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20 02 2012 LESSON 530 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 76 Radhatthera Vatthu Treasure The Advice Of The Wise
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20 02 2012 LESSON 530 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 76 Radhatthera Vatthu Treasure The Advice Of The Wise


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a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away

Verse 76. Treasure The
Advice Of The Wise

one a man of wisdom meet
who points out faults and gives reproof,
who lays a hidden treasure bare,
with such a sage should one consort.
Consorting so is one enriched
and never in decline.

If one discovers a wise person who points out one’s errors and sternly corrects
one, he should be looked upon as a benign revealer of a treasure. His company
should be sought. Such association would make better persons of men.

Dhammapada: Verses and Stories

Dhammapada Verse 76
Radhatthera Vatthu


yam passe vajjadassinam
niggayhavadim medhavim
tadisam panditam bhaje
tadisam bhajamanassa
seyyo hoti na papiyo.

76: One should follow a man of wisdom who rebukes one for one’s faults, as one
would follow a guide to some buried treasure. To one who follows such a wise
man, it will be an advantage and not a disadvantage.

Story of Thera Radha

residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (76) of this book,
with reference to Thera Radha, who was at one time a poor old Brahmin.

was a poor brahmin who stayed in the monastery doing small services for the
bhikkhus. For his services he was provided with food and clothing and other
needs, but was not encouraged to join the Order, although he had a strong
desire to become a bhikkhu.

day, early in the morning, when the Buddha surveyed the world with his
supernormal power, he saw the poor old brahmin in his vision and knew that he
was due for arahatship. So the Buddha went to the old man, and learned from him
that the bhikkhus of the monastery did not want him to join the Order. The
Buddha therefore called all the bhikkhus to him and asked them, “Is
there any bhikkhu here who recollects any good turn done to him by this old
To this question, the Venerable Sariputta replied,
“Venerable Sir, I do recollect an instance when this old man offered me a
spoonful of rice.” “If that be so,” the Buddha said, “shouldn’t
you help your benefactor get liberated from the ills of life?”
the Venerable Sariputta agreed to make the old man a bhikkhu and he was duly
admitted to the Order. The Venerable Sariputta guided the old bhikkhu and the
old bhikkhu strictly followed his guidance. Within a few days, the old bhikkhu
attained arahatship.

the Buddha next came to see the bhikkhus, they reported to him how strictly the
old bhikkhu followed the guidance of the Venerable Sariputta. To them, the
Buddha replied that a bhikkhu should be amenable to guidance like Radha, and
should not resent when rebuked for any fault or failing.

the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 76: One should
follow a man of wisdom who rebukes one for one’s faults, as one would follow
a guide to some buried treasure. To one who follows such a wise man, it will
be an advantage and not a disadvantage.


Lucknow comes all out to vote, 57%
turnout recorded in fourth phase

An estimated 57% votes were
polled in the fourth phase of Uttar Pradesh assembly elections which covered
Rae Bareli and Amethi, bastions
and part of
backward Bundelkhand region

A total of more than 1.74 crore voters sealed the fate of 967 candidates in the
polling held in Hardoi, Unnao, Lucknow, Rae Bareli, Farukkhabad, Kannauj,
Banda, Chitrakoot, Fatehpur, Pratapgarh and CSM Nagar which includes Amethi.

there was brisk polling in CSM Nagar and Rae Bareli, good voter turnout was
also recorded in Banda and Chitrakoot infamous for dacoits.

estimated 54% polling was recorded till 5pm. The figure, however, may change a
little as polling continued even after that time at a number of places,” a
state Election Commission official said.

of this phase of the seven-part polling would decide the fate of several
stalwarts, including three ministers, 32 sitting MLAs, 12 former ministers
. Chief minister Mayawati was among state leaders who
exercised their franchise.

for the fourth phase covering 11 districts started at 7am amidst tight security
arrangements and picked up as the day progressed,” an election official

has been peaceful, he said.

are high for ruling BSP.

urban development minister Nakul Dubey has shifted to Bakshi ka Talab seat,
science and technology minister Abdul Mannan is seeking re-election from
Sandila seat.

remaining phases of polling will be held on February 23, 28 and March 3.
Counting will take place on March 6.

first phase of polling on February 8 in 55 constituencies in 10 districts had
recorded around 63% turn out while the voting percentage in the second phase on
February 11 for 59 seats spread over nine districts was 59%. In the third
phase, the polling percentage was 56% for 56 seats.

will see the last time an
election in Uttar Pradesh,
because the
will be divided into four parts as
by the BSP which will win 303 seats, before
the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.

Because of the  congress’s
corrupt and black money tainted hand putting the poor man in lot of
difficulties,  BSP
has become  strong with Sarvajan Samaj including
SC/ST/OBC/Minorities and poor upper castes votebank of
the BSP. The
SC/STs/OBCs/Minorities and the poor Upper Castes, either due to the want of a better Sarvajan  alternative or for the
fear of the
Communal, Casteists, and goond raj  returning to power, would continue to vote for
the BSP

The upper
castes will go to the BSP. The BJP is not in the race. When they know
the Congress is not forming the government, they’ll shift to BSP.

Brahmins, an original vote bank of the Congress and the BJP are not comfortable in the company of Uma Bhartis and
Kushwahas and the congress. They are now with BSP due to social engineering and their safety under Ms Mayawati’s rule which is against goonda raj and they are able to lead a peaceful life

BSP the front-runner

to an assessment made by
FREE ONLINE eNālandā Research & Practice UNIVERSITY & BUDDHIST GOOD NEWS LETTER  Through :, the state’s ruling Bahujan Samaj Party
(BSP) is ahead of others after conclusion of the first three rounds of the
seven-phased elections in Uttar Pradesh.

So far,
voting has taken place in 170 constituencies for the 403-member state assembly.

The high voter
turnout is advantageous to the ruling BSP, since all those names that
were removed by the previous regimes were included this time.

So far,
voting has taken place only in eastern Uttar Pradesh and some districts of
central Uttar Pradesh. The final result may change during the next four phases for the benefit of BSP.

As of
now, the agency estimates that BSP may end up wining 139 out of 170 seats while
BJP could win as many as 10 of these seats.

The SP, may win
only 18 of these seats, thanks to the Congress’ resurgence.

resurgence may not enable it to win many seats since the assessment shows it
could gain only two seats while other parties are poised to win one.

emerged the clear winner in 2007 by bagging 206 seats, getting a simple
majority which was enough to sustain it in power for the past five years.Now it will win 303 seats

BSP will win Uttar Pradesh Polls

A handful of leaders think that the words
β€˜development’ and earlier β€˜merit’ are the sole properties of 1st, 2nd
and 3rd rate souls. And if a Panchama or an untouchable rules, it is
without merit or development, since they are considered to have no souls. But
the Buddha never believed any soul. He said all are equal. This is not accepted
by these hanful of leaders and of course the media who support them. So they
keep insulting the under previlages leader like Ms Mayawati. Since majority of
the people in this country are poor and under previlages they are aware of the
tricks of these leaders.

When people look at the development of the whole
country under the leadership of Dr. Manmohan Singh, Sonia and Youraj had not
moved forward all these years. They are not paying attention to price rise and
development of the country. In the whole country the supply of water and
electricity and the condition of road is getting worse.

At one time this country had very good
educational educational institution such as Nalanda, but now it has gone down.
In Uttar Pradesh under Ms Mayawati Chief Ministership it stands first in the
whole country. Children get hot meals which is monitored by computerised by
free sms that is now being followed by the entire country. But yet they talk about
development, merit and so on.

Central Government funds for the development
of the common man did not reach them, whether ruled by the Congress or the BJP.

Ms Mayawti had asked for Rs 80000 crores for
development. Sonia says that the Central Government had sent lakhs of crores
while Dr Man Mohan singh claims to have sent Rs.24000 crores. The Congress is
trying to wood wink the Aam Adhmi with such Gimmicks.

Ms Mayawati is the only Chief Minister of
Uttar Pradesh who completed full five years term in office. Now she will win
303 seats and become the Chief Minister for the fifth time and ultimately
become the nex Prime Minister of PraBuddha Bharath.She has made politics sacred
with her highly promising best and meritorious governance with the policy of
Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay i.e., for the welfare and happiness and peace
of the entire people.

Mayawati demands Punia resignation for
chopping of Scheduled Caste’s hand

Samaj Party supremo and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati today demanded
that National Commission for Scheduled Castes(NCSC) chairman P L Punia resign
from the post, taking moral responsibility for chopping of a hand of a Scheduled Caste by
an upper caste farmer in Haryana recently. Ms Mayawati took strong exception to
the incident and said Mr Punia, also a Congress MP, has indulged in doing
‘nautanki’ (drama) in UP over minor issues and now he was doing the same in
Congress-ruled Haryana. ‘’Mr Punia has no moral right to continue as the
chairman of NCSC as he failed to prevent atrocities against SC/STs in his own
Congress-ruled state,'’ she alleged in a statement here. Demanding an
explanation from senior Congress leaders over the issue, she said such incidents
should be prevented in future. ‘’Congress makes much hue and cry over petty
incidents but now they are quiet over the incident in Haryana,'’ she added. In
Daulatpur village of Hisar in Haryana, a hand of an SC worker was chopped off
by an upper caste farmer after the labourer by fault took water from a water
pot, to be used by the owner only. UNI MB SW RP1446 NNNN

– (UNI)
– 17DR27.xml

On the
face of it, the BSP has become inclusive over the years. The party has a Muslim
face in Naseemuddin Siddiqui, Behenji’s trusted man who is responsible for
devising strategies to galvanise the Muslim vote.

In the
current elections, Mayawati’s party gave 85 Muslims candidates tickets. Muslims
are as clever as SC/STs as to who will be the best Chief Minister or Prime
Minister. They have learnt their lesson through suffering. Now the SC/STs/
OBCs/Minorities and poor upper Castes are safe and progressing under the  highly promising best and meritorious
governance of UP CM Ms Mayawati who has made politics sacred through the policy
of Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay i.e., for the peace, happiness and welfare
of the entire people.


Kanshi Ram saw real β€œpotential” in Ms Mayawati. When
Mayawati told Kanshi Ram she wanted to be a collector, he retorted β€œI can
make you such a big leader one day that not one,  but a whole row of
collectors will line up in front of you, waiting for your orders.”

Mayawati’s building spree is effectively about building
temples for SC/ST/OBC icons

 are against the
collective, historic insults heaped upon the SC/ST/OBC communities.

Mayawati’s legacy in stone

Lucknow: Mayawati has carved her
legacy in stone. Two centuries from now, any tourist to Lucknow would stand
mesmerised at the beauty and grandeur of the Ambedkar Memorial and Manyawar
Kashiram Ji Smarak Sthal, saluting in silence the aesthetic vision of the ruler
who made such works possible. He would not hesitate to equate these with other
medieval architectural marvels in the state, which include Shah Jahan’s elegy
in stone, Taj Mahal.

Red sand
stone, quarried in Chunnar and sent for finishing touches to Rajasthan before
being transported to Lucknow, has been used in profusion in making statues in
both the memorials. Certain statues have been carved out of marble.

The sprawling Ambedkar Park is spread over an area of
around 120 acres and the Kanshiram Smarak around 85 acres – in fanciful notions
of glory.

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