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18 06 2012 MONDAYLESSON 640 FREE ONLINE eNālāndā Research And Practice UNIVERSITY And THE BUDDHISTONLINE GOOD NEWS LETTER by ABHIDHAMMA RAKKHITA through Dhammapada: Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verses 206, 207 and 208-Sakka Vatthu Verse 206. Pleasant Meetings Happy Company The Good And The Wise-Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on Indian currency and RBI
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Dhammapada: Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verses 206, 207 and 208-Sakka Vatthu

Verse 206. Pleasant Meetings

Happy Company

The Good And The Wise

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on Indian currency and RBI

Verse 206. Pleasant Meetings

So fair’s the sight of Noble Ones,
ever good their company,
by relating not to fools
ever happy one may be.

Verse 207. Happy Company

Who moves among fool’s company
must truly grieve for long,
for ill the company of fools
as ever that of foes,
but weal’s a wise one’s company
as meeting of one’s folk.

Explanation: A person who keeps company with the ignorant
will grieve over a long period of time. Association with the ignorant
is like keeping company with enemies - it always leads to grief. Keeping
company with the wise is like a reunion with one’s kinfolk -
it always leads to happiness.

Verse 208. The Good And The Wise

Thus go with the steadfast, wise, well-versed,
firm of virtue, practice-pure,
Ennobled ‘Such’, who’s sound, sincere,
as moon in wake of the Milky Way.

Explanation: The moon keeps to the path of the stars. In exactly
the same way, one must seek out the company of such noble persons
who are non-fluctuating, endowed with deep wisdom, greatly learned,
capable of sustained effort, dutiful, noble, and are exalted human

Dhammapada Verses 206, 207 and 208
Sakka Vatthu

Sahu dassanamariyanam
sannivaso sada sukho
adassanena balanam
niccameva sukhi siya.

Balasangatacari hi
dighamaddhana socati
dukkho balehi samvaso
amitteneva sabbada
dhiro ca sukhasamvaso
natinam va samagamo.

Tasma hi
dhiranca pannanca bahussutanca
dhorayhasilam vatavantamariyam
tam tadisam sappurisam sumedham
bhajetha nakkhattapathamva candima.

Verse 206: It is good to see the Noble Ones (ariyas); to live with them is
always a pleasure; not seeing fools is also always a pleasure.

Verse 207: He who walks in the company of fools has to grieve for a long
time. Association with fools is ever painful, as living with an enemy;
association with the wise is a pleasure, as living with relatives.

Verse 208: Therefore one should follow a resolute, intelligent, learned,
persevering and dutiful ariya; follow such a virtuous and wise man, as the moon
follows the path of the stars.

The Story of Sakka

While residing at the village of Veluva, the Buddha uttered Verses (206),
(207) and (208) of this book, with reference to Sakka, king of the devas.

About ten months before the Buddha realized parinibbana, the Buddha was
spending the vassa at Veluva village near Vesali. While he was staying there, he
suffered from dysentery. When Sakka learned that the Buddha was ailing, he came
to Veluva village so that he could personally nurse the Buddha during his
sickness. The Buddha told him not to worry about his health as there were many
bhikkhus near him; but Sakka did not listen to him and kept on nursing the
Buddha until he recovered.

The bhikkhus were surprised and awe-struck to find Sakka himself attending on
the Buddha. When the Buddha heard their remarks he said, “Bhikkhus!
There is nothing surprising about Sakka’s love and devotion to me. Once, when
the former Sakka was growing old and was about to pass away, he came to see me.
Then, I expounded the Dhamma to him. While listening to the Dhamma, he attained
Sotapatti Fruition; then he passed away and was reborn as the present Sakka. All
these happened to him simply because he listened to the Dhamma expounded by me.
Indeed, bhikkhus, it is good to see the Noble Ones (ariyas); it is a pleasure to
live with them; to live with fools is, indeed, painful.”

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 206: It is good to see the Noble Ones
(ariyas); to live with them is always a pleasure; not seeing fools is
also always a pleasure.


Verse 207: He who walks in the company of fools
has to grieve for a long time. Association with fools is ever painful,
as living with an enemy; association with the wise is a pleasure, as
living with relatives.


Verse 208: Therefore one should follow a resolute,
intelligent, learned, persevering and dutiful ariya; follow such a
virtuous and wise man, as the moon follows the path of the stars.

End of Chapter Fifteen: Happiness (Sukhavagga)

Explanation: Seeing nobles ones is good. Living with them
is always conducive to happiness. Associating with the ignorant is
like keeping company with enemies.


Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on Indian currency and RBI

is a news that RBI is considering national icons for Indian
currency. The name of Dr. B R Ambedkar has been recommended for Indian
currency. There was the Rs. 1 coin with Dr. Ambedkar’s photo on it. I
was filled with the joy and Millions other SC/STs also want to see Dr.
Ambedkar on Indian currency and experience joy. Few years back, Such
feeling evokes in SC/STs when they see picture of Dr. Ambedkar on coins.
If any person deserves to be on Indian currency then that person should
be Dr. Ambedkar. Nobody else deserves that place on Indian currency. We
must make sure RBI doesn’t forget Dr. Ambedkar’s name in later stage.
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

Dr Ambedkar’s Role in the Formation of Reserve Bank of India
Bank of India (RBI) came into picture according to the guidelines laid
down by Dr Ambedkar. RBI was conceptualized as per the guidelines,
working style and outlook presented by Dr Ambedkar in front of the
Hilton Young Commission. When this commission came to India under the
name of “Royal Commission on Indian Currency & Finance”, each and
every member of this commission were holding Dr Ambedkar’s book named
“The Problem of the Rupee – Its origin and its solution.” 

legislative assembly passed this under the name of RBI act 1934, its
need, working style and its outlook was presented by Dr Ambedkar
in-front of Hilton Young Commission. Read, “Evidence before the Royal
Commission on Indian Currency and Finance” and “The Problem of the Rupee
– Its origin and its solution.”)

Now, walking through the
streets of India, on most of the “State Bank of India’s” (SBI’s) street
hoardings it shows Rabindranath Tagore as “The banker to this nation”,
as if Rabindranath Tagore is the brand ambassador of SBI!

hurts many of us is the picture of Mr. Gandhi on the Indian currency.
We need to ask everyone what’s the contribution of these two leaders
(Rabindranath Tagore and Mr. Gandhi) towards Indian currency, finance
and economics, and who deserves to be there on the signposts or on
Indian currency?

If a man with God’s name on his tongue and a
sword under his armpit deserved the appellation of a Mahatma, then
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a Mahatma.    - Babasaheb Ambedkar
about who deserves the place on Indian currency reminds me of a
Hollywood movie “Do the Right Thing” directed a way back in 1989 by
Spike Lee. Movie revolves around the demand of Afro-Americans to place
some pictures of black heroes on the “Wall of Fame” in a pizza shop
(where all pictures are of Italian heroes as pizza shop owner is from
Italy and very proud of that) as the pizzeria is situated in a black
neighbourhood and sells pizza to black people.
At the end of the
struggle Afro-Americans succeeded to have a picture of Malcolm X and
Martin Luther King, shaking hands on the “Wall of Fame.”
 (excerpts from article “Why weren’t we told?”)

P.S. Please spread the message, Like the post and share it with your friends. We want picture of Dr Ambedkar on Indian currency!

Easiest and surest way to achieve the above is hand over the MASTER KEY to BSP and create PraBuddha Bharath

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