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07 02 2012 LESSON 517 Dhammapada Verse 62 Anandasetthi Vatthu Ignorance Brings Suffering
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07 02 2012 LESSON 517 Dhammapada Verse 62 Anandasetthi Vatthu Ignorance Brings Suffering





Practice a Sutta a Day
Keeps Dukkha Away

Verse 62.
Ignorance Brings Suffering

“Sons have I, wealth have I”,
thus the fool is fretful.
He himself is not his own,
how then are sons, how wealth?

Explanation: The fool worries “I
have sons,” “I have wealth.” When the self is not his own, then
how can he claim, “I have sons,” “I have wealth”?

The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories

Verse 62
Anandasetthi Vatthu

Putta1 ma’tthi dhanam ma’ tthi
iti balo vihannati
atta hi attano natthi
kuto putta kuto dhanam.

Verse 62: “I have sons, I have wealth”; with this
(feeling of attachment) the fool is afflicted. Indeed, he himself is not his
own, how can sons and wealth be his?

1. putta: sons also means both son and daughter.

The Story of Ananda, the Rich Man

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered
Verse (62) of this book, with reference to a miserly rich man, named Ananda.

There was once a very wealthy man named Ananda in Savatthi.
Although he possessed eighty crores, he was very reluctant to give anything in
charity. To his son, Mulasiri, he used to say, “Don’t think the wealth we
have now is very much. Do not give away anything from what you have, for you
must make it grow. Otherwise your wealth will dwindle away.” This rich man
had five pots of gold buried in his house and he died without revealing their
location to his son.

Ananda, the rich man, was reborn in a village of beggars, not
far from Savatthi. From the time his mother was pregnant, the income of the
beggars decreased; the villagers thought there must be a wicked and unlucky one
amongst them. By dividing themselves up into groups and by the process of
elimination, they came to the conclusion that the pregnant beggar woman must be
the unfortunate one. Thus, she was driven out of the village. When her son was
born, the son proved to be extremely ugly and repulsive. If she went out
begging by herself, she would get as before, but if she went out with her son
she would get nothing. So, when the boy could go out by himself, his mother
placed a plate in his hand and left him. As he wandered about in Savatthi, he
remembered his old house and his past existence. So he went into the house.
When the sons of his son Mulasiri saw him, they were frightened by his ugly
looks and began to cry. The servants then beat him and threw him out of the

The Buddha who was on his alms-round saw the incident and asked
the Venerable Ananda to fetch Mulasiri. When Mulasiri came, the Buddha told him
that the young beggar was his own father in his previous existence. But
Mulasiri could not believe it. So, the Buddha directed the beggar boy to show
where he had buried his five pots of gold. Then only, Mulasiri accepted the
truth and from that time he became a devoted lay-disciple of the Buddha.

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

62: “I have sons, I have wealth”; with this (feeling of attachment)
the fool is afflicted. Indeed, he himself is not his own, how can sons and
wealth be his?

‘Elephant’ haunts Rahul in his dreams: BSP

Chandauli (UP), Feb 5: BSP National General
Secretary Satish Chandra Mishra today said his party symbol elephant haunts Congress

in his dreams as the Bahujan Samaj Party was all set to “reach” the
national capital soon.

“The BSP symbol haunts Rahul in his dream as it is all set to reach New
Delhi. He (Rahul) stays and roams in foreign countries, but calls UPites
beggars. What is he doing in UP at this time….”, Mishra asked at an
election rally here.

On Taj corridor project in which BSP supremo’s name figures, Mishra said the
project was of former Chief minister Rajnath Singh and not of Mayawati. He said
Uttar Pradesh will not have to procure power from other states as by 2014 it
will become self-reliant in electricity generation and by 2020 it will export
it to other states.

BSP has always promoted brotherhood and there has been no communal riots or any
kind of violence during its regime, he added.

Do Rahul-Priyanka have Aladdin lamp for UP’s
growth, asks BSP


Lucknow, Feb 4: Ruling BSP on Saturday
attacked Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and his sister Priyanka Gandhi for
promising to change the face of Uttar Pradesh in five years, wondering if they
have acquired “Aladdin’s lamp” to make the turnaround.

“The star campaigners of Congress are promising to change the picture and
future of the state, including Amethi, Raebareli and Sultanpur in five years
time but we fail to understand if the brother and sister(Rahul and Priyanka)
have got hold of Aladdin’s lamp to achieve it,” state unit president of
the BSP, Swami Prasad Maurya said.

“It is a big joke to promise development of these areas just before the
elections by Priyanka Vadra … her concern for development of UP is
irrelevant,” Maurya said, adding that had she really been serious, she
would have made a “constructive” contribution and helped in immediate
sanction of the funds for various development schemes demanded by the state.

“The representatives of Gandhi-Nehru family are misleading the people that
in case Congress forms government, funds of the development schemes would reach
them,” he said, adding that it indicated that Congress provides funds to
the states where only their party is in power.

Maurya said that MPs from these seats, including Priyanka, only give darshan to
the people at election time and come “begging for votes”. They have
nothing to do with the development of UP and for them the state is confined to
Amethi and Raebareli where also they have done nothing.

On the allegations that UP has lagged behind during the past 22 years of
non-Congress governments, Muarya said that they were baseless, misleading and
false because, it has remained backward because of the 40 years of Congress

Citing the demands of packages turned down by the Centre, he said that it was
because of the casteist mentality of the Congress that step brotherly treatment
was given to the state.

Alleging that Centre only concentrates on Amethi and Raebareli whereas there
are 75 districts in UP, Maurya said that on its part state has always helped
whenever there had been any proposal for development scheme in these two

The Chief Minister Mayawati had demanded Rs 5,000 crore for restarting the
closed industrial units of these districts but the Centre did not give a single
rupee, he claimed.

Uttar Pradesh’s development rate which has been raised from a poor three

percent to seven percent due to the tireless efforts of my party-Ms Mayawati

Gonda: Attacking the
Congress party, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister
Mayawati has alleged that the Central Government has scuttled
development projects due to her low caste.

an election rally in Gonda, Mayawati said: “The Central
Government has discriminated against my government on the basis of
caste and refused to give permission for many projects which could
have benefited the people of the state.”

Hailing her
Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)-led state government, Mayawati
said: “My government has done many historic and extremely important
works in order to bring development and strengthen law and order
situation in the state, which has not been done by any state
government combined if compared over the past years.”

support this with an important example is the increase in Uttar
Pradesh’s development rate which has been raised from a poor three
percent to seven percent due to the tireless efforts of my party,” she

She urged
people to be careful in choosing which political party to
vote for in order to maintain development of the state.

Polls in Uttar Pradesh will
be conducted between February 8 and March
3, and counting will take place on March 6.

A new
403-member state assembly will be elected in March. The poll
results will broadly indicate trends for the 2014 general elections

attacks Congress on corruption issue

Uttar Pradesh
Chief Minister Mayawati today
attacked Congress saying 62 big scams involving around Rs20 lakh
crore have taken place during the UPA
regime at the Centre.

Addressing election meetings, Mayawati termed the Congress-led government as corrupt
and said despite these scams the CBI
has not shown the inclination to speed up trials.

“No action has been taken on the Amar Singh, Mulayam
Singh Yadav and Shanti Bhushan CD case,” she said.

Under attack on the issue of corruption, Mayawati said SP,
BJP and Congress had no right
to speak on it. All these parties are trying to project themselves as honest
after being part of massive irregularities, she said.

Alleging that BJP,
Congress and their supporting parties were aiming to finish the constitutional
right of reservation meant for SC/STs,
Mayawati said opposition
parties wanted to divide SC/STs
and backwards in the name of quota which would not be allowed by her party.

Mayawati said that Congress has misled Muslims on the
issue of reservation for which she had written several letters to the Prime
Minister in the past.

“Congress is saying that it would give reservation to
backward Muslims in proportion to their population under the
OBC quota and by doing so they want
both these sections to stand against each other,” she said adding that
Congress was playing politics on this issue.

The BSP supremo said she has given
tickets to people with clean image and had taken care to give representation to
all sections of society in ticket distribution.

The BSP chief
said that to deal with problems of poverty, unemployment and inflation it was
essential to bring back BSP to
power and stop BJP, SP and Congress from forming the
government in Uttar Pradesh.

Constituency Watch:

Pulse of the voter in Ayodhya that goes to the polls on February
8 in the first phase of elections in Uttar Pradesh.

In the BSP, Mr. Ved Prakash Gupta had benefitted from the shrewd
political sense of Chief Minister Mayawati, who has named him the party candidate.

Being closely associated with the problems of the traders class,
Guptaji is very popular among them. Even the Baniyas in rural areas support him.

The BSP candidate, assured of the support of Mayawati’s core
support base, is likely to win in the traditional Baniya vote of the BJP.

UP students best in country

DELHI: One of the most comprehensive surveys of the learning achievements of
Std V students shows that Uttar Pradesh children have outclassed their
counterparts from the rest of India.

The study, undertaken by the NCERT, has revealed that the mean
achievement of Uttar Pradesh students in language (71.12%) and mathematics
(72.89%) is the highest in the country, while in environmental studies,
Mayawatis state (67.15%)

comparision, Maharashtra has performed the best in language (63.87%), followed
by environmental studies (57.81%) and mathematics (57.70%). But a key feature
of the performance in the state is that rural children have outshone their
urban peers in mathematics.

in all respects the performance of girls, rural children and percentage of
students getting more than 80%Uttar Pradesh has outscored the rest.

UP boys and girls equally good

survey of class V students, carried out between March and May 2010 under the
direction of Avtar Singh, head of department of educational measurement and
evaluation, tested over one lakh children in language, mathematics and
environmental studies in 31 states and is more exhaustive than Prathams Annual Status of Education Report.
The NCERT followed the internationally-recognised principle of Item Response
Theory (IRT) in which a student is graded on each item asked rather than on a
total test. The last such comprehensive survey was conducted in 2006-07 but IRT
was not followed. The HRD ministry has decided to make the survey a regular

language, students were asked questions based on comprehension and also asked
to identify, evaluate and interpret a text. In maths, they had to do
subtraction based on the decimal system and answer questions on geometry and
number system. In environmental studies, questions were asked on health and
economic problems.

mathematics, UP is followed by Karnataka (61.53%), Delhi (58.89%), JK (58.4%),
Madhya Pradesh (58.68%), West Bengal (57.74%) and Orissa (56.02%). In language,
Tamil Nadu (65.89%) follows UP. West Bengal (64.29%), Karnataka (61%) and Delhi
(59.89%) are the others that have done well in language. In environmental
studies, Karnataka ranks third with a mean score of 66.59%. Students from MP
(58.85%), West Bengal (58.75%) and JK (58.45%) have also fared well. The mean
percentage of Bihar students stands at 49.4% in mathematics, 45.47% in language
and 47.44% in environmental studies.

have outperformed boys in Daman and Diu, Delhi, Goa, Mizoram, Kerala and
Puducherry. In case of UP, the performance of boys and girls has been at par.
In mathematics, the mean percentage of boys is 73.34%, while it is 72.49% in
case of girls. A similar marginal difference can be seen in the other two
subjects too.

Mayawati’s food tracking system for schools gets HRD nod

Inspired by the way Mayawati government, the Central government has
decided to replicate the Uttar Pradesh model to track mid-day meal
scheme to cross-check if children get their hot meal in schools. The HRD
ministry has decided to have a nation-wide short messaging service
(SMS) alert system to monitor the Rs 10,000 crore mid-day meal scheme.
Under the scheme, the school children till upper primary level are
provided hot cooked meal once a day.

Mayawati government in UP was the first to introduce a software based
SMS system, wherein the school principal and a few parents received an
automatic message the day less than 50 percent or a large number of
school children were served mid-day meal.

The SMS was generated on basis of information on mid-day meal feed by
teacher in-charge of the scheme into an online monitoring system. The
principal was required to give an explanation through SMS and parents
to verify the claim.

A senior HRD ministry official said the national system will be
improvement of the UP model and no money will be charged from parents
for sending an SMS system to the national server. A successful pilot has
been implemented in Bihar and the ministry expects to cover 12 lakh
schools across India by June this year.

Every school will have to feed information regarding the mid-day meal
served to children every day and the type of food. They will be required
to provide details about the quantity of food-grains they received and
the amount used.

The entire information generated would be in public domain on the new
mid-day meal website. β€œIt will help in curbing corruption and ensure
that children get good quality food,” HRD minister said, after launching
the website on which the mid-day meal scheme information will be
available. The government had no problem in adopting a UP’s innovation.

It is clear, the β€œleher” or β€œwave” is in
favour of Ms. Mayawati and would win 303 seats.

Ms. Mayawati was able to redistribute land in
Uttar Pradesh in all her five years in power.

One reason for the political churning evident in Uttar Pradesh
these days is the rising aspirations of the Scheduled Caste along with
OBCs/Minority communities and poorer of Upper Castes. The truth is that SC/ST/OBC/Minority
and poor Upper caste parents are sending their children to school in larger
numbers than ever before, and there is some evidence that Ms. Mayawati has
spent money on creating infrastructure, especially housing, for the entire

BSP government in the
last four years has undertaken several activities at a total cost of Rs. 37,000
crore (Rs. 36,795 crore), outlay of 21.21 and 100% expenditure on the
development of β€œSC/ST” under special component plan which are chiefly –
increase in the rate of post matric for (Scheduled Castes), eligibility level
of income increased from 1lakh to Rs.2 lakh,, scholarships fora all students
(girls and boys) from class 1 to 8, establishment of β€˜bhagidari bhavan’ at
Lucknow and Agra, including Training institutes at Aligarh and Rae Bareli to
coach SC/ST youth for recruitment to high-level services like I.A.S and P.C.S;
recruitment in Government posts through a drive to clear the backlog; for the
first time Reservation in contracts upto Rs.25 lakh for SC/ST, so far,
contracts worth Rs.1,623 crore allotted; about 4 lakh S/C families allotted
more Than 3,500 hectares of land.; 16 Mahamaya Polytechnics for Information
Technology set up for these categories of students; regularisation of Landless
SC/ST people in possession of gram sabah land upto13May, 2007; 
 formal right of possession
letters (pattas) awarded to 9,431 persons; about 3000 genuine lease-holders
benefited by removing illegal usurpers from their land; creation of employment
totalling 5,945 lakh man- days for men and 2,089 lakh for women belonging to
SC/ST classes created in rural areas; about 8 lakh S/C families benefited by
writing-off debts amounting to Rs.120.28 crore of Uttar Pradesh SC/ST
Development Corporation; electrification on large-scale of SC/ST bustees
/majras and appointment of 23% from these classes only of SOs in police
stations; provision of reservation also in state government-aided private
enterprises; allotment of more than 4,000 fair price shops; together with the
establishment of a Rs.100 crore β€œleather
park and shoe mandi”: in
Agra, exemption from VAT of
Agra Footwear Industry.

Backward Classes” β€“
in the last four years 2 lakh landless people
allotted lease of about 50,000 hectares of agricultural land; effective implementation of 27%
reservation for OBSc in the allotment of
fair price
shops in the urban and rural areas under the public
distribution system;
computerisation of the entire procedure of scholarship under the backward classes Welfare
department; more than 50 lakh students
and boys) benefites by scholarships under the scheme of aid to the poor families of backward classes
on account of marriage and illness
about Rs.50 crore spent every year; apart from increasing the
 β€œcreamy layer”
annual income limit of these classes from Rs.3 lakh Rs.5lakh, about Rs.250 crore spent to reimburse
the admission fees of students studying
in post matric classes.]

 In the matter of Religious
Minorities especially the Muslim community, mention may be made of the
establishment of Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji Urdu, Arabic-Persian University;
inclusion of 10 new Arabic-Persian Madrasas in the grant-in-aid list; as much
as 486.73 crore approx, on account of scholarships to 1,28,35,824 minority
students (girls and boys); elegibilty income limit for scholarships increased
to Rs.1 lakh in respect of, minority students; grant of Rs. 3,745 lakh for the
marriage of 37,445 daughters from minority BPL families; reimbursement of fees
amounting to Rs.2,049 lakh of 49,166 post matric students; construction of
well-equipped β€œHaj
Houses” at Ghaziabad and Lucknow for the convenience of the Hajis; β€œdirect Haj flight”
from Varanasi to Jeddah; abolition of the pre-condition of police verification
in the appointment of β€œMutawallis”;
arrangement of advance coaching to prepare for competitive recruitment
examinations; the amount of grant for Uttar Pradesh Urdu Academy more than
doubled to Rs.3 crore; establishment of 58 government secondary
schools in
minority-dominated areas of 22 selected districts as well as mformation of a
commission to provide the atatus of minority institution to β€˜taleemi idaar’
(educational institutions) besides, the distribution of Manyawar Shri Kanshiram
Ji Handloom Weavers awards.

  β€œDisabled” β€“ establishment of β€˜Uttar Pradeesh Dr.
Shakuntala Misra Rehabilation University’ at a cost of Rs.400 crore
to provide quality
education to the differently-abled students; with 1%
for the visually
impaired and 2% other disabled, so far, 677 and 1320fair shops allotted, respectively; disabled pension rate
increased to Rs.300 per month
from Rs.150- the total number of disabled pensioner during 2009-10 increased to 708077.

Several welfare schemes implemented for Sarv-Samaj β€œwomen” also, notable being
amendment of the zamindari kanoon to ensure
equitable share of women in patriarchal landed property; the
amount of dole for destitute
women increased to Rs.300 per month from Rs.150 apart from construction of shelter homes etc for them in Mathurs and Vrindavan; β€œalertness and sensitivity” on the part of government
has resulted in

Social scientists point out that the SC/ST/OBC/Minority and poor
upper caste communities will hardly vote for Rahul Gandhi’s Congress, β€œbecause,
tell me, does the Congress have one SC/ST or backward Minority or poor Upper caste
leader you can seriously write about?”

Mayawati slammed Congress
while addressing a rally in Sitapur area as she said: “The Congress is only giving false hope to the minority community.”

She said that the Congress is playing the ‘divide and rule policy in the state by playing the OBC sub-quota card.

“It is a conspiracy by the Congress to play divide and rule with OBC sub-quota,” she alleged.

She said that the wrong economic policies of Congress was responsible for the dismal state of entire country.

Mayawati is scheduled to address 30 rallies in the upcoming days. She is
scheduled to address another rally in Barabanki area later in the day.

UP is going to polls on
Feb 8, Feb 11, Feb 15, Feb 19, Feb 23, Feb 28 and March 3.

Talking a
dig at Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)
leader Satish Mishra said he mocks the poor through his frequent visits to
their homes.

a rally in Hardoi, Mishra said Gandhi likes to make fun of the poor in front of
his foreign friends, and added that visiting their homes was nothing more than
a picnic for him.

(Rahul Gandhi) visits the homes of poor just to mock at them and make fun of
them, whereas we are working for the upliftment of the people. He goes to the
homes of poor with his foreign friends and organise picnic there. And after the
picnic they make fun of the poor. The BSP does not indulge in such acts,”
Mishra added.

“We made many requests to Rahulji, (Rahul
Gandhi). Many people went to meet him about their problems but he did not take
any actions on them nor is there any hope ahead. That is why we have decided to
boycott the assembly polls,” said Ankush Srivastav, a villager.

is a party that has
always cheated Muslims and blamed it squarely for the plight of the
community which is today worse off, a fact acknowledged by the reports
of the Sachar Committee and the Rangnath Mishra Commission.

The Congress-led UPA
government’s gimmick of providing 4.5 per cent reservation to the minorities is
yet another fraud against Muslims. First they tried to create division within
the community by talking of reservations only for the so-called backward
Muslims. Now, they are claiming to be champions of Muslims while cleverly
hiding the fact that claimants to the meagre sub-quota include Sikhs, Jains,
Buddhists and Christians as well.

Khurshid and his party want muslims to be no better than turners and fitters. The
people should make their choice keeping this in mind.

The BSP is not having
alliance in any state as the party is not only for political gains but for
overall socio-economic change, which it will attain on its own strength.

BSP works not only for SC/STs but for all sections

BSP is not against
any caste or religion and wanted to build a society based on the principles of
equality. Mayawati has given tickets to candidates belonging to all sections of
society during the current assembly elections.

BSP had formed government
in UP four times because of its “good and pro-people policies”,it
 exuded confidence that the party will repeat
its performance once again this time. People would bring BSP back to power for
the fifth time in the state as it always works for the welfare of all sections
of society.

Non-BSP governments
are formed with the help of rich people and so they make policies which favour
them, BSP is the only party which makes policies for the welfare of all

BSP government did
not tolerate atrocities against women, SC/STs and other weaker sections and the
culprits are immediately sent behind the bars.

of AICC General Secretary Rahul Gandhi will not work there. The grand
old party and BJP are contesting for the third and fourth positions.

results of the assembly polls in the five states - Uttar Pradesh,
Punjab, Uttarakhand, Manipur and Goa would have a far-reaching impact
on the politics of country, because of the heavy voter turnout,
ultimately helping Ms Mayawati be become the next Prime Minister.

Uttar Pradesh’s
Sarvajan living hugely improved lives in the last five years of rule by
Mayawati, a CM from the community . Hence she remains their icon and BSP the
party they identify with-because it draws legitimacy, inspiration and ideology
from Babasaheb Ambedkar.

Dynastic hubris drives Congress to new low


The Congress party
has been in decline since the late 1980s. The two consecutive terms in office
of the UPA up to the present have indeed worsened the party’s position as it
battles charges of mega corruption and non-governance.
But the Congress’s dynastic
First Family has lost none of its arrogance. In poll-bound Uttar Pradesh, for
example, there is practically no Congress presence on the ground.
But Rahul Gandhi believes in the
superiority of his charm, β€œyouth” and surname to produce a victory.

Uttar Pradesh is a complicated story.

that with how easily and routinely the Congress formed governments in Uttar
Pradesh in the 1980s and earlier, and you realise how misplaced the
Nehru-Gandhi family’s vanity is. Along with Uttar Pradesh, the party has lost
its hold in the rest of the Hindi heartland, in West Bengal, in Karnataka, in
Maharashtra (where it shares the cake with Sharad Pawar’s NCP), in Andhra
Pradesh (Jagan Reddy is running a parallel dynastic soap there), and, of
course, in Gujarat. In some of the residual states, it struggles at keeping
power, with the party structure in a shambles, exactly as in Uttar Pradesh. The
Congress First Family’s arrogance derives wholly from the power it holds at the
Centre, and there is no realisation how tenuous that is.

The plain fact is that the Congress is floundering in an era
of interminable coalition politics. Why single-party Congress rule gave way to
a confused state of bipolar/coalition politics is a complicated issue, locating
several factors, including communal politics, Mandal,
SC/ST rise, regionalism, proliferation of copycat dynasties, and
so on. The foil to all this was/is not more but less dynastic politics,
returning to the grassroots, increasing party politicisation, raising the
number of stakeholders, and ushering genuine inner-party democracy in the
Congress. It hasn’t been so. Internal democracy is an absolute no-no in the
Congress, whose president will always be a Nehru-Gandhi. If that is bad, worse
is the way a party government power structure is conceived and constructed,
with those from the Rajya Sabha occupying the powerful ministries, whilst
others with political backgrounds and experience are kept out to vegetate or
indulge in wanton mischief.

Digvijay Singh may be all over the media with a quote a day,
and he may have tutored Rahul Gandhi in politics at some time. But his friends
say he is deeply unhappy at not finding accommodation in the Union cabinet. At
the top level in government, it is only Pranab Mukherjee who understands
politics and is, therefore, deployed in every crisis situation, which happens
all too often, and during Parliament sessions, every day. This is no way to run
public affairs. But who is to tell the Nehru-Gandhis, who believe in their
omniscience and invincibility, and remain surrounded by insalubrious advisers
who can’t lay claim to understanding even mofussil politics?

In the days of Indira Gandhi, the Congress was a still more
closed shop. But the country was less politically conscious and consequently
not so fragmented, coalition impulses were snuffed out as and when they
appeared, and Mrs Gandhi, a fearsome prime minister, connected massively with
the masses. At bottom, she knew the country and she understood politics.
Although he claims her legacy, Rahul Gandhi cannot replicate her success β€” now
or ever. Arrogance is what is left to display, and it jars.

A poor showing will
add to its woes ahead of the country’s presidential polls.

Of the five
states facing the ballot, the contest in Uttar Pradesh — the country’s most
populous — has greater portends for national politics. With 403 assembly and
80 Lok Sabha seats.

Uttarakahand and  Uttar Pradesh

The two states together have at least 11 Rajya
Sabha seats falling vacant in April.
The Congress is in
a minority in the Rajya Sabha, a critical handicap for legislative business in

Congress leaders
said the party’s performance in the five assembly polls would determine the degree of
external support needed to get its candidate through in a presidential contest.

The elections, specially in Uttar Pradesh, will have a
direct impact (on national politics). There is no good result for Congress.
The UPA alliance can break.

The staggered
polling began Jan 28 in Manipur. The results will be declared March 6. The last
phase of polling in Uttar Pradesh will conclude May 3. Goa goes to the polls
the same day.

But like every other politically motivated politician, Rahul too just exploited us.”Among
other things, Bhatta and Parsaul villagers expected Mr. Gandhi to throw
his weight behind the promised Land Acquisition (amendment) Bill.
β€œDuring the agitation here, Mr. Rahul promised to bring the amended land
acquisition bill in Parliament. But when we went to meet him in Delhi,
he passed on the blame to the Bharatiya Janata Party, accusing it of
blocking the Bill. Why should we vote for him?”

Today, there is little visible support for the Congress, and almost no
enthusiasm for Thakur Devendar Singh, the party’s candidate from the
Jewar Assembly constituency into which Bhatta and Parsaul fall.

Rahul betrayed us and the BJP and the SP have been indifferent.

the other hand, the BSP, after its land reforms act is deeply popular
with the peasant
castes, has managed to retain the support with the Bharatiya Kisan Union
which is on side of Ms. Mayawati and of the Scheduled Caste Jatavs
at about 10 per cent of the electorate with the BSP a complete yes-yes.

SP has fielded the son-in-law of the Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid in Delhi, Umar Khan

Mulayam shook hands with Kalyan and gave a ministerial
berth to his son.

Azam Khan and Kalyan’s son were ministers in the same

BSP sources, feel in the battle of wits between the Congress and the SP, the BSP would emerge the winner.

said the incidents of rape will be checked effectively and government
will be given to rape victims or one of their family members in the
state.”  Opposition parties had sharply reacted to Mr
Yadav’s announcement terming it as “laughable” and a “cruel joke” since
the identity of the rape victim will not be disclosed.

Ensure that a mobile phone reaches every rural household
within two years if it comes to power in the state.

Revamp the Lokayukta to make it truly independent and
effective and ensure that an effective, nonpolitical person is appointed on the
post.,giving adequate power and authority to Lokayukta and ensure that the CM
is its preview

Vidhan Sabha Election 2012-Nav Buddhar
Pradesh 2020
‘Vision’ for UP is to create a Sarvajan  Kendra at the panchayat level to issue birth, death
and caste certificates and job cards.
gram panchayat to have broadband connections and every resident will have a
bank account so that benefits reach them directly.

of 20 lakh new jobs in the state. A school for every 2,500 homes, and vacancy of
new teachers will be filled.

Introducing a code of ethics for all civil servants, MLAs and MLCs has
already started. An anticorruption activity in CM’s office to monitor cases of
corruption is in place. Action has been taken even though Lokpal Bill did not
take off. Only BSP is capable of IMPLEMENTING all these rather than lying in
papers for the last 65 years of Congress and BSP rule.They just preach but BSP Practice.

Buddhist Circle] Support BSP from anywhere in the world for Feb-2012 elections
- Pls. do your part

FROM:Dhiraj Gondane

Friday, 20 January 2012 11:58 PM

Dear All,

Elections are due in UP from 8th Feb. 2012. As you know the
media / centre govt / election commission will always present only incorrect
negative news repeatedly about UP govt and Mayawati to defame her.

Now in this technology world let’s present to whole world
correct and positive news about UP govt and Mayawati which may assist BSP to
win more seats. 

As a part of your responsibility, please try to do two
below things by spending about 10min daily from today till the elections are


1) Open various news items about Mayawati & BSP from
Google news search and put your comparative positive comment on the  news.

2) Vote to Mayawati in various news papers online survey.


If you notice now days there are many people writing comments on
news articles, which mean many people read these news and they do write
comments as well. So let’s have comments from our side as well.

If all well wisher of BSP writes their positive comparative
comments, then it will surely put real storey about UP and Mayawati to the world

Please send this email to maximum people without losing any time
as 6th Feb. 2012 is very near.

 Few  comparative points about BSP govt;

1) UP is now one of the fast developing states in all aspects
like education / infrastructure / water / roads etc. Congress could not do this
in last 40 years of their rule. BJP demolished Babari. SP promoted goondaraj.

2) Controlled crime and created safe environment.

3) Created various new districts which helped developing the
local area.

4) Proposed divisions of state into smaller states for better

5) Given full respect to great national social leaders by
creating their parks and institutes.

6) Sacked ministers who are indicated by Lokayukta in

7) Rejected FDI in retails to protect small shop owners.

8) Mayawati is the only CM who is going to serve full 5
years with stable govt.

There are many more developments which media will never tell, so
local UP people will need to play vital role for spreading correct news

Let’s keep our land in our hands.

in mission.


randhir gill (mirzapur)

Dear, Mam i am really happy because you are my state CM.I live
in mirzapur,near by allahabad.Youare such great CM.I pray only CM in my

Vijay (Chennai)

Behenji, EC is covering our statues and symbols across UP. Next
time we should make EC to do the same across India. Jai Bhim…Jai
Kanshiram…Jai Behenji…

Chandrasekharan (Bangalore)

Ms Mayawati of BSP will win 303 seats, since BSP is a movement
for social transformation and Economic Emancipation. BY GIVING MASTERKEY! TO
MAYAWATI! OF BSP! By Broad minded Entire Uttar Pradesh People will give her
seats Three Hundred and Three!

sandeep sharma (Mohali)
At least better than Mulayam.Done development in Noida,Lko.

Sparrow (DC)
She is the only strong Sarvajan leader to protect minorities against the caste
/ feudal system in UP.She has learned her lessons and shall give better govt.

rahul (delhi)
Great leader

Prashant (Australia)
I am 100% with u that u have done enough for SC, OBC and all other castes that
everyone in India should be proud to have your statue in every state of India.
I honestly salute you and want to meet you once personally in my life. May God
give u long life and after you will be remembered as GOD itself.

ROSHAN (Faridabad)

Nitesh Thakur (Delhi)

 A Sarvajan  icon

neeraj upadhyay (noida)
Haathi mere sathi.. :)

qrst (Delhi)
I wish you come to power again.

Right nice

In a democracy any party goes to the people with an agenda and
programmes they would implement if they came to power. Are the parks in UP not
built with that sense? BSP being a party that has come into being on the
philosophy of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, Mahatma Phule, Periyar and other social thinkers
who wanted to establish a just society. It is in this context that one should
understand the parks established in honour of the leaders who showed a path to
the downtrodden. If the argument given by EC that anything built from public
funds that could influence the voters, “… are they created using
government funds and displayed in an election situation? Second, even when
these are created with government funds, we need to see if they are part of the
normal functions of any government, irrespective of party affiliation?”
How could one see parties asking people to vote for their party on the schemes
brought out by them? Eg. Congress asking people to vote on the MGNRES, RTI,
Development, etc. is it not one way of influencing the voters asking for votes
on schemes implemented from ‘Public Funds’. The EC’s logic of public funds
being used is absurd and against the democratically elected government’s
mandate to execute its schemes for its people. It is worthwhile to recollect
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar’s words, “For ours is a battle not for wealth or for
power. It is battle for freedom. It is the battle of reclamation of human
personality” and it is that culture which is reflected in parks which the
so-called ‘elites’ of the Indian society cannot digest. And the bogey of
‘Public money’ being wasted is just hogwash.


hyderabad, India

is Ms Mayawati’s BSP + the broad-minded people of Uttar Pradesh
consisting of SC/STs/OBCs/Minorities and poor among the upper castes who
have been united under the policy of Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay
i.e., for the welfare and happiness of the entire people with her highly
promising best and meritorious governance will win 303 seats


rest-a handful  around 20 to 30 of traditionally antogonistic haters
with their domination attitude with their Kulaveri Gothraveri + media, EC,IT,+Congress Bureau of
Investigation+Congress Accounting General

Manmohan Singh,Mulayam,Anhishek,Sonia,
Priyanka, Rahul,Advani, Ghatkari,
President Nitin Gadkari, Murli Manohar Joshi,
Rajnath Singh, Uma Bharti, Sushil Modi and Yogi Aditya Nath
who are dividing the
society in the name of Caste and religion

such as

Mail Online, IBN Live,truthdive,hindustantimes,The Economic Times,The Guardian, The Observer,Two,The New York Times,International Herald Tribune,India Today,The Hindu,live,The Independent,News Track India,The Siasat Daily,The Cronical of Philonthrophy,Xindex MiDDAY,Rediff,Manorama online

The Economic Times

The Observer home



Index on Censorship Home
MiD DAY.COMrediff.comlogo

They are just under estimating BSP. This will be proved after results are announced after 6th March 2012. Why This Kulaveri Gothraveri Da?




















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on Ambedkar & future of Indian democracy

“… There is a view that reason
and science are “western” notions, alien
to the people of India, who have their own “modes of knowledge”. This
is bound to astonish anyone who has cared to read the Buddha’s teachings.
Many centuries before Descartes, Buddha urged his followers to use their
reason and not to believe anything without proof. …”

Dr. Ambedkar and the Future of Indian
Jean Drèze*
Indian Journal of Human Rights, 2005.
The future of Indian democracy depends a
great deal on a revival of Dr.
Ambedkar’s visionary conception of democracy. This vision also needs to be
enlarged and updated in the light of recent experience. Revolutionary
Democracy Dr. Ambedkar’s vision of democracy was closely related to his
ideal of a β€œgood society”. He did not leave room for any ambiguity
regarding the nature of this ideal. On many occasions, he stated that he
envisaged a good society as one based on β€œliberty, equality and
fraternity”. Democracy, as he saw it, was both the end and the means of
this ideal. It was the end because he ultimately considered democracy as
coterminous with the realisation of liberty, equality and fraternity. At
the same time, democracy was also the means through which this ideal was
to be attained.

Dr. Ambedkar’s notion of “democratic government” went back to the
fundamental idea of “government of the people, by the people and for the
people”. But β€œdemocracy” meant much more to him than democratic
government. It was a way of life: β€œDemocracy is not merely a form of
government. It is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint
communicated experience. It is essentially an attitude of respect and
reverence towards fellowmen.”

Another crucial feature of Dr. Ambedkar’s conception of democracy is that
it was geared to social transformation and human progress. Conservative
notions of democracy, such as the idea that it is mainly a device to
prevent bad people from seizing power, did not satisfy him. In one of the
most inspiring definitions of the term, he defined democracy as “a form
and a method of government whereby revolutionary changes in the economic
and social life of the people are brought about without bloodshed.” …
… …

Dr. Ambedkar’s passion for democracy was closely related to his commitment
to rationality and the scientific outlook. At an obvious level,
rationality is necessary for democratic government since public debate (an
essential aspect of democratic practice) is impossible in the absence of a
shared adherence to common sense, logical argument and critical enquiry.
Rational thinking is even more relevant if we adopt Dr. Ambedkar’s broad
view of democracy as a state of “liberty, equality and fraternity”.
Indeed, rationality is conducive if not indispensable to the realisation
of these ideals. …

There is also a close affinity between rationality and equality. For one
thing, propaganda and manipulation are common tools of subjugation. The
caste system, for instance, has been propped over the centuries by an
elaborate edifice of unscientific dogmas. The scientific outlook is
essential to liberate and protect oneself from ideological manipulation.
For another, the scientific spirit has a strong anti-authoritarian
dimension. Authority rests on the notion that one person’s view or wish
counts more than another’s. In scientific argument, this is not the case.
What counts is the coherence of the argument and the quality of the
evidence. In that sense, the scientific outlook is a protection against
the arbitrary exercise of power.

There is a view that reason and science are “western” notions, alien
the people of India, who have their own “modes of knowledge”. This
view is
bound to astonish anyone who has cared to read the Buddha’s teachings.
Many centuries before Descartes, Buddha urged his followers to use their
reason and not to believe anything without proof. In “Buddha or Karl
Marx”, one of his last speeches, Dr. Ambedkar includes the following in
his summary of the essential teachings of the Buddha: “Everyone has a
right to learn. Learning is as necessary for man to live as food is …
Nothing is infallible. Nothing is binding forever. Everything is subject
to inquiry and examination.”

This is not to deny that there are other modes of knowledge than rational
argument and scientific discourse. That is the case not only in India but
all over the world. For instance, no amount of rational argument can
convey what a jasmine flower smells like. Direct experience is
indispensable. Similarly, if you hold the hand of an Iraqi child who has
been wounded by American bombs, you will learn something about the nature
of this war that no amount of scientific information on “collateral
damage” can convey. In The Buddha and His Dhamma, Dr. Ambedkar gives a
fine account of the distinction between vidya (knowledge) and prajna
(insight). In the step from vidya to prajna, non-scientific modes of
learning often play an important role. But this does not detract from the
overarching importance of rationality in individual awakenment and
social living.

One reason for bringing this up is that recent threats to Indian democracy
often involve a concerted attack on rationality and the scientific spirit.
I am thinking particularly of the Hindutva movement. As various scholars
have noted, this movement can be interpreted as a sort of “revolt of the
higher castes”: an attempt to reassert the traditional authority of the
upper castes, threatened as it is by the expansion of political democracy
in independent India. This reassertion of Brahminical authority in the
garb of “Hindu unity” involves a suppression of rational thinking and

critical enquiry. That is the real significance of the seemingly
“irrational” statements and actions we are witnessing day after day
political leaders of the saffron variety: the call for teaching astrology
in universities, the substitution of myths for history, the search for
Lord Ram’s “authentic” birthplace, the handover of research
to certified obscurantists, among other recent examples. I doubt that Mr.
Murli Manohar Joshi really cares for the inclusion of astrology in the
university curriculum, but what he has good reason to care for is the
nurturing of a spirit of submission to Brahminical obscurantism. Resisting
this and other attacks on rationality is an important requirement of the
defence of democracy in India today.

One of the most interesting features of Dr. Ambedkar’s political
philosophy is his stress on the ethical dimension of democracy, or what he
called “morality”. One aspect of this is the importance of
morality”, that is, of abiding by the spirit of the constitution and not
just its legal provisions. Going beyond this, Dr. Ambedkar felt that
“morality”, in the sense of social ethics, was indispensable for the
realisation of liberty and equality. In the absence of morality, there
were only two alternatives: anarchy or the police. …

In fact, one of Dr. Ambedkar’s many criticisms of caste system was that it
undermines social rationality and morality. In Annihilation of Caste, he
thundered: “The effects of caste on the ethics of the Hindus is simply
deplorable. Caste has killed public spirit. Caste has destroyed the sense
of public charity. Caste has made public opinion impossible. A Hindu’s
public is his caste… Virtue has become caste-ridden and morality has
become caste-bound.” He ultimately identified mortality with
- “a sentiment which leads an individual to identify himself with the good

of others”.

Dr. Ambedkar’s attraction to Buddhism has to be seen in the light of his
twin commitment to morality and reason. Not only did he regard Buddha’s
“Dhamma” as compatible with (indeed committed to) reason, he also saw
as an expression of the ideal of “liberty, equality and fraternity”.
one point he even stated that this ideal of his derived directly “from the

teachings of my master, the Buddha”. Towards the end of his life, he even
seems to have nurtured the hope that the Dhamma would become a universal
code of social ethics. … …

In practical terms, the best course of action may be to revive the
Directive Principles of the Constitution, and to reassert that these
principles are “fundamental in the governance of the country”
37). Indeed, in spite of much official hostility to these principles
today, there are unprecedented opportunities for asserting the economic
and social rights discussed in the constitution - the right to education,
the right to information, the right to food, the right to work, and the
right to equality, among others. Dr. Ambedkar’s advice to “educate,
organise and agitate” is more relevant than ever.

BSP rule has made much difference even to Ambedkar villages
which were conceived in 1991 to bring their residents, particularly SC/STs,
into the mainstream. When implemented in 1995, the scheme became a source of
heartburn exposing Mayawati to the charge that she was excessively focused on
SC/STs which is not true.

Ms. Mayawati Ji Led Government’s four-year term Has
been very promising
and the best in the sphere of β€œLaw &
Order and Crime Control”
Besides β€œDevelopment and Public Welfare, especially in rural areas to the entire

After its four-year term, has kindled a new ray of
β€œbright” future among the general public in the State, especially the SC/STs,
backwards, religious minorities and upper-caste poor in respect of law and
order and crime control together with development and public welfare

This very government,
by pursuing the path shown by great saints, gurus and seers born in backward
classes, especially Mahtma Jotiba Phule, Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj, Shri
Narayana Guru, Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar and Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji in
development and public welfare activities with government following the policy
of β€œSarvajan Hitay – Sarvajan Sukhay”.

Besides, to honour these
backward-born great β€œSaints, Gurus and Seers”,
various magnificent spots, memorials, museums,
parks, etc have
been constructed
in the state, on which the total budgeted government amount spent is even less than 1%; the remaining funds having
spent on law and order, crime
control, development and public welfare

In the last four
years, the central government did not release on time its
share payable
to the state totalling Rs. 21,385 crore. If this
amount had been paid by the centre in time, achievements of the
state government could have been far

Not only this, the β€œspecial
economic package’ of Rs. 80,000 crore
sought from the central government for the
total development of
the state,
especially Bundelkhand and Poorvanchal in view of the poor and pitiable economic conditions
inherited from the previous governments, no money was received from the central government at all.

Thereafter, under government’s new development strategy several
major projects /schemes on the PPP-model, like the
 Ganga Express-way, Yamuna
Express-way and Upper Ganga canal were
prepared to spur development in the state in which no central investments were
involved except a departmental β€˜no objection β€˜ from them; the centre, however,
did not cooperate even in this matter.

And yet, with β€œcorrect mobilization of resources and
improved financial management”
 the state
government generated an atmosphere Development, notable achievements of which
are enumerated in



a leading Buddhist country in the world, the Buddhists of this country should
seriously consider requesting the Government of Sri Lanka to issue a commemorative
postage stamp in honour of Dr B R Ambedkar, for the great work he has done for
his people and the cause of Buddhism in India.


are nearly 250 Million aboriginal inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e., the Great
PraBuddha Bharath (Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST)) which is
virtually 1/4th of the Indian Population.


Dr B R Ambedkar

Lanka should befriend these people.


can cement ties between Indian SC/STs and Sri Lanka


the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, is a staunch Buddhist. She heads the
Bahujan Samaj Party, which represents the Bahujans or SC/STs, the weakest
strata of Indian society.


is her fourth term as Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. She is an icon for
millions of India’s SC/STs. She is sometimes referred to as Behen-ji (sister).


a population of over 200 million people, Uttar Pradesh is PraBuddha Bharath’s
most populous state, as well as the world’s most populous sub - national
entity. Uttar Pradesh (UP) is the second largest state-economy in PraBuddha
Bharath, with a GDP of $103.5 billion in 2009.


annual per capita GDP of the state was $1586 in 2009. It contributed 8.34% to
India’s total GDP in the financial year 2010.


also has several sites important to Buddhism: the Chaukhandi Stupa marks the
spot where Buddha met his first disciples, while the Dhamek Stupa in Sarnath commemorates
Buddha’s first sermon. Further, the town of Kushinagar is where the Buddha
attained Maha Parinibbana.


Lanka should invite Mayawati to visit Sri Lanka and in turn seek the
strengthening of economic and religio -cultural ties between Uttar Pradesh and
Sri Lanka, The Buddhist World must give her recognition outside PraBuddha


example of Ambedkar reviving Buddhism should be given the widest publicity in
the North and East to motivate the so called untouchable Tamils in these areas
and the Hill Country of Sri Lanka to pursue a similar path.


teaches equality. This was Dr Ambedkar’s message to his fellow SC/STs.
PraBuddha Bharath SC/STs who are Buddhists (in the absence of Dr. Ambedkar) are
spreading that message among Tamils in Sri Lanka who feel persecuted and
oppressed by members of the higher profile Tamil castes.

Ambedkar’s inspiring legacy may well play a bigger role in Sri Lanka’s efforts
at reconciliation between various communities.

BJP on
the issue of corruption and the Lokpal Bill.

There is corruption in BJP governments in
Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh
and Punjab while Advani is taking out yatras across various
Proposal for the
Lokpal to be given Constitutional status, was opposed by BJP.
 Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi too, had not
allowed a Lokayukta to be appointed in his state.

Rahul has accepted defeat in UP even before the polls
are over.

I respect Kanshi Ram,  he has moved the politics of UP further. I am fond of Mayawati , I respect her.

Gandhi has no Shakti. I have no power.

We politicians are just
transmitters. Our job is to listen andtransmit. Our job is to
understand and transmit.

Congress party MP Rahul Gandhi says he is “not obsessed”
with becoming the prime minister of India.

Ms Gandhi said PM Manmohan Singh government has been
coming under increasing pressure over corruption scandals and a slowing

Latest blow dealt to
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh over a massive corruption scandal raises the risk
that his wounded government could fall well before its mandate runs out in

Singh has seriously
considered stepping down at times during the turbulence of the past 12 months
but has plodded on out of loyalty to the ruling Congress party.

Few really know
the prime minister’s mind. Indeed Singh’s public silence on many matters is the
butt of internet jokes, one of which has his frustrated dentist telling him:
“You can open your mouth now, I’m your dentist.”

Last year it
survived the detention of a minister over the telecoms scandal, country-wide
protests over corruption, flip-flopping by fickle regional parties in its
coalition, and dismay over a policy paralysis as economic growth was skidding.
It even blundered into an embarrassing legal face-off with the country’s army
chief over his date of birth and retirement.

The question now
is whether it can ride out 2012 too.

Two looming
events could decide that: the first is a month-long election in the politically
crucial state of Uttar Pradesh that gets under way this week, and the second is
the budget session of parliament in March.

Ever since the (telecoms) scandal blew sky
high in October 2010 … the regime in Delhi has acquired the traits of a
rubber band that stretches and shows great elasticity but is yet to snap.

waiting and bets are now on as to whether this government will survive the
budget session. The Manmohan regime is too much of a
liability for regional parties (in the coalition) to carry the burden for much

But with only a modest improvement in its seat tally, Congress will be further weakened.

This will
encourage the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) to go on the
offensive. Coalition partners that Congress relies on for a parliamentary
majority could also be tempted to desert it during the budget session in March.

The government
will fail to win enough support in parliament for its 2012/13 Finance Bill in
mid-March, then, under the constitution, it must resign, which could trigger a
mid-term election.

members of parliament do not want an election now. There’s no mood for it. The BJP
doesn’t want one because they are  sure that they cannot come to power.But accidents can

asks the Voters of Uttar Pradesh to
give two or four seats to the Congress. We will
support the people of Uttar Pradesh in their development, irrespective of
whether we come to power or not.

There was no truth in the elections promises of the

Rahul not concerned
about his reputation.- Priyanka Gandhi

For last 65 years, Congress and BJP has had formed
government that do not work for the people. Congress party did not respect and
recognise rights of the people.

UPA nad NDA Leaders make promises on caste and religious
lines and mislead the people and then snatch their rights.

They ask for your votes on the basis of your caste and
your religion. They forget you once they come to power. It’s time for you to
wake up and reject them.

The Congress -led UPA and the BJP –led NDA regimes did
not out down issues such as corruption and there is a breakdown of governance
in the Centre and the states.

BSP has launched a scathing counter-attack, raising the
issue of minority reservation.All that the Congress party is saying on the
issue of minority reservations right before the elections is merely a poll
gimmick. All of you should be wary of such moves, Mayawati said at a rally in
Maharajganj district of Uttar Pradesh.

There is no  equitable distribution
wealth of the country of
the budget  among
the castes/communities included in the
Constitution of the
country.Had the Congress and BJP had done that there would not be announcement
of reservation at the time of elections.

Congress will not win because a “defeat
for free speech” and thus a “tragedy”.

Stakes were high on the possible successor to the
Mayawati-led Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) government with 303 seats.

On who should be the next Prime Minister.
Uttar Pradesh chief minister, Ms Mayawati leads in the first place.

Rahul  cent percent breaks in
his bid to capture the national stage.

Mayawati’s Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) is off and running, having
served the not only Scheduled Castes but also the OBCs/Minorities and even the
poor among the Uper Castes remarkably well during her term as the CM.

Hence the fight is straight between BSP on one side and
BJP,Congress, SP, EC, CBI and the media fully supporting them. She will win 303

As for the future of UP, the uniformly unimaginative manifestos
across all three parties BJP, Congress and SP offer little by way of an economic or social
programme. They only sharpen the communal divides - across both castes and
religions - make tall promises of employment for the youth and offer freebies,
including reservations for certain sections in employment.

Whereas BSP is the only party that unites all sections of the
society with its policy of Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay i.e., welfare and
happiness of the entire people as enshrined in the Constitution of this
country, which is its manefesto.

BSP was still a force. The support base of Behenji Mayawati  is
still intact and the polls will prove it again.

Ms mayawati the Awakened One with awareness has already awakened
the people of Uttar Pradesh and the entire country on Social Transformation and
Economic Emancipation for equality as per the Constitution.

Politics has become sacred with highly promising best and
meritorious governance with equal distribution of wealth by Ms Mayawati. Hence
all sorts of false promises by the Oppositions parties are attempts to divide
the broad minded people in the name of castes and religion which will not
succeed as the people are united and leading a peaceful life.

Congress and BJP governments in the Centre and some states
  over the last 65 years for failing
the common man.

These parties have done nothing for the Centre or the states  during their governments . They have, however,
filled their own pockets, though there had been a lot of change and development
all over the world, UPA and NDA has ruined this country.

UPA and NDA governments did not distribute the tax payers money equally
among all sections of the society and are held responsible for ‘destroying the
country’. “For development and public welfare people have given more than
Rs lakhs of
 crore to UPA and NDA, but
what happened to these funds? Did they control the ever rising prices of
essential commodities? What measures were taken for flood control and other
natural calamities? What measures were taken to control the mal nourshment of
59% of the children? All the funds meant for such activities  “went to the corrupt” and the rich
people. “UPA and NDA have different names but play similar roles and the
results of their work are also the same.

These parties,formed coalition governments with an eye on power
alone. Citizens were denied rights, youth were unemployed , farmers did not get
fertilizers , women and the poor were not safe, farming land was acquired , and
law and order and civic amenities were in a pathetic state. Those who raised
their voice against corruption and crime faced threats to their lives.
“Whose interests were fulfilled?

Did the UPA or NDA dismis any of their ministers or officers
involved in 2G, CWG, S Band scams and so on? They are not able to see their
corruption in the past sixty five years.
Only when BSP return to power in UP and ultimately in the entire
country the dream of progress and development with equality will be achieved.

With reference to the Supreme Court direction that government should give its
sanction for prosecution in the corruption cases within four months, as
demanded it should be implemented in Madhya Pradesh also.

Since 2008,
Lokayukta’s recommendations for getting sanction for prosecution against
Ministers and officials were pending with the government and no action has been
taken in this regard by Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan’s government.

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