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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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LESSON 3005 Wed 29 May 2019 Tipitaka - DO GOOD BE MINDFUL is the Essence of the Words of the Awakened One with Awareness Tipitaka is the MEDITATION PRACTICE in BUDDHA’S OWN WORDS for welfare, happiness and peace on the path of Eternal Bliss as Final Goal Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta — Attendance on awareness — [ mahā+satipaṭṭhāna ] from Analytic Insight Net -Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online Tipiṭaka Law Research & Practice University
112 CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Paṭisambhidā Jāla-Abaddha Paripanti Tipiṭaka nīti Anvesanā ca Paricaya Nikhilavijjālaya ca ñātibhūta Pavatti Nissāya anto 112 Seṭṭhaganthāyatta Bhās through up a levelhttp://sarvajan.ambedkar.orgup a level Buddhasasana “In the Buddha you see clearly a man, simple, devout, alone, battling for light, a vivid human personality, not a myth. He too gave a message to mankind universal in character.” TIPITAKA BUDDHA SASANA KUSHINARA PARINIBBANA BHOOMI TBSKPB 668, 5A Main Road, 8th Cross HAL III Stage Bengaluru - 560075 Karnataka India Ph: 91 (080) 25203792 Email:, Voice of All Awakened Aboriginal Societies (VoAAAS) 108 Buddha Quotes on Meditation, Spirituality, and Happiness in 30) Classical Esperanto-Klasika Esperanto,31) Classical Estonian- klassikaline eesti keel,32) Classical Filipino,33) Classical Finnish- Klassinen suomalainen,34) Classical French- Français classique,35) Classical Frisian- Klassike Frysk, 36) Classical Galician-Clásico galego,37) Classical Georgian-კლასიკური ქართული,38) Classical German- Klassisches Deutsch,39) Classical Greek-Κλασσικά Ελληνικά,
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Posted by: site admin @ 5:50 pm

LESSON 3005 Wed 29 May 2019

Tipitaka - DO GOOD BE MINDFUL is the
Essence of the Words of the Awakened One with Awareness

Tipitaka is the
MEDITATION PRACTICE in BUDDHA’S OWN WORDS for welfare, happiness and
peace on the path of Eternal Bliss as Final Goal

Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta —
Attendance on awareness — [ mahā+satipaṭṭhāna ]


Analytic Insight Net -Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online Tipiṭaka Law Research & Practice University

Paṭisambhidā Jāla-Abaddha Paripanti Tipiṭaka nīti Anvesanā ca

Paricaya Nikhilavijjālaya ca ñātibhūta Pavatti Nissāya anto 112 Seṭṭhaganthāyatta Bhās


up a levelhttp://sarvajan.ambedkar.orgup a level


the Buddha you see clearly a man, simple, devout, alone, battling for
light, a vivid human personality, not a myth. He too gave a message to
mankind universal in character.”

5A Main Road, 8th Cross HAL III Stage Bengaluru - 560075 Karnataka
India Ph: 91 (080) 25203792 Email:,

in 30) Classical Esperanto-Klasika Esperanto,31) Classical Estonian- klassikaline eesti keel,32) Classical Filipino,33) Classical Finnish- Klassinen suomalainen,

34) Classical French- Français classique,35) Classical Frisian- Klassike Frysk,36) Classical Galician-Clásico galego,37) Classical Georgian-კლასიკური ქართული,38) Classical German- Klassisches Deutsch,39) Classical Greek-Κλασσικά Ελληνικά,

30) Klasika Esperanto-Klasika Esperanto,
3D Animation Short Film - Monkey Symphony - Full Animated Movies HD
3D Animation Short Film - Monkey Symphony - Full Animated Movies HD
The Kids Club - Children’s Music
Published on Oct 20, 2014
3D Animation Short Film - Monkey Symphony - Full Animated Movies HD: In
a world where the monkeys are music-lovers, two young chimpanzees are
separated by a musical dispute… Give us a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more
videos :-)

Realisateurs / Directors : Maxime Baudin, Mélanie Fumey, Julien Gauthier, Samuel Gonon.

Interns animators : Lou THOMAS and Matthias BRUGET

Music by : Pierre-Yves PLAT and Maxime BAUDIN.

Voices by :
The Gorilla : Gérard RAUCOULES
Teachers : Brenda ROULE and Isabelle TEISSEDRE

Recording and Sound Design by : José VICENTE - Studio des Aviateurs

Contacts :

Maxime Baudin :
Mélanie Fumey :
Julien Gauthier :
Samuel Gonon :
Pierre-Yves Plat :

Film d’animation réalisé dans le cadre de la formation cinéma d’animation 3D de l’école ESMA (promo 2013).

© ESMA - Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques

The film is licensed under a Creative Commons license: Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)




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La sekvaj 108 budhismaj citaĵoj enkorpigas la emfazon de spirita ĉefo al kompato, paco kaj feliĉo.

Budho Citas sur Vivo

“Estas pli bone konkeri vin ol gajni mil batalojn. Tiam la venko estas via. I ne povas esti prenita de vi. ”-Buddha

“Se vi scius, kion mi scias pri la forto doni al vi, ne lasus ke unika manĝo pasu sen dividi ĝin iel.”

“Lernu ĉi tion el akvo: laŭtaj plaŭdadoj la rivereto sed la oceanaj profundoj estas trankvilaj.”

“Mi neniam vidas, kion oni faris; Mi nur vidas, kio restas por fari. “
“Vi nur perdas, kion vi alkroĉas al vi.”

“La pasinteco estas jam for, la estonteco ankoraŭ ne venis ĉi tien. Nur unu momento vi povas vivi. “

“La problemo estas, ke vi pensas ke vi havas tempon.”

“Dum vi marŝas kaj manĝas kaj vojaĝas, restu kie vi estas. Alie vi maltrafos la plej grandan parton de via vivo. ”-Buddha

“Via laboro estas malkovri vian laboron kaj tiam kun via tuta koro por doni al vi mem.”

nenion, negrave kie vi legis ĝin, aŭ kiu diris ĝin, negrave ĉu mi diris
ĝin, krom se ĝi konsentas kun via propra kialo kaj via propra komuna

“La lingvo kiel akra tranĉilo … Mortigas sen desegni sangon.”

ĉi tiun trioblan veron al ĉiuj: sindona koro, bonkora parolado, kaj
serva vivo kaj kompatemo estas la aferoj, kiuj renovigas la homaron.”

“Ĉiu homo estas la aŭtoro de sia propra sano aŭ malsano.” -Buddha

“Abstini de mensogado estas esence sana.”

“Evitu malbonajn agojn, kiel homo amanta vivon evitas venenon.”

Budho Citaĵoj pri Meditado

“Teni koleron estas kiel trinki venenon kaj atendi, ke la alia persono mortos.”

“Kion vi pensas, vi fariĝis. Kion vi sentas, vi allogas. Kion vi imagas, vi kreas. “

alportas saĝon; manko de meditado lasas nescion. Sciu bone, kio
kondukas vin antaŭen kaj kio retenas vin, kaj elektu la vojon, kiu
kondukas al saĝo. ”-Buddha

“Nur du eraroj povas fari laŭ la vojo al la vero; ne iri la tutan vojon, kaj ne komenciĝi. “

“Neniu savas nin krom ni. Neniu povas kaj neniu povas. Ni mem devas marŝi laŭ la vojo. “

la pensoj de viro estas ŝlimaj, se li estas senzorga kaj plena de
trompo, kiel li povas porti la flavan robon?” Kiu ajn estas mastro de
sia propra naturo, Brila, klara kaj vera, Li eble portos la flavan
robon. “
“La kolero neniam malaperos tiel longe, kiel pensoj de
rankoro estas en la menso karaj. Kolero malaperos tuj kiam pensoj pri
rankoro estas forgesitaj. “

“Via korpo estas valora. I estas nia veturilo por vekiĝi. Traktu ĝin zorge. ”-Buddha

baldaŭ la korpo estas forĵetita, do kion ĝi sentas? Senutila
lignotabulo, ĝi kuŝas sur la tero, do kion ĝi scias? Via plej malbona
malamiko ne povas damaĝi vin tiel kiel viajn proprajn pensojn,
neglektitaj. Sed iam regita, neniu povas helpi vin tiel, eĉ via patro aŭ
via patrino. “

“Oni devas strebi kompreni, kio estas sub la suferoj kaj malsanoj - kaj celi sanon kaj bonfarton dum ĝi gajnas la vojon.”

vi estas sufiĉe kvieta, vi aŭdos la fluon de la universo. Vi sentos
ĝian ritmon. Iru kun ĉi tiu fluo. Estu feliĉa feliĉo. Meditado estas
ŝlosilo. “

Budho Citas pri Paco

“Pli ol ol kavaj vortoj, estas unu vorto, kiu alportas pacon.” -Buddha

“Paco venas de interne. Ne serĉu ĝin sen ĝi. “

“Tiuj, kiuj havas malagrablaĵojn, certe trovos pacon.”

“Devas esti malbona por ke bono povu pruvi sian purecon super ĝi. “

“Konkeri sin estas pli granda tasko ol konkeri aliajn.”

tuta sekreto de ekzisto ne havas timon. Neniam timu, kio fariĝos de vi,
dependu de neniu. Nur la momento, kiam vi malakceptas ĉiun helpon, vi
estas liberigita. “

“Metu vian koron en farado de bono. Faru ĝin plurfoje kaj vi estos plena de ĝojo. ”-Buddha

“Ĉio, kiu havas komencon, havas finon. Pacigu vin kun tio kaj ĉio estos bona. “

“La radiko de sufero estas alligitaĵo.”

Budho Citaĵoj pri Spiriteco

“Vi ne povas vojaĝi laŭ la vojo ĝis vi fariĝis la vojo mem.”

“Tri aferoj ne povas esti longe kaŝitaj: la suno, la luno kaj la vero.” -Buddha

“La sola vera fiasko en la vivo estas ne esti fidela al la plej bona, kiun oni scias.”

“Puro aŭ malpureco dependas de si mem. Neniu povas purigi alian. “

“Tamen multaj sanktaj vortoj, kiujn vi legas, kvankam multaj vi parolas, kian bonon ili faros al vi, se vi ne agos kontraŭ ili?”

“Se vi lumigas lampon por iu, ĝi ankaŭ heligos vian vojon.” -Buddha

“Se ni povus vidi la miraklon de unu sola floro klare, nia tuta vivo ŝanĝiĝus. “

“Tiuj, kiuj malsukcesis pri la vero, maltrafis la vivon.”

“En aparta kuŝas la plej granda mizero de la mondo; en kompatemo kuŝas la vera vera forto de la mondo. “

“Se vi ne trovos iun, kiu subtenos vin sur la spirita vojo, iru sola. Estas nenia kunuleco kun la nematurulo. “

“Laboru vian propran savon. Ne dependu de aliaj. “

“Tamen multaj sanktaj vortoj, kiujn vi legas, kvankam multaj vi parolas, kian bonon ili faros al vi, se vi ne faros

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31) Classical Estonian- klassikaline eesti keel,
Top 22 Gautama Buddha Quotes on Life, Peace and Mindfulness
vivek kumar
Published on Oct 23, 2017
Best 22 Gautama Buddha inspirational thoughts on Life, Meditation, Peace and Spirituality.

Howto & Style
Best 22 Gautama Buddha inspirational thoughts on Life, Meditation, Peace and Spirituality. …………………….…

31) Klassikaline eesti- klassikaline eesti keel,

Järgmised 108 Buddha hinnapakkumist kehastavad vaimse juhi rõhku kaastunnet, rahu ja õnne.

Buddha tsitaadid elust

„Parem on ennast vallutada kui tuhat lahingut võita. Siis on võit sinu oma. Seda ei saa sinult võtta. ”-Buddha

„Kui sa teadsid, mida ma tean, et sa annad, siis ei lase ühel söögikorral ilma seda mingil viisil jagada.”

“Õpi seda veest: valju pritsib oja, kuid ookeanide sügavus on rahulik.”

„Ma ei näe kunagi seda, mida on tehtud; Ma näen ainult seda, mida veel teha tuleb. ”
“Sa kaotad ainult selle, mida sa kinni jäävad.”

„Minevik on juba kadunud, tulevik pole veel siin. Teil on vaid üks hetk, et elada. ”

“Probleem on, sa arvad, et teil on aega.”

„Kui te kõndite ja sööte ja reisite, olge seal, kus sa oled. Vastasel juhul jääte enamiku oma elust maha. ”-Buddha

„Teie töö on avastada oma tööd ja siis kogu oma südamega, et anda sellele endale.”

midagi, olenemata sellest, kus te seda lugesite või kes seda ütlesid,
olenemata sellest, kas ma olen seda öelnud, välja arvatud juhul, kui ta
nõustub teie enda ja oma mõistusega.”

“Keel nagu terav nuga … tapab ilma vere tõmbamata.”

„Õpetage seda kolmekordset tõde kõigile: helde süda, lahke kõne ja teenimise ja kaastunde elu on inimkonna uuendamise asjad.”

„Iga inimene on tema enda tervise või haiguse autor.” -Buddha

“Valetamisest hoidumine on sisuliselt tervislik.”

„Vältige kurja tegusid, sest inimene, kes armastab elu, väldib mürki.”

Buddha tsitaadid meditatsiooni kohta

“Viha viimine on nagu mürgine joomine ja teine ​​inimene sureb.”

„Mis sa arvad, sa muutud. Mis te tunnete, meelitad. Mida te kujutate, loote.

toob tarkust; meditatsiooni puudumine jätab teadmatuse. Tea hästi, mis
viib teid edasi ja mis sind tagasi hoiab ning valib tee, mis viib
tarkuse juurde. ”-Buddha

„Tõe poole on võimalik teha ainult kaks viga; ei lähe kogu tee ja ei käivitu. “

„Keegi ei päästa meid, vaid ise. Keegi ei saa ja keegi ei saa. Me ise peame kõndima. ”

inimese mõtted on mudased, kui ta on hoolimatu ja täis pettust, siis
kuidas ta võib kanda kollast tooni? Kes iganes on oma olemuse
meisterlik, särav, selge ja tõeline, võib ta tõesti kanda ka kollast
riiet. “
„Viha ei kao kunagi nii kaua, kui mõtetes pahameelt mõtlevad. Viha kaob kohe, kui pahameeltest unustatakse. “

„Teie keha on väärtuslik. See on meie ärkamisauto. Ravige seda ettevaatlikult. ”-Buddha

peagi keha ära visatakse, siis mida see tunneb? Kasutamatu puukalk, see
asub maapinnal, siis mida see teab? Teie halvim vaenlane ei saa teid
kahjustada nii palju kui teie enda mõtted, valvamata. Aga kui üks on
õppinud, ei saa keegi sind nii palju aidata, isegi mitte oma isa ega
ema. ”

„Peaksime püüdma mõista, mis kannab kannatusi ja haigusi, ning püüdlema tee poole tervise ja heaolu poole.”

oled piisavalt vaikne, kuulete universumi voolu. Sa tunned selle rütmi.
Mine selle vooluga. Õnn on ees. Meditatsioon on võti. “

Buddha tsitaadid rahu kohta

“Parem kui tuhat õõnes sõna on üks sõna, mis toob rahu.” -Buddha

„Rahu pärineb seestpoolt. Ärge otsige seda ilma. ”

“Need, kes on vabad pahameeltest, leiavad kindlasti rahu.”

„Seal peab olema kurjus, et hea saaks tõestada selle puhtust. “

“Enese vallutamiseks on suurem ülesanne kui teiste vallutamine.”

eksistentsi saladus pole hirmuta. Ärge kunagi kartke, mis sinust saab,
ei sõltu keegi. Ainult hetk, mil te kõik abi tagasi lükate, vabaneb. ”

„Seadke oma süda heale. Tehke seda ikka ja jälle ja te olete täis rõõmu. ”-Buddha

„Kõik, millel on algus, on lõppenud. Tehke oma rahu sellega ja kõik on hästi. “

„Kannatuste juur on arestimine.”

Buddha tsitaadid vaimsusest

„Te ei saa teed mööda sõita, kuni olete saanud tee ise.”

„Kolm asja ei saa olla pikka aega peidetud: päike, kuu ja tõde.” -Buddha

„Ainus tõeline ebaõnnestumine elus ei ole mitte olla õige kõige paremale.”

„Puhtus või lisand sõltub iseendast. Keegi ei saa teist puhastada. ”

„Kuid palju lugeda kuuluvaid pühi sõnu, aga paljud, kellest sa räägid, mis hea tahtmine on, kui sa seda ei tee?

„Kui valgustate lambi kellegi jaoks, siis see ka teie teed valgustab.” -Buddha

„Kui me saaksime näha ühe lilli ime selgelt, muutuks kogu meie elu. “

“Need, kes ei ole tõe poole töötanud, on elamise eesmärgi ära võtnud.”

„Eraldatavuses on maailma suurim viletsus; kaastunde all peitub maailma tõeline tugevus. ”

„Kui te ei leia kedagi, kes teid vaimulikul teel toetaks, üksi. Puudub ebaküpsuse kaaslane. ”

„Töötage välja oma päästmine. Ära sõltu teistest. ”

„Paljud pühad sõnad, mida sa loed, aga paljud, kellest sa räägid, mida head teed teed, kui sa seda ei tee

32) Classical Filipino,

Lord Buddha - Animation Film - The Power of Life
Lord Buddha - Animation Film - The Power of Life
Geethanjali Kids - Rhymes and Stories
Published on Jan 24, 2012
Lord Buddha - The Power of Life: Buddha reveals the power of love by
reforming Angulimala, a terrible killer. The calm and compassionate face
of the Buddha is known all over the world. Buddha was a spiritual
teacher of ancient India whose great ideas on freeing mankind from
sorrow and suffering form the basis of Buddhism.
Buddha was born in the sixth century B.C into a royal family. Known as
Siddhartha, he realized that human life was short and full of sadness.
He found out a path to Enlightenment and spiritual fulfillment. He was
then known as the distances teaching people about ?the MIDDLE PATH?, the
way to end to suffering. He taught the four Noble Truths of suffering,
cause of suffering, end of suffering, and the Path to do that Buddhism
offers hope and access to spiritual understanding and satisfaction to
everybody. Throughout the world today, people still follow the teaching
of the Buddha.

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Lord Buddha - The Power of Life: Buddha reveals the power of love by reforming Angulimala, a terrible…

32) Classical Filipino,

mga sumusunod na 108 na quote ng Buddha ay nagtataglay ng diin ng
espirituwal na lider sa kahabagan, kapayapaan at kaligayahan.

Buddha Quote sa Buhay

mabuti na lupigin ang iyong sarili kaysa sa manalo ng isang libong
laban. Kung gayon ang tagumpay mo. Hindi ito maaaring makuha mula sa
iyo. “-Buddha

“Kung alam mo kung ano ang alam ko tungkol sa
kapangyarihan ng pagbibigay sa iyo ay hindi ipaalam sa isang solong
pagkain pass nang hindi ibinahagi ito sa ilang mga paraan.”

“Dagdagan ang mga ito mula sa tubig: malakas na splashes ang sapa ngunit ang karagatan ng kalaliman ay kalmado.”

“Hindi ko makita kung ano ang nagawa; Nakita ko lamang kung ano ang nananatiling tapos na. “
“Nawalan ka lang ng kung ano ang kumapit mo.”

“Ang nakaraan ay wala na, ang hinaharap ay hindi pa narito. Mayroon lamang isang sandali para mabuhay ka. “

“Ang problema ay, sa palagay mo ay may oras ka.”

“Habang naglalakad ka at kumakain at naglalakbay, kung nasaan ka. Kung hindi, mawawala mo ang karamihan sa iyong buhay. “-Buddha

iyong trabaho ay upang matuklasan ang iyong trabaho at pagkatapos ay sa
iyong buong puso upang bigyan ang iyong sarili dito.”

kang maniwala, kahit na kung saan mo binabasa ito, o kung sino ang
nagsabi nito, kahit na sinabi ko ito, maliban kung sumasang-ayon ito sa
iyong sariling dahilan at ang iyong sariling pag-iisip.”

“Ang dila tulad ng isang matalim kutsilyo … Kills walang pagguhit ng dugo.”

ang triple truth sa lahat: Ang isang mapagbigay na puso, mabait na
pananalita, at isang buhay ng serbisyo at pakikiramay ang mga bagay na
nag-renew ng sangkatauhan.”

“Ang bawat tao ay ang may-akda ng kanyang sariling kalusugan o sakit.” -Buddha

“Ang abstain mula sa pagsisinungaling ay mahalagang bagay.”

“Iwasan ang masasamang gawa bilang isang taong nagmamahal sa buhay na nag-iwas sa lason.”

Buddha Quote sa Meditasyon

“Ang pagpindot sa galit ay tulad ng pag-inom ng lason at umaasa na mamatay ang iba.”

“Ano sa tingin mo, naging. Ano ang nararamdaman mo, naaakit ka. Kung ano ang naiisip mo, lumilikha ka. “

pagmumuni ay nagdudulot ng karunungan; Ang kawalan ng pagmumuni-muni ay
nag-iiwan ng kamangmangan. Alamin kung ano ang humahantong sa iyo
pasulong at kung ano ang humahawak sa iyo pabalik, at piliin ang landas
na humahantong sa karunungan. “-Buddha

“Mayroong dalawang
pagkakamali lamang ang makagagawa ng daan patungo sa katotohanan; hindi
pagpunta sa lahat ng paraan, at hindi nagsisimula. “

sinuman ang nagliligtas sa atin kundi sa ating sarili. Walang sinuman
ang maaari at walang sinuman. Dapat tayong maglakad sa landas. “

ang mga saloobin ng isang tao ay maputik, Kung siya ay walang ingat at
puno ng panlilinlang, Paano siya magsuot ng dilaw na balabal? Sinumang
master ng kanyang sariling likas na katangian, Maliwanag, malinaw at
totoo, maaaring Siya talaga magsuot ng dilaw na balabal. “
“Ang galit
ay hindi kailanman mawawala hangga’t ang mga saloobin ng sama ng loob
ay itinuturing sa isip. Ang galit ay mawawala sa lalong madaling
nakalimutan ang saloobin ng sama ng loob. “

“Ang iyong katawan ay mahalaga. Ito ang aming sasakyan para sa paggising. Tratuhin ito nang may pag-iingat. “-Buddha

lalong madaling panahon ang katawan ay itinapon, Kung gayon ano ang
nararamdaman nito? Isang walang silbi log ng kahoy, ito ay namamalagi sa
lupa, At kung ano ang alam nito? Ang iyong pinakamasama kaaway ay hindi
maaaring makapinsala sa iyo Hangga’t ang iyong sariling mga saloobin,
walang pananggalang. Ngunit sa sandaling pinagkadalubhasaan, Walang
sinuman ang makatutulong sa iyo, Hindi kahit na ang iyong ama o ang
iyong ina. “

“Dapat magsikap ang isa upang maunawaan kung ano ang
nagtataglay ng mga pagdurusa at sakit - at layunin para sa kalusugan at
kagalingan habang nakakakuha sa landas.”

“Kung ikaw ay sapat na
tahimik, maririnig mo ang daloy ng uniberso. Nadarama mo ang ritmo nito.
Pumunta sa daloy na ito. Ang kaligayahan ay nangunguna. Ang pagninilay
ay susi. “

Buddha Quote sa Kapayapaan

“Mas mahusay kaysa sa isang libong guwang na salita, ay isang salita na nagdudulot ng kapayapaan.” -Buddha

“Ang kapayapaan ay nagmumula sa loob. Huwag hahanapin ito nang wala. “

“Ang mga walang malay na saloobin ay tiyak na makakatagpo ng kapayapaan.”

“Mayroong kasamaan upang ang kabutihan ay makapagpapatunay sa kadalisayan nito sa itaas nito. “

“Upang masupil ang sarili ay isang mas malaking gawain kaysa sa mapanakop ang iba.”

buong lihim ng pag-iral ay walang takot. Huwag kailanman matakot kung
ano ang mangyayari sa iyo, depende sa walang sinuman. Sa sandaling
tinanggihan mo ang lahat ng tulong ay napalaya ka. “

“Itakda ang iyong puso sa paggawa ng mabuti. Gawin itong muli at muli at mapupuspos ka ng kagalakan. “-Buddha

“Lahat ng bagay na may simula ay nagtatapos. Gawin ang iyong kapayapaan sa na at ang lahat ay magiging maayos. “

“Ang ugat ng pagdurusa ay kalakip.”

Buddha Quote sa Ispiritualidad

“Hindi mo maaaring maglakbay ang landas hanggang sa ikaw ay naging landas mismo.”

“Ang tatlong bagay ay hindi maaaring maitatago: ang araw, ang buwan, at ang katotohanan.” -Buddha

“Ang tanging tunay na kabiguan sa buhay ay hindi magiging totoo sa alam ng pinakamahusay.”

“Ang kadalisayan o karumihan ay nakasalalay sa sarili. Walang makapagpalinis ng isa pa. “

maraming mga banal na salita na iyong nabasa, Gayunpaman maraming
nagsasalita ka, Anong mabuti ang gagawin nila sa iyo Kung hindi ka
kumilos sa kanila?”

“Kung magaan ka ng lampara para sa isang tao, ito rin ay magpapaliwanag ng iyong landas.” -Buddha

“Kung makikita natin ang himala ng isang bulaklak nang malinaw, ang ating buong buhay ay magbabago. “

“Ang mga taong nabigo upang gumana patungo sa katotohanan ay hindi nakuha ang layunin ng pamumuhay.”

“Sa separateness kasinungalingan ang pinakamalaking paghihirap sa mundo; sa kahabagan ay ang tunay na lakas ng mundo. “

wala kang makitang sinuman upang suportahan ka sa espirituwal na
landas, maglakad nang nag-iisa. Walang pagsasama sa mga wala pa sa
gulang. “

“Gawin ang iyong sariling kaligtasan. Huwag depende sa iba. “

maraming mga banal na salita na iyong nabasa, Gayunpaman maraming
nagsasalita ka, Anong mabuti ang gagawin nila sa iyo Kung wala ka

33) Classical Finnish- Klassinen suomalainen,

Animation Quotes from BrainyQuote, an extensive collection of quotations by famous authors, celebrities, and newsmakers.

33) Klassinen suomi- Klassinen suomalainen,

Seuraavat 108 Buddhan lainausta ilmentävät hengellisen johtajan painoarvoa myötätunnolle, rauhalle ja onnellisuudelle.

Buddhan lainaukset elämästä

”On parempi voittaa itsesi kuin voittaa tuhat taistelua. Sitten voitto on sinun. Sitä ei voi ottaa sinulta. ”-Buddha

“Jos tiesit, mitä tiedän, että voisit antaa sinulle, älä anna yhden aterian kulkea jakamatta sitä jollakin tavalla.”

”Opi tästä vedestä: voimakkaasti roiskuu puro, mutta valtameren syvyys on rauhallinen.”

”En koskaan näe, mitä on tehty; Näen vain, mitä on vielä tehtävä. ”
“Sinä kadotat vain sen mihin tarraat kiinni.”

”Menneisyys on jo mennyt, tulevaisuus ei ole vielä täällä. Elämäsi on vain yksi hetki.

“Ongelmana on, että sinulla on aikaa.”

”Kun kävelet ja syöt ja matkustat, olkaa siellä missä olet. Muuten menetät suurimman osan elämästäsi. ”-Buddha

”Teidän työnne on löytää työsi ja sitten koko sydämenne antaa itsellesi se.”

mitään, riippumatta siitä, missä olet lukenut sen, tai kuka sanoi sen,
vaikka olisin sanonut sen, ellei se ole samaa mieltä omasta syystäsi ja
omasta järjes- telmästään.”

“Kieli kuin terävä veitsi… Tappaa vetämättä verta.”

tämä kolminkertainen totuus kaikille: antelias sydän, ystävällinen puhe
ja elämän ja myötätunnon elämä ovat ihmiskuntaa uudistavia asioita.”

”Jokainen ihminen on oman terveytensä tai taudinsa tekijä.” -Buddha

“Äänestämästä pidättäytyminen on olennaisesti terveellistä.”

“Vältä pahoja tekoja kuin ihminen, joka rakastaa elämää välttää myrkkyä.”

Buddhan lainaukset meditaatiosta

”Vihaan pitäminen on kuin juomamyrkky ja odottaa, että toinen henkilö kuolee.”

”Mitä luulet, sinusta tulee. Mitä sinusta tuntuu, houkuttelette. Mitä luulet, luot.

tuo viisautta; meditaation puute jättää tietämättömyyden. Tiedä hyvin,
mikä johtaa sinut eteenpäin ja mikä pitää sinut takaisin ja valitse
polku, joka johtaa viisauteen. ”-Buddha

”Totuuteen on vain kaksi virhettä. ei mene koko matkan eikä aloita. ”

”Kukaan ei pelasta meitä vaan itseämme. Kukaan ei voi eikä kukaan voi. Meidän on itse kuljettava polulla.

ihmisen ajatukset ovat mutaisia, jos hän on huolimaton ja täynnä
petosta, kuinka hän voi käyttää keltaista viitta? Jokainen, joka on oman
luonteensa, valoisa, kirkas ja tosi, hän voi todella käyttää keltaista
viitta. ”
”Viha ei koskaan kadota niin kauan kuin ajatuksia
paheksunnasta pidetään mielessä. Viha katoaa heti, kun ajatuksia
kauhuista unohdetaan. “

”Kehosi on kallisarvoinen. Se on ajoneuvomme heräämistä varten. Käsittele sitä huolellisesti. ”-Buddha

pian keho hävitetään, mitä sitten se tuntuu? Hyödytön puupalkki, se
sijaitsee maan päällä, sitten mitä se tietää? Pahin vihollisesi ei voi
vahingoittaa sinua niin paljon kuin omia ajatuksiasi, vartioimatta.
Mutta kun kerran oppinut, kukaan ei voi auttaa sinua niin paljon, ei
edes isäsi tai äitisi. ”

“Olisi pyrittävä ymmärtämään, mikä kärsii ja sairaudet - ja pyrkii terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin samalla, kun saamme tien.”

olet tarpeeksi hiljainen, kuulet maailmankaikkeuden virtauksen. Tunnet
sen rytmin. Mene tähän virtaukseen. Onnellisuus on edessä. Meditaatio on

Buddhan Quotes on Peace

”Parempi kuin tuhat onttoa sanaa on yksi sana, joka tuo rauhan.” -Buddha

”Rauha tulee sisältä. Älä etsi sitä ilman. ”

”Ne, jotka ovat vapaita paheksuttavista ajatuksista, löytävät varmasti rauhan.”

”On oltava paha, jotta hyvä voi todistaa sen puhtauden sen yläpuolella. ”

“Itse valloittaminen on suurempi tehtävä kuin muiden valloittaminen.”

olemassaolon salaisuus ei ole pelko. Älä koskaan pelkää, mitä sinusta
tulee, riippuuko kukaan. Vain silloin, kun hylkäät kaiken avun,

”Aseta sydämesi tekemään hyvää. Tee se uudestaan ​​ja uudestaan ​​ja sinut täytetään ilolla. ”-Buddha

”Kaikella, jolla on alku, on loppu. Tee rauha sen kanssa ja kaikki on hyvin.

”Kärsimisen juuret ovat kiinnitys.”

Buddhan lainaukset hengellisyydestä

”Et voi matkustaa polulla, kunnes olet tullut itse poluksi.”

“Kolme asiaa ei voi olla pitkään piilossa: aurinko, kuu ja totuus.” -Buddha

”Ainoa todellinen epäonnistuminen elämässä ei ole olla totta parhaimmalle.”

”Puhtaus tai epäpuhtaus riippuu itsestä. Kukaan ei voi puhdistaa toista.

lukemasi pyhät sanat ovat kuitenkin monta, mitä te puhutte: mitä hyvää
tahdoa he tekevät, jos et toimi niiden perusteella?”

”Jos sytytät lampun jollekin, se myös kirkastaa polkusi.” -Buddha

”Jos voisimme nähdä yhden kukan ihme selvästi, koko elämämme muuttuu. ”

”Ne, jotka eivät ole työskennelleet totuuden eteen, ovat menettäneet elantonsa.”

”Erillisyydessä on maailman suurin kurjuus; myötätunnossa on maailman todellinen vahvuus. ”

”Jos et löydä ketään tukemaan teitä hengellisellä polulla, kävele yksin. Ei ole yhtään sukukypsiä epäkypsien kanssa.

”Tee oma pelastus. Älä riipu muista. ”

”Monet lukemasi pyhät sanat ovat kuitenkin monta, mitä te puhutte. Mitä hyvää he tekevät, jos et tee sitä

Wood sculpture, 'Buddha's Gesture' - Hand Made Wood Sculpture from Indonesia

Awakeness Practices

All 84,000 Khandas As Found in the Pali Suttas

Traditionally the are 84,000 Dharma Doors - 84,000 ways to get
Awakeness. Maybe so; certainly the Buddha taught a large number of
practices that lead to Awakeness. This web page attempts to catalogue
those found in the Pali Suttas (DN, MN, SN, AN, Ud & Sn 1). There
are 3 sections:

The discourses of Buddha are divided into 84,000, as to separate
addresses. The division includes all that was spoken by Buddha.”I
received from Buddha,” said Ananda, “82,000 Khandas, and  from the
priests 2000; these are 84,000 Khandas maintained by me.” They are
divided into 275,250, as to the stanzas of the original text, and into
361,550, as to the stanzas of the commentary. All the discourses
including both those of
Buddha and those of the commentator, are divided  into 2,547 banawaras,
containing 737,000 stanzas, and 29,368,000 separate letters.

35) Klassike Frysktalich - Klassike Frysk,

De folgjende 108 Buddha-quotes fertsjinje de geastlike lieder fan ‘e klam op freon, frede en lok.

Buddha Quotes on Life

“It is better om jo te feroverjen as te winnen tûzen klachten. Dan is de oerwinning jo. It kin net fan jo ôfnommen wurde. “-Buddha

“As jo ​​wisten wat ik wit oer de krêft fan jo jaan soe jo gjin ien mealje trochgean sûnder dat it iens te dielen.”

“Lied dit út it wetter: Laitsje de beek sprutsen, mar de oseanen djippe rêstich.”

“Ik sjoch noait wat dien is; Ik sjoch allinich wat bliuwt. “
“Jo ferlieze allinich wat jo dogge.”

“It ferline is al fuort, de takomst is hjir noch net. Der is mar ien momint foar jo te libjen. “

“De problemen binne, tinkst dat jo tiid hawwe.”

“As jo ​​hinnegean en ite en reizje, wêze wêr’t jo binne. Oars wurde jo it measte fan jo libben misse. “-Buddha

“Jo wurk is om jo wurk te ûntdekken en dan mei jo hert om jo te jaan.”

“Belje neat, hwêr’t jo it lêze, of wa’t it sein hat, as ik it sein haw, as it it net mei jo eigen reden en jo eigen sin fan ‘e sin is.”

“De tonge like in skerpe mûs … Kies sûnder bloed.”

“Learje dizze trije wierheid oan allegear: In genetysk hert, heilige spraak, en in leeftyd fan tsjinst en meilijen binne de dingen dy’t de minskens fernije.”

“Elke minske is de auteur fan syn eigen sûnens of sykte.” -Buddha

“Om it ligen te ûnderskieden is essentiel goed.”

“Misledigje ferkearde akten as in man dy’t it libben libbet, fergiftiget gif.”

Buddha Quotes op meditaasje

“Hâld op grime is as drinkgift en ferwachtet de oare persoan te stjerren.”

“Wat jo tinke, binne jo wurden. Wat jo fiele, lûke jo oan. Wat jo foarstelle, jo meitsje. “

“Meditaasje bringt wiisheid; Mankat fan meditaasje bliuwt ûnwittendheid. Kennis goed wat liedt jo foarút en wat hinget jo werom en kies de paad dy’t liedt ta wiisheid. “-Buddha

“Der binne mar twa mistkes dy’t men op ‘e wei nei de wierheid meitsje kin; net altyd gean en net begjinne. “

“Nimmen sil ús sparje, mar ússels. Nimmen kin en nimmen kin. Wy sels moatte it paad kuierje. “

“As in gedachte fan ‘e minske muddy is, as hy sûnder mis en folslein is, as hoe’t er it giele kroech drage kin? Wa’t master fan syn eigen natuer is, helder, dúdlik en wier, kin er it giele kroan opjaen. “
“Ferkrêft sil nea ferdwine, sa lang as gedachten fan ‘e fersterking binne yn’ e tin. Inkeler sil ferdwine, sa gau’t gedachten fan ferwidering binne fergetten. “

“Jo lichem is kostber. It is ús auto foar wekker. Behannelje it mei soarch. “-Buddha

“Foar al gau wurdt it lichem útlutsen, en wat fielt it? In nutteloos hout fan hout, it leit op ‘e grûn, Dan wat wit it? Jo minste fijân kin jo net skealigje As jo ​​jo eigen tinzen binne, ûntslein. Mar ienris behearsket, Nimmen kin jo helpe helje, Net sels jo heit of mem. “

“Men moat strider wêze om te begripen wat de lijen en krêftigens ûnderlient - en doel op sûnens en wolwêzen, wylst se op it paad komme.”

“As jo ​​rêstich genôch binne, hearre jo de stream fan it universum. Jo sille har ritme fiele. Gean mei dizze stream. Happiness leit foarút. Meditaasje is de kaai. “

Buddha Quotes on Peace

“Better as tûzen hoallwurden, is ien wurd dat frede bringt.” -Buddha

“Frede komt fan binnen. Doch net sykje. “

“Dyjingen dy’t fergees binne fan earbiedige tinzen binne geweldich frede.”

“Der moat kwea wêze, dat goed kin syn wierheid boppe it bewiisje. “

“Om jo te feroverjen is in gruttere opjefte as oaren oerwinning.”

“It hiele geheim fan it bestean is gjin eangst te hawwen. Fear noait wat fan jo wurde sil, ôfhinklik fan gjinien. Allinich it momint dat jo alle helpen ôfwize, binne jo frijsteld. “

“Set jo hert op goed te dwaan. Doch it enerverje en wer, en jo sille fereare wurde mei blidens. “-Buddha

“Alles dat in begjin hat hat in ein te meitsjen. Meitsje jo frede mei dat en allegear goed wêze. “

“De rôte fan it lijen is taheaksel.”

Buddha Quotes op Spiritualiteit

“Jo kinne it paad net reizje oant jo it paad sels wurden wurde.”

“Trije dingen kinne net lang ferburgen wêze: de sinne, de moanne en de wierheid.” -Buddha

“De iennichste echte skuld yn ‘t libben is net wier te wêzen foar de bêste.”

“Reinheid of ûnreplikheid hinget ôf fan sels. Nimmen kin de oare reinigje. “

“Mar in protte hillige wurden dy’t jo lêze, mar in soad dy’t jo prate, wat goed sille se jo dwaan As jo ​​net akseare op har?”

“As jo ​​in lampe foar in ljocht leare, sil it jo paad ek ferheegje.” -Buddha

“As wy it wûnder fan in iennige blom dúdlik sjogge, soe ús hiele libben feroarje. “

“Dyjingen dy’t net tsjin ‘e wierheid wurke hawwe hawwe it doel fan wenjen mis.”

“Yn ‘e ôfsûnderens leit de wrâld it grutste ellinde; yn meilijen leit de wiere krêft fan ‘e wrâld. “

“As jo ​​gjinien fine om jo te stypjen op ‘e geastlike wei, gean allegearre. Der is gjin feriening mei de untwerp. “

“Wês jo eigen heil. Net ôfhinklik fan oaren. “

“Mar in protte hillige wurden dy’t jo lêze, mar in soad dy’t jo prate, wat goed sille se jo dwaan As jo ​​dat net

36) Classical Galician-Clásico galego,

36) Galego clásico clásico galego,

As seguintes 108 citas de Buda encarnan o énfasis do líder espiritual na compaixón, a paz e a felicidade.

Citas sobre a vida de Buda

“É mellor conquistarse a ti mesmo que gañar mil batallas. Entón a vitoria é túa. Non se pode sacar de ti. ”-Buddha

“Se sabías o que sei sobre o poder de darche, non deixarías pasar un só xantar sen compartilo dalgún xeito”.

“Aprende isto a partir do auga: o forte ruído, pero a profundidade dos océanos está tranquila.”

“Nunca vexo o que se fixo; Só vexo o que queda por facer. “
“Só perde o que se aferra.”

“O pasado xa desapareceu, o futuro aínda non está aquí. Hai só un momento para ti vivir. “

“O problema é que pensas que tes tempo.”

“Mentres andas e comas e viaxas, está onde estás. Se non, perderías a maior parte da túa vida. ”-Buddha

“O teu traballo é descubrir o teu traballo e logo con todo o teu corazón para entregarte.”

creo nada, non importa onde o leu, ou quen o dixo, non importa se o
dixen, a menos que estea de acordo coa súa propia razón e co seu propio
sentido común”.

“A lingua coma unha navalla afiada … Mata sen debuxar sangue.”

a esta tripla verdade a todos: un corazón xeneroso, un discurso amable e
unha vida de servizo e compaixón son as cousas que renovan a

“Todo ser humano é o autor da súa propia saúde ou enfermidade”. -Buddha

“Absterse de mentir é esencialmente sa.”

“Evite as accións do mal como un home que ama a vida evita o veleno”.

Citas de Buda sobre meditación

“Manter a rabia é como beber veneno e esperar que a outra persoa morrese”.

“O que pensas, convérteo. O que sentes, atraes. O que imaxinas, creas. “

meditación trae sabedoría; a falta de meditación deixa a ignorancia.
Coñeza ben o que o leva cara adiante e o que o retén e escolle o camiño
que leva á sabedoría. ”-Buddha

“Só hai dous erros que podemos facer no camiño da verdade; non ir todo o camiño e non comezar. “

“Ninguén nos salva senón nós. Ninguén pode e ninguén pode. Debemos camiñar por nós mesmos. ”

os pensamentos dun home son fanáticos, se é imprudente e cheo de
falacia, ¿como pode levar a túnica amarela? Quen sexa mestre da súa
propia natureza, brillante, claro e certo, pode levar a túnica amarela. “
rabia nunca desaparecerá mentres os pensamentos do resentimento estean
na mente. A rabia desaparecerá tan pronto como os pensamentos de
resentimento son esquecidos. “

“O teu corpo é precioso. É o noso vehículo para espertar. Trata con coidado. ”-Buddha

se descarta o corpo, entón que sente? Un tronco de madeira inútil,
atópase no chan, entón que sabe? O seu peor inimigo non pode prexudicalo
tanto como os seus propios pensamentos, desprotexidos. Pero unha vez
dominado, ninguén pode axudarche, nin o teu pai nin a túa nai ”.

esforzarse por entender o que subxace os sufrimentos e as enfermidades -
e apuntar cara á saúde e ao benestar mentres gaña no camiño”.

estás bastante tranquilo, escoitarás o fluxo do universo. Sentirás o
seu ritmo. Vaia con este fluxo. A felicidade está á fronte. A meditación
é fundamental. “

Citas de Buda sobre a paz

“Mellor que mil palabras ocultas, é unha palabra que trae paz”. -Buddha

“A paz vén de dentro. Non o busques. “

“Aqueles que están libres de pensamentos resentidos seguramente atopan a paz.”

“Ten que haber mal para que o ben poida demostrar a súa pureza por encima del. “

“Vencer a si mesmo é unha tarefa maior que a conquista doutros.”

o segredo da existencia non ten medo. Nunca teñas medo de que che fará
de ti, depende de ninguén. Só o momento en que rexeitas toda a axuda
estás libre. “

“Pon o corazón en facer o ben. Faino unha e outra vez e estarás cheo de alegría. -Buddha

“Todo o que ten un comezo ten un final. Paxa con iso e todo estará ben. “

“A raíz do sufrimento é o apego”.

Citas de Buda sobre espiritualidade

“Non podes percorrer o camiño ata que se converteu no camiño propio.”

“Tres cousas non se poden ocultar por moito tempo: o sol, a lúa ea verdade.” -Buddha

“O único fracaso real na vida é non ser fiel ao mellor que sabe.”

“A pureza ou a impureza depende de si mesmo. Ninguén pode purificar outro. “

“Non obstante moitas palabras sagradas que leu, por moito que falades, que boas faránvos se non actúades sobre elas?”

“Se acende unha lámpada para alguén, tamén iluminará o teu camiño.” -Buddha

“Se puidésemos ver claramente o milagre dunha soa flor, toda a nosa vida cambiaría. “

“Os que non conseguiron traballar para a verdade perderon o propósito de vivir.”

“Na separación reside a maior miseria do mundo; en compaixón está a verdadeira forza do mundo. “

“Se non atopas a ninguén que te apoie no camiño espiritual, anda só. Non hai compañerismo coa inmadura. “

“Desenvolve a túa propia salvación. Non dependa dos demais. “

“Sen embargo moitas palabras sagradas que leu, por moito que falades, que boas te fan se non

35) Classical Frisian- Klassike Frysk,

35) Klassike Frysktalich - Klassike Frysk,

De folgjende 108 Buddha-quotes fertsjinje de geastlike lieder fan ‘e klam op freon, frede en lok.

Buddha Quotes on Life

is better om jo te feroverjen as te winnen tûzen klachten. Dan is de
oerwinning jo. It kin net fan jo ôfnommen wurde. “-Buddha

“As jo wisten wat ik wit oer de krêft fan jo jaan soe jo gjin ien mealje trochgean sûnder dat it iens te dielen.”

“Lied dit út it wetter: Laitsje de beek sprutsen, mar de oseanen djippe rêstich.”

“Ik sjoch noait wat dien is; Ik sjoch allinich wat bliuwt. “
“Jo ferlieze allinich wat jo dogge.”

“It ferline is al fuort, de takomst is hjir noch net. Der is mar ien momint foar jo te libjen. “

“De problemen binne, tinkst dat jo tiid hawwe.”

“As jo hinnegean en ite en reizje, wêze wêr’t jo binne. Oars wurde jo it measte fan jo libben misse. “-Buddha

“Jo wurk is om jo wurk te ûntdekken en dan mei jo hert om jo te jaan.”

neat, hwêr’t jo it lêze, of wa’t it sein hat, as ik it sein haw, as it
it net mei jo eigen reden en jo eigen sin fan ‘e sin is.”

“De tonge like in skerpe mûs … Kies sûnder bloed.”

dizze trije wierheid oan allegear: In genetysk hert, heilige spraak, en
in leeftyd fan tsjinst en meilijen binne de dingen dy’t de minskens

“Elke minske is de auteur fan syn eigen sûnens of sykte.” -Buddha

“Om it ligen te ûnderskieden is essentiel goed.”

“Misledigje ferkearde akten as in man dy’t it libben libbet, fergiftiget gif.”

Buddha Quotes op meditaasje

“Hâld op grime is as drinkgift en ferwachtet de oare persoan te stjerren.”

“Wat jo tinke, binne jo wurden. Wat jo fiele, lûke jo oan. Wat jo foarstelle, jo meitsje. “

bringt wiisheid; Mankat fan meditaasje bliuwt ûnwittendheid. Kennis
goed wat liedt jo foarút en wat hinget jo werom en kies de paad dy’t
liedt ta wiisheid. “-Buddha

“Der binne mar twa mistkes dy’t men op ‘e wei nei de wierheid meitsje kin; net altyd gean en net begjinne. “

“Nimmen sil ús sparje, mar ússels. Nimmen kin en nimmen kin. Wy sels moatte it paad kuierje. “

in gedachte fan ‘e minske muddy is, as hy sûnder mis en folslein is, as
hoe’t er it giele kroech drage kin? Wa’t master fan syn eigen natuer
is, helder, dúdlik en wier, kin er it giele kroan opjaen. “
sil nea ferdwine, sa lang as gedachten fan ‘e fersterking binne yn’ e
tin. Inkeler sil ferdwine, sa gau’t gedachten fan ferwidering binne
fergetten. “

“Jo lichem is kostber. It is ús auto foar wekker. Behannelje it mei soarch. “-Buddha

al gau wurdt it lichem útlutsen, en wat fielt it? In nutteloos hout fan
hout, it leit op ‘e grûn, Dan wat wit it? Jo minste fijân kin jo net
skealigje As jo jo eigen tinzen binne, ûntslein. Mar ienris behearsket,
Nimmen kin jo helpe helje, Net sels jo heit of mem. “

“Men moat
strider wêze om te begripen wat de lijen en krêftigens ûnderlient - en
doel op sûnens en wolwêzen, wylst se op it paad komme.”

“As jo
rêstich genôch binne, hearre jo de stream fan it universum. Jo sille har
ritme fiele. Gean mei dizze stream. Happiness leit foarút. Meditaasje
is de kaai. “

Buddha Quotes on Peace

“Better as tûzen hoallwurden, is ien wurd dat frede bringt.” -Buddha

“Frede komt fan binnen. Doch net sykje. “

“Dyjingen dy’t fergees binne fan earbiedige tinzen binne geweldich frede.”

“Der moat kwea wêze, dat goed kin syn wierheid boppe it bewiisje. “

“Om jo te feroverjen is in gruttere opjefte as oaren oerwinning.”

hiele geheim fan it bestean is gjin eangst te hawwen. Fear noait wat
fan jo wurde sil, ôfhinklik fan gjinien. Allinich it momint dat jo alle
helpen ôfwize, binne jo frijsteld. “

“Set jo hert op goed te dwaan. Doch it enerverje en wer, en jo sille fereare wurde mei blidens. “-Buddha

“Alles dat in begjin hat hat in ein te meitsjen. Meitsje jo frede mei dat en allegear goed wêze. “

“De rôte fan it lijen is taheaksel.”

Buddha Quotes op Spiritualiteit

“Jo kinne it paad net reizje oant jo it paad sels wurden wurde.”

“Trije dingen kinne net lang ferburgen wêze: de sinne, de moanne en de wierheid.” -Buddha

“De iennichste echte skuld yn ‘t libben is net wier te wêzen foar de bêste.”

“Reinheid of ûnreplikheid hinget ôf fan sels. Nimmen kin de oare reinigje. “

“Mar in protte hillige wurden dy’t jo lêze, mar in soad dy’t jo prate, wat goed sille se jo dwaan As jo net akseare op har?”

“As jo in lampe foar in ljocht leare, sil it jo paad ek ferheegje.” -Buddha

“As wy it wûnder fan in iennige blom dúdlik sjogge, soe ús hiele libben feroarje. “

“Dyjingen dy’t net tsjin ‘e wierheid wurke hawwe hawwe it doel fan wenjen mis.”

“Yn ‘e ôfsûnderens leit de wrâld it grutste ellinde; yn meilijen leit de wiere krêft fan ‘e wrâld. “

“As jo gjinien fine om jo te stypjen op ‘e geastlike wei, gean allegearre. Der is gjin feriening mei de untwerp. “

“Wês jo eigen heil. Net ôfhinklik fan oaren. “

“Mar in protte hillige wurden dy’t jo lêze, mar in soad dy’t jo prate, wat goed sille se jo dwaan As jo dat net

36) Classical Galician-Clásico galego,

36) Galego clásico clásico galego,

As seguintes 108 citas de Buda encarnan o énfasis do líder espiritual na compaixón, a paz e a felicidade.

Citas sobre a vida de Buda

“É mellor conquistarse a ti mesmo que gañar mil batallas. Entón a vitoria é túa. Non se pode sacar de ti. ”-Buddha

“Se sabías o que sei sobre o poder de darche, non deixarías pasar un só xantar sen compartilo dalgún xeito”.

“Aprende isto a partir do auga: o forte ruído, pero a profundidade dos océanos está tranquila.”

“Nunca vexo o que se fixo; Só vexo o que queda por facer. “
“Só perde o que se aferra.”

“O pasado xa desapareceu, o futuro aínda non está aquí. Hai só un momento para ti vivir. “

“O problema é que pensas que tes tempo.”

“Mentres andas e comas e viaxas, está onde estás. Se non, perderías a maior parte da túa vida. ”-Buddha

“O teu traballo é descubrir o teu traballo e logo con todo o teu corazón para entregarte.”

creo nada, non importa onde o leu, ou quen o dixo, non importa se o
dixen, a menos que estea de acordo coa súa propia razón e co seu propio
sentido común”.

“A lingua coma unha navalla afiada … Mata sen debuxar sangue.”

a esta tripla verdade a todos: un corazón xeneroso, un discurso amable e
unha vida de servizo e compaixón son as cousas que renovan a

“Todo ser humano é o autor da súa propia saúde ou enfermidade”. -Buddha

“Absterse de mentir é esencialmente sa.”

“Evite as accións do mal como un home que ama a vida evita o veleno”.

Citas de Buda sobre meditación

“Manter a rabia é como beber veneno e esperar que a outra persoa morrese”.

“O que pensas, convérteo. O que sentes, atraes. O que imaxinas, creas. “

meditación trae sabedoría; a falta de meditación deixa a ignorancia.
Coñeza ben o que o leva cara adiante e o que o retén e escolle o camiño
que leva á sabedoría. ”-Buddha

“Só hai dous erros que podemos facer no camiño da verdade; non ir todo o camiño e non comezar. “

“Ninguén nos salva senón nós. Ninguén pode e ninguén pode. Debemos camiñar por nós mesmos. ”

os pensamentos dun home son fanáticos, se é imprudente e cheo de
falacia, ¿como pode levar a túnica amarela? Quen sexa mestre da súa
propia natureza, brillante, claro e certo, pode levar a túnica amarela. “
rabia nunca desaparecerá mentres os pensamentos do resentimento estean
na mente. A rabia desaparecerá tan pronto como os pensamentos de
resentimento son esquecidos. “

“O teu corpo é precioso. É o noso vehículo para espertar. Trata con coidado. ”-Buddha

se descarta o corpo, entón que sente? Un tronco de madeira inútil,
atópase no chan, entón que sabe? O seu peor inimigo non pode prexudicalo
tanto como os seus propios pensamentos, desprotexidos. Pero unha vez
dominado, ninguén pode axudarche, nin o teu pai nin a túa nai ”.

esforzarse por entender o que subxace os sufrimentos e as enfermidades -
e apuntar cara á saúde e ao benestar mentres gaña no camiño”.

estás bastante tranquilo, escoitarás o fluxo do universo. Sentirás o
seu ritmo. Vaia con este fluxo. A felicidade está á fronte. A meditación
é fundamental. “

Citas de Buda sobre a paz

“Mellor que mil palabras ocultas, é unha palabra que trae paz”. -Buddha

“A paz vén de dentro. Non o busques. “

“Aqueles que están libres de pensamentos resentidos seguramente atopan a paz.”

“Ten que haber mal para que o ben poida demostrar a súa pureza por encima del. “

“Vencer a si mesmo é unha tarefa maior que a conquista doutros.”

o segredo da existencia non ten medo. Nunca teñas medo de que che fará
de ti, depende de ninguén. Só o momento en que rexeitas toda a axuda
estás libre. “

“Pon o corazón en facer o ben. Faino unha e outra vez e estarás cheo de alegría. -Buddha

“Todo o que ten un comezo ten un final. Paxa con iso e todo estará ben. “

“A raíz do sufrimento é o apego”.

Citas de Buda sobre espiritualidade

“Non podes percorrer o camiño ata que se converteu no camiño propio.”

“Tres cousas non se poden ocultar por moito tempo: o sol, a lúa ea verdade.” -Buddha

“O único fracaso real na vida é non ser fiel ao mellor que sabe.”

“A pureza ou a impureza depende de si mesmo. Ninguén pode purificar outro. “

“Non obstante moitas palabras sagradas que leu, por moito que falades, que boas faránvos se non actúades sobre elas?”

“Se acende unha lámpada para alguén, tamén iluminará o teu camiño.” -Buddha

“Se puidésemos ver claramente o milagre dunha soa flor, toda a nosa vida cambiaría. “

“Os que non conseguiron traballar para a verdade perderon o propósito de vivir.”

“Na separación reside a maior miseria do mundo; en compaixón está a verdadeira forza do mundo. “

“Se non atopas a ninguén que te apoie no camiño espiritual, anda só. Non hai compañerismo coa inmadura. “

“Desenvolve a túa propia salvación. Non dependa dos demais. “

“Sen embargo moitas palabras sagradas que leu, por moito que falades, que boas te fan se non

37) Classical Georgian-კლასიკური ქართული,

37) კლასიკური ქართული-კლასიკური ქართული,

108 ბუდას ციტატების შემდეგ სულიერი ლიდერის ყურადღება გამახვილებულია თანაგრძნობა, მშვიდობა და ბედნიერება.

ბუდა შეთავაზებები ცხოვრებაზე

“უმჯობესია დაიპყრო თავს, ვიდრე ათასი ბრძოლის მოგება. მაშინ გამარჯვება შენია. ეს არ შეიძლება იყოს თქვენგან “

“თუ იცოდით, რა ვიცი მე იმის შესახებ, რომ გაწვდით, არც ერთ კურსს არ დავუშვებთ, რომ გაზიარების გარეშე.”

“ისწავლე ეს წყალი: ხმამაღალი გაჩნდა ბუჩქი, მაგრამ ოკეანეების სიღრმე მშვიდი”.

“მე არასოდეს მინახავს რა გაკეთდა; მე მხოლოდ ვხედავ, რაც უნდა გაკეთდეს “.
“თქვენ მხოლოდ კარგავენ იმას, რაც შენზე მიდიხარ.”

“წარსული უკვე წავიდა, მომავალი არ არის აქ. მხოლოდ ერთი მომენტია, რომ იცხოვრო “.

“უბედურებაა, ფიქრობთ, რომ დრო გაქვთ”.

თქვენ ფეხით და ჭამა და გამგზავრება, იქნება, სადაც ხართ. წინააღმდეგ
შემთხვევაში, შენს ცხოვრებაზე უმეტესობა გამოტოვებთ “(ბუდა

“შენი საქმეა თქვენი საქმის შესწავლა და შემდეგ მთელი გულით მისცეს თავი.”

არაფერი, არ აქვს მნიშვნელობა, სადაც წაიკითხე, ან ვინ თქვა, არ აქვს
მნიშვნელობა თუ არ გითხარით, თუ არ ეთანხმებით საკუთარ აზრს და საკუთარ
საერთო აზრს”.

“ენა, როგორც მკვეთრი დანა … კლავს გარეშე ხატვის სისხლი.”

ეს სამმაგი ჭეშმარიტება ყველასთვის: გულუხვი გული, კეთილი სიტყვები და
სამსახურისა და თანაგრძნობა არის ის, რაც კაცობრიობას განაახლებს”.

“ყოველი ადამიანი არის საკუთარი ჯანმრთელობის ან დაავადების ავტორი” (ბუდა)

“ტყუისგან თავი შეიკავოს არსებითად ჯანსაღი.”

“თავიდან ავიცილოთ ბოროტი საქმეები, როგორც ადამიანი, რომელიც უყვარს სიცოცხლეს თავს არიდებს შხამი”.

Buddha შეთავაზებები meditation

“რისხვას ჰოლდინგი ჰგავს სასუნთქი შხამს და ვეღარ მოკვდება სხვა ადამიანი.

“რას ფიქრობთ, ხარ? რას გრძნობ, თქვენ მოზიდვა. რას წარმოგიდგენთ, შენ შექმნა. “

მოაქვს სიბრძნე; მედიტაციის ნაკლებობა იგნორირებულია. კარგად იცი, რა
წინსვლისკენ მიჰყავს და რა უკავშირდება შენს უკან და აირჩიე გზა, რომელიც
სიბრძნეს მივყავართ “(ბუდა)

“არსებობს მხოლოდ ორი შეცდომა, რომელსაც შეუძლია სიმართლისკენ მიმავალ გზაზე გასვლა. არ მიდის ყველა გზა და არ იწყება “.

“არავინ იხსნის us მაგრამ საკუთარ თავს. ვერავინ და არავის შეუძლია. ჩვენ თვითონ უნდა ვიაროთ გზა “.

ადამიანის აზრები გაბრწყინდება, თუ ის უგუნური და სავსეა მოტყუებით, როგორ
შეუძლია მას ყვითელი კვართი? ვინც თავისი ბუნების ოსტატია, ნათელია,
ნათელი და ჭეშმარიტია, მან შეიძლება ყვითელი კვართის ყურძენი ჩაიცროს “.
არასდროს არ გაქრება, რადგან უკმაყოფილების ფიქრები გონებაში
დამსახურებაა. გაბრაზება გაქრება მხოლოდ მაშინ, როცა უკმაყოფილების ფიქრები
დავიწყებულია. “

“თქვენი სხეული ძვირფასია. ეს არის ჩვენი მანქანა გამოღვიძება. მკურნალობა მასთან ერთად. “-ბუდა

სხეული უგულებელყოფილია, მაშინ რას გრძნობ? ხის უსარგებლო ხე, ის მიწაზე
მდებარეობს, მაშინ რა იცის? შენი ყველაზე ცუდი მტერი ვერ დააზიანებს თქვენ,
როგორც თქვენი საკუთარი აზრები, დაუცველი. მაგრამ ერთხელ აითვისა, ვერავინ
შეძლებს დაგეხმაროთ, არც თქვენი მამა და არც შენი დედა. “

“უნდა ეცადოს გაიგოს, თუ რა განიცდის ტანჯვას და დაავადებებს - და მიზნად ისახავს ჯანმრთელობისა და კეთილდღეობისკენ მიმავალ გზას.”

მშვიდად ხარ, სამყაროს ნაკადი მოისმენ. თქვენ იგრძნობთ მისი რიტმი.
წავიდეთ ამ ნაკადთან. ბედნიერება წინ არის. მედიტაცია არის გასაღები. “

ბუდა შეთავაზებები მშვიდობაზე

“უკეთესია, ვიდრე ათასი ღრუ სიტყვები, არის ერთი სიტყვა, რომელიც მშვიდობას მოაქვს” (ბუდა

“მშვიდობა მოდის შიგნიდან. ნუ ეძებთ გარეშე. “

“ვინც უკმაყოფილონი არიან, მშვიდობას პოულობენ”.

“უნდა იყოს ბოროტი, რომ კარგი შეუძლია დაამტკიცოს მისი სიწმინდეს ზემოთ. “

“დაიპყროს თავი უფრო დიდი ამოცანა, ვიდრე სხვების დაპყრობა.”

საიდუმლო არ არის შიში. არასოდეს ეშინია, რა მოხდება თქვენზე,
დამოკიდებული არავინ. მხოლოდ იმ მომენტში, რომელსაც უარი ეთქვა ყველა
დახმარების გათავისუფლებაზე “.

“გაახარეთ გულში კარგი. ისევ და ისევ ხარ და სიხარულით ივსება “(ბუდა)

“ყველაფერი, რაც დასაწყისია, აქვს დასასრული. გაახარეთ მშვიდობა და ყველაფერი კარგად იქნება “.

“ტანჯვის ფესვი არის დანართი.”

ბუდას ციტატები სულიერების შესახებ

“გზა ვერ გაატარებ, სანამ გზა არ გაქვს”.

“სამი რამ არ შეიძლება იყოს ხანგრძლივი ფარული: მზე, მთვარე და ჭეშმარიტება”

“ერთადერთი რეალური მარცხი ცხოვრებაში არ უნდა იყოს ჭეშმარიტი საუკეთესო იცის.”

“სისუფთავე ან impurity დამოკიდებულია საკუთარ თავზე. ვერავინ ვერავინ გაწმენდას. “

“თუმცა ბევრი წმიდა სიტყვები წაიკითხე, თუმცა ბევრს ლაპარაკობ, რა კარგი იქნება ისინი, თუ არ იმოქმედებთ მათზე?”

“თუ ვინმესთვის ნათურა გაატარებს, ის გეპყრობს თქვენს გზას” (ბუდა)

“თუ ერთი ყვავილის სასწაული ვნახეთ, ნათელია, რომ მთელი ცხოვრება შეცვლილია. “

“ისინი, ვინც ჭეშმარიტებისკენ ვერ მოქმედებდნენ, ცოცხალი ცხოვრების მიზანი არ გაუშვეს”.

“განცალკევებულ მდგომარეობაშია მსოფლიოში ყველაზე დიდი უბედურება; თანაგრძნობითაა მსოფლიოს ნამდვილი ძალა. “

“თუ არავინ პოულობთ სულიერ გზაზე მხარს, მარტო ფეხით. არ არსებობს companionship გაუაზრებელი. “

“გაითავისე შენი საკუთარი ხსნა. არ არის დამოკიდებული სხვები. “

“თუმცა ბევრი წმიდა სიტყვა წაიკითხე, თუმცა ბევრს ლაპარაკობთ, რა კარგი იქნება ისინი, თუ არა

38) Classical German- Klassisches Deutsch,

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38) Klassisches Deutsch,

Die folgenden 108 Buddha-Zitate verkörpern die Betonung des spirituellen Leiters auf Mitgefühl, Frieden und Glück.

Buddha-Zitate über das Leben

ist besser, sich selbst zu erobern, als tausend Schlachten zu gewinnen.
Dann liegt der Sieg bei Ihnen. Es kann dir nicht genommen werden.

„Wenn du wüsstest, was ich über die Kraft des Gebens
weiß, würdest du keine einzige Mahlzeit verstreichen lassen, ohne sie
auf irgendeine Weise zu teilen.“

„Lerne das aus dem Wasser: Laut plätschert der Bach, aber die Tiefe der Ozeane ist ruhig.“

„Ich sehe nie, was getan wurde. Ich sehe nur, was noch zu tun ist. “
“Du verlierst nur, woran du hängst.”

„Die Vergangenheit ist schon vorbei, die Zukunft ist noch nicht da. Sie haben nur einen Moment Zeit zu leben. “

“Das Problem ist, Sie denken, Sie haben Zeit.”

„Wenn du gehst und isst und reist, sei da, wo du bist. Sonst wirst du den größten Teil deines Lebens vermissen. “-Buddha

“Ihre Arbeit ist es, Ihre Arbeit zu entdecken und sich dann von ganzem Herzen ihr hinzugeben.”

Sie nichts, egal wo Sie es lesen oder wer es gesagt hat, egal ob ich es
gesagt habe, es sei denn, es stimmt mit Ihrer eigenen Vernunft und
Ihrem eigenen gesunden Menschenverstand überein.”

“Die Zunge wie ein scharfes Messer … Tötet, ohne Blut zu ziehen.”

Sie diese dreifache Wahrheit allen: Ein großzügiges Herz, eine
freundliche Rede und ein Leben in Dienst und Mitgefühl sind die Dinge,
die die Menschheit erneuern.”

“Jeder Mensch ist der Urheber seiner eigenen Gesundheit oder Krankheit.” - Buddha

“Sich vom Lügen zu enthalten, ist im Wesentlichen gesund.”

“Vermeiden Sie böse Taten, wie ein Mann, der das Leben liebt, Gift vermeidet.”

Buddha-Zitate über Meditation

“An Wut festzuhalten ist wie Gift zu trinken und zu erwarten, dass die andere Person stirbt.”

“Was glaubst Du, was Du wirst. Was du fühlst, ziehst du an. Was du dir vorstellst, erschaffst du. “

bringt Weisheit; Mangel an Meditation hinterlässt Unwissenheit. Wisse
genau, was dich nach vorne führt und was dich zurückhält, und wähle den
Weg, der zur Weisheit führt. “- Buddha

„Es gibt nur zwei Fehler, die man auf dem Weg zur Wahrheit machen kann. nicht den ganzen Weg gehen und nicht anfangen. “

„Niemand außer uns selbst rettet uns. Niemand kann und niemand darf. Wir müssen selbst den Weg gehen. “

die Gedanken eines Mannes matschig sind, wenn er rücksichtslos und
voller Betrug ist, wie kann er die gelbe Robe tragen? Wer auch immer
Herr seiner eigenen Natur ist, hell, klar und wahr, der kann in der Tat
das gelbe Gewand tragen. “
„Ärger wird niemals verschwinden, solange
der Verstand Gedanken an Ressentiments hegt. Die Wut wird verschwinden,
sobald die Gedanken an Ressentiments vergessen sind. “

„Dein Körper ist kostbar. Es ist unser Fahrzeug zum Erwachen. Behandle es mit Sorgfalt. “-Buddha

wird der Körper weggeworfen. Was fühlt er sich dann an? Ein nutzloses
Holzstück, es liegt auf dem Boden. Was weiß es dann? Dein schlimmster
Feind kann dir nicht so viel Schaden zufügen wie deine eigenen Gedanken,
unbewacht. Aber einmal gemeistert, kann dir niemand so viel helfen,
nicht einmal dein Vater oder deine Mutter. “

“Man sollte danach
streben, zu verstehen, was Leiden und Krankheiten zugrunde liegt - und
auf Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden abzielen, während man den Weg gewinnt.”

Sie ruhig genug sind, werden Sie den Fluss des Universums hören. Du
wirst seinen Rhythmus fühlen. Geh mit diesem Fluss. Das Glück liegt vor
uns. Meditation ist der Schlüssel. “

Buddha-Zitate über den Frieden

“Besser als tausend hohle Worte, ist ein Wort, das Frieden bringt.” - Buddha

„Frieden kommt von innen. Such es nicht ohne. “

“Diejenigen, die frei von ärgerlichen Gedanken sind, finden mit Sicherheit Frieden.”

„Es muss böse sein, damit das Gute seine Reinheit darüber beweisen kann. “

“Sich selbst zu erobern ist eine größere Aufgabe als andere zu erobern.”

ganze Geheimnis der Existenz ist, keine Angst zu haben. Fürchte
niemals, was aus dir werden wird, hänge von niemandem ab. Nur in dem
Moment, in dem Sie jede Hilfe ablehnen, sind Sie befreit. “

„Setze dein Herz darauf, Gutes zu tun. Tu es immer und immer wieder und du wirst von Freude erfüllt sein. “-Buddha

„Alles, was einen Anfang hat, hat ein Ende. Schließe deinen Frieden damit und alles wird gut. “

“Die Wurzel des Leidens ist Anhaftung.”

Buddha-Zitate über Spiritualität

„Du kannst den Weg nicht zurücklegen, bis du selbst zum Weg geworden bist.“

“Drei Dinge können nicht lange verborgen bleiben: die Sonne, der Mond und die Wahrheit.” - Buddha

“Der einzige wirkliche Misserfolg im Leben ist, nicht dem Besten zu entsprechen, den man kennt.”

„Reinheit oder Unreinheit hängt von sich selbst ab. Niemand kann einen anderen reinigen. “

“Wie viele heilige Worte du auch liest, wie viele du auch sprichst, was bringen sie dir, wenn du nicht auf sie einwirkst?”

“Wenn Sie eine Lampe für jemanden anzünden, wird es auch Ihren Weg erhellen.” -Buddha

„Wenn wir das Wunder einer einzelnen Blume deutlich sehen könnten, würde sich unser ganzes Leben verändern. “

“Diejenigen, die es versäumt haben, auf die Wahrheit hinzuarbeiten, haben den Sinn des Lebens verfehlt.”

“In der Getrenntheit liegt das größte Elend der Welt. im Mitgefühl liegt die wahre Stärke der Welt. “

Sie niemanden finden, der Sie auf dem spirituellen Weg unterstützt,
gehen Sie alleine. Es gibt keine Kameradschaft mit den Unreifen. “

„Erarbeite deine eigene Erlösung. Verlasse dich nicht auf andere. “

„Wie viele heilige Worte du auch liest, wie viele du auch sprichst, was bringen sie dir, wenn du es nicht tust?

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Οι παρακάτω 108 αποσπάσματα του Βούδα ενσαρκώνουν την έμφαση του πνευματικού ηγέτη στη συμπόνια, την ειρήνη και την ευτυχία.

Βούδα Αποσπάσματα για τη Ζωή

καλύτερο να κατακτήσετε τον εαυτό σας παρά να κερδίσετε χιλιάδες μάχες.
Στη συνέχεια, η νίκη είναι δική σας. Δεν μπορεί να ληφθεί από εσάς. “-

“Αν ξέρατε τι ξέρω για τη δύναμη της δίληψής σας, δεν θα αφήσετε να περάσει ένα γεύμα χωρίς να το μοιραστείτε με κάποιο τρόπο”.

“Μάθετε αυτό από το νερό: δυνατά πιτσίλισμα του ποταμού αλλά το βάθος των ωκεανών είναι ήρεμο.”

“Ποτέ δεν βλέπω τι έχει γίνει. Βλέπω μόνο τι μένει να γίνει. “
“Χάνετε μόνο ό, τι προσκολλάτε”.

“Το παρελθόν έχει ήδη φύγει, το μέλλον δεν είναι ακόμα εδώ. Υπάρχει μόνο μια στιγμή για να ζήσετε. “

“Το προβλημα ειναι οτι νομιζεις οτι εχεις χρονο.”

περπατάτε και τρώτε και ταξιδεύετε, είστε εκεί που είστε. Διαφορετικά,
θα χάσετε το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της ζωής σας. “-Buddha

“Η δουλειά σου είναι να ανακαλύψεις τη δουλειά σου και στη συνέχεια με όλη σου την καρδιά για να προσφέρεις σε αυτήν.”

πιστεύετε τίποτα, ανεξάρτητα από το πού το διαβάσατε ή ποιος το είπε,
ανεξάρτητα από το αν το έχω πει, εκτός αν συμφωνεί με τον δικό σας λόγο
και την κοινή λογική σας”.

“Η γλώσσα σαν κοφτερό μαχαίρι … σκοτώνει χωρίς να τραβάει αίμα.”

αυτή την τριπλή αλήθεια σε όλους: μια γενναιόδωρη καρδιά, ευγενική
ομιλία και μια ζωή υπηρεσίας και συμπόνιας είναι τα πράγματα που
ανανεώνουν την ανθρωπότητα».

«Κάθε άνθρωπος είναι ο συγγραφέας της δικής του υγείας ή ασθένειας». - Μπούντχα

“Η αποχή από το ψέμα είναι ουσιαστικά υγιής”.

“Αποφύγετε τα κακά πράγματα, καθώς ο άνθρωπος που αγαπά τη ζωή αποφεύγει το δηλητήριο”.

Αποσπάσματα του Βούδα στο Διαλογισμό

“Κρατώντας στο θυμό είναι σαν πόσιμο δηλητήριο και περιμένουν το άλλο πρόσωπο να πεθάνει.”

“Αυτό που νομίζεις, γίνεσαι. Αυτό που νιώθετε, προσελκύετε. Αυτό που φαντάζεστε, δημιουργείτε. “

διαλογισμός φέρνει σοφία. η έλλειψη διαλογισμού αφήνει άγνοια. Γνωρίστε
καλά τι σας οδηγεί προς τα εμπρός και τι σας κρατά πίσω, και επιλέξτε
το μονοπάτι που οδηγεί στη σοφία. “-Buddha

“Υπάρχουν μόνο δύο
λάθη που μπορεί κανείς να κάνει κατά μήκος του δρόμου προς την αλήθεια.
δεν πηγαίνει όλος ο τρόπος, και δεν αρχίζει. “

«Κανείς δεν μας
σώζει αλλά εμείς οι ίδιοι. Κανείς δεν μπορεί και κανείς δεν μπορεί.
Εμείς οι ίδιοι πρέπει να περπατήσουμε το μονοπάτι. “

«Εάν οι
σκέψεις ενός ανθρώπου είναι λασπωμένες, Αν είναι απερίσκεπτη και γεμάτη
δόλια, Πώς μπορεί να φορέσει την κίτρινη ρόμπα; Όποιος είναι κύριος της
φύσης του, Bright, σαφής και αληθής, μπορεί να φορέσει πράγματι την
κίτρινη ρόμπα. “
“Ο θυμός δεν θα εξαφανιστεί ποτέ όσο οι σκέψεις της
δυσαρέσκειας είναι λαχταριστές στο μυαλό. Ο θυμός θα εξαφανιστεί μόλις
ξεχαστούν οι σκέψεις της δυσαρέσκειας ».

“Το σώμα σου είναι πολύτιμο. Είναι το όχημά μας για την αφύπνιση. Αντιμετωπίστε το με προσοχή. “- Μπούντχα

σύντομα το σώμα απορρίπτεται, Τότε τι αισθάνεται; Ένα άχρηστο κούτσουρο
ξύλου, βρίσκεται στο έδαφος, Τότε τι ξέρει; Ο χειρότερος εχθρός σας δεν
μπορεί να σας προκαλέσει ζημιά, όσο οι δικές σας σκέψεις, χωρίς
προστασία. Αλλά μόλις κατακτηθεί, κανείς δεν μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει τόσο
πολύ, ούτε καν ο πατέρας σας ή η μητέρα σας. “

“Θα πρέπει να
προσπαθήσουμε να καταλάβουμε τι βασίζεται τα πάθη και οι ασθένειες - και
να στοχεύουν στην υγεία και την ευημερία, ενώ κερδίζουν στο μονοπάτι”.

είστε αρκετά ήσυχοι, θα ακούσετε τη ροή του σύμπαντος. Θα νιώσετε τον
ρυθμό του. Πηγαίνετε με αυτή τη ροή. Η ευτυχία βρίσκεται μπροστά. Ο
διαλογισμός είναι καθοριστικός. “

Βούδα Αποσπάσματα για την Ειρήνη

“Καλύτερα από χίλια κούφια λόγια, είναι μια λέξη που φέρνει ειρήνη.” -Buddha

“Η ειρήνη προέρχεται από μέσα. Μην το αναζητήσετε χωρίς. “

“Εκείνοι που είναι ελεύθεροι απίστευτων σκέψεων σίγουρα βρίσκουν ειρήνη”.

“Πρέπει να υπάρχει κακό έτσι ώστε το καλό να μπορεί να αποδείξει την καθαρότητά του πάνω από αυτό. “

“Για να κατακτήσετε τον εαυτό σας είναι ένα μεγαλύτερο καθήκον από το να κατακτάτε άλλους”.

όλο μυστικό της ύπαρξης είναι να μην υπάρχει φόβος. Ποτέ μην φοβάστε τι
θα γίνει με σας, δεν εξαρτάται από κανέναν. Μόνο τη στιγμή που
απορρίπτετε κάθε βοήθεια, απελευθερώσατε. “

“Ορίστε την καρδιά σας να κάνει καλό. Κάντε το ξανά και ξανά και θα γεμίσετε με χαρά. “-Μπουδάς

“Όλα που έχουν μια αρχή έχουν ένα τέλος. Κάντε την ειρήνη σας με αυτό και όλα θα είναι καλά. “

“Η ρίζα του πόνου είναι προσκόλληση”.

Βούδας Αποσπάσματα για την Πνευματικότητα

“Δεν μπορείτε να ταξιδέψετε στο μονοπάτι μέχρι να γίνει το ίδιο το μονοπάτι.”

“Τρία πράγματα δεν μπορούν να κρυφτούν πολύ: ο ήλιος, το φεγγάρι και η αλήθεια.” - Μπούντχα

“Η μόνη πραγματική αποτυχία στη ζωή δεν είναι να είναι αλήθεια για τον καλύτερο που ξέρει”.

“Η καθαρότητα ή η ακαθαρσία εξαρτάται από τον εαυτό του. Κανείς δεν μπορεί να καθαρίσει άλλο. “

“Όσο και αν είναι οι λόγοι πολλοί που διαβάζεις, Όσο πολλοί μιλάς, τι καλό θα σε κάνουν αν δεν τους δώσεις συνέχεια;”

“Αν ανάβεις μια λάμπα για κάποιον, θα φωτίσει και το μονοπάτι σου.” -Buddha

“Αν μπορούσαμε να δούμε ξεκάθαρα το θαύμα ενός μόνο λουλουδιού, ολόκληρη η ζωή μας θα άλλαζε. “

“Όσοι απέτυχαν να δουλέψουν προς την αλήθεια έχουν χάσει το σκοπό της ζωής”.

“Σε ξεχωριστή θέση βρίσκεται η μεγαλύτερη δυστυχία του κόσμου. σε συμπόνια βρίσκεται η αληθινή δύναμη του κόσμου. “

δεν βρείτε κάποιον που να σας υποστηρίζει στο πνευματικό μονοπάτι,
περπατήστε μόνοι σας. Δεν υπάρχει συντροφικότητα με τα ανώριμα. “

“Επεξεργαστείτε τη δική σας σωτηρία. Μην εξαρτάτε τους άλλους. “

“Όσο και αν υπάρχουν πολλές άγιες λέξεις που διαβάζετε, Όσο πολλοί μιλάτε, τι καλό θα σας κάνουν αν δεν το κάνετε


the Buddha you see clearly a man, simple, devout, alone, battling for
light, a vivid human personality, not a myth. He too gave a message to
mankind universal in character.”

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30) Classical Esperanto-Klasika Esperanto,

Buddha Quotes on the Mind

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” -Buddha

“All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?”

“It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.”

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”

“There is nothing so disobedient as an undisciplined mind, and there is nothing so obedient as a disciplined mind.”

“Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.”

“You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.”

“To understand everything is to forgive everything.” -Buddha

“Wear your ego like a loose fitting garment.”
“People with opinions just go around bothering one another.”
“Speak or act with an impure mind and trouble will follow you.”
“In the sky, there is no distinction of east
and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then
believe them to be true.”
“The secret of health for both mind and body
is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate
troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. ”
“To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear”
“There is nothing more dreadful than the
habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that
disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a
thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills. ”

Buddha Quotes on Wisdom

“If the problem can be solved why worry? If the problem cannot be solved worrying will do you no good.”
“Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely.”

“In the end these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?” -Buddha

“A man is not called wise because he talks
and talks again; but is he peaceful, loving and fearless then he is in
truth called wise.”
“Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame.”
“It is better to travel well than to arrive.”

“Pain is certain, suffering is optional.” -Buddha

“A dog is not considered a good dog because
he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a
good talker.”
“Remembering a wrong is like carrying a burden on the mind.”
“Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”
“Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else.”
“Nothing is permanent.”
“A jug fills drop by drop.”
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot
coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who
gets burned.”

Inspirational Buddha Quotes

“One moment can change a day, one day can change a life and one life can change the world.” -Buddha

“There isn’t enough darkness in all the world to snuff out the light of one little candle.”
“Imagine that every person in the world is
enlightened but you. They are all your teachers, each doing just the
right things to help you.”

“If you are facing in the right direction, all you need to do is keep on walking.” -Buddha

“Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.”
“An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.”
“Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little.”
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
“If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart.”
“On life’s journey faith is nourishment,
virtuous deeds are a shelter, wisdom is the light by day and right
mindfulness is the protection by night. If a man lives a pure life,
nothing can destroy him.”

Buddha Quotes on Happiness

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a
single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

“Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.” -Buddha

“There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path.”
“It is ridiculous to think that somebody else can make you happy or unhappy.”
“Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think.”
“A disciplined mind brings happiness.”

“When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.” -Buddha

“Happiness is not having a lot. Happiness is giving a lot.”
“Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

Buddha Quotes on Love

“He who loves 50 people has 50 woes; he who loves no one has no woes.”
“Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through love. This is an unalterable law.”

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” -Buddha

“You can search throughout the entire
universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection
than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You
yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love
and affection.”
“True love is born from understanding.”
“If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another.”

“Love is a gift of one’s inner most soul to another so both can be whole.” -Buddha

“The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart. ”

Quotes about Buddha

“Truth is the same always. Whoever ponders it
will get the same answer. Buddha got it. Patanjali got it. Jesus got
it. Mohammed got it. The answer is the same, but the method of working
it out may vary this way or that.” Swami Satchidananda, The Yoga Sutras
“I guess if I had to pick a spiritual
figurehead to possess the deed to the entirety of Earth, I’d go with
Buddha, but only because he wouldn’t want it.” Sarah Vowell, Unfamiliar
“The words of the Buddha offer this truth: ∼
Hatred never ceases by hatred but by love alone is healed.” Jack
Kornfield, The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace
“In Buddha’s opinion, to train in staying
open and curious—to train in dissolving our assumptions and beliefs—is
the best use of our human lives.” Pema Chödrön, The Pocket Pema Chodron
“The path of awakening begins with a step the
Buddha called right understanding.” Jack Kornfield, Seeking the Heart
of Wisdom: The Path of Insight Meditation

5 Fun Facts About Buddha

  1. Buddha was not as chubby as many depictions of him make it seem – he was portrayed this way because, in the east, it was symbolic of happiness. Buddha practiced
    moderation, fasted regularly, and spent a lot of his time traveling by
    foot hundreds of miles, spreading his philosophy of enlightenment.
  2. Just a few days after he was born, he was predicted to be
    a wise old man that would become a king or saint that would change the
  3. Buddha’s spot of enlightenment underneath the bodhi tree is still preserved today.
  4. In order to achieve enlightenment, Young Siddhartha sat under a fig tree and meditated until he transcended suffering. At the end of an extremely lengthy meditation and mental battle with Mara, the god of desire, he became awakened and was then known as the Buddha.
  5. The first mention of Buddha in Western writing is in the writings of Clement of Alexandria, 2 AD.

Buddha’s spiritual words resonate with all
humans, teaching tolerance and love. I hope these famous Buddha quotes
bring you inner peace and your own personal enlightenment.

Ten Buddhist Principles of Good Governance

The 10 virtues of governance are:

Dana: It is the duty of the rulers to look after the
welfare of needy subjects and to give them food, clothing and other
necessities of life.

Sila: Beneficence or sharing – the rulers must conduct himself in private and public life in an exemplary manner.

Pariccaga: Donations – the grant of privileges by
the rulers to those who serve the nation loyally, acknowledging their
loyal service and encourage all servants of the public to perform in an
exemplary manner.

Ajjavan: Uprightness, the rulers must be absolutely
straightforward, never taking recourse to any crooked or doubtful means
to achieve their ends.

Majjavan: Impartiality, gentleness, the rulers’
straightforwardness and rectitude, will require firmness, but this
should be tempered with gentleness, and not be over harsh and cruel. A
harmonious balance is required between gentleness and firmness.

Tapan: Composure, the rulers must keep the five senses under control shunning excessive indulgence, follow the middle path.

Akkodha: Non hatred, rulers should not harbour grievances and act with forbearance and love.

Avihimsa: Non violence – rulers must practice non violence to the greatest extent that is reconcilable with the obligations of rulers.

Khanti: Forgiveness, patience, rulers must conduct
themselves with patience, courage and fortitude, in joy, in sorrow, in
victory and defeat, act with magnanimity, calmness and dignity.

Avirohata: Non revengefulness, non vindictiveness,
non enmity and friendship – rulers must not indulge in ‘bheda’ – divide
and rule – acting always in a spirit of amity and benevolence.

In Buddhist philosophy it is emphasised that the evil and the good of
a people depends on the behaviour of their rulers, and for the good of
the people the 10 Royal Virtues – Dasa Raja Dharma are to be practiced
by the rulers. Further a virtuous ruler should practice Priyavacana –
kindly speech and not use intemperate language. Artha Chariya – the
spirit of service must also be cultivated, this includes living a simple
life and not given to excesses –the Madyama Pravipadava – the middle
path so fundamental to the Buddha’s teaching. Samanatmata – equality,
while retaining the exalted position of being a ruler, a ruler must
consider him in no way superior to the ruled and dispense justice
fairly, without fear or favour.

No space to exercise absolute power

In the Buddhist tradition in particular, and in ancient Asian
governance in general, there was no space for the exercise of absolute
power by a ruler. Power was always limited, by convention, by tradition
and by philosophical belief and religious precept. Examples of abuse of
power and tyrannical rule are aberrations which reinforce the generality
of the situation that rulers were subject to conditionality of
governance, the violation of which created resentment, revolt and regime

Indeed King Mahanama of Lanka, in 428 A.C., wrote to the Emperor of
the Middle Kingdom (China), ‘the Son of Heaven,’ in these terms, which
well reflects the philosophy and principles which govern the conduct of
the ideal Buddhist ruler: ‘Our ancient kings considered hitherto the
practice of virtue as their only duty; they knew how to rule without
being severe and honoured the Three Jewels; they governed and helped the
world, and were happy if men practiced righteousness. For myself I
desire respectfully, in concert with the Son of Heaven, to magnify the
good law in order to save beings from the evils of continued existence.’

The Marquess of Zetland, one time Viceroy of British India, in the
introduction to his book ‘Legacy of India’ says: ‘We know indeed that
political science – Arthashastra in Sanskrit – was a favourite subject
with Indian scholars some centuries before the Christian era. The Social
Contract as the origin of kinship is discussed in the now famous work
attributed to Kautilya, the Chief Minister of the Emperor Chandragupta,
about the year 300 B.C. And it would seem that the people who contracted
for a king in these early days did so in order that there should be
some external authority capable of ensuring that the laws and
regulations of the various corporate bodies which came into existence
were respected. “The King,” wrote Yajnavalkya, “must discipline and
establish again on the path of duty all such as have erred from their
own laws, whether families, castes, guilds or associations….” It is
notable that tendency towards self government evidenced by these various
forms of corporate activity received fresh impetus from the Buddhist
rejection of the authority of the (Brahmin) priesthood and further by
the doctrine of equality as exemplified by its repudiation of caste. It
is indeed to the Buddhist books that we have to turn, for an account, of
the manner in which the affairs of these early examples of
representative self governing institutions were conducted. And it may
come as a surprise to many to learn that in the Assemblies of the
Buddhists in India two thousand or more years ago are to be found the
rudiments of our parliamentary practice of the present day.’

Further the principles of good governance, which results in the right
thing being done the right way at the right time would include:
participation of all groups, including civil society, in the process of
government without exclusion or discrimination, the primacy of the Rule
of Law and equity in the process of investigation, dispute resolution
and adjudication, transparent access to information, responsiveness to
the needs of the governed within a reasonable timeframe, tolerance of
different points of view, consultation, compromise and consensus
oriented administration, effectiveness and efficiency in a sustainable
manner, the accountability of public, private and civil society
authorities to their respective stakeholders.

In Sri Lanka we are the fortunate heirs to a legal system which has
been enriched by the customs and traditions of legal and customary
practices from the world over. The religious influences of Buddhism,
Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, the personal laws of the Kandyans, the
Jaffna Tamils, the Muslims and the Mukkuwas and the legal rules of the
Roman Dutch law, English law and United Nations Treaties and
Rule of Law

The late Tom Bingham, who became a life peer as Baron Bingham of
Cornhill, accepted as the greatest English Judge since World War II, was
successively Master of the Rolls, Lord Chief Justice of England and
Senior Law Lord of the United Kingdom, in his monumental work ‘The Rule
of Law’, suggested eight principles which form the core ingredients of
the Rule of Law. They are:

The law must be accessible and so far as possible intelligible, clear and predictable.

Questions of legal right and liability should ordinarily be resolved
by application of the law and not the exercise of discretion.

The laws of the land should apply equally to all, save to the extent that objective differences justify the differentiation.

Ministers and public officers at all levels must exercise the powers
conferred on them in good faith, fairly, for the purpose for which the
powers were conferred , without exceeding the limits of such powers and
not unreasonably.

The law must provide adequate protection of fundamental human rights.
Means must be provided for resolving, without prohibitive cost or
inordinate delay, bona fide civil disputes which the parties themselves
are unable to resolve.

Adjudicative procedures provided by the state should be fair.
The Rule of Law requires compliance by the state with its obligations in international law as in national law.

Lord Bingham succinctly defined the Rule of Law as follows:-’ all
persons and authorities within the state, whether public or private,
should be bound by and entitled to the benefit of laws publicly made…and
publicly administered in courts’.

On a plain reading of the above, it is clear that there is a common
golden thread running through the Dasa Raja Dharma, principles of good
governance and the Rule of Law. The thread is, plainly stated,
“limitations on the authority of the ruler and the protection and
strengthening of the rights of the subject”.

Prof .S.A. de Smith, Downing Professor of the Laws of England at
Cambridge University, in his leading work, Constitutional and
Administrative Law, says, on the Rule of Law: ‘One can at least say that
the concept is usually intended to imply (i) that the powers exercised
by politicians and officials must have a legitimate foundation; they
must be based on authority conferred by law; and (ii) that the law
should conform to certain minimum standards of justice, both substantive
and procedural. Sir Alfred Denning, later Justice Lord Denning Master
of the Rolls, of famous legal repute and intellect, in his Hamlyn
lecture, Freedom under the Law, dealing with the powers of the rulers,
says: ‘All that the courts can do is to see that the powers are not
exceeded or abused. But this is a most important task. “All power
corrupts. Total power corrupts absolutely.” And the trouble about is
that an official who is the possessor of power often does not realise
when he is abusing it. Its influence is so insidious that he may believe
that he is acting for the public good when, in truth, all he is doing
is to assert his own brief authority. The Jack-in-office never realises
that he is being a little tyrant.’

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a proud heir to all these strong legal traditions, which
give primacy to the Rule of Law and good governance. To have a person
who professes to hold high legal office to declare that he is not sure
that these things are ‘found’ anywhere surely only exposes the limits of
his knowledge and his dictatorial and lapdog tendencies.

There also has been some discussion, in Sri Lanka recently, of a
Sinhala Buddhist tradition of benevolent absolute rulers, with unlimited
power, in our past history. Is this tenable?

Prof. L.S. Dewaraja in her path-breaking book ‘The Kandyan Kingdom,
1707-1760,, says of the Sinhala Buddhist king, at Senkadagala Kande
Mahanuwara: ‘To foreigners the power of the king seemed unchallenged.
The king, Knox declared, “Ruleth Absolute and after his own Will and
Pleasure; His own Head being his only Counsellor.” D’Oyly remarked that
“the ministers advise but cannot control his Will”. In practice however,
the Kandyan monarchy was far from being an unfettered personal
despotism. It followed the traditions of the Indian monarchy which, in
spite of the quasi religious sanctity and the great authority vested in
the personality of the ruler, which was in no way and absolute monarchy.
The Kandyan king exercised supreme power, but his power was not
personal and it was hedged in, by safeguards against abuse. The most
relentless of these checks was sirit, the conventions of the country,
which every ruler had to follow, and which if violated would turn
popular opinion against him.’

The Dasa Raja Dharma and related rules were a very important part of these conventions.

Prof. Dewaraja further says: ‘The king was expected to avail himself
of the advice of his ministers and before any innovations of importance
were introduced it was customary to consult the chiefs and not
infrequently the chief monks also. The royal council consisted of the
two Adigars, the Disavas, the Maha Mohottala or chief secretary and the
Rate Ralas. …If on any occasion the members of the council made a
unanimous representation to the king, it was laid down that the king
should uphold their point of view.’
Even the present, much vilified, criticised, but most times,
unsurprisingly strengthened, used/abused and supported by its erstwhile
critics, when in power, the constitution of Sri Lanka, ends with the
following invocation:

‘Devo Vassatukalena
sassasampattihetu ca
phito bhavatu loko ca
raja bhavatu dhammiko’

(May the rains be on time, may the farmers have successful harvests,
may the ruler be just, and by these happenings may the people prosper.)

So, the conclusion is inevitably that power is never unlimited, nor
absolute; it is and always has been constrained by the Rule of Law and
the principles of good governance.

It certainly may be argued that it can be questioned whether good
governance and the Rule of Law can be reached to a 100% in any
jurisdiction at any given time. The reality and immaturity of the
democratic political process may certainly cause aberrations. But that
does not mean that we should not strive to achieve it and that those
whose duty it is to protect the ordinary citizens’ basic fundamental and
human rights from abuse by the Executive and the Legislature can go to
seats of higher learning and mock these concepts and express puerile
doubts as to whether they are ‘found anywhere in the world’. The
statement only exposes the speaker’s pathetic and slavish mindset. The
Dasa Raja Dharma, the principles of good governance and the Rule of Law
are entrenched into Sri Lanka’s constitutional practice, and must be

It is in the natural order of things that,
everything is time-bound, even an autocrat’s power. Let’s give the last
word to undoubtedly the most successful strong man of Asia – retired
Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, the veritable doyen of all
autocrats who ruled with an iron hand, with no concerns for principles
of good governance or the Rule of Law. Like Mahathir of Malaysia,
Suharto of Indonesia and Ne Win of Burma, he was a proponent of Asian
values, which gave priority to national issues over individual freedoms.
To them the Rule of Law and principles of good governance were Judeo
Christian values, which were not applicable to Asia.
Lee at the end of his days writes: ‘…What is next, I do not know. Nobody
has ever come back. I’m reaching 87, trying to keep fit, presenting a
vigorous figure, and it is an effort, and is it worth the effort? I just
laugh at myself trying to keep a bold front… I’m not saying that
everything I did was right, but everything I did was for an honourable
purpose. I had to do some nasty things, locking fellows up without
trial. Close the coffin, and then decide. Then you assess me, I may
still do something foolish before the lid is closed on me.’

in 01) Classical Magahi Magadhi,
02) Classical Chandaso language,
03)Magadhi Prakrit,
04) Classical Hela Basa (Hela Language),
05) Classical Pali,
06) Classical Devanagari,Classical Hindi-Devanagari- शास्त्रीय हिंदी,

07) Classical Cyrillic
08) Classical Afrikaans– Klassieke Afrikaans

09) Classical Albanian-Shqiptare klasike,
10) Classical Amharic-አንጋፋዊ አማርኛ,
11) Classical Arabic-اللغة العربية الفصحى
12) Classical Armenian-դասական հայերեն,
13) Classical Azerbaijani- Klassik Azərbaycan,
14) Classical Basque- Euskal klasikoa,
15) Classical Belarusian-Класічная беларуская,
16) Classical Bengali-ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা,
17) Classical  Bosnian-Klasični bosanski,
18) Classical Bulgaria- Класически българск,
19) Classical  Catalan-Català clàssic
20) Classical Cebuano-Klase sa Sugbo,

21) Classical Chichewa-Chikale cha Chichewa,

22) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),

23) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體),

24) Classical Corsican-Corsa Corsicana,

25) Classical  Croatian-Klasična hrvatska,

26) Classical  Czech-Klasická čeština,
27) Classical  Danish-Klassisk dansk,Klassisk dansk,

28) Classical  Dutch- Klassiek Nederlands,
29) Classical English,Roman
30) Classical Esperanto-Klasika Esperanto,

31) Classical Estonian- klassikaline eesti keel,

32) Classical Filipino,
33) Classical Finnish- Klassinen suomalainen,

34) Classical French- Français classique,

35) Classical Frisian- Klassike Frysk,

36) Classical Galician-Clásico galego,
37) Classical Georgian-კლასიკური ქართული,

38) Classical German- Klassisches Deutsch,
39) Classical Greek-Κλασσικά Ελληνικά,
40) Classical Gujarati-ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી,
41) Classical Haitian Creole-Klasik kreyòl,

42) Classical Hausa-Hausa Hausa,
43) Classical Hawaiian-Hawaiian Hawaiian,

44) Classical Hebrew- עברית קלאסית
45) Classical Hmong- Lus Hmoob,

46) Classical Hungarian-Klasszikus magyar,

47) Classical Icelandic-Klassísk íslensku,
48) Classical Igbo,

49) Classical Indonesian-Bahasa Indonesia Klasik,

50) Classical Irish-Indinéisis Clasaiceach,
51) Classical Italian-Italiano classico,
52) Classical Japanese-古典的なイタリア語,
53) Classical Javanese-Klasik Jawa,
54) Classical Kannada- ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ,
55) Classical Kazakh-Классикалық қазақ,

56) Classical Khmer- ខ្មែរបុរាណ,
57) Classical Korean-고전 한국어,

58) Classical Kurdish (Kurmanji)-Kurdî (Kurmancî),

59) Classical Kyrgyz-Классикалык Кыргыз,
60) Classical Lao-ຄລາສສິກລາວ,
61) Classical Latin-LXII) Classical Latin,

62) Classical Latvian-Klasiskā latviešu valoda,

63) Classical Lithuanian-Klasikinė lietuvių kalba,

64) Classical Luxembourgish-Klassesch Lëtzebuergesch,

65) Classical Macedonian-Класичен македонски,
66) Classical Malagasy,
67) Classical Malay-Melayu Klasik,

68) Classical Malayalam-ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം,

69) Classical Maltese-Klassiku Malti,
70) Classical Maori-Maori Maori,
71) Classical Marathi-क्लासिकल माओरी,

72) Classical Mongolian-Сонгодог Монгол,

73) Classical Myanmar (Burmese)-Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ),

74) Classical Nepali-शास्त्रीय म्यांमार (बर्मा),
75) Classical Norwegian-Klassisk norsk,

76) Classical Pashto- ټولګی پښتو

77) Classical Persian-کلاسیک فارسی
78) Classical Polish-Język klasyczny polski,

79) Classical Portuguese-Português Clássico,
80) Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,
81) Classical Romanian-Clasic românesc,
82) Classical Russian-Классический русский,
83) Classical Samoan-Samoan Samoa,
84) Classical Scots Gaelic-Gàidhlig Albannach Clasaigeach,
85) Classical Serbian-Класични српски,
86) Classical Sesotho-Seserbia ea boholo-holo,
87) Classical Shona-Shona Shona,
88) Classical Sindhi,
89) Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල,

90) Classical Slovak-Klasický slovenský,
91) Classical Slovenian-Klasična slovenska,
92) Classical Somali-Soomaali qowmiyadeed,
93) Classical Spanish-Español clásico,
94) Classical Sundanese-Sunda Klasik,
95) Classical Swahili,
96) Classical Swedish-Klassisk svensk,
97) Classical Tajik-тоҷикӣ классикӣ,

98) Classical Tamil-பாரம்பரிய இசைத்தமிழ் செம்மொழி,
99) Classical Telugu- క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు,
100) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,
101) Classical Turkish-Klasik Türk,
102) Classical Ukrainian-Класичний український,
103) Classical Urdu- کلاسیکی اردو
104) Classical Uzbek-Klassik o’zbek,
105) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việt cổ điển,

106) Classical Welsh-Cymraeg Clasurol,
107) Classical Xhosa-IsiXhosa zesiXhosa,
108) Classical Yiddish- קלאסישע ייִדיש
109) Classical Yoruba-Yoruba Yoruba,
110) Classical Zulu-I-Classical Zulu

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Awakeness Practices

All 84,000 Khandas As Found in the Pali Suttas

Traditionally the are 84,000 Dharma Doors - 84,000 ways to get
Awakeness. Maybe so; certainly the Buddha taught a large number of
practices that lead to Awakeness. This web page attempts to catalogue
those found in the Pali Suttas (DN, MN, SN, AN, Ud & Sn 1). There
are 3 sections:

The discourses of Buddha are divided into 84,000, as to separate
addresses. The division includes all that was spoken by Buddha.”I
received from Buddha,” said Ananda, “82,000 Khandas, and  from the
priests 2000; these are 84,000 Khandas maintained by me.” They are
divided into 275,250, as to the stanzas of the original text, and into
361,550, as to the stanzas of the commentary. All the discourses
including both those of
Buddha and those of the commentator, are divided  into 2,547 banawaras,
containing 737,000 stanzas, and 29,368,000 separate letters.


Positive Buddha Vacana — The words of the Buddha —

Interested in All Suttas  of Tipitaka as Episodes in visual format including 7D laser Hologram 360 degree Circarama presentation

Analytic Insight Net - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Law Research & Practice

Maha Sathipattana Suthraya - මහා සතිපට්ඨාන සුත්‍රය -

 Maha-parinibbana Sutta — Last Days of the Buddha

The Great Discourse on the Total Unbinding

wide-ranging sutta, the longest one in the Pali canon, describes the
events leading up to, during, and immediately following the death and
final release (parinibbana) of the Buddha. This colorful narrative
contains a wealth of Dhamma teachings, including the Buddha’s final
instructions that defined how Buddhism would be lived and practiced long
after the Buddha’s death — even to this day. But this sutta also
depicts, in simple language, the poignant human drama that unfolds among
the Buddha’s many devoted followers around the time of the death of
their beloved teacher.
Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasuttaṃ (Pali) - 2 Kāyānupassanā ānāpānapabbaṃ


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Peace and joy for all

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