Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

July 2024
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LESSON 2985 Thu 9 May 2019 Tipitaka - DO GOOD BE MINDFUL is the Essence of the Words of the Awakened One with Awareness Tipitaka is the Voice of All Awakened Aboriginal Societies (VoAAAS) for welfare, happiness and peace on the path of Eternal Bliss as Final Goal MEDITATION PRACTICE in BUDDHA’S OWN WORDS Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta — Attendance on awareness — [ mahā+satipaṭṭhāna ] from Analytic Insight Net -Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online Tipiṭaka Law Research & Practice University
112 CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Paṭisambhidā Jāla-Abaddha Paripanti Tipiṭaka nīti Anvesanā ca Paricaya Nikhilavijjālaya ca ñātibhūta Pavatti Nissāya anto 112 Seṭṭhaganthāyatta Bhās through up a levelhttp://sarvajan.ambedkar.orgup a level Buddhasasana Buddha Sasana “In the Buddha you see clearly a man, simple, devout, alone, battling for light, a vivid human personality, not a myth. He too gave a message to mankind universal in character.” TIPITAKA BUDDHA SASANA KUSHINARA PARINIBBANA BHOOMI TBSKPB 668, 5A Main Road, 8th Cross HAL III Stage Bengaluru - 560075 Karnataka India Ph: 91 (080) 25203792 Email:,
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Posted by: site admin @ 6:57 pm
LESSON 2985 Thu 9 May  2019

Tipitaka - DO GOOD BE MINDFUL is the Essence of the Words of the Awakened One with Awareness

is the Voice of All Awakened Aboriginal Societies (VoAAAS) for welfare,
happiness and peace on the path of Eternal Bliss as Final Goal

Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta
— Attendance on awareness —
[ mahā+satipaṭṭhāna ]


Analytic Insight Net -Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online Tipiṭaka Law Research & Practice University

Paṭisambhidā Jāla-Abaddha Paripanti Tipiṭaka nīti Anvesanā ca

Paricaya Nikhilavijjālaya ca ñātibhūta Pavatti Nissāya anto 112 Seṭṭhaganthāyatta Bhās


up a levelhttp://sarvajan.ambedkar.orgup a level


Buddha Sasana

the Buddha you see clearly a man, simple, devout, alone, battling for
light, a vivid human personality, not a myth. He too gave a message to
mankind universal in character.”

5A Main Road, 8th Cross HAL III Stage Bengaluru - 560075 Karnataka
India Ph: 91 (080) 25203792 Email:,


Warmly welcome to all Parinibbana Fellowship
Address: 668, 5A Main Road, 8th Cross HAL III Stage Bengaluru -
560075 Karnataka India Ph: 91 (080) 25203792 Email:, http://

Tipitaka Buddha Sasana Kushinara Parinibbana Bhoomi founded in 2019.
It is a small Vihara located a few Kilo Meters from Maha Bodhi Society.
There is a small quiet meditative area but functions well. The
membership after Deeksha grows.
TBSKPB, as its name suggest, is of the Tipitaka tradition.Theravada Buddhism is characterized principally by drawing upon the

Aims & activities

To promote the teachings of the Buddha (Buddha
Sasana) by:

a) Providing, maintaining and supporting in accordance with the
principles of the Tipitaka -Theravada Vinaya, residential establishments for a
Monastic Sangha of persons who have undertaken the Rules of Training

b) Supporting lay people in the practice of the teachings of the Buddha Vacana in his own words - Tipitaka

Maha Bodhi Society

Bengaluru, India

2563rd Sacred Buddha Jayanti Celebration 2019“Cunda, that one who is himself sinking in the mud should pull out another who is sinking in the mud is impossible; that one who is not himself sinking in the mud should pull out another who is sinking in the mud is possible. The one who is himself untamed, undisciplined, [with defilements] unextinguished, should tame another, discipline him, and help extinguish [his defilements] is impossible; that one who is himself tamed, disciplined, [with defilements] extinguished, should tame another, dis

Buddhist GIF ☸️ All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?

12-05-2019 to 18-05-2019
11th May 2019 - Pindacarika
(Alms round in Bengaluru)

Maha Bodhi Society

14, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru - 560009, India

Mobile: 9731635108, 9343158020, 9845703702

Tel: 08022250684

Email:  Website :

To Commemorate the Three Great Events

Birth, Awakenment, and Mahaparinibbana of




Bodhi Saptaha - The Awakenment Week

Will be observed

From Sunday 12th May 2019 to Saturday 18th May 2019


is on 18th May 2019, Saturday

We cordially invite you to attend all the programs at

Maha Bodhi Society and other venues with family and friends.


President and Members,

Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru

11-05-2019                                                      Saturday


9:30 AM  - 11:00 AM

groups of monks will go for Pindacarika (Alms round to collect food) in
25 different areas of  Bengaluru. You may also offer dana of cooked
food to the monks when they are nearby your area. Please contact Upasaka
Kumat - 9845703702 to know the places where the monks will do
11-17 May 2019
7 days Meditation & Pabbajja course
Mahbodhi Dhammaduta Vihara, Meditation Center, Narasipura, Bengaluru
Led by Ven. Bhikkhu Sugatananda

31. Short life quotes of Buddha- “you only lose what you cling to.”

Buddha quotes about family

32. “when we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two
ways- Either by losing hope and falling into self-destructive habits or
by using the challenge to find our inner strength.”

Buddha quotes about ego

33. Buddha meditation quotes – “Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded.”

Buddha quotes death loved one

34. “Don’t rush anything. When the time is right, it’ll happen..”

Buddha quotes about calm

35. “The whole secret of existence is to have no fear.”

Buddha quotes about change

36. Real life quotes from Gautama Buddha – “Be kind to all creatures; this is the true religion.”

Buddha quotes about death

37. “Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.”

Buddha quotes about change

38. “No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”

Buddha quotes about life

39. “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if i have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”

buddha quotes on love and marriage

40. “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light”

lord buddha quotes about love

Fast FactsEssential FactsInteresting Facts
  1. Definition: Nontheistic religion based on the teachings of Buddha
  2. Synonym: Religion of Buddha, Way of Buddha
  3. Founder: Siddhartha Gautama, later known as Gautama Buddha or the Buddha
  4. Origin: 6th – 4th century BC
  5. Origin: India
  6. Types: Theravada, Mahayana
  7. Concepts: Nirvana, karma, samsara, dharma
  8. Beliefs: The Four Noble Truths, Middle Way, Three Marks of Existence
  9. Location: Asia
  10. History: Buddhist councils
  1. The Earliest Buddhist Monasteries Date Back to the 3rd Century BC
  2. The Four Noble Truths Lead to Nirvana
  3. Karma Is Not Just a Buddhist Concept
  4. The Concept of Trinity Is Also Present in Buddhism
  5. Buddha’s Teachings Were First Written 450 Years after His Death
  6. It Is Not Known Exactly When Siddhartha Gautama Was Born
  7. Buddha Is a Title Meaning “Awakened One”
  8. The Famous Philosopher Nietzsche Was a Strict Critic of Buddhism
  9. The Ten Precepts Are Rules Used in Buddhist Schools
  10. Buddhism Is Popular among Many Top Celebrities
Essential Facts
Interesting Facts

There Is No God in Buddhism

Buddhism facts reveal that Buddhism is defined as a nontheistic
religion, but the relationship of Buddhist teachings and god(s) is a
complicated one. Buddha himself rejected the existence of a creator
deity, but the notion of divinity is not incompatible with his
teachings. In fact, there are gods found in Buddhist teachings, but
these are considered to be inferior to Buddha and not necessarily wiser
than us.

In conclusion, the concept of god(s) exists in Buddhism, but is not
central to the religion, in contrast to Christianity, for example. While
most experts agree that this makes Buddhism a nontheistic religion,
there are also some who believe that naming Buddhism nontheistic is
overly simplistic…

The Ultimate Goal of Buddhism Is Reaching Nirvana

According to the Buddhist teachings, we are all prisoners of samsara,
the continuing cycle of death, re-birth and suffering. The highest goal
is to end this suffering by extinguishing three fires (passion,
ignorance and aversion) and thus attaining Nirvana. There are
differences among different schools of Buddhism in understanding
Nirvana, but all hold up the concept as one worth following.

The Path to Achieving Nirvana Is Following the Middle Way

In the first teaching following his awakening, the Buddha revealed
the Noble Eightfold Path (the Middle Way) as the way to achieve Nirvana.
The Middle Way is a path of moderation, avoiding the extremes of
sensual indulgence and self-mortification, consisting of eight factors:
right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right
livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration.

360 Million People Follow the Teachings of Buddha

Buddhism facts show that Buddhists account for about 6% of the
world’s population, making this the 4th biggest (in terms of followers)
religion in the world, following Christianity with 2 billion followers,
Islam with 1.3 billion followers and Hinduism with 0.9 billion
followers. It is also interesting to note that if the group of
nonreligious people (including agnostics) is added to the statistics,
Buddhism falls to 5th place.

Buddhism Is Not a Unified Religion

There are two traditional schools of Buddhism: Theravada (“The School
of the Elders”) and Mahayana (“The Great Vehicle”). They each interpret
certain aspects of Buddha’s teachings in their own way. While these two
branches of Buddhism are widely known, many people don’t know that
there is a third branch: Vajrayana (also known as Tantric Buddhism or
the Diamond Way). This is sometimes considered a part of Mahayana,
although it’s very different in various concepts.

Theravada is nowadays most popular in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia,
and is considered to be the largest branch, followed by approximately
56% of all Buddhists. Mahayana is most popular in East Asia, including
China and Japan, and is followed by roughly 38% of all Buddhists.
Vajrayana is practiced in Mongolia and Tibet and represents about 6% of
followers of the Buddha’s Way.

The Bodhi Tree Is the Main Sacred Object of Buddhism

The Bodhi Tree was a large sacred fig tree in India where Siddhartha
Gautama, on whose teachings Buddhism is founded, is believed to have
achieved enlightenment regarding the true nature of things (“Bodhi”).
Although the original Bodhi Tree doesn’t exist anymore, there are three
other holy Bodhi Trees that are believed to be propagated from the
original tree: Bodhi Tree at the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya, India,
the Anandabodhi tree in Sravasti, India, and the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi in
Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. Sacred fig trees are usually planted in the
vicinity of all Buddhist monasteries.

There Are 4 Main Pilgrimage Sites and 8 Great Places in Buddhism

The main pilgrimage sites are places where Gautama Buddha resided
during the most important periods of his life: Lumbini, Nepal (his
birthplace), Bodh Gaya, India (the place of his enlightenment), Sarnath,
India (the place of his first teaching) and Kusinara (the place of his

These 4 pilgrimage sites are also the first 4 of the 8 Great Places,
joined by the ancient cities of Sravasti, Rajgir, Sankassa and Vaishali,
where special historical miraculous events are reported to have taken

The Life of the Buddha Has Been Depicted in Dozens of Movies

Buddhism facts reveal that Gautama Buddha has inspired many
filmmakers over the last century, starting with Dadasaheb Phalke’s Lord
Buddha (originally “Buddhadev”) in 1923. The most famous of them, at
least to the Western audiences, is Bernardo Bertolucci’s Little Buddha
from 1993, featuring Bridget Fonda, Keanu Reeves and Chris Isaak.

There Is No Single Holy Book of Buddhism

Most religions are known for their central holy text, such as the
Bible for Christianity and Judaism, and the Quran for Islam, but
Buddhism has no such single writing. Instead, Buddhists consider the
buddhavacana (“the Word of the Buddha”), works believed to be original
Buddha’s teachings, as holy. Pali Canon, Kangyur, Taishō Tripiṭaka,
Mahayana Sutras, the Tibetan Book of the Dead and others thus all serve
as sacred texts of Buddhism for the various schools of Buddhism
practiced around the world.

Siddhartha Gautama Is Not the Only Buddha

Although Buddhism is based on his teachings, Buddhists believe there
were other Buddhas before him. Theravada Buddhism teaches of 28 Buddhas
(the last being Gautama Buddha, another 27 coming before him), while
Mahayana Buddhism also recognizes various other Buddhas of celestial
origin. However, they both believe that the next Buddha will be the one
named Maitreya (Metteyya).

The Earliest Buddhist Monasteries Date Back to the 3rd Century BC

These were not monasteries as we know them today, but sacred caves,
found in the Deccan Plateau area of India. But, by the 2nd century AD,
Buddhist monasteries, known as “Viharas” in India, already had a
standard structure, consisting of a walled quadrangular court that was
surrounded by small cells.

The Four Noble Truths Lead to Nirvana

The Truths are: all life is marked with suffering (the Truth of
Dukkha), suffering is caused by desire and attachment (the Truth of the
Origin of Dukkha), suffering can be eliminated (the Truth of the
Cessation of Dukkha), and following the Noble Eightfold path eliminates
suffering (the Truth of the Path of Liberation from Dukkha).

And yes, the term “Dukkha” means the all-present suffering that is the main “antagonist” in Buddhist teachings.

Karma Is Not Just a Buddhist Concept

Although it is one of central concepts in Buddhism, Karma is not
exclusive to the teachings of Buddha. It is also one of the key concepts
in Hinduism, Taoism, Jainism and Sikhism. And what does it mean? It
means action, work or deed, but in relation to religious teachings, it
means the spiritual principle of cause and effect, in which intents and
actions of an individual influence that individual’s future. In plain
terms: the more good one does, the better his life will be, and the more
evil one does, the worse his life will be.

The Concept of Trinity Is Also Present in Buddhism

Practically all Westerners know the Christian concept of the Trinity:
the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, but a similar concept is also
present in Buddhism – a religion that is often understood as being
nontheistic. The Buddhist trinity refers to the Three Jewels: the
Buddha, the Dharma (Buddha’s teachings) and the Sangha (the community of
Buddhists). Buddhism facts also reveal that people have been known to
notice some similarities between the two…

Buddha’s Teachings Were First Written 450 Years after His Death

In the first 400 years after Gautama Buddha’s life, they were
preserved only orally. They were first written down during the Fourth
Buddhist Council in Sri Lanka in 29 BC, and are nowadays known as the
Pali Canon or the Tipitaka.

It Is Not Known Exactly When Siddhartha Gautama Was Born

Buddhism facts show that the father of Buddhism was born either in
536 BC or in 480 BC. Similarly to his teachings, the details of his life
were also passed orally from generation to generation for the first few
centuries, and that is why there are no completely reliable sources
regarding the date of his birth. What is known for certain is that he
was born in Nepal.

Buddha Is a Title Meaning “Awakened One”

This also explains the fact that Buddhists believe there were many
Buddhas prior to Siddhartha Gautama. The term can be applied to anyone
who has awakened and realized the true nature of things, but according
to Buddhist teachings there have not been that many, since Gautama was
the last Buddha among us…

The Famous Philosopher Nietzsche Was a Strict Critic of Buddhism

According to Buddhism facts, Friedrich Nietzsche, the famous German
philosopher from the 19th century, has referred to Buddhism more than a
hundred times in his works. His main criticism was that Nirvana, the
ultimate goal of traditional Buddhist philosophy, is actually a form of

The Ten Precepts Are Rules Used in Buddhist Schools

According to Buddhism facts, they are based on the Five Precepts of
Buddhism, which constitute the basic ethics of the belief system, and
are designed to avert the monks from: killing living creatures,
stealing, unchastity, incorrect speech, taking intoxicants, eating at
inappropriate times, indulging in any forms of popular entertainment
(singing, dancing, etc.), wearing decorative accessories (perfume,
cosmetics, fashion accessories etc.), sitting on high chairs, sleeping
on soft beds, and accepting money.

Buddhism Is Popular among Many Top Celebrities

One of the most interesting Buddhism facts reveals that the religion
is nowadays considered very fashionable in Western societies, and many
top celebrities are known to follow (or try to follow) its teachings.
Kate Bosworth, Steven Seagal, Richard Gere, Tina Turner, Orlando Bloom,
Tiger Woods, Steve Jobs, Naomi Watts, Jack Kerouac and Sharon Stone are
just a few names on the very long list of American celebs who follow (or
have followed) the path to Nirvana…

Buddhism Facts— Facts about Buddhism Summary

Buddhism FactsBuddhism
is a 2,500-year-old religion and philosophy that originated in India,
but has spread through most of Asia and – to a lesser degree – to other
parts of the world. The fourth biggest religion in the world (by number
of followers), Buddhism is split into different schools, of which
Theravada and Mahayana are the most popular and wide-spread. The center
of Buddhism are the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, which see Nirvana
as the ultimate goal of existence. Nirvana is the stillness of mind,
devoid of cravings and delusions, which ends the suffering otherwise
present in all we do in life.

Circle-Vision 360°

A Circle-Vision 360° camera on display at the Walt Disney Family Museum

Circle-Vision 360° is a film technique, refined by The Walt Disney Company, that uses nine cameras for nine big screens arranged in a circle. The cameras are usually mounted on top of an automobile for scenes through cities and highways, while films such as The Timekeeper (1992 Disney attraction) use a static camera and many CGI effects. The first film was America the Beautiful (1955 version) in the Circarama theater, which had 11 projectors using 16mm film. And would become Circle-Vision in 1967, which has 9 projectors using 35mm film.

It is used for a few attractions at Disney theme parks, such as Epcot’s O Canada!, Reflections of China, and Disneyland’s defunct America the Beautiful (1967 version), Wonders of China, and American Journeys, which were housed in the Circle-Vision theater in Tomorrowland.
At the 2011 D23 Expo, Disneyland Resort President George Kalogridis
announced that CircleVision would be making a return to Disneyland Park
with a new presentation of America the Beautiful in CircleVision 360,
though it is not currently known where the film will be presented (as
the original theater was replaced with another attraction), and whether
this will be a version of the original film or a new film with the same
name and concept.

By using an odd number
of screens, and a small space between them, a projector may be placed
in each gap, projecting across the space to a screen. The screens and
projectors are arranged above head level, and lean rails may be provided
for viewers to hold or to lean against while standing and viewing the

Parks that use Circle-Vision technology
Disneyland Park

Magic Kingdom

  • Grand opening: November 25, 1971 (America The Beautiful)
  • Closing Date: February 26, 2006 (The Timekeeper)
  • Designer: Walt Disney Imagineering
  • Location: Tomorrowland
  • Formal Names of Attraction
    • Circle-Vision 360
    • Metropolis Science Center
  • List of Films Shown
    • America the Beautiful (1971-1974, 1975-1979)
    • Magic Carpet ‘Round the World (1974-1975, 1979-1984)
    • American Journeys (September 15, 1984 – January 9, 1994)
    • The Timekeeper (November 21, 1994 – February 26, 2006)
  • Former Sponsors
    • Monsanto (Carpets)
    • Black & Decker
  • Followed by

Tokyo Disneyland

  • Grand opening: April 15, 1983
  • Closed: September 1, 2002
  • Designer: Walt Disney Imagineering
  • Location: Tomorrowland
  • Formal Names of Attraction
    • Circle-Vision 360
    • Visionarium
  • List of Films Shown
    • Magic Carpet ‘Round the World
    • American Journeys
    • Visionarium (From Time to Time)
  • Sponsors
    • Fujifilm
Disneyland Paris

  • Grand opening: April 12, 1992
  • Closed: September 2004
  • Designer: Walt Disney Imagineering
  • Location: Discoveryland
  • Formal Name of Attraction
    • Le Visionarium
  • List of Films Shown
    • Le Visionarium
  • Sponsors
Other uses
Expo 64

  • Grand opening: April 30, 1964
  • Closed: October 25, 1964
  • Designer: Ernst A. Heiniger
  • Location: Transportation Pavilion, Expo 64, Lausanne
  • Formal Name of Attraction
    • “Magic of the rails, magie du rail, Zauber der Schiene”
  • Sponsors
  • Notes: It has been unseen since 1964.
Expo 67

The Expo 67 Telephone Pavilion
  • Grand opening: April 28, 1967
  • Closed: October 29, 1967
  • Designer: Walt Disney Imagineering
  • Location: Telephone Pavilion, Expo 67, Montreal
  • Formal Name of Attraction
    • “Canada 67″
  • List of Films Shown
    • Canada ‘67 – Directed by Robert Barclay. Description from the Expo’67 Guide book: “You’re on centre stage for the RCMP
      Musical Ride… on centre ice for hockey… on the track at the
      Stampede! CIRCLE-VISION 360° surrounds you with all the fun and
      excitement of Canada’s most thrilling events and its scenic beauty. And
      then, take your children to the Enchanted Forest…see exciting new
      communication services for the future… all in the Telephone Pavilion!”[1]
  • Sponsors
    • The Telephone Association of Canada
  • Notes: The “B-25″ airplane was used to film the aerial shots.[2]

is one of the rarest Circle-Vision movies, for except for a brief
appearance in January 1974 at Magic Kingdom during their “Salute to
Canada”, it has been unseen since 1967. The film was the inspiration
for the original “O Canada!” film that played at Epcot from 1982-2007.

  • Man and His World – after Expo 67
    In 1970 this theater became the USA Pavilion, presenting the film
    “America the Beautiful”, with a post-show exhibit of Americana including
    a well-guarded Moon rock.
Expo 86

  • Grand opening: May 2, 1986
  • Closed: October 13, 1986
  • Designer: ??
  • Location: Telecom Canada Pavilion, Expo 86, Vancouver
  • Formal Name of Attraction
    • “Telecom Canada”
  • Film Shown
    • “Portraits of Canada/Images du Canada”
  • Sponsors
  • Notes – Following Expo, the movie played temporarily at the Canada pavilion at EPCOT Center.

French cinematic pioneers toyed with the technology from 1884, leading to Cinéorama. Another system (developed in the 21st century) substantially similar is in use at the site of the Terracotta Army exhibit at Xian, China. The Badaling Great Wall near Beijing, China has a Circle-Vision theater featuring scenes from the Great Wall of China.

See also


  1. Official Expo 67 guide book, page 178. Toronto: Maclean-Hunter Publishing Co. Ltd., 1967.
  2. “Expo 67 - Plane used to film “Canada 67″ - Disney Circle Vision 360″.!-(film)

O Canada! (film)

O Canada! (film)

O’ Canada! is a Circle-Vision 360° movie at the Canada Pavilion at Epcot, within Epcot’s World Showcase at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. Its name derives from Canada’s national anthem. It showcases many images of Canada’s cities and sights, including Quebec, Ontario, the RCMP Musical Ride, the Calgary Stampede, Vancouver and Vancouver Harbour, the Ottawa River, and more.

The movie was filmed mostly during 1981 and has been in continuous
exhibition since that time, with an updated version released in 2007.


The attraction was inspired by the popular Circle-Vision 360° documentary film Canada ‘67, shown at the Telephone pavilion during Expo 67,
created by Canadian film director Robert Barclay. The Disney version
was described by Barclay as “a superficial, glib look at the country”.

The following excerpt shows the similarities between the two films:
the official Expo ‘67 Guide Book described some of the “Canada ‘67″ documentary film’s many scenes: “You’re on centre stage for the RCMP Musical Ride… on centre ice for hockey… on the track at the Stampede! CIRCLE-VISION 360° surrounds you with all the fun and excitement of Canada’s most thrilling events and its scenic beauty“.[1][2]

Footage for the RCMP musical ride was shot in Rockcliffe Park,
located between the Rockcliffe Parkway and Hillsdale Road in the village
of Rockcliffe Park and not at the RCMP stables located close by on
Sandridge Rd.

The Canada ‘67 film also presented a bobsled hurtling down a steep ice track at the Quebec Winter Carnival, along with many other events and scenes iconic to the country.[3] Viewers in the audience occasionally experienced vertigo after one particularly dramatic sequence filmed over Niagara Falls.[4]

2007 update

On August 6, 2007, the original exhibition of
O’ Canada! closed. On September 1, 2007, the new Circle-Vision 360 film
debuted at the Canada Pavilion, made in part in response to a seven-year
campaign by the Canadian Tourism Commission due to a steady stream of complaints over the years about the dated representation of Canada.[5] O’ Canada is primarily narrated by Martin Short, after he makes the original narrator (Corey Burton) angry enough to quit during an argument over the latter’s inaccurate portrayal of Canada.

The newer version of O’ Canada! includes updated footage of Canada’s cities and natural features, including Niagara Falls. The song “Canada (You’re a Lifetime Journey)” has been re-recorded by Eva Avila, the winner of the fourth season of Canadian Idol.[6]

See also


  1. “Official Expo 67 Guide Book: Telephone Pavilion”, Maclean-Hunter Publishing Co. Ltd., 1967, pg.178.
  2. Expo 67 Circle Vision 360, Expo 67 In Montreal website. Retrieved August 12, 2011.
  3. Gagnon, Monika Kin. Reconstructing Two Immersive Multimedia Pavilions from Expo ‘67: The Christian Pavilion and the Telephone Pavilion, Concordia University, April 25, 2009. (PDF)
  4. Anderson, David & Gosselin, Viviane. Private and Public Memories of Expo 67: A Case Study of Recollections of Montreal’s World’s Fair, 40 Years After the Event, University of British Columbia, 2008, pg.8. (PDF)
  5. “O’ Canada!”.
  6. “ - O’ Canada! film update in the works”.

External links

What would make a good meditation tent?

yes! Check out the Clam (brand) screen tent. I got the circular one
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