Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

September 2024
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LESSON 3431 Mon 31 Aug 2020 Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Discovery of Awakened One with Awareness Universe (DAOAU) For The Welfare, Happiness, Peace of All Sentient and Non-Sentient Beings and for them to Attain Eternal Peace as Final Goal. KUSHINARA NIBBANA BHUMI PAGODA-It is a 18 feet Dia All White Pagoda with may be a table or, but be sure to having above head level based on the usual use of the room. in 116 CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Through At WHITE HOME 668, 5A main Road, 8th Cross, HAL III Stage, Prabuddha Bharat Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru Magadhi Karnataka State PRABUDDHA BHARAT Dr B.R.Ambedkar thundered “Main Bharat Baudhmay karunga.” (I will make India Buddhist) All Aboriginal Awakened Societies Thunder ” Hum Prapanch Prabuddha Bharatmay karunge.” (We will make world Prabuddha Prapanch Non-cooperation and disobedience movement against all governments till the curfew like lockdown is lifted and normalcy is retained Best Administration to Discover Awakened One with Awareness Universe for welfare, happiness and peace for all societies. The ex CJI Sathasivam committed a grave error of judgement by agreeing that the EVMs are being tampered through EVMs and ordered for their replacement in a phased manner as suggested by the ex CEC Sampath because it cost Rs 1600 crore at that point of time . This judgement helped Murderer of democratic institutions (MODI) of Bevakoof Jhoothe Psychopaths (BJP) remotely controlled by the foreigners kicked out from Bene Israel, Tibet, Africa chitpavan brahmins of RSS (Rowdy Swayam Sevaks) fullo intolerance, hatred, anger, jealousy, delusion, mob lynching 99.9% All Aboriginal Awakened Societies to gobble the Master Key to enslave Judiciary, Parliament, Executive, Media full of chitpavan brahmins who have imposed curfew like lockdown which is fraud and protested all over the world lift it for liberty, freedom, equality and fraternity enshrined in the Constituition.Omit Shah and the Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) are own mother’s flesh eaters are supported by the quora and the PRESSTITUTE MEDIA
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 12:00 am

LESSON 3431 Mon 31 Aug 2020

Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart
Discovery of  Awakened One with Awareness Universe (DAOAU) 


The Welfare, Happiness, Peace of All Sentient and Non-Sentient Beings and for them to Attain Eternal Peace as Final Goal.

is a 18 feet Dia All White Pagoda with may be a table or, but be sure
to having above head level based on the usual use of the room.




 668, 5A main Road, 8th Cross, HAL III Stage,

Prabuddha Bharat Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru

Magadhi Karnataka State


Dr B.R.Ambedkar thundered “Main Bharat Baudhmay karunga.” (I will make India Buddhist)

All Aboriginal  Awakened Societies Thunder ” Hum Prapanch Prabuddha Bharatmay karunge.” (We will make world Prabuddha Prapanch

Non-cooperation and disobedience movement against all governments till the curfew like lockdown is lifted and normalcy  is retained

Best Administration to Discover Awakened One with Awareness Universe for welfare, happiness and peace for all societies.

The ex CJI Sathasivam committed a grave error of judgement by agreeing that the EVMs are being tampered through EVMs and ordered for their replacement in a phased manner as suggested by the ex CEC Sampath because it cost Rs 1600 crore at that point of time . This judgement helped Murderer of democratic institutions (MODI) of Bevakoof Jhoothe Psychopaths (BJP) remotely controlled by the foreigners kicked out from Bene Israel, Tibet, Africa chitpavan brahmins of RSS (Rowdy Swayam Sevaks) fullo intolerance, hatred, anger, jealousy, delusion, mob lynching 99.9% All Aboriginal Awakened Societies to gobble the Master Key to enslave Judiciary, Parliament, Executive, Media full of chitpavan brahmins who have imposed curfew like lockdown which is fraud and protested all over the world lift it for liberty, freedom, equality and fraternity enshrined in the Constituition.Omit Shah and the Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) are own mother’s flesh eaters are supported by the quora and the PRESSTITUTE MEDIA



Despite 850,591 Deaths:in the WORLD from COVID-19, it was ‘FAKE SCIENCE’ and Covid-19 can be compared to a ‘BAD FLU’


Coronavirus Cases: 25,384,547

Deaths: 850,591





Current World Population with reference to

Last updated: Last updated: August 31, 2020, 03:01 GMTwithout any trial

‘99.9% Awakened People with Awareness have come together to make their voices heard against mandatory vaccinations, mandatory masks, mandatory anything really. No more curfew like lockdowns, no more second wave business’.



E-filing in the Supreme Judicial Court Clerk’s Office for the Commonwealth



COVID-19 coronavirus is a ‘hoax’
99.9% All Aboriginal Awakened Societies of the world are aware that COVID-19 coronavirus is a ‘hoax’ and a fraud. There will be protests all over the world in social media and protesters gathering to claim coronavirus is a ‘hoax’There is a non-cooperation movement for ‘NO MORE CURFEW LIKE LOCKDOWNS’ ‘NO TO VACCINATIONS’. ‘SMILES NOT MASKS’ ‘NO SOCIAL DISTANCING’

Despite 847,677 Deaths:in the WORLD from COVID-19, it was ‘FAKE SCIENCE’ and Covid-19 can be compared to a ‘BAD FLU’


There would be


‘People have come together to make their voices heard against mandatory vaccinations, mandatory masks, mandatory anything really. No more curfew like lockdowns, no more second wave business’.





Supreme Judicial Court Clerk’s Office for the Commonwealth and all SUPREME COURTS OF THE WORLD



Facts of the case - Freedom from the ruling races and castes who have imposed curfew like lock down in the name of The coronavirus may not have originated at a Wuhan wet market last year but 1,000 miles away in 2012 — deep in a Chinese mineshaft where workers came down with a mysterious, pneumonia-like illness after being exposed to bats. with reference to

Question(s) of Law Have the just 0.1% of the population




(F) ALL ELECTION COMMISSIONS OF THE WORLD declared death sentence to 850,591 people house arrested

Coronavirus Cases: 25,384,547

Deaths: 850,591

Recovered: 17,706,841 plus
Current World Population with reference to Last updated: Last updated: August 31, 2020, 03:01 GMTwithout any trial

Grounds- 99.9% of the world population are awakened to the fact that Birth, Sickness, Old Age and Death are certainities. Why should just 0.1% racists and upper casteists and the business communities for their selfish ends punish people with awareness and awakeness ?


(i) May all the following be relieved from the clutches of the rulers PUSHING FEAR AND IGNORING SCIENCE who have won elections by tampering the EVMs/VVPATs

World Population

7,808,579,170 Current World Population

93,404,066 Births this year

141,288 Births today

39,213,264 Deaths this year

59,316 Deaths today

54,190,801 Net population growth this year

81,972 Net population growth today

Government & Economics

$ 5,589,611,216 Public Healthcare expenditure today

$ 3,817,023,103 Public Education expenditure today

$ 1,728,490,079 Public Military expenditure today

52,786,430 Cars produced this year

100,750,124 Bicycles produced this year

166,185,369 Computers produced this year

Society & Media

1,791,299 New book titles published this year

174,957,577 Newspapers circulated today

245,949 TV sets sold worldwide today

2,415,286 Cellular phones sold today

$ 107,919,763 Money spent on videogames today

4,662,960,985 Internet users in the world today

97,358,812,496 Emails sent today

2,606,339 Blog posts written today

289,921,750 Tweets sent today

2,716,230,948Google searches today


3,467,353Forest loss this year (hectares)

4,667,995Land lost to soil erosion this year (ha)

24,124,329,762 CO2 emissions this year (tons)

8,000,776 Desertification this year (hectares)

6,528,886 Toxic chemicals released
in the environment this year (tons)


845,601,171Undernourished people in the world

1,698,256,011Overweight people in the world

764,394,102Obese people in the world

11,279People who died of hunger today

$ 214,820,278Money spent for obesity related diseases in the USA today

$ 69,720,181Money spent on weight loss programs in the USA today


2,916,775,020Water used this year (million L)

561,421Deaths caused by water related diseases this year

798,318,766 People with no access to a safe drinking water source


172,137,601Energy used today (MWh), of which:

146,533,246- from non-renewable sources (MWh)

25,922,421- from renewable sources (MWh)

1,078,622,761,499 Solar energy striking Earth today (MWh)

35,305,384 Oil pumped today (barrels)

1,498,470,351,540 Oil left (barrels)

15,627 Days to the end of oil (~43 years)

1,093,880,110,323 Natural Gas left (boe)

57,573 Days to the end of natural gas

4,313,489,623,039 Coal left (boe)

148,741 Days to the end of coal


8,654,716 Communicable disease deaths this year

325,560 Seasonal flu deaths this year

5,067,509 Deaths of children under 5 this year

28,365,223 Abortions this year

206,065 Deaths of mothers during birth this year

42,062,237 HIV/AIDS infected people

1,120,739 Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS this year

5,475,433 Deaths caused by cancer this year

653,940 Deaths caused by malaria this year

5,582,512,719 Cigarettes smoked today

3,332,781 Deaths caused by smoking this year

1,667,442 Deaths caused by alcohol this year

714,918 Suicides this year

$ 266,706,552,374 Money spent on illegal drugs this year

899,956 Road traffic accident fatalities this year

May all be happy, well and secure!May all be calm, quiet, alert, attentive and have equanimity of mindwith a clear understanding that everything is changing!
May all attain Eternal Bliss as their Final Goal!

Dismiss all the governments formed by using the EVMs/VVPATs and PUSHING FEAR AND IGNORING SCIENCE. Orders may be passed to conduct elections in free and fair manner by using ballot papers as followed by 120 democracies of the world.

Till then Non-cooperation and disobedience movement against all governments till the curfew like lockdown is lifted and normalcy  is retained


  • Question(s) of Law  Have the just 0.1% of the population




    (F) ALL ELECTION COMMISSIONS OF THE WORLD  declared death sentence to 
    850,591 people house arrested

    Coronavirus Cases: 25,384,547

    Deaths: 850,591

  • Recovered: 17,706,841

  • 7,808,579,170
  • Current World Population with reference to Last updated: Last updated: August 31, 2020, 03:01 GMTwithout any trial
  • Grounds-
    99.9% of the world population are awakened to the fact that Birth,
    Sickness, Old Age and Death are certainities. Why should just 0.1%
    racists and upper casteists and the business communities for their
    selfish ends punish people with awareness and awakeness ?


  • (i)
    May all the following be relieved from the clutches of the rulers
    PUSHING FEAR AND IGNORING SCIENCE who have won elections by tampering
    the EVMs/VVPATs

  • World Population

  • 93,404,066 Births this year
    141,288 Births today
    39,213,264 Deaths this year
    59,316 Deaths today
    54,190,801 Net population growth this year
    81,972 Net population growth today

  • Government & Economics

  • $ 5,589,611,216 Public Healthcare expenditure today
    $ 3,817,023,103 Public Education expenditure today
    $ 1,728,490,079 Public Military expenditure today
    52,786,430 Cars produced this year
    100,750,124 Bicycles produced this year
    166,185,369 Computers produced this year

  • Society & Media

  • 1,791,299 New book titles published this year
    174,957,577 Newspapers circulated today
    245,949 TV sets sold worldwide today
    2,415,286 Cellular phones sold today
    $ 107,919,763 Money spent on videogames today
    4,662,960,985 Internet users in the world today
    97,358,812,496 Emails sent today
    2,606,339 Blog posts written today
    289,921,750 Tweets sent today
    2,716,230,948Google searches today

  • Environment

  • 3,467,353Forest loss this year (hectares)
    4,667,995Land lost to soil erosion this year (ha)
    24,124,329,762 CO2 emissions this year (tons)
    8,000,776 Desertification this year (hectares)
    6,528,886 Toxic chemicals released
    in the environment
    this year (tons)

  • Food

  • 845,601,171Undernourished people in the world
    1,698,256,011Overweight people in the world
    764,394,102Obese people in the world
    11,279People who died of hunger today
    $ 214,820,278Money spent for obesity related diseases in the USA today
    $ 69,720,181Money spent on weight loss programs in the USA today

  • Water

  • 2,916,775,020Water used this year (million L)
    561,421Deaths caused by water related diseases this year
    798,318,766 People with no access to a safe drinking water source

  • Energy

  • 172,137,601Energy used today (MWh), of which:
    146,533,246- from non-renewable sources (MWh)
    25,922,421- from renewable sources (MWh)
    1,078,622,761,499 Solar energy striking Earth today (MWh)
    35,305,384 Oil pumped today (barrels)
    1,498,470,351,540 Oil left (barrels)
    15,627 Days to the end of oil (~43 years)
    1,093,880,110,323 Natural Gas left (boe)
    57,573 Days to the end of natural gas
    4,313,489,623,039 Coal left (boe)
    148,741 Days to the end of coal


  • 8,654,716 Communicable disease deaths this year
    325,560 Seasonal flu deaths this year
    5,067,509 Deaths of children under 5 this year
    28,365,223 Abortions this year
    206,065 Deaths of mothers during birth this year
    42,062,237 HIV/AIDS infected people
    1,120,739 Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS this year
    5,475,433 Deaths caused by cancer this year
    653,940 Deaths caused by malaria this year
    5,582,512,719 Cigarettes smoked today
    3,332,781 Deaths caused by smoking this year
    1,667,442 Deaths caused by alcohol this year
    714,918 Suicides this year
    $ 266,706,552,374 Money spent on illegal drugs this year
    899,956 Road traffic accident fatalities this year

  • Dismiss
    all the governments  formed by using the EVMs/VVPATs and PUSHING FEAR AND IGNORING SCIENCE. Orders may be passed
    to conduct elections in free and fair manner by using ballot papers as
    followed by 120 democracies of the world.

    Thousands of anti-lockdown protesters gather in London to claim coronavirus is a ‘hoax’

    crowds gathered at Trafalgar Square calling for ‘no more lockdowns’ and
    ‘no to vaccinations’. There appeared to be little social distancing or
    people wearing face masks

    Thousands gather in London’s Trafalgar Square for anti-Covid-19 lockdown protest

    Thousands of anti-lockdown protesters have gathered in central London, claiming coronavirus is a “hoax”.

    “Unite For Freedom” march started in Trafalgar Square at noon on
    Saturday, with demonstrators calling for ‘no more lockdowns, ‘no to
    vaccinations’ and ‘no to government lies’.

    Pictures and video from the protest show thousands of people at the popular tourist hotspot, many holding signs and placards.

    There appears to be little or no social distancing among the huge crowds and very few appear to be wearing face coverings.

    The brother of former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, Piers is expected to make a speech later.

    Activist Sonia Poulton, who was part of the protest, posted a video on Twitter earlier today.

    Are you at the protest? Email

    Protesters hold up placards as they gather in Trafalgar Square in central London
    (Image: AFP via Getty Images)

    She said: “People are coming today to make their voices heard against
    mandatory vaccinations, mandatory masks, mandatory anything really. No
    more lockdowns, no more second wave business”.

    Notorious conspiracy theorist David Icke was also seen making a speech at Trafalgar Square.

    Other signs read “masks reduce immunity” and “masks increase infection risk”.

    more than 40,000 deaths in the UK from coronavirus, another sign said
    it was “fake science” and Covid-19 can be compared to a “bad flu”.

    Another homemade sign read “convid hoax”.

    flier for the event said that there would be “top doctors and nurses
    speaking out truth against government pushing fear and ignoring

    Trafalgar Square earlier today
    (Image: Matthew Chattle/REX/Shutterstock)

    ‘We are the truth’ another sign reads
    (Image: Matthew Chattle/REX/Shutterstock)

    Thousands Protest in London, Demand End of Anti-COVID-19 Measures (+Video)

    Thousands Protest in London, Demand End of Anti-COVID-19 Measures (+Video)

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Thousands of Brits gathered in London on Saturday at a
    ‘Unite for Freedom’ rally to protest against the UK government COVID-19

    began gathering in London’s Trafalgar Square around noon and then
    marched to the Houses of Parliament to show opposition to the ongoing
    shutdowns, introduced as part of the UK’s response to the pandemic.

    rally, called under the slogans of “No More Lockdowns – No Social
    Distancing – No Masks,” among others, attracted more than 10,000 people
    aghast at the looming prospect of another lockdown being introduced, as
    talk of pandemic’s “second wave” dominates the media, RT reported.

    woman told The Guardian’s Jason Rodrigues that the government’s
    reactions to the outbreak was “completely out of proportion,” lamenting
    how “people’s liberties have been taken away” and arguing that it’s only
    going to get “worse and worse” – a common sentiment at the rally.

    As the crowds grew, they started chanting slogans like “freedom!” and “save our rights.”

    showed demonstrators, many of whom did not wear masks, holding signs
    saying “No ‘New Normal’” and “COVID-1984,” while others outright blasted
    the virus as a “hoax.”

    It is the latter that the media coverage focused on, with
    some headlines blasting the demonstration as a gathering of
    “anti-vaxxers” and “conspiracy theorists.”

    What didn’t help the
    rally’s reputation were the invited controversial speakers like David
    Icke, who gave a fiery speech proclaiming COVID-19 an “illusion
    pandemic” and praising the rally as an “island of sanity in a world of
    madness.” Social media savored the quotes.

    “If you find yourself
    at a rally in Trafalgar Square arguing against the World Health
    Organisation … listening to and agreeing with David Icke … then you
    should seek professional advice,” musician John Spiers tweeted.

    speaker, Kate Shemirani, encouraged everyone in the crowd to give each
    other a hug and then exclaimed, “If this was a real virus, technically
    all of you lot should be sick.”

    The gathering has received plenty
    of media backlash for not adhering to social distancing rules and not
    wearing masks – in fact, “take off the mask” became its rallying cry at
    one stage. Ironically, such worries have not been as widely expressed
    over the ongoing Black Lives Matter protests, which have also drawn
    massive attendance, with many ignoring COVID-19 guidances in the name of
    social justice.

    “How many people calling today’s Trafalgar Square
    anti-lockdown protesters ‘covidiots’ said the same about the Black
    Lives Matter protests during the actual lockdown?” commenter Martin
    Daubney pointed out on Twitter.

    London’s rally was just one in a
    series of recent anti-lockdown events in Europe, where increasingly many
    people are finding it hard to keep up with the ever-changing COVID-19
    regulations and are sceptical of the difference such pandemic attributes
    as masks make.

    Even Britain’s deputy chief medical officer said
    this week that evidence that masks protect from COVID-19 is “not very
    strong,” despite the mandates in place.

    A similar protest in
    Berlin was disbanded by police on Saturday after they deemed
    demonstrators were failing to adhere to social distancing measures.
    Around 3,000 officers were deployed to police the crowd of 18,000.

    10,000 anti-lockdown protesters gather in London to claim coronavirus is
    ‘a hoax’
    View 408
    author image
    Tom WilliamsSaturday 29 Aug 2020 1:00 pm
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    The Unite for Freedom rally in London’s Trafalgar Square
    The Unite for Freedom rally in London’s Trafalgar Square (Pictures:
    Getty/ EPA/ Rex/ PA)

    Up to 10,000 coronavirus-deniers have gathered in London’s Trafalgar
    Square to protest against lockdowns and vaccination programmes.

    The ‘Unite for Freedom’ rally started at noon and called for an ‘end to
    Government lies’ and the ‘restoration of all freedoms.’

    Pictures from the demonstration showed a sizeable crowd gathered in the
    square, holding signs warning that coronavirus is a ‘scam’ and a ‘hoax.’

    One man held a homemade placard on which he had scrawled ‘no to
    mandatory vaccines.’

    Another called the World Health Organisation the ‘World Hoax
    Organisation’ and someone else proudly held a sign calling for an ‘end
    to medical tyranny.’

    More than 40,000 people have now died with the virus in UK, but one
    man’s sign said it was ‘fake science’ and comparable to a ‘bad flu.’

    One protestor unfurled a flag showing the symbol of the British Union of
    Fascists while another woman was seen promoting the QAnon conspiracy
    theory that believes a cabal of Satan-worshipping Democrats, Hollywood
    celebrities and billionaires run the world while engaging in
    ?? Licensed to London News Pictures. 29/08/2020. London, UK. Protesters
    in Trafalgar Square take part in a demonstration organised by Stand Up X
    in London, United Kingdom on August 29, 2020. The anti-face mask group
    is against the British government policy of Covid-19 measures including
    vaccinations and lockdown. Photo credit: London News Pictures
    Crowds have been gathering since noon (Picture: London News Pictures)
    Coronavirus deniers protest in Trafalgar Square, London (Picture: Sophie
    This man’s sign says ‘Covid-19 is a scam’ (Picture: Sophie
    ?? Licensed to London News Pictures. 29/08/2020. London, UK. Protesters
    in Trafalgar Square take part in a demonstration organised by Stand Up X
    in London, United Kingdom on August 29, 2020. The anti-face mask group
    is against the British government policy of Covid-19 measures including
    vaccinations and lockdown. Photo credit: London News Pictures
    The freedom rally is against mass vaccination programmes (Picture:
    London News Pictures)
    LONDON, ENGLAND - AUGUST 29: An anti-mask protester holds a sign reading
    ‘We Do Not Consent’ while a woman next to her coughs at the Unite for
    Freedom protest in Trafalgar Sq on August 29, 2020 in London, England.
    Speakers, including Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers Corbyn, spoke to
    hundreds of people gathered in Trafalgar square during an anti-mask
    demo. (Photo by Peter Summers/Getty Images)
    Protestors warned the Government is planning to extend restrictions
    (Picture: Getty Images)
    A placard is pictured as people demonstrate against the lockdown and use
    of face masks in Trafalgar Square, amid the coronavirus disease
    (COVID-19) outbreak, in London, Britain, August 29, 2020. REUTERS/Henry
    Protests against lockdowns have been growing (Picture: Reuters)
    Pretesters holding placards demonstrate against the lockdown and use of
    face masks in Trafalgar Square, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
    outbreak, in London, Britain, August 29, 2020. REUTERS/Henry Nicholls
    The London protest was one of a number taking place around the world
    (Picture: Reuters)
    epa08633723 Thousands of people protest at Trafalgar Square against the
    Coronavirus lockdown in London, Britain, 29 August 2020. Protesters
    demonstrated against the wearing of masks, government proposed vaccines
    and lockdowns. Protesters claim that Covid-19 is a hoax enabling
    governments to exert control over the masses. EPA/ANDY RAIN
    Lockdown restrictions were criticised (Picture: EPA)

    Protestors, none of whom appeared to be wearing face masks, filled the
    area beneath the National Gallery.

    A flyer for the event said the demo would be addressed by ‘top
    professional doctors and nurses speaking out’. Jeremy Corbyn’s brother,
    Piers, was due to make an appearance alongside conspiracy theorist David

    Mr Icke, who was kicked off Facebook for publishing ‘health
    misinformation that could cause physical harm’ earlier this year, said
    it was a ‘joy to look out over an island of sanity in a world of

    The flyer called on people to ‘reject the tyranny’ while warning that
    the Government is due to vote on a two year extension to ‘draconian
    Covid laws’ in September 2020.

    It comes as countries around the world continue to battle with thousands
    of new infections and deaths a day.
    epa08633428 Thousands of people protest at Trafalgar Square against the
    Coronavirus lockdown in London, Britain, 29 August 2020. Protesters
    demonstrated against the wearing of masks, government proposed vaccines,
    and lockdowns. Protesters claim that Covid-19 is a hoax enabling
    governments to exert control over the masses. EPA/ANDY RAIN
    A protestor holds a sign calling for an end to ‘medical tyranny’
    (Picture: EPA)
    epa08633430 Thousands of people protest at Trafalgar Square against the
    Coronavirus lockdown in London, Britain, 29 August 2020. Protesters
    demonstrated against the wearing of masks, government proposed vaccines,
    and lockdowns. Protesters claim that Covid-19 is a hoax enabling
    governments to exert control over the masses. EPA/ANDY RAIN
    Thousands have made the trip to Trafalgar Square (Picture: EPA)
    epa08633426 Thousands of people protest at Trafalgar Square against the
    Coronavirus lockdown in London, Britain, 29 August 2020. Protesters
    demonstrated against the wearing of masks, government proposed vaccines,
    and lockdowns. Protesters claim that Covid-19 is a hoax enabling
    governments to exert control over the masses. EPA/ANDY RAIN
    David Icke is scheduled to speak to the crowds (Picture: EPA)
    epa08633462 Thousands of people protest at Trafalgar Square against the
    Coronavirus lockdown in London, Britain, 29 August 2020. Protesters
    demonstrated against the wearing of masks, government proposed vaccines,
    and lockdowns. Protesters claim that Covid-19 is a hoax enabling
    governments to exert control over the masses. EPA/ANDY RAIN
    The protestors are against the wearing of masks, evidently (Picture:
    epa08633460 Thousands of people protest at Trafalgar Square against the
    Coronavirus lockdown in London, Britain, 29 August 2020. Protesters
    demonstrated against the wearing of masks, government proposed vaccines,
    and lockdowns. Protesters claim that Covid-19 is a hoax enabling
    governments to exert control over the masses. EPA/ANDY RAIN
    They claim Covid-19 is a hoax cooked up by the Government to control the
    people (Picture: EPA)
    LONDON, ENGLAND - AUGUST 29: Anti-mask protesters are seen at the Unite
    for Freedom protest in Trafalgar Sq on August 29, 2020 in London,
    England. Speakers, including Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers Corbyn, spoke
    to hundreds of people gathered in Trafalgar square during an anti-mask
    demo. (Photo by Peter Summers/Getty Images)
    Anti-mask protesters at the Unite for Freedom protest (Picture: Getty
    LONDON, ENGLAND - AUGUST 29: Two men wearing masks are seen at the Unite
    for Freedom protest in Trafalgar Sq on August 29, 2020 in London,
    England. Speakers, including Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers Corbyn, spoke
    to hundreds of people gathered in Trafalgar square during an anti-mask
    demo. (Photo by Peter Summers/Getty Images)
    Perhaps these are the right kind of masks? (Picture: Getty Images)

    ‘Anti-corona’ protests have also been taking place in Berlin where
    thousands of sceptics gathered by the Brandenburg Gate.

    Police had tried to stop the protests from taking place but a German
    regional court gave the go-ahead for the mass demonstrations.

    Around 3,000 officers were deployed to control the crowds of around
    20,000 people.

    Some activists opposed to the virus measures in Germany have been urging
    social media followers across Europe to ‘arm themselves’ for the
    BERLIN, GERMANY - AUGUST 29: Coronavirus skeptics, right-wing extremists
    and others march in protest against coronavirus-related restrictions
    and government policy on August 29, 2020 in Berlin, Germany. City
    authorities had banned the planned protest, citing the flouting of
    social distancing by participants in a similar march that drew at least
    17,000 people a few weeks ago, but a court overturned the ban. (Photo by
    Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
    Another protest against lockdowns is taking place in Berlin (Picture:
    A woman holds a sign during a rally against the government’s
    restrictions following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in
    Berlin, Germany August 29, 2020. REUTERS/Axel Schmidt
    Police tried to prevent activists from gathering but were over-ruled by a
    court (Picture: Reuters)
    Protestors hold signs with the pictures of Chancellor Angela Merkel and
    other Ministers and the word ‘guilty’ (Picture: AP)
    BERLIN, GERMANY - AUGUST 29: Coronavirus skeptics and right-wing
    extremists clash with police during a march in protest against
    coronavirus-related restrictions and government policy on August 29,
    2020 in Berlin, Germany. City authorities had banned the planned
    protest, citing the flouting of social distancing by participants in a
    similar march that drew at least 17,000 people a few weeks ago, but a
    court overturned the ban. (Photo by Omer Messinger/Getty Images)
    There have been clashes with police in Germany (Picture: Getty)

    Until now Germany has managed the coronavirus crisis better than many of
    its European counterparts, with rigorous testing helping to hold down
    infections and deaths.

    But new daily infections have accelerated in recent weeks, as in much of
    the world. On Friday, Chancellor Angela Merkel urged citizens to keep
    up their guard against the virus.

    One of the protestors, Stefan, 43, said: ‘I’m not an extreme right-wing
    sympathiser, I’m here to defend our fundamental freedoms.’

    Another, Christina Holz, 22, added: ‘We’re here to say: we have to be
    careful. Coronavirus crisis or not, we must defend our freedoms.’

    As protestors began a march away from the gate, police decided to shut
    the event down because people weren’t following social distancing

    ‘The minimum distancing is not being respected by most (of the
    demonstrators) despite repeated requests,’ the police said. ‘There is no
    other option than to break up the gathering.’

    The latest figures show the pandemic has killed at least 838,271 people
    worldwide since surfacing in China late last year. More than 24.7
    million cases have been registered.

    Get in touch with our news team by emailing us at

    For more stories like this, check our news page.

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    down protesters
    gather in London to claim coronavirus is ‘a hoax’
    View 409
    author image
    Tom WilliamsSaturday 29 Aug 2020 1:00 pm
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    The Unite for Freedom rally in London’s Trafalgar Square
    The Unite for Freedom rally in London’s Trafalgar Square (Pictures:
    Getty/ EPA/ Rex/ PA)

    Up to 10,000 coronavirus-deniers have gathered in London’s Trafalgar
    Square to protest against lockdowns and vaccination programmes.

    The ‘Unite for Freedom’ rally started at noon and called for an ‘end to
    Government lies’ and the ‘restoration of all freedoms.’

    Pictures from the demonstration showed a sizeable crowd gathered in the
    square, holding signs warning that coronavirus is a ‘scam’ and a ‘hoax.’

    One man held a homemade placard on which he had scrawled ‘no to
    mandatory vaccines.’

    Another called the World Health Organisation the ‘World Hoax
    Organisation’ and someone else proudly held a sign calling for an ‘end
    to medical tyranny.’

    More than 40,000 people have now died with the virus in UK, but one
    man’s sign said it was ‘fake science’ and comparable to a ‘bad flu.’

    One protestor unfurled a flag showing the symbol of the British Union of
    Fascists while another woman was seen promoting the QAnon conspiracy
    theory that believes a cabal of Satan-worshipping Democrats, Hollywood
    celebrities and billionaires run the world while engaging in
    ?? Licensed to London News Pictures. 29/08/2020. London, UK. Protesters
    in Trafalgar Square take part in a demonstration organised by Stand Up X
    in London, United Kingdom on August 29, 2020. The anti-face mask group
    is against the British government policy of Covid-19 measures including
    vaccinations and lockdown. Photo credit: London News Pictures
    Crowds have been gathering since noon (Picture: London News Pictures)
    Coronavirus deniers protest in Trafalgar Square, London (Picture: Sophie
    This man’s sign says ‘Covid-19 is a scam’ (Picture: Sophie
    ?? Licensed to London News Pictures. 29/08/2020. London, UK. Protesters
    in Trafalgar Square take part in a demonstration organised by Stand Up X
    in London, United Kingdom on August 29, 2020. The anti-face mask group
    is against the British government policy of Covid-19 measures including
    vaccinations and lockdown. Photo credit: London News Pictures
    The freedom rally is against mass vaccination programmes (Picture:
    London News Pictures)
    LONDON, ENGLAND - AUGUST 29: An anti-mask protester holds a sign reading
    ‘We Do Not Consent’ while a woman next to her coughs at the Unite for
    Freedom protest in Trafalgar Sq on August 29, 2020 in London, England.
    Speakers, including Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers Corbyn, spoke to
    hundreds of people gathered in Trafalgar square during an anti-mask
    demo. (Photo by Peter Summers/Getty Images)
    Protestors warned the Government is planning to extend restrictions
    (Picture: Getty Images)
    A placard is pictured as people demonstrate against the lockdown and use
    of face masks in Trafalgar Square, amid the coronavirus disease
    (COVID-19) outbreak, in London, Britain, August 29, 2020. REUTERS/Henry
    Protests against lockdowns have been growing (Picture: Reuters)
    Pretesters holding placards demonstrate against the lockdown and use of
    face masks in Trafalgar Square, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
    outbreak, in London, Britain, August 29, 2020. REUTERS/Henry Nicholls
    The London protest was one of a number taking place around the world
    (Picture: Reuters)
    epa08633723 Thousands of people protest at Trafalgar Square against the
    Coronavirus lockdown in London, Britain, 29 August 2020. Protesters
    demonstrated against the wearing of masks, government proposed vaccines
    and lockdowns. Protesters claim that Covid-19 is a hoax enabling
    governments to exert control over the masses. EPA/ANDY RAIN
    Lockdown restrictions were criticised (Picture: EPA)

    Protestors, none of whom appeared to be wearing face masks, filled the
    area beneath the National Gallery.

    A flyer for the event said the demo would be addressed by ‘top
    professional doctors and nurses speaking out’. Jeremy Corbyn’s brother,
    Piers, was due to make an appearance alongside conspiracy theorist David

    Mr Icke, who was kicked off Facebook for publishing ‘health
    misinformation that could cause physical harm’ earlier this year, said
    it was a ‘joy to look out over an island of sanity in a world of

    The flyer called on people to ‘reject the tyranny’ while warning that
    the Government is due to vote on a two year extension to ‘draconian
    Covid laws’ in September 2020.

    It comes as countries around the world continue to battle with thousands
    of new infections and deaths a day.
    epa08633428 Thousands of people protest at Trafalgar Square against the
    Coronavirus lockdown in London, Britain, 29 August 2020. Protesters
    demonstrated against the wearing of masks, government proposed vaccines,
    and lockdowns. Protesters claim that Covid-19 is a hoax enabling
    governments to exert control over the masses. EPA/ANDY RAIN
    A protestor holds a sign calling for an end to ‘medical tyranny’
    (Picture: EPA)
    epa08633430 Thousands of people protest at Trafalgar Square against the
    Coronavirus lockdown in London, Britain, 29 August 2020. Protesters
    demonstrated against the wearing of masks, government proposed vaccines,
    and lockdowns. Protesters claim that Covid-19 is a hoax enabling
    governments to exert control over the masses. EPA/ANDY RAIN
    Thousands have made the trip to Trafalgar Square (Picture: EPA)
    epa08633426 Thousands of people protest at Trafalgar Square against the
    Coronavirus lockdown in London, Britain, 29 August 2020. Protesters
    demonstrated against the wearing of masks, government proposed vaccines,
    and lockdowns. Protesters claim that Covid-19 is a hoax enabling
    governments to exert control over the masses. EPA/ANDY RAIN
    David Icke is scheduled to speak to the crowds (Picture: EPA)
    epa08633462 Thousands of people protest at Trafalgar Square against the
    Coronavirus lockdown in London, Britain, 29 August 2020. Protesters
    demonstrated against the wearing of masks, government proposed vaccines,
    and lockdowns. Protesters claim that Covid-19 is a hoax enabling
    governments to exert control over the masses. EPA/ANDY RAIN
    The protestors are against the wearing of masks, evidently (Picture:
    epa08633460 Thousands of people protest at Trafalgar Square against the
    Coronavirus lockdown in London, Britain, 29 August 2020. Protesters
    demonstrated against the wearing of masks, government proposed vaccines,
    and lockdowns. Protesters claim that Covid-19 is a hoax enabling
    governments to exert control over the masses. EPA/ANDY RAIN
    They claim Covid-19 is a hoax cooked up by the Government to control the
    people (Picture: EPA)
    LONDON, ENGLAND - AUGUST 29: Anti-mask protesters are seen at the Unite
    for Freedom protest in Trafalgar Sq on August 29, 2020 in London,
    England. Speakers, including Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers Corbyn, spoke
    to hundreds of people gathered in Trafalgar square during an anti-mask
    demo. (Photo by Peter Summers/Getty Images)
    Anti-mask protesters at the Unite for Freedom protest (Picture: Getty
    LONDON, ENGLAND - AUGUST 29: Two men wearing masks are seen at the Unite
    for Freedom protest in Trafalgar Sq on August 29, 2020 in London,
    England. Speakers, including Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers Corbyn, spoke
    to hundreds of people gathered in Trafalgar square during an anti-mask
    demo. (Photo by Peter Summers/Getty Images)
    Perhaps these are the right kind of masks? (Picture: Getty Images)

    ‘Anti-corona’ protests have also been taking place in Berlin where
    thousands of sceptics gathered by the Brandenburg Gate.

    Police had tried to stop the protests from taking place but a German
    regional court gave the go-ahead for the mass demonstrations.

    Around 3,000 officers were deployed to control the crowds of around
    20,000 people.

    Some activists opposed to the virus measures in Germany have been urging
    social media followers across Europe to ‘arm themselves’ for the
    BERLIN, GERMANY - AUGUST 29: Coronavirus skeptics, right-wing extremists
    and others march in protest against coronavirus-related restrictions
    and government policy on August 29, 2020 in Berlin, Germany. City
    authorities had banned the planned protest, citing the flouting of
    social distancing by participants in a similar march that drew at least
    17,000 people a few weeks ago, but a court overturned the ban. (Photo by
    Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
    Another protest against lockdowns is taking place in Berlin (Picture:
    A woman holds a sign during a rally against the government’s
    restrictions following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in
    Berlin, Germany August 29, 2020. REUTERS/Axel Schmidt
    Police tried to prevent activists from gathering but were over-ruled by a
    court (Picture: Reuters)
    Protestors hold signs with the pictures of Chancellor Angela Merkel and
    other Ministers and the word ‘guilty’ (Picture: AP)
    BERLIN, GERMANY - AUGUST 29: Coronavirus skeptics and right-wing
    extremists clash with police during a march in protest against
    coronavirus-related restrictions and government policy on August 29,
    2020 in Berlin, Germany. City authorities had banned the planned
    protest, citing the flouting of social distancing by participants in a
    similar march that drew at least 17,000 people a few weeks ago, but a
    court overturned the ban. (Photo by Omer Messinger/Getty Images)
    There have been clashes with police in Germany (Picture: Getty)

    Until now Germany has managed the coronavirus crisis better than many of
    its European counterparts, with rigorous testing helping to hold down
    infections and deaths.

    But new daily infections have accelerated in recent weeks, as in much of
    the world. On Friday, Chancellor Angela Merkel urged citizens to keep
    up their guard against the virus.

    One of the protestors, Stefan, 43, said: ‘I’m not an extreme right-wing
    sympathiser, I’m here to defend our fundamental freedoms.’

    Another, Christina Holz, 22, added: ‘We’re here to say: we have to be
    careful. Coronavirus crisis or not, we must defend our freedoms.’

    As protestors began a march away from the gate, police decided to shut
    the event down because people weren’t following social distancing

    ‘The minimum distancing is not being respected by most (of the
    demonstrators) despite repeated requests,’ the police said. ‘There is no
    other option than to break up the gathering.’

    The latest figures show the pandemic has killed at least 838,271 people
    worldwide since surfacing in China late last year. More than 24.7
    million cases have been registered.

    Get in touch with our news team by emailing us at

    For more stories like this, check our news page.

    Read more:

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    MIT Scientist Claims Coronavirus is a “Deep State Fraud”
    Says hysteria is being fueled to manipulate financial markets.
    Published 6 months ago
    on 10 March, 2020
    Paul Joseph Watson
    MIT scientist Shiva Ayyadurai claims that coronavirus “fear mongering” is a “Deep State fraud” to manipulate financial markets.
    who is noted for his controversial claim to be the “inventor of email,”
    has a PhD in Biological Engineering and is running as a Republican in
    the 2020 U.S. Senate election in Massachusetts.
    to President Donald Trump’s claim that Democrats and the media are
    responsible for inflaming the coronavirus scare “far beyond what the
    facts would warrant,” Ayyadurai agreed that the panic was being
    overblown for political and economic reasons.
    “As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies & does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the #coronavirus
    fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the
    biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, & push
    MANDATED Medicine!” tweeted Ayyadurai.


    Coronavirus: Berlin police disband protest against COVID-19 curbs
    demonstrator sits in front of police officers at a rally against the
    government’s coronavirus restrictions, Berlin, Germany, August 29, 2020.
    Reuters Saturday 29 August 2020
    Text size A A A
    police on Saturday disbanded a mass protest in the German capital
    against coronavirus curbs a few hours after it had begun after marchers
    failed to keep their distance and wear masks as instructed.
    protest came as infections rise across Europe and as public frustration
    at measures to contain the virus grows in some quarters. Similar events
    took place in Paris, London and elsewhere on Saturday.
    Read the latest updates in our dedicated coronavirus section.
    we have no other option,” Berlin police said on Twitter, adding people
    had failed to comply with the safety conditions of the march.
    were dispersing peacefully although there were some pockets of
    disturbance, such as a construction container fire and blocked roads,
    police said.
    For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app.
    3,000 officers had been deployed to control crowds estimated at 18,000.
    Police had been preparing for possible violence as activists opposed to
    measures to contain the virus urged social media followers across
    Europe to arm themselves and gather in Berlin.
    this week the city banned the protest but a German regional court
    overnight gave the final go-ahead by overruling the earlier decision.
    Flourish logoA Flourish map
    now Germany has managed the coronavirus crisis better than many of its
    European counterparts, with rigorous testing helping to hold down
    infections and deaths.
    But new daily infections have accelerated in recent weeks, as in much of the world.
    On Friday, Chancellor Angela Merkel urged citizens to keep up their guard against the virus.
    “This is a serious matter, as serious as it’s ever been, and you need to carry on taking it seriously,” she said.
    People mostly without face masks attend a demonstration against coronavirus restrictions in Berlin, Germany, Aug. 1, 2020. (AP)
    People mostly without face masks attend a demonstration against coronavirus restrictions in Berlin, Germany, Aug. 1, 2020. (AP)
    had gathered before the Brandenburg Gate in central Berlin ahead of the
    march with signs reading “Stop the corona lies” and “Merkel must go.”
    two hundred anti-mask activists held a rally in Paris to protest
    against sanitary measures with slogans such as “No to the health
    dictatorship” and “Let our children breathe.”
    London, several hundred demonstrators gathered in Trafalgar Square
    calling coronavirus a hoax and demanding an end to lockdown
    Many carried banners saying “Fake News,” or “Masks are Muzzles” and rejecting any mandatory vaccination programs.
    The virus has killed more than 40,000 people in Britain
    Read more:
    Berlin demonstrators decry coronavirus curbs as violating rights, freedoms
    Coronavirus: Berlin bans all events with more than 1,000 participants
    Last Update: Saturday, 29 August 2020 KSA 17:49 - GMT 14:49

    HOUSANDS of coronavirus conspiracy theorists who believe the pandemic is a HOAX have marched on London today.

    Crowds of Covid-deniers swarmed the capital demanding an end to face masks, social distancing and the search for a vaccine.

    ⚠️ Read our coronavirus live blog for the latest news & updates

    The crowd is currently moving towards Downing Street and towards the Houses of Parliament
    The crowd is currently moving towards Downing Street and towards the Houses of ParliamentCredit: Press Association

    Thousands of coronavirus conspiracy theorists who believe the pandemic is a HOAX have marched on London today

    Thousands of Covid-19 sceptics and ‘anti-vaxxers’ protest in London

    Jeremy Corbyn’s brother and David Icke were due to speak at Trafalgar Square

    of protesters from across the UK gathered in London’s Trafalgar Square
    on August 29th to protest against coronavirus restrictions and mass
    vaccinations. Video: Reuters


    of protesters from across the UK gathered in London’s Trafalgar Square
    on Saturday afternoon to protest against coronavirus restrictions and
    reject mass vaccinations.

    event, which began at noon, drew a broad coalition including
    coronavirus sceptics, 5G conspiracy theorists and so-called

    Carrying placards railing against the World Health Organisation, Bill Gates
    and the government restrictions to reduce the spread of coronavirus,
    the demonstrators called for an end to movement restrictions and
    mandatory face coverings. Many placards described the coronavirus
    pandemic as a “hoax” or “scam”.

    PA system set up in front of Nelson’s Column broadcast speeches by a
    number of speakers, who denied the reality and severity of the pandemic
    and accused the British government of attempting to curtail civil

    Anti-mask protesters at Trafalgar Square in London. Photograph: Peter Summers/Getty Images

    Anti-mask protesters at Trafalgar Square in London. Photograph: Peter Summers/Getty Images

    Among those due to speak were Piers Corbyn, the weather forecaster and older brother of the former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, the former newspaper columnist and health journalist Dr Vernon Coleman, and the conspiracist celebrity David Icke.

    the demonstration focused on coronavirus restrictions, those taking
    part espoused anti-authoritarian grievances ranging from the lockdown to
    the imprisonment of Julian Assange to claims of child sexual abuse by elites.

    On the eve of the protest, Corbyn told the Guardian that a number of groups had come together to join in with the demonstration.

    terms of whether you believe that the virus is a hoax or not, whatever
    is happening now is less than or equal to a normal flu, so the lockdowns
    and all that goes with them is unjustifiable in any terms,” he said.

    “We are calling for MPs to refuse renewal of the Covid Act [Coronavirus Act], and if they do not, we will campaign to have them removed from office.”

    those demonstrating on Saturday was 34-year-old Amina, who declined to
    give her surname. She carried a placard that said on one side, “Let food
    be thy medicine” and on the other, “Health doesn’t come from the tip of
    a needle.”

    the food message on her placard, she said: “This is what we need to do.
    It’s worked for our ancestors, it’s worked for a lot of people around
    the world – and still is.”

    said she did not trust vaccines, and shared a number of examples of
    vaccines used in the developing world that she said caused widespread
    damage. “If you want to profit off the back of my health, then it’s not
    my health that’s important to you,” she said.

    Anti-mask protesters participate in the Unite for Freedom protest in Trafalgar Square. Photograph: Peter Summers/Getty Images

    Anti-mask protesters participate in the Unite for Freedom protest in
    Trafalgar Square. Photograph: Peter Summers/Getty Images

    Elisha Edwardes
    (36) said she was at the protest “to support the movement for freedom”.
    “The more I’ve been educated, the less fearful I am,” she said. “If
    anything I feel more in control. I’m here to create awareness and I feel
    that the mass majority of people have been deceived. And I think it’s
    easier to deceive people than convince them they’ve been deceived.

    lot of the scenarios we’re seeing now don’t make sense and people are
    not questioning it. The lockdown has affected more people than the virus

    The demonstration mirrored an event in Berlin on Saturday, which drew 18,000 coronavirus sceptics before being dispersed by police in the early afternoon.

    it began on Saturday morning, the protest in the German capital had
    been the source of much legal and political contestation.

    Metropolitan Police issued an open letter to the demonstrators advising
    that anyone attending a gathering of more than 30 people may be at risk
    of committing a criminal offence. It was handed to the demonstrators as
    they marched down Whitehall.

    officers are with a group of protesters at Whitehall,” the Met wrote on
    Twitter. “We have already provided the group with a letter explaining
    they are at risk of committing a criminal offence. We are now asking the
    group to disperse.” – Guardian

    Thousands of Covid-19 sceptics and ‘anti-vaxxers’ protest in London

    Jeremy Corbyn’s brother and David Icke were due to speak at Trafalgar Square

    of protesters from across the UK gathered in London’s Trafalgar Square
    on August 29th to protest against coronavirus restrictions and mass
    vaccinations. Video: Reuters


    of protesters from across the UK gathered in London’s Trafalgar Square
    on Saturday afternoon to protest against coronavirus restrictions and
    reject mass vaccinations.

    event, which began at noon, drew a broad coalition including
    coronavirus sceptics, 5G conspiracy theorists and so-called

    Carrying placards railing against the World Health Organisation, Bill Gates
    and the government restrictions to reduce the spread of coronavirus,
    the demonstrators called for an end to movement restrictions and
    mandatory face coverings. Many placards described the coronavirus
    pandemic as a “hoax” or “scam”.

    PA system set up in front of Nelson’s Column broadcast speeches by a
    number of speakers, who denied the reality and severity of the pandemic
    and accused the British government of attempting to curtail civil

    Anti-mask protesters at Trafalgar Square in London. Photograph: Peter Summers/Getty Images

    Anti-mask protesters at Trafalgar Square in London. Photograph: Peter Summers/Getty Images

    Among those due to speak were Piers Corbyn, the weather forecaster and older brother of the former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, the former newspaper columnist and health journalist Dr Vernon Coleman, and the conspiracist celebrity David Icke.

    the demonstration focused on coronavirus restrictions, those taking
    part espoused anti-authoritarian grievances ranging from the lockdown to
    the imprisonment of Julian Assange to claims of child sexual abuse by elites.

    On the eve of the protest, Corbyn told the Guardian that a number of groups had come together to join in with the demonstration.

    terms of whether you believe that the virus is a hoax or not, whatever
    is happening now is less than or equal to a normal flu, so the lockdowns
    and all that goes with them is unjustifiable in any terms,” he said.

    “We are calling for MPs to refuse renewal of the Covid Act [Coronavirus Act], and if they do not, we will campaign to have them removed from office.”

    those demonstrating on Saturday was 34-year-old Amina, who declined to
    give her surname. She carried a placard that said on one side, “Let food
    be thy medicine” and on the other, “Health doesn’t come from the tip of
    a needle.”

    the food message on her placard, she said: “This is what we need to do.
    It’s worked for our ancestors, it’s worked for a lot of people around
    the world – and still is.”

    said she did not trust vaccines, and shared a number of examples of
    vaccines used in the developing world that she said caused widespread
    damage. “If you want to profit off the back of my health, then it’s not
    my health that’s important to you,” she said.

    Anti-mask protesters participate in the Unite for Freedom protest in Trafalgar Square. Photograph: Peter Summers/Getty Images

    Anti-mask protesters participate in the Unite for Freedom protest in
    Trafalgar Square. Photograph: Peter Summers/Getty Images

    Elisha Edwardes
    (36) said she was at the protest “to support the movement for freedom”.
    “The more I’ve been educated, the less fearful I am,” she said. “If
    anything I feel more in control. I’m here to create awareness and I feel
    that the mass majority of people have been deceived. And I think it’s
    easier to deceive people than convince them they’ve been deceived.

    lot of the scenarios we’re seeing now don’t make sense and people are
    not questioning it. The lockdown has affected more people than the virus

    The demonstration mirrored an event in Berlin on Saturday, which drew 18,000 coronavirus sceptics before being dispersed by police in the early afternoon.

    it began on Saturday morning, the protest in the German capital had
    been the source of much legal and political contestation.

    Metropolitan Police issued an open letter to the demonstrators advising
    that anyone attending a gathering of more than 30 people may be at risk
    of committing a criminal offence. It was handed to the demonstrators as
    they marched down Whitehall.

    officers are with a group of protesters at Whitehall,” the Met wrote on
    Twitter. “We have already provided the group with a letter explaining
    they are at risk of committing a criminal offence. We are now asking the
    group to disperse.” – Guardian

    Anti-lockdown protesters gather in London dismissing coronavirus pandemic as hoax

    THOUSANDS of anti-lockdown activists took to the capital’s streets, dismissing the Covid-19 pandemic as a hoax.

    John Curtice: Sturgeon ‘ahead’ of Johnson in COVID-19 polls



    UP NEXT:

    China: Tobias Ellwood calls on the UK to ’stand up’ to country

    Many demanded an end to masks and social distancing as they marched through London’s Whitehall yesterday.

    Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers attended and TV sports
    presenter-turned conspiracy theorist David Icke addressed crowds at
    Trafalgar Square.

    activists Extinction Rebellion also took to the streets, staging
    roadblocks, marches, sit-ins, bike rides and picnics across the UK,
    including Brighton yesterday.

    The group is planning a march
    examining Manchester’s link with slavery and colonialism today and will
    target banks tomorrow over fossil fuel investment.

    It will also restart demonstrations in London, Cardiff and Manchester on Tuesday.

    Anti-lockdown protesters gather in London dismissing coronavirus pandemic as hoax

    Anti-lockdown protesters gather in London dismissing coronavirus pandemic as hoax (Image: Getty)

    Many demanded an end to masks and social distancing as they marched through London's Whitehall

    Many demanded an end to masks and social distancing as they marched through London’s Whitehall (Image: Getty)

    Activists aim to blockade Parliament to stop MPs returning after the summer recess until they agree to debate their demands.

    Meanwhile police in Berlin broke up a 18,000-strong demo when marchers failed to observe Covid rules.

    Police said there were pockets of disturbances after the protest with roads blocked and skips set alight.

    Demonstrations also took place in Paris and Copenhagen.

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    th March, 2020

    It is notified for the information of all concerned that the
    Competent Authority has been pleased to direct that :

    1. (i)  With a view to bring uniformity about use of paper & printing
      thereon and to minimize consumption of paper & consequently
      to save the environment, superior quality A4 size paper (29.7
      cm x 21 cm) having not less than 75 GSM with printing on
      both sides of the paper with Font - Times New Roman, Font
      size 14, in one and half line spacing (for quotations and indents
      – font size 12 in single line spacing), with margin of 4 cm on
      left & right and 2 cm on top & bottom, shall be used in the
      pleadings, petitions, affidavits or other documents to be filed in
      this Court;

    2. (ii)  in conformity with the provisions of Order LIII, Rule 2 of the
      Supreme Court Rules, 2013, all communications from the
      Registry of this Court shall only be sent to the concerned
      Advocates-on-Record through e-mail followed by an SMS alert
      on the registered mobile number of the Advocate-on-Record
      and thereafter the practice of sending the communication
      through hard copy shall be discontinued by the Registry;

    3. (iii)  the Filing Counter of the Registry, following the existing
      procedure with respect to fresh matters, may accept the
      Misc. Applications, Review Petitions, Curative Petitions and

    Copy to:





    The Secretary, Supreme Court Bar Association with five spare
    copies of the Circular with a request that this may be displayed on
    the Notice Board of the Bar Association for the information of the
    Members of the Bar.

    The Secretary, Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association
    with five spare copies of the Circular with a request that
    this may be displayed on the Notice Board of the Association for
    the information of the Members of the Association.

    The Registrar (CC) with a request to upload this Circular on
    Supreme Court Website.
    Filing and Re-filing Counters.
    All concerned.


    Contempt Petitions in disposed of matters as 1 +1 (1 set of
    original papers + 1 paperbook) and after the defects are cured,
    rest of the paperbooks shall be filed by the advocates/parties-

    in-person; and
    a common index shall be placed in the first volume in case

    there are more than one volume in a matter and a separate
    index of each volume shall be placed in the respective

    The directions at Sl.Nos. (i) and (ii) shall come into
    force with effect from 1
    st April, 2020 and directions at Sl.Nos. (iii)
    and (iv) with immediate effect.

    - sd -
    (Sanjeev S. Kalgaonkar)

    Secretary General


    New Delhi, dated January 14, 2020


    With a view to bring uniformity about use of paper in day-to-day working
    on the
    administrative side, to minimize consumption of paper and
    consequently to save the Environment, Hon’ble the Chief Justice of India has
    been pleased to direct that henceforth, the Registry shall use A4 size paper
    (on both sides) for internal communications at all levels in the Registry.

    It is, however, clarified that all the pleadings, petitions, documents etc.
    filed in the Registry, on Judicial side, shall continue to be governed as per the
    provisions of the Supreme Court Rules, 2013, until further orders.

    It is impressed upon all concerned to make sincere and earnest efforts to
    be economical in consumption of paper, by using the same on both sides and
    they shall bear in mind that the communication so generated should be legible
    on both sides.

    The concerned Admn. Materials Branch shall ensure quality of the paper
    so that the communication must be legible on both sides of paper.

    All concerned are therefore directed to strictly follow the above
    instructions. The Controlling Officers shall ensure compliance of the above

    The aforesaid directions shall come into force with effect from

    26th January, 2020.

    Copy to :-
    All concerned.


    [Sanjeev S. Kalgaonkar]
    Secretary General

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