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29 05 2012 MONDAY to SUNDAY 03 06 2012 LESSON 628 FREE ONLINE eNΔlΔndΔ Research And Practice UNIVERSITY And THE BUDDHISTONLINE GOOD NEWS LETTER by ABHIDHAMMA RAKKHITA through http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
Dhammapada: Verses and Stories Dhammapada
Verse 181to 187
Verse 182. Four Rare Opportunities
Human birth is hard to gain,
hard for mortals is their life,
to come to Dhamma True is hard,
rare the Buddhaβs arising.
Explanation: It is rare that one is born a human being, in
this cycle of rebirth. It is difficult and rare to get the opportunity
to hear the good teaching, It is, indeed, rare for the birth of a
Buddha to occur.
Verse 183. The Instructions Of The Buddha
Every evil never doing
and in wholesomeness increasing
and oneβs heart well-purifying:
this is the Buddhaβs Teaching.
Explanation: Abandoning all evil and purifying oneβs
own mind by oneself - this is the Teaching of the Buddha.
Verse 184. Patience Is A Great Ascetic Virtue
Patienceβs the austerity supreme,
Nibbanaβs supreme the Buddhas say.
One who irks or others harms
is not ordained or monk become.
Explanation: Enduring patience is the highest asceticism.
The Buddhas say that imperturbability (Nibbana) is the most supreme.
One is not a renunciate if he hurts another. Only one who does not
harm others is a true saint (samana).
Verse 185. Noble Guidelines
Not reviling, neither harming,
restrained to limit βfreedomβsβ way,
knowing reason in oneβs food,
dwelling far in solitude,
and striving in the mind sublime:
this is the Buddhaβs Teaching.
Explanation: To refrain from finding fault with others; to
refrain from hurting others, to be trained in the highest forms of
discipline and conduct; to be moderate in eating food; to take delight
in solitude; and to engage in higher thought (which is meditation).
This is the Buddhaβs Teaching.
Verse 186. Sensual Pleasures Never Satiated
Not by rain of golden coins
is found desiresβ satiety,
desires are dukkha, of little joy,
thus a wise one understands.
Explanation: Insatiable are sensual desires. Sensual desires
will not be satisfied even with a shower of gold. The wise knows that
sensual pleasure bring but little satisfaction and much pain.
Verse 187. Shun Worldly Pleasures
Even with pleasures heavenly
that one finds no delight,
the perfect Buddhaβs pupil
delights in cravingβs end.
Explanation: The discipline of the Buddha does not even go
after heavenly pleasures. The discipline of the Buddha has his mind
fixed only on the process of ending cravings.
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