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October 2024
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VR1 MEDIA-FREE ONLINE TRAINING ON PRECEPTS AND TRADE-25-How Paaliyan / Palayan became Paariyan or Parayan????-50 villages in UP’s interior adopt Buddhism-CDs on Varun Gandhi hate speeches have his voice: official-Aggressive Appropriation: History of Buddhism in Kerala-The sad demise of Ven Dhammakirti-Congress, BJP ganged up to stop me from becoming PM: Mayawati-Police committed excesses in TN village: Inquiry Commission-Mayawati keen to speed up development projects-UP govt announces sops for SC/STs-BBMP Delimitation 2009-
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 7:00 am




How Paaliyan / Palayan became Paariyan or Parayan????

The original language of present day Parayas or Pallas was Pali. They
were also called as Paliyan. The word changes over a period of time and
the name Paliyan became Parayan. In Tamil literature we find
interchange use of L for R and R for L. This shows the linguistic root
of present day Parayas and Pallas of so called Tamil Nadu.

Pali is another name for Sakya Nirutiya. Sakya Nirutiya is called Pali,
because it protected the words of Buddha (Dhamma). Pali means
protection. The Sakyans were called Paliyans or Pallas because they
were the protectors.

In the ancient days, there was no word Baudh. Baudh is a corrupted word
for Buddha. The Buddha Gaya is now known as Baudh Gaya. Baudh is a
Sanskrit word. In the entire Pali literature we do not find the word
Baudh. Rather the followers of Buddhas were called Sakyas. All ancient
inscription you find the word SAKYA……

In one of his discourse Buddha says, “All people when they follow
Dhamma give up their other identities and become SAKYAS as the
different rivers give up their identities like Ganga and Yamuna and
join in the great Ocean”.

Sakya is the identity of original Buddhist. They were Buddhists much
before Siddharth Gotama was born. At the age of five Siddhartha went to
a Sakya Vihara and worshiped a Buddha. Before the great renunciation he
saw a Sakya (Buddhist) Monk. This proves the long history of Sakya
Samana and their Buddhist tradition.

Sakyans are not converted and certified neo Buddhists. They are
original and ancient Buddhists. Those who believe that they are
converted Buddhists may break the Sila and just worship Buddha for name
sake. But those who realize their ancient path follw Dhamma seriously
and develop gratitude to Buddha and other Sakyans who spread the
message of SAKYA MUNI.

May all the Sakyans realize their original history and tradition.

May they all follow the Dhamma, the UNIVERSAL TRUTH……



Dear Friends
Namo Buddhay and Jai Bhim!
Another great news, about 50 villages in Kannauj in
Uttar Pradesh have adopted Buddhism. Please read the news pasted below
and attached with this mail. You are also requested to circulate this
news in your circle/network. Please give it a wide publicity.
With Regards & In Solidarity
Umakant, Ph.D
New Delhi
50 villages in UP’s interior adopt Buddhism

http://www.asianage .com/presentatio n/leftnavigation /news/india/ 50-villages- in-up%E2% 80%99s-interior- adopt-buddhism. aspx
June 16: A silent revolution is taking place in the backwaters of Uttar Pradesh. There is no media fanfare, no publicity and no hullabaloo either but the difference is palpable.
Nearly 50 villages in Kannauj district in the state
have adopted Buddhism in a big way. The people, who have embraced
Buddhism without much ado, are now making a difference to the lives of
Caste and class aberrations are being erased,
people have given up non-vegetarian food and liquor and extravaganza in
functions like weddings and funerals are being cast away.
“The sun rises in these villages to the soothing
strains of Buddham Sharnam Gachchami — a prayer that is collectively
recited every day by the people in each of these 50 villages.
“Visheshwar Singh, a local resident, had embraced
Buddhism about a decade ago and he started inspiring others to follow
suit. Gradually, more and more people — particularly those belonging to
dalit communities — started entering into the Buddhist fold and, today,
nearly 50 villages in the district have a dominant Buddhist
population,” says Ram Rathi, a dalit who joined the Buddhist fold two
years ago.
“We are trying to adopt a more sincere and sober
way of life and rise above man-made divisions. I am a dalit but my
daughter was married into a Yadav family, two months ago. Both the
families have taken to Buddhism and it was this that made this
possible,” he informs. Some of the villages where Buddhism is slowly
becoming a way of life include, Madhonagar, Sarai Gopal, Nagla Bari,
Deenpur, Atiya, Barapur, Hayatnagar, Salempur, Gursahayganj, Saraiyya,
Majhpurwa, Talgram and Atrauli.
According to Rakesh Gautam, another dalit, the
social atmosphere in these villages has improved and the crime rate has
gone down as Buddhism has grown.
“With more and more people giving up liquor,
domestic and social violence has recorded a decline. Buddhism
emphasises non-violence and this has led to a downfall in the crime
rate. Majority of the people who have entered the Buddhist fold say
that they are more at peace with themselves and their families,” he

Saroj, a young housewife, says that ever since her
family embraced Buddhism and her husband, a daily wage worker, stopped
taking liquor, life has been much more congenial. “My husband no longer
beats me and we are happier,” she says gleefully.

Dear Dr Umakant,

Your report on Buddhism in Kannauj District is very encouraging.
It would be great news if and when any liquor shop in any of these
fifty villages closes down due to lack of business in the wake of
Buddhist influence. If more and more intercaste marriage takes place,
that also would be great news. I hope such news would be forthcoming.
I wish you are able to persuade some free lance journalist to
visit these fifty villages with his digital camera and make an
inspiring story of Kannauj district in U.P. going the Buddhist way.
With metta,
June 18, ‘09 

Email: pplakshman08@

Tel: 917-664-6566

Umakant <uk4in@yahoo.> wrote:

[Attachment(s) from Umakant included below]

Addressing a meeting of parliament members and legislators of her
Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) here Saturday, Mayawati reportedly called the
Father of the Nation a
“natakbaaz” (fake).

She also distributed pamphlets condemning both Mahatma Gandhi and
Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi for being allegedly insincere
about the improvement in the SC/STs’ socio-economic status.

The UP Chief Minister was also not way behind with announcing ‘Sharam

karo diwas’ on the same day to counter the Congress’ efforts to woo

the SC/STs. Ms Mayawati had even gone to the extent of accusing 

Mahatma Gandhi of doing ‘natak’ for the SC/STs.

Congress general secretary and in-charge of the programme on the

birthday of Mr Rahul Gandhi, Rajveer Singh, said on the day all

Congress workers would take an oath to wipe out the Bahujan Samaj,

which they are already doing for the last 61 years instead of wiping out their tears.
This Drama was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi which is now handed over to Rahul Gandhi.
By next election it is the congress which is going to be wiped out while attempting to wipe out the Bahujan Samaj.

CDs on Varun Gandhi hate speeches have his voice: official

LUCKNOW - The Chandigarh-based Forensic Science Laboratory has
confirmed that the three CDs with recordings from Varun Gandhi’s
alleged hate speeches are in his voice, an Uttar Pradesh police
official has said.

However, criminal charges against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)’s
Pilibhit MP are yet to be substantiated because he had reportedly
refused to give his voice sample to investigating authorities in
Pilibhit, a top state police official told IANS.

“We have received the report of the CFSL and it confirms that it is
Varun’s voice. We have approached the home department of the state to
file a chargesheet,” Superintendent of Police Pilibhit Prakash D. told

Three criminal cases are registered against Varun Gandhi for the
hate speeches he delivered during his election campaign in Pilibhit
parliamentary constituency in March in the run-up to the Lok Sabha

Confirming that the FSL had submitted its report, another official
told IANS here: “We had sent three recordings of Varun Gandhi’s
speeches to the Chandigarh-based Forensic Science Laboratory. It is
only a matter of formality to match his voice sample with that in the

“There were video recordings of the speeches too,” he said, claiming
that Varun Gandhi had refused to give his voice sample everytime he was
approached by an investigating officer.

The official refuted media reports that the CDs had also been sent
to a forensic laboratory in Hyderabad. “We had sent the voice
recordings for test only to Chandigarh. I do not know how some TV
channels have been talking about the involvement of the Hyderabad
forensic lab,” he wondered.

According to the Pilibhit police, three criminal cases were
registered against Varun. While the first one, relating to the
anti-Muslim speech he delivered at a public rally in Barkhera village
of Pilibhit district on March 8, was registered on March 17, the second
case was registered over the same incident at the behest of the
Election Commission which took serious cognisance of that speech.

Another reported hate speech delivered by Varun Gandhi at Desh Nagar
locality of Pilibhit town on March 7 was registered on March 19. Three
evidence exhibits sent to the forensic lab for analysis included a
compact disk, a mini video cassette that was recorded at Barkhera and a
microchip, which contained a voice recording from Desh Nagar.

Besides the FSL report, the state police also have an array of
evidence, like affidavits and recorded statements of 20 people. A total
of six FIRs have been filed in Pilibhit against Varun Gandhi, who is
currently out on bail.

SC/ST folk fusion music

Found this interesting article from this artist from Keralam, who is

doing a series of writing on his music in this site.

The song in the site is a remix of an old SC/ST folk song.

http://thefishpond. in/2009/06/ jukebox-diaries- 1/

Aggressive Appropriation: History of Buddhism in Kerala

Yasser Arafath,UoH, Department of History


of Buddhism in south India have been plenty and convincing to the
students of history. South India emerged as a land of Buddhist shrines
and saints and could almost rival the sanctity the holy land of
Buddhism in North India . Chinese Buddhist pilgrim Husuan –Tsang
mentions the flourishing Buddhist centers in south India in seventh
century. Apart from Andhra Pradesh, both Tamil Nadu and Kerala had very
strong presence of Buddhism in the initial stages of its beginning.
[1] Places like Kanchipuram, Nagapattanam, Kodungallore, Alappuzha and many in south India still do   bear
the testimony of the flourishing Buddhism for many centuries. Even
though the architectural and artistic relics of Buddhism vanished from
most of the places in South India gradually, the plentiful references
in the literature give us ample scope for the study.

            Buddhism had developed the trend of south ward movement since the time of Asoka. The references to the Keralaputra in his Major Rock Edict 2nd shows that spread of Buddhist teaching was a quiet and strong possibility from the time of Asoka himself.[2]  During
the course of time Buddhists spread across the state and the facts are
substantiated by the discoveries of large number of Buddhist sacred
objects from the coastal districts of Alappuzha, Kollam and Lakshadweep
. These objects included Budddha idols and statues which shows the
influence of the Mahayana sects in these areas. From Kavaratti (
Lakshadweep ) reported a large statue of the Buddha. Karumadikkuttan at
Ambalapuzha convinces us that a strong practicing Buddhist communities
who had the support of royalty and rich classes. Historians argue that
Kuramba Bhagawathy temple at Kodungallur was a Jainist or most probably
a Buddhist shrine or Vihara till at least 12th century.

references to Kerala in written history can be seen in the book of
Megasthenese, the Greek ambassador in the court of Mauryas. Asoka who
succeeded Bindusara, also refers Kerala (Kerala putra) in his
Major Rock Edicts. These edicts give ample evidences about the relation
of Kerala with the Mauryan Empire directly or indirectly. This relation
was strengthened by the continuous inflow of the buddhist monks in to
Kerala and they practiced and propagated Buddhism almost all part of
the region. Many munimadas or “monk’s caves” discovered in
different parts of Malabar show us the settled and practicing Buddhist
monks across the coast of Kerala . Irattamada or “Double caves”
have been reported from Katakambal, (Trissur), Chatanparampu ( Calicut
) with precious stones in it. Prof.L.A. Krishnan Nair analyses it as
the places of Buddhist Nirvana.

ancient and medieval temples in Kerala especially in Malabar region
show the physical presence of Buddhism all over the region. The Vadakkunnatha
temple of Thrissur bears the testimonial to this fact. The
architectural style and some existing ritual elements show that it
actually belonged to the medieval Buddhism. Shiva Temple at Madavurpara
at Kazhakkoottam near Thiruvananthapuram and Karimadikkuttan show amble
evidences of the practicing Buddhist communities in the region.
Karumadikuttan is a statue of the Budhha in a sitting position engraved
on a black granite stone.  Kollam
on the western cost of Kerala is considered to be the citadel of
medieval Buddhism. It had a long flourished history of Buddhism under
the glorious patronage of Cheras.
[5]                          Wide
spread presence of the circular temples in Kerala is considered to be
one of the significant evidences shows the large practicing Monks and Upasakas in the urban centers in the region. Jadunath
Sarkar traces the Buddhist origin of the circular pattern of the
temples. He substantiates this fact by showing that the Southern Kerala
where Buddhism was a strong force shows comparatively large number of
circular temples. Some scholars have a different view point which regards the circular temples with a garbhagriha surrounded by one or two rows of columns bear some similarity to the circular
Buddhist temples of Sri Lanka , known as Vatadaga
[6]. This tradition goes to the strong presence of Ezhavas (lower caste Hindu) who considered to be originally from Sri
Lanka and might have popularized this type of architecture which in course of time got mingled with the Brahminical tradition.

sites in north India and Kerala have some striking similarities. Almost
most of the areas are either trading centers by themselves or situating
near by once flourished urban centers. It is true that all the
religions in the world emerged in the urban centers with a cosmopolitan
population and it is very evident in the case of Buddhism. Buddhist
centers in south India such as Amaravati, Jaggeyeppeta, Nagapattinam,
Kancheepuram, Kodunagallore and Trissur and so on had long history of
trade and commerce. It can be said that buddhism flourished mainly in
the regions where lot of mobility occurred due to heavy exchanges of
people and goods. It flourished in capital cities, main urban centers
of kingdoms/republics, among occupation groups and on trade routes.
Buddhism in Kerala also emerged along with the unmistakable growth of
urban bases in the region.
[7]  Local kings and queens, ministers, craftsmen of various professions, merchants and guilds contributed immensely[8]
in Kerala too like elsewhere in India . Buddhism was associated with
booming commercial activities and trade relations on the coastal areas
of Kerala.

sermon of equality and social justice enticed lower caste population in
to the folder of its philosophy. It was when an aggressive caste
hierarchy was norm in many part of Kerala and untouchably and
un-seebility observed.
[9] Buddha’s rejection of sacrificial religion of Brahmin varna
, advocacy against the social injustice and prohibitory religious
sanctions were very appealing. People in Kerala were happy with
rejection of divine origin of the social hierarchy. It was coupled with
military and mercantile activities which called for strong rational
thinking and behavior associated more with the Buddhist philosophy.

            Buddhism as a social code for conduct and life had a very strong stake in molding the socio-cultural space of Kerala.[11]
Buddhism emerged as a significant social mobilizer and questioned the
existing social hierarchies based on religious dogmas. First two
centuries of AD witnessed flourishing episode of the Buddhism in whole
south India which had gradually percolated in to the interior part of
Kerala and many these areas  still have the remnants of the Buddhist vihara/chaityas. Places where Buddhism set the foot strongly are called as pallis. The traditional schools or pallikkodams were actually the contribution of Buddhism and teachers were generally called as asan, a word derived from pali. This pallis
became the hub of activities denouncing sacrificial Vedic religion of
the time. This was a time when a total transformation taking place in
the socio-economic sphere: complete transformation from pastoral
economy in to an agrarian economy. Peasentisation of the economy had
caused the emergence of many communities who could have had upward
social mobility with the new code of conduct. As in the case of Magadha
, Buddhism in Kerala also flourished among the new social forces.

recorded history state the way Buddhism enjoyed the popular and royal
patronage in the cultural geography of Kerala. Paliyam copper plate of
the Aye king Varaguna (885-925AD) shows that Buddhists followers in the
Malabar enjoyed royal patronage till late 10th century. But later onwards this patronage has been disappeared and  so
was the presence of the buddhism as in the case of Buddhism in eastern
India . Patronage to Vaishanavism by the Vaisnavite Kulashekara dynasty
facilitated a faster destruction process. Lower caste Hindus like the Ezhavas
(from Ezham, Tamil term for Sri Lanka), got absorbed as a result of
aggressive assimilation process taking place at that time to the
mainstream Hindu fold.

disappearance of the Buddhism as cultural force from the map of Kerala
culminated with the establishment of the caste/communities
solidification in the region. Assertion of the different castes like Nambuthiris (Brahmin) and Nairs
(upper Sudra) in the socio-political hierarchy and their close
association with the local power centers after the collapse of
Kulashekhara empire in 12th century AD was a major set back
to the practicing Buddhist believers. Fragmentation of the political
authority had led to the total loss of royal patronage for
Buddhist/Jainist sects. Adversary attitude of the afore mentioned
communities facilitated the revival of the varna based social system with a stronger
vigor. This forced them to have a revived Hinduism which was undergoing
all time low everywhere in India at the time. Sri Sankara. Who was born
in Kerala in 8th century contributed strongest ideological
background for this trend. His teaching facilitated to have a new
vitality in the revivalist Hinduism. It was reinforced with the
resurgence in the form of vaishnavism and shivism later
on. In later centuries Buddhism sometimes tolerated by local courts but
seldom supported by royal patronage gradually lost their hold on masses
and finally became extinct.

             The disappearance of the Buddhism had a faster phase after the emergence of Bhakti
movement which attracted the down trodden in the hierarchical society.
Already lost its royal patronage, buddhism could not withstand the
ideological and physical assault from the powerful Nambuthiri-Samantha Kshatriya-Nair
social dominance. This shift in the religious functioning disseminated
the seed of weakness in the cultural presence of buddhism which by then
lost all kind of patronage. Dominant social forces later on executed
violent methods to drive away the remaining cultural space of heterodox
sects. By persuasion and appropriation, strong rooted values and
symbols of Buddhism could not be wiped out hence they used the real
physical force with the help of lower caste groups. Buddhist upasakas
and monks, scattered in many urban areas could not defend them
physically as they never accustomed to that form of self defense.          

element of violent persecution of the Buddhist in Kerala can be
corroborated by reconstructing some of the rituals in the existing
temples.  Best example can be taken from the violent and abusive ritual at Kodungallor temple known as bharani where devotees sing and dance in an extremely abusive condition. The very image of the badrakali, local Sakti form, has eight arms in one of which she holds the head of  the defeated demon darukan.
Cocks are preferred as the sacrificial animal in order to appease the
goddess. Until 1954 thousands of cocks lost their head for the blood
thirsty incarnation of Sakti. Interestingly all the caste and
communities; lower and upper, have ritual roles to play in this
festival unlike in other temples in Kerala.

             This particular festival atmosphere becomes a stinking cultural cacophony where no was spared from the abuse and verbal front.[14]
This festival is considered to be extremely violent and sexist and
invited the wrath of many political and social organizations. In all
probability this festival commemorates with sadistic pleasure the
violent inquisition and persecution done on buddhist laymen and monks
in the declining stage of their religion. Abusive languages and violent
action of cock sacrifices was meant to chase away the nuns in the
shrine at Kodungallor. Dominant caste forces used the low caste people
who were at their service most of the time as slaves to chase away the
‘polluting’ heterogeneous and heterodox monks and nuns from the
premises of the Kodungallore temple.
They had in all possibility used extreme use of violence which can be
reconstructed from the very name “Kodungallore” which can be divided as
kodum-kola-cheytha- uru which means a “place of brutal homicide”.

represents one of the many violent persecutions Buddhist faced in
entire south India in early medieval times. The history of persecution
of Buddhists ofcourse has had very long history. History shows us many
organized persecutions of Buddhists under Pushyamitra Shunga who
destroyed Maurya dynasty and later carried out by the iconoclast
Mihirakula, who was a devout worshiper of Shiva.
[16] Depictions of the brutal assault on the Jainists can be seen on the Suparna Pushkarani mandapa of Madurai Minakshi temple.[17]
In general, in Kerala too, over a period of time all institutions
related with buddhism had been forcefully appropriated by the resurgent
Hinduism. Acquired new strength in the socio-politico life of Kerala by
dominant castes facilitated the total destruction of a great
civilizational process in the region.                              

[1] Jan Fontein, “A Buddhist Altar Piece from South India”,  Museum of Fine Arts Bulletin, Vol,78, 1980

[2] D.N. Jha, Ancient India : In Historical Outline, Manohar, New Delhi , 2001

[3] V.T.Induhudan, The Secret Chamber, The Cochin Dewaswom Board, Trichur, 1969,

[4]L.A. Krishnan Nair ,Kerala and Her people, p.23

Jayaprakash, paper on “Our Buddhist History and Tradition'’ at a
history seminar organized by Sri Buddha Central School , Quillion, 13th

[6] Shivaji Panikkar, “Temple Tradition in Kerala”, in Essays on The Cultural Formation of Kerala, P.J.Cherian (ed),  KCHR, Trivandram,

[7] Chakrabarthi, The Archaeology of  Ancient Indian Cities , OUP, Delhi , 1994

[8] Dilip K Chakrabarthi, “Buddhist Sites Across South Asia , As Influenced by Political and Economic Factors”, World Archaeology, Vol.27, No, 2, Buddhist Archaeology, Oct, 1995

[9] Sreedhara Menon, , Social and Cultural History of  Kerala, Sterling Publishers, Trivandrum ,1979

[10] Francois Houtart, “Buddhism and Politics in South East Asia ”: Part-1, Social Scientist, Vol. 5, No.3, Oct, 1976

[11] M.G.S.Narayanan, Cultural Symbiosis, Kerala Historical Society, Trivandram, 1972

[12] Jan Fontein, 1980

[13] Inducudan, 1969

[14] M.J.Gentes, “Scandalizing the Goddess at Kodungallore”, Asian Folklore Studies, Vol.51, No.2, 1992

[15] Induchudan,1969, 39

[16] D.N.Jha, 2001

[17] M.S. Ramaswami Ayyakar, Studies in South Indian Jainism, 

May all beings be happy!

The sad demise of Ven Dhammakirti

How sad!  There will be some relief in knowing the circumstances
of Ven. Dhammakirti’s sudden demise. Ananand Buddha Vihar in
Secunderabad with which he is associated is one of the greatest
Buddhist centres of learning, publishing the well-known Buddhist
quarterly, Suhrulekha.  Ven. Vinayarakkhita, a resident monk there, is
the Vice President of our Meditation Society in Wayanad, Kerala.
If only Bhante Dhammakirti had lived longer, he would have served
in educating more and more people about the teachings of the Buddha.
What a great loss!  I wish to convey my heartfelt condolences to all
those who were close to him in Secunderabad and Mysore.

June 21, ‘09 

Congress, BJP ganged up to stop me from becoming PM: Mayawati

Lucknow, June 19 (IANS) Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati Friday
accused the Congress, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and other
political parties of conspiring to prevent her from becoming the prime

“It was amply evident that the Congress, BJP and SP (Samajwadi Party)
ganged up to prevent my rise to the prime minister’s chair, simply
because they could not digest the idea of a Dalit occupying the highest
office,” Mayawati, the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo, told a public
rally here.

She said this “anti-SC/ST” approach of these parties was a glaring example of “rabid caste politics”.

Threatened by the revival of the Congress party in Uttar Pradesh,
Mayawati also reiterated her commitment to ’social engineering’ and
accused the opposition of conspiring to break this campaign.

She said she was not prepared to give up her campaign after her party’s poor performance in the April-May Lok Sabha elections.

“I am aware that the opposition parties have been conspiring to
break the social engineering campaign undertaken by us. But let me tell
you that no matter what they do, they would not be able to deter me
from pursuing my ultimate mission,” Mayawati told the gathering.

A large part of her hour-long address was aimed at accusing the
opposition in general, and the Congress in particular, of attempting to
break the “bhaichara” (social harmony) that the BSP has been trying to
promote as part of its effort to break caste barriers and bring upper
caste Hindus and Muslims together with SC/STs on the party platform.

Before the Lok Sabha polls, Mayawati projected herself as the prime
ministerial candidate of the Third Front but now she admitted that
would take time. She said: “It does not matter to me how many more
years it will take to achieve my ultimate goal.”

Mayawati argued that the BSP’s vote share in the state “was still way ahead of all other political rivals.”

She was scheduled to address such rallies in three cities - Lucknow,
Ghaziabad in western Uttar Pradesh, and Azamgarh in eastern Uttar
Pradesh, but she chose to cancel her trip to Azamgarh.

Mayawati declared Friday’s rallies as the beginning of a nationwide
campaign to condemn the “casteist” approach of all other parties.

Police committed excesses in TN village: Inquiry Commission

Madurai, June 20: A Madras HC-appointed inquiry commission has held

that police committed excesses against Dalits, including women, by

subjecting them to illegal detention and physical assault following a

caste clash in a village near here in October last.

“There was infringement of fundamental rights, mental agony was caused

and we could observe a sense of insecurity in the minds of the victims

of Uthapuram village,” the two-member commission, comprising retired

district judge S Tirupathy and sub-judge K Venkatasamy, said in its


It recommended a compensation of Rs 15.20 lakh to 193 victims.

Though the commission had submitted its report on April 15, the

division bench of the Madras High Court in Madurai comprising Justice

V Ramasubramanian and Justice D Hariparanthaman perused it only

yesterday after the summer vacation.

The court had on January 22 ordered the setting up of the commission

following a public interest litigation, filed by All India Democratic

Women’s Association.

The association had alleged that Dalits were beaten up on October 2, a

day after a clash between them and upper caste Hindus over painting of

the walls of a local temple.

The commission said the victims suffered physical injuries and

underwent mental agony. Household goods were also damaged.

Five women suffered abortion and one died immediately after delivery.

Two others sustained injuries in their genital parts and 26 women were

attacked along with their children. Of the victims, 43 were in the age

group of 50-70, it said.

The bench posted the case to June 29 for further hearing.

Bureau Report

Mayawati keen to speed up development projects

Lucknow, June 18 :
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati has decided to speed up development projects

in her state in order to win back the electorate, official sources


To accelerate implementation of infrastructure projects and to keep

track of their progress, the chief minister has set up an eight-member

Infrastructure Monitoring Committee, headed by the chief secretary.

The other members of the panel include principal secretaries of

different departments and the infrastructure and industrial

development commissioner (IIDC). It is to meet monthly to review

implementation of projects and find out ways to overcome bottlenecks.

The Infrastructure and Industrial Development Department will monitor

the progress of the various works, the source said.

The state government has identified various projects in different

sectors where it wants to speed up implementation, like the Metro

rail, overbridges, roads, aviation, power, transport, health,

education, tourism and urban rejuvenation.


Thank you for sharing.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:29 AM, Ritesh Manwatkar <rtyu_mnwt@yahoo. com> wrote:

Dear All,

Last week I had opportunity to visit
villages in Karnataka near Sakleshpur (230 Kms of Bangalore). The
specialty is of this place is that it has around 20 villages and 2-3
villages have 100% Buddhist population. Some other villages have around
50% Buddhist population.

Most people have been to Diksha Bhoomi at least once. The most
impressive part is that they are strong followers of Dr. Ambedkar and
practitioner of Buddhist way of life in day to day which is missing in
cities and educated among Buddhists.

This was arranged by Odanadi Seva Trust, Mysore (which work for
women issues) and Bhante Bodhidatta. There is a delegation of around 30
international women (from US, UK, Belgian, Ireland etc.) on cycling
expedition in parts of Karnataka for awareness on women issues. These
women stayed for whole day/night and had food in Buddhist village,
participated with people in the cultural program (songs in Kannada by
village people on Dr. Ambedkar and Buddha).

I was asked to update these women (comprising a hollywood star,
editor of canada news paper) about women status in india and
contribution to Women empowerment by Dr. Ambedkar.

Also we started educational program for village students in village.

With metta,
Ritesh Manwatkar
9845560816/99670650 83

Jobs Prabuddha Bharath 

Faculty Openings in IIT Kharagpur June09

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 10:49 AM PDT

Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri. blogspot. com

Kharagpur - 721302

IIT Kharagpur, an Institute of
national importance, invites application from Indian nationals,
possessing excellent academic background, commitment to quality
teaching and potential for carrying out outstanding research.

  1. Professor : At least 10 years teaching / research
    / industrial experience of which 5 years should be at the level of
    Associate / Assistant Professor, Pay Scale : Rs.18400 – 500 – 22400/-
  2. Associate Professor : At least 8 years teaching /
    research / industrial experience of which 3 years should be at the
    level of Assistant Professor, Pay Scale : Rs.16400 – 450 – 20000/-
  3. Assistant Professor : At least 3 years teaching / research / industrial experience, Pay Scale : Rs.12000 – 420 – 18300/-

Qualification : Ph.D. with first class or
equivalent at all the preceding degrees in appropriate branch and
evidence of the ability to pursue independent high quality research

How to Apply : Candidates possessing the requisite
qualification & experience may submit their application on the
prescribed form to the Assistant Registrar, E-3, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur – 721302 (email : recsec@adm.iitkgp. Last date of receiving application is 31/07/2009.

Please visit http://www.iitkgp. faculty_top. php for details, areas fo specialisations, and application form.

(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

Compiled by Manisha for her blog http://sarkari- naukri.blogspot. com/ for providing Government Jobs available in India. .  Other Blogs are
http://www.hindibaa and Friendly blog is http://bankjob. blogspot. com

Regular Employee vacancy in Becil June09

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 10:25 AM PDT

Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL)
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
14-B, Ring Road, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002

BECIL, a Govt of India enterprise, invites applications from
dynamic and result oriented professionals for direct recruitment for
the following posts:
  1. Assistant Manager (HRD) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.16400-40500
  2. Joint General Manager : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.36600-62000
  3. Dy. General Manager : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.32900-58000
  4. Manager (Projects) : 03 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.24900-50500
  5. Asstt. Manager (BD) : 03 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.16400-40500
  6. Company Secretary cum Senior Manager (Finance) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.29100-54500
  7. Junior Manager (Finance) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.12600-32500
  8. Management Trainee (BD) Management Trainee (Projects) : 05 posts, Pay : Rs.10000/ 12500 per month consolidated stipend for 1sr and 2nd year
  9. Management Trainee Finance/ HRD : 02 posts, Pay : Rs.10000/ 12500 per month consolidated stipend for 1sr and 2nd year
  10. Project Assistant : 04 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5050-8050
  11. Jr. Accountant : 03 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.4450-6950
  12. Jr. Assistant : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.4450-6950

How to Apply : The candidates may
send their applications in prescribed format, along with attested self
certified copies of their certificates, a passport size photograph and
NOC from their present employer addressed to the Chairman & Managing Director, BECIL, B-15, Sector-3, Noida-201301, UP, so as to reach the by July 15, 2009.

Details and application form available at http://www.becil. net/Jobs/ Advirtisement_ 16June09. pdf

Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri. blogspot. com
(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

Compiled by Manisha for her blog http://sarkari- naukri.blogspot. com/ for providing Government Jobs available in India. .  Other Blogs are
http://www.hindibaa and Friendly blog is http://bankjob. blogspot. com

Faculty vacancy in Mizoram University June09

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 10:07 AM PDT

Mizoram University
(A Central Unversity)
Aizawl, Mizoram

Applications are invited for filling up of Faculty posts under
Mizoram University in various departments. Complete application in
prescribed form along with application fee of Rs. 500/- (No fee for
SC/ST/PH) in the form of Bank Draft drawn in favour of Registrar,
Mizoram University on State Bank of India, Aizawl Main Branch may be
submitted to the Registrar, Mizoram University, Post Box No.190, Aizawl, Mizoram - 796001.
Applications should be supported by relevant documents (attested) in
all respects. Last date of receipt of complete applications is within
30 days and 45 days for the candidates out side of North Easter Area.
  • Professor : 19 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 + AGP Rs.10000
  • Associate Professor : 25 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 + AGP Rs.9000
  • Assistant Professor (PG) : 54 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 + AGP Rs.6000
  • Assistant Professor (UG) : 19 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 + AGP Rs.6000

UGC - Academic Staff College, Mizoram University (on contract appointment till 31/3/2012)

  • Professor-Director : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 + AGP Rs.10000
  • Associate Professor : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 + AGP Rs.9000
  • Assistant Professor : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 + AGP Rs.6000

For further information and application form, please view http://www.mzu. TeachingPost_ Notice.pdf

Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri. blogspot. com
(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

Compiled by Manisha for her blog http://sarkari- naukri.blogspot. com/ for providing Government Jobs available in India. .  Other Blogs are
http://www.hindibaa and Friendly blog is http://bankjob. blogspot. com

RCFL Special Drive for Management Trainee for PWD

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 03:14 AM PDT

Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri. blogspot. com
Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited (RCFL)
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Administrative Building, Chembur, Mumbai - 400074

Special Recruitment Drive for filling up Backlog Vacancies of Persons with Disabilities

RCF Ltd is a leading profit making public sector undertaking. RCFL requires Management Trainees
  • Management Trainees : 04 posts (Finance-3, HR-1)
    (VH-2, HH-2), Age : 35 years in, relaxation as per rules., Stipend and
    Pay Scale : Selected candidates will be undergoing training for one
    year and will be offered a lumpsum stipend of Rs.17500/- per month.
    After successful completion of training they will be absorbed in the
    scale of pay of Rs.8600 – 250 –14600.

How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format
alongwith attested photocopies certificates and and mark sheet etc.
should reach the office of the General Manager (HR) Corporate,
RCF Ltd., Administrative Bldg., 1st Floor, Room no 148, Administrative
Building, Mahul Road, Chembur, Mumbai-400074
by 04/07/2009.

Please view http://rcfltd. com/attachments/ 176_Recruitment% 20PWD%20062009. pdf for all the details and Application form.

(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

Compiled by Manisha for her blog http://sarkari- naukri.blogspot. com/ for providing Government Jobs available in India. .  Other Blogs are
http://www.hindibaa and Friendly blog is http://bankjob. blogspot. com

CDAC Thiruvananthapuram Project Engineer vacancy Jun09

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 02:32 AM PDT

Published by Manisha for her blog sarkari-naukri. blogspot. com
Canter for Development of Advance Computing (CDAC),
Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695033, Kerala , India

CDAC Trivandrum is looking suitable candidates for following post :

  • Project Engineer : 02 Posts, Qualification : First
    Class B.E/ B.Tech (Computer Science / Electronics) with 3 Years post
    qualification experience or M.E / M.Tech (Computer Science /
    Electronics) with 1 year post qualification experience., Remuneration :
    Rs.19000/-, Age : 35 years

How to Apply: Apply online upto 30/06/2009 at CDAC Thiruvananthapuram website.

For further information and online submission of application, please visit at http://210.212. 236.24/OnlineApp lication- Java/advertiseme nt/advertisement .jsp

(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

Compiled by Manisha for her blog http://sarkari- naukri.blogspot. com/ for providing Government Jobs available in India. .  Other Blogs are
http://www.hindibaa and Friendly blog is http://bankjob. blogspot. com

Alliance Air requires rated Pilots June09

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 02:08 AM PDT

Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri. blogspot. com
Alliance Air
Airline Allied Services Limited (AASL)
(A wholly owned subsidiary of “NACIL”)

Air has an urgent requirement of type rated / rated pilots on Boeing
737, CRJ 700 and ATR 42-320. Applications are invited from Indian
Nationals meeting the eligibility criteria for the posts of Pilots.

Qualification : minimum 100 hrs on above Aircrafts
and must possess current Indian CPL / ATPL, FRTO, RTR, IR and a current
Class I medical on the date of application.

How to Apply : Candidates meeting eligibility
criteria may send their application separately for each position
alongwith attested copies of their certificates, licences, log books
and 2 recent passport size photographs to the following address latest
by 6th July, 2009 :

Chief of Personnel (Alliance Air), Airline Allied Services
Limited, Old Lufthansa Hangar, Adjacent to Office of Executive
Director, (N.R.) NACIL Terminal – 1B, IGI Airport, New Delhi – 110037.

For more information, kindly view http://www.indianai scripts/careers/ Final_Advt_ for_Recruitment_ of_Pilots_ 11_June09. pdf

(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

Compiled by Manisha for her blog http://sarkari- naukri.blogspot. com/ for providing Government Jobs available in India. .  Other Blogs are
http://www.hindibaa and Friendly blog is http://bankjob. blogspot. com

Uttarakhand High Court HJS-2009

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 02:00 AM PDT

High Court of Uttarakhand

Applications are invited from the practicing Advocates for filling up 12 vacant posts of Additional District and Sessions Judge by direct recruitment in the Uttarakhand Higher Judicial Service (HJS) in the pay scale of Rs. 16750-20500/ -:

  • Additional District and Sessions Judge : 12 posts
    (UR-7, SC-2, ST-1, OBC-2), Pay Scale : Rs.16750-20500/ -, Qualification
    : Must be an advocate of not less than seven years standing on the
    first day of January 2009. The applicant for recruitment to the Service
    must possess thorough knowledge of Hindi in Devnagari Script and
    English , Age : 35-45 years on the 1st day of January 2009.

Applicatin Fee : Examination Fees Rs. 450/- by
candidates belonging to General and OBC and Rs. 300/- for SC/ST payable
in favour of Registrar General, High Court of Uttarakhand, Nainital by
way of account payee Demand Draft of any Bank payable at Nainital.

Application : The last date for submission of duly completed form before the Registrar General, High Court of Uttarakhand at Nainital is 17/07/2009 by 5.00 P.M. The envelope containing the Application Form must clearly mention on its top “Application for the H.J.S.-2009″.

please view http://highcourtofu ttarakhand. info2009. pdf for more detailed information like exam details, shedule, syllabus and application form.

Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri. blogspot. com
(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

Compiled by Manisha for her blog http://sarkari- naukri.blogspot. com/ for providing Government Jobs available in India. .  Other Blogs are
http://www.hindibaa and Friendly blog is http://bankjob. blogspot. com

Vacancies in National Seeds Corporation June09

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 06:39 PM PDT

National Seeds Corporation Limited (NSC)
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Beej Bhavan, Pusa Complex, New Delhi -110012
Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri. blogspot. com

National Seeds Corporation invites application for filling up the following posts :

  1. Deputy General Manager (Production) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.29100-54500, Age : 40 years as on 01/01/09
  2. Executive Engineer (Agriculture) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.20600-46500, Age : 40 years as on 01/01/09
  3. Manager (Accounts) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.20600-46500, Age : 40 years as on 01/01/09
  4. Assistant Manager (Accounts) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.16400-40500, Age : 45 years as on 01/01/09
  5. Assistant Accounts Officer : 08 posts (UR-5, OBC-2, SC-1), Pay Scale : Rs.10900-31500, Age : 40 years as on 01/01/09
  6. Assistant Administrative Officer : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.10900-31500, Age : 40 years as on 01/01/09
  7. Assistant Manager (Production) : 03 posts (UR-1, OBC-1, PH-1) , Pay Scale : Rs.16400-31500, Age : 35 years as on 01/01/09
  8. Programmer : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.10900-31500, Age : 35 years as on 01/01/09

How to Apply : Applications in prescribed format
alongwith a DD of Rs.100/- (no fee from SC/ST/PH) in favour of National
Seeds Corporation Limited payable at Delhi should be sent in an
envelope superscribing the name of the post applied for to the General Manager (Admn.), National Seeds Corporation Limited Beej Bhavan, Pusa Complex, New Delhi on or before 14/07/2009.

Please view http://www.indiasee emp2.pdf for more details and application form is available at http://www.indiasee APPLICATION_ FORMII.pdf

(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

Compiled by Manisha for her blog http://sarkari- naukri.blogspot. com/ for providing Government Jobs available in India. .  Other Blogs are
http://www.hindibaa and Friendly blog is http://bankjob. blogspot. com

National Seeds requires Junior Assistant (Accounts) June09

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 06:30 PM PDT

Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri. blogspot. com
National Seeds Corporation Limited (NSC)
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Beej Bhavan, Pusa Complex, New Delhi -110012.

National Seeds Corporation invites application for filling up the following post :

  • Junior Assistant (Accounts) : 15 posts (UR-8,
    OBC-3, SC-2, ST-1, PH-1 (OH)), Pay Scale : Rs.8200-22200 (IDA),
    Qualification : B.Com. with 55% marks, Desirable : Knowledge of
    computers, Age : 26 years as on 01/01/09

How to Apply : Applications in prescribed format
alongwith a DD of Rs.50/- (no fee from SC/ST/PH) in favour of National
Seeds Corporation Limited payable at Delhi should be sent in an
envelope superscribing the name of the post applied for to the General Manager (Admn.), National Seeds Corporation Limited Beej Bhavan, Pusa Complex, New Delhi on or before 20/07/2009.

Please view http://www.indiasee emp1.pdf for more details and application form is available at http://www.indiasee APPLICATION_ FORMII.pdf

(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

Compiled by Manisha for her blog http://sarkari- naukri.blogspot. com/ for providing Government Jobs available in India. .  Other Blogs are
http://www.hindibaa and Friendly blog is http://bankjob. blogspot. com

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Sakya Means Humanity.

May all beings be happy!

“I have never claimed to be a universal leader of suffering humanity.
The problem of the untouchables is quite enough for my slender
strength. I do not say that other causes are not equally noble. But
knowing that life is short, one can only serve one cause and I have
never aspired to do more than serve the Untouchables.”  Bodhisatta
Babasaheb B.R.Ambedkar

“The basis of my politics lies in the proposition that the Untouchables
are not a sub-division or sub-section of Hindus, and that they are a
separate and distinct element in the national life of India.”
Bodhisatta Babasaheb B.R.Ambedkar

“My social philosophy may be said to be enshrined in three words:
liberty, equality and fraternity. My philosophy has roots in religion
and not in political science. I have derived them from the teachings of
my master, the Buddha.” Bodhisatta Babasaheb B.R.Ambedkar

Sakya Sangha
8/A, Thiyagarayapuram,
Thangal, Thiruvottiyur,
Chennai - 600 019.
Tamil Nadu, India


Andhra Pradesh - Karimnagar

‘Book KCR under SC/ST Atrocities Act’

Staff Reporter

Effigy of TRS chief burnt

Attack on Ravindra Naik condemned

SC/ST leaders seek KCR’s apology

KARIMNAGAR: SC\ST district leaders set fire to an effigy of TRS
president K. Chandrasekhar Rao in Karimnagar on Monday in protest
against the attack on party senior leader Ravindra Naik by TRS
activists at Telangana Bhavan in Hyderabad. SC\ST association leaders
led by Roop Singh and Ramchander Naik set fire to the effigy at
Sripada Rao statue in the town and raised slogans KCR and demanded an
unconditional apology for humiliating and attacking a tribal leader.
They alleged that the TRS president is using Telangana sentiment for
his selfish gains of attaining power and benefiting his family members
by making money.

‘Hidden agenda’

Reminding Mr. Rao’s statement of appointing a Dalit as Chief Minister
in separate Telangana state and providing reservations to tribals,
they asked whether insulting the Dalits and tribals was his hidden
agenda. They demanded the government to register case against Mr. Rao
under the SC\ST Atrocities Act.

UP govt announces sops for SC/STs

LUCKNOW: The Uttar Pradesh govt
decided to give 21 and two per cent quota for SCs and STs in contracts for
construction work worth up to Rs 5

lakh each of various authorities and
corporations in the state.

Mayawati, who presided over a cabinet meeting earlier in the day,
said a similar arrangement is being implemented in other government departments
and the education sector.

She said the 21% reservation for the
Scheduled Castes and the 2% to Scheduled Tribes would be extended in
construction contracts worth up to Rs 5 lakh being carried out by working
divisions of various departments, corporations, enterprises, authorities and

The chief minister, who has been working for development
of identified Ambedkar villages all over the state, further said her cabinet has
also decided to do away with the earlier practice of identifying new villages
every year.

The government would concentrate on maintenance and
upkeep of the 2,000 identified Ambedkar villages, she said.

“It has
been seen that despite taking up the development of the Ambedkar villages, their
maintenance and upkeep had not not been up to my expectations,” Mayawati said.

Emphasis would be given on SC/STs localities while constructing roads
and taking up other development activities, she said.

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