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2448 Wed 22 Nov 2017 LESSON Contemplation: Humility!Incredible Monasteries of the World,Bringing Nature to Life…,Easy Stomach Crunch Exercises,The farmers, belonging to 184 farmers organisations across India, have come to Delhi after a more than 10,000 kilometers long march organized by the umbrella organization All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (AIKSCC). All but admitting that Google is engaged in censorship, Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google’s parent company Alphabet, announced that Google will create algorithms designed to “de-rank” web sites such as RT and Sputnik on its news delivery services.
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2448 Wed 22 Nov 2017 LESSON

Jaga Chand (@JagaChand) | Twitter

Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)
-doesnt-know-bsp-is-a-movement … “We alone can challenge and defeat
the casteist, communal and pro-capitalist BJP! Get ready!” Behanji’s
clarion call to BSP workers to liberate the country from the clutches of
fascist rule.

alone can challenge and defeat the casteist, communal and
pro-capitalist BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths (Private) Limited!

Mayawati’s clarion call to the Sarvajan Samaj i.e., Cadres of all
societies in general and BSP Cadres in particular to liberate the
country from the clutches of fascist rule.…/modi_is_literally_hitler_and_bjp_…/

“We alone can challenge and defeat the casteist, communal and
pro-capitalist BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths (Private) Limited!

Maha Mayawati’s clarion call to the Sarvajan Samaj i.e., Cadres of all
societies in general and BSP Cadres in particular to liberate the
country from the clutches of fascist rule.
Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) is literally Hitler and BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths) is fascist

“Veggie Madhya Pradesh CM bans eggs in anganwadis, to be
felicitated”. Turns out some non-BJP states too don’t provide eggs in
midday meals
BJP ruled “BMC has banned sale of meat for four
days during the Jain festival of Paryushan”. Turns out it happens every
year since 1994 after a resolution by Congress govt in 1994. The ban
duration was increased to 4 days in 2011, again by a Congress-NCP govt.
Compulsory national anthem in Maharashtra movie theaters introduced by Congress-NCP govt
Prohibition in Gujarat - it was the Congress govt which enacted The Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.
Cow slaughter is banned in 23 States, most of them non-BJP
“Ministry of Home Affairs cancels FCRA licences of 8,975
associations”, but in 2012, a total 4138 NGOs had their FCRA license
cancelled because of similar violations
“Criticising government can be sedition in Maharashtra now“, however the guidelines were actually prepared by Cong-NCP govt

but hey, Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) is literally Hitler and BJP is the majority appeasing,
fascist party. And if it turns out that it was done by Congress, goal
posts are shifted

From “Fascist rule is here again; Thums Up! Thums Up!” to “Arey,
it’s not about BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths) or the Congress”

1. [”Veggie Madhya Pradesh CM bans eggs in anganwadis, to be……/cong-leaders-a…/1/639138.html
BJP, RSS of turning India into neo-fascist
Hitting out at RSS and BJP, some Congress
leaders today accused them of turning India into a “neo-fascist” state
and questioned whether they will give up their idea of a Hindu Rashtra
if they believe in the Constitution.

Speaking during a national seminar
Contribution of Dr Ambedkar, was a
neo-fascist state targeting Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi).

Hailing of Ambedkar by RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks)/ BJP (Brashatachar
Jiyadhs Psychopaths) Private Limited outfits of the saffron
organisations were always opposed to the
ideology of the Chief architect Constitution

Today we are a neo-fascist Indian state. Fascism
developed after Second World War is known as neo-fascism.

He noted BJP is the “only party” talking about Ambedkar without subscribing to his ideology.

also noted the ruling party saying that purchasing Ambedkars house in
London is not “sufficient”, but there is a need to follow his ideology.

Ambedkar believed in “removing contradictions” from the country. how
RSS/BJP believing in inequalities will not be able to do justice to the
Ambedkar’s ideology.

Those who claim they believe in Constitution,
cannot say they will give up the idea of a stealth, shadowy, discriminatory hinutva cult rashtra.

Ambedkars ideology is the “only hope” for people in the
current political context and said the same shall remain “relevant”
until there are inequalities in the country.

Cong leaders accuse BJP, RSS of turning India into neo-fascist…/cong-leaders-a…/1/639138.html
BJP, RSS of turning India into neo-fascist
Hitting out at RSS and BJP, some Congress
leaders today accused them of turning India into a “neo-fascist” state
and questioned whether they will give up their idea of a Hindu Rashtra
if they believe in the Constitution.

Speaking during a national seminar
Contribution of Dr Ambedkar, was a
neo-fascist state targeting Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi).

Hailing of Ambedkar by RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks)/ BJP (Brashatachar
Jiyadhs Psychopaths) Private Limited outfits of the saffron
organisations were always opposed to the
ideology of the Chief architect Constitution

Today we are a neo-fascist Indian state. Fascism
developed after Second World War is known as neo-fascism.

He noted BJP is the “only party” talking about Ambedkar without subscribing to his ideology.

also noted the ruling party saying that purchasing Ambedkars house in
London is not “sufficient”, but there is a need to follow his ideology.

Ambedkar believed in “removing contradictions” from the country. how
RSS/BJP believing in inequalities will not be able to do justice to the
Ambedkar’s ideology.

Those who claim they believe in Constitution,
cannot say they will give up the idea of a stealth, shadowy, discriminatory hinutva cult rashtra.

Ambedkars ideology is the “only hope” for people in the
current political context and said the same shall remain “relevant”
until there are inequalities in the country.…/fascism-populism-pres…/510668/

The votes are in, the people have spoken, and the result is ugly.
Merriam-Webster has warned that fascism could become 2016’s
most-searched term on its online dictionary—presumably with even more
searches than bigly.
Fascism was No. 3 last year, between socialism and racism, which is just where fascism began in the 1920s.

Ideological formation and the creation of a party with
quasi-military cadres. Talk of national humiliation, lost vigor, and the
failures of liberalism and democracy.
Entry of the party into national politics. Intimidation of rivals,
and planned acts of “redemptive violence” against suspect minorities and
radical rivals.
Arrival in government, often in alliance with conservatives.
Exercise of power, in concert with institutions and business. The
regime expands its control at home: restricting the press and democratic
processes, corporatizing business, and collectivizing the people.
Abroad, it asserts itself militarily.
Radicalization or entropy: Some fascists go down in a Götterdämmerung, but most die of boredom.

Fascism is in the running to be Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year. But it’s not the right word for the current moment.…/G%C3%B6tterd%C3%A4mmerung
Definition of Götterdämmerung

: a collapse (as of a society or regime) marked by catastrophic
violence and disorder; broadly : downfall the Götterdämmerung of

a collapse (as of a society or regime) marked by catastrophic violence and disorder; broadly : downfall… See the full definition



Popularity: Bottom 40% of words
Examples: downfall in a Sentence
Definition of downfall

1a : a sudden fall (as from power)b : a fall (as of snow or rain) especially when sudden or heavy

2 : something that causes a downfall (as of a person) gambling was his downfall

play \-ˌfȯ-lən\ adjective

Examples of downfall in a Sentence

Their downfall was the result of several bad decisions.

Bad decision-making was their downfall.

sudden fall (as from power); a fall (as of snow or rain) especially
when sudden or heavy; something that causes a downfall (as of a person)…
See the full definition…/the_left_has_changed_the_definiti…/

left has changed the definition of “fascist/fascism” post 2009 to now
include “right wing” in all dictionaries, etc. Proof again why almost

See more…


Authoritarian Governments


World History



What are the differences between authoritarianism, totalitarianism, and fascism?

4 Answers

Cecilieaux Bois de Murier
Cecilieaux Bois de Murier, studied political science, journalist in Washington
Updated Aug 21

and Fascism are forms of authoritarianism, which is governance by an
authority without the option of questioning whatever the authority
orders. The distinctions between the three are mostly a matter of
political theory; applying these labels is usually done very loosely
and, in my opinion, badly.

An authoritarian
government is any ruling political unit in which the person or group in
power tells everyone else what to do, more or less without recourse.
Monarchies without parliament and in which the monarch actually rules,
as well as military governments and dictatorships of the left and the
right can all be correctly identified as authoritarian. Most workplaces
are authoritarian, too; the boss tells you what to do, or else.
Similarly, most families have an authoritarian streak, as do schools.
The basic idea is that what is done is not put to a vote: someone in
authority commands, others obey. Authoritarian governments, as you might
imagine, can cover a very wide range of power regimes.

rule is called this because the power of those who govern extends to
every aspect of life and society; in other words, total rule. They tell
you what to say, what to think, where to live, what to study, where to
work, etc. Obviously, because of the difficulty of controlling large
populations minutely, no pure form of totalitarian government has ever
existed. However, Soviet Communism, German Nazism and Italian Fascism
attempted to be totalitarian, but for very different reasons.

of which brings us to Fascism, which is the historical movement of
Benito Mussolini, who ruled Italy as a dictator from 1929 to 1943. The
word “fascism” comes from the Latin fasces, a bundle of rods tied
around an ax; the members of the movement conceived of themselves as a
tightly wound bundle of people who figuratively chopped down whatever
stood in the way of their ideas. These ideas included the revival of
Italy’s glory as the center of the Roman Empire. It was a nationalist
and ultra-conservative movement similar and allied to German Nazism and
Spanish Falangism, yet distinctly Italian.

Fascism came to power first, its name became a shorthand for any
right-wing authoritarian regime and for the supporters of such rule. The
concept has also been twisted completely out of shape by rhetorical
abuse. For example, Reaganism and Thatcherism (USA and UK in the 1980s),
although ideologically in harmony with many fascist ideas, have been
called fascist even though they operated in a political environment in
which at least a pretense of democratic representation was maintained.

18.3k Views · 35 Upvotes

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Related QuestionsMore Answers Below

What’s the main difference between authoritarianism and totalitarianism?
Is Russia authoritarian or totalitarian?
What is the difference between totalitarianism and fascism?
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What is the difference between fascism and neo-authoritarianism?

Gregory Norton
Gregory Norton, studied at Stanford Graduate School of Business
Answered Jun 16, 2016

The Wikipedia definition of authoritarianism is good “Authoritarianism is a form of government
characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms”
Authoritarianism could be Individualistic or Collectivist, depending on
what range of non-political freedoms exist. Singapore under Lee Kuan Yew
was authoritarian but Individualistic, there was a great deal of
individual and economic freedom.

is state-centric, Collectivist form of authoritarianism in which the
state acknowledges no limits to its authority and seeks to regulate all
aspects of public and private life including religious, artistic,
political, and economic activity. All individuals exist to serve the
state. As Mussolini (one of the originators of the idea) put it, “All
within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”

is more slippery. One part of it is a state-business partnership for
mutual benefit, with the state acting as senior and controlling partner.
A fascist regime is as totalitarian as it can be, given the culture and
legal traditions of the society. It may or may not be militaristic, and
may or may not be internationally aggressive. It may or may not assert
ethnic, national, or racial superiority. Some European political
observers considered the second Wilson administration to be fascist. In
popular usage, “fascist” means little more than “bad” and prone to

6.3k Views · 4 Upvotes

Nathaniel Downes
Nathaniel Downes, A political writer with a focus on Soviet democratic models.
Answered Oct 21, 2016

term Authoritarianism was coined in 1859 as the establishment of order
through a central, elected, authority. Under an Authoritarian model,
uniform elections (not saying if they were fair elections, mind you)
must be held, and by holding them, all those who vote then agree to
abide by the decisions of the elected Authority. The Authority itself
had no power to implement these decisions, and passed them down to lower
bodies to handle the direct implementation.

was coined by the Italian fascists in 1926, “totalitario”, and was a
rejection of Authoritarianism. Under Totalitarianist systems, there was
no pretext of elections or rule by mandate, and only the elite had any
say over the system. Instead of submitting to an authority,
Totalitarians had “total representation of the nation and total guidance
of national goals” through dictates. Unlike Authoritatian systems,
which had a decision making body, and left implementation to smaller
groups, Totalitarian models used a single body to handle both decisions
and implementation.

On the surface it is easy
to claim that Fascism used Totalitarianism and Communism used
Authoritarianism, but in the real world we find that is not always the
case. The root difference was in both how each system claimed their
mandate, and how each system implemented decisions.


Cem (Icy) Onur
Cem (Icy) Onur, brain jockey
Answered Mar 31, 2014
Very, very simplified:

State rules and decides on everything, but some social and economic
institutions exist that are not under governmental control.

Totalitarianism is an extreme version of authoritarianism. Nothing exists but the government.

brings ultra-nationalism to the mix; with a hint of racism. All fascist
governments are authoritarian, but not all authoritarian governments
are fascists. This part would get a bit muddy depending on whose
definition you stick to. I like Umberto Eco’s definition as I can
picture Hitler’s doctrines with them easily.

Definitions of fascism
8.3k Views · 9 Upvotes
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PERFECT HUMAN BEING BRAIN is creation of millions of gods.

A Buddhist Monk explained Pancasila i.e., five precepts thus:

I do not want to be killed by other living beings, so I will not kill any living beings.

I do not want others to steal my things, so I will refrain from stealing.

I do not want others to lie to me, so I will refrain from telling lies.

I do not want my wife/husband to be taken by others, so I will refrain from sexual misconduct.

I will refrain from taking intoxicant drinks, Because I may violate all the above precepts.

I told this to an intelligent man, he asked me to repeat the same and
started noting them in his diary and at the end he put my name. Then I
told him that these are the teachings of the Buddha. But he said that it
was told to him by me, so he put my name.

(1 of 5): Totalitarianism and Fascism are forms of authoritarianism,
which is governance by an authority without the option of questioning
whatever the…
Dear brothers and sisters, Jaibheem to all.
the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and
Religious Minorities, are able to secure our rights guaranteed under the
Constitution of India due to the incessant struggle and matchless
sacrifice of Babasaheb Dr. Bheemrao Ambedkar. But the caste-prejudiced
governments did not implement these rights to the benefit of our people.
As the result, despite the provisions of Constitution, our
socio-economic condition remained worst as before. Hence, Babasaheb
advocated us to form the government on our own by getting united under
one political platform and one leadership. In this direction, he
contemplated to launch the Republican Party of India during his
life-time. But he, perhaps, did not know that he would die so early even
before he could bring his plans into action. He could not complete the
task which was later on completed by Manyawar Kanshi Ram Saheb.

We need to become ruling class if we want to form a casteless society – Saheb Kanshi Ram

About Bahujan Samaj Party

Bahujan Samaj Party
(BSP) or Majority People’s Party is one of the only five prominent national
political parties of India, which is the largest democracy of the world.
Brief Introduction :
The ideology of the
Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) is “Social Transformation and Economic Emancipation”
of the “Bahujan Samaj “, which comprises of the Scheduled Castes (SCs), the
Scheduled Tribes (STs), the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and Religious
Minorities such as Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Parsis and Buddhists and account
for over 85 per cent of the country’s total population.
The people belonging to
all these classes have been the victims of the “Manuwadi” system in the country
for thousands of years, under which they have been vanquished, trampled upon
and forced to languish in all spheres of life. In other words, these people
were deprived even of all those human rights, which had been secured for the
upper caste Hindus under the age-old “Manuwadi Social System”. 

Among the great persons
(Mahapurush) belonging to “Bahujan Samaj”, who fought courageously and with
commitment against the brutal and oppressive Manuwadi system, for providing a
level playing field to the downtrodden to help move forward in their lives with
“self-respect” and at par with the upper castes Hindus, especially Baba Saheb
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar’s socio-political campaign later proved to be very
effective in this direction.
Though the contributions
of leaders of the downtrodden communities like Mahatma Jyotiba Phule,
Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj, Narayana Guru and Periyar E. V. Ramaswami have
been immense in the fight against the obnoxious Manuwadi system, but the
struggle of Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, who was born in Scheduled Caste
community, and that of Manyawar Kanshi Ram Ji later proved to be greatly
effective and pregnant with far-reaching consequences.
Besides waging a
spirited campaign against the Manuwadi Social System, Dr. Ambedkar instilled
consciousness among not only the Dalits, but also among those belonging to
other backward groups, which continue to be victimised and trampled under this
oppressive and unjust Manuvadi Social System.
By virtue of his pivotal
role in the framing of the Indian Constitution, these groups were given a
number of rights in the Constitution on a legal basis to lead a life of dignity
and self-respect. But he was fully conscious of the fact that these exploited
sections of the society would not be able to get the full legal rights as long
as the governments would remain dominated by the Manuwadi persons and parties.
That’s why Dr. Ambedkar,
during his lifetime, had counseled the “Bahujan Samaj” that if they wanted to
fully enjoy the benefits of their legal rights, as enshrined in the
Constitution, they would have to bond together all the Bahujan groups on the
basis of unity and fraternity, bring them on a strong political platform and
capture the “Master Key” of political power. This was to be the modus operandi
for the formation of Bahujan Governments at the Centre and in States. Only such
governments could enforce all the constitutional and legal rights of the
“Bahujan Samaj” and provide opportunities to its People to move forward in all
spheres of life besides enabling them to lead a life of “self-respect”.
Keeping in view this
observation and advice of Dr. Ambedkar, respected Manyawar Kanshi Ram Ji
founded the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), with the help of his associates, on
April 14, 1984. For many years while he enjoyed good health, he prepared the
“Bahujan Samaj” to secure the “master key” of political power, which opens all
the avenues for social and economic development.
However, being a
diabetic and host of other serious ailments, his health did not permit him to
lead an active political life for too long. On December 15, 2001, Manyawar
Kanshi Ram Ji, while addressing a mammoth rally of the BSP at the Lakshman Mela
Ground in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on the banks of the river Gomti, declared
Kumari (Miss) Mayawati Ji, then the lone Vice-President of the Party, as his
only political heir and successor.
Moreover, on September
15, 2003, Manyawar Kanshi Ram Ji’s health suffered a serious setback, and the
entire responsibility of the Party fell on the shoulders of Bahan (Sister)
Kumari Mayawati Ji. Later, on September 18, 2003, the Party, through a
consensus and in keeping with its Constitution, made her its National
Being the National
President of a National Party, Kumari Mayawati Ji in her address sought to
assure that “I would like to make aware people of the country that my Party,
the BSP, is committed to not only improving the socio-economic conditions of
people belonging to the “Bahujan Samaj” but also of the poor among the upper
caste Hindus, small and medium farmers, traders and people engaged in other
But people of the
Manuwadi mindset, even if they are in different fields of life, are acting
under a conspiracy to project the image of the BSP as if it is confined to
championing the cause of Dalits alone and is opposed to the upper castes Hindus
and other sections of the society. Also, the BSP has nothing to do with the
issues of national interest. However, on the basis of facts, I can say with
firmness and conviction that all such talks are a bunch of lies, baseless and
devoid of facts and are nothing else more than a slanderous campaign of the
status quoits Manuwadi forces. The policies, objectives and ideology of the BSP
are crystal clear and attuned to the welfare of the entire country and its vast
On the basis of its
ideology, the BSP wants to sound the death-knell of the “Manuwadi Social
System” based on the ‘Varna’ (which is an inequality social system) and
striving hard and honestly for the establishment of an egalitarian and
“Humanistic Social System” in which everyone enjoys JUSTICE (social, economic
and political) and EQUALITY (of status and of opportunity) as enshrined in the
PREAMBLE of the Constitution.
Further, our Party
Constitution very clearly states that “the chief aim and objective of the Party
shall be to work as a revolutionary social and economic movement of change with
a view to realise, in practical terms, the supreme principles of universal
justice, liberty, equality and fraternity enunciated in the Constitution of
Such a social system is
wholly in the overall interest of the Country and all sections of the society
too. If, in this missionary work of “Social Transformation”, people of the
upper castes (Hindus) shed their Manuwadi mindset and join hands with the
Bahujan Samaj, our Party, with all due respect and affection would embrace
them. Such people will be given suitable positions in the Party organisation in
accordance with their ability, dedication and efficiency, and there would be no
distinction between them and those belonging to the Bahujan Samaj. Also they
will be fielded as Party candidates in the parliamentary and assembly
elections, and if our government is formed, they will also be given ministerial
These are not hollow
talks because the BSP in the past, during the three successive governments, had
implemented all such promises. In Uttar Pradesh, Ms. Mayawati government was
formed four times, and on each occasion, upper castes people were inducted in
the Council of Ministers. Even an upper caste person was appointed to an
all-important post of Advocate General. They were given the Party ticket for
Lok Sabha and Assembly elections and also nominated to the Parliament’s Upper
Chamber i.e. Rajya Sabha and state Legislative Councils.
In addition, upper caste
people have been given high posts in the Party organisation. For example, Mr.
Satish Chandra Mishra was nominated to the Rajya Sabha and also was made
national general secretary of the Party. In similar fashion, other castes of
the Upper Castes (Hindus) were promoted.
Thus, keeping in view
all these facts, it would be injudicious and fallacious to hold that the BSP
works for the welfare of a particular group or section. Yes, the Party does
give priority to those sections, which have been ignored and scorned all along
by the Manuwadi governments in all spheres of life. In addition, the BSP has
always contributed positively to all issues pertaining to the welfare of the
Country. The BSP has always taken an unequivocal stand on issues of the
Country’s welfare and never compromised on the issues related to the interest
of the country whenever the need arose.
Aims and Objectives
The chief aim and
objective of the party shall be to work as a revolutionary social and economic
movement of change with a view to realise, in practical terms, the supreme
principles of universal justice, liberty, equality and fraternity enunciated in
the Constitution of India, to be followed by State in governance, and in
particular summed up in the following extract from the Preamble of the
having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SECULAR
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
Justice, social, economic and political;
 of thought, expression,
belief, faith and worship;
 of status and
opportunity; and promote among them all
 assuring the dignity of
the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;”
The Party shall regard
its ideology as a movement for ending exploitation of the weaker sections and
suppression of the deprived through social and economic change in keeping with
the above stated chief aim, and its political activity and participation in
governance as an instrument of furthering such a movement and bringing in such
a change.
This being the chief aim
of the Party, the strategy of the Party in public affairs will be governed by
the following general principles:
1. That all citizens of
India being equal before law are entitled to be treated as equal in true sense
and in all matters and all walks of life, and where equality does not exist it
has to be fostered and where equality is denied it has to be upheld and fought
2. That the full, free,
uninhibited and unimpeded development of each individual is a basic human right
and State is an instrument for promoting and realising such development;
3. That the rights of
all citizens of India as enshrined in the Constitution of India and subject to
such restrictions as are set out in the Constitution, have to be upheld at all
costs and under all circumstances;
4. That the provisions
of the Constitution requiring the State at Center and in States to promote with
special care and protect the socio-economic interests of the weaker sections of
the society denied to them for centuries, have to upheld and given practical
shape in public affairs as a matter of prime most priority.
5. That economic
disparities and the wide gaps between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ must not
be allowed to override the political principle of “one man, one vote, one vote,
one value” adopted by our republic.
6. That unless political
empowerment is secured for the economically deprived masses they will not be
able to free themselves from the shackles of economic and social dependence and
In particular and
without prejudice to the generality of the aims stated above the Party will
work specially towards the following objectives:
1. The Scheduled Castes,
the Scheduled Tribes, the other Backward Castes, and the minorities, are the
most oppressed and exploited people in India. Keeping in mind their large
numbers, such a set of people in India is known as the Bahujan Samaj. The Party
shall organise these masses.
2. The party shall work
for these down trodden masses to
 to remove their
 to fight against their
oppression and exploitation;
 to improve their status
in society and public life;
 to improve their living
conditions in day to day life;
2. The social structure
of India is based on inequalities created by caste system and the movement of
the Party shall be geared towards changing the social system and rebuild it on
the basis of equality and human values. All those who join the party with the
commitment to co-operate in this movement of social change shall be ingratiated
into the fold of the Party.
Towards the furtherance
of the above noted aims and objectives the organisational units of Party as
designated in this constitution, shall be empowered to:-
1. purchase, take on lease or otherwise acquire, and maintain, moveable or
immovable property for the Party and invest and deal with monies of Party in
such a manner as may from time to time be determined;
2. raise money with or
without security for carrying out any of the aims and objectives of the Party;
3. to do all other
lawful things and acts as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any
of the aforesaid aims and objectives,
Provided that none of
these activities will be undertaken without the express approval of the
National President.

आओ चलें उन्नति एवं सत्य की ओर!

आओ चलें उन्नति एवं सत्य की ओर!

Routes: When Manyawar Kanshi Ram Saheb decided to revive the
Ambedkarite movement, the movement was almost extinct. People had almost
forgotten about the movement. Kanshi Ram Saheb made a deep study as to
the conditions which caused the failure of Ambedkarite movement. He saw
that most of the followers of Babasaheb were out of the movement.  He
started probing the reasons which led to the discontinuation of the
movement followed by the death of Babasaheb Ambedkar. He, after a
thorough study, understood that the failure of Ambedkarite movement was
caused due to the lack of ‘non-political routes’ among the Bahujan Samaj
and hence, he decided to strengthen the non-political routes to create
the ‘non-purchasable leadership’. He realized that only that society
with strong non-political routes would produce the ‘non-purchasable’
missionary leaders. Thus he decided to prepare the non-political routes
of the society by preparing the educated employees and youths. Before
launching the Bahujan Samaj Party, he started the BAMCEF and DS-4 to
prepare the educated employees and youth from among the SC/ST/OBCs and
Religious Minorities. He devoted the best part of his life to strengthen
the non-political routes of Bahujan Samaj.
of Cadre Camps: Maha Mayawati Ji  joined the Ambedkarite movement when
Kanshi Ram Saheb was organizing the employees under the banner of
BAMCEF. Seeing my dedication to the movement and capabilities, he
started encouraging her. But the senior members could not tolerate it.
They began opposing Saheb arguing, “How can you project a most junior
person ignoring seniors like us? If you continue to project her too
much, we will leave the organization”. Kanshi Ramji replied them sternly
saying, “If you are thinking to leave tomorrow, it is better for you to
leave today itself. Why postpone it?” All these old members, who are
mostly from Maharashtra and Punjab, left the movement even before Saheb
launched BSP. They went out of BAMCEF and formed their own BAMCEF
outfit. They had even got it registered. Today there are several outfits
of BAMCEF and nobody knows how many outfits are there. Our people have
not gone with them. These seniors went alone and remained alone, but the
people and workers have remained with the movement. Nobody got
disturbed over their exit. Do you know why the workers and people did
not follow those old members?
were the honest people who were solidly prepared by Manyawar Kanshi Ram
Saheb through cadre camps. Cadrization is the only way to prepare
missionary workers and society. Saheb, with his team of missionary
cadres, was able to create new leadership. He went on to start DS-4 and
finally BSP on April 14, 1984. The workers and society remained with the
movement only because they were prepared through the means of
cadrization. Saheb had rejuvenated the Ambedkarite movement only by
conducting cadres.
to Elders: Maha Mayawti Ji  have been telling you to build the party
organization by preparing the workers through cadre camps. But you are
more interested in conducting public rallies, meetings and programs. You
are yet to understand the fact that workers cannot be created by
conducting public programs. There are many things which cannot be told
in the public meetings. Workers cannot be prepared ideologically in
public meetings. We can sustain the movement only by preparing the young
generation through cadre camps. I am seeing an unhealthy development
with old members of our party. They are interchanging their posts among
themselves to prevent the entry of others and new blood into the
movement. This kind of attitude of old workers will lead to stagnation.
This is not good from the viewpoint of party’s progress. She  strictly
warn you to change this unhealthy habit. If you do not prepare the
younger generation, our movement will end gradually. We must have a
minimum of 50% young and educated members in every level of party’s
organization. If you, the old leaders, do not accommodate the younger
generation into the party, she will have to take strict action against
dreamt by Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar, Manyawar Kanshi Ram Saheb launched
the political party, namely, Bahujan Samaj Party on April 14, 1984.  We,
by following the footsteps of our ancestors and guidance of Manyawar
Kanshi Ram Saheb, are able to form our own government for four times in
Uttar Pradesh in the past. As the result, we are able to improve the
socio-economic condition of our people in Uttar Pradesh. We are able to
secure the constitutional rights of our people. We are also able to
build memorials, statues and parks in the honor of our ancestors. But we
could not succeed to form our government in other states. As the
result, atrocities against our people are continuing unabatedly.
Exploitation of the poor has not been ended.
of EVMs by BJP :  Our failure to form our own government in other
states has helped the BJP to defeat us in Uttar Pradesh. They found that
BSP is strong only in UP and not in other states and hence they thought
that if they could finish us in UP, BSP will die a natural death in all
other states. That is how they focused their entire strength to defeat
us in UP. However, they could not win through fair means. They had to
resort to fraudulent way of tampering the electronic voting machines
(EVMs) to defeat us.
and company had used the EVMs in 2014 itself to win the General
Election. We thought that it was the mandate against the scams-ridden
and scandals-tainted rule of Congress. But the election results of the
five states held in March 2017 have exposed the EVM scandal of BJP. They
could not win in Punjab, Uttarkhand, Goa and Manipur. In Goa and
Manipur, Congress party got lead over the BJP. But BJP leaders have
managed the other MLAs form their governments. In Uttarkhand, it was the
internal quarrel of the Congress that gave a lead to the BJP. In
Punjab, the anti-incumbency factor of Akali Dal gave the victory to
Congress. BJP, being the partner of Akali Dal, lost the election. In all
the above four states, they did not tamper with the EVMs and the
results were on the expected lines. But in Uttar Pradesh, nobody
expected that BJP would get such a huge margin of victory. The senior
bureaucrats of UP, who are usually the first to know the results in
advance, were making preparations to welcome the BSP Government. They
were utterly surprised when the results were announced. I, seeing the
trend of results late in the morning, went to the press and exposed the
EVM fraud. Later on, we also launched nation-wide struggle against the
fraud of EVMs and legal battle to get the VVPAT incorporated with EVMs.
Thus, we are confronting the BJP at every step.
Mischief in Saharanpur: It is to be understood that we are the only one
who are challenging the RSS agenda of BJP rulers during the past three
years. Be it the death of Rohit Vemula in Hyderabad University, attack
against SC/STs in Una of Gujarat, Vyapam scandal of Madya Pradesh or
lynching of Muslims in Dadri, I vehemently opposed and exposed them in
the Rajya Sabha.  Hence, the BJP leaders had been hatching plans to
choke our voice. They are planning to isolate BSP from other communities
and limit us only to Dalits. That is why they managed to create clashes
between SC/STs and the Jat community in Saharanpur. They are also able
to use a SC/ST organization in their conspiracy. I have clearly
understood the game-plan of BJP behind the Saharanpur clashes. I decided
to expose them in the Parliament. When I gave the notice to speak on
the Saharanpur issue in the Rajya Sabha on July 18, 2017, they were
afraid that their mischief would get exposed and hence they did not
allow me to speak. Even the ministers also joined the chorus to prevent
my speech. I went to the Parliament to give voice to the aspirations of
people and find redresses to their woes. The issue of Sabbirpur in
Saharanpur is a very serious one in which a Dalit was killed, several
others were injured and their houses were burnt. If I am not allowed to
do justice to my aggrieved people and not able to protect them, why
should I remain in the Parliament? BJP people may try to silence me. But
I, being Babasaheb’s daughter and Kanshi Ram Saheb’s disciple, cannot
be silenced by anyone. I decided to resign my Rajya Sabha membership as
Babasaheb Ambedkar did in 1951. I, after quitting the Rajya Sabha seat,
have also decided to tour the whole country to prepare our people and
strengthen our movement in every state. We must put an end to all kinds
of exploitations by forming our government.- said Maha Mayawati Ji.
Faith in the Success of our Movement: The BJP has become strong not
because of its own strength, but because of the failure of other
parties. Presently, you may be thinking that we can succeed if we join
the UPA / Congress and other parties. These parties are in such pitiable
conditions that they cannot be of any use to us. We must achieve the
success on our own strength without depending on any other party. In
fact, only we can challenge and defeat the casteist, communal and
pro-capitalist BJP. Other than BSP, no other party has got the
determination and morality to challenge BJP. Do not lose your faith in
the success of our movement. Do not lose your heart in the face of odd
situations. Our ancestors had faced much more tough situations, but they
did not lose heart. Babasaheb Ambedkar and Manyawar Kanshi Ramji were
neither disappointed nor did they get discouraged when they faced severe
challenges and setbacks. Look at me. Have you ever seen me
disheartened, sad and disappointed? Every tough situation has made me
tougher and made me to move ahead with greater determination. When I
took over the charge of party’s president post, I had faced toughest
time of my life. Our old leaders such as Phulsingh Barayya and Davuram
Ratnakar betrayed the movement by playing in the hands of other parties.
But I was not disappointed. I carried ahead the movement all alone. I
always enjoyed my work. You must also do your work with great joy. Do
not think that success brings us joy. On the other hand it is the joy
that brings us success. We must carry our struggles with great
celebration and bliss. The present situation may look very critical and
depressing. But we can convert this situation to our advantage by our
determination and hard work.
Action Plan:
    •    Starting from September 18, 2017, Maha Mayawati Ji  will be having programs in Uttar Pradesh on every month of 18.
 •   She will also  be visiting other states of the country at least
once in a year to address the party workers. All these states have been
grouped in nine zones. These programs are not for the public. They are
only for the party workers of all levels – starting from state to booth
level. In these programs, she will be personally verifying the progress
of formation of committees. These programs are to be conducted in the
name of ‘Grand Conference of Workers’ (Karyakarthan ka Vishal
    •    The nine zones with states inherent and the dates of Behanji’s programs are as follows:
    •    Bhopal Zone (Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgad) – Dec. 12, 2017.
    •    Jaipur Zone (Rajastan, Gujarat) – Nov. 30, 2017.
    •    Nagpur Zone (Maharashtra, Telangana, AP, Orissa) – Dec. 10, 2017.
    •    Bangalore Zone (Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Puducherry) – Nov. 26, 2017.
    •    Patna Zone (Bihar, West Bengal, Jarkhand) – Jan. 30, 2018.
    •    Delhi Zone – Jan. 28, 2018.
    •    Chandigad Zone(Chandigad, Punjab, Haryana) – Feb. 25, 2018.
    •    Kangada Zone (Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh) – Feb. 27, 2018.
    •    Nova Zone – Uttarkhand -  March 4, 2018.

    •    The above programs will continue every year on the above dates without any change.
    •    You have to mobilize funds for the above programs and also for the elections on your own.
 •    Now that we are increasing the pace of our movement in a greater
speed, we must mobilize more funds to achieve greater success. Ours is a
self-respect movement. Self-respect movement can succeed only with
self-help. We are not taking funds from business houses and corporate
companies. Collecting money through membership is one source for us. Now
we must restart the collection of funds on my birthday every year as we
were doing earlier. With these two sources, we can manage our party
activities. Office-bearers of every state  declared their respective
contribution. Tamilnadu and Karnataka office-bearers declared to
contribute Rs. 25 lakh each. Kerala leaders declared Rs. 10 lakhs and
Puducherry leaders declared Rs. 2 lakhs. These funds must be collected
before Dec. 31 and deposited at the Central Office in the first week of
Jan. 2018. No receipt books to be printed. If it is printed, the
responsible persons will be expelled from the party. Funds must be
collected through registers in the name of Jankalyan Diwas. Similarly,
you must also deposit the membership money with the Central Office as
and when you enroll the members.
    •    Collection of funds on the
eve of my birthday must continue in future, whether I am alive or not.
It must become a tradition for the Bahujan Samaj to collect money for
running the movement.
With these words, I conclude my speech. Jaibheem, Jaibharath”.

Contemplation: Humility!
Incredible Monasteries of the World,Bringing Nature to Life…,Easy Stomach Crunch Exercises,The farmers, belonging to 184 farmers organisations across India, have
come to Delhi after a more than 10,000 kilometers long march organized
by the umbrella organization All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination
Committee (AIKSCC).

All but admitting that Google is engaged in censorship, Eric Schmidt,
executive chairman of Google’s parent company Alphabet, announced that
Google will create algorithms designed to “de-rank” web sites such as RT
and Sputnik on its news delivery services.

Inline image 1


puts a hand out to nothing extra, but simply takes what’s there;
whether that is food or clothing or understanding. Sometimes there is a
lot available and sometimes only little. It doesn’t matter. Even when
you understand nothing, there is no worry, for in humility there is the
trust that if a person feels themselves to be a child of God, everything
will come anyway, at the right time.

What about the self?

time for the self can save time for the self. We have to spend much
time earning to support ourselves and caring for other members of our
family. But what about the self? We are busy checking our children’s
thoughts, words and actions, what about your own. It is important to
make sure our thoughts, words and actions are what we would like our
loved ones to have. If the foundation is weak, is it sufficient to fill
up the cracks in the walls that continue to appear.

In your
dealings with others if there can be deeper communication, greater
accuracy and clarity, then think how much time can be can be saved. Our
thoughts are our closest companions.

Inner Freedom Meditation Experience

Experience the following thoughts one after the other:

I relax…
I release all tensions… 
I create a space of silence… 
I move towards my inner self, letting my thoughts gradually focus on the experience of peace…
a few moments I reflect on all the things that affect me, that have a
negative influence on me, the people, the situations; everything that
stops me from achieving a state of inner freedom…
Around me I visualize a luminous circle (circle of light); there is a great power of silence…
I feel protected inside this circle of subtle spiritual power… 
Nothing can take away my positivity, my inner peace, my strength and wisdom…
I can be free to think and feel what I choose. Internally I am free. I am not at the mercy of anyone or any situation…


Soul Sustenance

Experiencing the Stage of Being a Detached Observer

Experience the stage of being a detached observer by gradually creating the following thoughts: 

am aware of the present moment and of time… The whole world is out
there… I let go for a moment of what is happening around me… It is
as if the world continues to turn, but I have stopped for a few minutes
and turned into an observer… Mentally, I take a step back… I look
around me as if I were in the inside of a room… the room of my mind…
In this place, I can be with myself… at peace… calm… free… Here
I do not have pressures, or worries, or fears… Nothing and nobody can
influence me… I can think… see things as they really are… 

am sitting like an observer, seeing through two windows… These
windows are my eyes… I am not my eyes… I am aware of who is looking
through these eyes, a tiny sparkling star like energy, the soul… I am
different from everything I am seeing… I perceive that separation
between the observer and the observed… I observe the things that
surround me without judging, without analyzing… I simply observe,
remaining at peace with myself… 

I see this world as a stage of
a great unlimited theatre play… each human being is an actor, a soul
playing their own role via their physical body… I simply observe from
my inner room… things come and go… nothing is permanent… I do not
need to worry about anything or anybody… I let things be… flow… I
am at peace… calmed… I share this vibration of peace with all that
surrounds me. 


Message for the day 

The one who teaches others never makes time his teacher. 

Projection: When
the situation demands or forces us to change, we can usually bring
about a change. But rarely do we find ourselves changing before time and
being ready for the situations that are to come. So, we face a lot of
difficulty during the time we are facing a problem. 

Solution: We
need to have the simple aim to keep learning from everything that
happens. With this aim we will be able to learn and be ready even before
time forces us to change. Then we will be able to give the right
direction to others, too, at the right time. 

Incredible Monasteries of the World

are places of both physical beauty and spiritual significance. They are
ancient, with a rich history behind them. They are the monasteries of
the world and some of them are simply breathtakingly beautiful, with a
fascinating past to boot. These are the ones most worth visiting.

Thiksey Monastery
beautiful monasteries

monastery is located on top a hill in the Indus Valley, just East of
the Capital of Ladkah, India This monastery includes a temple known as
Lakhang Nyerma, dedicated to Goddess Dorje Chenmo. It used to be an
incredibly popular and important temple, but today it is mostly a ruin,
but still houses many sacred shrines, relics and valuable artifacts.
beautiful monasteries

Grigoriou Monastery
beautiful monasteries

monastery can be found on the South-West slope of Mount Athos in
Greece. It is dedicated to Saint Nicholas. Built during the 14th
century, it is considered as one of the most well organized cenobitic
monasteries. It usually serves as a home for about 70 monks. In 1779,
its walls were built and decorated.
Yumbulagang Monastery
beautiful monasteries

beautiful monastery can be found perched on a small hill, 9 km south of
Tsetang, Tibet. Yumbulagang, in Tibetan dialect means ‘Palace of mother
and son’. The monastery was built over 2000 years ago, destroyed and
rebuilt. The walls of this extraordinary monastery are adorned and
painted with murals of the early history of Tibet.
beautiful monasteries
Tibet Potala Palace
beautiful monasteries

Potala Palace is located on the Marpo Ri Hill, Tibet Another amazing
monastery from Tibet, the Potala palace perches over 130 meters above
the Lhasa Valley, and rises another 170 meters on top of that. It is the
most monumental structure in all of Tibet. In ancient legends, there is
a sacred cave inside the palace which was used as a meditation retreat
by the emperor during the 7th century AD.
beautiful monasteries

beautiful monasteries

Tiger’s Nest Monastery
beautiful monasteries

have to look way, way up to find this monastery, as it’s located about
3000 meters off the ground, on a high cliff in Paro Valley, Bhutan. This
is perhaps the most famous monastery in Bhutan. Hanging off a
precipitous cliff at 3,120 meters (10,240 ft), about 900 meters (3,000
ft) above the Paro valley, The name ‘Tiger’s Nest’ came from a legend
that a famous guru once flew over the Himalaya on the back of a tigress
during the 7th century. He then proceeded to meditate in a cave for 3
months before leaving. This cave is where the monastery was built, and
is said to be the origin of Buddhism in Bhutan. 
beautiful monasteries

Kye Monastery
beautiful monasteries

monastery built close to the sky, this structure sits at an altitude of
4,116 meters (13,500 feet), in Spiti Valley, India. Dating back to 1000
AD, This is a very popular religious destination for Buddhists. During
its 1000 years, it has seen many attacks, (mostly by Mongols) but
survived them all. 
beautiful monasteries

Madonna Del Sasso Monastery
beautiful monasteries

beautiful renaissance-style monastery can be found in Locarno,
Switzerland, where it brightens the view of anyone visiting the town. It
was consecrated in 1487 on the spot where, legends say, the Holy Virgin
appeared before Brother Bartholomeo of the San Francesco Monastery 7
years previous. 
beautiful monasteries

Monastery of St. Martin
beautiful monasteries

monastery lies in the South of France, on Canigou Mountain (near the
Spanish border). This is one of the most incredible monuments in the
area and has a history that goes back to the middle ages, the 11th
century, to be exact. It was built by the Count of Cerdanya as atonement
for the murder of his own son. The monastery has been traditionally
housed with Benedicitine monks. 
beautiful monasteries

Hozoviotissa Monastery, Amorgos
beautiful monasteries

see this white and mysterious monastery, you will need to travel to the
isles of Amorgos, in Greece. This beautiful island is the home of this
famous monastery, built in the 11th century as an ode to the beauty of
Panagia - the Virgin Mary, who is also the protector of this island. 
beautiful monasteries

beautiful monasteries

Bringing Nature to Life…

a deep breath and relax… Listen to the music while slowly scrolling
down these photos of gentle movement in the world. Pick one and stare
for a minute. Notice your breathing becoming easier, your head getting
quieter, and your mood lifting. Enjoy this quiet moment whenever you
need it.








































Easy Stomach Crunch Exercises

the summer when inclemet weather is upon us, it’s easy to stay home and
become lazy, letting our stomach grow. But with back aches, cramps, leg
and joint pain, making that belly bigger can be very uncomfortable.
Here are some exercises that are not only easy and simple, but can be
done inside the house so as to keep your belly tight and your health
problems down. Do it to reduce back pain, reduce belly fat, tighten your
belly muscles, and avoid joint pain. 

Pick a few to do for 20 minutes each day, and you’ll be feeling a lot better once summer turns up again!


תרגיל לבטן

Opposite Contact

תרגיל לבטן


תרגיל לבטן

Whole body crunch

תרגיל לבטן

Power strengthening of the Stomach

תרגיל לבטן

תרגיל לבטן…/protesting-farmers-hold-t…/

The farmers, belonging to 184 farmers organisations across India, have
come to Delhi after a more than 10,000 kilometers long march organized
by the umbrella organization All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination
Committee (AIKSCC). The farmers have come together basically on two
demands- freedom from debt and remunerative prices for farm produce.
They are holding a Kisan Mukti Sansad (Farmers’ Freedom Parliament) and
passed two bills encompassing the two demands.

than 3 lakh suicides in three decades and millions of other lives
ruined would qualify as a national disaster forcing the government to
tackle it all guns blazing in……/google-announces-moves-to…/
All but admitting that Google is engaged in censorship, Eric Schmidt,
executive chairman of Google’s parent company Alphabet, announced that
Google will create algorithms designed to “de-rank” web sites such as RT
and Sputnik on its news delivery services.

but admitting that Google is engaged in censorship, Eric Schmidt,
executive chairman of Google’s parent company Alphabet, announced that
Google will create algorithms designed to “de-rank” web …
Mobile numbers


Anand Bhanteji919342175437
Babu Jaiprakash919900705642
Babu Yagnesh919900467627
Baby Prabu Amar919242513103
Balu Dikaram919886378361
BAMCEF Amuratha919482504257
BAMCEF Banuprak919844955156
BAMCEF Bheemcha919035487536
BAMCEF CIL Murt919845972067
BAMCEF Dr Gajen919880595603
BAMCEF Dr Ravic919845459590
BAMCEF G Ullal919686453105
BAMCEF Hennur L919343759849
BAMCEF Ilangova919739728629
BAMCEF Jayaseel919901880018
BAMCEF Manjunat919448612636
BAMCEF MV Rajai919986049752
BAMCEF Nagaraj919448357523
BAMCEF Rahulcha919036880833
BAMCEF Ramasamy919620185910
BAMCEF SHIV919845263857
BAMCEF Sukumara919448895329
BAMCEF T Raja919740645893
BAMCEF Thiyagar919445007640
BAMCEF Vasudeva919886222892
BAMCEF Venugopa919449626486
Banandur Kempaiah919448485970
BEL Thiruvengad919449070011
Bodidatta Bhante919844433433
BSP Armstrong919840022230
BSP Ashok Kumar919415902760
BSP Ayyappa Ram919845871274
BSP Balu919341276264
BSP Bennifilm919841809215
BSP Bulla Subbharao919844041482
BSP Camera Murthy919880285671
BSP Chandrakanth919342577655
BSP Chandramohan919717122213
BSP Chengappa919448353132
BSP Chikkanna919880069518
BSP Dhanpal919480037574
BSP Dr Rahul919819336343
BSP Eashwar919980827264
BSP Ethiraj919449804040
BSP Gajender919845177314
BSP Gajendran GTRE919845177414
BSP Gangadhar919945608362
BSP Gopinath919448691707
BSP Gunasekhar919845103370
BSP Hanumantha919845604451
BSP Jain919844559009
BSP Jigini Shankar919448078348
BSP Kamalanabhan B919844019273
BSP Kesvel919341853566
BSP Kittaiah919945694315
BSP Kodand Ran919901144330
BSP Koramangala Muniappa919880591109
BSP Krishnakumar919371991219
BSP Lakshmi Gopinath919448693684
BSP Lokesh919739360973
BSP Mahesh N919448468972
BSP Mangesh Dhaiwala919823460581
BSP Marasandra Muniappa919845328365
BSP Mayavel919902964992
BSP Mohan Kumar919448523792
BSP Muniappa R919980606657
BSP Murthy919632694438
BSP Muthuraj919448350455
BSP NTC Anantram919845054974
BSP PP Lakshman919176646566
BSP Praful Shak919421803004
BSP Prasanna Kumar919880549723
BSP Rahatbi919901819532
BSP Raja GP919611577988
BSP Rajanand919243436464
BSP Rajanna919379443447
BSP Ravikeerthi919739743235
BSP Rly Venkatesh919844393908
BSP Sadiq919945500233
BSP Salma919880438471
BSP Shivanna919632582987
BSP Shivaraj919900267669
BSP Shivram919886633850
BSP Shoba Bellari919972266418
BSP Shyamala919611215970
BSP Somanna919880536696
BSP SRINIVAS919880273707
BSP Srinivas BT919845057417
BSP Suresh Mane919869089814
BSP Syed Mansoo919845028113
BSP TN Manivannan919944003320
BSP Tulsida919243120511
BSP Uttrapathi919865526927
BSP Veerappa919742599547
BSP Velu919845024779
BSP Venkanna919035172901
BSP Venu919341705642
BSP Vijayaraj B919792053527
CO IBNTIP A919986168992
CO IBNTIP D919972015169
CO IBNTIP G919916532612
CO IBNTIP H919448062419
CO IBNTIP I919686577301
CO IBNTIP J919449964665
CO IBNTIP Jagdish917760998959
CO IBNTIP S919341567986
Composit Rajendran919902759986
D Manoj919845387834
D Satishkumar919880932777
Deepam Chandrasekhar919844058876
Devendran IAS919845814951
Doordarshan P Munikrishna919449551163
Dr Hemant919845169577
Dr Narendrakumar919886185803
Dr Rajan 919980962986
Dr Satyawati919448827103
Dr Surendra919845528843
DSS MohanRaj919845467552
IBNTIP Chandan919343830225
IBNTIP Ganesh919844720969
IBNTIP Harshith919740812331
IBNTIP Jagdish918123268239
IBNTIP Kumarsami919845105366
IBNTIP Mayuri919743888344
IBNTIP Praful919019820185
IBNTIP Puttappa919449864400
IBNTIP Ritesh919538901564
Jose Computer919342570677
Karthik Raja919845188332
Kumar MJ919242406453
MAMCEF Borlinga918904486336
Manjunath J919844054746
Mayimen Spastic919845048243
Muniswamy IPS919449085580
Murali Siddha919444061816
Nehru Prasad919844099029
Pramila Manoj919535104231
Prem Amar919980473337
Ragu Advocate919341666124
Ramesh UPS919845658199
Sendil Kumar919945118174
Swim Life919845192047
Swimmer Chandrika919449156695
Swimmer Govind919480079437
Swimmer Kumar advocate919880866657
Swimmer Kumar medicines919449822834
Swimmer Muthukrishnan919449832876
Swimmer Pradeepkumar919945810593
Swimmer Ravikumar919449658155
Swimmer Satish Kumar919902728686
Swimmer Sindhia919880135178
Upasak Krishnamurti919448375267
Upasak Murali919900001625
Upasaka Dr Poorneshwar919448250325
Upasaka Honnappa919972919333
Upasaka Jotappa919341991206
Upasaka Kumar919845703702
Upasaka Mavalli Shanker919845027463
Vanita Mary919845674313
Venkatesh Maruthi919945235518

comments (0)
2139 Wed 15 Feb 2017 LESSONS BSP has awakened the people of Jambudvipa/Prabuddha Bharat for awakeness on the need to acquire the master key to sort all their problems for Sarvajan Hitay Sarvajan Sukhaya I.e., for welfare, happiness and peace of all societies. 1. The necessity to prevent the tampering , distorting and rigging the EVMs after watching the recent video: खबरदार चुनाव जीतने के लिए भाजपा EVM से छेड़छाड़ कर सकती है | BJP may distort EMV to win election खबरदार चुनाव जीतने के लिए भाजपा EVM से छेड़छाड़ कर सकती है | BJP may distort EMV to win election The Chief Architect of our Modern Constitution Dr BR Ambedkar’s Constitution if full of kindness and Compassion. Many number of evil doers could be let loose but not a single innocent should be punished. The Buddha reformed Angulimals. That is what our jails do. Some people are caught but many are out!
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 3:42 am

2139 Wed 15 Feb 2017


BSP has awakened the people of
Jambudvipa/Prabuddha Bharat for awakeness on the need to acquire the
master key to sort all their problems for Sarvajan Hitay Sarvajan
Sukhaya I.e., for welfare, happiness and peace of all societies.

1. The necessity to prevent the tampering , distorting and rigging the
EVMs after watching the recent video:

खबरदार चुनाव जीतने के लिए भाजपा EVM से छेड़छाड़ कर सकती है | BJP may distort EMV to win election
खबरदार चुनाव जीतने के लिए भाजपा EVM से छेड़छाड़ कर सकती है | BJP may distort EMV to win election

The Chief Architect of our Modern Constitution Dr BR Ambedkar’s Constitution if full of kindness and Compassion.

Many number of evil doers could be let loose but not a single innocent should be punished.

The Buddha reformed Angulimals.

That is what our jails do.

Some people are caught but many are out!

Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)’s administration has been considered complicit in the 2002 Gujarat riots,
criticised for its handling of it, although a court found no evidence
to prosecute Modi.His administration has been criticised for failing to
significantly improve health, poverty, and education indices in the

Modi led the BJP in the 2014 general election, which gave the party a majority in the Lok Sabha by tampering, rigging and distorting the EVM.

ex CJI Sathasivam had committed a grave error of judgement ordering
that the EVMs could be replaced in a phased mannaer as suggested by the
ex CEC sampath becaused of the cost of Rs 1600 crores invloved in
replacing the entire EVMs. But Modi commissioned the statue of a
anti-reservation leader at a cost of Rs 3000 crores and another RSSised
leader at the same cost.

But the present CEC said that the entire EVMs will be replaced only in 2019.

But none of them ordered to use Ballot papers as followed by the 80 democries of the world.

The BSP of Ms Mayawti won 80% seats in UP Panchayat Elections while it  lost all its 2014 Lok sabha elections.

world is waiting for the CJI and CEC to dissolve the Central and all
the state governments selected by these EVMs and go for fresh polls with
Ballot papers until the entire EVMs were replaced.

Those who exposed the EVMs were punished while those who are distorting it to win are not punished.

During the electoral campaign for the 2014
Lok Sabha polls, Modi promised that all the black money that had left
Indian shores would be recovered and Rs 15 lakh deposited in the bank
accounts of every Citizen of this country.

plus his daily expenses including free food, car an all transportation, free day to day foreign trips etc., etc.

What is the source of Modi’s personal wealth?

declared that he used to sell tea during his youth. That obviously
indicates an impoverished background. How did he manage to amass such
substantial wealth( according to his affidavit, 1.51 crores in total) ?

Residential Buildings
Total Area 3531.45 SQ. FT.
Built Up Area 169.81 SQ. FT.
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2002-10-25
Purchase Cost 1,30,488.00
Development Cost 2,47,208.00

The other wealth Rs. 51 Lakhs is made up of bank deposits.
Refer the links from :
  • Indian Express news item on Oct 2014 : Narendra Modi and his ministers declare assets: Here’s what they own
  • India Today Dec 2012 : Narendra Modi declares his income, owns assets over Rs 1 crore


  • It is equally well known that many wealthy Indians have deposited their
    illicit monies in secret Swiss bank accounts and tax havens elsewhere
    around the world. As per credible estimates, these amounts range between
    $500 billion (Rs. 25,00,000 crore) and $1400 billion (Rs. 70,00,000

    Read more at:

    This is not so surprising .India is the world`s most corrupt
    country.Corruption is not new in India.Recently due to international
    pressure, Swiss government agreed to disclose the names of the account
    holders only if the respective government formally asked for it.

    Black money in Swiss banksSwiss Banking Association report, 2006 details bank deposits in the territory of Switzerland by nationals of following countries:
    Top five

    India—- $1,456 billion

  • Switzerland
    makes no deals with other countries and is one of the most secure
    places on the Earth. They are neutralists. Just to go through the
    airport every single person had to walk through a metal detector, then
    wanded with a metal detector, had their bagged scanned, shoes looked in
    AND were patted down when I was there.
  • Wikileaks  List of Indian people having account in Swiss Bank :
  • Click on the picture to enlarge: Black Money in Swiss Bank ListPic Source:

WIKI LEAKS Published 1st List of black money holders in SWISS bank……
The Top Most 24 members are…..(money is in CRORES)
1 - L.K.Advani (5600)
2 - Chiranjeevi(7800)
3 - karunanidhi (158000)
4 - Jagan (82000)
5 - V.S achutanandan (15040)
6 - Dhasari Narayana (28900)
7 - Ahmed Patel (9000)
8 - Big B (150000)
9 - Harish Rawat (75000)
10 - Allu Arvind(28000)
11 - balasaheb thakrey (59700)
12 - Sachin(22000)
13 - vasudhara sindhia (76888)
14- Sai Kumar (582114)
15- srinivasan(19800)
16- Chota Rajan(135800)
17- Ketan Parekh(8200)
18- L.V Prasad(14500)
19- Pavan Kalyan(28900)
20 - Jaideep Sona (231223)
21- Kalanidi Maran(15000)
22- Bramanandam(35000)
23- Suresh Kalmadi(5900)
24- Abisek bannerjee (189008)
25- KCR (23000)
pls fwd this msg by post on your wall…..pls support the movement
against Corruption

Undigestible news: Indians black money in Swiss bank is Rs.
358,679,863,300,000 (estimated to be 1.3 trillion dollars) this money
belongs to 2000 indians who have kept there to evade from tax, This
money is enough for our india to become 10 america and become one of the
most powerful developed country in the world for next 100yrs..Please
raise your hand by forwarding this to all if you have free messages.
“pls share your friends and groups

ವಿಕಿ ಲೀಕ್ಸ್ ಸ್ವಿಸ್ ಬ್ಯಾಂಕ್ ಪ್ರಕಟವಾದ ಕಪ್ಪು ಹಣ ಹೊಂದಿರುವವರು 2 ನೇ
ಪಟ್ಟಿ …… ಟಾಪ್ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ 24 ಸದಸ್ಯರು ….. (ಹಣ ಕೋಟಿ ಆಗಿದೆ)
1 - ಅಮಿತ್ ಷಾ (568000)
2 - ರಾಜ್ ನಾಥ್ ಸಿಂಗ್ (7800)
3 - ಯಡಿಯೂರಪ್ಪ(158000)
4 - ಅನಂತ್ ಕುಮಾರ್ (82000)
5 - ಪಿ.ಚಿದಂಬರಂ (15040)
6 - ದಿಗ್ವಿಜಯ್ ಸಿಂಗ್ (28900)
7 - ಅಹ್ಮದ್ ಪಟೇಲ್ (9000)
8 - ಸ್ಮೃತಿ ಇರಾನಿ (15000)
9 - ವೆಂಕಯ್ಯ ನಾಯ್ಡು (75000)
10 - ಕಪಿಲ್ Sibbal (28000)
11 - ಸುರೇಶ್ ಕಲ್ಮಾಡಿ (5900)
12 - ಅಶೋಕ್ ಗಹ್ಲೋತ್ (220000)
13 - ವಸುಂಧರಾ ರಾಜೇ (76888)
14- ಶ್ಯಾಮ್ Kampli (582114)
15- ಮುಲಾಯಂ ಸಿಂಗ್ ಯಾದವ್ (19800)
16- ಹರ್ಷದ್ ಮೆಹ್ತಾ (135800)
17- ಕೇತನ್ ಪಾರೇಖ್ (8200)
18- ಎಚ್ಡಿ ಕುಮಾರಸ್ವಾಮಿ (14500)
19- ಲಾಲು ಪ್ರಸಾದ್ ಯಾದವ್ (28900)
20 - ಜೆ ಎಂ ಸಿಂಧಿಯಾ (9000)
21 Kalanidi ಮಾರನ್ (15000)
22.ಉಮಾ ಭಾರತಿ.(35000)
23 ಜನರಲ್ ವಿ.ಕೆ.ಸಿಂಗ್.(5900)
24- ರಾಜ್ ಅಡಿಪಾಯ (189008)
PLS ಮುಂದೂಡಿದ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಗೋಡೆಯ ಮೇಲೆ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಈ MSG ….. PLS ಭ್ರಷ್ಟಾಚಾರದ ವಿರುದ್ಧ

Fwdd MSG ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು

Undigestible ಸುದ್ದಿ: ಸ್ವಿಸ್ ಬ್ಯಾಂಕಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಭಾರತೀಯರು ಕಪ್ಪು ಹಣ ರೂ.
358.679.863.300.000 ಈ ಹಣವನ್ನು ತೆರಿಗೆ ತಪ್ಪಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವ ಇದ್ದರು ಮಾಡಿದ 2000
ಭಾರತೀಯರು ಸೇರಿದ್ದು (1.3 ಟ್ರಿಲಿಯನ್ ಡಾಲರ್ ಎಂದು ಅಂದಾಜಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ), ಈ ಹಣ 10
ಅಮೆರಿಕ ನಮ್ಮ ಭಾರತ ಮತ್ತು ಮುಂದಿನ 100yrs ವಿಶ್ವದ ಅತ್ಯಂತ ಪ್ರಬಲ ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿ
ಹೊಂದಿದ ರಾಷ್ಟ್ರ ಒಂದಾಗಿದೆ ಸಾಕು ನೀವು ಉಚಿತ messages..As ನಾನು ಫಾರ್ವರ್ಡ್ …
ನೀವು ನಾನು ಭಾರತೀಯ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ವೇಳೆ ಈ ಫಾರ್ವರ್ಡ್ ಮೂಲಕ ಕೈ ಎತ್ತಿ ..Please ???

Forward it this SMS

Amount in HSBC Geneva a/c in Geneva
Who’s who?

Mukesh Ambani
Rs100 crore
of Reliance Industries, the biggest private conglomerate in India. Also
named as richest Indian by Forbes with a wealth of $21 billion.

Anil Ambani
Rs100 crore
the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG). Anil, the younger brother of
Mukesh Ambani, features at 11th position in the Forbes list of richest
Indian with a net worth of $6 billion
Sandeep Tandon
Rs125 crore
the top liaison executive of Reliance Industries. A former officer from
the IRS cadre, Tondon worked with Enforcement Directorate, where he
investigated foreign front companies floated by RIL. He died in March
2010 in Switzerland.

Anu Tondon
Rs125 crore
of Sandeep Tondon, at present she is a Congress MP in the 15th Lok
Sabha from Unnao in Uttar Pradesh. She earlier managed MoTech Software
Pvt Ltd, a company launched by Mukesh Ambani. The entire Tondon family
has close relations with the senior Ambani brother. Sandeep and Anu’s
two sons are employees of RIL.
MoTech Software Pvt Ltd
Rs2,100 crore
up by Mukesh Ambani, this software company was run by Anu Tondon.
Financially backed by the Reliance group, this Mumbai-based company
provides business and IT solutions
Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)
Rs500 crore
is one of the largest publicly traded company in India by market
capitalisation and is the second largest company in the country by
revenue after Indian Oil Corp. Mukesh Ambani-led RIL operates three
business segments: petrochemicals, refining, and oil and gas; other
divisions of the company include textiles, retail business, special
economic zone (SEZ) development and telecom/broadband business.

Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani
She has an account but there was no balance on that date
Wife of Reliance group founder Dhirubhai Ambani and mother of Mukesh and Anil.
Naresh Kumar Goyal
Rs80 crore
of Jet Airways. Following the 2005 IPO of Jet Airways, Forbes magazine
declared him the sixteenth richest person in India with a net worth of
$1.9 billion.
Burmans (3 family members)
Rs25 crore
Burmans own Dabur India Ltd, the country’s largest Ayurvedic medicine
manufacturing company with revenues of over $1 billion.

ISI spies and sex rackets: BJP’s MP unit has become a haven for criminals

Why Mayawati is saying she will prefer to sit in opposition in Uttar Pradesh

If her message gets translated into votes, a seemingly negative statement could reap positive dividends for the BSP chief.

BSP supremo Mayawati finally admitted that
she will prefer to sit in the opposition if her party doesn’t get a
clear majority, instead of taking any party’s help.

Mayawati, perhaps, is the only leader who
has made such a “risky” statement, with still six phases and 330 seats
left to go to the polls.

It is actually an assurance to the Muslim
community that they can vote for her without any fear or suspicion. If
this message gets translated into votes, a seemingly negative statement
could reap positive dividends for Mayawati.

For Mayawati, it is extremely
important to make people understand that her party is a strong force,
and by voting for BSP, their votes wouldn’t go to waste.

UP Elections 2017: Mayawati's BSP Releases First List Of 100 Candidates

support boosts BSP in Western Uttar Pradesh

By MOHAMMED ANAS | NEW DELHI | 11 February, 2017

Muslim women stand in a queue to cast their vote in the first phase of
the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections in Mathura, on Saturday. IANS

67 constituencies in West UP that will vote on Wednesday are said to be
strongholds of BSP and BJP.

As people speculate on the elections in western Uttar Pradesh, with some
seeing it as a fight between SP-Congress and the Bhajuna Samaj Party,
others as BSP vs BJP, and still others as a triangular contest, Muslim
groups and organisations are increasingly endorsing and lobbying for the

The 73 constituencies of 15 districts in West UP, which voted on
Saturday, and 67 from 11 districts that will vote on Wednesday, are said
to be the stronghold of BSP and BJP because of the presence of a large
number of Dalit and Muslim electorates, and the polarisation witnessed
in the aftermath of the 2013 Muzaffarnagar violence.

On an average, in west UP, there are 25,000-60,000 Jatav voters, who are
most vocal about favouring the BSP in this election. There are overall
25-30% Muslim votes in these 26 districts; on some seats like Sambhal
and Rampur, they are about 60-65%. And this is where the BSP has put all
its hopes and energy.

BSP has fielded 50 Muslim candidates out of 140 seats in West UP.

Many Muslim outfits this week declared their support to the BSP.
Prominent among these organisations is the Rashtriya Ulema Council, a
political outfit led by clerics from Azamgarh. The Council withdrew its
84 candidates fielded largely in East UP in favour of the BSP. The party
which got no seat but garnered around 7 lakh votes in the 2012
elections has clout among madarsa connected youth in Azamgarh and nearby
districts. They even have clerical connections in West UP areas. “We
will campaign for the party in whichever capacity we can. BSP supremo
Mayawati has promised us that all those Muslim issues which have been
deliberately ignored by Akhilesh Yadav government will be given
prominence in her government,” said Tahir Madni, secretary of the

Many Muslim outfits this week declared their support to BSP. Prominent
among these organisations is the Rashtriya Ulema Council, a political
outfit led by clerics from Azamgarh. 

Madni also listed issues which have found echo among the Muslims of
almost the whole state: Implementation of the Nimesh Commission report
about Muslims falsely implicated in terror charges, the alleged
custodial killings of Muslims like Maulana Khalid Mujahid, probe into
killing of DSP Zia Ul Haq, justice in Dadri lynching case, establishment
of Urdu medium schools, reservation in educational institutions and in
jobs, probe into the Muzaffarnagar riots and filing of cases against the
accused and above all, the tight law and order so that Muslims may feel
secure against rising communalism in the state.

Besides Ulema Council, other prominent Muslim outfits and Muslim
personalities lending their support to the BSP are the All India Ulema
Mashaikh Board of sufi clerics, Jamate Ulema Hind (Mehmood Madni
faction), Delhi Jama Masjid’s Imam Ahmed Bukhari, Maulana Kalbe Jawad,
AMU Old Boys Association and AMU Student Union.

Later on Friday, Kamal Faruqui, former SP general secretary and
prominent Muslim activist active in Delhi and in West UP, announced his
support to BSP to stop “march of communal BJP and betrayer SP-Cong.” He
said that he would tour the whole state with Dalit activists to forge
Hindu-Muslim unity with focus on coalition of backwards. Hindu saint
Acharya Pramod Krishnam announced to support Faruqui in his mission.

Never before had so many prominent Muslim outfits announced their
support for the BSP.

“We organised an iftar daily in some district and it was attended by
3,000-4000 people with some prominent personalities like Maulna Kalwe
Jawad, Maulana Syed Salman Nadwi etc. And this trend has just culminated
now,” said a Muslim leader of BSP, who is incharge of Muslim affairs in
West UP.

AMUSU is so vocal that its black sherwani-clad members are aggressively
campaigning against “communal BJP and SP”. “Akhilesh government
unleashed brutal lathicharge on us when we protested against the
disappearance of JNU student Najeeb Ahmad last month. Besides, only
Mayawati seems to adjust all sections of the society in proper
proportion in her selection of candidates and she is the best choice for
an efficient and tight administrator who will show no leniency to
communalists and criminals,” said the union in its statement on

There has been a general feeling among political analysts and
commentators that majority of the Muslim votes is shifting towards
SP-Congress alliance, especially in the last one month. And entry of
Asaduddin Owaisi’s All India Majlise Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) is also
said to have eaten into anti-SP Muslim votes. But, Kubool Ahmed, a
journalist travelling and in touch with the BSP leadership, says that
there is an internal understanding between the MIM and BSP. “Look BSP
candidates in Sambhal, Moradabad city, Hasanpur seem less enthisuiastic
in their campaign because there is support for MIM candidates and they
have deliberately turned cold. Similarly, in adjoining areas, MIM cadres
are vigorously supporting BSP candidates,” he said.

But BSP leaders like Naseemuddin Siddiqi, Afzal Siddiqi and Munqad Ali
denied any such tie-up with AIMIM and said that Muslim support for the
party is natural and because of people’s anger against SP-Congress and

Nisar Siddiqi, a journalist touring West UP, said that he found
SP-Congress alliance more suitably poised to be the first choice by
Muslims, but BSP may gain from anger against incumbent SP MLAs in many
areas. “There is sharp anger against SP MLAs like there is anger against
Mehboob Ali in Amroha, Iqbal Mehmood in Sambhal and even against Azam
Khan in Rampur and they are big fishes. If Muslims turn towards BSP in
these areas, then BSP may sniff ballot breeze,” said Siddiqi.

Ankit Tiwari, a political analyst touring areas in Meerut, Saharanpur
said that support for BSP is more visible in villages or semi-urban
areas. “Earlier I used to see blue flags only on thatched houses
(usually belonging to Dalits), now they are also visible on pucca houses
(meaning upper caste or Muslim houses). BSP candidates are fighting.
Support for BSP is visible,” he said. Kubool, who toured same areas,
said that BSP is winning Behat and Deoband in Saharanpur, Meerut South,
Sardhana, Siwalkhas and Meerut Cant in Meerut. “In 2012, BSP was zero in
Meerut but now it is winning at least three seats here. Meerut is very
important to make a wave in favour of any party. BSP is also winning
Sikandarabad in Bulandshahr, Loni in Ghaziabad. This is my estimate,” he

Similarly, Ajmal Hasan, an activist from Barauli, Aligarh said that
Thakur Jaiveer Singh of BSP has an edge over Thakur Dalveer Singh of BJP
in the area. “Muslims, around 45,000, are all in favour of Jaiveer
Singh, who is considered Muslim-friendly by even AMU fraternity,” he

In Rampur, the bastion of the SP, party’s Muslim mascot Azam Khan is not
said to have a very strong position against his BSP rival Dr Tanveer
Ahmad Khan. “If you witness the biggest upset of the election in Rampur,
you must not be surprised. Similarly, his son Abdulah Azam is in tight
fight against Nawab Kazim Ali Khan in Suar,” said Mumtaz Alam Rizwi and
Afroz Alam, two journalists in the town covering the poll in the royal
city. In 2012, Khan had won by 63,000 votes.

Intellectuals like Professor Vivek Kumar, Prof Asmer Beg, Prof Sudha
Pai, Ajaj Ashraf have mixed views on Muslim support to BSP.

Prof Kumar analyses the arithmetic. “See out of 21% dalits, I see 10-12%
moving to BSP. Apart from Jatavs, some Pasis, Dhobis and Balmikis may
also move towards there. Muslims may go half (10%) to BSP and it makes a
very winnable combination for BSP as other caste candidates fielded by
the party will attract votes too and if the mood is in favour of the
party, Brahmins and others may also choose it over others,” he said. But
Prof Beg said that such calculation looks good on paper and Muslim
votes may not go en bloc to any party and will likely be divided. Ajaj
Ashraf too sees Muslims angry with BSP because it has appointed Jatavs
on key party positions in all districts.

According to Sudha Pai, in West UP, especially in Jat belt, the communal
polarisation has widened the gap between Dalits and Muslims as many
Dalits have been named in FIRs filed by Muslims, leading to a rift
between these two social sections. However, she sees triangular fight
between the BJP, SP and BSP over OBC, Muslim and Dalit votes to gain
momentum in the UP elections…/dainik-jagran-exi…/story/1/15634.html

Unless the EC gives out an exemplary punishment and teaches Jagran
group a lesson after thorough investigation into what went on behind the
scenes, and whether the party shown favourably has promised
remunerations, if any, more media houses will not think twice before
committing this grave mistake, that too knowingly.

As per Section 126 A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, the Election Commission “prohibits
the conduct of any exit polls and publishing of their results for the
elections that will be held between February 4 and March 8.” The ban on
exit polls, since challenged earlier this month, has been upheld by
Bombay High Court.

In clear
defiance of the Election Commission order and model code of conduct,
the Jagran group’s botched attempt to favour the ruling party at the
Centre, which has been eyeing the crucial UP Assembly polls as its first
step to consolidating 2019 general elections, is not just a misstep,
it’s blatant violation of law.

Napolean said “I can face two
battalions but not two scribes. Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths (BJP) after
calling them PRESSTITUTES & if any scribe wrote against BJP, IT
raid was conducted as the scribes got Rs 25 lakhs as renumeration.

Modi-Shah’s desperation is obvious in these last-minute attempts to sway the votes, but EC must not spare the newspaper either.…/arun-jaitley-demonetises-cash-b…/

Seriously?? He must have been holidaying in Siberia without any Net connections, since Nov 8!! Poor chap! Or in a deep coma!

Even Currency Exchange dealers in many US airports do NOT have the
necessary amounts of Indian rupee notes and often NO notes at all,
because of this monumental mistake! The Fin. Minister should have
resigned, if he had any self-respect!


BSP has awakened the people of
Jambudvipa/Prabuddha Bharat for awakeness on the need to acquire the
master key to sort all their problems for Sarvajan Hitay Sarvajan
Sukhaya I.e., for welfare, happiness and peace of all societies.

1. The necessity to prevent the tampering , distorting and rigging the
EVMs after watching the recent video:

खबरदार चुनाव जीतने के लिए भाजपा EVM से छेड़छाड़ कर सकती है | BJP may distort EMV to win election
खबरदार चुनाव जीतने के लिए भाजपा EVM से छेड़छाड़ कर सकती है | BJP may distort EMV to win election

Ms Mayawati’s BSP became eligible to become the PM of Prabuddha bharath
after her best Governance of UP as CM. This was not tolerated by the
rulers of this country because of their casteist and communal
tendencies. So the EVMs were used to defeat her. The SP benefited and
later Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) gobbled the Master Key.


BIDAR: FEBRUARY 14, 2017 01:32 IST

UPDATED: FEBRUARY 14, 2017 01:32 IST

Bahujan Samaj Party will lead a State-wide agitation to bring pressure
on the government to enact a law to protect reservation in promotions,
BSP state unit president N. Mahesh said in Bidar on Monday. The dates
will be decided later.

“The Supreme Court judgement quashing reservation in promotions has come
as a death blow to social justice. Though this was delivered in
connection with the State of Karnataka, it can have nationwide
ramifications. The State and Central legislative bodies have to take
this up immediately,” Mr. Mahesh told presspersons.

According to him, the judgement would affect the careers of over 10,000
State government employees. It was delivered as the State government did
not argue well before the court in favour of the reservation facility
in promotions. The State assembly should pass a bill reinstating
reservations and keeping it out of the purview of judicial review by
including it in the ninth schedule of the Constitution, he said

If you have your own party based on ambedkarism this is the result and
consequences …

Where as if we are running behind the other party controlled by
Manuvadis ,even though if are you voting to your own candidate(
mahadevapp hc and g parameswara ) but the laws will be against our
community ,as it happened with SC verdict on promotion.

Right time to to think among elite groups like ours .

educated employees group like ours
ಪಂಜಾಬ್ ನಲ್ಲಿ ಮತಯಂತ್ರವನ್ನು ಭದ್ರತಾ ಕೊಠಡಿಯಿಂದ ಹೊರಗೊಯ್ಯುತ್ತಿರುವ ಆಘಾತಕಾರಿ
ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿದ ಕೇಜ್ರಿವಾಲ್
ನವದೆಹಲಿ: ಇತ್ತೀಚೆಗೆ ವಿಧಾನಸಭಾ ಚುನಾವಣೆಗಳು ನಡೆದ ಪಂಜಾಬ್ ರಾಜ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ
ವಿದ್ಯುನ್ಮಾನ ಮತಯಂತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಭದ್ರತಾ ಕೊಠಡಿಯೊಂದರಿಂದ ಹೊರಕ್ಕೆ ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಂಡು
ಹೋಗಲಾಗುತ್ತಿರುವ ದೃಶ್ಯವಿರುವ ವೀಡಿಯೋವೊಂದನ್ನು ದೆಹಲಿ ಮುಖ್ಯಮಂತ್ರಿ ಅರವಿಂದ್
ಕೇಜ್ರಿವಾಲ್ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ಈ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಟ್ವೀಟ್ ಕೂಡ ಮಾಡಿದ ಕೇಜ್ರಿವಾಲ್ ‘‘ಇದು
ನಿಜಕ್ಕೂ ಆಘಾತಕಾರಿ. ಪಂಜಾಬ್ ಅಧಿಕಾರಿಗಳು ಇವಿಎಂಗಳನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಂಡು ಹೋಗಲು
ಯತ್ನಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾರೆ,’’ಎಂದೂ ಆರೋಪಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ.
ಕೇಜ್ರಿವಾಲ್ ಅವರ ಸಹೊದ್ಯೋಗಿ ಹಾಗೂ ಎಎಪಿಯ ಪಂಜಾಬ್ ವ್ಯವಹಾರಗಳ ಉಸ್ತುವಾರಿ ದುರ್ಗೇಶ್
ಪಾಠಕ್ ಕೂಡ ಇದೇ ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ ರಿಟರ್ನಿಂಗ್ ಆಫೀಸರ್‌ವೀಡಿಯೋದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಿಸುವ
ಕೆಲ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಕೆಲ ಕಾಗದ ಪತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಂಡು ಹೋಗಲು ಮಾತ್ರ
ಅನುಮತಿಸಿದ್ದರು ಎಂದು ಬರೆದಿದ್ದಾರೆ.
Muniyapaji Sr..shocking news..every chances of rigging…before
counting..elctn commission shod take action.
‘‘ರಿಟರ್ನಿಂಗ್ ಆಫೀಸರ್ ನಾಲ್ಕು ಜನರಿಗೆ ವಿದ್ಯುನ್ಮಾನ ಮತಯಂತ್ರಗಳಿರುವ ಸ್ಟ್ರಾಂಗ್
ರೂಮ್ ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಲು ಹಾಗೂ ಕೆಲ ಕಾಗದ ಪತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಕೊಂಡೊಯ್ಯಲು ಅನುಮತಿಸಿದ್ದರೂ ಅವರು
ಮತಯಂತ್ರಗಳಿರುವ ಕೆಲ ಪಟ್ಟಿಗೆಗಳನ್ನು ತೆಗೆಯಲೂ ಯತ್ನಿಸಿದರು,’’ ಎಂದು ಪಾಠಕ್ ಟ್ವೀಟ್
ಆತ್ಮೀಯ ಆಹ್ವಾನ..💐

ಬಹುಜನ ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿ ಸಂಘ [ B.V.S.] ಶಿಡ್ಲಘಟ್ಟ ತಾಲ್ಲೂಕು ಸಮಿತಿ ವತಿಯಿಂದ ದಿನಾಂಕ
18.02.17 ರಂದು ಶನಿವಾರ ಬೆಳಗ್ಗೆ 10.30 ಕ್ಕೆ
ಶಿಡ್ಲಘಟ್ಟ ಪಟ್ಟಣದ “ವೆಂಕಟೇಶ್ವರ ಕಲ್ಯಾಣ ಮಂಟಪ ”
KSRTC ಬಸ್ಟ್ಯಾಂಡ್ ಹತ್ತಿರ.
ತಾಲ್ಲೂಕು ಮಟ್ಟದ “ಪ್ರಬುದ್ಧ ಭಾರತ ನಿರ್ಮಾಣಕ್ಕಾಗಿ, ಪ್ರಜಾಪ್ರಭುತ್ವ ಉಳಿಸೋಣ ”
ವಿಷಯದ ವಿಚಾರ ಸಂಕಿರಣ ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ರಾಮವನ್ನು ಅಯೋಜಿಸಿದ್ದು ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ತಾವು
ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ರಾಮದಲ್ಲಿ ಭಾಗವಹಿಸಬೇಕಾಗಿ ತಮ್ಮಲ್ಲಿ ಕಳಕಳಿಯ ಮನವಿ…

ಪ್ರಜಾಪ್ರಭುತ್ವ ಇಂದು ಅಪಾಯಕಾರಿ ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯಲ್ಲಿದ್ದು “ವಿಶ್ವದ ಅತಿದೊಡ್ಡ
ಪ್ರಜಾಪ್ರಭುತ್ವ ರಾಷ್ಟ್ರದ ಪ್ರಜಾಪ್ರಭುತ್ವ ಉಳಿಸಬೇಕಾದ ಮಹತ್ತರವಾದ ಜವಾಬ್ದಾರಿ ನಮ್ಮ
ಹಾಗಾಗಿ ಪ್ರಜಾಪ್ರಭುತ್ವ ಆಶಯಗಳನ್ನು ಸಕಾರಗೊಳಿಸುವ ಕಡೆಗೆ B.V.S.ಇಡೀ ಯುವ
ಸಮುದಾಯವನ್ನು ಜಾಗೃತಿಗೊಳಿಸುತ್ತಿದೆ ಇಂತಹ ಪವಿತ್ರ ಕಾರ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ ತಾವು
ಭಾಗವಹಿಸುತ್ತಿರೆಂಬ ನಿರೀಕ್ಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಾವು ( B.V.S.)

-ನಿಮ್ಮ ಅಗಮನದ ನಿರೀಕ್ಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ; ಶಿಡ್ಲಘಟ್ಟ ತಾಲ್ಲೂಕು ಬಹುಜನ ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿ ಸಂಘ.

ದೆಹಲಿ ವಿಧಾನಸಭಾ ಚುನಾವಣೆಯ ನಂತರ ಎಎಪಿಯ ಕಾರ್ಯಕರ್ತರು ಕೂಡ ಮತಯಂತ್ರಗಳನ್ನಿಟ್ಟಿದ್ದ
ಕಟ್ಟಡಕ್ಕೆ ಕಾವಲು ನಿಂತಿದ್ದರು. ಆದರೆ ಪಂಜಾಬ್ ನಲ್ಲಿ ಈ ಬಾರಿ ಮತದಾನ ನಡೆದು ಒಂದು
ತಿಂಗಳ ನಂತರ ಮತ ಎಣಿಕೆ ನಡೆಯುವುದರಿಂದ ಅಷ್ಟು ದಿನಗಳ ಕಾಲ ಅವುಗಳ ಮೇಲೆ
ಕಾರ್ಯಕರ್ತರಿಗೆ ನಿಗಾ ಇಡುವುದು ಕಷ್ಟವೆಂದು ಹಲವಾರು ಎಎಪಿ ನಾಯಕರುಗಳು
[2/14, 11:13 PM]

 Muniyappa R: ಕೇಜ್ರಿವಾಲ್ ಅವರ ಸಹೊದ್ಯೋಗಿ ಹಾಗೂ
ಎಎಪಿಯ ಪಂಜಾಬ್ ವ್ಯವಹಾರಗಳ ಉಸ್ತುವಾರಿ ದುರ್ಗೇಶ್ ಪಾಠಕ್ ಕೂಡ ಇದೇ ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್
ಮಾಡಿ ರಿಟರ್ನಿಂಗ್ ಆಫೀಸರ್‌ವೀಡಿಯೋದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಿಸುವ ಕೆಲ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಕೆಲ ಕಾಗದ
ಪತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಂಡು ಹೋಗಲು ಮಾತ್ರ ಅನುಮತಿಸಿದ್ದರು ಎಂದು ಬರೆದಿದ್ದಾರೆ.
[2/14, 11:29 PM] Muniyappa R: ‘‘ರಿಟರ್ನಿಂಗ್ ಆಫೀಸರ್ ನಾಲ್ಕು ಜನರಿಗೆ
ವಿದ್ಯುನ್ಮಾನ ಮತಯಂತ್ರಗಳಿರುವ ಸ್ಟ್ರಾಂಗ್ ರೂಮ್ ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಲು ಹಾಗೂ ಕೆಲ ಕಾಗದ
ಪತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಕೊಂಡೊಯ್ಯಲು ಅನುಮತಿಸಿದ್ದರೂ ಅವರು ಮತಯಂತ್ರಗಳಿರುವ ಕೆಲ ಪಟ್ಟಿಗೆಗಳನ್ನು
ತೆಗೆಯಲೂ ಯತ್ನಿಸಿದರು,’’ ಎಂದು ಪಾಠಕ್ ಟ್ವೀಟ್ ಮಾಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ.
[2/14, 11:32 PM]

Muniyappa R: ವೀಡಿಯೊದಲ್ಲಿ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಯೊಬ್ಬ
ಮತಯಂತ್ರವಿರುವ ಪೆಟ್ಟಿಗೆಯನ್ನು ಎತ್ತಿ ಅದನ್ನು ಮೆಟ್ಟಲಿನ ಪಕ್ಕದಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಕತ್ತಲೆಯ
ಕೋಣೆಗೆ ಕೊಂಡೊಯ್ಯುವುದು ಕಾಣಿಸುತ್ತದೆ.
[2/14, 11:50 PM] Muniyappa R: ದೆಹಲಿ ವಿಧಾನಸಭಾ ಚುನಾವಣೆಯ ನಂತರ ಎಎಪಿಯ
ಕಾರ್ಯಕರ್ತರು ಕೂಡ ಮತಯಂತ್ರಗಳನ್ನಿಟ್ಟಿದ್ದ ಕಟ್ಟಡಕ್ಕೆ ಕಾವಲು ನಿಂತಿದ್ದರು. ಆದರೆ
ಪಂಜಾಬ್ ನಲ್ಲಿ ಈ ಬಾರಿ ಮತದಾನ ನಡೆದು ಒಂದು ತಿಂಗಳ ನಂತರ ಮತ ಎಣಿಕೆ ನಡೆಯುವುದರಿಂದ
ಅಷ್ಟು ದಿನಗಳ ಕಾಲ ಅವುಗಳ ಮೇಲೆ ಕಾರ್ಯಕರ್ತರಿಗೆ ನಿಗಾ ಇಡುವುದು ಕಷ್ಟವೆಂದು ಹಲವಾರು
ಎಎಪಿ ನಾಯಕರುಗಳು ಹೇಳಿಕೊಂಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ.


Journalist with Aaj Tak.



  |   4-minute read

Are Muslims really going to vote for Mayawati in Uttar Pradesh polls?

With one community leader after the other backing the BSP chief, it all
appears stage-managed.



  |   2-minute read

Why is Shivpal Yadav so confident of Akhilesh’s defeat in UP polls?

For UP CM, the enemy number one is no longer BJP or BSP, but his uncle - and father Mulayam.



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Will Mulayam rely on his wrestling skills to put Akhilesh Yadav in place?

No one is willing to write off the Samajwadi Party patriarch just yet.



  |   2-minute read

Mulayam Singh’s latest blow to son Akhilesh will please the BJP

The SP chief has boldly stated that the UP CM does not have his endorsement for decisions taken against his will.



  |   2-minute read

UP elections: Why is Akhilesh Yadav not contesting?

The young CM wants to concentrate on campaigning for other candidates, but this also shows his confidence has dipped.

SP-Congress slogan of ‘Apne ladke vs bahari Modi’ against BJP will backfire in UP

People feel the phrase was coined to deflect the voters’ attention from core issues.
Will Akhilesh Yadav ruin Dimple’s chances at grabbing limelight in UP?

Unlike the UP CM, SP cadres feel her excellent connect with women should be utilised to the h
What Akhilesh releasing SP manifesto without Mulayam means

A father trying to avoid his son at public platforms is, perhaps, sending wrong signals at this juncture.

Akhilesh’s manifesto of sops and no political philosophy is a lost opportunity

Despite the Samajwadi Party banking heavily on the Lohia legacy, issues of social justice did not figure in UP CM’s speech.

It is clear that in the hard bargain with Akhilesh Yadav, the grand old party has been brought to its knees.

is out: SC/ST students of a
Lucknow varsity campaign for thakur candidate -

comments (0)
02/13/17… Buddha Geete- Pratham Namo Gautama Buddha Geete- Pratham Namo Gautama A nice song sung by Vitthal Umap Pratham Namo Gautama Chala ho. Hope u like it. Be Happy! Peace Siddhartha Chabukswar… 05 Dr ambedkar song buddha kabir bhimrao phule pornima buddha vihar vashinaka chembur mumbai… Shudra - The Rising …jay bhim Apna mantra hai ……. A motivation song ….. of movie “SHUDRA - THE RISING ” 26 jan film SHUDRA - THE RISING live Promotion at trirashmi buddhaleni , dada sahab falke smarak nasik . Shudra - The Rising …jay bhim Apna mantra hai ……. A motivation song ….. of movie “SHUDRA - THE RISING ” 26 jan film SHUDRA - THE RISING live Promotion at trirashmi buddhaleni , dada sahab falke smarak nasik . Buddha Tipiṭaka (Gujarati) તિપિટક (મૂલ) વિનયપિટક પારાજિકપાળિ
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 9:42 pm…
Buddha Geete- Pratham Namo Gautama

A nice song sung by Vitthal Umap Pratham Namo Gautama Chala ho. Hope u like it. Be Happy! Peace Siddhartha Chabukswar…
05 Dr ambedkar song buddha kabir bhimrao phule pornima buddha vihar vashinaka chembur mumbai…
Shudra - The Rising …jay bhim Apna mantra hai …….
A motivation song ….. of movie “SHUDRA - THE RISING ” 26 jan film
SHUDRA - THE RISING live Promotion at trirashmi buddhaleni , dada sahab
falke smarak nasik .

motivation song ….. of movie “SHUDRA - THE RISING ” 26 jan film
SHUDRA - THE RISING live Promotion at trirashmi buddhaleni , dada sahab
falke smarak nasik .


Tipiṭaka (Gujarati)

ವಿಕಿ ಲೀಕ್ಸ್ ಸ್ವಿಸ್ ಬ್ಯಾಂಕ್ ಪ್ರಕಟವಾದ ಕಪ್ಪು ಹಣ ಹೊಂದಿರುವವರು 2 ನೇ ಪಟ್ಟಿ …… ಟಾಪ್ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ 24 ಸದಸ್ಯರು ….. (ಹಣ ಕೋಟಿ ಆಗಿದೆ)
1 - ಅಮಿತ್ ಷಾ (568000)
2 - ರಾಜ್ ನಾಥ್ ಸಿಂಗ್ (7800)
3 - ಯಡಿಯೂರಪ್ಪ(158000)
4 - ಅನಂತ್ ಕುಮಾರ್ (82000)
5 - ಪಿ.ಚಿದಂಬರಂ (15040)
6 - ದಿಗ್ವಿಜಯ್ ಸಿಂಗ್ (28900)
7 - ಅಹ್ಮದ್ ಪಟೇಲ್ (9000)
8 - ಸ್ಮೃತಿ ಇರಾನಿ (15000)
9 - ವೆಂಕಯ್ಯ ನಾಯ್ಡು (75000)
10 - ಕಪಿಲ್ Sibbal (28000)
11 - ಸುರೇಶ್ ಕಲ್ಮಾಡಿ (5900)
12 - ಅಶೋಕ್ ಗಹ್ಲೋತ್ (220000)
13 - ವಸುಂಧರಾ ರಾಜೇ (76888)
14- ಶ್ಯಾಮ್ Kampli (582114)
15- ಮುಲಾಯಂ ಸಿಂಗ್ ಯಾದವ್ (19800)
16- ಹರ್ಷದ್ ಮೆಹ್ತಾ (135800)
17- ಕೇತನ್ ಪಾರೇಖ್ (8200)
18- ಎಚ್ಡಿ ಕುಮಾರಸ್ವಾಮಿ (14500)
19- ಲಾಲು ಪ್ರಸಾದ್ ಯಾದವ್ (28900)
20 - ಜೆ ಎಂ ಸಿಂಧಿಯಾ (9000)
21 Kalanidi ಮಾರನ್ (15000)
22.ಉಮಾ ಭಾರತಿ.(35000)
23 ಜನರಲ್ ವಿ.ಕೆ.ಸಿಂಗ್.(5900)
24- ರಾಜ್ ಅಡಿಪಾಯ (189008)
PLS ಮುಂದೂಡಿದ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಗೋಡೆಯ ಮೇಲೆ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಈ MSG ….. PLS ಭ್ರಷ್ಟಾಚಾರದ ವಿರುದ್ಧ ಸಂಗ್ರಾಮಕ್ಕೆ

Fwdd MSG ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು

Undigestible ಸುದ್ದಿ: ಸ್ವಿಸ್ ಬ್ಯಾಂಕಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಭಾರತೀಯರು ಕಪ್ಪು ಹಣ ರೂ. 358.679.863.300.000 ಈ ಹಣವನ್ನು ತೆರಿಗೆ ತಪ್ಪಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವ ಇದ್ದರು ಮಾಡಿದ 2000 ಭಾರತೀಯರು ಸೇರಿದ್ದು (1.3 ಟ್ರಿಲಿಯನ್ ಡಾಲರ್ ಎಂದು ಅಂದಾಜಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ), ಈ ಹಣ 10 ಅಮೆರಿಕ ನಮ್ಮ ಭಾರತ ಮತ್ತು ಮುಂದಿನ 100yrs ವಿಶ್ವದ ಅತ್ಯಂತ ಪ್ರಬಲ ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿ ಹೊಂದಿದ ರಾಷ್ಟ್ರ ಒಂದಾಗಿದೆ ಸಾಕು ನೀವು ಉಚಿತ messages..As ನಾನು ಫಾರ್ವರ್ಡ್ … ನೀವು ನಾನು ಭಾರತೀಯ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ವೇಳೆ ಈ ಫಾರ್ವರ್ಡ್ ಮೂಲಕ ಕೈ ಎತ್ತಿ ..Please ???
Forward it this SMS

WIKI LEAKS Published 1st List of black money holders in SWISS bank…… The Top Most 24 members are…..(money is in CRORES)
1 - L.K.Advani (5600)
2 - Chiranjeevi(7800)
3 - karunanidhi (158000)
4 - Jagan (82000)
5 - V.S achutanandan (15040)
6 - Dhasari Narayana (28900)
7 - Ahmed Patel (9000)
8 - Big B (150000)
9 - Harish Rawat (75000)
10 - Allu Arvind(28000)
11 - balasaheb thakrey (59700)
12 - Sachin(22000)
13 - vasudhara sindhia (76888)
14- Sai Kumar (582114)
15- srinivasan(19800)
16- Chota Rajan(135800)
17- Ketan Parekh(8200)
18- L.V Prasad(14500)
19- Pavan Kalyan(28900)
20 - Jaideep Sona (231223)
21- Kalanidi Maran(15000)
22- Bramanandam(35000)
23- Suresh Kalmadi(5900)
24- Abisek bannerjee (189008)
25- KCR (23000)
pls fwd this msg by post on your wall…..pls support the movement against Corruption

Undigestible news: Indians black money in Swiss bank is Rs. 358,679,863,300,000 (estimated to be 1.3 trillion dollars) this money belongs to 2000 indians who have kept there to evade from tax, This money is enough for our india to become 10 america and become one of the most powerful developed country in the world for next 100yrs..Please raise your hand by forwarding this to all if you have free messages.
“pls share your friends and groups immideatly”..

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2043 Thu 10 Nov 2016 LESSON from INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University Tipitaka translated in 105 languages Mayawati will stop the BJP-RSS rath in Uttar Pradesh
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Posted by: site admin @ 6:47 pm

2043 Thu 10 Nov 2016



INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart
Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University

Tipitaka translated in 105 languages

Mayawati will stop the BJP-RSS rath in Uttar Pradesh

Villagers are enduring the lethal assault of three recurring years of drought, mounted on the back of chronic agrarian distress. People were eating only one meal a day, and that too often a single
coarse roti mixed with bitter wild leaves that killed hunger. Entire villages had emptied out, as there was no work, water or food.
People fled with their children in search of any work on any terms to
the cities. Back in the village, old people and cattle were left behind
to fend for themselves.

The response of both the central and state governments to both drought
and the agrarian crisis lacked urgency, compassion and administrative
acumen. These failures are issues for
public discussions in rallies and speeches in the run-up to the
elections in Uttar Pradesh by the BSP chief Ms Mayawati.

The fact that UP is just ahead of Bihar among large states in its dismal
record of human development does not find mention in the election
priorities of the state by the SP and BJP. Large hoardings celebrating Country’s display of
military muscularity with “surgical strikes” are instead touted as the
ruling party’s crowning achievement.

A few discussions suggest that concerns of social justice also
weigh with voters. But they all assume that voters will not
evaluate competing parties based on what they will contribute to
tangibly improve the lives of millions of impoverished people.

How peripheral these questions of dignified survival
of the poor, and of humane and just governance are in the UP election
campaign. Maybe, the pundits are underestimating the political
astuteness of the ordinary voter, in the way that they did fatally in
the landmark elections in Bihar last winter.

It is evident that the BJP offers little to the voter beyond its
divisive sentiment. During the 2014
Lok Sabha elections; the fraud EVMs were tampered to gobble the Master Key in favour of Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) and not because its  forged alliances between
high, middle and low-caste Hindus against the Muslims. The EX CJI Sadasivam committed a grave error of judgement by allowing just 8 out 543 seats to be replaced as suggested by the Ex CEC Sampath. He did not order for the entire fraud to be replaced with paper ballots as followed by many democracies. Just to wood wink the people of the world, the Muslim has
been constructed in the political discourse of the BJP and RSS into the
dangerous “other”. Sentiments are mobilised against them in the name of
cow protection, reverence for Ram, charges of love jihad and sexual
harassment by Muslim boys, and Muslim personal law.

In fact the 1% intolerant, violent, militant, shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally retarded chitpawan brahmin RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) - a stealth, shadowy, discriminatory cult that seeks to establish a hindutva cult, have been painted as the worst terrorists by American press. They instigate violence for the greed of power.

hindu terrorist

America enlisted RSS in one of the Biggest Terrorist Organisation in the World

A US-based risk management and consulting company has put the Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in its category of ‘Threat Group’ and called it
“a shadowy, discriminatory group that seeks to establish a Hindu
Rashtra, a Hindu Nation.”

Terrorism Watch & Warning
provides intelligence, research, analysis, watch and warning on
international terrorism and domestic terrorism related issues; and is
operated by OODA Group LLC that helps clients identify, manage, and
respond to global risks and uncertainties while exploring emerging
opportunities and developing robust and adaptive strategies for the

The websites describes:
“The RSS is a shadowy, discriminatory group that seeks to establish a
Hindu Rashtra, a Hindu Nation. The group is considered the radical
ideological parent group of India’s ruling Hindu nationalist party – the
Indian Peoples Party (BJP).”

The RSS is a hindutva cult a right wing group that was
founded in 1925 by the chitpawan brahmin who are the owners of Vir Savarkar, the notorious and dreaded murderer nathuram godse, Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks (RSS), Hindumaha Sabha etc.

The RSS was banned in 1948 following the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi
by an ex-RSS member, Nathuram Godse. It later began the
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), widely considered the political arm of the
RSS, which gobbled the Master Key by tampering the fraud EVMs.

The present CEC says that entire EVMs will be replaced in 2019 without saying that Paper Ballots will be used til then.

The paper ballots enabled the BSP capture the UP Panchayat Elections which lost in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections because of these fraud EVMs.


A climate of fear and dread has been fostered among Muslims, SC/STs/OBCs/poor UCs  across UP,
as in much of the Country, with almost daily reports of local attacks on
Muslims and SC/STs. The fate of Mohammed Ikhlaq and his family have come to
symbolise for Muslims the insecurity and injustice of their lives.

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) for the first time since it
was constituted issued an openly communal report that repeated the false
rumours that had been raised by BJP MP Hukum Singh. These were about
the “exodus” of Hindus from Kairana after people displaced by the
communal killings of 2013 in Muzaffarnagar and Shamli settled in this
Muslim-majority township. The report said that Muslim youth “pass
lewd/taunting remarks” against Hindu women, although there is not even a
single complaint in the police station, again echoing the RSS
demonisation of Muslim men as sexual predators. This report is being
quoted by the Union home minister Rajnath Singh in the trail of the UP
“parivatan” trail.

In “Living Apart: Communal Violence and Forced Displacement in
Muzaffarnagar and Shamli”, a report by Akram Chaudhary, Zafar Eqbal and
Rajanya Bose and this author, we document the travails of 50,000
Muslims, of who 30,000 are living in self-settled refugee colonies
including Kairana. Significantly, the suffering of people displaced by
communal violence was not a matter of any concern for the NHRC. Instead
they are portrayed as the danger to the rest of us.

The just cause of ending the practice of triple talaq in the Muslim
personal law is also stained by the timing and selectivity of the
initiative. If the purpose was to promote gender justice, then the
initiative would carry credibility only if the Centre addressed
simultaneously personal laws that are unfair to women in other religious

In much of the communal targeting of Muslims, the Samajwadi Party-led
state government is complicit. Whether this is deliberate, in order to
benefit from the resulting communal polarisation, or is only the outcome
of shocking ineptitude, is hard to confirm. But either of these makes
the SP unfit for governance. Rahul Gandhi has tried to raise some issues
relevant to farmers and Dalits in his rallies, but his efforts are not
backed by credible evidence of sustained ground-level Congress
engagement with issues of social and economic justice or reversing the
agrarian distress.

That only leaves the Mayawati-led BSP. In her public addresses, she
has called for the coming together of SC/STs and Muslims. This would
require her to win the trust of Muslim voters. SC/STs will choose at the
ballot will be the single-most critical factor for determining the
outcome of the elections. They share the mounting anger of SC/STs
against the BJP-RSS combine in many other parts of the Country.SC/STs/OBCs/Muslims and the poor UCs will cement a new social alliance for Sarvajan Hitay Sarvajan Sukhaya. Mayawati will form the next government in Lucknow and will be the next PM of Prabuddha Bharath.

RSS India’s number 1 terror group: Former Mumbai police officer

RSS activists have been chargesheeted in at least 13 cases of terror acts in which RDX has been used, the ex-officer said. (File Photo)RSS activists have been chargesheeted in at least 13 cases of terror acts in which RDX has been used,
Claiming that the activists of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)
have been indicted in at least 13 terror cases across India, former
Maharashtra inspector general of police S M Mushrif on Thursday
described the BJP’s ideological mentor as Country’s number one terrorist

“RSS activists have been chargesheeted in at
least 13 cases of terror acts in which RDX has been used. If
organisations like Bajrang Dal are taken into the account, then the
number of such cases goes up to 17,” Mushrif said at an event in

“The RSS is Country’s number one terrorist organisation,
there is no doubt on this,” said Mushrif, referring to the 2007 Mecca
Masjid bombing in Hyderabad, the 2006 and 2008 Malegaon blasts in
Maharashtra and the 2007 Samjhauta Express bombings among others.

Mushrif, however, asserted that “saffron terror” had no bearing on which party was in power as the chitpawan brahmins are the owners of Congress and BJP.

“The RSS as a terror nn entity organisation has nothing to do with political
power. It is immaterial which party is in power. It is the system that
is working, it’s the chitpawan brahminical system poking its dirty nose in others dish with it’s hatred mentality, the attitude to dominate
and oppress the Sarvajan Samaj.

Reiterating his claims that the Intelligence Bureau (IB)
masterminded the killing of Hemant Karkare, who was probing the
involvement of Hindu radicals in terror acts, during the Mumbai terror
attack in 2008, Mushrif called for a people’s movement to establish the
truth behind the killing of the Mumbai Anti-Terrorism Squad chief.

“There is clinching evidence about the IB’s involvement but all efforts
to establish that have been defeated. Our efforts to call for an
independent probe have always been defeated. Unless there is a massive
public movement, this will never be established,” said Mushrif, who made
the sensational claims in his book “Who Killed Karkare”.…/story-zo9Halbsfl4rPjKIjX4Sl…

State BSP president Ramachal Rajbhar said the party’s campaign was
going on in all the 403 assembly constituencies. “Union government’s
move to withdraw Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes will not affect us as
majority of our workers are poor. We run the campaign with small
donations from our workers,” he said.

“BSP chief Mayawati has convened a meeting of senior party leaders to review the preparations for 2017 assembly
elections. The union government should ensure that common man,
labourers, farmers and traders do not face any problem following the
decision,” he said.
The Centre’s move to withdraw Rs 500 and Rs 1000
denomination notes is bound to affect electioneering in poll-bound
Uttar Pradesh.

Decision to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes will  not “yield the desired result” of unearthing black money.

It will burden daily wagers, fishermen, small businesses, traders and vendors.

The claim that demonetisation will check black money, fake currency,
corruption and terrorism lacks substance. By the Murderer of democratic institution (Modi’s) own
admission, the bulk of black money generation and storage is in
off-shore accounts in foreign currency. Counterfeit currency can be
generated for any denomination. The announcement of a new Rs 2,000 note
along with another Rs 500 note does not in any way prevent future
possible counterfeit circulation. It’s an established fact that
terrorist funds flow through electronic transfers and not through
currency transactions.

Further, transactions through plastic will continue as usual. In effect
what this would result in is a total disruption of the payments and
settlements that are part of daily life of our economy. It will burden
the vast mass of our people from daily wage labourers, fishermen, small
businesses, traders and vendors selling at the door step.

The move will add to hardships faced by vast sections particularly
traders, vendors and small wage earners. Everybody knows that the huge
amount of the black money is outside the country and Modi had promised that he would bring back the huge amount of black
money deposited in foreign banks (amounting almost to Rs 80 lakh crore)
and each bank account holder in the country can get Rs 15 lakh from the
unearthed money. This later his supporters termed as a jumla.

The real intention of the Modi can be to divert attention from the
real problem of black money as it is not ready to share information
made available through Panama leak and Swiss banks… For unearthing black
money and bringing an end to the parallel economy based on it, it has
to take action against the real culprits that it will not take as they
had helped it to capture power along with the tampering of the fraud EVMs.

Narendra Modi (Winner)

Damodardas Modi
Age: 62
C/1, Someshwar Tentament, Ranip, Ahmedabad-382480
Name Enrolled as Voter in: 55-Sabarmati (Gujarat) constituency , at Serial no 375 in Part no 107
Contact Number: 23243721

Self Profession:Social service and Political activity
Spouse Profession:

Other Elections
Declaration in Declared Assets Declared Cases
Loksabha 2014 Rs1,51,57,582
~1 Crore+
Loksabha 2014 Rs1,65,91,582
~1 Crore+
Gujarat 2007 Rs42,56,426
~42 Lacs+
Click here for more details

Assets & Liabilities

Assets:Rs 1,33,42,842 ~1 Crore+

Educational Details

Post Graduate
MA - Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, 1983

Arun Jaitley is richest minister; PM Narendra Modi has assets of Rs 1.26 crore

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has assets worth Rs 1.26 crore,
according to details of assets and liabilities of the Union Council of
Ministers uploaded on the PMO website on Monday. While finance and
defence minister Arun Jaitley turns out to be the richest with assets
totaling Rs 72.10 crore,

Modi’s assets include Rs 38,700 in cash, bank balance and deposits worth
Rs 1,32,698 and Rs 17,00,927 respectively, Rs 20,000 in bonds, Rs
2,35,000 in NSC, Rs 1,99,031 in insurance policies and jewellery and
precious items worth Rs 1,20,980. He owns a house in Gandhinagar worth
Rs 1 crore.

Interestingly, Modi has made no mention of his
spouse Jashodaben’s assets, only filling up the columns against her name
with the words “not known”.

As many as 17 of the 22 Cabinet are crorepatis.

Figuring in the richie-rich club are women and child development
minister Maneka Sanjay Gandhi, daughter-in-law of former Prime Minister
Indira Gandhi, who has assets to the tune of Rs 37.68 crore.

Minister of state for coal and power Piyush Goyal has declared assets
worth Rs 31.67 crore, and following close is minorities affairs minister
Najma Heptulla with assets of Rs 29.70 crore.

Union home minister Rajnath Singh has declared assets of Rs 2.56
crore, while external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj owns assets worth
Rs 2.73 crore, besides some agriculture land in Palwal, Haryana.

Law and telecom minister Ravi Shankar Prasad has declared assets to the
tune of Rs 14.91 crore, while food processing minister Harsimrat Kaur
Badal is worth Rs 12.82 crore. Union transport minister Nitin Gadkari
has assets of Rs 3.34 crore.

While railways minister D V
Sadananda Gowda is worth about Rs 4.34 crore, his junior Manoj Sinha has
assets worth Rs 29.82 crore.

Water resources minister Uma
Bharti has declared assets to the tune of Rs 1.62 crore, while tribal
affairs minister Jual Oram, who is the tribal face of the Modi Cabinet,
has assets to the tune of Rs 1.77 crore. Civil Aviation Minister Ashok
Gajpati Raju has assets worth Rs 3.32 crore.

Micro, small and
medium enterprises Minister Kalraj Mishra has assets to the tune of Rs
72.11 lakh, while Prakash Javadekar has assets of about Rs 1.05 crore.

Agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh has assets to the tune of Rs
2.47 crore, while social kustice and empowerment minister Thawarchand
Gehlot has assets worth about Rs 2.08 crore.

WIKI LEAKS Published 1st List of black money holders in SWISS bank  The Top Most mambers are:

(Money in Crores)

1- L.K.Advani (5600)

2 - Chiranjivi (7800)

3- Muthuvel Karunanidhi (158000)

4- Jagan (82000)

5- V.S.Achutanand (15040)

6- Dhasari Narayana (28900)

7 - Ahmed Patil (9000)

8- Big B (150000)

9- Harish Rawat (75000)

10- AlluArvind (28000)

11-Balasahen Thakrey (59700)

12-Sachin (22000)

13- Vasudhra Sindhia (76888)

14- Sai Kumar (582114)

15- Srinivasan (19800)

16- Chota rajan (135000)

17- Ketan Parekh (8200)

18- L.V. Prasad (14500)

19- Pavan Kalyan (28900)

20- Jaideep Sona (231223)

21- Kalanidi Maran (15000)

22- Bramanandam (35000)

23- Suresh Kalmadi (5900)

24- KCR (23000)

Pl fwd this msg supporting the movement against corruption

Undigestable news

This country’s black money in Swiss Bank is Rs, 358,679,863,300,000 (estimated (1.3 trillion dollars). this money belongs to 2000 people of this country who have kept there to evede from tax. This money is enough for our country to become 10 americas and become one of the most powerful developed countries in the world for next 100 years.

Please raise your hand by forwarding it to your friends and relatives.

If the latest guideline of Supreme Court
is to be followed, the entire list of black money account holders
should be out by the early hours of October 29. The Apex Court has
ordered the Narendra Modi-led central government to reveal the entire
list of perpetrators who are guilty of stocking up unaccounted sums of
money. A day after the government revealed the names of Pradeep Burman
(Promoter of Dabur India), Pankaj Chimanlal Lodhiya (Rajkot-based
bullion trader), Radha Satish Timblo (Director of Goa-based mining
company Timblo Pvt. Ltd.), the SC lashed out the government to give the
complete list of the black money holders to the Special Investigation
Team (SIT) and the court too. Any predictions before the list come out tomorrow; please mention in the comment section below!

The long list of tax violators has been
demanded by the SC and the list has come up through a social messaging
app ‘WhatsApp’ which reads that Wikileaks has leaked secret information
which contains names of 20 politicians who have amassed black money,
hidden in Swiss banks among other places. We at cannot vouch
for the authenticity of the list. (Also read: Black Money List: Subramanian Swamy lists 6 steps to bring back black money in an open letter to Narendra Modi)

However, with the names set to be out in
public domain tomorrow, we bring to you the list, which is doing the
rounds of social media since the past few days. We bring to you the list
below, but whether the black money holders list is true, half-true, not
true is for you to judge (amount in crores).

1- Ashok Gehlot (220000)

2- Rahul Gandhi (158000)

3- Harshad Mehta (135800)

4- Sharad Pawar (82000)

5- Ashok Chavan (76888)

6- Harish Rawat (75000)

7- Sonia Gandhi (56800)

8- Muthuvel Karunanidhi (35000)

9- Digvijay Singh (28900)

10- Kapil Sibal (28000)

11- Rajeev Gandhi (19800)

12- Palaniappan Chidambaram (15040)

13- Jayaram Jaylalitha (15000)

14- Kalanithi Maran (15000)

15- HD Kumarswamy (14500)

16- Ahmed Patel (9000)

17- J M Scindia (9000)

18- Ketan Parekh (8200)

19- Andimuthu Raja (7800)

20- Suresh Kalmadi (5900)

The suspense over the detailed list
continues to build as time passes by. It will be interesting to see if
the central government hands over the list of the account holders to the
Supreme Court on October 29. Union Finance Minister has said that the
government has already shared the list with the SIT on June 27 and there
is no question of not sharing it with the Supreme Court. If the entire
list is out in public domain, it will be a historic day for both the
government and the people of India. While the persons named on the list
will be hit with an embarrassing bomb.

commentators say the move will adversely affect the distribution of cash
among voters — a time-tested way of cornering votes. Campaigning by
political parties may also take a hit as many depend on unaccounted cash
for the same.

“Money power plays a big role in the elections
here. Studies have shown distribution of ‘cash for votes’ among the
people to influence voting pattern is very common in rural areas.
Political parties use black money — big currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs
1000 denomination for the purpose. This would be adversely affected
till new currency notes are there in circulation,” said SK Dwivedi, a
former professor of political science at Lucknow University.

Those selling campaign material also feel that the move would have an
adverse impact on their business. “This move will put a break on our
business. We usually get big currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000
denomination when the leaders order banners, posters and flags etc. for
campaign in their respective constituencies,” Rakesh Pandey, who has a
shop selling campaign material in Lucknow, said.

Ashok Singh, who
is also in the same business, said the adverse impact would be only for
a limited period: “Digital campaigning has already affected our trade
of selling flags, posters and banners etc. But once new currency notes
are in circulation, the leaders would find ways to get sufficient funds
to buy the campaign material,” he said.

Some names are of Indian MLAs and MPs  :

1. Lalu Prasad Yadav


Ex Minister of Railways Government of India

MP-Lok SabhaConstituency     Saran (Bihar)



15th Chief Minister of Tamil NaduIn office

May 13, 2006 – May 15, 2011 Amount ( In Swiss ) : Rs 150000 Crore

Bank Name : Clariden Lau



4. Sarad Pawar :



Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public DistributionIn office

2004–2011Amount : 28000 Crore


5. Suresh Kalmadi

an Indian politician and senior sports administrator. He was formerly a
member of the Indian National Congress. He is a Member of Parliament
from Pune.

On April 25, 2011 Kalmadi was arrested by CBI
for awarding illegal contracts to a Swiss firm for Timing-Scoring-Result
(TSR) system for the 2010 Commonwealth Games causing a loss of Rs 95
crore to the exchequer.Amount : Rs 5900 Crore




6. Rajiv Gandhi





6th Prime Minister of IndiaIn office

31 October 1984 – 2 December 1989


took office after his mother’s assassination on 31 October 1984; he
himself was assassinated on 21 May 1991. He became the youngest Prime
Minister of India when he took office at the age of 40.Rajiv Gandhi was
the elder son of Indira and Feroze Gandhi. He was educated at Cambridge,
where he met Italian-born Sonia Gandhi, whom he later married. After
Cambridge, he became a professional pilot for Indian Airlines.

Amount :  Rs 19800 Crore 



Bank : UBS7. Harshad mehta


an Indian stockbroker. He is alleged to have engineered the rise in the
BSE stock exchange in 1992. Exploiting several loopholes in the banking
system, Metha and his associates siphoned off funds from inter-bank
transactions and bought shares heavily at a premium across many
segments, triggering a rise in the Sensex. When the scheme was exposed,
banks started demanding their money back, causing the collapse. He was
later charged with 72 criminal offenses, and more than 600 civil action
suits were filed against him. Mehta died in 2002 with many litigations
still pending against him

Amount : Rs 135800 Crore

Bank : UBS AG



8. Niira radia



Corporate lobbyist Niira Radia, in middle of the 2G spectrum scam, is owner of

Vaishnavi Corporate Communications and three other PR firms. Kenya-born and

London-educated Radia, said to be in her fifties, moved to London from Kenya in

the 1970s and schooled at the elite school

Amount : Rs 28990 Crore

Bank Name : UBS





an Indian politician belonging to the Scindia family of Gwalior. He is
also a member of the 15th Lok Sabha of India representing the Indian
National Congress and a Minister of State, Ministry of Commerce and

Amount : Rs 9000 Crore

Bank : EEK


10. Naresh Goyal 



ResidenceMumbai NationalityIndian OccupationChairman of Jet Airways

Amount : Rs 145600 Crore


Thanks to IAC and People Of India for doing something Against Corruption ………

What would Donald Trump's victory mean for PM Modi and India

Trump’s opinion on India has largely been positive. He recently
attended an event organised by a Hindu group in the US, and proclaimed
his love for India, saying, “I love Hindus”. How that might go with the
non-Hindu Indians is hard to say.Hindu outfits even celebrated his birthday and forecast his victory well before the actual results in an attempt to RSSize Trump and US.

The bad

“I know the outer world exists… But at what point do you say, ‘Hey, we
have to take care of ourselves,” The Washington Post had quoted Trump as

This implies serious ramifications on free trade, immigration, outsourcing etc.

Just a few days ago, Trump claimed that the Americans are living
through the “greatest jobs theft” in the history of the world, saying US
companies were moving out jobs to countries like India, China, Mexico
and Singapore.

Given that Trump has several times placed India in the same category
as China, an economic competitor, India-US economic ties could be an
area to watch out for, for increased stress points.

Trump had also proposed that American companies that use visas like
the H1B be required to hire American workers before hiring foreigners.

Therefore, his accession to the White House would certainly be frowned upon by  many.

With a promise to reduce the US corporate tax from 35 to 15 per cent,
we can also expect American corporate head back to the US, upsetting
Modi’s flagship ‘Make in India’ .

His conservative approach is also obvious in his electoral slogans, ‘Make America Great Again’ and ‘America First’.

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VR1 MEDIA FREE ONLINE TRAINING ON PRECEPTS AND TRADE-37- ON MORALITY THE WAY OF CULTIVATION-COMPREHENSIVE PALI COURSE-Don’t disturb peace, Mayawati warns Congress -State swimming team runs into troubled waters
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Posted by: site admin @ 6:07 pm




In Buddhism, examples
of moral behaviour include: the

Four means of
embracing, six perfections, five precepts, ten

Wholesome conducts,
right understanding and views, giving

charity and forming
good affinities, not bearing old grudges,

modesty and kindness,
protecting the six sense organs,

blessing and giving
joy to the living, repaying the four

kindnesses, widely
proclaiming Dhamma for the benefit

of all sentient
beings, respectfulness and forgiveness,

loving words of praise, protecting right

selflessness, sacrificing oneself for others, and

selflessly working
for others.



Excercise 3


five Pāli sentences and five English sentences

vocabulary from Pāli Lesson 2 and 3, in your own


1)         Buddho
Dhammam deseti

2)         Buddhassa
Dhammassa Sangassa Nibbanaya sukhāya

hitāya saranam gacchāmi.

Samanā vihārato gāme passanti.

Dārākanam ācariyo na pandito hoti.

Bālā Buddhassa
Dhammam na passanti.



The Awakened One goes to the village
by foot.

Men go to the monastery of the monk
by path.

Among men are ignorant, there are
wise ones.

The teacher of the boys is not wise.

5)               For
the Awakened One there is no greed, there

                        is no hatred, there is no delusion.

Don’t disturb peace, Mayawati warns Congress

Atiq Khan

LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Friday warned the
Congress that attempts to disturb the peace or a repeat of the
Lucknow-type arson would invite strict action from her government.

The Bahujan Samaj Party leader also made it clear that the Rita
Bahuguna Joshi episode was not over, notwithstanding the regrets
expressed by Congress president Sonia Gandhi over the Pradesh Congress
Committee chief’s derogatory remarks. Ms. Mayawati said Ms. Joshi would
have to face the consequences for her misdemeanour.

Ms. Joshi’s insulting and despicable remarks could not be condoned,
she said and indicated that the cases registered against Ms. Joshi
would not be withdrawn.

Equating the PCC chief’s case with Varun Gandhi’s, Ms. Mayawati said
it was possible that she would be bailed out, but that would not lessen
her crime. “She will be punished according to the law of the land,” Ms.
Mayawati told journalists here.

In Congress circles, the Chief Minister’s observations are seen as
an indication that the State government is preparing to book Dr. Joshi
under the National Security Act as Mr. Gandhi was booked.

The Chief Minister said had the BSP workers not been stopped by her
on Wednesday when Ms. Joshi made the remarks, the entire country would
have been brought to a halt and the Congressmen would have been running
for cover. A serious law and order situation would have been created in
Uttar Pradesh, she said.

State swimming team runs into troubled waters

 Special Correspondent

English Channel crossing aborted due to bad timing and alleged apathy

BANGALORE: A team of master swimmers from Karnataka, which attempted
a relay swimming in the English Channel on July 10, returned home after
a traumatic experience. The team’s spokesperson, Nandita Kapoor, a 50 m
and 100 m butterfly national record holder in the Master’s Section,
recounting their bitter experience to The Hindu,
said: “We were lucky to get back home in one piece. We were misled and
let down by the Channel Swimming and Piloting Federation, which
controls and organises English Channel crossing, an open sea swim over
a distance of 35 km from Dover in England to Calais in France”.

The Karnataka team reached Dover, and on July 6 was ready to
undertake the attempt with two groups of six swimmers each, which
included three women, and dedicate their efforts to world peace.


But Channel Federation authorities, according to Ms. Kapoor,
dissuaded them from doing it on July 8 and 9 despite perfect weather
conditions. “They gave the clearance on July 10, when we had a terrible
weather. But we were told by Alliston Streeter, the head of the Channel
Swim Federation, the sea would be choppy for a while and conditions
would improve.”

The swimmers, on that assurance, took the plunge, with disastrous
results. “The tides, which were already six ft. high, became worse.
Giant tidal waves, topping over 10 ft, tossed the swimmers up and down
the sea and one of the girls, Rajani, went under the boat and had to be
rescued. All of us were badly bruised and before there were any
fatalities, we decided to call it off after swimming for eight to 10
km,” Ms. Kapoor said.

The swimmers returned to base in Dover but what hurt them, said Ms.
Kapoor, was the apathy shown by the authorities. “They just dumped us
and left. There were no explanations and apologies and our request for
a second attempt on a suitable day was rejected.”

Their attitude was all the more surprising because Alliston was a
renowned long distance swimmer, who had 43 solo crossing of the
Channel, the swimmers said.

The State swimmers spent Rs.4 lakh for their abortive attempt, which
came after hard toil for over one year under the supervision of noted
coach Sindhia of Sindhia Swim School. “Some of us are so traumatised by
the experience that we don’t want to get into the sea again,” Ms.
Kapoor said.

The team has lodged a strong protest with Channel Swimming
Federation and has sought a refund. “We doubt whether we will get back
our money, but it is a lesson to all of us and the Indian swimming
fraternity who wish to attempt English Channel crossing,” said Ms.

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Blessed, Noble and the Awakened Magnificient, Mighty Great Mind or Karl Marx-International Early Birds Brotherhood Multipurpose Cooperative Society(IEBBMCS) For The Welfare and Ultimate Bliss of Entire Mighty Great Minds-Red Bean Cakes with Creamy Coconut Sauce
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 9:21 am

Blessed, Noble and the Awakened Magnificient,

Mighty Great Mind or Karl Marx




V.              THE MEANS






2. The Original Creed of Karl Marx

3. What survives of the Marxian Creed?


5. Means

6. Evaluation of Means

7. Whose Means are More Efficacious?

8. Withering away of the State

A comparison between Karl Marx and  the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND may be regarded as a joke. There need be no surprise in this. Marx and the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND are divided by 2381 years. BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND was born in 563 BC and Karl Marx in 1818 AD Karl Marx is supposed to be the architect of a new ideology-polity a new Economic system. The BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND on the other hand is believed to be no more than the founder of a religion, which has no relation to politics or economics. The heading of this essay  BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND or Karl Marx which suggests either a comparison or a contrast between two such personalities divided by such a lengthy span of time and occupied with different fields of thought is sure to sound odd. The Marxists may easily laugh at it and may ridicule the very idea of treating Marx and BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND on the same level. Marx so modern and  BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND so ancient! The Marxists may say that the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND as compared to their master must be just primitive. What comparison can there be between two such persons? What could a Marxist learn from the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND ? What can BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND teach a Marxist? None-the-less a comparison between the two is a attractive and instructive Having read both and being interested in the ideology of both a comparison between them just forces itself on me. If the Marxists keep back their prejudices and study the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND and understand what he stood for I feel sure that they will change their attitude. It is of course too much to expect that having been determined to scoff at the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND they will remain to pray. But this much can he said that they will realise that there is something in the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND’s teachings which is worth their while to take note of.


The  BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND is generally associated with the doctrine of Ahimsa. That is taken to be the be-all and end-all of his teachings. Hardly any one knows that what the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND taught is something very vast: far beyond Ahimsa. It is therefore necessary to set out in detail his tenets. I enumerate them below as I have understood them from my reading of the Tripitaka :

1. Religion is necessary for a free Society.

2. Not every Religion is worth having.

3. Religion must relate to facts of life and not to theories and speculations about God, or Soul or Heaven or Earth.

4. It is wrong to make God the centre of Religion.

5. It is wrong to make salvation of the soul as the centre of Religion.

6. It is wrong to make animal sacrifices to be the centre of religion.

7. Real Religion lives in the heart of man and not in the Shastras.

8. Man and morality must be the centre of religion. If not, Religion is a cruel superstition.

9. It is not enough for Morality to be the ideal of life. Since there is no God it must become the Jaw of life. 10. The function of Religion is to reconstruct the world and to make it happy and not to explain its origin or its end.

11. That the unhappiness in the world is due to conflict of interest and the only way to solve it is to follow the Ashtanga Marga.

12. That private ownership of property brings power to one class and sorrow to another.

13. That it is necessary for the good of Society that this sorrow be removed by removing its cause.

14. All human beings are equal.

15. Worth and not birth is the measure of man.

16. What is important is high ideals and not noble birth.

17. Maitri or fellowship towards all must never be abandoned. One owes it even to one’s enemy.

18. Every one has a right to learn. Learning is as necessary for man to live as food is.

19. Learning without character is dangerous.

20. Nothing is infallible. Nothing is binding forever. Every thing is subject to inquiry and examination. 21. Nothing is final.

22. Every thing is subject to the law of causation.

23. Nothing is permanent or sanatan. Every thing is subject to change. Being is always becoming.

24. War is wrong unless it is for truth and justice.

25. The victor has duties towards the vanquished. This is the creed of the Buddha in a summary form. How ancient hut how fresh! How wide and how deep are his teachings!


Let us now turn to the creed of Karl Marx as originally propounded by him. Karl Marx is no doubt the father of modern socialism or Communism but he was not interested merely in propounding the theory of Socialism. That had been done long before him by others. Marx was more interested in proving that his Socialism was scientific. His crusade was as much against the capitalists as it was against those whom he called the Utopian Socialists. He disliked them both. It is necessary to note this point because Marx attached the greatest importance to the scientific character of his Socialism. All the doctrines which Marx propounded had no other purpose than to establish his contention that his brand of Socialism was scientific and not Utopian.

By scientific socialism what Karl Marx meant was that his brand of socialism was inevitable and inescapable and that society was moving towards it and that nothing could prevent its march. It is to prove this contention of his that Marx principally laboured. Marx’s contention rested on the following theses. They were:

(i) That the purpose of philosophy is to reconstruct the world and not to explain the origin of the universe.

(ii) That the force which shapes the course of history are primarily economic.

(iii) That society is divided into two classes, owners and workers. (iv) That there is always a class conflict going on between the two classes.

(v) That the workers are exploited by the owners who misappropriate the surplus value, which is the result of the workers’ labour.

(vi) That this exploitation can be put an end to by nationalisation of the instruments of production i.e. abolition of private property.

(vii) That this exploitation is leading to greater and greater impoverishment of the workers.

(viii) That this growing impoverishment of the workers is resulting in a revolutionary spirit among the workers and the conversion of the class conflict into a class struggle.

(ix) That as the workers outnumber the owners, the workers are bound to capture the State and establish their rule, which he called the dictatorship of the proletariat.

(x) These factors are irresistible and therefore socialism is inevitable.

I hope I have reported correctly the propositions, which formed the original basis of Marxian Socialism.


Before making a comparison between the ideologies of the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND and Karl Marx it is necessary to note how much of this original corpus of the Marxian creed has survived; how much has been disproved by history and how much has been demolished by his opponents.

The Marxian Creed was propounded sometime in the middle of the nineteenth century. Since then it has been subjected to much criticism. As a result of this criticism much of the ideological structure raised by Karl Marx has broken to pieces. There is hardly any doubt that Marxist claim that his socialism was inevitable has been completely disproved. The dictatorship of the Proletariat was first established in 1917 in one country after a period of something like seventy years after the publication of his Das Capital the gospel of socialism. Even when the Communism—which is another name for the dictatorship of the Proletariat—came to Russia, it did not come as something inevitable without any kind of human effort. There was a revolution and much deliberate planning had to be done with a lot of violence and blood shed, before it could step into Russia. The rest of the world is still waiting for coming of the Proletarian Dictatorship. Apart from this general falsification of the Marxian thesis that Socialism is inevitable, many of the other propositions stated in the lists have also been demolished both by logic as well as by experience. Nobody now  accepts the economic interpretation of history as the only explanation of history. Nobody accepts that the proletariat has been progressively pauperised. And the same is true about his other premises.

What remains of the Karl Marx is a residue of fire, small but still very important. The residue in my view consists of four items:

(i) The function of philosophy is to reconstruct the world and not to waste its time in explaining the origin of the world. (ii) That there is a conflict of interest between class and class. (iii) That private ownership of property brings power to one class and sorrow to another through exploitation.

(iv) That it is necessary for the good of society that the sorrow be removed by the abolition of private property.


Taking the points from the Marxian Creed which have survived one may now enter upon a comparison between the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND and Karl Marx.

On the first point there is complete agreement between the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND and Karl Marx. To show how close is the agreement I quote below a part of the dialogue between BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND and the Brahmin Potthapada.

Then, in the same terms, Potthapada asked (the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND) each of the following questions:

1. Is the world not eternal?

2. Is the world finite?

3. Is the world infinite?

4. Is the soul the same as the body?

5. Is the soul one thing, and the body another?

6. Does one who has gained the truth live again after death ?

7. Does he neither live again, nor not live again, after death ? And to each question the exalted one made the same reply: It was this.

“That too, Potthapada, is a matter on which I have expressed no opinion “.

28. But why has the Exalted One expressed no opinion on that ? (Because) This question is not calculated to profit, it is not concerned with (the Dhamma) it does not redound even to the elements of right conduct, nor to detachment nor to purification from lust, nor to quietude, nor to tranquillisation of heart, nor to real knowledge, nor to the insight (of the higher stages of the Path), nor to Nibbana. Therefore it is that I express no opinion upon it. ” On the second point I give below a quotation from a dialogue between BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND and Pasenadi King of Kosala:

Moreover, there is always strife going on between kings, between ‘ nobles, between Brahmins, between house holders, between mother and son, between son and father, between brother and sister, , between sister and brother, between companion and companion. . .” ‘ Although these are the words of Pasenadi, the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND did not deny  that they formed a true picture of society.                      

As to the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND’s own attitude towards class conflict his doctrine ‘’. of Ashtanga Marga recognises that class conflict exists and that it is ; the class conflict which is the cause of misery.

On the third question I quote from the same dialogue of BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND with Potthapada;

Then what is it that the Exalted One has determined? ” “ I have expounded, Potthapada, that sorrow and misery exist! I have expounded, what is the origin of misery. I have expounded what is the cessation of misery: I have expounded what is method by which one may reach the cessation of misery.

30. And why has the Exalted One put forth a statement as to that?’

‘ Because that questions Potthapada, is calculated to profit, is concerned with the Dhamma redounds to the beginnings of right conduct, to un-tachment, to purification from lusts, to quietude, to tranquillisation of heart, to real knowledge, to the insight of the higher stages of the Path and to Nirvana. Therefore is it, Potthapada that I have put forward a statement as to that.

That language is different but the meaning is the same. If for misery one reads exploitation BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND is not away from Marx.

On the question of private property the following extract from a dialogue between  BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND and Ananda is very illuminating. In reply to a question by Ananda the  BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND said:

I have said that avarice is because of possession. Now in what way that is so, Ananda, is to be understood after this manner. Where there is no possession of any sort or kind whatever by any one or anything, then there being no possession whatever, would there, owing to this cessation of possession, be any appearance of avarice? ” ‘There would not. Lord.

Wherefore, Ananda, just that is the ground, the basis, the genesis, the cause of avarice, to wit, possession.

31. I have said that tenacity is the cause possession. Now in what way that is so, Ananda, is to be understood after this manner. Were there no tenacity of any sort or kind whatever shown by any one with respect to any thing, then there being whatever, would there owing to this cessation of tenacity, be any appearance of possession? ‘ ‘There would not. Lord.’

Wherefore, Ananda, just that is the ground, the basis, the genesis, the cause of possession, to wit tenacity. ‘ On the fourth point no evidence is necessary. The rules of the Bhikshu Sangh will serve as the best testimony on the subject.

According to the rules a Bhikku can have private property only in the following eight articles and no more. These eight articles are: —

1  I

2. } Three robes or pieces of cloth for daily wear.

3. I

4. A girdle for the loins.

5. An alms-bowl.

6. A razor.

7. A needle.

8. A water strainer.

Further a Bhikku was completely forbidden to receive gold or silver for fear that with gold or silver he might buy some thing beside the eight things he is permitted to have.

These rules are far more rigorous than are to be found in communism in Russia.


We must now come to the means. The means of bringing about Communism, which the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND propounded, were quite definite. The means can he decided into three parts. Part I consisted in observing the Pancha Silas. The Awakenment gave birth to a new gospel, which contains the key to the solution of the problem, which was haunting him.

The foundation of the New Gospel is the fact that the world was full of misery and unhappiness. It was fact not merely to be noted but to be regarded as being the first and foremost in any scheme of salvation. The recognition of this fact the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND made the starting point of his gospel.

To remove this misery and unhappiness was to him the aim and object of the gospel if it is to serve any useful purpose.

Asking what could be the causes of this misery the  BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND found that there could be only two.

A part of the misery and unhappiness of man was the result of his own misconduct.  To remove this cause of misery he preached the practice of Panch Sila.

The Panch Sila comprised the following observations: (1) To abstain from destroying or causing destruction of any living things (2) To abstain from stealing i.e. acquiring or keeping by fraud or violence, the property of another: (3) To Abstain from telling untruth: (4) To abstain from lust: (5) To abstain from intoxicating drinks.

A part of the misery and unhappiness in the world was according to the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND the result of mans inequity towards man. How was this inequity to be removed ? For the removal of man’s inequity towards man the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND prescribed the Noble Eight-Fold Path. The elements of the Noble Fight-Fold Path are:

(1) Right views i.e. freedom from superstition: (2) Right aims, high and worthy of the intelligent and earnest men; (3) Right speech i.e. kindly, open, truthful: (4) Right Conduct i.e. peaceful, honest and pure; (5) Right livelihood i.e. causing hurt or injury to no living being; (6) Right perseverance in all the other seven; (7) Right mindfulness i.e. with a watchful and active mind; and (8) Right contemplation i.e. earnest thought on the deep mysteries of life.

The aim of the Noble Eight-Fold Path is to establish on earth the kingdom of righteousness, and thereby to banish sorrow and unhappiness from the face of the world.

The third part of the Gospel is the doctrine of Nibbana. The doctrine of Nibbana is an integral part of the doctrine of the Noble Eight-Fold Path. Without Nibbana the realisation of the Eight-Fold Path cannot be accomplished.

The doctrine of Nibbana tells what are the difficulties in the way of the realisation of the Eight-Fold Path.

The chiefs of these difficulties are ten in number. The BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND called them the Ten Asavas, Fetters or Hindrances.

 The first hindrance is the delusion of self. So long as a man is wholly occupied with himself, chasing after every bauble that he vainly thinks will satisfy the cravings of his heart, there is no noble path for him. Only when his eyes have been opened to the fact that he is but a tiny part of a measureless, whole, only when he begins to realise how impermanent a thing is his temporary individuality can he even enter upon this narrow path.

The second is Doubt and Indecision. When a mans eyes are opened to the great mystery of existence, the impermanence of every individuality, he is likely to be assailed by doubt and indecision as to his action. To do or not to do, after all my individuality is impermanent, why do anything are questions, which make him indecisive or inactive. But that will not do in life. He must make up his mind to follow the teacher, to accept the truth and to enter on the struggle or he will get no further.

The third is dependence on the efficacy of Rites and Ceremonies. No good resolutions, however firm will lead to anything unless a man gets rid of ritualism: of the belief that any outward acts. any priestly powers, and holy ceremonies, can afford him an assistance of any kind. It is only when he has overcome this hindrance, that men can be said to have fairly entered upon the stream and has a chance sooner or later to win a victory.

‘’ The fourth consists of the bodily passions… The fifth is ill will towards other individuals. The sixth is the suppression of the desire for a future life with a material body and the seventh is the desire for a future life in an immaterial world.

The eighth hindrance is Pride and nineth is self-righteousness. These are failings which it is most difficult for men to overcome, and to which superior minds are peculiarly liable a Praisaical contempt for those who are less able and less holy than themselves.

The tenth hindrance is ignorance. When all other difficulties are conquered this will even remain, the thorn in the flesh of the wise a.nd good, the last enemy and the bitterest foe of man.

Nibbana consists in overcoming these hindrances to the pursuit of the Noble Eight-Fold Path.

The doctrine of the Noble Eight-Fold Path tells what disposition of the mind which a person should sedulously cultivate. The doctrine of Nibbana tells of the temptation or hindrance which a person should earnestly overcome if he wishes to trade along with the Noble Eight-Fold Path

The Fourth Part of the new Gospel is the doctrine of Paramitas. The doctrine of Paraimitas inculcates the practice of ten virtues in one’s daily life.

These are those ten virtues—d) Panna (2) Sila (3) Nekkhama (4) Dana(5) Virya(6) Khanti(7) Succa(8) Aditthana(9) Mettaa-nd (10) Upekkha.

Panna or wisdom is the light that removes the darkenss of Avijja, Moha or Nescience. The Panna requires that one must get all his doubts removed by questioning those wiser than him self, associate with the wise and cultivate the different arts and sciences which help to develop the mind.

Sila is moral temperament, the disposition not to do evil and the disposition to do good; to be ashamed of doing wrong. To avoid doing evil for fear of punishment is Sila. Sila means fear of doing wrong. Nekkhama is renunciation of the pleasures of the world. Dana means the giving of one’s possessions, blood and limbs and even one’s life for the good of the others without expecting anything in return.

Virya is right endeavour. It is doing with all your might with thought never turning back, whatever you have undertaken to do.

Khanti is forbearance. Not to meet hatred by harted is the essence of it. For hatred is not appeased by hatred. It is appeased only by forbearance.

Succa is truth. An aspirant for Buddha never speaks a lie. His speech is truth and nothing but truth.

Aditthana is resolute determination to reach the goal. Metta is fellow feeling extending to all beings, foe and friend, beast and man.

Upekka is detachment as distinguished from indifference. It is a state of mind where there is neither like nor dislike. Remaining unmoved by the result and yet engaged in the pursuit of it.

These virtues one must practice to his utmost capacity. That is why they are called Paramitas (States of Perfection).

Such is the gospel the  BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND enunciated as a result of his enlightenment to end the sorrow and misery in the world.

It is clear that the means adopted by the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND were to convert a man by changing his moral disposition to follow the path voluntarily.

The means adopted by the Communists are equally clear, short and swift. They are (1) Violence and (2) Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

The Communists say that there are the only two means of establishing communism. The first is violence. Nothing short of it will suffice to break up the existing system. The other is dictatorship of the proletariat. Nothing short of it will suffice to continue the new system.

It is now clear what are the similarities and differences between BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND and Karl Marx. The differences are about the means. The end is common to both.                


We must now turn to the evaluation of means. We must ask whose means are superior and lasting in the long run. There are, however some misunderstandings on both sides. It is necessary to clear them up. Take violence. As to violence there are many people who seem to shiver at the very thought of it. But this is only a sentiment. Violence cannot be altogether dispensed with. Even in non-communist countries a murderer is hanged. Does not hanging amount to violence? Non-communist countries go to war with non-communist countries. Millions of people are killed. Is this no violence? If a murderer can be killed, because he has killed a citizen, if a soldier can be killed in war because he belongs to a hostile nation why cannot a property owner be killed if his ownership leads to misery for the rest of humanity? There is no reason to make an exception in favour of the property owner, why one should regard private property as sacrosanct.

The BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND was against violence. But he was also in favour of justice and where justice required he permitted the use of force. This is well illustrated in his dialogue with Sinha Senapati the Commander-in-Chief of Vaishali. Sinha having come to know that the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND preached Ahimsa went to him and asked:

The Bhagvan preaches Ahimsa. Does the Bhagvan preach an offender to be given freedom from punishment? Does the Bhagvan preach that we should not go to war to save our wives, our children and our wealth? Should we suffer at the hands of criminals in the name of Ahimsa.?”

Does the Tathagata prohibit all war even when it is in the interest of Truth and Justice?

 BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND replied. You have wrongly understood what I have been preaching. An offender must be punished and an innocent man must be freed. It is not a fault of the Magistrate if he punishes an offender. The cause of punishment is the fault of the offender. The Magistrate who inflicts the punishment is only carrying out the law. He does not become stained with Ahimsa. A man who fights for justice and safety cannot be accused of Ahimsa. If all the means of maintaining peace have failed then the responsibility for Himsa falls on him who starts war. One must never surrender to evil powers. War there may be. But it must not be for selfish ends….”

There are of course other grounds against violence such as those urged by Prof. John Dewey. In dealing with those who contend that the end justifies the means is morally perverted doctrine, Dewey has rightly asked what can justify the means if not the end ? It is only the end that can justify the means.

BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND would have probably admitted that it is only the end which would justify the means. What else could? And he would have said that if the end justified violence, violence was a legitimate means for the end in view. He certainly would not have exempted property owners from force if force were the only means for that end. As we shall see his means for the end were different. As Prof. Dewey has pointed out that violence is only another name for the use of force and although force must be used for creative purposes a distinction between use of force as energy and use of force as violence needs to be made. The achievement of an end involves the destruction of many other ends, which are integral with the one that is sought to be destroyed. Use of force must be so regulated that it should save as many ends as possible in destroying the evil one.  BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND’s Ahimsa was not as absolute as the Ahimsa preached by Mahavira the founder of Jainism. He would have allowed force only as energy. The communists preach Ahimsa as an absolute principle. To this the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND was deadly opposed.

As to Dictatorship the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND would have none of it. He was born a democrat and he died a democrat. At the time he lived there were 14 monarchical states and 4 republics. He belonged to the Sakyas and the Sakya’s kingdom was a republic. He was extremely in love with Vaishali which was his second home because it was a republic. Before his Mahaparinibban he spent his Varshavasa in Vaishali. After the completion of his Varshavasa he decided to leave Vaishali and go elsewhere as was his wont. After going some distance he looked back on Vaishali and said to Ananda. “This is the last look of Vaishali which the Tathagata is having “. So fond was he of this republic.

He was a thorough equalitarian. Originally the Bhikkus, including the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND himself, wore robes made of rags. This rule was enunciated to prevent the aristocratic classes from joining the Sangh. Later Jeevaka the great physician prevailed upon the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND to accept a robe, which was made of a whole cloth. The BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND  at once altered the rule and extended it to all the monks.

Once the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND’s mother Mahaprajapati Gotami who had joined the Bhikkuni Sangh heard that the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND had got a chill. She at once started preparing a scarf for him. After having completed it she took to the  BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND and asked him to wear it. But he refused to accept it saying that if it is a gift it must be a gift to the whole Sangh and not to an individual member of the Sangh. She pleaded and pleaded but he refused to yield.

The Bhikshu Sangh had the most democratic constitution. He was only one of the Bhikkus. At the most he was like a Prime Minister among members of the Cabinet. He was never a dictator. Twice before his death he was asked to appoint some one as the head of the Sangh to control it. But each time he refused saying that the Dhamma is the Supreme Commander of the Sangh. He refused to be a dictator and refused to appoint a dictator.

What about the value of the means? Whose means are superior and lasting in the long run?

Can the Communists say that in achieving their valuable end they have not destroyed other valuable ends? They have destroyed private property. Assuming that this is a valuable end can the Communists say that they have not destroyed other valuable end in the process of achieving it? How many people have they killed for achieving their end. Has human life no value ? Could they not have taken property without taking the life of the owner ?

Take dictatorship. The end of Dictatorship is to make the Revolution a permanent revolution. This is a valuable end. But can the Communists say that in achieving this end they have not destroyed other valuable ends ? Dictatorship is often defined as absence of liberty or absence of Parliamentary Government. Both interpretations are not quite clear. There is no liberty even when there is Parliamentary Government. For law means want of liberty. The difference between Dictatorship and Parliamentary Govt. lies in this. In Parliamentary Government every citizen has a right to criticise the restraint on liberty imposed by the Government. In Parliamentary Government you have a duty and a right; the duty to obey the law and right to criticise it. In Dictatorship you have only duty to obey but no right to criticise it.


We must now consider whose means are more lasting. One has to choose between Government by force and Government by moral disposition.

As Burke has said force cannot be a lasting means. In his speech on conciliation with America he uttered this memorable warning:

First, Sir, permit me to observe, that the use of force alone is but temporary. It may subdue for a moment; but it does not remove the necessity of subduing again; and a nation is not governed which is perpetually to be conquered.

My next objection is its uncertainty. Terror is not always the effect of force, and an armament is not a victory. If you do not succeed, you are without resource, for, conciliation failing, force remains; but force failing, no further hope of reconciliation is left.  Power and authority are sometimes bought by kindness; but they can never be begged as alms by an impoverished and defeated violence.

A further objection to force is that you impair the object by your very endeavours to preserve it. The thing you fought for is the thing, which you recover, but depreciated, sunk, wasted and consumed in the contest.

In a sermon addressed to the Bhikkus the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND has shown the difference between the rule by Righteousness and Rule by law i.e. force. Addressing the Brethren he said:

(2) Long ago, brethren, there was Sovereign overlord named Strongtyre, a king ruling in righteousness, lord of the four quarters of the earth, conqueror, the protector of his people. He was the possessor of the celestial wheel. He lived in supremacy over this earth to its ocean bounds, having conquered it, not by the courage, by the sword, but by righteousness.

(3) Now, brethren, after many years, after many hundred years. after manu thousand years, king Strongtyre command a certain man, saying:

Thou should est see, Sir, the Celestial Wheel has sunk a little, has slipped down from its place, bring me word.

Now after many many hundred years had slipped down from its place On seeing this he went to King Strongtyre and said: Know. sir, for a truth that the Celestial Wheel has sunk, has slipped down from its place.

The king Strongtyre, brethren, let the prince his eldest son be sent for and speak thus:

Behold, dear boy, my Celestial Wheel has sunk a little, has slipped down from its place. Now it has been told me; If the Celestial Wheel of a wheel turning King shall sink down, shall slip down from its place, that king has not much longer to live. I have had my fill of human pleasures; It’s time to seek after divine joys, Come, dear boy, take thou charge over this earth bounded by the ocean. But I, shaving, hair and beard, and donning yellow robes, will go forth from home into the homeless state.

So brethren. King Strongtyre, having in due form established his eldest son on the throne, shaved hair and bearded, donned yellow robes and went forth from home into homeless state. But on the seventh day after the royal hermit had gone forth, the Celestial Wheel disappeared.

(4) Then a certain man went to the King, and told him, saying: Know, 0 King, for a truth, that the Celestial Wheel has disappeared!

Then that King, brethren, was grieved thereat and afflicted with sorrow. And he went to the royal hermit, and told him, saying, Know, sir, for a truth, that the Celestial Wheel has disappeared.

And the anointed king so saying, the royal hermit made reply. Grieve thou not, dear son, that the Celestial Wheel has disappeared, nor be afflicted that the Celestial Wheel has disappeared. For no paternal heritage of thin, dear son, is the Celestial Wheel. But verily, dear son, turn thou in the Ariyan turning of the Wheel-turners. (Act up to the noble ideal of duty set before themselves by the true sovereigns of the world). Then it may well be that if thou carry out the Ariyan duty of a Wheel-turning Monarch, and on the feast of the moon thou wilt for, with bathed head to keep the feast on the chief upper terrace, to the Celestial Wheel will manifest, itself with its thousand spokes its tyre, navel and all its part complete. (5) Put what, sire is this Ariya duty of a Wheel-turning Monarch?’ This, dear son, that thou, leaning on the Norm (the law of truth and righteousness) honouring, respecting and revering it, doing homage to it, hallowing it, being thyself a Norm-banner, a Norm-signal, having the Norm as thy master, should provide the right watch, ward, and protection for thine own folk, for the army, for the nobles, for vassals, for brahmins and house holders, for town and country dwellers, for the religious world, and for beasts and birds. Throughout thy kingdom let no wrongdoing prevail. And whosoever in thy kingdom is poor, to him let wealth be given.

And when dear son, in thy kingdom men of religious life, renouncing the carelessness arising from intoxication of the senses, and devoted to forbearance and sympathy, each mastering self, each claiming self, each protecting self, shall come to thee from time to time, and question the concerning what is good and what is bad. what is criminal and what is not, what is to be done and what is to be left undone, what line of action will in the long run work for weal or for woe, thou shouldest hear what they have to say and thou shouldest deter them from evil, and bid them take up what is good. This, dear son, is the Ariyan duty of a sovereign of the world.’

Even so, sire, answered the anointed king, and obeying, and carried out the Ariyan duty of a sovereign lord. To him, thus behaving, when on the feast of the full moon he had gone in the observance with bathed head to the chief upper Terrance the Celestial Wheel revealed itself, with its thousand spokes, its tyre. its naval, and all its part complete. And seeing this is occurred to the king: It has been told me that a king to whom on such a occasion the Celestial Wheel reveals itself completely, becomes a Wheel-turning monarch. May I even I also become a sovereign of the world.’

(6) Then brethren, the king arose from his seat and uncovering his robe from one shoulder, took in his left hand a pitcher, and with his right hand sprinkled up over the Celestial Wheel, saying: Roll onward, O Lord Wheel! Go forth and overcome, O Lord Wheel ! Then, brethren, the Celestial Wheel rolled onwards towards the region of the East. and after it went the Wheel-turning king, and with him his army, horses and chariots and elephants and men. And in whatever place, brethren, the wheel stopped, there the king, the victorious war-lord, took up his abode, and with him his fourfold army. Then the all, the rival kings in the region of the East came to the sovereign king and said Come, O mighty king! Welcome, O mighty king! All is thine, O mighty King! Teach us, O mighty king!

The king, the sovereign war-lord, speak thus: Ye shall slay no living thing. Ye shall not take that which has not been given. Ye shall not act wrongly touching bodily desires. Ye shall speak no lie. Ye shall drink no maddening drink. Enjoy your possessions as you have been wont to do.’

(7) Then, brethern, the Celestial Wheel, plunging down to the Eastern ocean, rose up out again, and rolled onwards to the region of the south. (and there all happened as had happened in the East). And in like manner the Celestial Wheel, plunging into Southern ocean, rose up out again and rolled onward to the region of the West. . . and of the North: and there too happened as had happened in the Southern and West.

Then when the Celestial Wheel had gone forth conquering over the whole earth to its ocean boundary, it returned to the royal city, and stood, so that one might think it fixed, in front of the judgement hall at entrance to the inner apartments of the king, the Wheel-turner, lighting up with its glory the facade of the inner apartments of the king, the sovereign of the world.

(8) And a second king. brethern, also a Wheel-turning monarch,. . . and a third. . . and a fourth. . . and a fifth. . . and a sixth. . . and a seventh king, a victorious war-lord, after many years, after many        hundred years, after many thousand years, command a certain man, saying:

If thou should’est see, sirrah, that the Celestial Wheel has sunk down, has slid from its place, bring me word.’ ‘Even so, sire.’ replied the man.

So after many years, after many hundred years, after many thousand years, that man saw that the Celestial Wheel had sunk down, had become dislodged from its place. And so seeing he went to the king, the warlord, and told him.

Then that king did (even as Strongtyre had done). And on the seventh day after the royal hermit had gone forth the Celestial Wheel disappeared.

Then a certain man went and told the King. Then the King was grieved at the disappearance of the wheel, and afflicted with grief. But        he did not go to the hermit-king to ask concerning, the Ariyan Duty of sovereign war-lord. But his own ideas, forsooth, he governed his people; and they so governed differently from what they had been. did not prosper as they used to do under former kings who had carried out the Arivan duty of a sovereign king.

Then, brethren, the ministers and courtiers, the finance officials, the guards and door keepers and they who lived by sacred verses came to the King and speak thus:

Thy people, O king. whilst thou governest them by thine own ideas differently from the way to which they were used when former kings were carrying out the Arivan Duty prosper not. Now there are in thy kingdom ministers and courtiers, finance officers, guards and custodians, and they who live by sacred verses—both all of us and others—who keep the knowledge of the Ariyan duty of the sovereign king. to ! O king. do thou ask us concerning it: to thee thus asking will we declare it.’

9. Then, brethren, the king, having made the ministers and all the rest sit down together, asked them about the Ariyan duty of Sovereign war-lord. And they declared it unto him. And when he had heard them, he did provide the due watch and ward protection, but on the destitute he bestowed no wealth and because this was not done, poverty became widespread.

When poverty was thus become rife, a certain man took that which others had not given him, what people call by theft. Him they caught, and brought before the king, saying: This man, O king has taken that which was not given to him and that is theft‘.

Thereupon the king speak thus to the man. Is it true sirrah, that thou hast taken what no man gave thee, hast committed what men call theft.’ It is true, O king.’ ‘But why?’

O king, I have nothing to keep me alive.’ Then the king bestowed wealth on that man, saying: With this wealth sir, do thou both keep thyself alive, maintain thy parents, maintain children and wife, carry on thy business.’ ‘Even so, O king,’ replied the man.

10. Now another man, brethren, took by theft what was not given him. Him they caught and brought before the king and told him., saying: this man, O king, hath taken by theft what was not given him‘.

And the king (spoke and did even as he had spoken and done to the former man.)

II. Now men heard brethren, that to them who had taken by theft what was not given them, the King was giving wealth. And hearing they thought, let us then take by theft what has not been given us.

Now a certain man did so. And him they caught and charged before the king who (as before) asked him why he had stolen. Because, O king I cannot maintain myself. Then the king thought: If I bestow wealth on anyone so ever who has taken by theft what was not given him, there will be hereby and increase of this stealing. Let me now put final stop to this and inflict condign punishment on him, have his head cut off!

So he bade his man saying now look ye! bind this man’s arms behind him with a strong rope and tight knot, shave his head bald, lead him around with a harsh sounding drum, from road to road, from cross ways to cross ways, take him out by the southern gate and to the south of the town, put a final stop to this, inflict on him uttermost penalty, cut of his head.’

‘ Even so, O king ‘ answered the men, and carried out his commands.

12. Now men heard, brethren, that they who took by theft what was not given them were thus put to death. And hearing they thought, let us also now have sharp swords made ready for themselves, and them from whom we take what is not given us—what they call them— let us put a final stop to them, inflict on them uttermost penalty., and their heads off.

And they got themselves sharp swords, and came forth to sack village and town and city, and to work highway robbery. And then whom they robbed they made an end of, cutting off their heads.

13. Thus, brethren, from goods not being bestowed on the destitute poverty grieve rife; from poverty growing rife stealing increased, from the spread of stealing violence grew space, from the growth of violence the destruction of life common, from the frequency of murder both the span of life in those beings and their comeliness also (diminished).

Now among humans of latter span of life, brethren, a certain took by theft what was not given him and even as those others was accused before the king and questioned if it was true that he had stolen. Nay, O king,’ he replied, they are deliberately telling lies.’ 14. Thus from goods not being bestowed on the destitute, poverty grew rife… stealing… violence… murder… until lying grew common.

Again a certain man reported to the king, saying such and such a man, O king! has taken by theft what was not given him ‘— thus speaking evil of him.

15. And so, brethren, from goods not being bestowed on the destitute poverty grew rife… stealing… violence… murder… lying… evil speaking grew abundant.

16. From lying there grew adultery.

17. Thus from goods not being bestowed on the destitute, poverty…   stealing…   violence…   murder…   lying…   evil speaking. . . immorality grew rife.

18. Among (them) brethren, three things grew space incest, wanton greed and perverted lust.

Then these things grew apace lack of filial piety to mother and father, lack of religious piety to holy men, lack of regard for the head of the clan.

19. There will come a time, brethren, when the descendants of those humans will have a life-span of ten years. Among humans of this life span, maidens of five years will be of a marriageable age. Among such humans these kinds of tastes (savours) will disappear; ghee, butter, oil of tila, sugar, salt. Among such humans kudrusa grain will be the highest kind of food. Even as to-day rice and curry is the highest kind of food, so will kudrusa grain will be then. Among such humans the ten moral courses of conduct will altogether disappear, the tenimmoral courses of action will flourish excessively; there will be no word for moral among such humans, the ten moral courses of conduct will altogether disappear, the ten immoral courses of action will flourish excessively, there will be no word for moral among such humans—far less any moral agent. Among such humans, brethren, they who lack filian and religious piety, and show no respect for the Head of the clan—’tis they to whom homage and praise will be given, just as to-day homage and praise are given to the filial minded, to the pious and to them who respect the heads of their clans.

20. Among such humans, brethren, there will be no (such thoughts of reverence as are a bar to intermarriage with) mother, or mother’s sister, or mother’s sister-in-law, or teacher’s wife, or father’s sister-in-law. The world will fall into promiscuity, like goats and sheep, fowls and swine, dogs and jackals.

Among such humans, brethren keen mutual enmity will become the rule, keen ill-will, keen animosity, passionate thoughts even of killing, in a mother towards her child, in a child towards its father, in brother to brother, in brother to sister, in sister to brother. Just a sportsman feels towards the game that he sees, so will they feel.

This is probably the finest picture of what happens when moral force fails and brutal force takes its place.  What the Buddha wanted was that each man should be morally so trained that he may himself become a sentinel for the kingdom of righteousness.


The Communists themselves admit that their theory of the State as a permanent dictatorship is a weakness in their political philosophy. They take shelter under the plea that the State will ultimately wither away. There are two questions, which they have to answer. When will it wither away? What will take the place of the State when it withers away? To the first question they can give no definite time. Dictatorship for a short period may be good and a welcome thing even for making Democracy safe. Why should not Dictatorship liquidate itself after it has done its work, after it has removed all the obstacles and boulders in the way of democracy and has made the path of Democracy safe. Did not Asoka set an example? He practised violence against the Kalingas. But thereafter he renounced violence completely. If our victor’s to-day not only disarm their victims but also disarm themselves there would be peace all over the world.

The Communists have given no answer. At any rate no satisfactory answer to the question what would take the place of the State when it withers away, though this question is more important than the question when the State will wither away. Will it. be succeeded by Anarchy? If so the building up of the Communist State is an useless effort. If it cannot be sustained except by force and if it results in anarchy when the force holding it together is withdraws what good is the Communist State. The only thing, which could sustain it after force is withdrawn, is Religion. But to the Communists Religion is anathema. Their hatred to Religion is so deep seated that they will not even discriminate between religions which are helpful to Communism and religions which are not; The Communists have carried their hatred of

Christianity to Buddhism without waiting to examine the difference between the two. The charge against Christianity levelled by the Communists was two fold. Their first charge against Christianity was that they made people other worldliness and made them suffer poverty in this world. As can be seen from quotations from Buddhism in the earlier part of this tract such a charge cannot be levelled against Buddhism.

The second charge levelled by the Communists against Christianity cannot be levelled against Buddhism. This charge is summed up in the statement that Religion is the opium of the people. This charge is based upon the Sermon on the Mount which is to be found in the Bible. The Sermon on the Mount sublimates poverty and weakness. It promises heaven to the poor and the weak. There is no Sermon on the Mount to be found in the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND’s teachings. His teaching is to acquire wealth. I give below his Sermon on the subject to Anathapindika one of his disciples.

Once Anathapindika came to where the Exalted One was staying. Having come he made obeisance to the Exalted One and took a seat at one side and asked Will the Awakened One tell what things are welcome, pleasant, agreeable, to the householder but which are hard to gain.’

The Awakened One having heard the question put to him said Of such things the first is to acquire wealth lawfully.’

The second is to see that your relations also get their wealth lawfully.’

The third is to live long and reach great age.’ ‘Of a truth, householder, for the attainment of these four things, which in the world are welcomed, pleasant agreeable but hard to gain, there are also four conditions precedent. They are the blessing of faith, the blessing of virtuous conduct, the blessing of liberality and the blessing of wisdom.

The Blessing of virtuous conduct which abstains From taking life, thieving, unchastely, lying and partaking of fermented liquor.

The blessing of liberality consists in the householder living with mind freed from the taint of avarice, generous, open-handed, delighting in gifts, a good one to be asked and devoted to the distribution of gifts.

Wherein consists the blessing of Wisdom? He know that an householder who dwells with mind overcome by greed, avarice, ill-will, sloth, drowsiness, distraction and flurry, and also about, commits wrongful deeds and neglects that which ought to be done, and by so doing deprived of happiness and honour.

Greed, avarice, ill will, sloth and drowsiness, distraction and flurry and doubt are stains of the mind. A householder who gets rid of such stains of the mind acquires great wisdom, abundant wisdom, clear vision and perfect wisdom.

Thus to acquire wealth legitimately and justly, earn by great industry, amassed by strength of the arm and gained by sweat of the brow is a great blessing. The householder makes himself happy and cheerful and preserves himself full of happiness; also makes his parents, wife, and children, servants, and labourers, friends and companions happy and cheerful, and preserves them full of happiness. The Russians do not seem to be paying any attention to Buddhism as an ultimate aid to sustain Communism when force is withdrawn.

The Russians are proud of their Communism. But they forget that the wonder of all wonders is that the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND established Communism so far as the Sangh was concerned without dictatorship. It may be that it was a communism on a very small scale but it was communism I without dictatorship a miracle which Lenin failed to do.

The BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND’s method was different. His method was to change the mind of man: to alter his disposition: so that whatever man does, he does it voluntarily without the use of force or compulsion. His main means to alter the disposition of men was his Dhamma and the constant preaching of his Dhamma. The BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MINDs way was not to force people to do what they did not like to do although it was good for them. His way was to alter the disposition of men so that they would do voluntarily what they would not otherwise to do.

It has been claimed that the Communist Dictatorship in Russia has wonderful achievements to its credit. There can be no denial of it. That is why I say that a Russian Dictatorship would be good for all backward countries. But this is no argument for permanent Dictatorship. Humanity does not only want economic values, it also wants spiritual values to be retained. Permanent Dictatorship has paid no attention to spiritual values and does not seem to intend to. Carlyle called Political Economy a Pig Philosophy. Carlyle was of course wrong. For man needs material comforts But the Communist Philosophy seems to be equally wrong for the aim of their philosophy seems to be fatten pigs as though men are no better than pigs. Man must grow materially as well as spiritually. Society has been aiming to lay a new foundation was summarised by the French Revolution in three words, Fraternity, Liberty and Equality. The French Revolution was welcomed because of this slogan. It failed to produce equality. We welcome the Russian Revolution because it aims to produce equality. But it cannot be too much emphasised that in producing equality society cannot afford to sacrifice fraternity or liberty. Equality will be of no value without fraternity or liberty. It seems that the three can coexist only if one follows the way of the BLESSED, NOBLE AND THE AWAKENED MAGNIFICIENT, MIGHTY, GREAT MIND. Communism can give one but not all.


Red Bean Cakes with Creamy Coconut Sauce

posted by Annie B. Bond Jun 20, 2008 9:00 am
Red Bean Cakes with Creamy Coconut Sauce

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Beans and rice are an inexpensive and nourishing staple food in many regions of the world. Here they are blended with piquant spices and formed into cakes that are served with a delectable rich coconut sauce.

Rice and beans with a zesty twist–and using canned beans means you can make them in practically no time. Tasty, vegan, and substantial.

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 small red onion, chopped
1 small red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
1/2 cup chopped celery
1 large garlic clove, minced
1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon cayenne, or to taste
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 1/2 cups cooked or one 15-ounce can pinto, kidney, or other red beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 cup cold cooked white or brown rice
2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley leaves
1/4 cup blanched almonds
1 tablespoon minced shallots
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk

1. Heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onion, bell pepper, celery, garlic, paprika, thyme, and cayenne. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste and set aside to cool.

2. In a food processor, combine the beans, rice, parsley, salt, and pepper to taste, and sautéed onion mixture. Pulse to blend, leaving some texture intact. Shape into patties and set aside.

3. Heat the remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the bean cakes and cook, turning once, until browned on both sides. 7 to 10 minutes total. Reduce the heat to low and keep warm while you prepare the sauce.

4. Place the almonds and shallots in a blender and grind into a paste. Add the coconut milk and salt and pepper to taste and blend until smooth. Transfer to a small saucepan over low heat and cook, stirring, until hot.

5. Transfer the bean cakes to a platter, pour the sauce over them, and serve.

Serves 4.

Adapted from Vegan Planet, by Robin Robertson (Harvard Common Press, 2003).

Online edition of India’s National Newspaper
Thursday, Jun 26, 2008

U.P. doctors permitted private practice

Atiq Khan

They won’t be allowed to hold administrative post

Their services will be on a contractual basis

LUCKNOW: Doctors of medical colleges in Uttar Pradesh have been permitted to do private practice.

But they will not be allowed to hold any administrative posts.

Those who opt for it will not be eligible for regular pay scales. They will get a fixed salary and their services will be on a contractual basis.

This condition will also apply to teachers of the Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University in Lucknow.

The decision, taken at a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday presided over by Chief Minister Mayawati, is seen as a measure to settle the dispute surrounding private practice by doctors. The issue has been simmering for some time, with some senior teachers of the CSM Medical University here deciding to take voluntary retirement from service.

The Cabinet also approved the revision of the pay scales of CSMMU teachers and doctors of medical colleges. Cabinet Secretary Shashank Shekhar Singh told newspersons that the scale of the medical university teachers would be on a par with that of the doctors in the Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, whereas for the doctors of the other State medical colleges, University Grants Commission (UGC) scales will be applicable.

Mr. Singh said that following the pay revision, the salaries of the medicos would go up by at least Rs. 20,000.

Stamp duty

Another significant decision related to the stamp duty on the registration of plots. While the duty has been reduced from 8-5 per cent, the stamp fee on agreement papers has been scaled down from Rs. 80 to Rs. 40. Henceforth, the circle rate will not apply and the plots will be registered on the basis of the rates of the development authorities.

Sindhia clueless on what led to his removal

BANGALORE: The former Minister, P.G.R. Sindhia, who was removed from the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) on Tuesday, is still clueless on what led to it.

Mr. Sindhia, who was the national general secretary of the BSP, told The Hindu here on Wednesday that he has not been able to find out why the party president Mayawati had taken such a “harsh decision.”

“I have been loyal to her and the party ideology. I had not joined BSP for any personal gains,” he remarked.

Mr. Sindhia said even his distant relative Sudhir Sawanth, who was the convenor of the Maharashtra unit of the BSP, has been expelled from the party.

Mr. Sindhia had no answer when he was asked whether a Dalit and non-Dalit conflict in the party could have led to his ouster.

He said he was also trying to ascertain the reports in a section of the media that the BSP was planning to strike an alliance with Janata Dal (Secular) in Karnataka for the Lok Sabha elections.

The reports indicated that Mr. Sindhia was removed from the party fearing that he could create hurdles for the BSP and the Janata Dal(S) alliance in view of his strained relationship with the Janata Dal(S) president H.D. Deve Gowda.

BSP General Secretary and Rajya Sabha member Veer Singh, who, on Tuesday, announced that Mr. Sindhia was removed from the party, said he [Mr. Sindhia] was unable to work in coordination with the old office-bearers and had become “inactive.”


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