lets in those who are known. A person should
have the highest degree of mindfulness and discrimination.
(panna) is like a high, wide rampart covered with plaster. A person
should possess wisdom leading to (the cutting off of) rise and fall,
with the noble penetration leading to the complete destruction of
seven of these good states enable a person to abandon wrong actions and
cultivate good actions, to abandon what is blameworthy and develop
blamelessness. Thus he develops purity.
need not worry about whether we will be able to attain the goal of
Nibbana in this life or whether we will only be able to do so under
Benevolent Awakened One Buddha Ari Metteyya. If we make the best effort
we can, such questions will take care of themselves. We must grow as
much as possible in sila, samadhi, and panna, confident that in this way
we will be able to come to the end of all suffering.
Truth Will Triumph!
Charlie Chaplin LaVegano
A vegan global fast food chain has arrived in India! With locations all
around Bangalore and plans to expand across the country, this has
quickly become a favourite for many city vegans. The burgers, pizzas
wraps ice creams are all delicious items offered at very affordable
prices. It’s the ideal place to gather with friends, family members or
just yourself. You can learn more here.
Vegan Vogue
quaint restaurant in Indiranagar boasts a menu that includes vegan
Japanese, Italian, African and Asian dishes. Whether you’re new to the
world of plant-based cuisine or feeling adventurous enough for
anything—the fun is just beginning at Vegan Vogue! It’s the perfect
place for a birthday dinner. You can learn more here. (…/vegan-vogue-bangalore-274457)
For more vegan options across Bangalore, check out the Indian Beginner’s Guide to Veganism ( This comprehensive resource provides everything you need to know about going plant-based in India.
Chinita Real Mexican Food
is the only place in Bangalore that serves authentic Mexican cuisine.
Not only is it affordable, you can enjoy flipping through an entirely
vegan menu including churros, house-made vegan cheese and soyrizo—plus
tacos, enchiladas, burritos and nachos! If you’re looking for something
different from your usual Indian fare (and maybe even a spot where all
of your friends will be able to find something!), this is the place to
go! You can learn more here. (
Habibi Falafel
you’re a seasoned vegan in Bangalore, then you probably guessed this
restaurant would be on our guide. It’s a completely vegetarian falafel
chain that is very friendly towards vegans! Get the freshest vegan
falafel wraps, burgers, sandwiches, and platters at an affordable price.
In addition, the owners are making great strides toward reducing food
packaging and waste. You can learn more here. (
Go Native
organic vegetarian restaurant offers vegan south indian dishes, pizza,
and ice cream! It has a great atmosphere for meeting with friends to
enjoy dinner on the rooftop. You can learn more here. (
Burma Burma
you tried Burmese cuisine? Now you can with lots of exciting vegan
options. It’s a little more expensive than most restaurants in town, so
dress up for a special occasion like a graduation dinner! They offer
delicious mock meats, tofu and falafel proteins that can be made into
hearty dishes. You can learn more ( ( (
Green Theory
restaurant’s vegetarian menu has a number of vegan options. Their
continental dishes, Italian specialties, and delicious drinks are sure
to please any palate. You can learn more here. (

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