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1317 LESSON 61114 THURSDAY FREE ONLINE E-Nālanda Research and Practice UNIVERSITY run by http: Course Program 1. Kamma 1. Devata-samyutta — Devas - Dukkara.m (Kummo) Sutta: Difficult - The Tortoise in Classical English,Afrikaans,Albanian,Arabic,
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FREE ONLINE E-Nālanda Research and Practice UNIVERSITY

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Course Program 1. Kamma 1. Devata-samyutta — Devas - Dukkara.m (Kummo) Sutta: Difficult - The Tortoise in Classical English,Afrikaans,Albanian,Arabic,

…the deva spoke this verse…:

Hard it is to keep, and hard to bear,
Recluse-life for him who lacks the skill.
Obstacles abound, the fool is lost.
How long can he endure the holy life,
If he cannot hold his heart in check?
Caught now here, now there, he stumbles, falls,

[The Blessed One replied:]

As the tortoise draws into his shell
Each limb, the monk, withdrawn, with mind applied,
Unattached, and doing harm to none,
Passions wholly stilled, dwells blaming none.

) Klassieke Afrikaans
3) Klassieke Afrikaans

Victoria Conservatory of Music

The Media Online
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Natuurlik Program 1. Kamma 1. Devata-samyutta - Devas - Dukkara.m (Kummo) Sutta: Moeilike - Die Tortoise

die deva het hierdie vers :
Moeilik dit is om te hou, en moeilik om te dra, eensaam-lewe vir hom wat die vaardigheid het nie. Struikelblokke in oorvloed, die dwaas is verlore. Hoe lank kan hy verduur die heilige lewe, as hy nie sy hart hou in toom? Gevang nou hier, nou is daar, stamp hy hom, val,

[Die Geseënde Een het geantwoord:]
As die skilpad trek in sy dop Elke ledemaat, die monnik, onttrek, met verstand toegepas, Onverbonde, en skade aan niemand, Passions geheel gestil, woon blameer niemand.

4) Classical Albanian
4) Albanian Klasike

Association for Computers and the Humanities - ACH

) Albanian Klasike
4) Klasike Shqiptare

1317 MËSIMI 61.114 e enjte

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Program Sigurisht 1. Kamma 1. Devata-samyutta - Devas - Dukkara.m (Kummo) Sutta: Vështirë -The Tortoise

the Deva foli këtë ajet :
E vështirë është për të mbajtur, dhe të vështirë të mbajnë, i vetmuar, jeta për atë nuk ka aftësi. Pengesat bollëk,the budalla është e humbur. Sa kohë mund të jetë ai durojnë jetën e shenjtë, Nëse ai nuk mund ta mbajë zemrën e tij në kontroll? Kapur tani këtu, tani, pengohet, bie,

[TheBekuar One përgjigj:]
Sithe breshkë tërheq guaskë e tij çdo gjymtyrë, murg, e tërhequr, me mendjen e aplikuar, i lirë, dhe duke bërë dëm askujt, Passions qetësoi tërësisht, banon fajësuar asnjë.

5) Classical Arabic
5) اللغة العربية الفصحى


Fine Books & Collections
5) اللغة العربية الفصحى
5) اللغة العربية الفصحى

1317 الدرس 61114 الخميس

الانترنت مجانا E-نالاندا البحوث والممارسة UNIVERSITY

برنامج الدورة 1. Kamma 1. ديفاتا-samyutta - ديفاس - Dukkara.m (Kummo) سوتا: من الصعب - إن السلحفاة

وديفا وتحدث هذه الآية: …
أنه من الصعب الاحتفاظ بها، ومن الصعب أن تتحمل، الحبيس الحياة بالنسبة له الذي يفتقر إلى المهارة. وتكثر العقبات، يتم فقدان أحمق. متى يمكنه تحمل حياة مقدسة، إذا كان لا يمكن أن تعقد قلبه في الاختيار؟ اشتعلت الآن هنا، والآن هناك، وقال انه يتعثر، يقع،

[إن المبارك فأجاب:]
كما تلفت إلى قذيفة السلحفاة له كل أطرافه، الراهب، سحب، مع الاعتبار تطبيق، غير مرتبط، والقيام تضر أحدا، والمشاعر هدأ تماما، يسكن إلقاء اللوم على أحد.

Former UP Cm Mayawati said ex-BSP member Akhilesh Das offered her money for Rajya Sabha seat. Agencies

This ex congress baniya and the baniyas of BJP are not children of
Harish Chandra. These people have lot of black money in foreign banks
and they do not want to reveal their names as directed by the Supreme
Court. But they make false accusations against honest SC/STs  htough
they have declared that all their hard earnings would go to help the
welfare of the people, as it is a madness of traditional hatred which
needs treatment in mental asylums.

The fradulent EVMs are the
part of the conspiracy along with all the opposition parties. Though the
Supreme Court was convince that these fardulent EVMs could be tampered
and passed orders to replace all the fradulent EVMs with tamper proof
voting system while the ex CJI Sadasivam agreed with the CEC Sampath to
replace them in phases because of the cost of Rs.1600 crore as a
conspiracy that helped Murder of democratic institutions (Modi).

is not only a political party but also a movement of societal change.
Hence this technological game of 1% Chitpawan RSS plan has to be
defeated by strengthening the 99% intellectuals by exposing the
fradulent EVMs as done by 80 democracies of the world in the larger
interest of Sarvajan Hitaye Sarvajan Sukhaye i.e., for the peace,
happiness and welfare of all societies including SC/STs/ OBCs/
Minorities and the poor brahmins and baniyas for distributing the wealth
of this country among all sections of the society as enshrined in the
Constitution by making the Supreme Court to pass orders to replace all
fradulent EVMs and till such time to scrap all elections conducted by
these fradulent EVMs and then to conduct elections with tamper proof
voting system to save democracy, equality, fraternity and liberty.

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