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Harmony of All Religions,A Peaceful World
Filed under: General, Theravada Tipitaka , Plant raw Vegan Broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, carrots
Posted by: site admin @ 9:39 pm

1.2-3 and 1.14 
The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Harmony of All Religions,A Peaceful World
The Core of Religion:Kindness and Fraternity

religions are from the teachings of one true god whose wisdom is
fundamentally “benevolence, compassion, and universal love.” From this
perspective, all religions can cooperate with one another in unity.

The Christian sacred texts say, “God loves all people” and “Love one
another. Just as I have loved you, you also must love one another.”

Islam teaches, “Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.” and
“There’s only one guideline for being moral. It’s being selfless, do
good with universal love for all.”

Zoroastrianism teaches, “ One should love others as oneself. This is as the faith of man should be.”

Sikhism teaches, “More than all else do I treasure love at heart,
which makes me live an eternal life in this mundane world.”

Baháism teaches, “The purpose of the one true God manifesting
Himself to our world is to summon all mankind to uphold truthfulness,
sincerity, filial piety and trustworthiness.”

Buddhism teaches in the Infinite Life Sutra, “Revere the saints and
respect the decent [people]. Be benevolent, compassionate, and
universally loving.”

Why is it that the core
teachings from all saints and sages are about benevolence, compassion,
and universal love? It is because the universe was created by one
creator? The creator is the true body of all phenomena and the universe.
Here, Judaism, Catholicism, and Christianity are referring to God. In
Islam, the creator is Allah. In Buddhism, it is the true nature, or
Dharma nature. In Taoism, it is called Tao. It creates all phenomena and
also exists in all phenomena. It is everywhere. It is everything. “All
phenomena” means everything, including us human beings. Therefore, it is
our true nature (our true form). We and all phenomena are from the same
origin. Everything is one entity. Therefore, when we love all people,
when we love everything, we actually and truly love ourselves.

we realize that the sacred texts of all religions teach us to learn
from God, Buddha, Saints and Sages to love all beings equally, to learn
to have “a mind that encompasses everything; a heart that reaches
throughout the whole universe,” to learn to be selfless, to learn to
abandon evil and promote goodness, and to learn to let go of greed and
raise our spirituality while dedicating ourselves to helping and serving
all beings so they can end pain and suffering, and attain happiness.

each religious adherent could follow their own teachings, treat other
religious adherents equally, live in harmony, respect and care for each
other, and cooperate, then this strong and positive force would surely
be able to resolve all conflicts and promote world peace.

Inter- Faiths  Dialogue


 The QuranIslam

Qur’an 47.31 

And verily We shall try you until We know those of you who really strive and are steadfast, and until We test your record.

 The EcclesiastesJudaism

of vanities! All is vanity. What does man gain by all the toil at which
he toils under the sun?I have seen everything that is done under the
sun; and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind.

Lankavatara Sutra 24 

Buddhism / Mahayana
The Lankavatara SutraBuddhism, Mahayana

By reason of the habit-energy
stored up by false imagination since beginningless time, this world is
subject to change and destruction from moment to moment; it is like a
river, a seed, a lamp, wind, a cloud; like a monkey who is always
restless, like a fly who is ever in search of unclean things and defiled
places, like a fire which is never satisfied. Again, [thought] is like a
water-wheel or a machine: it goes on rolling the wheel of
transmigration, carrying varieties of bodies and forms… causing the
wooden figures to move as a magician moves them. Mahamati, a thorough
understanding concerning these phenomena is called comprehending the
egolessness of persons.

Svetasvatara Upanishad 1.6-8 

 The UpanishadsHinduism

This vast universe is a wheel,
the wheel of Brahman. Upon it are all creatures that are subject to
birth, death, and rebirth. Round and round it turns, and never stops. As
long as the individual self thinks it is separate from the Lord, it
revolves upon the wheel in bondage to the laws of birth, death, and
rebirth….The Lord supports this universe, which is made up of
the perishable and the imperishable, the manifest and the unmanifest.
The individual soul, forgetful of the Lord, attaches itself to pleasure
and thus is bound.

Gauri Bairagani, M.1, p. 156 
 The Sri Guru Granth Sahib JiSikhism

sleep our nights wasted, in filling our belly the days:This life,
precious as a jewel, is forfeited for a cowrie shell.Ignorant fool! You
who have never realized God’s Name, In the end into regrets shall fall.

14:4; based on Mascaro, Juan, 1962 

 The Bhagavat GitaHinduism

Wherever a being may be born, Arjuna, know thatMy Prakrti is his Mother, and I [Purusha] am the Father who gave him life.

Martin Buber’s ten rungs, collected Hassidic saying, p.72 

Christianity / Protestantism
 Martin Luther KingChristianity, Protestantism

Every man must decide whether
he will walk in the light of creative altruism or the darkness of
destructive selfishness. This is the judgment. Life’s most persistent
and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?

The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of
Rumi, p. 86, Trans. William C. Chittick. Albany, N.Y.: State University
of New York Press, 1983 

Islam / Sufism
Jalâl ud Dîn RumiIslam, Sufism

some men have followed the
intellect to such an extent that they have become totally angels and
sheer light. They are the prophets and saints… In some men sensuality
has dominated their intellects, so that they have totally assumed the
properties of animals. And
some men have remained struggling. They are that group who feel inside
themselves a suffering, a pain, a distress, a longing. They are not
satisfied with their lives. These are the believers. The saints are
waiting to bring the believers into their own houses and make them like
themselves. And the satans are also waiting to drag them down toward
themselves to the lowest of the low (Koran 95:5).

Book 2:4 and Book 2:17. 

Philosophy / Stoicism
 Marcus AureliusPhilosophy, Stoicism

In a man’s life, his time is
but a moment, his being a mere flux, his senses a dim glimpse, his body
food for the worms, and his soul a restless eddy … the things of the
body pass like a flowing stream; life is a brief sojourn, and one’s mark
in this world is soon forgotten.

Book 5:1 and Book 7:69. 

Philosophy / Stoicism
 Marcus AureliusPhilosophy, Stoicism

At daybreak, when you loathe
the idea of having to leave your bed, have this thought ready in your
mind: I am rising for the work of man.” Should I have misgivings about
doing that for which I was born, and for the sake of which I came into
this world? Is this the grand purpose of my existence-to lie here snug
and warm underneath my blanket? Certainly it feels more pleasant. Was it
for pleasure that you were made, and not for work, nor for effort? Look
at the plants, sparrows, ants, spiders, and bees, all working busily
away, each doing its part in welding an orderly Universe. So who are you
to go against the bidding of Nature? Who are you to refuse man his
share of the work?To live each day as though it were your
last-never flustered, never lazy, never a false word-herein lies the
perfection of character.

Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.56 
Islam / Sufism
 Ibn ‘ArabiIslam, Sufism

This world is a place of preparation where one is given many lessons and passes many tests. […]What
is bad is what you do with the world when you become blind to truth and
totally consumed by your desires, lust, and ambition for it.

Judaism / Hassidism
 Martin BuberJudaism, Hassidism

Question: Why is the sacrifice
of Isaac considered so glorious? At that time, our Father Abraham had
already reached a high rung of holiness, and so it was no wonder that he
immediately did as God asked him!Answer: When man is tried, all the
rungs and all holiness are taken from him. Stripped of everything he
has attained, he stands face to face with God who is putting him to the

Martin Buber’s ten rungs, collected Hassidic saying, p.65 
Judaism / Hassidism
 Martin BuberJudaism, Hassidism

In the Sayings of the
Fathers we read: “Who is wise? He who learns from all men, as it is
said, ‘From all my teachers I have gotten understanding.”‘ Then why does
it not say: “He who learns from every teacher”?Answer: The master
who pronounced this dictum is intent on making it clear that we can
learn not only from those whose occupation is to teach but from every
man. Even from a person who is ignorant, or from one who is wicked, you
can gain understanding as to how to conduct your life.”You can learn
from everything,” the rabbi of Sadagora once said to his hasidim.
“Everything can teach us something, and not only everything God has
created. What man has made has also something to teach us.”"What can we
learn from a train?” one hasid asked dubiously.”That because of one
second one can miss everything.”"And from the telegraph?”"That every
word is counted and charged.”"And the telephone?”"That what we say here
is heard there.”

Chuang Tzu, chapter VI, in Wing-Tsit Chan, Chinese Philosophy, Chapter 8. 
 Tchuang TzuDaoism

Life and death, and existence and non-existence are one.

Khuddaka Nikaya, Dhammapada, 146-48 

 Buddha SakyamuniBuddhism

can you find delight and mirth Where there is burning without end? In
deepest darkness you are wrapped! Why do you not seek for the light? I
look at this puppet here, well rigged, A heap of many sores, piled up,
Diseased, and full of greediness, Unstable, and impermanent! Devoured by
old age is this frame, A prey to sickness, weak and frail; To pieces
breaks this putrid body, All life must truly end in death.

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