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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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1965 Tue Aug 23 2016 LESSONS from Rector JCMesh J Alphabets Letter Animation ClipartMesh C Alphabets Letter Animation Clipart an expert who identifies experts influenced by Expert and Infulencer Sashikanth Chandrasekharan of Free Online Awaken One With Awareness Mind (A1wAM)+ ioT (insight-net of Things) - the art of Giving, taking and Living to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal through Electronic Visual Communication Course on Political Science -Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement (TPSTEEM). Struggle hard to see that all fraud EVMs are replaced by paper ballots by Start using Internet of things by creating Websites, blogs. Make the best use of facebook, twitter etc., to propagate TPSTEEM thru FOA1TRPUVF. Practice Insight Meditation in all postures of the body - Sitting, standing, lying, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, martial arts etc., for health mind in a healthy body. from INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University in Visual Format (FOA1TRPUVF) free online university research practice up a level revolving globe TO Dove-02-june.gif (38556 bytes) through up a levelhttp://sarvajan.ambedkar.orgup a level https://awakenmediaprabandhak. Button Plant Green Butterfly E Mail Animation Clip is the most Positive Energy of informative and research oriented site propagating the teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha and on Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement followed by millions of people all over the world in 105 Classical languages. Rendering exact translation as a lesson of this University in one’s mother tongue to this Google Translation and propagation entitles to become a Stream Enterer (Sottapanna) and to attain Eternal Bliss as a Final Goal Mayawati To Launch UP Campaign With Mega Agra Rally
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 7:03 pm

1965 Tue Aug 23 2016


JCMesh J Alphabets Letter Animation ClipartMesh C Alphabets Letter Animation Clipart
an expert who identifies experts influenced by Expert and Infulencer Sashikanth Chandrasekharan


Free Online
Awaken One With Awareness Mind
+ ioT (insight-net of Things)  - the art of Giving, taking and Living   to attain Eternal Bliss
as Final Goal through Electronic Visual Communication Course on
Political Science -Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic
Emancipation Movement (TPSTEEM).

Struggle hard to see that all fraud EVMs are replaced by paper ballots by

using Internet of things by creating Websites, blogs. Make the best use
of facebook, twitter etc., to propagate TPSTEEM thru

Insight Meditation in all postures of the body - Sitting, standing,
lying, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, martial arts etc., for
health mind in a healthy body.


INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
in Visual Format (FOA1TRPUVF)

free online university research practice


up a level

revolving globe

Dove-02-june.gif (38556 bytes)


up a levelhttp://sarvajan.ambedkar.orgup a level

Button Plant Green Butterfly E Mail Animation Clip

is the most Positive Energy of informative and research oriented site propagating the teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha and on Techno-Politico-Socio
Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement followed by millions
of people all over the world in 105 Classical languages.

Rendering exact translation as a lesson of this
University in one’s mother tongue to this Google Translation and
propagation entitles to become a Stream
Enterer (Sottapanna) and to attain Eternal Bliss as a Final Goal

Mayawati To Launch UP Campaign With Mega Agra Rally

Mayawati To Launch UP Campaign With Mega Agra Rally, Signal A Shift

    1.    Mayawati is launching the BSP’s campaign for 2017 UP polls early
    2.    She has also planned far more extensive campaign
    3.    Mayawati has support of SC/STs, hopes to win over Muslim votes from SP

Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati addresses what her supporters say
will be a massive rally in western Uttar Pradesh’s Agra on Sunday, it
will be a departure from the past in many ways for the former chief
minister and Sarvajan Samaj  leader

In the next one month, Mayawati will address a rally every week. Her next stop is Azamgarh in Eastern Uttar Pradesh.
only is the BSP chief starting her campaign for the 2017 elections
early, she is also launching an extensive one - a departure from her
strategies in the past.

BJP handed her a proverbial fig leaf. BJP
vice president Daya Shankar Singh’s statements equating her to a sex
worker, led to a massive BSP agitation against the BJP .

In Agra, the theme of her rally is going to be how the BJP is ‘anti-SC/ST’.

is an interesting choice to flag off her campaign for other reasons
too. The western UP district has a significant population of both
SC/STs, her core support group, and Muslims, a combination she is hoping
will lead the BSP back to power in the 2017 assembly elections.

the coming polls, Mayawati is expected to hand out one in four tickets
to Muslims, the strategy for her party is what sources say an
unbreakable SC/ST-Muslim combination. The party feels the Muslim vote
will shift away from the Samajwadi Party this time because of the 2013
Muzaffarnagar riots. Most castes that make up the 21 per cent SC/ST
population in the state, support Mayawati, according to the party’s

In the last few months, Maywati has also spoken out
strongly the against atrocities on SC/STs in the name of cows and is
expected to attack the BJP over the issue on Sunday.

To questions
if the strategy will work for the former UP CM, party sources say that
the 5 lakh people expected at the Agra rally will be the answer.

best governance in UP as CM with the support of entire Sarvajan Samaj
including SC/STs/OBCs/Minorities and the poor upper castes made her
eligible to become the next PM od Prabuddha Bharath. This
is not toleranted by the Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)
remotely controlled by 1% violent, militant, shooting, lynching,
lunatic, mentally retarded chitpawan brahmin RSS (Rakshasa Swayam
Sevaks) and all its avathars BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths), VHP
(Visha Hindtva Psychopaths), ABVP (All Brahmin Venomous psychopaths ),
Bajan Dal, HMS (Hindutva Masdur Sangh), Terrorist Sanathan Sanstha and
mushrooming stealth, shadowy, discriminative hindutva  avathars.

They tamperered
the fraud EVMs (Evil Voting Machines) to bury the teachings of the
Awaken One with Awareness and the Techno-Politico-Socio- Transformation
and Economic Emancipation Movement without realising that they are seeds that sprout as Bodhi Trees>

Samaj Party (BSP) with its Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and
Economic Emancipation Movement brought all societies under one roof by
implementing the Modern Constitution whose architect is Dr B.R.
Ambedkar. Ms Mayawati with her best governance distributed the wealth of
the state proportionately among all societies.She became eligible to be
the next PM of Prabuddha Bharath.

The Congress, has been pushed
to the sidelines of the state’s politics trying to woo back its
traditional Brahmin vote which has slowly and majorly shifted to the
Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP).…

have been under a cloud of suspicion over their alleged tamparability
and security problems during elections (especially after the 2009
general elections).
After rulings of Delhi High Court, Supreme Court
and demands from various political parties, Election Commission decided
to introduce EVMs with Voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) system.
The Voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) system is introduced in 8
of 543 parliamentary constituencies as a pilot project in Indian general
election, 2014.
The CEC said that all the EVMs will be replaced in the 2019 general elections.…/articles…/51106327.cms
2019 general elections to have paper-trail electronic voting machines:
Nasim Zaidi,…/uttar-pradesh-polls-2017-ec-ord…

was also discussed in the meeting that voter verified paper audit trail
(VVPAT) will be used with EVMs in only one Assembly constituency in
each of the 75 districts. Priority will be given to that assembly
constituency in which district headquarters fall. “Due to shortage,
VVPAT is not being used in all segments.
Manufacturing of VVPAT is still
in process,” said Arun Singhal, chief electoral officer of UP. At
present, there are around 1.40 lakh polling booths in the state and
officials said, the number could increase in process of rationalisation,
the CEO said.
This is just to benefit the BJP which is gobbling the
MASTER KEY with these fraud EVMs. as predicted by Nostradamus! — Rightly
Predicted the Outcome of the May 2014 General Elections in Indool’s
Paradise. Hacke hay in May!

The trend continued and still continues in all the elections just in favour of Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi).

CJI SADHASIVAM, shirked his duty & committed a grave error of
judgment by allowing in phased manner the Fraud Tamperable EVMs on the
request of ex CEC SAMPATH because of the 1600 crore cost to replace them
and dealt a fatal blow to the Country’s democracy.

SAMPATH is number one enemy of Democracy, Liberty, Equality and
fraternity as enshrined in our Constitution for the welfare, happiness
and peace of Sarvajan Samaj.
In fact when the BJP was in opposition
its remotely controlling RSS favored paper ballots which is now silent
after gaining power through the very same fraud EVMs.…/A…/India/20100828/1575461.html

RSS favours paper ballots, EVMs subjected to public scrutinyNew Delhi | Saturday, Aug 28 2010 IST

the controversy regarding the reliablity of Electronic Voting Machines
(EVMs) which have been questioned by political parties, the RSS today
asked the Election Commission (EC) to revert back to tried and tested
paper ballots and subject EVMs to public scrutiny whether these gadgets
are tamper proof. In an editorial titled ‘Can we trust our EVMs?’, The
Organiser, the RSS mouthpiece, noted it was a fact that till date an
absolutely tamper-proof machine had not been invented and credibility of
any system depends on ‘transparency, verifiability and trustworthiness’
than on blind and atavistic faith in its infallibility. The issue is
not a ‘private affair’ and it involves the future of India. Even if the
EVMs were genuine, there was no reason for the EC to be touchy about it,
the paper commented. The Government and the EC can’t impose EVMs as a
fait accompli on Indian democracy as the only option before the voter.
There were flaws like booth capturing, rigging, bogus voting, tampering
and ballot paper snatching in the ballot paper system of polling leading
the country to switch over to the EVMs and all these problems were
relevant in EVMs too. Rigging was possible even at the counting stage.
What made the ballot papers voter-friendly was that all aberrations were
taking place before the public eye and hence open for corrections
whereas the manipulations in the EVMs is entirely in the hands of powers
that be and the political appointees manning the sytem, the paper
commented. The EVM has only one advantage — ’speed’ but that advantage
has been undermined by the staggered polls at times spread over three to
four months. ‘’This has already killed the fun of the election
process,'’ the paper noted. Of the dozen General Elections held in the
country, only two were through the EVMs and instead of rationally
addressing the doubts aired by reputed institutions and experts the
Government has resorted to silence its critics by ‘intimidation and
arrests on false charges’, the paper observed, recalling the arrest of
Hyederabad-based technocrat Hari Prasad by the Mumbai Police. Prasad’s
research has proved that the EVMs were ‘vulnerable to fraud’. The
authorities want to send a message that anybody who challenges the EC
runs the risk of persecution and harassment, the RSS observed. Most
countries around the world looked at the EVMs with suspicion and
countries like the Netherlands, Italy, Germany and Ireland had all
reverted back to paper ballots shunning EVMs because they were ‘easy to
falsify, risked eavesdropping and lacked transparency’. Democracy is too
precious to be handed over to whims or an opaque establishment and
network of unsafe gizmos. ‘’For the health of Indian democracy it is
better to return to tried and tested methods or else elections in future
can turn out to be a farce,'’ the editorial said.– (UNI) — 28DI28.xml…/

is one of the Biggest Terrorist Organisations in the World. They are
Mad Horrorists threat group - shadowy, stealth and discriminatory group
trying to establish hindutva cult.
New Delhi: A US-based risk
management and consulting company has put the Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS) because RSS is killing so many people and bombing and
cutting of people and using suicide bombing techniques and raping and
honor killing women … it all happened in Gujrat and happening in parts
of the country.. Go get a life and become a Hindu mr…. What is it? the
one who have at least common sense, do u think he or she become hindu?
do u think that? Most of the people in the world becoming muslim without
any pressure, force or demand… think about that…. See that RSS
gentleman who studied about islam to oppose them and became a muslim….
use your common sense and refrain from your bad thoughts and paths.
will have the end.. Rss have to be banned in india with its..
hindhuthuva branches.. in south tamilnadu.. this rss and hindhutva
terrorist and Horrorist gang made problem to the people who celebrating
new year of 2015 night..

Increasing threats to the
democratic-secular Indian polity from the Hindutva organizations - a
concise document on the anti-national game-plan of the RSS.

this technological game of 1% Chitpawan RSS plan has to be defeated by
strengthening the 99% intellectuals by exposing the fradulent EVMs as
done by 80 democracies of the world in the larger interest of Sarvajan
Hitaye Sarvajan Sukhaye i.e., for the peace, happiness and welfare of
all societies including SC/STs/ OBCs/ Minorities and the poor brahmins
and baniyas for distributing the wealth of this country among all
sections of the society as enshrined in the Constitution by making the
Supreme Court to pass orders to replace all fradulent EVMs and till such
time to scrap all elections conducted by these fradulent EVMs and then
to conduct elections with tamper proof voting system to save democracy,
equality, fraternity and liberty.

RSS means Rakshasa Swayam
Sevaks in a non -entity undemocratic organisation with all its 40
avathars VHP (Visha Hindutva Psychopaths), BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha
Psychopaths), BMS (Bhramin Masdoor Sangh), ABVP (All Brahmin Venomous
Psychopaths), Bhajan Dal, Terrorist Sanstha Sangatan, eic., that become
active during all elections for the greed of power for Murderer of
democratic instituitions (Modi) who is just a meant time stooge of the
1% intolerant, violent, militant, shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally
retarded cannibal chitpawan brahmin psychopaths who always keep heckling
and giggling like mad people thinking that they are great
achievers.Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) and all its
associate avathars are shani and peda of the nation which is eclipsing
the development and progress as enshrined in the modern Constitution
whose architect is Dr BR Ambedkar.

After gobbling the MASTER KEY
by tampering the fraud EVMs for Murderer of democratic institutions
(Modi) remotely controlled by RSS meaning Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks, a non
-entity undemocratic organisation with all its 40 avathars VHP (Visha
Hindutva Psychopaths), BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths), BMS (Bhramin
Masdoor Sangh), ABVP (All Brahmin Venomous Psychopaths), Bhajan Dal,
Terrorist Sanstha Sangatan, eic., that become active during all
elections for the greed of power for Murderer of democratic
instituitions (Modi) who is just a meant time stooge of the 1%
intolerant, violent, militant, shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally
retarded cannibal chitpawan brahmin psychopaths who always keep heckling
and giggling like mad people thinking that they are great achievers.

are Shani and Pedal of the nation trying to bury the
Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement
and the teachings of the Awaken One with Awareness without knowing that
they are seeds that keep sprouting as Bodhi Trees.

If all the fraud EVMs are replaced by paper ballots they will not even get 1% of the votes.

Ms Mayawati’s BSP which got majority of the seats in UP Panchayat
Elections with these paper ballots will the not only become the CM of UP
but also the next PM of Prabuddha Bharath.

RSS’s Mohan
Bhagwat,Bhaiyyaji Joshi and 41 regional pracharaks are all drop outs
including Mohan Agarwal.Also Ram Lal and Ram Madhav,Rajnath Singh and
Amit Shahlike doubtful education of Murderer of democratic institutions

Cow vigilantes strike again

strict action against cow vigilantes against those indulging in attack
against SC/STs in the name of cow protection and not just show
sympathy.: Mayawati
“Recently, atrocities were committed against two
SC/STs in Andhra Pradesh and they are in very serious condition,”
Mayawati told reporters outside Parliament.
Murderer of democratic
institutions (Modi) had on Saturday slammed ‘gau rakshaks’ or cow
vigilantes and termed as outrageous incidents like the flogging of four
SC/STs in Gujarat last month.

Most of these people are
“anti-social elements hiding behind the mask of gau rakshaks,who are 1%
intolerant, violent, militant, shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally
retarded horrifying chitpawan brahmin cannibals of RSS (Rakshasa Swayam
Sevaks) and all its avatars BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths) VHP (Visha
Hindutva Psychopaths), ABVP (All Brahmin Venomous Psychopaths),HMS
(Hindutva Masdhur Sangh), Bhajan Dal’s gau rakshaks, Terrorist Sanathan
Sanstha and many other instant organizations of stealth, shadowy,
discriminative hindutva cult full of hatred towards 99% Sarvajan samaj
including SC/STs/OBCs/Minorities/poor upper castes.
They gobbled the Master key after tampering the fraud EVMs.

only that: the attack was precipitated by the police, who, acting on a
tip-off, had gone to arrest the two women at Mandsaur town’s railway
station for allegedly selling beef. Currently, the two assaulted women
have been detained by the police even as their assailants roam free.

intolerance, violent, militant, shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally
retarded chitpawan brahmin RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) and all its
avatars BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths) gau rakshak, Bhajan Dal, VHP
(Visha Hindutva Psychopaths), ABVP (All Brahmin Venomous Psychopaths),
Terrorist Sanathan Sanstha, etc., after gobbling the Master Key for
Murderer of democratic institutions by tampering the notorious fraud
EVMs have now started extremism of bovine-related assaults against the
SC/STs and Muslims, where two Muslim women were punched, slapped and
abused by a mob incensed at the possibility they might be carrying beef,
which is considered taboo by many 1% chitpawan brahmin stealth,
shadowy, discriminative hindutvaites . The assault occurred under the
supervision of police officers, who stood by and let the beating take
place. It was the Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled state of Madhya Pradesh.

attack is surprisingly similar to another that took place in Gujarat on
July 11 on SC/STs. Here too cow protection extremists proceeded to
assault people in order to protect the animal. In Gujarat too, the
police looked on, facilitating the attack and, in the end, ironically,
detaining the victims for allegedly harming a bovine.They were, in fact,
the second SC/ST victims of gau rakshaks this month.

Five days
after the Gujarat attack, a 50-strong Bajrang Dal mob assaulted a SC/ST
family in Karnataka, accusing them of eating beef. Even here, it was the
victims who were booked by the police.

This fact that SC/STs and
Muslims were being targeted by cow vigilantes didn’t go unnoticed. In
Parliament, Mayawati, leader of the Sarvajan Samaj -led Bahujan Samaj
Party, took the initiative in criticising the BJP for its bovine

Cows and caste

relation between cows and caste is one that has been apparent for a
long time now. As far back as 1927, Mohandas Gandhi’s prescription for
ending untouchability placed the onus on SC/STs to adopt upper-caste
cultural practises. Gandhi advised the Dalits to give up “serious
defect” such as uncleanliness, liquor, adultery and beef eating since
“cow protection is the outward form of Hinduism”. BR Ambedkar was
well-aware of this bias and therefore called beef-eating the “root of

Bahujan Samaj Party leader Mayawati has already begun to take up bovine-related assaults on both groups with fervour.

the learned brahmins in general and the 1% chitpawan brahmins of RSS
(Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) argue that the hindutvaites  not only never ate
beef but they always held the cow to be sacred because it is their go
mata (Mother as though they are born to cows and oxen) and were always
opposed to the killing of the cow, it is impossible to accept their

There are two passages in the Satapatha Brahmana which
relate to animal sacrifice and beef-eating. One is at and
reads as follows:

That the Hindus at one time did kill cows and
did eat beef is proved abundantly by the description of the Yajnas given
in the Buddhist Sutras which relate to periods much later than the
Vedas and the Brahmanas. The scale on which the slaughter of cows and
animals took place was colossal. It is not possible to give a total of
such slaughter on all accounts committed by the Brahmins in the name of
religion. Some idea of the extent of this slaughter can however be had
from references to it in the Buddhist literature. As an illustration
reference may be made to the Kutadanta Sutta in which Buddha preached
against the performance of animal sacrifices to Brahmin Kutadanta.
Buddha, though speaking in a tone of sarcastic travesty, gives a good
idea of the practices and rituals of the Vedic sacrifices when he said:

further, O Brahmin, at that sacrifice neither were any oxen slain,
neither goats, nor fowls, nor fatted pigs, nor were any kind of living
creatures put to death. No trees were cut down to be used as posts, no
Darbha grasses mown to stress around the sacrificial spot. And the
slaves and messengers and workmen there employed were driven neither by
rods nor fear, nor carried on their work weeping with tears upon their

Kutadanta on the other hand in thanking Buddha for his
conversion gives an idea of the magnitude of the slaughter of animals
which took place at such sacrifices when he says:
“I, even I betake
myself to the venerable Gotama as my guide, to the Doctrine and the
Order. May the venerable One accept me as a disciple, as one who, from
this day forth, as long as life endures, has taken him as his guide. And
I myself, 0, Gotama, will have the seven hundred bulls, and the seven
hundred steers, and the seven hundred heifers, and the seven hundred
goats, and the seven hundred rams set free. To them I grant their life.
Let them eat grass and drink fresh water and may cool breezes waft
around them.”
In the Samyuta Nikaya (111,1-9) we have another
description of a Yajna performed by Pasenadi, king of Kosala. It is said
that five hundred bulls, five hundred calves and many heifers, goats
and rams were led to the pillar to be sacrificed.

With this
evidence no one can doubt that there was a time when Hindus-both
Brahmins and non-Brahmins ate not only flesh but also beef.

of the top posts are filled by 1% chitpawan brahmins. When they attend
any seminars, conferences et., at 5 star hotels they consume mixed meat
including beef and also consume all sorts of imported liquors.

To day all over the world you can see Christians, Muslims and Buddhists whoa re Vegans who don’t even take milk products.

1% chitpawan brahmins of RSS practice violence as their politics of
violence to gobble power and for greed of money. Their politics of
hatred, anger, jealousy, delusion are mental illness requiring treatment
in mental asylums. Their place in not Legislative assembly or Lok Sabha
or even Panchayats.

99% Sarvajan samaj must unite to catch hold
of these mad people who keep heckling and giggling as though they are
great achievers trying to bury the Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation
and Economic Emancipation Movement of Dr BR Ambedkar and the teachings
of the Awaken One with Awareness without realizing that they are seeds
that keep sprouting as Bodhi Trees all over the world.

of democratic institutions (Modi) fully controlled by just 1%
intolerant, violent, militant, shooting, lynching lunatic, mentally
retarded chitpawan brahmin psychopath RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks and
all its avathars BJP (Bahuth Jiyaha Psychopaths), VHP (Visha Hinutva
Psychopaths), ABVP (All Brahmin Venomous Psychopaths), Bhajan Dal,
Terrorist Sanathan Sansth etc., are communal, castiests who practice
hatred and nepotism after gobbling the Master Key by tampering the fraud
EVMs are continuing their game in Uttar Pradesh.

BSP won the
Panchayat Elections in UP because the elections were conducted using
paper ballots. But lost the Lok Sabha elections because of the fraud
EVMs since Ms Mayawati became very powerful as CM of UP while
distributing the wealth of the state equally among Sarvajan Samaj and
became eligible to become the next PM of Prabuddha Bharath. This was not
tolerated by the 1% chitpawan brahmins. So they defeated her. They are
dreaming to bury the Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic
Emancipation Movement of the BSP and their Awaken One with Awareness
path without realising that they are seeds that keep sprouting as Bodhi

Nostradamus! — Rightly Predicted the Outcome of the May 2014 General Elections in Indool’s Paradise. Hacke hay in May!

The trend continued and still continues in all the elections just in favour of (Modi)

2019 general elections to have paper-trail electronic voting machines: Nasim Zaidi, CEC

DELHI: Polling for 2019 general elections will be conducted through
paper trail-based electronic voting machines to “enhance transparency”.

have reached a stage where people are demanding hundred per cent
deployment of paper audit trail machines to enhance transparency.

We have preserved secrecy (in this system) too. By 2019, the whole country will be covered by (such) machines,” Mr Zaidi said

the votes are cast, the VVPAT-linked EVM immediately takes a printout,
which is preserved for later use to tally in case of a dispute in the
final result. Mr Zaidi, speaking on the theme of “Leveraging Technology
for Transparent and Credible Elections”, stressed that secrecy of voting
will be zealously preserved even in this system.

The trend continued and still continues in all the elections just in favour of Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi).

CJI SADHASIVAM, shirked his duty & committed a grave error of
judgment by allowing in phased manner the Fraud Tamperable EVMs on the
request of ex CEC SAMPATH because of the 1600 crore cost to replace them
and dealt a fatal blow to the Country’s democracy.

SAMPATH is number one enemy of Democracy, Liberty, Equality and
fraternity as enshrined in our Constitution for the welfare, happiness
and peace of Sarvajan Samaj.

In fact when the BJP was in
opposition its remotely controlling RSS favored paper ballots which is
now silent after gaining power through the very same fraud EVMs.…/A…/India/20100828/1575461.html

RSS favours paper ballots, EVMs subjected to public scrutinyNew Delhi | Saturday, Aug 28 2010 IST

the controversy regarding the reliablity of Electronic Voting Machines
(EVMs) which have been questioned by political parties, the RSS today
asked the Election Commission (EC) to revert back to tried and tested
paper ballots and subject EVMs to public scrutiny whether these gadgets
are tamper proof. In an editorial titled ‘Can we trust our EVMs?’, The
Organiser, the RSS mouthpiece, noted it was a fact that till date an
absolutely tamper-proof machine had not been invented and credibility of
any system depends on ‘transparency, verifiability and trustworthiness’
than on blind and atavistic faith in its infallibility. The issue is
not a ‘private affair’ and it involves the future of India. Even if the
EVMs were genuine, there was no reason for the EC to be touchy about it,
the paper commented. The Government and the EC can’t impose EVMs as a
fait accompli on Indian democracy as the only option before the voter.
There were flaws like booth capturing, rigging, bogus voting, tampering
and ballot paper snatching in the ballot paper system of polling leading
the country to switch over to the EVMs and all these problems were
relevant in EVMs too. Rigging was possible even at the counting stage.
What made the ballot papers voter-friendly was that all aberrations were
taking place before the public eye and hence open for corrections
whereas the manipulations in the EVMs is entirely in the hands of powers
that be and the political appointees manning the sytem, the paper
commented. The EVM has only one advantage — ’speed’ but that advantage
has been undermined by the staggered polls at times spread over three to
four months. ‘’This has already killed the fun of the election
process,'’ the paper noted. Of the dozen General Elections held in the
country, only two were through the EVMs and instead of rationally
addressing the doubts aired by reputed institutions and experts the
Government has resorted to silence its critics by ‘intimidation and
arrests on false charges’, the paper observed, recalling the arrest of
Hyederabad-based technocrat Hari Prasad by the Mumbai Police. Prasad’s
research has proved that the EVMs were ‘vulnerable to fraud’. The
authorities want to send a message that anybody who challenges the EC
runs the risk of persecution and harassment, the RSS observed. Most
countries around the world looked at the EVMs with suspicion and
countries like the Netherlands, Italy, Germany and Ireland had all
reverted back to paper ballots shunning EVMs because they were ‘easy to
falsify, risked eavesdropping and lacked transparency’. Democracy is too
precious to be handed over to whims or an opaque establishment and
network of unsafe gizmos. ‘’For the health of Indian democracy it is
better to return to tried and tested methods or else elections in future
can turn out to be a farce,'’ the editorial said.– (UNI) — 28DI28.xml…/

is one of the Biggest Terrorist Organisations in the World. They are
Mad Horrorists threat group - shadowy, stealth and discriminatory group
trying to establish hindutva cult.

New Delhi: A US-based risk
management and consulting company has put the Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS) because RSS is killing so many people and bombing and
cutting of people and using suicide bombing techniques and raping and
honor killing women … it all happened in Gujrat and happening in parts
of the country.. Go get a life and become a Hindu mr…. What is it? the
one who have at least common sense, do u think he or she become hindu?
do u think that? Most of the people in the world becoming muslim without
any pressure, force or demand… think about that…. See that RSS
gentleman who studied about islam to oppose them and became a muslim….
use your common sense and refrain from your bad thoughts and paths.
will have the end.. Rss have to be banned in india with its..
hindhuthuva branches.. in south tamilnadu.. this rss and hindhutva
terrorist and Horrorist gang made problem to the people who celebrating
new year of 2015 night..

Increasing threats to the
democratic-secular Indian polity from the Hindutva organizations - a
concise document on the anti-national game-plan of the RSS.

this technological game of 1% Chitpawan RSS plan has to be defeated by
strengthening the 99% intellectuals by exposing the fradulent EVMs as
done by 80 democracies of the world in the larger interest of Sarvajan
Hitaye Sarvajan Sukhaye i.e., for the peace, happiness and welfare of
all societies including SC/STs/ OBCs/ Minorities and the poor brahmins
and baniyas for distributing the wealth of this country among all
sections of the society as enshrined in the Constitution by making the
Supreme Court to pass orders to replace all fradulent EVMs and till such
time to scrap all elections conducted by these fradulent EVMs and then
to conduct elections with tamper proof voting system to save democracy,
equality, fraternity and liberty.

RSS means Rakshasa Swayam
Sevaks in a non -entity undemocratic organisation with all its 40
avathars VHP (Visha Hindutva Psychopaths), BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha
Psychopaths), BMS (Bhramin Masdoor Sangh), ABVP (All Brahmin Venomous
Psychopaths), Bhajan Dal, Terrorist Sanstha Sangatan, eic., that become
active during all elections for the greed of power for Murderer of
democratic instituitions (Modi) who is just a meant time stooge of the
1% intolerant, violent, militant, shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally
retarded cannibal chitpawan brahmin psychopaths who always keep heckling
and giggling like mad people thinking that they are great
achievers.Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) and all its
associate avathars are shani and peda of the nation which is eclipsing
the development and progress as enshrined in the modern Constitution
whose architect is Dr BR Ambedkar.

After gobbling the MASTER KEY
by tampering the fraud EVMs for Murderer of democratic institutions
(Modi) remotely controlled by RSS meaning Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks, a non
-entity undemocratic organisation with all its 40 avathars VHP (Visha
Hindutva Psychopaths), BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths), BMS (Bhramin
Masdoor Sangh), ABVP (All Brahmin Venomous Psychopaths), Bhajan Dal,
Terrorist Sanstha Sangatan, eic., that become active during all
elections for the greed of power for Murderer of democratic
instituitions (Modi) who is just a meant time stooge of the 1%
intolerant, violent, militant, shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally
retarded cannibal chitpawan brahmin psychopaths who always keep heckling
and giggling like mad people thinking that they are great achievers.

are Shani and Pedal of the nation trying to bury the
Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement
and the teachings of the Awaken One with Awareness without knowing that
they are seeds that keep sprouting as Bodhi Trees.

If all the fraud EVMs are replaced by paper ballots they will not even get 1% of the votes.

Ms Mayawati’s BSP which got majority of the seats in UP Panchayat
Elections with these paper ballots will the not only become the CM of UP
but also the next PM of Prabuddha Bharath.

RSS’s Mohan
Bhagwat,Bhaiyyaji Joshi and 41 regional pracharaks are all drop outs
including Mohan Agarwal.Also Ram Lal and Ram Madhav,Rajnath Singh and
Amit Shahlike doubtful education of Murderer of democratic institutions
language scripts

Section 25- Charnel ground

Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasuttaṃ (Pali) - 5 Kāyānupassanā paṭikūlamanasikārapabbaṃ- 05:39 mins

Chinese Buddha Chants - Best for Meditation-29:45 mins
Poṭṭhapāda Sutta


Poṭṭhapāda asks various questions reagrding the nature of Saññā.

Now, lord, does perception arise first, and knowledge after; or does knowledge arise first, and perception after; or do perception & knowledge arise simultaneously?

Potthapada, perception arises first, and knowledge after. And the arising of knowledge comes from the arising of perception. One discerns, ‘It’s in dependence on this that my knowledge has arisen.’ Through this line of reasoning one can realize how perception arises first, and knowledge after, and how the arising of knowledge comes from the arising of perception.

animated buddha photo: Animated Buddha buddan.gif

>> Sutta Piṭaka >> Digha Nikāya

DN 16 (D ii 137)

Mahāparinibbāna Sutta


— The last instructions —

This sutta gathers various instructions the Buddha gave for the
sake of his followers after his passing away, which makes it be a very
important set of instructions for us nowadays.

Here, Ānanda, an ariyasāvaka is endowed with Buddhe aveccappasāda:

>>ஸுத்தபிடக-திக்க நிகாய Sutta Piṭaka >> Digha Nikāya

And what, Ānanda, is that discourse on the Dhamma which is called Dhammādāsa, possessed of which the ariyasāvaka, if he so desires, can declare of himself: ‘For me, there is no more niraya, no more tiracchāna-yoni, no more pettivisaya, no more state of unhappiness, of misfortune, of misery, I am a sotāpanna, by nature free from states of misery, certain of being destined to sambodhi?

(The Mirror of the Dhamma)

I will expound the discourse on the Dhamma which is called Dhammādāsa, possessed of which the ariyasāvaka, if he so desires, can declare of himself: ‘For me, there is no more niraya, no more tiracchāna-yoni, no more pettivisaya, no more state of unhappiness, of misfortune, of misery, I am a sotāpanna, by nature free from states of misery, certain of being destined to sambodhi.
Here, Ānanda, an ariyasāvaka is endowed with Buddhe aveccappasāda:

He is endowed with Dhamme aveccappasāda:

He is endowed with Saṅghe aveccappasāda:

He is endowed with a sīla which is agreeable to the ariyas,

This, Ānanda, is the discourse on the Dhamma which is called Dhammādāsa, possessed of which the ariyasāvaka, if he so desires, can declare of himself: ‘For me, there is no more niraya, no more tiracchāna-yoni, no more pettivisaya, no more state of unhappiness, of misfortune, of misery, I am a sotāpanna, by nature free from states of misery, certain of being destined to sambodhi.

Sato should you remain, bhikkhus, and sampajānas. This is our intruction to you.

And how, bhikkhus, is a bhikkhu sato? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu

Thus, bhikkhus, is a bhikkhu sato. And how, bhikkhus, is a bhikkhu sampajāna? Here, bhikkhus,

Thus, bhikkhus, is a bhikkhu sampajāna. Sato should you remain, bhikkhus, and sampajānas. This is our intruction to you.

– Ananda, the twin sala trees are in full bloom, though it is not the
season of flowering. And the blossoms rain upon the body of the
Tathagata and drop and scatter and are strewn upon it in worship of
the Tathagata. And celestial coral flowers and heavenly sandalwood
powder from the sky rain down upon the body of the Tathagata, and drop
and scatter and are strewn upon it in worship of the Tathagata. And the
sound of heavenly voices and heavenly instruments makes music in the air
out of reverence for the Tathagata.

It is not by this, Ānanda, that the Tathāgata is respected, venerated,
esteemed, paid homage and honored. But, Ananda, any bhikkhu or
bhikkhuni, layman or laywoman, remaining dhamm’ānudhamma’p'paṭipanna, sāmīci’p'paṭipanna,
living in accordance with the Dhamma, that one respects, venerates,
esteems, pays homage, and honors the Tathāgata with the most excellent
homage. Therefore, Ānanda, you should train yourselves thus: ‘We will
remain dhamm’ānudhamma’p'paṭipanna, sāmīci’p'paṭipanna, living in accordance with the Dhamma’.

– ‘To some of you, Ānanda, it may occur thus: ‘The words of the Teacher
have ended, there is no longer a Teacher’. But this, Ānanda, should not,
be so considered. That, Ānanda, which I have taught and made known to
you as the Dhamma and the Vinaya, will be your Teacher after my passing away.



Dhammādāsaṃ nāma dhamma-pariyāyaṃ desessāmi, yena samannāgato ariyasāvako ākaṅkhamāno attanāva attānaṃ byā-kareyya:khīṇa-nirayo-mhi khīṇa-tiracchāna-yoni khīṇa-pettivisayo khīṇ·āpāya-duggati-vinipāto, sotāpanno-hamasmi avinipāta-dhammo niyato sambodhi-parāyaṇo’ ti.

Katamo ca so, Ānanda, dhammādāso dhamma-pariyāyo, yena samannāgato ariyasāvako ākaṅkhamāno attanāva attānaṃ byā-kareyya:khīṇa-nirayo-mhi khīṇa-tiracchāna-yoni khīṇa-pettivisayo khīṇ·āpāya-duggati-vinipāto, sotāpanno-hamasmi avinipāta-dhammo niyato sambodhi-parāyaṇo’ ti?

Idh·ānanda, ariyasāvako Buddhe aveccappasāda samannāgato hoti:

so bhagavā arahaṃ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū
anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṃ buddho bhagavā’ ti.

Dhamme aveccappasāda samannāgato hoti:

‘Svākkhāto bhagavatā dhammo sandiṭṭhiko akāliko ehipassiko opaneyyiko paccattaṃ veditabbo viññūhī’ ti.

Saṅghe aveccappasāda samannāgato hoti:

bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho, ujuppaṭipanno bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho,
ñāyappaṭipanno bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho, sāmīcippaṭipanno bhagavato
sāvakasaṅgho yadidaṃ cattāri purisayugāni aṭṭha purisapuggalā, esa
bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho āhuneyyo pāhuneyyo dakkhiṇeyyo añjalikaraṇīyo
anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ lokassā’ ti.

Ariya-kantehi sīlehi samannāgato hoti

akhaṇḍehi acchiddehi asabalehi akammāsehi bhujissehi viññūpasatthehi aparāmaṭṭhehi samādhisaṃvattanikehi.

Ayaṃ kho so, Ānanda, dhammādāso dhamma-pariyāyo, yena samannāgato ariyasāvako ākaṅkhamāno attanāva attānaṃ byā-kareyya:khīṇa-nirayo-mhi khīṇa-tiracchāna-yoni khīṇa-pettivisayo khīṇ·āpāya-duggati-vinipāto, sotāpanno-hamasmi avinipāta-dhammo niyato sambodhi-parāyaṇo’ ti

Sato, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vihareyya sampajāno. Ayaṃ vo amhākaṃ anusāsanī.

Katha·ñca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sato hoti? Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu

kāye kāyānupassī viharati ātāpī sampajāno satimā, vineyya loke abhijjhā-domanassaṃ; vedanāsu vedanānupassī viharati ātāpī sampajāno satimā, vineyya loke abhijjhā-domanassaṃ; citte cittānupassī viharati ātāpī sampajāno satimā, vineyya loke abhijjhā-domanassaṃ; dhammesu dhammānupassī viharati ātāpī sampajāno satimā, vineyya loke abhijjhā-domanassaṃ.

Evaṃ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sato hoti. Katha·ñca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sampajāno hoti? Idha, bhikkhave,

abhikkante paṭikkante sampajānakārī hoti, ālokite vilokite
sampajānakārī hoti, samiñjite pasārite sampajānakārī hoti,
saṅghāṭipattacīvaradhāraṇe sampajānakārī hoti, asite pīte khāyite sāyite
sampajānakārī hoti, uccārapassāvakamme sampajānakārī hoti, gate ṭhite
nisinne sutte jāgarite bhāsite tuṇhībhāve sampajānakārī hoti.

Evaṃ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sampajāno hoti. Sato, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vihareyya sampajāno. Ayaṃ vo amhākaṃ anusāsanī ti.

– Sabbaphāliphullā kho, Ānanda, yamakasālā akālapupphehi. Te
tathāgatassa sarīraṃ okiranti ajjhokiranti abhippakiranti tathāgatassa pūjāya.
Dibbānipi mandāravapupphāni antalikkhā papatanti, tāni tathāgatassa
sarīraṃ okiranti ajjhokiranti abhippakiranti tathāgatassa pūjāya.
Dibbānipi candanacuṇṇāni antalikkhā papatanti, tāni tathāgatassa sarīraṃ
okiranti ajjhokiranti abhippakiranti tathāgatassa pūjāya. Dibbānipi
tūriyāni antalikkhe vajjanti tathāgatassa pūjāya. Dibbānipi saṅgītāni
antalikkhe vattanti tathāgatassa pūjāya.

Na kho, Ānanda, ettāvatā Tathāgato sakkato hoti garukato mānito pūjito apacito . Yo kho, Ānanda, bhikkhu bhikkhunī upāsako upāsikā dhammānudhammappaṭipanno viharati sāmīcippaṭipanno anudhammacārī, so Tathāgataṃ sakkaroti garuṃ karoti māneti pūjeti apaciyati, paramāya pūjāya. Tasmātih·ānanda, dhammānudhammappaṭipannā viharissāma sāmīcippaṭipannā anudhammacārin·oti. Evañ·hi vo, Ānanda, sikkhitabba nti.

– ‘Siyā kho pan·ānanda, tumhākaṃ evam·assa:atīta-satthukaṃ pāvacanaṃ, natthi no satthā’ ti. Na kho pan·etaṃ, Ānanda, evaṃ daṭṭhabbaṃ. Yo vo, Ānanda, mayā Dhammo ca Vinayo ca desito paññatto, so vo mam·accayena satthā.

‘இதிபி ஸொ பகவா அரஹங் ஸம்மாஸம்புத்தொ விஜ்ஜாசரணஸம்பனொ ஸுகதொ லோகவிது அனுத்தரொ புரிஸதம்மஸாரதி ஸத்த தேவமனுசானங் புத்தொ  பகவா,தி.


தம்மாதாஸங் நாம
தம்மா-பரியாயங், யேன ஸம்மன்னாகதொ ஆரியஸாவகொ ஆகன்கமானொ  அட்டணாவ அட்டாணங்
ப்யா - கரெய்ய: கின-நிரயோ-மி கின-திர்ச்சான-வொனி

கின-பெட்டிவிசவொ கின் அப்பாவ-துக்கதி-வினிபாதொ, ஸோதாப்பன்னொ - ஹமஸ்மி அவினிபாதொ-தம்மொ நியதொ ஸம்போதி பரயனொ’தி.

கதமொ ச ஸொ, ஆனந்தா,
தம்மாதாஸொ தம்மா-பரியாயவொ, யேன ஸம்மன்னாகதொ ஆரியஸாவகொ ஆகன்கமானொ 
அட்டணாவ அட்டாணங் ப்யா - கரெய்ய: கின-நிரயோ-மி கின-திர்ச்சான-வொனி
கின-பெட்டிவிசவொ கின் அப்பாவ-துக்கதி-வினிபாதொ, ஸோதாப்பன்னொ - ஹமஸ்மி
அவினிபாதொ-தம்மொ நியதொ ஸம்போதி பரயனொ’தி?

இத்’ஆனந்தா, ஆரியஸாவகொ புத்தே அவெச்சப்பஸாத ஸம்மன்னாகதொ ஹோதி


‘இதிபி ஸொ பகவா அரஹம் ஸம்மாஸம்புத்தொ விஜ்ஜாசரனொஸம்பன்னொ ஸுகதொ லோகவிது அனுத்தரொ புரிஸதம்மஸாரதி ஸத்தா தேவமனுஸ்ஸானம் புத்தொ பகவா’தி.

தம்மெ அவெச்சப்பஸ்ஸாத ஸம்மன்னாகததொ ஹோதி:

ஸ்வாகாதொ பகவதா தம்மொ ஸந்திதிகொ அகாலிகொ எதிபசஸ்ஸிகொ ஒபனேவிகொ பச்சதம் வெதிதப்பொ வின்னுஹி’தி.
ஸங்கே அவெச்சப்பஸ்ஸாத ஸம்மன்னாகததொ ஹோதி:

 Saṅghe aveccappasāda (சான்றோர் இடத்தில் தன்னம்பிக்கை)யாக குணிக்கப் படுகிரார்.

பகவதொ ஸாவகச்ங்கொ, உஜ்ஜுபதிபன்னொ பகவதொ ஸாவகச்ங்கொ, ஞாயபதிபன்னொ பகவதொ
ஸாவகச்ங்கொ, ஸாமிசிதிபன்னொ பகவதொ ஸாவகச்ங்கொ, வாதிதம் சத்தாரி
புரிஸவுக்கானி, ஏஸ பகவதொ ஸாவகச்ங்கொ, ஆஹுனெய்யொ பாஹுனெய்யொ அன்ஞலிகாரனியொ
அனுத்தரம் புண்யக்கேதம் லோகஸ்ஸ’தி.

அகந்தேஹி அச்சிதேஹி அஸபலேஹி அக்கம்மாசஸேஹி புஜ்ஜஸ்ஸேஹி வின்யுபஸத்தேஹி அபராமதேஹி ஸமாதிஸம்வதனிகேஹி.

யங் கொ ஸொ,ஆனந்தா,தம்மதாஸொ தம்மா-பரியாயொ, வென ஸம்மன்னாகததொ ஆரியஸாவகொ
ஆக்கன்கமானொ அட்டனாவ அட்டானம் ப்வா-கரேவ்வா ‘
கின-பெட்டிவிஸவொ’அபாயொ-துக்கதி-வினிபாதொ,ஸோதாபன்னொ-ஹமஸமி அவினிபாத-தம்மொ
நிவதொ ஸம்போதி-பராயனொ’ தி

ஸதொ, பிக்காவெ, பிக்கு விஹாரெய்ய  ஸம்பஜனொ அ யங் வொ அமாக்ஹம் அனுஸாஸனி.கதான்யச, பிக்காவெ, பிக்கு ஸாதொ ஹோதி? இதா, பிக்காவெ, பிக்கு

காயெ காயானுபஸ்ஸி விஹாரதி ஆதாபி ஸம்பஜானொ  ஸதிமா, வினய்ய லோகெ அபிஜ்ஜா-தொம்மஸம்; வெதன்னாஸு வெதனானுபஸ்ஸி விஹாரதி ஆதாபி ஸம்பஜானொ ஸதிமா, வினய்ய லோகெ அபிஜ்ஜா-தொம்மஸம்; சித்தெ சித்தானுபஸ்ஸி விஹாரதி ஆதாபி ஸம்பஜானொ ஸதிமா, வினய்ய லோகெ அபிஜ்ஜா-தொம்மஸம்; தம்மேஸு தம்மானுபஸ்ஸி விஹாரதி ஆதாபி ஸம்பஜானொ ஸதிமா, வினய்ய லோகெ அபிஜ்ஜா-தொம்மஸம்.

ஏவங் கொ, பிக்காவெ, பிக்கு ஸாதொ ஹோதி.கதான்யச, பிக்காவெ, பிக்கு ஸம்பஜானொ ஹோதி? இதா, பிக்காவெ.

பிக்கு அபிஹிகந்தெ பதிக்கந்தெ ஸம்பஜானகாரி ஹோதி, ஆலோகித விலோகித ஸம்பஜானகாரி ஹோதி.ஸமிஞ்ஜிதெ பஸாரிதெ ஸம்பஜானகாரி ஹோதி. ஸங்காதிபட்டாசிவரதாரனெ ஸம்பஜானகாரி ஹோதி. அஸிதெ பிதெ காவிதெ ஸாவிதெ ஸம்பஜானகாரி ஹோதி. உச்சாரபஸ்ஸவகம்மா ஸம்பஜானகாரி ஹோதி.  காதெ,திதெ,நிஸின்னெ ஸுதெ ஜாகரிதெ பாஸிதெ துனிஹிபாவெ ஸம்பஜானகாரி ஹோதி.

ஏவங் கொ, பிக்காவெ, பிக்கு ஸம்ப்ஜானொ ஹோதி.ஸாதொ,பிக்காவெ, பிக்கு விஹாரெய்ய ஸம்ப்ஜானொ. அ யங் வொ அம்ஹாகம் அனுஸாஸனி தி.

- ஸப்பாபாலிபுல்லா கொ, ஆனந்தா, வமகஸாலா அகலப்புப்ஹேஹி. தெ ததாகதஸ்ஸ ஸரிரங் ஒகிரந்தி அஜ்ஜொகிரந்தி அபிஹிப்பகிரந்தி ததாகதஸ்ஸ பூஜாய. திப்பானிபி மனதாரபுப்பாஹானிபி அந்தலிக்ஹா பாபதந்தி. தானி ததாகதஸ்ஸ ஸரிரங் ஒகிரந்தி அஜ்ஜொகிரந்தி அபிஹிப்பகிரந்தி ததாகதஸ்ஸ பூஜாய. திப்பானிபி சந்தனாசுன்னானி அந்தலிக்ஹா பாபதந்தி. தானி ததாகதஸ்ஸ ஸரிரங் ஒகிரந்தி அஜ்ஜொகிரந்தி அபிஹிப்பகிரந்தி ததாகதஸ்ஸ பூஜாய. திப்பானிபி துரியானி அந்தலிக்ஹெ வஜ்ஜந்தி ததாகதஸ்ஸ பூஜாய. திப்பானிபி அந்தலிக்ஹெ வட்டந்தி ததாகதஸ்ஸ பூஜாய.

நா கொ,
ஆனந்தா, எத்தவதா ததாகதொ ஸக்கதொ வ ஹோதி கருகதொ வ மானிதொ வ பூஜிதொ வ அபசிதொ
வ. யொ கொ. ஆனந்தா, பிக்கு வ பிக்குனி வ உபாஸகொ வ உபாஸிகா வ
தம்மனுதம்மாபதிபன்னொ விஹாரதி ஸாமிசிபதிபன்னொ அனுதம்மாசாரி, ஸொ ததாகதம்
ஸக்கரொதி கரும் கரோதி மானதி பூஜேதி அபசிவதி பரமாய பூஜெய. தஸ்மாத்ஹி ஆனந்தா,
தம்மனுதம்மாபதிபன்னா விஹாரிஸாம  ஸாமிசிபதிபன்னா  அனுதம்மாசாரி’னோதி.
ஏவன்ஹி வொ ஆனந்தா, ஸிக்ஹிதப்ப நிதி.

-ஸிவா கொ பன்’ஆனந்தா, தும்ஹாகம்ஏவம்’அஸ்ஸ: ‘அதித-ஸத்துக்கம் பாவசனம், னத்தி நொ ஸத்தா தி. நா கொ பன்’னெதம்.ஆனந்தா, ஏவங் தத்தாத்தம். யொ வொ, ஆனந்தா, மயா தம்மொ ச வினயொ ச தேஸிதொ பன்னதொ. ஸொ வொ மம்’அசவென ஸத்தா.

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