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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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LESSON 2933 Sat 16 Mar 2019 Tipitaka - DO GOOD BE MINDFUL is the Essence of the Words of the Awakened One with Awareness INSTRUCTIONS FOR E-FILING REGISTRATION Brahmajālasuttaṃ Paribbājakakathā Brahmajala Sutta (Discourse on the Net of Perfect Wisdom ) 29) Classical English, Roaman,83) Classical Samoan-Samoan Samoa,84) Classical Scots Gaelic-Gàidhlig Albannach Clasaigeach,85) Classical Serbian-Класични српски,86) Classical Sesotho-Seserbia ea boholo-holo, 87) Classical Shona-Shona Shona,88) Classical Sindhi,89) Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල,90) Classical Slovak-Klasický slovenský,91) Classical Slovenian-Klasična slovenska,92) Classical Somali-Soomaali qowmiyadeed,93) Classical Spanish-Español clásico,94) Classical Sundanese-Sunda Klasik,95) Classical Swahili,96) Classical Swedish-Klassisk svensk,
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 9:36 am
LESSON 2933 Sat 16 Mar 2019

Tipitaka - DO GOOD BE MINDFUL is the Essence of the Words of the Awakened One with Awareness
 Brahmajālasuttaṃ   Paribbājakakathā  Brahmajala Sutta (Discourse on the Net of Perfect Wisdom )  29) Classical English, Roaman,83) Classical Samoan-Samoan Samoa,84) Classical Scots Gaelic-Gàidhlig Albannach Clasaigeach,85) Classical Serbian-Класични српски,86) Classical Sesotho-Seserbia ea boholo-holo,

87) Classical Shona-Shona Shona,88) Classical Sindhi,89) Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල,90) Classical Slovak-Klasický slovenský,91) Classical Slovenian-Klasična slovenska,92) Classical Somali-Soomaali qowmiyadeed,93) Classical Spanish-Español clásico,94) Classical Sundanese-Sunda Klasik,95) Classical Swahili,96) Classical Swedish-Klassisk svensk,

From Jagatheesan Chandraekharan

668, 5A Main Road, 8th Cross HAL III Stage,



The Registrar,
 Supreme Court of India,
 Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110201
 FAX 011-23381508,23381584
 e-mail :-

Honorable Sir,

I attempted  E-file registration without success.

This is what I am getting from


Supreme Court of India

|| यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः ||

Further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address.
No instructions have been sent to my email address.
I wish to send a request for Ballot Papers to be used in elections.
I may be permitted to send my case to your Honorable self through
or as advised by your kind self.
Thanking you’
With Regards
Yours Sincerly
J Chandrasekharan

e-Filing in Supreme Court of India-


Supreme Court of India

|| यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः ||
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Navaneetham Chandrasekharan
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First time
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“e-FILING” only Advocate-on Record and
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Advocate-on-record, his/her code (Advocate-on-record code) will
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Password needs to be entered thereafter. Login Id and password
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successful login the “Disclaimer screen” appears on the

Clicking of “I
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further, while “I decline” button sends the control
back to the Login screen.

successful login, the user can file the case electronically.

Case” option allows the user to file a new case.

option allows a user to carryout changes to the already e-filed
case, provided the court fee payment option is not invoked.

Court fee can
be paid only through credit card.

associated with the e-filed case will be e-mailed to the
advocate/petitioner by the Supreme Court Registry.

For further assistance, “Help” option is


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Note dated
25-06-07 of Ld. Registrar regarding providing of certified copy
of order through post and charges thereof.

Whenever any
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e-mail for issuance of certified copy of order/document etc.
first of all charges are calculated as the details given below



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After the
calculation of amount according to the number of pages of
particular order plus other charges as mentioned above, the party
concerned is informed by post or e-mail(if e-mail id is mentioned
in his application)to send the charges by the way of “Money
Order” in favour of Assistant Registrar(Copying). On receipt
of amount, Court fee is purchased and affixed at the application
and certified copy of order, as requested, is dispatched by Regd.
Post only at the address mentioned in the application




Note:- Petitions filed through E-MAIL are not entertained. For Electronic filing of
case in Supreme Court. Use E-Filing facility only. Payment of Fee for E-Filed
case are accepted only through Credit Cards and Debit Cards of the following
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Indian Overseas Bank Kotak Bank-Virtual card
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The Karur Vysys Bank Ltd.      
To save Universal Adult Franchise,tests to claim legitimacy, Paper Ballots absolutely  do. The voter can
visually confirm that his/her selection has been registered, the voting
happens in secret, and the counting happens in front of his/her
representative’s eyes.

Paper ballots claim legitimacy by passing the three tests of a free and fair election, which EVMs don’t

The recent Assembly elections — the last major polling exercise before
the 2019 Lok Sabha polls — were not devoid of Electronic Voting Machine
(EVM) malfunctions. Though the discourse at present makes no distinction
between a ‘malfunction’ (which suggests a technical defect) and
‘tampering’ (manipulation aimed at fraud), there were several reports of
misbehaving EVMs. Alarmingly, in Madhya Pradesh alone, the number of
votes polled did not match the number of votes counted in 204 out of the
230 constituencies. The Election Commission’s (EC) explanation is that
the votes counted is the actual number of votes polled — a circular
logic that precludes cross-verification.
The reason a nation chooses to be a democracy is that it gives moral
legitimacy to the government. The fount of this legitimacy is the
people’s will. The people’s will is expressed through the vote,
anonymously (the principle of secret ballot). Not only must this vote be
recorded correctly and counted correctly, it must also be seen to be
recorded correctly and counted correctly. The recording and counting
process must be accessible to, and verifiable by, the public. So
transparency, verifiability, and secrecy are the three pillars of a free
and fair election.
A discrepancy of even one vote between votes polled and votes counted is
unacceptable. This is not an unreasonably high standard but one
followed by democracies worldwide. It might therefore be helpful to
briefly look beyond the question that has hijacked the EVM debate — of
how easy or tough it is to hack these machines — and consider the first
principles of a free and fair election.
EVMs, however, fail on all three, as established by a definitive
judgment of the German constitutional court in 2009. The court’s ruling
forced the country to scrap EVMs and return to paper ballot. Other
technologically advanced nations such as the Netherlands and Ireland
have also abandoned EVMs.
If we take the first two criteria, EVMs are neither transparent nor
verifiable. Neither can the voter see her vote being recorded, nor can
it be verified later whether the vote was recorded correctly. What is
verifiable is the total number of votes cast, not the choice expressed
in each vote. An electronic display of the voter’s selection may not be
the same as the vote stored electronically in the machine’s memory. This
gap was why the Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) was

But VVPATs solve only one-half of the EVMs’
transparency/verifiability problem: the voting part. The counting part
remains an opaque operation. If anyone suspects a counting error, there
is no recourse, for an electronic recount is, by definition, absurd.
Some believe the VVPATs can solve this problem too, through statistics.

At present, the EC’s VVPAT auditing is restricted to one randomly chosen polling booth per constituency. In a recent essay, K. Ashok Vardhan Shetty,
a former IAS officer, demonstrates that this sample size will fail to
detect faulty EVMs 98-99% of the time. He also shows that VVPATs can be
an effective deterrent to fraud only on the condition that the detection
of even one faulty EVM in a constituency must entail the VVPAT
hand-counting of all the EVMs in that constituency. Without this
proviso, VVPATs would merely provide the sheen of integrity without its

The third criterion is secrecy. Here too, EVMs disappoint. With the
paper ballot, the EC could mix ballot papers from different booths
before counting, so that voting preferences could not be connected to a
given locality. But with EVMs, we are back to booth-wise counting, which
allows one to discern voting patterns and renders marginalised
communities vulnerable to pressure. Totaliser machines can remedy this,
but the EC has shown no intent to adopt them.

So, on all three
counts — transparency, verifiability and secrecy — EVMs are flawed.
VVPATs are not the answer either, given the sheer magnitude of the
logistical challenges. The recent track record of EVMs indicates that
the number of malfunctions in a national election will be high. For that
very reason, the EC is unlikely to adopt a policy of hand-counting all
EVMs in constituencies where faulty machines are reported, as this might
entail hand-counting on a scale that defeats the very purpose of EVMs.
And yet, this is a principle without which the use of VVPATs is

Unjustified suspicions

Despite these issues,
EVMs continue to enjoy the confidence of the EC, which insists that
Indian EVMs, unlike the Western ones, are tamper-proof. But this is a
matter of trust. Even if the software has been burnt into the microchip,
neither the EC nor the voter knows for sure what software is running in
a particular EVM. One has to simply trust the manufacturer and the EC.
But as the German court observed, the precondition of this trust is the
verifiability of election events, whereas in the case of EVMs, “the
calculation of the election result is based on a calculation act which
cannot be examined from outside”.

While it is true that the results come quicker and the process is
cheaper with EVMs as compared to paper ballot, both these considerations
are undeniably secondary to the integrity of the election. Another
argument made in favour of the EVM is that it eliminates malpractices
such as booth-capturing and ballot-box stuffing. In the age of the
smartphone, however, the opportunity costs of ballot-box-stuffing and
the risk of exposure are prohibitively high. In contrast, tampering with
code could accomplish rigging on a scale unimaginable for
booth-capturers. Moreover, it is nearly impossible to detect
EVM-tampering. As a result, suspicions of tampering in the tallying of
votes — as opposed to malfunction in registering the votes, which alone
is detectable — are destined to remain in the realm of speculation. The
absence of proven fraud might save the EVM for now, but its survival
comes at a dangerous cost — the corrosion of people’s faith in the
electoral process.

Yet there doesn’t have to be incontrovertible
evidence of EVM-tampering for a nation to return to paper ballot.
Suspicion is enough, and there is enough of it already. As the German
court put it, “The democratic legitimacy of the election demands that
the election events be controllable so that… unjustified suspicion can
be refuted.” The phrase “unjustified suspicion” is pertinent. The EC
has always maintained that suspicions against EVMs are unjustified.
Clearly, the solution is not to dismiss EVM-sceptics as ignorant
technophobes. Rather, the EC is obliged to provide the people of India a
polling process capable of refuting unjustified suspicion, as this is a
basic requirement for democratic legitimacy, not an optional accessory.

Jaga Chand (@JagaChand) | Twitter

Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)
-doesnt-know-bsp-is-a-movement … “We alone can challenge and defeat
the casteist, communal and pro-capitalist BJP! Get ready!” Behanji’s
clarion call to BSP workers to liberate the country from the clutches of
fascist rule.

alone can challenge and defeat the casteist, communal and
pro-capitalist BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths (Private) Limited!

Mayawati’s clarion call to the Sarvajan Samaj i.e., Cadres of all
societies in general and BSP Cadres in particular to liberate the
country from the clutches of fascist rule.…/modi_is_literally_hitler_and_bjp_…/

“We alone can challenge and defeat the casteist, communal and
pro-capitalist BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths (Private) Limited!

Maha Mayawati’s clarion call to the Sarvajan Samaj i.e., Cadres of all
societies in general and BSP Cadres in particular to liberate the
country from the clutches of fascist rule.
Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) is literally Hitler and BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths) is fascist
2. Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh
3. Bombay Maharashtra, Goa, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu
4. Calcutta West Bengal, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
5. Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh
6. Delhi National Capital Territory of Delhi
7. Gauhati Arunachal Pradesh, Assam,Nagaland, Mizoram
8. Gujarat Gujarat
9. Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh
10. Jammu and Kashmir Jammu and Kashmir
11. Jharkhand Jharkhand
12. Karnataka Karnataka
13. Kerala Kerala, Lakshadweep
14. Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh
15. Madras Tamil Nadu, Puducherry
16. Manipur Manipur
17. Meghalaya Meghalaya
18. Orissa Odisha
19. Patna Bihar
20. Punjab and Haryana Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh
21. Rajasthan Rajasthan
22. Sikkim Sikkim
23. Tripura Tripura
24. Uttarakhand Uttarakhand

[3:44 PM, 3/16/2019] Jagadeesan Chandrashekar: Your 20 mins can decide the next Prime Minister of India . In 20 mins you can
help 3 Crore Muslim and 4 Crore Dalit Unregistered Voters get Registered

What to do in 20 mins ?

1. Watch  Missing Voters App video : 8 mins

Click to watch
Speech by Missing Voter App Founder
Syed Khalid Saifullah at 3rd National Leadership Summit 2019, India Islamic Cultural Centre, New Delhi

2. Copy this message and paste in  all your groups - 2 mins

3. Click on and install Missing Voter App. Click Apply Voter Id and apply 5 Voter Id’s. - 10 mins

What you will learn from Video? :

1. Introduction : Various Community Projects done by Us.
2. NRC CJP App
3. Hate Hatao App

2. Problem : Estimated 3 Crore Muslim and 4 Crore Dalit Voters Missing from the electoral lists..

The Gujarat Assembly Elections Analysis, Shocking revelations. Huge
proportion of  Muslim voters  missing in 16 Assembly Constituencies of
Gujarat where BJP won with margin less than 3000 Votes.

4. How Votes go Missing?
- Political Conspiracy - Form 7
- Helplessness of Poor Muslims / Dalits
- Negligence of the Literate ( We belong to this category)

5. Methodology :  How we data mine electoral rolls and identify Missing Muslim Voter Households.
- EPW Article

4. Demo of Missing Voter App : How to locate Missing Voter Households and How to apply new Voter Id in 2 mins.

5. Karnataka Success Story : - - Estimated 18 Lakh Muslim Voters missing in Karnataka
 - 12,000 Volunteers  registered.
- 12 Lakh new Voters were enrolled in 3 weeks.

6. Enrollment and Tracking process at the back office explained.

7. Achievements till date :
- Data mining of 800 Assembly Constituencies,
- Identified 1.6 Crore Missing Voter Households about 40 lakh are Muslims.
- 9000 plus Volunteers registered in App. 
- 25K New Voter Ids applied through App.

App Link :
📞 : 9963748187
PM, 3/16/2019] Jagadeesan Chandrashekar: Ballot Papers is a must
instead of EVMs to decide the next PM. The BSP headed by Ms Mayawati
became eligible for PM because of her best governance of UP as CM. He
united the Sarvajan Samaj that is All Awakened Aboriginal Societies
including SC/STs/OBCs/Religious Minorities and the poor Brahmins and
Baniyas. But since she belongs to Scheduled Caste Community it is not
being tolerated by just 0.1% intolerant, violent, militant, number one
terrorists of the world, ever shooting, mob lynching, lunatic, mentally
retarded rapist foreigners from Bene Israel chitpavan brahmins of RSS
(Rowdy Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks). Therefore the fraud EVMs were tampered
by the stooges, chamchas, slaves, chelas, bootlickess, own mother’s
flesh eaters of BJP (Brashtachar Joothye Psychopaths) headed by
Murderers of the democratic institutions & Master of diluting
institutions (Modi) and gobbled the Master Key. The Ex CJI (Chief IN
Justice) Sathasivam committed a grave error of judgement by ordering
that the EVMs must be replaced in a phased manner where the question of
replacement in itself is a clear proof that the EVMs can be tampered.
The suggestion was made by the ex CEC (Chief Election Criminal) because
of the cost of Rs 1600 crore to replace the entire EVMs. Morre than 132
democracies have discorded the EVMs and use Ballot papers.   To save
Universal Adult Franchise,tests to claim legitimacy, Paper Ballots
absolutely  do. The voter can visually confirm that his/her selection
has been registered, the voting happens in secret, and the counting
happens in front of his/her representative’s eyes.
Paper ballots
claim legitimacy by passing the three tests of a free and fair election,
which EVMs don’t.   The recent Assembly elections — the last major
polling exercise before the 2019 Lok Sabha polls — were not devoid of
Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) malfunctions. Though the discourse at
present makes no distinction between a ‘malfunction’ (which suggests a
technical defect) and ‘tampering’ (manipulation aimed at fraud), there
were several reports of misbehaving EVMs. Alarmingly, in Madhya Pradesh
alone, the number of votes polled did not match the number of votes
counted in 204 out of the 230 constituencies. The Election Commission’s
(EC) explanation is that the votes counted is the actual number of votes
polled — a circular logic that precludes cross-verification.
reason a nation chooses to be a democracy is that it gives moral
legitimacy to the government. The fount of this legitimacy is the
people’s will. The people’s will is expressed through the vote,
anonymously (the principle of secret ballot). Not only must this vote be
recorded correctly and counted correctly, it must also be seen to be
recorded correctly and counted correctly. The recording and counting
process must be accessible to, and verifiable by, the public. So
transparency, verifiability, and secrecy are the three pillars of a free
and fair election.

A discrepancy of even one vote between votes
polled and votes counted is unacceptable. This is not an unreasonably
high standard but one followed by democracies worldwide. It might
therefore be helpful to briefly look beyond the question that has
hijacked the EVM debate — of how easy or tough it is to hack these
machines — and consider the first principles of a free and fair

EVMs, however, fail on all three, as established by a
definitive judgment of the German constitutional court in 2009. The
court’s ruling forced the country to scrap EVMs and return to paper
ballot. Other technologically advanced nations such as the Netherlands
and Ireland have also abandoned EVMs.

If we take the first two
criteria, EVMs are neither transparent nor verifiable. Neither can the
voter see her vote being recorded, nor can it be verified later whether
the vote was recorded correctly. What is verifiable is the total number
of votes cast, not the choice expressed in each vote. An electronic
display of the voter’s selection may not be the same as the vote stored
electronically in the machine’s memory. This gap was why the Voter
Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) was introduced.

solve only one-half of the EVMs’ transparency/verifiability problem: the
voting part. The counting part remains an opaque operation. If anyone
suspects a counting error, there is no recourse, for an electronic
recount is, by definition, absurd. Some believe the VVPATs can solve
this problem too, through statistics.

At present, the EC’s VVPAT
auditing is restricted to one randomly chosen polling booth per
constituency. In a recent essay, K. Ashok Vardhan Shetty, a former IAS
officer, demonstrates that this sample size will fail to detect faulty
EVMs 98-99% of the time. He also shows that VVPATs can be an effective
deterrent to fraud only on the condition that the detection of even one
faulty EVM in a constituency must entail the VVPAT hand-counting of all
the EVMs in that constituency. Without this proviso, VVPATs would merely
provide the sheen of integrity without its substance.

The third
criterion is secrecy. Here too, EVMs disappoint. With the paper ballot,
the EC could mix ballot papers from different booths before counting, so
that voting preferences could not be connected to a given locality. But
with EVMs, we are back to booth-wise counting, which allows one to
discern voting patterns and renders marginalised communities vulnerable
to pressure. Totaliser machines can remedy this, but the EC has shown no
intent to adopt them.

So, on all three counts — transparency,
verifiability and secrecy — EVMs are flawed. VVPATs are not the answer
either, given the sheer magnitude of the logistical challenges. The
recent track record of EVMs indicates that the number of malfunctions in
a national election will be high. For that very reason, the EC is
unlikely to adopt a policy of hand-counting all EVMs in constituencies
where faulty machines are reported, as this might entail hand-counting
on a scale that defeats the very purpose of EVMs. And yet, this is a
principle without which the use of VVPATs is meaningless.
Unjustified suspicions

these issues, EVMs continue to enjoy the confidence of the EC, which
insists that Indian EVMs, unlike the Western ones, are tamper-proof. But
this is a matter of trust. Even if the software has been burnt into the
microchip, neither the EC nor the voter knows for sure what software is
running in a particular EVM. One has to simply trust the manufacturer
and the EC. But as the German court observed, the precondition of this
trust is the verifiability of election events, whereas in the case of
EVMs, “the calculation of the election result is based on a calculation
act which cannot be examined from outside”.

While it is true that
the results come quicker and the process is cheaper with EVMs as
compared to paper ballot, both these considerations are undeniably
secondary to the integrity of the election. Another argument made in
favour of the EVM is that it eliminates malpractices such as
booth-capturing and ballot-box stuffing. In the age of the smartphone,
however, the opportunity costs of ballot-box-stuffing and the risk of
exposure are prohibitively high. In contrast, tampering with code could
accomplish rigging on a scale unimaginable for booth-capturers.
Moreover, it is nearly impossible to detect EVM-tampering. As a result,
suspicions of tampering in the tallying of votes — as opposed to
malfunction in registering the votes, which alone is detectable — are
destined to remain in the realm of speculation. The absence of proven
fraud might save the EVM for now, but its survival comes at a dangerous
cost — the corrosion of people’s faith in the electoral process.

there doesn’t have to be incontrovertible evidence of EVM-tampering for
a nation to return to paper ballot. Suspicion is enough, and there is
enough of it already. As the German court put it, “The democratic
legitimacy of the election demands that the election events be
controllable so that… unjustified suspicion can be refuted.” The
phrase “unjustified suspicion” is pertinent. The EC has always
maintained that suspicions against EVMs are unjustified. Clearly, the
solution is not to dismiss EVM-sceptics as ignorant technophobes.
Rather, the EC is obliged to provide the people of India a polling
process capable of refuting unjustified suspicion, as this is a basic
requirement for democratic legitimacy, not an optional accessory. An
attempt is being made to E-file in the Honorable Supreme Court to go for
fresh polls with Ballot Papers. 99.9% All Aboriginal Awaked Societies
are aware of the fact that the chitpavan brahmins from Bene Israel
origin full of hatred, anger, jealousy, delusion that are defilement of
mind require mental treatment in mental asylums in Bene Israel. All
Awakened people must also attempt to E-file in Honourable Supreme Court
to conduct elections with Ballot Papers where the BJP will get only 0.1%
votes. Here is the attempt to E-file :
From Jagatheesan Chandraekharan

668, 5A Main Road, 8th Cross HAL III Stage,



The Registrar,
 Supreme Court of India,
 Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110201
 FAX 011-23381508,23381584
 e-mail :-

Honorable Sir,

I attempted  E-file registration without success.

This is what I am getting from
Supreme Court of India

|| यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः ||
Further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address.
No instructions have been sent to my email address.

I wish to send a request for Ballot Papers to be used in elections.
I may be permitted to send my case to your Honorable self through
or as advised by your kind self.
Thanking you’
With Regards
Yours Sincerly
J Chandrasekharan

29) Classical English,Roman,

Tipiṭaka (Mūla)
1. Brahmajālasuttaṃ
83) Classical Samoan-Samoan Samoa,
Tipiṭaka (Mūla)
1. Brahmajālasuttaeso
Brahmajala Sutra Sutra De La Red Suprema Develado por VM Principe Gurdjieff
Gnosis Budismo Profecias VM Principe Gurdjieff
Published on Apr 27, 2016
People & BlogsGnosis Budismo Profecias VM Principe Gurdjieff
Published on Apr 27, 2016
People & Blogs

84) Classical Scots Gaelic-Gàidhlig Albannach Clasaigeach,



Tipiṭaka (Mūla)
1. Brahmajālasuttaṃ

2hour Music Compilations
Published on Jun 27, 2017
Picture is “Edinburgh” by Fynal666 (

0:00:00 - Skipinnish - Walking On The Waves
0:04:01 - Siobhan Miller - The Ramblin’ Rover
0:06:53 - Hamish Imlach - Cod Liver Oil And Orange Juice
0:10:28 - John McCusker - Wee Michael’s March/ Poodle Girl/ Boys Of The Puddle
0:14:55 - Robyn Stapleton - The Two Sisters
0:18:15 - Kris Drever - The Call The The Answer
0:22:08 - The Mad Ferret Band - The Leaving Of Liverpool
0:25:50 - Skerryvore - Smile In The Stars
0:30:41 - Fiddlers’ Bid - The Sneug Water Waltz
0:35:34 - North Sea Gas - Kishorn Commandos
0:38:30 - The McCalmans - Lochs Of The Tay
0:42:12 - Claire Hastings - Let Ramensky Go
0:46:08 - Eddi Reader - My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose
0:49:53 - Breabach - Father Michael’s
0:55:15 - Skipinnish - The Island
0:59:02 - North Sea Gas - Harry Brewer
1:04:59 - Karen Matheson - The Diamond Ring
1:08:00 - The Paul McKenna Band - The Banks Of The Moy
1:11:50 - Simon Howie Scottish Dance Band - The Duran Ranger, The Borestone
1:14:10 - Ceol An Aire - Beeswing
1:17:48 - Gunna Sound Ceilidh Band - The Lights Of Lochindaal
1:20:18 - The Band Of The Scots Guards - The Highland Cradle Song
1:22:56 - Hamish Imlach - Goodbye Booze
1:26:02 - Skerryvore - Happy To Be Home (Feat. Sharon Shannon)
1:29:49 - Eddie Reader - Hummingbird
1:33:23 - The Mad Ferret Band - Lassies Of Edinburgh Toon
1:36:09 - Lori Watson - Maggie
1:41:17 - The McCalmans - Twa Recruitin Sergeants
1:44:32 - Gunna Sound Ceilidh Band - Sonny’s Dream
1:48:23 - Shelagh McDonald - Dowie Dens Of Yarrow
1:55:13 - Alasdair Gillies - Loch Marie Islands
1:57:13 - Skerryvore - The Ginger Grouse Jigs
2:01:38 - Eddie Reader - Wild Mountainside
2:05:31 - The McCalmans - Doon In The Wee Room
2:08:15 - Skipinnish - About You Now
Picture is “Edinburgh” by Fynal666 ( Tracklist: 0:00:00 -…
85) Classical Serbian-Класични српски,

Serbian Superstitions

Типитака (Мула)
1. Брахмајаласуттам
Serbian Superstitions
All cultures, all societies, all people through all time have had
superstitions. Don’t walk under a ladder, a black cat crossing your
path is bad luck, breaking a mirror means 7 years bad luck and so on.
The Serbs are no different of course. Although it’s not a superstition
by definition, but more of a wives tale, my favorite is “promaja”. A
lot of the superstitions I have come across are based more on etiquette
and social formalities than anything else. Looking someone in the eye
when toasting is the biggest. Don’t you dare fail to meet a Serbs gaze
if you are toasting and drinking with them, all kinds of smack will be
talked about you, probably right there at the table if you don’t speak
that language!

Here are
some of the more popular Serb superstitions that I have come across.
Feel free to add some more. I’m sure there are thousands. An
interesting note, of the 15 superstitions on this list only 3 have a
positive outcome. Quite the pessimistic bunch.

Some common Serbian superstitions:

– Hiccups are caused by people talking about you.

– If you whistle while in someone’s house (or your own), you will attract mice and rats.

– If you put on a t-shirt inside-out unwittingly, it means that someone is missing you.

– If you put on underwear inside-out by mistake, you’ll be followed by good luck.

– A loaf of bread must never be upside down, it brings misfortune.

– Leaving a bag or purse on the floor will cause you to lose money.

– Sitting at a corner-seat at of a table means you’ll remain single forever.

– Having long fingers means you’ll probably become a thief or that you’ll steal something.

– Having a v-shaped hairline on your forehead means you’ll be a widow (widow’s peak)

– If you bite your tongue or cheek by accident, your granny is planning to bake for you.

– Having your right palm itch means you will spend money soon, while
having your left palm itch means you’ll be getting money soon

– Always look into someone’s eyes when clinking glasses, failure will result in 7 disastrous years in the bedroom.

– Never say “Ziveli” (Cheers) with something that isn’t alcohol, i.e. water.

– Always take a sip from the glass after toasting before putting the glass back on the table.
cultures, all societies, all people through all time have had
superstitions. Don’t walk under a ladder, a black cat crossing your path
is bad luck, breaking a mirror means 7 years bad lu…

86) Classical Sesotho-Seserbia ea boholo-holo,
Tipiṭaka (Mūla)
1. Brahmajālasuttaṃ

87) Classical Shona-Shona Shona,
Tipiṭaka (Mūla)
1. Brahmajālasuttaṃ

Perubahan Jenis Kelamin “Cornelis Wowor, M.A.”
Dhamma Universal
Published on Feb 3, 2019
People & Blogs

88) Classical Sindhi,ٽوٽا ٽوڪ (Mūla)
سليڪ خندھگاپائي
1. Brahmajālasutta
89) Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල

ටිඅතිකා (මුල්ලා)
1. බ්රාහ්මාජ්ලාස්වුටා
බ්‍රහ්මජාල සූත්‍ර දේශණාව - Brahmajala Suthra [2013-08-04]

4:54 AM - 16 Mar 2019


[2013-08-04] පරම සත්‍යය​ පෙන්වා දුන් බුද්ධ පුත්‍ර අති ගෞරවනීය ‘’මීවනපලානේ සිරි ධම්මාලංකාර'’ ස්වාමින් වහන්සේ…….
විමසීම :

91) Classical Slovenian-Klasična slovenska,
Tipiṭaka (Mūla)

1. Brahmajālasuttaṃ

Dear visitors

Slovenia is a young country that gained its independence from
Yugoslavia in 1991. Yet this area had already been settled in very early
times. We like to “brag” that our part of the “Old Continent” is the
gate between the Mediterranean and Middle Europe: lying on the
south-eastern - sunny side of the Alps, touching the Adriatic Sea and
Italy in the west, and bordering the Dinaric Mountains and the Pannonian
Basin to the south and east. It is exactly here that the three
important European cultures come together: namely Slavic, Latin and

The area of today’s Slovenia has always been at the
crossroads of many different cultures. Thus, it offers us a time machine
with diverse historical heritage such as the world’s oldest wooden
wheel, which takes us back in time to the settlements dating back around
5 000 years! The remains of pile dwelling culture, the Škocjan Caves in
the Karst region and Idrija Mercury Mine even put us on the Unesco
World Heritage list! Currently, we are celebrating the 2 000th
anniversary of the foundation of Roman Ljubljana. Not to mention our
language which is part of the Slavic heritage! In addition, you can
still recognize the characteristics of Venetian and Hapsburg periods in
today’s way of life!

The remains of pile dwelling culture, the Škocjan karst caves and mercury mines even put us on the Unesco World Heritage list!

As a country, we have everything that the big ones have: the high Alps,
water valleys, the Pannonian plain and hilly landscapes with warm
thermal springs, the unique world of Karst, the Mediterranean Sea, a
rich natural and cultural heritage, numerous stories and legends – they
are all inviting you, the modern traveller, to stop in our part of

Take a few days and spend them with us. You will surely
be fascinated and convinced to stop for even longer the next time you

Travelling is the best investment!
Slovenia is a young country that gained its independence from Yugoslavia in…
92) Classical Somali-Soomaali qowmiyadeed,
Nigeria’s Classical Pianist, Omordia Set for Home-coming Performances
Tipiṭaka (Mūla)

1. Brahmajālasuttaṃ

Yinka Olatunbosun

Nigeria’s Classical pianist and 2009 Delius Prize Winner in
international piano competitions, Rebecca Omordia makes a grand return
to Nigeria this month. The music virtuoso is expected to perform in
Lagos and Abuja.

A masterclass for students of the MUSON School
of Music will hold on March 16 in Lagos while the next day, music buffs
will be serenaded by the soulful sounds of Omordia at the Agip Recital
Hall, MUSON Centre, Onikan, Lagos.

She will strike great notes in
Abuja where she is expected to perform at a recital organised by the
Romanian Embassy to celebrate Romanian’s presidency at the European

“It is very special to me performing in my fatherland,” the Nigerian-Romanian pianist said.

“Last year, the Nigerian audience made me feel like I truly belong
there. I am honoured to perform at MUSON, the very centre of classical
music in West Africa and happy to give a Masterclass to the talented
piano students of MUSON School of Music. I am very much looking forward
to performing for them again” she added.

Between March 2018 when
she first visited and now,she has done incredible works as an active
promoter of the Nigerian and African classical music genre.

CD “EKELE” released last year on Heritage Records, featuring works by
three Nigerian composers (Ayo Bankole, Christian Onyeji and Fred
Onovwerosuoke) was a huge success in the UK and Europe. It was also
featured by a newspaper in Italy and was described as an “appealing
album” (BBC Music Magazine), “fascinating programme” (Gramophone
Magazine) and “beautifully delivered recital” (The Sunday Times).

In February 2019, she launched as an Artistic Director, the first ever
African Concert Series at the October Gallery in London, in partnership
with the Institute of Music & Art AM15.

AMI5 appointed Rebeca
Omordia to curate a music programme that reflects the depth and
diversity of African Art Music, the richly diverse genre of music that
originated in Ghana and Nigeria which forms a bridge between Western
classical music and traditional African music.
Tipiṭaka (Mūla)
1. Brahmajālasuttaṃ

94) Classical Sundanese-Sunda Klasik,Tipiṭaka (Mūla)
1. Brahmajālasuttaṃ

Published on Feb 17, 2017

Intro Song Link - (Holi Holi By Mansi Negi)

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** FOR **

in 01) Classical Magahi Magadhi,
02) Classical Chandaso language,
03)Magadhi Prakrit,
04) Classical Hela Basa (Hela Language),
05) Classical Pali,
06) Classical Devanagari,Classical Hindi-Devanagari- शास्त्रीय हिंदी,

07) Classical Cyrillic
08) Classical Afrikaans– Klassieke Afrikaans

09) Classical Albanian-Shqiptare klasike,
10) Classical Amharic-አንጋፋዊ አማርኛ,
11) Classical Arabic-اللغة العربية الفصحى
12) Classical Armenian-դասական հայերեն,
13) Classical Azerbaijani- Klassik Azərbaycan,
14) Classical Basque- Euskal klasikoa,
15) Classical Belarusian-Класічная беларуская,
16) Classical Bengali-ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা,
17) Classical  Bosnian-Klasični bosanski,
18) Classical Bulgaria- Класически българск,
19) Classical  Catalan-Català clàssic
20) Classical Cebuano-Klase sa Sugbo,

21) Classical Chichewa-Chikale cha Chichewa,

22) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),

23) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體),

24) Classical Corsican-Corsa Corsicana,

25) Classical  Croatian-Klasična hrvatska,

26) Classical  Czech-Klasická čeština,
27) Classical  Danish-Klassisk dansk,Klassisk dansk,

28) Classical  Dutch- Klassiek Nederlands,
29) Classical English,Roman
30) Classical Esperanto-Klasika Esperanto,

31) Classical Estonian- klassikaline eesti keel,

32) Classical Filipino,
33) Classical Finnish- Klassinen suomalainen,

34) Classical French- Français classique,

35) Classical Frisian- Klassike Frysk,

36) Classical Galician-Clásico galego,
37) Classical Georgian-კლასიკური ქართული,

38) Classical German- Klassisches Deutsch,
39) Classical Greek-Κλασσικά Ελληνικά,
40) Classical Gujarati-ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી,
41) Classical Haitian Creole-Klasik kreyòl,

42) Classical Hausa-Hausa Hausa,
43) Classical Hawaiian-Hawaiian Hawaiian,

44) Classical Hebrew- עברית קלאסית
45) Classical Hmong- Lus Hmoob,

46) Classical Hungarian-Klasszikus magyar,

47) Classical Icelandic-Klassísk íslensku,
48) Classical Igbo,

49) Classical Indonesian-Bahasa Indonesia Klasik,

50) Classical Irish-Indinéisis Clasaiceach,
51) Classical Italian-Italiano classico,
52) Classical Japanese-古典的なイタリア語,
53) Classical Javanese-Klasik Jawa,
54) Classical Kannada- ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ,
55) Classical Kazakh-Классикалық қазақ,

56) Classical Khmer- ខ្មែរបុរាណ,
57) Classical Korean-고전 한국어,

58) Classical Kurdish (Kurmanji)-Kurdî (Kurmancî),

59) Classical Kyrgyz-Классикалык Кыргыз,
60) Classical Lao-ຄລາສສິກລາວ,
61) Classical Latin-LXII) Classical Latin,

62) Classical Latvian-Klasiskā latviešu valoda,

63) Classical Lithuanian-Klasikinė lietuvių kalba,

64) Classical Luxembourgish-Klassesch Lëtzebuergesch,

65) Classical Macedonian-Класичен македонски,
66) Classical Malagasy,
67) Classical Malay-Melayu Klasik,

68) Classical Malayalam-ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം,

69) Classical Maltese-Klassiku Malti,
70) Classical Maori-Maori Maori,
71) Classical Marathi-क्लासिकल माओरी,

72) Classical Mongolian-Сонгодог Монгол,

73) Classical Myanmar (Burmese)-Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ),

74) Classical Nepali-शास्त्रीय म्यांमार (बर्मा),
75) Classical Norwegian-Klassisk norsk,

76) Classical Pashto- ټولګی پښتو

77) Classical Persian-کلاسیک فارسی
78) Classical Polish-Język klasyczny polski,

79) Classical Portuguese-Português Clássico,
80) Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,
81) Classical Romanian-Clasic românesc,
82) Classical Russian-Классический русский,
83) Classical Samoan-Samoan Samoa,
84) Classical Scots Gaelic-Gàidhlig Albannach Clasaigeach,
85) Classical Serbian-Класични српски,
86) Classical Sesotho-Seserbia ea boholo-holo,
87) Classical Shona-Shona Shona,
88) Classical Sindhi,
89) Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල,

90) Classical Slovak-Klasický slovenský,
91) Classical Slovenian-Klasična slovenska,
92) Classical Somali-Soomaali qowmiyadeed,
93) Classical Spanish-Español clásico,
94) Classical Sundanese-Sunda Klasik,
95) Classical Swahili,
96) Classical Swedish-Klassisk svensk,
97) Classical Tajik-тоҷикӣ классикӣ,

98) Classical Tamil-பாரம்பரிய இசைத்தமிழ் செம்மொழி,
99) Classical Telugu- క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు,
100) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,
101) Classical Turkish-Klasik Türk,
102) Classical Ukrainian-Класичний український,
103) Classical Urdu- کلاسیکی اردو
104) Classical Uzbek-Klassik o’zbek,
105) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việt cổ điển,
106) Classical Welsh-Cymraeg Clasurol,
107) Classical Xhosa-IsiXhosa zesiXhosa,
108) Classical Yiddish- קלאסישע ייִדיש
109) Classical Yoruba-Yoruba Yoruba,
110) Classical Zulu-I-Classical Zulu


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