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242 LESSON 29 04 2011 Bala Sutta Fools and Wise People Free ONLINE eNālandā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY and BUDDHIST GOOD NEWS letter to VOTE for BSP ELEPHANT for Social Transformation and Economic Emancipation to attain Ultimate Bliss-Through OF SARVAJAN HONEYLEAKS-Desperate bid to shield Congress leaders: Gadkari -[issuesonline_worldwide] Kanimozhi VS Nitin Gadkari – The Most Crooked & Corrupt
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242 LESSON 29 04 2011 Bala Sutta Fools and  Wise People Free ONLINE
eNālandā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY and BUDDHIST GOOD NEWS letter 
to VOTE for BSP ELEPHANT for Social Transformation and Economic
Emancipation to attain Ultimate Bliss-Through

Dove-02-june.gif (38556 bytes) THE BUDDHISTrevolving globe




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Bala Sutta: Fools

these two are fools. Which two? The one who takes up a burden that hasn’t
fallen to him, and the one who doesn’t take up a burden that has. These two are

Bala-pandita Sutta: Fools & Wise People

these two are fools. Which two? The one who doesn’t see his transgression as a
transgression, and the one who doesn’t rightfully pardon another who has
confessed his transgression. These two are fools.

two are wise people. Which two? The one who sees his transgression as a
transgression, and the one who rightfully pardons another who has confessed his
transgression. These two are wise people.”



Desperate bid to shield Congress leaders: Gadkari

Kanimozhi VS Nitin Gadkari – The Most Crooked & Corrupt


Ravinder Singh





5 More…

Monday, 25 April 2011 10:49 PM

VS Nitin Gadkari – The Most Crooked & Corrupt
We all condemn corruption of Kanimozhi for Rs. 200 crores transferred in to her
TV channel swiftly but there is not yet a line about Nitin Gadkari corruption since
1999 that is ten times larger than her –
- There was NO open bidding for β€˜Distillery’ and Sugar Mill projects that was
initially a cooperative but converted in to Private, acquiring 250 acres of
farm land, along side installed 22 MW cogen plant even as there was no Sugar
Cane for his plant, he ran it on Coal not procured from Coal India but from
Smugglers, he also got clearances for 540MW thermal project, acquired two Sugar
Mills and other projects.
Gadkari corrupted every institution.
Ravinder Singh
April26, 2011
First thing Nitin Gadkari did when BJP came to power was to acquire
β€˜Distillery’ license that would ensure Rs.2 crores per day profits though it
was under the pretensions of helping Sugar Farmers to earn more and setting up
of a Sugar Mill.
This case study is crucial as this Purti Sugar Mill was the first major venture
undertaken by Nitin Gadkari – for an ex Minister and close to RSS BJP NDA every
rule was broken to promote him.
There was no sugar cane cultivation area in the normal operating range of the
Project Site yet he was allowed to set up a Sugar Factory.
Sugar mill required just 25 acres of land but Nitin Gadkari was allowed 250
acres for 22 MW Cogen power project – even Maruti Car factory had 100 acres
When we in UP were opposed to 2500 acres for 10,000 MW project in Dadri, he
silently grabbed 250 acres for 22MW cogen plant with eye on 500MW coal based
In addition he also managed to get license for β€˜Distillery Complex Also’ and
Ethanol project as well with capacity of 45,000 & 120,000 Liters Per Day.
Distillery and Ethanol plants are identical.
As I said earlier like a pig he looks left but runs right, though in original
plan he wanted Purti Cooperative Sugar Mill – he turned a Cooperative to private
165,000 proof liters per day is 412500 liters per day or 5,50,000 bottles per
day of alcoholic drinks. Even Rs.50 per bottle profit is Rs.2.7 crores per day
income or Rs. 2 crores per day profits. 
Ravinder Singh
February18, 2011

M/s Purti sugar mill is situated at Khursapar (Bela) village near about 60 KM
from Nagpur at national highway (Nagpur-Chandrapur) in Umred Taluka. This
complex has been started within the leadership of Shri. Nitinji Gadkari,
Chairman, who had laid the foundation stone of this multiproduct complex, which
in the years to come would be the ideal example for whole Indian sugar industry
This multiproduct complex is spread over 250 Acres and consist of the
β€’ Sugar complex -capacity 2500 TPD/day (tons per day)
β€’ Distillery complex- capacity Sprit– 45,000 KLPD (kilo liters per day)
Ethanol– 1,20,000 KLPD
β€’ Co-generation complex( capacity 22 MW)
β€’ Bio-disel complex capacity (3000 liters/day)
β€’ Bio-composting unit
Sugar Complex
The sugar industry began its crushing operation in 2002 with a capacity of 2500
TPD. of cane per day. But eventually operating a sugar factory in an area where
small number of farmers are planting sugar cane which is insufficient to assure
the operation of the sugar factory would not have been commercially viable.
This year the restriction of the command area has been removed by the
government which in turns helps the industry to procure the sugarcane from
outside the command area.
In this region water table is very low therefore water scarcity problem is very
high as compare to other sugarcane growing region. This sugar factory has an
enormous importance for the surrounding community.
Being located in the rural area, it provides employment opportunity and
increases secondary business in the area. During the harvesting season, the
cane is taken to the mill mostly by tractors (single & doubled trolley),
bullock cart, and trucks. This year, most of the sugar cane came from the
nearby areas like Wardha , Nanded, Selu, which approximately takes 6 to 8 hrs,
while in case of Madhya Pradesh it takes more than 12 to 15 hrs.
Harvesting is done by hand. Sugarcane cutting is a hard and dirty job, but
provides employment to people in nearby areas where jobs are scarce. Sugarcane
is cut at about ground level, the top green leaves are chopped off and then the
stalk is bundled. Once a complete bundle has been assembled, it is removed from
the field with the help of labourers and transferred to a larger vehicle for
transport to the mill. The harvested sugar cane should be crushed within 24
hrs. to get a good recovery of sugar. Therefore every sugar mill has provided
transportation and harvesting facility to the farmers on nominal charges, which
ultimately provides secondary employment to the nearby communities.
In general, almost all sugar mills depend for their supplies of sugar cane on
large number of independent farmers, producing the crop for profits. If the
yield per hectare is improved, the benefit goes to the growers while if the
cane is rich enough in sugar content; it becomes profitable to the mills.
Therefore cane
growing and milling are essentially a joint enterprise what helps the grower
helps the miller and vice- versa.
Sugarcane considered as a alternative crop in this area, most of the farmers go
for the cotton, some of them cultivating orange, which in this area, gives a
good income to the farmers. As this mill has started operating only recently,
the mill at present does not have an agriculture development department but
through traditional channels, they are in touch with the farmers and purchase
sugar cane from nearby areas. The harvesters which are deployed by the mill are
mostly from the area where the sugarcane growing and harvesting is a
business like western Maharashtra, Maratwada & Andhra Pradesh. They are
largely migrated workers who live nearby to the factory in small tents
They harvest the crop and then load it on to the vehicle in presence of the
crop owner (Farmer). Each group of harvester consists of 8-10 members. The
transporting agent gets the slip signed by the farmer and goes to the weighing
and crushing center. Weighing is located near to the crushing center. Once the
weighing has being carried out, mill officials will note down the entry of the
crop weight, name of crop owner and the vehicle number, for further procedure.
The payment of the crop will directly be deposited in the account of each
farmer or can be paid directly. The sugarcane vehicles is then unloaded at the
crushing centre with the help of lifters, the lifted bundle of sugarcane is
then conveyed
to the cane leveler where it is cut and chipped. The cut cane blanket is then
fed to tandem of mill, wherein it is crushed and the juice is extracted. The
manager needs to process the cane as soon as possible if sucrose losses are to
be avoided. Typically, cane is processed within 24 hours after harvesting.
are the steps, which are involved in the manufacturing of sugar.
Extraction of juice: The extraction is actually conducted as a counter-current
process using fresh hot water being pumped at one end in the opposite direction
to the cane. The more the water is used, the more is the sugar extracted but
the more dilute the mixed juice, hence more energy will be required to
evaporate the juice. In many factories, the cane is crushed in a series of large
roller mills similar to a mangle [wringer] and the sweet juice extracted.
Generally juice looks pretty dirty, because of contamination with soil
particles from the fields, small
fibers and the green extracts from the plant. There are several important aspects
to extraction which involve the energy balance of the mill, the efficiency of
extraction and therefore ultimately the profitability of operations. The
fibrous cane material after the extraction of juice is called the bagasse
Clarification: -The extracted juices are then heated to 60-65o c in juice
heater and passed to reaction tank where the liming and sulphitation takes
place. This limed and sulphited juice is pumped back to a β€˜clarifier’ after
heating to 100o c. which remains there for about 3 hr. During this stage in the
clarifier, the heavy insoluble impurities, mostly soil and mud are precipitates
which are then pumped to a vacuum filter, which remove the liquid portion from
the mud, while the solid muddy portion is taken out of the mill building. This
is used as manure or can serve as raw material for the extraction of crude wax.
Boiling: -The raw juice is now clarified and is called the clarified juice. It
is then passed through a set of evaporator which boils the excess water under
concentrating it gradually, as it passes from one evaporator to another.
Finally concentrated juice called the sugar syrup is sent to the pan floor
wherein the final
crystallization takes place, under vacuum. The evaporation is carried out under
Crystallization: - A viscous solid mass consisting of sugar crystals and mother
liquor is dropped in the crystallizer and it then passes through the pug mills
to centrifugal machines. Due to very high gravity factor, the viscous mother
liquor passes through the opening in the liner and the sugar is retained on the
screen and the sugar is then dropped in hopper.
Grading & Packaging:-
The sugar is then passed on to a unit called grader, which grades the sugar in
different grades and in different sizes as per the Indian sugar standards. At
present, Purti is producing S-30 which is around Rs. 30– 100 less than M-30
grade of sugar. The sugar is bagged in the pre-stamped gunny bags, weighed; the
grades and number marked on the bags and these bags are stored in godowns and
are finally sold. The transportation of sugar from mill to market is mostly
carried out by road. Though the Indian sugar industry is more concentrated in
rural part of India but the area is well connected with most of the
metropolitan cities in India.
Distillery Complex
The by-product generated from the production of sugar is sent to the down
stream industry. Molasses, generated from sugar manufacturing finds its way to
the distillery industry which is adjacent to the sugar complex, where it is
used as a raw material to produce various industrial chemicals, alcohol, and
power biofuels. Presently M/s Purti Co-operative Sugar Mill has a well equipped
distillery complex for production of Sprit and Ethanol with installed capacity
of 45,000 KLPD of sprit and 1,20,000 KLPD of ethanol which is an important
basic feed stock for manufacture of various chemicals. These chemicals are good
substitutes for petrochemicals and petrol based chemicals in India. The waste
water produced is treated in the effluent treatment plant and then treated
water is recycled for on-site use, sent back to the river or used to irrigate
the cane-farms.
Molasses stream.
The fibrous cane material left after the extraction of juice, called bagasse
goes to the boiler, wherein the same is burnt producing steam and electricity.
At present M/s Purti Co-operative Sugar Mill is producing 2 MW electricity that
powers the mill to process sugar from cane juice and alcohol in distillery
M/s Reliance Industries has recently signed an electricity purchase
agreement of 22 MW with Purti. The bagasse is being stored into a open ground.
The construction of full fledge co-generation plant is ongoing. Very soon it
will start working to its full capacity. the two multi fuel boiler has been
constructed with installed capacity i.e. working pressure 22 KG and 67 KG
Bio-Disel Complex
Purti Sakhar Karkhana is one of its kind which has a bio-diesel plant. This
plant was started to cope up with the power shortage and fuel problem. When the
sugar complex was in the preliminary stage there was a lot of vehicles and
generator use to work for 24 hr. which consume huge amount of fuel and
accounted for the extra cost to the mill, which prompted Mr. Gadkari chairman
of this mill and he had started the bio-disel plant with an installed capacity
of 3000 liters as a solution to the problem. This complex has started to make
biodisel from cotton seed oil and Jatropa (local name karanji) cotton seed
which is locally available in good quantity and quality. Presently all the
vehicles ,generators and other instruments which need petroleum fuel are
running on biodisel produced by M/s Purti Co-operative Sugar Mill.
Bio-composting unit
Spent wash generated from the distillery, sludge from ETP and excess of bagasse
is used as a filler material for bio-composting, The produced compost is then
supplied to the farmers at nominal cost.
1) Mill should take up a sort of programme to encourage the nearby farmers for
sugarcane plantation.
2) There are very few water irrigation schemes in this area therefore mill can
think to develop water reservoirs and provide irrigation facility on subsidized
3) As practiced in the western Maharashtra mill can think for the bio-gas
generation plant.
4) Mill have to undertake few rain water, rooftop rain water and ground water
recharging projects in the area.
5) It is highly recommended that mill should established agriculture
development department.
Mr. Nitinji Gadkari, Chairman
Mr. Sudhir Diwe, Managing Director
Mr. D. R. Jadhav, Works Manager (Sugar)
Mr. Sandeep Mendjoge, Sr. Executive Admin.
M/s Purti Sakhar Karkhana Ltd.
2nd floor, Khadi Gramodyog Bhavan, Gandhisagar,
Mahal, Nagpur-440 002
Maharashtra, India

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