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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

July 2024
« Jan    
Frenetic pace and blissful tranquillity co-exist in Tokyo -Dalai Lama hints at retirement -Pratibha Patil to inaugurate Buddha Vihara in Gulbarga -Nanded set for tercentenary of Guru Granth Sahib -”Cultivation of mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence.” -Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar- Allegation of security lapses in Rahul Gandhi’s programme is baseless Launch drive for realisation of Commercial Tax Dues Charge of Ban on Rahul Gandhi’s programme totally baseless C.M. orders for providing Rs. two lakh each to the family members of two deceased of Kalanyanpur village in Jaunpur State Government gives nod for prosecuting 12 Senior I.P.S. Officers under Cr.P.C. Section-197 for irregularities in police recruitment scam C.M. directs for completing repairing works of damaged roads by October 31, 2008 C.M. condemns attacks on North Indians by Maharashtra Navnirman Sena C.M. announces increase of Rs. 50 in nutrition allowance for police officers and employees -IN FOCUS:BAHUJAN SAMAJ PARTY Mayawati will become the first woman Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa, that is, the Great Prabuddha Bharath Prime Minister Historic Initiatives By Mayawati Uttar Pradesh : One year of development and progress Steps towards social Democracy-Maya asks Left for 2 Bengal seats -Caste alone counts for Mayawati as she eyes Delhi (News Analysis)-Karnataka: JD(S) to alliance with BSP in LS polls
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 5:35 am
pace and blissful tranquillity co-exist in Tokyo

Buddham Sharanam Gacchaami

Did you know that:
The Full Moon Day of the month of Vaishaakha (May) is the:

  1. The Birthday of Gautama Buddha

  2. The Renunciation day of Gautama Buddha

  3. The Enlightenment day (Nirvaana) day of Gautama Buddha.

Buddha was born near Kapilavastu in Nepalese Terai. 

associate Mansarovar with the legendary Anotatta Lake, where Buddha’s mother,
Queen Maya, conceived him. Legend says that the Queen, while in a dream state,
was transported to Mansarovar by the Gods and bathed in the lake’s holy waters.
When her body was purified and her womb thus ready to receive Buddha, he
appeared from the direction of Kailash riding a white elephant. 

Above paragraph
information from: 

At his
birth-site stands an engraved pillar, erected by Ashoka proclaiming: ‘Here the
Buddha was born!’ Here Siddhartha lived a life of luxury up to the age of 29
years. After the young prince witnessed ‘old age’, ’sickness’ and ‘death’, the
future Buddha renounced his princely life in search of the key to ‘freedom from

After 7 years of severe austerities, Buddha went into a state of
deep meditation and attained ‘Nirvaana’ (Enlightenment) under the shade of a
peepal tree in Bodh Gaya, 6 miles south of Gaya in Bihar.

Budh’ means ‘knowledge’

Buddha attained Supreme Nirvaana in his 80th year after
spreading his wondrous message to so many. When Buddha was asked if he was
enlightened, he replied: “I am awake”

Vivekananda considered Buddha to be a great seeker, probably the

Though Buddha was fearless and bent to neither caste nor
traditions, he was extremely kind and loving.

Today, on the full moon day of the month of Vaisaakha, let us
pay homage to the man who taught humanity to follow the ‘Middle Path’ (Not too
much austerity, not too much indulgence)

Who expounded the theory that Desire is the root of all

And who preached and urged man to practice compassion and to
have love in their hearts for their fellow beings on earth. Probably some of the
qualities that one must aspire for in excess.

the rise of Kalki, Buddha is considered the 10th or final avatar of the


Thought 2

The Four Noble Truths that the Great Buddha pondered upon are:

1 The existence of suffering.

2 The causes of suffering

3 The cessation of suffering

4 The path that leads to the cessation of suffering - this is known as the
Noble Eightfold Path and is divided into Shila - moral discipline comprising
of Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, then Samatha or developing Mental
Discipline by meditation. It is made up of Right Effort, Right Right
Awareness and Right Concentration. Finally there is prajna or wisdom that
comprises Right View and Right Thought.

Thought 3

There are three dimensions ordinarily available to approach truth.

The first dimension creates the scientist…the scientist
works with analysis, reason, observation…

The second dimension, …the poet functions through the
heart…the Sufis Bauls-they all have an aesthetic approach…hence they have so
many beautiful mosques, churches, cathedrals, temples…

(M L Varadpande also states that Indian tradition
considers all art to be of divine origin. Art is spiritual in nature and is a
blissful way of reaching and staying with God)

The third approach is that of grandeur. The old
 testament prophets – Moses Abraham Islam’s prophet Mohammed; Krishna and Ram
– their approach is through the dimension of grandeur…the awe that one feels
looking at the vastness of the universe. The Upanishads, Vedas, they all
approach the world of truth through grandeur. They are full of wonder. It is
unbelievably there, such grandeur that you simply bow down before it—nothing
else is possible…the rarity of a Buddha consists of this—that his approach is
a synthesis of  all the three and beyond the three.

No belief is required to travel with Buddha…first he
convinces your mind…by and by you start feeling that he has a message which is
beyond mind…Because of this rational approach he never brings any concept
which cannot be proved…Because he has never talked about God, many think that
he is an atheist—he is not. He has not talked about God because there is no
way to talk about God.


Excerpted from Dhammapada

It is night when I get into Tokyo from the airport. I reel at the
sight of giant-sized billboards and bright neon lights that greet me
when I step out of the Shinjuku subway station. “When in Tokyo, take
time to stand on the street and absorb the sights and sounds around
you,” is my husband’s attempt at being helpful when he sees my baffled

A wave of black-suited men crosses the street, most murmuring on
their cell phones. When motorbikes come to a grinding halt in front of
us at pedestrian crossing, my daughters gape at the riders — teenagers
with coloured punk hairstyles, wearing torn leather jackets and
dangling earrings and hard rock music blaring from their earpieces.

I almost stumble when a kimono-clad woman brushes past me, her
wooden clogs clacking on the pavement. I hadn’t yet been an hour in the
city. We then make our way to the famous Ginza shopping district. The
ever-present neon signs seem to throb with the pulse of the crowds that
throng the thoroughfares and side streets. Young people and those
working jostle one another as they catch an evening meal or drink sake
and sing karaoke.

Garishly-lit Pachinko parlours and the sound of the pachinko
machines add to the cacophony. Everywhere around the Ginza station, the
sounds, sights and smells of a giant party permeate and stay with me
all the way to my hotel.

The next morning, we head out to catch Tokyo by the day. As we walk
through the Shinagawa district, I marvel at neatly laid out gardens
between giant skyscrapers — an unexpected oasis in the midst of a
mostly concrete landscape.

Walkways connect the buildings several stories above ground level
and I find myself enjoying the window-shopping offered by stores at
either end of the walkways.

It is with some reluctance that I allow myself to be torn from the
shops of Tokyo to head out for a short trip to the countryside. The sun
is slowly headed towards the Western horizon as our train pulls into
Kamakura, an old town barely an hour from Tokyo.

We hail a taxi for the short ride to Kamakura’s most famous
landmark. Large hands folded in a meditative pose are the first thing
that I see. I have to lean way back to look up to the serene face of
the giant bronze Buddha of Kamakura, the Daibutsu. I stand transfixed —
everything seems to fade into the background.

Set against the backdrop of the wooded hills in Kamakura, the
Daibutsu with its tranquil expression and mammoth size is the most
popular tourist sight in Japan. At a height of nearly 12 metres, it is
the second largest Buddha in Japan.

Originally housed in a temple, the Daibutsu remained untouched,
though the temple was destroyed in a tsunami in the late 15th Century.
The cherry blossom trees at dusk, the devotion of the monks and slight
twitter of birds transport me into a meditative state.

The statue radiates a serenity that envelopes all. My daughters’
tugging at my arm brings me back to reality. I realise that we are the
only visitors remaining. I reluctantly trail behind the family to our

Back on the train to Tokyo, the frenetic pace of the previous two days in the city seems but a distant dream.

Two worlds, so close and yet such contrast, I think. Yet, somehow
the bustle of Tokyo seems a perfect foil to the serenity of the

Dalai Lama hints at retirement


Dharamsala: Hinting that he is planning to retire, the Tibetan
spiritual leader, Dalai Lama, has said he has “given up” on efforts to
convince China to allow greater autonomy for Tibet.

Pratibha Patil to inaugurate Buddha Vihara in Gulbarga

has been built by Siddhartha Vihara Trust at a cost of Rs. 4 crore

The Buddha statue is the largest in south India

Bangalore: President Pratibha Patil will inaugurate the Buddha
Vihara, built by the Siddhartha Vihara Trust at a cost of around Rs. 4
crore on the outskirts of Gulbarga on January 7.

Tibetan Buddhist religious leader the Dalai Lama would inaugurate an
all-religion conference on January 19 and launch the consecration
ceremonies of the 18-ft-tall bronze statue of Buddha according to
Buddhist rituals. The Buddha statue, the largest in south India, has
already been installed.

A Buddhist monastery, a prayer hall and a meditation centre would be opened at the vihara.

State Government withdraws gram sabha land for rail coach factory in Raebareli keeping in view anger of local people

Nanded set for tercentenary of Guru Granth Sahib

S. Harpal Singh

Devotees from all over the world are flooding the city for the

The Hazur Sahib Gurdwara was built by Maharaja Ranjit Singh between 1830 and 1835

35 ‘langars’ which can feed about 5 lakh people a day now functional


SPIRITUAL CROWN: Baba Ranjit Singh of the Buddha Dal
sports a 200-metre-long ‘sava man da damla’ that weighs 40 kg at the
Sachkhand Sri Hazur Abchalnagar Sahib in Nanded for the Gurta Gaddi on
Sunday. (Right) The Holy Granth Sahib recitation in progress at the

NANDED (MAHARASHTRA): Centred around the Sikh shrines here, the most
sacred of them being the Takhat Sachkhand Shri Hazur Abchalnagar Sahib
Gurdwara, the growth of Nanded city has remained steadfast for the last
300 years as was visualised by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru of
Sikhs. He had christened Nanded as ‘Abchalnagar’ or the steadfast city
in October 1708 at the time of elevating the Adi Granth, the holy book
of Sikhs as their perpetual Guru.

A steady flow of devotees and pilgrims from all over the world is
flooding the city, now hosting the tercentenary celebration of this
event and also the one marking the departure of Guru Gobind Singh to
his heavenly abode on November 3, 1708.

Guru Gobind Singh had also raised the status of the gurdwara at
Nanded to that of a Takhat or throne symbolising the seat of authority.
The Sachkhand Hazur Sahib Gurdwara became one of the five Takhats, the
others being the Akal Takhat at Amritsar’s Golden Temple complex,
Takhat Keshgarh Sahib at Anandpur, Takhat Damdama Sahib in Talwandi
Sabo and Takhat Patna Sahib. The first three are in Punjab and the
Takhat Patna Sahib, the place of birth of Guru Gobind Singh is in Bihar.

The Hazur Sahib Gurdwara with the golden dome and intricate art
work, was built by Maharaja Ranjit Singh between 1830 and 1835. Nanded
also has 10 other gurdwaras that have historical importance for Sikhs.
The Nagina Ghat, Bandh Ghat, Maltekdi, Heera Ghat, Mata Saheb, Shikar
Ghat, Sangat Sahib, Ratangarh, Gobind Bagh and Damdama Sahib (Basmat)
are located in the vicinity of Nanded. The Nanaksar, Langar Sahib and
Bhajangarh Sahib were later additions to the list of pilgrim sites.

Nanded had been a part of the Hyderabad State ruled by the Nizam
until 1948 when Hyderabad was liberated following the famous police
action. It went into Maharashtra in 1956 when the reorganisation of
States on linguistic basis was done.

One of the unique aspects of the Sikh way of life like the 24-hour
‘langar’ or community kitchen is on display here. Among other things,
the system of ‘langar’ envisages doing away with class and status
within the community.

The NRI langar facility, opened on Saturday, serves to enhance the
overall capacity to feed pilgrims during the tercentenary of the
elevation of the Adi Granth. There are some 35 ‘langars’ functional
here with a cumulative capacity to feed about 5 lakh people per day.

The tradition of ‘langar’ was started by the third Sikh Guru,
Amardas, and it has come to be one of the main activities at community
level for the Sikhs. Irrespective of the social status people eat
seated on one plane that symbolises equality among the members of the

The ‘langar’ cannot be run without the active participation of the
sevadars or volunteers who also signify the importance attached to
community service.

The Langar Sahib Gurdwara here is the largest of such facilities
and in Nanded, which can accommodate about three lakh people every day.
There are others that have been set up by people and organisations from

Long turban

It is simply a matter of routine for Baba Ranjit Singh, an ageing
Nihang Singh of the Buddha Dal of Sangrur district in Punjab who ties
his 200-metre-long turban twice every day. The bulky turban, known as
the ‘sava man da damla,’ weighs about 40 kg.

The Baba is in Nanded to participate in the tercentenary
celebrations. He was spotted sauntering towards the Nagina Ghat
Gurdwara on the banks of river Godavari on Sunday, sporting on his head
the traditional but formidable head gear.

Nihang tradition

The Nihang Singhs comprised the army of Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th
Guru of Sikhs and were known as Guru di ladli faujan, the beloved
soldiers of the Guru.

They continue with the tradition of wearing the blue uniform of
which the blue or saffron turban forms a part. Some Nihangs wear the
huge sava man da damla following an incident from the life of Guru
Gobind Singh’s sons.

According to Nanded journalist Ravinder Singh Modi, Sahibzada Jujhar
Singh, the second son of Guru Gobind Singh was denied participation in
a battle by his elder brother Sahibzada Ajit Singh on the grounds that
the former was too ‘small’ or young for it. Sahibzada Jujhar Singh
tried to convince his brother that he was eligible to fight alongside
by tying a huge turban that made him look taller than Sahibzada Ajit
Singh. The Nihangs have since then sported the larger head gear as a
tribute to the young Sahibzada.

Baba Ranjit Singh bathes and washes his hair twice daily after which
he ties the long turban after combing the hair. He then attaches the
small versions of the arms that are carried by the Nihangs. There are
nine small and one big khanda, eight small kirpans, half a dozen small
spears and one simran mala or rosary visible on the turban. He also has
five small arms or shastras besides two small combs tucked inside the
turban. “This exercise takes only two hours,” quips Baba Ranjit Singh.

of the Buddha Dal with traditional “Dastar Bunga” turban, mostly worn
on occasions such as Hola Mohalla.

The Dal Khalsa: the Buddha Dal and the Taruna Dal

In 1733, the Mughal government decided, at the insistence of Zakarya
Khan, to stop the persecution of the Sikhs and made an offer of a grant
to them. The title of Nawab was conferred upon their leader, with a jagir consisting of the three parganas of Dipalpur, Kanganval and Jhabal.

After some mutual discussion, the Panj Piare (five revered Sikhs) - Baba Deep Singh, Jassa Singh Ramgarhia, Hari Singh Dhillon,
Bhai Karam Singh and Bhai Buddh Singh decided to make Kapur Singh the
Supreme Leader of the Sikhs. Kapur Singh was thus chosen for the title
and became Nawab Kapur Singh.

Word was sent round to Sikhs passing their days in distant jungles
and deserts that peace had been made with the government and that they
could return to their homes. Nawab Kapur Singh undertook the task of
consolidating the disintegrated fabric of the Sikh Jathas. They were merged into a single central fighting force (The Dal) divided into two sections - The Budha Dal, the army of the veterans, and the Taruna Dal,
the army of the young. Hari Singh Dhillon was elected leader of the
Taruna Dal. The former was entrusted with the task of looking after the
holy places, preaching the word of the Gurus and inducting converts
into the Khalsa Panth by holding baptismal ceremonies. The Taruna Dal
was the more active division and its function was to fight in times of
emergencies and fighting Afghan armies of Ahmed Shah Abdali.

Jassa Singh Ramgarhia and Sultan ul Quam Baba Jassa Singh Ahluwalia were then youngsters who led regiments under Hari Singh Dhillon in the Taruna Dal, reporting to Nawab Kapur Singh at Diwali and Vaisakhi.

Good Read

BJP criticised

Chitradurga: General Secretary of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)
Suresh Mane has said the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has lost the
moral authority to be in power in Karnataka. He accused that the BJP
was responsible for the attacks on churches in the State. Addressing a
State-level BSP convention here on Sunday, he charged that the BJP was
practising communal politics. Mr. Mane criticised the party for “having
failed to protect the interests of the minorities.” — Staff

The nationwide rally by Bahujan Samaj Party against Indo-US nuclear deal started from the city here on Thursday.

Flagging off rally, BSP South India in-charge Suresh Mane said that the
rally intends to generate public awareness on “perils of Indo-US
nuclear deal” across the length and breadth of the country. Branding
the deal as  a “conspiracy to pledge the sovereignity of the country”,
he called upon the citizens to be vigilant against such destructive

“Management of nuclear waste is a Herculean task. It requires
investment of crores of rupees to set up waste management unit.
Further, nuclear power could meet only 6 pc of the total demand and
hence, Agreement is an exercise in futility. ”, he reasoned.

He claimed that India will not gain anything from the said deal and the
party has organised the rally  to sensitise people on the perceived
pitfalls of the Indo-US nuclear deal.

The rally is
scheduled to reach KGF via Narasapur, Malur and Tekal and further
proceed to Mulabagal, Srinivasapur, Chintamani, Shidlaghatta,
Gudibande, Gowribidanur, Chikkaballapur, Doddaballapur and reach
Devanahalli in three days.

20-10-2008 the Jeep rally from KGF will enter Yelahanka and pass
through Pulikeshinagar, Sarvagna Nagar, Shivaji Nagar, CV Raman Nagar,
KR Puram and Mahdevpura.Will generate public awareness on the perils of
Indo-US Nuclear deal, people’s apathy on the ever rising price rise and
unemployment problem which is because

The country has a poor
record on distribution of wealth

both by the Congress Party at the Centre and the BJP at the State.

rise, regularising unauthorised colonies besides
unemployment and poor living conditions in slums were going to be the
key points to be raised in the Jeep Rally.


that his party’s priorities were different from those of the Congress
and BJP, state party unit chief said, “BJP and
Congress have only done lip service. That is what we are going to tell
the voters.”


that all poll calculations will be proved wrong in Karnataka as had been
the case in Uttar Pradesh.


engineering of BSP would bear fruit since the party had accommodated
every community and caste while distributing tickets.

Vegetable prices to remain high

The high prices of vegetables and fruits in the City are expected to increase even further in the
coming days, reaching its peak

 This year, it is particularly obvious because of the high inflation rate.

Vegetable prices have
virtually hit the roofs in recent weeks. Carrots
are selling at Rs 48 per kg, tomatoes ( Rs 30 per kg), cauliflower,Cabbage has
risen  to Rs 15 a kg and beans  to Rs 29 a kg.Peas to Rs.150 a kg.
Brinjal (small) prices has doubled and coriander has seen a 300 per
cent increase. Among fruits pomegranate is the highest at Rs 150 per

The price rise has hurt both sellers and buyers alike. Sellers have seen their margins
diminish with the rise in costs and buyers now have to fork out more money to meet their basic requirements.

The main reasons for the vegetable price rise is the rising inflationary trends in the

Srinath of Reliance Fresh felt that only when there was a nationwide
decrease in inflation levels would the food price levels come down. 
The local vendors and Hopcom outlets  are also facing similar problems
due to rise in vegetable price.

India has 200 million hungry people: report
Gargi Parsai

High levels of child under-nutrition and poor calorie count

NEW DELHI: Punjab, the granary of India, ranks below countries like
Honduras and Vietnam in terms of hunger levels while Madhya Pradesh has
the most severe level of hunger in the country, followed by Jharkhand
and Bihar, says a report prepared by U.S.-based International Food
Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in collaboration with Welthungerhilfe
and Concern
Worldwide, California.
“When Indian States are compared to countries in the 2008 Global
Hunger Index, Madhya Pradesh ranks between Ethiopia and Chad. Punjab, is below Gabon, Honduras and Vietnam,” says
the Country Report released here on Tuesday by G.K. Chadha, member of
Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council, on the eve of World Food
“India is home to the world’s largest food insecure population,
with more than 200 million people who are hungry,” the India State
Hunger Index (ISHI) said. The country’s poor performance is driven by
its high levels of child under-nutrition and poor calorie count. “Its
rates of child malnutrition are higher than most countries in
sub-Saharan Africa,” the report said.

India, which scored 66th place in the 2008
Global Hunger list of 88
countries, does not have a single State in the ‘low hunger’ or
‘moderate hunger’ categories. Despite years of robust economic growth,
India scored worse than nearly 25 sub-Saharan African countries and all
of South Asia, except Bangladesh.

“Figuring amongst the 88 countries itself is shameful for the
country.. Policy-makers have to think about it. High GDP growth is not
sufficient. Inclusive growth is necessary. The country has a poor
record on distribution of wealth,”
Dr. Chadha said.

The India State Hunger Index measures hunger on three leading indicators and combines them into one index.
The three indicators are: prevalence of child malnutrition, rates of
child mortality, and the proportion of people who are
deficient. This approach is similar to the 2008 Global Hunger Index,
which includes India, and was also released on Tuesday for World Food
Day on October 16.
The ISHI found that 12 States fell in the ‘alarming’ category, and
one State – Madhya Pradesh – fell in the ‘extremely alarming’ category.
Four States – Punjab, Kerala, Haryana and Assam – were in the ‘serious’

India’s slightly better performance relative to Bangladesh is
entirely due to better access to food in India, which in turn is a
consequence of India’s higher agricultural productivity. On the other
two components of the Global Hunger Index – child underweight and child
mortality – India ranks below Bangladesh.

In a few States, such as Kerala and Tamil Nadu,
calorie deficiency contributes almost as much as child underweight.
The report identified that strong economic growth does not
necessarily translate into lower hunger levels. Even States with high
rates of economic growth in recent years, such as Gujarat,
Chhattisgarh, and Maharashtra, have high levels of hunger, while States
with relatively slower economic growth, such as Punjab, achieved a
lower hunger level.

“Hunger and malnutrition are often rooted in poverty,” said Ashok
Gulati, IFPRI director in Asia. “Part of the solution rests with
increasing investments in agriculture and poverty reduction

How to eradicate poverty and unemployment problem in india ?

that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath is a vast country diversified
geographically and humanly.We can
eradicate poverty and unemployment by making optimum use of our single
most vital asset, i.e. human resource or sheer manpower. It is the duty
of the Government to distribute the nations wealth to all sections of
the society.Supply healthy seeds to the farmers and distribute at least
10 acres of land to the tillers. Provide loans to all those who want to
start bussiness and trade. The Government employees must be montitored
to do their job honestly and sincerly.
Prime Minister

Historic Initiatives By Mayawati

one decision to construct Greater Noida-Balia Expressway by Mayawati
Government can change the entire landscape of Uttar Pradesh. Mayawati’s
thought about this mammoth project,only exemplifies her hidden
developmental streak.Nobody even dared to think about this earlier but
Mayawati not only conceptualised this and hopefully, will be able to
complete in time also.
Had the central government taken such
imitative then the state selected would have been either any southern
state or north-western state.U.P and Bihar come last in the reckoning,
This is more significant for the simple reason that a state
chief minister has taken initiative of her own and if other chief
ministers also follow her, then, the infrastructure woes of the country
will be greatly reduced quickly.Nobody knows how much time National
Highways Authority of India,NHAI, will take to provide better motorable
roads to the citizens of this country.
As the U.P and Bihar have
non-UPA governments,it would deliberately not speed up construction
activities due to internal pressure.The condition of roads in U.P is
not bad but it is far worse in Bihar, mainly because of NHAI apathy.NHAI
never bothers to repair even existing National Highways. So,
constructing newer ones is asking for far too much.It is the state
government of Bihar which is managing even NHAI roads.The reasons for
NHAI’s discriminatory attitude is known to everyone.Under the pressure
of Rashtriya Janta Dal,NRJD, NHAI is skirting its
responsibility.RJD,would obviously not want to see the contrasting
picture under Nitish Kumar Government.Under its 16 years rule, RJD had
ensured that no stretch of road remained motorable, so that Charwaha
vidyalayas and bullock-cart transportation could be popularised. NHAI has ensured that the National Highways remain in such
condition that deter any one from travelling on that path.
proposed Expressways will pass through many ancient Pilgrimage
centers.Travelling between
Delhi-Kanpur,Kanpur-Allahabad,Allahabad-Varanasi would become a breeze
and millions of reluctant people will finally start visiting the most
sacred places on this earth.There will be all round developmental
activities and millions of employment opportunities would be generated.
has tremendous hold over bureaucracy and she is most likely to achieve
this ambitious feat ,but politicians are already roaming with open
daggers in their hands.They are most likely to stab from behind at the
very first opportunity they get. Like RJD of Bihar they would never like
to see Mayawati as a chief minister who transformed U.P of her very own
If U.P. and Bihar have to come out of the rut then the
respective state governments have to take bold and path braking
initiatives.Bundelkhand has been facing famine for years now but no
concrete measures were taken to improve the situation.Similarly,Kosi
has been flooding a large part of Bihar but no measures to provide some
solace to the victims were ever tried.One or two trains for Bihar
announced by railway minister invites widespread derision and criticism
but they fail to appreciate how this state has been overlooked for
There are many aspects of Mayawati which should be praised for what is due to her and
this she deserves completely.

Allegation of security lapses in Rahul Gandhi’s programme is baseless

No security lapse during Rahul’s visit: U.P. government

Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh government on Sunday rejected the charge
that there was any lapse on its part in providing security to AICC
general secretary Rahul Gandhi during his recent visit to Kanpur.

An inquiry was initiated after the Centre raised the issue with the
State police , which concluded that there was no security lapse during
Mr. Gandhi’s visit on October 24. Mr. Gandhi was provided security as
per the set norms, Cabinet Secretary Shashank Shekhar Singh told
reporters here.

“Whatever confusion was there was due to the organisers and the
State government has nothing to do with this,” Mr. Singh said adding
that Principal Secretary Home Kunwar Fatehbahadur Singh had written a
letter to the Centre informing it about the State government’s stand.

‘Letter not received’

He said the government had not received any letter from the Centre raising the issue of the alleged security lapse.

“The Union Home Secretary and Director IB had talked to U.P.
Director General of Police over phone on the issue and subsequently an
inquiry was ordered by him to probe the matter,” Mr. Singh said. — PTI

Launch drive for realisation of Commercial Tax Dues

Charge of Ban on Rahul Gandhi’s programme totally baseless

C.M. orders for providing Rs. two lakh each to the family members of two deceased of Kalanyanpur village in Jaunpur

Government gives nod for prosecuting 12 Senior I.P.S. Officers under
Cr.P.C. Section-197 for irregularities in police recruitment scam

C.M. directs for completing repairing works of damaged roads by October 31, 2008

C.M. condemns attacks on North Indians by Maharashtra Navnirman Sena

C.M. announces increase of Rs. 50 in nutrition allowance for police officers and employees

Maya asks Left for 2 Bengal seats

By Sanjay Basak

New Delhi

Oct. 26: BSP supremo Mayawati is trying to drive a hard bargain with
her new Left allies, particularly the CPI(M) and CPI), over seats in
the coming general elections. These two want to piggyback on her
strength in northern India, and the BSP chief has demanded at least two
Lok Sabha seats in West Bengal. In return, she is ready to give the
CPI(M) and CPI one ticket each in Uttar Pradesh.

Ms Mayawati had earlier decided that her party would contest all 81
seats in UP on its own. The Left is, however, still pitching for some
berths, and sources said she might be willing to leave Ghosi for the
CPI and Varanasi for the CPI(M).

“The talks are on,” a senior CPI leader said. Names are yet to be
finalised, but the sources indicated CPI national secretary Atul Anjan
might contest from Ghosi. The CPI(M) will take a decision only after Ms
Mayawati gives the green signal.

CPI(M) general secretary Prakash Karat’s plans to strengthen the
party in the Hindi heartland took a major hit when it failed to win
even a single seat in the last UP Assembly elections. This was the
first time the CPI(M) had failed to get any seat in the state.

The Left parties jumped on to the Mayawati bandwagon in the hope
that she could be their ticket to Parliament from UP. But her
unilateral decision to contest all 81 seats caught them on the wrong
foot, forcing them to have to request her to leave two seats for them.

Mr Karat met Ms Mayawati in Lucknow last Wednesday to discuss the
forthcoming Assembly elections in five states, where BSP general
secretary Satish Mishra was also present. The CPI(M) has decided to
support the BSP wherever it does not have any candidate itself in the
election-going states. This, the sources said, “signalled a possible
Left-BSP alliance during the Lok Sabha elections.” While there has been
no response from the BSP side so far, Mr Karat is “working round the
clock to give shape” to his proposed new third front, a CPI(M) leader
said. He added that the BSP was yet to agree to hold any joi-nt rallies
with the CPI(M).

You read it here first, right from the newsdesk

Caste alone counts for Mayawati as she eyes Delhi (News Analysis)

Oct 25 (IANS) Bahujan Samaj Party
(BSP) chief and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati appears to be
banking entirely on the caste factor to race to the portals of power in
New Delhi. Be it Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is, the Great
Prabuddha Bharath, upper castes or religious minorities, she is
wooing them all for what they are.

Having scripted her success story in a
highly caste-ridden Uttar Pradesh where she managed to ride to power in
May last year by way of ’social engineering’, bringing
together the lowest and the highest castes in the Hindu social
hierarchy, Mayawati seems to be hoping to play the same card to capture
the centre.

We need a still broader caste
base to achieve our ultimate goal of grabbing power at the
centre,& she told three consecutive conventions of different
castes, convened by her in Lucknow within a span of 10 days.

Mayawati is busy mobilising the broader caste groups as well as
religious minorities ahead of the general election next year.

It began earlier this month with the
BSP much publicised Muslim conference. Shortly thereafter came
a convention of OBCs and Scheduled Castes, followed by a separate meet
of upper castes - all within a span of 10 days.

The meets turned into mutual admiration
societies, with Mayawati leaving no stone unturned to woo the
respective castes at these conventions and the key invitees singing
paens for the chief minister.

Making no bones about her intent to
mobilise support pointedly on the basis of caste and religion, Mayawati
had also gone to the extent of declaring that every caste or religion
would get its due in proportion to its contribution to the party.

Recalling her mentor Kanshi Ram 
much publicised slogan, jiski jitni sankhya bhaari, utni uski
bhagedaari (every caste will get representation on the basis of its
numerical strength), she has made it a point to tell the crowds
at each meet that the scenario has since changed and the party
new slogan for different castes is jitni jiski tayyari hogi,
utni uski bhagedaari hogi.

The message I wish to convey
through this slogan is plain and simple - the share of every caste in
governance will depend on its preparedness to help the BSP, she

Mayawati has made it a point to list the number of her elected party representatives from different castes and religions.

When it came to the convention of upper
castes a week ago, she said: The prominent leaders of every
caste must get down to mobilising support for the party among their
respective castes.

Just as she went about giving full
points to her party blue-eyed Brahmin face and the BSP
national general secretary, Satish Chandra Mishra, for bringing in a
chunk of upper castes into the party fold, she implored a more recent
entrant, Akhilesh Das, to follow course and ensure larger support of
the Vaishya community.

Likewise, she urged Shahid Siddique, a former Samajwadi Party MP, to mobilise Muslim support for the BSP.

Mayawati makes no bones about caste

being the sole criterion not only in the selection of candidates for
the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections but even in administrative
appointments at all levels.

Be it the appointment of a commissioner,
a district magistrate, a superintendent of police or other key jobs,
the chief minister always seems keen to know the caste of the person.

There have been umpteen occasions when
she has publicly announced the caste of officers handpicked by her for
certain key positions in the state.

Karnataka: JD(S) to alliance with BSP in LS polls

Bangalore, Oct 25: Ruling out any electoral allliance with Congress,
former Prime Minister and JD(S) National President H D Deve Gowda on
Saturday, Oct 25 said his party will fight the future elections in an
understanding with Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP).

JD(S) to have alliance with BSP in Karantaka for LS elections


Oct 25: Ruling out any electoral allliance with Congress, former Prime
Minister and JD(S) National President H D Deve Gowda today said his party will fight the future elections in an understanding with Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP).

Talking to newspersons here, he said
JD(S) will have an alliance with BSP, TRS, Telugu Desam and Left
parties both in Karnataka and at national level.

Describing the coming assembly elections in Delhi

Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Chhattisgarh and Jammu and Kashmir
as ‘mini general elections’, Mr Gowda said the results in these states
would set the trend for the coming Lok Sabha elections.

BSP has
already announced its intention to field its candidates for all the
assembly seats in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. JD(S) has also
identified two to three assembly constituencies in Madhyra Pradesh and
Rajasthan, he said.

He alleged that both Congress and BJP, two
major political forces in these six states were struggling to find ways
to fight the anti-incumbancy factor. The mood of the voters was
strongly against both Congress and BJP. ‘’It is not plain sailing for
the two main political parties in these states and people want to have
an alternate political front'’ he said.

He said elections to Lok Sabha were likely to be held either in Aprll or May 2009.

Expressing solidarity with Lok Sabha Speaker Somanath Chatterjee, Mr Deve Gowda expressed concern over the attitude
of the members of the Lok Sabha during the session. He also expressed
regrets over decreasing number of sittings of the Parliament session in
a year. It was only 39 days in 2008, he pointed out.

upon all the political parties to look into the matter seriously the
former prime minister wondered whether ‘Parliamentary institution was
losing its relevance. ‘’There is a need for all the political parties
to have an intraction on the matter and find ways to restore the
supremacy of Parliament, the highest institution in a democracy'’ he


BSP to finalise Delhi poll candidates list early November

New Delhi, Oct 26 (IANS) The Bahujan Samaj Party has
‘made some changes’ in its list of candidates for the Delhi assembly
elections and the ‘final list’ will be released in the first week of
November, a party official said Sunday.

The party has made some changes in the list of
candidates and our final list will be released in the first week of
November,said state party unit chief Brahm Singh Bidhuri.

Delhi will go to polls Nov 29 to elect 70 legislators.

Inflation, statehood for Delhi, regularisation of unauthorised
colonies besides poor condition of roads and electricity shortage will
be the issues that will form part of the BSP’s election campaign.

Complete statehood, regularising unauthorised colonies besides
unemployment and poor living conditions in slums will be the main
issues on which our party will focus in our campaign,said Bidhuri.

However, the party officials are silent on whether the demand for a
judicial probe into the Jamia Nagar shootout in which two suspected
terrorists were gunned down Sep 19 will form a part of the election

Although the party MPs have raised the issue in parliament,
whether the demand for judicial probe will form a part of election
campaign in Delhi or not will be decided by our party priesident,Bidhuri told IANS.

With 16.9 percent Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is, the Great
Prabuddha Bharath population, 15 councillors in the Municipal
Corporation of Delhi and 5.7 percent vote share in 2003, the BSP is
confident of recreating the success of its social engineering effort in
Uttar Pradesh.

Behenji (Mayawati) is thinking about sarvajan (everybody). BSP
will erase other parties from the political scene. People have come to
know about the real colours of the Congress and the Bharatiya Janta
Party who have not done anything for the people, except pay lip
service,said Bidhuri.

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