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02 02 2012 LESSON 512 Dhammapada Verses 56 Fragrance Of Virtue Wafts To Heaven-UP students best in country-Mayawati’s food tracking system for schools gets HRD nod
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02 02 2012 LESSON 512 Dhammapada
Verses 56
Fragrance Of Virtue Wafts To Heaven UP students best in country Mayawati’s food tracking system for schools gets HRD nod

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a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away

56. Fragrance Of Virtue Wafts To Heaven

Faint is this fragrance
of lavender and sandalwood,
but fragrance of the virtuous
soars sublime amongst the gods.

Explanation: The
fragrance of lavender and sandalwood is quite slight. Why? Because it is
limited in this world. Such a fragrance can spread only on earth. This way it
is a very slight fragrance. But, the sweet smell of virtue is, in contrast,
supreme, because it spreads not only throughout the earth, it rises even to the
highest heavens.

Verse 56
Mahakassapatthera Vatthu

ayam gandho

yayam tagaracandani
yo ca silavatam gandho
vati devesu uttamo.

Verse 56: The scents of
rhododendron and of sandal wood are very faint; but the scent (reputation) of
the virtuous is the strongest; it spreads even to the abodes of the deva.

The Story of Thera

While residing at the
Veluvana monastery in Rajagaha, the Buddha uttered Verse 56 of this book, with
reference to Thera Mahakassapa.

Arising from
*, Thera Mahakassapa entered a poor section of the city of
Rajagaha for alms-food. His intention was to give a poor man an opportunity of
gaining great merit as a result of offering alms-food to one who had just come
out of nirodhasamapatti. Sakka, king of the devas, wishing to take the
opportunity of offering alms-food to Thera Mahakassapa, assumed the form of a
poor old weaver and came to Rajagaha with his wife Sujata in the form of an old
woman. Thera Mahakassapa stood at their door; the poor old weaver took the bowl
from the thera and filled up the bowl with rice and curry, and the delicious
smell of the curry spread throughout the city. Then it occurred to the thera
that this person must be no ordinary human being, and he came to realize that
this must be Sakka himself. Sakka admitted the fact and claimed that he too was
poor because he had had no opportunity of offering anything to anyone during
the time of the Buddhas. So saying, Sakka and his wife Sujata left the thera
after paying due respect to him.

The Buddha, from his monastery,
saw Sakka and Sujata leaving and told the bhikkhus about Sakka offering
alms-food to Thera Mahakassapa. The bhikkhus wondered how Sakka knew that Thera
Mahakassapa had just come out of nirodhasamapatti, and that it was the
right and auspicious time for him to make offerings to the thera. This question
was put up to the Buddha, and the Buddha answered, “Bhikkhus, the
reputation of a virtuous one as my son, Thera Mahakassapa, spreads far and
wide; it reaches even the deva world. On account of his good reputation, Sakka
himself has come to offer alms-food to him.”

the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 56: The
scents of rhododendron and of sandal wood are very faint; but the scent
(reputation) of the virtuous is the strongest; it spreads even to the abodes
of the deva.

* Nirodhasamapatti:
sustained deep mental absorption following the attainment of nirodha,
i.e., temporary cessation of the four mental khandhas.

IOC to pay Rs 979 cr to Uttar Pradesh for unpaid

New Delhi:
Cash-strapped Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) will have to pay over Rs 979 crore
in unpaid entry tax to Uttar Pradesh by 14 February after the Supreme Court
asked the company to deposit half of the unpaid liability in cash.

IOC had challenged the Uttar Pradesh government
decision to levy a $5.78 per barrel entry tax on crude oil the company imported
into the state for processing at its 8 million tonnes per annum refinery at
Mathura in the Allahabad High Court.

Tax burden. Reuters

β€œThe High Court of Allahabad (on December 23,
2011) dismissed IOC’s writ petition and upheld the UP Entry Tax Act 2007,
whereby the state of Uttar Pradesh was entitled to levy entry tax on crude oil
brought into Mathura for refining in the Mathura refinery,” IOC said in a stock
market filing.

Subsequently, IOC challenged the high court order
in the Supreme Court.

The apex court passed an interim order on 17
January 2012, staying the operation of the judgement of the Allahabad High
Court subject to β€œIOC depositing 50 percent of the accrued tax
liability/arrears under the UP Entry Tax Act, 2007, and furnish(ing) a Bank
Guarantee for the balance
amount” within four weeks (by February 14), it said.

β€œThe amount so deposited/paid and the bank
guarantees furnished are, however, subject to the result of the appeal,” IOC
said, adding that the matter was being examined legally.

Company officials said IOC would be immediately
required to pay about Rs 979.17 crore, half of Rs 1,958.34 crore Entry Tax and
interest thereon demanded for the period from 1999-2000 to 2007-08. A bank
guarantee for the balance 50 percent would also have to be deposited by 14

In addition, IOC has to file the tax returns from
April, 2008, till now within four weeks (by 15 February) and thereafter within
six weeks of the assessment, pay 50 percent of the assessed amount by cash
(estimated to be Rs 2,300 crore till November, 2011) and the balance 50 percent
through a bank guarantee.

The demand for interest shall, however, be extra
(estimated at Rs 1,478 crore for period up to March, 2012, of which half would
also payable by cash and the remaining by bank guarantee).

The official said IOC’s total liability toward
Entry Tax on crude oil and natural gas for 13 years is estimated at Rs 10,966
crore (including interest of Rs 2,098 crore).

Of this, IOC had paid Rs 2,362 crore from
1999-2000 to 2006-07. The additional provision for the Entry Tax liability up
to March, 2012, is estimated to be Rs 8,411 crore, which may have to be made
against IOC’s profit in the current year.

The Allahabad High Court, in its 23 December 2011,
judgement, had observed that β€œlike all indirect taxes, the entry tax is passed
on and is ultimately paid by the consumer”.

IOC, the official said, would take up the matter
with the oil ministry for allowing a suitable upward revision in prices of
petroleum products in Uttar Pradesh to make up for the burden of the levy for
the past years and also in future.


Such types of activities against Uttar Pradesh by the central government ruling
castes who traditionally hate Ms Mayawati because of their dominating attitude
with vengence clearly shows that Ms Mayawati is treading the right path as told
by Dr Ambedkar. This will only strengthen her and her movement for equality,
social transformation and for the economic emancipation of the entire people
i.e., called as Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay.


Observers underline that the BJP was emerging as a party of tainted
politicians and this could harm it in the assembly elections.

Addressing a thinly-attended rally in Kushinagar’s Padrauna on
Monday, Kushwaha appealed to the OBC community to vote for the BJP. The former
family welfare and mining minister in the Mayawati-led BSP government is touted
by the rivals as “a symbol of corruption”. Kushwaha had joined the
BJP in the first week of January.

But fearing
rebellion from key campaigner Uma Bharti and party MP from Gorakhpur Yogi
Adityanath, the BJP leaders later put his membership on hold.

But it turned out to be a lie when BJP district
chief Akhilesh Mishra escorted Kushwaha to the dais at the Padrauna rally.
Kushwaha has already addressed more than two dozen public meetings in the


Expelled Samajwadi Party MP Amar Singh on Wednesday took a pot-shot at his former
leader Mulayam Singh Yadav for announcing opening of
schools and hospitals in Mayawati’s
parks, saying the BSP chief
can make the same promise for Lohia
Park set up by him.

Addressing an
election meeting, he charged Mulayam
with giving protection to the corrupt and criminals and said that Yadav’s cycle, SP’s poll symbol, “had two
wheels (Mulayam and Amar Singh) of which one has been
removed and with one wheel left it would only grace a circus after the

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