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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

January 2013
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 CONVERGING TECHNOLOGIES FOR IMPROVING HUMAN PERFORMANCE:8. Recommendations(To Be Continued) பழைய சாதத்தின் மகத்துவம் from FREE ONLINE eNālāndā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY through
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 CONVERGING TECHNOLOGIES FOR IMPROVING HUMAN PERFORMANCE:8. Recommendations(To Be Continued) பழைய சாதத்தின் மகத்துவம்

from FREE ONLINE  eNālāndā Research and
Practice UNIVERSITY through

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha

8. Recommendations

The recommendations of this report are far-reaching and fundamental, urging the transformation of science at its very roots . But the recommendations also seek to preserve the wonderful accomplishments of science and sustain the momentum of discovery that has been energized by generations of scientists. Only by evolving can science continue to thrive and make the vast contributions to society that it is capable of in the coming decades. There are outstanding opportunities that were not available in the past. The new developments will be revolutionary and must be governed by respect for human welfare and dignity.

Specific Areas for Research and Education Investment

The research and education needs are both deep and broad. In order to connect disciplines at their interfaces, understand and assemble matter from its building blocks, while focusing on a broad systems perspective and improving human performance, research and education must have deep scientific roots and superior communication among the fields of human endeavor.

History of some very significant augmentations
 to human performance:
Improving our ability to collectively improve ourselves

Several Key Advancements

(human kind, tools and technology, communication) Cell, body and brain development

Old Stone Age (Paleolithic), Homo Erectus, speech Homo Sapiens, making tools
Mesolithic, creating art
Neolithic, agricultural products, writing, libraries

Microbiology, Internet 
Reaching at the building blocks of matter (nanoscience) Biotechnology products
 Global connection via Internet; GPS/sensors for navigation
 Unifying science and converging technologies from the nanoscale Nanotechnology products
 Improving human performance advancements
 Global education and information infrastructure
Converging technology products for improving human physical and mental performance (new products and services, brain connectivity, sensory abilities, etc.)
Societal and business reorganization
Evolution transcending human cell, body, and brain?

The following general integrative approaches have been identified as essential to NBIIPDC:

    •    Development of NBIIPDC tools for investigation and transformational engineering at four levels: nano/microscopic, individual, group, and society

    •    Integration of fundamental concepts of NBIIPDC across all scales, beginning with the nanoscale

    •    Investigation of converging technologies that is systems-and holistic-based

• Focus of future technological developments on implications f or improving human performance
These principles concern the research methods, theoretical analyses, systemic perspective, and human benefit dimensions of scientific and technological integration. Sharing research techniques and engineering tools is one way that scientists in traditionally different fields can integrate their work. Another is utilization of similar ideas, mathematical models, and explanatory language. Expected to be a major challenge in approaching complex systems is the hierarchical architecture in which various components are integrated and used. Consideration of the human implications of converging technologies will in clude examination of potential unexpected consequences of NBIIPDC dev elopments, including ethical and legal aspects.

Recommendations to Individuals and Organizations

This report has educational and transformational goals. Building on the suggestions developed in the five topical groups and on the ideas in the more than 50 individual contributions, workshop participants recommended a national R&D&Practice priority area on converging technologies focused on enhancing human performance. The main transforming measures are outlined in section 4 of this summary. The opportunity now is  broad, enduring, and of general interest. The report contributors addressed the roles that individuals, academe, the private sector, the U.S. and all other Governments, professional societies, and other organizations should play in this converging technology priority area:

a) Individuals. Scientists and engineers at every career level should gain skills in at least one NBIIPDC area and in neighboring disciplines, collaborate with colleagues in other fields, and take risks in launching innovative projects that could advance technology convergence for enhancing human performance.

b) Academe. Educational institutions at all levels should undertake major curricular and organizational reforms to restructure the teaching of science and engineering so that previously separate disciplines can converge around common principles to train the technical labor force for the future. The basic concepts of nanoscience, biology, information, Integrated Product Design and Manufacture of Manufacturing Sector and cognitive sciences should be introduced at the beginning of undergraduate education; technical and humanistic degrees should have common courses and activities related to NBIIPDC and the human dimensions of science and technology. Investigations of converging technologies should focus on the holistic aspects and synergism. The hierarchical architecture in which various components are integrated and used is expected to be a major challenge.

c) Private Sector. Manufacturing, biotechnology, and information service corporations will need to develop partnerships of unparalleled scope to exploit the tremendous opportunities from technological convergence, engaging in joint ventures with each other, establishing research linkages with universities, and investing in production facilities based on entirely new principles and materials, devices, and systems.

d) Government. A national research development and practice priority area s hould be established to focus on converging technologies t hat enhance human performance. Organizations should provide leadership to coordinate the work of other institutions and must accelerate convergence by supporting new multidisciplinary scientific efforts while sustaining the traditional disciplines that are essential for success. Special effort will be required to identify future technological de velopments; explore their implications for human performance; study unexpected consequences of NBIIPDC developments; and consider ethical, legal, and policy issues.

Governments must provide support for education and training of future NBIIPDC workers and to prepare society for the major systemic changes envisioned for a generation from now. Policymakers must envision development scenarios to creatively stimulate the convergence. Ethical, legal, moral, economic, environmental, workforce development, and other societal implications must be addres sed from the beginning, involving leading NBIIPDC scientists and engineers, social scientists and abroad coalition of professional and civic organizations. Research on societal implications must be funded, and the risk of potential undesirable secondary effect must be monitored by a government organization in order to anticipate and take corrective actions. Tools should be developed to anticipate scenarios for future technology development and applications. The transforming measures outlined in section 4 above suggest the dimensions of the Federal Government role.

e) Professional Societies. The scientific community should create new means of inter disciplinary training and communication, reduce the barriers that inhibit individuals from working a cross disciplines, aggressively highlight opportunities for convergence in their conferences, develop links to a variety of other technical organizations, and address ethical issues related to technological developments. Through mechanisms like conferences and publications, professional societies can seed  NBIIPDC ideas in learn ing organizations, funding agencies, and the society at large.

f) Other Organizations. Non governmental organizations that represent potential user groups should contribute to the design and testing of convergent technologies and recommend  NBIIPDC priorities, in order to maximize the benefits for their diverse constituencies. Private research foundations should invest in  NBIIPDC research in those areas that are consistent with their particular missions. The public media should increase high-quality coverage of science and technology, on the basis of the new convergent paradigm, to inform citizens so they can participate wisely in debates about ethical issues such as the unexpected effects on social equality, policies con cerning diversity, and the implications of transforming human nature.

A vast opportunity is created by the convergence of sciences and technologies starting with integration from the nano scale, having immense individual, societal, and historical implications for human development.

Therefore, the contributors to this report recommend a national research development and practice priority area on converging technologies focused on enhancing human performance. Advancing knowledge and transforming tools will move our activities from simple repetitions to creative, innovative acts and transfer the focus from machines to human development. Converging technologies are at the confluence of key disciplines and areas of application , and the role of government is important because no other participant can cover the breadth and level of required collective effort. Without special efforts for coordination and integration, the path of science might not lead to the fundamental unification envisioned here. Technology will increasingly dominate the world, as population, resource exploitation, and potential social conflict grow. Therefore, the success of this convergent technologies priority area is essential to the future of humanity.

பழைய சாதத்தின் மகத்துவம்

முதல் நாள் சோற்றில் நீரூற்றி, மறுநாள் சாப்பிடும் இந்த பழைய சாதத்தில் தான் பி6, பி12 ஏராளமாக இருக்கிறது என்கிறார் அமெரிக்காவில் இருக்கும் ஒரு மருத்துவர். தவிரவும் உடலுக்கு, குறிப்பாக சிறு குடலுக்கு நன்மை செய்யும்ட்ரில்லியன்ஸ் ஆஃப் பாக்டீரியாஸ்‘ (கவனியுங்கள்: ‘மில்லியன்அல்லட்ரில்லியன்‘) பெருகி நம் உணவுப் பாதையையே ஆரோக்கியமாக வைத்திருக்கிறதாம்!

கூடவே இரண்டு சிறிய வெங்காயம் சேரும்போது, நோய் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தி அபரிமிதமாக பெருகுகிறதாம். அப்புறம் பன்றிக் காய்ச்சல் என்ன, எந்தக் காய்ச்சலும் நம்மை அணுகாது!

பழைய சாதத்தின் மகத்துவத்தைப் பற்றி அமெரிக்காவில் வசிக்கும் நம் இந்திய விஞ்ஞானி ப்ரதீப் கூறியதில் இருந்து சில:

1. “காலையில் சிற்றுண்டியாக இந்த பழைய சாதத்தைக் குடிப்பதால், உடல் லேசாகவும், அதே சமயம் சுறுசுறுப்பாகவும் இருக்கிறது.
இரவே தண்ணீர் ஊற்றி மூடி வைப்பதால் இலட்சக்கணக்கான நல்ல பாக்டீரியாக்கள் இதில் உருவாகிறது.
மறுநாள் இதை குடிக்கும் போது உடல் சூட்டைத் தணிப்பதோடு குடல்புண், வயிற்று வலி போன்றவற்றையும் குணப்படுத்தும்.
அதுமட்டுமில்லாமல் இதிலிருக்கும் நார்ச்சத்து, மலச்சிக்கல் இல்லாமல் உடலை சீராக இயங்கச் செய்கிறது.
இந்தப் பழைய சாதம் உணவு முறையை சில நாள் தொடர்ந்து நான் சாப்பிட்டதில் நல்ல வித்தியாசம் தெரிந்தது. இரத்த அழுத்தம் கட்டுக்குள் வந்துவிட்டதோடு, உடல் எடையும் குறைந்தது.” என்கிறார்.
மிகவும் முக்கியமான விஷயம் என்னவென்றால் உடலுக்கு அதிகமான சக்தியை தந்து நாள் முழுக்க சோர்வின்றி வேலை செய்ய உதவியாக இருக்கிறது.

7. அலர்ஜி, அரிப்பு போன்றவை கூட சட்டென்று சரியாகி விடும்.

8. அல்சர் உள்ளவர்களுக்கு இதைக் கொடுத்து வர, ஆச்சரியப்படும் அளவிற்குப் பலன் கிடைக்கும்.

9. எல்லாவற்றிற்கும் மேலாக நோய் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தி அதிகளவில் கிடைப்பதால், எந்த நோயும் அருகில்கூட வராது.

10. ஆரோக்கியமாக அதே சமயம் இளமையாகவும் இருக்கலாம்“.

பழைய சாதத்தை எப்படி செய்வது:
பழைய சாதத்திற்கு மிகவும் சிறந்தது பிரெளன் ரைஸ் என்று அழைக்கப்படும் கைக்குத்தல் அரிசிதான்.
ஒரு கல் சட்டி அல்லது மண் சட்டியில் சிறிது சாதத்தைப் போட்டு, சுத்தமான தண்ணீரை நிறைய ஊற்றவும்.
மறுநாள் சாதத்தை நன்கு பிசைந்து, மோர் சிறிது சேர்த்து, சின்னவெங்காயம் சேர்த்துக் குடிக்கஜில்லென்று இருக்கும் (மிகவும் சூடாக இருக்கும் சாதத்தில் தண்ணீரை ஊற்றக் கூடாது.)

மதிய உணவு நேரம் வரை டீ, காபி கேக்காது வயிறு!


Rejoinder to

Now Ms mayawati has become eligible for becoming the newt Prime Minister of PraBuddha Bharath.                                    
Instead of sending a specific reply to your newspaper, she decided to respond to your queries before the entire media.

Ms. Mayawati claimed that earlier, her brothers were targeted and now, BSP general secretary Satish Mishra and his lawyer-businessman son were being charged with wrongdoing with the intention of harming the party.
Asking the media to shed its casteist
mindset, she questioned if there was any media
investigation into the business dealings of Congress and BJP leaders,
including the son-in-law of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

Once Napolean said that he could two battalions, but not two scribes. Today scribes feel that they are 1st rate athmas and the untouchables have no athmas. So that they can do whatever they wish to do to them. But the Buddha never believed in athmas, he said all are equal. Hence Babasaheb Ambedkar, Kanshiram Ji. Ms Mayawati ji have returned back to their original religion along with millions of followers. This is not tolerated by the so called 1st rate athmas for the fear of becoming minorities minus the Awakened Ones with Awareness. It has become fashion of the 1st rate athmas to find fault with untouchables whenever they become eligible for their nest promotion. Now Ms mayawati has become eligible for becoming the newt Prime Minister of PraBuddha Bharath. Hence this tirade of the intolerable, full of hatred, anger and jealousy of the so called 1st rate asthma which is nothing but a mental disease. Their right place is mental asylum. They are aware of this too. 

These casteist mindset media will never investigate the business dealings of the rich business castes including the media which has amazed wealth disproportionately to their known sources of income after the Independence of this country. Let there be a “media investigation on this. Or  the intellectuals will do this.

Dear friends please give publicity to this rejoinder in the larger interest of Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay i.e., for the Peace, welfare and happiness of the entire people.

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