Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

May 2024
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Lesson 4654 Wed 21 Dec 2022 New Universal Education Policy paved the way for transformative reform by Wise,Intelligent people of All Major religions in the world of ETERNAL,GLORIFIED,FRIENDLY,BENEVOLENT,COMPASSIONATE JAMBUDIPA UNIVERSE by growing vegetables 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅 🧅 🍄 🥗 🥒🌽 🥥 🌵 🍈 & Fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 to live like free birds 🦅 to overcome Hunger on Good Earth and SPACE along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate JAMBUDIPA NatyamAttain Eternal Bliss by Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate AWAKENED ONE ☝️from Hinduism এর ছবির ফলাফল to Attain Eternal Bliss by Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate AWAKENED ONES ☝️from Christianity, Islam,Buddhism,Judaism,Hinduism,Taoism,Atheism,Sikhism,Mormonism for Body & Mind.
Filed under: General, Theravada Tipitaka , Plant raw Vegan Broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, carrots
Posted by: site admin @ 7:36 pm

Lesson 4654 Wed 21 Dec 2022

New Universal Education Policy paved the way for transformative reform by
Wise,Intelligent people of All Major religions in the world of ETERNAL,GLORIFIED,FRIENDLY,BENEVOLENT,COMPASSIONATE
JAMBUDIPA UNIVERSE by growing vegetables 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅 🧅 🍄 🥗 🥒🌽 🥥 🌵 🍈 & Fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 to live like free birds 🦅 to overcome Hunger on Good Earth and SPACE along with Meditative Mindful Swimming
🏊‍♂️ Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate JAMBUDIPA NatyamAttain Eternal Bliss by Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate AWAKENED ONE ☝️from Hinduism এর ছবির ফলাফল to Attain Eternal Bliss by Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate AWAKENED ONES ☝️from Christianity, Islam,Buddhism,Judaism,Hinduism,Taoism,Atheism,Sikhism,Mormonism for Body & Mind.

Where is the modern day Jambudipa?

Solved by Rajitha in post #38
Well. I was on a quest to find more myself. I would have eventually got there anyhow. Battered by life, being let down all your life perhaps made you trust people less. The reason that prompted this post was this video here. Notice an abnormal region where gravity is incredibly low? I have be…

One of the four Mahádípas, or great continents, which are included in the Cakkavála and are ruled by a Cakkavatti. They are grouped round Mount Sineru. In Jambudípa is Himavá with its eighty-four thousand peaks, its lakes, mountain ranges, etc. This continent derives its name from the Jambu-tree (also called Naga) which grows there, its trunk fifteen yojanas in girth, its outspreading branches fifty yojanas in length, its shade one hundred yojanas in extent and its height one hundred yojanas (Vin.i.30; SNA.ii.443; Vsm.i.205f; Sp.i.119, etc.). On account of this tree, Jambudípa is also known as Jambusanda (SN.vs.552; SNA.i.121). The continent is ten thousand yojanas in extent; of these ten thousand, four thousand are covered by the ocean, three thousand by the Himálaya mountains, while three thousand are inhabited by men (SNA.ii.437; UdA.300).
Sometimes in Jambudípa there are as many as eighty-four thousand cities; this number is sometimes reduced to sixty thousand, forty thousand, or even twenty thousand, but never to less (SNA.i.59; J.iv.84 says sixty-three thousand; PvA.111). In the time of Asoka there were eighty-four thousand cities, in each of which he built a monastery (Mhv.v.176; Vsm.201). In the Anguttara Nikáya (i.35) it is said that, in Jambudípa, trifling in number are the parks, groves, lakes, etc., more numerous the steep, precipitous places, unfordable rivers, inaccessible mountains, etc.
At the time of Metteyya Buddha’s appearance on earth Jambudípa will be pervaded by mankind even as a jungle is by reeds and rushes. There will be eighty-four thousand cities with Ketumátí (Benares) at the head (D.iii.75).
The Buddha once declared that the people of Jambudípa excel those of both Uttarakuru and Távatimsa in three respects - courage, mindfulness and religious life (A.iv.396; Kvu.99).
Buddhas (and Cakkavattis) are born only in Jambudípa (BuA.48; MA.ii.917).
For the purposes of cáriká, the monks divided their tours in Jambudípa into three circuits or mandalas - the Mahámandala which extended over nine hundred leagues, the Majjhima which extended over six hundred, and the Antima over three hundred.
Those who wish to tour the first, start after the mahápavárana and complete their journey in nine months, for the Majjhimamandala they start after the Pavárana, on the full-moon day of Kattika, completing the tour in nine months, while for the Antimamandala they start on the first day of Phussa and return after seven months (Sp.i.197).
In each Cakkavála there is a Jambudípa (A.i.227). Mention is made in the Kákáti Játaka (J.iii.91) of a Jambudípa-samudda, beyond which was the river Kebuka.

From temperate England to tropical India, the cycle of the seasons is fundamental to life. But lately they seem to have changed their patterns, with profound consequences. From the 1843 archive

Continuously raining in Bangalore

We human beings have disturbed the environmental balance…… Now nature is making adjustments and we have face the consequences for which we are not prepared.

Every thing should have a limitation, human being is crossing the line in the name of development & science, for their own benefit at the cost of environment.

The irony in a every one has a reason but nature as such will survive on its own if we humans deplete in future ….we r the root cause of all problems on planet earth

When are such kinds of information going to reach our schools and teachers, enter every home…

True. Delhites need to realise that climate change has to be taken seriously. Delhites have to inhale worst air pollutants from the vehicles coming from all directions towards Delhi.

Increase in population and all types of pollution all time should be minimised. Be your own leader, start with yourself and others will follow you.

There’s one world and one human race .. if fail to comprehend this simple logic the world will definitely Survive but except Homo sapiens

Our schools are still seemingly unaware of what has transpired during this century. A great pity.

Cutting of Trees in the name of development,
Has been disastrous fir the human as well as FLIRA AND FAUNA OF THE COUNTRY OR THE EARTH…LOVE ARUN

Mumbai is hot as ever

G20 talks of fuel crises and climate change in the same breath and we all pretend it’s totally unrelated.

Our ancient almanac makers believed that season change in a cycle of ,60 years.They have predictions for drought and floods in a cycle.But only now the media covers such setbacks.

We have toppled off the ‘holocene’ where we were safely ensconced.

We should not only teach the young generation to live the green life, but also enlighten them on ‘adaptation’ as the new mantra of survival.

Happens when butter moves in squash (lassi); just move upper to opposite direction!

Intellect is to differentiate between the human qualities like “TRUST AND DOUBT”. Only the INTELLECT is marring or making the humans. People leaving this, are blindly following and getting trapped in demi-GODS, who are creted many before us for alluring material benefits.

My be due to alfred wegner or hans bathe or relativity … ?!?

Human endeavours in creation of various infrastructures has lead to steady depletion of green cover and overhauling the very Earth we live on has created crisis of existence.
Mother Nature always seeks a balance …..but now that is at a tipping point.
Pray good sense prevails and human societies adopt measures to prevent reckless misuse of fuel and resources ,also stop misadventures like wars and use of explosives as scientific research.

Unfortunately everything has changed drastically.
What we know in our childhood days, pollution and cutting trees are the main reason.
Concrete jungle everywhere

It’s not tough to change… Solve the climatic ptoblem. Start living the whole world like before invention of Airconditioners. It exhausts heat outside n gives cool air inside.
In the present time we have ACs, in the houses, offices, shops, in the malls, in the cars, name where are the not being used. Calculate how much heat they are Exhaling.
Then jungle fires.. I think wevhave reached this horrible situation mainly because of this.
Whreas previously we used to have Khus mats on doors n windows, whereon water used to be sprinkled off n on.. That used to give respite from heat to some extent… But time was passing.
Now we have become too sensitive, can’t bear cold, nor heat, now we cannit live without these best comforts…
I feel if you want to become strong enough to bear heat n cold, we should turn back to our old systems.. If we want to save from natural calamities.
I wonder how many people are going to agree with my suggestion🤭

Unfortunately the instinct to survive has never been greater and is bringing out our ravaging nature to the fore..our ancestors inherited an abundant world but subsequent generations have not ceased the exploitation of these irreplaceable assets which is resulting in the desertification of the planet..collective greed is leading to collective doom….

We need to have a Healthy and robust population policy. Thanks

Our greed is digging grave for the posterity.

The looters of natural wealth & the killers of mother earth and nature ,who have taken the form of rulers, corporates should immediately Stop this plunder& slaughter of humans globally & the majority people who want to save our planet should show these plunderers their place…may be the grave or a reform center,so that mother nature is taken care off for the generations to come….

With the climate change, a time will come when there will be heavy snowfall in New Delhi in December/January. It may happen even next year if not this year itself.
People will have to buy heavy woollens and overcoats. Mr. Kejriwal will distribute free mufflers to all, if he is still there as Chief Minister of Delhi.

It is evident that Human beings
are the best creation of God, endowed with a vastly superior brain and very useful limbs which can be used in multiple ways.
The tragedy is that Humans have flattered themselves with the belief that they are not only the best, but only blessed creation with unbridled rights and freedom , with their right to live overriding , trampling ,even destroying the similar rights of all other forms of life like birds, animals and trees n plants. From this disastrous belief and the consequent practice comes our nature destroying actions and practices.

D root cause is quench fr luxuries!

Glaciers may melt and water of the seas become warmer,
Vast tracts of land flooded and the coldest parts of the world turn hotter;
But the human race is one that shall learn nothing from the disaster and only blame the other!

How about sudden death by heartattacks as an after effect of vaxsin hitting your headlines???

What do you think people, is The Economist trustable??

Adarsh Shetty Sweta Sharma Mayalakshmi Rao Harish Reddy Yuvraj Kumbhar Avinash Himmat Wakchaure Kp Punk Amala Krishnan Yamini K Raj Veer Chiddu Chidambaran S Bhavika StarSeed Partha Pratim Dutta Saikia Mithun Purohit স্বর্নাদিত্য উপল দাস Rajesh Mridha Ravichandra Reddy Abe Thomas Swarnaditya Upal Das AR OO P Prakhar Pradhan Arun Prakash B Sneha Patel Mugdha Pradhan Kamlesh Prajapati Bhuvanesh Sharma Savio D’Sa Sandeep Dahiya Shaheen Sadiqa Karthikeyan Subramanyan Jiniyas Buddhamitra Bitupan Boro Bodhi Maity Build Backbone Better

Brilliantly written!

Too late now. It will become worse in rhe coming years. And leaders are doing much bevause there seems to be no easy solution

Full article please

We have no respect for nature. We have lived like TERMITES on the planet hurting the nature.
Hence nature is reacting in it’s own way. Call it nature’s Revenge.

Excessive Population n misuse of resources is the root of all evils…

We love only ourselves,we want our comforts at any costs at the invent of advanced technology which ultimately destroys the equilibrium that deserves nature.

Government &NGO’s should pick people with the spirit of dedicated work & thought,&not just do it to show the world we are doing something,&spending currencies….

Welcome to reality of global warming..

You raised a best man in this world ❤️

We have to change first

Talk real science, not emotional fluff. If climate science is really a science, it should have the guts to answer tough questions, not hide behind that “97% of scientists agree” nonsense. Science is not about mass agreement or voting. Why is so-called climate science mostly propagated by non-STEM people, journalists, politicians, agitators, school children, and the limping Western auto-industry ? Has anyone in this climate-science-industry ever made any actual experiments, or they only depend on “mathematical models” ? Liars all.

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