Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

February 2025
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1391 LESSON 20115 TUESDAY FREE ONLINE E-Nālanda Research and Practice UNIVERSITY run by Please render exact translation in your mother tounge and all other languages you know for this Google translation practice and spread and become a Sota panna (Stream Enterer) to reach Eternal Bliss as Final Goal. Please attend National Level Arogya Fair to be held during21st to 24th January’ 2015 at RBANM Charity Ground, Ulsoor Lake, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
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Posted by: site admin @ 7:29 pm


FREE ONLINE E-Nālanda Research and Practice UNIVERSITY

render exact translation in your mother tounge and all other languages
you know for this Google translation practice and spread and become a
Sota panna (Stream Enterer) to reach Eternal Bliss as Final Goal.

Please attend National Level Arogya Fair to be held during21st to
24th January’ 2015 at RBANM Charity Ground, Ulsoor Lake, Bangalore,
Karnataska, India.

Jai Hind!

Dove-02-june.gif (38556 bytes)

Best animated graphics



TIPITAKA is of 3 Baskets - 1) Basket of Discipline (Vinaya), 2) of Discourses (Sutta) & 3) of Ultimate Doctrine (Abhidhamma) Pitakas



The complete Tipitaka is 40 volumes long

The complete Tipitaka is 40 volumes long

Animated Candle


Please attend National Level Arogya Fair to be held during21st to
24th January’ 2015 at RBANM Charity Ground, Ulsoor Lake, Bangalore,
Karnataska, India.

The details of faculty members of Siddha are:

 Dr.K.Suresh M.D., Dept of Kuzhandhai Maruthuvam,

 Dr.H.Nailini Sofia M.D
(S) Lecturer,Dept of Maruthtuvam,

Dr.S.Murugesan, M.D(S) Lecturer, Dept of Nanju Noolum Matruthuva Needhi Noolum.

Director’s Message

National Institute of Siddha is offering Post Graduate
course in Siddha in six specialties, Ph.D programme and rendering
health care services through Siddha Medicine. The qualified faculty of
Siddha Medicine and inter disciplinary faculty are available for
imparting a high level of education and a well attended OPD / IPD with
diagnostic laboratory facilities for enhancing the learning and
acquiring knowledge and skills in clinical management. The students are
deputed to reputed institutions for participating in training /seminar /
workshop / conference on standardization of drugs, elemental analysis,
preclinical studies, research methodology and biostatistics, career
advancement training, general skills development etc for enhancing their
knowledge and skills.

(An Autonomous body under the Department of AYUSH)
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Iyothee Thass
Born May 20, 1845

Nilgiris district
Nationality British Indian
Other names Kathavarayan
Occupation Siddha physician
Known for Punchmar (SC/ST) Buddhist movement

Pandit C. Ayodhya Dasa (Tamil: அயோத்தி தாசர்) (May 20, 1845 – 1914) was a practitioner of Siddha medicine who is regarded as a pioneer of the Dravidian Movement.
He also founded the Punchmar Mahajana Sabha in 1891 along with
Rettaimalai Srinivasan. Punchamars are the 5th group in the varna system.

Early life

Iyothee Thass was born Kathavarayan on May 20, 1845 in a Tamil family from Coimbatore district. His grandfather worked for Lord Arlington and little Kathavarayan profitted immensely from this association.
Soon, he became an expert on Tamil literature, philosophy and indigenous
medicine and could speak Tamil, English, Sanskrit and Pali.

Assumption of leadership of Aboriginal Buddhists Punchmar (SC/ST)s

In the 1870s, Iyothee Thass organized the Todas and other tribes of the Nilgiri Hills into a formidable force. In 1876, Thass established the Advaidananda Sabha and launched a magazine called Dravida Pandian in collaboration with Rev. John Rathinam.

In 1886, Thass
issued a revolutionary declaration that untouchables were not
Hindus.Following this declaration, he established the Dravida Mahajana Sabha in 1891. During the 1891 census, he urged
Aboriginal Buddhists Punchmar (SC/ST)s to register themselves as
“casteless Dravidians” instead of identifying themselves as Hindus.

Conversion to Buddhism

Iyothee Thass met Colonel H. S. Olcott with his followers and expressed a sincere desire to convert to Buddhism. According to Thass, the Paraiyars of Tamilakam were originally Buddhists and owned the land which had later been robbed from them by aryan invaders. With Olcott’s help, Thass was able to visit Ceylon and obtain diksha from the Sinhalese Buddhist monk Bikkhu Sumangala Nayake. On returning, Thass established the Sakya Buddhist Society in Madras with branches all over South India. The Sakya Buddhist Society was also known as the Indian Buddhist Association. and was established in the year 1898 and

Political activism and later life

On June 19, 1907, Iyothee Thass launched a Tamil newspaper called Oru Paisa Tamizhan or One Paise Tamilian.In his later days, he was a vehement criticizer of brahmins.

Iyothee Thass died in 1914 at the age of 69.


Iyothee Thass remains the first recognized anti-Casteist leader of the Madras Presidency. In many ways, Periyar, Dravidar Kazhagam, Dr. Ambedkar, Manyawar Kanshram, Ms Mayawati and all their followers are inheritors of his legacy. He was also the first notable  Aboriginal Buddhists Punchmar (Scheduled Caste) leader to embrace Buddhism.

However, Iyothee Thass was largely forgotten until recent times when the SC/ST Sahitya Academy, a publishing house owned by Scheduled Caste Ezhilmalai published his writings. Ezhilmalai, then the Union Health Minister, also made a desired to name
the planned National Center for Siddha Research after the leader.
However, the proposal did not come into effect until 2005, when
vehement protests by Se. Ku. Tamilarasan of the Republican Party of
India (RPI) forced the Government to take serious note of the matter. The institute for Siddha Research (National Institute of Siddha) was subsequently inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on September 3, 2005 and named the Dalit leader. At its inauguration, the hospital had 120 beds. The patients were treated as per the traditional system of Siddha medicine.

A commemorative postage stamp on him was issued on
21-October-2005. His works are nationalized and solatium was given to
their legal heirs in 2008.


About Siddha Medicine


The Siddha System of Medicine (Traditional Tamil System of medicine),
which has been prevalent in the ancient Tamil land, is the foremost of
all other medical systems in the world. Its origin goes back to B.C
10,000 to B.C 4,000. As per the textual and archeological evidences
which indicate the remote antiquity of the Dravidian civilization of the
erstwhile submerged  land Kumarikandam, that is the Lemuria continent
situated in the Indian ocean, the Siddha System of Medicine is 
contemporaneous with those of the submerged lands Egyptian,
Mesopotamian, Chinese and Grecian medicines. The uniqueness of Siddha
System is evident by its continuous service to the humanity for more
than 5000 years in combating diseases and also in maintaining its
physical, mental and moral health while many of its contemporaries had
become extinct long ago.

The roots of the ancient Siddha
System are intertwined with the mythology and culture of the ancient
Tamil civilization that existed in the southernmost tip of the Indian
peninsula, predating much of recorded history.

Siddha is a Tamil word derived from “siddhi” —
attaining perfection in life or Eternal bliss.

The system is
said to have emerged in antiquity, from the highly evolved consciousness
of the Siddhars. The clarified intellect and heightened intuition of
the Siddhars, resulting from their yogic powers, enabled them to explore
the world around them and exploit its natural resources for the sake of
humanity. Their findings on the characteristics of plants, metals
minerals and their knowledge of the properties of
drugs,  its purification, processing, fixing dosage, toxicity, antidote
and clinical application, were preserved in the form of verses for the
use of the posterity.

This unique legacy was bequeathed to
select disciples or “chidas” by word of mouth. It is believed that there
was a line of 18 siddhars, with Agasthya being the foremost and a large
portion of Siddha lore is credited to him. With time, this oral
tradition was transcribed on palm leaf manuscripts that now serve as the
major repository of the knowledge.

The contributors of Siddha
system, the Siddhars, of Tamil land, were mystics, yogis, poets,
devotees, seers and medical men of various combinations and various
statures. They were super human beings who possessed supernatural powers
(like Eight types of Siddhis). They were the greatest scientists of
ancient times and were the guardians of the world and they  existed, and
still exist, for the benefit of the public at large. They were men of
great practical knowledge and wisdom. They had full awareness of the
nature and activities of all the objects in this planet and of all
times-past, present and future. They were mainly responsible for the 
growth and development not only of Tamil medicine that includes alchemy,
medicine, yoga, kayakalpa (rejuvenation therapy), philosophy,
astronomy, astrology, varma, muppu, thokkanam etc., but also for many
other sciences of public utility.

Guiding principles:

According to the Siddha system, the individual is a microcosm of the
universe. The human body consists of the five primordial
elements-earth,  water, fire, air and space, the three humours-vatha,
pitta and kapha and seven physical constituents. Food is the basic
building material of  the human body and gets processed into humours,
tissues and wastes. The equilibrium of humours is considered as health
and its disturbance or  imbalance leads to a diseased state; Saint
Thiruvalluvar has indicated the same view in his Thirukural,

“மிகினும் குறையினும் நோய்செய்யும் நூலோர்
வளிமுதலா எண்ணிய மூன்று.” - குறள் 941

“Three things beginning with wind, say experts,
In excess or lacking cause disease” - Kural 941

Reflecting this theory of cosmic oneness, the five senses are said to correspond with the five elements. Ether (Veli) is responsible for hearing; air (katru) for sense of touch; fire (thee) for sight; water (neer) for taste; and earth (mann) for the sense of smell.

Mind - Body continuum:

Siddha is a comprehensive system that places equal emphasis on the
body, mind and spirit and strives to restore the innate harmony of the
individual. Treatment is aimed at restoring balance to the mind-body
system. Diet and lifestyle play a major role not only in maintaining
health but also in curing diseases. This concept of the Siddha medicine
is termed as pathiam and apathiam, which is essentially a list of do’s and don’ts.

“Food itself is medicine and medicine itself is food”

Materia Medica:-

Drugs used by the Siddhars can be classified into three groups: Thaavaram (herbal product), Thaathu (inorganic substances), and Jangamam (animal products).

Unique diagnostic methodology:

The diagnostic methodology in Siddha treatment is unique as it is
made purely on the basis of the clinical acumen of the physician. The
pulse, skin, tongue, complexion, speech, eye, stools and urine are
examined. This approach is collectively known as “Eight types of
examination”; and among the eight, the examination of pulse is very
important in confirming the diagnosis.

Concept of Siddha treatment:-

Treatment consists of three distinct categories: Deva Maruthuvam, (divine method); Maanida Maruthuvam (rational method); and Asura Maruthuvam
(surgical method). In the divine method, medicines like parpam,
chenduram, guru, kuligai prepared from mercury, sulphur and pashanams
are used. In the rational method, medicines prepared from herbs like
churanam, kudineer, vadagam are used. In surgical method, incision,
excision, heat application, bloodletting, leech application etc. are

The therapeutic treatment in Siddha could be further
categorized into Purgative therapy, Emetic therapy, Fasting therapy,
Steam therapy, Oleation therapy, Physical therapy, Solar therapy, Blood
letting therapy and Yoga therapy.

There is also a branch of the traditional science that deals with traumatology and accidental injuries called Varma.
This is based on the notion of  more than 100 vital points that are
junctions of bones, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels and nerves called
Varma points. Pranic energy is found concentrated in these points which,
upon manipulation, produce curative effect.

Siddha system has
enormous pharmacopoeia containing vegetable, animal and mineral
products and treatment techniques consisting in use of 32 types of
internal medicines and 32 types of external medicines, application of
heat and cold, ointments, potions and poultice, blood letting, counter
irritation, bath, suction, manipulative processes such as thokkanam,
varma, yoga and concentration on hygiene and diet (pathiam),
periodical use of purgatives and emetics, use of drugs which include,
apart from herbs, preparations from metals and minerals such as copper,
silver, gold, lead and  also Kayakalpa to prevent or postpone greying of hair,
formation of wrinkles and ageing, prevention or treatment of diseases,
and postponement of death (to any desired length of time). Some
empirical treatment techniques under the guise of magic exorcism,
incantation, pilgrimage, peregrinations, mountaineering and similar
activities have also been in practice since ages.

Classification of Siddha Medicines:-

Siddha medicines may be roughly divided into three classes— (i)
Miracle medicines, (ii) Sophisticated medicines and (iii) Common
medicines. Miracle  medicines are becoming rare and should be learnt
directly from the masters who, having undergone all forms of initiation
and hazards of apprenticeship, have reached perfection in all respects.
Sophisticated medicines may be scientifically prepared and used by the
well trained  physicians without much risk. Common medicines are most
simple and cheap ones which were in wide use till the beginning of the
20th century and are still in use in remote rural areas of our country.

Kundalini Yoga:-

The Siddhars have evolved a special technique for attaining spiritual
awakening with awareness  by rousing, with yoga techniques like Anapana sati, Vipassana meditation.  Only by caring for his mortal inheritance, man is able to
arrive at the realization of his Eternal Bliss as Final Goal with the highest potentialities. By working in
unison with theology and philosophy, Siddha medicine aids bringing to
maturity the quiescent gem of immortal divine being in his mortal body.

Siddha Education:-

The Siddha system of education in ancient India was not imparted or
organized on the scale of mass education like schools and colleges, but
the ideal of education was to treat it as a secret and sacred process,
for the reason that the process of an individual growth (especially the
inner growth) can only be achieved by a close and constant touch between
the teacher and the taught in their personal relationship from which
the whole world was excluded.

The teaching was imparted in the form of verses, many of them in ambiguous language and handed down to the posterity by the guru-sishya
(teacher-disciple) tradition. The sacred medicines and techniques were
taught only to a close circle of disciples and this trend continued to
exist till recently.

Siddha education has turned  into a mass
institutional education around the middle of the 20th Century and has
been catering to the needs of the public.  Developments in academic side
and also in scientific research have been coming up. A scientific
research of available Siddha literature may bring us precious truths,
methods of preparation of miracle medicines of mineral, vegetable and
animal origin and this would be a valuable contribution to the medical
world today. In addition to the literature written in palm leaf
manuscripts etc., there are many valuable medicines and treatment
techniques in practice. Steps are being taken by the government for
collecting, screening, analyzing and  codifying the available
manuscripts, printed books, traditional recipes, medical secrets and
many other things found scattered in disciplines and  activities
seemingly unconnected with medicine.

Contemporary relevance of Siddha:

There has been a resurgence of traditional medical systems the world
over, based on the holistic nature of their approach to healing. The
efficacy of  indigenous systems has been proved in various contexts.
They tend to use locally available, cost effective materials for
treatment. Hence, the Siddha system which also has strong cultural and
historical bonds with the people of Tamil Nadu is becoming increasingly



  • The OP department has started functioning from 13.10.04 and the treatment is being given to the patients free of cost.
  • NIS Provides Siddha Treatments which is one of the ancient form of
    medicine. NIS is an autonomous body under department of AYUSH ministry
    of health and family welfare.
  • Faculty members and Post Graduate Scholars of various departments
    provide free consultation and treatment to around 2000 patients daily.
  • In the ground at the entrance of the hospital OPD is situated for the easy reach of the patients.
  • Timing is 8.00 AM to 12.00 Noon
  • Patient has to pay only a very lesser amount as a part of
    registration, Rs. 5/- at affordable price at his first entry to the
    hospital in new register counter and collect OP Book.
  • The Patient by enquiring the Staff Nurse according to his disease
    condition he seeks the specialized doctors in consultation rooms.
  • Doctors will collect the history of examine the patients and write medicines and investigations.
  • Patients are sending for investigations like X-ray, ECG, Blood test & External therapies if needed.
  • Patient has to go to pharmacy for collecting medicines.
  • Again Patient has to go to the concern OP Doctors will explain about the route of administration of medicines.
  • In case of consecutive next visit. The OP number has to be registered in old registration and it is free of cost.
  • After consulting the doctors all data’s pertaining to the treatment, diagnosis and medications been computerized.
  • After that any time of his visit the retrospective data’s of the patient can be checked through system.
  • The Patient waiting time is limited as easy accessibility of medicine is procured from pharmacy
  • Each 6 consultation room is of spacures fully Air condition with
    proper sitting arrangements for the consulting doctors, PG Scholars
    & Patients attending OP with all examination instruments, X-ray
    lobby etc., examination table and screen is provided for privacy of
    Patient and also there is hand washing facilities in each OP.
  • The New/Old registration counter and data entry room is also fully furnished and Air Conditioned.
  • There are about 5 members in New/Old registration in New/Old registration counter to receive the Patients.
  • 7 members in Data Entry room in updating data’s in system.
  • Waiting area more numbers of 3 seated chairs are placed for the
    patient and herbal photo’s are exhibited with their names, uses etc.,
    for the patient use.
  • In Pharmacy for the patients benefit a separate counter is there for
    the senior citizen and chairs are also provided for them to wait.
  • Separate counters for male & female in pharmacy is also provided.
  • Drinking water facility for the patient in OPD is provided.
  • Toilet facility for male & female separately with proper water provision is provided.
  • Wound dressing is done in OPD a separate room with all the instrumented medication is present.
  • In the first floor of the OPD Yoga will be conducted from 8 a.m to 12 noon on every Friday
  • Prison’s case attending OPD is registered in a Separate register
  • In OPD a full fieldzed Antenatal assessment and all screening test
    for congenital abnormalities, STD, RI is done to assers the fetal well
    being the risk factors of complications and common medical disorders
    associated with pregnancy are ruled out by regular antenatal checkup,
    timely diagnosis and treatment.
  • Once in a week antenatal exercise are taught to the patient like
    abdominal tightening pelvic tilting or rocking, pelvic floor exercise,
    Foot & leg exercise, Breathing exercise, Physiological relaxant is
    taught and after admission in IPD. Antenatal diet is provided as
    recommended by ICMR.
Treatments : Archive


MOU Signed Institutions

MOU signed with

  • Anna University, Chennai (17-4-2008)
  • Tuberculosis Research Center (ICMR) (17-6-2008)
  • CCRAS, New Delhi (18-9-2008)
  • SASTRA University, Thanjauvr (3-7-2009)
  • Sri Ramachandra University (26-2-2010)
  • National Institute of Epidemiology (12-5-2010)
  • Madras University (9-6-10)
  • The T.N.Dr.M.G.R.Medical University (21-7-10)
  • Tamil Nadu Veterinary Animal Science University(10-8-10)
  • IIT Madras (22-06-11)


National Institute of Siddha offers Post Graduate course
in Siddha Medicine through 6 specialties. The six specialties are 1)
Maruthuvam - 8 seats, 2) Gunapadam -8 seats, 3) Sirappu Maruthuvam - 8
seats, 4) Kuzhandai …


  • NIS is affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai.
  • Education, Syllabus and Curriculum are in accordance with the norms
    fixed by the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM), New Delhi.

Siddha graduates with B.S.M.S / B.I.M Degrees are eligible to apply
for the Post graduate M.D (Siddha) degree courses. A Common Entrance
Examination for the selection of students for all the 6 Post-graduate
courses is conducted by NIS for every academic year. Based on the
entrance marks and academic marks and reservations, the students are
selected and admitted. One seat is allotted for a Siddha graduate from
other countries* (BIMSTEC) in any one branch cyclically every year.

The Post-graduate courses mentioned below have commenced at National
Institute of Siddha (from 30-09-2004) with an annual intake of 5
students for each branch, thus making a total intake of Post-graduate
students to 30 in all. The intake strength has been increased to 46 on
account of OBC 27% reservation from 2008-09 onwards.

The branches offered to PG programme in Siddha are:

  • Maruthuvam - 8 Seats
  • Gunapadam- 8 seats
  • SirappuMaruthuvam- 8 seats
  • Kuzhandai Maruthuvam- 8 seats
  • Noi Nadal - 7 seats
  • Nanju Noolum Maruthuva Needhi Noolum - 7 seats


Out of 46 seats permitted in MD(Siddha) course, 1 seat is reserved
for candidates from BIMSTEC Countries. Foreign candidates with the
required basic qualification in Siddha, namely, Bachelor of Indian
Medicine (B.I.M) or Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery (B.S.M.S) or
equivalent degree as approved by the Central Council of Indian Medicine
(CCIM)—have to submit their applications to the Indian Embassies in
their countries. The Indian Embassies will forward their applications to
the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) in New Delhi which in
turn will forward the applications to the National Institute of Siddha,
Chennai to consider for admission to the first year of 3-Year MD(Siddha)
degree course.

A foreign (BIMSTEC) candidate seeking admission to I year M.D(Siddha)
degree course has to submit an application, along with all the original
documents, to The Registrar, The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical
University, Guindy, Chennai – 600 032 for obtaining Eligibility
Certificate from the University.


National Institute of Siddha is undertaking research
works with budget grant from Department of AYUSH or through IMR support
from CCRS or any other government institutions for supporting the
research works. NIS is well equipped …

Ongoing Research Works



Antihypertensive Potential and Toxicological Evaluation of Kuruthi Azhal Chooranam in Rat Models (NIS/1/2010)


Preclinical safety and efficacy validation of Siddha Medicines proposed for Vitiligo management (NIS/3/2010)


Standardization and Evaluation of Siddha Purification Process of
Sulphur with Evaluation of Preclinical safety and in-vitro efficacy of
Ganthaga Mezhugu proposed for Psoriasis (Kalanjaga Padai) Management


Standardization and Evaluation of Purification Process of Veeram (Mercuric Per Chloride) Siddha Medicine(NIS/6/2010)


Siddha journal

The Director

    (An Autonomous body under the Department of AYUSH)
    Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
    Govt. of India.
    Tambaram Sanatorium,
    Chennai - 600 047,
    Tamil Nadu, India.


  • Phone:+91(0)44-22411611

Diseases Treated in Various Departments of Ayothidoss Pandithar Hospitals of NIS

* Mathumegam ( Diabetes Mellitus)
* Eraippu Irumal (Bronchial Asthma)
* Elaippu Irumal ( Pulmonary Tuberculosis)
* Iya Iraippu (Bronchial Asthma)
* Kaasam Irumal (Cough)
* Manthaarakaasam (Seasonal Bronchial Asthma)
* Suram (Fever)
* Vaatha Suram ( (ChikunGunya)
* Kaba Suram (Flu)
* Lasuna Thaabitham ( Tonsillitis)
* Peenisam (Sinusitis)
* Pithaathikkam
* Kuruthi Azhal Noi (Hypertension)
* Kurarkammal (Hoarseness of voice)
* Athi Veethana  Noi (Hyperthyroidism)
* Kurai Veethana Noi (Hyperthyroidism)
* Suryaavartham ( Headache during daytime)
* Chandraavartham (Headache during nighttime)
* Pandu (Anaemia)
* Sobai(Oedema, dropsy)
* Kaamaalai (Jaundice)
* Gunmam (Peptic Ulcer, dyspepsia)
* Gunmasoolai
* Ajeeranam (Indigestion)
* Malakkattu ( Constipation)
* Kazhichal (Diarrhoea)
* Seetha Kazichal (Dysentery)
* Kuruthi Kazithal
* Kuruthi Moolam (Ano-rectal bleeding  disease)
* Moolam ( Haemorrhoids)
* Pouthiram (Fistula - in - ano)
* Seezhkkatti(Abscess)
* Akkaram (Stomatitis)
* Kalleeral Noi (Liver Disease)
* Pithappai Kal (Cholelithiasis)
* Peruvairu (Ascites)
* Neer churukku (Moothira kireecharam (UTI)
* Kalladaippu (Urolithisis)
* Athithoola Rogam (Obesity)


* Serve food with love and affection.
* Consume food only if hungry.
* Always consume boiled water.
* Ever /Never consume food cooked on the previous day.
* Do have short walk afte dinner.
* Don’t walk in polluted areas.
* Don’t sleep during daytime.
* Don’t indulge in sex during daytime.
* Don’t have sexual contact with elderly women and commercial sex workers.
* Don’t hold nature’s call like urination, defaecation for longer time.
* Take oil bath in warm water once in four days.
* Always give respect to your parents and teachers.

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