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Kushinara NIBBΔ€NA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

July 2024
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B Media 4 UR Own Idea to propagate the Path Shown by the Blessed, Noble, Awakened Mighty Great Mind ! Truly Followed by Baba saheb and Dada Saheb who Entered the Pure Land !And Strived to lead all Sentient beings to that Wonder Land ! Muslim Religious Clerics meet C.M.Mayawati gets support of Muslims
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 10:52 am

Muslim Religious Clerics meet C.M. 

: July 02, 2008 The religious clerics of Muslim Community today met the
U.P. Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati at her residence and thanked for her
bold and plain statement in newspapers for Muslim Community. The
religious clerics of Shia and Sunni Community jointly said that they
were with the Chief Minister and requested her that by using her
influence she should prevent the anti-national atomic deal with
America. On this occasion, Maulana Dr. Kalbe Sadiq, Maulana Hamidul
Hasan, Maulana Khalid Rashid Firangimahali Nayab Imam Idgah, Maulana
Fazlurrehman, Imam Tile wali Masjid, Maulana Naimurrehman, Maulana
Aleem Faruqui, Sayyed Aijaz Ahmed, Siraj Mehdi, Wasim Rizvi, Sayyed
Zaheerul Hasan, Amirul Hasan and others. In this connection, Maulana
Kalbe Jawad also thanked the Chief Minister during his talks on
telephone. *********

Online edition of India’s National Newspaper Thursday, Jul 03, 2008

Mayawati gets support of Muslims Atiq Khan 

CM told to use her influence to prevent deal

Chief Minister Mayawati with Muslim clerics in Lucknow on Wednesday.

LUCKNOW: Chief Minister Mayawati’s
efforts to make a dent in the Muslim support base of the Samajwadi
Party (and the Congress) and to further consolidate her party’s hold on
the minority community were intensified on Wednesday with the Bahujan
Samaj Party leader meeting a delegation of leading Muslim clerics at
her official residence here.

The Muslim leaders had come to thank Ms. Mayawati for her stand on the proposed nuclear deal with the United States.

The delegation comprised the
Vice-Chairman of All India Muslim Personal Law Board and leading Shia
cleric, Maulana Kalbe Sadiq, the Naib Imam of Lucknow’s Aishbagh Idgah
and AIMPLB member, Maulana Khalid Rasheed Firangi Mahali, Muslim
Personal Law Board member Maulana Hamidul Hasan, the Imam of Lucknow’s
historic Tilewali Masjid, Maulana Fazlur Rahman Waizi Nadwi, Maulana
Aleem Farooqui and Maulana Naeemur Rahman. Another important cleric,
Maulana Kalbe Jawwad, who is in Iran, had a telephonic conversation
with the Chief Minister.

Only on Tuesday the UP Chief Minister had
stated that the UPA Government’s decision to go ahead with the nuke
deal had angered the Muslims. She accused the Samajwadi Party and the
Congress of launching a tirade against her Government as these parties
were wary of the possibility of the Muslims shifting to the BSP.

An official press release issued by the
State Information and Public Relations Department said the religious
leaders urged the Chief Minister to use her influence to prevent the
β€œanti-national” deal.

The Muslim clerics who met the Chief
Minister on Wednesday had supported the Samajwadi Party when Mulayam
Singh was in power in the State. Wednesday’s meeting with Ms. Mayawati
was reportedly β€œarranged” by the BSP Government’s Muslim face, the
Irrigation and PWD Minister Naseemuddin Siddiqui.

Mayawati plays Muslim card on N-deal

If the Congress and the Samajwadi Party are
joining hands to build a united force, in Uttar Pradesh Mayawati is
making sure they won’t have an easy ride.

After declaring the
nuclear deal to be anti-Muslim, Mayawati on Wednesday met Shia and
Sunni clerics who applauded her stand against America.

Also a
Samajwadi MP from Muzaffarnagar has now warned Mulayam of defying the
party whip if it decides to join hands with the congress.

deal is being done at the cost of forgoing cheap fuel from Iran.
Muslims are strongly opposed to the deal,'’ said Mayawati, Chief
Minister, Uttar Pradesh.

Barely 24 hours after the statement,
Mayawati chose to drive the message home by greeting Muslim leaders at
her residence. The gathering seemed to be all praises for her stand
against the nuclear deal.

‘’UP is the largest state of India and
it has the maximum number of Muslims. We welcome the government’s
criticism of the nuclear deal,'’ said Maulana Khalid Rashid, Sunni

It was CPM Leader M K Pandhe who first said Samajwadi
leader Mulayam Singh Yadav risks losing his clout with Muslim voters.
He later backtracked but now that criticism comes from one of Mulayam’s
own party MPs.

If Mulayam goes with the UPA on the nuclear deal, then he will be deceiving the Muslims,'’ Munnavar Hasan, MP, Samajwadi Party.

Jagatheesan —

Last weekend, tens of thousands of people attended Unite for Change meetings in all 50 states.

meetings connected Obama supporters, Democrats who supported other
candidates in the primary, Independents, and even some Republicans.

came together to talk about the change this country desperately needs
and form the fundamental building blocks of change in their

Check out this video we put together from events all over the country and share it with your friends:

Video: Unite for Change

for Change was an incredible display of the strength of our grassroots
movement and the power of Americans to unite around our common desire
for change.

No one of us can change this country alone.

why it’s so important to bring Democrats, Independents, and Republicans
who are tired of the politics of the past together to plan how to
organize their neighborhoods.

Here are some stories we heard from people who participated in Unite for Change events this weekend:

“Obama attracts really great folks. Our small apartment had
18 of us all chatting about Obama and the good to come nationally and
even locally. During the DVD, my 2 year old kept saying ‘that’s Obama’
whenever we saw our candidate. For those of us here in the reddest
state it is very affirming to see others supporting a good cause and
speaking freely and about the change this country needs. I really feel
like we did some good for Obama and for ourselves today. His community
organizer roots were showing because we had a room full of the young
and young at heart being involved politically for the first time.”
– Amylouise in Coeur d’Alene, ID

thirty-five Obama supporters, former Clinton supporters, Republicans,
and Independents gathered in Key West, the southernmost point in the
United States. A number admitted that they have not been active in
politics for forty years, and the two youngest got extremely choked up
as they described friends in Iraq. People left with a commitment to
register voters, hold future house parties, get out the vote, and do
whatever they can to elect Democrats all the way down the ticket.”
– Beverly in Key West, FL

had over 50 show, with others wanting to come!! A wonderful gathering
of friends, community members, neighbors (even my son’s first grade
teacher) and lots of new faces in my house, coming together to see how

they could become part of the process of change they are feeling with
Barack Obama. I am so grateful for the opportunity to show my two
children, ages 5 and 7, that this is how America works. Thank you for
the opportunity to help. I look forward to more in the future.”
– Walker in Sherman Oaks, CA

met neighbors that we had never met. We all shared one common goal –
black, white, old, young, all united for change. Wow! It was magical to
see our young college students and graduates so involved and it was
rewarding to see our seniors revitalized and charged with enthusiasm
and hope. We can’t wait until the next event on Independence Day.”
– Barbara in Birmingham, AL

Watch the video of Unite for Change events like these and see how exciting it can be to get involved in your community:

Working together, we can have a huge impact — not just on the election, but on the way politics works in America.

Thanks for your support,


Jon Carson

National Field Director

Obama for America

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