2511 Wed 24 Jan 2018 LESSON
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Chanting & Songs
Sobhana.net - An Audio-Visual Library of Theravada Buddhism
Website: http://sobhana.net/audio/
- English Dhamma talks by well known teachers such as Bhikkhu Bodhi and
Ven. Narada Thera, Bhante Punnaji and Bhante Yogavacara Rahula;
- Sutta chants in Pali, the original language of the Buddha;
- Sinhala Dhamma talks by well known teachers such as Madihe Pannasiha Thera, Narada Thera, Gangodawila Soma Thera and others.
Chanting Guide
Website: http://www.accesstoinsight.
An online edition of “A Chanting Guide,” translated from Pali to
English by Phra Ajaan Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Abbot of Wat Metta, and
published by the Dhammayut Order in the United States of America.
Includes Pali passages with English translations for various types of
chants, including reflections and discourses.
See also: Lay Buddhist Practice
Website: http://www.audtip.org/
Sutta Readings in Pali, English and More.
Pali Chanting by the Wat Metta Sangha
Website: http://dhammatalks.org/chant_
Chants from “A Chanting Guide”, published by The Dhammayut Order in the United States of America.
Paritta Suttas Protection Discourses
Website: http://www.softerviews.org/
Parittas, with full Pali texts, recited by Mingun Sayadaw U
Vicittasara. You can also watch a YouTube video of the same discourses
recited by Sayadaw U Candasiri.
Chanting at Wat Pah Nanachat
Website: http://www.watpahnanachat.org/
A Night of Shining Prosperity
Chanting as a practice (Kevali Bhikkhu Oct 18 2010)
Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta
Faith in the Tathagata
First and Last Words
Mindfulness of Breathing
Secure Refuge
Sharing Merit
The Noble Eightfold Path
87 Classical Slovenian
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Analytic Insight Net - BREZPLAČNO Online Tipiṭaka Raziskave in prakse Univerze in sorodne NOVICE preko http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org v 105 KLASIČNIH JEZIKIH
The Voice of the Buddha
Benoy Behl
Published on Jul 22, 2014
Film about the International Tripitaka Chanting and other activities of the Light of Buddhadharma Foundation.
Film & Animation
88 Classical Somali
88 Fasalka Soomaliyeed
Analytical Insight Net - Barta Internetka ee ‘Tipiṭaka Jaamacadda Cilmi-baarista iyo Tababarka’ iyo ‘NEWS’ iyada oo loo marayo http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org ee 105 LANGUAGE LANGUAGE
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Analytic wawasan Net - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Panalungtikan sarta Universitas Praktek jeung warta patali ngaliwatan http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org dina 105 basa klasik
Angklung is a musical instrument played by means of bamboo which vibrated. The sound produced is the effect of the collision bamboo tubes that make up the instrument. These instruments are classified into types idiofon or instrument sound source music that comes from the base ingredients. Angklung is generally known from the area of West Java. Since November 2010, UNESCO named him as one of the world cultural heritage, with the category of Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
The word comes from the angklung supposedly Sundanese (angkleung-angkleungan), which describes the motion of the body of the players Angklung swaying with the rhythm of the sound. However, there are also who believe the word is derived from Klung angklung, an imitation of the sound of the bamboo instrument. While one other theory states, the word “angklung” comes from the Balinese language, which is a number and lung. Figures mean tone, while the mean lung broken, or in other words, angklung meaningful tone incomplete.
Angklung History
According to Dr. Groneman, Angklung has been there in the land of the archipelago, even before the era of Hinduism. According to Jaap Kunst in his book Music in Java, other than in West Java, Angklung can also be found in South Sumatra and Kalimantan. Beyond that, the people of Lampung, East Java and Central Java are also familiar with the instrument.
In the Hindu era, the era of the Kingdom of Sunda, Angklung become an important instrument in various celebrations, especially with regard to the rites of planting, especially rice. In the neighborhood of the Kingdom of Sunda, recorded since the 7th century, Angklung played as a form of worship to Dewi Sri (the goddess of rice / goddess of fertility), that He bestows his blessing on plants and people’s lives. Not only as a medium of worship of the gods, in the days of the Kingdom of Sunda, Angklung is also a musical instrument played as morale boosters in the war, including the Bubat War, as told in the Song of Sunda.
Today, an instrument Angklung Angklung gubrag oldest preserved. Angklung is made in the 17th century in Jasinga, Bogor. Other ancient angklung can still track down there in Sri Baduga Museum, London. Meanwhile, the old tradition of Angklung that can be found in communities Baduy (Baduy), precisely in Lebak, Banten. To this day, they are still functioning as the angklung which inherited his ancestors, which accompany the rite planting.
In 1938, Daeng Soetigna, citizens of Bandung, create angklung with diatonic scales. Angklung Daeng Sutigna innovation is different from the angklung in general are based on scales trradisional pelog or salendro. Innovation is then made freely angklung can be played in harmony with Western musical instruments, and even can be presented in the form of an orchestra. Since then, more and reap Angklung popularity, until finally the United Nations, through UNESCO, on 18 November 2012, recognizing it as a world heritage that must be preserved. After Daeng Soetigna, one of his students, Udjo Ngalagena, continuing efforts to popularize Angklung Master findings, with the established “Saung Angklung“ in Bandung. To this day, the place came to be known as the “Saung Angklung Udjo“ is still a center of creativity with regard to Angklung
Types of Angklung
angklung Kanekes
Angklung Angklung Kanekes is played by the public Baduy (Baduy), in Banten. As mentioned earlier, Angklung traditions that exist in Baduy community is fairly ancient, and still preserved as exemplified function of their ancestors, which accompany the rite planting (rice). In Kanekes community, which is divided into two groups, ie groups Outer Baduy (Kajeroan) and group Baduy (Kaluaran Affairs), which is entitled to make Angklung just Jero Bedouin citizens, it was not everyone, but only those who become children of Angklung maker. Meanwhile, residents of Outer Baduy not make Angklung, but just bought it from Bedouin citizens Jero. The names of Angklung in Kanekes of the largest are: ovaries, ringkung, Dongdong, gossip, engklok, ovary leutik, torolok, and roel.
Angklung Dogdog Lojor
Art Dogdog Lojor contained in Kasepuhan Pancer Pangawinan communities, which inhabit about Mountain Mist, which borders the region of Jakarta, Bogor and Lebak. Lojor Dogdog term itself actually taken from the name of one of the instruments in this tradition, namely Dogdog Lojor. However, Angklung also get a portion that is no less important here, especially in the function of tradition, ie, as a companion planting rites. Having people there to Islam, in its development, the arts are also used to accompany circumcision and marriage. In Dogdog Lojor art, there are two instruments Dogdog Lojor and 4 large angklung instruments.
angklung Badeng
Badeng an Angklung art that uses as its main instrument. There Badeng Art Sanding Village, District Malangbong, Garut. Along with the development of Islam, Art Badeng also used for the purposes of propaganda and entertainment. However, it is believed in the art Badeng Angklung also have the same roots, namely as a companion planting rites. In Badeng arts, played 9 pieces Angklung, namely 2 roel angklung, angklung kecer 1, 4 Angklung Angklung ovary and father, 2 children angklung; 2 pieces dogdog, 2 fruit fly or Gembyung, and 1 manacle.
In addition to the three above Angklung arts tradition, many other areas in West Java which also inherited the tradition of Angklung, call it Angklung Beans (Priangan / Bandung), Angklung Badud (East Priangan / Kudat), and Angklung Bungko (Indramayu).
angklung Padaeng
Angklung Angklung Padaeng is now widely known, namely Angklung Daeng Soetigna results innovation, which uses diatonic scales. In line with the theory of music, specifically the Angklung Padaeng grouped into two, namely: Angklung Angklung melody and accompaniment. Angklung melody is specifically consists of two tubes with different voice tones one octave. In one unit of angklung, generally there are 31 small and 11 Angklung Angklung melody great melody. Meanwhile, Angklung Angklung accompaniment is used as a companion to play tones harmony. Voice tube consists of 3 to 4, according to the diatonic chord. After Daeng Soetigna innovation, other reforms to the angklung continues to grow. Some of them are: Angklung Sarinande, Arumba, Angklung Toel, and Angklung Sri Murni.
Angklung Playing Techniques
Plays an angklung is basically very simple, ie, one hand holding the frame angklung, and the other hand swing to produce sound. There are three basic techniques wiggle angklung, namely:
Kurulung (shakes), is the most common technique used, where one hand holding the frame angklung, and the other shaking the angklung for the desired tone, until the tubes one after clashing bamboo and produce sound.
Trowel (jerky), which is a technique in which the base tube is pulled quickly by the fingers into the palm of the right hand, so angklung will beep once (stacato).
Tengkep, ie similar techniques as kurulung, but one of the tubes being held not vibrating.
2438 Jumatatu 12 Novemba 2017 Somo
Tipitaka (Pali, “tatu,” + pitaka, “vikapu”),
au canon ya Pali, ni mkusanyiko wa maandiko ya lugha ya msingi ya Pali ambayo
fanya msingi wa mafundisho ya Buddha ya Theravada. Tipitaka na
maandishi ya Paracanonical Pali (maoni, historia, nk) pamoja ni mwili kamili wa maandiko ya Theravada.
Pali Canon ni mwili mkubwa wa vitabu: tafsiri ya Kiingereza the
maandiko huongeza hadi maelfu ya kurasa zilizochapishwa. Wengi (lakini si wote) wa
Canon tayari imechapishwa kwa Kiingereza zaidi ya miaka. Ingawa
sehemu ndogo ndogo ya maandiko haya inapatikana kwenye tovuti hii, hii
ukusanyaji unaweza kuwa mahali pazuri kuanza.
Migawanyiko matatu ya Tipitaka ni:
Vinaya Pitaka
Mkusanyiko wa maandiko kuhusu sheria za maadili zinazosimamia
mambo ya kila siku ndani ya Sangha - jumuiya ya bhikkhus (watawala
waliowekwa rasmi) na bhikkhunis (waliowekwa
wasomi). Mbali zaidi ya orodha tu ya sheria, Vinaya Pitaka pia
inajumuisha hadithi nyuma ya asili ya kila utawala, kutoa
maelezo ya kina ya ufumbuzi wa Buddha kwa swali la jinsi ya
kudumisha umoja wa jumuiya ndani ya kiroho kubwa na tofauti
Sutta Pitaka
ukusanyaji wa sutta, au mazungumzo, yaliyotokana na Buddha na wachache
wa wanafunzi wake wa karibu, yaliyo na mafundisho yote ya kati ya
Buddha ya Theravada. (Tafsiri zaidi ya elfu moja ya sutta ni
inapatikana kwenye tovuti hii.) Suttas imegawanywa kati ya nikayas tano (makusanyo):
Digha Nikaya - “mkusanyiko mrefu”
Majjhima Nikaya - “ukusanyaji wa urefu wa katikati”
Samyutta Nikaya - “ukusanyaji wa makundi”
Anguttara Nikaya - “mkusanyiko wa zaidi”
Khuddaka Nikaya - “ukusanyaji wa maandiko madogo”:
Sutta Nipata
Nettippakarana (ni pamoja na tu katika toleo la Kiburma la Tipitaka)
Petakopadesa (””)
Milindapañha (””)
Abhidhamma Pitaka
ukusanyaji wa maandiko ambayo misingi ya mafundisho ya msingi
iliyotolewa katika Pitta ya Sutta inafanywa upya na kuandaliwa upya katika
mfumo wa utaratibu ambao unaweza kutumika kwa uchunguzi katika
asili ya akili na suala.
Sai Htee Saing - စဥ္းစားပါဦး (Sinn Sarr Par Own)
91 Classical Swahili
Uchambuzi Insight Net - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Utafiti na Mazoezi Chuo Kikuu na NEWS kuhusiana na http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org katika 105 LANGUAGES CLASSICAL
Yukon Sai
Published on Sep 1, 2010
The song is from the Unplugged Live of U Sai Htee Saing. Title
“စဥ္းစားပါဦး (Sinn Sarr Par Own)” means “Pls,, Think”. The Lyrics is so
cool ~~~