14213 THURSDAY LESSON 834-SOUTH INDIA CONFERENCE held on 10-02-2013 at Palace Grounds B’lore Full set with Employees- CARAVAN is on the move after 10/2 speech of Ms Mayawatiji and Satish Chandra Mishraji followed by Marasandra Muniappa, Mavalli Shanker, Baragur Ramachandra and BSR representative’s united discussion on Janshree TV to capture the MASTER KEY for peace, welfare and happiness of the Entire People by way of propagation among the masses to educate them not to sell the votes to the virodhis (enimies) of the poor. To be alert on the tampering of the Electronic Voting machines by demanding the source code of the program software to be made public. Convincing the people at the booth level by all the leaders willing to be their representative against muscle and money power.
Napolean said that ” I can face two battalions but not two scribes’
It appears now that the following fourth estate is becoming first estate:
Dr Ambedkar’s Buddha painting with open eye at Chicholi
All the other media will follow suite in the larger interest of common man.