Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

October 2024
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VRI MEDIA FREE ONLINE TRAINING ON PRECEPTS AND TRADE-53 ON LIVELIHOOD THE WAY OF USING RESOURCES -COMPREHENSIVE PALI COURSE LESSON 7-Exercise 3-FREE ONLINE TRAINING ON BUDDHISM FOR CHILDREN -14 -The Mouse Merchant [Diligence and Gratitude] - A Permanent Online International Seminar on Buddhism and Buddhist Heritage of Jambudvipa, that is, the Great Prabuddha Bharath -8-THE EIGHTFOLD PATH-FIVE MINUTES ON BUDDHA’S TEACHING: Lesson -6-Effective arrangements made by Government to check stockpiling and black marketing D.M.s directed to take tough action against hoarders D.M.s should ensure to provide essential commodities on fair prices to poor people-U.P. Government demands Rs. 7789.14 crore relief package from Centre for drought affected districts of State State Agriculture Minister met Mr. Sharad Pawar today regarding drought relief package State Government effectively carrying out relief works in affected areas through its own resources C.M. directs officers to provide all possible help to farmers in drought hit districts-Ensure basic facilities for backwards, weaker and poor sections of society —Chief Minister First instalment of scholarship available in all districts Rs. 30 crore arranged for Marriage-Illness Subsidy Scheme C.M. reviews works of Backward Classes Welfare Department-Providing basic amenities to urban poor is top priority of State Government —Chief Minister Most urban poor belong to SC, backward and poor people of Sarvasamaj, urban regeneration will not be possible without providing them basic amenities —Mayawati SUDA provided basic amenities to 9.76 lakh beneficiaries living in SC dominated slums Arrangements made to provide houses to urban poor under J.L.N.N.U.R.M. Scheme, Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme-Mahamaya Garib Balika Ashirvad Yojna and Savitri Bai Phule Balika Shiksha Madad Yojna should be implemented effectively for empowerment of poor girls and to make them self-reliant —Chief Minister Rs. 900 crore arranged for 4.5 lakh BPL girls under Mahamaya Garib Balika Ashirvad Yojna Rs. 139.14 crore arranged for previous year and Rs. 412 crore for current fiscal under Savitri Bai Phule Balika Shiksha Madad Yojna Rs. 94.46 crore deposited in accounts of girl students under Savitri Bai Phule Balika Shiksha Madad Yojna 52,082 cycles distributed among girl students-News related to allocation of funds for drought relief, parks, memorials and statues in supplementary budget is totally false and misleading Rs. 548 crore allocated for drought relief by State Government, if needed more funds will be allocated Rs. 200 crore allocated for conservation of environment in Lucknow and Rs. 100 crore earmarked for all-round development of State capital-TRIKURAL AND TRIVALLUVAR-A confluence of Tamil and Kannada cultures, people -Thiruvalluvar’s statue unveiled in Bangalore without hitch -Sarvajña and tripadis-Sarvajna’s birthplace cries for attention -RPI wants Mayawati as ally in Maha polls- After 14 yrs, SC/STs speak in one voice-Learning from the history of transfer of power
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 9:37 pm

Kindly Vote for all the 5 BSP Candidates

contesting in the Karnataka State By - Election on 18-08-2009

Dr. Subash Bharani (Kollegal)

Ayappa (Chittapura)

Nahidha Salma (Govindarajanagara)

Mallikarjunaiah (Ramanagara)

Sujeevan Kumar (Channapatna)



to remain alert so that their
in valuable votes are neither bought nor looted nor remain unused and no
selfish person is able to misuse their votes by ensnaring them in the name of
caste and creed, money, temple and mosque or by any kind of emotional
blackmail, not to get carried away by alluring promises made in the election
manifesto of opposition parties, in other words they have to rise in their

to the defence of democracy !







The eating implements of a monastic are referred to as

“the vessel that corresponds to one’s needs”. This means

one should know moderation and not to be too greedy.

According to the Sutra of the King Fanmonan [Fanmonan

Guowang Jing],
“taking food and drink should be like taking

Medicine by a person who is ill. A person should not
covet if

After being cures”. The
Connected Discourses of the Buddha

Teaches, “One should always be mindful to eat moderately,

Which means eat sparingly, digest quietly, and thereby

Preserve life”. The Sutra
of Teachings Bequeathed by the

Buddha [Fo Yijiao
advises, “Treat all food anf milk like

Medicine. They can be beneficial and harmful, take in

Moderation to sustain the body and eliminate hunger and

thirst”. (to be contd.)



Compare: Conjugation endings between
present, future

And past tenses


The Mouse Merchant
[Diligence and Gratitude]

Once upon a time,
an important adviser to a certain king was on his way to a meeting
with the king and other advisers. Out of the corner of his eye, he
saw a dead mouse by the roadside. He said to those who were with him.
“Even from such small beginnings as this dead mouse, an energetic
young fellow could build a fortune. If he worked hard and used his
intelligence, he could start a business and support a wife and family.”

A passerby heard
the remark. He knew this was a famous adviser to the king, so he decided
to follow his words. He picked up the dead mouse by the tail and went
off with it. As luck would have it, before he had gone even a block,
a shopkeeper stopped him. He said, “My cat has been pestering
me all morning. I’ll give you two copper coins for that mouse.”
So it was done.

With the two copper
coins, he bought sweet cakes, and waited by the side of the road with
them and some water. As he expected, some people who picked flowers
for making garlands were returning from work. Since they were all
hungry and thirsty, they agreed to buy sweet cakes and water for the
price of a bunch of flowers from each of them. In the evening, the
man sold the flowers in the city. With some of the money he bought
more sweet cakes and returned the next day to sell to the flower pickers.

This went on for
a while, until one day there was a terrible storm, with heavy rains
and high winds. While walking by the king’s pleasure garden, he saw
that many branches had been blown off the trees and were lying all
around. So he offered to the king’s gardener that he would clear it
all away for him, if he could keep the branches. The lazy gardener
quickly agreed.

The man found
some children playing in a park across the street. They were glad
to collect all the branches and brush at the entrance to the pleasure
garden, for the price of just one sweet cake for each child.

Along came the
king’s potter, who was always on the lookout for firewood for his
glazing oven. When he saw the piles of wood the children had just
collected, he paid the man a handsome price for it. He even threw
into the bargain some of his pots.

With his profits
from selling the flowers and the firewood, the man opened up a refreshment
shop. One day all the local grass mowers, who were on their way into
town, stopped in his shop. He gave them free sweet cakes and drinks.
They were surprised at his generosity and asked, “What can we
do for you?” He said there was nothing for them to do now, but
he would let them know in the future.

A week later,
he heard that a horse dealer was coming to the city with 500 horses
to sell. So he got in touch with the grass mowers and told each of
them to give him a bundle of grass. He told them not to sell any grass
to the horse dealer until he had sold his. In this way he got a very
good price.

Time passed until
one day, in his refreshment shop, some customers told him that a new
ship from a foreign country had just anchored in the port. He saw
this to be the opportunity he had been waiting for. He thought and
thought until he came up with a good business plan.

First, he went
to a jeweler friend of his and paid a low price for a very valuable
gold ring, with a beautiful red ruby in it. He knew that the foreign
ship was from a country that had no rubies of its own, where gold
too was expensive. So he gave the wonderful ring to the captain of
the ship as an advance on his commission. To earn this commission,
the captain agreed to send all his passengers to him as a broker.
He would then lead them to the best shops in the city. In turn, the
man got the merchants to pay him a commission for sending customers
to them.

Acting as a middle
man in this way, after several ships came into port, the man became
very rich. Being pleased with his success, he also remembered that
it had all started with the words of the king’s wise adviser. So he
decided to give him a gift of 100,000 gold coins. This was half his
entire wealth. After making the proper arrangements, he met with the
king’s adviser and gave him the gift, along with his humble thanks.

The adviser was
amazed, and he asked, “How did you earn so much wealth to afford
such a generous gift?” The man told him it had all started with
the adviser’s own words not so long ago. They had led him to a dead
mouse, a hungry cat, sweet cakes, bunches of flowers, storm damaged
tree branches, children in the park, the king’s potter, a refreshment
shop, grass for 500 horses, a golden ruby ring, good business contacts,
and finally a large fortune.

Hearing all this,
the royal adviser thought to himself, “It would not be good to
lose the talents of such an energetic man. I too have much wealth,
as well as my beloved only daughter. As this man is single, he deserves
to marry her. Then he can inherit my wealth in addition to his own,
and my daughter will be well cared for.”

This all came
to pass, and after the wise adviser died, the one who had followed
his advice became the richest man in the city. The king appointed
him to the adviser’s position. Throughout his remaining life, he generously
gave his money for the happiness and well being of many people.

moral is: With energy and ability, great wealth comes even from small

A Permanent Online International Seminar on
Buddhism and Buddhist Heritage of Jambudvipa, that is, the Great
Prabuddha Bharath -8


means non-attachment, the eradication of egoism. It is an attainment
that can be achieved in this life. The path to Nirvana is through the
eightfold path.

In the order of development,

Morality leads to:

Right speech

Right action

Right livelihood

Concentration leads to:

Right effort
Right mindfulness
Right concentration

Wisdom leads to:

Right understanding

Right thought

is much more than an ordinary moral teaching. Morality is only the
preliminary stage on the path of purity, and is a means to an end, but
not an end in itself. With morality, the practitioner embarks on the
practice of Samadhi, the control and the culture of the mind. Samadhi
is the one-pointedness of the mind. It is concentration of the mind on
one object to the exclusion of all other irrelevant objects.

one gains this perfect one-pointedness of the mind, it is possible to
develop any of the 5 supernormal powers. Supernormal powers should not
be primary the goal of practitioners.

mind is purified, but discipline and concentration are useful to clear
the Path of its obstacles. To reach the ultimate goal, insight or
vipassana (correct view) enables one to see things as they truly are.
The goal is to have all forms of attachments totally annihilated.

years after the Buddha’s paranibbana, his teachings continue to be
relevant. There are 84,000 ways to reach awaken-ness. There will
always be a way that will best suit the capacity and temperament of a

Though all seek happiness, the being with small capacity seeks a good rebirth by doing virtuous acts and avoiding immoral acts. The being with middling capacity
seeks to achieve freedom from cyclic existence by realizing the 4 noble
truths and following the middle path. The being with the highest capacity aspires to attain Buddhahood to liberate all sentient beings.

As Buddhists, we dedicate our body, speech, and mind to virtue. By taking refuge, we dedicate ourselves to the Triple Gems
the body, speech, and mind of the Buddhas. The triple gems also refer
to the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha. We must rely on them in our
search for awakenment. The Buddha is our inspiration and model. The
Dhamma is the method to accomplish the ultimate goal. The Sangha is our
teacher and guide.

Keep in mind the 4 thoughts that turn the mind.

Cultivate the 4 immeasurables.

to the law of cause and effect, meritorious thoughts, words, and deeds
will always results in future beneficial results and vice versa.
Because of this, it is important to dedicate all your good thoughts,
words, and deeds for the good of all sentient beings. Undedicated acts
will reap benefits only once for you. However, if the acts are
dedicated to the end of attaining the level of the Buddhas for the
benefit of all sentient beings, the harvest will be inexhaustible.


Two instincts or ideas are psychologically deep-rooted in man:
self-protection and self-preservation. For self protection man has
created God, on whom he depends for his own protection, safety and
security, just as a child depends on its parent. For self-preservation,
man has conceived the idea of an immortal soul or atman, which will
live eternally. In his ignorance, weakness, fear and desire, man needs
these two ideas to console and secure himself. Hence he clings to them
deeply, fanatically.

The Buddha’s teaching does not support these two ideas based on
ignorance, weakness, fear and desire, but aims at making man
enlightened by destroying them, striking them at their very root.
According to Buddhism, the ideas of God and Soul are false and empty.
Though highly developed as theories, they are all the same extremely
subtle mental projections, garbed in an intricate metaphysical and
philosophical phraseology. These ideas are so deep-rooted in man, and
so near and dear to him, that he does not wish to hear, nor does he
want to understand, any teaching against them.  Buddha knew very well
the ideas of God and Soul prevailing at his time. In fact, he said that
his teaching was “against the current”, against man’s selfish desires.
Just four weeks after his enlightenment, seated under a banyan tree, he
thought to himself : ” I have realized this Truth, which is deep,
difficult to see, difficult to understand.. ..comprehensible only to
the wise….Men who are overpowered by passions and surrounded by a
mass of darkness cannot see this Truth, which is against the current,
which is lofty, deep, subtle and hard to comprehend”.

With these thoughts in mind, the Buddha hesitated for a moment
whether it would not be in vain if he tried to explain to the world the
Truth he had just realized. Then he compared the world to a lotus pond:
in a lotus pond there are some lotuses still under water; there are
others which have risen only to the water level; there are still others
which stand above water and stand untouched by it. In the same way in
this world, there are men at different levels of development. Some
would understand the Truth. So the Buddha decided to teach it.

                                                                         Walpola Rahula

August 9, ‘09
P.P. Lakshman
Email: pplakshman08@
Telephone: 917-664-6566

Press Information Bureau
(Chief Minister’s Information Campus)
Information & Public Relations Department, U.P.

Effective arrangements made by
Government to check stockpiling and black marketing

D.M.s directed to take tough action against hoarders

D.M.s should ensure to provide
essential commodities on fair prices to poor people

Lucknow : August 07, 2009

The Uttar Pradesh Silk and Textile Minister Mr. Jagdish
Narain Rai here today informed the Vidhan Parishad that
effective arrangements had been made to check stockpiling
and black marketing of essential commodities. He informed
the House that all the D.M.s had been directed to strictly
check the hoarding and black marketing of essential
commodities. He said that the D.M.s had been asked to take
strict action against the hoarders and those indulging in black

Mr. Rai was replying to a question of rising prices raised
by the opposition parties in the Vidhan Parishad. He informed
them about the steps taken by the State Government to
check inflation. He said that the D.M.s had been directed to
provide essential commodities like—pulses, potatoes etc. to
poor people on fair prices.

The Textile Minister said that the Government would
ensure that there was no scarcity of essential commodities in
the State. He said that D.M.s had been issued explicit orders
to check hoarding and black marketing at all levels and to
take strict action against those found indulging in it.

U.P. Government demands Rs. 7789.14 crore relief
package from Centre for drought
affected districts of State

State Agriculture Minister met Mr. Sharad Pawar today

regarding drought relief package

State Government effectively carrying out relief

works in affected areas through its own resources

C.M. directs officers to provide all

possible help to farmers in drought hit districts

Lucknow : August 06, 2009

With an objective to provide immediate and long term
relief to the people of drought hit districts, the Uttar Pradesh
Government has requested the Centre to provide a relief
package of Rs. 7789.14 crore.

Giving this information, a spokesman of the State
Government said that Uttar Pradesh had not faced such a
difficult drought condition and scanty rains for past several
years. Owing to drought, the ground water level had gone
down and the rivers had less water. Therefore, the
alternative irrigation capacity had also deteriorated. This
would affect the current kharif crop adversely and it was
also feared that the next rabi crop would also be badly

The Spokesman said that owing to less than the normal
rains, the situation of drought had emerged in most of the
districts of the State. Only 46.2 per cent rains took place
against the normal rains of the monsoon during the period
between 01 June 2009 and 31 July 2009. Owing to scanty
rains, the kharif crop was badly affected in the State this
year. The paddy sowing target could not be achieved and
only 51.36 per cent paddy could be sown, whereas, the
kharif sowing target stood at 55.14 per cent. Therefore, 58
districts had been declared drought hit on July 30, 2009 last.

The State Agriculture Minister Ch. Lakshmi Narain, on
behalf of the State Government, met the Union Agriculture
Minister Mr. Sharad Pawar today and presented him the
proposal for drought relief package requesting him to
provide the same at the earliest to the State Government.
The spokesman said that the package included diesel
subsidy for small and marginal farmers, arrangement of
alternative seeds for farming and vegetables, vaccines and
fodder for cattle, setting up of blast wells, deep, medium,
shallow borings, check dams, Government tube wells,
installation of independent feeder for continuous power
supply for pump canals, strengthening of canal distribution
and power distribution etc.

The spokesman said that the Chief Minister Ms.
Mayawati was very serious towards the drought situation
prevailing all over the State and she had directed the
officers of the affected districts to conduct relief works in an
effective manner in their respective districts. Besides, the
distribution of facilities and relief material should be ensured
on war footing to the farmers and transparency should be
ensured in it. The officers should follow the orders issued
earlier in this regard. He said that the C.M. was keeping an
eye on the drought situation of the State constantly so that
the farmers, poor and destitute persons did not face any

The Spokesman said that the State Government was
taking all possible steps through its own resources to deal
with the drought situation prevailing all over the State. But,
it was not enough. Considering the gravity of the situation,
the State Government has requested the Government of
India to immediately provide the relief package demanded
by the State.
Ensure basic facilities for backwards,
weaker and poor sections of society
—Chief Minister

First instalment of scholarship available in all districts
Rs. 30 crore arranged for

Marriage-Illness Subsidy Scheme

C.M. reviews works of
Backward Classes Welfare Department

Lucknow : August 06, 2009

The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati said that her
government was committed to provide better education to the people
of backward classes, weaker sections, minorities and poor people of
upper castes. She said that it would also be ensured that these
categories also got full benefit of various welfare schemes of the

Keeping this in view, arrangements had been made to provide
economic assistance to the people belonging to educationally, socially
and economically backward sections of the society. The concerning
officers had been strictly directed to ensure that the people belonging
to the backward classes got the benefit of these schemes on priority
basis. Stringent action would be taken against those officers who
showed indifference and carelessness in it, the C.M. warned.
The Chief Minister was reviewing the progress of various
welfare schemes being implemented by the Backward Classes
Welfare Department at a high level meeting organised at her official
residence here recently.

Directing the officers to distribute scholarship among the
students of the backward classes in a time bound manner, Ms.
Mayawati said that a sum of Rs. 83,933.78 lakh had been arranged
for distribution of scholarships during the current fiscal. As many as
1,90,58,236 students would get the scholarship from this amount.
She said that the economic condition of most of the backward
students was very poor and owing to it they left studies in the
middle. She said that from now on the State Government would
ensure that no student left the school because he could not pay the
fee. Therefore, there should be no laxity in providing fee to them, she

It was informed at the meeting that Rs. 17,929 lakh had been

arranged under the admission fee reimbursement scheme for the
students. Under it, a total of 10,63,487 students would be benefited.
The first instalment of the scholarship had been released to all the
districts for distribution during the current financial year. Its
distribution is under progress so that the students could fulfil their
studies related requirements timely. Besides, an arrangement of Rs.
716.52 lakh had been made to construct 14 hostels during year
2009-10 to provide housing facilities to poor students of backward
classes. Each hostel would have housing capacity of 50 students.
It was also informed at the meeting that an arrangement of Rs.
two crore had been made to provide ‘O’ level Computer Training to
unemployed backward class youths under the aforesaid scheme. As
many as 2000 students would get employment opportunities after
the completion of the training. The same number of unemployed
youths was provided training under the aforesaid scheme by
spending the identical amount.

An amount of Rs. 30 crore had been arranged for the Marriage-
Illness Subsidy Scheme for the daughters of poor people of backward
classes for this year. It would benefit more than 33000 people. It was
also informed at the meeting that this scheme was introduced in the
year 2007-08 and during year 2008-09 as many as 29,614 persons
were benefited under it by spending Rs. 30 crore. Out of it, 27,124
persons were benefited under marriage scheme and 2,612 persons
were benefited under illness scheme.

Besides, the Pichhra Varg Vitt Evam Vikas Nigam was also
providing loans under various schemes to the B.P.L. people of
backward classes on easy interest rates to make them self-reliant. A
provision of Rs. 100 lakh has been made for the distribution of loan
during year 2009-10.

It was also informed at the meeting that the State Backward
Classes Commission had been constituted for watching the interests
of the people of the backward classes. It also considered the proposal
of inclusion/exclusion of backward castes in addition to listening to
the complaints regarding the harassment of people belonging to
backward classes and it also heard reservation related cases of
backward classes.

It may be recalled that the State Government had raised the
limit of creamy layer to Rs. 5 lakh annual. Owing to it, a large
number of students of this class would be benefited. The steps taken
by the State Government were constructively helping the
students/youths of the backward classes.

Providing basic amenities to urban poor is
top priority of State Government
—Chief Minister

Most urban poor belong to SC, backward and poor people of
Sarvasamaj, urban regeneration will not be
possible without providing them basic amenities

SUDA provided basic amenities to 9.76 lakh
beneficiaries living in SC dominated slums
Arrangements made to provide houses
to urban poor under J.L.N.N.U.R.M. Scheme,
Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme

Lucknow: August 05, 2009

The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati has said that it is the
top priority of the State Government to provide basic amenities to urban
poor belonging to poor and weaker sections of the society. She said that
most of the urban poor belonged to SC, backward and poor people of
Sarvasamaj and the process of urban regeneration would not be possible
without providing them basic amenities.

The Chief Minister was reviewing the progress of various schemes
being conducted by State Urban Development Authority (SUDA) for urban
poor at a high level meeting held at her official residence here today. She
said that SUDA should provide basic amenities to urban poor and it should
also make efforts to make them self-reliant. She said that the results of
various schemes of SUDA have been good which indicated that the efforts
of the Government were bearing fruits.

During the review meeting it was pointed out that as many as 9.76
lakh beneficiaries were benefited by providing facilities like—drains,
sewage, drinking water supply and roads in the SC dominated slum areas
by local bodies and Rs. 9,904.03 lakh were spent by SUDA.

It was also informed at the meeting that the urban poor living in
seven cities of the State were being provided houses with basic facilities
under the J.L.N.N.U.R.M. The poor people living in Agra, Lucknow, Meerut,
Mathura, Kanpur Nagar, Allahabad and Varanasi were being provided
houses with basic amenities under the scheme. As many as 68 projects
costing Rs. 2,341.38 crore have been sanctioned under this scheme, which
would last till year 2012. As many as 68,215 houses having basic amenities
were being constructed under this project. So far as many as 4,535 houses
had been completed.

Besides, apart from seven districts selected under J.L.N.N.U.R.M., the
urban poor were being provided houses with basic amenities under
Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme (I.H.S.D.P.) all
over the State by SUDA. As many as 133 schemes costing Rs. 805.16 crore
had been sanctioned under this programme, so far. For that, the Central
subsidy of Rs. 510.23 crore had been sanctioned and Rs. 266.15 crore had
already been received. As many as 31,969 houses were being constructed
under the sanctioned schemes, against which 2,430 houses had already
been constructed.

The persons, who did not have their own land, were also being
benefited under the schemes run by SUDA for providing house to urban
poor. Such people would be provided land free of cost by SUDA.

The State Government was committed to eradicate the ill custom of
carrying night soil on head. The SUDA has implemented Integrated Low
Cost Sanitation Scheme for changing dry latrines into flush latrines.
Projects costing Rs. 24,182.68 lakh have been sanctioned for converting
dry latrines into flush latrines. As many as 2,38,253 dry latrines had been
identified by urban bodies by conducting a survey. Around Rs. 4,979 lakh
had been released for the districts as first instalment against the
sanctioned project cost and the work for converting dry latrines into flush
latrines as been started.

SUDA is also implementing Swarn Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojna with
an objective to create community properties. Another objective of this
scheme is to provide employment to unemployed/semi-employed poor
people of the urban area through self-entrepreneurship and labour
employment. Special emphasis was being given to the all-round
development of poor women and their empowerment and also to the
development of SC/ST and disabled persons.

It was also informed at the meeting that the selection of the
beneficiaries had been started as per the amended guidelines under the
Swarn Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojna, after conducting survey. Central
subsidy of Rs. 64.64 crore had been allocated for the current fiscal. Under
the amended scheme, no change was effected in the Urban Labour
Programme. Owing to it, various infrastructure facilities were being
provided in the SC dominated slums of the urban areas out off Rs. 4.47
crore allocated for this programme for year 2008-09. Rs. 4.40 crore were
being released for the districts for the current fiscal.
Mahamaya Garib Balika Ashirvad Yojna and Savitri Bai Phule Balika
Shiksha Madad Yojna should be implemented effectively for
empowerment of poor girls and to make them self-reliant
—Chief Minister

Rs. 900 crore arranged for 4.5 lakh BPL girls under

Mahamaya Garib Balika Ashirvad Yojna

Rs. 139.14 crore arranged for previous year and Rs. 412 crore for

current fiscal under Savitri Bai Phule Balika Shiksha Madad Yojna

Rs. 94.46 crore deposited in accounts of girl

students under Savitri Bai Phule Balika Shiksha Madad Yojna
52,082 cycles distributed among girl students

Lucknow: August 05, 2009

The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati has directed the officers to
effectively conduct Mahamaya Garib Balika Ashirvad Yojna and Savitri Bai Phule
Balika Shiksha Madad Yojna. She said that these schemes prepared by the
Government would ensure that the girls were not a burden on their families. She
said that the State Government had implemented these schemes with an
objective to make the condition of girls respectable and also to ensure education
of poor girls.

The Chief Minister was reviewing the progress of Mahamaya Garib Balika
Ashirvad Yojna and Savitri Bai Phule Balika Shiksha Madad Yojna at a high level
meeting held at her official residence here today. She said that the BPL families
were forced to fight for two square meals and could not devote their attention
towards the studies of their girls. She said that keeping this in view, her
government had decided to ensure effective implementation of these schemes
for the betterment of girls. She warned that any laxity or carelessness in the
implementation of these schemes would not be tolerated.

Reviewing Mahamaya Garib Balika Ashirvad Yojna, the C.M. was apprised
that a provision of Rs. 900 crore had been made for the current fiscal 2009-10
for benefiting 4.5 lakh girl students under this scheme. Out of it, an amount of
Rs. 787.5 crore had already been released.

It was also apprised at the meeting that 29,535 applications had been
received under the scheme and applications of 27,468 beneficiaries had been
sanctioned. As many as 22,501 beneficiaries had been provided certificates/fixed
deposit certificates under the scheme.

Reviewing the progress of Savitri Bai Phule Balika Shiksha Madad Yojna,
the officers of the Secondary Education Department apprised the C.M. that a
provision of Rs. 139.14 crore for financial year 2008-09 had been made, while an
arrangement of Rs. 412 crore had been made for the fiscal year 2009-10 under
this scheme. A sum of Rs. 102 crore had been arranged under the special
component plan. During the meeting, it was informed that about Rs. 94.46 crore
had been deposited in the accounts of 62,975 eligible girl students for their
encouragement and as many as 52,082 cycles had also been distributed.

News related to allocation of funds for drought relief, parks,

memorials and statues in supplementary budget is
totally false and misleading

Rs. 548 crore allocated for drought relief by State Government,

if needed more funds will be allocated

Rs. 200 crore allocated for conservation of environment

in Lucknow and Rs. 100 crore earmarked for
all-round development of State capital

Lucknow : August 04, 2009

The Spokesman of the Uttar Pradesh Government has said that

the news item that appeared in a section of press regarding allocation of
funds for drought relief and parks, memorials and statues in the
supplementary budget 2009-10 was totally false and misleading. He
said that the reality is that an amount of Rs. 330 crore had already been
arranged for relief works by the State Government in the general
budget 2009-10. Against this amount, Rs. 32 crore had been spent and
Rs. 298 crore were still available. Besides, Rs. 250 crore were also
demanded in the budget for the National Calamity Relief Fund. Thus, the
State Government has arranged an amount of Rs. 548 crore for the
drought relief. He termed the allegations of neglect regarding drought
relief being levelled against the State Government as totally wrong.

The Spokesman said that apart from that the supplementary

budget 2009-10 also included allocation of Rs. 359.19 crore for old age
pension and scholarship (additional arrangement), Rs. 102.73 crore for
State Medical Colleges at Banda, Jalaun and Kannauj (additional
arrangement), Rs. 71.91 crore for S.G.P.G.I. Lucknow, Gramin
Ayurvigyan Sansthan Saifai, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical
Sciences Lucknow and CSMMU Lucknow, Rs. 33.88 crore for National
Health Insurance Scheme, Rs. 40.94 crore for Indira Awas Yojna, Rs. 63
crore for NREGS, Rs. 17.08 crore for upgrading ITIs into Centre of
Excellence, Rs. 48.31 crore for scholarship for minority students, Rs.
200 crore for Nutrition Programme, Rs. 55.34 crore for Aganbari
Centres (additional arrangement) and Rs. 173.25 crore for land
acquisition for National Highways.

The Spokesman said that arrangement of an additional amount of

Rs. 12 crore had been made in the supplementary budget for
completing Rs. 200 crore Indira Gandhi Pratibha Pratishthan.
The Government spokesman said that efforts were being made to
create confusion that the State Government had made arrangements for
memorials, parks and statues, while it was ignoring drought relief. He
said that Rs. 200 crore had been arranged for the Eco-park being set up
in Lucknow with an objective of conservation of environment and Rs.
100 crore had also been arranged for the all-round development the
State capital. Only, an amount of Rs. 150 crore had been arranged for
memorials and parks.

The Spokesman said that the State Government had made

demand for additional budget for the year 2009-10, so that there was
no dearth of funds for development works. He said that the State
Government had made arrangement of funds for various schemes
through the general budget earlier.

The Spokesman said that the Government was carrying out

development works on a large scale in the State. Arrangement of Rs.
19,000 crore for education, Rs. 11,064 crore for Agriculture and
diversified activities, Rs. 6,230 for Irrigation, Rs. 1,250 crore for Urban
Infrastructure, Rs. 6,503 crore for Medical, Rs. 1,240 crore for Family
Welfare, Rs. 900 crore for Women and Child Welfare, Rs. 457 crore for
Dr. Ambedkar Gramin Vikas and Rs. 2,245 crore for construction of
roads in rural areas had been made in the general budget 2009-10.
The Spokesman said that the State Government had made
budgetary arrangements to provide funds for various development
works and welfare schemes being implemented in the State to benefit
the poor and weaker sections of the society.



The Tripitaka, the
earliest collection of Buddhist teachings and the only text recognized as
canonical by Theravada Buddhists.


Trikural, Trimandiram, Trivasagam, Trivennba,
Trimaalai, Trikadugam, was later replaced by Thiru and became Thirukural etc.

i means “Buddha Vacanam”, the word of
the Buddha consisting the texts of the Tripitaka, the sacred Buddhist Canon,
containing the original teachings of the Buddha.
The home of Pāi is Magadha. That
is why it is also known as Māgadhi.

The Buddha purposely did not speak in Chandas, the language
of Vedas, also called as Vedic Sanskrit. He spoke in the language of the common

“Anujānāmi bhikkhave
sakāyaniruttiā Buddhavacana
pariyāpunita - Monks, I instruct that the words
of the Buddha are learnt in the standard vernacular of the masses.”

This apart, chronologically, Pāi is decidedly older
than modern classical Sanskrit.

It is hoped that in the age of science and technology when
language studies are becoming more and more objective, Pā
i should be studied
widely as a discipline inseparable from other classical languages of Prabuddha

Tripitaka was handed down orally, and then written down in the third century
B.C.E. According to Buddhist tradition, the contents of the Tripitaka were determined
at the First Buddhist Council, shortly after the Buddha’s death. As many as 500
of Buddha’s disciples assembled, and at the direction of Mahakashypa, Buddha’s
successor, the teachings of the Buddha were recited in full. They were then
verified by others who had also been present and organized into the Tripitaka
(although not written at the time).

The Vinaya Pitaka (Discipline Basket) was
recalled by a monk named Upali. It deals with rules and regulations for the
monastic community (the sangha), including 227 rules for monks, further
regulations for nuns, and guidelines for the interaction between the sangha and
the laity. Most of these rules derive from the Buddha’s responses to specific
situations in the community.

The Sutra Pitaka (Discourse Basket) was
recited by Ananda, Buddha’s cousin and closest companion. It contains the
Buddha’s teachings on doctrine and behavior, focusing especially on meditation

The Abhidharma Pitaka (Higher Knowledge or
Special Teachings Basket) was recited by Mahakashyapa, the Buddha’s successor.
It is essentially a collection of miscellaneous writings, including songs,
poetry, and stories of the Buddha and his past lives. Its primary subjects are
Buddhist philosophy and psychology. Also within the Abhidharma Pitaka is the
Dhammapada (Dharmapada
in Sanskrit), a popular Buddhist text. The Dhammapada consists of sayings of
the Buddha and simple discussions of Buddhist doctrine based on the Buddha’s
daily life.

 Later Thirukural of Thiruvalluvar was written
in Dravidian Language,

is the most popular, and most widely
esteemed Tamil Classic of all times. It is a Tamil book on philosophy and life
in general, written by Thiruvalluvar, a sage and philosopher, about 2000 years
ago. Its appeal is universal. It is the only Tamil literary work that has been
translated many times in almost all languages of the world.


Written by the Sage Thiruvalluvar, the Thirukkural is in the
form of couplets which convey noble thoughts.

The Thirukkural is a code of ethics. It has something noble
for the ordinary man, the administrator, the king and the ascetic. It is global
in perspective and it is as timely today as when it was written more than 2000
years ago. It deals with the power of virtue, extols self control, urges man to
perform sacrifice and charity, and elucidates the qualities that go to make
perfection in all people - the married and the ascetic.

The Thirukkural consists of Divided into three sections, the
first part called arattupaal in 38 chapters enumerates the ways to live
a morally upright life; touching on such things as the happy married life and
the greatness of those who renounce.

The second part, called porutpaal tackles the conduct
of those involved in administration and socio-political life; about social
relations and citizenship.

The third part, inbatupaal, deals with love; about
physical longing, about true love and ethics.

Pandidamani Iyodhi Dass thought that the untouchables were
originally Buddhists and their salvation lay in Buddhism. He was the great
thinker and writer, he wrote Trikural apart from Thiruvalluvar Aaraachi, Kural
Kadavul Vaazhuthu etc.

He married Dhanalakshmi, the younger sister of Devan Bhadur
R. Srinivasan, who represented the Depressed Classes with Dr. Babasaheb
Ambedkar at the Round Table Conference.

Pandit Iyodhi Dass had four sons and two daughters. One of
his sons Shri I.Rajaram went to Natal,
South Africa
and tried to spread Buddhism there. Later A.C.P. Periaswamier founded the natal
Buddhist Society in the year 1920.

Pandidamani Iyodhi Dass was the first Buddhist revivalist in
among the untouchables. He breathed his last 5th May 1914 at the age
of 69.

Buddhism followed aniconic tradition, which avoids direct representation of
the human figure. But wanted Dhamma to be spread all over the world.
Around the 1st
century CE an iconic
period emerged lasting to this day which represents the Buddha in human form.
Buddhist art followed believers as the dharma spread, adapted, and evolved in
each new host country. It developed to the north through Central
and into Eastern Asia to form the Northern branch of Buddhist
art, and to the east as far as Southeast
to form the Southern branch of Buddhist art. In India, Buddhist
art flourished and even influenced the development of Hindu art

three-layered gilt-copper round base is engraved with treasure flowers and curling
grass patterns inlaid with turquoise, lapis lazuli and ivory. The body of the
pagoda is made of lapis lazuli, with the outer surface engraved with
gold-filled Prajna Paramita Sutra. The shoulders of the pagoda are adorned with
four gilt-silver beast faces holding strings of pearls, turquoises and lapis
lazuli stones in their mouths. These strings are connected with the canopy.

a Buddhist niche on the front side of the pagoda, with a jade-carved flight of
steps at the entrance. The gilt-silver niche door is engraved with two dragons
playing with a pearl, and the front of the door is fitted with a glass pane
bearing the gold-traced inscriptions “wuliang shoufo zan” (meaning
“Ode to the Amitayus Buddha”) by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing
Dynasty. There’s a gold Buddha statue enshrined inside the niche. The 13-storey
finial is decorated with lotus petal patterns and the carved gold canopy is
ringed with lapis lazuli-inlaid Sanskrit inscriptions, with tourmaline-ended
strings of pearls and turquoises hanging down. The sun, crescent moon, flames
and treasure pearl at the top are inlaid with rubies, tourmalines, turquoises
and pearls respectively.  Thus the Buddhists rejoice now.

has seen how Buddha appeared before 2600 years age?

did not mention even once
  as ‘god’ in
any of
133 chapters with each containing 10
couplets composed in the kural-venba metre, like the Buddha, who
preached Compassion and loving kindness.

The Thirukkural has achieved a perfect balance between the
secular and the spiritual.

Although we can say much about the book, we cannot do the
same about the author. Very little is known about Thiruvalluvar and his life.

Indian sages have this unique quality of making themselves
unimportant and wishing only for their works to be known and useful. They shy
away from talking about themselves. This is one reason why there is little
information about many of our sages. They held the belief that their message
was more important than themselves. Thiruvalluvar was one of these noble souls.

Thiruvalluvar’s parents names are not conclusively known.
However his wife’s name is given as Vasugi. She is described as the embodiment
of chastity with many stories about her purity being often quoted even today.

Thiruvalluvar in his Trirukural insisted on Aadhibaghavan,
Vaalivaan, Malar Misai Yeaginaan, Veadudhal, Veeanaamaillaan, Porivaayil
Iyndhavithaan, Thanakuvamaiillaadhavan, Aravaazhi Andanan, Yenngunathaan,
Muraicheidhu Kaaptriya Iraivan which depict Buddha.

Buddha’s Dhamma,
he Thirukkural can lead to a happy,
contented, morally upright and peaceful life. It can lead to harmonious and
peaceful social relations and co-existence.



Vishwa Tamil Saint Poet Trivalluvar Statue unveiling


Vishwa Tamil
Saint-Poet Trivalluvar’s Statue unveiling programme which is pending since 1991
is a matter of concern.

The only
reason for the opposition for unveiling the Statue Trivalluvar is that he is an
outside language Tamilian. If a stand is taken to oppose statues, names of the
roads, parks and memorials of outside language speaking personalities, why
oppose only Trivalluvar’s statue? Why not oppose Puttana
Shetty Town
, Ramana Maharishi Park,
Kamaraj Road,
Cubbon Park,
Bowring Hospital, Victoria Hospital? Why then, out side
linguists Charapathi Shivaji, Raja ram Mohan Roy statues are kept? It is just a
few peoples argument that is exceptionally opposed to install Trivalluvar

By unveiling
the statue of Trivalluvar, if it is argued, that it will provide an opportunity
to capture Kannada Culture, the same argument could be made for others as well.
Trivalluvar, Basavanna, Sarvajna, Bharathiyar, Ravindranath Tagore whose works
served the entire mankind, did not belong to any one language and region and
where not any language or National traitors. One cannot find even a single word
opposed to the Kannada Culture in1330 verses of Trikural that has been
translated to many languages apart from English. It has earned appreciation
from intellectuals. His work has been very much helpful in uniting all sections
of the society. To speak the truth, opposing such a great saint’s statue
unveiling is only harming Kannada Culture and greatness of Kannada people’s
compassion and loving kindness. Why oppose Trivalluvar’s statue, while the
intellectuals all over the world are asking for Trikural? What answer we have
for this? To say that Trivalluvar is a Tamilian will it not show our narrow

Just like
Tamil Nadu, we have water and land disputes with our neighbors such as Maharashtra, Andra Pradesh and Kerala. There are several
ways to solve these disputes in a Constitutional way in our Federal system of
Bharath. Leaving such a system, it is not proper to link Trivalluvar statue
unveiling with Hogenekal Project, Kaveri Water Distribution, etc. By adopting
such methods, it will be clear that we abide by the Constitutional way.

There is a
complaint that even after living in Karnataka for 30-40 years; Tamilians have
not learnt the language and that will strengthen them further, if Trivalluvar’s
statue is unveiled. Who are these Tamilians who have not learnt Kannada? They
are the people who are working as coolies who are struggling for a square meal!
They have not only learnt Kannada, but they have not even learnt Tamil! Do they
not belong to lakhs of Majority of the poor Kannadigas who were unable to learn
to read and write Kannada? Apart from this, to-day we should not forget the
role played by Tamilians for the growth of Kannada language, art, literature
and music. Great Sahityas Masti Venkatesh Iyengar, Goruru Ramaswamy Iyengar,
Puttanna, Pu.Ti.Na, DVG, Rajarathnam TP Kailasam and artists such as Kalyan
Kumar, Vishnuvarathan,  are Tamilians.
Like wise, Tamil Cinema stars Thai Nagesh, Rajini Kanth, Jayalilitha, Arjun,
Murali are Kannadigas. Art and Artists have overcome time and region. We should
not see them with our narrow minds. Art and Literature are universally great.

 We aspire Basavanna and Sarvajna statues to be
honoured by other States, likewise, we must also honour other Great
Personalities. We should not do politics in greatness of such personalities who
have done great service to the mankind. It is our duty to safe guard the
integrity and oneness of our Bharath with different, languages, culture and


There may be some differences between, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andra
Pradesh. There are several ways to come together by these states which  must mutually agree with each other. In this
regard, Manya Chief Minister Shri. Yediurappa has volunteered to help Tamil
Nadu, which is most welcome.


In the
larger interest of our Nation’s integrity one-ness and equality and welfare of
all living in Karnataka, Bahujan Samaj Party of Karnataka Branch has resolved
the to support the Karnataka Government’s stand to unveil the Statue of
Trivalluvar. Apart from that we will support Karnataka Government to solve all
the disputes with other State.


(Marasandra Muniappa)       (Gopinath)                                          (R.Muniappa)

State President                       State Executive
Committee Member
State Secretary

‘Treat all visionaries as nation’s assets’

Staff Reporter

B.S. Yeddyurappa

BANGALORE: Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa on Sunday appealed to the
Kannada organisations that are protesting against the unveiling of
Thiruvalluvar statue here, to join the mainstream and share the sweet
experience of brotherhood and friendship, befitting the true nature and
character of Kannadigas.

He was speaking here during the unveiling ceremony of the poet-saint
Thiruvalluvar. “I feel it is not appropriate to oppose the statue in
the name of Kannada language. We should treat all the visionaries born
in any State in the country as assets of our nation. Limiting such
great personalities to one State or region and campaigning against such
achievers is unbecoming of any citizens of this country,” he added.
“All the visionaries of our society have advocated that we should not
have ill will amongst ourselves and all Indians must live together.”
Mr. Yeddyurappa said: “By unveiling the statues of Sarvajna and
Thiruvalluvar, we are not going to enhance their fame or anything. Even
if we do not do this, they will remain great. Still, we are unveiling
the statues just to make our people realise the importance of their
preaching and try to follow them.”

The Chief Minister said that the consensus expressed by writers,
artists, thinkers and leaders of political parties of both the States
to unveil the statues of great saints was also a historic development.

He also said that the unveiling of the statue on Sunday, which
marked the Quit India Movement Day, would strengthen the inter-State

Writers, including G.S. Shivarudrappa, Siddalingaiah, Mathur Krishnamurthy and Chidananda Murthy, were present.

A confluence of Tamil and Kannada cultures, people

Bangalore Bureau

Statue of Thiruvalluvar unveiled in the presence of dignitaries;
Sarvajna’s statue to be unveiled on Thursday

BANGALORE: The statue of saint-poet Thiruvalluvar at N. Neelakantan
Circle in Ulsoor, that was initially planned to be unveiled on
September 1, 1991, was finally unveiled by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.
Karunanidhi at around 11.55 a.m. here on Sunday.

A large number of dignitaries had gathered at the RBANMS grounds to witness the event.

While Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa held the remote-controlled
device, Mr. Karunanidhi pressed the button to unveil the statue, amid a
thunderous applause from onlookers.

Finally, a visit

“In the last 18 years, I had been invited to Bangalore many times
but decided to come only after Thiruvalluvar’s statue was unveiled,”
Mr. Karunanidhi said. He complimented Mr. Yeddyurappa for “taking the
initiative” to get the two statues unveiled

Younger brother

Referring to Mr. Yeddyurappa as “my thambi (younger brother),” Mr.
Karunanidhi said he would “personally welcome him when he came to
Chennai on Thursday for the unveiling of Sarvajna’s statue. “There is
much more than just politics,” he remarked.


Amid a large and vocal crowd at the RBANMS grounds, a Gandhi
look-alike was found waving the National Flag throughout the ceremony.

It reminded those in the audience of the need for national integrity rather than being bogged down by inter-State issues.

Bi-lingual display

Apart from a large number of banners in Tamil that were tied all
around Ulsoor, the main function at RBANMS grounds had a bi-lingual

The huge cut-out erected behind the dais had an announcement about
the function both in Kannada and Tamil, showing portraits of
Thiruvalluvar and Sarvajna, and Mr. Yeddyurappa and Mr. Karunanidhi.
Many banners also had the portrait of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister
late M.G. Ramachandran

Mutual presents

Both the Chief Ministers used the occasion to gift each other with mementoes.

While the Karnataka Chief Minister gifted statuettes of Sarvajna and
Lord Ganesha to Mr. Karunanidhi and his wife Dayalu Ammal, he received
a statuette of Thiruvalluvar from the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister.

Thiruvalluvar’s statue unveiled in Bangalore without hitch

Karnataka Bureau

— Photos: V. Sreenivasa Murthy and Sampath Kumar G.P.

JOINT EFFORT: Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi unveiling
the Thiruvalluvar statue (right) in the presence of Karnataka Chief
Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa in Bangalore.

Bangalore: The unveiling of the statue of Tamil poet-saint
Thiruvalluvar near Ulsoor here by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.
Karunanidhi in the presence of his Karnataka counterpart B.S.
Yeddyurappa went off peacefully on Sunday amid a large turnout.

Mr. Karunanidhi said the unveiling of Thiruvalluvar’s statue here
and that of Sarvajna in Chennai scheduled for August 13 “is a fine
example of cooperation between States in India.” He added, “We have
created avenues for cooperation between the two States.”

“This is more than mere unveiling of statues. Sarvajna belonged to
an oppressed community and his work reflected his progressive ideals.
That is why he finds a place in the hearts of the people of both
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu,” Mr. Karunanidhi said.

Mr. Yeddyurappa said: “In the days to come, solutions to all
disputes and problems will be found only through dialogue.” He said
there had been a “sea of goodwill” between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
over the past several centuries. The unveiling of the statue of
Thiruvalluvar in Bangalore and that of Sarvajna in Chennai was the
result of this goodwill. He said: “It is my dream that the people of
Tamil Nadu and Karnataka share a peaceful relationship. These
(Thiruvalluvar and Sarvajna statues) are not just two bronze statues,
but are symbols of the bonding of hearts.” Referring to the respect
that the two scholars had for farmers, he said: “All farmers,
irrespective of their language, should get water for their crop. Both
the Karnataka and Tamil Nadu governments should make sure that crops do
not perish for want of water. The words of Thiruvalluvar and Sarvajna
should guide us in every walk of life.” Mr. Karunanidhi’s wife Dayalu
Ammal, Union Minister A. Raja, Ministers from both States, poets and
writers were present

About 30,000 people from across the State attended the function.

Sarvajña and tripadis

Sarvajña (Sanskrit for
“all-knowing”, Kannada:
ಸರ್ವಜ್ಞ), was a
poet in the Kannada
language. He is famous for his pithy three-lined poems which are called tripadis,
“with three padas,
three-liners”, a form of Vachanas. He is also referred as
Sarvagna in modern translation.

period of Sarvajña’s life has not been determined accurately, and very little
is known about him. Based on studies of his literary style and the references
of later writers, historians estimate that he may have lived during the first
half of the 16th century. Some references in his works indicate that his real
name was
padatta - Sarvajña appears to have been his pseudonym.
His father was a Shaivaite Brahmin and his mother was a Shudra widow named Mali. His
father met his mother at a place in present day Dharwar district in Karnataka
on his way to Benares on a pilgrimage.
Sarvagna grew up as a wandering monk

all, about 2000 three-liners are attributed to Sarvajna. It is possible that
some of these were written by later authors. Popular because of their alliterative
structure and simplicity, they deal mainly with social, ethical and
religious issues. A number of riddles are also attributed to Sarvajna.

was awarded the Kannada Sahitya Sammelana prize in 1949 for his
groundbreaking work on Sarvajna.

a monk, he says how he became an “all-knower” in one of his tripadi.

Sarvarolagondu nudi-galitu vidyeya-

parvatave aad noda Sarvajna

“All-knower has not become All-knower
merely out of vanity

he learnt one bit of information from

and became a veritable mountain of


Elu savirada Eppattu vachanagala ಏಳು ಸಾವಿರದ ಎಪ್ಪತ್ತು

Helidanu kela Sarvajna ಹೇಳಿದನು ಕೇಳ ಸರ್ವಜ್ಞ

” Over all meaning is Saravajna has
said 70707070 vachanas (Tripadi)”


The poor pig, however, is helpful.

The drunk is worse and useless.”


For regular postings on


!.              Trikural
and Trivalluvar


Kindly visit:


Sarvajna’s birthplace cries for attention

Girish Pattanashetti

Funds for development promised by Chief Ministers have not reached the

The road turns into a swamp during rainy season

Residents have to travel 4 km to get medical help

ABALURU (HAVERI DISTRICT): After the unveiling of the statue of
saint-poet Thiruvalluvar in Bangalore on Sunday, the statue of
saint-poet Sarvajna is all set to be installed at Chennai on August 13
amid much fanfare.

However, Abaluru, a sleepy village in Hirekerur taluk of Haveri
district, which is said to be the birthplace of Sarvajna, is bereft of
development and cries for attention.

What could have been developed as a tourist destination and a centre
for studies on Sarvajna and his contemporaries remains under-developed.
Even the direct route that leads to the village is not asphalted and
turns into a swamp during rainy season

For those travelling to Abaluru from Haveri, the signboard
“Sarvajnana Nadige Swagata” (welcome to the land of Sarvajna) greets
them soon after they leave Hamsabhavi. After 2 km, a milestone mentions
as Abaluru 5 km to the left. After about 3 km, a muddy road appears
confusing visitors to think that they might have lost way and start
looking for people to seek directions. But to their surprise, they are
told that they are on the right route.

“It has been like this since years. It is only a stretch of hardly 2
km (from Divagihalli). Our demands for laying the road have fallen on
deaf ears,” septuagenarian Chandrappa B. Yatnalli told The Hindu.

Maharudrappa Mayachari and Basavarajappa Malavalli of the village
told that especially during the rainy season, on a number of occasions,
they found vehicles stuck in the mud and it was left to the villages to
help them out.

“This route is the shortest and direct route from Hamsabhavi (7 km).
But we advise visitors to take the circumventing routes like coming via
Yatnalli (14 km) or via Koda (20 km). We even thought of whitening the
milestone, which indicates that the village is to the left. At least
that will save visitors from getting struck in the slush,” Mr.
Maharudrappa said.

It’s not that the village does not have any facility at all. The
village, which has a population of around 2,000, has a gram panchayat,
a government primary school and a private high school. However the
residents have to go to Koda, which is 4 km away, to get medical help.
The village does not have a direct bus to the district headquarters
Haveri. Lack of basic amenities had forced some of the villagers to
prevent a few political leaders from canvassing during the Assembly
elections. However that did not have any impact.

Forgotten promises

Although Abaluru was one among the select villages where the former
Chief Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy had his “grama vastavya” (village
stay), the village never got the Rs. 7.5 crore promised for the
development of Sarvajna’s birthplace. All that the Chief Minister did
during his brief stay that lasted an hour was unveiling of the statue
of Sarvajna.

Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa also promised Rs. 5 crore for
development of Sarvajna’s birthplace during a visit to Hirekerur some
time ago, but the villagers have not heard anything about that
afterwards. The long-pending demand for setting up “Sarvajna
Abhivruddhi Pradhikara” still remains a dream.

“Most importantly Sarvajna did not represent a particular community
and probably that is the reason why the political leaders are not much
interested in setting up an authority dedicated to him””, said B.G.
Channesh Honnalli, a lecturer at Hirekerur,. who has written a book
“Jangama Kavi Sarvajna”.

“The 16th century poet has been described as ‘a tusker separated
from the herd’ (Hindanagalida madagaja), who never sought the patronage
of any king or math. His triplets (tripadi) were born out of his
experience. Like Tamil poet Tiruvalluvar, Sarvajna is a poet of the
oral tradition, for whom life and society were important than
individuals. Still a lot of research has to be done on Sarvajna and
setting up an authority would make it easy” Mr. Channesh said.

Varied stories

Although researches point towards Abaluru as the poet’s birthplace,
there are still some who say that Masur, located in Hirekerur taluk, is
the poet’s birthplace. There are also varied stories about Sarvajna’s
birth and parents.

Like the residents of Abaluru, residents of Masur believe that
Sarvajna was born in their village. Both the villages have the statues
of Sarvajna. Another common factor between them is that both suffer
from lack of development.

RPI wants Mayawati as ally in Maha polls


Jalna (Maha), Aug 7 (PTI) RPI chief Ramdas Athawale today said the

three factions of the RPI would present a united face in the state

assembly elections in Maharashtra and the forum would like to have an

alliance with Mayawati’s BSP in the state.

The three factions of the RPI would be united ahead of the state

assembly elections in Maharashtra, Athawale told reporters, adding,

that the united RPI would accept BSP chief Mayawati as the national


“Even though BSP has no base in Maharashtra, still we would like to

have alliance with Mayawati’s outfit in the state,” he said.

About Prakash Ambedkar’s outfit, who was not present at the united RPI

meeting held in Mumbai, Athawale said, they have tried to persuade

Babasaheb Ambedkar’s grandson to join them, but could not succeed.

The united RPI will also decide the fate of alliance with the ruling

Congress-NCP combine for the poll.

After 14 yrs, SC/STs speak in one voice

Kiran Tare / DNAFriday, August 7, 2009 2:51 IST

Mumbai: Ahead of the assembly elections, Dalit leaders on Thursday

came together on one platform after 14 years to announce formation of

a single Republican Party of India (United). The new outfit will

select its president and poll partner next week.

The decision to form the united party was taken in a meeting of

leaders of at least 18 dalit organisations at Yashwantrao Chavan

Centre at Nariman Point. While Ramdas Athavale, Jogendra Kawade, TM

Kamble, Namdeo Dhasal and Rajendra Gawai were among the prominent

leaders who attended the meeting, Prakash Ambedkar, the grandson of

RPI founder, Dr BR Ambedkar gave the meeting a miss.

The party has assigned Kawade and Gawai to convince Ambedkar to join

them. “I hope Prakash Ambedkar will also join us and attend the August

11 meeting,” Athavale said.

However, Ambedkar termed the meeting ‘a farce’. When asked if he was

invited, he said, “someone had a dialogue with himself but thought

that he was speaking to others.”

This is for the fourth time the SC/ST leaders have come together. They

came together in 1974, 1989 and 1995 as well but every time broke away

after a short period.

Political observers believe that if they remain united till the

assembly election there may be a polarisation of SC/STs votes which can

have a great impact on the outcome.

Learning from the history of transfer of power

The period, 1945-1947, is important to understand the future
politics of modern India. The more clarity about this period will help to
create more workable strategies for the Scheduled castes. Transfer of power is
a process by which the British transferred power to the Indians. The deadline
for such a transfer of power to end was June 1948. However sensing the upcoming
violence, the British withdrew much earlier that is in 1947 leaving behind mess
to sort out by the Indians. In it lies the message for the future politics of
the Scheduled Castes in India, and to some extent in Pakistan and present day
Bangladesh. United India, which Dr. Ambedkar, spoke about in his famous speech
in the United Constituent Assembly, which Muslim League boycotted, suddenly
came to end when partition of India was declared by the British, and due to
which, the strategy was changed by Babasaheb Ambedkar. The strategy of Babasaheb
Ambedkar was to prove that the Scheduled Castes formed a “third party” in any
transfer of power to Indians, besides Hindus and Muslims. The British largely
accepted this status till the Cabinet Mission Plan decided not to accept the
Scheduled Castes as the “third party” in the transfer of power. The Congress tried
to prove that they, not All India Scheduled Caste Federation (AISCF),
represented the untouchables, and they were largely successful in their game
plan, due to traitors amongst the Scheduled castes. The AISCF also not only
could field the candidates in the elections held in 1940s, and could win just 2
seats in the reserved seats out of 129 seats, and the majority of the seats
were won by the Congress candidates who benefitted due to joint electorate
system, capitalist money and organizational structure. The fact that Congress
wanted to uproot AISCF even from Vidarbha can be proved by a letter Patel wrote
to Vidarbha Congress Committee to ensure defeat of all Mahar candidates. The
electoral defeat in the elections (and it was bound to happen) and the process
of transfer of power created a whirlwind situation for Scheduled caste and
their future in India.

In this situation, Babasaheb Ambedkar who was the main
negotiator for the Scheduled castes, and their leader, had to strategize in
such a way to ensure political gains for Scheduled castes in future India. He
had to fight the members of his own castes, who were co-opted by Congress to
create a smokescreen that he was not the leader of the untouchables, but
Congress was. This move had an advantage for Congress, because it left them
with more seats vis a vis Muslim League. Muslims were also trying to use this
fact to talk about parity in representation after transfer of power.  Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in his speech in the Constituent
Assembly therefore very strategically put himself as the harbinger of united
modern India in 1946. In the preceding months of action and political boiling
pot, the British did not accept “scheduled castes” as the third party. Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar asked his followers to start direct action to show that all
the untouchables are united. This leads to demonstrations and arrests in
thousands all over the country. The demonstrations were against the Congress,
and Congress used state machinery to suppress the direct action by the
untouchables. So while the people and trusted followers of Babasaheb were
fighting on ground, Babasaheb Ambedkar was trying to win whatever he can in the
situation which was going out of control due to sudden announcement of

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was left with an option to work on
the broader canvass of constituent assembly, and therefore he worked tirelessly
to create a framework which will ensure the future social revolution in India.
So the constitution of India should be looked at from this perspective of
finishing the unfinished the social revolution. It is the pragmatic arrangement
which Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar so meticulously made to ensure further revolution
in India. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar did not join the Congress, and he has no
intention to do that, but he was in the process of formation of a political
party, that will take full advantage of constitutional mechanism to ensure end
of the caste system and practice of untouchability. The end of caste system and
the practice of untouchability were brought into more focus through
constitutional mechanism, but the Scheduled caste, though political awakened,
could not be consolidated politically to take full advantage of the
constitutional machinery. In the conflict, therefore, the strategies should be worked
out which will pay much dividends to the Scheduled Caste communities. However,
it should be noted that even after more than 60 years of independence,
Scheduled castes remains marginalized. This is due to lack of consolidated power,
and moth-eaten organization all over India. The old strategies are even relevant
today. The first strategy is to uphold that the Scheduled Castes can’t just be
tied down to the agenda of economic welfare (even when so many billions of
rupees are allocated to the SCs, it never reaches to them, and eaten away by
Government agencies, so in any case, it is just a number on the paper). The
Scheduled Castes are separate political class in India with their interests not
only rooted in development, but ending the caste system, and hence they will
not be satisfied with the agenda less than abolition of untouchability.
Untouchability is operated on the basis of rule of caste coming from the Hindu
system, and hence the second important strategy, and very important strategy,
is to come out of that system. This strategy in the long term will have immense
political advantages, as it will bind together people on the basis of religion.

This strategy entails making people aware of ills of
Hinduism and immense benefits of Buddhism. The third strategy is to work on
various levels. Broadly there are two levels, working on the levels of specialized
field, which includes Economics and Politics, so as to form a coherent voice
for all the Scheduled castes, and mainstreaming that voice everywhere in the
nationalistic channels, such as government, administration and press. Actually
this is the work of the people who have benefitted by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s
great struggle. There are so many amongst us who can analyse the situations and
create a voice or perspective of the Scheduled caste. Where is that perspective?
Where is our intellectual mass? This is one of the shortcomings of the educated
Scheduled castes. When Babasaheb Ambedkar was alive, the community had a man
who could work in many areas at the same time. Now we have to form the talent
pool, which will fill up that gap and guide millions of people through coherent
agenda and perspectives. In other words, we can’t keep away from contemporary issues
and situations. This voice to begin with must be of the Scheduled castes.

The important strategy is also work with larger communities
whenever there are common interests. For instance working with the tribals and the
other backward classes and religiously prosecuted minorities, without diluting
the interests of the Scheduled castes. Unity and solidarity amongst the various
scheduled castes is important and that should be important agenda as to how
those castes amongst the Scheduled Castes itself can be brought together.  The core is the consolidation of the scheduled
castes. This seems to be the key in getting much political advantage to the
Scheduled castes.

People on the ground are ready and are mobilized if the
interests are communicated to them clearly and precisely.  The learnings from the past can be summarized

1.      1.  Consolidate the Scheduled castes through largely
cultural and religious revolution

2.       2. Create a coherent voice in various field which
will reflect the common aspiration of ending the practice of untouchability and

3.       3. Working with other interest groups

4.      4.  Breaking away from the psychology of victimization
and using the present frameworks to gain more and more for the scheduled castes
through advocacy and campaigning

 -Mangesh Dahiwale

This is a message for Honorable minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, Mr. Mukul Wasnik,
Honorable minster, If you look at the history of this ministry,
its’ dismal performance is well known to all who monitor the
achievements for”Social Justice and empowerment” of the weaker section
Casteist mind of upper caste hindus is 1000 times worst than the
white racist of America, otherwise they would not have elected a black
man as the President of America, the most powerful man in the world.
Voluntarism of upper caste reminds me of late M.K Gandhi’s idea
of,”erdication of untouchability by the goodness of the hearts of the
hindus.And everybody knows the reality of goodness hindu hearts have
done for the “SC/STs of India”, I mean it has played havoc even today
when India claims to be the largest democracy in the World and the best
laws on the books. but the Indian society has been the most flagrant
violators of its own laws.If one truely implement the laws, >80% of
Indians should be in Jail.Any how be that as it may, society is riddled
with hypocracy.
Prior to You Ms. meira Kumar Ram was the Minister, she too raised
the dust storm but no teeth to bite the India Inc, which is controlled
by racist /casteist hindus.Same way until and unless you put teeth to
bite the Private sectors, you too will be sounding like an old lion who
roars but nobody is scared.How come India does not provide the statics
of SC/S.T in the business and Industries?You are a fedral Minister, you
use your “DANDA”.
Congress Party has done wonderful in poles and has given many
ministerial berth to lagislators from S.C/S.T  but to me the most
impotant issue is as to “who has the power to impliment and enfoce the
existing plans and programms.”
How come, 72, 000 crores ruppes deputed for the Special Component
Plans for SC./ST was kept unuitilized and send back to the
treasury???? ?
Why there was NO supervision? I know the answer, how can you have a fox in-charge of the hen house? And expect hens welfare!
Means the executive power vested in is in the hands of our enemies
who systematically will scuttle any plan for SC/ST empowerment.
Just on a historical note,there was famous case in America, Brown
VS. Board of Education in which the U.S Govt. called Federal Police to
enforce the ruling which was the greatest setback for racist white
America, to integrate black and white school children. This could only
possible because of the political will of the U.S government. Does the
Indian Govt. has such a stern political WILL to fight for the due
rights of the weaker section of the society of India which continue to
be cooked, broiled and baked  in the oven of uppere castes oppression.I
will leave that question as a food for thought for you

India INC is a tough nut to crack but certainly not invincible. It
will require a great deal of tough fight on your part, Congress Party
and of course the communities from the weaker section of Indian society.

I hope to hear from you atleast in the News Media if not at
personal level of  action, you will take on the issue of assimilation
of weaker section by the business community of India. I have a advise
to you ,Please do not get in to this trap of Merit/ lowering of
standards in a competitive market bullshit.As if they all were born
genius from the day they come out of their mothers womb. U.S govt’s
push for assimilation of blacks in govt. and by Corporate America is
Let us see your charisma.
Dr. Laxmi N. Berwa, M.D., F.A.C.P,
P.S, Could somebody deliver this message to the Honorable Minister.

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 6:17 AM, ARUN KHOTE <arun.khote@gmail. com> wrote:

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan (JC)

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